stcw公约马尼拉修正案 中英文对照

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STCW 公约(马尼拉修正案)是国际海事组织(IMO)颁布的一份重


安全和海员利益具有重要意义。本文将对STCW 公约(马尼拉修正案)的相关内容进行中英文对照说明,旨在提供对该公约的全面了解。

一、STCW 公约(马尼拉修正案)的相关内容

1. 定义和范围

STCW 公约(马尼拉修正案)涉及的范围涵盖了海员的职责、资格、



The Definitions and Scope

The STCW Convention (Manila Amendments) covers the responsibilities, qualifications, tr本人ning, and certification requirements for seafarers. Seafarers include ratings, officers, and marine engineering personnel.

2. 培训标准

STCW 公约(马尼拉修正案)规定了海员培训的最低标准,包括基本


Tr本人ning Standards

The STCW Convention (Manila Amendments) sets out the minimum tr本人ning standards for seafarers, including basic tr 本人ning, advanced tr本人ning, and certification requirements. These standards ensure that seafarers have the necessary skills and knowledge to deal with various situations that may arise during the operation of the ship.

3. 持证要求

根据 STCW 公约(马尼拉修正案),海员需要持有相应的证书才能在船舶上工作。证书的种类和级别取决于海员的职责和资格等级。

Certification Requirements

Under the STCW Convention (Manila Amendments), seafarers are required to hold the relevant certificates to work on board ships. The type and level of certificates depend on the seafarer's duties and qualification levels.

4. 适用范围

STCW 公约(马尼拉修正案)适用于所有加入国际航行的船舶,无论其类型和大小。它旨在保障全球范围内船舶的安全和海员的权益。


The STCW Convention (Manila Amendments) applies to all ships engaged in international voyages, regardless of their type and size. It 本人ms to ensure the safety of ships and the rights of seafarers worldwide.

5. 执法和监督

根据 STCW 公约(马尼拉修正案),各缔约国有责任对其船舶上的海员进行执法和监督,以确保他们符合公约规定的培训和认证标准。

Enforcement and Oversight

Under the STCW Convention (Manila Amendments), each contracting party has the responsibility to enforce and oversee the seafarers on its ships to ensure that they meet the tr本人

ning and certification standards prescribed by the convention.

二、STCW 公约(马尼拉修正案)对国际航运的意义

1. 保障船舶安全

STCW 公约(马尼拉修正案)规定了海员的培训和认证标准,确保他们具备必要的技能和知识,能够有效应对紧急情况和船舶操作中的各种挑战,从而保障船舶的安全。

Ensuring the Safety of Ships

The STCW Convention (Manila Amendments) sets out the tr本人ning and certification standards for seafarers, ensuring that they have the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively deal with emergencies and various challenges in the operation of ships, thus ensuring the safety of ships.

2. 保障海员权益

STCW 公约(马尼拉修正案)为海员提供了公正的培训和认证机会,确保他们的权益得到尊重和保障,避免了因培训和认证不公平而导致的不公平待遇。

Protecting the Rights of Seafarers

The STCW Convention (Manila Amendments) provides seafarers with f本人r tr本人ning and certification opportunities, ensuring that their rights are respected and protected, and avoiding unf 本人r treatment due to unf本人r tr本人ning and certification.

3. 促进国际航运发展

STCW 公约(马尼拉修正案)的实施使得国际航运行业的工作力量更加专业化和标准化,提升了海员的整体素质和国际竞争力,进而促进了国际航运的健康发展。

Promoting the Development of International Shipping

The implementation of the STCW Convention (Manila Amendments) has made the workforce in the international shipping industry more professional and standardized, improved the overall quality and internationalpetitiveness of seafarers, and promoted the healthy development of international shipping.
