stcw公约马尼拉修正案 中英文对照

,船 艏
系纺检 验要
通知 0 l 0 |
_ l
《 际控 制船舶 有害 防污 底系 统公 约》 ( 国 以下简称 ” F 公 AS
约 ” 已 于 2 0 年 9 1 日 正 式 生 效 。 中 国 船 级 社 曾 发 布 ) 08 月 7
12 增 加了对 2 米及 以上但 小于 4 0 吨 国际航 行船 舶 的 . 4 0总
— —
l l
_ 一
圣 文森 特海 事主 管机 关近 期 向所 有船 东 、船舶 经营 人和 管
理 人 、船 员 、船 旗 国 检查 员及 认 可 组 织 下 发 N S C 0 海 。 T W0 4
文森特 海 事主 管机 关进行 相关 检查 和审核 时应 予 以关 注 ,并提 醒相 关船 舶和 公司遵 照执 行 。
国船 级社 编 制 了 船 舶 防污底 系统 检验 指南 (0 ) 以下简 称 2 1 》( 1
13 增 加 了对 有机 锡化 合 物 的 免 除情 况 ( 许 有机 锡 化 . 允
合 物 作 为 催化 剂 使 用 ,但 每 千 克干 漆 中的 锡 总含 量 不 应 超过
50 g 0 r ): a
确 认要 求
T 3 2 通 函—— ” M0号 关于 实施 《 国际控 制船 舶有 害防 污底 系统 公约 》 关事 宜 的通知 ” 有 .就 如何 实施 A S F 公约 作 出规定 。 国 际 海事 组 织 环保 会 于 21 年 1 月 1 以MEC 156 ) 00 0 日 P .9 (1 决 议 通过 了 ( 0O ( 1 船舶 防 污底 系统 检验 和 发 证指 南》 2 .该 指 南 替 代 原 MEC 124 ) 决 议 。 根 据 M P 15 6 ) 容 , 中 P O (8 号 EC.9 ( 1 内
STCW公约 马尼拉修正案


STCW公约2010年修正案(马尼拉修正案)1.公约修订的背景随着世界经济全球化的进程,在1995年修正案实施10年后,船舶正朝着大型化、快速化、专业化、现代化的方向发展,全球对海洋环境保护更严格,包括信息技术在内的新技术的应用越来越广泛与深入,对海员的培训与值班标准的要求越来越高;同时由于海盗猖獗,海运安全受到严重的挑战,对海员的培训与值班标准又提出了新的保安要求,国际海事组织因此认为需要对STCW公约和STCW 规则进行全面回顾,以便对STCW公约和STCW规则进行系统修订。

要求 , 量省 略最 低安全配 员证 书指 定栏 目内已有 节省成 本而 冒险。在船舶靠 岸装卸 货期间 , 尽 海事 现场
的信息如 机舱 自动化程度 、 航行 区域等 , 而将指定栏 目 执法人员 登船检查 船舶实 际配员时 , 船方 常 以个别 船 内没有 的信 息如连续航行 时 间等 注 明。 员上岸看 病 、 购物等 借 口逃避 检查 , 以 , 所 开展船舶 配 () 2 探索提 高船员履 职能力新模 式 。 据《 依 中华 人 员开航前 检查很有 必要 。 建议实施 海事机关 联检联 动 民共和 国海船 船员适任 考试 、 评估 和发证规 则》 中 机制 , 和《 尽快 建立海 事机关船员证 书网上核查 系统 , 严厉
第3 第1 22 月 4 卷 期 0 年1 1
核减免事 由 , 理计算船舶预定航 程 , 合 明确船舶连续航 检 查 , 开展船员履 职能力综 合性检查 是很有必 要 的。 行 时间的计算标 准 , 能给事后 的船舶最低 安全配员 船 员管理必须从说教式 的培训转为注重 船员履职能力 才 现场监 管提供强有 力 的执 法保障 。 在船舶最低 安全配 的过程控制 , 出培养 船员 的实操及应急 能力 , 突 才能不
因此 , 针对船员 的船舶关键 性机器和设备操作 、 消防救 查等都 离不开各 地海事机关 的相互 配合 。 只有建 立统
生设 备操作 、 船技艺 、 操 无线 电通信 、 急反应 和语 言 应
的内部协调 机制 , 才能形成合力 , 使缺员 、 假证 、 冒用
沟 通等能力 开展实操性 检查 、 适任性检 查或者 评估 性 等违法行 为无处遁 形 。●
华人 民共 和 国海船船员值 班规则 》 的规定 , 国船员一 打击缺 员 、 我 假证 、 冒用等 违法行 为。

STCW78/95公约主要包括: 公约正文 公约附则 公约规则(即STCW 规则) 公约正文主要包括三个内容: 船员的发证 船员的培训 船员的值班
附则 1 总则 2 船长和甲板部 3 轮机部 4 无线电通讯和无线电人员 5 特定类型船舶的船员特殊培训要求 6 应急、职业安全、保安、医护和救生 职能 7 可供选择的发证 8 值班 PART A 标准 关于……标准 关于……标准 关于……标准 关于……标准 关于……标准 关于……标准 关于……标准 关于……标准 PART B 指导 关于……指导 关于……指导 关于……指导 关于……指导 关于……指导 关于……指导 关于……指导 关于……指导
– 宽限:2002.8.1
• 2010年6月将在菲律宾马尼拉召 开外交大会上,最终通过STCW 公约和STCW规则的修正案。
-生效2012年1月1日 -过渡:2017.1.1
Hale Waihona Puke 另一个10年期的到来。STCW78公约修正案
• 共修正7次: • • • • • • 1991年修正案,1992年12月1日生效 1994年修正案,1996年1月1日生效 1995年修正案,1997年2月1日生效 1997年修正案,1999年11月1日生效 1998年修正案,2003年1月1日生效 2006年修正案,2008年1月1日生效
二、STCW公约和规则的全面回顾 • 1978年公约 – 采纳:1978.7.7 STCW公约是 – 生效:1984.4.28 IMO首次制定的 • STCW 95修正案 一套公约标准, – 采纳:1995.7.7 并首次设定审核 – 生效:1997.2.1 准则和规定。 – 过渡:2002.2.1
1、STCW95公约的适用范围 • 适用于在有权悬挂缔约国国旗的海船上 服务的海员。 • 除外:

Familiarization with the 2010 Manila Amendments
强调电子海图显示与信息系统(ECDIS)的应用; 提倡使用电子航海天文历和天文航海计算软件; 驾驶台资源管理(BRM)成为强制性适任标准; 新增领导力和团队工作技能的使用(操作级)、领导 力和管理技能的使用(管理级)的强制性适任要求; 新增海洋环保意识方面的知识、理解和熟练要求; 新增按照船舶报告系统和VTS报告程序的一般规定进 行报告的内容; 新增高级值班水手(Able 的强制性最低要求。
January 2011
Familiarization with the 2010 Manila Amendments
2006年1月STW37次会议启动STCW公约和规则的全面审查工作。 2007年STW38次会议确定对STCW公约和规则全面回顾的原则。
January 2011
Familiarization with the 2010 Manila Amendments
◆ 履行了所持证书上相应职能的认可的海上服务资历 至少: — 在前5年中累计12个月,或 — 在再有效之前6个月中累计3个月 ◆ 对液货船证书再有效的特别规定: — 在前5年中累计不少于3个月履行所持证书相应职 责的认可的海上服务资历,或成功地完成一门或 数门认可的相关培训课程
January 2011
with the 2010 Manila Amendments
第八章“值班” 的主要修正内容
规定主管机关为防止承担安全、防污染及保安职 责的值班人员疲劳,应制定与实施保证足够休息 时间的措施; 规定主管机关为防止滥用药物和酗酒,应制定适 当的措施; 为防止酗酒,主管机关应对正在履行安全、保安 和海洋环境职责的船长、高级船员和其他海员设 定血液酒精浓度(BAC)不高于0.05%或呼吸中 酒精浓度不高于0.25mg/L,或可导致该酒精浓度 的酒精量的限制。

详述)。1997年2月1日生效, 1998年8
月1日生效, 2002年2月1日过度结束,全
Ⅴ/3,对在客船上服务的船长、驾驶员以及各 级人员的最低训练和资格要求。包括:拥挤人 群的管理、熟悉训练、在客舱直接为旅客服务 的人员的安全训练、旅客安全、以及危机管理 和人为行为训练等。1999年1月1日生效。
IMO 研究制定提高海员的素质来保障航海安全的 国际公约。
IMO于1960年在海安会下设立一个培训 和值班标 准分委会(STW)。 STW为培训海员使用助航设施、救生设备、消防 设备草拟《1964年指南文件》,于1975年和 1977年进行修正和增补,并起草公约草案。 IMO于1978年6月14日至7月7日在伦敦外交大会 上通过STCW78公约
(1)(自由降落救生艇的船)登艇和释放程序熟悉培训 ;
(2)上船前,指定自由降落救生艇(Free fall lifeboat ) 操作的船员至少经历一次释放演练(STCW.6/CIRC.10) 。(MSC.CIRC.1207)
4 公约和船员管理的关系
国际公约的适用 ——国内法的渊源之一。 公约的安全管理机制和具体要求,通过内 置程序和要求,通过PSC和FSC核查机制, 促使船员素质和能力提高,达到安全管理 的目标。 第 I /4 条 监督程序 公约确定了最低标准。
5 生效及我国的加入
1978年6月14至7月7日,IMO在伦敦召开外交 大会,制定并通过了《1978年海员培训、发证 和值班标准国际公约》。该公约于1983年4月 27日达到了生效条件,按照公约规定,1984年 4月28生效。

STCW规则在条文的编排上与附则的规 定一一对应,引用STCW公约和附则的 规定,即引用了STCW规则A部分中相 应的规定。
应最大程度考虑B部分的建议和指导, 以达到全球更为统一实施该公约。
附 则
第Ⅰ Ⅰ /1 章
定义和 说明
月1日生效, 2002年2月1日过度结束,全
Ⅴ/3,对在客船上服务的船长、驾驶员以及各 级人员的最低训练和资格要求。包括:拥挤人 群的管理、熟悉训练、在客舱直接为旅客服务 的人员的安全训练、旅客安全、以及危机管理 和人为行为训练等。1999年1月1日生效。
MLC,2006:Maritime Labour Convention,2006
“four pillars” of the international regulatory regime for quality shipping.
1、其他公约主要针对船舶、设备,STCW 主 要对船员; 2、中国是船员大国; 3、公约前面部分是资格问题,后面是值班; 4、事故原因少数假证船员,多数是持证船员 值班问题。真正不出事,重点在值班
STCW公约第一次突出了人的因素,为各 国提供了一个能普遍接受的船员培训、发 证和值班标准方面的最低的国际标准。该 公约是IMO首次制定的一套公约标准,并 首次设定审核准则和规定。
SOLAS:International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea,1974; MARPOL: International Convention For the Prevention of Pollution from Ships STCW: International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers

通过:1978年7月7日生效日期:28 1984年4月,在1995年和2010年的主要修订

STCW规则在条文的编排上与附则的规 定一一对应,引用STCW公约和附则的 规定,即引用了STCW规则A部分中相 应的规定。
应最大程度考虑B部分的建议和指导, 以达到全球更为统一实施该公约。
附则(RegulatⅠ Ⅰ /1
定义和 说明
Safer Shipping,Cleaner Oceans“航行更安
Safe, Secure and Efficient Shipping on Clean Oceans“清洁海洋上安全、保安和高效航运”
STCW公约是International Convention on Standards of Training ,Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers,1978的英文缩写。中文翻译成1978年海员
STCW公约第一次突出了人的因素,为各 国提供了一个能普遍接受的船员培训、发 证和值班标准方面的最低的国际标准。该 公约是IMO首次制定的一套公约标准,并 首次设定审核准则和规定。
SOLAS:International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea,1974; MARPOL: International Convention For the Prevention of Pollution from Ships STCW: International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers

规则I/11 证书的再有效
• Section A-I/11(证书再有效的条件):
– 新增一项选择性要求:
• 在再有效的紧邻前6个月中有总计3个月的海上服务资历。
• 在Table A-II/2 -“500总吨或以上船舶船长和大副 的最低适任标准表”中的“船上作业管理和人员 管理”职能项下增加:“领导力和管理技巧的使 用”的知识、理解和熟练(KUPs)要求适任能力。
规则I/8 质量标准
• 质量标准要覆盖健康证书的签发过程(规则I/8-1.1(修订)) • 定期评估还应包含为履行公约和规则修正案而对国内规则和
程序进行的任何修改( 规则I/8-2(修订) )。
STCW公约马尼拉修正案修改 内容汇编
• 2006年1月STW37次会议启动STCW公约和规则 的全面审查工作。
• 2010年1月召开的STW41次会议:终稿(散发给 缔约国审议)。
• 2010年6月马尼拉召开外交大会上通过修正案。 • 2012年1月1日STCW公约马尼拉修正案生效。
第B-I/14节-关于对公司的责任以及 船长和船员建议责任的指导
Manila Amendments to STCW Convention

E CONFERENCE OF PARTIES TO THEINTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ONSTANDARDS OF TRAINING,CERTIFICATION AND WATCHKEEPINGFOR SEAFARERS, 1978Agenda item 10STCW/CONF.2/321 July 2010Original: ENGLISHADOPTION OF THE FINAL ACT AND ANY INSTRUMENTS, RESOLUTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS RESULTING FROM THE WORK OF THE CONFERENCEFinal Act of the Conference of Parties to theInternational Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeepingfor Seafarers (STCW), 1978Text adopted by the Conference1 Pursuant to the request of Parties to the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, (hereafter referred to as the 1978 STCW Convention) at the eighty-fourth session of the Maritime Safety Committee of the International Maritime Organization and subsequent decisions by the Council of the Organization at its one hundredth session and the Assembly of the Organization at its twenty-sixth session, and in accordance with article XII(1)(b) of the 1978 STCW Convention, a Conference of Parties to the 1978 STCW Convention was convened, in consultation with the Director-General of the International Labour Office, to consider amendments to the annex to the 1978 STCW Convention and the Seafarers’ Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW) Code.2 The Conference was held at the Philippine International Convention Centre in Manila, the Philippines, from 21 to 25 June 2010.3 Representatives of 85 States Parties to the 1978 STCW Convention participated in the Conference, namely the representatives of:ANGOLAANTIGUA AND BARBUDAARGENTINAAUSTRALIAAZERBAIJANBAHAMASBANGLADESHBELGIUMBELIZEBRAZILBRUNEI DARUSSALAMCANADACHILECHINACONGOCOOK ISLANDSCÔTE D’IVOIRECROATIACYPRUSDEMOCRATIC PEOPLE’SREPUBLIC OF KOREADENMARKESTONIAFIJIFINLANDFRANCESTCW/CONF.2/32 - 2 -GEORGIAGERMANYGHANAGREECEINDIAINDONESIAIRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) IRAQIRELANDISRAELITALYJAMAICAJAPANKENYALATVIALEBANONLIBERIALIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA LITHUANIALUXEMBOURGMALAYSIAMALTAMARSHALL ISLANDS MEXICOMOROCCOMOZAMBIQUEMYANMAR NETHERLANDSNIGERIANORWAYPANAMAPAPUA NEW GUINEAPHILIPPINESPOLANDPORTUGALQATARREPUBLIC OF KOREA ROMANIARUSSIAN FEDERATION SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS SAUDI ARABIA SINGAPORESLOVENIASOUTH AFRICASPAINSRI LANKASWEDENSWITZERLANDSYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC THAILANDTUNISIATURKEYTUVALUUKRAINEUNITED ARAB EMIRATES UNITED KINGDOM OFGREAT BRITAIN ANDNORTHERN IRELAND UNITED REPUBLIC OFTANZANIAUNITED STATES OF AMERICA VANUATUVIET NAM4 The following State sent observers to the Conference:SURINAME5 The following Associate Members of the Organization sent observers to the Conference:FAROESHONG KONG, CHINAMACAO, CHINA6 The following organization of the United Nations system sent observers to the Conference:INTERNATIONAL LABOUR ORGANIZATION (ILO)- 3 - STCW/CONF.2/327 The following intergovernmental organizations sent observers to the Conference:EUROPEAN COMMISSION (EC)LEAGUE OF ARAB STATES8 The following non-governmental organizations sent observers to the Conference:INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF SHIPPING (ICS)INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING FEDERATION (ISF)INTERNATIONAL TRANSPORT WORKERS’ FEDERATION(ITF)BIMCOOIL COMPANIES INTERNATIONAL MARINE FORUM (OCIMF)INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF DRILLING CONTRACTORS (IADC)INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF SHIPMASTERS’ ASSOCIATIONS (IFSMA)INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF INDEPENDENT TANKER OWNERS(INTERTANKO)CRUISE LINES INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION (CLIA)INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF DRY CARGO SHIPOWNERS(INTERCARGO)INTERNATIONAL MARITIME LECTURERS ASSOCIATION (IMLA)THE INSTITUTE OF MARINE ENGINEERING, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY(IMarEST)INTERNATIONAL SHIP MANAGERS’ ASSOCIATION (InterManager)INTERFERRYINTERNATIONAL MARITIME HEALTH ASSOCIATION (IMHA)INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MARITIME UNIVERSITIES (IAMU)GLOBAL MARITIME EDUCATION AND TRAINING ASSOCIATION (GlobalMET) THE NAUTICAL INSTITUTE (NI)9 The Conference was opened by Mr. E.E. Mitropoulos, Secretary-General of the International Maritime Organization.10 H.E. Mr. Noli de Castro, Vice President of the Republic of the Philippines, delivered a welcome address at the opening session of the Conference.11 A message from Mr. Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations, was read out at the opening session of the Conference.12 The Conference elected Mr. Neil Frank R. Ferrer, of the Philippines, President of the Conference.13 The Vice-Presidents elected by the Conference were:H.E. Mr. Dwight C.R. Gardiner(Antigua and Barbuda)Mr. Koffi Bertin Tano (Côte d’Ivoire)Mr. Rajeev Gupta (India)Rear Admiral Giancarlo Olimbo (Italy)Mr. Abdel Hafiz El Kaissi (Lebanon)STCW/CONF.2/32 - 4 -14 The Secretariat of the Conference consisted of the following officers:Secretary-General: Mr. E.E. MitropoulosSecretary-General of the OrganizationExecutive Secretary: Mr. K. SekimizuSafetyDivisionDirector,MaritimeDeputy Executive Mr. H. HesseSecretary: Senior Deputy Director, Maritime Safety DivisionAssistant Deputy Executive Mr. A. MahapatraSecretary: Head, Maritime Training and Human Element Section,Maritime Safety Division15 The Conference established the following Committees and elected respective officers:Committee of the WholeChairman: Rear Admiral P. Brady (Jamaica)First Vice-Chairman: Mr. S. Hassing (Netherlands)Second Vice-Chairman: Mr. Zheng Heping (China)Drafting CommitteeChairman: Ms. M. Medina (United States)First Vice-Chairman: Mr. B. Groves (Australia)Second Vice-Chairman: Capt. M.A. Shahba (Islamic Republic of Iran)Credentials CommitteeChichinadzeL.(Georgia)Chairman:Mr.16 The Drafting Committee was composed of representatives of the following States:ARGENTINAAUSTRALIACHINAFRANCEIRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF)RUSSIAN FEDERATIONSPAINUNITED STATES- 5 - STCW/CONF.2/3217 The Credentials Committee was composed of representatives of the following States:GEORGIAIRELANDNIGERIAPANAMATHAILAND18 The Conference used as the basis of its work the draft texts of amendments to the annex to the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978 and the Seafarers’ Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW) Code prepared by the Sub-Committee on Standards of Training and Watchkeeping (STW), at its forty-first session, and endorsed by the Maritime Safety Committee, at its eighty-seventh session, of the Organization.19 The Conference also considered proposals and comments submitted to the Conference by Parties to the 1978 STCW Convention and international organizations.20 As a result of its deliberations, the Conference adopted:-amendments to the annex to the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, together withresolution 1 on adoption of the amendments to the annex to the Convention, whichconstitute attachment 1 to this Final Act; and-amendments to the Seafarers’ Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW) Code, together with resolution 2 on adoption of the amendments to the Code,which constitute attachment 2 to this Final Act.21 The Conference also adopted the following resolutions set forth in attachment 3 to this Final Act:Resolution 3: Expression of appreciation to the host Government;Resolution 4: Transitional provisions and early implementation;Resolution 5: Verification of certificates of competency and endorsements;Resolution 6: Standards of training and certification and ships’ manning levels;Resolution 7: Promotion of technical knowledge, skills and professionalism of seafarers;Resolution 8: Development of guidelines to implement international standards ofmedical fitness for seafarers;Resolution 9: Revision of existing model courses published by the InternationalMaritime Organization and development of new model courses;Resolution 10: Promotion of technical co-operation;STCW/CONF.2/32 - 6 -Resolution 11: Measures to ensure the competency of masters and officers of shipso perating in polar waters;Resolution 12: Attracting new entrants to, and retaining seafarers in, the maritime profession;Resolution 13: Accommodation for trainees;Resolution 14: Promotion of the participation of women in the maritime industry;Resolution 15: Future amendments and review of the STCW Convention and Code;Resolution 16: Contribution of the International Labour Organization;Resolution 17: Role of the World Maritime University, the IMO InternationalMaritime Law Institute and the International Maritime Safety, Securityand Environment Academy (IMSSEA) in promoting enhancedmaritime standards;Resolution 18: Year of the Seafarer; andResolution 19: Day of the Seafarer.22 This Final Act is established in a single original text in the Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish languages and is deposited with the Secretary-General of the International Maritime Organization.23 The Secretary-General shall send:(a) certified copies of this Final Act, with its attachments, to the Governments of theStates invited to be represented at the Conference; and(b) certified copies of the authentic texts of the amendments to the 1978 STCWConvention and the STCW Code, as referred to in paragraph 20 above, to allParties to the 1978 STCW Convention, in conformity with article XII(1)(b)(ii)thereof.DONE AT MANILA this twenty-fifth day of June, two thousand and ten.IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned have affixed their signatures to this Final Act.* * *- 7 - STCW/CONF.2/32Attachment 3 to the Final Act of the ConferenceResolution 3Expression of appreciation to the host GovernmentTHE 2010 MANILA CONFERENCE,NOTING with appreciation the kind invitation of the Government of the Philippines to the International Maritime Organization to hold the International Conference to adopt amendments to the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978 and the Seafarers Training, Certification and Watchkeeping Code, ACKNOWLEDGING the generous financial and in-kind contribution and excellent arrangements made by the Government of the Philippines for the Conference, as well as the hospitality, courtesies and other amenities bestowed on the Participants to the Conference,1. EXPRESSES its profound gratitude and thanks to the Government and the People of the Philippines for their valuable contribution to the success of the Conference;2. DECIDES, in grateful recognition of this contribution, to designate the amendments adopted by the Conference as:“THE MANILA AMENDMENTS TO THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON STANDARDS OF TRAINING, CERTIFICATION AND WATCHKEEPING FOR SEAFARERS, 1978”STCW/CONF.2/32 - 8 -Resolution 4Transitional provisions and early implementationTHE 2010 MANILA CONFERENCE,HAVING ADOPTED the Manila amendments to the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978 and to the Seafarers’ Training, Certification and Watchkeeping Code, as amended (STCW Convention and Code),HAVING AGREED to include regulation I/15 on Transitional provisions, which allows for an interval of five years, or until the time of the next revalidation of certificate(s) of competency after the amendments have entered into force, whichever is later, before Parties will be required to issue, recognize and endorse certificates in accordance with the amendments adopted by the Conference,RECOGNIZING that, in order to achieve full compliance by 1 January 2017, it is necessary for Parties to promptly begin taking appropriate measures to implement the STCW Convention and Code in their national training, certification and administration systems,BEING CONCERNED that difficulties, which may arise in connection with the implementation of the requirements of the STCW Convention and Code, could undermine the objective of introducing the highest practicable standards of competence at the earliest possible time,1. URGES each Party to keep the Maritime Safety Committee of the International Maritime Organization informed of progress made in respect of the transitional provisions of regulation I/15 under its national system to implement the requirements of the amendments to the STCW Convention and Code, adopted by the Conference, as well as any difficulties encountered in this regard;2. FURTHER URGES each Party to take appropriate steps for early implementation of the amendments to the STCW Convention and Code adopted by the Conference;3. INVITES the Maritime Safety Committee of the International Maritime Organization, in order to promote the introduction of the highest practicable standards of competence as soon as possible, to monitor progress toward implementation of the STCW Convention and Code by all Parties, with the aim of encouraging an orderly transition and anticipating complications, which could otherwise undermine full and effective implementation.- 9 - STCW/CONF.2/32Resolution 5Verification of certificatesof competency and endorsementsTHE 2010 MANILA CONFERENCE,HAVING ADOPTED the Manila amendments to the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, and to the Seafarers’ Training, Certification and Watchkeeping Code, as amended,RECOGNIZING the importance of adequate education and training for, and experience acquired by, all seafarers,RECOGNIZING ALSO the need for all ships to be manned and operated by properly trained and certified seafarers,RECOGNIZING FURTHER that the verification of certificates of competency and endorsements issued to seafarers is essential also from the point of view of preventing unlawful practices associated with the issuance of such certificates as well as to supporting port State control activities,RECOMMENDS that Administrations take appropriate steps to:.1 establish electronic databases to assist in verifying the authenticity and validity of certificates of competency and endorsements they issue; and.2 respond appropriately and in a timely manner to any request from other Administrations for verification of the authenticity and validity of certificates ofcompetency and endorsements.STCW/CONF.2/32 - 10 -Resolution 6Standards of training and certificationand ships’ manning levelsTHE 2010 MANILA CONFERENCE,HAVING ADOPTED the Manila amendments to the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, and to the Seafarers’ Training, Certification and Watchkeeping Code, as amended (STCW Convention and Code),RECOGNIZING the importance of adequate education and training for, and experience acquired by, all seafarers,RECOGNIZING ALSO the need for all ships to be manned and operated by properly trained and certified seafarers,NOTING that the STCW Convention and Code establish standards of training, certification and watchkeeping for seafarers,1. REAFFIRMS that the STCW Convention and Code are instruments concerned with standards of training and certification and do not determine ships’ manning levels;2. REAFFIRMS ALSO that any decision relating to ships’ manning levels is the responsibility of the Administrations and shipowners concerned taking into account the principles of safe manning* adopted by the International Maritime Organization.*Refers to resolution A.890(21), as amended on Principles of safe manning, adopted by the Assembly of the International Maritime Organization on 25 November 1999.Resolution 7Promotion of technical knowledge, skillsand professionalism of seafarersTHE 2010 MANILA CONFERENCE,HAVING ADOPTED the Manila amendments to the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978 and to the Seafarers’ Training, Certification and Watchkeeping Code, as amended (STCW Convention and Code),NOTING with concern the reported and anticipated shortage of qualified officers to effectively man and operate ships engaged in international trade,APPRECIATING that the overall effectiveness of selection, training and certification processes can only be evaluated through the skills, abilities and competence exhibited by seafarers during the course of their service on board ship,RECOMMENDS that Administrations make arrangements to ensure that shipping companies: .1 establish criteria and processes for the selection of seafarers exhibiting the highest practicable standards of technical knowledge, skills and professionalism;.2 monitor the standards exhibited by ships’ personnel in the performance of their duties;.3 encourage all officers serving on their ships to participate actively in the training of junior personnel;.4 monitor carefully and review frequently the progress made by junior personnel in the acquisition of knowledge and skills during their service on board ship;.5 provide refresher and updating training at suitable intervals, as may be required;and.6 take all appropriate measures to instil pride in the maritime profession and encourage the creation of a safety culture and environmental conscience among allthose who serve on their ships.Resolution 8Development of guidelines to implement international standardsof medical fitness for seafarersTHE 2010 MANILA CONFERENCE,HAVING ADOPTED the Manila amendments to the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978 and to the Seafarers’ Training, Certification and Watchkeeping Code, as amended (STCW Convention and Code),RECOGNIZING the importance of the overall medical fitness of masters and ships’ crews to the safety of life and property at sea and the protection of the marine environment,TAKING COGNIZANCE OF the international standards of medical fitness for seafarers included in the STCW Convention and Code and the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, INVITES the International Maritime Organization, in co-operation with the International Labour Organization and the World Health Organization, to develop guidelines to implement the aforementioned standards.Resolution 9Revision of existing model courses published by theInternational Maritime Organization anddevelopment of new model coursesTHE 2010 MANILA CONFERENCE,HAVING ADOPTED the Manila amendments to the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978 and to the Seafarers’ Training, Certification and Watchkeeping Code, as amended (STCW Convention and Code),RECOGNIZING the significant contribution made to seafarers’ training and certification through model courses, validated and published by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), providing core curricula based on the minimum requirements of the STCW Convention and Code,APPRECIATING that the aforementioned model courses have assisted many training institutions to improve the quality of the training they provide and have been used to improve procedures for assessing competency,DESIRING to achieve greater uniformity in the application of the training and assessment provisions of the STCW Convention and Code,INVITES:.1 IMO to take steps to revise and update existing model courses and develop new model courses, which provide guidance on the implementation of the training andassessment provisions of the STCW Convention and Code; and.2 Governments and international organizations to provide funding for, and otherwise assist in, the revision, updating of existing model courses and development of newmodel courses.Resolution 10Promotion of technical co-operationTHE 2010 MANILA CONFERENCE,HAVING ADOPTED the Manila amendments to the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978 and to the Seafarers’ Training, Certification and Watchkeeping Code, as amended (STCW Convention and Code),RECALLING IMO Assembly resolution A.998(25) on Need for capacity building for the development and implementation of new, and amendments to existing instruments,RECOGNIZING the importance of adequate education and training for, and experience acquired by, all seafarers,RECOGNIZING FURTHER that, in some cases, there may be limited facilities for providing specialized training programmes and obtaining the required experience, particularly in developing countries,BELIEVING that the promotion of technical co-operation will assist countries lacking adequate expertise or facilities in providing proper training and experience to implement the STCW Convention and Code,1. STRONGLY URGES Parties to provide, or arrange to provide, in co-operation with the International Maritime Organization (IMO), assistance to those States, which have difficulty in meeting the revised requirements of the STCW Convention and Code and which request such assistance;2. INVITES IMO to intensify its endeavours to provide States with the assistance they may require and to make adequate provision for that purpose within its technical co-operation programme.Resolution 11Measures to ensure the competency of masters and officers of shipsoperating in polar watersTHE 2010 MANILA CONFERENCE,HAVING ADOPTED the Manila amendments to the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, and to the Seafarers’ Training, Certification and Watchkeeping Code, as amended (STCW Convention and Code),NOTING that, as a result of the increase in maritime traffic in polar waters, several accidents have occurred there in recent years,NOTING FURTHER the remoteness and the singular hydrographic, oceanographic, meteorological and glaciological characteristics of polar waters, to the extent that search and rescue, care and evacuation of persons and addressing the consequences of pollution entail considerable operational and logistical problems,RECOGNIZING that the operation of ships sailing in polar waters calls for specific education, training, experience and related qualifications for masters and officers on board such ships,RECOGNIZING ALSO the efforts made by governments to train masters and officers through courses dedicated to this particular class of navigation,RECOGNIZING FURTHER both the Guidelines for ships operating in polar waters1 and the need for mandatory training requirements when the Polar Code under development by the International Maritime Organization is adopted,RECOMMENDS that governments adopt measures conducive to ensuring that masters and officers of ships, which operate in polar waters, have appropriate training and experience, so that they are able to:.1 plan voyages to polar waters, taking into account glaciological, hydrographic, oceanographic and meteorological factors;.2 navigate safely in polar waters, in particular in restricted ice-covered areas under adverse conditions of wind and visibility; and.3 supervise and ensure compliance with the requirements deriving from intergovernmental agreements and with those relating to safety of life at sea andprotection of the marine environment.1Refer to resolution A.1024(26) – Guidelines for ships operating in polar waters, adopted by the Assembly of the International Maritime Organization on 2 December 2009.Resolution 12Attracting new entrants to, and retaining seafarers in, the maritime professionTHE 2010 MANILA CONFERENCE,HAVING ADOPTED the Manila amendments to the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, and to the Seafarers’ Training, Certification and Watchkeeping Code, as amended (STCW Convention and Code),BEING AWARE that more than 90% of world trade is carried by sea and that the shipping industry operates safely, securely, efficiently and in an environmentally-sound manner,RECOGNIZING the vital service seafarers provide to shipping, an industry that contributes significantly to global and sustainable development and prosperity,RECOGNIZING ALSO the need for today’s increasingly sophisticated ships to be entrusted to seafarers who are competent in all respects to operate them in a safe, secure, efficient and environmentally-sound manner,RECOGNIZING FURTHER that any discriminative legislation adopted and practices enacted have the potential to discourage young people from joining the profession and serving seafarers from remaining in it,NOTING with concern the reported and anticipated shortage of qualified officers to effectively man and operate ships,NOTING ALSO with appreciation the “Go to Sea!” campaign launched, in November 2008, by the Secretary-General of the International Maritime Organization, in co-operation with the International Labour Organization, BIMCO, International Chamber of Shipping, International Shipping Federation, INTERCARGO, INTERTANKO and the International Transport Workers’ Federation,APPRECIATING the overall efforts of the shipping industry to promote among young persons a career at sea,RECOMMENDS that Administrations, shipping companies, shipowner, ship manager and seafarer organizations and any other entities concerned do their utmost to promote among young persons a career at sea and to retain existing seafarers within the industry by:.1 engendering a more favourable public perception, in particular among young people, of the maritime industry;.2 promoting a greater awareness and knowledge among young people of the opportunities offered by a career at sea;.3 improving the quality of life at sea by bringing it more closely in line with the career alternatives available ashore and by enhancing the facilities provided on board ships, including accessing the Internet;.4 encouraging all officers serving on their ships to participate actively in the training and mentoring of junior personnel during their service on board ship;.5 encouraging the provision of adequate accommodation for trainees on new buildings; and.6 taking all appropriate measures to instil pride in the maritime profession and encourage the creation of a safety culture and environmental conscience among all those who serve on their ships.Resolution 13Accommodation for traineesTHE 2010 MANILA CONFERENCE,HAVING ADOPTED the Manila amendments to the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978 and to the Seafarers’ Training, Certification and Watchkeeping Code, as amended (STCW Convention and Code),NOTING with concern the reported and anticipated shortage of qualified officers to effectively man and operate ships engaged in international trade,RECOGNIZING the need for today’s increasingly sophisticated ships to be entrusted to seafarers who are competent in all respects to operate them in a safe, secure, efficient and environmentally-sound manner,RECOGNIZING ALSO that minimum mandatory seagoing service forms part of the requirements prescribed in the STCW Convention and Code for operational level and support level certification,RECOGNIZING FURTHER that the lack of adequate accommodation for trainees on board ships constitutes a significant impediment to properly training them and subsequently retaining them at sea, thus adding to the aforementioned shortage,URGES shipowners, ship managers and shipping companies to provide suitable accommodation for trainees on board their ships both existing and new.。

最低在职视力标准经修改后从B移入了A( A-I/9-1) 航次中证书保持有效(0.1,我国目前驾驶0.5/轮机 影响: 0.4/GMDSS人员0.4)。 海事新职责? 医生有限的自行决定权。 授权机制 最低在职体能标准仍在B部分,但存在链接基础。 陆地及服务网络资源 有效期:2年,3个月。 保证,特别是y一旦 [A-I/9-2成为强制性 对B-I/9进行了针对性的修改。 项目时。
―最低休息时间原则‖:―每24小时至少休息10小时;每周合计不少于77小 时的休息时间;不可拆为两段以上(6小时),连续休息时间的间间原则; 船长的权利 - 视情况安排休息时间; 成员国可采取例外措施,但在例外情况下需保证不少于70小时的休息时间, 并且70个小时的休息时间不可连续两个星期;两次例外情况的间隔应不少于 两倍于例外期间所持续的时间;6+1+3;连续休息时间的间隔时间不超过 14小时;7天内不可连续2个24小时内如此。 增加对‖例外情况的控制‖要求; 船上张贴工作时间表,并采用imo/ilo标准格式时间表;
STCW 2010年修正案
第II章 船长和甲板部的主要修订
天文航海 – 内容减少,计算方式转至B部分 强调―对雷达和ARPA信息运用的知识和能力‖ 负责航行值班的船长、大副和驾驶员的培训要求,以更好地利用船舶交通管 理系统(VTS) 摩尔视觉信号的培训要求 – 保留SOS遇险信号、避碰规则附录4和国际信号 规则附录1的morse信号使用能力要求,以及国际信号规则单字母信号通信 的能力要求。 环境意识培训,纳入A-II/1


该修正案于2010年6月在菲律宾马尼拉举行的外交会议上通过, 旨在确保必要的全球标准实施到位。

1978年海员培训、发证和值班标准国际公约(马尼拉修正案)第Ⅰ章总则第Ⅰ/1 条定义和说明1 除另有明文规定外,就本公约而言:1.1 规则系指本公约规则中的规则;1.2 认可的系指缔约国按照本规则认可的;1.3 船长系指指挥船舶的人;1.4 高级船员系指除船长以外的,根据国家法律或法规所指定,或在没有这种指定时根据集体协议或习惯做法指定的船员;1.5 甲板部高级船员系指符合本公约第Ⅱ章规定的合格的高级船员;1.6 大副系指级别仅低于船长并且在船长不能工作时替代船长指挥船舶的甲板部高级船员;1.7 轮机部高级船员系指符合本公约第Ⅲ章规定的合格的高级船员;1.8 轮机长系指负责船舶机械推进以及机械和电气装置的操作和维护的资深的轮机部高级船员;1.9 大管轮系指级别仅低于轮机长,并且在轮机长不能工作时替代轮机长负责船舶机械推进以及机械和电气装置的操作和维护的轮机部高级船员;1.10 助理轮机员系指正在接受培训以成为轮机部高级船员并为国家法律或法规指定为轮机员助理的人;1.11 无线电操作员系指持有主管机关根据《无线电规则》签发或承认的适任证书的人员;1.12 全球海上遇险与安全系统(GMDSS)无线电操作员系指符合本公约第IV 章规定的合格的人员;1.13 普通船员系指除船长或高级船员以外的船员;1.14 近岸航行系指在缔约国划定的该国附近水域内的航行;.15 推进功率系指在船舶登记证书或其他正式文件上标明的以千瓦计的船舶所有主推进机械的最大连续额定输出功率的总和;1.16 无线电职责包括按照相应的《无线电规则》、《国际海上人命安全公约》以及由主管机关自行决定采用的本组织有关建议案所进行的值班、技术保养和维修;1.17 油船系指建造并且用于载运散装石油和石油产品的船舶;1.18 化学品船系指建造或改建成并且用于散装载运《国际散装化学品规则》第17 章所列的任何液体产品的船舶;1.19 液化气体船系指建造或改建成并且用于散装载运《国际气体船舶规则》第19 章所列的任何液化气体或其他产品的船舶;1.20 客船系指经修正的《1974 年国际海上人命安全公约》所限定的船舶;1.21 滚装客船系指经修正的《1974 年国际海上人命安全公约》所限定的设有滚装货物处所或特种处所的客船;1.22 月系指日历月或由少于1 个月的时间段所累积成的30 天;1.23《STCW 规则》系指由1995 年大会第2 号决议通过,并可加以修正的《海员培训发证和值班(STCW)规则》;1.24 职能系指《STCW 规则》指明的船舶操作、海上人命安全或保护海洋环境所需的一组任务、职责和责任;1.25 公司系指船舶所有人或任何其他组织或人员,诸如自船舶所有人处取得船舶营运责任并同意承担本规则规定的所有义务和责任的船舶管理人或光船承租人;1.26 海上服务资历系指与签发的证书或其他资格有关的船上服务;1.27 ISPS 规则系指由《1974 年国际海上人命安全公约》缔约国大会2002 年12 月12 日第2 号决议通过,并可由本组织加以修正的《国际船舶和港口设施保安(ISPS)规则》;1.28 船舶保安员系指由公司指定向船长负责的负责船舶保安的船上人员;船舶保安包括船舶保安计划的实施和维持以及与公司保安员和港口设施保安员进行联络。
31 STCW公约马尼拉修正案主要内容分解

过渡期适任培训轮机长和轮机员理论纲要 (第三部分)
3.1 STCW公约马尼拉修正案主要内容
3.1.3、STCW公约马尼拉修正案主要修正内容 第1章“总则”的主要修正内容
(1)新增“适任证书”、“培训合格证书”、“书面证明”、“电子 电气员”、“电子技工”、“高级值班水手”、“高级值班机工” 、“保安职责”等新定义。明确证书分为3层:适任证书(COC)、培训 合格证书(COP)、书面证明。适任证书系指依据本附则第Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ 或Ⅶ章的条款向船长、高级船员以及GMDSS无线电操作员签发或签 注的证书。培训合格证书系指向海员签发的除适任证书以外的,说明 符合本公约要求的相关培训、能力和海上服务资历的证书。书面证明 系指除适任证书或培训合格证书以外的,用来证明已符合本公约的相 关要求的文件。新修正案提高了证书的签发、签证、认可的审查要求 ,规定适 任证书、根据规则第V/l1条和规则第V/1-2条规定 签发给 船长和船员的培训合格证书仅应由主管机关签发。强调现代化船舶 中电子电气员的必要性。适应海上运输保安的需要增设船舶保安方 面的强制性培训要求。
《国际海事组织公约》还要求该委员会提供一个机制来履行公约赋予的 任何职责或在其工作范围内由有关国际文件规定的和国际海事组织接 受的任何职责。它还有责任审议有关海上安全的建议和指南,并提交 大会通过。
过渡期适任培训轮机长和轮机员理论纲要 (第三部分)
附录 IMO国际海事组织简介
海上环境保护委员会(MEPC),由所有成员国组成,负责审议国际海事 组织职权范围内有关防止和控制船舶造成污染的任何事宜,特别是有 关公约和其他规则的通过和修正及保证其有效实施的措施。(海上环 境保护委员会最初作为大会的附属机构而成立,1985年升格为全能机 构。)
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STCW 公约(马尼拉修正案)是国际海事组织(IMO)颁布的一份重
本文将对STCW 公约(马尼拉修正案)的相关内容进行中英文对照说明,旨在提供对该公约的全面了解。
一、STCW 公约(马尼拉修正案)的相关内容
1. 定义和范围
STCW 公约(马尼拉修正案)涉及的范围涵盖了海员的职责、资格、
The Definitions and Scope
The STCW Convention (Manila Amendments) covers the responsibilities, qualifications, tr本人ning, and certification requirements for seafarers. Seafarers include ratings, officers, and marine engineering personnel.
2. 培训标准
STCW 公约(马尼拉修正案)规定了海员培训的最低标准,包括基本
Tr本人ning Standards
The STCW Convention (Manila Amendments) sets out the minimum tr本人ning standards for seafarers, including basic tr 本人ning, advanced tr本人ning, and certification requirements. These standards ensure that seafarers have the necessary skills and knowledge to deal with various situations that may arise during the operation of the ship.
3. 持证要求
根据 STCW 公约(马尼拉修正案),海员需要持有相应的证书才能在船舶上工作。
Certification Requirements
Under the STCW Convention (Manila Amendments), seafarers are required to hold the relevant certificates to work on board ships. The type and level of certificates depend on the seafarer's duties and qualification levels.
4. 适用范围
STCW 公约(马尼拉修正案)适用于所有加入国际航行的船舶,无论其类型和大小。
The STCW Convention (Manila Amendments) applies to all ships engaged in international voyages, regardless of their type and size. It 本人ms to ensure the safety of ships and the rights of seafarers worldwide.
5. 执法和监督
根据 STCW 公约(马尼拉修正案),各缔约国有责任对其船舶上的海员进行执法和监督,以确保他们符合公约规定的培训和认证标准。
Enforcement and Oversight
Under the STCW Convention (Manila Amendments), each contracting party has the responsibility to enforce and oversee the seafarers on its ships to ensure that they meet the tr本人
ning and certification standards prescribed by the convention.
二、STCW 公约(马尼拉修正案)对国际航运的意义
1. 保障船舶安全
STCW 公约(马尼拉修正案)规定了海员的培训和认证标准,确保他们具备必要的技能和知识,能够有效应对紧急情况和船舶操作中的各种挑战,从而保障船舶的安全。
Ensuring the Safety of Ships
The STCW Convention (Manila Amendments) sets out the tr本人ning and certification standards for seafarers, ensuring that they have the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively deal with emergencies and various challenges in the operation of ships, thus ensuring the safety of ships.
2. 保障海员权益
STCW 公约(马尼拉修正案)为海员提供了公正的培训和认证机会,确保他们的权益得到尊重和保障,避免了因培训和认证不公平而导致的不公平待遇。
Protecting the Rights of Seafarers
The STCW Convention (Manila Amendments) provides seafarers with f本人r tr本人ning and certification opportunities, ensuring that their rights are respected and protected, and avoiding unf 本人r treatment due to unf本人r tr本人ning and certification.
3. 促进国际航运发展
STCW 公约(马尼拉修正案)的实施使得国际航运行业的工作力量更加专业化和标准化,提升了海员的整体素质和国际竞争力,进而促进了国际航运的健康发展。
Promoting the Development of International Shipping
The implementation of the STCW Convention (Manila Amendments) has made the workforce in the international shipping industry more professional and standardized, improved the overall quality and internationalpetitiveness of seafarers, and promoted the healthy development of international shipping.
STCW 公约(马尼拉修正案)的出台和实施对于规范和促进国际航运
In conclusion, the enactment and implementation of the STCW Convention (Manila Amendments) are of great significance in regulating and promoting the development of the international shipping industry. It provides seafarers with f本人r tr本人ning and certification opportunities, ensures the safety of ships and the rights of seafarers, and promotes the healthy development
of international shipping. We look forward to all contracting parties f本人thfullyplying with the convention provisions,
jointly m本人nt本人ning the good order of international shipping, and making positive contributions to the sust本人nable development of the global shipping industry.。