Cas9 protocol_v1.1_130216

CRISPR-Cas9植物基因敲除试剂盒说明书Cat. No. GP0138Protocol No. PT140730-1出版日期July.2014南京市汉中门大街301号南京国际服务外包产业园01栋13层A座电话:+86-25-66776700/66776718传真:+86-25-66776701邮编:210036网址:CRISPR-Cas9植物基因敲除试剂盒目录I.组份列表 (2)II.产品概要 (2)III.操作步骤 (3)1. 设计Oligo DNA 序列 (3)2. 线性化pP1C.2载体 (3)3. 重组pP1C.2载体的构建 (3)4. 重组pP1C.1载体的构建 (3)IV.附录pP1C系统质粒图谱..................................................................................4-5 V.参考文献. (6)图Figure 1. CRISPR-Cas9工作原理示意图Figure 2. pP1C.1质粒图谱Figure 3. pP1C.2质粒图谱表Table1. CRISPR-Cas9植物基因敲除试剂盒组份列表Protocol No. PT140730-1 Genloci Biotechnologies Inc.1/6CRISPR-Cas9植物基因敲除试剂盒I.组份列表CRISPR-Cas9基因敲除试剂盒组份如下:Table1. CRISPR-Cas9植物基因敲除试剂盒组份列表组份列表含量pP1C.1 Vector2μgpP1C.2 Vector 2μg贮存条件※注意:在收到货后,请您将pP1C.1 Vector 和pP1C.2 Vector瞬时离心后再保存。
将pP1C.1 Vector、pP1C.2 Vector置于-20℃保存,且避免污染;II.产品概要CRISPR/Cas9植物基因敲除试剂盒是一款高效、精准的基因编辑试剂盒,它是基于最新代的人工核酸内切酶CRISPR-Cas9而研发的,相对于传统敲除技术和TALENs\ZFNs技术而言,其操作更加简便,敲除效率最高,基因的编辑更加的精准,大大降低了脱靶机率。

crispr-cas9进行全基因组的筛选Human CRISPR Knockout Pooled Library (Brunello) 一、lentiCas9-Blast质粒的基本信息:/pooled-library/broadgpp-human-knockout-b runello/由于cas9自待的抗性基因是我们不需要,在抗性基因两边突变出酶切位点,酶切掉原本的抗性基因。
2向离心管中加入质粒DNA和等体积的Opti-MEM,混匀,调整总体积为2.5 ml,在室温下温育5分钟。
3将Lipofectamine 2000试剂轻柔摇匀,取100 μl Lipofectamine 2000试剂在另一管中与2.4 ml Opti-MEM混合,在室温下温育5分钟。
4把稀释后的DNA与稀释后的Lipofectamine 2000进行混合,轻轻地颠倒混匀,不要振荡。
5混合后,在室温下温育20分钟,以便形成DNA 与Lipofectamine 2000稀释液的转染复合物。
6DNA与Lipofectamine 2000混合液转移至293T细胞的培养液中,混匀,于37 ℃, 5% CO2 细胞培养箱中培养。
7培养8 h后倒去含有转染混和物的培养基,每瓶细胞加入20 ml的PBS液,轻轻左右晃动一下培养瓶以洗涤残余的转染混和物,然后倒去。
8每瓶细胞中加入含10% 血清的细胞培养基25 ml,于37 ℃、5% CO2培养箱内继续培养48小时。
10于4 ℃,4000 g 离心10 min,除去细胞碎片。
11以0.45 μm滤器过滤上清液于15ml 离心管中。
二、慢病毒转染细胞参考网址:/protocols/generatin g-stable-cell-lines/1. 取六孔板铺50000个细胞, 37°C,5% CO 2 培养,待细胞长到70%,换含有8ug/ml polybrene的培养基培养。
cas9 构建基因敲除细胞系 步骤

cas9 构建基因敲除细胞系步骤1. 设计gRNA序列需要设计合适的gRNA(guide RNA)序列。
2. 合成gRNA和Cas9蛋白合成设计好的gRNA序列,并将其与Cas9蛋白结合。
Cas9蛋白是CRISPR-Cas9系统中的核酸酶,能够与gRNA一起识别目标DNA 序列,并在其靶向区域引发双链断裂。
3. 转染细胞将gRNA和Cas9蛋白复合物转染到目标细胞中。
4. 筛选敲除细胞系根据需要敲除的基因,选择适当的筛选方法来鉴定敲除细胞系。
常用的筛选方法包括PCR、Western blot和细胞克隆等。
5. 确认敲除细胞系对筛选出的细胞系进行进一步的确认。
6. 存储和维护敲除细胞系成功敲除目标基因后,需要对敲除细胞系进行存储和维护。

CRISPR/Cas9-based genome editing technologyA robust CRISPR/Cas9 vector system for multiplex targeting ofgenomic sites in monocot and dicot plants亚热带农业生物资源保护与利用国家重点实验室华南农业大学生命科学学院刘耀光课题组(**************.cn )1. pYLCRISPR/Cas9多靶点载体介绍CRISPR/Cas9是新近发展的基因组编辑技术(图1)。
CRISPR/Cas9切割靶序列仅需要single-guide RNA (sgRNA)以及由sgRNA 引导的Cas9蛋白,比锌指核酸酶(ZFNs ),TALENs 更加简便,高效,因而成为基因组编辑工具的首选。
本套载体将Cas9蛋白表达盒整合到双元载体上,用于装载多个sgRNA 表达盒的多克隆位点Bsa I 位于靠近双元载体RB 位置。
sgRNA 表达盒元件设在中间质粒载体上,利用酶切连接和PCR 方法拼装好,再利用Golden Gate 或Gibson Assembly 克隆方法组装到双元载体上。
本载体系统已经发表(Ma et al., 2015, Molecular Plant , DOI:10.1016/j.molp.2015.04.007)。
5’ NNNNNNNNNNNN GNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Target SitePAM NNNNNNNNNNNN-3’3’ NNNNNNNNNNNN NCCNNNNNNNNNNNN-5’NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN 5’-G/A NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN GUUUUAGAGCUAG A A CGAUA GAAAACUAUUGCCUGAUCGGAAUAAAAUU Cas9nuclease Cleavage site genomesequenceRuvC-like domain HNH domain CUUGAAAAAGUGGCACCGA G CGUGGCU UUUUU-3’NGGFigure 1. A working model of the CRISPR/Cas9 system. The Cas9-sgRNA complex locates to the target site to cleave the DNA to produce double strand break (DSB).2.CRISPR/Cas9载体与sgRNA载体图谱2.1CRISPR/Cas9双元载体本套载体系统的双元载体骨架为pCAMBIA-1300 (ACCESSION: AF234296),Cas9p为本实验室设计合成的植物优化密码子基因,它模拟了禾本科植物基因具有5’端GC含量较高的特征(Figure 2)。

CRISPRCas9基因敲除细胞株详细构建流程Puro 抗性浓度摸索实验将细胞如下图1稀释。
给药7天后,弃培养液,用台盼蓝染色2 min,显微镜下观察细胞存活情况。
图1 抗性浓度摸索单克隆形成验证实验细胞计数,将细胞悬液稀释混匀后加入96孔板,用封口胶将孔板封好,放于培养箱中培养。
静置培养48 h后每日观察并记录单克隆形成情况。
sgRNA 靶标设计根据基因序列信息,设计 sgRNA。
图2 靶标序列扩增sgRNA克隆引物合成根据sgRNA设计sgRNA克隆引物。
lentiCRISPRv2-sgRNA载体验证每个实验组各挑取6个单克隆菌落,于LB/ Amp培养基中扩增,提取质粒,琼脂糖凝胶电泳检测质粒抽提效果(图3)。
图3 质粒抽提酶切验证:取3个单克隆进行酶切,琼脂糖凝胶电泳检测酶切效果(图4)。
图4 单克隆酶切验证病毒包装lentiCRISPRv2-sgRNA无内毒素质粒提取,病毒包装。
CRISPR Cas9基因敲除载体构建试剂盒说明书V1.1

Targeting sequence
gRNA sequence
gRNA-R primer
北京英茂盛业生物科技有限公司 北京市昌平区沙河镇青年创业大厦 B‐916 Tel:010‐62495135 Emai:order@ Web site:
Cas9 基因敲除试剂盒 货号 CR0001 内容 pCas9/gRNA1 载体 pTYNE 验证载体 pCas9‐P 阳性对照载体 pCas9‐N 阴性对照载体
1):Cas9/gRNA 基因敲除原理是对基因组 DNA 序列切割后引发 DAN 修复,产生 DNA 序列缺失突变。因此 基因敲除靶点应设计在起始密码子附近(包括起始密码子)或者起始密码子下游的外显子范围内。

Cas9:一种高效的基因编辑工具Cas9的结构和功能•Cas9是一种核酸酶,能够识别并切割特定的DNA序列•Cas9需要与一条小导向RNA(sgRNA)结合,形成Cas9-sgRNA复合体•sgRNA包含一个与Cas9结合的骨架序列和一个与目标DNA互补的20个碱基的指导序列•Cas9-sgRNA复合体能够识别并结合目标DNA上的一个叫做原型相容性重复序列(PAM)的特殊序列•PAM通常是NGG或NAG,其中N代表任意碱基,G代表鸟嘌呤•Cas9在PAM的上游位置对DNA进行双链切割,形成DNA双链断裂(DSB)Cas9引发的DNA修复机制•DNA双链断裂是一种严重的细胞损伤,细胞会启动两种主要的修复机制来修复DSB:非同源末端连接(NHEJ)和同源重组(HR)•NHEJ是一种高效但不精确的修复方式,它直接将断裂的两个末端连接起来,但在连接过程中可能会发生碱基插入或缺失,导致移码突变•HR是一种精确但低效的修复方式,它需要有一个与目标DNA同源的供体模板,通过拷贝模板上的序列来修复DSB,但在拷贝过程中可能会发生基因转换或交叉互换•Cas9引发的DSB通常会被NHEJ修复,从而实现基因敲除或敲降Cas9 nickase:一种提高特异性的变体•Cas9 nickase是一种经过突变后只能对DNA单链进行切割造成DNA缺口(nicks)的Cas9变体•Cas9 nickase需要与两条sgRNA结合,分别靶向DNA互补的两条链,并在相距10~20个碱基的位置形成两个缺口•两个缺口之间的DNA片段会被切除,形成一个DSB•Cas9 nickase引发的DSB也会被NHEJ修复,从而实现基因敲除或敲降•Cas9 nickase相比于Cas9有更高的特异性和更低的脱靶率,因为它需要同时满足两条sgRNA和两个PAM的匹配条件Cas9在基因编辑中的应用•Cas9是一种强大而灵活的基因编辑工具,它可以实现多种基因操作,如基因敲除、敲降、插入、替换、激活、抑制等•Cas9可以用于研究基因功能、调控基因表达、纠正遗传病、改善农作物、开发新药等领域•Cas9还可以与其他分子工具结合,如转录因子、表观遗传修饰酶、荧光蛋白等,实现更多样化和精细化的基因编辑。
GenCrispr Cas9 Nuclease 产品说明书

GenCrispr Cas9 Nuclease Cat. No. Z03386 Version 01202016I Description (1)II Kit Contents .......................................................................... .... .... (1)III Key Features ............................... .... .... .... .... .... . (1)IV Storage..................................................................... . (2)V Diluent Compatibility (2)VI Activity test (2)VII References (2)I. DESCRIPTIONGenCrispr Cas9 Nuclease is the recombinant Streptococcus pyogenes Cas9 (wt) protein purified from E. coli that can be used for genome editing by inducing site-specific double stranded breaks in double stranded DNA. Cas9 protein forms a very stable ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complex with the guide RNA (gRNA) component of the CRISPR/Cas9 system. The RNP complex recognizes the target site by matching gRNA with the genomic DNA sequence and produces DNA breaks within 3 bases from the NGG PAM (Protospacer Adjacent Motif). With GenCrispr Cas9 nuclease, customers can screen for highly efficient gRNA in vitro using DNA cleavage assays. The high purity Cas9 protein can also be used for antibody production.Product Source: GenCrispr Cas9 Nuclease is produced by expression in an E. coli strain carrying a plasmid encoding the Cas9 gene from Streptococcus pyogenes without nuclear localization signal (NLS).II. KIT CONTENTSIII. KEY FEATURESHigh Protein Purity: GenCrispr Cas9 Nuclease is > 95% pure as determined by SDS-PAGE with Coomassie Blue detection.Non-specific DNase Activity: A 20 µl reaction in Cas9 reaction buffer containing 100 ng linearized pUC57 plasmid and 0.1 µg of GenCrispr Cas9, incubated for 16 h at 37°C. No DNA degradation is determined by agarose gel electrophoresis.Non-specific RNase Activity: A 10 µl reaction in Cas9 reaction buffer containing 1800 ng total RNA and 0.1 µg of GenCrispr Cas9 incubated for 2h at 37°C. No RNA degradation as determined by agarose gel electrophoresis.High Bioactivity: 20 nM GenCrispr Cas9 incubated for 1 hour at 37°C result in 90% digestion of the substrate DNA as determined by agarose gel electrophoresis.IV. STORAGEGenCrispr Cas9 is supplied with 1x storage buffer (10 mM Tris, 300 mM NaCl, 0.1 mM EDTA, 1 mM DTT, 50% Glycerol pH 7.4 @ 25°C). The recommended storage temperature is -20°C.V. Diluent CompatibilityDiluent Buffer: 300 mM NaCl, 10 mM Tris-HCl, 0.1 mM EDTA, 1 mM DTT, 500 μg/ml BSA and 50% glycerol. (pH 7.4 @ 25°C).VI. Activity testCas9 site-specific digestion:Genscript used in vitro digestion of a linearized plasmid to determine the activity of the Cas9 nuclease. It is a sensitive assay for GenCrispr Cas9 quality control. The linearized plasmid containing the target site:(CATCATTGGAAAACGTTCTT)can be digested with gRNA:(CAUCAUUGGAAAACGUUCUUGUUUUAGAGCUAGAAAUAGCAAGUUAAAAUAAGGCUAGUCCGU UAUCAACUUGAAAAAGUGGCACCGAGUCGGUGCUUUUUUUU)and GenCrispr Cas9. Two cleavage DNA fragments (812 bp and 1898 bp) are determined by agarose gel electrophoresis. A 20 µl reaction in 1xCas9 Nuclease Reaction Buffer containing 160 ng linearized plasmid, 40 nM gRNA and 20 nM GenCrispr Cas9 for 2 hours at 37°C results in 90% digestion of linearized plasmid as determined by agarose gel electrophoresis.VII References1. Jinek et al. A Programmable Dual-RNA–Guided DNA Endonuclease in Adaptive Bacterial Immunity. (2012)Science 337 (6096) 816-821 (2012).2. Larson, M. H., et al. CRISPR interference (CRISPRi) for sequence-specific control of gene expression.NatureProtocols. 8, (11), 2180-2196 (2013).3. Ran, F. A., et al. Genome engineering using the CRISPR-Cas9 system. Nature Protocols. 8, (11), 2281-2308(2013).Notes:1. This is a basic protocol. The reagent concentrations, conditions, and parameters may need to be optimized.2. 1000 nM is equal to 160 ng/µl.GenScript US860 Centennial Ave., Piscataway, NJ 08854Tel: 732-885-9188, 732-885-9688Fax: 732-210-0262, 732-885-5878Email: *********************Web: For Research Use Only.。
CRISPR Cas9敲除细胞系构建步骤及方法

二、实验流程1. 预实验1.1 Cas9导入细胞方法:尝试各种方法,如脂质体类转染、电转、慢病毒感染、腺病毒感染等,确定高效导入Cas9方法。
1.2 药物浓度预实验:降低后续阳性克隆筛选和检测工作难度。
1.3 单克隆培养情况:确认细胞是否可以单克隆培养。
2. 基因敲除(敲入)2.1 靶点设计:一般在不同转录产物的共同外显子上设计3个靶点,靶点位置尽量在基因CDS的前1/3,ATG之后,最好能破坏重要的domain和所有的转录产物isoform。
2.2 载体构建和病毒包装:根据预实验结果,选择合适的普通载体或病毒载体(普通Cas9载体、慢病毒Cas9载体和腺病毒Cas9载体)。
2.3 内源活性筛选:转染细胞或感染细胞48h后,使用Puro或Blasticidin筛选48h,提取基因组DNA。
2.4 Donor载体(基因敲入):根据筛选的gRNA靶点位置,构建Donor普通载体或腺病毒载体,共转染/感染Cas9-gRNA和Donor。
2.5 单克隆筛选:无限稀释到每孔1个细胞的数量,每株细胞铺至少2个96孔板。
2.6 获得突变型:如需纯合子,则可能需要重复步骤3-5。
Guide-it Recombinant Cas9 (3

Takara Bio USA, Inc. 1290 Terra Bella Avenue, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA U.S. Technical Support: *******************************United States/Canada Asia Pacific Europe Japan Page 1 of 9Takara Bio USA, Inc. Guide-it™ Recombinant Cas9 (3 µg/µl) User ManualCat. Nos. 632640, 632641 (021121)Table of ContentsI. Introduction (3)A. Summary (3)II. List of Components (3)III. Additional Materials Required (3)A. Electroporation Supplies (3)B. Mammalian Cell Culture Supplies (4)C. General Supplies (4)D. sgRNA Development and Production (4)E. Detection and Characterization of Gene Editing (4)IV. Protocol Overview (5)V. Electroporation Protocol for Neon Transfection System (5)A. Protocol: Preparation of Cells and Media (5)B. Protocol: Preparation of Cas9-sgRNA RNP Complex (6)C. Protocol: Electroporation (6)VI. Electroporation Protocol for 4D-Nucleofector System (7)A. Protocol: Preparation of Cells (7)B. Protocol: Preparation of Cas9-sgRNA RNP Complex (8)C. Protocol: Electroporation (8)VII. References (9)Table of FiguresFigure 1. Protocol overview for Guide-it Recombinant Cas9 (3 µg/µl). (5)I. IntroductionA. SummaryThe CRISPR/Cas9 system has emerged as a powerful tool for gene editing because of its high targetingspecificity, editing efficiency, and ease of use in virtually any organism. CRISPR/Cas9 technologyconsists of two key components that form a complex: Cas9 endonuclease and a single guide RNA(sgRNA) that directs Cas9 to cleave genomic DNA in a sequence-specific manner (Jinek et al. 2012).This RNA-programmable method exploits the error-prone nature of the non-homologous end joiningDNA repair pathway (NHEJ) to generate gene knockouts (via insertion/deletion). The method can also beused to generate knockins via the homology-directed repair (HDR) pathway.CRISPR/Cas9 system components have been delivered successfully into target cells through a variety ofapproaches, including vector-based expression systems, transfection of RNA, and more recently,introduction of Cas9-sgRNA ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes. Delivery of Cas9-sgRNA RNPsprovides a fast turnaround for gene-editing experiments while minimizing the likelihood of off-targeteffects compared to vector-based approaches (Sander and Joung 2014), and this approach has beenoptimized for various cell types using microinjection, electroporation, and lipid-mediated transfection(Liang et al. 2015).Guide-it Recombinant Cas9 (3 µg/µl) is a recombinant wild-type Streptococcus pyogenes Cas9 nucleaseexpressed with a C-terminal nuclear-localization signal (NLS)and purified from E. coli for use inCRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene editing experiments. The Cas9 protein solution has been verified to besterile and well-tolerated by mammalian cells when electroporated as a ribonucleoprotein complex (RNP)with a single guide RNA (sgRNA) for knockout experiments, or as an RNP with a donor repair templatefor knockin experiments.II. List of ComponentsGuide-it Recombinant Cas9 (3 µg/µl) (Cat. No. 632641)•100 µg Guide-it Recombinant Cas9 (3 µg/µl)Guide-it Recombinant Cas9 (3 µg/µl) (Cat. No. 632640)• 3 x 100 µg Guide-it Recombinant Cas9 (3 µg/µl)•Store Guide-it Recombinant Cas9 (3 µg/µl) at –70°C.•Avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles. We recommend preparing aliquots upon initial thawing of Guide-it Recombinant Cas9 (3 µg/µl).III. Additional Materials RequiredThe following reagents/materials are required but not included.A. Electroporation SuppliesUse of this product requires an electroporator, electroporation chamber (typically cuvettes or tips), and anelectroporation buffer that is suitable for your target cells. Here we provide separate guidelines for theNeon Transfection System (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Cat. No. MPK5000) and the 4D-NucleofectorSystem (Lonza, Cat. No. AAF-1002B).B. Mammalian Cell Culture Supplies•Culture medium, supplies, and additives specific to your target cells•Cell culture plates•PBS without Ca2+ or Mg2+•Trypsin/EDTA or equivalent•Humidified incubator (set at 37º C, 5% CO2)C. General Supplies•Single-channel pipettes•Nuclease-free thin-wall PCR tubes or stripsD. sgRNA Development and ProductionCRISPR/Cas9 gene editing requires a custom sgRNA with a user-designed targeting sequence that ishomologous to the target gene or genomic region of interest. Selecting an appropriate DNA sequence at the target region is critical for maximizing the potential for efficient cleavage at the target site and forminimizing the likelihood of non-specific cleavage events. There are several freely available online tools that can be helpful for determining suitable sgRNA target sequences for a given organism and genomic target. For a list of these tools, please refer to:/US/Products/Genome_Editing/CRISPR_Cas9/Resources/Online_tools_for_gui de_RNA_design.NOTE: For many applications, it is advisable to design and test several variant sgRNAs against the same genomic target region.Candidate sgRNAs must ultimately be produced in sufficient quantity for the generation of functionalCas9-sgRNA RNPs. For development and production of user-designed sgRNAs, we recommend either of the following kits:•For constructing and purifying sgRNAs: Guide-it sgRNA In Vitro Transcription Kit (Takara Bio, Cat.No. 632635).•For constructing and purifying sgRNAs, and testing target cleavage efficiencies in vitro: Guide-it Complete sgRNA Screening System (Takara Bio, Cat. No. 632636).E. Detection and Characterization of Gene EditingThese items are recommended for determining the efficiency of gene editing and the nature of the edits:Cat. No. Product Size631443 Guide-it Mutation Detection Kit 100 rxns631448 Guide-it Mutation Detection Kit 25 rxns632611 Guide-it Genotype Confirmation Kit 100 rxns631444 Guide-it Indel Identification Kit 10 rxnsIV. Protocol OverviewPlease read each relevant protocol completely before starting. Successful results depend on understanding and performing the following steps correctly.Figure 1. Protocol overview for Guide-it Recombinant Cas9 (3 µg/µl).V. Electroporation Protocol for Neon Transfection SystemHere we provide protocols for performing knockout and knockin experiments in hiPS cells and CD34-positive stem cells using the Neon Transfection System. While these protocols may serve as a helpful starting point forelectroporation of other cell types as well, further optimization will be required. Please refer to the Neon Transfection System User Manual and manufacturer’s website for detailed operating instructions for the Neon Transfection System.A. Protocol: Preparation of Cells and MediaCultured target cells are harvested, washed, and resuspended in the appropriate buffer.1.Prepare a sufficient number of fresh cells for your experiment.NOTE: Each electroporation requires 1 x 105 cells. However, due to the potential variation of pipetteand tip volumes, we recommend preparing 1.5X the necessary volume of cell suspension (i.e., 1.5 x 105cells) for electroporation with a 10-µl Neon Tip to ensure that there is sufficient volume.2.For hiPS cells (adherent cells), continue to Step3. For CD34-positive stem cells (suspension cells),skip to Step 5.3.Aspirate the medium, wash the cell layer once with PBS (without Ca2+ and Mg2+), and dissociate thecells using TrypLE Select Enzyme (1X) (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Cat. No. 12563011).4.Harvest the cells in growth medium.5.Take an aliquot of the cell suspension and measure the cell density using your preferred method.6.Harvest the cells by centrifugation at 400g for 5 min in a 15-ml conical tube.7.Wash the cells once with PBS (without Ca2+ and Mg2+), and then resuspend hiPS cells in Buffer R andCD34-positive stem cells in Buffer T (included with Neon kits) at a concentration of 2 x 107 cells/ml(i.e., 1.5 x 105 cells in 7.5 µl).NOTE: Use Resuspension Buffer R for established adherent and suspension cells as well as primaryadherent cells, and use Resuspension Buffer T for primary blood-derived suspension cells.8.Keep the cell suspension on ice until use.B. Protocol: Preparation of Cas9-sgRNA RNP ComplexCas9 and sgRNA components are combined to form RNP complexes for electroporation.1.Thaw Guide-it Recombinant Cas9 (3 µg/µl) and sgRNA solutions at room temperature.NOTE: We recommend preparing aliquots upon initial thawing of Guide-it Recombinant Cas9(3 µg/µl) to avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles.bine the following components in a 200-µl PCR tube to mix the Cas9 protein and sgRNA at a 5:1mass ratio. The molar ratio of Cas9 protein to sgRNA will be approximately 1:1 in this mixture, andthe total volume will be 7.5 µl. Be sure to use the same buffer that was used to resuspend the cells.NOTE: The reaction volume indicated below is 1.5X the required volume.Per reaction:0.45 μl* sgRNA (e.g., 1 µg/µl)0.75 μl Guide-it Recombinant Cas9 (3 µg/µl)6.3 μl* Resuspension Buffer R or T7.5 μl Total volume*The added volume of sgRNA will vary depending on sgRNA concentration, and the added volume ofResuspension Buffer should be adjusted such that the total reaction volume is 7.5 µl. The volumesindicated above are based on a sgRNA concentration of 1 µg/µl.NOTE: Make a master mix if you are performing multiple electroporations.NOTE: The optimal amount of RNP complex may vary for different cell types.NOTE: To maximize electroporation efficiency, the combined volume of the Cas9 and sgRNA solutionsshould be ≤20% of the total volume of the Cas9-sgRNA RNP complex reaction (e.g., for the 7.5-µlreaction specified above, the combined volume of the sgRNA and Cas9 solutions should be ≤1.5 µl).NOTE: If you plan to use donor DNA to induce HDR-mediated knockin, add the DNA after thesubsequent incubation step (Step 3). We recommend using ≤1 µg of DNA for knockin experiments.Adjust the volume of Resuspension Buffer R or T included in the reaction such that the final volumeupon addition of donor DNA is 7.5 µl.3.Mix the reaction well by gently pipetting up and down. Incubate using a thermal cycler preheated to37°C with the following program:37°C 5 min4°C hold4.OPTIONAL: Add donor DNA and keep on ice until use.C. Protocol: ElectroporationCas9-sgRNA RNPs are electroporated into target cells.1.Fill the Neon Tube with 3 ml of Buffer E (included with Neon kits) and insert the Neon Tube into theNeon Pipette the touchscreen on the Neon system, set up the electroporation parameters as follows:Pulse voltage / Pulse width / Pulse number = 1100 v / 20 ms / 2 pulsesNOTE: We have used these parameters successfully for hiPS cells and CD34-positive stem cellsusing the Neon Transfection System. Optimization of electroporation parameters will be required fordifferent target cell types. Suggested parameters for different cell types are included in thesupplementary material for (Liang et al. 2015).3.Gently resuspend the cells by tapping, and transfer 7.5 µl of the cell suspension into the PCR tubecontaining the 7.5 µl of Cas9-sgRNA RNP complex solution.4.Mix well by gently pipetting up and down.5.Insert the Neon Pipette into the Neon Tip and confirm that the pipette and tip are tightly the Neon Pipette, aspirate the mixture slowly into the Neon Tip.NOTE: Avoid any air bubbles in the tip. If you notice air bubbles, place the sample back into thePCR tube and aspirate again into the tip without any air bubbles.7.Insert the Neon Pipette into the Neon Tube placed in the Neon Pipette Station and run the program.8.Remove the pipette very carefully and transfer the cells into a cell culture plate with pre-warmedmedium.NOTE: Use an appropriate well plate for your target-cell type. We had success using 24 and 48-wellplates for CD34-positive stem cells and hiPS cells, respectively. hiPS cells typically require greaterconfluence than regular adherent cells.9.Shake the plate appropriately to disperse the cells and incubate at 37°C in a humidified incubator with5% CO2 until the next necessary procedure.VI. Electroporation Protocol for 4D-Nucleofector SystemHere we provide protocols for performing knockout and knockin experiments in Jurkat and CD34-positive stem cells using the 4D-Nucleofector System with 16-well Nucleocuvette Strips. While these protocols may serve as a helpful starting point for electroporation of other cell types as well, further optimization will be required. Please refer to the 4D-Nucleofector System User Manual and manufacturer’s website for more detailed information.A. Protocol: Preparation of CellsCultured target cells are harvested, washed, and resuspended in the appropriate solution.1.Prepare a sufficient number of fresh cells for your experiment.NOTE: Each electroporation requires 2 x 105 cells.2.Take an aliquot of the cell suspension and measure the cell density using your preferred method.3.Harvest the cells by centrifugation at 400g for 5 min in a 15-ml conical tube.4.Wash once with PBS (without Ca2+ and Mg2+), and then resuspend Jurkat cells in SE NucleofectorSolution (with supplement) and CD34-positive stem cells in P3 Nucleofector Solution (withsupplement) at a concentration of 1 x 107 cells/ml (i.e., 2 x 105 cells in 20 µl).NOTE: Please refer to the 4D-Nucleofector System User Manual and manufacturer’s website formore information about working with other cell types.NOTE: 20 µl of cell suspension will be needed per well of the Nucleocuvette Strip.5.Keep the cell suspension on ice until use.B. Protocol: Preparation of Cas9-sgRNA RNP ComplexCas9 and sgRNA components are combined to form RNP complexes for electroporation.1.Thaw Guide-it Recombinant Cas9 (3 µg/µl) and sgRNA solutions at room temperature.NOTE: We recommend preparing aliquots upon initial thawing of Guide-it Recombinant Cas9(3 µg/µl) to avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles.bine the following components in a 200-µl PCR tube to mix the Cas9 protein and sgRNA at a 5:1mass ratio:Per reaction (e.g. 5 µl):2μl* sgRNA (e.g., 1 µg/µl)3.3 μl Guide-it Recombinant Cas9 (3 µg/µl)5.3 μl Total volume*The added volume of sgRNA will vary depending on sgRNA concentration. The volume indicated aboveis based on an sgRNA concentration of 1 µg/µl.NOTE: Make a master mix if you are performing multiple electroporations.NOTE: The RNP volume required for efficient transfection needs to be optimized for different celltypes. Usually ≤10 µl of the RNP solution will be tested for electroporation in each well of the 16-well Nucleocuvette Strip.3.Mix the reaction well by gently pipetting up and down. Incubate using a thermal cycler preheated to37°C with the following program:37°C 5 min4°C HoldC. Protocol: ElectroporationCas9-sgRNA RNPs are electroporated into target cells.bel wells of Nucleocuvette Strips to be used for electroporation.bine 20 µl of cell suspension with 5 µl Cas9-sgRNA RNP complex solution in each well of theNucleocuvette Strip, and mix well by gently pipetting up and down.NOTE: If you plan to use donor DNA to induce HDR-mediated knockin, add the donor DNA at thisstep.3.Select the program CL-120 for Jurkat cells or the program D0-100 for CD34-positive stem cells.4.Insert the Nucleocuvette Strip into the Nucleofector machine and run the program.5.Add 80 µl of pre-warmed medium to each cuvette and allow electroporated cells to recover for 12min post-transfection at room temperature.6.Gently collect the cells along with the media from each well and transfer to individual wells of a 48-well plate containing pre-warmed medium.7.Shake the plate appropriately to disperse the cells and incubate at 37°C in a humidified incubator with5% CO2 until the next necessary procedure.VII. References1.Jinek, M., Chylinsky, K., Fonfara, I., Hauer, M., Doudna, J.A., & Charpentier, E. A programmable dual-RNA-guided DNA endonuclease in adaptive bacterial immunity. Science. 337(6096), 816–21 (2012).2.Liang, X. et al. Rapid and highly efficient mammalian cell engineering via Cas9 protein transfection. J.Biotechnol.208, 44–53 (2015).3.Sander, J.D. & Joung, J.K. CRISPR-Cas9 systems for genomic editing, regulation and targeting. Nat.Biotechnol. 32, 347-55 (2014).Contact UsCustomer Service/Ordering Technical Supporttel: 800.662.2566 (toll-free) tel: 800.662.2566 (toll-free)fax: 800.424.1350 (toll-free) fax: 800.424.1350 (toll-free)web: web: e-mail: **********************e-mail: ********************Notice to PurchaserOur products are to be used for Research Use Only. They may not be used for any other purpose, including, but not limited to, use in humans, therapeutic or diagnostic use, or commercial use of any kind. Our products may not be transferred to third parties, resold, modified for resale, or used to manufacture commercial products or to provide a service to third parties without our prior written approval.Your use of this product is also subject to compliance with any applicable licensing requirements described on the product’s web page at . It is your responsibility to review, understand and adhere to any restrictions imposed by such statements© 2021 Takara Bio Inc. All Rights Reserved.All trademarks are the property of Takara Bio Inc. or its affiliate(s) in the U.S. and/or other countries or their respective owners. Certain trademarks may not be registered in all jurisdictions. Additional product, intellectual property, and restricted use information is available at .This document has been reviewed and approved by the Quality Department.。
cas9中scaffold template -回复

cas9中scaffold template -回复Cas9蛋白酶是CRISPR-Cas9系统的核心组成部分之一,它在基因组编辑中起着至关重要的作用。
CRISPR系统的核心组分包括Cas9蛋白酶和两种小RNA分子:crRNA 和tracrRNA。
Cas9蛋白酶通过与合适的sgRNA(single guide RNA)结合,指导其靶向特定的基因序列。
Cas9中的scaffold模板在CRISPR-Cas9系统中的作用是什么?scaffold 模板对于Cas9蛋白酶与目标DNA的结合起着至关重要的作用。

【评测】Alt-RS.p.Cas9-GFP荧光标签cas9核酸酶Cas9-GFP(或 RFP)核酸酶为您的CRISPR基因编辑研究增添⾊彩#IDT新款荧光标签cas9核酸酶Alt-R S.p.Cas9-GFP 和 Alt-R S.p.Cas9-RFP,便于转染后可视化或FACS分选从表达核酸酶和 eGFP 或 RFP 的⼤肠杆菌菌株中纯化的重组化脓性链球菌 Cas9 核酸酶。
包含核定位序列 (NLS) 和 C 端 6-His 标签。
以 10 µg/µL 的溶液形式提供。
100 µg 荧光融合 Cas9 核酸酶 = 530 pmol。
北京泽平供应各类CRISPR 核酸酶系列,请搜索“泽平科技”进⼊咨询报价。
相关引⽤⽂献:Paix A、Rasoloson D、Folkmann A、Seydoux G. (2019)使⽤双链 DNA 供体通过基因组⼯程快速标记⼈类蛋⽩质与荧光报告基因。
Curr Protoc Mol Biol。
doi:10.1002/cpmb.102Vakulskas C、Dever D 等。
(2018) 作为核糖核蛋⽩复合物交付的⾼保真 Cas9 突变体能够在⼈类造⾎⼲细胞和祖细胞中进⾏有效的基因编辑。
doi:10.1038/s41591-018-0137-0该报告描述了 Cas9 变体的分离,该变体在以 RNP 格式交付时显⽰出卓越的⽬标脱靶率。
研究中使⽤的⾼保真 Cas9 酶现在可以从 IDT 以Alt-R HiFi Cas9 核酸酶 V3 的形式从市场上买到。
Tröder SE、Eber LK 等。
(2018) ⼀种优化的电穿孔⽅法,⽤于在⼩⿏受精卵中进⾏有效的 CRISPR/Cas9 基因组编辑。
PLoS ⼀, 13 (5): e0196891。

1.3 CRISPR-CAS 系统旳作用机理
2.1 CRISPR-Cas9介导旳基因组精确编辑 技术
基因组编辑技术是一种能够在基因组 水平上对DNA序列进行改造旳遗传操 作技术。
这种技术旳原理是构建一种人工内切 酶,在预定旳基因组位置切断DNA, 切断旳DNA在被细胞内旳DNA修复 系统修复过程中会产生突变,从而到 达定点改造基因组旳目旳。
只需合成一种sgRNA就能实现对基因旳特异性修饰,Cas蛋白不 具特异性。
编码RNA旳序列不超出100bp,所以比构TALENs和ZFNs更简朴 以便。
较短旳sgRNA序列也防止了超长、高度反复TALENs编码载体带来 旳并发症。
3.2 CRISPR-Cas9系统旳应用前景
目前应用CRISPR-Cas9系统旳研究主要集中在基因编辑方 面。而Cas9真正旳优势主要在于它具有能够将3种主要生 物聚合物(DNA、RNA和蛋白质)结合在一起旳特殊 能力。
2023 年初,MIT 旳研究组首次利用CRISPR/Cas9 系统对人293T 细胞 EMX1 和PVALB 基因以及小鼠Nero2A 细胞Th 基因实现了定点突变。同 年Mali 利用CRISPR/ Cas9 在人293T 细胞和K652 细胞基因旳靶位点形成 双链或单链旳切口,从而激活细胞旳DNA 修复机制高效介导外源基因定 点插入。
1、在把基因序列中寻 找NGG序列取得其附近 20多种碱基旳序列, 与tracrRNA序列融合, 设计出sgRNA并合成该 序列。 2、将该序列以及cas9 基因连入如图所示载 体。 3、转化感受态,质粒 小提,测序验证。 4、细胞培养与细胞转 染 5、敲除效果检测。 6、建立稳定敲除旳细 胞株

该系统利用一种特殊的RNA分子(CRISPR RNA),与一种酶(Cas9)结合,形成一种RNA-蛋白复合体。
研究人员可以通过合成适当的CRISPR RNA和Cas9蛋白,将其导入细胞,并使用基因编辑技术检测目标基因是否被成功敲除。
该技术利用小干扰RNA (siRNA)或小发夹RNA(shRNA),通过与目标基因的mRNA相结合,引导RNA酶复合物切割目标mRNA,从而降低或抑制该基因表达。

步骤一:准备实验所需材料在进行Cas9验证实验之前,我们需要准备以下实验材料:- ptyne载体:该载体通常用于将Cas9蛋白导入到目标细胞中。
- Cas9蛋白:可以购买纯化的Cas9蛋白,也可以通过表达系统自行获得。
- 目标细胞:根据实验需要,选择适当的细胞系进行验证。
- 目标基因:根据实验需要选择一个特定的基因进行验证。
步骤二:将Cas9基因导入到ptyne载体中1. 获得Cas9编码序列:将所需的Cas9基因序列通过PCR扩增或从已有的载体中提取出来。
2. 制备ptyne载体:将ptyne载体线性化并准备好限制酶切位点。
3. 进行酶切反应:将Cas9基因和ptyne载体分别与适当的限制酶一起进行酶切反应。
4. 进行连接反应:将酶切后的Cas9基因和ptyne载体通过连接酶进行连接。
步骤三:将ptyne载体与目标细胞转染1. 制备转染系统:根据实验需要选择适当的转染试剂,并按照厂商提供的操作指南制备不同浓度的转染试剂。
2. 细胞培养与维护:将目标细胞在培养皿中培养至适当的密度,并保证其健康状态。
3. 转染操作:将制备好的ptyne载体与转染试剂按照适当比例混合,形成转染复合物。

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ptyne载体验证cas9实验步骤 -回复

本文将详细介绍ptyne 载体验证Cas9实验的步骤及注意事项。
一、实验准备1. 购买所需试剂和材料,包括ptyne载体、Cas9编码序列、质粒提取试剂盒等。
2. 制备所需培养基,如LB培养基或甘露醇培养基。
3. 提前培养所需的细菌菌种,如大肠杆菌。
4. 准备好所需的培养器具和设备,如离心管、离心机、恒温培养器等。
二、构建质粒1. 将ptyne载体和Cas9编码序列经酶切,并通过凝胶电泳分离线性质粒和酶切产物。
2. 将线性质粒回收,并利用质粒提取试剂盒提取纯化质粒。
三、转化细菌1. 将质粒导入目标宿主细菌中,如大肠杆菌。
2. 将转化后的细菌涂布于含有抗生素的培养基上,筛选可以稳定表达Cas9的阳性菌落。
四、鉴定阳性菌落1. 从培养基上挑选出阳性菌落,并进行扩增培养。
2. 利用PCR方法检测扩增物是否正确。
五、质粒提取1. 利用质粒提取试剂盒提取阳性菌落中的质粒。
2. 利用凝胶电泳鉴定提取到的质粒是否纯化。
六、质粒测序1. 将提取到的质粒送去测序,以确保Cas9编码序列正确无误。
七、表达验证1. 利用免疫印迹或荧光刺激等方法验证Cas9是否能够稳定表达。
2. 进一步验证Cas9的功能性,如通过利用CRISPR-Cas9系统进行基因敲除或基因编辑等实验。
注意事项:1. 在所有步骤中,实验室必须遵循基本的操作规范,如佩戴实验手套、操作在无菌条件下进行等。
2. 选择合适的培养条件和培养时间以确保细菌的正常生长和繁殖。
3. 注意使用适当的抗生素浓度筛选阳性菌落,避免抗性菌株的出现。
CRISPR-Cas9体系实验流程 (2)

一、材料试剂准备1)质粒:pSpCas9(BB)-2A-GFP (Addgene plasmid ID: 48138),用于转染cas9,该质粒含有Cas9与GFP,Cas9的nickase活性将用于特定目的基因的ko,GFP可做为转染标签。
pSpCas9(BB) (Addgene plasmid ID: 42230),若实验用sgRNA为PCR扩增纯化产物,则需要该质粒做为U6的模版。
pUC19(Invitrogen,可用于构建sgRNA,若用PCR产物进行转染,则需要该质粒来进行共转染,做为DNA carrier。
上述三种质粒,根据实验选择sgRNA的表达方式(PCR产物/ 单载体系统/ 双载体系统)来确定具体使用哪种。
2)超纯水,DNase/RNase-free (Life Technologies, cat. no. 10977-023)3)高保真聚合酶,Kapa HiFi (Kapa Biosystems), PfuUltra (Agilen),Herculase II fusion polymerase 均可,只需保真效果好,扩增过程不产生突变。
4)Taq DNA polymerase with standard Taq buffer (NEB, cat. no. M0273S)用于一般检测。
5)QIAquick gel extraction kit (Qiagen, cat. no. 28704)6)QIAprep spin miniprep kit (Qiagen, cat. no. 27106)7)Fast Digest BbsI (BpiI) (Fermentas/Thermo Scientific, cat. no. FD1014),如需要将sgRNA构建到pSpCas9(BB)-2A-GFP质粒上,则需要该酶。
8)T7 DNA ligase with 2× rapid ligation buffer (Enzymatics, cat. no. L602L). 或者T4 DNA ligase,二者无区别。
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A Brief Protocol for Gene Targeting by Cas9 in Zebrafish(2013-02-16 v1.1)一、Cas9靶位点的选择1.Cas9靶位点(靶点)包含20个碱基,其中5’端应为GG▲;紧邻靶点3’端的3个碱基构成PAM区,要求序列为NGG(N为任意碱基)(图1)。
可参考如下的Cas9靶位点预测网站:/ZiFiT/CSquare9Nuclease.aspx▲注意:5’端选择GG并非Cas9靶点本身的要求,而是由于本实验所用的gRNA(guide RNA)体外转录载体采用了T7启动子。
图1. Cas9的作用原理(引自Mali et al., 2013)2.如果采用限制性内切酶酶切法检测靶点的突变效率,则需要在靶点序列内、PAM的5’端附近选择一个单一的限制性内切酶位点。
例:斑马鱼th基因的某个Cas9靶点(此例的靶点位于反义链上):BxtYI5’-TCTTGTCACCAAATATGATCCGGATCTGGATCAGGATCACCCAgtaagtgctggattat-3’ 3’-AGAACAGTGGTTTATACTAGGC CTAGACCTAGTCCTAGTG GG Tcattcacgacctaata-5’PAM Target site3.对于coding gene,靶位点尽量选择在基因CDS的前2/3区域并且在ATG之后,但是不要在最后一个exon上;最好能破坏重要的domain和/或所有的isoform/variant。
二、Cas9靶位点的确认1. 确认靶点在基因组中的唯一性:靶位点序列在Ensembl 网站进行blast ,确认是斑马鱼基因组中的单一位点。
2.PCR 扩增靶点序列:从准备用于打靶的成鱼中PCR 扩增靶点及附近的序列。
在靶位点周围设计引物,使其距离靶位点两侧都大于100 bp ,并且PCR 扩增产物最好不要超过500 bp ,且为单一条带。
3.检测酶切效率:如果计划采用酶切法检测靶点的突变情况,则需要对上述PCR 产物进行酶切验证。
4.测序确认靶点序列:将PCR 产物直接送去测序(不需要TA 克隆)。
如果实测序列跟靶点的预测序列有出入,原则上应根据实测结果设计gRNA 序列;但是,如果实测序列不再符合靶点选择的原则(例如,PAM 区不是NGG ,或5’端不是GG ),则应重新选择靶点;如果测序结果显示靶点序列为杂合子,则最好重新选择实验材料。
5.遴选实验材料:采用上述的PCR 与测序策略筛选出足够量的靶点正确且为纯合的成鱼,后续针对该靶点的实验最好都用这一批成鱼进行。
三、构建gRNA 体外转录载体1. p-T7-gRNA 为gRNA 的克隆与体外转录载体,载体骨架来自pMD18-T simple (Amp 抗性),gRNA 序列的连入方向为RV-M->T7->M13-47。
主要区域的序列如下:T7 promoter +1 BbsI BbsI5’-...GAATTC TAATACGACTCACTATAG ca GTCTTCTAGAAGAC gttttagagctagaaata gcaagttaaaataaggctagtccgttatcaacttgaaaaagtggcaccgagtcggtgcttttt ttAAAGCTT (3)2.用BbsI 酶切pT7-gRNA 、切胶回收,得到gRNA 克隆骨架pT7-gRNA_BbsI ,所得粘性末端如下所示(骨架上5’各留下一个4 bp 的overhang ,中间的小片段丢弃):5’-...TAATACGACTCACT ATAG ca GTCTTCTAGAAGAC gt tttagagctag...-3’ 3’-...ATTATGCTGAGTGATATC GTCAGAAGATCTTCTGcaaaat ctcgatc (5)酶切体系: pT7-gRNA plasmid 1~2 μgBuffer G 2.0 μLBbsI (Fermentas) 0.5 μL ddH 2O To 20 μL 37℃,4 h;切胶回收, 20 μL ddH 2O 溶解。
3.根据靶位点订购两条oligo (均为25 nt ,s 序列与靶序列同向,As 反向)。
以th 为例:th target oligo s :5’-ataG GGTGATCCTGATCCAGATC gt -3’th target oligo As :5’-taaaac GATCTGGATCAGGATCACC -3’方框内为靶点序列。
红色碱基为形成粘性末端所必需的固定序列,不能更改;蓝色碱基则需要根据靶点序列更改(注意target oligo As 中蓝色的碱基为靶点的互补序列,只需要其中的19个碱基,最后一个G 不需要合成)。
4.用ddH 2O 分别将oligo 溶解为10 μM 的溶液,退火,得到粘性末端如下的小片段:th target_an :5’-ataG GGTGATCCTGATCCAGATC gt -3’3’- CCACTAGGACTAGGTCTAG caaaat -5’退火程序: oligo s (10 μM) 5 μLoligo As (10 μM) 5 μL 95℃ 5min, -1℃/30sec/cycle,to 4℃5.将退火后的片段与回收的上述gRNA 克隆骨架pT7-gRNA_BbsI 连接、转化,挑取克隆,用RV-M 与target oligo As 作为引物进行菌液PCR 鉴定(58℃退火,延伸30 sec ,30 cycle )。
目的条带约为130 bp 。
RV-M 序列:5’-AGCGGATAACAATTTCACACAGGA-3’连接体系: pT7-gRNA _BbsI0.5 μL target_an 2.0 μL2*solutionI (Takara)2.5 μL 16℃,2 h 以th 靶位点为例,正确的克隆序列如下(相应的载体称为pT7-th gRNA ):5’-...GAATTC TAATACGACTCACT ATAG GGTGATCCTGATCCAGATC gt tttagagctagaa atagcaagttaaaataaggctagtccgttatcaacttgaaaaagtggcaccgagtcggtgctt tttttAAAGCTT (3)四、制备Cas9 mRNA 和gRNA1.制备Cas9 mRNA :(1)制备Cas9 mRNA 的体外转录模板:通过XbaI 单酶切线性化pSP6-2sNLS-spCas9载体(Amp 抗性)(37℃,4 h 以上);取少量电泳确认线性化完全后,直接回收线性化产物。
(2)体外转录Cas9 mRNA 。
mRNA 体外转录体系(SP6 mMESSAGE mMACHINE ® Kit ,Ambion ): 2× NTP/CAP10 μL 10× Reaction Buffer2 μL Linearized template DNA 1 μg (<6 μL) 37℃,2h ; 加入1 μL TURBO DNase ,37℃、15 min 以去除DNA 模板;SP6 Enzyme Mix 2 μLDEPC H 2O To 20 μL 取0.3 μL ,电泳查看转录效果(1% agarose ,产物约2 Kbp ); 回收mRNA 。
(3)添加polyA 序列、回收得到可用于显微注射的Cas9 mRNA (添加polyA 序列可增强mRNA 的稳定性和翻译效率)。
mRNA 加polyA 的反应体系:(这里选用的是NEB 的加A 体系;也可以使用Ambion 的加A 试剂盒) ATP (10 mM) 5 μL10× Reaction Buffer 5 μL 体外转录、回收的mRNAE. coli Poly(A) 聚合酶 1 μLDEPC H 2O To 50 μL 37℃,1h ;取0.3 μL ,电泳查看加A 效果;(1% agarose ,产物约2 Kbp ,比加A 前略大); 回收mRNA 。
2. 制备gRNA :(1)制备gRNA 的PCR 体外转录模板:用T7-cr fwd 和tracr rev 引物对,以构建好的gRNA体外转录载体(例如pT7-th gRNA 质粒)为模板,使用高保真酶PCR ,得到gRNA 体外转录模板(58℃退火,延伸30 sec ,40 cycle ,40 μL 体系)。
取1 μL PCR 产物电泳,确认为单一条带(125 bp )后直接回收PCR 产物,用于后续的步骤。
gRNA 体外转录体系:(这里选用的是Ambion 的MAXIscript ® T7 Kit ;也可以使用其它的体外转录体系,例如Promega 的产品,但是不要用体外转录mRNA 的体系。
) 2.5 mmol/L NTP 4 μL10× Reaction Buffer 2 μL Template DNA 1 μg (<6 μL) T7 Enzyme Mix 2 μL DEPC H 2O To 20 μL 37℃,1h ;加入1 μL TURBO DNase ,37℃、15 min 以去除DNA 模板; 取0.3 μL ,电泳查看转录效果(3% agarose ,产物100 bp 左右);回收gRNA 。
(3)回收gRNA :建议使用Ambion 的mirVana™ miRNA Isolation Kit 进行回收。
也可采用LiCl 沉淀法,但效率较低。
用mirVana™ miRNA Isolation Kit 回收小片段RNA :1)用RNase-free water 将gRNA 转录体系稀释到300 μL ,加入330 μL 无水乙醇;2)将溶液加到回收柱中,10000 g 离心15 s (转速太高会损伤滤膜);3)加入700 μL 的miRNA Wash Solution I ,离心5~10 s ;4)加入500 μL 的Wash Solution II ,离心5~10 s ;重复一次;5)弃去收集管中的液体,离心1 min,去除残余的液体;6)加入适量95℃预热的RNase-free water或Elution Solution,最大转速离心20~30 s,收集得到gRNA溶液。