
英文短剧《小红帽》剧本台词完整版---中英对照文本版第一篇:英文短剧《小红帽》剧本台词完整版---中英对照文本版红帽第一场:小红帽家妈妈:(妈妈拿着一个篮子,把桌子上的水果放在篮子里)小红帽唱着歌,欢快地跑进来)Hi,mummy, what are you doing? 嘿,妈妈你在什么?妈妈:(一边把水果放在篮子里,心事重重地说)Grandma is ill.外婆病了Here are some apples and bananas for Grandma.这儿有些苹果和香蕉送给外婆小红帽:(边提起篮子,边点头说)Ok!好的妈妈:(亲切地看着小红帽说)Be good.Be careful.小心点小红帽: Yes ,mummy.Goodbye, mummy.是的妈妈再见妈妈妈妈: Bye-bye再见第二场:在路上(一阵轻快的音乐由远而近,小红帽挎着篮子蹦跳跳地跳到花草旁) 小红帽: Wow!Flowers, how beautiful!洼,好漂亮的花呀(放下篮子采花)One flower ,two flowers, three flowers.一朵花,两朵花三朵花大灰狼:(随着一阵低沉的音乐,大灰狼大步地走上台)I am wolf.I am hungry.我是大灰狼我很饥饿(做找东西状,东张西望)Here is a little red riding hood.Hi!Little Red Riding Hood.Where are you going? 这有个小红帽嘿小红帽你去干什么呀?(做狡猾的样子和小红帽打招呼)小红帽:(手摸辫子,天真地回答)To Grandma’s.Grandma is ill.去外婆家外婆病了大灰狼:(自言自语)I’ ll eat Grandma.But……我要吃掉外婆可是。
(小红帽说)Hey, look!2 little baby ducks.嘿,看,两只鸭子小红帽:(和2只鸭子随着音乐翩翩起舞)大灰狼:(悄悄地藏到大树后)小红帽:(停止跳舞)Hello!Baby ducks,how are you? 嘿,小鸭子,你们好吗?二只鸭子:We’ re fine.Thank you. Where are you going? 我们很好,谢谢,你去哪儿呀?小红帽:To Grandma’s.Oh, I must go, bye.去我外婆家奥,我得走了再见二只鸭子:Goodbye.再见第三场:外婆家外婆:(喘着气出场,颤颤悠悠地走到床前,吃力地坐到床边,喘了几口,打几个哈欠,慢吞吞地躺倒在床上。

小红帽的故事你一定听说过Red Riding Hood, you probably know the story.然而每个童话都不会只像看到的那样简单But there's more to every tale than meets the eye.正像他们经常说你可不能光看封面来判断一本书It's just like they always say, you can't judge a book by its cover. 如果想知道真♥相♥ 你就得一页页读下去If you want to know the truth, you've gotta flip through the pages. 外婆Granny!是我小红帽It's me, Red!一切都还好吗Is everything OK?嗯是啊当然了快进来吧Oh, yeah, sure thing. Come on in.什么What?-你是谁 -我是外婆呀-Who are you? -I'm your grandma.外婆你的脸好奇怪啊Your face looks really weird, Granny.我不舒服我I've been sick. I...你说话的时候嘴都不动Your mouth doesn't move when you talk.外婆刚做了个小小的整容手术Plastic surgery. Grandma's had a little work done.快过来吧让我好好瞧瞧你Now, come on over here. Let's have a look at you.那么你在忙什么外婆So, what's going on, Grandma?这个还有那个正忙着缝被子This and that, doing a lot of quilting.看看你今天都得到了些什么So you got the loot?哇你的手好大啊Whoa. What big hands you have.噢这样好方便我挠背Oh, all the better to scratch my back with.你的耳朵怎么也那么大And what big ears you have!这样我就能好好听你说话了All the better to hear your...意见还真多...many criticisms!人们都长大耳朵亲爱的Old people just have big ears, dear.可是外婆你的眼睛也那么大And Granny, what big eyes you have!我们是不是就打算杵在这里讨论我哪里变得有多大Are we just gonna sit around here and talk about how big I'm getting?你来这儿一定有原因告诉外婆篮子里装的是什么呢You came here for a reason. So tell old Granny what you got in the basket. 哦外婆你有口臭Ah, Granny! What bad breath you have!-好吧 -啊-All right! -Ah!怎么又是你要我怎么做申请驱逐令You again? What do I have to do, get a restraining order?冷静点小姑娘我可要过来了Settle down, little girl. I'm on to you.-哈呀 -省省吧小红帽笨笨-Hai-ya! -Save it, Red Fu.就算你一整天都能躲开我可现在最好还是投降吧You been dodging me all day, but now you might as well give up.啊Ahh!哈Ha!你这只疯狼对我外婆做了什么You crazy wolf! What have you done with Granny?我把她给搞定了下一个就该你了I'm taking Granny down, and you're next!-外婆 -是你但是你-Granny! -It's you! But you...小红帽灰熊警长嫌疑犯是不是Chief Grizzly, are the suspects-跟点心盗窃团有关 -是的呃-connected with the Goody Bandit? -Yeah, uh...不别把这句给报道出来玛克辛No. Don't print that, Maxine.我们现在还没弄清楚We don't know anything yet.这房♥子是姜饼做的吗Is the house made of gingerbread?-我不觉得 -熊吃姜饼吗-Don't think so. -Do bears eat gingerbread?好啦好啦提问时间到此结束That's enough with the questions.杰瑞过来让这些人后退Jerry, come on! Get these people back!好的往后退让警长工作All right, back it up! Let the chief do his job!来你和那些长毛的家伙一起退到那条蛇的后面去Come on, you, with the feathers, back behind the snake.我只想回家冬眠I just want to go home and hibernate.-比尔 -警长-Bill! -Chief!-好什么情况 -是场民事纠纷-All right, what do we got? -It's a domestic disturbance.私闯民宅无照持斧蓄意吃人Breaking and entering, wielding an ax without a license, intent to eat.清楚了有没有跟抢劫秘方有关的I get it. Any connection with the recipe robberies?你说点心盗窃团有可能这房♥子归帕吉特外婆所有You mean the Goody Bandit? Could be. The house belongs to Granny Puckett. -那位写食谱的太太 -对就是她-The cookbook lady? -Yeah, that's the one.嗯Hmm.美国民间传说中的伐木巨人保罗·班扬当时正在挥斧头而狼正要吃掉小不点OK, Paul Bunyan was swinging the ax, and Wolfie was trying to eat Lil' Bit. -好的给那家伙戴上口套 -我能解释这一切-All right, get a muzzle on that guy. -I can explain everything.你可以留着去跟法官解释You can explain it to the judge.-你现在不应该在学校里吗 -我不应该有个律师吗-Shouldn't you be in school? -Shouldn't I have a lawyer?厄你们在做什么Uh... What are you doing?-嘿我们只不过在 -我只是闻闻而已-Hey. We was just... -I was just smelling it.-别吃那个那可是证据 -好吧-Don't eat that. That's evidence. -Right.很好现在看来已经很清楚了All right, so this looks pretty open-and-shut.玫瑰红小姑娘是在为点心大亨做非法运输Little Miss Rosy Cakes making covert deliveries to the goody tycoon, 大灰狼想把她俩都吃掉Wolfie tries to eat 'em both,然后那个穿着法兰绒裤子的疯子then Crazy Flannel Pants with挥着斧头冲了进来以为自己是义务警♥察♥the ax here busts in swinging vigilante-style.伙计们把他们都带回市里Take 'em downtown, boys.这里是树林长官我们没有市区It's the woods, chief. We don't have a downtown.你懂我的意思把他们关起来就行You know what I mean. Just book 'em!别那么着急灰熊警长Not so fast, Grizzly.你们这些熊总犯同样的问题虚张声势却老搞错对象That's the problem with you bears, always growling up the wrong tree. -嘿尼克 -你负责这个案子吗尼克-Hey, Nicky! -You on the case, Nick?不只是想摘棵撒尔莎[一种植物] 才路过这儿No, just stopping by to have a sarsaparilla.我说汤米你瘦点了吗Say, Tommy, you lose some weight?-厄没有 -我可觉得-Uh, no. -Didn't think so.鱼鳍尼克你在这里干什么这可是我的案子Nicky Flippers. What are you doing here? This is my case.没错不过某只熊冬眠都搞错该在山洞哪边睡Well, someone hibernated on the wrong side of the cave.我看到灯光还以为是马戏团来了呢I saw the lights, thought the circus was in town.现在当然看来我是对的Now, of course, I see I was right.你来的太迟了尼克我已经搞定这个案子了You're too late, Nicky. I got this case all wrapped up.-真是这样的吗 -是的-Is that right? -Yeah.鱼鳍先生他全都搞错了They got us all wrong, Mr. Flippers.哦我不清楚我觉得你看起来确实挺危险Oh, I don't know, you look pretty dangerous to me.-你叫什么 -小红帽-What's your name? -Red.那为什么他们这么叫你And why do they call you that?为什么他们叫你"鱼鳍"Why do they call you "Flippers"?来吧鱼鳍Go Flippers-跳吧来吧 -来吧鱼鳍-Jump! Get on! -Go Flippers来吧鱼鳍来吧鱼鳍Go Flippers Go Flippers厄没什么理由Uh, no reason.他们叫我小红帽是因为我戴红色兜兜帽They call me Red because of this red hood I wear.-那不戴的时候叫你什么呢 -我总是戴着它-What about when you're not wearing it? -I usually wear it.整个树林里到处有秘方被盗Recipes have come up missing all over the forest.点心店已经停业了好几个月了Goody shops have been going out of business for months,线索到这就断了我还有个案子得去结and the trail ends here. I got a case to close.慢着警长我们现在有四个嫌疑人Slow down, chief. We've got four suspects,也就是说有四个不同的故事and that means four stories,而且如果让每个人都畅所欲言的话一定有人会说漏嘴and if you get people talking long enough, someone will spill the beans. -豆子 -我能马上打个电♥话♥吗-Beans? -Could I just make a quick phone call?啊哈Aaah!我会告诉你发生了什么I'll tell you what happened.干嘛用手铐铐着这姑娘她的手腕可是会滑出来的What's with the handcuffs on a girl? Her wrists could slip right out. -那笼子怎么样 -把笼子拿来-How about a cage? -Bring in the cage!-我只是讽刺下 -讽刺把笼子撤了-I was being sarcastic. -Sarcasm. Strike the cage.好吧把手铐给她拿下来All right, get the cuffs off her.那么小红帽So, Red,你怎么解释事情是怎么发生的呢why don't you explain how this all began?好吧跟往常一样Well, like any other day.我正帮奶奶的点心商店送货I was making deliveries for my Granny's goody shop.巴巴巴-嗒-巴-嗒Ba ba ba-da-ba-da巴巴Ba ba巴巴巴巴Ba ba ba ba巴巴巴Ba ba ba这是个我期望的故事Here's a story I hope你也会喜欢You'll like它说的是有个骑着车的小姑娘It's the one about the girl riding on her bike-我知道 -嗨小红帽-I know -Hi, Red!虽然这故事已经很老听起来却依然真实动人It's a tired old tale but it still rings true-嘿小红帽 -她从不粗鲁-Hey, Red. -She could never be rude-也不刻薄 -嘿-Or unkind -Hey!但是在她心深处确有悲伤的歌♥在唱But a sad song played at the back of her mind哦Oh有谁能带给我不同的一天Can someone show me a different day把我带走To take me away带我走出这树林Take me out of the woods到那大千世界Great big world你明白我想你为我做的事You know what I'm wanting for you你明白我想你为我做的事You know what I'm wanting for you我想你为我做的事What I'm wanting for you想你为我而做Wanting for you啊Ahh!欧Oh嘿小红帽Hey, Red!欧外套真好看你总是穿红色Oh! Nice outfit. Always red with you.-你一定正是秋天 -嘿啵嘤-You must be in autumn. -Hey, Boingo.你今天不去松饼店主那里帮忙了Aren't you helping the Muffin Man today?欧他把店关了昨晚有人拿走了他所有的秘方Oh, he closed up shop. Someone took all his recipes last night, 所以现在我失业了and now I'm out of a job.呀啵嘤我真的很难过你还在开缆车吗Gee, Boingo, I'm really sorry. Are you still running the cable car? 是的是的我在开Yeah, yeah, I am.但总是不如整天做点心But it's nothing like making goodies all day.来块胡萝卜松饼能让你好点吗Would a carrot crumpet make you feel better?哦孩子谢谢小红帽Oh, boy, oh, boy! Thanks, Red.我会一直盼着你来送点心的I can always count on you to deliver,你这个小鬼头you little rascally devil.嗯是啊树林自个儿是不会到处跑的Yeah, well, the woods don't go around by themselves.关上门Shut it down.丹尼尔·罗杰斯小船-来吧我们走 -我们要去哪里妈妈-Come on, let's go. -Where are we going now, Mama?点心盗窃团还没有抓到With the Goody Bandit on the loose,秘方正变成一样危险品recipes were becoming an endangered species.我打算打电♥话♥给外婆I decided to call Granny.如果有人还知道现在该做什么的话那就是她If anyone would know what to do, she would.我也不知道该做什么我只是个操劳的老太太I don't know what to do. I'm just a tired old lady.你的秘方在整个树林最出名外婆Your recipes are the most famous in the whole forest, Granny. 如果它们被偷了会怎么样您会被整垮的What if they get swiped? It could wipe you out.也许我该把秘方书带来给你为了安全起见Maybe I should bring you the recipe book, for safekeeping.可一个小姑娘上山来实在太危险了A trip up the mountain is too dangerous for a little girl.我不小了I'm not so little anymore.求你了亲爱的秘方就保管在你那儿就好Please, dear, you just keep the recipes there,不会有事的and everything will be fine.-可是 -我要挂啦我的节目开演了-But... -I have to go now. My program's on.亲亲Kisses.你在读什么小红帽What you reading, Red?"遥远的地方""Far Away Places"?-你打算出远门吗 -不这世界对我来说太危险了-Are you going somewhere far away? -No. The world is too dangerous. 看不到啦危险踩刹车Can't see! Danger! Turn into the skid!我没事这就出来了I'm OK. I'll walk it off.你不能出远门谁去骑点心送货车You can't go away. Who's gonna ride the Goody Bike?要是我有你的翅膀我会一口气就飞过那座山去If I had wings like you, I'd fly all the way past that mountain,接着再飞过一座再下一座and the next one and the next one...但我做不到我只是个小孩But I can't. I'm just a kid.我也就是只啄木鸟而已I'm just a woodpecker.厄欧Uh-oh."你是下一个""You're next"?这是这是什么意思 "你是下一个"What... what does it mean, "you're next"?被毁掉Ruined.这是指有人想要我们的秘方It means someone wants our recipes.他们想要得到你的秘方Are they gonna get your recipes?但不是今天Not today.所以你故意拿走了你外婆的秘方So you deliberately took your Granny's recipes从家族拱顶里没有得到允许就from the family vault, without permission.-自作主张 -那么然后-Help yourself. -And then,你启程踏上上山的危险路程you set out on a dangerous journey up the mountain...-一个人 -是的我想是这样的-...alone? -Yeah. I guess I did.托德·爱德华兹牲口也有感情牲口也有感情Critters have feelings是的牲口也有感情Well, critters have feelings牲口也有感情Critters have feelings是的牲口也有感情Well, critters have feelings too牲口也有感情牲口也有感情Critters have feelings Critters have feelings我想开缆车并没那么糟你知道I guess running the cable car's not so bad, you know.这可是欣赏这片树林的好办法不用担心里头那些大块头It's a great way to see the forest without worrying about all those big, 凶猛又多毛的野兽mean, hairy beasts out there.-野兽 -没错你知道的那些野兽-Beasts? -Oh, yeah, you know, beasts.有狼山猫还有山上狮子The wolves and the bobcats and the mountain lions还有剑齿虎但大多数都是狼and the saber-tooth tigers! But mostly wolves.大多数都是狼Mostly wolves.这树林对我这么个小不点来说可是危险的地方The forest can be a dangerous place for a little guy like me,我长着可爱的with my cute...看我我长着绒毛的你送货都送这么远吗Look at me, I'm fuzzy... You deliver up this far?不经常这样Well, not usually.只是我还在想些之前你跟我说过的话But I was thinking about what you told me earlier.有关松饼店主的About the Muffin Man?我要保护外婆的秘方不能让那伙强盗的阴险计划得逞I need to protect Granny's recipes from that Bandit's evil plan.他们会整倒树林里所有的店如果我们还不小心他们They're gonna shut down everyone in the forest if we're not careful. 啊啊啊Aaah! Aah! Aah!-不要 -啊-No! -Aaah!欧Ohh!啊哇噢Aah! Whoa! Ohh!啊Aaah!午安'Afternoon.你好Hello.看来你就是小红帽了So you're the little girl in the red hood.刚刚你可摔得真惨That was quite a bit of falling you did just now.-你都看到了 -是的都是地球引力干的-You saw that. -Yeah, gravity's working.那些旧缆车在你该写信去Those old cable cars on the... You should write a letter.哇什么东西闻起来不错那些厄是点心吗Wow! Something smells good. Those, uh... goodies in there?我可不该跟陌生人说话I'm not supposed to talk to strangers.不你不应该的称呼的好No, you shouldn't. Good call.那你在这个又大又危险的树林做什么呢What are you doing in the big, bad forest?你带着点心要去见特别的人吧You taking the goodies to someone in particular?-嗯我外婆 -外婆-Um... my granny. -Granny?帕吉特外婆点心太太Granny Puckett? The goody lady?我的天她能做出那么好的点心来My goodness, she makes some good... goodies. 她能做一种像是像是一种饼干She's got a thing, it's like a... It's like a... cookies. 奶油脆饼有巧克力糖衣在中间非常Shortbread, chocolate icing between, very...非常好吃对非常好吃It's good. Ah, it's very good.你经常给外婆去送点心You make deliveries to your granny often?我不觉得该告诉你I don't think I should tell you that.欧不会还有东西在里头吧Oh, you don't have anything else in that?你的问题太多了先生You ask a lot of questions, mister.我是个好奇的人让我看一下Well, I'm a curious guy. Let me have a look.你最好别那么干I'd rather you didn't.小红帽骑车的小红兜兜帽Red! Red Riding Hood!把篮子交出来Hand over the basket.啊Aaah!小红帽Red!你不可能永远守着那秘方的You can't hold onto those recipes forever!我会逮到你还有你可爱外婆I'll get you, and your little Granny too!好了弄清楚了Well, that settles it.-我们找到强盗了 -可能-We got our Bandit. -Could be.别说得太早我喜欢在小鸡孵出来后再数一遍I'd like to count my chickens after they hatch. 小鸡Chickens?你得承认有只狼在树林里头截住了小孩You've gotta admit, a wolf stopping kids in the middle of the forest... -那确实很可疑 -没错正是的是的-That's pretty creepy. -Right. Yes, yes.但我们不能只是因为可疑就抓人But we don't arrest people for being creepy.对布鲁斯你知道后备箱里我们抓来的那个人吧Yeah, Bruce. You know that guy we got in the tank?-可疑的那个 -是的最好还是把他给放了-The creepy one? -Yeah. Better let him go.然后你继续上路去外婆家So you went on to Granny's?我在山北面找到一条老路上山I found an old trail up the north side of the mountain.你好Hello!你好Hello.我在找帕吉特外婆住的房♥子I'm looking for Granny Puckett's house.帕吉特外婆Granny Puckett你能停下一会儿不唱歌♥吗Could you stop singing for one moment?不不行我也希望我能停No, I can't, I wish I could但37年前有个山巫在我身上下了咒But a mountain witch done put a spell on me 37 years ago直到现在我都只能唱着说出每个字And now I gotta sing everything I say-每个字 -就是这样-Everything? -That's right.你刚刚说话了就是刚才You just talked! Just now!我说了吗Did l?我说了吗Did l?我说了吗我说了吗我说了吗Did l, did l, did l doo-dah,我有我有我有说吗doo-dah did-i-doo-外婆 -什么谁在那里-Granny? -What's that? Who's there?是小红帽我正在路上来看It's Red. I'm on my way to come see...欧亲爱的我还没准备好Oh, my dearie, I'm not prepared.我得铺好新换的桌布啊I need to put down fresh doilies! Aah!-外婆外婆你怎么了 -走吧大力神-Granny! Granny, what's wrong? -Gotta go, munchkin.邦塞Bonsai!欧不Oh, no.山羊先生我外婆有麻烦了Mr. Goat, my granny's in trouble.我得去找条上山的路要快I've gotta find a way around the mountain, fast.行你算是找对了山羊Well, you came to the right goat欧好吧又开唱了Oh, good. More singing.37年前有个山巫在我身上下了咒Thirty-seven years ago a witch done put a spell on me 是的我知道Yeah. I know.那是个让我说话时变成欢快歌♥唱的咒语A spell where when I'm talking I'm singing it with glee 但要是你总是歌♥唱就必须得一个人住But when you're always singing you've got to live alone 这就是我造了山中小屋的原因That's why I made this mountain shack my home很棒That's great...当你身处山中就会发现其实有很多可怕的地方When you're on the mountain there's lots to be a-feared 而这就是为什么山里会有我这只老山羊That's why this here old mountain goat's prepared嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do这些通道我需要一条带我去帕吉特小树林These tunnels, I need one that leads to Puckett Grove.欧Ohh.但我有一对山羊角能开瓶子我还有一对山羊角能挂钥匙But I got horns that open bottles and I got horns that hold my keys 我有一对山羊角你把它们都转到右边I got horns that when you turn 'em right它们就能帮我看电视They help me watch TV我有一对山羊角能开腌菜罐头这对角还可以配假发I got horns that open pickle jars and horns that come with hair我有一对山羊角能挂我其他的角I got horns that hang my other horns我总是做好了准备I always come prepared-你能帮我找到 -准备好准备好-Can you help me find...? -To be prepared, to be prepared这一刻一定得分享这一刻一定得分享This lesson must be shared This lesson must be shared准备好To be prepared准备好准备好To be prepared, to be prepared除非你已经有了备用的And unless you've got a spare只有一次的人生你就要小心去把握You've got one life so handle it with care-啊 -啊-Aaah! -Yipee!任何时候都记得把手跟脚都放在车里Keep your hands and feet inside of the vehicle at all times!噢-耶Whoo-wee!雪崩来啦我觉得还没准备好An avalanche is coming and I do not feel prepared那隆隆巨响好像是山里狮子的吼声我不得不说我害怕It's rumbling like a mountain lion I must say that I'm scared要不是因为那巫师的咒语你就能听到我尖叫了And if not for the witch's spell you'd hear just how I scream但我现在只能用唱的But since I'm only singing我会一直唱着岳得尔直到被白雪吞没I'll just yodel till we're creamed啊啊Aaah! Aaah!啊Aaah!小红帽Red!外婆Granny?用你的红色兜兜帽小红帽Use the hood, Red!用你的兜兜帽Use the hood!什么What?我早就准备好了I was prepared!外婆是我小红帽一切都好吗Granny! It's me, Red. Is everything OK?欧是的当然Oh, yeah, sure thing.那么说这只狼装扮成了你的外婆So this wolf, he was dressed as your grandmother?-是的 -我是你外婆呀-Yes. -I'm your grandma.-你上当了 -没有不是这样-And you bought that? -No, not really.哇你的手真大Whoa. What big hands you have.你的耳朵也那么大了And what big ears you have.你有口气真难闻眼睛也好大What bad breath you have! What big eyes you have.难道我们就打算杵在这里讨论我哪里又变得有多大Are we just gonna sit around here and talk about how big I'm getting? 然后那个带斧头的家伙就冲进来了Then the fellow with the ax burst in?-啊 -哇哇-Aaah! -Whoa! Whoa!不不还不到时候No, no, not yet.我首先是被那只疯狼攻击的First I was attacked by that crazy wolf!啊哈你这只疯狼Hai-ya! You crazy wolf!我外婆从壁橱里跳了出来My granny jumped out of a closet.-啊 -但她是被绑着的-Aaah! -But she was tied up...之后斧头男就出现了And then the axman cometh?说对了You got it.他只是在那尖叫Only he was screaming.啊Arghh?像个疯子一样Like a maniac.-哇 -嗯-Wow. -Hmm.-事情就是这样的 -那只狼想把我们都吃了-So that was it? -That wolf was gonna eat us all.这家伙得爪印满房♥间都是控告他The guy's pawprints are all over the room. Book him!把电♥话♥挂了绒毛糊涂蛋我们来听听狼怎么说的Hold the phone, fuzzy-wuzzy. Let's hear it from the wolf's mouth. -我可以来杯喝的吗 -不行-Don't I get a drink? -No!那么狼先生可以叫你"狼"吗So, Mr. Wolf, may I call you "Wolf"?你可以叫我希拉我喜欢悠长的散步还有鲜亮的花You can call me Sheila. I like long walks and fresh flowers.别耍滑头狼Quit playing around, Wolf!你就指望着去个连窗都没有的破牢房♥里呆个三年五年吧You're looking at three-to-five in an old shoe with no windows! 所以开始唱你的So start singing!-你很面熟 -我常在树林里走动-Your face looks familiar. -I get around the forest.你靠做什么过活狼先生What do you for a living, Mr. Wolf?我是个牧羊人嘿I'm a shepherd. Hey!你最好还是认罪我把一切都告诉他们了You might as well confess. I told them everything!能把她拉远点吗拜托Could you keep her away from me, please?我记得你I remember you.三年前斯蒂尔金的案子Three years ago on the Stiltskin case.你在四处打探线索为了找出他的真名You were snooping around for a lead on his real name. 当时我也差点找到I was close too.我想到的是"格雷格" 格雷格·斯蒂尔金I was gonna go with "Greg." Greg Stiltskin.等一下鱼鳍你是说这家伙是个警♥察♥ Wait a minute, Flippers! You saying this guy's a cop?更糟他是个记者Worse. He's a reporter.-什么 -我说的才是故事的真♥相♥-A what? -And I've got the real story.我是个专职调查记者I'm an investigative journalist.你可能读过我的专栏事实与童话You've probably read my column Facts and Fairy Tales. 我已经乔装了六个月I spent the last six months undercover调查所谓的"点心盗窃团"investigating the so-called "Goody Bandit. "随着越来越多的秘方遭窃我的跟踪行动也就更加迫切As more recipes go missing, the trail has gotten hotter. 嗯Huh?我说的就是滚烫的咖啡滚烫的咖啡And I'm talking hot coffee, hot coffee,全都洒到我脖子上实在是太痛了all over my neck. Very, very painful.大家都觉得一个健康部门的检察员People think a health board examiner不可能会过得危机四伏doesn't lead a dangerous life,但我要告诉你我的毛毛朋友食物也有危险性but I will tell you, my furry friend, food is dangerous.这就是肯尼让我过来看下的原因That's why Kenny told me to come and take a look.-谁 -你的老板肯尼-Who? -Your boss, Kenny.-你说伯爵 -伯爵就是这么说的-You mean Earl? -That's what Earl said.他说厄 "肯尼过来这儿下"He said, uh, "Kenny, come down here,"然后我就到这儿了and so, here I am.我很惊讶你的点心柜台没受影响I'm surprised your dessert counter hasn't been hit,最近到处都有盗窃事件发生with all the thievery going around.-你刚说你叫什么 -肖李♥克♥·肖我从日本来-What did you say your name was? -Shaw. Rick Shaw. I'm in from Japan. 好了肯尼我会跟你列一个健康事项清单Well, Kenny, I'm gonna give you a clean bill of health.我还需要你们所有供应商的名字But I'm gonna need the names of all your suppliers.这你得自己去跟伯爵说You'll have to talk to Earl.好吧是伯爵呼我说不定刚打给FDAWell, that's Earl right now. Probably called the FDA.把东西都照看好尤其注意小心热咖啡会很痛You keep that thing groomed. And watch out for hot coffee. Painful.找不到甜点浪费时间No desserts. Waste of time.有个戴红色兜兜帽的送货小姑娘The little delivery girl in the red hood.总在忙活着Always on the go.从她手里送出去的小甜点可比树林里其他人都多More goodies pass through her hands than anyone's in the whole forest. 她看起来很高兴She seemed happy...也许有点太高兴了...a little too happy, perhaps.欧真可疑Oh! Creepy.我开始构思我的猜测I was starting to have my suspicions.问题她送那些点心给谁Question: Who does she move the goodies for?它们从哪来被送去了哪Where do they come from? Where are they going?又为什么是兜兜帽And why the hood?啊哈Aaah!维奇你吓到我一跳Twitchy, you scared me.嘿头儿我刚呼了你收到了吗Hey, boss, I beeped you. Get my beep?-冷静点 -我起了个大早拿了工具-Calm down. -I got up early. Got the gear.我正监视那个小姑娘跟你交待的一样I was watching the girl like you told me to.不错你看到她去哪里了Yeah. Did you see where she went?她路过豪猪窝还有鸟儿呆的树Past porcupines and the bird's tree,还遇到个留胡子的家伙现在她正往小溪去guy with the beard, now she's up the creek!一路上唱歌♥个没完She sings everywhere!我先出发你守在后面我们去看看她究竟为谁在工作I'm way ahead of you. We gotta find out who she's working for. 你有照相机吗You got the camera?220像素还有自动对焦拍摄功能The 220x and photograb with autofocus!-彩色还是黑白的 -无所谓-Color or black and white? -Doesn't matter.-我带了闪光灯 -那个不要带-I brought a flash! -Put that away!-这是偷♥拍♥ 不能用闪光灯 -秘密进行明白-It's covert. No flash. -Undercover, got it.神不知鬼不觉地按下嘿嘿Nobody sees, nobody knows. Click-click. Hee-hee.你考虑过喝无咖♥啡♥因♥咖啡吗You ever thought about decaffeinated coffee?我不喝咖啡I don't drink coffee!嗯Hmm...不好意思借过借过Excuse me. Pardon me. Pardon.我打算去找我的头号♥线人之一了解些小道消息I decided to get the word on the street from one of my top informants.-过得好吗伍尔沃斯 -伙计你在这儿干嘛-How's it going, Woolworth? -Man, what are you doing here?牧羊人经过会看到我跟你说话的我正要抓个骗子呢The shepherd comes by and sees me talking to you, I'm gonna get the crook. 是吗还有更厉害的骗子正逍遥法外呢我正盯着这事Yeah? There's a bigger crook on the loose that I'm concerned about.-知道点心盗窃团的事吗 -我怎么会知道-What ya hear about the Goody Bandit? -What do I know?你好维奇Hiya, Twitchy.有个戴红色兜兜帽的小姑娘The little girl in the red hood.不知道从没听说过她Don't know, never heard of her.小红帽处理中Little Red? Processing...对对现在想起来了Yeah, yeah, it's coming back to me now.可爱的小姑娘不像那个牧羊人Sweet gal. Not like that Bo Peep.那小子在这装了隐形栅栏我都自给自足一个星期了Brat put in an invisible fence. I tasted my own fillings for a week!专心点带兜兜帽的小姑娘Focus! The girl in the hood.你常在山里活动她为谁工作You get around the mountain. Who does she work for?我怎么会知道我可没那么好奇。
英语话剧 小红帽剧本

欢迎共阅《小红帽》剧本第一场:LittleRedRidingHood家Mum:(妈妈拿着一个篮子,把桌子上的水果放在篮子里)LittleRedRidingHood唱着歌,欢快地跑进来)Mum:Mum:Mum:(Wow!Flowers,howbeautiful!(放下篮子采花)Oneflower,twoflowers,threeflowers.Wolf:(随着一阵低沉的音乐,Wolf大步地走上台)Iamwolf.Iamhungry.(做找东西状,东张西望) Hereisalittleredridinghood.Hi!LittleRedRidingHood.Whereareyougoing?(做狡猾的样子和LittleRedRidingHood打招呼)字串6LittleRedRidingHood:(手摸辫子,天真地回答) ToGrandma’s.Grandmaisill.Wolf:(自言自语)I’)WolfWolfIamveryhungrynow.(做找寻的样子)WhereisGrandma’shouse?(高兴地对观众说)Aha,it’shere.(敲门)Bang,Bang,Bang.Grandma:Whoisit?Wolf:(装出LittleRedRidingHood的声音,一边得意地摇动尾巴,一边说)It’sme.Little RedRidingHood.Grandma:(边说边起床)Comein,comein.字串9Wolf:(得意洋洋地走到床边)Grandma,I’lleatyou. Grandma:惊慌失措地抓紧衣服瞪着眼睛,边叫从床上滚到地上,WolfWolfWolfLittleRedRidingHood:Oh!Whatabighand.Wolf:Icanhugyou.LittleRedRidingHood:(跪在床前,拉起Wolf的手,边摸边说)Look!Whatabighands?Wolf:(从床上跳起来说)Icaneatyou!LittleRedRidingHood:(拼命地跑)Oh!No!No!字串2Wolf:(追到LittleRedRidingHood,做吃状,拍拍肚子说)It’sdelicious.Istillsleep.Ilikesleeping.推门LittleRedRidingHood:(搬来几个石头)One,two,three.Hunter:(把小石头装进Wolf的衣服里)Grandma:I’llthreadit.Hunter:(拿起枪)Wokeup!Wolf:(起床,两手托着大肚子)Mystomachissoheavy.Hunter:Youbigbadwolf,raiseyourarms!Wolf:(边跑边说)Help!Don’tshotme!Hunter:(开枪)Bang,bang!字串9Wolf:(应声倒下).鞠躬):。

英文短剧《小红帽》剧本台词完整版---中英对照文本版红帽第一场:小红帽家妈妈: (妈妈拿着一个篮子,把桌子上的水果放在篮子里)小红帽唱着歌,欢快地跑进来)Hi,mummy, what are you doing? 嘿,妈妈你在什么?妈妈:(一边把水果放在篮子里,心事重重地说)Grandma is ill. 外婆病了Here are some apples and bananas for Grandma. 这儿有些苹果和香蕉送给外婆小红帽:(边提起篮子,边点头说)Ok! 好的妈妈:(亲切地看着小红帽说) Be good. Be careful. 小心点小红帽: Yes ,mummy.Goodbye, mummy.是的妈妈再见妈妈妈妈: Bye-bye再见第二场:在路上(一阵轻快的音乐由远而近,小红帽挎着篮子蹦跳跳地跳到花草旁)小红帽: Wow!Flowers, how beautiful!洼,好漂亮的花呀(放下篮子采花)One flower ,two flowers, three flowers. 一朵花,两朵花三朵花大灰狼:(随着一阵低沉的音乐,大灰狼大步地走上台)I am wolf.I am hungry.我是大灰狼我很饥饿 (做找东西状,东张西望) Here is a little red riding hood. Hi! Little Red Riding Hood. Where are you going? 这有个小红帽嘿小红帽你去干什么呀?(做狡猾的样子和小红帽打招呼)小红帽:(手摸辫子,天真地回答)To Grandma’s.Grandma is ill.去外婆家外婆病了大灰狼:(自言自语)I’ ll eat Grandma. But……我要吃掉外婆可是。
(小红帽说)Hey, look! 2 little baby ducks. 嘿,看,两只鸭子小红帽:(和2只鸭子随着音乐翩翩起舞)大灰狼:(悄悄地藏到大树后)小红帽:(停止跳舞)Hello! Baby ducks,how are you? 嘿,小鸭子,你们好吗?二只鸭子:We’ re fine.Thank you. Where are you going? 我们很好,谢谢,你去哪儿呀?小红帽:To Grandma’s.Oh, I must go, bye.去我外婆家奥,我得走了再见二只鸭子:Goodbye.再见第三场:外婆家外婆:(喘着气出场,颤颤悠悠地走到床前,吃力地坐到床边,喘了几口,打几个哈欠,慢吞吞地躺倒在床上。

《小红帽》英语小剧本角色:1. 小红帽:Little Red Riding Hood2. 妈妈:Mum3. 狼:Wolf4. 猎人:Hunter5. 奶奶:Grandma第一幕:小红帽与妈妈的对话(妈妈在厨房做饭,小红帽走进厨房)小红帽:Mum, can I go to visit my grandma?妈妈:Yes, but be careful and don't talk to strangers.小红帽:OK, mum. I'll be careful.第二幕:小红帽在森林里遇到狼(小红帽在森林里采花,遇到了狼)狼:Hello, little girl. Where are you going?小红帽:I'm going to visit my grandma.狼:Oh, that's a long way. You look tired. Why don't you sit down and have a rest?小红帽:Thank you, but I have to go now.狼:(自言自语)I will eat them both. (大灰狼悄悄地走向奶奶的家)第三幕:小红帽到奶奶家(小红帽来到奶奶家,敲门)小红帽:Grandma, it's me, Little Red Riding Hood.狼:(假扮成奶奶的声音)Come in, dear.小红帽:Oh, grandma, you look different.狼:(假扮成奶奶)I'm ill, dear. Come closer.第四幕:猎人救了奶奶和小红帽(猎人路过奶奶家,听到了里面的声音)猎人:Who is inside?小红帽:Help! Help!猎人:Don't worry, I'll help you. (猎人冲进屋子,杀死了狼)小红帽和奶奶:Thank you, hunter.猎人:You're welcome. Be careful next time.(大家一起离开屋子,小红帽和奶奶回到了家)。

小红帽英语课本剧5篇第一篇:小红帽英语课本剧英语小剧本——《小红帽》Little Red Riding Hood 第一场:Little Red Riding Hood家Mum:(妈妈拿着一个篮子,把桌子上的水果放在篮子里)Little Red Riding Hood:(唱着歌,欢快地跑进来)Hi,mummy, what are you doing? Mum:(一边把水果放在篮子里,心事重重地说)Grandma is ill.Here are some apples and bananas for Grandma.Take them to Grandma.Little Red Riding Hood:(边提起篮子,边点头说)Ok!Mum:(亲切地看着Little Red Riding Hood说)Be good.Be careful.Little Red Riding Hood:Yes ,mummy.Goodbye, mummy.Mum: Bye-bye.Darling.第二场:在路上(一阵轻快的音乐由远而近,Little Red Riding Hood挎着篮子蹦跳跳地跳到花草旁)Little Red Riding Hood: Wow!Flowers, how beautiful!(放下篮子采花)One flower ,two flowers, three flowers.Wolf:(随着一阵低沉的音乐,Wolf大步地走上台)I am wolf.I am hungry.(做找东西状,东张西望)Here is a little red riding hood.Hi!Little Red Riding Hood.Where are you going?(做狡猾的样子和Little Red Riding Hood打招呼)Little Red Riding Hood:(手摸辫子,天真地回答)To Grandma’s.Grandma is ill.Wolf:(自言自语)I' ll eat Grandma.But……(对Little Red Riding Hood说)Hey, look!6 little baby ducks.Little Red Riding Hood:(和6只鸭子随着音乐翩翩起舞) Wolf:(悄悄地藏到大树后)Little Red Riding Hood:(停止跳舞)Hello!Baby ducks,how are you?Six Ducks:We’ re fine.Thank you. Where are you going?Little Red Riding Hood:To Grandma’s.Oh, I must go, bye.Six Ducks:Goodbye.第三场:Grandma家Grandma:(喘着气出场,颤颤悠悠地走到床前,吃力地坐到床边,喘了几口,打几个哈欠,慢吞吞地躺倒在床上。

小红帽剧本第一场:Little Red Riding Hood家Mum:妈妈拿着一个篮子,把桌子上的水果放在篮子里Little Red Riding Hood唱着歌,欢快地跑进来Hi,mummy, what are you doing Mum:一边把水果放在篮子里,心事重重地说Grandma is ill. Here are some apples and bananas for Grandma. Take them to Grandma.Little Red Riding Hood:边提起篮子,边点头说Ok Mum:亲切地看着Little Red Riding Hood说Be good. Be careful.Little Red Riding Hood:Yes ,mummy.Goodbye, mummy.Mum: Bye-bye. Darling.第二场:在路上一阵轻快的音乐由远而近,Little Red Riding Hood挎着篮子蹦跳跳地跳到花草旁Little Red Riding Hood:WowFlowers, how beautiful 放下篮子采花Oneflower ,two flowers, three flowers.Wolf:随着一阵低沉的音乐,Wolf大步地走上台I am wolf. I am hungry. 做找东西状,东张西望Here is a little red riding hood. Hi Little Red Riding Hood. Where are you going做狡猾的样子和Little Red Riding Hood打招呼字串6 Little Red Riding Hood:手摸辫子,天真地回答To Grandma’s.Grandma is ill. Wolf:自言自语I’ll eat Grandma. But……对Little Red Riding Hood 说Hey, look 6 little baby ducks.Little Red Riding Hood:和6只鸭子随着音乐翩翩起舞Wolf:悄悄地藏到大树后 Little Red Riding Hood:停止跳舞Hello Baby ducks,how are youSix Ducks:We’ re fine.Thank you. Where are you goingLittle Red Riding Hood:To Grandma’s.Oh, I must go, bye.Six Ducks:Goodbye.第三场:Grandma家Grandma:喘着气出场,颤颤悠悠地走到床前,吃力地坐到床边,喘了几口,打几个哈欠,慢吞吞地躺倒在床上; Wolf:从树后出来,边走边说I am very hungry now.做找寻的样子Where is Grandma’ s house高兴地对观众说Aha , it’s here.敲门Bang, Bang, Bang.Grandma:Who is itWolf:装出Little Red Riding Hood的声音,一边得意地摇动尾巴,一边说It’ s me. Little Red Riding Hood. Grandma:边说边起床Come in, come in.字串9 Wolf:得意洋洋地走到床边Grandma , I’ll eat you. Grandma:惊慌失措地抓紧衣服瞪着眼睛,边叫从床上滚到地上,灰狼把外婆吞到了肚子里;Wolf:得意地拍拍肚子,翘起大拇指YummyI’ll sleep.Little Red Riding Hood:高兴地敲门Grandma.Grandma.Wolf:装扮成Grandma的声音Who is itLittle Red Riding Hood:It’s me;Little Red Riding Hood. What a strange noiseWolf:Come in, Come in.Little Red Riding Hood:蹦跳着进来,把篮子放在桌子上,走到床前一看,跳回几步Oh What are big earsWolf:I can listen to your sweet voice.Little Red Riding Hood: Wow What a big eyesWolf:I can see you pretty face.Little Red Riding Hood:Oh What a big hand.Wolf:I can hug you.Little Red Riding Hood:跪在床前,拉起Wolf的手,边摸边说Look What a big handsWolf:从床上跳起来说I can eat youLittle Red Riding Hood:拼命地跑OhNo No 字串2Wolf:追到Little Red Riding Hood,做吃状,拍拍肚子说It’s delicious. I still sleep. I like sleeping.Hunter:一边拿着枪,一边做寻找状出场Where’s the wolf Look A door.推门The wolf is sleeping. Wolf:发出呼呼的响声 Hunter:端起枪想打,又放下What inside .I must be at a big stomach 摸摸Wolf 的肚子Grandma and Little Red Riding Hood are i hurry.从桌子上拿起剪刀,举起Look Scissors. 做剪Wolf的肚子Cut, cut, cut. Little Red Riding Hood/Grandma:Thank you.Hunter:Grandma ,give me some needles and thread.Little Riding Hood ,Give me some stones.Grandma:从桌子上拿来针线Little Red Riding Hood:搬来几个石头One, two, three.Hunter:把小石头装进Wolf的衣服里Grandma:I’ll thread it.Hunter:拿起枪Woke upWolf:起床,两手托着大肚子My stomach is so heavy.Hunter: You big bad wolf, raise your armsWolf:边跑边说Help Don’t shot meHunter:开枪Bang, bang 字串9Wolf:应声倒下Hunter:The bad wolf is dead.Little Red Riding Hood和Grandma :Yeah Thank you.Little Red Riding Hood、Grandma、Hunter 一起鞠躬: Thank you。

剧本《小红帽》中英对照第一场:小红帽家妈妈:(妈妈拿着一个篮子,把桌子上的水果放在篮子里)小红帽:(唱着歌,欢快地跑进来)Hi,mummy, what are you doing?嘿,妈妈你在什么?妈妈:(一边把水果放在篮子里,心事重重地说)Grandma is ill. Here are some apples and bananas for Grandma.外婆病了,这儿有些苹果和香蕉送给外婆小红帽:(边提起篮子,边点头说)Ok!好的妈妈:(亲切地看着小红帽说)Be good. Be careful.小心点小红帽:Yes ,mummy.Goodbye, mummy.好的妈妈再见妈妈妈妈:Bye-bye再见第二场:在路上(一阵轻快的音乐由远而近,小红帽挎着篮子蹦跳跳地跳到花草旁)小红帽:Wow!Flowers, how beautiful!哇,好漂亮的花呀(放下篮子采花)One flower ,two flowers, three flowers.一朵花,两朵花,三朵花大灰狼:(随着一阵低沉的音乐,大灰狼大步地走上台)I am wolf. I am hungry.我是大灰狼我很饥饿(做找东西状,东张西望)Here is a little red riding hood. Hi! Little Red Riding Hood. Where are you going?这有个小红帽嘿小红帽你去干什么呀?(做狡猾的样子和小红帽打招呼)小红帽:(手摸辫子,天真地回答)To Grandma’s.Grandma is ill.去外婆家外婆病了大灰狼:(自言自语)I’ ll eat Grandma. But……我要吃掉外婆可是。
(对小红帽说)Hey, look! 2 little baby ducks.嘿,看,两只小鸭子小红帽:(和2只鸭子随着音乐翩翩起舞)大灰狼:(悄悄地藏到大树后)小红帽:(停止跳舞)Hello! Baby ducks,how are you?嘿,小鸭子,你们好吗?二只鸭子:We’ re fine.Thank you.Where are you going?我们很好,谢谢,你去哪儿呀?小红帽:To Grandma’s.Oh, I must go, bye.去我外婆家。

英语小剧本——《小红帽》Little Red Riding Hood第一场:Little Red Riding Hood家Mum:(妈妈拿着一个篮子,把桌子上的水果放在篮子里)Little Red Riding Hood:(唱着歌,欢快地跑进来)Hi,mummy, what are you doing?Mum:(一边把水果放在篮子里,心事重重地说)Grandma is ill.Here are some apples and bananas for Grandma. Take them to Grandma.Little Red Riding Hood:(边提起篮子,边点头说)Ok!Mum:(亲切地看着Little Red Riding Hood说)Be good. Be careful.Little Red Riding Hood:Yes ,mummy.Goodbye, mummy.Mum:Bye-bye. Darling.第二场:在路上(一阵轻快的音乐由远而近,Little Red Riding Hood挎着篮子蹦跳跳地跳到花草旁)Little Red Riding Hood:Wow!Flowers, how beautiful! (放下篮子采花)One flower ,two flowers, three flowers.Wolf:(随着一阵低沉的音乐,Wolf大步地走上台)I am wolf. I am hungry. (做找东西状,东张西望) Here is a little red riding hood. Hi! Little Red Riding Hood.Where are you going? (做狡猾的样子和Little Red Riding Hood打招呼)Little Red Riding Hood:(手摸辫子,天真地回答)To Grandma’s.Grandma is ill.Wolf:(自言自语)I' ll eat Grandma. But……(对Little Red Riding Hood说)Hey, look! 6 little baby ducks.Little Red Riding Hood:(和6只鸭子随着音乐翩翩起舞)Wolf:(悄悄地藏到大树后)Little Red Riding Hood:(停止跳舞)Hello! Baby ducks,how are you?Six Ducks:We’ re fine.Thank you.Where are you going?Little Red Riding Hood:To Grandma’s.Oh, I must go, bye.Six Ducks:Goodbye.第三场:Grandma家Grandma:(喘着气出场,颤颤悠悠地走到床前,吃力地坐到床边,喘了几口,打几个哈欠,慢吞吞地躺倒在床上。

It's delicious. I'll sleep. I like sleeping.
Hunter:Where's the wolf? Look! A door. (推门进屋)The wolf is sleeping.
Hunter: What a big stomach!
Grandma and Little Red Riding Hood are inside. I must be hurry.
Look! Scissors. Cut, cut, cut. 小红帽/Grandma:Thank you!
Hunter:Grandma ,give me some needles and thread. Little Red Riding Hood ,Give me some stones.
Grandma: Come in, come in. Wolf:Grandma , I'll eat you. (大灰狼把外婆吞到了肚子里) Wolf:Yummy!I'll sleep.
小红帽:(高兴地敲门)Grandma.Grandma. Wolf:Who is it?
小红帽:It's me. Little Red Riding Hood.
Here is a Little Red Riding Hood.
Hi! Little Red Riding Hood.
Where are you going? 小红帽:To Grandma’s house.Grandma is ill. Wolf:(自言自语)I' ll eat Grandma. But……
英语话剧 小红帽剧本

《小红帽》剧本第一场:Little Red Riding Hood家Mum: (妈妈拿着一个篮子,把桌子上的水果放在篮子里)Little Red Riding Hood唱着歌,欢快地跑进来)Hi,mummy, what are you doing?Mum:(一边把水果放在篮子里,心事重重地说)Grandma is ill. Here are some apples and bananas for Grandma. Take them to Grandma.Little Red Riding Hood:(边提起篮子,边点头说)Ok!Mum:(亲切地看着Little Red Riding Hood说)Be good. Be careful.Little Red Riding Hood:Yes ,mummy.Goodbye, mummy.Mum: Bye-bye. Darling.第二场:在路上(一阵轻快的音乐由远而近,Little Red Riding Hood挎着篮子蹦跳跳地跳到花草旁)Little Red Riding Hood:Wow!Flowers, how beautiful! (放下篮子采花)One flower ,two flowers, three flowers.Wolf:(随着一阵低沉的音乐,Wolf大步地走上台)I am wolf. I am hungry. (做找东西状,东张西望)Here is a little red riding hood. Hi! Little Red Riding Hood. Where are you going? (做狡猾的样子和Little Red Riding Hood打招呼) 字串6Little Red Riding Hood:(手摸辫子,天真地回答)To Grandma’s.Grandma is ill.Wolf:(自言自语)I’ll eat Grandma. But……(对Little Red Riding Hood说)Hey, look!6 little baby ducks.Little Red Riding Hood:(和6只鸭子随着音乐翩翩起舞)Wolf:(悄悄地藏到大树后)Little Red Riding Hood:(停止跳舞)Hello! Baby ducks,how are you?Six Ducks:We’ re fine.Thank you. Where are you going? Little Red Riding Hood:To Grandma’ s.Oh, I must go, bye. Six Ducks:Goodbye.第三场:Grandma家Grandma:(喘着气出场,颤颤悠悠地走到床前,吃力地坐到床边,喘了几口,打几个哈欠,慢吞吞地躺倒在床上。

《小红帽》剧本第一场:Little Red Riding Hood家Mum:(妈妈拿着一个篮子,把桌子上的水果放在篮子里)Little Red Riding Hood唱着歌,欢快地跑进来)Hi,mummy, what are you doingMum:(一边把水果放在篮子里,心事重重地说)Grandma is ill. Here are some apples and bananas for Grandma. Take them to Grandma.Little Red Riding Hood:(边提起篮子,边点头说)Ok!Mum:(亲切地看着Little Red Riding Hood说)Be good. Be careful.Little Red Riding Hood:Yes ,mummy.Goodbye, mummy.Mum:Bye-bye. Darling.第二场:在路上(一阵轻快的音乐由远而近,Little Red Riding Hood挎着篮子蹦跳跳地跳到花草旁)Little Red Riding Hood:Wow!Flowers, how beautiful! (放下篮子采花)One flower ,two flowers, three flowers.Wolf:(随着一阵低沉的音乐,Wolf大步地走上台)I am wolf. I am hungry. (做找东西状,东张西望)Here is a little red riding hood. Hi! Little Red Riding Hood. Where are you going (做狡猾的样子和Little Red Riding Hood打招呼) 字串6 Little Red Riding Hood:(手摸辫子,天真地回答)To Grandma’s.Grandma is ill.Wolf:(自言自语)I’ll eat Grandma. But……(对Little Red Riding Hood说)Hey, look! 6 little baby ducks.Little Red Riding Hood:(和6只鸭子随着音乐翩翩起舞)Wolf:(悄悄地藏到大树后)Little Red Riding Hood:(停止跳舞)Hello! Baby ducks,how are youSix Ducks:We’ re fine.Thank you.Where are you goingLittle Red Riding Hood:To Grandma’ s.Oh, I must go, bye.Six Ducks:Goodbye.第三场:Grandma家Grandma:(喘着气出场,颤颤悠悠地走到床前,吃力地坐到床边,喘了几口,打几个哈欠,慢吞吞地躺倒在床上。

小红帽英文改编版剧本第一篇:小红帽英文改编版剧本小红帽:Hello everyone,my name is XXX but people prefer to call me little red.I like this red hat which was given by my grandma who always give what I want.妈妈:I’m little red’s mother.Ah...my honey,here is a piece of cake and a bottle of wine,I know you miss your grandma , so I will give you a task that send it to your grandma.Grandma is sick and weak.She should take some to get more healthy.At present,the day is not so hot that you can visit your grandma.Be careful, don’t run ,don’t leave the main road,or you will tumble and grandma have nothing to eat.Besides,remember when you arrive in her house,say“good morning”and don’t spy the house.小红帽:OK.Momi , you can believe me.I will do a good job.妈妈:maybe i should try to have faith in you.Let me remind you again ,be careful, don’t run ,don’t leave the main road,or you will tumble and grandma have nothing to eat.小红帽:Goodbye!Momi~~ 妈妈:Be careful ~~ 小红帽:la la la la la la~~ 大灰狼:Good morning , nice meat, oh,no,little red!小红帽:Good morning ,Mr.Wolf 大灰狼: what a wonderful day!Where will you go? 小红帽:Oh..my grandma is sick, I want to visit her.大灰狼: So..what have you taken for your grandma? Meat ? 小红帽:Cake and wine.We made some cakes yesterday.My pitiful grandma need to eat some so that she could recover.大灰狼: Haha!You are a really nice girl!where is your grandma’s house? 小红帽:There is a way to the forest.Her house is standing under three trees , surrounding hedge.If you get there ,you will know.Now, I will go ,see you!大灰狼: I should make a plan.Little red is sweeter than the old woman.Waite for me ,little red!Look!So beautiful!The flowers, the bird...maybeyou can pick some flowers for your grandma.小红帽:Maybe I should take some for my grandma.咚咚咚——外婆:who? 大灰狼: I’m little red!I take some cake and wine,please open the door.外婆:Just pull the door!I have no force to get up.Oh!Who are you ? How could you get here? Help!Help!小红帽:Good morning, grandma!Why your ears look so large? 大灰狼: to listen carefully.小红帽:eyes? 大灰狼: to watch clearly.but mouse? 大灰狼: to eat you!Ha ha ha ha ha~~ 猎人:Something seems strange.what happened to the old lady? Oh, bad wolf ,I find you.I will never allow you do harm to people.Let me cut open your stomach.大灰狼: Ah--小红帽:Oh, thank you , I survive!外婆:young man , what’s you name? You are a great man I have seen.猎人:dy,please allow me express my honor to save you.You are so beautiful, may I ask you name? 外婆:Of course,my name is XXX.Nice to meet you,John.I’m glad to make friends with you.Would you like a cup of tea,maybe you can take some cake and wine also.猎人:Oh, how kind of you.I really don’t want to leave there.外婆:Year, you can stay there....with me.小红帽:Grandma, will he become my grandpa? 妈妈:Mom, how could you do that?第二篇:小红帽中英对照剧本Little Red Riding Hood第一场:Little Red Riding Hood家Mum:(妈妈拿着一个篮子,把桌紫的水果放在篮子里)Little Red Riding Hood:(唱着歌,欢快地跑进来)Hi,mummy, what are you doing? Mum:(一边把水果放在篮子里,心事重重地说)Grandma is ill.Here are some apples and bananas for Grandma.Take them to Grandma.Little Red Riding Hood:(边提起篮子,边点头说)Ok!Mum:(亲切地看着Little Red Riding Hood说)Be good.Be careful.Little Red Riding Hood:Yes ,mummy.Goodbye, mummy.Mum: Bye-bye.Darling.第二场:在路上(一阵轻快的音乐远而近,Little Red Riding Hood挎着篮子蹦跳跳地跳到花草旁)Little Red Riding Hood:Wow!Flowers, how beautiful!(放下篮子采花)One flower ,two flowers, three flowers.Wolf:(随着一阵低沉的音乐,Wolf大步地走上台)I am wolf.I am hungry.(做找东西状,东张西望)Here is a little red riding hood.Hi!Little Red Riding Hood.Where are you going?(做狡猾的样子和Little Red Riding Hood打招呼)Little Red Riding Hood:(手摸辫子,天真地回答)To Grandma’s.Grandma is ill.Wolf:(自言自语)I' ll eat Grandma.But……(对Little Red Riding Hood说)Hey, look!6 little baby ducks.Little Red Riding Hood:(和6只鸭子随着音乐翩翩起舞)Wolf:(悄悄地藏到大树后)Little Red Riding Hood:(停止跳舞)Hello!Baby ducks,how are you? Six Ducks:We’ re fine.Thank you. Where are you going? Little Red Riding Hood:T o Grandma’s.Oh, I must go, bye.Six Ducks:Goodbye.第三场:Grandma家Grandma:(喘着气出场,颤颤悠悠地走到床前,吃力地坐到床边,喘了几口,打几个哈欠,慢吞吞地躺倒在床上。

英语小剧本-----小红帽Little Red Riding Hood第一场:Little Red Riding Hood家Mum:(妈妈拿着一个篮子,把桌子上的水果放在篮子里)小红帽:(唱着歌,欢快地跑进来)Hi,mummy, what are you doing?Mum:(一边把水果放在篮子里,心事重重地说)Grandma is ill. Here are some apples and bananas for Grandma. Take them to Grandma.小红帽:(边提起篮子,边点头说)Ok!Mum:(亲切地看着小红帽说)Be good. Be careful.小红帽:Yes ,mummy.Goodbye, mummy.Mum:Bye-bye. Darling.第二场:在路上(一阵轻快的音乐由远而近,小红帽挎着篮子蹦跳跳地跳到花草旁)小红帽:Wow!Flowers, how beautiful! (放下篮子采花)One flower ,two flowers, three flowers. Wolf:(随着一阵低沉的音乐,Wolf大步地走上台)I am wolf. I am hungry. (做找东西状,东张西望) Here is a Little Red Riding Hood. Hi! Little Red Riding Hood. Where are you going? (做狡猾的样子和小红帽打招呼)小红帽:(手摸辫子,天真地回答)To Grandma’s.Grandma is ill.Wolf:(自言自语)I' ll eat Grandma. But……小红帽:Oh, I must go, bye.Wolf:Goodbye.第三场:Grandma家Grandma:(喘着气出场,颤颤悠悠地走到床前,吃力地坐到床边,喘了几口,打几个哈欠,慢吞吞地躺倒在床上。
)Wolf:(从树后出来,边走边说)I am very hungry now. (做找寻的样子)Where is Grandma’ s house? (高兴地对观众说)Aha , it’s here.(敲门)Bang, Bang, Bang.Grandma:Who is it?Wolf:(装出小红帽的声音,一边得意地摇动尾巴,一边说)It’s me. Little Red Riding Hood. Grandma:(边说边起床) Come in, come in.Wolf:(得意洋洋地走到床边) Grandma , I’ll eat you.Grandma:(惊慌失措地抓紧衣服,瞪着眼睛,边叫迫从床上滚到地上)灰狼把外婆吞到了肚子里。

英文短剧《小红帽》剧本台词完整版中英对照文本版Title: Little Red Riding HoodChinese Title: 小红帽Characters:Little Red Riding Hood (LR)Mother (M)Grandmother (GM)Wolf (W)Woodcutter (WC)Scene 1:(LR is at home, getting ready to visit her grandmother.)LR: Goodbye, Mother! I'm going to visit Grandma.M: Take care, Little Red Riding Hood. Don't stray from the path and be wary of strangers.LR: Yes, Mother. I'll be careful.Scene 2:(LR is on her way to her grandmother's house)W: (hides behind a tree) Good morning, Little Red Riding Hood.LR: Good morning, Mr. Wolf.W: Where are you going so early?LR: I'm on my way to Grandma's house. She's not feeling well.W: Oh, what a coincidence! I was just going to visit your Grandma too. Why don't you pick some flowers for her? They'll make her feel better.LR: That's a great idea! Thank you, Mr. Wolf. Goodbye!Scene 3:(GM is in bed, waiting for LR.)GM: (coughs) I hope my granddaughter arrives soon.(W knocks on the door)Scene 4:(LR enters the house with a bunch of flowers)LR: Grandma, I'm here!LR: Grandma, what big ears you have!W: The better to hear you with, my dear.LR: Grandma, what big eyes you have!W: The better to see you with, my dear.LR: Grandma, what big teeth you have!W: The better to eat you with! (lunges at LR)Scene 5:(WC enters the house and saves LR)WC: Not so fast, Wolf!Scene 6:(LR and WC help GM out of bed)GM: Thank you, both of you. I'm so glad you came when you did.WC: It's our pleasure, Grandma.LR: From now on, I'll be more careful and never talk to strangers again.GM: That's a good lesson, my dear. Let's all have some tea to celebrate.(Scene ends with LR, GM, and WC enjoying a cup of tea together.)《小红帽》角色:小红帽(LR)妈妈(M)奶奶(GM)狼(W)伐木工人(WC)场景1:(LR在家里准备去看她的奶奶。

小红帽演员表Mum:Little Red Riding Hood:Six Ducks:Wolf:Hunter:道具:篮子、苹果、桌子,床、围巾(红色、灰色)、大树、针线、抢、石头、围裙第一场:Little Red Riding Hood家Mum: (妈妈拿着一个篮子,把桌子上的水果放在篮子里)Little Red Riding Hood:(唱着歌,欢快地跑进来)Hi ,mummy, what are you doing?Mum:(一边把水果放在篮子里,心事重重地说)Grandma is ill. Here are some apples and bananas for Grandma. Take them to Grandma.Little Red Riding Hood:(边提起篮子,边点头说)Ok!Mum:(亲切地看着Little Red Riding Hood说) Good girl. Be careful.Little Red Riding Hood: Yes ,mummy.Goodbye, mummy.Mum: Bye-bye. Darling.第二场:在路上(一阵轻快的音乐远而近,Little Red Riding Hood挎着篮子蹦蹦跳跳地跳到花草旁)Little Red Riding Hood: Wow!Flowers, how beautiful! (放下篮子采花)One flower ,two flowers, three flowers.Wolf:(随着一阵低沉的音乐,Wolf大步地走上台)I am wolf. I am hungry. (做出找东西状,东张西望) Here is a little red riding hood. Hi! Little Red Riding Hood. Where are you going? (做狡猾的样子和Little Red Riding Hood打招呼)Little Red Riding Hood:(手摸辫子,天真地回答)I’m going To Grandma’s.Grandma is ill.Wolf:(自言自语)I' ll eat Grandma.第三场:Grandma家Grandma:(喘着气出场,颤颤悠悠地走到床前,吃力地坐到床边,喘了几口,打几个哈欠,慢吞吞地躺倒在床上。

小红帽英语短剧台词Little Red Riding Hood Short Play ScriptCharacters:- Little Red Riding Hood- Mother- WolfScene 1: Little Red Riding Hood's house(Mother is packing a basket with food while Little Red Riding Hood watches)Mother: Little Red Riding Hood, I have some food for your grandmother. Would you be kind enough to take it to her?Little Red Riding Hood: Of course, Mother! I'll run to Grandma's house and bring her the basket.Mother: Remember, Little Red, don't talk to strangers and stay on the path.Little Red Riding Hood: Yes, Mother. I promise to be careful.Scene 2: The forest(Little Red Riding Hood walks through the forest, singing and carrying her basket)Little Red Riding Hood: (singing) I'm going to my Grandma's house, with a basket full of treats. I'll follow the path, no one will cross my path.Wolf: (hiding behind a tree) Well, well, well, what do we have here? A little girl all alone in the forest.Little Red Riding Hood: (stops singing and looks around) Who said that?Little Red Riding Hood: (surprised) A talking wolf? I've never seen one before.Wolf: Yes, indeed. And what might you be carrying in that basket?Little Red Riding Hood: Oh, just some food for my grandmother. She lives over there. (points)Wolf: (smiling) How about taking a little detour and picking some flowers for your grandmother? I'm sure she'll love it.Little Red Riding Hood: (thinks for a moment) Well, that sounds nice. Grandma does love flowers!Scene 3: Grandma's house(Little Red Riding Hood enters her grandmother's house with the basket)Little Red Riding Hood: Grandma, I'm here with some food for you.(Little Red Riding Hood notices something strange about the wolf and starts to realize it's not her grandmother)Little Red Riding Hood: (backing away) You're not my grandmother!Wolf: (laughs evilly and reveals himself) That's right,Little Red Riding Hood! I'm the wolf and I'm going to eat you!Scene 4: The rescue(Just as the wolf is about to pounce on Little Red Riding Hood, a woodcutter appears)Woodcutter: Stop right there, Wolf! You won't be eating this little girl today.(The woodcutter takes out an axe and scares the wolf away)Little Red Riding Hood: (relieved) Thank you, Mr. Woodcutter! You saved me!Woodcutter: You should always be careful in the forest,young girl. Now, let's go find your real grandmother.(Scene fades out as Little Red Riding Hood and thewoodcutter walk away)。
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红帽第一场:小红帽家妈妈:(妈妈拿着一个篮子,把桌子上的水果放在篮子里)小红帽唱着歌,欢快地跑进来)Hi,mummy, what are you doing? 嘿,妈妈你在什么?妈妈:(一边把水果放在篮子里,心事重重地说)Grandma is ill. 外婆病了Here are some apples and bananas for Grandma. 这儿有些苹果和香蕉送给外婆小红帽:(边提起篮子,边点头说)Ok! 好的妈妈:(亲切地看着小红帽说)Be good. Be careful. 小心点小红帽:Yes ,mummy.Goodbye, mummy.是的妈妈再见妈妈妈妈:Bye-bye再见第二场:在路上(一阵轻快的音乐由远而近,小红帽挎着篮子蹦跳跳地跳到花草旁)小红帽:Wow!Flowers, how beautiful!洼,好漂亮的花呀(放下篮子采花)One flower ,two flowers, three flowers. 一朵花,两朵花三朵花大灰狼:(随着一阵低沉的音乐,大灰狼大步地走上台)I am wolf.I am hungry.我是大灰狼我很饥饿(做找东西状,东张西望) Here is a little red riding hood. Hi! Little Red Riding Hood. Where are you going? 这有个小红帽嘿小红帽你去干什么呀?(做狡猾的样子和小红帽打招呼)小红帽:(手摸辫子,天真地回答)To Grandma’s.Grandma is ill.去外婆家外婆病了大灰狼:(自言自语)I’ ll eat Grandma. But……我要吃掉外婆可是。
(小红帽说)Hey, look! 2 little baby ducks. 嘿,看,两只鸭子小红帽:(和2只鸭子随着音乐翩翩起舞)大灰狼:(悄悄地藏到大树后)小红帽:(停止跳舞)Hello! Baby ducks,how are you? 嘿,小鸭子,你们好吗?二只鸭子:We’ re fine.Thank you.Where are you going? 我们很好,谢谢,你去哪儿呀?小红帽:To Grandma’s.Oh, I must go, bye.去我外婆家奥,我得走了再见二只鸭子:Goodbye.再见第三场:外婆家外婆:(喘着气出场,颤颤悠悠地走到床前,吃力地坐到床边,喘了几口,打几个哈欠,慢吞吞地躺倒在床上。
)大灰狼:(从树后出来,边走边说)I am very hungry now. 我现在很饥饿(做找寻的样子)Where is Grandma’ s house? 老太婆的家在哪儿呢?(高兴地对观众说)Aha , it’s here.哈,在这儿(敲门)Bang, Bang, Bang.棒棒棒外婆:Who is it?睡呀大灰狼:(装出小红帽的声音,一边得意地摇动尾巴,一边说)It’s me. Little Red Riding Hood.是我小红帽外婆:(边说边起床) Come in, come in. 快进来快进来大灰狼:(得意洋洋地走到床边) Grandma , I’ll eat you. 老太婆,我要吃了你外婆:(惊慌失措地抓紧衣服,瞪着眼睛,边叫迫从床上滚到地上)灰狼把外婆吞到了肚子里。
大灰狼:(得意地拍拍肚子,翘起大拇指)Yummy!I’ll sleep. 太好了我想睡觉了小农帽:(高兴地敲门)Grandma.Grandma.外婆外婆大灰狼:(装扮成外婆的声音) Who is it?睡呀?小红帽:It’s me。
Little Red Riding Hood.是我小红帽大灰狼:Come in,Come in. 进来进来小红帽:(蹦跳着进来,把篮子放在桌子上,走到床前一看,跳回几步)Oh! What are big ears! 奥好大的耳朵呀大灰狼:I can listen to your sweet voice. 我能更好的听见你的声音小红帽:Wow! What a big eyes! 洼好大的眼睛呀大灰狼:I can see you pretty face. 我能更好的看见你的笑脸小红帽:Oh! What a big hand. 洼好大的受呀大灰狼:I can hug you. 我能抓住你小红帽:(跪在床前,拉起大灰狼的手,边摸边说)Look! What a big hands? 看手怎么这么大呢?大灰狼:(从床上跳起来说)I can eat you! 我要吃了你小红帽:(拼命地跑)Oh!No! No! 奥不不不大灰狼:(追到小红帽,做吃状,拍拍肚子说)I like sleeping. 我睡觉了猎人:(一边拿着枪,一边做寻找状出场)Where’s the wolf? Look! A door.大灰狼在哪儿?看,一个门(推门)The wolf is sleeping. 大灰狼在睡觉大灰狼:(发出呼呼的响声)猎人:(端起枪想打,又放下)What a big stomach!好大的肚子(摸摸大会狼的肚子)Grandma and Little Red Riding Hood are inside .I must be hurry.外婆和小红帽肯定在里面(从桌子上拿起剪刀,举起) (做剪大灰狼的肚子)Cut, cut, cut. 卡卡卡卡小红帽和外婆:Thank you.谢谢猎人:Grandma ,give me some needles and thread.Little Riding Hood ,Give me some stones.外婆拿来针和线小红帽给我找些石头外婆:(从桌子上拿来针线)小红帽:(搬来几个石头)One, two, three. 一二三猎人:(把小石头装进大灰狼的衣服里)大灰狼:(起床,两手托着大肚子)My stomach is so heavy. 我的肚子好重呀猎人:You big bad wolf, raise your arms! 你这个大坏蛋大灰狼:(边跑边说) Help! Don’t shot me! 不要杀我猎人:(开枪)Bang, bang! 帮帮大灰狼:(应声倒下)猎人:The bad wolf is dead.大灰狼死了小红帽和外婆:Yeah! Thank you.谢谢小红帽外婆猎人(一起鞠躬): Thank you谢谢文案编辑词条B 添加义项?文案,原指放书的桌子,后来指在桌子上写字的人。
基本信息中文名称文案外文名称Copy目录1发展历程2主要工作3分类构成4基本要求5工作范围6文案写法7实际应用折叠编辑本段发展历程汉字"文案"(wén àn)是指古代官衙中掌管档案、负责起草文书的幕友,亦指官署中的公文、书信等;在现代,文案的称呼主要用在商业领域,其意义与中国古代所说的文案是有区别的。
在中国古代,文案亦作" 文按"。
" 唐戴叔伦《答崔载华》诗:"文案日成堆,愁眉拽不开。
"《花月痕》第五一回:" 荷生觉得自己是替他掌文案。
"文案音译文案英文:copywriter、copy、copywriting文案拼音:wén àn现代文案的概念:文案来源于广告行业,是"广告文案"的简称,由copy writer翻译而来。
折叠编辑本段主要工作撰写报纸广告、杂志广告、海报; 撰写企业样本、品牌样本、产品目录; 撰写日常宣传文案白领一族文案白领一族单页、各类宣传小册子; 撰写DM直邮广告,包括信封、邮件正文; 撰写电视广告脚本,包括分镜头、旁白、字幕; 撰写电视专题片脚本; 撰写电视广告的拍摄清单; 撰写广播广告; 将海外版广告文案作汉化(翻译); 撰写广告歌词,或汉化(翻译)外文歌词; 撰写各种形式的网络广告; 为网站栏目命名; 撰写网站内部文案; 撰写手机短信广告; 撰写各类广告作品的创意阐述; 撰写广告口号; 撰写产品包装文案,包括:品牌名、使用说明、产品成分等; 为产品或品牌命名,并作创意阐述; 为路演或活动命名,并作创意阐述; 撰写活动请柬及活动现场宣传品上的文字; 为各种礼品命名,并作创意阐述; 为专卖店命名,并作创意阐述; 撰写商店的橱窗或店内POP物料文案; 撰写软文、新闻式、故事式、评论式; 撰写策划书,或协助策划人员优化、润色方案文字; 协助客户企业内刊的编辑,提供主题方向,审核文字。