
5年级下册英语基本功训练昨天干了什么作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Yesterday was a busy day for me, filled with lots of fun activities and English practice. I woke up early in the morning, feeling excited for the day ahead. After getting ready, I had a nutritious breakfast of oatmeal and fresh fruits to fuel my body and mind.As soon as I finished breakfast, I grabbed my English workbook and started working on the exercises. My teacher had assigned us some grammar practice, and I was determined to complete it diligently. I tackled the exercises one by one, carefully reading the instructions and applying the rules I had learned in class.One of the exercises focused on forming sentences using the correct verb tenses. I found it a bit challenging at first, but after reviewing the examples, I started to get the hang of it. I wrote down sentences describing my daily routine, using the present simple tense, and then rewrote them in the past simple tense to describe what I had done the previous day.Next, I moved on to vocabulary exercises. I love learning new words, and this section was particularly exciting. I practiced spelling the words out loud, making sure to pronounce them correctly. Then, I used each word in a sentence to demonstrate my understanding of its meaning.After completing the workbook exercises, I decided to take a short break and grab a healthy snack. I munched on some carrot sticks and an apple while flipping through my favorite English storybook. Reading is one of my favorite ways to improve my English skills, and I enjoy getting lost in the magical worlds created by authors.With my energy replenished, I returned to my English studies. This time, I focused on writing practice. My teacher had asked us to write a short story about our favorite animal. I chose to write about dolphins because I find them fascinating creatures.I started by listing some interesting facts about dolphins that I wanted to include in my story. Then, I outlined the plot, making sure to incorporate descriptive language and dialogue. I took my time crafting each sentence, carefully choosing the right words to convey my ideas effectively.As I was writing, I encountered a few grammar challenges. Whenever I was unsure about something, I referred back to mynotes or consulted my handy English grammar reference book. I wanted to ensure that my story was not only engaging but also grammatically correct.After completing the first draft of my story, I read it aloud to myself. This helped me identify areas that needed improvement or clarification. I made some revisions, tweaking the wording and sentence structure to enhance the flow and clarity of my writing.With my story polished and ready, I moved on to the next task: practicing my speaking skills. I recorded myself reading the story aloud and listened back to it, paying attention to my pronunciation, intonation, and fluency. I even tried to add some expression and character voices to make the storytelling more engaging.As the day drew to a close, I felt a sense of accomplishment. I had dedicated a significant portion of my day to practicing and improving my English skills. Not only had I completed my homework assignments, but I had also challenged myself with additional exercises and activities.Before going to bed, I reviewed the new vocabulary words I had learned and mentally recapped the grammar rules I had practiced. I knew that consistent practice and reinforcement were key to mastering the English language.As I drifted off to sleep, I felt grateful for the opportunity to learn and grow. I couldn't wait to share my progress with my teacher and classmates the next day. With determination and hard work, I knew that I would continue to make strides in my English language journey.篇2Yesterday was a really busy day for me when it came to practicing my English basic skills. I had to complete a lot of different activities and exercises, but I tried my best to stay focused and work hard because I know how important it is to build a strong foundation in English.The day started with an English grammar review. We had to identify different parts of speech, like nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs, in various sentences. I struggled a bit with adverbs at first, but my teacher explained them really clearly, and I started getting the hang of it. After that, we practiced using the correct verb tenses, like the simple past, present, and future tenses. I made a few mistakes here and there, but I'll keep practicing until I get it right.Next up was vocabulary practice. We had a long list of new words to learn, and our teacher gave us different exercises tohelp us memorize their meanings and spellings. One exercise involved matching the words with their definitions, and another had us use the new words in sentences of our own. I really liked the sentence-writing part because it helped me understand how to use the words in context.During our reading comprehension session, we read a short story about a girl and her pet dog. After reading, we had to answer questions about the plot, characters, and important details from the story. I found the questions about the girl's feelings and motivations to be the most challenging, but I tried my best to infer the answers based on the clues in the text.For writing practice, we had to compose a short descriptive paragraph about our favorite place. I chose to write about my grandparents' farm, describing the sights, sounds, and smells that I love about being there. Writing in English can be tricky, but I worked hard to use the vocabulary and grammar conceptswe've learned in class. I even asked my teacher for feedback on my draft, and she gave me some great suggestions for improvement.One of the most fun activities of the day was our English conversation practice. We split into small groups and took turns role-playing different scenarios, like ordering food at arestaurant or asking for directions. It felt a bit silly at first, but I quickly realized how helpful it was to practice speaking English in real-life situations. I even got some compliments from my classmates on my pronunciation and fluency!Towards the end of the day, we had a listening comprehension exercise. Our teacher played an audio recording of a short story, and we had to answer questions about what we heard. I had to concentrate really hard to catch all the details, but I managed to get most of the answers correct.Finally, we wrapped up the day with a spelling bee. One by one, we had to stand up and spell out words from a list our teacher had given us earlier in the week. I got a few words right, but I also misspelled a couple of tricky ones. It was a little nerve-wracking, but I'm glad I got the chance to practice spelling out loud in front of my classmates.Overall, it was a really productive and challenging day of English basic skills practice. I definitely feel like I learned a lot, but I also realized that I still have room for improvement in certain areas. I'm going to keep working hard and practicing as much as I can because I know that building a strong foundation in English will help me succeed in so many ways, both in school and in life.篇3Yesterday Was A Busy DayYesterday was a really busy day for me! I had so much to do after school that by the time I got home, I was already feeling a little tired. But I still had a lot of activities and practice to get through before bedtime.First up was English homework. We are working on writing descriptive paragraphs in class, so I had to write a few paragraphs describing my favorite stuffed animal. I decided to write about my teddy bear that I've had since I was a baby. His name is Brownie and he's a chocolate brown color. I wrote about how soft and cuddly he is, and how his fur is a little worn in some spots from being so well-loved over the years. I described his round belly and the bright black button eyes that are starting to look a bit faded. Writing all the details about Brownie's appearance made me smile as I thought about what a great friend he has been.After English, it was time for math practice. We're learning about fractions in class right now. I had 20 fraction problems to work through for homework. Some were pretty easy, like 1/2 + 1/4. But others were really tricky, like 5/8 - 3/16. I ended uphaving to ask my mom for help on a few of the harder ones. Even though fractions are confusing sometimes, I'm getting better at them each day with more practice.Once math was done, I had a short break to eat a snack. I had an apple with some peanut butter which gave me energy for my next activity - piano practice! I've been taking piano lessons for two years now. My teacher assigns me new songs to learn and techniques to practice every week. Yesterday I spent 30 minutes working on a new piece called "Twinkle Twinkle Traffic Lights." It's a funny name but a pretty song! I'm still struggling a bit to get the rhythms right. Keeping my eyes on the music, my fingers on the correct keys, and the beat steady is really hard! But I'll keep practicing daily until my next lesson.After piano, I finally got to have a little fun! My best friend Jeremy came over and we played outside for an hour. We rode our bikes up and down the street, raced each other, and played catch. It was a nice way to get some exercise and fresh air after sitting and working for so long.When Jeremy had to go home for dinner, I came inside and immediately started on my reading homework for the day. I had to read three chapters of my novel for literacy circle, a small group discussion we do in class. As I was reading, I practicedsticking Post-It notes on pages with notes about the main characters, plot events, or words I didn't understand. That way I'll be ready when it's my turn to lead the discussion!Finally, after all my homework was done, I got to relax a little before bed. I took a shower, had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for dinner, and watched a couple of episodes of my favorite TV show. I also got to play on my tablet for a little while - my parents let me play games or watch videos for 30 minutes each night as a reward for finishing all my work.By 8:30, I was getting pretty sleepy. I put on my pajamas, brushed my teeth, and settled into bed with Brownie to read for a while before going to sleep. I'm reading the next book in the Dragon Realm series and it's really exciting so far! An evil dragon has taken over the kingdom and the young heroes have to find a way to defeat him. I can't wait to see what happens next!As I snuggled under my covers, I thought about what a productive day it had been. Between school, homework, music practice, and some outside playtime, I had accomplished a lot. But I was also really tired! I fell asleep easily, knowing I would need my rest to take on another busy day today. Being a fifth grader sure does keep me on my toes!篇4Yesterday was a busy day for me when it came to my 5th grade English homework and practice. I had quite a few assignments to complete and activities to do to keep improving my English skills. Let me tell you all about it!In the morning after breakfast, I started by working on my English vocabulary workbook. We had been learning lots of new words related to animals, so the exercises had me matching words like "tiger", "elephant", "giraffe" and more with their pictures. I really like animals, so this was a fun way to build my English vocab! After I finished that section, there were somefill-in-the-blank sentences using the new animal words. A few were pretty tricky, but I managed to get most of them right.Next up was grammar practice. Ugh, I know it's important, but grammar can be so boring sometimes! This time we were working on using the correct verb tenses - like present, past, and future. The worksheets had lots of examples, and then sentences with blanks where I had to pick the properly conjugated verb. I made a few careless mistakes, but overall I think I've got a better handle on verb tenses now.After a snack break, I moved on to one of my favorite English activities - reading! Our latest class reading assignment was a short fiction story about a group of kids who discover a magical forest near their neighborhood. As I read each chapter, I had to stop and write down a brief summary of the major events. The story was pretty imaginative and exciting, so that made the assignment much more enjoyable. I'm about halfway through the book now and can't wait to see what happens next!My English workload for the day wasn't done yet though. Our teacher had provided a paper with a bunch of random nouns, adjectives, and verbs printed on it. The crazy instructions told us to cut out all the words, toss them into a bag, shake it up, and then pull out words one-by-one to create our own silly story! At first I thought it sounded kind of dumb, but it actually ended up being really fun. The tale I fabricated involved things like a "whistling submarine", "crunchy slippers", and a "bounding toaster." Obviously it made zero sense at all, but it was pretty hilarious and helped me practice putting English words together in creative ways.As I was finishing up that nonsense story, my mom reminded me I still needed to work on my English penmanship and handwriting practice too. Ugh, not my favorite...but I knowhaving neat handwriting is important. So I grabbed a fresh piece of notebook paper and carefully copied out a Robert Louis Stevenson poem about winds and trees and such. My teacher always encourages us to read aloud too as we write, so I tried to enunciate each word clearly as my pencil looped through the cursive letters. It took a while, but my handwriting is getting more and more legible!Finally, just before dinner, I spent about 30 minutes on DuoLingo working through some English app lessons. I really liked the gamified way it has you matching words, repeating phrases, and completing activities to reinforce vocabulary and grammar concepts. Plus, racking up points and beating my previous high scores adds a fun level of motivation! I unlocked a new level badge for completing a module about family relationship words.Phew, does that give you a good idea of how I spent my day staying on top of my 5th grade English skills? Between vocabulary, grammar, reading, writing, comprehension, and app practice, I definitely got a well-rounded English workout yesterday. But you know what? Even though it was a lot of work, I actually really enjoy learning and getting better at English. Maybe I'll be an English teacher someday!Anyway, that's the long story of my English homework yesterday. It tired me out, but in a good way. I'm already excited to see what new activities and lessons we'll be doing in class next. Gotta keep building those English skills! Thanks for letting me share my day with you.篇5Yesterday was a pretty normal day for me. I woke up around 7am because I had to get ready for school. My mom came into my room and opened the curtains to let the bright sun shine in. "Time to wake up, sleepyhead!" she said in a cheerful voice. I groaned and pulled the covers over my head for a few more minutes before finally getting out of bed.After getting dressed in my school uniform, I went downstairs for breakfast. My little brother was already at the table eating cereal and watching cartoons. My dad was reading the newspaper and drinking coffee. "Good morning!" I said as I poured myself a bowl of cereal too. My dad looked up from his paper and smiled at me. Once I finished my breakfast, I brushed my teeth and put on my shoes and backpack.My mom drove me and my brother to school at 8:15. The ride only took about 10 minutes. When we got to my school, Isaid goodbye and headed to my classroom. A bunch of my friends were already there playing before the bell rang. I joined in a game of cats-cradle with Sarah and Emily until the teacher came in.First up was math class. I like math okay, but it's not my favorite subject. We were learning about fractions yesterday. I have to admit, I got a little confused trying to add fractions with different denominators. After math, we had art which was way more fun! We got to paint pictures using watercolors. I painted a picture of a sunny day in the park.At 11am, it was time for recess and lunch. My friends and I ran outside to the playground and played on the swings and monkey bars for a while. Then we sat under a big tree to each our lunches that our parents packed. I had a turkey and cheese sandwich, an apple, some carrots, and a cookie for dessert. After we finished eating, we played a running game called horses until the bell rang for us to line up.In the afternoon, we had science class where we learned about the life cycle of butterflies. It was really interesting! I can't wait until we get to watch actual caterpillars turn into butterflies. English was next, which is one of my best subjects. We read astory called "The Garden of the Dwarves" and had to answer comprehension questions about it.Finally, the last class of the day was gym. In gym yesterday, we played kickball which is one of my favorite games. I got to be the pitcher and kicked the ball really far! My team ended up winning. After gym, it was time to go home for the day. My dad picked me and my brother up at 3:30pm.When we got home, I had a snack of apple slices with peanut butter and watched a little TV to relax after a long day at school. For dinner, my mom made chicken stir-fry with rice and veggies. It was delicious! After dinner, I took a bath and then finished up my homework - just a math worksheet and writing spelling words three times each.Around 8pm, my parents let me pick out a bedtime story. I chose one of my favorites, "The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe." My dad read it to me in a big comfy chair as I snuggled under a warm blanket. Finally, I brushed my teeth again and went to bed around 9pm after my mom gave me a bedtime kiss. Overall, it was a pretty typical day for me filled with school, friends, activities and family time. I can't wait to see what adventures today will bring!篇6Yesterday Was a Fun Day!Yesterday was Saturday, and I had the whole day off from school. I was so excited because that meant I could spend the day doing fun things and practicing my English skills.In the morning, I woke up around 8am. My little sister came into my room and jumped on my bed to wake me up. "Wake up, sleepyhead!" she yelled. That's her favorite thing to do on the weekends.After getting dressed, I went downstairs for breakfast. My mom made pancakes, my favorite! As we ate, I practiced my English by telling my mom and dad about the book I've been reading for school, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. I'm about halfway through it. I really like the story so far and all the crazy magic things that happen at Hogwarts. I told them about how Harry discovers he's a wizard and gets invited to go to the wizard school. My English teacher says it's good to summarize what you read to practice comprehension.After breakfast, I spent a little time playing video games with my sister. We took turns playing rounds of Mario Kart. I'm better at it than her, but she's catching up! We talked about the gamesand gave each other suggestions in English. My mom is always reminding us to speak more English at home.For lunch, we had sandwiches and carrot sticks. I find it's easier to think in English when I'm not too full. In the afternoon, I worked on my English homework for a little bit. We had to write a short story, so I spent about an hour writing a story about a kid who finds a magic seashell at the beach. Speaking of the beach, that's where we went next!My dad drove us to the beach in the early afternoon. We brought our beach toys and a cooler with snacks and drinks. At the beach, my sister and I practiced our English by playing "I Spy" games in English. You know, like "I spy with my little eye, something that is blue." We spied on birds, crabs, boats, and more!After jumping waves for a while, I read more of my Harry Potter book while sitting on our beach towels. I really want to improve my reading skills over the summer. When I got tired of reading, my dad let me bury him in the sand! We made a great sand mermaid sculpture around him. My mom took a bunch of silly pictures.For dinner, we stopped at a seaside restaurant on the way home. I enjoyed practicing my English conversational skills byordering for myself. I got fish and chips, and asked for ketchup and vinegar "on the side, please." My sister and I competed to see who could use bigger English vocabulary words from our reading books.After dinner, we were all pretty tired from the beach day. At home, I took a shower to get all the sand off. Before going to bed, I spent about 30 minutes working on some English grammar worksheets my teacher sent home over the break. Verbs, adjectives, pronouns - that kind of thing. My parentsalways say "Practice makes perfect!"I had such a fun and productive day yesterday! I can't wait to go back to school and tell my English teacher and classmates all about it. Doing everyday activities in English really helps the language stick in my brain. My parents are so proud of how hard I'm working on English over the summer. Maybe by next year I'll be fluent! Well, time for bed now. Another busy day of English practice awaits tomorrow!。

英文作文基础练习Title: The Importance of Regular Exercise。
Regular exercise plays a crucial role in maintaining our physical and mental well-being. In today's fast-paced world, where sedentary lifestyles are becoming increasingly common, it's more important than ever to prioritize physical activity. In this essay, we will explore the benefits of regular exercise and discuss some practical ways to incorporate it into our daily routines.First and foremost, regular exercise is essential for maintaining good physical health. Engaging in activities such as jogging, swimming, or cycling helps to strengthen our muscles, improve cardiovascular health, and boost our immune system. Furthermore, regular exercise can help to prevent chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. By staying active, we can significantly reduce our risk of developing these conditions and enjoy a higher quality of life.In addition to its physical benefits, regular exercise also has a profound impact on our mental health. Physical activity stimulates the production of endorphins, neurotransmitters that promote feelings of happiness and well-being. This can help to alleviate symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression. Moreover, exercise provides an opportunity to unwind and clear our minds, helping us to better cope with the challenges of daily life. Incorporating regular exercise into our routines can improve our mood, increase our energy levels, and enhance our overall mental resilience.Despite the numerous benefits of regular exercise, many people struggle to make it a priority in their lives. Busy schedules, lack of motivation, and perceived barriers such as cost or accessibility can all deter individuals from engaging in physical activity. However, with some planning and determination, it is possible to overcome these obstacles and incorporate exercise into our daily lives.One practical way to incorporate regular exercise intoour routines is to schedule it into our day, treating it like any other important appointment. Whether it's a morning jog, a lunchtime yoga class, or an evening walk, setting aside dedicated time for physical activity can help ensure that it doesn't get overlooked. Additionally,finding activities that we enjoy and that align with our interests can make exercise feel less like a chore and more like a rewarding experience. Whether it's dancing, hiking, or playing sports, there are countless ways to stay active and have fun at the same time.Furthermore, incorporating exercise into our daily activities can help make it more accessible and convenient. Simple changes such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walking or cycling instead of driving short distances, or doing bodyweight exercises while watching TV can all add up to significant increases in physicalactivity over time. By finding opportunities to move more throughout the day, we can gradually build a more active lifestyle without requiring a significant time commitment.In conclusion, regular exercise is essential formaintaining good physical and mental health. By strengthening our bodies, boosting our mood, and increasing our resilience, exercise plays a vital role in helping us lead happier, healthier lives. While it may seemchallenging to incorporate exercise into our busy schedules, with some planning and determination, it is possible to make it a regular part of our daily routines. Byprioritizing physical activity and finding activities that we enjoy, we can reap the numerous benefits of regular exercise and improve our overall well-being.。

英语写作基础练习篇1提示:(1) 英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言之一。
(2) 英语是国际会议中使用得最多的工作语言。
(3) 借助英语可以更快、更好地学习现代科学和技术。
要求:(1) 题目:我们为什么学习英语?(2) 字数:120左右。
Why Do We Study English?English is one of the most widely used languages in the world. It is spoken by nearly three hundred million people: in England, the United States, Australia, Canada and many other countries. It is one of the working languages at international meetings and is more used than the others. It is said that 60 percent of the world's radio broadcasts and 70 percent of the world's mail are in English.Millions of books and magazines are written in English, too. English is really a bridge to knowledge. With the help of English we can learn modern science and technology faster and better form the developed countries. In this way we can serve our country better.英语写作基础练习篇2【考试题目】中国传统Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic The Prevalence of Western Holidays. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:1. 中国传统节日受到冷遇,西方节日日益升温已成为趋势2. 形成这种现象的原因3. 你对这种现象的态度The Prevalence of Western HolidaysIt is noticeable that western holidays are becoming increasingly popular day by day,while Chinese traditional holidays are being somewhat neglected. Old people often complain that Chinese New Year has lost its real meaning. To their astonishment, young people in China, ignorant about Chinese traditional holidays,are crazy about Christmas or Valentine‘s Day. There are several possible reasons for this phenomenon. First, western nations, such as the United States and Britain,are powerful and dominant in every aspect. Everything in these countries is assumed to be superior and adored by some modern young people. Second,the prevalence of English as a world language and the development of globalization enable western culture to flood in China. Overwhelmed by such a trend,Chinese unconsciously get involved in western culture. Last but not least,some Chinese people have blind faith in foreign things while dismiss our own possessions with contempt. I am critical of this trend.China boasts a brilliant history and splendid traditions. In modern times,Chinese tradition should be preserved and promoted. But it seems that young people no longer treasure thetradition. On the contrary, they turn to pursue enthusiastically a supposedly more modern culture. If this trend is allowed to continue,the priceless heritage of our ancestors will be replaced by western traditions. Nobody expects such a consequence. So let s join hand in hand to protect Chinese tradition.英语写作基础练习篇3今日作文题:Can Money Buy Happiness? 金钱能买到幸福吗?提示句:许多人认为钱越多,越幸福。

;https:/// 次元猫
;https:///shudan/hot.html 人气推荐-次元猫
5)主语 + 动词 + 间宾 + 直宾 Mum bought me a new dress.
• He broke the world record. • Everyone got excited.
• We do morning exercises every day.
• We stay in the classroom.
• Sometimes it rains.
北京市第一二三中学 凌蕙

content is rather poor. (?3) Back
Do not make unnecessary or confusing shifts in person, number, tense, mood, and voice.
(Unity does not mean a writer can write only simple sentences.)
A long sentence expresses ideas that are closely connected. They are either
① A central idea supported or modified by various subordinate ideas, or
(The central idea: The explorer is writing reports on his adventures in the Antarctic.)
Born in a small town in South China in the early 50s, he grew up to be a famous musician.
name on this sheet or paper. their names (person and number) He looks up difficult words in his dictionaries, and it
is very helpful. which is (person: wrong modifier/antecedent) She reviewed the lesson taught last week and all the

英语基础写作训练课程English Basic Writing Training Course (2000 words) Introduction:The English Basic Writing Training Course is designed to help individuals improve their writing skills in the English language. Through interactive lessons, hands-on exercises, and personalized feedback, participants will gain a strong foundation in writing conventions, grammar, vocabulary, and composition.Course Objectives:1. To develop a solid understanding of English grammar rules, including tenses, sentence structure, and word choice.2. To expand vocabulary and improve word usage in writing.3. To enhance participants' ability to compose coherent and well-structured essays, reports, and letters.4. To improve proofreading and editing skills.5. To build confidence in expressing thoughts and ideas in writing. Course Duration:The English Basic Writing Training Course is designed to be completed in 12 weeks, with 2 hours of weekly class time. Each lesson will include an interactive lecture, followed by individual and group exercises, as well as assignments to practice freshly acquired skills.Course Components:1. Grammar:a. Understanding sentence structureb. Proper use of tensesc. Subject-verb agreementd. Pronoun usagee. Modal verbsf. Articles and determiners2. Vocabulary Building:a. Synonyms and antonymsb. Contextual word usagec. Phrasal verbsd. Idioms and expressionse. Academic vocabularyf. Prefixes and suffixes3. Composition:a. Organizing ideas effectivelyb. Creating strong introductions and conclusionsc. Developing paragraphs and maintaining logical flowd. Using transitions and connectorse. Writing clear and concise sentencesf. Avoiding common writing mistakes4. Proofreading and Editing:a. Revision techniquesb. Identifying common grammatical errorsc. Correcting spelling and punctuation mistakesd. Checking for coherence and claritye. Polishing writing to enhance overall quality Course Delivery:The English Basic Writing Training Course will utilize a combination of in-person and online teaching methods. The in-person sessions will focus on interactive lectures, discussions, and group exercises. Online components will include video lectures, online quizzes and tests, and access to supplementary study resources.Assessment and Grading:Participants will be assessed based on their participation in class activities, completion of assignments, quizzes, and tests. Feedback will be provided regularly, allowing individuals to track their progress throughout the course. A final assessment will be conducted to evaluate the overall improvement in writing skills. Conclusion:The English Basic Writing Training Course is a comprehensive program aimed at providing individuals with the necessary skills to become proficient in English writing. By focusing on grammar, vocabulary, composition, and editing, participants will be equipped with the tools to successfully communicate their thoughts and ideas in writing. Join us and unlock the power of effective written communication!Continue Writing:5. Building Confidence in Writing:a. Overcoming writer's blockb. Developing a personal writing stylec. Practicing self-reflection on writing progressd. Receiving constructive feedback from instructors and peerse. Building a writing support networkf. Engaging in regular writing exercises and challenges6. Writing for Different Purposes and Audiences:a. Understanding the needs and expectations of different writing tasksb. Adapting writing style and tone for different audiencesc. Writing persuasive essays, informative reports, and formal lettersd. Tailoring language and content for specific target readerse. Practicing empathy and cultural sensitivity in writing7. Developing Research Skills:a. Locating credible sources for researchb. Evaluating and organizing information gatheredc. Incorporating sources effectively in writingd. Avoiding plagiarism and maintaining academic integritye. Properly citing sources using recognized citation styles8. Using Technology in Writing:a. Utilizing digital tools for brainstorming and organizing ideasb. Leveraging grammar and spell-checking softwarec. Formatting and editing in word processing softwared. Collaborating and sharing documents onlinee. Engaging in online writing communities and platforms9. Building a Writing Portfolio:a. Collecting and organizing written work for future useb. Showcasing writing skills to potential employers or clientsc. Highlighting progress and growth as a writerd. Creating a personal brand through writing samplese. Seeking feedback and guidance on portfolio development10. Continuous Improvement and Lifelong Learning:a. Engaging in regular writing practice beyond the courseb. Seeking feedback and advice from experienced writersc. Reading extensively to expand writing skills and knowledged. Participating in writing workshops, conferences, and seminarse. Embracing challenges and taking risks in writing Conclusion:The English Basic Writing Training Course provides individuals with a comprehensive foundation in writing skills. By focusing on grammar, vocabulary, composition, proofreading, and editing, participants will develop the necessary tools to become proficient writers in the English language. Building confidence in writing, understanding different writing purposes and audiences, developing research skills, utilizing technology, and creating a writing portfolio are essential components of the course that further enhance participants' writing abilities. The course encourages continuous improvement and lifelong learning, empowering individuals to become effective communicators through the written word. Enroll in the English Basic Writing Training Course and embark on a journey towards mastering the art of writing!。
英语写作基础教程(chapter 3)01

and arranges his history books accordingly. It is odd,
but it is convenient. #
pp 41-45
pp 49-54 ▪ Exercise 1: Chronological order ▪ Exercise 2: Process ▪ Exercise 3: Space
(ways of developing paragraphs)
Development by Time
In telling a story or recounting an event, the easiest and clearest way is to describe things in order of time; earlier things are mentioned before later things, the first thing first and the last thing last. This method is also called chronological sequencing.
An effective paragraph
❖ 3 features of an effective paragraph: 1. A paragraph should have one, and only
one, central idea. 2. The main idea is generally expressed in
In the old days, train travel was not much fun. Back in the 1830’s, passenger coaches on western and southern roads looked like cabins on wheels. Until late in the 1840’s, passengers who wanted heat bought heated bricks from boys at the stations. There were no sleeping cars, either, until 1859, when George R. Pullman remodeled two day coaches into sleeping cars, to run from Chicago to Bloomington, Illinois. They were lighted by candles and heated by wood-burning stoves. Passengers near the stoves were too hot, and those far away were too cold. Even years later, after trains had better heating systems, passengers were often most uncomfortable. Open windows let in showers of soot and cinders; and closed windows meant stifling temperatures. Travelers reached their destinations in those days sooty, jostled, and travel-worn. #

五年级英语写作基础练习题30题含答案解析1. I have a new book. It's very interesting.(把这句话用英语写出来)A. I have an new book. It's very interesting.B. I have a new book. It's very interested.C. I have a new books. It's very interesting.D. I have a new book. It's very interesting.答案解析:D。
选项A 中“an new book”错误,应该是“a new book”,因为“new”不是元音音素开头。
选项 B 中“interested”错误,“interested”通常用来形容人,“interesting”形容物,这里书很有趣,应该用“interesting”。
选项C 中“books”错误,前面有“a”,后面应该是单数“book”。
2. She is a beautiful girl. 改为复数句)A. They are beautiful girls.B. She are beautiful girls.C. They is beautiful girls.D. She is beautiful girl.答案解析:A。
选项B 中“she are”错误。
选项C 中“they is”错误。
选项D 没有改成复数句。
3. I like apples. 改为否定句)A. I not like apples.B. I don't like apples.C. I doesn't like apples.D. I isn't like apples.答案解析:B。

高中英语作文基础语法题目Title: Enhancing English Writing Skills through Basic Grammar Exercises。
English composition is a fundamental aspect of high school education, serving as a gateway to effective communication and academic success. A solid grasp of basic grammar rules is essential for crafting coherent and compelling essays. In this essay, we will delve into various foundational grammar exercises to strengthen English writing skills.Firstly, mastering subject-verb agreement is crucial for constructing grammatically correct sentences. The subject and verb must agree in number and person. For example, "The dog barks loudly" demonstrates agreement between the singular subject "dog" and the singular verb "barks." Conversely, "The dogs bark loudly" aligns with plural subject-verb agreement. Practicing exercises that involve identifying and correcting subject-verb agreementerrors can significantly enhance writing proficiency.Secondly, understanding pronoun usage is paramount in eliminating ambiguity and maintaining clarity in writing. Pronouns must agree with their antecedents in gender, number, and person. Consider the sentence, "Each student must submit their assignment." Here, the pronoun "their" does not agree with the singular antecedent "each student." Rewriting the sentence as "Each student must submit his or her assignment" resolves the pronoun-antecedent disagreement. Engaging in exercises focusing on pronoun-antecedent agreement fosters precision in expression.Thirdly, honing skills in punctuation ensures proper organization and coherence in writing. Commas, for instance, are employed to delineate clauses, separate items in a list, and indicate pauses. In the sentence, "After the game, we went out for dinner," the comma signifies the transition between clauses. Conversely, in the sentence, "I enjoy reading writing and painting," the omission of commas between "reading," "writing," and "painting" results in a lack of clarity. By practicing exercises that involvepunctuating sentences correctly, students can refine their writing mechanics.Additionally, familiarity with verb tenses facilitates the conveyance of precise temporal relationships in writing. The appropriate use of past, present, and future tenses is imperative for conveying events accurately. For instance,in narrating historical events, the past tense is employed, as in "Abraham Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address in 1863." Conversely, when discussing scientific facts or universal truths, the present tense is utilized, as in "Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius." Engaging in exercises focused on verb tense usage enables students to conveyideas temporally with precision.Furthermore, mastery of sentence structure enhances syntactic variety and complexity in writing. Varying sentence structures through the incorporation of simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences enriches the texture of prose. For example, "The sun rose, casting a warm glow over the horizon" exemplifies a compound sentence, while "Although it was raining, the children playedoutside" illustrates a complex sentence. By practicing exercises that involve manipulating sentence structures, students can imbue their writing with depth and sophistication.In conclusion, proficiency in basic grammar is indispensable for cultivating effective English writing skills. Through exercises focusing on subject-verb agreement, pronoun usage, punctuation, verb tenses, and sentence structure, students can refine their grammatical competence and elevate the quality of their compositions. By embracing these foundational principles, students can embark on a journey towards becoming proficient and articulate communicators in the English language.。

五年级英语写作基础练习题50题含答案解析1. We (go / goes) to school at 7:30 every morning.A. goB. goes答案解析:A。
2. There (is / are) some books on the desk.A. isB. are答案解析:B。
这是一个there be句型,表示某地有某物。
be动词的形式要根据后面的名词来确定,books是复数,所以要用are,is 用于单数或不可数名词,所以选B。
3. My mother (cook / cooks) dinner for us every day.A. cookB. cooks答案解析:B。
主语my mother是第三人称单数,在一般现在时中,第三人称单数作主语时,动词要加- s或- es,cook的第三人称单数形式是cooks,所以选B。
4. I (am / is / are) a student.A. amB. is答案解析:A。
5. (Do / Does) your father like reading?A. DoB. Does答案解析:B。
这是一个一般现在时的一般疑问句,主语your father 是第三人称单数,在这种情况下,要用助动词Does来构成疑问句,Do用于第一人称、第二人称和复数主语,所以选B。
6. She (play / plays) the piano on Sundays.A. playB. plays答案解析:B。

英语作文零基础模板英文回答:1. Introduction。
English writing skills are essential for success in today's globalized world. Whether you need to communicate effectively in the workplace, academia, or personal life, having a solid foundation in English writing is paramount. For those starting from scratch, it can seem like a daunting task, but with the right approach and dedication, you can develop the skills necessary to write confidently and effectively.2. Essential Vocabulary and Grammar。
The foundation of good writing starts with a strong vocabulary and grammar base. Focus on building a comprehensive vocabulary by reading widely, using dictionaries, and practicing word games. Master the basicsof grammar, including parts of speech, sentence structure, and proper usage. These foundational elements will help you express yourself clearly and concisely.3. Sentence Structure and Punctuation。

华南理工大学版学术英语写作基础教程课后答案1、()late for the meeting again, Jack! 一Sorry, I won t. [单选题] *A.Don’tB. Be notC.Don't be(正确答案)D.Not be2、I used to take ____ long way to take the bus that went by ____ tunnel under the water. [单选题] *A. a, aB. a. theC. a, /(正确答案)D. the, a3、You should finish your homework as soon as possible. [单选题] *A. 赶快地B. 尽能力C. 一...就D. 尽快地(正确答案)4、Our campus is _____ big that we need a bike to make it. [单选题] *A. veryB. so(正确答案)C. suchD. much5、Guilin is _______ its beautiful scenery. [单选题] *A. famous for(正确答案)B. interested inC. fond ofD. careful with6、Many of my classmates are working _______volunteers. [单选题] *A. as(正确答案)B. toC. atD. like7、48.—________ is your new skirt, Lingling?—Black. [单选题] * A.HowB.What colour(正确答案)C.WhichD.Why8、24.I often ask my English teacher some questions ________ e-mail. [单选题] *A.by(正确答案)B.inC.forD.with9、_____ Lucy _____ Lily has joined the swimming club because they have no time. [单选题] *A. Not only; but alsoB. Neither; nor(正确答案)C. Either; orD. Both; and10、Her ()for writing was that she wished women to get the right to higher education. [单选题] *A. motivation(正确答案)B. motivateC. effectD. concentration11、13.________ it rains heavily outside, Lily wants to meet her children at once. [单选题]* A.IfB.Although (正确答案)C.WhenD.Because.12、—These shoes look cool. ______ are they?—They are on sale, only $()[单选题] *A. How much(正确答案)B. How longC. How manyD. How soon13、The rain is very heavy _______ we have to stay at home. [单选题] *A. butB. becauseC. so(正确答案)D. and14、—I can’t always get good grades. What should I do?—The more ______ you are under, the worse grades you may get. So take it easy!()[单选题] *A. wasteB. interestC. stress(正确答案)D. fairness15、This species has nearly ()because its habitat is being destroyed. [单选题] *A. used upB. died out(正确答案)C. gone upD. got rid of16、Your homework must_______ tomorrow. [单选题] *A. hand inB. is handed inC. hands inD. be handed in(正确答案)17、Leave your key with a neighbor ___ you lock yourself out one day [单选题] *A. ever sinceB. even ifC. soon afterD. in case(正确答案)18、5.Shanghais is known ________ “the Oriental Pearl”, so many foreigners come to visit Shanghai very year. [单选题] *A.forB.as (正确答案)C.withD.about19、Mary's watch is more expensive than _____. [单选题] *A. Susan's(正确答案)B. that of Susan'sC. that of SusanD. Susan20、( ) ____ eye exercises ___ good __ your eyes. [单选题] *A. Doing, is, for(正确答案)B. Doing, are, forC. Do, is, forD. Do, are, at21、The little girl held _____ in her hand. [单选题] *A. five breadsB. five piece of breadsC. five piece of breadD. five pieces of bread(正确答案)22、There _____ wrong with my radio. [单选题] *A. are somethingB. are anythingC. is anythingD. is something(正确答案)23、The students _____ outdoors when the visitors arrived. [单选题] *A. were playing(正确答案)B. have playedC. would playD. could play24、28.—Where is Fujian Province?—It’s ________ the southeast of China. [单选题] * A.in (正确答案)B.onC.toD.at25、How beautiful the flowers are! Let’s take some _______. [单选题] *A. photos(正确答案)B. potatoesC. paintingsD. tomatoes26、( ) ________ large the library is! [单选题] *A. WhatB. What aC. How(正确答案)D. How a27、40.Star wars is ______ adventure film and it is very interesting. [单选题] *A.aB.an (正确答案)C.theD./28、75.As a student in Senior Three, I must work hard.(), I should take exercise to strengthen my body.[单选题] *A.OtherwiseB.Meanwhile(正确答案)C.ThereforeD.Thus29、Jim wants to hang out with his friends at night, but his parents don’t allow him ______ so. ()[单选题] *A. doB. doneC. to do(正确答案)D. doing30、Is there ____ for one more in the car? [单选题] *A. seatB. situationC. positionD. room(正确答案)。

④ There will be a meeting at the library this afternoon. ⑤ Did the twins have porridge for their breakfast?
(三) 挑出下列句中的宾语 ① My brother hasn't done his homework. ② People all over the world speak English.
④ I am afraid some people forgot to sweep the floor.
⑤ The man downstairs was trying to sleep.
(六) 挑出下列句中的宾语补足语 ① She likes the children to read
newspapers and books in the reading-room. ② He asked her to take the boy out of
school. ③ She found it difficult to do the work. ④ They call me Lily sometimes. ⑤ I saw Mr Wang get on the bus. ⑥ Did you see Li Ming playing football on
12. Both Tom and Jack enjoy country music. 简单句
1)SV 主语+谓语
eg. The telephone rang. His father might have died.
2) SVP 主语+谓语+表语

写作练习题培养英文写作技巧写作练习——培养英文写作技巧Writing is an essential skill that plays a significant role in various aspects of our lives. Whether it is academic, professional, or personal, being able to express oneself coherently and effectively in English is highly beneficial. In this writing exercise, we will explore some strategies and techniques to enhance English writing proficiency. By practicing these skills consistently, individuals can develop their writing abilities and become more confident communicators in English.I. Expanding VocabularyA rich vocabulary is fundamental to improving English writing skills. By continuously adding new words to one's repertoire, writers can enhance their ability to articulate their thoughts accurately and precisely. Here are a few ways to expand vocabulary:1. Reading extensively: Engage in a variety of reading materials, such as books, articles, and magazines, to expose oneself to new words and phrases. When encountered with unfamiliar words, make use of a dictionary to understand their meanings and usage.2. Utilizing vocabulary-building tools: Take advantage of online resources, like flashcards or vocabulary apps, to learn and practice new words systematically. These tools often provide definitions, synonyms, and example sentences to deepen understanding.3. Contextual learning: Observe how words are used in different contexts and pay attention to collocations, idioms, and phrasal verbs. Take note of these expressions and incorporate them into writing to make it more nuanced and authentic.II. Practicing Grammar and Sentence StructureA strong command of grammar and sentence structure is crucial for effective writing. Here are some ways to practice and improve:1. Reviewing grammar rules: Regularly revisit grammar rules and guidelines. This could include studying verb tenses, subject-verb agreement, sentence structure, and punctuation. Online grammar resources and workbooks can provide exercises for practice.2. Writing exercises: Dedicate time to regular writing practice. Start with simple sentence construction and gradually progress to more complex structures. Focus on using a variety of sentence types, such as simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences.3. Seeking feedback: Share your writing with a teacher, tutor, or language exchange partner who can provide constructive feedback. Take note of recurring mistakes and work on addressing them systematically.III. Developing Coherence and CohesionCoherence refers to the logical flow of ideas within a piece of writing, while cohesion pertains to the effective use of linking words and phrases to connect different parts of a text. Enhancing coherence and cohesion in writing can be achieved through the following techniques:1. Outlining: Before starting a writing task, create an outline or a plan to organize your thoughts. This will help you ensure that ideas are presented logically and coherently.2. Using transitional words and phrases: Incorporate a variety of transitional words and phrases, such as "however," "in addition," and "moreover," to establish connections between ideas. This will make your writing more cohesive and accessible for readers.3. Proofreading and editing: After completing a piece of writing, take the time to review and revise it. Look for any inconsistencies, redundancies, or unclear statements. By refining and polishing your work, you can enhance coherence and clarity.IV. Enhancing Writing StyleDeveloping a good writing style involves finding a balance between maintaining clarity and expressing personal voice. Here are a few techniques to enhance your writing style:1. Reading widely: Explore various authors and writing styles to expose yourself to different forms of expression. Pay attention to how different writers convey their ideas and evoke emotions through their choice of words, sentence structure, and tone.2. Eliminating wordiness: Strive for precision and conciseness in writing. Avoid unnecessary repetition, excessive adjectives or adverbs, and convoluted sentence structures. Choose words carefully to convey meaning efficiently.3. Practicing voice and tone: Develop your own unique writing voice. Experiment with different tones, ranging from formal to informal, depending on the intended purpose and audience of your writing. Maintaining a consistent tone throughout your piece can enhance its overall impact.In conclusion, improving English writing skills requires a systematic approach involving vocabulary expansion, grammar and sentence structure practice, coherence and cohesion development, and style enhancement. By incorporating these strategies into regular writing exercises, individuals can cultivate their proficiency and confidence in English writing. Remember, consistent practice and a genuine passion for writing are key to success. Keep practicing, and your English writing skills will continue to grow.。

英语作文训练小短文模板Title: The Importance of Regular Exercise。
Regular exercise is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It not only contributes to physical well-being but also has a significant impact on mental health. In this essay, we will explore the various benefits of regular exercise and why it should be an integral part ofeveryone's daily routine.Firstly, engaging in regular physical activity is crucial for maintaining optimal physical health. Exercise helps to strengthen muscles, improve cardiovascular health, and enhance flexibility. Whether it's through aerobic exercises like running or cycling, or strength training exercises such as weightlifting, each form of exercise offers unique benefits for the body. Moreover, regular exercise can help to prevent chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease, thus prolonging life expectancy and improving overall quality of life.Secondly, exercise plays a vital role in promoting mental well-being. Physical activity stimulates the release of endorphins, neurotransmitters that are often referred to as "feel-good" hormones. These endorphins help to reduce feelings of stress and anxiety while promoting a sense of happiness and relaxation. Additionally, regular exercisehas been shown to improve sleep quality, cognitive function, and self-esteem, further enhancing mental health outcomes.Furthermore, engaging in physical activity fosterssocial connections and promotes a sense of community. Whether it's joining a sports team, participating in group fitness classes, or simply going for a walk with friends, exercise provides opportunities for social interaction and bonding. These social connections not only contribute to a sense of belonging but also provide support and encouragement, making it easier to maintain a consistent exercise routine.Despite the numerous benefits of regular exercise, many people struggle to incorporate it into their daily livesdue to various barriers such as lack of time, motivation,or resources. However, with proper planning and commitment, it is possible to overcome these obstacles and makeexercise a priority. Setting realistic goals, finding activities that are enjoyable, and scheduling regular workout sessions can help to establish a sustainable exercise routine.In conclusion, regular exercise is essential for maintaining both physical and mental health. From improving cardiovascular fitness to boosting mood and reducing stress, the benefits of exercise are undeniable. By making exercise a priority and overcoming barriers to physical activity, individuals can enjoy a higher quality of life and overall well-being. So let's lace up our sneakers, hit the gym, and reap the rewards of regular exercise!。

英语二作文简单句Title: The Importance of Physical Exercise。
Physical exercise plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It not only contributes to physical fitness but also has numerous benefits for mental well-being. In this essay, I will discuss the significance of physical exercise and its positive impact on both the body and mind.Firstly, engaging in regular physical activity is essential for improving cardiovascular health. Activities such as jogging, swimming, and cycling help strengthen the heart and improve blood circulation. This reduces the risk of heart diseases such as hypertension and coronary artery disease. Additionally, exercise helps to control weight by burning calories and increasing metabolism, which is vital for overall health and longevity.Moreover, physical exercise is beneficial for mentalhealth. It has been scientifically proven that exercise stimulates the production of endorphins, which are neurotransmitters that promote feelings of happiness and reduce stress. Regular exercise can alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression, providing a natural and effective way to boost mood and improve mental well-being.Furthermore, engaging in physical activity enhances cognitive function and brain health. Studies have shown that exercise increases blood flow to the brain, which can improve memory, concentration, and overall cognitive performance. This is particularly important for students, as regular exercise can enhance learning abilities and academic achievement.In addition to the physical and mental benefits, participating in sports and other forms of physicalactivity promotes social interaction and teamwork. Whether it's playing team sports like soccer or joining a fitness class, exercising with others fosters camaraderie and creates a sense of community. This social support network not only provides motivation and encouragement but alsohelps individuals develop important social skills and build friendships.Furthermore, regular physical activity is essential for maintaining strong bones and muscles, reducing the risk of osteoporosis and age-related muscle loss. Weight-bearing exercises such as weightlifting and resistance training help to increase bone density and improve muscle strength and endurance. This is particularly important as we age, as it can significantly improve quality of life and reduce the risk of falls and fractures.In conclusion, physical exercise is vital for overall health and well-being. From improving cardiovascular health and mental well-being to enhancing cognitive function and fostering social interaction, the benefits of regular physical activity are undeniable. Therefore, it isessential to incorporate exercise into our daily routine and make it a priority for a healthier and happier life.。

英语写作基础自考题-19(总分100,考试时间90分钟)Ⅰ.Rewrite the following sentences into periodic sentence.1. Iraq's fallen dictator Saddam Hussein refused to answer any questions or recognize any of his crimes when he was brought to court. (periodic sentence)2. He felt that the world **e to an end when he failed in the university entrance exam last year. (periodic sentence)3. It began to shake noticeably as soon as the plane lifted off the runway. (periodic sentence)4. I saw a rabbit right under the tree when I was on my way home. (periodic sentence)5. He felt that the world **e to an end when he wasn't chosen for the football team. (periodic sentence)6. There are ten eggs in the nest, but only one chicken was hatched. (periodic sentence)7. It requires steady nerves to do the job safely. (periodic sentence)8. It takes time and money to learn to type. (periodic sentence)9. I began reading my favorite novel as soon as I got home from school. (periodic sentence)10. There are many exercises to do if you want to build a muscular body. (periodic sentence)11. He did not dare to form a guess even in his mind. (periodic sentence)12. Summer is the most enjoyable season for many people. (periodic sentence)13. He stumbled into his bed after his long walk, tired and sleepy. (periodic sentence)14. She got a medal in the Olympic Games, according to China Daily reports. (periodic sentence)15. The plane began to shake noticeably as soon as it lifted off the runway. (periodic sentence)16. The story book is my favorite of all the books here. (periodic sentence)17. I bought some potatoes in the market this morning. (periodic sentence)18. He played the violin well because he had been trained in it from an early age. (periodic sentence)19. I bought some books in the bookshop yesterday. (periodic sentence)20. There are many exercises to do if you want to build a muscular body. (periodic sentence)21. There are many famous scientists in the history of China. (periodic sentence)22. The men of the expedition put their faith in Washington's leadership after they **pletely out of touch with their families for over two years. (periodic sentence)23. I asked my friend if we should tip the driver when the bus tour ended. (periodic sentence)24. Meet me in the courtyard for dessert when you finish doing the dishes. (periodic sentence)25. Alan did not know that he had won the race until he crossed the line and felt the tape snap against his chest. (periodic sentence)26. The meeting had already started when he arrived. (periodic sentence)27. There are many exercises to do if you want to build a muscular (肌肉发达的) body. (periodic sentence)28. Jane walked out of his life, bursting into tears as she left the room. (periodic sentence)29. **munity college is making it easier for older students to attend college in a number of ways. (periodic sentence)30. Hockey is a sport which is popular in many countries around the world. (simple sentence)31. My roommate closed her books when it was nearly midnight. (simple sentence)32. The enemy ran away as soon as they saw our flag. (simple sentence)33. Your uncle married my aunt. He is rich. She is poor. (simple sentence)34. Don Hall who is a reporter works for our local newspaper. (simple sentence)35. The film was over. We had dinner at an expensive restaurant. (simple sentence)36. Han Solo is one of the heroes of Star Wars. He is a brave but self-centered pilot. (simple sentence)37. Jules is sweet. He is considerate. He is loving. (simple sentence)Ⅱ.Rewrite the following sentences into loose sentences or according to the requirement.38. Not until he crossed the line and felt the tape snap against his chest did Johnson know he had won the race. (loose sentence)39. When they meet after years of separation, old friends are often shocked and embarrassed. (loose sentence)40. As the lecture is long and important, I hope you **e early. (loose sentence)41. In our launching satellites, computers play a key role. (loose sentence)42. At 29, he became a general of the Red Army. (loose sentence)43. In spite of the jeers of his contemporaries, Richard Wangner became one of the most **posers of all the time. (loose sentence)44. Talking and laughing, the children are walking along the street. (loose sentence)45. If you sit by the window facing the sun on a sunny winter day, you may feel nice and warm. (loose sentence)46. When he saw the thief, he called the police. (loose sentence)47. Despite its **ings, education remains the single best means of economic advancement. (loose sentence)48. I spent almost two hours on the phone yesterday. I tried to find a garage to repair my car. (sentence with "to opener")Ⅲ.Combine each of the following groups of short sentences into the best long sentences you can write. Don't change any of the key words and don't leave out any information.49. It was nearly dark. A snowmobile appeared. The snowmobile was roaring. It was running without lights. It hit Mrs. Li.50. Former American President, Ronald Reagan, died at the age of 93. (1911—2004). He was the oldest president in American history.51. We should not rely so heavily on oil, coal and uranium. They are overused. Coal and oil are non-renewable. Uranium is also non-renewable.52. Louis was eyeing the perfume. She was carrying a purse. The purse was already open. The clerk turned around. Louis put the perfume in the purse. The store manager told the judge that he had seen it all.。

Wang Xiaoming often asks the teacher a lot of questions in class. 13.同学们把课室保持得干干净净. The students keep the classroom clean.
• Suply any missing quotaion marks, colons, dashes and parentheses or any other relevant punctions in the following sentences. • 1. My employer asked whether I would finishthe accounts before the end of the week. • 2 My employer asked Will you finish the accounts before the end of the week. • 3. The title of the movie lnherit the Wind comes from a biblical quotation He that troubleth his own house shall inherit the wind... Proverbs 11:29 • 4. Please omit these paragraphs from the report paragraph 1 page 3 paragraph 3 page 11 paragraph 2 page 15.

英语作文基础练习册Title: Enhancing English Writing Skills: A Foundational Exercise Workbook。
Introduction:English writing is a crucial skill that requires constant practice and refinement. This foundational exercise workbook aims to provide you with structured practice to strengthen your English writing abilities. Through a series of exercises, you will engage in various writing tasks to enhance your vocabulary, grammar, coherence, and overall composition skills.Exercise 1: Vocabulary Expansion。
To begin, let's focus on expanding your vocabulary. Vocabulary plays a significant role in effective communication and writing. In this exercise, you will learn new words and incorporate them into sentences to deepenyour understanding and usage.Example:Word: "Ubiquitous"Definition: Present, appearing, or found everywhere.Sentence: Technology has become ubiquitous in our daily lives, impacting how we communicate, work, and socialize.Exercise 2: Grammar Practice。
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练习: 翻译下列句子
1.他虽然有病, 但是还是上学去了.
He was ill;however,/but yet he went to school. Although/Though he was ill, he went to school. Ill as/though he was, he went to school. 2.汤姆很穷, 而他的弟弟却发了财. While he was ill, he went to school. Tom was poor while his brother became very 3.他丢了工作, 因此这些天心情不好. rich. He lost his job, so he was unhappy these days. He was in a bad mood because he lost his job.
• The professor walked into the classroom, he carried a bag of books with him.
1. The professor walked into the classroom and he carried a bag of books with him. 2. The professor walked into the classroom ; he carried a bag of books with him. 3. The professor,who carried a bag of books, walked into the classroom , 4. The professor walked into the classroom, carrying a bag of books with him. 5. The professor walked into the classroom with a bag of books .
We noticed a lot of people standing at the gate of 15.我找人把自行车修好了. our school.
I had the bike repaired. 16.你不应该让他一个人去那儿. You shouldn’t let him go there alone.
6. He’s forgotten to his coat with him. He might catch cold. 7. Shall I go and __ some warm clothes for you? 8. You can’t away any books out of reference library. 9. I’ll come over and __ you. 10. Will you __ me a dictionary from the study?
• 5. When you visited the Museum of Modern Art did you see Picasso's painting Three Musicians. • 6. We are sorry that you did not receive your order for office supplies Mr. Shaw dictated however we are duplicating the order and sending it by special messenger. • 7. Marian began typing the Preamble to the Constitution We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, etc. • 8. The dates suggested for the meeting are March 10 March 17 and March 21. • 9. Two of our instructors John Cleary and Mildred Davis are on sabbatical(公休假) leave this year. • 10. My employer suggested that I follow this suggestion Mark all messages with both the date and the time that the message was taken.
It was raining hard, they could not work in the field.
1. It was raining hard;they could not work in the field. 2. It was raining hard, so they could not work in the field. 3. It was raining so hard that they could not work in the field. 4. They could not work in the field because it was raining hard. 5. As it was raining hard, they could not work in the field.
• Suply any missing quotaion marks, colons, dashes and parentheses or any other relevant punctions in the following sentences. • 1. My employer asked whether I would finishthe accounts before the end of the week. • 2 My employer asked Will you finish the accounts before the end of the week. • 3. The title of the movie lnherit the Wind comes from a biblical quotation He that troubleth his own house shall inherit the wind... Proverbs 11:29 • 4. Please omit these paragraphs from the report paragraph 1 page 3 paragraph 3 page 11 paragraph 2 page 15.
近义词辨析: fetch, get, carry, bring, take
1. The man was __ a big bag on his shoulder. 2. __ him to a hospital. 3. Can anyone __ me a hammer? 4. Let me help you to __ the bag. It’s too heavy for one person. 5. May I __ my cousin to your lecture?
Hu Shanshan has read the book many times.
I haven’t decided whether to go or not.
Zhou Lan lent me some money. The evening dress cost her forty dollars. She paid forty dollars for the evening dress.
这几句是正确的句子吗? 如果你认为 有误, 该怎么改? last 1.The meeting will until 3:00. and ^ 2.Work hard, you will succeed. ^ 3.I have a brother, who is a doctor. 4. There are only 4 students take part in the ^ taking/to take who class.
Wang Xiaoming often asks the teacher a lot of questions in class. 13.同学们把课室保持得干干净净. The students keep the classroom clean.
Zhang Fei is in Class 6, Grade 3. That story sounds interesting.
The teacher seemed to be pleased with my work.
Going to bed early and getting up early is good/beneficial for/does good to your health.
5. Exercise about Differences
1. carry 2. Take 3. get / fetch 4. carry 5. bring 6. take 7. get / fetch 8. take 9. fetch 10. get
The Second World War/ World War II broke out 2.一天, 她高兴地走进我的房间. in 1939.