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1 排比句(parallelism)


(1) In the evening Steve likes playing with his son,reading the newspaper,and watching television.


(2)After the camping trip I was exhausted,irritable,and hungry.


(3)They not only invaded our privacy but also wasted our time.


(4)Being lazy and clumsy, I have never liked tennis.


(5)Where he works and where he lives are two completely different places.



(1)I value a friend who is very sweet,kind and loving.


(2)With this faith we will be able to work together,to pray together,to struggle together,to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together,knowing that we will be free one day.


(3)She had the same feeling when she graduated from middle school,when she graduated from high school,and when she graduated from college.



凯撒大帝(Julius Caesar)的名言“I came, I saw,I conquered.”之所以千年流传,就是因为它使用了排比这一句子技巧,也可以说使用了层递这一修辞手段。

如果凯撒大帝说成“I came,I was able to see,and the land was c onquered.”,恐怕没人愿意记这样一拉杂罗嗦不连贯的句子。

2 强调句(emphasis)



(1)Great is the mystery of space, greater is the mystery of time.


(2)Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.


(3)The girl gave no reason for her refusal to come.


(4)John Adam was elected President in 1796.


(5)He usually came late.(肯定句立场坚定,态度鲜明。试比较:He was not very often on time.否定句则显得态度暧昧,犹豫不决或故弄伎俩而让人烦。

由此看来否定句有其不足之处,故,一些否定意义可用肯定形式来表达,如:not honest说成dishonest;did not remember说成forgot;did not pay attention to说成ignored;not important 说成unimportant等等)

(6)Not that I loved Caesar less,but that I loved Rome more.



(7)The old man has nothing left, nothing except memories capable of filling volumes of books.

(使用重复词语nothing 获得强调效果)

(8)It was the merchants who protested the new taxes.


(9)What the merchants did was to protest the new taxes.


(10)The new taxes were what the merchants protested.

(使用强调句型强调宾语the new taxes)

有时候,我们可以省去句中无关紧要的词语获得强调效果,如:As a student, he is most Conscientious.该句省略为:He is a most conscientious student.有时候我们可用一些机械手段获得强调效果,譬如,给相关内容加下划线,斜体,黑体,大写;还可以使用一些标点符号获得强调效果,如:感叹号,破折号及冒号,见如下例句:

Watch out!

The verdict was what he expected — death.
