

研究生英语课文翻译Unit 4

研究生英语课文翻译Unit 4

Explicit and Implicit Moral EducationImagine a guardsman,from the moment he falls in on parade in the morning until the moment the parade is dismissed,every conscious action he makes is predetermined and controlled.If inadvertently he does something that is not in the schedule,such as drop his rifle,he has to cover up that accident by pretending to faint.to do anything other than conform might show originality and inventiveness,but from the point of view of military ethos would be immoral.想象一下有一个卫兵,在早上从他进入一个阅兵队列开始直到这个队伍解散,他作出的每一个有意识的动作都是事先规定好并且被控制的。



That is an example of thorough-going explicit moral system.In it actions are rigidly divided into right ones and wrong ones,permitted ones and non-permitted ones,and everyone involved accepts this without question;and to train a participant in such a system is an explicit matter,and the simplest form of behaviour training,provided the learners acknowledge the teacher as an unquestionable authority who knows exactly what moral behaviour is.这就是一个彻底实行显性道德教育体系的例子。



Unit4 无子女家庭:亘古生息的反叛1二十好几的凯茜、韦恩夫妇结婚已有五年之久,膝下犹虚。























(1) 增省略英语中多省略,中文喜欢重复,所以在两种语言在转换时要汉语中要补充出英语中省略的内容。

比如,03年第四篇阅读第一句话It is said that in England death is pressing, in Canada inevitableand in California optional. 这句话中,in Canada 与inevitable,in California 与optional 之间,省略了主语death, 翻译是,必须补充出来。


”又比如,How well the predictionswill be validated by laterperformance// depends upon the amount, reliability,and appropriateness of the information used// and on the skill and wisdom//with which it is interpreted。

(95年,72题) 句子结构是How well.。

引导的被动结构是主语从句,How well是主语从句中的状语前置,depends是句子谓语,depends后面两个介词短语作并列宾语upon...and on...,the information used是名词+定语,with which it is interpreted定语从句,先行词是theskill and wisdom,代词it指代theinformation 这些测试在多大程度上为后来的表现所证实,这取决于所采用信息的数量、可靠性和适应性,还取决于解释这些信息的技能和才智。



Unit 4(Para. 1) In the last few centuries, marriage has been connected to romantic love. This kind of package deal is not easy to maintain and indeed many people fail while trying to do so. Nevertheless, most people still pursue this deal. This is another type of paradox associated with marriage.在过去的几个世纪里,婚姻总是和浪漫的爱情联系起来。




package adj. 一揽子的 vt. 打包;将…包装package deal 一揽子交易,一揽子交易中的条款nevertheless adv. 然而,不过;虽然如此 conj. 然而,不过paradox n. 悖论,反论;似非而是的论点;自相矛盾的人或事(Para. 2)Some of the main difficulties of this package deal are the following: (a) in modern society, marriage is no longer unique in fulfilling tasks such as raising children and enhancing one’s status and financial situation,(b) long-term romantic relationships are problematic in that they lack significant changes, which are so meaningful to emotions in general and love in particular, and (c) the greater flexibility of romantic boundaries in modern society make it harder to maintain strict emotional connections and constraints, such as those recommended in marriage.要实现这一揽子交易,有如下几点主要的困难:1. 在现代社会,婚姻已不是实现像抚养孩子,加强个人地位,及改善经济状况等任务的惟一形式。

研究生英语翻译 增词法

研究生英语翻译 增词法

• Better be wise by the defeat of others than by your own.
• 从别人的失败中吸取教训比从自己的失败中吸取 教训更好。 • He could understand a passive opposition from Kennedy loyalists, but an open one would have dire consequences. • 他了解到忠于肯尼迪的那些人在消极反对他,但 是如果他们公开反对,那就会产生可怕的后果。
• Air is a mixture of gases. • 空气是多种气体的混合物 • Of visible lights, red light has the longest and violet the shortest wavelength. • 在各种可见光中,红光的波长最长,紫光 的波长最短 • Things in the universe are changing all the time. • 宇宙中万物总是在不断变化的
• Jupiter generates more heat than it receives from the sun. • 木星发出的热量比它从太阳那里得到的热 量多。
• Plastic bowls marked microwavable are probably safer than those that aren’t. • 使用贴有“可用于微波炉烹调”标志的塑 料碗也许比使用没有贴这种标志的塑料碗 更安全 • The best conductor has the least resistance and the poorest the greatest • 最好的导体电阻最小,最差的导体电阻最大



第四章增词1.Histories make men wise; poems witty; the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend.历史使人明智;诗词使人灵秀;数学使人周密;自然哲学使人深刻;伦理使人庄重;逻辑修辞学使人善辨。

2.Reading makes a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man. -Bacon阅读使人充实,交谈使人机智,写作使人精确。

3.Courage in excess becomes foolhardiness, affection weakness, thrift avarice.勇敢过度即成蛮勇,感情过度即成溺爱,节俭过度即成贪婪。

4.We won’t retreat, we never have and never will.我们不后退,我们从来没有退过,我们将来也不后退5.Their host carved, poured, served, cut bread, talked, laughed, proposed healths.热情的主人又是切肉,又是倒茶,又是上菜又是切面包;谈呀,笑呀,敬酒呀,忙个不停。

6.The KODAK Fiche reader 321A is easy to operate versatile, compact and has a pleasing modern design.柯达321A型微胶片阅读器操作简便,功能齐全,结构紧凑,造型美观。

7.The pupil of the eye responds to the change of light intensity.瞳孔随光线的强弱变化而缩小放大。

8.Oceans do not so much divide the world as unite it.海洋与其说是分割了世界不如说是连接了世界。



UNIT41. Think for a moment about your own life — the activities of your day, the possessions you enjoy, the surroundings in which you live. Is there anything you don’t have at this moment that you would like to have? Anything that you have, but that you would like more of? If your answer is “no,” then congratulations — either you are well advanced on the path of Zen self-denial, or else you are a close relative of Ted Turner . The rest of us, however, would benefit from an increase in our material standard of living. This simple truth is at the very core of economics. It can be restated this way: we all face the problem of scarcity.2 Almost everything in your daily life is scarce. You would benefit from a larger room or apartment, so you have a scarcity of space. You have only two pairs of shoes and could use a third for hiking; you have a scarcity of shoes. You would love to take a trip to Chicago, but it is difficult for you to find the time or the money to go — trips to Chicago are scarce.3 Because of scarcity, each of us is forced to make choices. We must allocate our scarce time to different activities: work, play, education, sleep, shopping, and more. We must allocate our scarce spending power among different goods and services: food, furniture, movies, long-distance phone calls, and many others.4 Economists study the choices we make as individuals and how those choices shape our economy. For example, the goods that each of us decides to buy ultimately determine which goods business firms will produce. This, in turn, explains which firms and industries will hire new workers and which will lay them off.5. Economists also study the more subtle and indirect effects of individual choice on our society. Will most Americans continue to live in houses, or — like Europeans will most of us end up in apartments? Will we have an educated and well-informed citizenry? Will museums and libraries be forced to close down? Will traffic congestion in our cities continue to worsen, or is there relief in sight? These questions hinge, in large part, on the separate decisions of millions of people. To answer them requires an understanding of how people make choices under conditions of scarcity.6. Think for a moment about the goals of our society. We want a high standard of living for all citizens: clean air, safe streets, and good schools. What is holding us back from accomplishing all of these goals in a way that would satisfy everyone? You probably already know the answer: scarcity. 1. 想一想你的生活:你每天从事的活动,你所拥有的财产,你所居住的环境。


简单释义:n.商业主义,营利主义 Extend: commerce n.商业 commercial adj.商业的 commercialist n.商业主义者 commercialistic adj. 重商主义者的 Example: The trend towards greater commercialism is most evident in
3. felicity [fɪ'lɪsɪtɪ] (P1L5)
简单释义:n.幸福 Example: Felicity is easily found, but hard to be kept. (谚语)找到幸福容易,维持幸福困难。 synonyms happiness, welfare(福利),pleasure, joy
20.varicose veins [,værɪkəus 'veɪnz] 静脉曲张
21.sane [seɪn] adj.神志正常的,明智的 22.orthopedics [,ɔrθə'pidɪks] n.矫形外科,整形外科学 23.acquistive [ə'kwɪzɪtɪv] adj.贪婪的 24.holy ['həʊlɪ] adj.圣洁的 25.rapt [ræpt] adj.全神贯注的 26.contemplation [,kɒntem'pleɪʃ(ə)n] n.沉思 27.devout [dɪ'vaʊt] adj.虔诚的 28.starve [stɑ:v] v.挨饿,饿死 29.illusion [ɪ'l(j)u:ʒ(ə)n] n.幻想,错觉
The prisoner was questioned before his release. 囚犯被释放之前受到了审问。 Phrases: press release 新闻发布 ; 新闻稿 ; 新闻 ; 新闻公告 delivery release 发货通知



1.1 增加动词 1.2 增加名词 1.3 增加概括词 1.4 增加副词 1.5 增加量词 1.6 增加表达复数的词 1.7 增加表达时态的词
1. 1 增加动词

1)In the evening, after the banquets, the concerts and the table tennis exhibition, he would work on the drafting of the final communique. 晚上在参加宴会、出席音乐会、观看乒乓球表 演之后,他还得起草最后的公报。
1. 5增加量词

英语中数词与可数名词往往可以直接连用,不 用加量词。而汉语往往要加入量词。 1)A red sun rose slowly from the calm sea. 一轮红日从平静的海面冉冉升起。

2) Into the dim clouds was swimming a crescent moon. 一弯新月渐渐隐没在朦胧的云层里去了。

1)Is this your wallet ? Yes, it is. 这是你的钱包吗?是我的。 2)Don’t you want Mr. Smith to be your tutor ? Yes, of course I do. 你不想让史密斯先生当你的导师吗?我当然 想。

② He is a complicated man---moody, mercurial, with a melancholy streak. 他是一个性格复杂的人——喜怒无常,反复 多变,有些忧郁寡欢。

d. 在不及物动词后面增加名词 英语中的某些动词在用作不及物动词的时候,虽 然后面并没有带宾语,但宾语实际上是隐含在动词后 面的。所以在翻译成汉语时,往往要把隐含的宾语翻 译出来。 1)Day after day he came to his work—sweeping, scrubbing, cleaning. 他每天来干活——扫地、擦地板、收拾房间。

研究生英语系列教材上unit4 原文翻译

研究生英语系列教材上unit4 原文翻译

The following text is extracted from Marriages and Families by Nijole V.Benokraitis.下面的文章选自奈杰尔贝诺克瑞提斯的婚姻与家庭。

The book has been used as a textbook for sociology courses and women's studies in a number of universities in the United States.此书在美国的一些大学里被用作社会学和妇女研究等课程的教材,It highlights important contemporary changes in society and the family它强调了在当代社会和家庭中所发生的重要变化,and explores the choices that are available to family members,探索了家庭成员所面临的选择,as well as the constraints that many of us do not recognize.以及我们很多人都还未意识到的种种约束。

It examines the diversity of American families today,该书还审视了当今美国家庭的多样性,using cross-cultural and multicultural comparisons运用跨文化和多元文化的比较,to encourage creative thinking about the many critical issues that confront the family of the twenty-first century.以激发创造性思维来研究21世纪家庭所面临的许多严峻问题。

LOVE AND LOVING RELATIONSHIPS爱和情感连系Nijole V.Benokraitis奈杰尔·贝诺克瑞提斯Love — as both an emotion and a behavior — is essential for human survival.爱,对于人类的生存是不可或缺的。

研究生学位英语课文及翻译-Unit Four

研究生学位英语课文及翻译-Unit Four

Textual Selection1、When, at the beginning of The Iliad/伊利亚特/-and Western literature-King Agamemnon steals Achilles' slave-girl/奴隶女人/, Briseis, the king tells the world's greatest warrior/战士勇士/ that he is doing so "to let you know that I am more powerful than you, and to teach others not to bandy words with me/跟我犟嘴/ openly defy/不服从,公然反抗/ their king"'. But literary scholar/文学家/ Jonathan Gottschall believes that the true focus of Homer's epic is not royal authority/皇家权威/, but royal genes/皇家基因,皇家遗传/.2、Gottschall is one of a group of researchers/研究团队/, calling themselves literary Darwinists/文学达尔文主义者/, devoted to studying literature/文学/ using the concepts/概念/ of evolutionary/演化,进化/ biology and the empirical/以实验为依据的/, quantitative/量化的/ methods of the sciences. "Women in Homer/荷马史诗/ are not a proxy/代理人/ for status/显赫的地位/ and honour; says Gottschall. "At bottom/事实上/, the men in the stories are motivated/驱使/ by reproductive concerns/繁衍后代/. Every Homeric raid involves/荷马式的袭击/ killing the men and abducting/抢夺/ the women:' The violent world of the epics史诗中的残暴世界/, he says, reflects a society where men fought for scarce mates/少数的配偶/ and chieftains/首领/ had access to as many women as slaves/奴隶/ and concubines/宫女/. And he thinks that everything written/文学撰述/ since Homer is open to similar analysis.3、Literary Darwinism is a mode of analysis; it's also a bit of/一些,少许/ a crusade/运动/, an attempt/试图/ to shake up/撼动/ literary criticism/文学评论/. "Literary theory requires a theory of human nature/人性本质/, because literature is shaped/形状/ by human motives/动机/ and cognitive biases/认知偏见/; says Joseph Carroll of the University of Missour/密苏里/, St Louis. The problem, say the literary Darwinists/文学达尔文主义者/, is that for the past few decades/过去几十年/ the humanities/人类,人性/ have, in the case of/如果发生/ critics/评论,批评/ deconstructing texts/解构文本时/, denied/否定了/ the need for a theory of human nature, asserting/坚持/ that the study of texts can be concerned/不安的/ with nothing outside those texts. Or else/要不/ they have been stuck on theories of human nature that are rooted in/使根深蒂固/ the subjective/主观的/ and the social.4、Those influenced by Freudianism/洛伊德主义/, for example, might read a novel looking for hints/暗示提示/ of a child's sexual desire/性欲/ for its parent. A Marxist/马克思主义者/ would seek out economic and class/阶级/ conflicts/冲突/. Carroll has no truck with/不理/ this: "The theories up to/胜任/ this point have all had a little bit of the truth, but have also all been fundamentally/基本/ flawed/瑕疵/; he says. "None comes to terms with/对某事妥协/ the fundamental facts/基本事实/ of human evolution."5、Literary darwinists believe that literature/文学/ reflects a universal/普遍一般/ human nature shaped by natural selection, and as a result/作为结果/, read texts in terms of /依据/animal concerns/关系/ such as mate choice/配偶选择/, relations between kin/亲属关系/, and social hierarchies/社会阶级/. Such a scientistic approach/方法,途径/ can meet with hostility/敌对/. "At one meeting of the Modern Languages Association/协会/, someone stood up and called me a proto-fascist/原始的法西斯/; says Nancy Easterlin, an expert in Romantic literature/罗马语系专家/ at the University of New Orleans/新奥尔良/, Louisiana.///伊丝特琳利用认知学的一些观点来分析华尔华滋(William Wordsworth )《前奏》(the Prelude )的母子关系。



2,If one is discovered to have developed high blood-pressure or heart-disease, he is immediately transferred to light work. 如果发现谁得了高血压或心脏病,就立即调去做较轻松的工作。
15,This type of film develops in twenty minutes. 冲洗此类软 片需要20分钟。

四、经常出现于科技等文章中.在科技文章中,除经常译成 “研制、发展、开发、设计”等外,还可以译成: 16,Another American, Henry Ford, developed the idea of the assembly line. 另一个名叫亨利· 福特的美国人萌发了装配线的 主意。 17,A series of volcanic eruptions developed along the fault. 一系列的火山爆发正在断层带酝酿。 此外,develop一词有时可不必译出。如 a motor that develops 100 h.p. 一台100马力的发动机。
Chapter 4 词语翻译 ---增词法与减词法
英语: 灵活,范围广, 依赖上下文
汉语: 严谨,凝滞, 范围窄
e.g. well :涌出、喷出”(动词);“好、很好、好意 地、恰当地……”(副词);“健康、很好、可取的……” (形容词);“井、泉、源泉、令人满意的事物……” (名词);“咳、嗯、好吧……”(语气词)
2,Although presently available therapeutic interventions are, as a rule, successful in suppressing isolated, acute episodes of VT (ventricular tachycardia), long range suppression of ventricular ectopic arrhythmias is more difficult. 虽然用现有的治疗方法抑制单独的室性心动过速急性 发作通常是成功的,但是要长期抑制室性异位性心律 失常则比较困难。 12



Unit 4THE FUTURE OF ENGLISH01In the middle of the sixteenth century, English was spoken by between four and five millions of people, and stood fifth among the European languages, with French, German, Italian, and Spanish ahead of it in that order, and Russian following. Two hundred years later, Italian had dropped behind but Russian had gone ahead, so that English was still in fifth place. By the end of the Eighteenth Century English began to move forward, and by the middle of the nineteenth it had forced its way into first place. Today it is so far in the lead that it is probably spoken by as many people as the next two languages—Russian and German combined.在16世纪中叶,有四五百万人说英语,说英语的人数在欧洲的语言中名列第五。







研究生英语系列教材上unit4 原文翻译

研究生英语系列教材上unit4 原文翻译

The following text is extracted from Marriages and Families by Nijole V.Benokraitis.下面的文章选自奈杰尔贝诺克瑞提斯的婚姻与家庭。

The book has been used as a textbook for sociology courses and women's studies in a number of universities in the United States.此书在美国的一些大学里被用作社会学和妇女研究等课程的教材,It highlights important contemporary changes in society and the family它强调了在当代社会和家庭中所发生的重要变化,and explores the choices that are available to family members,探索了家庭成员所面临的选择,as well as the constraints that many of us do not recognize.以及我们很多人都还未意识到的种种约束。

It examines the diversity of American families today,该书还审视了当今美国家庭的多样性,using cross-cultural and multicultural comparisons运用跨文化和多元文化的比较,to encourage creative thinking about the many critical issues that confront the family of the twenty-first century.以激发创造性思维来研究21世纪家庭所面临的许多严峻问题。

LOVE AND LOVING RELATIONSHIPS爱和情感连系Nijole V.Benokraitis奈杰尔·贝诺克瑞提斯Love — as both an emotion and a behavior — is essential for human survival.爱,对于人类的生存是不可或缺的。


















研究生英语写译教程-提高级PPT 翻译 第四章

研究生英语写译教程-提高级PPT 翻译 第四章
由于英汉句式的不同,将英语句子直接译为汉语的句子在 很多情况下是行不通的。因此,要根据句意做适当变通。
例: It’s one of Asia’s most traditional cities, rich with a Chinese culture that is gracious and lively, and boasts an amazing archive of Chinese art and artifacts.
译文一:这是亚洲最具传统色彩的城市之一:富含优雅而 欢快的中国文化,并且拥有一座令人吃惊的中国艺术和手 工艺制品陈列馆。
译文二:这是亚洲最具传统色彩的城市之一。浓郁的中国 文化给人以亲切欢快之感。这个城市还拥有一座中国艺术 和手工艺制品陈列馆,里面的陈列令人叹为观止。
解析:翻译时保留了起始句It’s one of Asia’s most traditional cities,句子的后半部分做了重新调整。尽管 原文的基本结构已荡然无存,但原句的实质内容却得以充 分体现。
解析:译文一颠倒了原文的顺序,把主句“从那天起她再 也没有踏进那房子一步”调整到了句子末尾,看似符合汉 语读者的阅读习惯,以总结性话题结句,而事实上,背离 了原作者的写作意图。因为这段文章的上文解释了为什么 母亲打电话会使她感到尴尬。所以,结论性语句与解释对 象相隔较远,削弱了语气的连贯性。译文二按照原语序采 用先结论后细节的方法,符合作者承接上文的意图。
英语长句的句子成分较多,翻译时存在着如何在译文中重 新安排的问题。在有上下文的情况下,对长句的翻译决不 应该只孤立地考虑语法结构,还要注意作者在组织安排句 子结构及顺序时的意向性(intentionality)。要尽可 能地照顾译文读者的思维方式和表达习惯,结合译文特点, 体现译文优势。

英语 英译汉技巧

英语 英译汉技巧

第四章英译汉翻译技巧一、增词法(1)1.The purchase of used , second-handed clothing , furniture or other household articles may be an excellent way of economizing.购买用过的旧衣服、旧家具或其他家用物品是极好的省钱的方法。

2.Like anything else , abilities deteriorate when we stop applying our energies to them.就像任何其他东西一样,我们的各种能力若不花精力去训练的话也会退化。

3.We began the 19th century with a choice , to spread our nation from coast to coast.19世纪初我们作了一个抉择,把我们国家从东海岸扩展到西海岸。

4.They were being so nice , and I was finding it hard to be civil.由于他们如此地友善,我反倒不好公事公办地客套了。

5.She heard me out ,then quietly told me how long they had been saving for a dining-room table .Not just anny table , but something durable and beautiful they could use and love for a life time , a focal point for gatherings of family and friends , a source of happy memories their daughter could carry with her when she left to establish her own home .她听完了我的一顿唠叨,随后轻轻地告诉我他们花了多么长的时间省吃俭用来买一张餐桌。







例如:(1) To the east and the south a faint pink is spreading.东南方呈现一抹浅红,正在向远处扩展。

(2) The sun rose thinly from the sea.一轮红日从海边淡淡升起。

(3) A stream was winding its ways through the valley into the river.一弯溪水蜿蜒流过山谷,汇到江里去了。

(4) I was extremely worried about her,but this was neither the place nor the time for a lecture or an argument.我真替他万分担忧,但此时此地既不宜教训她一番,也不宜与她争论一通。

(5) It was a nova!这是一颗新星!英语动词有时、体的变化、有语气,而汉语动词却没有对等的表现形式,翻译时常常须增加一些表示时体和语气的词才行。

例如:(1) I had imagined it to be merely a gesture of affection,but it seems it is to smell the lamb and make sure that it is her own.原来我以为这不过是一种亲热的表示,但是现在看来,这是为了闻一闻羊羔的味道,来断定是不是自己生的。



2021考研英语:翻译之增词解析(2)考研英语有许多题目组成,方便大家及时了解,下面由小编为你精心准备了“2021考研英语:翻译之增词解析(2)”,持续关注本站将可以持续获取更多的考试资讯!2021考研英语:翻译之增词解析(2)二、为了意义上的需要英译汉有时有必要增加合适的动词、形容词或副词,使译文意思明确,例如:(1) When I came to I was in the water,swimming automatically, though I was about two thirds drowned.当我清醒过来时,发觉自己在水里,虽然浸得半死,却本能地浮着。


)(2) He doubtlessly expected hugs, tablefuls of food, tears,laughter,and conversation followed by more conversation,then hugs and more hugs all over again, without end.毫无疑问,他以为会有热烈的拥抱,满桌的食物,激动的泪水,欢乐的笑声,一段接一段的谈话,一次又一次的拥抱,没完没了。


)(3) In the evening, after the banquets, the concerts and the table tennis exhibitions, he would work on the drafting of the final communique.晚上在参加宴会、出席音乐会、观看乒乓球表演之后,他还得起草最后公报。

(4) These soon told her,… how easy it was and how little it interfered with life's affairs to go and see one's grave.这些人不久便告诉她…去看自己亲人的坟墓是多么容易,几乎一点儿也不妨碍日常生活。

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第四章增词1.Histories make men wise; poems witty; the mathemat ics subtle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; lo gic and rhetoric able to contend.历史使人明智;诗词使人灵秀;数学使人周密;自然哲学使人深刻;伦理使人庄重;逻辑修辞学使人善辨。

2.Reading makes a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man. -Bacon阅读使人充实,交谈使人机智,写作使人精确。

3.Courage in excess becomes foolhardiness, affection weakness, thrift avarice.勇敢过度即成蛮勇,感情过度即成溺爱,节俭过度即成贪婪。

4.We won’t retreat, we never have and never will.我们不后退,我们从来没有退过,我们将来也不后退5.Their host carved, poured, served, cut bread, talk ed, laughed, proposed healths.热情的主人又是切肉,又是倒茶,又是上菜又是切面包;谈呀,笑呀,敬酒呀,忙个不停。

6.The KODAK Fiche reader 321A is easy to operate v ersatile, compact and has a pleasing modern design.柯达321A型微胶片阅读器操作简便,功能齐全,结构紧凑,造型美观。

7.The pupil of the eye responds to the change of light intensity.瞳孔随光线的强弱变化而缩小放大。

8.Oceans do not so much divide the world as unite it.海洋与其说是分割了世界不如说是连接了世界。

9.The planet we live on is not just a ball of in ert material.我们居住的星球并不仅仅是一个有惰性物质组成的球体。

10.The early release of the crew alone would defuse these cries.只需尽快释放船员才能解除危机。

1.And1)The sun came out and the grass dried.太阳一出,草就干枯了。

2)I went to his house,and he came to mine.我上他家去,而他却到我家来。

3)Rust is abrasive and can cause damage to the injection components.锈具有腐蚀性,所以能损坏喷射元件。

4)He is so rich and lives like a beggar.他那么有钱,却生活得像个乞丐。

5)The solution was to6)Chemical splashes can cause eye irritation and permanent eye damage.化学制品的溅沫会使眼睛发炎,甚至会造成永久性伤害。

7)He analyzed the dependence of P on temperature and concluded that P decreased with8)These parts are made of woods or plastics and not metals.这些零件是用木材或塑料制成的,而不是金属制成的。

9)This means drying the oil before it enters the system and, to be sensible, ensuring that the air above the oil is dry. 这就意味着在润滑油进入系统之前就要将其擦拭干,明智地说,也就是要确保润滑油上面的空气干燥。

2.When1)We’ll go to the countryside at the beginning of June, when the summer harvest will start.我们6月初要下乡去,那时夏收就要开始了。

2) I stayed till noon, when I went home.我一直呆到中午,然后就回家了。

3) When the teacher had left the classroom, the pupils started talking.老师离开教室以后,学生们就喧哗起来。

4) When that man says “To tell the truth”, I suspect that he‘s about to tell a lie.每当那人开口一句“老实说”,我就怀疑他要撒谎。

5) Turn off the switch when anything goes wrong with the machine.万一机器发生什么故障,就把电门关上。

6) Insurance companies are obliged to recover the cost of everything insured when it is lost or damaged during the valid period of insurance.投了保的任何物品,如果在保险期内丢失或损害,保险公司要负责赔偿。

7) When there is really planned and proportionate development ,our national economy will achieve sustained, stable and high-speed growth.我国的国民经济只要真正做到有计划、按比例地发展,就能够实现持续、稳定、高速的增长。

8) When you cross the river you are safe.你一旦过了河,便安全了。

9)How can I convince him when he won’t listen?他连听都听不进,我又怎么能说服他呢?10) He usually walks when he might ride.虽然有车可乘,他通常总是步行。

11. They had only three transistors when they needed five.他们需要5只晶体管,可是只有3只。

12. Why are you here when you should be in school?你本该在学校里的,却为何在这里?13. When I am opposed to such actions on general principles, how can I make this case an exception?我明明在总的原则上反对这类行为,又怎能对此事例外呢?14. How could you do it when you knew that this might damage the apparatus? 既然你知道这样会损坏仪器,怎么还这样干?15. When one is older, one is also more experienced.一个人的经验随年龄的长大而增长。

st1. He is the last man to accept a bribe.他决不会受贿。

2. He is the last man for such a job. 他最不适合这项工作。

3. He is the last man to consult.他根本不值得请教。

4. Bikini was the last thing she’d like to wear.她最不喜欢穿比基尼泳装。

5. He should be the last man to blame.怎么也不应该责备他。

6. This is the last place where I expected to mee t you.怎么也没想到我会在这个地方见到你。

7. Money is the last thing he wants, and you won’t succeed by offering it.他决不想要你的钱,你给他钱也白搭。

8.This would be the last place the colonialists wou ld leave,for in it lay riches and natural resources.这是殖民主义者最不愿意离开的地方,因为这里的自然资源极为丰富。

4.Well1.The bridge was so well built that it lasted for 1 00 years.桥建得很牢,至少能用100年。

2.The demand for electricity may get well below the average level.电的需求量可能远远低于平均水平。

3. Radar waves go through clouds or fog quite well , whereas light waves do not.雷达波能非常容易地穿过云和雾,而光波却不行。

4. This paper is well written except for a little miscalculation.这篇论文写得不错,不过有一点儿计算失误。

5. The temperature is well above the set value. 温度大大高于定值。

6. The house is well situated.房屋的地理位置十分优越。

7. Shake the bottle well before experiment.实验之前将瓶内液体摇晃均匀。

8. It may well be true.这很可能是真的。

9. Plants can’t grow well in the absence of water. 没有水植物就不能茁壮生长。

10. Examine the account well before you pay it.付款之前须仔细核实账目。

5.Available1.The book was not available in the library when I wanted to borrow it.我去借书时,图书馆里没有这本书。
