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Oral Presentation of the Teaching Plan for

Module 1, SEFC Book 1

I. Teaching Material Analysis

This is the first unit in SEFC Book 1, and the topic is “My First Day at Senior High”. One of the main characteristics of this teaching material is to stimulate students’ English learning interests and to develop students’ language ability, thinking ability. This text is a diary, in which Li Kang’s first day at his high school, his thoughts and feelings are all showed. After learning this diary, students can express their thoughts and feelings about their first day at senior high school.

II. Teaching Objectives

1. Language Objectives

(1) New words: embarrassed, amazing, enthusiastic, instruction.

(2) New phrases: as…as, nothing like, look forward to.

(3) Important sentence patterns: I’m looking forward to doing it.

2. Ability Objectives

(1) Get Ss to express their first day at senior high.(express their own feelings and thoughts.)

(2)Enable students to develop reading skills (skimming for the main idea of the text and scanning for specific information, summarizing information)

3. Moral Objectives

(1) To e nhance student’s awareness of positive attitude towards the new knowledge of senior


(2) To call for students’ attention to the different school life between junior high school and

senior high school.

III. Important Points and Difficult Points

1.Ss compare the difference between junior school and high school and know all the difference between junior school and high school.

2.Ss Learn different forms and phrases relatively of one word.

3.Ss know how to find the main idea of the passage quickly.

4.Master the usage of v-ing and v-ed.

5.Ss apply what they have learned to introduce and write down the thoughts of their first day at senior high.

IV. Teaching Methods

1.speaking, discussion,comparison,skimming, scanning, individual work.

(1) Through speaking and discussing about Ss’ feeling and thoughts of their first day at senior high, the teacher helps them to improve their speaking.

(2) Through comparing their junior high schools with senior high schools, the teacher should try to make students involve in the study. Meanwhile the teacher should guide them to study to help them develop learning skills, and to be active in thinking.

(3) Through skimming and scanning, Ss know how to grasp the main idea of the text and express the main idea of this text.

2. Teaching Aids: projector, computer chalk and blackboard

V. Learning Methods

It’s important to teach students “How to learn” not “what to learn”. So, teachers must guide students use some reading skills(skimming and scanning) to read. Try to have interactions with students and make the class more active. It is also important for the students to communicate with their classmates actively, share their opinions and thoughts.And discuss how to solve problems. Based on the above, I will encourage students to use the following methods:

(1)Autonomous learning method;

(2)Communicative learning method.

VI. Teaching Procedures

Step I Warming up(Lead-in). (6.5mins)

First, I will greet my students. Through greeting, teachers can get closer to the students, and get students at ease in class. Also it’s a good way to call for student’s attention. Then I will ask students to talk about their first day at senior high, and let Ss share their thoughts and feelings. Step II Contents (7.5mins)

In this part, first I will ask students to read this diary quickly and tell me what the main idea of each paragraph and also the main idea of the diary. Then I will invite some students to speak out. This may help students improve their skimming and scanning skill as well as speaking. And then I will ask them to find the answers to the questions.Then I will guide Ss to retell the
