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Unit 1 School is fun. Unit 2 Classroom Olympics Unit 3 You and I Unit 4 They are my friends. Unit 5 I like dogs. Unit 6 Do you like oranges? Unit 7 What’s Bobby doing? Unit 8 What’s in the pizza? Unit 9 Dress for Children’s party Unit10 What are you doing? Unit11 Where are you going ? Unit12 A song of opposites Unit 13 The big man and the little people Unit 14 Hello!This is my friend Linda. Unit 15 He’s got three sticks. Unit 16 Game time

Unit 1 School is fun. 一:Words 单词 pencil (铅笔) pen (钢笔) pencil-case(铅笔盒) ruler(尺) book(书) chair(椅子) desk(课桌椅) blackboard(黑板) eraser(橡皮擦)

bag(书包) classroom(教室) swimming pool(游泳池) garden(花园) playground(操场) 二:Sentences 句型: 1.This is big.(这是大的。) =It’s big. 2.This is small.(这是小的。)=It’s small. 3.---What can you see?(你能看到什么?) ---I can see a big book.(我能看到一本大书。) 4.---How many boys /girls are there?(这有多少个男孩/女孩?) ---There are six。(这有 6 个。)三:Sing 会唱第四页第五部分歌曲。

读书记录表:(每周读书至少五遍哦!让爸爸妈妈给你们画上笑脸或者小苹果,有奖励的哦!) Week Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 家长签字

Unit 2 Classroom Olympics 一:Words 单词 1.数字:one 一 two 二 three 三 four 四

five 五 six 六 seven 七 eight 八 nine 九 ten 十

2.动作 paint(涂) catch(接住) hop(单腿跳) count(数) run(跑) bounce(拍) draw (画) touch(摸) kick(踢) stop(停)

3.球类 football(足球)badminton(羽毛球) baseball(排球) basketball(篮球)

二:Phrases 词组 draw a picture (画画) bounce the ball(拍球) hop to the blackboard(单腿跳到黑板那) touch the table (摸桌子) count the numbers(数数) run to the window(跑到窗户那) walk to the teacher(走到老师那)三:Sing 会唱第七页第三部分歌曲。

读书记录表:(每周读书至少五遍哦!让爸爸妈妈给你们画上笑脸或者小苹果,有奖励的哦!) Week Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 家长签字

Unit 3 You and I 一:Words 单词人称代词: I 我 you 你 he 他 she 她 it 它 we 我们you 你们 they 他们动词: dance 跳舞 read 读书 write 写字 skate 滑冰 paint 画 talk

谈话 play 玩

二:Sentences 句型:(要求会说,会用 I, YOU, HE, SHE, WE, YOU, IT, THEY + CAN 造句) 1. I can write.(我会写字。) 2. You can draw.(你会画画。) 3. He can dance.(他会跳舞。) 4. She can read.(她会读书。) 5. We can skate.(我们会滑

冰。) 6. You can paint.(你们会画画。) 7. It can talk.(它会说话。) 8. They can play.(他们会玩。)读书记录表:(每周读书至少五遍哦!让爸爸妈妈给你们画上笑脸或者小苹果,有奖励的哦!) Week Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 家长签字

Unit 4 They are my friends. 一:Words 单词(了解外国小朋友的名字)男孩:Nick (尼克) Tom(汤姆) David(大卫) Peter(彼特)女孩:Pat(帕特) Linda (琳达) May (梅) Lucy(露西)词组:watch TV(看电视) play with toys(玩玩具)

二:Sentences 句型:介绍人的时候可用的句型 1. I’m Nick.=I am Nick.(我是尼克。)

2. 3. 4. 5.

She’s Pat. =She is Pat.(她是帕特。) He’s Tom. =He is Tom.(他是汤姆。)She’s/He’s my friend.(她/他是我的朋友。) They are all my friends.(他们都是我的朋友。)

三:Chant (书本第十六页第四部分会说)

读书记录表:(每周读书至少五遍哦!让爸爸妈妈给你们画上笑脸或者小苹果,有奖励的哦!) Week Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 家
