成汽车燃油箱形状更 加的复杂 。 塑料车用燃油箱生产过程中 ,
融协论坛 ・2 0 1 3年第 8 期( 下 )——
食 品机械 技术发展趋势研 究
口 付 国壮
北 京 1 0 0 0 2 4 ) ( 北京航 空 制造 工程研 究 所
要: 通过文献研 究法和 与实际生产经验相结合 的方法, 对我国现今食 品机械技术进行研究 , 得 出当前我 国的
目前来看 ,汽车工业发展 的主要方 向和研发 目标就 是轻 耐燃油 以及耐润滑 油效 果应 当非常的好, 同时抗振动性 、 音频 量化 , 实践 中为有效 实现节 能降耗 、 提高车速、 减少排放 以及 衰减性也要满足要求, 所 以尼龙成为最佳选择材料 。实践中 ,
节约成本之 目的, 上世纪 9 O 年代 , 汽车工业生产中就开始应 由于汽车发动机周边部件要求实际工作过程中,要承受 大约
展的基础和保证 。因此 , 在当前 的形势下 , 加强对塑料车用进
进气 歧管位于节气 门与引擎进气 门之 间。 之所 以称为“ 歧
就在此“ 分歧” 了, 对应引擎汽缸的数量 , 如四缸引擎就有 四道,
气歧管和燃油箱 的应用及发展 问题的研究,具有非常重大的 管” , 是因为空气进入节气 门后, 经过歧管缓冲统后 , 空气流道
要求非常的高, 一般在- 4 0 . 1 5 0 ℃范围内反复变化 , 因此耐热性、 树脂材料的同类进气歧管要重上两倍之 多。基于以上优点分
析可见,塑料车用进气歧管及 相关技术在当前汽车工业发展 中的应用非常 的广泛 , 而且其应用前景也非常的好。 2塑料 车用燃油箱特点及应用发展
燃 油箱是汽车上承装油的相关容器 , 主要是指 用汽 油、 柴 油机作 为驱动方式的机器, 储放燃油料的设备。 目前米看 , 塑
doi:10.16648/ki.1005-2917.2022.6.004商用车发动机进气管塑料化的应用研究郭冷,张运东,刘诚,郑远宝,金通,宋萱仪,雷柏龄东风商用车技术中心,武汉 430056摘 要:以玻纤增强聚丙烯材料及先进吹塑工艺开发出的进气塑胶管代替商用车发动机进气管的部分金属管及橡胶管路,应用研究表明:进气塑胶管完全满足产品技术要求,兼顾经济性及可靠性的前提下,实现进气管轻量化。
关键词:发动机进气管;塑料轻量化Application Research on Plasticization of Intake Pipe of Commercial Vehicle EngineGUO Leng, ZHANG Yun-dong, LIU Cheng, ZHENG Yuan-bao, JIN Tong,SONG Xuan-yi, LEI Bo-lingDongfeng Commercial Vehicle Technology Cente, WuHan 430056, ChinaAbstract: The intake plastic pipe developed by glass-fiber reinforced polypropylene material and advanced blow molding process replaces some metal pipes and rubber pipes of the intake pipe of commercial vehicle engines. The application research shows that the intake plastic pipe fully meets the technical requirements of the product and achieves lightweight, reliability and low cost.Key Words: Engine Intake Pipe;Plastic Lightweight1 发动机进气管技术现状为节省发动机舱内空间,商用车发动机进气管路的布置多为三维空间结构;受材料及管材成型技术的限制,目前国内外商用汽车供气管路多采用“胶管+不锈钢管+胶管”的分段组合连接形式。
塑料进气歧管的发展与中国市场的调查The Development and Market of Plastic Air intake manifold in China汽车轻量化是汽车工业发展方向之一,也是一个汽车厂和国家技术进步和先进程度的重要标志。
塑料发动机进气歧管(plastic air intake manifold)是近年来开发成功的塑料部件范例,也是各国竞相开发的热门塑料汽车部件。
一塑料进气歧管(plastic air intake manifold)的优点如图:塑料进气歧管(plastic air intake manifold)具体而言,塑料进气歧管主要具有4方面的优点:(1)在重量方面,由于塑料进气歧管一般采用尼龙材料,其比重约为铝合金材料的50%。
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附录A 外文文献Engine operating principlsMost automobile dngines are internal combustion, reciprocating4-stroke gasoline engines, but other types have been used, including the diesel, the rotary (wankel),the 2-stroke ,and stratifild charge.Recipprocating means up and down or banck and forth, it is the up an down action of a piston in the cylinder blick ,or engine block . the blick is an iron or aluminum casting that contains engine cylinders and passage called water jackets for coolant circulation .the top of the block is covered with the cylinder head. Which forms the combustion chanber. The bottom of the block is covered with an oil pan or oil sump.Power is produced by the linear motion of a piston in a cylinder.however, this linear motion must be changed into rotary motion to turn the wheels of cars of trucks. The pistion is attached to the top of a connecting rod by a pin, called a pistion pin or wrist pin the bottom of the connecting rod is attached to the crankshaft . the connecting rod transmits the up-and-down motion of the piston to the crankshaft , which changes it into rotarymotion.The connecting rod is mounted on the crankshaft with large beaings called rod bearings. Similar bearings, called main bearings, are used to mount the crankshaft in the block .shown in fig ,1-1.The diameter of the cylinder is called the engine bore. Displacement and compression ratio are two frequently used engine specifications. Displacement indicates engine size , and compression ratio compares the total cylinder volume to compression chamber volume.The term stroke is uesd to describe the movement of the iston within the cylinder, as well as the distance of pistion travel. Depending on the type of engine the operating cycle may require either two or four strokes to complete. The 4-strokes engine is also called otto cycle engine ,in honor of the german enginner , Dr. Nikolaus otto , who first applied the principle in 1876 . In the 4-stroke engine ,four strokes of the piston in the cylinder are required to complete one full operating cycle .Each stroke is named after the action it performes instake , compression ,power, and exhaust in that order, shown in Fig1-2.1、Instake strokeAs the piston moves down , the vaporized mixture of fuel and air enters the cylinderthrough open instake vavle. To obtain the maximum filling of the cylinder the instake valve opens about 10° before t.b.c ,giving 20° overlap. The inlet valve remains open until some 50° after b.d.c to take advantage of incoming mixture.2、Compression strokeThe pieton turns up , the instake valve closes, the mixture is compressed within the combustion chamber, while the pressure rise to ahout 1 Mpa, depending on various factors inclouding the compression ratio, throttle opening and engine speed. Near the top of the stroke the mixture is ignited by a spark which bridge the gap of the spark plug.3、Power strokeThe expanding gases of combution produces a rise in pressure of the gas to some 3.5Mpa, and the piston is forced down in the cylinder. The exhaust valve opens near the bottom of the stroke.4、Exhust strokeThe piston moves back up with the exhause valve open some 50°before b.d.d.,allowing the pressure within the cylinder to fall and to reduce ‘back’ pressure on the piston during the exhaust stroke, and the burned gases are pushed out to prepare for the next instake stroke. The instake valve usually opens just before the exhaust stroke.This 4-stroke cycle is continuously repared in every as long as the engineremains runningA-2-stroke engine also goes through four actions to complete one operating cycle.However , the instake and the compression actions are combined in one seroke,and the power and exhaust actions are combined in the other stroke. The term2-stroke cycle or 2-stroke cycle or 2-stroke is preferred to the term 2-cycle, which is really not accurate.In automobile engines, all pistons are attached to a single crankshaft. The more cylinders an engine has ,the more power strokes produced for cach revolusion. This means that means that an 8-cylinder engine runs more smoothly because the power atrokes are closer together in time and in degrees of engine rotation.The cylinder of multi-cyclinder automotive engines arranged in one of three ways.1、Inline engine use a single block of cylinder. Most 4-cylinder and 6-cylinder engines areof this design. The cylinder do not have to be vertical. They can be inclined either side.2、V-type engine use two equal bands of cylinder , usually inclined 60degrees or 90degreesfrom the cach other. Most V-type engines have 6 or 8 cylinders, although V-4 and V-12engine have been built.3、Horizontally opposed or pancake engine have two equal banks of cylinders 180degreesapart . these space saving engine designs are often air-cooled,and are found in the chevrolet carvair porsches, Subaus,and V olkswagens. Subaus design is liquid ter –model V olkswagen vans use a liquil-cooled VWhorizontally opposed engine.附录B 中文翻译发动机工作原理大多数汽车的发动机是内燃机,往复四冲程汽油机,但是也有使用其他类型的发动机,包括柴油机,转子发动机二冲程发动机和分程燃烧发动机。
进气歧管作用进气歧管(Intake Manifold)是汽车发动机中的重要部件之一,它的作用是将进气系统中经过空气滤清器过滤后的空气分配给各个汽缸,使汽缸能够顺利进行燃烧和工作。
汽车发动机外文文献翻译(含:英文原文及中文译文)文献出处:Talom M. AUTOMOTIVE ENGINE[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2013, 2(3):39-45.英文原文AUTOMOTIVE ENGINETalom M1 Engine Classification and Overall MechanicsThe automobile engines can be classified according to: (1) cycles, (2) cooling system, (3) fuel system, (4) ignition method, (5) valve arrangement, (6) cylinder arrangement, (7) engine speed.Engines used in automobiles are the internal combustion heat engines. The burning of gasoline inside the engine produces high pressure in the engine combustion chamber. This high pressure force piston to move, the movement is carried by connecting rods to the engine crankshaft. The crankshaft is thus made to rotate: the rotary motion is carried through the power train to the car wheels so that they rotate and the car moves.The engine requires four basic systems to run (Fig. 2-1). Diesel engines require three of these systems. They are fuel system, ignition system (except diesel), lubricating system andcooling system. However, three other related systems are also necessary. These are the exhaust system, the emission-control system, and the starting system. Each performs a basic job in making the engine run.2 Engine Operating PrinciplesThe term “stroke” is used to desc ribe the movement of the piston within the cylinder. The movement of the piston from its uppermost position (TDC, top dead center) to its lowest position (BDC, bottom dead center) is called a stroke. The operating cycle may require either two or four strokes to complete. Most automobile engines operate on the four stroke cycle.In four-stroke engine, four strokes of the piston in the cylinder are required to complete one full operating cycle. Each stroke is named after the action. It performs intake, compression, power, and exhaust in that order.The intake strokeThe intake stroke begins with the piston near the top of its travel. As the piston begins its descent, the exhaust valve closes fully, the intake valve opens and the volume of the combustion chamber begins to increase, creating a vacuum. As the piston descends, an air/fuel mixture is drawn from the carburetor into the cylinder through the intake manifold. The intake stroke endswith the intake valve close just after the piston has begun its upstroke.Compression strokeAs the piston is moved up by the crankshaft from BDC, the intake valve closes. The air/fuel mixture is trapped in the cylinder above the piston. Future piston travel compresses the air/fuel mixture to approximately one-eighth of its original volume (approximately 8:1 compression ratio) when the piston has reached TDC. This completes the compression stroke. Power strokeAs the piston reaches TDC on the compression stroke, an electric spark is produced at the spark plug. The ignition system delivers a high-voltage surge of electricity to the spark plug to produce the spark. The spark ignites, or sets fire to, the air/fuel mixture. It now begins to burn very rapidly, and the cylinder pressure increases to as much as 3-5MPa or even more. This terrific push against the piston forces it downward, and a powerful impulse is transmitted through the connecting rod to the crankpin on the crankshaft. The crankshaft is rotated as the piston is pushed down by the pressure above it.Exhaust strokeAt the end of the power stroke the camshaft opens theexhaust valve, and the exhaust stroke begins. Remaining pressure in the cylinder, and upward movement of the piston, force the exhaust gases out of the cylinder. At the end of the exhaust stroke, the exhaust valve closes and the intake valve opens, repeating the entire cycle of events over and over again.3 Engine Block and Cylinder HeadEngine BlockThe engine block is the basic frame of the engine. All other engine parts either fit inside it or fasten to it. It holds the cylinders, water jackets and oil galleries (Fig. 2-4). The engine block also holds the crankshaft, which fastens to the bottom of the block. The camshaft also fits in the block, except on overhead-cam engines. In most cars, this block is made of gray iron, or an alloy (mixture) of gray iron and other metals, such as nickel or chromium. Engine blocks are castings.Some engine blocks, especially those in smaller cars, are made of cast aluminum. This metal is much lighter than iron. However, iron wears better than aluminum. Therefore, the cylinders in most aluminum engines are lined with iron or steel sleeves. These sleeves are called cylinder sleeves. Some engine blocks are made entirely of aluminum.Cylinder SleevesCylinder sleeves are used in engine blocks to provide a hard wearing material for pistons and piston rings. The block can be made of one kind of iron that is light and easy to cast while the sleeves uses another that is better able to stand up wear and tear.There are two main types of sleeves: dry and wet (Fig. 2-5).Dry sleeve Wet sleeveCylinder HeadThe cylinder head fastens to the top of the block, just as a roof fits over a house. The underside forms the combustion chamber with the top of the piston. In-line engine of light vehicles have just one cylinder head for all cylinders; larger in-line engines can have two or more. Just as with engine blocks, cylinder heads can be made of cast iron or aluminum alloy. The cylinder head carries the valves, valve springs and the rockers on the rocker shaft, this part of valve gear being worked by the pushrods. Sometimes the camshaft is fitted directly into the cylinder head and operates on the valves without rockers. This is called an overhead camshaft arrangement.GasketThe cylinder head is attached to the block with high-tensile steel studs. The joint between the block and the head must begas-tight so that none of the burning mixture can escape. This is achieved by using cylinder head gasket. Gaskets are also used to seal joins between the other parts, such as between the oil pan, manifolds, or water pump and the blocks.Oil PanThe oil pan is usually formed of pressed steel. The oil pan and the lower part of cylinder block together are called the crankcase; they enclose, or encase, the crankshaft. The oil pump in the lubricating system draws oil from the oil pan and sends it to all working parts in the engine. The oil drains off and run down into the pan. Thus, there is a constant circulation of oil between the pan and the working parts of the engine.4 Piston Assembly, piston rings, The piston pin ,Connecting Rods, Crankshafts And FlywheelPistonPiston rings and the piston pin are together called the piston assembly.The piston is an important part of a four-stroke cycle engine. Most pistons are made from cast aluminum. The piston, through the connecting rod, transfers to the crankshaft the force created by the burning fuel mixture. This force turns the crankshaft.To withstand the heat of the combustion chamber, the piston must be strong. It also must be light, since it travels at high speeds as it moves up and down inside the cylinder. The piston is hollow. It is thick at the top where it takes the brunt of the heat and the expansion force. It is thin at the bottom, where there is less heat. The top part of the piston is the head, or crown. The thin part is the skirt. Most pistons have three ring grooves at the top. The sections between the ring grooves are called ring lands.piston ringsPiston rings fit into ring grooves near the top of the piston. In simplest terms, piston rings are thin, circular pieces of metal that fit into grooves in the tops of the pistons. In modern engines, each piston has three rings. (Piston in older engines sometimes had four rings, or even five.) The inside surface of the ring fits in the groove on the piston. The ring's outside surface presses against the cylinder walls. Rings provide the needed seal between the piston and the cylinder walls. That is, only the rings contact the cylinder walls. The top two rings are to keep the gases in the cylinder and are called compression rings. The lower one prevents the oil splashed onto the cylinder bore fro m entering the combustion chamber, and is called an oil ring.The piston pinThe piston pin holds together the piston and the connecting rod. This pin fits into th e piston pin holes and into a hole in the top end of the connecting rod. The top end of t he rod is much smaller than the end that fits on the crankshaft. This small end fits inside the bottom of the piston. The piston pin fits through one side of the piston, through the small end of the rod, and then through the other side of the piston. It holds the rod firmly in place in the center of the piston. Pins are made of high-strength steel and have a hollow center. Many pins are chrome-plated to help them wear better. A piston pin fits into a round hole in the piston. The piston pin joins the piston to the connecting rod. The thick part of the piston that holds the piston pin is the pin boss. Connecting RodsThe connecting rod little end is connected to the piston pin.A bush made from a soft metal, such as bronze, is used for this joint. The lower end of the connecting rod f its the crankshaft journal. This is called the big end. For this big-end bearing, steel-backed lead or tin shell bearings are used. These are the same as those used for the main bearings. The split of the big end is sometimes at an angle, so that it is small enough t o be withdrawn through the cylinder bore. The connecting rod ismade from forged alloy steel.CrankshaftsThe crankshaft is regarded as the “backbone” of the engine (Fig. 2-7). The crankshaft, in conjunction with the connecting rod, converts the reciprocating motion of the piston to the rotary motion needed to drive the vehicle. It is usually made from car-bon steel which is alloyed with a small proportion of nickel. The main bearing journals fit into the cylinder block and the big end journals align with the connecting rods. At the rear end of the crankshaft is attached the flywheel, and at the front end are the driving wheels for the timing gears, fan, cooling water and alternator. The throw of the crankshaft, . the distance between the main journal and the big end centers, controls the length of the stroke. The stroke is double the throw, and the stroke length is the distance that the piston travels from TDC to BDC and vice versa.中文译文汽车发动机Talom M1发动机分类和一般力学(1)循环,(2)冷却系统,(3)燃料系统,(4)点火方法,(5)阀门布置,(6)气缸布置,(7)发动机速度。
市场驱动因素1. 汽车产量增长随着全球汽车市场的不断扩大,汽车产量也持续增长。
2. 环保要求的提高全球环境保护意识的增强推动了汽车排放要求的提高。
3. 技术创新随着科技的不断进步,发动机排气歧管的设计和制造技术也在不断创新。
发展趋势1. 轻量化设计轻量化是当前发动机排气歧管设计的重要发展趋势之一。
2. 效率提升随着技术的不断进步,发动机排气歧管的设计和流体动力学性能得到了显著提升。
应用a s c i e n c e a n d T e e h n o l o g y R e v i e w
汽 车发 动机 塑 料 进 气 歧 管 注 塑 工艺 研 究 和 应 用
孙 思 峰
( 青岛华涛汽车模具有限公司 2 6 6 1 0 7 )
冷却。 ( 二) 歧 管 内熔 接 痕 的 成 因 和 对 策
的开发在产品设计 、 模具设计制作和生产注塑、 振动摩擦焊接及总装过程, 具有
较 高的 技术 和工 艺难 度 。
进气 歧管 塑料 化 的优势
制作 塑料的进 气歧 管通常 选用 的的材 料是尼 龙+ 玻纤 , 进气 歧管 的塑料化
动机的运转需要充足均匀的混合气, 提供这种混合气的主要部件就是发动进气 歧管。 进气歧管的性能好坏直接影响发动机的综合性能。 除此之外, 发动机电喷
系统 中的主要传感 器和 执行器还 需要利用 发动 机进气歧 管提供 结构支 撑 , 同时 发动机 机舱 空间布 置 的约束 , 导 致 了进 气歧 管结 构的复 杂性 , 因此握料 进 气管
1.曼·胡默尔新型滤声器有效节省进气系统空间 [J],
2.帝斯曼集团助力新型塑料进气歧管 [J], ;
3.曼胡默尔推出新型滤声器有效节省进气系统的空间 [J],
4.曼胡默尔塑料进气歧管让发动机告别过热 [J],
5.曼·胡默尔开发出塑料进气歧管升级产品 [J],
1 塑料进气歧管结构设计
进气歧管的结构是根据发动机的类型、布置形式以 及其他一些因素所决定的。根据发动机特性参数:功率、 扭矩等,缸盖详细 2D/3D 图以及歧管周围空间布局,建模 塑料进气歧管 3D 模型。针对进气歧管型腔,利用 CFD 软 件进行三维流场模拟,分析歧管中压力损失和流场分布, 优化歧管型腔各设计参数。在进气歧管型腔设计中,合 理歧管长度、圆滑过渡歧管截面,以保证歧管轴线曲率连 续;并且应特别注意在总损失中占比重很大的稳压腔和 进气歧管间过渡圆角尽可能大,以形成喇叭口结构[1]。
2 快速成型及性能试验
塑料进气歧管设计过程中,在通过一维仿真和三维 模拟对歧管型腔优化的基础上,对进气歧管进行三维结 构造型,为完成稳态流量测试、空间安装验证和发动机台 架 性 能 试 验 测 试 等 测 试 ,利 用 快 速 原 型 技 术 (RAPID
PROTOTYPING,简称 RP 技术)制作塑料进气歧管样件。 “分层制造,逐层叠加”作为快速原型制造技术的基
总 569 期第 8 期 2015 年 8 月
河南科技 Journal of Henan Science and Technology
Vol.569,No.8 Aug,2015
(天津卡达克汽车高新技术公司,河北 天津 300000)
摘 要:进气歧管对发动机进气效率和各缸充气均匀性以及整机性能有非常大影响。进气歧管安装在发动机
【正文语种】中 文
1.汽车发动机塑料进气歧管成型工艺的研发与应用 [J], 汪智勇;杨金表;蔡考群
2.汽车发动机塑料进气歧管三维型腔设计和CFD分析 [J], 李志香;李晓艳
佚 名
【摘 要】近日,中国航天科工航天汽车沈阳零部件公司与天津大学联合设计的4A9发动机塑料进气歧管(MA860257型进气歧管)快速成型样件通过了三菱发动机外特性试验及装配试验。该产品的成功研发标志着4A9发动机塑料进气歧管的设计进入锁定状态,即将提交工装样件生产阶段。
3.前置后驱车型用自然吸气发动机塑料进气歧管开发 [J], 刘锡鑫;马江涛;胡志刚;刘玉明;于荣枫
4.汽车发动机塑料进气歧管注塑工艺研究和应用 [J], 孙思峰
5.发动机塑料进气歧管结构设计及CAE分析 [J], 李志香;刘畅
1.CA4GE发动机塑料进气歧管的开发 [J], 严昶;李丰军;刘东航
2.从慨念设计到产品制造--美国MPI公司谈塑料进气歧管(AIM)设计制造需要专业化经验 [J], 张颖
3.振动预分析在塑料进气歧管开发中的应用探讨 [J], 周华;宋亚东
4.前置后驱车型用自然吸气发动机塑料进气歧管开发 [J], 刘锡鑫;马江涛;胡志刚;刘玉明;于荣枫
5.曼·胡默尔开发出塑料进气歧管升级产品 [J],
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附录Engine plastic intake manifold application anddevelopment trendBecause plastic products unique advantages, plastic intake manifold will become aluminium alloy intake manifold alternative products.Since always, as the key components, domestic engine intake manifold are using aluminum alloy products. And according to understand, foreign plastic intake manifold application in a wide range, such as BMW, modern, nissan, which upscale automobile use plastic intake manifold.According to the auto air-intake system manufacturing company a technology expert introduction, compared with traditional aluminum alloy intake manifold, plastic intake manifold weighs just for aluminum manifold 1/2, its at low speed, low load power, torque increase was can reach above 10%. Meanwhile, the airway smooth plastic intake maifold, improve the engine performance, compared with aluminium alloy manifold fuel can reduce 6% to 8%, in addition, still can improve engine performance and emission function, reduce engine noise, and with the aluminum alloy intake manifold interchangeability strong.Domestic to automotive plastics intake manifold research startting evening, plastic intake manifold manufacturing and r&d technology is still in the blank, in this field technical level is low, its market share is less than 2%. Some of the country's auto manufacturers have to import from abroad plastic intake manifold high. "A technology expert says.Changan group technology development center of a personage thinks, along with the market competition, reduce automobile manufacturing costs into the central focus of automobile enterprise, new materials, new technology products are more valued and cheap plastic intake manifold replace traditional heavy metal intake manifold become an inevitable trend. Meanwhile, plastic intake manifold demand, will accompany the increases productioncar increases, its market prospect synchronization is nottaken lightly.In recent years, functional plastic application in automobile engine has made breakthrough progress, more and more engine components to begin using a plastic material production, especially with plastic intake manifold replace metal intake manifold has become an inevitable trend of automobile engine.With the traditional metal intake manifold, plastic intake manifold compared with what strengths?Metal intake manifold generally USES is cast iron or alloy material. In order to satisfy the engine intake and efi system installation requirements, and in manufacturing complex metal intake manifold often faced manufacturing difficulties, its yield is very difficult to guarantee.In 1990, the German BMW company USES molten core method successfully produce plastic intake manifold.Later, plastic intake manifold with its light weight, low cost, performance is good wait for a characteristic quickly replaced the goldBelong to intake manifold, become the new engine of choice. In European and American countries, about 90% of the exhaust from the opposite side of naturally aspirated engines use plastic intake manifold. Specifically, the plastic intake manifold main With four advantages:(1) in weight, because plastic intake manifold generally USES the nylon PA66 material, the proportion is about 50% of aluminum alloy material.(2) in addition, the thickness of the plastic intake manifold for 2.5 ~ 3mm commonly, and aluminum alloy intake manifold wall thickness generally greater than 4mm. Therefore, plastic intake manifold weight relative to light many, usually only for aluminum alloy around 40% of the intake manifold.(3) in power, because plastic intake manifold wall smoother, therefore to improve air filling quantity. Compared with aluminium alloy the intake manifold, engine performance can improve the 3% ~ 5%.(4) in the economic aspect, plastic intake manifold brings good airflow, thus helping to gasoline engine cylinder in full within the engine burn, the fuel consumption and emissions could have been improved obviously.(5) in cost, although the intake manifold of plastic materials used with aluminum alloy material cost basic same, but because plastic intake manifold can once moldings, forming the rate of high, while the aluminum alloy casting and into the yield of inlet manifold blank much lower, and the machining cost is relatively high, therefore plastic intake manifold production usually cost more than aluminum alloy intake manifold low 20% ~ 35%.At present, the plastic intake manifold preferred materials are nylon. Nylon is the advantage of high temperature resistant, chemical stability, but its shortcoming is larger, the percentage of ethylene glycol resistance performance also not too good, and its water is too strong, bibulous the strength will decline after nylon nearly 40%. Therefore, the widely-spreading use increased 25% ~ 35% of PA6 or PA66 fiberglass reinforced polyamide. Nylon before joining fiberglass, its shrinkage after obviously improved. For internal including cooling channel intake manifold, suggest using special anti glycol nylon formula.Although the world many plastic material supplier in continuously develops new intake manifold plastic materials, plastic materials in order to enhance the various performance, but nylon material is still the best choice at present.Plastic intake manifold production processCurrently the world what are the main types of plastic intake manifold production technology? What are the strengths and weaknesses of each?At present more mature plastic intake manifold processing technology is mainly molten core injection molding technology and vibration friction welding technology. The two technologies have different features.(1) molten core injection technology is the earliest, the most mature used plastic intake manifold production process. Its principle is: use the low melting point of solder alloy intake manifold inner cavity, and then the core nuclear assembly into a mold, again to mold to infuse nylon. Injection molding process is completed, a by nylon molding the shapes of the intake manifold in upcoming lumen core nuclear claddings inside. At this time, with internal metal core nuclear inlet manifold into melting in the pool, to make metal core nuclear melting. Because of the metal core nuclear melting point lower (generally), and nylon 110 ℃the melting point of relatively high, so in internal core in the process of nuclear melting plastic intake manifoldShape remain unchanged.Molten core method produce plastic intake manifold advantage is: intake manifold wall complete smooth, thereby improving the gas liquidity, can maximize the engine performance; Because be once the intake manifold injection molding, good air-tightness, high-yield; Molten core process can eliminate plastic intake manifold in injection molding process produces the residual stress, making intake manifold has better mechanical properties.Molten core method shortcoming is: in the metal core nuclear fusion molten core and core process, to consume large amounts of energy, thus make molten core method the cost of producing plastic intake manifold are relatively high.(2) vibration friction welding technology is also called "more pieces of welding method". When the intake manifold in design plastic complex structure, can be in the intake manifold due to relatively simple, can a structure of the injection molding, then two or more pieces of each piece by friction welder welding up, to form a complete plastic intake manifold.At present, most plastic intake manifold manufacturers are using vibration friction welding technology. Its main advantage is: high production efficiency, low cost. Its defect is the weld seams low intensity, appearance is bad, gas liquidity are relatively poor.Plastic intake manifold domestic production statusPlastic intake manifold of the nationalization process can be roughly divided into three stages:The first stage for imported stage. In the early 1990s, as some of the establishment of joint venture automobile enterprises, foreign advanced product line with the engine was introduced some introduction of domestic cars. In this one phase, plastic intake manifold as engine, its core of important component technology from foreign party control, imports cost is high.The second phase is mainly for some enterprises directly in domestic production. At this stage, the foreign-capital enterprise in foreign plastic intake manifold production line and complete mould to the home, use of domestic and cheap labor, for in the domestic provide matching the webuton of plastic intake manifold, and plastic intake manifold design &development work still at abroad.The third stage, with the domestic automobile manufacturing technology advances, some domestic enterprise started plastic intake manifold research and development work.Plastic intake manifold is a kind of high-tech products, including many engine aspects of key technology. But at present domestic most plastic intake manifold production enterprise past just ordinary plastic products factory, most of them do not have design and production engine technical ability, it could only be modelled some have outdated plastic intake manifold, their technical level the good and bad are intermingled.Overall, the current domestic production of plastic intake manifold ubiquitous technology level is low, and can not meet the requirements engine.发动机塑料进气歧管的应用与发展趋势由于塑料产品特有的优点,塑料进气歧管将成为铝合金进气歧管的替代产品。