


An Introduction to the Playwright and his Play, Julius Caesar
Biographical Information
Born: Stratford-Upon Avon, England 23, 1564 Parents, John and Mary (Arden) Married Anne Hathaway, November, 1582 Three children: Susanna, Hamnet, and Judith

Shakespeare’s Theatre
• “The Globe Theatre, also known as the Shakespeare Globe Theatre, was not only one of most famous playhouses of all time, but the play house where Shakespeare performed many of his greatest plays. Built from oak, deal, and stolen playhouse frames, the 3 storey, 3000 capacity Globe Theatre, co-owned by William Shakespeare has become almost as famous as the playwright himself.” ( Absolute Shakespeare)
The Stage
In Shakespeare’s Time
A show lasted about 2 ½ hours, usually in open air theatres during the afternoon. There were no acts, but frequent intermissions. There was no scenery, but elaborate props and costumes to give reality. Devices such as trap doors and scaffolds were used to make gods, witches, etc. disappear.



介绍历史名人的英语作文80词英文回答:Throughout history, there have countless influential figures who have shaped the course of human civilization. From ancient philosophers and conquerors to modern scientists and innovators, these historical luminaries have left an enduring mark on our world. They have inspired us with their ideas, challenged our assumptions, and pushed the boundaries of human knowledge and potential.中文回答:纵观历史长河,无数的历史名人以其非凡的成就塑造了人类文明的进程。



以下是一些著名的历史人物及其贡献的简要介绍:英文回答:Alexander the Great (356-323 BCE): Macedonian king who conquered a vast empire stretching from Greece to India. His military tactics and leadership skills are still studied today.Julius Caesar (100-44 BCE): Roman general and statesman who played a key role in the fall of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire. His writings on warfare and politics remain influential.Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519): Italian polymath who made significant contributions to art, science, and engineering. His paintings, such as the Mona Lisa, are among the most famous in the world.Albert Einstein (1879-1955): German-born theoretical physicist who developed the theory of relativity, one of the most important scientific discoveries of the 20th century.Nelson Mandela (1918-2013): South African anti-apartheid revolutionary and politician who became the country's first black president. His perjuangan for racial justice and reconciliation inspired people around the world.中文回答:亚历山大大帝 (公元前356-323年),马其顿国王,征服了一个从希腊延伸到印度的庞大帝国。

介绍名人 凯撒大帝 Julius Caesar 英语作文

介绍名人 凯撒大帝 Julius Caesar 英语作文

Julius Caesar>Julius Caesar Essay:Julius Caesar was Roman General and statesman who is widely known for his notable role in the events which led to the fall of the Roman Empire. He was a celebrated politician and can also be termed as a successful one. His most outstanding achievement was the invasion of Britain. However, Caesar’s acts were almost always against the decisions of the Senate, and despite his crucial successes, he was soon requested to step down.Caesar, driven with political and military authority, disregarded the Senate every time. The elites soon were discontented towards his social reforms. Caesar was finally assassinated by a group of senators. The most crucial literary representation of Caesar was in the play called “Julius Caesar” b y William Shakespeare.Long and Short Essays on Julius Caesar for Students and Kids in EnglishWe are providing students with essay samples on an extended essay of 500 words and a short piece of 150 words on the topic Julius Caesar.Long Essay on Julius Caesar 500 Words in EnglishLong Essay on Julius Caesar is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.Historical Background:Julius Caesar was a notable Roman statesman who eventually became one of the most crucial politicians of the Roman Empire before i t’s decline. He, along with Crassus and Pompey, formed a political alliance called The First Triumvirate which dominated the empire for years.However, Caesar’s glorious wins in battles and his invasion of Britain soon became a threat to Pompey. Caesar was asked by the Senate to step down, but he didn’t comply with the decision. This led to high opposition from the Senate and eventually resulted in a conspiracy against Caesar and his assassination.William Shakespeare’s Julius CaesarThe notable play, “The tragedy of Julius Caesar” written by William Shakespeare is a canon of English literature. The play was performed for the first time in the year 1599.The play is centred around the Roman statesman Julius Caesar and his eventual assassination. Though the play is named Julius Caesar, it mostly centres around Brutus. It depicts the moral dilemma of Brutus, one of the closest friends of Caesar and a Roman Senator who gets involved in the conspiracy to murder Caesar.The play begins with the return of Caesar from a victorious conquest by defeating Pompey and the beginning of a conspiracy against him among the senators. The Roman senators led by Cassius are seen to forge several documentsand convince Brutus that Julius needs to assassinated to save Rome and its people.Later, the senators approach Caesar with a fake petition regarding an issue involving Metellus Cimber’s banished brother. As Caesar rejects the plea, he is stabbed by the others, the last stab being of Brutus.The death of Caesar gives rise to a series of civil wars in the Roman Empire. Brutus tries to pacify the crowd with his oration, but Mark Antony soon turns the public against the assassins. Brutus and Cassius unite to battle against Mark Antony and Octavian Caesar.However, they both meet with the unfortunate and untimely death. The play ends with Antony paying his tribute to Brutus as he was the only noble soul in Rome who stabbed Caesar only because he was made to believe that it was for the greater good of the empire.Protagonist Debate:Critics of Shakespeare’s play, Julius Caesar have often found themselves in never-ending dilemma regarding who is the protagonist of the story. Some believe that neither Caesar nor Brutus are the protagonists of the play since Caesar dies right at the beginning in Act Three,Scene One. Others believe Caesar to be the axial character of the play, around whom the entire story runs. There also critics who like to think that it is indeed Brutus who is the protagonist as the whole play centres around his moral dilemma and ends with his noble death.The larger message of Julius Caesar-The characters of Caesar and Brutus are quite identical in the play. Both of them are driven by passion and intuition. They have high philosophical knowledge that makes them respectable. However, Caesar is a man drivenby virtue, while Brutus is driven mostly by impulsive passion.Short Essay on Julius Caesar 150 Words in EnglishShort Essay on Julius Caesar is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.Julius Caesar was a notable Roman statesman and politician who had risen in power during 60 BC. He became a crucial political as well as military leader and achieved a great deal for the Roman Empire.He was responsible for the glorious invasion of Britain and also the defeat of the authoritarian Pompey. However, Caesar soon met striking oppositions from the Roman Senate. When he didn’t agree to comply with the Senate’s decision of removing him from an authority, he was assassinated by his senate members led by Cassius and also his closest ally Brutus.William Shakespeare’s play, Julius Caesar centres around this moral dilemma of Brutus whether he should join hands with the Senate to murder his friend. The play continues with the rising civil wars after Caesar’s death, Ca ssiusand Brutus’s battle against Antonio and their eventual death. The play gives us a larger message of how passion and arrogance can often lead a man to the wrong path.10 Lines on Julius Caesar Essay in English1. The play was first performed in 1599.2. It was first published as a work in 1623. 3. The most famous line of the play is the Latin phrase. “Et tu Brute?”4. Brutus was assassinated in 44 BC.5. Shakespeare altered several historical facts in the play.6. For dramatic effect, he made Capitol the venue of Caesar’s death rather than Curia of Pompey.7. There is a debate on whothe actual protagonist of the play is. 8. In the end, Cassius asks his servant to kill him. 9. Brutus commits suicide. 10. Julius Caesar’s death was a notable event that led to the fall of the Roman empire.FAQ’s on Julius Caesar EssayQuestion 1.Was Brutus an evil character?Answer:No, Brutus was a man of virtue who was driven by his passion for the wrong path.Who succeeded Caesar?Answer:Julius was succeeded by his adoptive son Augustus Caesar.Question 3.What does “Et tu Brute” mean?Answer:This Latin phrase means, “You too Brutus?”Who was Pompey?Answer:Pompey was a Roman politician who was first an ally of Caesar and his enemy.。





一、早年生活与崛起凯撒大帝(Gaius Julius Caesar)出生于公元前100年的古罗马共和国。




















• 恺撒的终身独裁制引起罗马贵族的恐慌,最终,在贵族的围攻
高卢战争&讨伐日耳曼与 不列颠
• 1.他极大的削弱了元老院势力,为罗马帝国 的建立奠定基础 • 2.征服了高卢,他所征服的领土差不多被罗 马统治了五个世纪。在此期间,这些地区已 经完全罗马化了,实行了罗马的法律、风俗 和语言,以后还实行了罗马基督教,当今的 法语基本上是来源于拉丁语的口语。并确保 了意大利几个世纪不受来自北方的侵略。 • 3.凯撒重视骑兵的作用,强调步骑兵协同作 战;在兵力部署上建立了预备队,增大了战 斗队形的纵深和稳定性。 • 4.他改订历法,推行"儒略历"。
• 我认为虽然恺撒在一定程度上破坏了共和制,执行了权力 集中制。但随着罗马的日益强大,共和制的破灭是在所难 免的,而恺撒正是为后面的帝王开启了一条平坦的大路。 在恺撒的统治下,民众们非但没有反抗他,而且还处处支 持恺撒,是他为杰出的领袖便可以证明恺撒究竟是个怎样 的人了。

初二3班 毛鸿儒
即恺撒大帝,罗马共和国(今 地中海沿岸地区)末期的军事 统帅、政治家。他是一个冷酷 无情又慷慨宽容的复杂的人。 恺撒出身贵族,在出任高卢总 督,花八年征服了高卢全境 (今法国),还袭击了日耳曼 和不列颠。公元前49年,他率 军占领罗马,打败庞培,集大 权于一身,实行独裁统治。公 元前44年,恺撒遭以布鲁图领 导的元老院成员暗杀身亡,享 年58岁。如果没有他,罗马帝 国的辉煌恐怕还要等若干年。
三头 分裂






1. Julius Caesar (《凯撒大帝》)《凯撒大帝》是莎士比亚创作的关于古罗马历史的著名戏剧之一,描写了罗马共和时期的政治风云和军事斗争。



2. Coriolanus (《科利奥兰纳斯》)《科利奥兰纳斯》是莎士比亚创作的另一部与古罗马历史相关的戏剧作品。



3. Antony and Cleopatra (《安东尼与克鲁帕特拉》)《安东尼与克鲁帕特拉》是莎士比亚的古罗马戏剧三部曲之一,该剧讲述了安东尼与克鲁帕特拉的爱情故事和古罗马历史上的重大事件。


4. Titus Andronicus (《孟德斯劳》)《孟德斯劳》是莎士比亚创作的一部关于古罗马的血腥惨剧,故事主要讲述了孟德斯劳这位罗马将军的政治和军事生涯以及他最终被报复的结局。


5. The Tragedy of Coriolanus (《科利奥兰纳斯悲剧》)《科利奥兰纳斯悲剧》是莎士比亚的其中一部悲剧作品,情节十分严谨,给人留下深刻印象。



核心词根第八组 ( 跟随凯撒学英文)

核心词根第八组 ( 跟随凯撒学英文)

第九组跟随“恺撒” 学英文尤斯·尤利乌斯·恺撒( Julius Caesar 前102年7月12日-前44年3月15日),或称凯撒大帝,罗马共和国末期杰出的军事统帅、政治家。


但与庞培相比,凯撒更好更强大. 所以只用了5天的时间,就平定了庞培部下本都王子的叛乱。

他用最简洁的拉丁文字写了捷报送回元老院:VENI, VIDI, VICII CAME, I SAW, I CONQUERED“来到,见到,胜利”veni= vent = comeinvent = in(into) + vent(come) →走进来→[词义] (某事物,如:电灯)走进人们的生活来→vt.发明,创造I find out what the world needs, then I go ahead and try to invent it.(爱迪生)inventory = in(into) + vent(walk) + ory(地点) →原始词义:走入一个地点→派生词义:[词义] (商品的名字)走入的一个地点→n. (商品) 详细目录, 存货清单event = e(ex=out) + vent →原始词义:走出来→派生词义:[词义] 重要事情走出来→n.大事件小翻译: [谚]事后聪明不难; 作事后诸葛亮容易。

It is easy to be wise after the event.prevent = pre(before提前) + vent(come) →原始词义:提前走→派生词义:[词义] 提前走采取措施→v. 防止,制止= stop小翻译: 布什的7000亿美元的救市计划难以阻止美国经济进入衰退。

Bush’s proposal of 700-billion financial bailout will hardly prevent the US economy from going into recession.prevention = prevent + ion(名词后缀)小翻译: 正如俗语所讲“一分预防胜似十分治疗”,因此政府应该采取预防措施来防治土地的荒漠化。






一、凯撒大帝凯撒大帝(Julius Caesar)是罗马历史上最杰出的军事统帅之一。

他以其卓越的领导能力和战术才能,一手创建了第一次三头执政(First Triumvirate),并通过一系列征服战争开始了罗马帝国的扩张。














三、庞培大帝庞培大帝(Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus),被认为是罗马帝国历史上最杰出的军事指挥官之一。




庞培 Pompey
Caesar fell in love with the Egyptian queen Cleopatra .
Caesar was now master of Rome and made himself consul and dictator. He used his power to carry out muchneeded reforms, the most important of which was his reform works
• The Commentarii de Bello Gallico, usually known in English as The Gallic Wars 《高卢战记》
Maximus(大祭司长), chief priest of the Roman state
rel6ig2ioBn C. : Caesar was appointed to govern Spain,
probably with proconsular(总督) powers .
60BC:Three overlords form an
The calendar at the time was regulated by the movement of the moon, and this had resulted in a great deal of disorder. Caesar replaced this calendar with the Egyptian calendar, which was regulated by the sun. He set the length of the year to 365.25 days by adding an intercalary/leap day at the end of February every fourth year.

Julius Caesar 凯撒大帝

Julius Caesar 凯撒大帝

Some general evaluation of Julius Caesar
An outstanding military chief and politician. The uncrowned emperor(无冕之皇).
The times produce the heroes.
Gallic Wars (高卢之战)
Major Contributions
• Politics: Consitutional reforms, Centralization of authority (中央集权) , Civil rights • Military: Build military, expand territory • Society: Social relief(社会救济) • Culture: Public buildings(Peace Square) Competitive races Julian calendar(儒略历) Communication mode
Appearence: tall of stature(身 材)with a fair(白皙的) complexion, shapely limbs, a somewhat full face, and kee(敏锐的) black eyes.
Life experiences
Won in a civil war
Got a corolla(花冠) because his bravery Flamen(祭司) Military Tribune(军事保民官) The official of finance (财务官) Syndic(新市政官)、祭司长、The grand justice(大法官) Consul of the Republic of Rome(罗马共和国执政官) Dictator perpetnus(终身独裁官)



英语介绍凯撒的一生作文Gaius Julius Caesar, a name that resonates with the annals of history, was a Roman general, statesman, and writer who played a critical role in the transformation of the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire. Born into a patrician family on July 12 or 13 in the year 100 BC, Caesar's life was marked by his ambition, military prowess, and political acumen.Early Life and AscendancyCaesar's early life was spent in the shadow of a turbulent Rome, where the struggle between the optimates (the aristocracy) and the populares (the common people) was intensifying. Despite the political unrest, Caesar's family connections and his own talents propelled him through the cursus honorum, the traditional sequence of public offices.Military Career and ConquestsCaesar's military career began with the suppression of a revolt in Asia Minor. However, it was his conquest of Gaul (modern-day France and Belgium) from 58 to 50 BC that cemented his reputation as a military genius. His Commentarii de Bello Gallico, a firsthand account of the Gallic Wars, remains a significant historical document and a classic of Latin literature.The First Triumvirate and Political StrugglesCaesar's alliance with two other powerful figures, Marcus Licinius Crassus and Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus (Pompey the Great), formed the First Triumvirate, an informal coalition that dominated Roman politics for several years. This alliance, however, was fraught with tension and eventually led to a split, with Caesar and Pompey emerging as the two most powerful men in Rome.The Civil War and DictatorshipThe political rivalry between Caesar and Pompey escalatedinto a civil war in 49 BC when Caesar famously crossed the Rubicon with his army, an act that signified the start of the war. After a series of battles, Caesar emerged victorious, and Pompey was killed in Egypt. Caesar was then appointed dictator perpetuo (dictator for life), a position that effectively ended the Roman Republic and marked the beginning of the Roman Empire.Assassination and LegacyCaesar's rule was not without opposition. On the Ides of March in 44 BC, a group of Roman senators, led by Marcus Junius Brutus and Gaius Cassius Longinus, assassinated Caesar in the Theatre of Pompey. They believed that by removing Caesar, they could restore the Republic, but their actions instead led to a series of civil wars and the rise ofCaesar's grand-nephew and adopted son, Gaius Octavius, who would become the first Roman Emperor, Augustus.Caesar's life and death have left an indelible mark on history. His military campaigns expanded Rome's territories, his political reforms laid the groundwork for the Empire, and his writings have provided invaluable insights into his era. The phrase "Beware the Ides of March" has become a timeless warning of impending danger, and the name "Julius Caesar" continues to symbolize power, ambition, and the complex interplay of leadership and the quest for greatness.。



凯撒大帝罗马的征服者凯撒大帝(Gaius Julius Caesar)是罗马历史上一位杰出而伟大的领袖,被誉为罗马帝国的征服者。























Strato Titinius Clitus
Lucius Pindarus
Cinna, a poet Mark Antony
As the slides describing each character come up, continue taking notes on the information in BLUE in your notebook. Head this section “Characters.” Then, place the character names on the appropriate lines on your handout.
The Scene…
Based on a true story, this play takes place in Ancient Rome, where Julius Caesar has just returned in triumph from war.
The crowd hails him as their new leader, but there are some Romans who fear he will become too powerful of a ruler, more like an emperor, and they will lose the liberties they have enjoyed as citizens of a free state.
A small group of men conspire to assassinate Caesar, believing they are acting to preserve the freedoms of the Roman Republic.



罗马帝国凯撒大帝的历史故事罗马帝国历史上最为杰出的君主之一就是凯撒大帝(Caesar Augustus)。


























1. 亚历山大大帝亚历山大大帝(Alexander the Great)是古希腊的传奇人物。







2. 凯撒大帝凯撒大帝(Julius Caesar)是古罗马最著名的政治家和将军之一。







3. 伊丽莎白一世伊丽莎白一世(Queen Elizabeth I)是英格兰历史上最杰出的君主之一,她统治着英格兰和爱尔兰王国长达44年之久。






4. 拿破仑·波拿巴拿破仑·波拿巴(Napoleon Bonaparte)是法国历史上最具争议的人物之一。



Life coures:
from 58 BC to 49 BC,waging war to France and suceeded ,occupied France. in 48 BC,launched the civil war,killed his political commant Pompeia. in 44 BC ,selected as the lifelong directer in March 15th,Caesar was murderded by the members of the senate.
gone with the wind ,It is difficult for me to describe my fellings to Caesar,but evey time I looked up to the sky,I will remember his deeds .
WPS Office
Gaius Julius Caesar(恺撒)
a legend in Rome
Gaius Julius Caesar
• born in 102 BC • died in 44 BC • personal instraction: an outstanding military commander、 a famous politation 2000 years ago、the diracter of the Rome

From 44 BC to now ,Caesar has died for more than 2000 years,diferent people have diferent opinions when mentioned him,some people may say he is a great hero,while others may say he is a demon、a cruel king. But anyhow,no one can deny Caesar's talents and ability,no one has his version in today's society,no one has the power as he is.I appreciate his Invincible courage ,and I am sorry for his death. Have to say that the period of PersonalБайду номын сангаасheroism has gone ,We have from Caesar's too far , We can't follow in his steps .All glory is fleeting(所有 荣耀只是过眼云烟), all of Caesar' honour has

Julius Caesar 凯撒大帝

Julius Caesar 凯撒大帝

Julius Caesar 凱撒大帝During the period of history when Rome wasthe strongest power in the Western world, Gaius Julius Caesar emerged as an important leader and powerful politician. Caesar was also a great general, and he was instrumental in changing the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire.Julius Caesar lived from 100 BC to 44 BC. His early life was extremely eventful. When he was just 16 years old, he became the head of his family after his father died. At the age of 17, he became the Flamen Dialis, the high priest of Jupiter. The holder of this position had to not only be a noble himself but also be married to a noble, so he broke off his engagement to a common girl and married the daughter of an important politician. When he was 25, he was captured by pirates but managed to negotiate his way out of trouble and eventually tracked them down and executed them all.In 59 BC, Caesar was elected as consul of Rome, an office similar to that of president. However, the Senate, the most important council of the government in ancient Rome, wanted to limit Caesar’s power. Caesar kn ew that he needed strong political allies, so he made an unofficial partnership with a wealthy andpowerful general named Pompey and another well-connected politician named Crassus.With the help of these two, Caesar managed to secure substantial power, and after his term as consul, he became governor of Gaul (present day France and Belgium). Over the next 15 years, Caesar expanded his power, invading new lands for Rome, and eventually defeated his former ally Pompey in battle to become the state’s absolute ruler.The Senate was dissatisfied with the fact the Caesar was ruling Rome without them, so in 44 BC, Caesar was lured to a temple and killed by a group of senators who stabbed him 23 times. Those senators hoped to restore the Republic. However, Caesar’s assassination led to a Roman civil war. As a result, Rome became a permanent dictatorship and remained so for centuries.在堅而不摧的羅馬帝國稱霸西方世界的年代,異軍崛起的凱撒大帝成了重要的領袖,和勢力強大的政治人物。

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The Death of Caesar
Mar 15th 44 b.c
Caesar’s was killed. killed
His works
During his lifetime, Caesar was regarded as one of the best orators(演讲家) and prose(散文) authors in Latin—even Cicero(西塞罗) spoke highly of Caesar's rhetoric and style. Only Caesar's war commentaries have survived.
The calendar at the time was regulated by the movement of the moon, and this had resulted in a great deal of disorder. Caesar replaced this calendar with the Egyptian calendar, which was regulated by the sun. He set the length of the year to 365.25 days by adding an intercalary/leap day at the end of February every fourth year.
A aggressive war against Gaul (高卢) . To enlarge the continent and aggrandize himself.
Civil War
After that, the human world is a tragedy; not to cross the river, is my own ruin.
60BC:Three overlords form an alliance------ the first Triumvirate
Pompey (庞贝)
Crassus (克拉苏)
The gentry

Marcus Bibulus (毕布路斯 )

Gallic Wars (高卢战争)
Distinguished and influential family
Born: in Rome on July 12 or 13 100 BC in a Noble family
Relatives: many of his relatives plays the role as Consul (执政官 ) , grand justice (大法官) and so on Uncle: Aunt: Sextus Julius the grand justice (大法官) Julia married famous Gaius Marius(马略)
Julius Caesar
Veni , vidi , vici . I came, I saw, I conquered.
Born and family Political life Caesar’s reforms
The death of Caesar Caesar’s works Assessment
Julius Caesar was a Roman general, statesman, Consul and notable author of Latin prose. Caesar is deemed to be one of the greatest military commanders in history. He played a critical role in the events that led to the demise (终止) of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire
Thanks for you attention!
69bc:His aunt and wife both died. Then he left for
Spain for work. 63 BC: He ran for election to the post of Pontifex Maximus(大祭司长), chief priest of the Roman state religion . 62 BC: Caesar was appointed to govern Spain, probably with proconsular(总督) powers .
Байду номын сангаас
The Death of Caesar
His success and ambition alienated strongly republican senators. A group of these, led by Cassius and Brutus, assassinated Caesar on the Ides of March 44 BC.
Father : ministor of finance and viceroy(总督) Mother: from a powerful noble family
Political life:on the way up
69BC:Quaestor ( 财务官吏) 65BC:Aedile (行政官) 62BC:Praetor (执政官)
His works
Memoirs • The Commentarii de Bello Gallico, usually known in English as The Gallic Wars 《高卢战记》 • The Commentarii de Bello Civili (The Civil War) 《内战记》 • Other works historically have been attributed to Caesar, but their authorship is in doubt.
Relieving Debt Enlarging the senate Building the Forum Iulium
Caesar’s Reforms
public works :
built forum(公共讨论的广场) and many other public works
reform of the calendar (儒略历)
Run away to Egypt and Killed by Egyptian
庞培 Pompey
Caesar fell in love with the Egyptian queen Cleopatra .
Caesar was now master of Rome and made himself consul and dictator. He used his power to carry out muchneeded reforms, the most important of which was his reform of the calendar.