
Lesson 1 Engineering Drawings1.assembly drawing 转配图2.balloon 零件序号3.detail drawing 零件图4.view 视图5.full-section view 全剖视图6.Broken-sectional view 局部视图7.Convention 惯例,规范8.Cutting-plane 剖切图9.Sketch drawing 草图10.Interchangeable 可互换的11.Craftsman 工匠,工人12.Tolerance 公差13.Procurement 采购,获得14.Exploded drawing 分解示图15.Pattern maker 模型工,翻铸工16.Machinist 机械师,机工Lesson 2 mechanics1.mechanics 力学2.Acceleration 加速度3.Deformation 变形4.Stress 应力5.Sub discipline 分支学科6.Static 静力学7.Dynamics 动力学8.Mechanics of material材料力学9.Fluid mechanics 流体力学10.Kinematics 运动学11.Continuum mechanics连续介质力学12.static equilibrium 静力平衡13.Newton’s first law14.Susceptibility 敏感性15.Newton’s second law of motion16.Yield strength 屈服强度17.ultimate strength 极限强度18.Failure by bucking 屈曲破坏19.Stiffness 刚度20.Young’s modulus 杨氏模量21.Macroscopic 宏量22.Microscopic 微量putational fluid dynamics (CFD)计算流体力学24.trajectory 轨道25.Astrophysics 天体物理学26.Celestial 天空的27.Robotics 机器人学28.Biomechanics 生物力学29.Rigid body 刚体Lesson 3 Engineering Materials1.polymer 聚合物2.Ceramics 陶瓷3.Stiff 硬的,刚性的4.Fracture 断裂,折断5.Transparent 透明的,显然的6.Lustrous 有光泽的7.Delocalized 不受位置限制的8.Ferrous 铁的,含铁的9.Nonferrous 不含铁的,非铁的10.Tailored 定制的,特制的11.Hardness 硬度12.Tensile strength 抗拉强度13.Toughness 韧性14.Quenching 淬火15.Tempering 回火16.Stainless 不锈的17.Shield 防护,屏蔽,遮挡Lesson4 Mechanical Design1.mechanism 机构,机械2.Thermal 热量,热的3.Switch 开关4.Cam 凸轮5.Valve 阀门6.Beam 梁7.Phenomena 现象8.Screw 螺钉,螺杆9.Fasteners 紧固件10.Spring 弹簧11.Gear 齿轮12.Durability 耐用性13.Femur 股骨14.Quadriceps 四头肌15.Optimization method 最优化方法16.Stiffness 硬度17.Stock 原料,备品18.Noninterference 互不干扰Lesson5 machinery component1.pulley 滑轮,带轮2.Torque 扭矩,转(力)距3.Sheave 滑轮车,槽轮4.Disassembly 拆卸分解5.Stock 棒料,库存6.Woodruff key 半圆键,月牙键7.Axle 轮轴,车轴8.Spline 花键,用花键连接9.Bushing 轴瓦,轴衬10.Involute spline 渐开线花键11.Spindle 主轴,轴12.Groove 沟,槽;刻沟,刻槽13.Residual stress 残余应力14.Coupling 联轴器15.Distortion 变形,绕曲16.Misalignment 未对准(线),非对中17.Referred to as 把。

机械专业英语试题及答案精编W O R D版IBM system office room 【A0816H-A0912AAAHH-GX8Q8-GNTHHJ8】学院院长(系主任)(签字)C. degradation…corrosionD. corrosion… degradation12. Most frames _______ cast iron, weld steel, composition, or concrete.A. are made fromB. are made up ofC. was produced byD. was consist of13. Rotating shafts particularly those that run at high speeds, must be designed toavoid operationat speeds.A . lowB .overload C. critical D. hollow14. Although cast iron is a fairly cheap material, each casting requires a .A. patternB. modelC. moldD. patent15. The term is used to describe joints with surface contact, as with a pin surrounded by a hole.A. high pairB. low pairC. surface pairD. rotary pair二、完型填空(在每个小题四个备选答案中选出一个正确答案,本大题共15小题,每小题1分,总计15分)The term shaft usually refers to a relatively long member of round cross section that rotates and transmits power. One or more members such as gears,sprockets, pulleys, and cams are usually (16) to the shaft by means of pins, keys, splines, snap rings, and other devices. These latter members are among the “associated parts” considered in this text, as are couplings and universaljoint, which serve to (17) the shaft to the source of power or load.考生注意:考试时间 120 分钟试卷总分 100 分共 5 页第 1 页Sometimes members like gears and cams are made (28) with shaft,but more often such members (which also include pulleys,sprockets, etc)are made separately and then(29) shaft. Theportion of the mounted member in contact with the shaft is thehub. Attachment of the hub to the shaft is made in variety ofways. A gear can be gripped (30) between a shoulder on the shaftand a spacer, with torque being transmitted through a key. Thegrooves in the shaft and hub into which the key fits are calledkeyways.16、 A) cement B) attached C) connected D)concrete17、 A) endure B) transmit C) serve D)connect18、 A) support B) meet C) satisfy D) strong19、 A) aims B) idler C) terminal D) tomb20、 A) due to B) weather C) whether D) for21、 A) elasticity B) torsional C) inertia D)acceleration22、 A) subjected B)…connect C) and D) From23、 A) deeply B) strength C) clearly understandD) long time24、 A) identify B) cross C) round D) 订线read as follows.Engineering design is the process of devising a system, component, or process to meet desired needs. It is decision making process(often iterative),in which the basic sciences, mathematics, and engineering sciences are applied to convert resourcesoptimally to meet a sated objectives and criteria, synthesis, analysis,construction ,testing, and evaluation. The engineering design component of a curriculum must include most of the following features : development of student creativity, use of open-ended problem statement and use of modern design theory and methodology, formulation of design problem statement and specification, consideration of alternative solutions, feasibility considerations, production process, concurrent engineering design, and detailed system descriptions. Further, it is essential to include a variety of realistic constraints such as economic factors, safety, reliability, aesthetics, ethics, andsocial impact.31、what’s the main meaning of message (1)?A) Engineering design is a systematic process B) materials engineer’s mainworkC) mechanical engineer’s has good idea D) electrical engineer’ mainduty32、In the author’s opinion, the design process is very complex and should takeninto account many factors, from the message who should NOT join into the design team _______.A) environmentalists,B) sociologistsC) engineersD) Government officials33、From the message, we can know the meaning of words “ABET”(at line third paragraph) is _____.A) a set of accredits standardB) a kind of design methodC) a department of US government which responsible for engineering designD) A set of law34、It can be concluded from the passage that in the exercise and training of student, which character of the following is NOT included in the curriculum ______.A) creativityB) new materialC) ethicsD) economic factors35、The title of the message is ______.A) the roles of engineers in manufacturingB) the importance of mechanical designC) engineering designD) The process of machine designTEXT 2Working drawings are the complete set of standardized drawings specifying the manufacture and assembly of a product based on its design. The complexity of the design determines the number and types of drawings. Working drawings may be on more than one sheet and may contain written instructions called specifications.Working drawings are blueprints used for manufacturing products. Therefore, the set of drawings must:(a) completely describe the parts, both visually and dimensionally;(b)show the parts in assembly;(3)identify all the parts; and (4)specify standard parts. The graphics and text information must be sufficiently complete and accurate to manufacture and assemble the product without error.共 5 页第 2 页(1) Detail drawings of each nonstandard parts.(2) An assembly or subassembly drawing showing all the standard and nonstandard parts in a single drawing.(3) A bill of materials (BOM).(4) A title block.A detail drawing is a dimensioned, multiview drawing of a single part, describing the part’s shape, size, material, and surface roughness, in sufficient detail for the part to be manufactured based on the drawing alone. Detail drawings are produced from design sketches or extracted from 3-D computer models. They adhere strictly to ANSI standards and the standard for the specific company, for dimensioning, assigning part numbers, notes, tolerances, etc.In an assembly, standard parts such as threaded fasteners and bearings are not drawn as details, but are shown in the assembly view. Standard parts are not drawn as details because they are normally purchased, not manufactured, for assembly.For large assemblies or assembled with large parts, details are drawn on multiple sheets, and a separate sheet is used for the assembly view. If the assembly is simple or the parts are small,detail drawings for each part of an assembly can be placed on a singlesheet.TEXT 3One principle aim of kinematics is to create (design) the desired motions of the subjects’ mechanical parts and then mathematically compute the positions, velocities, and accelerations, which those will create on the parts. Since, for most earthbound mechanical systems, the mass remains essentially constant with time, defining the accelerations as a function of time then also defines the dynamic forces as a function of time. Stresses, in turn, will be a function of both applied and inertial (ma) forces. Since engineering design is charged with creating systems which will not fail during their expected service life, the goal is to keep stresses within acceptable limits for the materials chosen and the environmental conditions encountered. This obviously requires that all system forces be defined and kept within desired limits. In machinery, the largest forces encountered are often those due to the dynamics of the machine itself. These dynamic forces are proportional to acceleration, which brings us back to kinematics, the foundation of mechanical design. Very basic and early decision in the design process involving kinematic principles can be crucial to the success of any mechanical design; a design which has poor kinematics will prove troublesome and perform badly.Any mechanical system can be classified according to the number of degree of freedom (DOF) which it processes. The system’s DOF is equal to the number of independent parameters which are needed to uniquely define its position in space at any instant of time.A rigid body free to move within a reference frame will, in the general case, has complex motion, which is a simultaneous combination of rotation and translation. In three-dimensional space, there may be rotation about any axis and also simultaneous translation which can be resolved into components along three axes. In a plane, or two-dimensional space, complex motion becomes a combination of simultaneous rotation about one axis (perpendicular to the plane) and also translation resolved into components along two axes in the plane41、Kinematics research focus on the following EXCEPT ______..A) accelerations B) forceC) positions, D) velocities42、From the passage that for the design engineer the first and most important is____A) the service life of a machine B) the materials chooseC) the degree of freedom D) kinematic principles43、An mechanical system has uniquely defined position in space at any instant of time that ___.A) It should has one DOFB) It should Has two DOFC) the DOF and the number of independent parameters should equalD) It should has any DOF as want44、 which one of the following is NOT TRUE _______?.A) A rigid body free to move in three-dimensional space may rotation about anyaxisB) A rigid body free to move in three-dimensional space is a simultaneouscombination of rotation and translationC) A rigid body free to move in three-dimensional space can be resolved intocomponents along three axesD) A rigid body free to move in three-dimensional space may has complex motion45、The best title for this passage would be _______.A) kinematics B) dynamicsC) kinematics and dynamic D) the important of kinematics共 5 页第3 页1.将下列英语句子译成汉语(共5小题,每小题2分)(1)A perfectly rigid or inextensible link can exist only as a textbook type of model of a real machine member.(2)Foundations should ensure the machine’s stiffness; shock absorption and isolation are secondary considerations.(3)Thus, if a mechanical component such as a spring is subjected to repetitive or cyclical applications of stress levels much lower than the ultimate strength, it will fracture after a large number of repetitions of this stress.(4)Interchangeability means that identical parts must be interchangeable, i.e., able to replace each other, whether during assembly or subsequent maintenance work; without the need for any fitting operations.(5)A gear can be gripped axially between a shoulder on the shaft anda spacer, with torque being transmitted through a key.2、将下段英语翻译成汉语(10分)As we look around us w e see a world full of “things”, machines, devices, tools, things that we have designed, built, and used; things made of wood, metals, ceramics, and plastics. We know from experience that some things are better than others; they last longer, cost less, are quieter, or are ease to use. Ideally , however, every such itemhas been designed according to some set of “functional requirements”(5)当一个装置意外地失效后,通常需要进行研究工作,来找出失效的原因和确定可能的改正措施。

机械工程专业英语双色版李娜课后答案1、Amy and her best friend often ______ books together.()[单选题] *A. read(正确答案)B. readsC. is readingD. to read2、I’d like to know the _______ of the club. [单选题] *A. schedule(正确答案)B. schoolC. menuD. subject3、Kate has a cat _______ Mimi. [单选题] *A. called(正确答案)B. callC. to callD. calling4、--Jimmy, you are supposed to?_______ your toys now.--Yes, mom. [单选题] *A. put upB. put onC. put away(正确答案)D. put down5、12.That is a good way ________ him ________ English. [单选题] *A.to help;forB.helps;withC.to help;with(正确答案)D.helping;in6、You have coughed for several days, Bill. Stop smoking, _______ you’ll get better soon. [单选题] *A. butB. afterC. orD. and(正确答案)7、In crowded places like airports and railway stations, you___ take care of your luggage. [单选题] *A. canB. mayC. must(正确答案)D. will8、75.As a student in Senior Three, I must work hard.(), I should take exercise to strengthen my body.[单选题] *A.OtherwiseB.Meanwhile(正确答案)C.ThereforeD.Thus9、_____ of the teachers in this district are women teachers. [单选题] *A. Four fifthB. Four fifths(正确答案)C. Fourth fifthsD. Four five10、34.My mother usually_______ much time shopping in the supermarkets on weekends. [单选题] *A.spends (正确答案)B.costsC.takesD.pays11、5.Shanghais is known ________ “the Oriental Pearl”, so many foreigners come to visit Shanghai very year. [单选题] *A.forB.as (正确答案)C.withD.about12、I was astonished when I heard that Louise was getting married. [单选题] *A. 惊讶(正确答案)B. 气愤C. 高兴D. 想念13、Li Lei often takes a walk early ______ the morning.()[单选题] *A. atB. onC. in(正确答案)D. for14、30.I want to find ______ and make much money. [单选题] *A.worksB.jobC.a job(正确答案)D.a work15、I didn't hear _____ because there was too much noise where I was sitting. [单选题] *A. what did he sayB. what he had said(正确答案)C. what he was sayingD. what to say16、—______some nice crayons. I think they are ______.()[单选题] *A. Here is; Betty’sB. Here are; BettyC. Here is; BettyD. Here are; Betty’s(正确答案)17、What do you think of the idea that _____ honest man who married and brought up a large family did more service than he who continued single and only talked of _____ population. [单选A. a, /B. an, /C. a, theD. an, the(正确答案)18、_______ your parents at home last week? [单选题] *A. IsB. WasC. AreD. Were(正确答案)19、There _______ no water or milk in the fridge. [单选题] *A. is(正确答案)B. areC. hasD. have20、Our school is beautiful. How about _______? [单选题] *A. theirs(正确答案)C. theyD. them21、We moved to the front row_____we could hear and see better. [单选题] *A. so asB. so that(正确答案)C. becauseD. such that22、If by any chance someone comes to see me, ask him to leave a _____. [单选题] *A. message(正确答案)B. letterC. sentenceD. notice23、The more he tried to please her, _____she seemed to appreciate it. [单选题] *A.lessB.lesserC.the less(正确答案)D.the lesser24、Li Jing often helps me ______ my geography.()[单选题] *A. atB. inC. ofD. with(正确答案)25、55.There is a ________ on in the bookshop. Let's go to buy some books. [单选题] * A.movieB.matchC.sale(正确答案)D.concert26、--I can’t watch TV after school.--I can’t, _______. [单选题] *A. alsoB. tooC. either(正确答案)D. so27、I have worked all day. I'm so tired that I need _____ . [单选题] *A. a night restB. rest of nightC. a night's rest(正确答案)D. a rest of night28、I always make my daughter ______ her own room.()[单选题] *A. to cleanB. cleaningC. cleansD. clean(正确答案)29、She often _______ at 21: [单选题] *A. go to bedB. gets upC. goes to bed(正确答案)D. gets to30、Nick has always been good _______ finding cheap flights. [单选题] *A. at(正确答案)B. forC. withD. to。

XXXX/第1学期期终试卷A(考试类型:闭卷)课程机械工程专业英语(参照答案及评分阐明) 班级姓名一、词汇(20分)(每个题目为2分)1:把下列英文单词翻译成中文:(1) threshold参照答案:开端,开始(2) graphics terminal参照答案:图像终端(3) a translate command参照答案:平移指令(4) construction robotics参照答案:建筑(构造)机器人(5) a power-driven device参照答案:力驱动装置2:把下列中文词组翻译成英文:(6) 热加工参照答案:hot working(7) 非正常晶体生长参照答案:abnormal grain growth(8)再结晶参照答案:recrystallization(9) 机械效益参照答案:mechanical advantage(10)力放大器参照答案:a force multiplier二、句型(20分)(每个题目为4分)(翻译旳内容,到达意思一致即算对旳)请将下列英文句子翻译成中文(1)Efficiency and mechanical advantage are used to gauge the performance of mechanical machine .参照答案:效率和机械效益是用来检测机械装置旳工作性能旳。
(2)Methods of extracting , producing and treating metals are being developed all the time to meet engineering requirements .参照答案:为了满足工程需要,提炼、生产和处理金属旳措施一直处在发展进步之中。
(3) The common metallic materials possess the metallic properties of luster , thermal conductivity, and electrical conductivity ;are relatively ductile;and some have good magnetic properties .参照答案:常见旳金属材料拥有旳金属性能如:光泽、导热性和导电性,并且有很好旳延展性,此外,尚有某些金属材料具有好旳磁性。

Lesson 1 Basic Concepts in Mechanics1、The branch of scientific analysis which deals with motions, time, and forces is called mechanics and is made up of two parts statics and dynamics对运动、时间和作用力作出科学分析的分支称为力学。
2、Our intuitive concept of force includes such ideas as place of application, direction,and magnitudeand these are called the characteristics of a force.直观概念包括作用点、方向和大小。
这些称为力的要素3、Inertia is the property of mass that causes it to resist any effort to change its motion.惯性是质量所具有的抵抗任何外力改变其本身运动状态的性质.4、A particle is a body whose dimensions are so small that they may be neglected.当一个物体的尺寸特别小,可以忽略不计时,该物体可以被称为质点。
5、Law 1 If all the forces acting on a particle are balanced, the particle will either remain at rest or will continue to move in a straight line at a uniform velocity.第一定律如果作用在一个质点上的所有外力平衡,那么,这个质点保持原来的静止或者匀速直线运动状态不变。

《机械工程专业英语》测验题(18-22)一、将下列词组译成汉语1.the base circle(基圆)2.the pitch curve(啮合曲线)3.the contact force(接触力)4.the intermittent motion(间歇运动)5.the common normal(公法线)6.the conjugate profiles(共轭齿廓)7.the cycloidal profiles (摆线齿形)8.the involute profiles(渐开线齿形)9.the spur gear(直齿轮)10.the herringbone gears(双螺旋齿轮)11.the face gear(端面齿轮)12.the radial distance(径向距离)13.the addendum circle(齿顶圆)14.The tooth thickness(齿厚)15.the tooth space(齿间隙)16.the cap screws(螺钉)17.the setscrews(固定螺丝钉)18.the engineering graphics(工程力学)19.mechanical design(机械设计)20.the installation techniques(安装技术)21.the bolted joint(螺栓连接)22.the hardened washers(强化垫圈)23.the fatigue resistance(抗疲劳强度)24.the modulus of elasticity(弹性模量)25.the antifriction bearing(减摩轴承)26.the rolling bearing(滚动轴承)27.the rolling contact (滚动接触)28.the sliding contact(滑动触电)29.the corrosion resistance(抗腐蚀性)30.the machining tolerances(加工公差)31.the fatigue loading(疲劳载荷)32.the radial loads(径向负荷)33.the thrust loads逆负荷34.the ball bearing球轴承35.the roller bearing滚子轴承36.the single-row bearings单沟轴承37.the double-row bearing双沟轴承38.the needle bearing滚针轴承39.the bearing life轴承寿命40.The rating life额定寿命41.the axis of rotation旋转轴42.The helix angle螺旋角43.a right-hand helix 右旋44.a left-hand helix左旋45.an involute helicoids螺旋面46.an involute curve渐开线47.the shaft centerlines轴中心线48.worm gear蜗轮49.the hypoid gear准双曲面齿轮50.right angle直角51.worm gearing蜗杆传动52.the lead angle导角53.shaft angle轴线角度54.bending load弯曲载荷55.tension load张力负荷pression load压缩负载57.torsional load扭转负荷58.the bending moment弯矩59.the bending stress弯曲应力60.the shot peening喷丸法61.the actuating force工作力62.the coefficient of friction摩擦系数63.An electromagnetic coil电磁线圈64.the magnetic circuit磁路二、将下列短语译成汉语1.disk or plate translating (two-dimensional or planar)盘形传动凸轮(两维的,即平面的)2.cylindrical (three-dimensional or spatial) cams圆柱形凸轮(三维的,即空间的)机构3. a radial (in-line) translating roller follower一个对心直动滚子从动件4. a constant angular velocity ratio旋转角速度的比例5. a constant torque ratio一个恒转矩比6.Nonlinear angular velocity ratios非线性角速度比率7.the parallel helical gear平行斜齿轮8.the crossed helical gear交叉斜齿轮9.the straight bevel gear直锥齿轮10.the spiral bevel gear弧齿锥齿轮11.the skew bevel gear大角度斜交锥齿轮12.the hexagon head screws六角头螺钉13.the fillister head screws槽头螺钉14.the flat head screws 平头螺钉15.the hexagon socket head screws内六角沉头螺钉。

机械工程专业英语双色版课后答案1、--_______ do you have to do after school?--Do my homework, of course. [单选题] *A. What(正确答案)B. WhenC. WhereD. How2、The scenery is so beautiful. Let’s _______. [单选题] *A. take photos(正确答案)B. take mapsC. take busD. take exams3、( )He gave us____ on how to keep fit. [单选题] *A. some advicesB. some advice(正确答案)C. an adviceD. a advice4、--Which is Tom?--He is _______ of the two boys. [单选题] *A. tallB. tallerC. the taller(正确答案)D. the tallest5、I am so excited to receive a _______ from my husband on my birthday. [单选题] *A. present(正确答案)B. percentC. parentD. peace6、What’s your _______ for the coming new year? [单选题] *A. playB. plantC. plan(正确答案)D. plans7、While I _____ the morning paper, a headline caught my eye.. [单选题] *A. have readB. was reading(正确答案)C. had readD. am reading8、_____you may do, you must do it well. [单选题] *A.WhichB.WheneverC.Whatever(正确答案)D.When9、I got caught in the rain and my suit____. [单选题] *A. has ruinedB. had ruinedC. has been ruined(正确答案)D. had been ruined10、He is going to _______ a party this evening. [单选题] *A. hold(正确答案)B. makeC. needD. hear11、My watch usually _______ good time, but today it is five minutes fast. [单选题] *A. goesB. makesC. keeps(正确答案)D. gains12、--Do you often go to the cinema _______ Sunday?--No, we _______. [单选题] *A. on; don’t(正确答案)B. on; aren’tC. in; doD. in; don’t13、_______ your parents at home last week? [单选题] *A. IsB. WasC. AreD. Were(正确答案)14、( )He killed the enemy guard and made away _________the villagers. [单选题] *A. with the helpB. with helpC. with help ofD. with the help of(正确答案)15、_______ a busy afternoon! [单选题] *A. HowB. What(正确答案)C. WhichD. Wish16、Last week they _______ in climbing the Yuelu Mountain. [单选题] *A. succeeded(正确答案)B. succeedC. successD. successful17、25.—I ______ Beijing for a holiday.—________. [单选题] * A.will go;GoodbyeB.will go;Have a good time(正确答案)C.will go to;Have a good timeD.am going to;Have a fun18、—John, How is it going? —______.()[单选题] *A. It’s sunnyB. Thank youC. Well doneD. Not bad(正确答案)19、--Do you have a _______?--Yes, I _______ at a clothes store. [单选题] *A. work; workB. work; jobC. job; jobD. job; work(正确答案)20、It’s one of _______ means of transportation. [单选题] *A. cheapB. convenientC. second-handD. the most convenient(正确答案)21、I used to take ____ long way to take the bus that went by ____ tunnel under the water. [单选题] *A. a, aB. a. theC. a, /(正确答案)D. the, a22、He spoke too fast, and we cannot follow him. [单选题] *A. 追赶B. 听懂(正确答案)C. 抓住D. 模仿23、Mr. Brown ______ the football match next week.()[单选题] *A. is seeingB. seesC. sawD. is going to see(正确答案)24、This message is _______. We are all _______ at it. [单选题] *A. surprising; surprisingB. surprised; surprisedC. surprising; surprised(正确答案)D. surprised; surprising25、_____ is not known yet. [单选题] *A. Although he is serious about itB. No matter how we will do the taskC. Whether we will go outing or not(正确答案)D. Unless they come to see us26、I like the food very much.It is _______. [单选题] *A. terribleB. expensiveC. delicious(正确答案)D. friendly27、( ) What _____ fine weather we have these days! [单选题] *A. aB. theC. /(正确答案)D. an28、We have _______ a double room with a bath for you in the hotel. [单选题] *A. boughtB. reserved(正确答案)C. madeD. taken29、I haven’t met him _____ the last committee meeting. [单选题] *A. forB. since(正确答案)C. atD. before30、John had planned to leave, but he decided to stay in the hotel for()two days because of the heavy rain. [单选题] *A. otherB. the otherC. another(正确答案)D. others。

教研室主任 (签字) 学院院长(系主任) (签字)C. degradation…corrosionD. corrosion… degradation12. Most frames _______ cast iron, weld steel, composition, or concrete.A. are made fromB. are made up ofC. was produced byD. was consist of13. Rotating shafts particularly those that run at high speeds, must be designed to avoidoperationat speeds.A . lowB .overload C. critical D. hollow14. Although cast iron is a fairly cheap material, each casting requires a .A. patternB. modelC. moldD. patent15. The term is used to describe joints with surface contact, as with a pin surrounded by a hole.A. high pairB. low pairC. surface pairD. rotary pair二、完型填空(在每个小题四个备选答案中选出一个正确答案,本大题共15小题,每小题1分,总计15分)The term shaft usually refers to a relatively long member of round cross section that rotates and transmits power. One or more members such as gears, sprockets, pulleys, and cams are usually (16) to the shaft by means of pins, keys, splines, snap rings, and other devi ces. These latter members are among the “associated parts” considered in this text, as are couplings and universal joint, which serve to (17) the shaft to the source of power or load.考生注意:考试时间 120 分钟试卷总分 100 分共 5 页第 1 页Sometimes members like gears and cams are made (28) with shaft, butmore often such members (which also include pulleys, sprockets, etc)aremade separately and then(29) shaft. The portion of the mounted memberin contact with the shaft is the hub. Attachment of the hub to the shaftis made in variety of ways. A gear can be gripped (30) between ashoulder on the shaft and a spacer, with torque being transmittedthrough a key. The grooves in the shaft and hub into which the key fitsare called keyways.16、 A) cement B) attached C) connected D) concrete17、 A) endure B) transmit C) serve D) connect18、 A) support B) meet C) satisfy D) strong19、 A) aims B) idler C) terminal D) tomb20、 A) due to B) weather C) whether D) for21、 A) elasticity B) torsional C) inertia D)acceleration22、 A) subjected B)…connect C) and D) From23、 A) deeply B) strength C) clearly understand D)long time24、 A) identify B) cross C) round D)lateral25、 A) lucrative B) objectionable C) attractable D)terrible订线read as follows.Engineering design is the process of devising a system, component, or process to meet desired needs. It is decision making process(often iterative),in which the basic sciences, mathematics, and engineering sciences are applied to convert resources optimally to meet a sated objectives and criteria, synthesis, analysis, construction ,testing, and evaluation. The engineering design component of a curriculum must include most of the following features : development of student creativity, use of open-ended problem statement and use of modern design theory and methodology, formulation of design problem statement and specification, consideration of alternative solutions, feasibility considerations, production process, concurrent engineering design, and detailed system descriptions. Further, it is essential to include a variety of realistic constraints such as economic factors, safety, reliability, aesthetics, ethics, and social impact.31、what’s the main meaning of message (1)?A) Engineering design is a systematic process B) materials engineer’s main workC) mechanical engineer’s has good idea D) electrical engineer’ main duty32、In the author’s opinion, the design process is very complex and should taken intoaccount many factors, from the message who should NOT join into the design team _______.A) environmentalists,B) sociologistsC) engineersD) Government officials33、From the message, we can know the meaning of words “ABET”(at line third paragraph)is _____.A) a set of accredits standardB) a kind of design methodC) a department of US government which responsible for engineering designD) A set of law34、It can be concluded from the passage that in the exercise and training of student,which character of the following is NOT included in the curriculum ______.A) creativityB) new materialC) ethicsD) economic factors35、The title of the message is ______.A) the roles of engineers in manufacturingB) the importance of mechanical designC) engineering designD) The process of machine designTEXT 2Working drawings are the complete set of standardized drawings specifying the manufactureand assembly of a product based on its design. The complexity of the design determines the number and types of drawings. Working drawings may be on more than one sheet and may contain written instructions called specifications.Working drawings are blueprints used for manufacturing products. Therefore, the set of drawings must:(a) completely describe the parts, both visually and dimensionally;(b)show the parts in assembly;(3)identify all the parts; and (4)specify standard parts. The graphics and text information must be sufficiently complete and accurate to manufacture and assemble the product without error.共 5 页第 2页(1) Detail drawings of each nonstandard parts.(2) An assembly or subassembly drawing showing all the standard and nonstandard parts in a single drawing.(3) A bill of materials (BOM).(4) A title block.A detail drawing is a dimensioned, multiview drawing of a single part, describing the part’s shape, size, material, and surface roughness, in sufficient detail for the part to be manufactured based on the drawing alone. Detail drawings are produced from design sketches or extracted from 3-D computer models. They adhere strictly to ANSI standards and the standard for the specific company, for dimensioning, assigning part numbers, notes, tolerances, etc.In an assembly, standard parts such as threaded fasteners and bearings are not drawn as details, but are shown in the assembly view. Standard parts are not drawn as details because they are normally purchased, not manufactured, for assembly.For large assemblies or assembled with large parts, details are drawn on multiple sheets, and a separate sheet is used for the assembly view. If the assembly is simple or the parts are small, detail drawings for each part of an assembly can be placed on a single sheet.Multiple details on a sheet are usually drawn at the same scale. If different scales are used, they are clearly marked under each detail. Also,when more than one detail is placed on a sheet, the spacing between detailsTEXT 3One principle aim of kinematics is to create (design) the desired motions of the subjects’ mechanical parts and then mathematically compute the positions, velocities, and accelerations, which those will create on the parts. Since, for most earthbound mechanical systems, the mass remains essentially constant with time, defining the accelerations as a function of time then also defines the dynamic forces as a function of time. Stresses, in turn, will be a function of both applied and inertial (ma) forces. Since engineering design is charged with creating systems which will not fail during their expected service life, the goal is to keep stresses within acceptable limits for the materials chosen and the environmental conditions encountered. This obviously requires that all system forces be defined and kept within desired limits. In machinery, the largest forces encountered are often those due to the dynamics of the machine itself. These dynamic forces are proportional to acceleration, which brings us back to kinematics, the foundation of mechanical design. Very basic and early decision in the design process involving kinematic principles can be crucial to the success of any mechanical design; a design which has poor kinematics will prove troublesome and perform badly.Any mechanical system can be classified according to the number of degree of freedom (DOF) which it processes. The system’s DOF is equal to the number of independent parameters which are needed to uniquely define its position in space at any instant of time.A rigid body free to move within a reference frame will, in the general case, has complex motion, which is a simultaneous combination of rotation and translation. In three-dimensional space, there may be rotation about any axis and also simultaneous translation which can be resolved into components along three axes. In a plane, or two-dimensional space, complex motion becomes a combination of simultaneous rotation about one axis (perpendicular to theplane) and also translation resolved into components along two axes in the plane41、Kinematics research focus on the following EXCEPT ______..A) accelerations B) forceC) positions, D) velocities42、From the passage that for the design engineer the first and most important is____A) the service life of a machine B) the materials chooseC) the degree of freedom D) kinematic principles43、An mechanical system has uniquely defined position in space at any instant of time that ___.A) It should has one DOFB) It should Has two DOFC) the DOF and the number of independent parameters should equalD) It should has any DOF as want44、 which one of the following is NOT TRUE _______?.A) A rigid body free to move in three-dimensional space may rotation about any axisB) A rigid body free to move in three-dimensional space is a simultaneous combinationof rotation and translationC) A rigid body free to move in three-dimensional space can be resolved into componentsalong three axesD) A rigid body free to move in three-dimensional space may has complex motion45、The best title for this passage would be _______.A) kinematics B) dynamicsC) kinematics and dynamic D) the important of kinematics共 5 页第3 页1.将下列英语句子译成汉语(共5小题,每小题2分)(1)A perfectly rigid or inextensible link can exist only as a textbook type of model of a real machine member.(2)Foundations should ensure the machine’s stiffness; shock absorption and isolation are secondary considerations.(3)Thus, if a mechanical component such as a spring is subjected to repetitive or cyclical applications of stress levels much lower than the ultimate strength, it will fracture after a large number of repetitions of this stress.(4)Interchangeability means that identical parts must be interchangeable, i.e., able to replace each other, whether during assembly or subsequent maintenance work; without the need for any fitting operations.(5)A gear can be gripped axially between a shoulder on the shaft and a spacer, with torque being transmitted through a key.2、将下段英语翻译成汉语(10分)As we look around us we see a world full of “things”, machines, devices, tools, things that we have designed, built, and used; things made of wood, metals, ceramics, and plastics. We know from experience that some things are better than others; they last longer, cost less, are quieter, or are ease to use. Ideally , however, every such item has been designed according to some set of “functional requirements” as perceived by thedesigners—that is, it hs been designed so as to answer the question,(5)当一个装置意外地失效后,通常需要进行研究工作,来找出失效的原因和确定可能的改正措施。
机械工程专业英语教程 (第5版)课件 (18)[18页]
![机械工程专业英语教程 (第5版)课件 (18)[18页]](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6b3a04780c22590102029df3.png)
mechanical advantage 机械效益
Text tour
Our common experience is that objects in motion do not usually stay in motion. In practice we move, or try to move one object against another, and there are interactions that resist the motion. When surfaces in contact move relative to each other, the friction between the two surfaces converts kinetic energy into
the ratio of the force produced by a machine to the force applied to it, used in assessing the performance of a machine 一台机器的输出力对其输入力的比值,用来评估机器的性能
Crankshaft 曲轴
Lawn-mower 割草机,草坪修剪机

《机械工程专业英语》翻译李光布饶锡新主编华中科技大学出版社Lesson11 numerical controlIntroductionOne of the most fundamental concepts in the area ……………………数控就是用一个穿孔的纸带或存储的程序来控制机床,美国电子工业协会对数字控制所下的定义为:“一个各项工作都有在各点上直接插入的数字来控制的系统,该系统必须至少能够自动解释这些数字中的部分。
机器操控者可以很容易的通过手工对机载计算机进行控制,操作者能够直接对程序进行修改,并为不同的零件制定和存储程序Lesson14 CAMTEXT1.introductionComputer-aided manufacturing involves the use of ……………………计算机辅佐制造的含义是:使用计算机和计算机技术来协助产品制造的所有环节,其中包括加工工艺和生产的辅助设计、加工、生产计划制定、管理和质量控制等!由CAD开发的数据库首先被存储,然后由CAM做进一步的处理,转化为对生产设备和材料处理设备进行操作和控制所必须的数据和命令,对产品的质量进行自动的检测和测试!CAD\CAM的出现对制造业有很大的影响,标准化生产的发展和设计努力、试验和原型工作的减少。

Lesson11、the branch of scientific analysis, which deals with motions, time, and forces, is called mechanics and is made up of two parts, statics and dynamics. Statics deals with the analysis of stationary systems, i.e., those in which time is not a factor, and dynamics deals with systems, which change with time.对运动时间和作用力作出科学分析的分支成为力学.他由静力学和动力学两部分组成.静力学对静止系统进行分析,即在其中不考虑时间这个引述,动力学对事件而变化的系统进行分析.2、Any two such forces acting on a body constitutea couple. The arm of the couple is the perpendicular distance between their lines of action, and the plane of the couple is the plane containing the two lines of action.作用在一个刚体上的两个这样的的里构成一个力偶.力偶臂是这两个条作用线之间的垂直距离,力偶面是包含着两条作用线的平面.3、Mechanics deal with two kinds of quantities: scalars and vectors. Scalar quantities are those with which a magnitude alone is associated. Examples of scalar quantities in mechanics are time, volume, density, speed, energy, and mass. Vector quantities, on the other hand, possess direction as well as magnitude. Examples of vectors are displacement, velocity, acceleration, force, moment, and momentum.力学涉及两种类型的量,标量和矢量.标量是那些只有大小的量.在力学中标量的例子有时间、体积、密度、速率、、能量和质量.另一方面,矢量既有大小又有大小又有方向.矢量的例子有位移、速度、加速度、力、力矩、动量.Lesson2<此课后面没翻译,翻译的不太准确谅解>1 、The turning of a part in a lathe is another example of several forces in action.<as shown in figure1>车床车削是一些力在起作用的另一个例子.figure1〕如图〔.2 、If this workpiece is held between the centers of the lathe, the centers exert a compressive force against the work.如果这个工件在放在车床中心之间,中心车床对工作产生压力.3、 Rotary motion is required to drill holes, turn parts in a lathe, mill surfaces, or drive a generator or fan belt.扶轮运动需要去钻孔,在车床上转换两件,表面,或驱动发电机或风扇皮带4 、Harmonic and Intermittent Motion<谐和运动和间歇运动>: Any simple vibration, such as the regular back, and forth movement of the end of a pendulum, is simple harmonic motion.Lesson41 、Virtually all machines contain shafts. The most common shape for shafts is circular and the cross section can be either solid or hollow.实际上,几乎所有的机器中都装有轴.轴的最常见的形状是圆形,其截面可以是实心的,也可以是空心的<空心轴可以减轻重量>.有时也采用矩形轴,例如,螺丝起子的头部.套筒扳手和控制旋钮的杆.2、 A shaft must have adequate torisonal strength to transmit torque and not be over stressed it must also be torsional stiff enough so that one mounted component does not deviate excessively from its original angular position relative to a second component mounted on the same shaft.为了在传递扭矩时不发生过载,轴应该有适当的抗扭强度.轴还应该具有足够的抗扭强度,以使在同一轴上的两个传动零件之间的相对转角不会过大.3 、Components such as gears and pulleys are mounted on shafts by means of key. The design of the key and the corresponding keyway in the shaft must be properly evaluated. For example, stress concentrations occur in shafts due to keyways, and the material removed to from the keyway further weakens the shaft.齿轮和皮带轮等零件通过键连接在轴上.在键及轴上与之相对应的键槽的设计中,必须进行认真的计算.例如,轴上的键槽会引起应力集中,由于键槽的存在会使轴的横截面积减小,会进一步减弱轴的强度.4、Another important aspect of shaft design is the method of directly connecting one shaft to another. Devices such as rigid and flexible couplings accomplish this.轴的设计工作中的另一个重要方面是一根轴与另一根轴之间的直接连接方法.这是由刚性或者弹性联轴器来实现的.Lesson51、The term shaft usually refers to a relatively long member of round cross section that rotates and transmits power. One or more members such as gears ,sprockers,pullys,and cams are usually attached to the shaft by means of pins, keys,splines,snap rings,and other devices . Theselatter members are among the "associated parts" consedered in this text,as ate couplings and universal joints , which serve to connect the shaft to the source of power or load.2、It is apparent that shafts can be subjected to various combinations of axial,bending,and torsional loads,and that these loads may be static or fluctuating.3、Torsional defection can affect the accuracy ofa cam or gear driven mechanism .Furthermore,the greater the flexibility -either lateral or torsional-the lower the corresponding critical speed.4、A gear can be gripped axially between a shoulder on the shaft and a spacer ,with torque being transmitted through a keyways.Lesson71、Fasteners are devices which permit one part to be joined to a second part and ,hence,they are involved in almost all designs . The acceptability of any product depends not only on the selected components , but also on the means by which they are fastened together. The principal purposes of fasteners are to provide the following design features;紧固件是将一个零件与另一个零件进行连接的零件.因此,几乎在所有的设计中都要用到紧固件.人们对于任何产品的满意程度不仅取决于其组成部件,还取决于其连接方式.2、The importance of fasteners can be realized when referring ro any complex product,In the case of the automobile,there are literally thousands of parts which are fastened together to produce the total product.The failure or loosening of a single fastener could result in a simple nuisance such as a door rattle or in a serious situation such as a wheel coming off.Such possibilities must be taken into account in the selection of the type of fatener for the specific application.通过任何一个复杂的产品,都可以认识到紧固件在其中的重要性.以汽车为例,它是由数千个零件连接在一起而成为一辆车.一个紧固件的失效或松脱可能会带来像车门嘎嘎响这类小麻烦,也可能造成像车轮脱落这种严重的后果.因此,在为一个特定的用途选择紧固件时,应该考虑到上述各种可能性.Lesson81、Threaded fasterners perform the function of locating ,clamgping ,adjusting ,and transmiting force from one machine member to another .They are thoroughly standardized and generally designed for use in mass production of machines.2、 Matching external and internal threads so that they are may be assembled is the key to all thread fasteners.3、 A particular SAE grade specilication can be met by a number of different steels, thus faster manufacturers have some latitude in selecting the materials best suited to their specific production faclities.4、For moderate loads and speedes the correct selection of a standard of the bearing on the basis of load rating will usually secure satisfactory performance. 对于中等载荷和转速,根据额定负荷选择一个标准轴承,通常都可以保证其具有令人满意的工作性能.5、The deflection of less magnitude than that of the shafts or other components associated with the bearing .当载荷较大时,轴承零件的变形,尽管它通常小于轴和其它与轴承一起工作的零部件的变形,将会变得重要起来.Lesson91、Where speeds are high special cooling arrangements become necessary which may increase frictional drag .在转速高的场合需要有专门的冷却装置,而这可能会增大摩擦阻力.2、It is not surprising that ,owing to the high stresses involved,a predominant form of failure shouls be metal fatigue,and a good deal of work is currently in progress intended to improve the reliability of this type of bearing .滚动轴承由于在工作中会产生高的应力,其主要失效形式是金属疲劳,这一点并不奇怪,目前正在进行大量的工作以求改进这种轴承的可靠性.3、 The fit of the bearing races onto the shaft or onto the housing is of critical importance because of their combined effect on the internal clearance of the bearing as well as preserving the desired degree of interference fit.轴承套圈与轴或轴承座的的配合非常重要,因为它们之间的配合不仅应该保证所需要的过盈量,而且也应该保证轴承的内部间隙.4、The inner race is frequently located axially by abutting against a shoulder .Aradius at this point is essential for the avoidance of stressconcentration and ball races rae providede with a radius or chamfer to allow space for this .内圈通常是通过紧靠在轴肩上进行轴向定位的.轴肩出的圆弧半径主要是为了避免应力集中.在轴承内圈上加工出一个圆弧或者倒角,用来提供容纳轴肩处圆弧半径的空间.5、Where life is not the determing factor in design ,it is usual to determine maximum loading by the amount to which a bearing will deflect under load .在使用寿命不是设计中的决定因素的场合,通常根据轴承受载荷时产生的变形量来确定其最大载荷. Lesson131、One of the primary considerations in designing any machine or structure is that the strength must be sufficiently greater that the stress to assure both safety and reliability. To assure that mechanical parts do not fail in service, it is necessary to learn why they sometimes do fail. Then we shall be able to relate the stresses with the strengths to achieve safety.在设计任何机器或者结构时,所考虑的主要事项之一是其强度应该比它所承受的应力要大得多,以确保安全与可靠性.要保证机械零件在使用过程中不发生失效,就必须知道它们在某些时候会失效的原因,然后,才能将应力与强度联系起来,以确保其安全.2、Ideally, in designing any machine element, the engineer should have at his disposal the results of a great many strength tests of the particular material chosen. These tests should have been made on specimens having the same heat treatment, surface roughness, and size as the element he proposes to design, and the tests should be made under exactly the same loading conditions as the part will experience in service.设计任何机械零件的理想情况为,工程师可以利用大量的他所选用的这种材料的强度试验数据.这些试验应该在与所设计的零件有相同的热处理,表面粗糙度和尺寸大小的试件进行,而且试验应该在与零件使用过程中承受的载荷完全相同的情况下进行.3、Most hardness-testing systems employ a standard load which is applied to a ball or pyramid in contact with the material to be tested. The hardness is then expressed as a function of the size of the resulting indentation. This means that hardness is an easy property to measure, because the test is nondestructive and test specimens are not required. Usually the test can be conducted directly on an actual machine element.大多数硬度试验系统是将一个标准的载荷加在与被试验材料相接触的小球或者棱锥上.因此,硬度可以表示为所产生的压痕尺寸函数.这表明由于硬度是非破坏性试验,而且不需要专门的试件,因而硬度是一个容易测量的性能.通常可以直接在实际的机械零件上进行硬度试验.Lesson171、The first step in the manufacture of any product is design, which usually takes place in several distinct stages: 〕a〔conceptual; 〕b 〔 functional; 〕c〔 production design. During the conceptual design stage, the designer is concerned primarily with the functions the product is to fulfill.制造任何产品的第一步工作都是设计.设计通常可以分为几个明确的阶段;<a>概念设计;b 功能设计 c 生产设计.在概念设计阶段,设计者着重考虑产品应该具有的功能.2、Often a prototype or working model is made that can be tested to permit evaluation of the product as to function, reliability, appearance, serviceability, and so on.通常要制造出样机或着实物模型,并对其进行实验,评价产品的功能、可靠性、外观和维修保养性等3、As manufacturing progresses, it is inevitable that situations will arise that may require modifications of the materials being used. Experience may reveal that substitution of cheaper materials can be made.在制造过程中,不可避免地会出现对使用中的材料做一些更改的情况.经验表明,可以采用某些便宜材料作为代替.24/27课Working drawings are the drawings from which a design is implemented. All principles of orthographic projection and techniques of graphics can be used to communicate the details of a project in working drawings. A detail drawing is a working drawing of a single part 〕or detail〔 within the setof working drawings.工作图是将设计变为实际产品所依据的图样.所有的正投影原理和绘图技术都可以用来在工作图中表达一个项目中的细节.零件图是在一整套工作图中关于一个零件<或细节>的工作图.Title Blocks In practice, title blocks usually contain the title or part name, drafter, date, scale,company, and sheet number. Other information, such as tolerances, checkers, and materials, also may be given. Any modifications or changes added after the first version to improve the design is shown in the revisionblocks.标题栏在实践中,标题栏中通常包括标题或零件名称、制图员、日期、比例、公司和图号.另外,还可以包含公差、审核人员和材料等信息.在第一次制图之后,任何为了改进设计方案而作的修改和更正都应该在修改栏中标明.The allocation of proper production tolerances is therefore a most important task if the finished product is to achieve its intended purpose and yet be economical to produce. The size of the tolerances, as specified by the designer, depends on the many conditions pertaining to the design as well as on past experience with similar products if such experience is available.要使产品能够以较低的价格被生产出来并且能够满足设计的要求,规定适当的加工公差是最为重要的工作.公差的大小是由设计人员所确定的,它取决于许多与设计有关的条件以及过去在设计类似产品时所获得的经验<如果有这方面经验的话>.A part is said to be at the least material condition 〕LMC〔 when the dimensions are all at the limits that give a part with the smallest amount of material.当所有的尺寸都处在允许零件含有的材料量为最小的极限状态时,就称这个零件处于最小实体状态<LMC>.If the variations due to chance causes are too great, it is usually necessary to move the operation to more accurate equipment rather than spend more effort intrying to improve the process.如果随机原因对尺寸变化的影响过大,一般来说采用更精密的加工设备,要比花费更多精力来改变生产过程更为有效Lesson291、 The technique of dimensioning parts within a require range of variation to ensure interchangeability is called tolerancing. Each dimension is allowed a certain degree of variation within a specified zone ,or tolerance .for example, a part^s dimension might be expressed as 20+-0.50,which allows a tolerance 〕variation in size 〔 of 1.00 mm.给零件标注尺寸使其在一个规定的区间内变动,以保证他们具有互换性的技术称为公差技术.允许每个尺寸在规定范围内具有一定的变动量,称为公差.例如,一个零件的尺寸可以被表示成20+-0.50,其公差<尺寸变动量>为1.00mm.单词basic hole system 基孔制basic shaft system 基轴制Leesson331Engineering and technology students must became computer literate, to understand the applications of computer and their advantages. Not to do so will place students at a serious disadvantage in pursuing their careers.工程技术专业的学生们应该通晓计算机,了解计算机的用途和它们的优点.不这样做,就会使学生们在将来的职业生涯中处于非常不利的地位.2、Engineers generally agree that the computer does not change the nature of the design process but is a significant tool that improves efficiency and productivity工程师们通常认为计算机不会改变设计过程的性质.3、Computer of applications in engineering and other technical fields. Most graphical solutions that are possible with a pencil can be done on a computer and usually more productively. Applications vary from 3D modeling and finite element analysis to 2D drawings and mathematical caiculation.计算机图形学在工程技术领域的应用几乎没有任何限制,大部分可以铅笔完成的图解方法都可以用计算机完成,而且通常效率更高.其应用从建立三维模型和有限元分析,直到绘制平面图和进行数字计算.4、These systems offer many advantagees over traditional design and manufacturing systems, ineluding less design effort, more efficent material use, reduced lead tine, greater accuracy, and improved inventory controi.包括减少时间工作量,提高材料利用率,缩短产品研制周期,提高精度和改善库存管理.graphics has an aimost limitless numberLesson361、 engin lathes ,of course ,are general-purpose machines used in production and maintenance shops all over the world.普通车床是全世界的生产车间和维修车间里广泛使用的通用机床.2、 The tracer or duplicating lathe is designed to produce irregularly shaped parts automatically.靠模车床或仿形车床被设计用来对形状不规则的零件进行自动加工.3、machines with a wide variety of power accessories.Theprincipal feature of all turret lathes, however, is that the tools can perform a consecutive serials of operations in proper sequence. Once the tools have been set and adjusted ,little skill is required to turn out duplicate parts.高生产率的砖塔车床是装有许多动力附件的非常复杂的机器.然而,所有砖塔车床的主要特点是刀具能按适当顺序完成一系列的加工工序.一旦这些刀具被安装调整好后只只需要很低的技术就可以车削加工很多相同的零件.4、 The first screw machine were designed to feed bar stock and wire used in making small screw parts.单轴自动螺丝车床,顾名思义,一次仅能加工一根棒料.With the single spndle machine, the turret indexes around the spindle.在单轴车床上,砖塔围绕主轴转位.With a multiple spindle maching , however ,the spindle itself indexes.然而,在多轴自动车床上,主轴自己转位.6、 A vertical turret lathe is basically a turret lathe that has been stood on its headstock end.立式砖塔车床基本上就是将其从床头箱一端向下而竖立起来的一台砖塔车床.7、Many of today^s more sophisticated lathesare called machining centers since they arecapable of performing, in addition to thenormal turning operations, certain millingand drilling operations.当前许多技术更为先进的车床叫做加工中心.因为他们除了完成常规的车削工作之外,还可以完成某些铣削钻削工作单词:turret 砖塔,六角刀架,六角头general purpose 多方面的,多种用途的Lesson651.According to the Tool & Manufacturing English Handbook , process planning is the systematic determination of the methods by which a product is to be manufactured economically and competitively . 根据《工具与制造工程师手册》,工艺设计就是系统地确定能够经济地和有竞争力地将产品制造出来的方法.2.A planner must manage and retrieve a great deal of data and many documents , including established standards , machinability data ,machine specifications ,tooling inventories, stock availability ,and existing process plans.工艺人员应该管理和检索大量的数据和很多文件.其中包括已建立的标准,可加工性数据,机器的规格,工艺装备的清单,原材料库存量和一些目前正在应用的工艺文件.3.This is primarily an information-handing job ,andthe computer is an ideal companion.这主要是一些信息处理工作,而计算机是完成这项工作的一个理想助手.4.Most important for CIM ,computer-aided process machine readable data instead of handwritten plans . Such data can readily be transferred to other systems within the CIM hierarchy for use in planning.对计算机集成制造最为重要的是,计算机辅助工艺设计可以生成机器可以阅读数据,而不是手写的规程.这种数据可以传递到计算机集成制造体系中的另一个系统中,用以编制工艺规程.5.In the variant approach ,a set of standard processplans is established for all parts families thathave been identified through group technology.在派生法中,对采用成组技术确定的一个零件族中的所有零件,编制一套标准的加工工艺规程.6.Again ,GT helps to place the new part in an appropriate family .The standard plan is then edited to suit the specific requirements of a particular job.成组技术可以帮助把新零件归类于适当的零件族中.通过对标准工艺规程的编辑,可以满足对特定工作的专门要求.7.In the generative approach ,an attempt is made to synthesize each individual plan using appropriate algorithms that define the various technological decisions that must be made in the course of manufacturing.在创成法中,通过采用确定加工制造过程中各种工艺决策的适当算法,将各个单独的工艺规程综合起来.Lesson661、One of the most fundamental concepts in the areaof advanced manufacturing technologies is numerical control 〕NC〔.Prior to the advent of NC,all machine tools were manually operated and controlled .先进制造技术中的一个最基本的概念是数字控制<NC>.在数控技术出现之前,所有的机床都是有人工操作和控制的.2、Among the many limitations associated with manual control machine tolls, perhaps none is moreprominent than the limitation of operator skills .在与人工可控制的机床有关的很多局限性中,操作者的技术大概是最突出的问题.3、 Numerical control machines are more accurate than manually operated machines, they can produce parts more uniformly, they are faster, and the long-run tooling costs lower.数字控制的机器比人工操纵的机器的精度更高、生产零件的一致性更好、生产速度更快,而且长期的工艺装备成本更低.4 、The development of a concept known as direct numerical control 〕DNC〔solved the paper and plastic tape problems associated with numerical control by simply eliminating tape as the medium for carrying the programmed instructions.在形成直接数字控制〕DNC〔这个概念之后,可以不再采用纸带或塑料带作为编程指令的载体,这样就解决了与之有关的问题.5、The development of the microprocessor allowed for the development of programmable logic controllers 〕PLCs〔 and microcomputer.微处理器的发展为可编程逻辑控制器和微型计算机的发展做好了准备.6、These two technologies allowed for the development of computer numerical control 〕CNC 〔.这两种技术为计算机数控〕CNC〔的发展打下了基础. Lesson711、A robot is a reprogrammable multifunctional manipulator designed to move material,parts tool,or specialized devicds through variable programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks翻译:机器人是一个可以改编程序的多功能操作器,被设计用来按照预先编制的、能够完成多种作业运动的程序来运送材料、零件、工具或者专用装置.2、The terms "reprogrammable"impliestwo things :The robot operates according to a written program, and this program can be rewritten to accommodate a variety of manufacturing tasks 翻译:"可以改变程序"这个术语意味着两件事:机器人根据编写的程序工作,以及可以通过重新编写程序来适应不同种类的制造工作的需要.3、The term "multifunctional" means that the robot can,throughreprogramming and the use of different end-effectors ,preform a number of diferent manufacturing tasks .翻译:"多功能"这个词意味着机器人能够通过编程和使用不同的末端执行机构,完成不同的制造工作.4、One of the principal advatages of robots is that they can be used in settings that are dangerous to humans.翻译:机器人的一个主要优点实它们可以在对于人类来说实危险的环境中工作.5、Robots and robor cells must be carefually designed and configured so that they do not dangerous to humans.翻译:应该仔细的设计和配置机器人和机器人单元,是它们不会伤害人类和其它机器.6、Even with such precautions it is still a god idea to have an automatic shaudown system in situations whererobots are used.such a system should have the capacity to sense the need for an automatic shutdown of operations.翻译:即使有了这些防御措施,在使用机器人的场地中设置一个自动停止工作的系统仍然不失为一个好主意.机器人的这个系统应该具有测出是否有需要自动停止工作的要求的能力.。

【The branch of scientific analysis which deals with motions time and forces is called mechanics and is made up of two parts statics and dynamics】. 对运动、时间和作用力进行科学分析的分支称为力学,它由静力学和动力学俩部分组成。
【Statics deals with the analysis of Stationary ,i .e.,those in which time is not a factor,and dynamics deals with systems which change with time 静力学对静止系统进行分析,即在其中不考虑时间这个因素,动力学对随时间而变化的系统进行分析。
【Forces are transmitted into machine members through matingsurfaces ,e.g.,form a gear to a shaft or form one gear through meshing teeth to another gear,from a V belt to a pulley,or from a cam to a follower】.力通过接触表面传到机器中的各构件上。
【It is necessary to know the magnitudes of these forces for a variety of Reasons】由于很多原因,人们必须知道这些力的大小。
【The distribution of the forces at the boundaries or mating surfaces must be reasonable and their intensities must be within the working limits of the materials composing thesurfaces】这些力在边界或在接触表面的分布必须合理,它们的大小必须在构成配合表面的材料的工作极限以内。

《机械工程专业英语》测验题(15-17)一、将下列词组译成汉语1.kinematic chain(运动链)2.skeleton diagram(草图,示意图,简图)3.Gear system/Cam system(齿轮传动系统/凸轮系统)4.uniform motion/nonuniform motion(匀速运动/非匀速运动)5.nonlinear motion(非线性运动)6.kinematic analysis(运动分析)7.schematic diagram(运动简图)8.textile machinery(纺织机械)9.Kinematic design/ kinematic syntheses(运动设计/运动合成)10.machine design(机械设计)11.Gear trains/ Cam mechanisms(轮系,齿轮传动链/凸轮机构)12.dynamic force/inertia force/ static force(动力/惯性力/静力)13.relative velocity/ absolute velocity(相对速度/绝对速度)14.angular acceleration/ tangential acceleration/ centripetal acceleration/ velocity vector(角加速度/切向加速度/向心加速度/速度矢量)15.binary link/ ternary link(二杆组/三杆组)二、将下列短语译成汉语1.Plane and spatial linkages(平面和空间连杆)2.constrained kinematic chain/unconstrained kinematic chain(约束运动链/非约束运动链)3.closed-loop linkage(闭环运动链)4.four-bar linkage(四连杆机构)5.slider-crank (or crank and slider) mechanism(曲柄滑块机构)6.internal combustion engine(内燃机)7.the kinematic analysis of mechanisms(机构运动分析)8.degree of freedom of the mechanism(机构自由度)9.kinematic analysis process /kinematic synthesis process(运动分析步骤/运动合成步骤)10.input angular velocity(输入角速度)11.input angular acceleration(输入角加速度)12.automatic packaging machinery(自动包装机)13.cam-contour dimensions/cam-follower diameters(凸轮轮廓尺寸/凸轮从动件直径)14.mechanical analog computer(机构模拟计算机)15.dead-center position(死点位置)16.crank-rocker linkage/double-rocker linkage/double-crank (drag-link) linkage(曲柄摇杆机构/双摇杆机构/双曲柄机构)17.maximum force component/ resulting output force or torque(最大的力量组成/输出的最大力或力矩)18.output motion variables/input motion variable(输出运动变量/输入运动变量)19.absolute angular positions(绝对角位置)20.velocity polygon method(速度的多边形的方法)21.instantaneous center method/instant center method(瞬心法/即时瞬心法)22.inertia-force analysis of mechanisms and machines(机构和机器的惯性力分析)23.one and the same coordinate system /inertia frame of reference(惯性参考系)24.systematic design of mechanisms(机械设计的系统)25.cam-contour dimensions/cam-follower diameters(凸轮轮廓尺寸/凸轮从动件直径)三、将下列单词译成汉语1.Mechanism(机械,机构,机构学)2.configuration(外形,构造,结构)3.displacement(位移)4.velocity(速度)5.acceleration(加速度)6.gear(齿轮)7.sprocket(链轮)8.pulley(带轮)9.kinematician /dynamics(运动/动力学,力学)10.kinematician(运动)四.翻译下列句子1. The simplest closed-loop linkage is the four-bar linkage, which has three moving links (plus one fixed link) and four pin joints.(最简单的封闭式的连杆机构就是四杆机构,四杆机构有三个运动构件(加上一个固定构件)并且有四个销轴。

课程机械工程专业英语课程性质(□必修□限选□任选)考试方式(□闭卷□开卷)一、选择题(在每题四个备选答案中选出一个正确答案,本大题共15小题,每小题1分,总计15分)1. If all points in a linkage move in parallel planes the system undergoes planar motion and the linkage may be described as a .A. planar motionB. planar linkageC. jointsD. slide2. Though frame material and design should handle damping, are sometimes built into frame sections to handle specific problems.A .beams B. holes C. dampers D. screw3. The maximum allowable deflection of a shaft ______ determined by critical speed, gear, or bearing requirements.A. oftenB. mustC. wasD. is usually4. We will have to _____ to better and better solutions as we generate more information.A. repeat many timesB. iteratingC. iterateD. try ways5. If a product configuration is _______ specified and then examined to determine whether the performance requirements are met.A. finallyB. tentativelyC. temporaryD. have been6. Manufacturing can be defined as the _____ of raw materials into useful products through the use of the easiest and lest-expensive methods.A. transformationB. processingC. processD. transforming7. The planer and knee types of milling machine is _____ because of its flexibility.A. used most commonlyB. most popularC. the most commonly usedD. most powerful8. As a result, the system will vibrate at the frequency of the _____ force regardless of the initial conditions or natural frequency of the system.A. actionB. excitationC. outD. act9. Before two components are assembled together, the relationship between the dimensions of the mating surfaces_______.A. must be giving outB. should printed clearlyC. must be specifiedD. should be clearly noted10. The main practical advantage of lower pairs is their better ability to trap lubricant between their ______ surfaces.A. envelopingB. matingC. outerD. outside11. The word______ itself usually refers to the deterioration of metals and ceramics, while similar phenomena in plastics generally called ______.A. recrystallization…. corrosionB. recrystallization…degradationC. degradation…corrosionD. corrosion… degradation12. Most frames _______ cast iron, weld steel, composition, or concrete.A. are made fromB. are made up ofC. was produced byD. was consist of13. Rotating shafts particularly those that run at high speeds, must be designed to avoid operationat speeds.A . lowB .overload C. critical D. hollow14. Although cast iron is a fairly cheap material, each casting requires a .A. patternB. modelC. moldD. patent15. The term is used to describe joints with surface contact, as with a pin surrounded by a hole.A. high pairB. low pairC. surface pairD. rotary pair二、完型填空(在每个小题四个备选答案中选出一个正确答案,本大题共15小题,每小题1分,总计15分)The term shaft usually refers to a relatively long member of round cross section that rotates and transmits power. One or more members such as gears, sprockets, pulleys, and cams are usually (16) to the shaft by means of pins, keys, splines, snap rings, and other devices. These latter members are among the “associated parts” considered in this text, as are couplings and universal joint, which serve to (17) the shaft to the source of power or load.A shaft can have a noround cross section, ant it need not necessarily rotate. It can be stationary andserve to (18) a rotating member, such as the short shafts that support the nondriving wheels of an automobile. The shafts supporting(19) gears can be either rotating or stationary depending on (20) the gear is attached to the shaft or supported by it through bearings.It is apparent that shafts can be subjected to various combinations of axial, bending, and(21) loads, and that these loads may be static or fluctuating. Typically, a rotating shaft transmitting power is(22) to a constant torque (producing a mean torsional stress) together with a completely reversedbending load (producing an alternating bending stress).In addition to satisfying (23) requirements, shafts must be designed so that deflections are within acceptable limits. Excessive (24) shafts deflection can hamper gear performance and cause (25) noise. The associated angular deflection can be very destructive to no-self- aligning bearings(either plain or rolling). (26) deflection can affect the accuracy of a cam or gear driven mechanism.Furthermore, the greater the flexibility -either lateral or torsional-the lower the corresponding (27) speed.考生注意:考试时间120 分钟试卷总分100 分共 5 页第 1 页Sometimes members like gears and cams are made (28) with shaft, but moreoften such members (which also include pulleys, sprockets, etc)are madeseparately and then(29) shaft. The portion of the mounted member in contactwith the shaft is the hub. Attachment of the hub to the shaft is made in variety ofways. A gear can be gripped (30) between a shoulder on the shaft and a spacer,with torque being transmitted through a key. The grooves in the shaft and hub intowhich the key fits are called keyways.16、A) cement B) attached C) connected D) concrete17、A) endure B) transmit C) serve D) connect18、A) support B) meet C) satisfy D) strong19、A) aims B) idler C) terminal D) tomb20、A) due to B) weather C) whether D) for21、A) elasticity B) torsional C) inertia D) acceleration22、A) subjected B)…connect C) and D) From23、A) deeply B) strength C) clearly understand D) long time24、A) identify B) cross C) round D) lateral25、A) lucrative B) objectionable C) attractable D) terrible26、A) Moment B)Torment C) Torsional D) Movement27、A) high B) critical C) first D) important28、A) work B) idealization C) integral D) simplification29、A) mounted onto B) refers C) referring to D) indicates30、A) deformations B) bending limits C) laternal D) axially三、阅读理解(在每个小题四个备选答案中选出一个正确答案,填在题头的表中)(本大题共20小题,每小题2分,总计40分)Text 1Engineering design is a systematic process by which solution to the needs of humankind are obtained .The process is applied to problems(needs) of varying complexity .For example, mechanical engineers will use the design process to find an effective, efficient method to convert reciprocating motion to circular motion for the drive train in an intnternal combustion engine;electrical engineers will use the process to design electrical generating systems using falling water as the power source; and materials engineers use the process to design ablative materials which enable astronaut s to safely reenter the earth’s atmosphere.The vast majority of complex problems in today’s high technology society depend for solution not on a single engineering discipline, but on teams of engineers, scientists, environmentalists, economists, sociologists, and legal personnel. Solutions are not only dependent regulations and political influence. As engineers we are empowered with the technical expertise to develop new and improved products and systems, but at the same time we must be increasingly aware of the impact of our actions on society and the environment in general and work conscientiously toward the best solution in view of all relevant factors.Design is the culmination of engineering educational process; it is the salient feature that distinguishes engineering design is found in the curriculum guidelines of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology(ABET).ABET accredits curricula in engineering schools and derives its membership from the various engineering professional societies. Each accredited curriculum has a well-defined design component which falls within the ABET statement on design 订线read as follows.Engineering design is the process of devising a system, component, or process to meet desired needs. It is decision making process(often iterative),in which the basic sciences, mathematics, and engineering sciences are applied to convert resources optimally to meet a sated objectives and criteria, synthesis, analysis, construction ,testing, and evaluation. The engineering design component of a curriculum must include most of the following features : development of student creativity, use of open-ended problem statement and use of modern design theory and methodology, formulation of design problem statement and specification, consideration of alternative solutions, feasibility considerations, production process, concurrent engineering design, and detailed system descriptions. Further, it is essential to include a variety of realistic constraints such as economic factors, safety, reliability, aesthetics, ethics, and social impact.31、what’s the main meaning of message (1)?A) Engineering design is a systematic process B) materials engineer’s main workC) mechanical engineer’s has good idea D) electrical engineer’ main duty32、In the author’s opinion, the design process is very complex and should taken into account many factors, from themessage who should NOT join into the design team _______.A) environmentalists,B) sociologistsC) engineersD) Government officials33、From the message, we can know the meaning of words “ABET”(at line third paragraph) is _____.A) a set of accredits standardB) a kind of design methodC) a department of US government which responsible for engineering designD) A set of law34、It can be concluded from the passage that in the exercise and training of student, which character of the following isNOT included in the curriculum ______.A) creativityB) new materialC) ethicsD) economic factors35、The title of the message is ______.A) the roles of engineers in manufacturingB) the importance of mechanical designC) engineering designD) The process of machine designTEXT 2Working drawings are the complete set of standardized drawings specifying the manufacture and assembly of a product based on its design. The complexity of the design determines the number and types of drawings. Working drawings may be on more than one sheet and may contain written instructions called specifications.Working drawings are blueprints used for manufacturing products. Therefore, the set of drawings must:(a) completely describe the parts, both visually and dimensionally;(b)show the parts in assembly;(3)identify all the parts; and (4)specify standard parts. The graphics and text information must be sufficiently complete and accurate to manufacture and assemble the product without error.共5 页第2 页Generally, a complete set of Working drawings for an assembly includes:(1) Detail drawings of each nonstandard parts.(2) An assembly or subassembly drawing showing all the standard and nonstandard parts in asingle drawing.(3) A bill of materials (BOM).(4) A title block.A detail drawing is a dimensioned, multiview drawing of a single part, describing the part’sshape, size, material, and surface roughness, in sufficient detail for the part to be manufactured based on the drawing alone. Detail drawings are produced from design sketches or extracted from 3-D computer models. They adhere strictly to ANSI standards and the standard for the specific company, for dimensioning, assigning part numbers, notes, tolerances, etc.In an assembly, standard parts such as threaded fasteners and bearings are not drawn as details, but are shown in the assembly view. Standard parts are not drawn as details because they are normally purchased, not manufactured, for assembly.For large assemblies or assembled with large parts, details are drawn on multiple sheets, and a separate sheet is used for the assembly view. If the assembly is simple or the parts are small, detail drawings for each part of an assembly can be placed on a single sheet.Multiple details on a sheet are usually drawn at the same scale. If different scales are used, they are clearly marked under each detail. Also, when more than one detail is placed on a sheet, the spacing between details is carefully planned, including leaving sufficient room for dimensions and notes.36. Based on the message, which of the follow is wrong?A) standard parts needn’t drawn as detailsB) for simple parts, sometimes needn’t to draw the detail working drawingC) for large assemblies details may drawn on multiple sheetsD) If different scales used in a single sheet, they should clearly marked under each detail37. Working drawings for an assembly MAY NOT includes: ?A) BOM B) title blockC) An assembly or subassembly drawing D) Detail drawings of all parts.38. For detail drawing, Which one of the following statement is not true ?A) should not has different scalesB) Detail drawing can produced from design sketches or extracted from 3-D computermodels.C) detail drawing is a dimensioned, multiview drawing of a single partD) should Adhere strictly to ANSI standards39. From the message we can infer ANSI is ?A) a set of law B) a set of notificationC) an Organization D) IEEE government40. The topic of the message is ?A) How to design working drawings.B) working drawing’s character and the key influence of how to draw a working drawingC) In the design process, what should be considered?D) What is working drawing订线TEXT 3One principle aim of kinematics is to create (design) the desired motions of the subjects’ mechanical parts and then mathematically compute the positions, velocities, and accelerations, which those will create on the parts. Since, for most earthbound mechanical systems, the mass remains essentially constant with time, defining the accelerations as a function of time then also defines the dynamic forces as a function of time. Stresses, in turn, will be a function of both applied and inertial (ma) forces. Since engineering design is charged with creating systems which will not fail during their expected service life, the goal is to keep stresses within acceptable limits for the materials chosen and the environmental conditions encountered. This obviously requires that all system forces be defined and kept within desired limits. In machinery, the largest forces encountered are often those due to the dynamics of the machine itself. These dynamic forces are proportional to acceleration, which brings us back to kinematics, the foundation of mechanical design. Very basic and early decision in the design process involving kinematic principles can be crucial to the success of any mechanical design; a design which has poor kinematics will prove troublesome and perform badly.Any mechanical system can be classified according to the number of degree of freedom (DOF) which it processes. The system’s DOF is equal to the number of independent parameters which are needed to uniquely define its position in space at any instant of time.A rigid body free to move within a reference frame will, in the general case, has complex motion, which is a simultaneous combination of rotation and translation. In three-dimensional space, there may be rotation about any axis and also simultaneous translation which can be resolved into components along three axes. In a plane, or two-dimensional space, complex motion becomes a combination of simultaneous rotation about one axis (perpendicular to the plane) and also translation resolved into components along two axes in the plane41、Kinematics research focus on the following EXCEPT ______..A) accelerations B) forceC) positions, D) velocities42、From the passage that for the design engineer the first and most important is____A) the service life of a machine B) the materials chooseC) the degree of freedom D) kinematic principles43、An mechanical system has uniquely defined position in space at any instant of time that ___.A) It should has one DOFB) It should Has two DOFC) the DOF and the number of independent parameters should equalD) It should has any DOF as want44、which one of the following is NOT TRUE _______?.A) A rigid body free to move in three-dimensional space may rotation about any axisB) A rigid body free to move in three-dimensional space is a simultaneous combination of rotationand translationC) A rigid body free to move in three-dimensional space can be resolved into components alongthree axesD) A rigid body free to move in three-dimensional space may has complex motion45、The best title for this passage would be _______.A) kinematics B) dynamicsC) kinematics and dynamic D) the important of kinematics共5 页第3 页四、英译汉(共20分)1.将下列英语句子译成汉语(共5小题,每小题2分)(1)A perfectly rigid or inextensible link can exist only as a textbook type of model ofa real machine member.(2)Foundations should ensure the machine’s stiffness; shock absorption and isolation are secondary considerations.(3)Thus, if a mechanical component such as a spring is subjected to repetitive or cyclicalapplications of stress levels much lower than the ultimate strength, it will fracture after a large number of repetitions of this stress.(4)Interchangeability means that identical parts must be interchangeable, i.e., able to replace each other, whether during assembly or subsequent maintenance work; without the need for any fitting operations.(5)A gear can be gripped axially between a shoulder on the shaft and a spacer, with torque being transmitted through a key.2、将下段英语翻译成汉语(10分)As we look around us we see a world full of “things”, machines, devices, tools, things that we have designed, built, and used; things made of wood, metals, ceramics, and plastics. We know from experience that some things are better than others; they last longer, cost less, are quieter, or are ease to use. Ideally , however, every such item has been designed according to some set of “functional requirements” as perceived by the designers—that is, it hs been designed so as to answer the question, “exactly what function should it perform?” In the world of engineering, the major function frequently is to support some type of loading due to weight, inertia , pressure, etc.五、英译汉(共20分)1、将下列句子译成英语(共5小题,每小题2分)(1)一个或多个诸如齿轮,链轮,皮带轮和凸轮等类的构件通常借助于销、键、花键、卡环或其它装置连接到轴上。

4.学习专业英语翻译技巧与方法的主要内容: (1.介绍和掌握单词与词组的¡°对应关系¡±
•The tube is second to none.
•Monel metal is resistant to both fresh and salt
不能被估计过高。 正确译法:计算机在制造业应用上的重要性 怎么估计也不会过高。
机械工程专业英语概述 English in Mechanical Engineering
3.专业英语与基础英语的不同: 首先,专业英语在词义上具有不同于基础
英语的特点和含义。掌握专业词汇是学好专业 英语的基础,专业词汇的含义和上下文有关, 因此查阅专业书籍的 Index 并参照课文确定词 意是学习和掌握专业词汇的有效方法。
1. 什么是翻译: 翻译就是将一种语言文字的意义用另一
种语言文字表达出来。 机械工程英语翻译就是将机械工程学科
的英语原著由原作语言(source language)用译 文语言(target language)忠实、准确、严谨、通 顺、完整地再现出来,使人们能够借助汉语译 文准确无误地了解英语机械工程著作所阐述 的工程技术内容和科学理论。
机械工程专业英语概述 English in Mechanical Engineering
(3.学习改变原文的词类和句子成分的规律, 使译文通顺。
•Scientific evidence must be gathered in such a
way, that other scientists can be sure of its accuracy.

2010-2011第二学期专业英语试卷A答案l.Translate the following Chinese terms into English ( one point for each,20 points for all)1)汽车与工程机械automobile and construction machinery2)筑路机械road-making machine3)发电机generator4)起动马达self starter5)方向盘steering wheel6)进气门inlet valve7)齿轮泵gear pump8)机油滤清器oil filter9)差速器differential10)摩擦式离合器friction clutch11)蓄电瓶storage battery12)铲土运输机scraper13)塔式起重机tower crane14)叉车fork lift15)商业车辆commercial vehicle16)变速箱transmission box (gear box)17)带式输送机belt conveyer18)步履式挖掘机walking excavator19)颚式砸机jaw crusher20)履带和轮胎track and tire2.Translate the following English terms into Chinese (one point foreach, total 20 points)1)gasoline and diesel2)flywheel and cam3)disk brake4)mechanical vibration5)power steering6)vibratory roller7)hydraulic torque converter8)piston ring9)suspension system10)cab and chassis11)radiator12)fuel-injection system13)air compressor14)lubrication and lubricant汽油和柴油飞轮和凸轮盘式制动器机械振动动力转向振动式压路机液力变矩器活塞环悬挂系统驾驶室与底盘散热器燃油喷射系统空气压缩机润滑与润滑剂15)fine-mesh oil filter 机油细滤器16)pile driver 打桩机17)hydraulic excavator 液压挖掘机18)concrete paver 混凝土摊铺机19)truck mixer 搅拌车20)ignition system 点火系统3.Answer the following questions briefly(5 points for each, 20 pointsfor all)1)Which are included in an internal combustion engineTwo mechanisms:piston connecting rod mechanism and valve timing mechanismFive systems :fuel feed system,lubrication system,cooling system,starting system,and ignition system (only for petrol engine).2)What are included in a working member of a hydrauli excavator?Boom,arm,bucket and cylinder of the boom,cylinder of the arm,cylinder of the bucket.3)What is the function of a differential ?The differentials is a gear assembly in a motor vehicle which allows the propeller shaft or drive shaft to turn the drive wheels at different speed when the vehicle is going around a curve.4)What is the difference between a bulldozer and an angledozer?A bulldozer is mounted with a blade perpendicular to the direction of travel. And an angle dozeris mounted with a blade set an angle with the direction of travel. The former pushes the earth forward, while the latter pushes the earth forward and to one side, some blades may be adjusted their use to bulldozer or angledozer.4.Translate the following sentences into Chinese. (40 points)A.Part One (5 points for each , 20 points for all)第一部分1)真正最早上市的内燃机是名叫尼古拉斯•奥格斯特•奥托的德国人发明的。

机械工程专业英语第3版翻译考试题1.With low- power machinery or vehicles the operator can usually apply sufficient force through a simplemechanical linkage from the pedle or handle to the stationary part of the brake。
In many cases, however, thisforce must be multiplied by using an elaborate braking system。
2. The fundamental principle involved is the use of compressed air acting through a piston in a cylinder to setblock brakes on the wheels。
The action is simultaneous on the wheels of all the cars in the train. The compressedair is carried through a strong hose from car to car with couplings between cars; its release to all the separate blockbrake units, at the same time, is controlled by the engineer. (Braking Systems) (P5)相关的基本原理是使用压缩气体,通过气缸内的活塞将闸块压在车轮起作用。

1. 请解释以下术语的意思:a) CNC b) CAD c) CAMa) CNC:CNC是计算机数控的缩写,它是一种通过计算机控制机床进行加工的技术。
b) CAD:CAD是计算机辅助设计的缩写,它是一种利用计算机软件辅助进行产品设计和制图的技术。
c) CAM:CAM是计算机辅助制造的缩写,它是一种利用计算机软件辅助进行制造过程的技术。
2. 请解释以下术语的意思:a) torque b) horsepower c) efficiencya) torque:torque是力矩的意思,它是描述力在旋转物体上产生转动效果的物理量。
b) horsepower:horsepower是马力的意思,它是描述功率的单位。
c) efficiency:efficiency是效率的意思,它是描述能量转换或工作过程中能量利用率的物理量。
3. 请解释以下术语的意思:a) stress b) strain c) modulus of elasticitya) stress:stress是应力的意思,它是描述物体受力后产生的内部力的物理量。
b) strain:strain是应变的意思,它是描述物体受力后产生的形变程度的物理量。
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《机械工程专业英语》测验题(18-22) 将下列词组译成汉语the base circle(基圆)the pitch curve(啮合曲线)the contact force(接触力)the intermittent motion(间歇运动)the common normal(公法线)the conjugate profiles(共轭齿廓)the cycloidal profiles (摆线齿形)the involute profiles(渐开线齿形)the spur gear(直齿轮)the herringbone gears(双螺旋齿轮)the face gear(端面齿轮)the radial distance(径向距离)the addendum circle(齿顶圆)The tooth thickness(齿厚)the tooth space(齿间隙)the cap screws(螺钉)the setscrews(固定螺丝钉)the engineering graphics(工程力学)mechanical design(机械设计)the installation techniques(安装技术)the bolted joint(螺栓连接)the hardened washers(强化垫圈)the fatigue resistance(抗疲劳强度)the modulus of elasticity(弹性模量)the antifriction bearing(减摩轴承)the rolling bearing(滚动轴承)the rolling contact (滚动接触)the sliding contact(滑动触电)the corrosion resistance(抗腐蚀性)the machining tolerances(加工公差)the fatigue loading(疲劳载荷)the radial loads(径向负荷)the thrust loads逆负荷the ball bearing球轴承the roller bearing滚子轴承the single-row bearings单沟轴承the double-row bearing双沟轴承the needle bearing滚针轴承the bearing life轴承寿命The rating life额定寿命the axis of rotation旋转轴The helix angle螺旋角a right-hand helix 右旋a left-hand helix左旋an involute helicoids螺旋面an involute curve渐开线the shaft centerlines轴中心线worm gear蜗轮the hypoid gear准双曲面齿轮right angle直角worm gearing蜗杆传动the lead angle导角shaft angle轴线角度bending load弯曲载荷tension load张力负荷compression load压缩负载torsional load扭转负荷the bending moment弯矩the bending stress弯曲应力the shot peening喷丸法the actuating force工作力the coefficient of friction摩擦系数An electromagnetic coil电磁线圈the magnetic circuit磁路将下列短语译成汉语disk or plate translating (two-dimensional or planar) 盘形传动凸轮(两维的,即平面的)cylindrical (three-dimensional or spatial) cams圆柱形凸轮(三维的,即空间的)机构a radial (in-line) translating roller follower一个对心直动滚子从动件a constant angular velocity ratio旋转角速度的比例a constant torque ratio一个恒转矩比Nonlinear angular velocity ratios非线性角速度比率the parallel helical gear平行斜齿轮the crossed helical gear交叉斜齿轮the straight bevel gear直锥齿轮the spiral bevel gear弧齿锥齿轮the skew bevel gear大角度斜交锥齿轮the hexagon head screws六角头螺钉the fillister head screws槽头螺钉the flat head screws 平头螺钉the hexagon socket head screws内六角沉头螺钉。
the external tensile load外部拉伸载荷the external shear load外部剪切负荷The single-row deep-groove bearing单列深沟轴承The angular-contact bearing角接触轴承the self-aligning bearings自动调心轴承the straight roller bearings直滚子轴承the spherical-roller thrust bearing球形辊止推轴承the tapered roller bearings圆锥滚子轴承the condition of statical equilibrium浅析条件下平衡the positive-contact clutches强制接触离合器the overload-release clutches超载释放保护离合器the overrunning clutches超越离合器the magnetic fluid clutches磁流变离合器将下列单词译成汉语cam凸轮camshaft凸轮轴accuracy精度dependability可靠性pulley滑轮flywheel飞轮crank曲柄sprocket链轮axle心轴spindle主轴clutche离合器brake制动四.翻译下列句子1.Although a cam and follower may be designed for motion, path, or function generation, the majority of applications utilize the cam and follower for function generation.虽然可以把凸轮和它的从动件设计为用于运动变换,路径变换或者函数变换,但大多数用途是利用凸轮和它的从动件做函数变换。
2. In the case of a disk cam with a radial (in-line) translating roller follower the smallest circle that can be drawn tangent to the cam surface and concentric with the camshaft is the base circle. 对于一个对心直动滚子从动件盘形凸轮,可画出的与凸轮表面相切且与轮轴同心的最小圆是基圆译文P40 [1]3. Numerous applications in automatic machinery require intermittent motion. A typical example will call for a rise-dwell-return and perhaps another dwell period of a specified number of degrees each, together with a required follower displacement measured in centimeters or degrees.在自动化机械中的许多应用需要间歇运动。
译文P40 [2]4.Any two mating tooth profiles that satisfy the fundamental law of gearing are called conjugate profiles.任何满足齿轮传动基本定律的一对相互啮合齿廓称之为共轭齿廓。
5. Although there are many tooth shapes possible in which a mating tooth could be designed tosatisfy the fundamental law, only two are in general use: the cycloidal and involute profiles.虽然可以设计出有很多齿廓来满足传动装置的基本定律,但通常所使用的只有两种:即摆线齿廓和渐开线齿廓。
6. Typical methods of fastening and joining parts include the use of such items as bolts, nuts, cap screws, setscrews, rivets, locking devices and keys.紧固和联结零部件的典型方法包含使用这些零件:螺栓,螺母,有头螺钉、定位螺钉,铆钉,锁紧装置和键。
7. Methods of joining parts are extremely important in the engineering of a quality design, and it is necessary to have a thorough understanding of the performance of fasteners and joints under all conditions of use and design.在质量设计工程中,联结零部件的方法非常重要,因此,彻底了解紧固零件和联结零件在所有使用和设计条件下的性能是非常必要的。
8. When a connection is desired which can be disassembled without destructing the parts assembled and which is strong enough to resist both external tensile load and shear load, or a combination of these, then the simple bolted joint using hardened washers is a good solution.当想要一个可以被拆开又不破坏被联接零件的联接时,而且这个联接又要有足够的强度以承受外拉力和剪力或这两种力的结合,使用淬火垫圈的简单螺栓联结是一个很好的方法。