

ITILV3 中文试题一

ITILV3 中文试题一
15.下列哪项不是服务目录管理的责任? a) 确保服务目录中的信息是准确的 b) 确保服务管道中的信息是准确的 c) 确保服务目录中的信息与服务组合中的信息是一致的是准确的 d) 确保所有运营服务都记录在服务目录中 答案:B
16.什么是服务运营目标的最佳描述? a) 在服务管理生命周期中,决定 IT 如何与供应商合作 b) 主动预防所有 IT 服务的所有中断 c) 设计和建立满足业务需求的流程 d) 为业务用户和客户交付及管理议定级别的 IT 服务 答案:D
25.下列哪一项是术语“服务管理”的最佳定义? a) 用于以服务的形式为客户提供价值的一套特定的组织能力 b) 一组相互关联、相互作用或是相互独立的组件,为共同的目的而形成的统一整体并 共同运营 c) 组织内执行特定活动的功能管理 d) 执行特定活动的角色所组成的组织部门 答案:A
26.下列哪项是为客户创建价值的两个主要元素: a) 投资价值(VOI),投资回报(ROT) b) 客户及用户满意度 c) 理解服务需求及功效 d) 功用及功效 答案:D
31.服务生命周期的哪个阶段更加关注定义政策和目标? a) 服务设计 b) 服务转换 c) 服务战略 d) 服务运营 答案:C
32.下列哪一项最好的描述了服务请求? a) 用户对信息、建议或标准变更的请求 b) 客户想要而且准备为此而付费的所有事情 c) 由用户通过基于 web 的自助窗口输入所有请求和需要 d) 具有低风险而且无需通过变更顾问委员会(CAB)会议,可以由变更经理批准的所 有变更请求(RPC) 答案:A
33. 考虑下面列表: 1. 变更权限 2. 变更经理 3. 变更顾问委员会(CAB) 这些可以很好地被描述下列哪一项? a) 工作描述 b) 职能 c) 团队 d) 角色、人员或小组 答案:D



ITSM知识中英100问ITIL®认知什么是ITIL?ITIL(IT infrastructure Library)最初是由英国中央计算机和电信局CCTA(现在已经并入英国商务部OGC)于20世纪80年代开发出的一套IT服务管路标准库,它是有关IT服务管理的一个最佳实践框架,现在已成为国际IT服务管理领域的事实标准。

ITIL强调基于“以流程为中心、以客户为导向”的IT 管理理念,将传统的IT管理活动按照流程的方式重新加以组织,并强调根据客户的业务需求提供质量可靠、成本合理的IT服务。

V2和V3的主要区别是什么?ITILv3与v2的主要区别,在于引进服务生命周期(Service Life Cycle)模型,并提供许多丰富的新资源,让ITIL不再只是提到“做什么”,而是明确说明“怎么做”,加强与COBIT、CMMI、Sigma等标准的结合等,并让企业可以根据自己的业务,按需要设计并实施适合自己的ITIL应用。




ITIL v3有哪些网络资源?ITIL官方更新网站是,更新周期是每两个星期。


OGC ITIL V3 FAQ:/2006_08_29_faq.htmOGC ITIL V3 News:/news.htmOGC Best Management Practice:ITIL培训ITIL认证有哪些级别?ITIL认证级别有三种:• ITIL Foundation:该认证主要是针对从事IT服务管理的人员,要求了解ITIL的基本术语、概念和各个ITIL流程之间的关系,并掌握IT服务管理的基本原理。




1.[单选题]有关问题和已知错误的信息可为“事件(Incident)管理”提供哪些支持?A)启动快速有效的事件诊断B)不再需要定期进行客户更新C)事件解决期间不再需要协作D)启动对已知错误的重新评估答案:A解析:2.[单选题]下列哪一项是事件的最佳定义:A)任何检测到的或可识别的事情,它对 IT 基础架构的管理是具有意义的B)对一项 IT 服务非计划的中断或者一项服务质量的降低C)一个或多个影响了某一服务的故障的未知原因D)降低或消除故障或问题的原因答案:A解析:3.[单选题]为什么有些服务请求无需额外批准即可满足?A)确保支出得到适当核算B)确保满足信息安全要求C)简化履行工作流程D)设置用户对履行时间的期望答案:C解析:略4.[单选题]服务提供可包括商品、资源获取和服务操作。

哪个是服务操作的示例?A)移动电话使用户能够远程工作B)密码允许用户连接到C)许可证允许用户安装软件产品D)服务台代理为用户提供支持答案:D解析:略5.[单选题]Which stakeholders co-create value in a service relationship?A)Investor and consumerB)Investor and supplierC)Consumer and providerD)Provider and supplier答案:C解析:6.[单选题]关于已知错误数据库 (KEDB) 的哪个陈述是正确的?A)它由服务台维护,并更新每个新事件的详细信息B)它是配置管理数据库 (CMDB) 的一部分,包含解决方法C)它由问题管理维护,并由服务台使用以帮助解决事件D)它由事件管理维护,并包含由问题管理实施的解决方案答案:C解析:略7.[单选题]哪项指导原则建议协调服务管理的各个方面?A)从您现在的位置开始B)通过反馈以迭代方式取得进展C)全面思考和工作D)保持简单实用答案:C解析:略8.[单选题]只有获得修改基础架构的授权,配置管理数据库的数据才能被修改。



I T I L_V3中文试题(总10页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--ITIL 试题一2、下列说法哪个不正确?A 可用性管理涉及维持约定的数据安全级别。

B 可用性管理应该有助于新软件产品的设计和开发。

C 可用性管理通过与客户协商可用级别来确保满足他们的需求。

D 可用性管理与硬件配置项的性能有关。


下面的那个流程决定在合并后的IT基础设施上运行所需应用软件的磁盘和内存需求?A 应用管理B 能力管理C 计算机操作管理D 发布管理答案:b4、思考如下所列事项:1)分析2)模拟3)需求4)资源上面所列哪项是IT模拟测试的技术?A 3 & 4B 1 & 2C 2 & 3D 1 & 4答案:b5、差异收费用于:A 故障树分析(FTA)B 状态核查C 需求管理D 风险分析和管理法答案:c6、应用选型是一种用于能力管理的技术,为什么应用选型重要?A 测度某种IT服务的可用性。

B 控制某种IT应用软件的使用。

C 对应用软件的开发者来说,重要的是技术上的能力能被保持。

D 可以预知某种应用软件的资源要求和它的性能。

答案:d7、哪项不是能力管理的组成部分?A 调整B 需求管理C 应用选型D 可维护性答案:d8、在资源使用高峰时,对业务用户按照附加的费率收取费用称为:A 高峰资源收费B 差异收费C 实收D 折扣答案:b9、在ITIL的变更管理流程,一旦变更构建,谁承担测试?A 变更构建者B 变更管理者C 变更顾问委员会D 中立测试者答案:d10、一家公司为他们的图形设计工作站建立了局域网,因为大容量的图表通过网络传输,网络带宽必须增加。

哪个ITIL流程可用于满意的增加带宽的方案实施?A 能力管理B 变更管理C 可用性管理D 问题管理答案:b11 在一个变更执行后,对其进行评估。



EX0-101 ITIL Foundation v.3Exam AQUESTION 1What are the three types of metrics that an organization should collect to support Continual Service Improvement (CSI)?A. Return On Investment (ROI), Value On Investment (VOI), qualityB. Strategic, tactical and operationalC. Critical Success Factors (CSFs), Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), activitiesD. Technology, process and serviceAnswer: DQUESTION 2Which of the following is NOT a valid objective of Problem Management?A. To prevent Problems and their resultant IncidentsB. To manage Problems throughout their lifecycleC. To restore service to a userD. To eliminate recurring IncidentsAnswer: CQUESTION 3Availability Management is responsible for availability of the:A. Services and ComponentsB. Services and Business ProcessesC. Components and Business ProcessesD. Services, Components and Business ProcessesAnswer: AQUESTION 4Contracts are used to define:A. The provision of IT services or business services by a Service ProviderB. The provision of goods and services by SuppliersC. Service Levels that have been agreed between the Service Provider and their CustomerD. Metrics and Critical Success Factors (CSFs) in an external agreementAnswer: BQUESTION 5Which of the following is NOT an example of Self-Help capabilities?A. Requirement to always call the Service Desk for service requestsB. Web front-endC. Menu-driven range of self help and service requestsD. A direct interface into the back-end process-handling softwareAnswer: AQUESTION 6Who owns the specific costs and risks associated with providing a service?A. The Service ProviderB. The Service Level ManagerC. The CustomerD. The Finance departmentAnswer: AQUESTION 7Which of the following are types of communication you could expect the functions within Service Operation to perform?1. Communication between Data Centre shifts2. Communication related to changes3. Performance reporting4. Routine operational communicationA. 1 onlyB. 2 and 3 onlyC. 1, 2 and 4 onlyD. All of the aboveAnswer: DQUESTION 8How many people should be accountable for a process as defined in the RACI model?A. As many as necessary to complete the activityB. Only one - the process ownerC. Two - the process owner and the process enactorD. Only one - the process architectAnswer: BQUESTION 9What guidance does ITIL give on the frequency of production of service reporting?A. Service reporting intervals must be defined and agreed with the customersB. Reporting intervals should be set by the Service ProviderC. Reports should be produced weeklyD. Service reporting intervals must be the same for all servicesAnswer: AQUESTION 10Which of the following is the BEST definition of the term Service Management?A. A set of specialised organizational capabilities for providing value to customersin the form of servicesB. A group of interacting, interrelated, or independent components that form a unifiedwhole, operatingtogether for a common purposeC. The management of functions within an organization to perform certain activitiesD. Units of organizations with roles to perform certain activitiesAnswer: AQUESTION 11Which of the following would be defined as part of every process?1. Roles2. Activities3. Functions4. ResponsibilitiesA. 1 and 3 onlyB. All of the aboveC. 2 and 4 onlyD. 1, 2 and 4 onlyAnswer: DQUESTION 12Which of the following statements is CORRECT for every process?1. It delivers its primary results to a customer or stakeholder2. It defines activities that are executed by a single functionA. Both of the aboveB. 1 onlyC. Neither of the aboveD. 2 onlyAnswer: BQUESTION 13What are the publications that provide guidance specific to industry sectors and organization types known as?A. The Service Strategy and Service Transition booksB. The ITIL Complementary GuidanceC. The Service Support and Service Delivery booksD. Pocket GuidesAnswer: BQUESTION 14Which of the following is NOT a purpose of Service Transition?A. To ensure that a service can be managed, operated and supportedB. To provide training and certification in project managementC. To provide quality knowledge of Change, Release and Deployment ManagementD. To plan and manage the capacity and resource requirements to manage a releaseAnswer: BQUESTION 15What is the BEST description of the purpose of Service Operation?A. To decide how IT will engage with suppliers during the Service Management LifecycleB. To proactively prevent all outages to IT ServicesC. To design and build processes that will meet business needsD. To deliver and manage IT Services at agreed levels to business users and customersAnswer: DQUESTION 16Which of the following should NOT be a concern of Risk Management?A. To ensure that the organization can continue to operate in the event of a majordisruption or disasterB. To ensure that the workplace is a safe environment for its employees and customersC. To ensure that the organization assets, such as information, facilities and buildingare protected fromthreats, damage or lossD. To ensure only the change requests with mitigated risks are approved forimplementationAnswer: DQUESTION 17What is the BEST description of an Operational Level Agreement (OLA)?A. An agreement between the service provider and another part of the same organizationB. An agreement between the service provider and an external organizationC. A document that describes to a customer how services will be operated on a day-to-daybasisD. A document that describes business services to operational staffAnswer: AQUESTION 18Which of the following is the CORRECT definition of a Release Unit?A. A measurement of costB. A function described within Service TransitionC. The team of people responsible for implementing a releaseD. The portion of a service or IT infrastructure that is normally released togetherAnswer: DQUESTION 19The BEST definition of an Incident is:A. An unplanned disruption of service unless there is a backup to that serviceB. An unplanned interruption or reduction in the quality of an IT ServiceC. Any disruption to service whether planned or unplannedD. Any disruption to service that is reported to the Service Desk, regardless of whetherthe service isimpacted or notAnswer: BQUESTION 20In which of the following situations should a Problem Record be created?A. An event indicates that a redundant network segment has failed but it has not impactedany usersB. An Incident is passed to second-level supportC. A Technical Management team identifies a permanent resolution to a number ofrecurring IncidentsD. Incident Management has found a workaround but needs some assistance in implementingitAnswer: CQUESTION 21Which of the following BEST describes a Problem?A. A Known Error for which the cause and resolution are not yet knownB. The cause of two or more IncidentsC. A serious Incident which has a critical impact to the businessD. The cause of one or more IncidentsAnswer: DQUESTION 22Implementation of ITIL Service Management requires preparing and planning the effective and efficient use of:A. People, Process, Partners, SuppliersB. People, Process, Products, TechnologyC. People, Process, Products, PartnersD. People, Products, Technology, PartnersAnswer: CQUESTION 23What would be the next step in the Continual Service Improvement (CSI) Model after:1. What is the vision?2. Where are we now?3. Where do we want to be?4. How do we get there?5. Did we get there?6. ?A. What is the Return On Investment (ROI)?B. How much did it cost?C. How do we keep the momentum going?D. What is the Value On Investment (VOI)?Answer: CQUESTION 24Which of the following do Service Metrics measure?A. Processes and functionsB. Maturity and costC. The end to end serviceD. Infrastructure availabilityAnswer: CQUESTION 25The MAIN objective of Service Level Management is:A. To carry out the Service Operations activities needed to support current IT servicesB. To ensure that sufficient capacity is provided to deliver the agreed performanceof servicesC. To create and populate a Service CatalogueD. To ensure that an agreed level of IT service is provided for all current IT servicesAnswer: DQUESTION 26Which processes review Underpinning Contracts on a regular basis?A. Supplier Management and Service Level ManagementB. Supplier Management and Demand ManagementC. Demand Management and Service Level ManagementD. Supplier Management, Demand Management and Service Level ManagementAnswer: AQUESTION 27Which of the following statements about the Service Portfolio and Service Catalogue is the MOST CORRECT?A. The Service Catalogue only has information about services that are live, or beingprepared fordeployment; the Service Portfolio only has information about services which are beingconsidered for futuredevelopmentB. The Service Catalogue has information about all services; the Service Portfolio onlyhas informationabout services which are being considered for future developmentC. The Service Portfolio has information about all services; the Service Catalogue onlyhas informationabout services which are live, or being prepared for deploymentD. Service Catalogue and Service Portfolio are different names for the same thingAnswer: CQUESTION 28Which role or function is responsible for monitoring activities and events in the IT Infrastructure?A. Service Level ManagementB. IT Operations ManagementC. Capacity ManagementD. Incident ManagementAnswer: BQUESTION 29Consider the following list:1. Change Authority2. Change Manager3. Change Advisory Board (CAB)What are these BEST described as?A. Job descriptionsB. FunctionsC. TeamsD. Roles, people or groupsAnswer: DQUESTION 30Service Transition contains detailed descriptions of which processes?A. Change Management, Service Asset and Configuration Management, Release andDeploymentManagementB. Change Management, Capacity Management Event Management, Service Request ManagementC. Service Level Management, Service Portfolio Management, Service Asset andConfigurationManagementD. Service Asset and Configuration Management, Release and Deployment Management,RequestFulfilmentAnswer: AQUESTION 31Which of the following statements is CORRECT?A. The Configuration Management System is part of the Known Error Data BaseB. The Service Knowledge Management System is part of the Configuration ManagementSystemC. The Configuration Management System is part of the Service Knowledge ManagementsystemD. The Configuration Management System is part of the Configuration Management DatabaseAnswer: CQUESTION 32Major Incidents require:A. Separate proceduresB. Less urgencyC. Longer timescalesD. Less documentationAnswer: AQUESTION 33Which of the following statements about Incident reporting and logging is CORRECT?A. Incidents can only be reported by users, since they are the only people who knowwhen a service hasbeen disruptedB. Incidents can be reported by anyone who detects a disruption or potential disruptionto normal service.This includes technical staffC. All calls to the Service Desk must be logged as Incidents to assist in reportingService Desk activityD. Incidents reported by technical staff must be logged as Problems because technicalstaff manageinfrastructure devices not servicesAnswer: BQUESTION 34What is the BEST description of a Major Incident?A. An Incident that is so complex that it requires root cause analysis before aworkaround can be foundB. An Incident which requires a large number of people to resolveC. An Incident logged by a senior managerD. An Incident which has a high priority or high impact on the businessAnswer: DQUESTION 35Which of the following should be done when closing an incident?1. Check the incident categorization and correct it if necessary2. Check that user is satisfied with the outcomeA. 1 onlyB. Both of the aboveC. 2 onlyD. Neither of the aboveAnswer: BQUESTION 36Which of the following statements correctly states the relationship between urgency, priority and impact?A. Impact, priority and urgency are independent of each otherB. Urgency should be based on impact and priorityC. Impact should be based on urgency and priorityD. Priority should be based on impact and urgencyAnswer: DQUESTION 37Hierarchic escalation is best described as?A. Notifying more senior levels of management about an IncidentB. Passing an Incident to people with a greater level of technical skillC. Using more senior specialists than necessary to resolve an Incident to maintaincustomer satisfactionD. Failing to meet the Incident resolution times specified in a Service Level AgreementAnswer: AQUESTION 38Which of the following BEST describes a Service Request?A. A request from a User for information, advice or for a Standard ChangeB. Anything that the customer wants and is prepared to pay forC. Any request or demand that is entered by a user via a Self-Help web-based interfaceD. Any Request for Change (RFC) that is low risk and can be approved by the Change Managerwithout aChange Advisory Board (CAB) meetingAnswer: AQUESTION 39Event Management, Problem Management, Access Management and Request Fulfilment are part ofwhich stage of the Service Lifecycle?A. Service StrategyB. Service TransitionC. Service OperationD. Continual Service ImprovementAnswer: CQUESTION 40Which of the following is NOT a valid objective of Request Fulfilment?A. To provide information to users about what services are available and how to requestthemB. To update the Service Catalogue with services that may be requested through theService DeskC. To provide a channel for users to request and receive standard servicesD. To source and deliver the components of standard services that have been requestedAnswer: BQUESTION 41Which process is responsible for sourcing and delivering components of requested standard services?A. Request FulfilmentB. Service Portfolio ManagementC. Service DeskD. IT FinanceAnswer: AQUESTION 42Which of the following are Service Desk organizational structures?1. Local Service Desk2. Virtual Service Desk3. IT Help Desk4. Follow the SunA. 1, 2 and 4 onlyB. 2, 3 and 4 onlyC. 1, 3 and 4 onlyD. 1, 2 and 3 onlyAnswer: AQUESTION 43Which Functions are included in IT Operations Management?A. Network Management and Application ManagementB. Technical Management and Change ManagementC. IT Operations Control and Facilities ManagementD. Facilities Management and Release ManagementAnswer: CQUESTION 44Which of the following options is a hierarchy that is used in Knowledge Management?A. Wisdom - Information - Data - KnowledgeB. Data - Information - Knowledge - WisdomC. Knowledge - Wisdom - Information - DataD. Information - Data - Knowledge - WisdomAnswer: BQUESTION 45Which of the following CANNOT be provided by a tool?A. KnowledgeB. InformationC. WisdomD. DataAnswer: CQUESTION 46The BEST processes to automate are those that are:A. Carried out by Service OperationsB. Carried out by lots of peopleC. Critical to the success of the business missionD. Simple and well understoodAnswer: DQUESTION 47Which of the following areas would technology help to support during the Service Transition phase of the lifecycle?1. Data mining and workflow tools2. Measurement and reporting systems3. Release and deployment technology4. Process DesignA. 2, 3 and 4 onlyB. 1, 3 and 4 onlyC. 1, 2 and 3 onlyD. All of the aboveAnswer: CQUESTION 48Which of the following are the two primary elements that create value for customers?A. Value on Investment (VOI), Return on Investment (ROI)B. Customer and User satisfactionC. Understanding Service Requirements and WarrantyD. Utility and WarrantyAnswer: DQUESTION 49Within Service Design, what is the key output handed over to Service Transition?A. Measurement, methods and metricsB. Service Design PackageC. Service Portfolio DesignD. Process definitionsAnswer: BQUESTION 50What is the Service Pipeline?A. All services that are at a conceptual or development stageB. All services except those that have been retiredC. All services that are contained within the Service Level Agreement (SLA)D. All complex multi-user servicesAnswer: AQUESTION 51Which of the following statements BEST describes a Definitive Media Library (DML)?A. A secure location where definitive hardware spares are heldB. A secure library where definitive authorised versions of all media ConfigurationItems (CIs) are storedand protectedC. A database that contains definitions of all media CIsD. A secure library where definitive authorised versions of all software and back-upsare stored andprotectedAnswer: BQUESTION 52In the phrase "People, Processes, Products and Partners". Products refers to:A. IT Infrastructure and ApplicationsB. Services, technology and toolsC. Goods provided by third parties to support the IT ServicesD. All assets belonging to the Service ProviderAnswer: BQUESTION 53Defining the processes needed to operate a new service is part of:A. Service Design: Design the processesB. Service Strategy: Develop the offeringsC. Service Transition: Plan and prepare for deploymentD. Service Operation: IT Operations ManagementAnswer: AQUESTION 54Which Service Design process makes the most use of data supplied by Demand Management?A. Service Catalogue ManagementB. Service Level ManagementC. IT Service Continuity ManagementD. Capacity ManagementAnswer: DQUESTION 55Which of these are objectives of Service Level Management1: Defining, documenting and agreeing the level of IT Services to be provided2: Monitoring, measuring and reporting the actual level of services provided3: Monitoring and improving customer satisfaction4: Identifying possible future markets that the Service Provider could operate inA. 1, 2 and 3 onlyB. 1 and 2 onlyC. 1, 2 and 4 onlyD. All of the aboveAnswer: AQUESTION 56Which process is responsible for discussing reports with customers showing whether services have met their targets?A. Continual Service ImprovementB. Business Relationship ManagementC. Service Level ManagementD. Availability ManagementAnswer: CQUESTION 57Which of the following does the Availability Management process include?1. Ensuring services are able to meet availability targets2. Monitoring and reporting actual availability3. Improvement activities, to ensure that services continue to meet or exceed their availability goalsA. 1 onlyB. All of the aboveC. 1 and 2 onlyD. 1 and 3 onlyAnswer: BQUESTION 58Reliability is a measure of:A. The availability of a service or componentB. The level of risk that could impact a service or processC. How long a service or component can perform its function without failingD. A measure of how quickly a service or component can be restored to normal workingAnswer: CQUESTION 59Which process is responsible for managing relationships with vendors?A. Change ManagementB. Service Portfolio ManagementC. Supplier ManagementD. Continual Service ImprovementAnswer: CQUESTION 60The Supplier Management process includes:1: Service Design activities, to ensure that contracts will be able to support the service requirements 2: Service Operation activities, to monitor and report supplier achievements3: Continual Improvement activities, to ensure that suppliers continue to meet or exceed the needs of thebusinessA. 1 and 2 onlyB. 1 onlyC. All of the aboveD. 1 and 3 onlyAnswer: CQUESTION 61Data used to support the capacity management process should be stored in:A. A configuration management database (CMDB)B. A capacity database (CDB)C. A configuration management system (CMS)D. A capacity management information system (CMIS)Answer: DQUESTION 62Which process contains the Business, Service and Component sub-processes?A. Capacity ManagementB. Incident ManagementC. Service Level ManagementD. Financial ManagementAnswer: AQUESTION 63IT Service Continuity strategy should be based on:1: Design of the service technology2: Business continuity strategy3: Business Impact Analysis4: Risk assessmentA. 1, 2 and 4 onlyB. 1, 2 and 3 onlyC. 2, 3 and 4 onlyD. 1, 3 and 4 onlyAnswer: CQUESTION 64A change process model should include:1 - The steps that should be taken to handle the change with any dependences or co-processing defined, including handling issues and unexpected events2 - Responsibilities; who should do what, including escalation3 - Timescales and thresholds for completion of the actions4 - Complaints proceduresA. 1,2 and 3 onlyB. All of the aboveC. 1 and 2 onlyD. 1,2 and 4 onlyAnswer: AQUESTION 65Which of the following BEST describes a Change Authority?A. The Change Advisory BoardB. A person that provides formal authorisation for a particular type of change.C. A role, person or a group of people that provides formal authorisation for aparticular type of change.D. The Change Manager who provides formal authorisation for each changeAnswer: CQUESTION 66Which of these would fall outside the scope of a typical service change management processA. A change to a contract with a supplierB. A firmware upgrade to a server that is only used for IT Service Continuity purposesC. An urgent need to replace a CPU to restore a service during an incidentD. A change to a business process that depends on IT ServicesAnswer: DQUESTION 67Which of the following statements BEST describes the aims of Release and Deployment Management?A. To build, test and deliver the capability to provide the services specified by ServiceDesign and that willaccomplish the stakeholders requirements and deliver the intended objectivesB. To ensure that each Release package specified by Service Design consists of a setof related assets andservice components that are compatible with each otherC. To ensure that all Release and Deployment packages can be tracked, installed, tested,verified and/oruninstalled or backed out if appropriateD. To record and manage deviations, risks and issues related to the new or changedserviceAnswer: AQUESTION 68Which of the following BEST describes Technical Management?A. A Function responsible for Facilities Management and building control systemsB. A Function that provides hardware repair services for technology involved in thedelivery of service tocustomersC. Senior managers responsible for all staff within the technical support FunctionD. A Function that includes the groups, departments or teams that provide technicalexpertise and overallmanagement of the IT InfrastructureAnswer: DQUESTION 69Which of the following functions would be responsible for management of a data centre?A. Technical ManagementB. Service DeskC. IT Operations ControlD. Facilities ManagementAnswer: DQUESTION 70Which of these statements about Resources and Capabilities is CORRECT?A. Resources are types of Service Asset and Capabilities are notB. Resources and Capabilities are both types of Service AssetC. Capabilities are types of Service Asset and Resources are notD. Neither Capabilities nor Resources are types of Service AssetAnswer: BQUESTION 71A risk is:A. Something that won't happenB. Something that will happenC. Something that has happenedD. Something that might happenAnswer: DQUESTION 72A Service Level Agreement (SLA) is:A. The part of a contract that specifies responsibilities of each partyB. An agreement between the Service Provider and an internal organizationC. An agreement between a Service Provider and an external supplierD. An agreement between the Service Provider and their customerAnswer: DQUESTION 73The information that is passed to Service Transition to enable them to implement a new service is called:A. A Service Level PackageB. A Service Transition PackageC. A Service Design PackageD. A New Service PackageAnswer: CQUESTION 74When should tests for a new service be designed?A. At the same time as the service is designedB. After the service has been designed, before the service is handed over to ServiceTransitionC. As part of Service TransitionD. Before the service is designedAnswer: AQUESTION 75Which of these is the correct set of steps for the Continual Service Improvement Model?A. Devise a strategy; Design the solution; Transition into production; Operate thesolution; ContinuallyImproveB. Where do we want to be?; How do we get there?; How do we check we arrived?; How dowe keep themomentum going?C. Identify the required business outcomes; Plan how to achieve the outcomes; Implementthe plan; Checkthe plan has been properly implemented; Improve the solutionD. What is the vision?; Where are we now?; Where do we want to be?; How do we get there?;Did we getthere?; How do we keep the momentum going?Answer: DQUESTION 76Which of the following activities are helped by recording relationships between Configuration Items (CIs)?1. Assessing the impact and cause of Incidents and Problems2. Assessing the impact of proposed Changes3. Planning and designing a Change to an existing service4. Planning a technology refresh or software upgradeA. 1 and 2 onlyB. All of the aboveC. 1, 2 and 4 onlyD. 1, 3 and 4 onlyAnswer: BQUESTION 77A single Release unit, or a structured set of Release units can be defined within:A. The RACI ModelB. A Release PackageC. A Request ModelD. The Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) cycleAnswer: BQUESTION 78What are Request Models used for?A. Capacity ManagementB. Modelling arrival rates and performance characteristics of service requestsC. Comparing the advantages and disadvantages of different Service Desk approaches suchas local orremoteD. Identifying frequently received user requests and defining how they should be handledAnswer: DQUESTION 79What is the objective of Access Management?A. To provide security staff for Data Centers and other buildings。


流程是指那些: a) 由服务运营执行的流程 b) 由许多人执行的流程 c) 对成功实现业务目标最重要的流程 d) 简单且易理解的流程
80. IT 持续性管理的生命周期阶段是? a) 初始;需求和战略;实施;日常运营
b) 战略;设计;转换;运营;持续改进 c) 计划;执行;检查;行动 d) 战略;需求;规划;沟通;调用;测试 答案:A
20. 下列哪一项通常应该包含在支撑某一 IT 服务的合同中? 1. 市场信息 2. 合同描述和范围 3. 职责和依赖性 a) 只有 1 和 2 b) 只有 1 和 3 c) 只有 2 和 3 d) 以上各项都不是 答案:C
21. 下列哪项是服务持续改进模型正确的步骤集合? a) 制定战略;设计解决方案;转换到生产环境;运营解决方案;持续改进 b) 我们希望处于什么地位?我们如何达到目的?我们如何检查我们到达了?我们如 何保持发展的势头? c) 识别需要的业务结果;计划怎样达到结果;实施计划;检查计划正确实施;改进解 决方案 d) 远景是什么?我们现在处于什么地位?我们希望处于什么地位?我们如何达到目 的?我们达到目的了吗?我们如何保持发展的势头? 答案:D
c) 总体拥有成本(TCO) d) 关键性能指标(KPI) 答案:A
12. 技术指标测量下列哪项? a) 组件 b) 流程 c) 端到端的服务 d) 客户满意度 答案:A
13. 下列哪一个不是变更管理流程的目标? a) 确保更好地了解变更的影响 b) 确保使用标准化的方法和程序高效率和快速地处理变更 c) 确保对服务资产和配置项(CIs)的所有变更都记录在配置管理系统(CMS)中 d) 按约定的级别为业务用户交付和管理 IT 服务 答案:D
9. 下列哪些项不是每个流程都会定义的部分? a) 角色 b) 输入和输出 c) 职能 d) 指标 答案:C



2010-3-3Title : ITIL Foundation v.3 CertificationVersion :Exam : EXIN EX0-101QUESTION 1What are the three types of metrics that an organization should collect to support Continual Service Improvement (CSI)?A. Return On Investment (ROI), Value On Investment (VOI), qualityB. Strategic, tactical and operationalC. Critical Success Factors (CSFs), Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), activitiesD. Technology, process and serviceAnswer: DQUESTION 2Which of the following is NOT a valid objective of Problem Management?A. To prevent Problems and their resultant IncidentsB. To manage Problems throughout their lifecycleC. To restore service to a userD. To eliminate recurring IncidentsAnswer: CQUESTION 3Availability Management is responsible for availability of the:A. Services and ComponentsB. Services and Business ProcessesC. Components and Business ProcessesD. Services, Components and Business ProcessesAnswer: AQUESTION 4Contracts are used to define:A. The provision of IT services or business services by a Service ProviderB. The provision of goods and services by SuppliersC. Service Levels that have been agreed between the Service Provider and their CustomerD. Metrics and Critical Success Factors (CSFs) in an external agreement Answer: BQUESTION 5Which of the following is NOT an example of Self-Help capabilities?A. Requirement to always call the Service Desk for service requestsB. Web front-endC. Menu-driven range of self help and service requestsD. A direct interface into the back-end process-handling softwareAnswer: AQUESTION 6Who owns the specific costs and risks associated with providing a service?A. The Service ProviderB. The Service Level ManagerC. The CustomerD. The Finance departmentAnswer: AQUESTION 7Which of the following are types of communication you could expect the functions within Service Operation to perform?1. Communication between Data Centre shifts2. Communication related to changes3. Performance reporting4. Routine operational communicationA. 1 onlyB. 2 and 3 onlyC. 1, 2 and 4 onlyD. All of the aboveAnswer: DQUESTION 8How many people should be accountable for a process as defined in the RACI model?A. As many as necessary to complete the activityB. Only one - the process ownerC. Two - the process owner and the process enactorD. Only one - the process architectAnswer: BQUESTION 9What guidance does ITIL give on the frequency of production of service reporting?A. Service reporting intervals must be defined and agreed with the customersB. Reporting intervals should be set by the Service ProviderC. Reports should be produced weeklyD. Service reporting intervals must be the same for all servicesAnswer: AQUESTION 10Which of the following is the BEST definition of the term Service Management?A. A set of specialised organizational capabilities for providing value to customers in the form of servicesB. A group of interacting, interrelated, or independent components that form a unified whole, operating together for a common purposeC. The management of functions within an organization to perform certain activitiesD. Units of organizations with roles to perform certain activitiesAnswer: AQUESTION 11Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a process?A. It is measurableB. Delivers specific resultsC. Responds to specific eventsD. A method of structuring an organizationAnswer: DQUESTION 12Which of the following would be defined as part of every process?1. Roles2. Activities3. Functions4. ResponsibilitiesA. 1 and 3 onlyB. All of the aboveC. 2 and 4 onlyD. 1, 2 and 4 onlyAnswer: DQUESTION 13Which of the following statements is CORRECT for every process?1. It delivers its primary results to a customer or stakeholder2. It defines activities that are executed by a single functionA. Both of the aboveB. 1 onlyC. Neither of the aboveD. 2 onlyAnswer: BQUESTION 14What are the publications that provide guidance specific to industry sectors and organization typesknown as?A. The Service Strategy and Service Transition booksB. The ITIL Complementary GuidanceC. The Service Support and Service Delivery booksD. Pocket GuidesAnswer: BQUESTION 15Which of the following is NOT a purpose of Service Transition?A. To ensure that a service can be managed, operated and supportedB. To provide training and certification in project managementC. To provide quality knowledge of Change, Release and Deployment ManagementD. To plan and manage the capacity and resource requirements to manage a release Answer: BQUESTION 16What is the BEST description of the purpose of Service Operation?A. To decide how IT will engage with suppliers during the Service Management LifecycleB. To proactively prevent all outages to IT ServicesC. To design and build processes that will meet business needsD. To deliver and manage IT Services at agreed levels to business users and customersAnswer: DQUESTION 17Which of the following should NOT be a concern of Risk Management?A. To ensure that the organization can continue to operate in the event of a major disruption or disasterB. To ensure that the workplace is a safe environment for its employees and customersC. To ensure that the organization assets, such as information, facilities and building are protected fromthreats, damage or lossD. To ensure only the change requests with mitigated risks are approved forimplementationAnswer: DQUESTION 18What is the BEST description of an Operational Level Agreement (OLA)?A. An agreement between the service provider and another part of the same organizationB. An agreement between the service provider and an external organizationC. A document that describes to a customer how services will be operated on a day-to-day basisD. A document that describes business services to operational staffAnswer: AQUESTION 19Which of the following is the CORRECT definition of a Release Unit?A. A measurement of costB. A function described within Service TransitionC. The team of people responsible for implementing a releaseD. The portion of a service or IT infrastructure that is normally released together Answer: DQUESTION 20The BEST definition of an Incident is:A. An unplanned disruption of service unless there is a backup to that serviceB. An unplanned interruption or reduction in the quality of an IT ServiceC. Any disruption to service whether planned or unplannedD. Any disruption to service that is reported to the Service Desk, regardless of whether the service is impacted or notAnswer: BQUESTION 21In which of the following situations should a Problem Record be created?A. An event indicates that a redundant network segment has failed but it has not impacted any usersB. An Incident is passed to second-level supportC. A Technical Management team identifies a permanent resolution to a number of recurring IncidentsD. Incident Management has found a workaround but needs some assistance in implementing itAnswer: CQUESTION 22Which of the following BEST describes a Problem?A. A Known Error for which the cause and resolution are not yet knownB. The cause of two or more IncidentsC. A serious Incident which has a critical impact to the businessD. The cause of one or more IncidentsAnswer: DQUESTION 23Implementation of ITIL Service Management requires preparing and planning the effective and efficientuse of:A. People, Process, Partners, SuppliersB. People, Process, Products, TechnologyC. People, Process, Products, PartnersD. People, Products, Technology, PartnersAnswer: CQUESTION 24What would be the next step in the Continual Service Improvement (CSI) Model after:1. What is the vision?2. Where are we now?3. Where do we want to be?4. How do we get there?5. Did we get there?6. ?A. What is the Return On Investment (ROI)?B. How much did it cost?C. How do we keep the momentum going?D. What is the Value On Investment (VOI)?Answer: CQUESTION 25Which of the following do Service Metrics measure?A. Processes and functionsB. Maturity and costC. The end to end serviceD. Infrastructure availabilityAnswer: CQUESTION 26The MAIN objective of Service Level Management is:A. To carry out the Service Operations activities needed to support current IT servicesB. To ensure that sufficient capacity is provided to deliver the agreed performance ofservicesC. To create and populate a Service CatalogueD. To ensure that an agreed level of IT service is provided for all current IT services Answer: DQUESTION 27Which processes review Underpinning Contracts on a regular basis?A. Supplier Management and Service Level ManagementB. Supplier Management and Demand ManagementC. Demand Management and Service Level ManagementD. Supplier Management, Demand Management and Service Level Management Answer: AQUESTION 28Which of the following statements about the Service Portfolio and Service Catalogue is the MOST CORRECT?A. The Service Catalogue only has information about services that are live, or being prepared for deployment; the Service Portfolio only has information about services which are being considered for future developmentB. The Service Catalogue has information about all services; the Service Portfolio only has information about services which are being considered for future developmentC. The Service Portfolio has information about all services; the Service Catalogue only has information about services which are live, or being prepared for deploymentD. Service Catalogue and Service Portfolio are different names for the same thing Answer: CQUESTION 29Which role or function is responsible for monitoring activities and events in the IT Infrastructure?A. Service Level ManagementB. IT Operations ManagementC. Capacity ManagementD. Incident ManagementAnswer: BQUESTION 30Consider the following list:1. Change Authority2. Change Manager3. Change Advisory Board (CAB)What are these BEST described as?A. Job descriptionsB. FunctionsC. TeamsD. Roles, people or groupsAnswer: DQUESTION 31Service Transition contains detailed descriptions of which processes?A. Change Management, Service Asset and Configuration Management, Release and Deployment ManagementB. Change Management, Capacity Management Event Management, Service Request ManagementC. Service Level Management, Service Portfolio Management, Service Asset and Configuration ManagementD. Service Asset and Configuration Management, Release and Deployment Management, Request FulfilmentAnswer: AQUESTION 32Which of the following statements is CORRECT?A. The Configuration Management System is part of the Known Error Data BaseB. The Service Knowledge Management System is part of the Configuration Management SystemC. The Configuration Management System is part of the Service Knowledge Management systemD. The Configuration Management System is part of the Configuration Management DatabaseAnswer: CQUESTION 33Major Incidents require:A. Separate proceduresB. Less urgencyC. Longer timescalesD. Less documentationAnswer: AQUESTION 34Which of the following statements about Incident reporting and logging is CORRECT?A. Incidents can only be reported by users, since they are the only people who know when a service has been disruptedB. Incidents can be reported by anyone who detects a disruption or potentialdisruption to normal service. This includes technical staffC. All calls to the Service Desk must be logged as Incidents to assist in reporting Service Desk activityD. Incidents reported by technical staff must be logged as Problems because technical staff manage infrastructure devices not servicesAnswer: BQUESTION 35What is the BEST description of a Major Incident?A. An Incident that is so complex that it requires root cause analysis before a workaround can be foundB. An Incident which requires a large number of people to resolveC. An Incident logged by a senior managerD. An Incident which has a high priority or high impact on the businessAnswer: DQUESTION 36Which of the following should be done when closing an incident?1. Check the incident categorization and correct it if necessary2. Check that user is satisfied with the outcomeA. 1 onlyB. Both of the aboveC. 2 onlyD. Neither of the aboveAnswer: BQUESTION 37Which of the following statements correctly states the relationship between urgency, priority and impact?A. Impact, priority and urgency are independent of each otherB. Urgency should be based on impact and priorityC. Impact should be based on urgency and priorityD. Priority should be based on impact and urgencyAnswer: DQUESTION 38Hierarchic escalation is best described as?A. Notifying more senior levels of management about an IncidentB. Passing an Incident to people with a greater level of technical skillC. Using more senior specialists than necessary to resolve an Incident to maintain customer satisfactionD. Failing to meet the Incident resolution times specified in a Service LevelAgreementAnswer: AQUESTION 39Which of the following BEST describes a Service Request?A. A request from a User for information, advice or for a Standard ChangeB. Anything that the customer wants and is prepared to pay forC. Any request or demand that is entered by a user via a Self-Help web-based interfaceD. Any Request for Change (RFC) that is low risk and can be approved by the Change Manager without a Change Advisory Board (CAB) meetingAnswer: AQUESTION 40Event Management, Problem Management, Access Management and Request Fulfilment are part of which stage of the Service Lifecycle?A. Service StrategyB. Service TransitionC. Service OperationD. Continual Service ImprovementAnswer: CQUESTION 41Which of the following is NOT a valid objective of Request Fulfilment?A. To provide information to users about what services are available and how to request themB. To update the Service Catalogue with services that may be requested through the Service DeskC. To provide a channel for users to request and receive standard servicesD. To source and deliver the components of standard services that have been requestedAnswer: BQUESTION 42Which process is responsible for sourcing and delivering components of requested standard services?A. Request FulfilmentB. Service Portfolio ManagementC. Service DeskD. IT FinanceAnswer: AQUESTION 43Which of the following are Service Desk organizational structures?1. Local Service Desk2. Virtual Service Desk3. IT Help Desk4. Follow the SunA. 1, 2 and 4 onlyB. 2, 3 and 4 onlyC. 1, 3 and 4 onlyD. 1, 2 and 3 onlyAnswer: AQUESTION 44Which Functions are included in IT Operations Management?A. Network Management and Application ManagementB. Technical Management and Change ManagementC. IT Operations Control and Facilities ManagementD. Facilities Management and Release ManagementAnswer: CQUESTION 45Which of the following options is a hierarchy that is used in Knowledge Management?A. Wisdom - Information - Data - KnowledgeB. Data - Information - Knowledge - WisdomC. Knowledge - Wisdom - Information - DataD. Information - Data - Knowledge - WisdomAnswer: BQUESTION 46Which of the following CANNOT be provided by a tool?A. KnowledgeB. InformationC. WisdomD. DataAnswer: CQUESTION 47The BEST processes to automate are those that are:A. Carried out by Service OperationsB. Carried out by lots of peopleC. Critical to the success of the business missionD. Simple and well understoodAnswer: DQUESTION 48Which of the following areas would technology help to support during the Service Transition phase of the lifecycle?1. Data mining and workflow tools2. Measurement and reporting systems3. Release and deployment technology4. Process DesignA. 2, 3 and 4 onlyB. 1, 3 and 4 onlyC. 1, 2 and 3 onlyD. All of the aboveAnswer: CQUESTION 49Which of the following are the two primary elements that create value for customers?A. Value on Investment (VOI), Return on Investment (ROI)B. Customer and User satisfactionC. Understanding Service Requirements and WarrantyD. Utility and WarrantyAnswer: DQUESTION 50Within Service Design, what is the key output handed over to Service Transition?A. Measurement, methods and metricsB. Service Design PackageC. Service Portfolio DesignD. Process definitionsAnswer: BQUESTION 51What is the Service Pipeline?A. All services that are at a conceptual or development stageB. All services except those that have been retiredC. All services that are contained within the Service Level Agreement (SLA)D. All complex multi-user servicesAnswer: AQUESTION 52Which of the following statements BEST describes a Definitive Media Library (DML)?A. A secure location where definitive hardware spares are heldB. A secure library where definitive authorised versions of all media Configuration Items (CIs) are stored and protectedC. A database that contains definitions of all media CIsD. A secure library where definitive authorised versions of all software and back-ups are stored and protectedAnswer: BQUESTION 53In the phrase "People, Processes, Products and Partners". Products refers to:A. IT Infrastructure and ApplicationsB. Services, technology and toolsC. Goods provided by third parties to support the IT ServicesD. All assets belonging to the Service ProviderAnswer: BQUESTION 54Defining the processes needed to operate a new service is part of:A. Service Design: Design the processesB. Service Strategy: Develop the offeringsC. Service Transition: Plan and prepare for deploymentD. Service Operation: IT Operations ManagementAnswer: AQUESTION 55Which Service Design process makes the most use of data supplied by Demand Management?A. Service Catalogue ManagementB. Service Level ManagementC. IT Service Continuity ManagementD. Capacity ManagementAnswer: DQUESTION 56Which of these are objectives of Service Level Management1: Defining, documenting and agreeing the level of IT Services to be provided2: Monitoring, measuring and reporting the actual level of services provided3: Monitoring and improving customer satisfaction4: Identifying possible future markets that the Service Provider could operate inA. 1, 2 and 3 onlyB. 1 and 2 onlyC. 1, 2 and 4 onlyD. All of the aboveAnswer: AQUESTION 57Which process is responsible for discussing reports with customers showing whether services have met their targets?A. Continual Service ImprovementB. Business Relationship ManagementC. Service Level ManagementD. Availability ManagementAnswer: CQUESTION 58Which of the following does the Availability Management process include?1. Ensuring services are able to meet availability targets2. Monitoring and reporting actual availability3. Improvement activities, to ensure that services continue to meet or exceed their availability goalsA. 1 onlyB. All of the aboveC. 1 and 2 onlyD. 1 and 3 onlyAnswer: BQUESTION 59Reliability is a measure of:A. The availability of a service or componentB. The level of risk that could impact a service or processC. How long a service or component can perform its function without failingD. A measure of how quickly a service or component can be restored to normal workingAnswer: CQUESTION 60Which process is responsible for managing relationships with vendors?A. Change ManagementB. Service Portfolio ManagementC. Supplier ManagementD. Continual Service ImprovementAnswer: CQUESTION 61The Supplier Management process includes:1: Service Design activities, to ensure that contracts will be able to support the service requirements2: Service Operation activities, to monitor and report supplier achievements3: Continual Improvement activities, to ensure that suppliers continue to meet or exceed the needs of the businessA. 1 and 2 onlyB. 1 onlyC. All of the aboveD. 1 and 3 onlyAnswer: CQUESTION 62Data used to support the capacity management process should be stored in:A. A configuration management database (CMDB)B. A capacity database (CDB)C. A configuration management system (CMS)D. A capacity management information system (CMIS)Answer: DQUESTION 63Which process contains the Business, Service and Component sub-processes?A. Capacity ManagementB. Incident ManagementC. Service Level ManagementD. Financial ManagementAnswer: AQUESTION 64IT Service Continuity strategy should be based on:1: Design of the service technology2: Business continuity strategy3: Business Impact Analysis4: Risk assessmentA. 1, 2 and 4 onlyB. 1, 2 and 3 onlyC. 2, 3 and 4 onlyD. 1, 3 and 4 onlyAnswer: CQUESTION 65A change process model should include:1 - The steps that should be taken to handle the change with any dependences or co-processing defined, including handling issues and unexpected events2 - Responsibilities; who should do what, including escalation3 - Timescales and thresholds for completion of the actions4 - Complaints proceduresA. 1,2 and 3 onlyB. All of the aboveC. 1 and 2 onlyD. 1,2 and 4 onlyAnswer: AQUESTION 66Which of the following BEST describes a Change Authority?A. The Change Advisory BoardB. A person that provides formal authorisation for a particular type of change.C. A role, person or a group of people that provides formal authorisation for a particular type of change.D. The Change Manager who provides formal authorisation for each change Answer: CQUESTION 67Which of these would fall outside the scope of a typical service change management processA. A change to a contract with a supplierB. A firmware upgrade to a server that is only used for IT Service Continuity purposesC. An urgent need to replace a CPU to restore a service during an incidentD. A change to a business process that depends on IT ServicesAnswer: DQUESTION 68Which of the following statements BEST describes the aims of Release and Deployment Management?A. To build, test and deliver the capability to provide the services specified by Service Design and that will accomplish the stakeholders requirements and deliver the intended objectivesB. To ensure that each Release package specified by Service Design consists of a set of related assets and service components that are compatible with each otherC. To ensure that all Release and Deployment packages can be tracked, installed, tested, verified and/or uninstalled or backed out if appropriateD. To record and manage deviations, risks and issues related to the new or changed serviceAnswer: AQUESTION 69Which of the following BEST describes Technical Management?A. A Function responsible for Facilities Management and building control systemsB. A Function that provides hardware repair services for technology involved in the delivery of service to customersC. Senior managers responsible for all staff within the technical support FunctionD. A Function that includes the groups, departments or teams that provide technical expertise and overall management of the IT InfrastructureAnswer: DQUESTION 70Which of the following functions would be responsible for management of a data centre?A. Technical ManagementB. Service DeskC. IT Operations ControlD. Facilities ManagementAnswer: DQUESTION 71Which of these statements about Resources and Capabilities is CORRECT?A. Resources are types of Service Asset and Capabilities are notB. Resources and Capabilities are both types of Service AssetC. Capabilities are types of Service Asset and Resources are notD. Neither Capabilities nor Resources are types of Service AssetAnswer: BQUESTION 72A risk is:A. Something that won't happenB. Something that will happenC. Something that has happenedD. Something that might happenAnswer: DQUESTION 73A Service Level Agreement (SLA) is:A. The part of a contract that specifies responsibilities of each partyB. An agreement between the Service Provider and an internal organizationC. An agreement between a Service Provider and an external supplierD. An agreement between the Service Provider and their customerAnswer: DQUESTION 74The information that is passed to Service Transition to enable them to implement a new service is called:A. A Service Level PackageB. A Service Transition PackageC. A Service Design PackageD. A New Service PackageAnswer: CQUESTION 75When should tests for a new service be designed?A. At the same time as the service is designedB. After the service has been designed, before the service is handed over to Service TransitionC. As part of Service TransitionD. Before the service is designedAnswer: AQUESTION 76Which of these is the correct set of steps for the Continual Service Improvement Model?A. Devise a strategy; Design the solution; Transition into production; Operate the solution; Continually ImproveB. Where do we want to be? How do we get there?; How do we check we arrived? How do we keep the momentum going?C. Identify the required business outcomes; Plan how to achieve the outcomes; Implement the plan; Check the plan has been properly implemented; Improve the solutionD. What is the vision?; Where are we now?; Where do we want to be?; How do we get there?; Did we get there?; How do we keep the momentum going?Answer: DQUESTION 77Which of the following activities are helped by recording relationships between Configuration Items (CIs)?1. Assessing the impact and cause of Incidents and Problems2. Assessing the impact of proposed Changes3. Planning and designing a Change to an existing service4. Planning a technology refresh or software upgradeA. 1 and 2 onlyB. All of the aboveC. 1, 2 and 4 onlyD. 1, 3 and 4 onlyAnswer: BQUESTION 78A single Release unit, or a structured set of Release units can be defined within:A. The RACI ModelB. A Release PackageC. A Request ModelD. The Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) cycleAnswer: BQUESTION 79What are Request Models used for?A. Capacity ManagementB. Modelling arrival rates and performance characteristics of service requestsC. Comparing the advantages and disadvantages of different Service Desk approaches such as local or remoteD. Identifying frequently received user requests and defining how they should be handledAnswer: DQUESTION 80What is the objective of Access Management?A. To provide security staff for Data Centers and other buildingsB. To manage access to computer rooms and other secure locationsC. To manage access to the Service DeskD. To manage the right to use a service or group of servicesAnswer: DQUESTION 81Identity and Rights are two major concepts involved in which one of the following processes?A. Access ManagementB. Facilities ManagementC. Event ManagementD. Demand ManagementAnswer: AQUESTION 82Which of these is the BEST description of a release unit?A. The portion of a service or IT infrastructure that is normally released togetherB. The smallest part of a service or IT infrastructure that can be independently changedC. The portion of a service or IT infrastructure that is changed by a particular releaseD. A metric for measuring the effectiveness of the Release and Deployment。




1.[单选题]通过 IT 服务、CI 或监控工具创建的通知,通常可以识别哪些内容?A)事件B)问题C)事件D)请求2.[单选题]下面哪项服务管理维度涉及治理、管理和沟通?A)组织和人员B)信息和技术C)合作伙伴与供应商D)价值流和流程3.[单选题]Which function is responsible for the management of a data centre?A)Technical managementB)Service deskC)Application managementD)Facilities management4.[单选题]下面哪项是服务提供方需要与之协作的最重要利益相关者群体?A)供应商B)客户C)关系经理D)开发人员5.[单选题]下面哪项应视为“合作伙伴与供应商”维度的一部分?A)组织间关系中涉及的整合和正式程度B)实现约定目标所需的活动、工作流、控制和程序C)在服务供应和消费过程中创建、管理和使用的信息D)组织团队与单独成员需具备的技能和能力6.[单选题]哪个描述“变更授权”?A)用于确定谁将评估更改的模型B)批准更改的人员C)用于帮助变革的工具D)管理变革中人员方面的方法7.[单选题]Which one of the following can help determine the level of impact of a problem? 以下哪一项有助于确定问题的影响程度?B)Configuration management system (CMS) 配置管理系统(CMS )C)Statement of requirements (SOR) 需求声明( SOR )D)Standard operating procedures (SOP) 标准作业程序( SOP )8.[单选题]下面哪项指导原则建议先收集数据,再决定哪些内容可重复使用?A)专注于价值B)基于当前情况开始C)保持简单实用D)利用反馈迭代式进展9.[单选题]服务组合由哪三个要素构成?A)客户组合、服务目录和退役服务B)客户组合、配置管理系统和服务目录C)服务管道、服务目录和已停用的服务D)服务管道、配置管理系统和服务目录10.[单选题]哪种做法的目的是通过处理所有商定的用户发起的服务请求来支持服务质量?A)变更控制B)信息技术资产管理C)服务台D)服务请求管理11.[单选题]Which one of the following do technology metrics measure?下列哪项是 技术测量指标?A)Components 组件B)Processes 进程C)The end-to-end service 终端-到-终端 服务D)Customer satisfaction 客户满意度12.[单选题]Which benefit is MOST aligned with the guiding principle 'progress iteratively with Feedback'?A)Service providers are able to respond more quickly to customer needsB)Bottlenecks in the service provider's workflow are identified.C)The complexities of the service provider's IT systems are identified.D)The service provider gains a better understanding of the customer experience.13.[单选题]为什么服务台人员需要检测反复出现的难点?A)为了协助确定问题B)为了将事件升级至合适的支持团队C)为了确保有效处理服务请求D)为了联络相关变更授权人14.[单选题]Which usually requires a team of representatives from many stakeholder groups?A)Fulfilling a service requestB)Authorizing an emergency changeC)Logging a new problemD)Investigating a major incident15.[单选题]对活动实施自动化之前,首先必须要做什么?A)检查活动是否已优化C)确保已成功实施 DevOpsD)确保解决方案已不再需要人为干预16.[单选题]服务消费者可通过下面哪种方式协助降低风险?A)提供符合需求的服务B)确保正确配置服务提供方的资源C)充分了解其自身对服务的需求D)代表服务提供方管理详细的风险级别17.[单选题]“改进”价值链活动的目的包含下面哪一项?A)确保在所有价值链活动中对实践进行持续改进B)确保服务持续满足对质量、成本和投入市场时间的期望C)确保对整个组织的服务改进方向达成共识D)确保持续参与并与所有利益相关者保持良好关系18.[单选题]下面哪项通常与配合服务消费者需求的服务级别相关?A)服务管理B)功效(Warranty)C)成本D)功用(Utility)19.[单选题]下面哪项 ITIL 概念涵盖了治理内容?A)七项指导原则B)服务管理的四个维度C)服务价值链D)服务价值系统20.[单选题]What is defined as a change of state that has significance for the management of an IT Service?A)EventB)IncidentC)ProblemD)Known error21.[单选题]“服务台”的做法的目的是什么?A)通过尽快恢复正常服务操作,将事件的负面影响降至最低B)成为服务提供商与其所有用户的入口点和单一联系点C)通过处理所有预定义的、用户发起的服务请求来支持商定的服务质量D)在战略和战术层面建立和培养组织与其利益相关者之间的联系22.[单选题]“服务级别管理”实践的目的包含下面哪一项?A)最大限度地增加服务和产品变更的成功次数B)确保提供有关服务配置的准确信息C)就服务级别设定明确的业务目标D)确保对供应商及其绩效进行适当管理23.[单选题]Which are elements of the service value system?A)Service provision, service consumption, service relationship managementB)Governance, service value chain, practicesC)Outcomes, utility, warranty24.[单选题]应用“通过反馈迭代推进”的指导原则,这是什么结果?A)更早发现故障并做出响应的能力B)做法和服务标准化C)了解客户对价值的感知D)了解当前状态并确定可以重用的内容25.[单选题]Which service transition process provides guidance about converting data into information?A)Change evaluationD18912E1457D5D1DDCBD40AB3BF70D5DB)Knowledge managementC)Service validation and testingD)Service asset and configuration management26.[单选题]哪种实践需要了解复杂系统并具有创造性和分析能力的人?A)变更支持B)服务水平管理C)服务请求管理D)问题管理27.[单选题]什么被定义为一个或多个事件的原因或潜在原因?A)变更B)事件C)已知错误D)问题28.[单选题]只有获得修改基础架构的授权,配置管理数据库的数据才能被修改。



EX0-101 ITIL Foundation v.3Exam AQUESTION 1What are the three types of metrics that an organization should collect to support Continual ServiceImprovement (CSI)?Return On Investment (ROI), Value On Investment (VOI), qualityA.Strategic, tactical and operationalB.CCritical Success Factors (CSFs), Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), activities.Technology, process and serviceD.Answer: DQUESTION 2Which of the following is NOT a valid objective of Problem Management?To prevent Problems and their resultant IncidentsA.To manage Problems throughout their lifecycleB.CTo restore service to a user.To eliminate recurring IncidentsD.Answer: CQUESTION 3Availability Management is responsible for availability of the:Services and ComponentsA.BServices and Business Processes.CComponents and Business Processes.Services, Components and Business ProcessesD.Answer: AQUESTION 4Contracts are used to define:AThe provision of IT services or business services by a Service Provider.The provision of goods and services by SuppliersB.Service Levels that have been agreed between the Service Provider and their Customer C.Metrics and Critical Success Factors (CSFs) in an external agreementD.Answer: BQUESTION 5Which of the following is NOT an example of Self-Help capabilities?Requirement to always call the Service Desk for service requestsA.Web front-endB.CMenu-driven range of self help and service requests.A direct interface into the back-end process-handling softwareD.Answer: AQUESTION 6Who owns the specific costs and risks associated with providing a service?The Service ProviderA.BThe Service Level Manager.CThe Customer.The Finance departmentD.Answer: AQUESTION 7Which of the following are types of communication you could expect the functions within Service Operation to perform?1. Communication between Data Centre shifts2. Communication related to changes3. Performance reporting4. Routine operational communicationA1 only.2 and3 onlyB.C1, 2 and 4 only.DAll of the above.Answer: DQUESTION 8How many people should be accountable for a process as defined in the RACI model?As many as necessary to complete the activityA.BOnly one - the process owner.C.Two - the process owner and the process enactorD.Only one - the process architectAnswer: BQUESTION 9What guidance does ITIL give on the frequency of production of service reporting?A.Service reporting intervals must be defined and agreed with the customers B.Reporting intervals should be set by the Service ProviderC.Reports should be produced weeklyD.Service reporting intervals must be the same for all servicesAnswer: AQUESTION 10Which of the following is the BEST definition of the term Service Management?A .A set of specialised organizational capabilities for providing value to customers in the form ofservicesB .A group of interacting, interrelated, or independent components that form a unified whole,operatingtogether for a common purposeC.The management of functions within an organization to perform certain activitiesD.Units of organizations with roles to perform certain activitiesAnswer: AQUESTION 11Which of the following would be defined as part of every process?1. Roles2. Activities3. Functions4. ResponsibilitiesA.1 and 3 onlyB.All of the aboveC.2 and 4 onlyD.1, 2 and 4 onlyAnswer: DQUESTION 12Which of the following statements is CORRECT for every process?1. It delivers its primary results to a customer or stakeholder2. It defines activities that are executed by a single functionBoth of the aboveA.1 onlyB.Neither of the aboveC.2 onlyD.Answer: BQUESTION 13What are the publications that provide guidance specific to industry sectors and organization types known as?The Service Strategy and Service Transition booksA.The ITIL Complementary GuidanceB.The Service Support and Service Delivery booksC.Pocket GuidesD.Answer: BQUESTION 14Which of the following is NOT a purpose of Service Transition?To ensure that a service can be managed, operated and supportedA.To provide training and certification in project managementB.To provide quality knowledge of Change, Release and Deployment Management C.To plan and manage the capacity and resource requirements to manage a release D.Answer: BQUESTION 15What is the BEST description of the purpose of Service Operation?To decide how IT will engage with suppliers during the Service Management Lifecycle A.To proactively prevent all outages to IT ServicesB.To design and build processes that will meet business needsC.DTo deliver and manage IT Services at agreed levels to business users and customers.Answer: DQUESTION 16Which of the following should NOT be a concern of Risk Management?A .To ensure that the organization can continue to operate in the event of a major disruption ordisasterB.To ensure that the workplace is a safe environment for its employees and customersC .To ensure that the organization assets, such as information, facilities and building areprotected fromthreats, damage or lossD.To ensure only the change requests with mitigated risks are approved for implementationAnswer: DQUESTION 17What is the BEST description of an Operational Level Agreement (OLA)?A.An agreement between the service provider and another part of the same organizationB.An agreement between the service provider and an external organizationC.A document that describes to a customer how services will be operated on a day-to-day basisD.A document that describes business services to operational staffAnswer: AQUESTION 18Which of the following is the CORRECT definition of a Release Unit?A.A measurement of costB.A function described within Service TransitionC.The team of people responsible for implementing a releaseD.The portion of a service or IT infrastructure that is normally released togetherAnswer: DQUESTION 19The BEST definition of an Incident is:A.An unplanned disruption of service unless there is a backup to that service B.An unplanned interruption or reduction in the quality of an IT ServiceC.Any disruption to service whether planned or unplannedD .Any disruption to service that is reported to the Service Desk, regardless of whether theservice isimpacted or not Answer: BQUESTION 20In which of the following situations should a Problem Record be created?A .An event indicates that a redundant network segment has failed but it has not impacted anyusersB.An Incident is passed to second-level supportC .A Technical Management team identifies a permanent resolution to a number of recurringIncidentsD.Incident Management has found a workaround but needs some assistance in implementing itAnswer: CQUESTION 21Which of the following BEST describes a Problem?A.A Known Error for which the cause and resolution are not yet knownB.The cause of two or more IncidentsC.A serious Incident which has a critical impact to the businessD.The cause of one or more IncidentsAnswer: DQUESTION 22Implementation of ITIL Service Management requires preparing and planning the effective and efficient use of:A.People, Process, Partners, SuppliersB.People, Process, Products, TechnologyC.People, Process, Products, PartnersD.People, Products, Technology, PartnersAnswer: CQUESTION 23What would be the next step in the Continual Service Improvement (CSI) Model after:1. What is the vision?2. Where are we now?3. Where do we want to be?4. How do we get there?5. Did we get there?6. ?A.What is the Return On Investment (ROI)?B.How much did it cost?C.How do we keep the momentum going?D.What is the Value On Investment (VOI)?Answer: CQUESTION 24Which of the following do Service Metrics measure?A.Processes and functionsB.Maturity and costC.The end to end serviceD.Infrastructure availabilityAnswer: CQUESTION 25The MAIN objective of Service Level Management is:A.To carry out the Service Operations activities needed to support current IT services B.To ensure that sufficient capacity is provided to deliver the agreed performance of servicesC.To create and populate a Service CatalogueD.To ensure that an agreed level of IT service is provided for all current IT servicesAnswer: DQUESTION 26Which processes review Underpinning Contracts on a regular basis?A.Supplier Management and Service Level ManagementB.Supplier Management and Demand ManagementC.Demand Management and Service Level ManagementD.Supplier Management, Demand Management and Service Level ManagementAnswer: AQUESTION 27Which of the following statements about the Service Portfolio and Service Catalogue is the MOST CORRECT?A .The Service Catalogue only has information about services that are live, or being prepared for deployment; the Service Portfolio only has information about services which are beingconsidered for future developmentB .The Service Catalogue has information about all services; the Service Portfolio only hasinformationabout services which are being considered for future developmentC .The Service Portfolio has information about all services; the Service Catalogue only hasinformationabout services which are live, or being prepared for deploymentD.Service Catalogue and Service Portfolio are different names for the same thingAnswer: CQUESTION 28Which role or function is responsible for monitoring activities and events in the IT Infrastructure?A.Service Level ManagementB.IT Operations ManagementC.Capacity ManagementD.Incident ManagementAnswer: BQUESTION 29Consider the following list:1. Change Authority2. Change Manager3. Change Advisory Board (CAB)What are these BEST described as?A.Job descriptionsB.FunctionsC.TeamsD.Roles, people or groupsAnswer: DQUESTION 30Service Transition contains detailed descriptions of which processes?A .Change Management, Service Asset and Configuration Management, Release andDeploymentManagementB .Change Management, Capacity Management Event Management, Service RequestManagementC .Service Level Management, Service Portfolio Management, Service Asset and Configuration ManagementD .Service Asset and Configuration Management, Release and Deployment Management,RequestFulfilmentAnswer: AQUESTION 31Which of the following statements is CORRECT?A.The Configuration Management System is part of the Known Error Data BaseB .The Service Knowledge Management System is part of the Configuration ManagementSystemC .The Configuration Management System is part of the Service Knowledge ManagementsystemD.The Configuration Management System is part of the Configuration Management DatabaseAnswer: CQUESTION 32Major Incidents require:A.Separate proceduresB.Less urgencyC.Longer timescalesD.Less documentationAnswer: AQUESTION 33Which of the following statements about Incident reporting and logging is CORRECT?A .Incidents can only be reported by users, since they are the only people who know when aservice hasbeen disruptedB .Incidents can be reported by anyone who detects a disruption or potential disruption tonormal service.This includes technical staffC .All calls to the Service Desk must be logged as Incidents to assist in reporting Service DeskactivityD .Incidents reported by technical staff must be logged as Problems because technical staffmanageinfrastructure devices not services Answer: BQUESTION 34What is the BEST description of a Major Incident?A .An Incident that is so complex that it requires root cause analysis before a workaround canbe foundB.An Incident which requires a large number of people to resolveC.An Incident logged by a senior managerD.An Incident which has a high priority or high impact on the businessAnswer: DQUESTION 35Which of the following should be done when closing an incident?1. Check the incident categorization and correct it if necessary2. Check that user is satisfied with the outcomeA.1 onlyB.Both of the aboveC.2 onlyD.Neither of the aboveAnswer: BQUESTION 36Which of the following statements correctly states the relationship between urgency, priority and impact?A.Impact, priority and urgency are independent of each otherB.Urgency should be based on impact and priorityC.Impact should be based on urgency and priorityD.Priority should be based on impact and urgencyAnswer: DQUESTION 37Hierarchic escalation is best described as?A.Notifying more senior levels of management about an IncidentB.Passing an Incident to people with a greater level of technical skillC .Using more senior specialists than necessary to resolve an Incident to maintain customersatisfactionD.Failing to meet the Incident resolution times specified in a Service Level AgreementAnswer: AQUESTION 38Which of the following BEST describes a Service Request?A.A request from a User for information, advice or for a Standard ChangeB.Anything that the customer wants and is prepared to pay forC.Any request or demand that is entered by a user via a Self-Help web-based interfaceD .Any Request for Change (RFC) that is low risk and can be approved by the Change Managerwithout aChange Advisory Board (CAB) meetingAnswer: AQUESTION 39Event Management, Problem Management, Access Management and Request Fulfilment are part of which stage of the Service Lifecycle?A.Service StrategyB.Service TransitionC.Service OperationD.Continual Service ImprovementAnswer: CQUESTION 40Which of the following is NOT a valid objective of Request Fulfilment?A.To provide information to users about what services are available and how to request themB .To update the Service Catalogue with services that may be requested through the ServiceDeskC.To provide a channel for users to request and receive standard servicesD.To source and deliver the components of standard services that have been requestedAnswer: BQUESTION 41Which process is responsible for sourcing and delivering components of requested standard services?A.Request FulfilmentB.Service Portfolio ManagementC.Service DeskD.IT FinanceAnswer: AQUESTION 42Which of the following are Service Desk organizational structures?1. Local Service Desk2. Virtual Service Desk3. IT Help Desk4. Follow the SunA1, 2 and 4 only.2, 3 and 4 onlyB.1, 3 and 4 onlyC.D1, 2 and 3 only.Answer: AQUESTION 43Which Functions are included in IT Operations Management?ANetwork Management and Application Management.Technical Management and Change ManagementB.IT Operations Control and Facilities ManagementC.DFacilities Management and Release Management.Answer: CQUESTION 44Which of the following options is a hierarchy that is used in Knowledge Management?AWisdom - Information - Data - Knowledge.Data - Information - Knowledge - WisdomB.Knowledge - Wisdom - Information - DataC.DInformation - Data - Knowledge - Wisdom.Answer: BQUESTION 45Which of the following CANNOT be provided by a tool?AKnowledge.InformationB.WisdomC.DData.Answer: CQUESTION 46The BEST processes to automate are those that are:ACarried out by Service Operations.Carried out by lots of peopleB.Critical to the success of the business missionC.DSimple and well understood.Answer: DQUESTION 47Which of the following areas would technology help to support during the Service Transition phase of the lifecycle?1. Data mining and workflow tools2. Measurement and reporting systems3. Release and deployment technology4. Process DesignA2, 3 and 4 only.1, 3 and 4 onlyB.C1, 2 and 3 only.All of the aboveD.Answer: CQUESTION 48Which of the following are the two primary elements that create value for customers?Value on Investment (VOI), Return on Investment (ROI)A.BCustomer and User satisfaction.CUnderstanding Service Requirements and Warranty.Utility and WarrantyD.Answer: DQUESTION 49Within Service Design, what is the key output handed over to Service Transition?AMeasurement, methods and metrics.Service Design PackageB.Service Portfolio DesignC.Process definitionsD.Answer: BQUESTION 50What is the Service Pipeline?A.All services that are at a conceptual or development stageB.All services except those that have been retiredC.All services that are contained within the Service Level Agreement (SLA) D.All complex multi-user servicesAnswer: AQUESTION 51Which of the following statements BEST describes a Definitive Media Library (DML)?A.A secure location where definitive hardware spares are heldB .A secure library where definitive authorised versions of all media Configuration Items (CIs)are storedand protectedC.A database that contains definitions of all media CIsD .A secure library where definitive authorised versions of all software and back-ups are storedandprotectedAnswer: BQUESTION 52In the phrase "People, Processes, Products and Partners". Products refers to: A.IT Infrastructure and ApplicationsB.Services, technology and toolsC.Goods provided by third parties to support the IT ServicesD.All assets belonging to the Service ProviderAnswer: BQUESTION 53Defining the processes needed to operate a new service is part of:A.Service Design: Design the processesB.Service Strategy: Develop the offeringsC.Service Transition: Plan and prepare for deploymentD.Service Operation: IT Operations ManagementAnswer: AQUESTION 54Which Service Design process makes the most use of data supplied by Demand Management?Service Catalogue ManagementA.BService Level Management.CIT Service Continuity Management.Capacity ManagementD.Answer: DQUESTION 55Which of these are objectives of Service Level Management1: Defining, documenting and agreeing the level of IT Services to be provided2: Monitoring, measuring and reporting the actual level of services provided3: Monitoring and improving customer satisfaction4: Identifying possible future markets that the Service Provider could operate in1, 2 and 3 onlyA.1 and2 onlyB.1, 2 and 4 onlyC.DAll of the above.Answer: AQUESTION 56Which process is responsible for discussing reports with customers showing whether services have met their targets?Continual Service ImprovementA.Business Relationship ManagementB.Service Level ManagementC.Availability ManagementD.Answer: CQUESTION 57Which of the following does the Availability Management process include?1. Ensuring services are able to meet availability targets2. Monitoring and reporting actual availability3. Improvement activities, to ensure that services continue to meet or exceed their availability goalsA 1 onlyBAll of the above.1 and2 onlyC.1 and 3 onlyD.Answer: BQUESTION 58Reliability is a measure of:The availability of a service or componentA.BThe level of risk that could impact a service or process.How long a service or component can perform its function without failingC.DA measure of how quickly a service or component can be restored to normal working.Answer: CQUESTION 59Which process is responsible for managing relationships with vendors?Change ManagementA.Service Portfolio ManagementB.Supplier ManagementC.Continual Service ImprovementD.Answer: CQUESTION 60The Supplier Management process includes:1: Service Design activities, to ensure that contracts will be able to support the service requirements 2: Service Operation activities, to monitor and report supplier achievements3: Continual Improvement activities, to ensure that suppliers continue to meet or exceed the needs of the business1 and2 onlyA.1 onlyB.All of the aboveC.D1 and 3 only.Answer: CQUESTION 61Data used to support the capacity management process should be stored in:A configuration management database (CMDB)A.A capacity database (CDB)B.A configuration management system (CMS)C.A capacity management information system (CMIS)D.Answer: DQUESTION 62Which process contains the Business, Service and Component sub-processes?Capacity ManagementA.Incident ManagementB.Service Level ManagementC.Financial ManagementD.Answer: AQUESTION 63IT Service Continuity strategy should be based on:1: Design of the service technology2: Business continuity strategy3: Business Impact Analysis4: Risk assessment1, 2 and 4 onlyA.1, 2 and 3 onlyB.2, 3 and 4 onlyC.1, 3 and 4 onlyD.Answer: CQUESTION 64A change process model should include:1 - The steps that should be taken to handle the change with any dependences or co-processing defined, including handling issues and unexpected events2 - Responsibilities; who should do what, including escalation3 - Timescales and thresholds for completion of the actions4 - Complaints procedures1,2 and 3 onlyA.B All of the aboveC.1 and2 onlyD.1,2 and 4 onlyAnswer: AQUESTION 65Which of the following BEST describes a Change Authority?A.The Change Advisory BoardB.A person that provides formal authorisation for a particular type of change.C .A role, person or a group of people that provides formal authorisation for a particular type ofchange.D.The Change Manager who provides formal authorisation for each changeAnswer: CQUESTION 66Which of these would fall outside the scope of a typical service change management processA.A change to a contract with a supplierB.A firmware upgrade to a server that is only used for IT Service Continuity purposesC.An urgent need to replace a CPU to restore a service during an incidentD.A change to a business process that depends on IT ServicesAnswer: DQUESTION 67Which of the following statements BEST describes the aims of Release and Deployment Management?A .To build, test and deliver the capability to provide the services specified by Service Designand that willaccomplish the stakeholders requirements and deliver the intended objectivesB .To ensure that each Release package specified by Service Design consists of a set of relatedassets andservice components that are compatible with each otherC .To ensure that all Release and Deployment packages can be tracked, installed, tested,verified and/oruninstalled or backed out if appropriateD.To record and manage deviations, risks and issues related to the new or changed serviceAnswer: AQUESTION 68Which of the following BEST describes Technical Management?A A Function responsible for Facilities Management and building control systemsB .A Function that provides hardware repair services for technology involved in the delivery ofservice tocustomersC.Senior managers responsible for all staff within the technical support FunctionD .A Function that includes the groups, departments or teams that provide technical expertiseand overallmanagement of the IT InfrastructureAnswer: DQUESTION 69Which of the following functions would be responsible for management of a data centre?A.Technical ManagementB.Service DeskC.IT Operations ControlD.Facilities ManagementAnswer: DQUESTION 70Which of these statements about Resources and Capabilities is CORRECT?A.Resources are types of Service Asset and Capabilities are notB.Resources and Capabilities are both types of Service AssetC.Capabilities are types of Service Asset and Resources are notD.Neither Capabilities nor Resources are types of Service AssetAnswer: BQUESTION 71A risk is:A.Something that won't happenB.Something that will happenC.Something that has happenedD.Something that might happenAnswer: DQUESTION 72A Service Level Agreement (SLA) is:A.The part of a contract that specifies responsibilities of each partyB.An agreement between the Service Provider and an internal organizationC.An agreement between a Service Provider and an external supplierD.An agreement between the Service Provider and their customerAnswer: DQUESTION 73The information that is passed to Service Transition to enable them to implement a new service is called:A.A Service Level PackageB.A Service Transition PackageC.A Service Design PackageD.A New Service PackageAnswer: CQUESTION 74When should tests for a new service be designed?A.At the same time as the service is designedB.After the service has been designed, before the service is handed over to Service Transition C.As part of Service TransitionD.Before the service is designedAnswer: AQUESTION 75Which of these is the correct set of steps for the Continual Service Improvement Model?A .Devise a strategy; Design the solution; Transition into production; Operate the solution;ContinuallyImproveB .Where do we want to be?; How do we get there?; How do we check we arrived?; How do wekeep themomentum going?C .Identify the required business outcomes; Plan how to achieve the outcomes; Implement theplan; Checkthe plan has been properly implemented; Improve the solutionD .What is the vision?; Where are we now?; Where do we want to be?; How do we get there?;Did we getthere?; How do we keep the momentum going?。



QUESTION :1 Which of the following questions does guidance in Service Strategy help answer?1: What services should we offer and to whom?2: How do we differentiate ourselves from competing alternatives?3: How do we truly create value for our customers?A.1 onlyB.2 onlyC.3 onlyD.All of the aboveAnswer: DQUESTION :2. Which of the following is NOT a responsibility of the Service Design Manager?A.Design and maintain all necessary Service Transition packagesB.Produce quality, secure and resilient designs for new or improved services, technology architecture, processes or measurement systems that meet all the agreed current and future IT requirements of the organisationC.Take the overall Service Strategies and ensure they are reflected in the Service Design process and the service designs that are producedD.Measuring the effectiveness and efficiency of Service Design and the supporting processesAnswer: AQUESTION :3. Which of the following are valid examples of business value measures?1: Customer retention2: Time to market3: Service Architecture4: Market shareA.1 and 2 onlyB.2 and 4 onlyC.All of the aboveD.1, 2 and 4 onlyAnswer: DQUESTION :4. Understanding customer usage of services and how this varies over time is part of which process?A.Service Portfolio ManagementB.Service Level Managementponent Capacity ManagementD.Demand ManagementAnswer: DQUESTION :5. The MAIN objective of Service Level Management is:A.To carry out the Service Operations activities needed to support current IT servicesB.To ensure that sufficient capacity is provided to deliver the agreed performance of servicesC.To create and populate a Service CatalogueD.To ensure that an agreed level of IT service is provided for all current IT servicesAnswer: DQUESTION :6. Which of the following are responsibilities of a Service Level Manager?1: Agreeing targets in Service Level Agreements (SLAs)2: Designing technology architectures to support the service3: Ensuring required contracts and agreements are in placeA.All of the aboveB.2 and 3 onlyC.1 and 2 onlyD.1 and 3 onlyAnswer: DQUESTION :7. Which of the following is a good metric for measuring the effectiveness of Service Level Management?A.Customer satisfaction scoreB.Average number of daily Incidents managed by each service agentC.Number of services in the Service PortfolioD.Number of services deployed within agreed timesAnswer: AQUESTION :8. Major Incidents require:A.Separate proceduresB.Less urgencyC.Longer timescalesD.Less documentationAnswer: AQUESTION :9. Which of the following should be done when closing an Incident?1: Check the Incident categorization and correct it if necessary2: Decide whether a Problem needs to be loggedA.1 onlyB.Both of the aboveC.2 onlyD.None of the aboveAnswer: BQUESTION :10. Which of the following is NOT a valid objective of Request Fulfilment? A.Toprovide information to users about what services are available and how to request them B.Toupdate the Service Catalogue with services that may be requested through the Service Desk C.Toprovide a channel for users to request and receive standard servicesD.To source and deliver the components of standard services that have been requestedAnswer: BQUESTION :11. Which of the following would NOT be a task carried out by the Request Fulfilment process?A.The sourcing and delivering of the components of requested standard services (e.g. licenses and software media)B.Provision of a channel for users to request and receive standard services for which a pre-defined approval and qualification process existsC.Provision of information to users and customers about the availability of services and the procedure for obtaining themD.Provision of information used to compare actual performance against design standardsAnswer: DQUESTION :12. How many numbered steps are in the Continual Service Improvement (CSI) process?A.7B.4C.6D.11Answer: AQUESTION :13. Which Functions are included in IT Operations Management?work Management and Application ManagementB.Technical Management and Application ManagementC.IT Operations Control and Facilities ManagementD.Facilities Management and Technical ManagementAnswer: CQUESTION :14. The ITIL CORE publications are structured around the Service Lifecycle. Which of the following statements about the ITIL COMPLEMENTARY guidance is CORRECT?A.It is also structured around the Service LifecycleB.It provides guidance to specific industry sectors and types of organizationC.It consists of five publicationsD.It provides the guidance necessary for an integrated approach as required by ISO/IEC 20000Answer: BQUESTION :15. Which of the following should be supported by technology?1: Verification of Configuration Management System (CMS) data2: Control of user desk-tops3: Creation and use of diagnostic scripts4: Visibility of overall IT Service performanceA.2, 3 and 4 onlyB.1, 2 and 3 onlyC.1, 3 and 4 onlyD.All of the aboveAnswer: DQUESTION :16. Which of the following CANNOT be provided by a tool?A.KnowledgermationC.WisdomD.DataAnswer: CQUESTION :17. The BEST Processes to automate are those that are:A.Carried out by Service OperationsB.Carried out by lots of peopleC.Critical to the success of the business missionD.Simple and well understoodAnswer: DQUESTION :18. Which of the following areas would technology help to support during the Service Operation phase of the Lifecycle?1: Identifying configuration of user desktop PCs when Incidents are logged2: Control of user desk-top PCs3: Create and use diagnostic scripts4: Dashboard type technologyA.1, 2 and 3 onlyB.All of the aboveC.1, 3 and 4 onlyD.2, 3 and 4 onlyAnswer: BQUESTION :19. Which of the following are the two primary elements that create value for customers?A.Value on Investment (VOI), Return on Investment (ROI)B.Customer and User satisfactionC.Understanding Service Requirements and WarrantyD.Utility and WarrantyAnswer: DQUESTION :20. What is the Service Pipeline?A.All services that are at a conceptual or development stage, or are undergoing testingB.All services except those that have been retiredC.All services that are contained within the Service Level Agreement (SLA)D.All complex multi-user servicesAnswer: AQUESTION :21. What are the types of activity within Demand Management?A.Activity based, Access ManagementB.Activity based, Business activity patterns and user profilesC.Analytical based, Business activity patterns and user profilesD.Analytical based, Shaping user behaviourAnswer: BQUESTION :22. Which of the following is NOT a purpose of Service Transition?A.To ensure that a service can be managed, operated and supportedB.To provide training and certification in project managementC.To provide quality knowledge of Change, Release and Deployment ManagementD.To plan and manage the capacity and resource requirements to manage a ReleaseAnswer: BQUESTION :23. Which of the following statements BEST describes a Definitive Media Library (DML)?A.A secure location where definitive hardware spares are heldB.A secure library where definitive authorised versions of all media Configuration Items (CIs) are stored and protectedC.A database that contains definitions of all media CIsD.A secure library where definitive authorised versions of all software and back-ups are stored and protectedAnswer: BQUESTION :24. One organisation provides and manages an entire business process or function for another organisation. This is know as:A.Business Process ManagementB.Business Function OutsourcingC.Business Process OutsourcingD.Knowledge Process OutsourcingAnswer: CQUESTION :25. Which Service Design process makes the most use of data supplied by Demand Management?A.Service Catalogue ManagementB.Service Level ManagementC.IT Service Continuity ManagementD.Capacity ManagementAnswer: DQUESTION :26. What is the BEST description of the purpose of Service Operation?A.To decide how IT will engage with suppliers during the Service Management LifecycleB.To proactively prevent all outages to IT ServicesC.To design and build processes that will meet business needsD.To deliver and manage IT Services at agreed levels to business users and customersAnswer: DQUESTION :27. Availability Management is responsible for availability the of:A.Services and ComponentsB.Services and Business Processesponents and Business ProcessesD.Services, Components and Business ProcessesAnswer: AQUESTION :28. Which of the following is a sub-process of Capacity Management?ponent Capacity ManagementB.Process Capacity ManagementC.Technology Capacity ManagementD.Capability Capacity ManagementAnswer: AQUESTION :29. The group that authorises Changes that must be installed faster than the normal process is called the:A.Technical ManagementB.Emergency Change Advisory Board (ECAB)C.Urgent Change Board (UCB)D.Urgent Change Authority (UCA)Answer: BQUESTION :30. Which of the following statements BEST describes the aims of Release and Deployment Management?A.To build, test and deliver the capability to provide the services specified by Service Design and that will accomplish the stakeholders requirements and deliver the intended objectivesB.To ensure that each Release package specified by Service Design consists of a set of related assets and service components that are compatible with each otherC.To ensure that all Release and Deployment packages can be tracked, installed, tested, verified and/or uninstalledor backed out if appropriateD.To record and manage deviations, risks and issues related to the new or changed serviceAnswer: AQUESTION :31. Which of the following is step 1 in the 7 Step Improvement Process?A.Prepare for actionB.Define what you should measureC.Where are we now?D.Identify gaps in Service Level Agreement (SLA) achievementAnswer: BQUESTION :32. Which of the following is NOT a FUNCTION?A.Application ManagementB.Service DeskC.IncidentManagement D.TechnicalManagement Answer: CQUESTION :33. Which of the following BEST describes a Service Desk?A.A process within Service Operation providing a single point of contactB.A dedicated number of staff handling service requestsC.A dedicated number of staff answering questions from usersD.A dedicated number of staff handling Incidents and service requestsAnswer: DQUESTION :34. Which of these activities would you expect to be performed by a Service Desk?1: Logging details of Incidents and service requests2: Providing first-line investigation and diagnosis3: Restoring service4: Diagnosing the root-cause of problemsA.All of the aboveB.1, 2 and 3 onlyC.1, 2 and 4 onlyD.2, 3 and 4 onlyAnswer: BQUESTION :35. Which of the following functions would be responsible for management of a data centre?A.Technical ManagementB.Service DeskC.IT Operations ControlD.Facilities ManagementAnswer: DQUESTION :36. Governance is concerned with:A.Measuring and improving the efficiency and effectiveness of processesB.Ensuring that defined strategy is actually followedC.Reducing the total cost of providing servicesD.Ensuring that agreed Service Level Requirements are metAnswer: BQUESTION :37. A risk is:A.Something that won't happenB.Something that will happenC.Something that has happenedD.Something that might happenAnswer: DQUESTION :38. Which of the following BEST describes when a Known Error record should be raised?A.A Known Error should not be raised until a temporary resolution or workaround has been foundB.A Known Error should be raised at any time that it would be useful to do soC.As soon as it becomes obvious that a quick resolution of the Problem will not be foundD.Immediately following the Problem resolution, so a permanent historical record of all actions is retained in case of a recurrenceAnswer: BQUESTION :39. IT Operations Management have been asked by a customer to carry out a non-standard activity, that will cause them to miss an agreed service level target. How should they respond?A.Refuse the request because they must operate the service to meet the agreed service levelsB.Make a decision based on balancing stability and responsivenessC.Accept the request as they must support customer business outcomesD.They should escalate this decision to Service StrategyAnswer: BQUESTION :40. Which process is responsible for recording relationships between service components?A.Service Level ManagementB.Service Portfolio ManagementC.Service Asset and Configuration ManagementD.Incident ManagementAnswer: CQUESTION :41. A single Release unit, or a structured set of Release units can be defined within:A.The RACI ModelB.A Release PackageC.A Request ModelD.The Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) cycleAnswer: BQUESTION :42. Which of the following might be used to define how a future Problem or Incident could be managed? 1: Incident Model2: Known Error RecordA.1 onlyB.2 onlyC.Both of the aboveD.Neither of the aboveAnswer: CQUESTION :43. Which process is responsible for low risk, frequently occurring, low cost changes?A.Demand ManagementB.Incident ManagementC.Release and Deployment ManagementD.Request FulfilmentAnswer: DQUESTION :44. Which role is accountable for a specific service within an organisation?A.The Service Level ManagerB.The Business Relationship ManagerC.The Service OwnerD.The Service Continuity ManagerAnswer: CQUESTION :45. Which of the following is NOT an aim of the Change Management process?A.Overall business risk is optimisedB.Standardised methods and procedures are used for efficient and prompt handling of all ChangesC.All changes to Service Assets and Configuration Items (CIs) are recorded in the Configuration Management System (CMS)D.All budgets and expenditures are accounted forAnswer: DQUESTION :46. Which of the following is NOT one of the five individual aspects of Service Design?A.The design of the Service Portfolio, including the Service CatalogueB.The design of new or changed servicesC.The design of Market SpacesD.The design of the technology architecture and management systemsAnswer: CQUESTION :47. One of the five major aspects of Service Design is the design of service solutions. Which of the following does this include?A.Only capabilities needed and agreedB.Only resources and capabilities neededC.Only requirements needed and agreedD.Requirements, resources and capabilities needed and agreedAnswer: DQUESTION :48. Which of the following is a valid role in the RACI Authority Matrix?A.ConfigurationB.ConsultedplexD.ControlledAnswer: BQUESTION :49. What is a RACI model used for?A.Performance analysisB.Recording Configuration ItemsC.Monitoring servicesD.Defining roles and responsibilitiesAnswer: DQUESTION :50. Which of the following models would be most useful in helping to define an organisational structure?A.RACI ModelB.Service ModelC.Continual Service Improvement (CSI) ModelD.Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) Model Answer:AQUESTION :51. Which of the following is NOT the responsibility of the Service Catalogue Manager?A.Ensuring that information in the Service Catalogue is accurateB.Ensuring that information within the Service Pipeline is accurateC.Ensuring that information in the Service Catalogue is consistent with information in the Service PortfolioD.Ensuring that all operational services are recorded in the Service CatalogueAnswer: BQUESTION :52. Which of the following delivery strategies is described as, "Formal arrangements between two or more organisations to work together to design, develop, transition, maintain, operate and/or support IT services"?A.OutsourcingB.Application Service ProvisionC.Multi-sourcingD.Knowledge Process OutsourcingAnswer: CQUESTION :53. To add value to the business, what are the four reasons to monitor and measure?A.Validate; Direct; Justify; InterveneB.Report; Manage; Improve; ExtendC.Manage; Monitor; Diagnose; InterveneD.Plan; Predict; Report; JustifyAnswer: AQUESTION :54. Which of the following provides resources to resolve operational and support issues during Release and Deployment?A.Early Life SupportB.Service Test ManagerC.EvaluationD.Release Packaging and Build ManagerAnswer: AQUESTION :55. What does a service always deliver to customers?A.ApplicationsB.InfrastructureC.ValueD.ResourcesAnswer: CQUESTION :56. Who owns the specific costs and risks associated with providing a service?A.The Service ProviderB.The Service Level ManagerC.The CustomerD.ResourcesAnswer: AQUESTION :57. Which stage of the Service Lifecycle is MOST concerned with defining policies and objectives?A.Service DesignB.Service TransitionC.Service StrategyD.Service OperationAnswer: CQUESTION :58. Which of the following is MOST concerned with the design of new or changed services?A.Change ManagementB.Service TransitionC.Service StrategyD.Service DesignAnswer: DQUESTION :59. Which of the following are benefits that implementing Service Transition could provide to the business? 1: Ability to adapt quickly to new requirements2: Reduced cost to design new services3: Improved success in implementing changesA.1 and 2 onlyB.2 and 3 onlyC.1 and 3 onlyD.All the aboveAnswer: CQUESTION :60. Which of the following sentences BEST describes a Standard Change?A.A Change to the service provider's established policies and guidelinesB.A Change that correctly follows the required Change processC.A pre-authorised Change that has an accepted and established procedureD.A Change that is made as the result of an auditAnswer: CQUESTION :61. Which of the following are activities that would be carried out by Supplier Management?1: Management and review of Organisational Level Agreements (OLAs)2: Evaluation and selection of suppliers3: Ongoing management of suppliersA.1 and 2 onlyB.1 and 3 onlyC.2 and 3 onlyD.All of the aboveAnswer: CQUESTION :62. Which stages of the Service Lifecycle does the 7 Step Improvement Process apply to?A.Service OperationB.Service Transition and Service OperationC.Service Design, Service Transition and Service OperationD.Service Strategy, Service Design, Service Transition, Service Operation and Continual Service Improvement Answer: DQUESTION :63. Which of the following is the CORRECT description of the Seven R's of Change Management?A.A set of questions that should be asked to help understand the impact of ChangesB.A seven step process for releasing Changes into productionC.A set of questions that should be asked when reviewing the success of a recent ChangeD.A definition of the roles and responsibilities required for Change ManagementAnswer: AQUESTION :64. Which of the following statements is CORRECT? An Event could be caused by:1: An exception to normal operation, such as a device exceeding a threshold or an unauthorized Configuration Item (CI) being detected on the network2: Normal operation, such as a user logging into an application or an email reaching its intended recipientA.2 onlyB.1 onlyC.Both of the aboveD.Neither of the aboveAnswer: CQUESTION :65. Which of the following is the BEST definition of the term Service Management?A.A set of specialised organisational capabilities for providing value to customers in the form of servicesB.A group of interacting, interrelated, or independent components that form a unified whole, operating together for a common purposeC.The management of functions within an organisation to perform certain activitiesD.Units of organisations with roles to perform certain activitiesAnswer: AQUESTION :66. Implementation of ITIL Service Management requires preparing and planning the effective and efficient use of:A.People, Process, Partners, SuppliersB.People, Process, Products, TechnologyC.People, Process, Products, PartnersD.People, Products, Technology, PartnersAnswer: CQUESTION :67. "Service Management is a set of specialised organisational capabilities for providing value to customers in the form of services".These specialised organisational capabilities include which of the following?A.Applications and InfrastructureB.Functions and ProcessesC.Service Pipeline and Service CatalogueD.Markets and CustomersAnswer: BQUESTION :68. The left-hand side of the Service V Model represents requirements and specifications. What does the right-hand side of the Service V Model represent?A.Validation and TestingB.The business value that can be expected from a given serviceC.Performance and capacity requirements of services and IT infrastructureD.Roles and responsibilities required for an effective Service Management implementationAnswer: AQUESTION :69. An IT department is under pressure to cut costs. As a result, the quality of services has startedto suffer. What imbalance does this represent?A.Extreme focus on costB.Extreme focus on qualityC.Excessively proactiveD.Excessively reactiveAnswer: AQUESTION :70. What would be the next step in the Continual Service Improvement (CSI) Model after:1: What is the vision?2: Where are we now?3: Where do we want to be?4: How do we get there?5: Did we get there?6: ?A.What is the Return On Investment (ROI)?B.How much did it cost?C.How do we keep the momentum going?D.What is the Value On Investment (VOI)?Answer: CQUESTION :71. Order the following Continual Service Improvement (CSI) implementation steps into the correct sequence in alignment with the Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) model.1: Allocate roles and responsibilities to work on CSI initiatives2: Measure and review that the CSI plan is executed and its objectives are being achieved3: Identify the scope, objectives and requirements for CSI4: Implement CSI enhancementA.3-1-2-4B.3-4-2-1C.1-3-2-4D.2-3-4-1Answer: AQUESTION :72. Which activities are carried out in the "Where do we want to be?" step of the Continual Service Improvement (CSI) Model?A.Implementing service and process improvementsB.Aligning the business and IT strategiesC.Creating a baselineD.Defining measurable targetsAnswer: D。

itil v3 foundation 答案

itil v3 foundation 答案

1. What are the three types of metrics that an organization should collect to support Continual ServiceImprovement (CSI)?D. Technology, process and service(技术、流程和服务)Answer: D2. Event Management, Problem Management, Access Management and Request Fulfilment are part ofwhich stage of the Service Lifecycle?C. Service Operation 服务运营Answer: C3. Reliability is a measure of:C. How long a service or component can perform its function without failing一个服务或者组件在不失败的情况下能用多久Answer: C4. A single Release unit, or a structured set of Release units can be defined within:B. A Release Package一个发布包Answer: B5. What is a RACI model used for?D. Defining roles and responsibilities定义角色和责任Answer: D6. Why are public frameworks, such as ITIL, attractive when compared to proprietary knowledge?A. Proprietary Knowledge may be difficult to adopt, replicate or transfer since it is often undocumented专有知识由于未文档化,很难采用、复制或调用Answer: A7. Which of the following is an objective of Release and Deployment Management?D. To define and agree release and deployment plans with customers and stakeholders和客户、利益相关者共同定义发布和部署计划Answer: D8. In which document would you expect to see an overview of actual service achievements against targets?在哪部文档,你想概观针对目标的实际服务成绩?D. SLA Monitoring Chart (SLAM)服务级别协议监控表Answer: D9. Which of the following is the BEST definition of the term Service Management?A. A set of specialized organizational capabilities for providing value to customers in the form of services以服务的形式为用户提供价值的一种专门的组织能力Answer: A10. "Service Management is a set of specialized organizational capabilities for providing value to customers in the form of services".These specialized organizational capabilities include which of the following?B. Functions and Processes功能及流程Answer: B11. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a process?D. A method of structuring an organization结构化组织的一种办法Answer: D12. Which of the following statements is CORRECT for every process?1. It delivers its primary results to a customer or stakeholder它传递基本结果给用户和利益相关者2. It defines activities that are executed by a single functionB. 1 onlyAnswer: B13. Which of the following is NOT a purpose of Service Transition?B. To provide training and certification in project management为项目管理提供培训和证书Answer: B14. What is the BEST description of the purpose of Service Operation?D. To deliver and manage IT Services at agreed levels to business users and customers为商业用户和顾客提交和管理商定好的IT服务级别Answer: D15. When can a Known Error record be raised?1. At any time it would be useful to do so在这样做有用的任何时候2. After the permanent solution has been implementedB. 1 onlyAnswer: B16. What is the BEST description of an Operational Level Agreement (OLA)?A. An agreement between the service provider and another part of the same organization服务提供者和其他相同部门达成的协议Answer: A17. Which of the following is the CORRECT definition of a Release Unit?D. The portion of a service or IT infrastructure that is normally released together一起发布的服务或IT基础设施一个部分Answer: D18. The BEST description of an Incident is:B. An unplanned interruption to service or a reduction in the quality of service一个意外的服务中断或服务降低在服务质量中Answer: B19. Which of the following BEST describes a Problem?D. The cause of one or more Incidents 导致事故的一个或多个原因Answer: D20. Implementation of ITIL Service Management requires preparing and planning the effective and efficient use of:落实ITIL服务管理需要有效计划和管理:C. People, Process, Products, Partners 人,流程,产品,伙伴Answer: C21. What would be the next step in the Continual Service Improvement (CSI) Model after:1. What is the vision?2. Where are we now?3. Where do we want to be?4. How do we get there?5. Did we get there?6. ?C. How do we keep the momentum going?我们怎样保持这种势头?Answer: C22. Order the following Continual Service Improvement (CSI) implementation steps into the correctsequence in alignment with the Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) model.1. Allocate roles and responsibilities to work on CSI initiatives2. Measure and review that the CSI plan is executed and its objectives are being achieved3. Identify the scope, objectives and requirements for CSI4. Decision on implementation of further enhancementsA. 3-1-2-4Answer: A23. Which of the following activities are carried out in the "Where do we want to be?" step of the Continual Service Improvement (CSI) Model?D. Defining measurable targets定义可衡量的目标Answer: D24. Which of the following do Service Metrics measure?C. The end to end service最终服务的终点Answer: C25. Understanding customer usage of services and how this varies over time is part of which process?D. Demand Management需求管理Answer: D26. The MAIN objective of Service Level Management is:D. To ensure that an agreed level of IT service is provided for all current IT services 确保已经协商好的IT服务级别协议已经为所有当前IT服务提供Answer: D27. Which processes review Underpinning Contracts on a regular basis?A. Supplier Management and Service Level ManagementAnswer: A28. Which of the following statements about the Service Portfolio and Service Catalogue is the MOSTCORRECT?C. The Service Portfolio has information about all services; the Service Catalogue only has information about services which are live, or being prepared for deployment服务文件夹包含所有服务;服务目录只有准备中的服务和当前的服务Answer: C29. Which role or function is responsible for monitoring activities and events in the IT Infrastructure?哪个角色或流程是监控活动和事件在IT基础设施中?B. IT Operations Management IT运营管理Answer: B30. Consider the following list:1. Change Authority2. Change Manager3. Change Advisory Board (CAB)What are these BEST described as?D. Roles, people or groups角色、任务或团体Answer: D31. Service Transition contains detailed descriptions of which processes?A. Change Management, Service Asset and Configuration Management, Release and Deployment Management变更管理,服务资产,配置管理,发布和部署管理Answer: A32. Which of the following statements is CORRECT?C. The Configuration Management System is part of the Service Knowledge Management system服务知识管理系统(CMS是SKMS的一部分)Answer: C33. Which of the following are included within Release and Deployment Models?一下哪些包含在发布部署模型中?》1. Roles and responsibilities2. Template release and deployment schedules3. Supporting systems, tools and procedures4. Handover activities and responsibilitiesC. All of the aboveAnswer: C34. Major Incidents require:A. Separate procedures独立流程Answer: A35. Which of the following statements about Incident reporting and logging is CORRECT?B. Incidents can be reported by anyone who detects a disruption or potential disruption to normal service. This includes technical staff事故可以被任何人发现服务有裂痕。



QUESTION 1 Which of the following models would be most useful in helping to define an organizational structure?A.Service ModelB.Continual Service Improvement (CSI) ModelC.RACI ModelD.Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) ModelAnswer: CQUESTION 2 Which of the following BEST describes a Service Desk?A.A process within Service Operation providing a single point of contactB.A dedicated number of staff answering questions from usersC.A dedicated number of staff handling Incidents and service requestsD.A dedicated number of staff handling service requestsAnswer: CQUESTION 3 Governance is concerned with:A.Measuring and improving the efficiency and effectiveness of processesB.Ensuring that agreed Service Level Requirements are metC.Ensuring that processes and procedures are correctly followedD.Reducing the total cost of providing servicesAnswer: CQUESTION 4 Which of these activities would you expect to be performed by a Service Desk? 1. Logging details of Incidents and service requests 2. Providing first line investigation and diagnosis 3.Restoring service 4. Diagnosing the root cause of problemsA.2, 3 and 4 onlyB.1, 2 and 4 onlyC.All of the other alternatives apply.D.1, 2 and 3 onlyAnswer: DQUESTION 5 Which of the following statements is CORRECT?A.Service Transition contains guidance on transferring services from strategy into the design phase of the Service LifecycleB.Service Design provides guidance for the development of services and service management processesC.Continual Service Improvement contains guidance on supporting IT operations through models such as shared servicesD.Service Operation ensures that organizations are in a position to handle the costs and risks associated with their service portfoliosAnswer: BQUESTION 6 Which of the following delivery strategies is described as, "Formal arrangements between two or more organizations to work together to design, develop, transition, maintain, operate and/or support IT services"?A.InsourcingB.MultisourcingC.Knowledge Process OutsourcingD.Application Service ProvisionAnswer: BQUESTION 7 How is the Service Catalogue used to add value to the service provider organization?A.Providing a central source of information on the IT services deliveredB.Showing the business impact of a changeC.Displaying the relationships between configuration itemsD.To predict the root cause of issues in the IT infrastructureAnswer: AQUESTION 8 The Service Catalogue can be BEST described as:A.A document used by Service Operations to identify activities that they must performB.A list of all business requirements that have not yet become servicesC.The part of the Service Portfolio that is visible to customersD.A list of all Service Level AgreementsAnswer: CQUESTION 9 What is the Service V Model used for?A.The day to day management of servicesB.Monitoring and measuring services as part of Continual Service Improvement (CSI)C.Identifying different levels of validation and testing that can be carried outD.Managing the five aspects of Service DesignAnswer: CQUESTION 10 Which of the following are valid examples of business value measures?1. Customer retention2. Time to market3. Service Architecture4. Market shareA.All of the alternatives applyB.1, 2 and 4 onlyC.1 and 2 onlyD.2 and 4 onlyAnswer: BQUESTION 11 Which stages of the Service Lifecycle does the 7 Step Improvement Process apply to?A.Service Design, Service Transition and Service OperationB.Service OperationC.Service Transition and Service OperationD.Service Strategy, Service Design, Service Transition, Service Operation and Continual Service ImprovementAnswer: DQUESTION 12 The three subprocesses of Capacity Management are:A.Business Capacity Management, Service Capacity Management and Component Capacity ManagementB.Business Capacity Management, Technology Capacity Management and Component Capacity ManagementC.Supplier Capacity Management, Service Capacity Management and Technology Capacity ManagementD.Supplier Capacity Management, Service Capacity Management and Component Capacity ManagementAnswer: AQUESTION 13 Which of the following statements is INCORRECTLY assigned to its book?A.contains guidance on transferring the control of services between customers and service providers: SERVICE TRANSITIONB.ensures that organization are in a position to handle the costs and risks associated with their service portfolios: SERVICE STRATEGYC.provides guidance for the development of services and service management processes: SERVICE DESIGND.contains guidance on supporting operations through new models and architectures, such as shares services: CONTINUAL SERVICE IMPROVEMENTAnswer: DQUESTION 14 How many numbered steps are in the continual service improvement (CSI) process?A.11B.4C.7D.6Answer: CQUESTION 15 Which process is responsible for recording the current details, status, interfaces and dependencies of all the services that are being run or being prepared to run in the live environment?A.service level managementB.service catalogue managementC.demand managementD.service transitionAnswer: BQUESTION 16 Which of the following is NOT a function?A.Technical ManagementB.Incident ManagementC.Service DeskD.Application ManagementAnswer: BQUESTION 17 Which of the following is NOT a responsibility of the Service design manager?A.Design and maintain all necessary service transition packagesB.take the overall service strategies and ensure they are reflected in the service design process and the service designs that are producedC.measuring the effectiveness and efficiency of service design and the supporting processesD.produce quality, secure and resilient designs for new or improved services, technology architecture, processes or measurement systems that meet all the agreed current and future IT requirements of the organization Answer: AQUESTION 18 Exhibit:Order the following continual service improvement (CSI) implementation steps into the CORRECT sequence in alignment with the plan, do check, act (PDCA) model. Please refer to the exhibit.A.2-3-4-1B.1-3-2-4C.3-4-2-1D.3-1-2-4Answer: DQUESTION 19 Which of the following is a valid role in the RACI Authority Matrix?A.ControlledB.ConfigurationC.ConsultedplexAnswer: CQUESTION 20 What does a service always have to deliver to its customers?A.infrastructureB.applicationsC.resourcesD.valueAnswer: DQUESTION 21 The two main parts of the service catalogue are:A.the business service catalogue and the technical service catalogueB.service levels and service costsC.the service portfolio and retired servicesD.service attributes and service capabilitiesAnswer: AQUESTION 22 RACI is an acronym for four roles. Which of the following is NOT one of the RACI roles?A.consultedB.ReliablermedD.accountableAnswer: BQUESTION 23 Which of the following is the CORRECT description of the Seven R's of Change Management?A.A set of questions that should be asked to help understand the impact of ChangesB.A definition of the roles and responsibilities required for Change ManagementC.A set of questions that should be asked when reviewing the success of recent changeD.A seven step process for releasing Changes into productionAnswer: AQUESTION 24 IT operations management have been asked by a customer to carry out non-standard activity that will cause them to miss an agreed service level target. How should they respond?A.they should escalate this decision to service strategyB.accept the request as they must support customer business outcomesC.make a decision based on balancing stability and responsivenessD.refuse the request because they must operate the service to meet the agreed service levelsAnswer: CQUESTION 25 The left-hand side of the service V model represents requirements and specifications. What does the right-hand side of the service V model represent?A.Performance and capacity requirements of services and IT infrastructureB.The business value that can be expected from a given serviceC.Validation and TestingD.roles and responsibilities for an effective service management implementationAnswer: CQUESTION 26 Which of the following processes are performed by the service desk? 1. capacity management 2. request management 3. demand management 4. incident managementA.2 and 4 onlyB.all of the alternatives applyC.2 onlyD.2, 3 and 4 onlyAnswer: AQUESTION 27 Which of the following BEST describes 'partners' in the phrase "people, processes, products and partners"?A.internal departmentsB.customersC.the facilities managerD.suppliers, manufacturers and vendorsAnswer: DQUESTION 28 Which of the following are the MAIN objectives of incident management? 1. to automatically detect service affecting events 2. to restore normal service operation as quickly as possible 3. to minimize the adverse impacts on business operationsA.all of the alternatives applyB.1 and 2 onlyC.2 and 3 onlyD.1 and 3 onlyAnswer: CQUESTION 29 One organization provides and manages an entire business or function for another organization. This is known process function process managementD.knowledge process outsourcingAnswer: AQUESTION 30 The ITIL CORE publications are structured around the service lifecycle. Which of the following statements about ITIL complementary guidance is CORRECT? consists of five provides guidance to specific industry sectors and types of is also structured around the service lifecycleD.It provides the guidance necessary for an integrated approach as required by ISO/IEC 20000Answer: BQUESTION 31 Exhibit:Which of the following areas would technology help support during the service operation phase of the lifecycle? Please refer to the exhibit.A.2, 3 and 4 onlyB.All of the alternatives applyC.1, 2 and 3 onlyD.1, 3 and 4 only Answer: BQUESTION 32 Exhibit:Which of the following questions does guidance in service strategy help answer? Please refer to the exhibit.A.2 onlyB.3 onlyC.1 onlyD.all of the alternatives applyAnswer: DQUESTION 33 Which of the following is a sub-process of capacity management?ponent capacity managementB.process capacity capacity managementD.capability capacity managementAnswer: AQUESTION 34 Which of the following is a good metric for measuring the effectiveness of Service Level management?A.Customer satisfaction scoreB.number of services deployed within agreed termsC.average number of daily incidents managed by each service agentD.number of services in the service portfolioAnswer: AQUESTION 35 Which process is responsible for recording relationships between service components?A.service portfolio managementB.service asset and configuration managementC.incident managementD.service level managementAnswer: CQUESTION 36 Exhibit:Which of the following should be supported by technology? Please refer to the exhibit.A.1, 3 and 4 onlyB.1, 2 and 3 onlyC.2, 3 and 4 onlyD.all of the alternatives applyAnswer: DQUESTION 37 Which of the following activities is carried out in the "where do we want to be" step of the continual service improvement model?A.aligning the business and IT strategiesB.defining measurable targetsC.implementing service and process improvementsD.creating a baselineAnswer: BQUESTION 38 The ITIL CORE publications are structures around the Service Lifecycle. Which of the following statements about ITIL complementary guidance is CORRECT?A.It provides the guidance necessary for an integrated approach as required by ISO/IEC 20000B.It is also structured around the Service LifecycleC.It consists of five publicationsD.It provides guidance to specific industry sectors and types of organizationAnswer: DQUESTION 39 A service is not very reliable, but when it works it is of great value to the customer. This combination could be described as:A.high utility and low warrantyB.low utility and high warrantyC.low utility and low warrantyD.high utility and high warrantyAnswer: AQUESTION 40 . With which of the following processes is Problem Management least likely to interface on a regular basis?A.IT Financial ManagementB.Change ManagementC.Incident ManagementD.Availability ManagementAnswer: AQUESTION 41 . Which of the following places Problem Management activities in the correct order:A.Identify and record, classify, investigate and diagnose, raise an RFC, review the changeB.Investigate and diagnose, raise an RFC, classify, identify and recordC.Identify and record, investigate and diagnose, raise an RFC, classify, review the changeD.Review a change, classify, identify and record, investigate and diagnose, raise another RFCAnswer: AQUESTION 42 .Which of the following activities may, exceptionally, be omitted for an urgent change:1. Recording that the change has been made2. Testing the change3.Holding a CAB meeting4. Establishing a back-out planA.All of themB.2 and 4C.2 and 3D.3 and 4Answer: CQUESTION 43 . Why is Service Management so important to IT service providers?A.The success of many businesses depends upon the quality of their ITB.It's the only way to manage IT in the Internet ageC.It's contained within the IT Infrastructure LibraryD.It's the first non-proprietary initiative for the management of IT systemsAnswer: AQUESTION 44 . Which of the following is NOT the responsibility of the Release Management process?A.The physical aspects of software controlB.Ensuring that the accuracy of CMDB entries concerning software CIs is maintainedC.Helping to determine the software release policyD.Distributing softwareAnswer: BQUESTION 45 . A service-based (rather than a customer-based) SLA:A.Covers all services for a particular customerB.Covers a set of similar services, for a single customerC.Covers all servicesD.Covers a single service, for all of the customers of that serviceAnswer: DQUESTION 46 . Possible problems with Change Management include:A.Greater ability to absorb a large volume of changeB.Increased visibility and communication of changesck of ownership of impacted servicesD.Better alignment of IT services to actual business needsAnswer: CQUESTION 47 . Which of these is/are TRUE? 1. Functional escalation is an essential part of the Incident Management process 2. All calls to the Service Desk should be treated as incidents 3. Service Requests can be handled by Service Desk StaffA.1 and 3B.All three of themC.Only 1D.1 and 2Answer: AQUESTION 48 . Who must always authorize a Request for Change before the change is built and tested?A.The Configuration ManagerB.The Change InitiatorC.The Change ManagerD.Release ManagementAnswer: CQUESTION 49 . Why is there sometimes conflict between the goals of Incident Management and those of Problem Management?A.Because specialist support staff do not properly document the work-arounds they identify which consequently prevents the 1st line support staff from applying them the next time the incident occursB.Because Problem Management is often carried out by technical staff who also have operations responsibilities and who cannot allocate enough resources to problem solvingC.Because Problem Management is focusing on identifying permanent solutions and therefore the speed with which these solutions are found is of secondary importanceD.Because Problem Management staff rarely give feedback spontaneously, forcing the 1st line support staff to chase themAnswer: CQUESTION 50 . Which one of the following is NOT the responsibility of a Service Level Manager?A.Analyzing and reviewing agreed service levelsB.Maintaining the service catalogueC.Negotiating requests for serviceD.Assessing the full impact of proposed changes to services Answer: DQUESTION 51 . Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?A.Urgent and non-urgent changes follow the same Change Management processB.High risk, urgent changes should be considered by the CAB Emergency CommitteeC.Urgent changes need not necessarily be reviewed, unless there is time to do soD.The justification for urgent changes should always be based on sound business reasonsAnswer: CQUESTION 52 . In Availability Management, Confidentiality and Integrity are elements of:A.ReliabilityB.ServiceabilityC.SecurityD.MaintainabilityAnswer: CQUESTION 53 . At what point should capacity requirements of a proposed system be first considered?A.Leave it until the system is implemented and see if the system works O.K.B.As early as possibleC.When the Development Manager has completed testing and passes the system to Operations for operational testingD.Just before the system goes liveAnswer: BQUESTION 54 . Which of the following is NOT a valid attribute of a hardware CI?A.A supplier's part numberB.The cost of the itemC.A manufacturer's serial numberD.The number of items heldAnswer: DQUESTION 55 . Which of the following activities are NOT part of IT Accounting?A.Calculation of the costs of IT servicesC.Identification of costs by customer, service or activityD.Performing cost-benefit analyses to support decision makingAnswer: BQUESTION 56 . The major difference between a CMDB and an asset register is that CMDB holds information on:A.DocumentationB.SoftwareC.The IT environmentD.RelationshipsAnswer: DQUESTION 57 .Which of the following is least likely to be a direct benefit of implementing a formal Incident Management processA.Improved user satisfactionB.Incident volume reductionC.Elimination of lost incidentsD.Less disruption to both IT support staff and usersAnswer: BQUESTION 58 . Which of the following definitions best describes the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL)?A.A documented framework of proven best practices in Service ManagementB.A prescriptive process for managing Service Improvement ProjectsC.A methodology for supporting and delivering IT servicesD.A quality standard in managing customer relationshipsAnswer: AQUESTION 59 . The stages in the Incident Management process are:A.Logging, allocation, classification, initial support, communication, resolutionB.Logging, initial support, detection, recording, classification, investigation, recovery and closureC.Detection, classification, investigation, recording, recovery, resolution and closureD.Detection, recording, classification, initial support, investigation, diagnosis, resolution, recovery and closureAnswer: DQUESTION 60 . Which of the following terms or phrases are associated with resilience?1. Redundancy2. Fault tolerance3. On-site spares4. DuplexingA.2, 3 and 4B.All of themC.1 and 4D.1, 2 and 4QUESTION 61 . If the IT Service Continuity plan had to be invoked during a crisis, what would be the role of the organization's senior managers?A.Progress reportingB.Leading the recovery teamsC.Co-ordinating and directing activities, arbitrating and allocating resourcesD.Executing recovery instructionsAnswer: CQUESTION 62 . Capacity Management is responsible for ensuring the capacity of the IT Infrastructure matches the evolvingdemands of the business in the most cost effective and timely manner. Which of the following is NOT part of this responsibility?A.Monitoring performance and throughput of individual IT componentsB.Tuning systems to make most effective use of IT resourcesC.Purchasing resources for the IT InfrastructureD.Influencing customer behaviour to optimise the use of IT resourcesAnswer: CQUESTION 63 . Which of the following are NOT operational costs?A.StaffB.ConsultancyC.A mainframe purchaseD.Accommodation rentalAnswer: CQUESTION 64 . Which of the following statements is FALSE?A.If the root cause and a temporary work-around have been identified for a problem it becomes a known errorB.All known errors need to be resolved to user satisfactionC.A known error can be kept open when a work-around is being usedD.Incidentsare not the only source of known errorsAnswer: BQUESTION 65 . The Requirements and Strategy phase of the Business Continuity Life-cycle comprises:A.Initial testing, Education and Awareness and Assurancecation and Awareness, Review and Auditanization and Implementation Planning and Risk Reduction MeasuresD.Business Impact Analysis, Risk Assessment and Business Continuity StrategyAnswer: DQUESTION 66 . Which of these statements reflect the activities of IT Financial Management?1. IT Financial Management may calculate the prices to be charged for IT services2. IT Financial Management ensures that the IT department charges those who benefit from ITA.Only 1B.Only 2C.NeitherD.1 and 2Answer: AQUESTION 67 . During the release planning stage you identify that the changes you are about to make to a service will necessitate changes in related software systems. Once all the changes have been fully tested, which type of release will be used to deliver them into the live environment?A.Full ReleaseB.Package ReleaseC.EmergencyD.Delta ReleaseAnswer: BQUESTION 68 . Typically the decision on what should be the lowest level of CI recorded is influenced mostly by:A.The reliability of the CIsB.The level at which components will be independently changedC.The suitability of the available software to hold the informationD.The availability of spares for CIsAnswer: BQUESTION 69 . As part of your IT Continuity Planning you have been asked to undertake a comprehensive Risk Analysis. Which of the following is most likely to be of use to you in drawing up your plan?A.The Forward Schedule of Change, produced by Change ManagementB.A Service Catalogue plus an understanding of the business criticality of each of the servicesC.A list of Services and Operational Level AgreementsD.A report produced by Incident Management detailing the incidents affecting IT Services over the last monthAnswer: BQUESTION 70 . An overhead would normally be regarded as which of the following?A.A discounted chargeB.The market priceC.An indirect costD.A direct costAnswer: CQUESTION 71 . Consider the following activities:1. The analysis of raw data2. The identification of trends3. The definition of Service Management processes4. The implementation of preventive measures Which of the above should be easier after implementing a good IT Service Management software tool?A.All of themB.2 and 3C.None of themD.1, 2 and 4Answer: DQUESTION 72 . The CMDB:A.Must be available for update 7 x 24 if any of the services supported by the IT supplier are available 7 x 24B.Is updated by Configuration Management staff at the end of each working dayC.Holds information that will be useful to the majority of IT Service Management processesD.Must be verified for accuracy monthly with trend reports on errors distributed to management quarterlyAnswer: CQUESTION 73 . Which of the following is NOT a valid method of tuning?A.Balancing disc trafficB.Making more efficient use of processing capacityC.Installing a new serverD.Balancing workloadsAnswer: CQUESTION 74 . For an organization implementing the ITIL IT Service Management processes which of the following statements is most accurate?A.The full benefits will only be realized if all IT staff are fully qualified in IT Service Management.B.The full benefits will only be realized if Incident & Problem Management processes are implemented first.C.The full benefits will only be realized if the business requirements are first ascertained and then the processes are implemented in an integrated way.D.The full benefits will only be realized if regular reviews are undertaken with customers.Answer: CQUESTION 75 . Which of the following would NOT be a performance measurement for the Service Level Management function?A.Whatpercentage of services are covered by SLAs?B.Are service review meetings held on time and correctly minute?C.Are customer perceptions of service improving?D.How many services are included within the CMDB?Answer: DQUESTION 76 . Which of the following is NOT an element of Availability Management?A.VerificationB.SecurityC.ReliabilityD.MaintainabilityAnswer: AQUESTION 77 . Which of the following statements is TRUE?A.Physical copies of all CIs are stored in the DSLB.Release Management is responsible for managing the organization's rights and obligations regarding softwareC.The DSL contains source code onlyD.A change may only be developed from non-definitive versions of software in the case of an urgent release Answer: BQUESTION 78 . Which of the following metrics would you most associate with the Service Desk?A.The number of high priority incidents occurringB.The support team which resolves the greatest number of problemsC.The number of problems solved in a dayD.The mean time between failureAnswer: AQUESTION 79 .Potential benefits from managing IT Service Continuity are:1. Lower insurance premiums2. Fulfillment of mandatory or regulatory requirements3. Reduced business disruption in the event of a disaster4. Better management of risk and the consequent reduction of the impact of failureA.2 and 4B.2, 3 and 4C.All of themD.1, 2 and 4Answer: C。

ITIL V3 Foundation考试真题

ITIL V3 Foundation考试真题

examExam ITV3F.EN Exam number 2016.3EXIN International B.V.Examination Institute for Information Science Janssoenborch, Hoog Catharijne Godebaldkwartier 365, 3511 DT Utrecht P.O. Box 19147, 3501 DC Utrecht The NetherlandsTelephone +31 30 234 48 25 Fax +31 30 231 59 86 E-mail info@exin.nlInternet ITIL ® V3 Foundation edition 2010content2 introduction3 questionsAt the end of the exam all papers should be handed in. It is not allowed to take home exammaterials.IntroductionThis is the exam ITIL®V3 Foundation.This exam consists of 40 multiple-choice questions. Each multiple-choice question has a number of possible answers, of which only one is the correct answer.The maximum number of points that can be obtained for this exam is 40. Each correct answer is worth one point. If you obtain 26 points or more you will pass.The time allowed for this exam is 60 minutes.No rights may be derived from this information.Good luck!© OGC’s Official Accreditor: - The APM Group Limited 2010ITIL® is a Registered Trade Mark of the Office of Government Commerce in the United Kingdom and other countries.The Swirl logo™ is a Trade Mark of the Office of Government Commerce.This document must not be reproduced without express permission from The APM Group Ltd.ITV3F.EN 2016.32/131 of 40Which of the following is the BEST description of a Service-based Service Level Agreement (SLA)?A.An agreement with an individual customer group, covering all the services that they useB.An agreement that covers one service for a single customerC. An agreement that covers service specific issues in a multi-level SLA structureD.An agreement that covers one service for all customers of that service2 of 40Which of the following would a Major Problem Review examine?1. Things that were done correctly2. Those things that were done incorrectly3. How to prevent recurrence4. What could be done better in the futureA.1 onlyB.2 and 3 onlyC. 1, 2 and 4 onlyD.All of the above3 of 40"Service Management is a set of specialized organizational capabilities for providing value to customers in the form of services".These specialized organizational capabilities include which of the following?A.Applications and InfrastructureB.Functions and ProcessesC. Service Pipeline and Service CatalogueD.Markets and CustomersITV3F.EN 2016.33/134 of 40Which of these activities would commonly be performed by a Service Desk?1. Logging details of incidents and service requests2. Providing first-line investigation and diagnosis3. Restoring service4. Diagnosing the root cause of problemsA.All of the aboveB.1, 2 and 3 onlyC. 2 and 4 onlyD.3 and 4 only5 of 40Which process is responsible for monitoring an IT Service and detecting when the performance drops below acceptable limits?A.Service Asset and Configuration ManagementB.Event ManagementC. Service Catalogue ManagementD.Performance Management6 of 40Which of the following provides the PRIMARY source of guidance on what needs to be protected by Information Security Management?A.IT ManagementB.Service Desk ManagerC. Business ManagementD.The Change manager7 of 40Which statement about the Emergency Change Advisory Board (ECAB) is CORRECT?A.The ECAB considers every high priority Request for ChangeB.Amongst the duties of the ECAB is the review of completed emergency changesC. The ECAB will be used for emergency changes where there may not be time to call a full CABD.The ECAB will be chaired by the IT DirectorITV3F.EN 2016.34/138 of 40Where would you expect incident resolution targets to be documented?A.A Service Level Agreement(SLA)B.A Request for Change(RFC)C. The Service PortfolioD.A Service Description9 of 40What would be the next step in the Continual Service Improvement (CSI) Model after:1. What is the vision?2. Where are we now?3. Where do we want to be?4. How do we get there?5. Did we get there?6. ?A.What is the Return On Investment (ROI)?B.How much did it cost?C. How do we keep the momentum going?D.What is the Value On Investment (VOI)?10 of 40Which of the following statements about communication within Service Operation are CORRECT?1. All communication must have an intended purpose or resultant action2. Communication should not take place without a clear audienceA.1 onlyB.2 onlyC. Both of the aboveD.None of the aboveITV3F.EN 2016.35/1311 of 40Which of the following is the CORRECT definition of a Release Unit?A.A measurement of costB.A function described within Service TransitionC. The team of people responsible for implementing a releaseD.The portion of a service or IT infrastructure that is normally released together12 of 40Which of the following statements correctly states the relationship between urgency, priority and impact?A.Impact, priority and urgency are independent of each otherB.Urgency should be based on impact and priorityC. Impact should be based on urgency and priorityD.Priority should be based on impact and urgency13 of 40Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a process?A.It is measurableB.It delivers specific resultsC. It responds to specific eventsD.It structures an organization14 of 40Which process or function is responsible for monitoring activities and events in the IT Infrastructure?A.Service Level ManagementB.IT Operations ManagementC. Capacity ManagementD.Incident ManagementITV3F.EN 2016.36/1315 of 40Which process is responsible for managing relationships with vendors?A.Change ManagementB.Service Portfolio ManagementC. Supplier ManagementD.Continual Service Improvement16 of 40Which of the following BEST describes the goal of Access Management?A.To provide a channel for users to request and receive standard servicesB.Provides the rights for users to be able to use a service or group of servicesC. To prevent Problems and resulting Incidents from happeningD.To detect security events and make sense of them17 of 40What body exists to support the authorisation of changes and to assist Change Management in the assessment and prioritization of changes?A.The Change Authorisation BoardB.The Change Advisory BoardC. The Change I mplementerD.The Change Manager18 of 40Which of the following should be considered when designing measurement systems, methods and metrics?1. The services2. The architectures3. The configuration items4. The processesA.1, 2 and 3 onlyB.1, 3 and 4 onlyC. 2,3 and 4 onlyD.All of the aboveITV3F.EN 2016.37/1319 of 40Match the following activities with the Deming Cycle stages1. Monitor, Measure and Review2. Continual Improvement3. Implement Initiatives4. Plan for ImprovementA.1 Plan, 2 Do, 3 Check, 4 ActB.3 Plan, 2 Do, 4 Check, 1 ActC. 4 Plan, 3 Do, 1 Check, 2 ActD.2 Plan, 3 Do, 4 Check, 1 Act20 of 40Which of the following is NOT a purpose of Service Transition?A.To ensure that a service can be managed, operated and supportedB.To provide training and certification in project managementC. To provide quality knowledge of Change, Release and Deployment ManagementD.To plan and manage the capacity and resource requirements to manage a release21 of 40The BEST description of an Incident is:A.An unplanned disruption of service unless there is a backup to that serviceB.An unplanned interruption to service or a reduction in the quality of serviceC. Any disruption to service whether planned or unplannedD.Any disruption to service that is reported to the Service Desk, regardless of whether theservice is impacted or not22 of 40What type of baseline captures the structure, contents and details of the infrastructure and represents a set of items that are related to each other?A.Configuration BaselineB.Project BaselineC. Change BaselineD.Asset BaselineITV3F.EN 2016.38/1323 of 40Which statement should NOT be part of the value proposition for Service Design?A.Reduced Total Cost of OwnershipB.Improved quality of serviceC. Improved Service alignment with business goalsD.Better balance of technical skills to support live services24 of 40Which of the following statements about the Service Owner is INCORRECT?A.Carries out the day-to-day monitoring and operation of the service they ownB.Contributes to continual improvement affecting the service they ownC. Is a stakeholder in all of the IT processes which support the service they ownD.Is accountable for a specific service within an organization25 of 40Which of the following statements BEST describes the aims of Release and Deployment Management?A.To build, test and deliver the capability to provide the services specified by Service DesignB.To ensure that each Release package specified by Service Design consists of a set of relatedassets and service componentsC. To ensure that all changes can be tracked, tested and verified if appropriateD.To record and manage deviations, risks and issues related to the new or changed service26 of 40What are Request Models used for?A.Assessing changes to understand their potential impactB.Modelling arrival rates and performance characteristics of service requestsC. Comparing the advantages and disadvantages of different Service Desk approaches such aslocal or remoteD.Defining how common types of service requests should be processedITV3F.EN 2016.39/1327 of 40Which of the following are objectives of Service Level Management?1: Defining, documenting and agreeing the level of IT Services to be provided2: Monitoring, measuring and reporting the actual level of services provided3: Monitoring and improving customer satisfaction4: Identifying possible future markets that the Service Provider could operate inA.1, 2 and 3 onlyB.1 and 2 onlyC. 1, 2 and 4 onlyD.All of the above28 of 40What are the two major processes in Problem Management?A.Technical and ServiceB.Resource and ProactiveC. Reactive and TechnicalD.Proactive and Reactive29 of 40Service Design emphasizes the importance of the 'Four Ps'. Which of the following is a correct list of these 'Four Ps'?A.People, Products, Partners, ProfitB.People, Process, Products, PartnersC. Potential, Preparation, Performance, ProfitD.People, Potential, Products, PerformanceITV3F.EN 2016.310/1330 of 40Which of the following areas would technology help to support during the Service Lifecycle?1. Data mining and workflow2. Measurement and reporting3. Release and deployment4. Process DesignA.2, 3 and 4 onlyB.1, 3 and 4 onlyC. 1, 2 and 3 onlyD.All of the above31 of 40In which of the following should details of a workaround be documented?A.The Service Level Agreement (SLA)B.The problem recordC. The Availability Management Information SystemD.The IT service continuity plan32 of 40Service Transition contains detailed descriptions of which processes?A.Change Management, Service Asset and Configuration Management, Release and DeploymentManagementB.Change Management, Capacity Management Event Management, Service RequestManagementC. Service Level Management, Service Portfolio Management, Service Asset and ConfigurationManagementD.Service Asset and Configuration Management, Release and Deployment Management, RequestFulfilment33 of 40Effective Service Transition can significantly improve a service provider's ability to handle high volumes of what?A.Service level requestsB.Changes and ReleasesC. Password resetsD.Incidents and ProblemsITV3F.EN 2016.311/1334 of 40How many people should be accountable for a process as defined in the RACI model?A.As many as necessary to complete the activityB.Only one - the process ownerC. Two - the process owner and the process enactorD.Only one - the process architect35 of 40The goal of which process is: "To improve the quality of management decision making by ensuring that reliable and secure information and data is available throughout the lifecycle"?A.Knowledge ManagementB.Availability ManagementC. Service Asset and Configuration ManagementD.Change Management36 of 40Which Service Design process makes the most use of data supplied by Demand Management?A.Service Catalogue ManagementB.Service Level ManagementC. IT Service Continuity ManagementD.Capacity Management37 of 40Which is the CORRECT list for the three levels of a multi-level Service Level Agreement (SLA)?A.Technology, Customer, UserB.Corporate, Customer, ServiceC. Corporate, Customer, TechnologyD.Service, User, IT38 of 40Customer perceptions and business outcomes help to define what?A.The value of a serviceB.Customer satisfactionC. Total cost of ownershipD.Key performance indicatorsITV3F.EN 2016.312/1339 of 40What is IT Governance concerned with?A.Measuring and improving the efficiency and effectiveness of IT processesB.Ensuring that IT processes support the organization's strategies and objectivesC. Reducing the total cost of providing services to the businessD.Ensuring that targets documented in Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are met40 of 40Looking for ways to improve process efficiency and cost effectiveness is a purpose of which part of the service lifecycle?A.Service OperationB.Service TransitionC. Continual Service I mprovementD.Service StrategyITV3F.EN 2016.313/13。

ITIL 考试v3

ITIL 考试v3

Exam : ITIL Ex0­101Title : Update : DemoITIL Foundation v.31.Which of the following statements is CORRECT?1. The only phase of the Service Management Lifecycle where value can be measured is Service Operation2. All of the phases of the lifecycle are concerned with the value of IT servicesA: 1 onlyB: 2 onlyC: Both of the aboveD: Neither of the aboveCorrect Answers: B2.Which of the following statements is CORRECT for every process?1. It delivers its primary results to a customer or stakeholder2. It defines activities that are executed by a single functionA: Both of the aboveB: 1 onlyC: Neither of the aboveD: 2 onlyCorrect Answers: B3.Which of the following is NOT one of the five individual aspects of Service Design?A: The design of the Service Portfolio, including the Service CatalogueB: The design of new or changed servicesC: The design of Market SpacesD: The design of the technology architecture and management systemsCorrect Answers: C4.Which of the following is NOT the responsibility of the Service Catalogue Manager?A: Ensuring that information in the Service Catalogue is accurateB: Ensuring that information within the Service Pipeline is accurateC: Ensuring that information in the Service Catalogue is consistent with information in the Service PortfolioD: Ensuring that all operational services are recorded in the Service CatalogueCorrect Answers: B5.Which of the following statements is CORRECT?A: The Configuration Management System (CMS) is part of the Known Error Data Base (KEDB)B: The Service Knowledge Management System (SKMS) is part of the CMSC: The KEDB and the CMS form part of the larger SKMSD: The CMS is part of the Configuration Management Data Base (CMDB)Correct Answers: C6.Which of the following questions does Service Strategy help answer with its guidance?1. How do we prioritize investments across a portfolio?2. What services to offer and to whom?3. What are the Patterns of Business Activity (PBA)?A: 1 onlyB: 2 onlyC: 3 onlyD: All of the aboveCorrect Answers: D7.Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a process?A: It is measurableB: Delivers specific resultsC: Responds to specific eventsD: A method of structuring an organisationCorrect Answers: D8.Which of the following statements about processes is INCORRECT?A: A process may define policies, standards and guidelinesB: The definition of Process Control is "The activity of planning and regulating a process, with the objective of achieving Best Practice"C: The objective of any IT process should be expressed in terms of business benefits and goalsD: The output from a process has to conform to operational norms derived from business objectives Correct Answers: B9.What is a RACI model used for?A: Performance analysisB: Recording Configuration ItemsC: Monitoring servicesD: Defining roles and responsibilitiesCorrect Answers: D10.The group that authorizes changes that must be installed faster than the normal process is called the?A: CAB Emergency Committee (CAB/EC)B: Emergency CAB (ECAB)C: Urgent Change Board (UCB)D: Urgent Change Authority (UCA)Correct Answers: B11.Contracts relating to an outsourced Data Centre would be managed by?A: T echnical ManagementB: Service DeskC: IT Operations ControlD: Facilities ManagementCorrect Answers: D12.Which Service Design process makes the most use of data supplied by Demand Management?A: Service Catalogue ManagementB: Service Level ManagementC: IT Service Continuity ManagementD: Capacity ManagementCorrect Answers: D13.Which of the following CANNOT be stored and managed by a tool?A: KnowledgeB: InformationC: WisdomD: DataCorrect Answers: C14.The BEST description of the purpose of Service Operation is?A: T o decide how IT will engage with suppliers during the Service Management LifecycleB: T o proactively prevent all outages to IT ServicesC: T o design and build processes that will meet business needsD: T o deliver and support IT Services at agreed levels to business users and customersCorrect Answers: D15.In which core publication can you find detailed descriptions of Service Level Management, Availability Management, Supplier Management and IT Service Continuity Management?A: Service StrategyB: Service DesignC: Service TransitionD: Service OperationCorrect Answers: B16.Which of the following sentences BEST describes a Standard Change?A: A change to the service provider's established policies and guidelinesB: A change that correctly follows the required change processC: A pre­authorised change that has an accepted and established procedureD: A change that is made as the result of an auditCorrect Answers: C17.Which process is responsible for discussing reports with customers showing whether services have met their targets?A: Continual Service ImprovementB: Business Relationship ManagementC: Service Level ManagementD: Availability ManagementCorrect Answers: C18.What are the three Service Provider business models?A: Internal Service provider, Outsourced 3rd party and Off­shore partyB: Internal Service Operations provider, External Service Operations provider, Shared Service Unit C: Internal Service provider, External Service provider, Outsourced 3rd PartyD: Internal Service provider, External Service provider, Shared Service ProviderCorrect Answers: D19.Which is the correct combination of Service Management terms across the Lifecycle?A: 1B, 2C, 3D, 4AB: 1C, 2D, 3A, 4BC: 1C, 2B, 3A, 4DD: 1A, 2B, 3C, 4DCorrect Answers: C20.Application Management plays a role in all applications. One of the key decisions to which they contribute is?A: Where the vendor of an application is locatedB: Whether to buy an application or build itC: Who the vendor of the storage devices will beD: Should application development be outsourcedCorrect Answers: B21.How many times should each stage of the Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) cycle be visited?A: There should be a single Plan and Do, then Check and Act should be carried out multiple times to implement Continual ImprovementB: Each stage should be carried out once in the order Plan­Do­Check­ActC: The entire cycle should be repeated multiple times to implement Continual ImprovementD: There should be a single Plan, then the Do­Check­Act cycle should be repeated multiple times to implement Continual ImprovementCorrect Answers: C22.Which is the first step in the 7 Step Improvement Process?A: Prepare for actionB: Define what you should measureC: Where are we now?D: Identify gaps in Service Level Agreement (SLA) achievementCorrect Answers: B23.Which of the following is NOT a valid objective of Request Fulfilment?A: T o provide information to users about what services are available and how to request themB: T o update the Service Catalogue with services that may be requested through the Service DeskC: T o provide a channel for users to request and receive standard servicesD: T o source and deliver the components of standard services that have been requestedCorrect Answers: B24.What is the definition of an Alert?A: An audit report that indicates areas where IT is not performing according to agreed proceduresB: A type of IncidentC: An error message to the user of an applicationD: A warning that a threshold has been reached or that something has changedCorrect Answers: D25.In many organisations the role of Incident Manager is assigned to the Service Desk. It is important that the Incident Manager is given the authority to:A: Only manage Incidents effectively through the 1st lineB: Manage Incidents effectively through 1st, 2nd and 3rd lineC: Only manage Incidents effectively through 1st and 2nd lineD: Only manage Incidents effectively at the 3rd lineCorrect Answers: B26.Which of the following is NOT part of the Service Design phase of the Service Lifecycle?A: Produce and maintain all necessary Service Transition packagesB: Produce quality, secure and resilient designs for new or improved services, technology architecture, processes or measurement systems that meet all the agreed current and future IT requirements of the organisationC: T ake the overall Service Strategies and ensure they are reflected in the Service Design process and the service designs that are producedD: Measuring the effectiveness and efficiency of Service Design and the supporting processesCorrect Answers: A27.Which process is responsible for frequently occurring changes where risk and cost are low?A: Access managementB: Incident ManagementC: Release and Deployment ManagementD: Request fulfilmentCorrect Answers: D28.Staff in an IT department are experts in managing specific technology, but none of them know what services are offered to the business. What imbalance does this represent?A: Extreme focus on responsivenessB: Extreme focus on costC: Vendor focusedD: Extreme internal focusCorrect Answers: D29.Which of these statements about Service Desk staff is CORRECT?A: The Service Desk should try to have a high level of staff turnover as the training requirements are low and this helps to minimise salariesB: Service Desk staff should be discouraged from applying for other roles as it is more cost effective to keep them in the role where they have been trainedC: The Service Desk can often be used as a stepping stone for staff to move into other more technical or supervisory rolesD: Service Desk staff should be recruited from people who have high levels of technical skill to minimise the cost of training themCorrect Answers: C30.Effective release and deployment management enables the service provider to add value to the business by?A: Delivering change, faster and at optimum cost and minimized riskB: Ensuring that all assets are accounted forC: Verifying the accuracy of all items in the configuration management databaseD: Ensures that the fastest servers are purchasedCorrect Answers: A was founded in 2006. 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2 2
二類 15 三類 30
用戶能承受的等待時間 現象\類別 系統崩潰 一類 10
事故由技術員工報告和記錄,但並不 是所有的事件都是事故,許多的事件 並不與中斷相關,而僅是正常運營指 標或一些簡單的資訊。儘管事故和服 務請求都報告給服務台,但兩者並不 相同, 服務請求並不代表協定服務 的中斷,而是滿足客戶需要的方法,
問題:是一個或多個不知原因的事件。 問題管理流程的主要目標是預防問題和事故的再次發生,並將未能解決的事 故的影響降低到最小。 事故管理關注解決事件的速度。 問題管理強調找事件出根源,定制解決方案預防再次發生。 問題管理與知識管理,以及諸如已知錯誤資料庫等工具有著緊密聯繫 問題管理流程由兩個主要類型的流程: 被動問題管理是服務運營通常執行部分 主動問題管理是由服務運營發起的,但通常是由服務改進驅動的 重復發生的事件或重大事故一般升級為問題管理。 在尚未查明事故產生的原因前,事故所對應的潛在原因被稱為問題,而找到 事故產生的根本原因後,問題就成為一個已知錯誤,隨後可以提出一個變更 請求來消除該已知錯誤和防止類似事故再次發生。
Configuration Management
Release Management
Service Validation & Testing Evaluation Knowledge Management
Applications Management

目的:是為了交付已商定的服務級別給客戶和用戶,並且管理支持服務 交付的應用程序、技術和框架。 服務:是為業務實現價值,服務運營的人員有責任保証該價值是否實現。



EX0-101 ITIL Foundation v.3Exam AQUESTION 1What are the three types of metrics that an organization should collect to support Continual ServiceImprovement (CSI)?Return On Investment (ROI), Value On Investment (VOI), qualityA.Strategic, tactical and operationalB.CCritical Success Factors (CSFs), Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), activities.Technology, process and serviceD.Answer: DQUESTION 2Which of the following is NOT a valid objective of Problem Management?To prevent Problems and their resultant IncidentsA.To manage Problems throughout their lifecycleB.CTo restore service to a user.To eliminate recurring IncidentsD.Answer: CQUESTION 3Availability Management is responsible for availability of the:Services and ComponentsA.BServices and Business Processes.CComponents and Business Processes.Services, Components and Business ProcessesD.Answer: AQUESTION 4Contracts are used to define:AThe provision of IT services or business services by a Service Provider.The provision of goods and services by SuppliersB.Service Levels that have been agreed between the Service Provider and their Customer C.Metrics and Critical Success Factors (CSFs) in an external agreementD.Answer: BQUESTION 5Which of the following is NOT an example of Self-Help capabilities?Requirement to always call the Service Desk for service requestsA.Web front-endB.CMenu-driven range of self help and service requests.A direct interface into the back-end process-handling softwareD.Answer: AQUESTION 6Who owns the specific costs and risks associated with providing a service?The Service ProviderA.BThe Service Level Manager.CThe Customer.The Finance departmentD.Answer: AQUESTION 7Which of the following are types of communication you could expect the functions within Service Operation to perform?1. Communication between Data Centre shifts2. Communication related to changes3. Performance reporting4. Routine operational communicationA1 only.2 and3 onlyB.C1, 2 and 4 only.DAll of the above.Answer: DQUESTION 8How many people should be accountable for a process as defined in the RACI model?As many as necessary to complete the activityA.BOnly one - the process owner.C.Two - the process owner and the process enactorD.Only one - the process architectAnswer: BQUESTION 9What guidance does ITIL give on the frequency of production of service reporting?A.Service reporting intervals must be defined and agreed with the customers B.Reporting intervals should be set by the Service ProviderC.Reports should be produced weeklyD.Service reporting intervals must be the same for all servicesAnswer: AQUESTION 10Which of the following is the BEST definition of the term Service Management?A .A set of specialised organizational capabilities for providing value to customers in the form ofservicesB .A group of interacting, interrelated, or independent components that form a unified whole,operatingtogether for a common purposeC.The management of functions within an organization to perform certain activitiesD.Units of organizations with roles to perform certain activitiesAnswer: AQUESTION 11Which of the following would be defined as part of every process?1. Roles2. Activities3. Functions4. ResponsibilitiesA.1 and 3 onlyB.All of the aboveC.2 and 4 onlyD.1, 2 and 4 onlyAnswer: DQUESTION 12Which of the following statements is CORRECT for every process?1. It delivers its primary results to a customer or stakeholder2. It defines activities that are executed by a single functionBoth of the aboveA.1 onlyB.Neither of the aboveC.2 onlyD.Answer: BQUESTION 13What are the publications that provide guidance specific to industry sectors and organization types known as?The Service Strategy and Service Transition booksA.The ITIL Complementary GuidanceB.The Service Support and Service Delivery booksC.Pocket GuidesD.Answer: BQUESTION 14Which of the following is NOT a purpose of Service Transition?To ensure that a service can be managed, operated and supportedA.To provide training and certification in project managementB.To provide quality knowledge of Change, Release and Deployment Management C.To plan and manage the capacity and resource requirements to manage a release D.Answer: BQUESTION 15What is the BEST description of the purpose of Service Operation?To decide how IT will engage with suppliers during the Service Management Lifecycle A.To proactively prevent all outages to IT ServicesB.To design and build processes that will meet business needsC.DTo deliver and manage IT Services at agreed levels to business users and customers.Answer: DQUESTION 16Which of the following should NOT be a concern of Risk Management?A .To ensure that the organization can continue to operate in the event of a major disruption ordisasterB.To ensure that the workplace is a safe environment for its employees and customersC .To ensure that the organization assets, such as information, facilities and building areprotected fromthreats, damage or lossD.To ensure only the change requests with mitigated risks are approved for implementationAnswer: DQUESTION 17What is the BEST description of an Operational Level Agreement (OLA)?A.An agreement between the service provider and another part of the same organizationB.An agreement between the service provider and an external organizationC.A document that describes to a customer how services will be operated on a day-to-day basisD.A document that describes business services to operational staffAnswer: AQUESTION 18Which of the following is the CORRECT definition of a Release Unit?A.A measurement of costB.A function described within Service TransitionC.The team of people responsible for implementing a releaseD.The portion of a service or IT infrastructure that is normally released togetherAnswer: DQUESTION 19The BEST definition of an Incident is:A.An unplanned disruption of service unless there is a backup to that service B.An unplanned interruption or reduction in the quality of an IT ServiceC.Any disruption to service whether planned or unplannedD .Any disruption to service that is reported to the Service Desk, regardless of whether theservice isimpacted or not Answer: BQUESTION 20In which of the following situations should a Problem Record be created?A .An event indicates that a redundant network segment has failed but it has not impacted anyusersB.An Incident is passed to second-level supportC .A Technical Management team identifies a permanent resolution to a number of recurringIncidentsD.Incident Management has found a workaround but needs some assistance in implementing itAnswer: CQUESTION 21Which of the following BEST describes a Problem?A.A Known Error for which the cause and resolution are not yet knownB.The cause of two or more IncidentsC.A serious Incident which has a critical impact to the businessD.The cause of one or more IncidentsAnswer: DQUESTION 22Implementation of ITIL Service Management requires preparing and planning the effective and efficient use of:A.People, Process, Partners, SuppliersB.People, Process, Products, TechnologyC.People, Process, Products, PartnersD.People, Products, Technology, PartnersAnswer: CQUESTION 23What would be the next step in the Continual Service Improvement (CSI) Model after:1. What is the vision?2. Where are we now?3. Where do we want to be?4. How do we get there?5. Did we get there?6. ?A.What is the Return On Investment (ROI)?B.How much did it cost?C.How do we keep the momentum going?D.What is the Value On Investment (VOI)?Answer: CQUESTION 24Which of the following do Service Metrics measure?A.Processes and functionsB.Maturity and costC.The end to end serviceD.Infrastructure availabilityAnswer: CQUESTION 25The MAIN objective of Service Level Management is:A.To carry out the Service Operations activities needed to support current IT services B.To ensure that sufficient capacity is provided to deliver the agreed performance of servicesC.To create and populate a Service CatalogueD.To ensure that an agreed level of IT service is provided for all current IT servicesAnswer: DQUESTION 26Which processes review Underpinning Contracts on a regular basis?A.Supplier Management and Service Level ManagementB.Supplier Management and Demand ManagementC.Demand Management and Service Level ManagementD.Supplier Management, Demand Management and Service Level ManagementAnswer: AQUESTION 27Which of the following statements about the Service Portfolio and Service Catalogue is the MOST CORRECT?A .The Service Catalogue only has information about services that are live, or being prepared for deployment; the Service Portfolio only has information about services which are beingconsidered for future developmentB .The Service Catalogue has information about all services; the Service Portfolio only hasinformationabout services which are being considered for future developmentC .The Service Portfolio has information about all services; the Service Catalogue only hasinformationabout services which are live, or being prepared for deploymentD.Service Catalogue and Service Portfolio are different names for the same thingAnswer: CQUESTION 28Which role or function is responsible for monitoring activities and events in the IT Infrastructure?A.Service Level ManagementB.IT Operations ManagementC.Capacity ManagementD.Incident ManagementAnswer: BQUESTION 29Consider the following list:1. Change Authority2. Change Manager3. Change Advisory Board (CAB)What are these BEST described as?A.Job descriptionsB.FunctionsC.TeamsD.Roles, people or groupsAnswer: DQUESTION 30Service Transition contains detailed descriptions of which processes?A .Change Management, Service Asset and Configuration Management, Release andDeploymentManagementB .Change Management, Capacity Management Event Management, Service RequestManagementC .Service Level Management, Service Portfolio Management, Service Asset and Configuration ManagementD .Service Asset and Configuration Management, Release and Deployment Management,RequestFulfilmentAnswer: AQUESTION 31Which of the following statements is CORRECT?A.The Configuration Management System is part of the Known Error Data BaseB .The Service Knowledge Management System is part of the Configuration ManagementSystemC .The Configuration Management System is part of the Service Knowledge ManagementsystemD.The Configuration Management System is part of the Configuration Management DatabaseAnswer: CQUESTION 32Major Incidents require:A.Separate proceduresB.Less urgencyC.Longer timescalesD.Less documentationAnswer: AQUESTION 33Which of the following statements about Incident reporting and logging is CORRECT?A .Incidents can only be reported by users, since they are the only people who know when aservice hasbeen disruptedB .Incidents can be reported by anyone who detects a disruption or potential disruption tonormal service.This includes technical staffC .All calls to the Service Desk must be logged as Incidents to assist in reporting Service DeskactivityD .Incidents reported by technical staff must be logged as Problems because technical staffmanageinfrastructure devices not services Answer: BQUESTION 34What is the BEST description of a Major Incident?A .An Incident that is so complex that it requires root cause analysis before a workaround canbe foundB.An Incident which requires a large number of people to resolveC.An Incident logged by a senior managerD.An Incident which has a high priority or high impact on the businessAnswer: DQUESTION 35Which of the following should be done when closing an incident?1. Check the incident categorization and correct it if necessary2. Check that user is satisfied with the outcomeA.1 onlyB.Both of the aboveC.2 onlyD.Neither of the aboveAnswer: BQUESTION 36Which of the following statements correctly states the relationship between urgency, priority and impact?A.Impact, priority and urgency are independent of each otherB.Urgency should be based on impact and priorityC.Impact should be based on urgency and priorityD.Priority should be based on impact and urgencyAnswer: DQUESTION 37Hierarchic escalation is best described as?A.Notifying more senior levels of management about an IncidentB.Passing an Incident to people with a greater level of technical skillC .Using more senior specialists than necessary to resolve an Incident to maintain customersatisfactionD.Failing to meet the Incident resolution times specified in a Service Level AgreementAnswer: AQUESTION 38Which of the following BEST describes a Service Request?A.A request from a User for information, advice or for a Standard ChangeB.Anything that the customer wants and is prepared to pay forC.Any request or demand that is entered by a user via a Self-Help web-based interfaceD .Any Request for Change (RFC) that is low risk and can be approved by the Change Managerwithout aChange Advisory Board (CAB) meetingAnswer: AQUESTION 39Event Management, Problem Management, Access Management and Request Fulfilment are part of which stage of the Service Lifecycle?A.Service StrategyB.Service TransitionC.Service OperationD.Continual Service ImprovementAnswer: CQUESTION 40Which of the following is NOT a valid objective of Request Fulfilment?A.To provide information to users about what services are available and how to request themB .To update the Service Catalogue with services that may be requested through the ServiceDeskC.To provide a channel for users to request and receive standard servicesD.To source and deliver the components of standard services that have been requestedAnswer: BQUESTION 41Which process is responsible for sourcing and delivering components of requested standard services?A.Request FulfilmentB.Service Portfolio ManagementC.Service DeskD.IT FinanceAnswer: AQUESTION 42Which of the following are Service Desk organizational structures?1. Local Service Desk2. Virtual Service Desk3. IT Help Desk4. Follow the SunA1, 2 and 4 only.2, 3 and 4 onlyB.1, 3 and 4 onlyC.D1, 2 and 3 only.Answer: AQUESTION 43Which Functions are included in IT Operations Management?ANetwork Management and Application Management.Technical Management and Change ManagementB.IT Operations Control and Facilities ManagementC.DFacilities Management and Release Management.Answer: CQUESTION 44Which of the following options is a hierarchy that is used in Knowledge Management?AWisdom - Information - Data - Knowledge.Data - Information - Knowledge - WisdomB.Knowledge - Wisdom - Information - DataC.DInformation - Data - Knowledge - Wisdom.Answer: BQUESTION 45Which of the following CANNOT be provided by a tool?AKnowledge.InformationB.WisdomC.DData.Answer: CQUESTION 46The BEST processes to automate are those that are:ACarried out by Service Operations.Carried out by lots of peopleB.Critical to the success of the business missionC.DSimple and well understood.Answer: DQUESTION 47Which of the following areas would technology help to support during the Service Transition phase of the lifecycle?1. Data mining and workflow tools2. Measurement and reporting systems3. Release and deployment technology4. Process DesignA2, 3 and 4 only.1, 3 and 4 onlyB.C1, 2 and 3 only.All of the aboveD.Answer: CQUESTION 48Which of the following are the two primary elements that create value for customers?Value on Investment (VOI), Return on Investment (ROI)A.BCustomer and User satisfaction.CUnderstanding Service Requirements and Warranty.Utility and WarrantyD.Answer: DQUESTION 49Within Service Design, what is the key output handed over to Service Transition?AMeasurement, methods and metrics.Service Design PackageB.Service Portfolio DesignC.Process definitionsD.Answer: BQUESTION 50What is the Service Pipeline?A.All services that are at a conceptual or development stageB.All services except those that have been retiredC.All services that are contained within the Service Level Agreement (SLA) D.All complex multi-user servicesAnswer: AQUESTION 51Which of the following statements BEST describes a Definitive Media Library (DML)?A.A secure location where definitive hardware spares are heldB .A secure library where definitive authorised versions of all media Configuration Items (CIs)are storedand protectedC.A database that contains definitions of all media CIsD .A secure library where definitive authorised versions of all software and back-ups are storedandprotectedAnswer: BQUESTION 52In the phrase "People, Processes, Products and Partners". Products refers to: A.IT Infrastructure and ApplicationsB.Services, technology and toolsC.Goods provided by third parties to support the IT ServicesD.All assets belonging to the Service ProviderAnswer: BQUESTION 53Defining the processes needed to operate a new service is part of:A.Service Design: Design the processesB.Service Strategy: Develop the offeringsC.Service Transition: Plan and prepare for deploymentD.Service Operation: IT Operations ManagementAnswer: AQUESTION 54Which Service Design process makes the most use of data supplied by Demand Management?Service Catalogue ManagementA.BService Level Management.CIT Service Continuity Management.Capacity ManagementD.Answer: DQUESTION 55Which of these are objectives of Service Level Management1: Defining, documenting and agreeing the level of IT Services to be provided2: Monitoring, measuring and reporting the actual level of services provided3: Monitoring and improving customer satisfaction4: Identifying possible future markets that the Service Provider could operate in1, 2 and 3 onlyA.1 and2 onlyB.1, 2 and 4 onlyC.DAll of the above.Answer: AQUESTION 56Which process is responsible for discussing reports with customers showing whether services have met their targets?Continual Service ImprovementA.Business Relationship ManagementB.Service Level ManagementC.Availability ManagementD.Answer: CQUESTION 57Which of the following does the Availability Management process include?1. Ensuring services are able to meet availability targets2. Monitoring and reporting actual availability3. Improvement activities, to ensure that services continue to meet or exceed their availability goalsA 1 onlyBAll of the above.1 and2 onlyC.1 and 3 onlyD.Answer: BQUESTION 58Reliability is a measure of:The availability of a service or componentA.BThe level of risk that could impact a service or process.How long a service or component can perform its function without failingC.DA measure of how quickly a service or component can be restored to normal working.Answer: CQUESTION 59Which process is responsible for managing relationships with vendors?Change ManagementA.Service Portfolio ManagementB.Supplier ManagementC.Continual Service ImprovementD.Answer: CQUESTION 60The Supplier Management process includes:1: Service Design activities, to ensure that contracts will be able to support the service requirements 2: Service Operation activities, to monitor and report supplier achievements3: Continual Improvement activities, to ensure that suppliers continue to meet or exceed the needs of the business1 and2 onlyA.1 onlyB.All of the aboveC.D1 and 3 only.Answer: CQUESTION 61Data used to support the capacity management process should be stored in:A configuration management database (CMDB)A.A capacity database (CDB)B.A configuration management system (CMS)C.A capacity management information system (CMIS)D.Answer: DQUESTION 62Which process contains the Business, Service and Component sub-processes?Capacity ManagementA.Incident ManagementB.Service Level ManagementC.Financial ManagementD.Answer: AQUESTION 63IT Service Continuity strategy should be based on:1: Design of the service technology2: Business continuity strategy3: Business Impact Analysis4: Risk assessment1, 2 and 4 onlyA.1, 2 and 3 onlyB.2, 3 and 4 onlyC.1, 3 and 4 onlyD.Answer: CQUESTION 64A change process model should include:1 - The steps that should be taken to handle the change with any dependences or co-processing defined, including handling issues and unexpected events2 - Responsibilities; who should do what, including escalation3 - Timescales and thresholds for completion of the actions4 - Complaints procedures1,2 and 3 onlyA.B All of the aboveC.1 and2 onlyD.1,2 and 4 onlyAnswer: AQUESTION 65Which of the following BEST describes a Change Authority?A.The Change Advisory BoardB.A person that provides formal authorisation for a particular type of change.C .A role, person or a group of people that provides formal authorisation for a particular type ofchange.D.The Change Manager who provides formal authorisation for each changeAnswer: CQUESTION 66Which of these would fall outside the scope of a typical service change management processA.A change to a contract with a supplierB.A firmware upgrade to a server that is only used for IT Service Continuity purposesC.An urgent need to replace a CPU to restore a service during an incidentD.A change to a business process that depends on IT ServicesAnswer: DQUESTION 67Which of the following statements BEST describes the aims of Release and Deployment Management?A .To build, test and deliver the capability to provide the services specified by Service Designand that willaccomplish the stakeholders requirements and deliver the intended objectivesB .To ensure that each Release package specified by Service Design consists of a set of relatedassets andservice components that are compatible with each otherC .To ensure that all Release and Deployment packages can be tracked, installed, tested,verified and/oruninstalled or backed out if appropriateD.To record and manage deviations, risks and issues related to the new or changed serviceAnswer: AQUESTION 68Which of the following BEST describes Technical Management?A A Function responsible for Facilities Management and building control systemsB .A Function that provides hardware repair services for technology involved in the delivery ofservice tocustomersC.Senior managers responsible for all staff within the technical support FunctionD .A Function that includes the groups, departments or teams that provide technical expertiseand overallmanagement of the IT InfrastructureAnswer: DQUESTION 69Which of the following functions would be responsible for management of a data centre?A.Technical ManagementB.Service DeskC.IT Operations ControlD.Facilities ManagementAnswer: DQUESTION 70Which of these statements about Resources and Capabilities is CORRECT?A.Resources are types of Service Asset and Capabilities are notB.Resources and Capabilities are both types of Service AssetC.Capabilities are types of Service Asset and Resources are notD.Neither Capabilities nor Resources are types of Service AssetAnswer: BQUESTION 71A risk is:A.Something that won't happenB.Something that will happenC.Something that has happenedD.Something that might happenAnswer: DQUESTION 72A Service Level Agreement (SLA) is:A.The part of a contract that specifies responsibilities of each partyB.An agreement between the Service Provider and an internal organizationC.An agreement between a Service Provider and an external supplierD.An agreement between the Service Provider and their customerAnswer: DQUESTION 73The information that is passed to Service Transition to enable them to implement a new service is called:A.A Service Level PackageB.A Service Transition PackageC.A Service Design PackageD.A New Service PackageAnswer: CQUESTION 74When should tests for a new service be designed?A.At the same time as the service is designedB.After the service has been designed, before the service is handed over to Service Transition C.As part of Service TransitionD.Before the service is designedAnswer: AQUESTION 75Which of these is the correct set of steps for the Continual Service Improvement Model?A .Devise a strategy; Design the solution; Transition into production; Operate the solution;ContinuallyImproveB .Where do we want to be?; How do we get there?; How do we check we arrived?; How do wekeep themomentum going?C .Identify the required business outcomes; Plan how to achieve the outcomes; Implement theplan; Checkthe plan has been properly implemented; Improve the solutionD .What is the vision?; Where are we now?; Where do we want to be?; How do we get there?;Did we getthere?; How do we keep the momentum going?。



EX0-101 ITIL Foundation v.3Exam AQUESTION 1What are the three types of metrics that an organization should collect to support Continual Service Improvement (CSI)?A. Return On Investment (ROI), Value On Investment (VOI), qualityB. Strategic, tactical and operationalC. Critical Success Factors (CSFs), Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), activitiesD. Technology, process and serviceAnswer: DQUESTION 2Which of the following is NOT a valid objective of Problem Management?A. To prevent Problems and their resultant IncidentsB. To manage Problems throughout their lifecycleC. To restore service to a userD. To eliminate recurring IncidentsAnswer: CQUESTION 3Availability Management is responsible for availability of the:A. Services and ComponentsB. Services and Business ProcessesC. Components and Business ProcessesD. Services, Components and Business ProcessesAnswer: AQUESTION 4Contracts are used to define:A. The provision of IT services or business services by a Service ProviderB. The provision of goods and services by SuppliersC. Service Levels that have been agreed between the Service Provider and their CustomerD. Metrics and Critical Success Factors (CSFs) in an external agreementAnswer: BQUESTION 5Which of the following is NOT an example of Self-Help capabilities?A. Requirement to always call the Service Desk for service requestsB. Web front-endC. Menu-driven range of self help and service requestsD. A direct interface into the back-end process-handling softwareAnswer: AQUESTION 6Who owns the specific costs and risks associated with providing a service?A. The Service ProviderB. The Service Level ManagerC. The CustomerD. The Finance departmentAnswer: AQUESTION 7Which of the following are types of communication you could expect the functions within ServiceOperation to perform?1. Communication between Data Centre shifts2. Communication related to changes3. Performance reporting4. Routine operational communicationA. 1 onlyB. 2 and 3 onlyC. 1, 2 and 4 onlyD. All of the aboveAnswer: DQUESTION 8How many people should be accountable for a process as defined in the RACI model?A. As many as necessary to complete the activityB. Only one - the process ownerC. Two - the process owner and the process enactorD. Only one - the process architectAnswer: BQUESTION 9What guidance does ITIL give on the frequency of production of service reporting?A. Service reporting intervals must be defined and agreed with the customersB. Reporting intervals should be set by the Service ProviderC. Reports should be produced weeklyD. Service reporting intervals must be the same for all servicesAnswer: AQUESTION 10Which of the following is the BEST definition of the term Service Management?A. A set of specialised organizational capabilities for providing value to customers in the formof servicesB. A group of interacting, interrelated, or independent components that form a unified whole,operatingtogether for a common purposeC. The management of functions within an organization to perform certain activitiesD. Units of organizations with roles to perform certain activitiesAnswer: AQUESTION 11Which of the following would be defined as part of every process?1. Roles2. Activities3. Functions4. ResponsibilitiesA. 1 and 3 onlyB. All of the aboveC. 2 and 4 onlyD. 1, 2 and 4 onlyAnswer: DQUESTION 12Which of the following statements is CORRECT for every process?1. It delivers its primary results to a customer or stakeholder2. It defines activities that are executed by a single functionA. Both of the aboveB. 1 onlyC. Neither of the aboveD. 2 onlyAnswer: BQUESTION 13What are the publications that provide guidance specific to industry sectors and organization types known as?A. The Service Strategy and Service Transition booksB. The ITIL Complementary GuidanceC. The Service Support and Service Delivery booksD. Pocket GuidesAnswer: BQUESTION 14Which of the following is NOT a purpose of Service Transition?A. To ensure that a service can be managed, operated and supportedB. To provide training and certification in project managementC. To provide quality knowledge of Change, Release and Deployment ManagementD. To plan and manage the capacity and resource requirements to manage a release Answer: BQUESTION 15What is the BEST description of the purpose of Service Operation?A. To decide how IT will engage with suppliers during the Service Management LifecycleB. To proactively prevent all outages to IT ServicesC. To design and build processes that will meet business needsD. To deliver and manage IT Services at agreed levels to business users and customers Answer: DQUESTION 16Which of the following should NOT be a concern of Risk Management?A. To ensure that the organization can continue to operate in the event of a major disruption ordisasterB. To ensure that the workplace is a safe environment for its employees and customersC. To ensure that the organization assets, such as information, facilities and building areprotected fromthreats, damage or lossD. To ensure only the change requests with mitigated risks are approved for implementation Answer: DQUESTION 17What is the BEST description of an Operational Level Agreement (OLA)?A. An agreement between the service provider and another part of the same organizationB. An agreement between the service provider and an external organizationC. A document that describes to a customer how services will be operated on a day-to-daybasisD. A document that describes business services to operational staffAnswer: AQUESTION 18Which of the following is the CORRECT definition of a Release Unit?A. A measurement of costB. A function described within Service TransitionC. The team of people responsible for implementing a releaseD. The portion of a service or IT infrastructure that is normally released togetherAnswer: DQUESTION 19The BEST definition of an Incident is:A. An unplanned disruption of service unless there is a backup to that serviceB. An unplanned interruption or reduction in the quality of an IT ServiceC. Any disruption to service whether planned or unplannedD. Any disruption to service that is reported to the Service Desk, regardless of whether theservice isimpacted or notAnswer: BQUESTION 20In which of the following situations should a Problem Record be created?A. An event indicates that a redundant network segment has failed but it has not impacted anyusersB. An Incident is passed to second-level supportC. A Technical Management team identifies a permanent resolution to a number of recurringIncidentsD. Incident Management has found a workaround but needs some assistance in implementingitAnswer: CQUESTION 21Which of the following BEST describes a Problem?A. A Known Error for which the cause and resolution are not yet knownB. The cause of two or more IncidentsC. A serious Incident which has a critical impact to the businessD. The cause of one or more IncidentsAnswer: DQUESTION 22Implementation of ITIL Service Management requires preparing and planning the effective and efficient use of:A. People, Process, Partners, SuppliersB. People, Process, Products, TechnologyC. People, Process, Products, PartnersD. People, Products, Technology, PartnersAnswer: CQUESTION 23What would be the next step in the Continual Service Improvement (CSI) Model after:1. What is the vision?2. Where are we now?3. Where do we want to be?4. How do we get there?5. Did we get there?6. ?A. What is the Return On Investment (ROI)?B. How much did it cost?C. How do we keep the momentum going?D. What is the Value On Investment (VOI)?Answer: CQUESTION 24Which of the following do Service Metrics measure?A. Processes and functionsB. Maturity and costC. The end to end serviceD. Infrastructure availabilityAnswer: CQUESTION 25The MAIN objective of Service Level Management is:A. To carry out the Service Operations activities needed to support current IT servicesB. To ensure that sufficient capacity is provided to deliver the agreed performance of servicesC. To create and populate a Service CatalogueD. To ensure that an agreed level of IT service is provided for all current IT servicesAnswer: DQUESTION 26Which processes review Underpinning Contracts on a regular basis?A. Supplier Management and Service Level ManagementB. Supplier Management and Demand ManagementC. Demand Management and Service Level ManagementD. Supplier Management, Demand Management and Service Level ManagementAnswer: AQUESTION 27Which of the following statements about the Service Portfolio and Service Catalogue is the MOST CORRECT?A. The Service Catalogue only has information about services that are live, or being preparedfordeployment; the Service Portfolio only has information about services which are beingconsidered for futuredevelopmentB. The Service Catalogue has information about all services; the Service Portfolio only hasinformationabout services which are being considered for future developmentC. The Service Portfolio has information about all services; the Service Catalogue only hasinformationabout services which are live, or being prepared for deploymentD. Service Catalogue and Service Portfolio are different names for the same thingAnswer: CQUESTION 28Which role or function is responsible for monitoring activities and events in the IT Infrastructure?A. Service Level ManagementB. IT Operations ManagementC. Capacity ManagementD. Incident ManagementAnswer: BQUESTION 29Consider the following list:1. Change Authority2. Change Manager3. Change Advisory Board (CAB)What are these BEST described as?A. Job descriptionsB. FunctionsC. TeamsD. Roles, people or groupsAnswer: DQUESTION 30Service Transition contains detailed descriptions of which processes?A. Change Management, Service Asset and Configuration Management, Release andDeploymentManagementB. Change Management, Capacity Management Event Management, Service RequestManagementC. Service Level Management, Service Portfolio Management, Service Asset andConfigurationManagementD. Service Asset and Configuration Management, Release and Deployment Management,RequestFulfilmentAnswer: AQUESTION 31Which of the following statements is CORRECT?A. The Configuration Management System is part of the Known Error Data BaseB. The Service Knowledge Management System is part of the Configuration ManagementSystemC. The Configuration Management System is part of the Service Knowledge ManagementsystemD. The Configuration Management System is part of the Configuration Management Database Answer: CQUESTION 32Major Incidents require:A. Separate proceduresB. Less urgencyC. Longer timescalesD. Less documentationAnswer: AWhich of the following statements about Incident reporting and logging is CORRECT?A. Incidents can only be reported by users, since they are the only people who know when aservice hasbeen disruptedB. Incidents can be reported by anyone who detects a disruption or potential disruption tonormal service.This includes technical staffC. All calls to the Service Desk must be logged as Incidents to assist in reporting Service DeskactivityD. Incidents reported by technical staff must be logged as Problems because technical staffmanageinfrastructure devices not servicesAnswer: BQUESTION 34What is the BEST description of a Major Incident?A. An Incident that is so complex that it requires root cause analysis before a workaround canbe foundB. An Incident which requires a large number of people to resolveC. An Incident logged by a senior managerD. An Incident which has a high priority or high impact on the businessAnswer: DQUESTION 35Which of the following should be done when closing an incident?1. Check the incident categorization and correct it if necessary2. Check that user is satisfied with the outcomeA. 1 onlyB. Both of the aboveC. 2 onlyD. Neither of the aboveAnswer: BQUESTION 36Which of the following statements correctly states the relationship between urgency, priority and impact?A. Impact, priority and urgency are independent of each otherB. Urgency should be based on impact and priorityC. Impact should be based on urgency and priorityD. Priority should be based on impact and urgencyAnswer: DQUESTION 37Hierarchic escalation is best described as?A. Notifying more senior levels of management about an IncidentB. Passing an Incident to people with a greater level of technical skillC. Using more senior specialists than necessary to resolve an Incident to maintain customersatisfactionD. Failing to meet the Incident resolution times specified in a Service Level Agreement Answer: AQUESTION 38Which of the following BEST describes a Service Request?A. A request from a User for information, advice or for a Standard ChangeB. Anything that the customer wants and is prepared to pay forC. Any request or demand that is entered by a user via a Self-Help web-based interfaceD. Any Request for Change (RFC) that is low risk and can be approved by the ChangeManager without aChange Advisory Board (CAB) meetingAnswer: AEvent Management, Problem Management, Access Management and Request Fulfilment are part of which stage of the Service Lifecycle?A. Service StrategyB. Service TransitionC. Service OperationD. Continual Service ImprovementAnswer: CQUESTION 40Which of the following is NOT a valid objective of Request Fulfilment?A. To provide information to users about what services are available and how to request themB. To update the Service Catalogue with services that may be requested through the ServiceDeskC. To provide a channel for users to request and receive standard servicesD. To source and deliver the components of standard services that have been requestedAnswer: BQUESTION 41Which process is responsible for sourcing and delivering components of requested standard services?A. Request FulfilmentB. Service Portfolio ManagementC. Service DeskD. IT FinanceAnswer: AQUESTION 42Which of the following are Service Desk organizational structures?1. Local Service Desk2. Virtual Service Desk3. IT Help Desk4. Follow the SunA. 1, 2 and 4 onlyB. 2, 3 and 4 onlyC. 1, 3 and 4 onlyD. 1, 2 and 3 onlyAnswer: AQUESTION 43Which Functions are included in IT Operations Management?A. Network Management and Application ManagementB. Technical Management and Change ManagementC. IT Operations Control and Facilities ManagementD. Facilities Management and Release ManagementAnswer: CQUESTION 44Which of the following options is a hierarchy that is used in Knowledge Management?A. Wisdom - Information - Data - KnowledgeB. Data - Information - Knowledge - WisdomC. Knowledge - Wisdom - Information - DataD. Information - Data - Knowledge - WisdomAnswer: BQUESTION 45Which of the following CANNOT be provided by a tool?A. KnowledgeB. InformationC. WisdomD. DataAnswer: CQUESTION 46The BEST processes to automate are those that are:A. Carried out by Service OperationsB. Carried out by lots of peopleC. Critical to the success of the business missionD. Simple and well understoodAnswer: DQUESTION 47Which of the following areas would technology help to support during the Service Transition phase of the lifecycle?1. Data mining and workflow tools2. Measurement and reporting systems3. Release and deployment technology4. Process DesignA. 2, 3 and 4 onlyB. 1, 3 and 4 onlyC. 1, 2 and 3 onlyD. All of the aboveAnswer: CQUESTION 48Which of the following are the two primary elements that create value for customers?A. Value on Investment (VOI), Return on Investment (ROI)B. Customer and User satisfactionC. Understanding Service Requirements and WarrantyD. Utility and WarrantyAnswer: DQUESTION 49Within Service Design, what is the key output handed over to Service Transition?A. Measurement, methods and metricsB. Service Design PackageC. Service Portfolio DesignD. Process definitionsAnswer: BQUESTION 50What is the Service Pipeline?A. All services that are at a conceptual or development stageB. All services except those that have been retiredC. All services that are contained within the Service Level Agreement (SLA)D. All complex multi-user servicesAnswer: AQUESTION 51Which of the following statements BEST describes a Definitive Media Library (DML)?A. A secure location where definitive hardware spares are heldB. A secure library where definitive authorised versions of all media Configuration Items (CIs)are storedand protectedC. A database that contains definitions of all media CIsD. A secure library where definitive authorised versions of all software and back-ups are storedandprotectedAnswer: BQUESTION 52In the phrase "People, Processes, Products and Partners". Products refers to:A. IT Infrastructure and ApplicationsB. Services, technology and toolsC. Goods provided by third parties to support the IT ServicesD. All assets belonging to the Service ProviderAnswer: BQUESTION 53Defining the processes needed to operate a new service is part of:A. Service Design: Design the processesB. Service Strategy: Develop the offeringsC. Service Transition: Plan and prepare for deploymentD. Service Operation: IT Operations ManagementAnswer: AQUESTION 54Which Service Design process makes the most use of data supplied by Demand Management?A. Service Catalogue ManagementB. Service Level ManagementC. IT Service Continuity ManagementD. Capacity ManagementAnswer: DQUESTION 55Which of these are objectives of Service Level Management1: Defining, documenting and agreeing the level of IT Services to be provided2: Monitoring, measuring and reporting the actual level of services provided3: Monitoring and improving customer satisfaction4: Identifying possible future markets that the Service Provider could operate inA. 1, 2 and 3 onlyB. 1 and 2 onlyC. 1, 2 and 4 onlyD. All of the aboveAnswer: AQUESTION 56Which process is responsible for discussing reports with customers showing whether services have met their targets?A. Continual Service ImprovementB. Business Relationship ManagementC. Service Level ManagementD. Availability ManagementAnswer: CQUESTION 57Which of the following does the Availability Management process include?1. Ensuring services are able to meet availability targets2. Monitoring and reporting actual availability3. Improvement activities, to ensure that services continue to meet or exceed their availability goalsA. 1 onlyB. All of the aboveC. 1 and 2 onlyD. 1 and 3 onlyAnswer: BQUESTION 58Reliability is a measure of:A. The availability of a service or componentB. The level of risk that could impact a service or processC. How long a service or component can perform its function without failingD. A measure of how quickly a service or component can be restored to normal workingAnswer: CQUESTION 59Which process is responsible for managing relationships with vendors?A. Change ManagementB. Service Portfolio ManagementC. Supplier ManagementD. Continual Service ImprovementAnswer: CQUESTION 60The Supplier Management process includes:1: Service Design activities, to ensure that contracts will be able to support the service requirements2: Service Operation activities, to monitor and report supplier achievements3: Continual Improvement activities, to ensure that suppliers continue to meet or exceed the needs of the businessA. 1 and 2 onlyB. 1 onlyC. All of the aboveD. 1 and 3 onlyAnswer: CQUESTION 61Data used to support the capacity management process should be stored in:A. A configuration management database (CMDB)B. A capacity database (CDB)C. A configuration management system (CMS)D. A capacity management information system (CMIS)Answer: DQUESTION 62Which process contains the Business, Service and Component sub-processes?A. Capacity ManagementB. Incident ManagementC. Service Level ManagementD. Financial ManagementAnswer: AQUESTION 63IT Service Continuity strategy should be based on:1: Design of the service technology2: Business continuity strategy3: Business Impact Analysis4: Risk assessmentA. 1, 2 and 4 onlyB. 1, 2 and 3 onlyC. 2, 3 and 4 onlyD. 1, 3 and 4 onlyAnswer: CQUESTION 64A change process model should include:1 - The steps that should be taken to handle the change with any dependences or co-processing defined, including handling issues and unexpected events2 - Responsibilities; who should do what, including escalation3 - Timescales and thresholds for completion of the actions4 - Complaints proceduresA. 1,2 and 3 onlyB. All of the aboveC. 1 and 2 onlyD. 1,2 and 4 onlyAnswer: AQUESTION 65Which of the following BEST describes a Change Authority?A. The Change Advisory BoardB. A person that provides formal authorisation for a particular type of change.C. A role, person or a group of people that provides formal authorisation for a particular type ofchange.D. The Change Manager who provides formal authorisation for each changeAnswer: CQUESTION 66Which of these would fall outside the scope of a typical service change management processA. A change to a contract with a supplierB. A firmware upgrade to a server that is only used for IT Service Continuity purposesC. An urgent need to replace a CPU to restore a service during an incidentD. A change to a business process that depends on IT ServicesAnswer: DQUESTION 67Which of the following statements BEST describes the aims of Release and Deployment Management?A. To build, test and deliver the capability to provide the services specified by Service Designand that willaccomplish the stakeholders requirements and deliver the intended objectivesB. To ensure that each Release package specified by Service Design consists of a set ofrelated assets andservice components that are compatible with each otherC. To ensure that all Release and Deployment packages can be tracked, installed, tested,verified and/oruninstalled or backed out if appropriateD. To record and manage deviations, risks and issues related to the new or changed service Answer: AQUESTION 68Which of the following BEST describes Technical Management?A. A Function responsible for Facilities Management and building control systemsB. A Function that provides hardware repair services for technology involved in the delivery ofservice tocustomersC. Senior managers responsible for all staff within the technical support FunctionD. A Function that includes the groups, departments or teams that provide technical expertiseand overallmanagement of the IT InfrastructureAnswer: DQUESTION 69Which of the following functions would be responsible for management of a data centre?A. Technical ManagementB. Service DeskC. IT Operations ControlD. Facilities ManagementAnswer: DQUESTION 70Which of these statements about Resources and Capabilities is CORRECT?A. Resources are types of Service Asset and Capabilities are notB. Resources and Capabilities are both types of Service AssetC. Capabilities are types of Service Asset and Resources are notD. Neither Capabilities nor Resources are types of Service AssetAnswer: BQUESTION 71A risk is:A. Something that won't happenB. Something that will happenC. Something that has happenedD. Something that might happenAnswer: DQUESTION 72A Service Level Agreement (SLA) is:A. The part of a contract that specifies responsibilities of each partyB. An agreement between the Service Provider and an internal organizationC. An agreement between a Service Provider and an external supplierD. An agreement between the Service Provider and their customerAnswer: DQUESTION 73The information that is passed to Service Transition to enable them to implement a new service is called:A. A Service Level PackageB. A Service Transition PackageC. A Service Design PackageD. A New Service PackageAnswer: CQUESTION 74When should tests for a new service be designed?A. At the same time as the service is designedB. After the service has been designed, before the service is handed over to Service TransitionC. As part of Service TransitionD. Before the service is designedAnswer: AQUESTION 75Which of these is the correct set of steps for the Continual Service Improvement Model?A. Devise a strategy; Design the solution; Transition into production; Operate the solution;ContinuallyImproveB. Where do we want to be?; How do we get there?; How do we check we arrived?; How do wekeep themomentum going?C. Identify the required business outcomes; Plan how to achieve the outcomes; Implement theplan; Checkthe plan has been properly implemented; Improve the solutionD. What is the vision?; Where are we now?; Where do we want to be?; How do we get there?;Did we getthere?; How do we keep the momentum going?Answer: DQUESTION 76Which of the following activities are helped by recording relationships between Configuration Items (CIs)?1. Assessing the impact and cause of Incidents and Problems2. Assessing the impact of proposed Changes3. Planning and designing a Change to an existing service4. Planning a technology refresh or software upgradeA. 1 and 2 onlyB. All of the aboveC. 1, 2 and 4 onlyD. 1, 3 and 4 onlyAnswer: BQUESTION 77A single Release unit, or a structured set of Release units can be defined within:A. The RACI ModelB. A Release PackageC. A Request ModelD. The Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) cycleAnswer: BQUESTION 78What are Request Models used for?A. Capacity ManagementB. Modelling arrival rates and performance characteristics of service requestsC. Comparing the advantages and disadvantages of different Service Desk approaches suchas local orremoteD. Identifying frequently received user requests and defining how they should be handledAnswer: DQUESTION 79What is the objective of Access Management?A. To provide security staff for Data Centers and other buildingsB. To manage access to computer rooms and other secure locationsC. To manage access to the Service DeskD. To manage the right to use a service or group of servicesAnswer: DQUESTION 80Identity and Rights are two major concepts involved in which one of the following processes?A. Access ManagementB. Facilities ManagementC. Event ManagementD. Demand ManagementAnswer: AQUESTION 81Which of these is the BEST description of a release unit?A. The portion of a service or IT infrastructure that is normally released togetherB. The smallest part of a service or IT infrastructure that can be independently changedC. The portion of a service or IT infrastructure that is changed by a particular releaseD. A metric for measuring the effectiveness of the Release and Deployment ManagementprocessAnswer: AQUESTION 82Which of these is a reason for categorizing incidents?A. To establish trends for use in Problem Management and other IT Service Management(ITSM) activitiesB. To ensure that the correct priority is assigned to the incidentC. To enable the incident management database to be partitioned for greater efficiencyD. To identify whether the user is entitled to log an incident for this particular serviceAnswer: AQUESTION 83Which process is responsible for monitoring an IT Service and detecting when the performance drops below acceptable limits?A. Service Asset and Configuration ManagementB. Event ManagementC. Service Level ManagementD. Performance ManagementAnswer: BQUESTION 84Which of the following might be used to manage an Incident?1. Incident Model2. Known Error RecordA. 1 onlyB. 2 onlyC. Both of the aboveD. Neither of the aboveAnswer: CQUESTION 85Which process is responsible for low risk, frequently occurring, low cost changes?A. Demand Management。

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ITIL 试题一2、下列说法哪个不正确?A 可用性管理涉及维持约定的数据安全级别。

B 可用性管理应该有助于新软件产品的设计和开发。

C 可用性管理通过与客户协商可用级别来确保满足他们的需求。

D 可用性管理与硬件配置项的性能有关。


下面的那个流程决定在合并后的IT基础设施上运行所需应用软件的磁盘和内存需求?A 应用管理B 能力管理C 计算机操作管理D 发布管理答案:b4、思考如下所列事项:1)分析2)模拟3)需求4)资源上面所列哪项是IT模拟测试的技术?A 3 & 4B 1 & 2C 2 & 3D 1 & 4答案:b5、差异收费用于:A 故障树分析(FTA)B 状态核查C 需求管理D 风险分析和管理法答案:c6、应用选型是一种用于能力管理的技术,为什么应用选型重要?A 测度某种IT服务的可用性。

B 控制某种IT应用软件的使用。

C 对应用软件的开发者来说,重要的是技术上的能力能被保持。

D 可以预知某种应用软件的资源要求和它的性能。

答案:d7、哪项不是能力管理的组成部分?A 调整B 需求管理C 应用选型D 可维护性答案:d8、在资源使用高峰时,对业务用户按照附加的费率收取费用称为:A 高峰资源收费B 差异收费C 实收D 折扣答案:b9、在ITIL的变更管理流程,一旦变更构建,谁承担测试?A 变更构建者B 变更管理者C 变更顾问委员会D 中立测试者答案:d10、一家公司为他们的图形设计工作站建立了局域网,因为大容量的图表通过网络传输,网络带宽必须增加。

哪个ITIL流程可用于满意的增加带宽的方案实施?A 能力管理B 变更管理C 可用性管理D 问题管理答案:b11 在一个变更执行后,对其进行评估。

这种评估称为:A 变更实施进度表(FSC)B 实施后评审(PIR)C 服务改进计划(SIP)D 服务级别需求(SLR)答案:b12 只有获得修改基础架构的授权,配置管理数据库的数据才能被修改。

下面哪个流程能给与这样的授权?A 变更管理B 配置管理C 事故管理D 服务级别管理答案:a13 下面哪个流程或功能检查变更请求(RFCs)的合理性、可用性和必要性?A. 变更管理B. 事故管理C. 问题管理D. 服务台答案:a14 思考下列表述:1 有效的变更管理确保了紧迫性和影响度是确定变更进度安排的关键因素。

2 变更管理控制变更流程的方方面面。

哪个说法正确?A 1B 都不对C 2D 都对答案:d15 如何确定召开变更顾问委员会/应急委员会(CAB/EC)会议的频率?A 每天一次B 每月一次C 每周一次D 根据需要答案:d16 在发布一个软件升级修复某个已知错误后,哪个流程能确保配置管理数据库被正确更新?A 变更管理B 问题管理C 配置管理D 发布管理答案:c17 与某个特定配置项相关的项目信息被存储到配置管理数据库,这种项目称为:A 组件B 特色C 属性D 特性答案:c18 一个配置管理数据库(CMDB)包含不同的配置项,下列哪个项目一般不会被当作配置项?A 用户名B 监视器C 买来的软件包D 工作程序答案:a19 思考下列信息:1 类型标识2 唯一标识符3 版本号4 副本数量上列哪个信息的详细资料必须作为配置项记录进配置管理数据库?A 1 & 2B 1, 3 & 4C 全部D 2 & 3答案:a20 配置管理数据库与典型的资产登记簿有什么不同?A 配置管理数据库是电算化的系统,大多数资产登记簿不是。

B 他们没有区别。

C 不仅仅是硬件被记录进配置管理数据库。

D 配置管理数据库是将其内容联结在一起的数据库答案:d21 ITIL的哪项流程为IT服务的预期采购拟定一个(长期)计划?A 可用性管理B 能力管理C 配置管理D 服务级别管理答案:b22 术语“变量”最好用来描述:A 未经授权的或不合法的软件版本。

B 一个产生与现有某知名错误同样影响但是引发根源不同的事故C 一个配置项在另一个基础上进行了微小的改善。

D 预测的与实际的资源使用之间的不同。

The difference between forecast and actual resource usage答案:c23 因为过失,一个用户的声卡被新声卡替换,为了便于将来参考,哪个ITIL流程用来记录这块不同生产厂商的新声卡?A 变更管理B 配置管理C 事故管理D 问题管理答案:b24 构建成本模型的原因之一是:A 费用能反映市场的承受力。

B 成本模型与它的要素单位直接相关。

C IT成本联结商业行为。

D 成本模型使IT成本易于计算。

答案:c25 下列哪些关于IT财务管理的说法正确?A IT财务经理需要识别由IT和服务建议价格所引起的成本。

B 为了能建立预算编制和会计核算,有必要签署服务级别协议(SLAs)和运营级别协议(OLAs)。

C 只有在客户为服务付费时才可能有成本意识。

D 在成本模型建立前,成本管理必须和客户就费用达成一致。

答案:a26 没有一个好的会计核算系统,你不能::1 了解所提供服务的全部成本。

2 判断问题管理的效率。

3 如你所希望的那样,恢复使用成本。

上述哪个正确?A 1, 2 & 3B 仅1 & 3C 仅1 & 2D 仅2 & 3答案:a27 下列哪个一般不是IT成本模型中主要的输入成本要素?A 场所B 转换C 软件D 服务答案:d28 下列哪个概念不属于IT服务财务管理?A 预算编制B 收费C 获取D 定价答案:c29 下列哪个说明属于战术流程?A 在应用软件的用户使用手册。

B 来自服务台的关于应用软件的时事通讯C 和一个提交人讨论关于应用软件功能扩充的变更请求D 一种服务的可用性协议。

答案:d30 现在,管理服务的可用性比以前更重要是因为:A 客户对IT的依赖已经增长B 现在的系统管理工具能提供更实时的性能管理信息。

C 更多的IT系统外包。

D 现在更多的服务提供商同他们的客户签署了服务级别协议。

答案:a31 风险评估不是下列哪个流程的主要部分?A 服务级别管理B IT服务持续性管理C 变更管理D 可用性管理答案:a32 在旅馆,销售人员使用膝上型电脑能获得旅行的路线和时间。


除事故管理外,还有哪些流程涉及完成一个结构上的解决方案?A 变更,配置,发布和问题管理B 仅配置,问题和发布管理C 仅变更和发布管理D 仅变更,发布,配置管理E 仅问题和发布管理答案:a33 思考下列说法:1 ITIL流程应该以这样一种方式执行,那就是对组织的贡献不仅要明确而且能实际完成。

2 ITIL方法的一个特性是让一个部门负责服务支持和服务提供流程,这样被分配的资源就能尽可能的有效使用。

这些说法正确吗?A 都对B 仅2C 都不对D 仅1答案:d34 IT服务管理是如何保证IT服务提供的质量?A 通过将内部和外部的客户与提供商之间的协定记录进正式的文档。

B 通过定立通用的可接受的服务级别标准。

C 通过在IT组织的所有员工中推行客户导向模式。

D 通过计划、实施和管理为IT服务提供一套连贯的流程。

答案:d35 哪个正确地组合相关概念和IT服务流程?1 风险 a 能力管理2 可靠性 b 发布管理3 极限 c 可用行管理4 首次运行 d IT服务持续性管理A 1-b, 2-a, 3-d, 4-cB 1-c, 2-a, 3-d, 4-bC 1-d, 2-c, 3-a, 4-bD 1-c, 2-d, 3-b, 4-a答案:c36 谁能和IT组织订立IT服务购买协议?A 服务级别管理B 用户C ITIL流程所有者D 客户答案:d37 哪个是概念和ITIL流程的正确匹配?1 配置项级别 a 可用性管理2 灾难 b 配置管理3 风险分析 c IT服务持续性管理4 保密性 d 服务级别管理A 1-b, 2-c, 3-c, 4-aB 1-d, 2-c, 3-a, 4-aC 1-d, 2-d, 3-a, 4-bD 1-b, 2-d, 3-c, 4-b答案:a38 思考下列情形:1 一个事故超过了服务级别协议(SLA)规定的停机时间。

2 因为无法预料的境况使一个事故对业务的影响增加。

3 受事故影响的用户数比最初设想的要多。

4 客户公司的一位高级经理抱怨一个特殊的事故造成进度缓慢。

上述哪项是服务台调用升级程序的正确原因?A 全部B 2, 3 & 4C 1, 2 & 3D 1, 3 & 4答案:a39 下列哪项数据最少被事故管理流程使用?A 事故类别B 故障项目产生/模拟C 影响度代码D 故障项目成本答案:d40 从哪个文档中,事故管理流程可以获得在必要的情况下何时以及向谁升级问题的信息?A 服务改进计划B 服务目录C 组织机构图D 服务级别协议答案:d。
