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1.—Could you please tell me ?

—Oh, I’ll go there to attend a party.

A.when you’ll go to Beijing B.how you’ll go to Beijing

C.why you’ll go to Beijing D.whether you’ll go to Beijing



句意:----你能告诉我你为什么要去北京吗?----哦,我要去那里参加一个聚会。A. when you’ll go to Beijing你什么时候去北京;B. how you’ll go to Beijing你怎么去北京;C. why you’ll go to Beijing你为什么要去北京;D. whether you’ll go to Beijing你是否要去北京。根据下文回答“我要去那里参加一个聚会”可知问句是“你为什么要去北京”,选C。

2.—Excuse me, could you tell me ______?

—Sorry, sir. I wasn’t there at that time.

A.how did the accident happen B.how the accident happened

C.how does the accident happen D.how the accident happens




3.–What a lovely toy race car! Could you tell me ?

A.why did you get it B.when will you get it

C.where you got it D.how will you get it





4.Our teacher asked me

A.what was Ann doing these days

B.when will the monkey show begin

C.why Peter didn’t come to school yesterday

D.how long I usually spend on my homework





构可知,横线处成分作 ask 后的宾语,则此处为宾语从句,需使用陈述句语序,即“连接词+ 主语 + 谓语”,故排除A、B项。由题干 asked 可知,此处要使用过去的某种时态,故排除D项,故选C。

5.--- Excuse me. Could you tell me ____ ?

--- It will be on at 7:00 p.m.

A.when “The Avengers” would be on B.where will “ The Avengers” be on

C.when “The Avengers” will be on D.where “The Avengers” will be on




句意:--打扰了!你能告诉我《复仇者联盟》何时放映吗?--将会在下午七点放映。考查宾语从句。根据回答It will be on at 7:00 p.m.可知是问时间,且时态是将来时。故选C。



时,句子不需要改变语序。如 Who is standing there? who做主语,I don't know who is standing there. Whose father likes music? whose 做主语father的定语,I don't know whose father likes music.。What’s wrong? / What's the matter? What happened to you? 都是疑问词做主语,句子都是陈述语序,所以在宾语从句中都不需要改变语序。而What are your hobbies? 疑问词作表语,句子是倒装语序,所以在宾语从句中需要改变语序。

6.一I wonder________________.

- Believe it or not. He did it all on his own.

A.how Jack finished such a difficult task in such a short time

B.when Jack finish such a difficult task in such a short time

C.why Jack finish such a difficult task in such a short time





这一切都是他自己做的。how Jack finished such difficult task in such a short time杰克如何在

这么短的时间内完成这么困难的任务。when Jack finish such difficult task in such a short time

杰克是何时在这么短时间内完成这么困难的任务。why Jack finish such difficult task in such a short time为什么杰克在这么短时间内完成这么困难的任务。根据He did it all on his own.可知此处是表示他如何完成这个任务的,故选A。
