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Human Expansion Triway into Space 1. Other benefitfs of Asteroid identification & tracking
• Near Earth Asteroids & Comets are not only possible threats, they are reserves of raw materials that may be essential to our growing material needs:
Human Expansion Triway into Space
• 1. Planetary Defense of our home world from potential impactors (Near Earth Asteroids) 2. Establishing a viable exclave of human civilization on another world (Mars) to guarantee human survival should civilization on Earth be wiped out by an impact or other natural disaster, or implode through humancaused environmental degradation. 3. Using Space Resources to halt, and ultimately reverse environmental degradation on Earth through overuse of fossil fuels, and to create a more equitable global economy (The Moon)
• Before we can design a suite of astrochunck orbit adjustment method, we need to 1) identify all the possible impactors out there, and then 2) tag them with transponders so that we can keep ultra-accurate track of them and 3) characterize each as to internal cohesiveness and structure, then 4) on the basis of which population group poses the greatest threat, prioritize development and testing of methods of deflection • Given the relative likelihood of different size impacts over time, the first things first, one step at a time plan sketched at right offers the best cost benefit ratio. We have to keep in mind that the odds of disaster from impact are less than the odds of a supervolcano eruption, or of a supertsunami event, or of a next ice age, any of which could devastate Earth on a continental scale. Asteroids are not the only natural threat we face. But they are the threat that we can do the most about.

Human Expansion Triway into Space
I. Changing Orbits of Threatening Astrochunks
• We are learning that asteroids come not only in many sizes and with serveral kinds of mineralogy, but that they have several kinds of complex rotations and several degrees of internal cohesiveness. Punch a bean bag, and it doesn’t fly away from you, it just rearranges itself around the impact point Giving an asteroid with a complex wobble a push in the desired direction can be very tricky. No one strategy fits every case
Human Expansion Triway into Space
• Therቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ are three principal human space expansion pathways, each focused on one of three principal imperatives in which space is key to the ultimate challenge facing humanity. Survival!

Human Expansion Triway into Space 1. The danger of asteroid impacts
Human Expansion Triway into Space 1. Major Natural Threats beside Asteroids
Human Expansion Triway into Space A Sensible Approach