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Part Two Vocabulary and Grammar

I. Translation: 8%






II. Choose the best answer: 10%

1. _________ of my sister's income _________spent on clothes.

A. Three-fourth...are

B. Three-fourths are

C. Three-fours... is

D. Three-fourths...is

2. Tracy never felt _________ when she was traveling _________ in Europe.

A. lonely.., alone

B. lonely...lonely

C. alone...alone

D. alone...lonely

3. Today, there are still a lot of people who prefer to _________ the Huangpu River ferries.

A. across...on

B. cross...on

C. cross… by

D. across.., by

4. The police arrested the young man who _________ the old lady _________ her jewelry last night.

A. stole ... from

B. robbed.., from

C. stole.., of

D. robbed ... of

5. Jack _________ a screwdriver _________ his landlady to assemble his bike.

A. lent ...from

B. borrowed… to

C. borrowed ... from



6. _________ European girl was _________ under-18 tennis champion 5 years ago. Now she is university student.

A. The; a; an

B. A; an; a

C. The; an; a

D. An; a; an

7. --- _________ have you visited during your trip to Shanghai?

--- Some places of such as the Bund and Y u Garden.

A. What...interest

B. Where...interest

C. Where...interests

D. What...interests

8. Liu Xiang runs faster than _________ in America.

A. any other athlete

B. any other athletes

C. any athlete

D. any athletes

9. It was very inconsiderate _________ him to keep you waiting outside _________ such a cold day.

A. of... on

B. for… on

C. for...in

D. of...in

10. It's _________ from my apartment to the nearest subway station.

A. five minutes' ride

B. five-minute ride

C. a five-minutes ride

D. a five minutes' ride

11. Kay looked _________ at the guests who said that the food she cooked tasted _________.

A. happily...wonderfully

B. happily… wonderful

C. happy ...wonderful

D. happy… wonderfully

12. The two _________ instructors are teaching some _________ students aerobics.

A. women… girls

B. woman...girl

C. woman...girls

D. women...girl

13. Lucy _________ school on weekdays and _________ some sports activities on the weekend.

A. joins in...joins

B. attends.., joins in

C. joins in...attend

D. attends...joins
