3 4
•每张卡有6个保险,控制3只灯管,保险在灯管的进/出 •若生产小型瓶坯,开的灯少,注意平衡开灯
Pyrometer Adjustment •至少测量3个瓶坯的温度
In-feed wheel
•瓶坯入轨排出 检测
LED 1 2 3 4
ON profibus-DP running MPU Regulation on 24 VDC on
OFF No diatagram exchange MPU error (firmware) Regulation off 24 VDC off
瓶坯温度:110℃ 模具侧壁温度:10-20℃ 模具底部温度: 10-20℃ 瓶颈冷却:无 拉伸速度1.2-1.6m/s 三次气:无 充填温度:常温 瓶坯温度:120℃ 模具温度:120-160℃ 模具底部温度: 60-120℃ 瓶颈冷却:有 拉伸速度0.8-1.2m/s 三次气:有
主凸轮导轨:(模具开/合) 0.2±0.05mm 底模凸轮导轨0.9±0.1
模具开/解锁凸轮导轨 0.2±0.1
吹嘴凸轮导轨0.2±0.05 拉伸凸轮导轨0.2±0.05
芯轴的更换 芯轴更换应该在加热炉的后部
使用 内六 角扳 手松 开螺 栓
拆下 锁紧 垫圈 并拔 出销 子
控制面板上的加热20%代表控制灯管的继电 器单位时间内20%导通,80%不导通来控制 灯管加热量。
调整尖斗对中,需松开6个螺栓,在机械运行方向手动 转动星轮越过正确位置,然后星轮沿着相反的方向返 回直到到达正确的位置。以45NM的扭矩锁紧螺栓
1、先松开涨紧装置上的8个六角螺栓 2、松开六角沉角螺栓,旋转黄铜圆盘,可以上下调节进出口 星轮高度,调完后回转半圈黄铜圆盘。
传送皮带自动运转当 ADR30#电眼作动
2.3瓶胚提升系统料斗框及提升机 间隙:1.5倍瓶胚长度
理胚器驱动电机 变频调速
吹气吹嘴 横排瓶胚 检测光眼
排除气缸 出口星轮
从下往上观察芯轴,看芯 轴是否与夹手同心,如否 需调整加热链的位置
找到加热炉驱动装置 (如图),松开皮带 轮处的螺丝,用手转 动主驱动装置,让进 胚星轮的夹手正好对 中于加热炉加热芯轴 的上方(螺栓锁紧用 42NM的扭矩),完 工后用瓶胚点动试机 。
(资料来源于美联储网站)The Federal Reserve and the Financial CrisisOrigins and Mission of the Federal Reserve, Lecture 1George Washington University School of BusinessMarch 20, 2012, 12:45 p.m。
[Applause]President Steve Knapp: Well, good afternoon. I think the students here may know who I am but for those who are watching the broadcast, I'm Steve Knapp, President of George Washington University. And it's really a pleasure to welcome you to today's first class in the series entitled Reflections on the Federal Reserve and its place in today's economy, featuring the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Dr. Ben Bernanke. I'm pleased to acknowledge that we have with us two of the university's trustees, Nelson Carbonell and Mark Shenkman, and also a number of faculty members are here in the audience and some of them will be teaching later in the series. Today is the first university lecture series delivered by a sitting Chairman of the Federal Reserve. I think it does provide an extraordinary opportunity for the students who are here in the classroom, but also for those watching online. They have an opportunity to gain insight into the nation's central banking system and a wide range of issues that affect this country and the world. I do want to say that there are microphones available for the students, and certainly encourage you when the Chairman's lecture is over to avail yourself of those and we hope there'll be a lively exchange of questions and answers at the end of the lecture. It's now a distinct honor to introduce the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Dr. Ben Bernanke. Dr. Bernanke took office in 2006, and is now serving a second term as Chairman. He also serves as Chairman of the Federal Reserve's Open Market Committee. Before his appointment as Chairman, Dr. Bernanke was involved with the Federal Reserve in several roles as a Member of the Board of Governors, as a visiting scholar, and as a member of the Academic Advisory Panel at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. He also served as Chairman of the President's Council of Economic Advisers from June 2005 to January 2006.Now Chairman Bernanke is no stranger to academia. He's been a faculty member at Princeton, Stanford and New York University, as well as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He's held a Guggenheim and a Sloan Fellowship, and is a fellow of the Econometric Society and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Chairman Bernanke received aBachelor of Arts from Harvard University and a PhD from MIT. Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Dr. Ben Bernanke.[ Applause ]Chairman Ben Bernanke: Thank you very much, President Knapp. Gee, this is great. This is what I used to do before I got in this line of work for 23 years and I've always enjoyed engaging with college students. So thank you for being here, and I hope we do have a good conversation. Let me particularly thank President Knapp and Professor Fort and George Washington University. As everybody here knows, these lectures are part of a real course and after I get off the scene there will be other professors talking about other aspects of the Fed and you'll hear different points of view which is great. And you'll have to do some papers and all those kinds of things and I'm going to read a few of the paper. So, I look forward to doing that.So, I'll be talking from slides, which is in part for the purpose of making this available to others who might be interested. These slides will be posted on the Federal Reserve's website, , as we go through. And so, if you need extra copies, by all means do that. And as President Knapp said, I'm going to be talking for a while from the presentation but at the end, I hope we can have some questions and answers.So, let me get started. So what I want to talk about in these four lectures is the Federal Reserve and the financial crisis. Now, my thinking about this is very much conditioned by my experience as an economic historian. I think when you talk about the issues that just occurred of the last few years, it makes the most sense to think about it in the broader context of central banking as its taking place over the centuries. So, even though we're going to be focusing a good bit of the lectures, particularly next week, on the financial crisis and how the Fed responded. I think we need to go back and look at the broader context. So, as we talk about the Fed we'll be talking about the origin and mission of central banks in general, and we're looking at previous financial crises, most notably the Great Depression, and see how that informed the Fed's actions and decisions in the recent crisis. So let me just give you a roadmap of the four lectures. Today, lecture one, we won't touch on the current crisis at all. Instead, we'll talk about what central banks are, what they do, how central banking got started in the United States and we'll do some history. We'll talk about how the Fed engaged with its first great challenge, the Great Depression of the 1930s. The second lecture on Thursday, we'll take up the history. We'll review developments in central banking and with the Federal Reserve after World War II talking about the conquest of inflation, the great moderation and other developments that occurred after World War II. But we'll spend a good bit of time lecture two, in lecture two, talking about the build-up to the crisis and some of the factors that led to the crisis of 2008, 2009.Then next week, we'll get into the more recent events. In lecture three, we'll talk about the intense phase of the financial crisis, its causes, its implications, and particularly, the response to the crisis by the Federal Reserve and by other policymakers. And then, in the final lecture, lecture four, we'll look at the aftermath. We'll talk about the recession that followed the crisis, the policy response of the Fed including monetary policy, the broader response in terms of the changes infinancial regulation, and a little bit of forward-looking discussion about how this experience will change how central banks operate and how the Federal Reserve will operate going forward. Sothis is our topic today is origins and missions of the Federal Reserve. So let's talk in general about what a central bank is. If you've had some background in economics you know that a central bank is not a regular bank, it's a government agency, and it stands at the center of the monetary and financial system of a country. Central banks are very important institutions, they have helped to guide the development of modern financial systems, modern monetary systems and they play a major role in economic policy. Now, we've had various arrangements over the years but today, virtually, all countries have central banks. The Federal Reserve in the United States, the Bank of Japan in Japan, Bank of Canada, and so on. The main exception is only cases where you have what's called a currency union where a number of countries collectively share a central bank. The most important example by far of that is the European Central Bank which is central bank to 17 European countries who share the common currency, the Euro. But even in that case, each of the participating countries does have its own central bank which is part of the overall system of the Euro. So central banks are now ubiquitous, even the smallest countries typically have central banks. Now, this is a very important theme here, what do Central Banks do? What is their mission? And as I'll discuss throughout the lectures, it's convenient to talk about two broad aspects of what central banks do. The first is to try to achieve macroeconomic stability. And by that, I generally mean stable growth in the economy, avoiding big swings, recessions and the like, and keeping inflation low and stable. So that's the economic function of a central bank. The other function of central banks, which is going to get a lot of attention, obviously, in these lectures, is the financial stability function. Central banks try to keep the financial system working normally and in particular, they either, they try to prevent or if unsuccessful in preventing they try to mitigate financial panics or financial crises. And I'll talk more about what those are. Now what are the tools that central banks use to achieve these two broad objectives? Very, in very simple terms, there are basically two broad sets of tools. On the economic stability side, the main tool as I'm sure everyone knows is monetary policy. In normal times, the Fed, for example, can raise or lower short-term interest rates. It does that by buying and selling securities in the open market. And again, in normal times, if the economy is growing too slowly or inflation is falling too low, the Fed can stimulate the economy by lowering interest rates. Lower interest rates feed through to a broad range of other interest rates that encourages spending, acquisition of homes for example, construction, investment by firms, borrowing. It just generates more demand, more spending and more investment in the economy, and that creates more thrust in growth so that to stimulate an economy, you lower interest rates. And similarly, if the economy is growing too hot, if inflation is becoming a problem, then the normal tool of central bank is to raise interest rates. So by raising the overnight interest rate, known in the United States as the federal funds rate, higher interest rates feed through the system and help to slow the economy by raising the cost of borrowing, of buying a house, of buying a car, or of investing in capital goods and that will slow the economy and reduce pressure of overheating. So, monetary policy is the basic tool that central banks have used for many, many years to try to keep the economy at a more or less even keel in terms of both growth and inflation.Now, a little less familiar is the main tool of central banks in dealing with financial panics or financial crises. And that tool is the provision of liquidity. So to address financial stabilityconcerns and for reasons I'll explain, one thing that central banks can do is make short-term loans to financial institutions. As I'll explain, providing short-term credit to financial institutions during a period of panic or crisis can help calm the market, can help stabilize those institutions and can help mitigate or bring to an end a financial crisis. So this activity which is an old one, as I'll discuss, is known as the lender of last resort tool. So again, if financial markets are disrupted, financial institutions don't have alternative sources of funding, then the central bank stands ready to service the lender of last resort providing liquidity to the system and thereby helping to stabilize the financial system.Now, there's a third tool which the Fed has had from the beginning and most central banks have which is financial regulation and supervision. Central banks usually play a role in supervising the banking system, assessing the extent of risk on their portfolios, making sure their practices are sound, and in that way, trying to keep the financial system healthy. To the extent that financial system can be kept healthy and its risk-taking within reasonable bounds, then the chance of a financial crisis occurring in the first place is reduced. However, this activity, and I will come back to it, this is something which is not unique to central banks. In the United States, for example, there are a number of different agencies, like the FDIC or the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency that work with the Fed in supervising the financial system. So this is not unique to central banks and so I'll be down playing this for the time being and focusing on the two principle tools, monetary policy and lender of last resort activities.Now, where do central banks come from? One thing people don't appreciate, I think, is that central banking is not a new development. It's been around for a very long time. The Swedes set up a central bank in 1668, three and a half centuries ago. The Bank of England was founded in 1694 and that of course for many decades or if not centuries was the most important and influential central bank in the world, and France in 1800. So, central bank theory and practice is, again, not a new thing. We have been thinking about these issues collectively as an economics profession and in other contexts for many, many years. Now, I've exaggerated slightly in a sense that, say, the Bank of England in 1694 wasn't set up from scratch, it's a full-fledged central bank, it was originally a private institution. And over time, it acquired some of the functions of a central bank such as issuing money or serving as lender of last resort. But over time, these central banks became essentially government agencies, government institutions as they all are today. Certainly, one important responsibility of central banks for much of the period that I'm talking about was to manage the gold standard to issue paper money that was backed by gold and I'll talk more about gold in a few moments.Now, the lender of last resort function, which I mentioned earlier, became important in the-- mostly in the 19th century. Early in the 19th century, the Bank of England was doing a lot of this type of activity and they became very good at it. And as we'll see, while the United States was suffering with banking panics in the latter part of the 19th century, banking panics in the United Kingdom were quite rare. So the Bank of England sort of set the pace in some sense. It was the most important central bank and it helped establish the practices and the approaches that we still use today. Now, I need to talk a little bit because it's less familiar about what a financial panic is. In general, a financial panic is sparked by a loss of confidence in an institution and I think the bestway to explain this is to give a familiar example. How many of you have ever seen the movie "It's a Wonderful Life"? No? Less people are watching Christmas movies than they used to be, I guess [laughter]. Well, one of the problems that Jimmy Stewart runs into as a banker in “It’s a Wonderful Life” is a threatened run on his institution. And what is a run? Well, let's imagine a situation like Jimmy Stewart's situation before there was any deposit insurance, no FDIC. And imagine you have a bank on the corner, just a regular commercial bank, the first bank of Washington, D.C., and this bank makes loans to businesses and the like, and it finances itself by taking deposits from the public and deposits are demand deposits, which means that anybody can pull out their money anytime they want which is important because people use deposits for ordinary activities, like shopping.Now imagine what would happen if for some reason, a rumor goes around that this bank has made some bad loans and is losing money. As a depositor, you say to yourself, "Well, I don't know if this rumor is true or not。
克罗内克 Kronecker 积及其应用
a m1 B T M
⊗ BT
L amn BT
同理可证 ( A ⊗ B) H = AH ⊗ B H 。
(1 — 2) (1 — 3)
定理 1—3 设 A,B 分别为 m 阶和 n 阶可逆矩阵,则 A ⊗ B 也为可逆矩阵,且 ( A ⊗ B)−1 = A−1 ⊗ B −1
(1 — 4)
A = .P O
µ1 Q
∗ Q −1
µ p
λ1 A ⊗ B = (P ⊗ Q)( O
∗ )(P −1 ⊗ Q −1 )
λm 0
µ p
= (P ⊗ Q)
µ p O
(P ⊗ Q)−1
= ( A ⊗ A(k−1) )(B ⊗ B (k−1) )
= A(k)B(k)
关于 Kronecker 积的多项式的特征值问题,我们有下面的结论。
(1 — 8)
∑ 定理 1—10 设 f (x, y) = aij xi y j 是变量 x, y 的复系数多项式,对于 i, j=0
A ∈ C m×n , B ∈ C n× p 定义 m n 阶矩阵:
a22 B L
a2n B L
a m1 B
am2 B
amn B
为 A 的克罗内克(Kronecker)积,或称 A 与 B 的直积,或张量积,简记为 A ⊗ B = (aij B) m×n , 即 A ⊗ B
Natural Order Hypothesis
Natural order of learning occurs naturally in L2 Natural order is independent of any efforts to change it. An teacher could drill grammar for hours but students may not learn
Natural Order Hypothesis
The American psychologist, Roger Brown, who investigated the acquisition of a first language by young children, discovered that they assimilated a number of grammatical morphemes in a predictable sequence.
acquisition is the product of real interactions between people in environments of the target language and culture, where the learner, as an active player, develops his communicative ability.
The Monitor Hypothesis attempts to explain how acquisition and learning are used. Language is normally produced using our acquired linguistic competence. Conscious learning has only one function…as the “Monitor” or “Editor.” After we produce some language using the acquired system, we sometimes inspect it and use our learned system to correct errors. This can happen internally before we actually speak or write, or as a self-correction after we produce the utterance or written text.
• Widespread liberalization of investment transactions • Development of international financial markets
© 2011 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part, except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password‐protected website for classroom use
The International Economy
• High degree of economic interdependence
• Steps toward international cooperation • Mutually advantageous for trading nations
© 2011 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part, except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password‐protected website for classroom use
学习者用母语表达时可以脱口而出,不假思索;但是用 第二语言表达时人们会经常不自觉地留意自己的语言是 够正确。这种“注意”或“留心”其实就是“监控”的 过程。 例如: 当英语学习者说:“He went to Beijing yesterday”时,表达意思所需要的就是语言知识来自于 “习得”系统,而“学习”中的知识所起到的作用是检查 “he”是不是合适的代词,“went”的时态是否正确
c. When they actually know those rules.
3.3 Three types of monitor users a. Monitor over-user (监控过多者)
They are performers who are constantly checking their output with their conscious knowledge of the second
First, the input hypothesis relates to acquisition, not learning;
Second, learners acquire by understanding language a bit beyond their current level of competence. This is done with the help of the context. Clues based on the situation and the context, extralinguistic information and knowledge of the world make comprehension possible.
7. 阻塞墙1.1出口[44]/阻塞墙1.1进口[45]: 因为侧壁1/2都没有护栏,为了安全起见,侧壁1/2都有一个检测倒瓶的光电开关,如 果侧壁1/2有倒瓶时,肯定会触发此检测光电开关,出现以上故障显示,打开侧壁1/2 把倒瓶拿出,方能复位此故障
2.试验容器程序:试验瓶程序, 定时执行检查机器的各检测单元 工作是否正常
建立方式画面, 用来设定机器参 数、类型参数以 及各检测单元的 检测参数等
12. 触发器PEC瓶口/ 瓶底/侧壁1/侧壁2 :
所有检测照相机前都 有一个触发相机工作 的光电开关,同样需 要有瓶子通过时触发 一次,无瓶子时处于 不触发状态,产生原 因及处理方法同上一 个故障
常见故障-13 13. 确认光电管1底/确 认光电管2/确认光 电管3:
1.系统菜单 2.建立方式 3.主画面 4.建立方式 5.故障画面及报
警信息 6.主功能 7.统计 8.快捷菜单 9.辅助功能
3)用户管理:用户帐号,密码 及相对应的权限管理
4)语言选择:软件运行语言切 换
机器机入口器: 结构-2
1)侧壁喷水 给瓶身喷出水雾, 瓶子能够光滑的通 过夹瓶皮带
专业外语讲义 (2)
lesson 12 Crankshaf曲轴The principal force an engine crankshaft must resist is the bending action of the connecting rod thrust when the piston is at top center. Then the maximum gas pressure acts straight down on the crankpin and tends to bend the shaft between the adjacent supporting bearings.The crankshaft must also withstand the twisting or “torsional” forces produced by the turning effort of the connecting rod.发动机曲轴必须承受的主要力量是在活塞处于上死点时连杆推力产生的弯曲力。
Most modern engines have one-piece crankshafts forged from carbon steel or from alloy steel containing nickel, chromium, and molybdenum.多数现代柴油机是整体曲轴,用碳钢或含有镍、铬和钼的合金钢锻造而成。
In large in-line engines of many cylinders, the crankshaft may be two forgings, flanged at the ends and bolted together.在大型直列发动机的许多汽缸里,曲轴可以为2根锻件,其端部为凸缘,用螺栓连接起来。
昂克英语 基础课讲义
昂克英语基础课讲义Welcome to Engkey English Basic Course! In this course, we will cover essential topics to help you improve your English language skills. Let's get started!1. Pronunciation。
Pronunciation is a crucial aspect of learning English. It is important to practice speaking and listening to improve your pronunciation. Pay attention to stress, intonation, and rhythm in English words and sentences. Practice speaking with native speakers or language partners to enhance your pronunciation skills.2. Vocabulary。
Building a strong vocabulary is key to becoming proficient in English. Make a habit of learning new words every day and using them in context. Use flashcards, vocabulary apps, or online resources to expand your vocabulary. Practice using new words in sentences to reinforce your understanding and retention.3. Grammar。
昂立培训班完全讲义(三)十五、顺译(Interpreting Similar Word Orders)顺译是指尽可能按照句中概念或意群出现的先后顺序将原语整体意思译出。
在以下例句中,斜线表示断句处,“+”表示补充信息,可以采用顺译法处理:1、There are still 10 minutes/ before we call it a day.还有10分钟,我们就下课。
2、My visit to China comes on an important anniversary, as the Vice President mentioned.我对中国的访问,正逢一个重要的周年纪念,这正如副主席刚才说的那样。
3、The conference will resume/ at 6 p.m./ after the board has met privately.会议六点继续进行,董事会在此之前先要碰个头。
4、Prof. Smith asked us not to be afraid of mistakes/ in practicing interpreting.史密斯教授叫我们不要害怕出错,尤其是在练习口译的时候。
Whatever the foreign media call me, either “China’s Gorbachev”or “economic czar”, or anything else, I am not happy about that.6、Please allow me to say something/ on behalf of/ my colleagues of ABC Organization.请允许我说几句话,来代表我们ABC组织的同事们表达我们的心意。
Unit 1Lifestyles听歌学英语——Fill in the blanks after listening to the song.2012年伦敦奥运会主题曲是由英国摇滚乐团缪斯(Muse)合唱团演唱的Sur v i v al,在运动员入场及颁奖仪式上播放。
在不同时期,他们共用过Gothic Plague,Fixed Penalty和Rocket Baby Dolls作为乐队名,1997年乐队正式更名为Muse。
SurvivalRace, life’s a raceAnd I am gonna winYes, I am gonna winAnd I’ll ①light the fuseAnd I’ll never loseAnd I choose to survive②Whatever it takesYou won’t pull aheadI’ll keep up the paceAnd I’ll give you my strengthTo the whole human raceYes,I am preparedTo stay aliveAnd I won’t forgive, vengeance is ③mineAnd I won’t give inBecause I choose to thriveI’m gonna winRace, it’s a raceBut I’m gonna winYes,I’m gonna win And I will light the fuse I’ll n ever ④lose And I choose to survive Whatever it takesYou won’t pull ahead I’ll ⑤keep__up the pace And I’ll refill my strength To the whole human raceYes,I’m gonna win Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Win! Win! Win! Win!生存竞赛,人生就是一场竞赛我会赢得胜利没错,我将赢得胜利我将点燃引线我将永不挫败我选择生存无论如何,不计代价你绝无法超前我将与你并驾齐驱我会贡献我的能力给整个人类是的,我准备好了来保持不败而我不会放弃,我复仇的机会来了我绝不气馁因为我选择发光我将赢得胜利竞赛,人生就是一场竞赛我会赢得胜利没错,我将赢得胜利我将点燃引线我将永不挫败我选择生存无论如何,不计代价你绝无法超前我将与你并驾齐驱我会贡献我的能力给整个人类是的,我将赢得胜利奋斗!奋斗!奋斗!奋斗!胜利!胜利!胜利!胜利!导航知素养——A guide to the unit主题语境人与自我生活与学习(A Perfect Day &Relaxing)健康的生活方式,积极的生活态度做人与做事(A V olunteer Teacher &City and Country)优秀品行,正确的人生态度,公民义务与社会责任语言知识(1)语音:掌握重音、语调、节奏等的变化,表达意义、意图和态度等。
copying and/or distribution without author's consent.tracking_dart_zh.ppt /Wang Fancopying and/or distribution without author's consent.tracking_dart_zh.ppt /Wang FanNo utilisation,copying and/or distribution without author's consent.tracking_dart_zh.ppt /Wang FanKRONES AG 2008 -No utilisation,copying and/or distribution without author's consent.tracking_dart_zh.ppt /Wang Fan再运行学习过程前,先选择复位再选择激活author's consent.tracking_dart_zh.ppt /Wang Fancopying and/or distribution without author's consent.tracking_dart_zh.ppt /Wang Fan选择来存储所选的author's consent.tracking_dart_zh.ppt /Wang Fanand/or distribution without author's consent.tracking_dart_zh.ppt /Wang Fan选择进入示波器诊检测来自:确认信号,author's consent.tracking_dart_zh.ppt /Wang Fan送带(最后一条输送带),tracking_dart_zh.ppt /Wang Fan选择开始诊断选择©KRONES AG 2008 -No utilisation,copying and/or distribution without author's consent.tracking_dart_zh.ppt /Wang FanKRONES AG 2008 -No utilisation,copying and/or distribution without author's consent.tracking_dart_zh.ppt /Wang Fanand/or distribution without author's consent.tracking_dart_zh.ppt /Wang FanKRONES AG 2008 -No utilisation,copying and/or distribution without author's consent.tracking_dart_zh.ppt /Wang Fancopying and/or distribution without author's consent.tracking_dart_zh.ppt /Wang FanNo utilisation,copying and/or distribution without author's consent.tracking_dart_zh.ppt /Wang Fancopying and/or distribution without author's consent.tracking_dart_zh.ppt /Wang Fancopying and/or distribution without author's consent.tracking_dart_zh.ppt /Wang Fan。
2025英语大一轮复习讲义外研版 选择性必修第一册 Unit 4 Meeting the muse
n.动,运动 adj.一动不动的 v.作(曲) n.作曲家 n.成分;(音乐、艺术、诗歌的)作品
默写 词汇句型巩固
3._t_re_n_d__ →_t_re_n_d_y_ 4._in__n_o_v_a_ti_v_e_ →_in__n_o_v_a_te_ →_in__n_o_v_a_ti_o_n_ 5._d_i_st_i_n_c_t →_d_is_t_in__ct_i_o_n_ →_d_i_st_i_n_c_ti_v_e_
them is _d_i_st_i_n_c_t .(distinct)
2.Because of technological _i_n_n_o_v_a_ti_o_n_,we have products which are
more _in__n_o_v_a_ti_v_e_ than those of our competitors.(innovate) 3.This _t_r_e_n_d_y_ coat will be a popular __tr_e_n_d__ next year.(trend)
速记 词汇句型背诵
1 motion 2 on display 3 turn to... 4 pass down 5 come to life
使……开始 在展出 转向…… 流传,世代相传 复活;变得活跃
速记 词汇句型背诵
6 so as to do... 7 go deeper into 8 bring out 9 serve as 10 be tired from/with...
默写 词汇句型巩固
1._q_u_o_t_e__ 2._f_lo_a_t___ 3._a_w_e_-_in__sp_i_r_in__g_ 4._f_o_lk__ 5._t_a_le__
• 加、减、乘、除、乘方、开方 • 无理数→有理数?
初等无理数: 5 3
复合无理数: 2 5
• 代数数 • 所有有理系数多项式方程的根
a0 xn a1xn1 an1x an 0
• 勒让德(法国, A.-M. Legendre, 1752~1833) • π可能不是代数数
第一次 数学危机
• 不可公度量的发现
• 自然数是一切的基础 • 素数: 数的原子 • 不可公度: 数的原子?
• 芝诺 Zeno
• 约495 BC ~ 430 BC
• 原子论: 点是位置的单位元素 • 芝诺悖论(伽利略的模型)
CD = 2AB
CD = AB ?
第一次 数学危机
• 证明的严密性
• 函数概念的模糊
• 无穷级数的发散
数学的范畴,却很少阐 明其来源,注重向高层 次发展,而很少考虑加 固它的基础。(1743)
• 什么是连续?
• 罗尔(法国, Michel Rolle, 1652~1719)
• : 无穷级数的形式 • 微积分的应用
• 牛顿求积分: 二项式定理
1 1 x2
1 x2
1 1 x x2 x3 x4 1 x
1 11111 2
1 (1112)4(181)(1611) (x=-20)
无穷级 数
1 (11) (11) (11)1
• 1800年前后: 庞大的分析学陷入困境
ac bd
• 《范畴篇》
2021版高考英语一轮复习精细化学通语法第一讲名词讲义202104291155名词的分类(一)可数名词1.规则名词的6种复数变化形式变化规则例词一样情形下在词尾直截了当加s mouth→mouths house→houses以s,x,ch,sh 结尾的名词在词尾加esglass→glassesmatch→matches以辅音字母+y结尾的名词变y为i再加escountry→countriesfactory→factories以元音字母+y结尾的名词在词尾直截了当+sholiday→holidaysmonkey→monkeys以o结尾的名词一样在词尾加spiano→pianosphoto→photos 有些在词尾加eshero→heroespotato→potatoes以f, fe结尾的名词一样要变f或fe为v+esself→selveswolf→wolves 少数直截了当加sroof→roofsbelief→beliefs[巧学助记] 为了自己(self)活命(life),小偷(thief)和他的妻子(wife)手里拿着刀子(knife)和一片树叶(leaf)站在架子(shelf)上,把狼(wolf)劈成两半(half) 2.不规则名词的3种复数变化形式[名师指津] (1)fish表示不同种类的鱼时,其复数形式为fishes,而表示同一种鱼时,其单复数形式相同;(2)people指“人们”时单复数同形,指“民族”时,其复数为peoples。
passerby→passersby, sisterinlaw→sistersinlaw,grownup→grownu ps(2)“man/woman+n.”变复数时,作定语的man/woman和中心词都要变复数:women engineers。
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3.1工艺流程 瓶胚翻斗 机机 瓶胚 料斗 提升输 送带 理胚机 (整列辊轴) 进胚 滑道
出瓶机械 手
吹瓶 转轮
进胚机 械手
进胚转 盘
气路系统 水路系统 提升机
吹瓶模具 传送链条 主吹瓶轮
加热炉 电箱 主电柜
取瓶轮 进胚轮 作操屏 取胚轮 瓶胚滑道 理胚机
低压气系统:主要用于各个气缸 动作和工艺吹制以及其他 需用的地方。
六、冷却与加热系统 七、电气系统
八. PET材料
九. 间隙调整 9.1底模间隙调整
9.3拉伸杆位置调整 十.保养润滑
高压气系统 : 根据用途分为 两类: 1、空瓶的工艺空气: 吹塑、冷却 2、由高压气降为低压 气,用于模具补偿气,气 阀控制先导气,拉伸杆运 动控制气等。
3.6 烘炉
为了均匀瓶胚温度,使用风扇对瓶胚均匀加热。且能降低瓶胚口温 度. 为了防止机器零部件受热变形,使用风扇,冷却灯箱的支架;为了保护 敏感的颈部部位,使用冰水冷却. 鼓风机作用:每个灯箱都有鼓风机,主要用于热量渗透,能效可提高 50%以上,稳定平衡时间
3.6 烘炉
气动系统—工艺空气管线 • 该系统通过减压器直接从中央空气管线供气 和两个气罐用于以两个不同的工作压力供气: ---一次空气(10bar)用于吹制的第一阶段 ---二次空气(40bar)用于完成吹制 • 压力开关保证相应系统的气压 • 吹制空气的流量可通过安装在吹制模具旁的 调整旋钮来控制
3.5 进胚转盘
进胚转盘 由一段弯道和直道组成, 主要是传送瓶胚流停止或进入机器。 进胚电眼 该传感器对进入机器的瓶 胚数目进行计数 当机器发出进胚信号后,挡销在 气缸作用下退回,瓶胚按固定的间 距分开前进.若有瓶胚在入口处异 常,挡销伸出,阻住后续瓶胚;活动 导轨退后,将入口处瓶胚排出.然后 活动导轨前进,挡销缩回,瓶胚继续 加载.
一. 安全要点 二. KRONES发展史 三. 设备介绍 3.1 工艺流程 3.2 操作控制台 3.3 瓶胚翻斗机与料斗 3.4 理胚机 3.5 进胚转盘 3.6 烘炉 3.7 进胚/出瓶机械手 3.8 吹瓶轮 3.9 出瓶转盘 3.10 传动系统
KRONES两步法吹瓶机 97开始研发Contiform吹瓶 机 97Contiform16开始展出 98-99Contiform6-24模相继 展出 2000新的加工区域开始生 产 01年1月新的PET技术中心 成立 01年9月展出可回收/不可 回收瓶子的S16型,以及用 于生产热灌装瓶子的H16型 02年中国第一条热灌装机 器成功安装
3.2 控制面板 操作者通过控制台可以: ---操作机器; ---存取程序/更改参数设置; ---通过显示器观察设备 控制面板通常包括三部分:1-控制器触摸屏; 2-不间断电源;3-权限感应钥匙 注意:工作台的完整配置给工作带来极大的方便 因此对于控制器的显示器点/触要轻柔,以免 损坏显示屏;同样要熟练应用并每天进行清洁
3.8 吹瓶轮
拉伸杆在正常生产时 通过气缸控制阀使气 缸带动拉伸杆升降运 动。在开模区域为确 保拉伸杆在上位,安 装了凸轮,升降轴承 沿着凸轮带动拉伸杆 上升,保证机器安全 拉伸气缸
拉伸杆基座 升降轴承 拉伸杆单元
3.9 出瓶转盘
控制气缸 活动导轨 出瓶转盘
开合模轴承 开合模曲臂
3.8 吹瓶轮-底模
底模在两根弹簧地作用下,底 模保持上位。 开模时,底模轴承在凸轮作用 下向下运动至低位,保证取瓶顺 利。
3.8 吹瓶轮-阀组
排气阀 气缸控制阀 预吹气阀 吹嘴 高压吹气阀 吹嘴部分 吹嘴气缸
六、冷却与加热系统 七、电气系统
八. PET材料
九. 间隙调整 9.1底模间隙调整
9.3拉伸杆位置调整 十.保养润滑
• 设备的冷却水系统的功能是冷却全部部件 冷却这些部件对于保证设备部件的完整性 和保持工艺的最佳温度状况非常重要 每个管线(进水和回水)配有流量开关和 截流球阀,可停止有关单元的供水。
1、瓶胚翻斗机:用于将瓶胚从瓶胚筐中倒入 料斗,该机构是由液压系统组成,需经常 检查油管接头,并保证油液清洁。 日常注意清洁;上料完毕,升降台至于低 位
2、料斗: 用来存放3-4万的散装瓶胚,作为 机器正常生产时的缓冲。它有三个传感器: 是监视料斗中瓶胚处于低位和满位,当处 传送带 于低位时会给PC控制台警报信号。升降能 控制料位的高低. 传感器显示斜料斗中瓶胚的料位.若 a.没有瓶胚,则启动传送皮带; b.有瓶胚,则停止传送皮带 3、提升输送带把瓶胚分成每格小批量从斜料 斗提升送到理胚机中
特别要注意以下几点: 一、设备的所有门的安全开关起 到控制作用 二、维修所有油泵、水泵应关闭 三、经常检查机器的同步是否正 常 四、维修/换产完,必须将所有工 具、物品清除出设备,才能开机
吹瓶机安全谨记: 高温 夹伤 碰撞 电击 滑跌 。。。。。。
机器上也分布了 很多的安全门开 关、急停按钮。 必须熟悉这些开 关,在紧急情况 下,能保证人员、 机器安全 机器上分布的所有 传感器,对人身、 设备安全起到重 要的保护作用。因 此不能随意调整或 挪位!
3.10 传动系统
传送系统: 整台设备运动及各部件的同步都是都是依靠 传送系统实现。系统只有一个电机通过同步齿形带带动 部件实现同步。
六、冷却与加热系统 七、电气系统
八. PET材料
九. 间隙调整 9.1底模间隙调整
9.3拉伸杆位置调整 十.保养润滑
六、冷却与加热系统 七、电气系统
八. PET材料
九. 五大同步/间隙调整 十. 保养润滑
一.车间里不要跑 二.处理故障时一定要停机 三.要遵守基本操作规范 四.要穿戴完整的防护用具
KRONES吹瓶机属于旋转式、两步法形式, 因此在安全方面,有其特别注意防范的地方, 并且规章制度要健全,认真执行落实.
3.6 烘炉
红外灯管特性:80%输出达到最佳 ,红外波长最长,渗透性最强
8个灯管开50%不如5个灯管开 80%
瓶胚固定在芯轴上后,被带进烘炉进行加热。使用九层排列,可以单个 控制的红外线管状灯管对瓶胚进行层状加热,瓶胚在烘炉中,前进时 在不停地自转,这样可以对瓶胚产生不同的温度以确保空瓶质量。
03年首台小型腔体供往美 国
03新的塑料中心成立 04年S28展出 05年”碳酸”型力学缓冲
欧、美、亚 、欧、非
1.适应常温灌装,冷瓶. 2.适应约90度热灌装,耐热 瓶. 3.适应抗压灌装,碳酸瓶
一. 安全要点 二. KRONES发展史 三. 设备介绍 3.1 工艺流程 3.2 操作控制台 3.3 瓶胚翻斗机与料斗 3.4 理胚机 3.5 进胚转盘 3.6 烘炉 3.7 进胚/出瓶机械手 3.8 吹瓶轮 3.9 出瓶转盘 3.10 传动系统
3.4 理胚机
进胚滑道 由一段弯道和一段直道 组成,主要是传送整列好的瓶胚流 进入机器 瓶胚流低位电眼 瓶胚流高位电眼 两个电眼控制滑道上瓶胚的位置 和是否进入机器: ---当瓶胚低于瓶胚流高位电眼, 则启动料斗/提升皮带/整列辊轴, ---当瓶胚流低位电眼和瓶胚流高 位电眼都被挡住, 瓶胚才能进入进胚转盘或重启机 器 ---当瓶胚流低位电眼没有被挡住, 则停止机器进胚直到两个电眼再 一次被挡住再进胚
一. 安全要点 二. KRONES发展史 三. 设备介绍 3.1 工艺流程 3.2 操作控制台 3.3 瓶胚翻斗机与料斗 3.4 理胚机 3.5 进胚转盘 3.6 烘炉 3.7 进胚/出瓶机械手 3.8 吹瓶轮 3.9 出瓶转盘 3.10 传动系统
在理胚机上有四个重要的传感器: 1.高位电眼:如果被挡住,则停止整 列辊轴旋转和提升皮带输送 2.辊轴速度电眼:是否被挡住可以 控制增加或降低辊轴速度;并阻止 大量瓶胚被回收 3.流量电眼:用来监视进胚滑道上 瓶胚物流量的多少 4.记数电眼:有两个功能 ---对通过理胚机出口的瓶胚计数 ---监视瓶胚流的状况
3.7 进胚/出瓶机械手
监测1#模具运动规律,给机器关于拉伸单元的 初始化信号,位于取胚取瓶轮中心点
机械手电眼:两个电眼分别装在进胚转盘/出瓶转盘上,监测 机械手转臂上的转轮,若有任何异常,将导致机器急停.
3.8 吹瓶轮-模站
由数个单独的吹模单元安装在机器机架上,加上 水、电、气等部件构成吹瓶轮。 每个单独的吹模单元由吹模基座、阀组、模具 支撑部件、底模支撑部件、拉伸杆基座、 拉伸系统。