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(满分100分 时间70分钟) 题目 听 力 笔 试 合 计 分数



( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5. ( )二、听句子,判断内容是否与图意相符;如相符,在括号里写“T”,否则写“F”。( 每小题2

( ) 7.( ) 8.( ) 9.( ) 10. ( )三、听句子,选出句中含有的信息,将大写字母编号写在题前的编号里。(每小题1分,满分10分)

( )11.A. with a capB. in a hatC. with glasses

( )12. A.9:00 B. 6:30 C.6:00

( )13. A.Friday B. Saturday C.Thursday ( )14. A. go running B. go shopping C. go swimming ( )15. A.policewoman B. cook C. farmer ( )16. A.2:15 B. 2:30 C.2:45

( )17. A. get up B. have dinner C. have class ( )18. A.never B. always C. often ( )19. A.kind B. friendly C. shy

( )20. A.which B. what C. when

四、听问句,选出相应的答句,将答案编号写在题前的括号里。(每小题1分,满分10分) ( )21. A.My favourite day isSunday. B. It’s 10:30. C. It ’s time for lunch. ( )22. A. It’s Monday. B. On MondayI have two PE lessons. C. She is kind.

( )23. A. From 8:30 to 9:20. B. No, s he isn’t . C. It’s Tuesday .

( )24. A.It ’s at 8 o ’clock. B. It ’s time to have breakfast. C. In my classes.

( )25. A. It’s glasses. B. She is my mother. C. He is my father. ( )26. A.Yes,I don ’t.B. No, I do. C. Yes, I do.

( )27. A.He has two big eyes. B. She has two big ears. C. It has a big nose.

( )28. A.I usually do my homework. B. Sheisveryshy. C. Sheisverythin. ( )29. A.I like red. B. Yes,they do. C. It’s purple.

( )30.A.I usually go runningin the afternoon from 4:30 to 5:30. B. It’s Thursday. C. I go shopping with my parents.



( )31.How many people are there in Mary ’s family?

A. There are four.

B. There are five.

C. There are six.

( )32 .When does Mary get up on Saturday?

A. At seven o ’clock.

B. At eight o ’clock.

C.A quarter to nine.

( )33.What is Mary ’s favourite day?

A.It ’s Sunday.

B. It ’s Friday.

C. It ’s Saturday. ( )34. Why does Mary like Sunday?

A. She can go shopping.

B. She can go swimming.

C. She can go running.

( )35.What does Mary ’s grandpa and grandma usually do on Sunday?

A. They usually take exerciseon Sunday .

B. They usually do houseworkon Sunday .

C.They usually go to the parkon Sunday .


36. _______do you have class ? 37. It’s time to ________.

38. My maths teacher is very _______. 39. What do you_______do on Tuesday? 40.I sometimesgo running on ________ .




( )41. A. breakfast B. homework C. dinner D. lunch ( )42. A. Monday B. Sunday C. today D. Thursday ( )43. A. when B. what C. which D. with ( )44.

A. round

B. run

C. friendly

D. kind

A. Saturday


C. kind

D. go back home

E. usually
