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Part one: word formation

Directions:in this part there are ten incomplete sentences. Please complete the sentences with the words given below. Chang the form where necessary.

pany loyalty made him turn down many ___ attractive _______ job offers.

2.M iller’s ___ fascination ______ with medieval arts dates from her childhood.

3.His _ statement _______ that he had nothing to do with the affair was greeted with

some suspicion .

4.There are good novelists, __despite _______ the terrible flood of bad novels and

poor work.

5.The shops are well stocked with food, clothing and other consumer ___ item _______.

6.Something is worrying me , b ut I can’t ___ define ______ exactly what it is.

7.She had a clear ___ Image ______ of how she would look in twenty years’ time.

8.The agency is more __ concerned _______ with making arty ads than understanding

its clients.

9.The dead soldier was identified only by his uniform and personal ___ belongings


10.Food and clothing are the bare ___ necessity ________ of life.

Part Two Vocabulary and Structure (20%)

Directions:There are a number of incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best

completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

11.The group _A___ one of its members to be their spokesman.

12.a. elected b. equipped c. exploited d. exchanged

13.The engineering profession now has many _ B_____ branches.

14.a. challenging b. distinct c. corporate d. eligible

15.We need to make sure that we __ D___ our resources as fully as possible.

16.a. improve b. expose c. exhaust d. exploit

17.Oxford university __A____ 35 colleges.

18.a. consists of b. composes of c. makes up of d. is consisted of

19.When you __B__ a team you pick out the people most suitable for it.

20.a. make b. select c. elect d. establish

21.He was __D ___ by the doctor to five cigarettes a day.

22.a. stricted b. controlled c. governed d. restricted

23.The value of the property has been __B ___ at 20000 RMB.

24.a. awarded b. assessed c. assigned d. allowed

25.Those two ideas are quite _ B______ each other.

26.a. distinct with b. distinct from c. distinct in d. distinct in

27.Decisions were often made __A ____ of incorrect information.

28.a. on the basis of b. on the advice of c. on the support of d. on the top of

29.The actress became well known through the __A______ she received in the

newspapers, and television, etc.

30.a. advertisement b. publicity c. publication d. information

31.Our club ___A ________ seven new members at the last meeting.

32.a. enrolled b. ensured c. enriched d. entitled

33.At the age of 29, he __C ___ a commercial property business.

34.a. set out b. set in c. enrolled d. set with

35.While she was tidying up the living room, she __ D____ her old photograph album.

36.a. came up with b. came in c. came upon d. came across

37.He has ___A____ a post in England.

38.a. applied for b. applied to c. applied in d. applied with

39.A limited number of seats are still _ B __ ___.

40.a. access b. available c. exist d. assured

41.The speaker _A _____ his past experience.

42.a. referred to b. mentioned to c. talked to d. reminded to

43.According to the _B_____ news the sports meeting has been cancelled.

44.a. later b. latest c latter d. late.
