
毕业设计(论文)设计(论文)题目:基于PLC控制的变频调速技术在中央空调系统中的应用学校:专业班级:机械设计及其自动化学生姓名:指导教师:2012年9 月 1 日目录摘要 (1)第一章引言1.1 课题的来源选题的目的及意义 (2)1.2 本课题在国内外的现状及发展趋势 (3)第二章中央空调的工作原理 (4)2.1 基本结构 (5)2.2 水泵的变频节能原理............................. 错误!未定义书签。
2.3 水泵的变频节能方案............................. 错误!未定义书签。
第三章变频器在空调中的应用. (6)3.1 变频技术介绍 (6)3.2 交流变频和直流变频的区别 (7)3.3 直流变频 (8)5. 总结 (9)6参考文献 (10)摘要本论文在分析和比较了国内外中央空调自动控制系统的发展现状和特点的基础上,结合变频调速在中央空调系统中的工作原理与我国城市中央空调的需求现状,设计了一套以变频调速技术为基础的中央空调冷冻泵自动控制系统。

目录目录 (1)前言 (3)一、中央空调系统简介 (4)1、冷水机组 (4)2、冷却水塔 (4)3、外部热交换系统 (4)4、冷却风机 (5)二、系统工作原理 (6)1、中央空调制冷原理 (6)2、中央空调系统原理 (6)三、中央空调与家用空调对比分析 (8)1、普通家用空调基本工作原理 (8)2、中央空调工作原理 (8)四、四通阀在中央空调中的应用 (11)五、温度传感器在中央空调中的应用 (12)1、传感器作用分析 (12)2、传感器故障分析 (13)六、中央空调系统控制分析 (15)1、冷冻水循环系统的控制 (15)2、冷却水循环系统的控制 (15)3、末端送风机的变频控制 (16)4、应用方案的系统考虑 (18)5、机组台数控制 (18)七、PLC技术在中央空调中的应用 (20)1、PLC的简介 (20)2、PLC结构 (20)3、PLC选型及设置 (20)4、软件设计 (21)5、PLC控制系统主要功能 (21)6、系统特点 (23)7、控制方法 (23)8、系统设计和应用说明 (24)八、中央空调常见问题分析 (26)1、吸气温度过高 (26)2、吸气温度过低 (26)3、排气温度不正常 (27)4、排气压力较高 (27)5、排气温度过低 (28)九、结束语 (29)参考文献 (29)前言随着国民经济的发展和人民生活水平的日益提高,中央空调系统已广泛应用于工业与民用建筑领域,在宾馆、酒店、写字楼、商场、住院部大楼、工业厂房的中央空调系统,其制冷压缩机组、冷媒循环水系统、冷却循环水系统、冷却塔风机系统、盘管风机系统等的容量大多是按照建筑物最大制冷、制热负荷或新风交换量需求选定的,且留有充足余量。

【关键词】:温度传感器,PLC,压缩机ABSTRACTThis design is using temperature sensor PT - 100 acquisition indoor temperature conversion for resistance changes, another transmitter transform and then into module to the input current, voltage or change FX0N - after temperature module and the gathering to triple-a analog conversion into the digital quantity of PLC, after the main module for the processing and CPU output control signal, control two compressors and alarm lamp.When the temperature is below 25 degrees is compressor doesn't work namely air conditioning don't start, when temperature higher than 30 degrees to start a unit Y0, air conditioning refrigeration and when temperature higher than start when restarting a 36 Y1, refrigeration effect strengthening, when the temperature reduced to 30 degrees to stop Y0, refrigeration down, down to 26 degrees, air conditioning stop at two equivalent of a fan, no refrigeration effect, and when temperature is below when 23 degrees issued a warning, and may Y2 could use PC realize real-time monitoring, and can control a machine.【KEY WORD】:temperature sensor, PLC, compressor目录引言 (1)一、PLC基础 (1)(一)PLC的定义 (1)(二)PLC的特点 (1)(三)PLC的功能与选项 (2)二、PT00使用说明 (3)(一)热电阻的工作原理 (3)(二)pt100温度与阻值对照 (3)三、fx0n-3A简介 (4)四、变频器原理及简介 (4)五、MCGS简介 (5)六、温度采集辅助放大电路 (6)七、温度采集与监控系统PLC设计 (6)(一)系统的组成与工作过程 (6)(二)系统工艺要求 (7)(三)控制要求 (7)(四)流程图 (7)(五)元器件使用说明 (7)(六)输入\输出分配 (7)(七)硬件连接图 (8)(八)主电路图 (9)八、系统各个部分的设计分析 (9)(一)FX0N-3A功能模块设计 (9)(二)启停程序设计 (10)(三)PLC主模块采集处理程序 (10)九、温度采集与监控系统的组态监控界面 (11)总结 (13)附录一完整梯形图 (14)附录二指令表 (18)参考文献 (21)致谢 (22)引言目前空调机已经广泛地应用于生产、生活中。

毕业设计(论文)题目基于PLC的温度控制专业电气自动化班次 **姓名 **指导老师 **成都工业学院二0**年六月目录摘要 (2)PLC概述 (4)第一章系统规划 (6)1.1 控制目的 (6)1.2 对系统的分析 (6)1.3 主要部件的选择 (6)1.3.1 PLC的选择 (6)1.3.2 模块的选择 (7)1.4 流程图 (14)第二章硬件设计 (15)2.1 元件清单 (15)2.2 热电偶传感器 (16)2.2.1热电偶传感器的工作原理 (16)2.2.2 热电偶的种类及结构 (17)2.3 加热器 (20)2.4按钮开关 (20)2.5 声光报警指示灯 (21)2.6 系统正常指示灯 (21)2.7外部接线图 (22)第三章软件设计 (23)3.1 I\O地址分配表 (23)3.2 梯形图 (24)3.3 指令表 (28)总结 (31)致谢 (32)参考文献 (33)附录 (34)摘要可编程序控制器,简称PLC,是将计算机技术应用于工业控制领域的通用产品。
关键词:PLC;温度;FX1S-10MR;FX2N-2LC;调节AbstractProgrammable controller, referred to as PLC, is applied to computer technology in the industrial control area by general products. The international electrotechnical commission will be defined as follows: "PLC PLC is a kind of digital electronic systems, computational operation in industrial environment for design and application. It USES programmable memory, to perform operation in its internal logical sequence control, timing, counting and arithmetic operation instruction, and through digital and analog input and output, the control of various types of machinery or production process.Temperature is the most common industrial production process and basic parameters. Any chemical reactions and physical changes with temperature, which accounted for production process parameters of the whole process of 50%. This system control temperature range 50-60 degrees in between, mitsubishi FX1S - 10MR basic modules and temperature measuring control module. When the temperature measurement value does not conform to the set value, will automatically adjust the temperature to set limits. If you still don't conform to 3 minutes after setting, alarm system, to decrease the loss.Keywords: temperature, 10MR; FX1S - 2LC; FX2N - adjustPLC概述PLC的历史与发展现代社会要求制造业对市场需求做出迅速反应,生产出小批量、多品种、多规格、低成本和高质量的产品,老式的继电器系统已成为实现这一目标的巨大障碍。

这次所做的方案主要就是通过西门子S7-200系列的CPU226 作为控制元件来研究并且设计中央空调水泵变频调速控制系统。
关键词:中央空调变频调速可编程控制器Central Air conditioning’s Water Pump Frequency Control of Motor Speed Control System Design Based on PLCAbstractWith the continuous progress in science and technology and improvement of the quality of life, the central air conditioning has gradually entered the people's vision, which has become an important part of people’s life . At the same time ,the energy it consumes also caused concern in the community.The energy saving problem of central air-conditioning has become the key problem that people expect to solve .Central air-conditioning system which is based on variable frequency technology in a certain extent greatly can reduce energy consumption., It adopts speed-adjusted system through frequency conversion ,which on the one hand brings the success of the motor soft start,and on the other hand which also reduce the vibration and abrasion and prolongs the life of the motor. Central air-conditioning pump variable frequency technology is an effective way to save energy.Moreover,it has get the support of national policy and it has been on behalf of the future direction of energy-saving air-conditioning industry technical.This graduation design is mainly designed by Siemens S7-200 cpu226 which is used to control element for the research and design of central air conditioning water pump frequency control of motor speed control system. The design in this thesis will explains the principle ,model selection and parameter design of the converter and the programmable controller.The design will focus on the completion of PLC hardware circuit diagram and program design.The economy of the central air conditioning water pump frequency conversion speed control system is very considerable which will have a very good prospect and open market.Key Words: C entral Air Conditioning Variable Frequency Speed Control Programmable Controller目录摘要........................................................... I Abstract ......................................................... II 目录.......................................................... I II 1绪论 (1)1.1设计中央空调变频调速系统的意义 (1)1.2变频调速技术的简单介绍 (1)1.3本文的主要工作 (2)1.4本章小结 (3)2中央空调系统方案 (4)2.1中央空调系统构成 (4)2.2中央空调变频控制系统的PID构架 (4)2.3总体设计方案的确定 (5)2.4本章小结 (6)3设计中相关器件型号的选择 (7)3.1可编程控制器型号的选择 (7)3.2 I/O模块型号的选择 (10)3.3温度变送器型号的选择 (11)3.4变频器的型号的选择 (12)3.5本章小结 (13)4 硬件部分设计 (14)4.1硬件系统的简述 (14)4.2 PLC控制电路的模块设计 (14)4.3主电路模块 (16)4.4热电阻与EM231硬件连接图 (17)4.5温测模块和水泵调节模块 (17)4.6本章小结 (18)5系统软件的梯形图设计 (19)5.1主程序设计 (19)5.2 PID控制的设计及实现 (25)5.3 A/D和D/A转换模块程序 (33)5.4中断服务程序 (34)5.5本章小结 (36)附录1电路图 (38)附录2梯形图 (40)附录3 指令语句 (52)附录4器件单 (65)参考文献 (66)致谢 (68)1绪论1.1设计中央空调变频调速系统的意义变频调速在减少中央空调能耗达到节能的目的方面有着重要的作用,另一方面,它在我国提倡的的可持续发展上也做出了巨大的贡献[1][4]。

通过对温室控制对象和温室环境的特点的分析,确定了控制系统的结构和控制方案,本文设计了以 PLC 为下位机,以装有组态王软件的 PC 机为上位机的分布式智能温室监控系统。
硬件主要包括 PLC 及其特殊功能模块、各种传感器电路、电源和执行部件,软件主要是组态王软件和三菱 PLC 编程软件 GX Works。
在自动控制模式下,下位机PLC 通过传感器采集环境参数,并与用户设定的环境参数上限下限比较,控制相应执行部件启停,调节温室环境参数。
在手动控制模式下,用户根据需要控制上位机组态王手动画面的模拟开关,控制 PLC 发出开关指令控制对应执行机构,对温室环境进行调节。
上位机 PC 的组态软件与下位机 PLC 通信,完成人机交互的功能。
关键词:智能温室,PLC,组态王ABSTRACTABSTRACTAs the biggest agricultural country in the world, China's agricultural production Hasa pivotal position in national economy.With the improvement of living standards,demand for green vegetables are growing,therefore our country agriculture overdevelopment extensive to intensive has become an inevitable trend,and as one of the importancy of the developing,agricultural facilities are receiving much more attention. Crop growth is mainly affected by temperature, humidity, light intensity, carbon concentration's and other environmental factors, so the purpose of building Intelligence is to automatically control these environmental parameters.Through the analysis of controlled object and environmental quality greenhorn,we determine the structure of the control system and control programs. In this paper, we design a distributed intelligent greenhouse control system,which ha slower computer-programmable logic controller and upper computer-a personal with King. Hardware mainly includes the PLC and its special function module, all kinds of sensor circuit, power supply and execution unit;software maidenlinesses King and Mitsubishi PLC programming software-GX Developer.The control system has two control modes-manual control and automatic control. In the automatic control mode, lower computer-PLC collected environmental parameter sensors and compared with the minimum maximum environmental parameters which are set by the users to controlthe start and stop of the corresponding execution unit adjusted the parameters of greenhouse environment. In manual control mode, overcontrol analogue switch in the Glenview's manually screen according to the need,controllership PLC to give out switch order to con troll the corresponding execution immunoregulation the greenhouse environment. Upper computer communicate with computerist-PLC to complete the function of the human-computer interaction. Anticaking real-time display the current environment parameter values collected by computerist-PLC , the states of the execution units ,alarms and so on. In themeantime,users can view the trend curves,operate report forms or Access data base Longview. Users setting the minimum maximum environmental parameters,switchingmanual/automatic control and controlling analogue switch in manual control mode are also can be operated in King.Through system testing experiment,the intelligent greenhouse monitoring system achieves the expected design requirements,but it also need to continue to improve Borden to be used in practical greenhouse. Keywords:Intelligent Greenhouse,Environmental parameters,Programmable Logic Controller,King摘要 ................................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

该系统采用西门子的S7—200PLC作为主控制单元,利用传统PID 控制算法,通过西门子MM440 变频器控制水泵运转速度,保证系统根据实际负荷的情况调整流量,实现恒温控制,同时又可以节约大量能源。
对变频控制系统进行了设计,为实现温度信号远距离传送,设计了基于USS 协议的RS-485总线通讯的网络。
通过西门子TD200 文本显示器实现人机界面的设计,最后使用MCGS 工控组态软件进行了系统的组态设计研究。
关键词中央空调;PLC;变频器;PID;RS-485- I -哈尔滨理工大学学士学位论文PLC Based Central Air Conditioning Control SystemDesignAbstractCentral air conditioning has been widely used in major shopping malls, officebuildings and other places, the traditional control system in the control of suitable temperature at the same time, it consumes a lot of energy.nowadays, people pay more and more attention to central air conditioning comfort and energy efficiency, this paper focuses on the research of central air conditioning refrigeration pump unit control system, for comfortable living and working environment and effective energy-saving provide technical conditions.This paper introduces the structure and working principle of central air conditioning, summarizes the traditional central air-conditioning system shortcomings, namely refrigeration pump, cooling pump can not self regulation in long-term load, full load operation, causing great waste of energy, along with the frequency conversion technology is mature with each passing day, the use of frequency converter, PLC, digital to analog conversion module, temperature sensors and other devices the organic combination of form, thermoelectric closed-loop automatic control system, automatically adjust the pump output flow to achieve the purpose of energy saving. The system adopts Siemens S7-200PLC as the main control unit, by using the traditional PID control algorithm, through the MM440 Siemens inverter control pump speed, ensure the system according to the actual load adjusting flow, to achieve constant temperature control, but also can save a lot of energy.Through the theoretical analysis on the central air conditioning, proved to abackwater temperature based on the variable flow control reliability. The frequency- II -哈尔滨理工大学学士学位论文conversion control system was designed, in order to realize the temperature signal remote transmission based on USS protocol, the design of RS-485 bus communication network. Siemens TD200 text display is realized through the man-machine interface design, finally using the MCGS configuration software for system configuration design and research.Keywords Central air conditioning;PLC;frequency converter;PID;RS-485- III -哈尔滨理工大学学士学位论文目录摘要 (I)Abstract (II)第1章绪论 (1)1.1 课题背景 (1)1.2 中央空调控制的研究现状及发展 (2)1.2.1 中央空调控制系统的发展 (2)1.2.2 中央空调变流量控制的发展 (3)1.3 本研究课题的主要工作 (4)第2章中央空调变流量控制的原理 (5)2.1 中央空调系统的结构和原理 (5)2.1.1 概述 (5)2.1.2 制冷原理 (5)2.1.3 中央空调系统的构成 (5)2.2 中央空调变流量控制的原理及特点 (5)2.2.1 变流量空调系统概述 (5)2.2.2 中央空调变流量控制的实现方式 (7)2.2.3 中央空调系统变流量系统的特点 (9)2.3 电机的软启动原理及应用 (10)2.3.1 软启动设备介绍 (10)2.3.2 软启动器的应用场合 (10)2.3.3 软启动器与变频器之间的区别对比 (10)2.4 PID控制的设计 (11)2.4.1 PID控制原理 (11)2.4.2 PID控制器的参数整定 (12)2.4.3 PID的反馈逻辑 (12)2.4.4 P、I、D参数调整原则 (13)2.4.5 对空调系统的PID变频控制 (13)2.4.6实现设定值的自动调节 (13)2.4.7 PID控制器设计及实现 (13)2.5 本章小结 (15)第3章中央空调控制系统的硬件设计 (16)3.1 变频器的原理 (16)3.2 西门子MM440变频器性能介绍 (16)3.2.1 主要特征 (17)3.2.2 控制性能的特点 (17)- IV -哈尔滨理工大学学士学位论文3.2.4 变频器运行的环境条件 (17)3.2.5 使用变频器设计系统时需注意的问题 (18)3.3 PLC选型 (18)3.3.1 PLC简介 (18)3.3.2 PLC控制功能的选择 (18)3.3.3 西门子S7-200PLC介绍 (20)3.3.4 模拟量I/O模块的种类 (20)3.3.5 EM231技术指标 (21)3.3.6 EM232技术指标 (21)3.3.7 EM231 RTD接线及注意事项 (21)3.4 PT100温度传感器 (21)3.5 PT100温度变送器 (22)3.6 人机界面设计 (22)3.7 系统硬件设计 (23)3.8 本章小结 (25)第4章控制系统软件设计 (26)4.1 设备间通讯 (26)4.1.1 RS-485介绍 (26)4.1.2 USS协议 (26)4.2 PLC的初始设定 (27)4.3 PLC主程序流程图 (29)4.4 PLC编程软件 (30)4.5 程序设计 (30)4.5.1 中央空调控制系统的I/O分配表 (30)4.5.2 程序中使用的存储器及功能 (31)4.6 中央空调控制系统的MCGS组态 (32)4.6.1 MCGS组态软件简介 (32)4.6.2 MCGS 6.2通用版介绍 (32)4.6.4 系统脚本程序编写 (34)4.6.5 组态运行界面 (35)4.7 本章小结 (36)结论 (37)致谢 (38)参考文献 (39)附录C (40)- V -哈尔滨理工大学学士学位论文第1章绪论1.1 课题背景随着国民经济的发展和人民生活水平的日益提高,为了保证温度恒定,中央空调系统已广泛应用于工业与民用建筑领域,例如酒店、宾馆、办公大厦、商场、工厂厂房等场所。

亚控科技产品组态王软件和PLC(Programmable Logic Controller)作为工业控制领域的优秀控制软件和控制器,在非工业领域如空调监控系统等中也起着重要作用。

本设计通过采用基于USS 协议的RS-485总线通讯的网络,通过西门子TD200文本显示器实现人机界面的设计,使用MCGS工控组态软件,对系统进行理论分析。
关键词:中央空调,PLC,PID,变频器ABSTRACTThe central air conditioning has been widely used in commercial and civil buildings, which are used to maintain constant temperature of the building. In traditional design, regardless of the season, day and night, and how the user load changes, the motor is fixed to run at full speed for a long time in the condition of power frequency. It will cause great waste of energy.This design is developed based on the combination of frequency converter, PLC, temperature sensor. It makes up a temperature difference closed-loop automatic control system and automatically adjust the output flow of pump to achieve energy saving. The system adopts the Siemens S7-200 PLC as the main control unit, using the traditional PID to control algorithm, using Siemens MM440 inverter to control of pump speed, to guarantee system adjust load flow according to actual situation. All of these will bring out constant temperature control, so as to solve the problem of energy waste to a great extent.This design use RS - 485 bus communication networks which is based on USS protocol and using the Siemens TD200 to realize the human-computer interface design, and using the software made from MCGS, to carries on the theoretical analysis to the system. Verified the reliability of the design, the design can solve the problem of central air conditioning energy waste through the analysis of the design.KEY WORDS: The central air conditioning, PLC, PID, frequency converter目录摘要 (I)ABSTRACT (II)第1章绪论 (1)1.1 中央空调的发展 (1)1.1.1 中央空调现在状况 (1)1.1.2 中央空调发展趋势 (1)1.2 本设计的意义 (1)1.2.1 设计的主要内容 (1)1.2.2 设计的意义 (2)第2章中央空调系统介绍 (3)2.1 中央空调结构 (3)2.1.1 中央空调概述 (3)2.1.2 中央空调结构 (3)2.2 中央空调系统工作原理 (4)2.2.1 制冷原理 (4)2.2.2 工作原理 (4)2.2.3 中央空调的控制原理 (4)2.3 中央空调的评价 (5)2.4 本章小结 (5)第3章中央空调控制系统的硬件设计 (6)3.1 变频器 (6)3.1.1 变频器的介绍 (6)3.1.2 变频调速的原理 (6)3.1.3 变频器的选择 (9)3.1.4 使用注意的问题 (10)3.2 电机的软启动原理及应用 (11)3.2.1 软启动的介绍 (11)3.2.2 软启动工作原理 (11)3.2.3 软启动的优点 (11)3.2.4 软启动与变频器的对比 (12)3.3 PLC选型 (12)3.3.1 PLC的工作原理 (12)3.3.2 西门子S7—200介绍 (13)3.4 温度传感器 (14)3.5 温度变送器 (15)3.6 人机界面选型方案 (15)3.7 总体硬件设计 (16)3.8 本章小结 (19)第4章软件设计 (20)4.1 PID控制 (20)4.1.1 PID控制简介 (20)4.1.2 PID参数整定 (20)4.1.3 对中央空调的PID控制 (21)4.2 应用软件STEP7 (21)4.3 plc编程 (22)4.3.1 程序流程图 (22)4.3.2 中央空调控制系统的I/O分配表 (24)4.3.3 程序中使用的存储器及其功能 (25)4.3.4 中央空调温度控制系统程序 (25)4.4 设备通讯 (26)4.4.1 RS-485介绍 (26)4.4.2 USS协议软件与S7—200间的通讯 (26)4.5 MCGS组态软件 (27)4.5.1 MCGS组态软件简介 (27)4.5.1 MCGS组态画面 (27)4.6 本章小结 (29)第5章结论 (30)致谢 (31)参考文献 (32)附录 (33)第1章绪论1.1 中央空调的发展1.1.1 中央空调现在状况中央空调行业现在存在着巨大的竞争,这种竞争是产品革新所产生的,产品革新主要围绕低碳环保进行,低碳环保在这个时代有着很重大的意义。

关键字:PLC 编程语⾔温度Design of the temperature control Systems based on PLCAbstractProgramming controler ( plc ) the replacing product as traditional relay control equipment each that already applies industrial control extensively field ,Since it can change control course through software ,It is little to is strong and reliability bad industrial environment use. The temperature control system that this paper is concerned with can the temperature of monitoring , its software control is programming language mainly, for PLC is ladder-shaped language, ladder-shaped language is the most programming language that PLC now uses.Keyword:PLC Programming language Temperature⽬录摘要----1Abstrack1引⾔-31.1课题研究背景1.2温度控制系统的发展状况1.3 总体设计分析2系统结构模块63.1 PLC的定义--73.2 PLC的发展--83.2.1 我国PLC的发展-83.3 PLC的系统组成和⼯作原理-----93.3.1 PLC的组成结构--93.3.2PLC的扫描⼯作原理3.4PLC的发展趋势3.5 PLC的优势--103.6 PLC的类型选择4.1 PID控制程序设计4.1.1 PID控制算法---124.1.2PID在PLC中的回路指令-144.1.3PID参数设置4.23A模块及其温度控制4.2.13A模块的介绍--174.2.2 数据转换4.2.3软件编程的思路---195程序的流程图---196 整个系统的软件编程---207结束语谢词24参考⽂献1 引⾔1.1 课题研究背景温度是⼯业⽣产中常见的⼯艺参数之⼀,任何物理变化和化学反应过程都与温度密切相关。

唐山学院毕业设计设计题目:基于PLC的变频中央空调温度控制系统设计系别:智能与信息工程学院班级:姓名:指导教师:田丽欣2016年6月 1 日基于PLC的变频中央空调温度控制系统设计摘要为了保证环境温度和湿度的舒适,大多酒店、大型商场、工厂车间、写字楼甚至学校等都装有中央空调系统,方便管理以及节约能源。
关键词:中央空调温度控制 PLC EM235 变频器 PID控制Design of Variable frequency central air conditioning temperature control systembased on PLCAbstractIn order to ensure the comfort of the temperature and humidity environment, many hotels, large shopping malls, factories, office buildings, and even schools have been installed central air-conditioning system, to facilitate the management and energy conservation. But the traditional central air conditioning energy utilization is still relatively low, there are about 30% of the invalid energy consumption. The traditional central air-conditioning energy consumption, and efficiency is relatively low, regardless of the size of the load, motor and system are working under the state of full load, when users do not need such a big load, causing the waste of resources.The central air conditioning system by the air conditioning host, cooling water pump, cooling tower, chilled water pump, fan coil system, etc. Chilled water is through the air conditioning host, after a cool air conditioning refrigeration host, through the frozen pump into the rooms, and then through the coil system, and indoor air heat exchange, and then flow back to the air conditioning host, form a circle. Cooling and cooling water system are mainly for air conditioning host, under the effect of cooling pump, cooling water flowing through the air conditioning host, and take away the quantity of heat of air conditioning host, through the tower fan for cooling in cooling tower place again, and then flow back to the air conditioning host, form a circle. Chilled water, frozen water as heat carrier, constantly brought the indoor quantity of heat to outdoor.This paper studied the central air conditioning system is under the control of PLC, using the PT - 100 temperature transmitter collection and indoor temperature, by EM235 analog input/output module collected temperature readings can be converted to analog, the PID calculation, conveying the converted to frequency converter, frequency converter to drivethe motor makes the corresponding rotational acceleration and deceleration, make indoor temperature changes, thus forming a closed loop control, realize the optimal control, low energy efficiency, guarantee the living and working environment of temperature and humidity at the same time, the biggest space to save energy, improve energy efficiency.Key words: Control of central air conditioning temperature; PLC; EM235; Frequency changer; PID control;目录1 引言 (1)1.1 课题研究的意义 (1)1.2 中央空调控制系统研究现状 (1)1.3 设计的任务和要求 (2)2 中央空调系统的构成及工作原理 (3)2.1 中央空调系统的工作原理 (3)2.2 中央空调系统的构成 (3)2.2.1 冷冻水循环系统 (3)2.2.2 冷却水循环系统 (3)2.2.3 空调主机 (4)2.2.4 风机盘管系统 (4)3 中央空调系统控制原理 (5)3.1 传统控制方式介绍 (5)3.2 中央空调的变频调速原理 (5)3.3 电机的软启动 (7)3.3.1 电机普通启动电流 (7)3.3.2 软启动设备介绍 (7)3.3.3 软启动的应用 (7)3.3.4 软启动的优点 (8)3.3.5 软启动器与变频器的区别 (8)3.4 中央空调的电机频率的PID控制 (9)3.4.1 PID控制原理 (9)3.4.2 PID参数整定的常规方法及手段 (10)3.4.3 温度控制回路 (11)4 中央空调系统硬件设计 (12)4.1 变频器介绍 (12)4.1.1 变频器原理 (12)4.1.2 变频器的选择 (12)4.1.3 施耐德ATV312系列变频器 (12)4.1.4 使用注意事项 (13)4.2 可编程逻辑控制器介绍 (13)4.2.1 可编程逻辑控制器 (13)4.2.2 PLC的工作原理 (14)4.2.3 西门子S7-200 PLC (14)4.2.4 模拟量输入输出模块 (14)4.3 PT100温度传感器 (15)4.4 三相异步电动机 (15)5 中央空调系统软件设计 (17)5.1 主程序设计 (17)5.2 程序设计 (18)5.2.1 PLC编程软件STEP7Micro (18)5.2.2 I/O点分配 (18)5.2.3 程序中存储器分配 (19)5.2.4 部分程序设计 (20)5.3 EB8000触摸屏编程软件 (25)5.4 仿真界面 (25)6 结论 (29)谢辞 (30)参考文献 (31)附录一电气原理图 (32)附录二源程序 (34)1 引言1.1 课题研究的意义随着我国经济的飞速发展,大家的生活水平明显提高,生活条件也是越来越好。

毕业论文(设计)基于PLC的中央空调自动控制系统设计The design of automatic control system of central air conditioning based on PLC学生姓名:邓英杰指导教师:刘雨合作指导教师:专业名称:轮机工程所在学院:航海与船舶工程学院二〇一五年六月目录摘要 (1)Abstract (2)第一章前言 (3)1.1 研究目的和意义 (3)1.2 国内外研究现状 (3)1.2.1 国外空调控制系统的发展 (3)1.2.2 国内空调控制系统的发展 (4)1.3 研究内容与方法 (4)第二章中央空调控制系统基本原理 (6)2.1 中央空调原理与结构 (6)2.1.1 空调制冷与制热原理 (6)2.1.2 中央空调结构介绍 (6)2.2 同步电动机工作原理 (7)2.3 变频器工作原理 (8)2.4 PID作用概述 (9)第三章控制系统硬件介绍 (10)3.1 PT100温度传感器和变送器 (10)3.2 西门子MM440变频器 (11)3.3 西门子S7-200系列PLC (11)3.3.1 S7-200系列PLC简介 (11)3.3.2 CPU226技术指标 (12)3.3.3 EM231模块及EM232模块技术指标 (12)第四章控制系统程序设计 (13)4.1 STEP7-MICROWIN软件介绍 (13)4.2 空调启动流程图 (13)4.3 送风量调节PID程序设计 (14)4.4 加热器顺序启停梯形图 (17)第五章监控系统画面的组态软件设计 (19)5.1 WinCC flexible2008简介 (19)5.2 画面及说明 (19)结论 (23)致谢 (24)参考文献 (25)附录............................................................................................................................ . (26)摘要可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)作为一种新型的工业控制装置,因为其优越性被广泛应用于自动控制系统当中,正逐步取代由传统继电器、接触器所组成的控制系统。
基于PLC温度控制系统的设计本科生毕业设计论文 精品

南京工程学院自动化学院本科毕业设计(论文)题目:基于PLC温度控制系统的设计专业:测控技术与仪器Graduation Design (Thesis)The Design Of The Temperature Examination In PLC Temperature Control SystemByWANG Zhu JieSupervised byProf. XIA Qing GuanAssociate Prof. LU HongSchool of AutomationNanjing Institute of TechnologyJune, 2011毕业设计(论文)原创性声明和使用授权说明原创性声明本人郑重承诺:所呈交的毕业设计(论文),是我个人在指导教师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的成果。

本文首先介绍了中央空调的结构和工作原理,然后采用西门子的S7—200PLC作为主控制单元,利用传统PID控制算法,通过西门子MM440 变频器控制水泵运转速度,保证系统根据实际负荷的情况调整流量,实现恒温控制,同时又可以节约大量能源。
关键词:PLC;中央空调;控制Design of automatic control system for central air conditioningsystem based on PLCAbstractThe central air conditioning system is one of the necessary supporting facilities of modern large-scale buildings. The consumption of electric energy is very large, which accounts for about 50% of the total energy consumption. The frozen host usually in the central air-conditioning system load can automatically according to the change of temperature and load regulation, refrigeration pump and cooling pump matched with the frozen host can automatically adjust the load, almost run 100% under load operation, resulting in a great waste of energy, but also worsen the operation environment and operation quality of Central air conditioning. This paper first introduces the structure and working principle of central air conditioning, then use SIEMENS S7 200PLC as the main control unit, using the traditional PID control algorithm, through the SIEMENS MM440 inverter control pumpspeed ensure system according to the actual situation to adjust load flow, realize constant temperature control, but also can save a lot of energy.Key words:PLC; central air conditioning; control目录摘要 (I)1绪论 (1)1.1课题的研究背景 (1)1.2 国外中央空调控制系统的研究现状 (2)2中央空调控制的原理 (4)2.1中央空调系统的结构和原理 (4)2.2中央空调电机的软启动原理及应用 (4)3中央空调控制系统的硬件设计 (7)3.1 变频器的原理 (7)3.2 西门子MM440变频器性能介绍 (7)3.2.1 主要特征 (8)3.2.2 控制性能的特点 (8)3.3PLC选型 (9)3.4人机界面设计 (10)3.5系统硬件设计 (11)4控制系统软件设计 (14)4.1PLC的初始设定 (14)4.2 PLC主程序流程图 (16)4.3程序设计 (17)4.3.1中央空调控制系统的I/O分配表 (17)4.3.2 程序中使用的存储器及功能 (18)结论 (20)参考文献 (21)致 (24)附录 PLC软件源程序 (26)1绪论1.1课题的研究背景随着国民经济的发展和人民生活水平的日益提高,中央空调系统己广泛应用于工业与民用建筑域,如宾馆、酒店、写字楼、商场、厂房等场所,用于保持整栋大厦温度恒定。

关键词:PLC 变频器中央空调节能改造温度控制ABSTRACTThe central air-conditioning system is one of modern large-scale building essential supporting facilities, the electrical power consumption is huge, about 50% of the total power consumption of building. Because all the central air-conditioning systems is designed based on its maximum loading. In fact, the system only has to run about ten days even 10 hours under the condition of maximum loading. It runs with 70% maximum loading most of the time. Usually the frozen host of system could adjust its loading automatically according to the change of temperature. But the refrigeration pump and cooling pump couldn’t adjust automatically and almost run with maximum loading for a long term and that is a waste of energy and also worsens running environment and running quality of central air-conditioning.With the fast maturity of Frequency Conversion Technology, using organic combination of inverter, PLC, digital analog conversion module, temperature sensor and temperature module to thermoelectric closed-loop automatic control technology which can adjust output flow rate automatically to save energy.Key words: PLC, Inverter, Central air conditioning, Energy saving reconstruction, Temperature control第一章绪论中央空调系统已广泛应用于工业与民用领域,在宾馆、酒店、写字楼、商场、住院部大楼、工业厂房中的中央空调系统,其制冷压缩机组、冷冻循环水系统、冷却循环水系统、冷却塔风机系统等的容量大多是按照建筑物最大制冷、制热负荷选定的,且再留有充足余量。
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唐山学院毕业设计设计题目:基于PLC的变频中央空调温度控制系统设计系别:智能与信息工程学院班级:姓名:指导教师:田丽欣2016年6月 1 日基于PLC的变频中央空调温度控制系统设计摘要为了保证环境温度和湿度的舒适,大多酒店、大型商场、工厂车间、写字楼甚至学校等都装有中央空调系统,方便管理以及节约能源。
关键词:中央空调温度控制PLC EM235 变频器PID控制Design of Variable frequency central air conditioning temperature control systembased on PLCAbstractIn order to ensure the comfort of the temperature and humidity environment, many hotels, large shopping malls, factories, office buildings, and even schools have been installed central air-conditioning system, to facilitate the management and energy conservation. But the traditional central air conditioning energy utilization is still relatively low, there are about 30% of the invalid energy consumption. The traditional central air-conditioning energy consumption, and efficiency is relatively low, regardless of the size of the load, motor and system are working under the state of full load, when users do not need such a big load, causing the waste of resources.The central air conditioning system by the air conditioning host, cooling water pump, cooling tower, chilled water pump, fan coil system, etc. Chilled water is through the air conditioning host, after a cool air conditioning refrigeration host, through the frozen pump into the rooms, and then through the coil system, and indoor air heat exchange, and then flow back to the air conditioning host, form a circle. Cooling and cooling water system are mainly for air conditioning host, under the effect of cooling pump, cooling water flowing through the air conditioning host, and take away the quantity of heat of air conditioning host, through the tower fan for cooling in cooling tower place again, and then flow back to the air conditioning host, form a circle. Chilled water, frozen water as heatcarrier, constantly brought the indoor quantity of heat to outdoor.This paper studied the central air conditioning system is under the control of PLC, using the PT - 100 temperature transmitter collection and indoor temperature, by EM235 analog input/output module collected temperature readings can be converted to analog, the PID calculation, conveying the converted to frequency converter, frequency converter to drive the motor makes the corresponding rotational acceleration and deceleration, make indoor temperature changes, thus forming a closed loop control, realize the optimal control, low energy efficiency, guarantee the living and working environment of temperature and humidity at the same time, the biggest space to save energy, improve energy efficiency.Key words: Control of central air conditioning temperature; PLC; EM235; Frequency changer; PID control;目录1 引言 (1)1.1 课题研究的意义 (1)1.2 中央空调控制系统研究现状 (1)1.3 设计的任务和要求 (2)2 中央空调系统的构成及工作原理 (3)2.1 中央空调系统的工作原理 (3)2.2 中央空调系统的构成 (3)2.2.1 冷冻水循环系统 (3)2.2.2 冷却水循环系统 (3)2.2.3 空调主机 (4)2.2.4 风机盘管系统 (4)3 中央空调系统控制原理 (5)3.1 传统控制方式介绍 (5)3.2 中央空调的变频调速原理 (5)3.3 电机的软启动 (7)3.3.1 电机普通启动电流 (7)3.3.2 软启动设备介绍 (7)3.3.3 软启动的应用 (7)3.3.4 软启动的优点 (8)3.3.5 软启动器与变频器的区别 (8)3.4 中央空调的电机频率的PID控制 (9)3.4.1 PID控制原理 (9)3.4.2 PID参数整定的常规方法及手段 (10)3.4.3 温度控制回路 (11)4 中央空调系统硬件设计 (12)4.1 变频器介绍 (12)4.1.1 变频器原理 (12)4.1.2 变频器的选择 (13)4.1.3 施耐德ATV312系列变频器 (13)4.1.4 使用注意事项 (14)4.2 可编程逻辑控制器介绍 (14)4.2.1 可编程逻辑控制器 (14)4.2.2 PLC的工作原理 (14)4.2.3 西门子S7-200 PLC (14)4.2.4 模拟量输入输出模块 (15)4.3 PT100温度传感器 (15)4.4 三相异步电动机 (16)5 中央空调系统软件设计 (17)5.1 主程序设计 (17)5.2 程序设计 (18)5.2.1 PLC编程软件STEP7Micro (18)5.2.2 I/O点分配 (18)5.2.3 程序中存储器分配 (20)5.2.4 部分程序设计 (20)5.3 EB8000触摸屏编程软件 (25)5.4 仿真界面 (26)6 结论 (29)谢辞 (31)参考文献 (32)附录一电气原理图 (33)附录二源程序 (36)1 引言1.1 课题研究的意义随着我国经济的飞速发展,大家的生活水平明显提高,生活条件也是越来越好。