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Module 1


1、A. Chinese B. American C. English

2. A. .English B. China C. America

3. A Our B.We C.He

4. A. Big B.Small C.All

5. A. Where B. Which C. What


6. A. Thank you B. OK C. Nice to meet you ,too.

7. A. Mary B.In the evening C. London

8. A. Yes,he is . B. Yes, they are . C. Yes, she is .

9. A. I am twelve years old . B. I am from Kunming . C. I am Li Xiang .

10. A. Shanghai B. Tianjin C. Beijing .


11. Where is the girl from ?

A. China

B. England

C. America

12. How old is the girl’s friend ?

A. She ‘s fifteen years old .

B. She’s thirteen years old .

C. She’s twelve .

13.What is the girl’s last name ?

A .Brown B. Smith C. Black

14. What class is Mary in ?

A. Class 1

B. Class 2

C. Class 3

15. Is the girl Chinese ?

A. Yes , they are .

B. No,she isn’t

C. Y es, she is .


Module 2


1. A. aunt B. cousin C uncle

2. A This B. These C That

3. A left B right C front

4. A wife B husband C daughter

5. A doctor B nurse C policeman


1. A.. She studies in China . B. She is in China . C, She is a teacher .

2. A. He is from Canada . B. He likes working in China . C. He teaches Chinese .

3. A. In hospital B. In a factory . C. On a farm .

4. A. Three B. Four C. Five

5.A. She is a teacher . B. She’s a doctor . C. She is a secretary .



1. Where is Mary from ?

A. Guangzhou

B. Hong Kong

C. England

2. What does Daming ‘s father do ?

A. He is a doctor .

B. He is a teacher

C. He is a worker .

3.Is Mary ‘s father a manager ?

A. Yes, he is .

B. No,he isn’t

C. We don’t know .


4.What day is it today ?

A. Thursday

B. Friday

C. Saturday

5. What ‘s the weather like today ?

A . Hot B. Cold C. Rainy


1. Where is Jim from ?

A. America

B. England

C. China

2. Who ‘s Zhang Hui ?

A. Jim’s brother

B. Jim’s classmate

C. Jim’s friends

3. When does Zhang Hui invite Jim ?

A. At the weekend

B. During the holiday

C. On Friday

4. What is Jim’s mother /

A. A teacher

B. A driver

C. A doctor

5. The two boys don’t __________ in Zhang Hui ‘s home .

A . watch TV B. play games C. play football

Module 3


1. A. computer B. television C. telephone

2. A thirty B. forty C. eighty

3. A. building B. dining C. libraries

4. A. in front of B. in the front of C. next to

5. A. science buliding B. office building C. classroom building


1. How many students are there in the boy’s class ?

A. Twenty –three

B. Twenty-seven

C. Fifty

2.Where is John ?

A. In front of Lily .

B. Behind Linda

C. Next to Linda .

3.What ‘s in front of the dining hall /

A. The sports hall

B. The library

C. The office bulilding

4.Who’s thirteen years old /

A. Li Ming

B. The girl

C. Tom

5.What is in the bag ?

A. Some pens

B. Some books

C. Some apples
