矿物加工专业英语词汇(一)基本词汇1选矿-Mineral seperation(ore dressing) 2设计-Design3工艺-Technics(craftwork) 4初步设计-Initiative(preliminary) design 5流程-Flow(circuit) 6流程图-flowchart7施工设计-working design 8设计方案-design project9粉碎-comminution 10 磨矿-grinding11浮选-flotation 12脱水-dehydration13干燥车间-drying shop 14尾矿-tailing15精矿-concentrate 16中矿-middles17精选-concentration 18粗选-first concentration20选矿机-concentrator 21矿浆ore pulp22分级-classification 22磨矿-grinding23磨矿机-grinding mills 24筛分-screen25粉碎-crush 26筛分机-screener27粉碎机-crusher 28颚式粉碎机-jaw crusher29圆锥粉碎机-cone crusher 30冲击式粉碎机impact crusher31辊式粉碎机-crusher rolls 32球磨机-ball mill33棒磨机-rod mill 34自磨机-autogenous mills35震动筛-vibratory screener 36分级机-classification equipment37浮选-flotation 38浮选机-flotation equipment39重选-reelect 40特殊选-special selection41 浮选柱-flotation ploe 42脱水机-spin-drier43干燥机-drier 44总图-general chart45配置-deploy 46运输-transport47环境保护-environment protect 48场址-field location(site)49布置-lay 50设计资料-design information51粉碎流程-comminution flow 52磨矿流程-grinding flow(circuit) 53浮选流程-flotation flow 54金属矿-metallic mines55非金属矿-non-metallic mines 56闭路-close circuit(loop)57闭路流程-close flow 58开路-cut circuit(loop)59开路流程-cut flow 60废水-liquid waste61粉尘-powder 62噪声-yawp63污染-contamination 64沉淀-form sediment65净化-decontaminate 66输送-transportation67矿石-ore 68物料-material69给矿-feed ores 70给料-feed stuff71设备-equipment 72方案-project73标高-elevation 74通道-passage75维修-maintain 76检查-check77操作-operation 78化验-test、assay79检测-examine 80坡度-gradient81起重机-crane 82堆积-accumulation83细粒-granule、fine 84粗粒-coarse85尾矿坝-tailing dam 86矿仓-feed bin(storehouse)87粉矿仓-crushing pocket 88产品仓-product bin(storehouse)89砂泵-pump 90立式泵-stand pump91卧式泵-horizontal pump 92耐酸泵-acid-proof pump93耐碱泵-alkali-resistant pump 94勘察-reconnaissance95地形-landform 96工程-engineering97设计步骤design process 98规模-scale99选矿厂-concentrating mill 100设计内容design content(二)磨矿筛分1 comminution-粉碎2 comminution engineering-粉碎工程3粉碎机-comminuter 4粉碎动力学-comminution kinetics5筛分曲线图-screen analysis chart 6筛孔-screen aperture7筛面-screen area 8筛条screen bar9筛框-screen box 10筛选厂-screen building11筛分机生产能力screen capacity 12筛分槽-screen cell13筛布-screen cloth 14筛分screen classification15筛孔-screen hole 16筛分车间-screenhouse17筛分分析-screen analysis 18滚筒筛-screening-drum19筛分效率-screening efficiency 20筛分速率-screening rate21筛网-screen mesh 22筛制、筛比、筛序-screen scale23筛孔尺寸-screen size 24套筛-screen set25筛序-screen size gradation 26筛余物screen tailings27筛下产品-screen throughs(underflow.undersize) 28可碎性crushability 29可碎性系数-crushability factor 30碎矿仓-crushed ore pocket31粉碎产品-crushed product 32粉碎粒度-crusher size33粉碎腔-crushing cavity 34粉碎厂-crushing plant35粉碎系数-crushing coefficient 36粉碎工段-crushiong section37助磨剂-grinding aid 38磨球-grinding ball39 磨矿负荷-grinding charge 40磨矿效率-grinding efficiency41磨矿-grinding ore 42磨砾-grinding pebble43磨碎能力-grinding property 44研磨试验grinding test45磨矿设备-grinding unit 46磨矿速度-grinding rate47磨矿功率-grinding power 48磨矿车间-grinding plant49可磨性-grindability 50可磨性指数-grindability index51可磨性指标-grindability rating 52可磨性试验-grindability test53研磨工-grinder 54磨工车间-grindery55磨矿动力学-grinding kinetics 56粉碎能-crushing energy57粉碎机给矿口-crushing mouth 58粉碎面-crushing face59粉碎力-crushing force 60粉碎机进料口-crusher throat61筛分动力学-screen kinetics 62选厂矿仓-mill bin63 选厂中矿mill chats 64选厂配置mill configuration65磨过的矿石-milled ore 66磨机给料-mill feeder67选厂给矿-mill-head 68研磨作用-milling action69磨机衬里mill liner 70入选品位milling grade71入选品位矿石milling-grade ore 72磨矿机milling-grinder73细碎、精磨-milling grinding 74磨矿介质-milling medium75磨矿法-milling method 76选矿作业-milling operation77选矿厂-milling plant 78选厂矿泥-milling slime79选厂厂址-mill site 80磨机负荷-mill load81选矿工(工长)millan 82磨机需用功率-mill power draft83选矿质量控制mill puality control 84选矿取样-mill sampling85磨机外壳-mill shell 86磨机矿浆-mill slurries87磨石-millstone 88选矿厂储矿仓mill-storage89选厂尾矿-mill tail 90选矿用水-mill water91磨矿机溶液-mill solution 92选矿厂建筑师-millwright93分级沉淀-class setting 94矿粉-mineral fine95分级-classification 96分级溢流-classifier overflow97分级返砂-classifier sand 98分级机-classifier99分级筛-classifying screen 100分级箱-classifying box(三)流程设备1品位-grade 2精矿品位-concentrate grade3尾矿品位-tailing grade 4尾矿场-tail area(pile)5尾矿仓-tailing bin 6尾矿滤饼-tailing cake7尾矿坝-tailing dam 8尾矿池-tailing pond(pit)9取样-taking cut(sampling) 10滑石talc11蓝晶石-talc blue 12 试样缩分-sample division13 分样器-sample divider 14精矿取样-concentrate sampling15中矿取样-middles sampling 16尾矿取样-tailing sampling17浓缩-thickening 18精矿浓缩-concentrate thickening19选矿流程-concentrating circuit 20精选机-concentrating mcching 21试样缩分-sample reduction (splitting) 22矿物组成-mineralcomposition 23矿物组分-mineral constituent 24矿床-mineral depost25矿物-mineral 26选矿方法mineral dressing method27选矿厂-concentrating mill 28选矿ore dressing,mineral separation 29矿物分析-mineral analysis 30矿物组合-mineral association31 试样袋-sample sack 32矿床-deposit33矿物岩相facies 34矿物纤维-mineral fiber35固、气界面-mineral-air interface 36固、液界面-mineral-water interface37固、气、液接触mineral-air-water contact 38矿物颗粒-grain39矿物鉴定-mineral identification 40矿物资源-interest41矿物解离-mineralliberation 42矿物特性mineral character43矿物储量-mineral reserve 44矿物(成分)检验mineral logical examination45扑收剂-Minerec,flotigan, 46精矿回收率concentrate recovery47中矿回收率middles recovery 48精选concentration49附着精矿气泡concentratr-loaded bubble 50精选机-concentrating maching51分选判据-concentration criterion 52富集比-concentration factor53选矿摇床-concentration table 54选厂流程concentrator flow5选厂流程图concentrator flow sheet 56试样品位-sample grade57絮凝剂-flocculant 58絮凝-floculate59絮凝物-flocs 60絮凝浮选floc flotation61絮凝作用flocculation ---> agglomerate 粘结剂,凝结剂Coagulation 凝聚‹凝聚(Coagulation)指胶体被压缩双电层而脱稳的过程;‹ 絮凝( Flocculation)指胶体由于高分子聚合物的吸附架桥作用而聚集62浮选机flotation unit63浮选剂- flotation agent 64整排浮选机flotation bank65浮选槽- flotation cell 66浮选能力flotation capacity67浮选精矿- flotation concentrate 68浮选尾矿flotation rejects69浮选中矿- flotation middles 70浮选设备flotation equipment71浮选泡沫-flotation froth 72浮选动力学flotation kinetics73浮选浸出法- flotation leaching method 74浮选厂flotation mill75浮选油-flotation oil 76浮选矿浆- flotation pulp77浮选速度-flotation rate 78浮选试验flotation test79单槽浮选机- flotation unit cell 80浮选摇床- flotation table81摇床浮选- flotation tabling 82起泡剂Flotol83流程图-flow line 84工艺流程图-flow process chart (flow sheet)85可选(洗)性-washability 86可选性特性- washability characteristic87可选性曲线- washability curve 88可选性指数- washability number89可选性试验- washability test 90可浮性-flotability91可浮性曲线-flotability curve 92粒度特性-granularity93粒度分级试验grading test 94结构-texture95构造-tectonic(structural) 96致密结构-compact texture97斑状结构porphyritic texture 98 粒度分析-granularmetric analysis99采样-sample collecting 100分样器-sample divider《磁电选矿部分)英文词汇Mineral Processing Technology 矿物加工工艺学Principle of magnetism process 磁选原理Magnetic force 磁力Ratio magnetic force 比磁力Compete force 竞争力Mineral magnetism 矿物的磁性Atomic magnetism moment 原子磁矩Molecular magnetism moment 分子磁矩Magnetization & magnetic field 磁化和磁化磁场Magnetization intensity 磁化强度Ratio susceptibility 比磁化系数Diamagnetism 逆磁性Paramagnetism 顺磁性Ferromagnetism 铁磁性Magnetic domain 磁畴Revers ferromagnetism 反铁磁性Subferromagnetism 亚铁磁性Coercive force 矫顽力Remanence 剩磁Magnetization roasting 磁化焙烧Deoxidization roasting 还原焙烧Midlle roasting 中性焙烧Oxidation roasting 氧化焙烧Siderite 菱铁矿Hematite 赤铁矿Magnetite 磁铁矿Unhydrophite magnetization 疏水磁化Magnetic process equipment 磁选设备Feebleness magnetic separation machine 弱磁场磁选机Dry magnetic separation machine 干式磁选机Wet feebleness magnetic separation machine 湿式弱磁场磁选机High magnetic separation machine 强磁场磁选机High grads magnetic sparation machine 高梯度磁选机Supercondduct magnetic separation 超导电选Concentrator 选矿机Electrity process 电选Electrity concentrator 电选机Static separation 静电选矿Air-ionization separation 电晕分选Friction electric separation 摩擦电选Magnetic process practice 磁选实践Nonmetal ore 非金属矿Diamond process 金刚石选矿Heavy medium reclaim 重介质回收Primary concentrate 粗精矿Graphite gangue 石墨尾矿Kaolin magnetic process 高岭土磁选Block metal ore 黑色金属矿石Manganese ore magnetic process 锰矿石磁选Coloured metal & rare metal 有色金属和稀有金属Ilmenite 钛铁矿Rutile 金红石Zircon 锆英石Electric process practice 电选实践Tungstate 钨酸盐cassiterite 锡石hematite . 赤铁矿gangue 脉石,废石,矸石magnet .磁铁,磁体,磁石conductor mineral 导体矿物silicate 硅酸盐diatomite 硅藻土hysteresis 磁滞现象magnetic core . 磁铁芯winding 绕组,线圈medium 介质electrophoresis 电泳screening 筛分magnetic field 磁场flux 磁通量ferromagnet 铁磁物质ferromagnetism 铁磁性reunite 团聚magnetic system 磁系magnetic agitate 磁搅动permanent magnet 永久磁铁solenoid magnet 螺管式磁铁pyrite .黄铁矿,硫铁矿limonite 褐铁矿reluctivity 磁阻率conduct 传导induce .诱导,感应,归纳astrict 束缚charge 电荷electric field .电场interfacial 界面的,面间的magnetism 吸引力electrode 电极,电焊条,电极Strontium & iron oxid 锶铁氧体Periodic magnetic field 交变磁场Pulsant magnetic field 脉动磁场Saturation 饱和stainless steel material 不锈钢材料polar distance 极距mica 云母quarte 石英stimulate magnetism 激磁magnetism circuit 磁路magnetic line of force 磁力线commutate quality 整流性(重选部分)英文词汇(1) gravity concentration 重力选矿(2) Abkhazite 透闪石棉(3) Amiantus 石棉(4) acceptance operation 矿石预选(5) Acclivity 斜面(6) airborne dust 大气浮尘(7) air conveying 风力输送(8) amplitude of vibration 振幅(9) ancillary mineral 伴生矿物(10)apparent viscosity 视粘度(11)artificial bedding 人工床层(12)attle 废石(13)average grain diameter 平均粒径(14)axial motion 轴向运动(15)backwash water 冲洗水(16)backwater筛下水(17)barite 菱镁蛇纹岩(18)barren rock 脉石(19)beach ore 砂矿(20)bed separation 分层(21)bevel angle 倾斜角(22)buddle 淘洗盘(23)buddle jig 动筛跳汰机(24)buoyancy 浮力(25)buoyant weight 悬浮重量(26)Caplastometer 粘度计(27)Centipoises 厘泊(28)Centrifugal field 离心力场(29)Centrifugal jig 离心跳汰机(30)Circular 圆形跳汰机(31)Centrifuge 离心机(32)Classification efficiency 分级效率(33)Classifier 分级机(34)Classifier overflow 分级机溢流(35)Classifier sand 分级机返砂(36)Close sizing 窄级分级(37)Claster of particles 颗粒群(38)Coarse feed 粗粒给料(39)Cyclone 水力旋流器(40)Cassiterite 锡石(41)Dilated 松散床层(42)dimensionless parameter 无因次参数(43)duplex table 双层摇床(44)diaphragm jig 隔膜跳汰机(45)dwindles out 尖灭(46)film concentration 流膜选矿(47)final velocity 末速度(48)free settling particle 自由沉降颗粒(49)free settling ratio 自由沉降比(50)gravity concentrate 重选精矿(51)gravity tailings 重选尾矿(52)galena 方铅矿(53)iron ore pellet 铁矿球团(54)jig cycle 跳汰周期(55)heavy liquid 重液(56)heavy-media separator 重介质分选(57)heavy-media suspension重介质悬浮液(58)hydraulic analysis 水力分析(59)high-weir spiral classifier 高堰式螺旋分级机(60)hindered settling 干涉沉降(61)HMS-flotation method 重介质浮选联合分选(62)Hydrocyclone 水力旋流器(63)Laundering 溜槽选矿(64)low- weir spiral classier 低堰式螺旋分级机(65)medium recovery screen 介质回收筛(66)meerschaum 海泡石(67)menachanite 钛铁砂(68)outer vortex 外螺旋线(69)particle diameter 颗粒直径(70)particle shape 颗粒形状(71)particle size accumulation 粒度累积曲线(72)partition size 分离粒度(73)jigging 跳汰选矿(74)regenerated dense medium 重介质再生(75)sand table 矿砂摇床(76)scalping screen 脱介筛(77)setting vessel 沉降速度(78)shaking table 摇床(79)sieve compartment 筛网室(80)simplex spiral 单螺旋分级机(81)sinusoidal wave 单层摇床(82)sizing analysis 粒度分析(83)silica 硅石(84)spherical particle 球形颗粒(85)spheroid 似球形(86)spindle 针状形(87)spiral chute 螺旋溜槽(88)spiral concentrator 螺旋选矿机(89)stiction 静摩擦(90)submerged spiral type classifler 沉没式分级机(91)suction bailer 吸入作用(92)table 摇床(93)table riffle 摇床格条(94)table circuit 摇床流程(95)table tailing 摇床尾矿(96)table flotation 台浮(97)talcum 滑石(98)taraspite 白云石(99)wedge angle 锥角(100) weight 重力(浮选部分)英文词汇floatation 浮选froth flotation 泡沫浮选direct flotation 正浮选reverse flotation 反浮选fineness of grinding 磨矿细度fractionation 分级mineral wettability 矿物润湿性mineral flotability 矿物的可浮性equilibrium contact angle 平衡接触角three phase interface 三相界面hydrophobicity of mineral 矿物的疏水性hydrophilicity of mineral 矿物的亲水性foam adhesion泡沫附着ionic lattice 离子晶格covalence lattice共价晶格surface inhomogeneity 表面的不均匀性oxidation and dissolution 氧化与溶解oxidizing agent 氧化剂reduction agent 还原剂surface modification of mineral 矿物的表面改性electric double layer 双电层ionization 电离adsorption 吸附electrokinetic potential电动电位point of zero charge 零电点isoelectric point 等电点collecting agent 捕收剂semi micelle adsorption 半胶束吸附exchange adsorption 交换吸附competitive adsorption 竞争吸附specific adsorption 特性吸附modifying agent 调整剂depressant 抑制剂activating agent 活化剂foaming agent 起泡剂hydrophilic group 亲水基团liberation degree 解离度polar group 极性基团nonpolar group 非极性基团sulphide ore 硫化矿物oxidized mineral 氧化矿物xanthate 黄药hydrolysis 水解medicamentous selectivity药剂的选择性catchment action捕收作用electrochemical action 电化学作用pyrite 黄铁矿calcite 方解石alkyl radical 烃基含氧酸organic amine 有机胺类carboxylate surfactant 羧酸盐kerosene 煤油amphoteric collector 两性两捕收剂alkyl radical sulfonate 烃基磺酸盐complex 络合物PH modifying agent PH调整剂long-chain molecule 长链分子chalcopyrite 黄铜矿galena 方铅矿blende 闪锌矿oxidized ore 氧化矿flocculant 絮凝剂non-hydronium flocculant 非离子型絮凝剂desorption 解吸air bladder 气泡solubility 溶解度specific surface area 比表面积mineral resources 矿源three phase air bladder 三相气泡ore magma electric potential 矿浆电位mixed potential model 混合电位模型freedom hydrocarbon diversification 自由烃变化electrostatic pull 静电引力intermolecular force 分子间力goethite 针铁矿semi micelle adsorption 半胶束吸附concentration of solution 溶液浓度flotation machine浮选机oxygenation 充气作用recovery 回收率concentrate grade 精矿品位handling capacity 处理能力air bladder collision气泡碰撞flotation column 浮选柱ore concentration dressing 富集作用floatation process 浮选工艺floatation speed 浮选速率flotation circuit 浮选流程granularity 粒度degree of fineness 细度pulp density 矿浆浓度water quality 水质backwater 回水middlings 中矿run of mine 原矿gangue 尾矿flotation principle flow浮选原则流程rate of divergence 分散程度dispersant 分散剂semiconductivity of mineral矿物半导性reagent removal agent 脱药剂Flotation reagent professional words Absorption 吸收Absorption band 吸收光谱带Abstract 抽出,提取Abundance 丰富,丰度Accelerant 促进剂Acceptance 验收,接收Accumulate 积累,聚集Accuracy 准确度Acctate 醋酸盐Acctamide 乙酰胺Acid 酸,酸的Acid anion 酸性阴离子Acidation 酸化Acid depression 加酸抑制Acid hydrolysis 加酸水解Acintol 妥尔油制品Acrylic amide丙烯酰胺Activate 活化Activated adsorption活性吸附Activated molecule 活化分子Activated effect 活化作用Activator 活化剂,活性剂Acto 精制石油磺酸钠Acylamide 酰胺Addition 加添Adhere 粘附,附着Adhesion coefficient粘着系数Adhesive粘合剂Adhesive tension胶结张力界面吸引力Adion 吸附离子Adsorbate 吸附物Adsorbent 吸附剂Adsorption isotherm吸附等温线Adsorption layer吸附层Aero 美国氰胺公司的药剂品牌号Aerofloat 美国氰胺公司的黑药牌号Aerofloc 絮凝剂牌号Aerofroth 起泡剂牌号Aeromine 阳离子型表面活性剂Aero promoter促进剂牌号Aerosol 润湿剂牌号Aerosurf MG-98A 醚胺醋酸盐Agglomerant 团聚的凝结剂Agglomeration flotation团聚浮选Aggregate of large molecules大分子团Aiv-avid亲气的Aiv-mineral adhesion空气-矿物粘附Alamine胺的牌号Alcohol醇Alcohol frother 醇类起泡剂Aliphat- 妥尔油脂肪酸牌号Aliphatic alcohol 脂肪醇Aliphatic acid 脂肪酸Aliphatic amine 脂肪胺Aliphatic dydrocarbon脂肪烃Aliquat苯胺盐牌号Alkali 碱Alkaliuity 碱度,碱性Alkane 链烷,烷烃Alkoxy- 烷氧基Alkoxyamine 烷氧胺Alkoxy benzene烷氧基苯Alkyl- 烷基Alkyl alcohol sulfate 烷基醇硫酸盐Alkylamine 脂肪胺Alkylarsonic acid 烷基砷酸Alkylarylsulfonate 烷基芳基磺酸盐Aldyl hydroxamic acid 烷基羟污酸Alkyl phosphate 烷基磷酸盐Alkyl sodium sulfonate 烷基磺酸钠All-flotation approach 全浮处理法Allowance 允许,公差All-purpose 通用的Amine 胺的牌号Amino-acid 氨基酸Ammonia 氨Amphateric 两性的Amphoteric surfactant 两性表面活性剂Amylum 淀粉Analysis 分析Angle角,角度Anion 阴离子Anion collector 捕收剂Anode 阳极,正极Anti-corrosive coating 防腐浮层Antifoamer 消泡剂Apparent hardness 表现硬度Applicability 活用性,适应性Aqua ion 水合离子Aquation 水合作用Armeen 胺的牌号Arosurf MG醚胺的牌号Affached bubble 粘附气泡Bagolax 甲基纤维素Barrett 煤焦杂酚油牌号Benzyl alcohol 苯甲醇Bromoform 溴仿,三溴甲烷Bubble 气泡,泡沫Bubbler 气泡器Butyl 丁基Butyl aerofoat丁基黑药Calcium oxide 氧化钙Capillary 毛细管,毛细作用Carbitol 卡必醇Carbohydrate 碳水化合物Cation 阳离子Cationic collector 阳离子捕收Cellulosice CMC 羧甲基纤维素Charge 电荷,充电Chelate 螯合物Chelate effect 螯合效应Chelation group 螯合基团Chemical adsorption 化学吸附Chemical ore processing 化学选矿Chloro acetic acid 氯乙酸Cohesion 粘结力凝聚力Collector 捕收剂Colloid 胶体Creosote oil杂酚油Critical PH value 临界PH值Concentrate grade精矿品位Concentration 精选、富集Cyanide 氰化物Daxad 烷基磺酸钠Deflocculator 反絮凝剂Defoamer 消泡剂Dehydrating agent 脱水剂Dehydrogenation 脱氧Delamine 妥尔油胺Dense liqued 重液Depressant 抑制剂Desorbent 解吸剂Deslimie 脱泥Desludging agent 脱泥剂Dicarboxylic acid 二羟酸Dodecylamine 十二胺,月桂胺Dodecylalcohol 十二烷醇Dodecyl amine-hydrochloride十二胺盐酸盐Dresinate 松脂酸皂捕收剂Dual cleaning 二重精选Duponol 烷基硫酸钠牌号Dust-allaying medium 防尘剂Dynamic balance 动态平衡Efficiency 效率,功效Electrochemical approach 电化学处理法Electro-kinetic potential 动电势Electrostatic attraction 静电吸引Emulsifying agent乳化剂Extract 提取,萃取Ferric sulfate 硫酸铁补充aqueous 水的;水状的;水成的。
矿物加工专业英语UNIT ONE INTRODUCTION(绪绪)Lesson One Minerals and Ores(绪物绪石与)Lesson Two Types and Application of Coal(煤的绪绪绪用与)Lesson Three Coal Assay(煤绪分析)Lesson Four Mineral Processing Methods(绪物加工方法)Lesson Five Mineral Liberation(绪物解离)Lesson Six Mineral Concentration(绪物富集)UNIT TWO COMMINUTION (粉碎)Lesson One Principles of Comminution(粉碎原理)Lesson Two Comminution Theory and Grindability(粉碎绪绪可磨度学与)Lesson Three Primary Crushers(粗碎破碎机)Lesson Four Secondary Crushers(二段破碎机)Lesson Five Grinding Mills(磨绪机)(I)Lesson Six Grinding Mills(磨绪机)(?)UNIT THREE SCREENING AND CLASSIFICATIoN(绪分分绪与)Lesson One Types of Screens(绪分机绪绪)Lesson Two Principles of Classification--Free Settling(分绪原理,自由降沉)Lesson Three Principles of Classification--Hindered Settling(分绪原理干涉——沉降)Lesson Four Types of C1assifier(分绪机绪绪)UNIT FOUR GRAVITY SEPARATIoN (重力分绪)Lesson One Principles of Gravity Concentration(重绪原理)Lesson Two Jigs(跳汰机)Lesson Three Shaking Tables(绪床)Lesson Four Other Gravity Separators(其他重绪绪绪)UNIT FIVE HEAVY MEDIUM SEPARATIoN(重介绪分绪)Lesson One Principles of Heavy Medium Separation(重介绪分绪原理)Lesson Two Separation Vessels of Heavy Medium Separation(重介绪分绪绪绪)Lesson Three Laboratory Heavy Liquid Tests(绪绪室重液绪绪)UNIT SIX MAGNETIC AND ELECTRICAL SEPARATION(磁绪分绪)Lesson One Magnetic Separation(磁力分绪) Lesson Two Magnetic Separators(磁力分绪绪绪)Lesson Three Electrostatic Separation(静绪分绪)UNIT SEVEN FLOTATION(浮绪)Lesson One Principles of Flotation(浮绪原理)Lesson Two Thermodvnamics and Kinetics of Flotation(浮绪绪力绪力学与学)Lesson Three Collectors I(捕收绪I)Lesson Four Collectors II(捕收绪II)Lesson Five Frothers(起泡绪)Lesson Six Regulators (绪整绪)Lesson Seven Flotation Circuits and Machines(浮绪回路及浮绪绪绪)UNIT EIGHT GOLD EXTRACTIoN(黄金提取)Lesson One Gold—Properties and Applications(黄金的性绪和绪用)Lesson Two Gold Cyanide Leaching(黄金的绪化浸出)Lesson Three Carbon-in-Pulp Process and Carbon—in-Leach Process(炭绪法与炭浸法)Lesson Four Gold Smelting(黄金冶绪)Lesson Five Gold Refining(黄金精绪)UNIT NINE DEwATERING AND TAILINGS DISPOSAL(脱与水尾绪绪理)Lesson One Coagulation and Flocculation(凝聚絮凝与)Lesson Two Sedimentation(沉淀)Lesson Three Filtration and Drying(绪绪和干燥)Lesson Four Tailings Disposal(尾绪绪理)。
天然无机化合物 natural inorganic substance1化学组成 chemical composition 灰分含量 ash content2原子组成 atomic structure 有色金属矿物 nonferrous ore3有用矿物 valuable mineral 脉石矿物 gangue mineral4给矿品位 the feed grad 非金属矿物 non-metallic ore5沉积岩 sedimentary rock 二氧化碳 carbon dioxide6发电 generation of electricity 露天采矿 open pit mining 低灰分烟煤 low-sulfur bituminous coal挥发份 volatile constituents 煤气化 coal gasification直接液化 a direct liquefaction process煤的化学组成chemical properties of coal相对密度 relative density 煤质分析 coal assay粒度分布 particle size distribution自磨 autonomous grinding 燃烧实验 special combustion tests高品级煤种 high-rank coal 矿石粒度 the size of the ore有用矿物粒度 the grains of valuable minerals细粒嵌布finely disseminated in the ore低品位矿石 low grade ores 解离度 degree of liberation光化学性质 optical properties 磁性 magnetic properties导电性 electrical conductivity properties连生颗粒 the particles of locked mineral最佳磨矿细度 an optimum mesh of grind破碎应力 breaking stresses 颗粒边界 grain boundaries再磨 be regrinding0f 磨矿成本 grinding costs粗粒脉石 the coarse gangue 单体颗粒 single free particles金刚石 diamond 石墨 graphite原矿石 run-of-mine ore 维护成本 maintenance costs强加于 imposes on 驱动轴 drive shaft相对于 relative to 把。
矿物加工专业英语 词汇(字典版)
Aabrasion 磨耗accumulation 堆积物acrylic 丙烯酸的activate 活化,刺激activated carbon 活性炭activation 活化作用activator 活化剂adhere 粘着adhesion 粘附adhesion 粘合adhesion 粘着,粘附adjacent 邻近adjacent 相邻的,邻近的adjustable 可调节的adsorbent 吸附剂advent 出现aeration 充气aeration 充气aerofloat 黑药(捕收剂)aerophilic 亲气的aerophilic 亲气的aerophobic 疏气的affinity 亲和力agglomerate 凝聚aggregate 填料agitation 搅拌agitation 搅拌air-avid property 亲水性alkaline 碱性alkaline 碱性alkyl sulfate 烷基硫酸盐allotrope 同素异形体alloy 合成alloy 合金alluvial 冲击aluminosilicate 铝硅酸盐amalgamation 混汞法amine protein 氨蛋白amine 胺amino group 氨基amorphous 无定形的ampere 安培amyl 戊基analogous 类似的ancillary 辅助anion 负离子anionic 阴离子的anionic 阴离子的,带负电的annular 环形的apex 沉砂口apparent viscosity 表观粘度apparent 外观上的applicable 适用的appraisal 评价appraisal 评价,估计approximately 接近地aqua regia 王水aqueous chemical extraction process 湿法化学提取arcing 电弧作用aromatic alcohol 芳香醇arsenic 砷的,含砷的arsenopyrite 毒砂arsenopyrite 砷黄铁矿,毒砂artificial satellites 人造卫星asbestos石棉ascend 提升assay 试验assess 评定astronauts 宇航员asymmetric 不对称的,不均匀的at will 任意的atomize 雾化,粉化attrition 磨损augment 增加auric 金的,含金的,三价金的auride 金化物aurocyanide complex 氰化金络合物aurocyanide 氰亚金酸盐aurous 亚金的,一价金的aurum 金availability 来源axis 轴线azurite 蓝铜矿Bback-fill 回填(料)back-filling 回填baffle 导流板,栅板balium 钡barite 重晶石barren 贫瘠的batch flotation cell 单槽浮选机bath (重介质)分选槽beach sand 海滨砂beamed 定向的bismuth 铋blade 叶片,刀刃blend 混合blower 鼓风机boil 沸腾bonding sites 活性点borax 硼砂boron 硼borrowed fill 外来料bowl 滚筒brass tube 黄铜管bridge thickener 桥梁式浓密机bromide 溴化物bromoform 溴仿,三溴甲烷bronze 青铜bubble 气泡bulk-oil floatation 全油浮选bullion 金块by convention 按照惯例by virtue of 根据Ccaesium 铯cake filter 饼式过滤机calacerite 碲金矿calcined 煅烧calcite 方解石calcium fluoride 氟化钙calcium hydroxide 氢氧化钙calibrated orifice plate 调节孔板caloium 钙capital 资本carbon disulphide 二硫化碳carbon tetrachloride 四氯化碳carbonaceous 碳质的carbon-in-leach 炭浸法carbon-in-pulp process 炭浆法carbonyl 羰基carboxyl 羧基carboxylate 羧酸盐carnallite 光卤石cascade cell 喷流槽,泻落槽cassiterite 锡石catalyst 催化剂cater 满足cationic 阳离子的caustic 腐蚀性的cement 水泥centrifugal 离心的centrifugal 离心的centrifuge 离心机ceramics 陶瓷业cerussite 白铅矿chalcopyrite 黄铜矿chamber or recessed plate filter press 箱式或凹板式压缩机charcoal 木炭chemisortion 化学吸附作用chlorauric 氯金酸chlorination 氯化,用氯气处理chute 斜槽chute 装矿溜口circuit 回路circulating loads 循环负荷clarification filter 澄清式过滤机clarifier 澄清机clarifying capacity 澄清能力clarity 透明clean 精选cleaner cell 精选槽cleaner 品位高clerici solution 克列里奇夜coagulant 凝聚剂,凝结剂coagulation 凝结,凝聚coagulation 凝聚coagulator 凝聚剂coal preparation engineer 选煤工程师coalescing 兼并cobbing 粗选coconut shells 椰子壳collection 回收collection 收集collectors 捕收剂collidal 胶体collide 碰撞collide 碰撞collieries 煤矿colloidal 胶体colloidal 胶体的come into contact with 与- -接触commercial scale工业规模compatible 兼容,共处compensate 补偿complete 完全的complexant 配位剂component 组件compound 化合物compressed 扁平的comprise 包括concentration 浓度concurrent low-intensity magnetic separator 顺流式弱磁选机conditioning 调浆conducting particles 导电颗粒conductor grain 导体颗粒confined 限制connote 意味着constituents 成分constituents 组分,成分contact angle 接触角contamanant 污染物质,杂质contaminate 污染,混杂contaminated 受污染的contamination 污染controversial 有争议的conventional 常规的,常见的conventional 常见的conventional 常见的converge 集中converging field 收敛磁场converse 聚合conversely 相反的copper matte 冰铜copper sulphate 硫酸铜copper sulphide 硫化铜corona discharge 电晕放电corresponding 一致的,相应的corrosion resistant 耐腐蚀corrosion 腐蚀corrosion 腐蚀,侵蚀corrosive 腐蚀性的counter current decantation 逆流洗涤counter-current 半逆流counter-ion 反离子counter-rotation 逆流式covalent 共价的cresol 甲酚crest 顶端cresylic acid 甲酚酸crucible 坩埚crystal lattice 晶格crystallization 结晶cumulative 累积的cupellation 灰吹法cyanide 氰化物cyanide 氰化物cylinder 圆柱体cylindrical 圆柱的cylindroconical 圆柱圆锥型Ddecant 澄清的definite 明确的degradation 降解,退化,分解depleted 贫化,耗尽depress 抑制depression 抑制剂descending 下降的detachment 分离,脱离dewater 浓缩,脱水dextrin 糊精diagrammatically 用图表地,概略地diamagnetic 逆磁性diffused 扩散dilute 减少,稀释dilute 稀释diluted 稀释dipole 偶极direct flotation 正浮选discarded 丢弃discrete particles 分散颗粒dispersant 分散剂dispersed 分散dispersing 分散disposal 处理disseminate 传播disseminated 散布的dissipate 驱散dissipate 驱散dissociate 游离,分离dissolve 溶解distillation 蒸馏distillation 蒸馏distributor 分配器,分矿器dithiocarbonate 二硫代碳酸盐dithioposphate 二硫代磷酸盐dixantthogen 双黄药dore bullion 金锭dosage 用量doses 剂量double-layer 双电层downstream tailings dam 下流式(顺流式)尾矿坝drag force (介质)阻力drain 排出drain 排水,流干drainage 排水drastically 彻底地drive shaft 驱动轴drum magnetic separator 筒式磁选机duct 管道ductile 易延展的,柔软的dust 粉尘Ee.m.u system 电磁单位制earthed 接地的ecological 生态的effluent 污水,废水electrical conductivity 导电率,电导率electrode assembly 电极装置,电极组electrode 电极electrodeposition 电沉积electrolysis 电解electrolyte 电解质electrolytic depression 电解质抑制剂electromagnetic coil 电磁线圈electromagnetic separator 电磁磁选机electronegative 电负性的electro-refining 电解精炼electrostatic separation 静电分选electrostatic separator 静电分选机electrostatic 静电electrowinning 电积electrowinning 电积electrum 银金矿,金银合金eliminate 排除eliminated 淘汰elution 解吸elution 洗提,解吸emerged 出现empirical 经验的emulsion 乳状液entrain 夹杂envisage 处理,正视equivalent 等价的eroded 侵蚀ester 酯ethers 醚ethyl 乙基evanescent 易破的evolve 进化exclusion 排斥exotic 外来的,奇异的exploration 勘探exponent 指数external 外部的extraction 抽提,提取Ffacilitate 促进facilitate 助长,促进facilities 设备fast-floating 易浮的fatty acid 脂肪酸feasibility 可行性feebly 弱ferromagnetic 铁磁性的ferrosilicon 硅铁合金ferrous mineral 黑色金属矿物filter cake 滤饼filter 过滤filter 过滤机filtration 过滤filtration 过滤flange 法兰flat magnetic pole 平面磁极floatability 可浮性floatability 可浮性floatation cell 浮选槽floc 絮状物,絮团flocculant 絮凝剂flocculate 絮凝,凝结flocculation or agglomeration 团聚,絮凝flocculation 絮凝flocculation 絮凝flocculent 絮凝剂flotation circuit and machines 浮选回路及浮选设备flotation circuit 浮选回路,浮选流程flotation column 浮选柱flowsheet 工艺流程图flowsheet 流程fluctuations 波动,起伏flung 投掷,扔fluorite 萤石fluxes 助熔剂foamy 泡沫fouling 污染fragment 碎屑,碎片free-fall 自由落体free-milling ores 易选矿石frictional 摩擦的froth flotation 泡沫浮选frother 起泡剂Frothers 起泡剂fume 烟雾,冒烟fumes 烟气furnace lining 炉衬furnace 炉Ggalena 方铅矿gap 间隙gas phase 气相gaseous ionization 气体离子化gassy 含气的gelatine 胶质,白明胶Gibbs free energy 吉布斯自由能glass fibre 玻璃纤维glass sand 玻璃砂glue 胶水glycol 乙二醇gold cyanide leaching 黄金的氰化浸出gold film 金薄gold inventory 金的滞留量gold melting 黄金冶炼gold refining 黄金精炼gradient 梯度gram 克graphically 生动的graphite 石墨graphite 石墨graphite 石墨gravitate 吸引gravity field 重力场ground 研磨grounded 接地的guar gum 古阿胶Hhalide 卤化物Hallimond tube 哈里蒙特浮选管halogens 卤素hazart 危害,危险heap or dump leaching 堆浸helmet 头盔hematite 赤铁矿hematite 赤铁矿heteropolar 异极性的hexyl 己基high gradient magnetic separator(HGMS)高梯度磁选机high-tension electrostatic separator 高压静电分选机high-tension separator 高压电选机hindered settling 干涉沉降hollow 空心的horizontal belt filter 水平带式过滤机humidity 湿度hydrated layer 水化层hydro cyclone 水利旋流器hydrocarbon 烃,碳氢化合物hydrodynamic 流体阻力hydrogen cyanide 氰化氢hydrolyses 水解hydrometallurgical 湿法冶金学的hydrophobic 疏水的hydrophobic 疏水的hydrostatic head 水力静压头hydrothermal 热液hydroxide 氢氧化镁Iigneous rock 火成岩ilmenite 钛铁矿ilmenite 钛铁矿imparted 给予,传递impeller 叶轮implemented 实施,应用imposed 施加的,应用的impound 筑坝堵水impurities 杂质impurity 杂质in preference to 优先于inactivation 钝化inches 英尺incombustible material 非可燃物incorporate 合并incorporated 包含incremental 增加的induce 引起induced roll magnetic separator 感应辊式磁选机induction furnace 感应炉inertial 惯性的inertness 惰性infared 红外的inherently 固有的,内在的initial interfacial energy 初态界面能initial 最初inquarted 分银法(熔银分金法)integrally 完整的intensity of magnetization 磁化强度intensive leaching 强化浸出interface 界面interfacial tensile force 表面张力interfere 阻碍,干涉interparticle 粒子间inverted 倒置的iodide 碘化物ionogenic polar group 离子化极性基iron-bearing 含铁的isobutyl 异丁基isopropyl 异丙基Jjet aircraft 喷气式飞机jewelry 首饰Jones wet-intensity magnetic separator 琼斯湿式强磁选机jute 黄麻纤维Kkarat 开kerosene 煤油kinetics 动力学krennerite 白碲金银矿Llagoon 尾矿池lamination 薄片lead chromate 铬酸铅leak 泄露leftover 剩下的Lesson FiveLesson Fivelesson FourLesson FourLesson FourLesson OneLesson OneLesson one magnetic separation 磁力分选Lesson one 重介质分选原理Lesson SevenLesson SixLesson ThreeLesson threeLesson ThreeLesson threeLesson Three lesson TwoLesson TwoLesson TwoLesson TwoLesson Twolethal 致命的lever 杠杆Levitation 浮起,升起liable 易于lifting effect 提升效应limestone 石灰石lines of force 磁力线linoleic acid 亚麻酸lipides 油脂liquor 液体,溶液liter 升litharge 一氧化铅loading 负荷,给料lode 脉,矿脉longitudinal 纵向的low-intensity magnetic separator 弱磁选机Mmagnesite 菱镁矿magnetic field gradient 磁场梯度magnetic field 磁场magnetic floc 磁絮团,磁团聚magnetic induction 磁感应强度magnetic permeability 磁导率magnetic remanence 顽磁magnetic separator 磁力分选设备magnetic susceptibility 磁化率,磁化系数magnetism 磁性,磁力magnetite 磁铁矿magnetohydrostatic 流体静力学magnetomotive force 磁动力magnitude 大小magnitude 量级,大小malachite 孔雀石Malaysia 马来西亚malleable 有延展性的manganese dioxide 二氧化锰manufacture 制造medium-cleaning 介质-净化mercaptan 硫醇mercury 水银mercury 水银mesh 网目methyl isobutyl carbinol 甲基异丁基甲醇methylene 二碘甲烷micro 微米mild steel 低碳钢milk of lime 石灰乳mined-out area 采空区mineralization of air bubble 气泡的矿化mineralization 矿化minute grains 微小颗粒miscellaneous 多种多样的miscible 混熔misplaced material混杂物料moisture resistant 水分含量molecular 分子的molybdenite 辉钼矿molybdenum 钼monetary 货币的monolayer 单层monomer 单体monomolecular sheath 单分子层motor 马达mounted 安装multi-layers 多层的multiple 多样的muthmannite 板碲金银矿mutual 相互的Nnagyagite 叶碲矿naked eye 肉眼nanoparticle 纳米naphthenic 环烷酸near-density materials 近比重物料negative polarity 负极negative 负的negligible 可以忽略的neutral 中性neutral 中性neutralize 中和nitrate 硝酸盐nitric acid 硝酸nitrogen 氮noble 高贵的non-ferrous metals 有色金属non-ferrous mineral 有色金属矿物nozzle 喷嘴nugget 天然金块nylon 尼龙Oobsolete 过时的occurrence 存在状态,赋存状态Oersted 奥斯特oleic acid 油酸open pit 露天矿open-pit mines 露天矿opposed 相对的optimization 最佳的orifice 孔original 最初的orth-phosphate 正磷酸盐ounc 盎司outlet 出口overflow lip 溢流口overflow weir 溢流堰oxhydryl 羟基oxidation stage 氧化态Ppaddle 挡板paddle 闸板,叶片pan filter盘式过滤机parallel 平行paramagnetic salt 顺磁性的盐paramagnetic 顺磁性parameter 参数parameters 参数partition 分配,分布patented 专利peat 泥炭percolates 浸透,渗出performance 性能perimeter 周边periodic table 周期表peripheral 辅助资料,其他资料periphery drive mechanism周边传动装置permanent magnetic separator 永磁磁选机permeable base 有孔底板permeable 有渗透性的petzite针碲银矿,碲金银矿pH modifier pH调整剂phenol 苯酚phosphate rock 磷酸盐phsico-chemical 物理化学的pick-up 抽吸作用pine oil 松节油pinning effect 吸附效应plate and frame filter press 板框式压缩机plating 镀层,电镀platinum group 铂族platinum 铂plotted 绘制plunge 浸没pneumatic machine 充气浮选机polarity 极性polarity 极性polarity 正负极pollutant 污染物polyacrylamide 聚丙烯酰胺polyelectrolyte 聚合电解质polyglycols 聚乙二醇polymer 聚合体polymeric 高分子的porcelain 瓷器pores 孔pores 孔隙,毛孔porosity 孔隙率porous medium 多孔介质porous 多孔的potassium dichromate 重铬酸钾potassium ethyl xanthate 乙基钾黄药potassium 钾practicable 可行的preceding 之前的precipitate 沉淀precipitated 沉淀precipitation 沉淀precise 精确的preclude 阻止preconditioning 预处理,预先调浆preferentially 优先地pregnant solution 母液preliminary 初步的pressure filter 压滤机profitable 有益的progressive 先进的provision 措施proximity 接近,邻近pseudo-sulphide 准硫化物pulp 矿浆pumping 抽pumps 泵pure 纯purification 提纯purifying 净化pyrometallurgy 热冶学pyrrhotite 雌黄铁矿pyrrhotite 雌黄铁矿pyrrotite 雌黄铁矿Qquebracho 白雀树皮汁quiescent 静止的Rradial vaned wheel 径向叶片railway ballast 道碴rake 倾斜,耙子,刮板raking mechanism 耙动机构rayon 人造丝reagent 试剂recirculated 循环的rectify 整流reducing agent 还原剂reef 矿脉refined 提炼reflector 反射体regulate 调节regulator 调整剂regulator 调整剂rejection 丢弃remanence 剩磁,剩余磁感应repelled 排斥repellent 疏水的reprocessing 再处理repulsion 排斥repulsion 排斥repulsive 排斥residue 残留物resilient 回弹的,弹性的resilient 有回弹力的,能恢复原态的resin acid 树脂酸resin 树脂restrict 限制retained 保持retard 阻止,延缓retarding 阻碍reversal 逆转reversal 逆转,反向reverse flotation 反浮选reverse 反向rigidity 刚度,刚体roast 焙烧rotary kiln 回转炉rotary thermal dryer 回转热力干燥机rotary-disc filter 转盘式过滤机rotary-drum filter 回转筒式过滤机rotor 转子rough 粗选rougher 粗选槽rubidium 铷rutile deposit 金红石矿床Ssaponin 皂角苷scanning electron microscope 扫描电子显微镜scaper 刮板scavenge 扫选scavenger 扫选槽scheelite 白钨矿scheelite 白钨矿schist 片岩scouring 冲洗,精炼scraper 刮刀screening filter 筛式过滤机scroll 螺旋sedimentary rock 沉积岩sedimentation 沉淀,沉降segment 段,链段,片段seismic 地震selective 可选的self-cementing 自身粘合semi-autogenous 半自磨机settle into 沉降settling aid 沉降助剂settling aid 沉降助剂settling rate 沉降速度shaft 轴shale 页岩shallow 浅的sharp separation 精细分选shear force 剪切力shear 剪切side reaction 副反应siderite 菱镁矿sift out 淘汰silica 硅石siliceous 硅酸盐siliceous 含硅的,硅质的simulaneously 同时地sink launder 沉物槽sink-and-float process 浮-沉过程skin flotation 表层浮选slime coating 矿泥罩盖slime 流动,黏slipstream 气流slope 倾斜的slopes 斜率sloping 倾斜的slow-floating 难浮的sludge-well 排矿井sluiced into 流出smelted 精炼smithsonite 菱锌矿soda ash 苏打灰sodium bisulphite 亚硫酸钠sodium borate 硼酸钠sodium carbonate 碳酸钠sodium carbonate 碳酸钠sodium hydroxide 氢氧化钠sodium nitrate 硝酸钠sodium oleate 油酸钠sodium silicate 硅酸钠solely 仅仅solubility 溶解性spacecraft 航天器spans 贯穿sphalerite 闪锌矿sphalerite 闪锌矿splitter plate 分矿板,分隔板sponge 海绵spontaneous 自发的spray pipe 喷嘴stable 稳定stablised 使坚固stainless steel 不锈钢standpipe 喉管starch 淀粉starch 淀粉static 静止的static 静止的steady 稳定的stibnite 辉锑矿stirrer 搅拌器stirrer 搅拌器stoichiometric 化学计量stope 采矿场strontium 锶sub-aeration machine 底部充气浮选机submerged 淹没substantial 实质上,大体上sud 肥皂泡,泡沫sulfated detergent 硫酸化洗涤剂sulfhydryl 硫基sulfide 硫化物sulfonate 磺酸盐sulfonated castor acid 磺化蓖麻油sulphidation 硫化作用sulphide 硫化物sulphidiser 硫化剂sulpho group 硫基sulphocyanate 硫氰酸sulphonated detergent 磺酸化洗涤剂sulphuric acid 硫酸super conducting intensity magnetic separator 超导磁选机supercharging 增压superconducting 超导的superficial 表面的supplementary 补充的,附加的support bearing 支撑轴承surface charge 表面电荷surfactant 表面活性剂surge tank 缓冲槽,振动箱survive 存在susceptibility 磁化率,灵敏性susceptible 易受影响的susceptivity 灵敏性,敏感性suspended 悬浮suspension 悬浮体,悬浮液sustain 维持sylvanite 针碲金银矿sylvite 钾盐symthetic 合成Ttabulated 制表tailings disposal 尾矿处理tailings impoundment 尾矿池take no account of 不考虑talc 滑石tangential 切向的tannin 丹宁tendency 倾向terminal interfacial energy 终态界面能terpineol 萜品醇,松油醇tesla 特斯拉tetrabromoethane 四溴乙烷tetrachloride 四氯化物tetramethylammonium 四甲基铵thallium formate 甲酸亚铊thallium malonate 丙二酸铊therimic regeneration 热再生thermal drying 热力干燥thermal 热的thermodynamics 热力学thick 浓的thickener 浓密机。
Unit1 Lesson11 矿物(minerals)Minerals definition: Minerals by definition are natural inorganic substances possessing definite chemical compositions and atomic structures.矿物的定义:具有稳定的化学成分、晶体结构的天然无机化合物。
Mineral types: native and metallic form, oxides, sulphides, carbonates, silicates and chlorides.矿物的种类:主要按化学成分划分:单质矿物、氧化物、硫化物、碳酸盐、硅酸盐、卤化物等。
Isomorphism: substitution of atoms within the crystal structure by similar atoms takes place without affecting the atomic structure.类质同象:矿物晶体中的原子被类似原子取代而不改变矿物晶体结构的现象。
Polymorphism: different minerals have the same chemical composition, but markedly different physical properties due to a difference in atomic structure.同质多象:矿物的化学成分相同,但晶体结构和物理化学性质不同的现象。
Rocks: Rocks consist of a variety of minerals and form large parts of the earth’s crust. Granite, for instance, which is the most abundant igneous rock, is composed of three main mineral constituents, feldspar, quartz, and mica.岩石:由一种或多种矿物组成的天然集合体,例如:花岗岩主要由石英、长石、云母以不同比例组成。
Steps in the process lose value
Your company slogan
Steps in the process lose value
Disign 设计 Mining 采矿 Concentrating[{kɔnsəntreit} 浓缩 Smelting ['smeltiŋ]n.熔炼 Mill 磨坊; 磨粉机 Site 场地选择 Shipping 装运 Rail 路轨 Royalties 税 Treatment 酬劳 Unpayable 无法偿还的债务 Cash Margin 现金保证金
Your company slogan
4. Projects and Feasibility Studies
Projects and Feasibility [,fi:zə'biliti] Studies (项 目和可行性研究) included: 1、Estimating ['estimeitiŋ]tonnes & grade of the resource (估计矿量和资源的等级) 2、Estimating production rates (估算生产率) 3、Technical risk and commercial risk(技术风险和 商业风险) 4、Reducing risk(降低风险)
Your company slogan
2. Business Planing
Business plans tend to be revised annually but, like all planning, should be an on going process with dedicated resources.In terms of the success of a company this part of the planning process is the most critical in that it plans the major capital projects essential for sustaining the business. 像所有的规划一样,商业计划往往是每年修正,而且对于一个专用的资源来 说应该是一个长期的过程,。一般来说,一个公司的成功计划过程最关键的 一部分是考虑到它主要的资本项目的基本维持业务。
短语1.天然无机化合物 natural inorganic substance2.化学组成 chemical composition3.原子组成 atomic structure4.有色金属矿石 nonferrous ores5.有用矿物 valuable mineral6.脉石矿物 gangue mineral7.给矿品位 the feed grade8.非金属矿物 non-metallic ores9.沉积岩 sedimentary rock10.二氧化碳 carbon dioxide11.发电 the generation of electricity12.露天采矿 open pit mining13.低灰分烟煤 low-ash bituminous coal14.挥发份 volatile constituents15.煤气化 coal gasification16.直接液化 direct liquefaction17.煤质分析 coal assay18.煤的化学性质 chemical properties of coal19.相对密度 relative density20.粒度分布 particle size distribution21.自磨 autonomous grinding22.燃烧实验 special combustion tests23.灰分含量 ash content24.高品级煤种 high-rank coals25.矿石粒度 the size of the ore26.有用矿物粒度 the grains of valuable minerals27.细粒嵌布very finely disseminated in the ore28.低品位矿石 low grade ores29.解离度 degree of liberation30.光化学性质 optical properties31.磁性 magnetic properties32.导电性 electrical conductivity properties33.连生颗粒 the particles of locked mineral34.最佳磨矿细度 an optimum mesh of grind35.破碎应力 breaking stresses36.颗粒边界 grain boundaries37.再磨 be reground to38.磨矿成本 grinding costs39.粗粒脉石 the coarse gangue40.单体颗粒 liberated particles(以下为额外添加的单词)金刚石 diamond 石墨 graphite原矿石 run-of-mine ore 维护成本 maintenance costs强加于 imposes on 驱动轴 drive shaft相对于 relative to 把...固定在...上 attachment to矿物加工方法 Mineral processing methods粉碎原理 Principles of comminution解离 liberation 富集 concentration选择1.gold and platinum D(native or metallic form)2.most of mineral A(their composition)3.two minerals that B(quite different physical properties)4.granite is composed A(different)P171、they are release or liberation2、which is called concentration3、which involves crushing and sometimes grinding4、Over-grinding is wasteful5、some specific difference in physical or chemical properties between the valuable and gangue6、such as sizing of the ore and dewatering of the mineral pulps英译汉1、The abundance of metals in the ocean is related to some extent to the crustal abundancies , since they have come from the weathering of the crustal rocks. 海洋中蕴含丰富的金属,在某种程度上与地壳的丰度有关,因为这些金属来自于地壳岩石的风化作用。
1 矿物(minerals)Minerals definition: Minerals by definition are natural inorganic substances possessing definite chemical compositions and atomic structures.矿物的定义:具有稳定的化学成分、晶体结构的天然无机化合物。
Mineral types: native and metallic form, oxides, sulphides, carbonates, silicates and chlorides.矿物的种类:主要按化学成分划分:单质矿物、氧化物、硫化物、碳酸盐、硅酸盐、卤化物等。
Isomorphism: substitution of atoms within the crystal structure by similar atoms takes place without affecting the atomic structure.类质同象:矿物晶体中的原子被类似原子取代而不改变矿物晶体结构的现象。
Polymorphism: different minerals have the same chemical composition, but markedly different physical properties due to a difference in atomic structure.同质多象:矿物的化学成分相同,但晶体结构和物理化学性质不同的现象。
Rocks: Rocks consist of a variety of minerals and form larg e parts of the earth’s crust. Granite, for instance, which is the most abundant igneous rock, is composed of three main mineral constituents, feldspar, quartz, and mica.岩石:由一种或多种矿物组成的天然集合体,例如:花岗岩主要由石英、长石、云母以不同比例组成。
Friction cleaning
Primary cleaning
Intermediate product
Recirculation cleaning
Secondary rejectFra bibliotekelevator
Top water; transport water
flushing water
Jig feed sill
Jig center weir
Jig bed
Jig cell
Jig compartments
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学生回答:学生根据问题进行 回答,表达自己的观点
教师点评:教师对学生的回答 进行点评,指出优点和不足
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采矿工程中的标 准:包括设备、 工艺、操作等方 面的规定
技术规范和标准 的重要性:确保 采矿工程的安全、 环保、高效和质 量
技术规范和标准 的更新:随着科 技的发展和社会 的进步,技术规 范和标准也需要 不断更新和完善
采矿工程案例分析:通过案 例分析,加深对采矿工程知 识的理解
采矿工程专业英语:学习采 矿工程专业词汇、短语和句 子
采矿工程基础知识:介绍采 矿工程的基本概念、原理和 方法
采矿工程实践操作:介绍采 矿工程的实际操作方法和技
采矿工程英语写作:学习如 何撰写采矿工程相关的英语
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采矿工程英语PPT 课件
用来对较大粒度(例如:150 mm)进行粗略分级的筛分机。
Sieve bend
Size analysis
Sieve analysis
Mean size
Sizing in a current of air or water
Air classification
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1.1.3 Non-mf economic value can be classed as metallic or non-metallic according to the use of the mineral. Certain minerals may be mined and processed for more than one purpose. In one category the mineral may be a metal ore, i.e. when it is used to prepare the metal, as when bauxite [hydrated aluminium oxide] is used to make aluminium. The alternative is for the compound to be classified as a non-metallic ore, i.e. when bauxite or natural aluminium oxide is used to make material for refractory bricks or abrasives.
abundance of metals: 金属含量 to some extent:在一定程度上 weathering of the crustal rocks:地壳岩石的风化 acid rain-waters:酸雨 mineral leaching processes:矿物浸出过程 the crustal abundance:地壳含量 manganese nodules:锰结核 oxygen-rich waters:富氧水 the Pacific Ocean:太平洋
金属在地壳中和海底的存在形式取决于它与 其环境元素,尤其是与氧、硫和二氧化碳 的化学反应活性。金和铂主要以“自然” 或者说金属形式存在。银、铜和汞通常以 硫化物、碳酸盐和氯化物形式存在,其单 质形式亦存在。活性更大的金属总是以化 合物形式存在,例如,铁以氧化物和硫化 物形式存在,铝和铍以氧化物和硅酸盐形 式存在。自然产生的化合物就称为矿物, 大部分矿物是根据它们的化学成分而命名 [如方铅矿---硫化铅;闪锌矿---硫化锌; 锡石---锡的氧化物]。
翻译: 金属在海洋中的含量在一定程度上与其在地壳中的 含量有关,因为海洋中的金属来自于地壳岩石的 风化,但另一个影响因素是酸雨对于矿物浸出过 程的影响;因此表1.2中示出的金属在海洋中的 含量并非与其在地壳中的含量完全一致。海底可 能在不远的将来成为金属的重要来源,因为所谓 的“锰结核”不仅含锰,而且还富含很多种其它 金属。这些锰结核在富氧海水中还在不断形成, 尤其是在太平洋海水中。
within the agitated pulp. By adjusting the “climate” of the pulp by various reagents, it is possible to make the valuable minerals air-avid [aerophilic] and the gangue minerals water-avid [aerophobic]. This results in separation by transfer of the valuable minerals to the air-bubbles which form the froth floating on the surface of the pulp. Ⅳ. Separation dependent on magnetic properties. Low intensity magnetic separators can be used to concentrate ferromagnetic minerals such as magnetite, while highintensity separators are used to separate paramagnetic minerals from their gangue. Magnetic separation is an important process in the beneficiation of iron ores, but also finds application in the treatment of paramagnetic nonferrous minerals. It is widely used to remove paramagnetic wolframite and hematite from tin ores, and has found considerable application in the processing of non-metallic minerals, such as those found in beach sand deposits.
1.1.2 Metallic ores 金属矿
The abundance of metals in the oceans is related to some extent to the crustal abundancies, since they have come from the weathering of the crustal rocks, but superimposed upon this are the effects of acid rainwaters on mineral leaching processes; thus the metal availability from sea-water shown in table 1.2 does not follow precisely that of the crustal abundance. The seabed is likely to become a heavily exploited source of metals in the near future for the so-called “manganese nodules” are rich in a variety of metals in addition to manganese. These nodules are continuously being formed in oxygen-rich waters particularly in the Pacific Ocean.
1.1 Mineral and Ores 矿物与矿石 1.1.1 Minerals 矿物 The forms in which metals are found in the crust of the earth and as seabed deposits depend on their reactivity with their environment, particularly with oxygen, sulphur, and carbon dioxide. Gold and the platinum metals are found principally in the native or metallic form. Silver, copper, and mercury are found native, as well as in the form of sulphides, carbonates, and chlorides. The more reactive metals are always in compound form, such as the oxides and suphides of iron and the oxides and silicates of aluminium and beryllium. The naturally occurring compounds are known as minerals, most of which have been given names according to their composition [e.g. galena---lead sulphide, PbS; sphalerite---zinc sulphide, ZnS; cassiterite---tin oxide, SnO2].
专业词汇: Ores of economic value 有价矿石[物] mined 开采 processed 加工 category 目录 bauxite 铝土矿 hydrated aluminium oxide 水和氧化铝 refractory bricks 耐火砖 abrasives 磨料
有价矿物按照其用途可分为金属和非金属矿物。某 些矿物的用途可以不仅仅只有一种。在一种情况 下某种矿物可以是一种金属矿物,即当它用于生 产金属时,如铝土矿[水和氧化铝]用于生产金属 铝时;另一种情况下铝土矿被分类为非金属矿物, 即当它用于生产耐火砖或磨料时。
1.2 Scope of Mineral Processing 选矿的作用 Mineral processing is concerned mainly with the physical methods of separation, which may be: Ⅰ. Separation dependent on optical and radioactive properties, etc. This is often called sorting, which commonly included hand selection of high-grade ores until relatively recently. Ⅱ. Separation dependent on specific gravity differences. This utilises the differential movement of minerals due to mass effects, usually in hydraulic currents. Although the method declined in importance with the development of the froth flotation process, it is now being increasingly used due to improved techniques and its relative simplicity compared with other methods. It also has the advantage of producing less environmental pollution. Ⅲ. Separation utilising the different surface properties of the minerals. Froth flotation, which is undoubtedly the most important method of concentration, is affected by the degree of affinity of the minerals for rising air-bubbles