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Cunicatin tl as a cunit language is the carrier f culture, but

als an integral part f culture. The language reflects the pris f different natinalities, different cultural envirnent, lifestle, ideas, religius rituals, values and thining habits. .S cultural differences the sae gestures in different cuntries seties have different eaning.

We cunicate with re than the wrds we spea. Wrds are nl ne part f cunicatin. Bend vice cunicatin, there are the essages ur bdies send

ut cnstant. Research shws language nl pla the rle f the expressin f seven percent everda. Seties the bd essage reinfrces the wrds. Seties it cntradicts the. Seties the essages are sent with n accpaning wrds and we spea in bd language alne. Bd language, lie ur verbal language, is als a part f ur culture. Peple in the exchange, there will be uncnscius f the use f bd language. Bd language is an expressin f ne's inner wrld f silence and an authentic language, nn-verbal eans f the

st ee-catching. Bd Language includes space dinance, ees, phsical cntact, psture veents, facial expressins, etc. But nt all bd language has the sae eaning fr different peple. Different peple have different was f aing nnverbal cunicatin. Are ur vices lud, angr, verbearing, cnfident, sft, and sh? The qualit f a vice can cunicate as uch as the wrds.

The sae wrds can be tender, cing, sarcastic r angr, depending n

hw the are said. We can signal ur wn authrit b taling in a lud, verbearing wa. We can use the sae wrds t signal ur huilit b taling

sftl and hesitantl. T learn the crrect hand signals t cunicate with thers will ae u happier
