(5年高考3年模拟A版)江苏省202x年高考英语总复习 专题三 动词和动词短语




专题十主旨大意挖命题 【考情探究】考点 主旨大意题要求学生在理解全文后归纳文章要点,概括中心思想,因此需要学生能够分析文章的 内容 篇章结构,抓住文章开头的主题或文章最后的结论,从而找出文章主旨或文章的标题。

分析解读 1.主旨大意题有一个明显的特点:要求学生通读全文,从四个选项中选岀最佳 标题或能够说明文章或段落大意的选项。


錫拿丰目是甘可舍英丰輕摩彳了握呗,.两段落丰目罐甘对慕二较落取从f 较落於丰 闍毕彳了谩回。

2. 主旨大意题考查的是学生对文章内容的深层次理解,它要求学生必须在充分理解全文的前提下,梳理出整篇文章的主旨大意。

El 步耆章四壞理解輕力寻章瑙屋次旳推理、.轿 毡能力,.丙纠隹I 网壞理解迖耀屮举厦栉对歿末。

课标全国卷近五年考查主旨大意题的题量相 对较少,但考查深度、难度却不断增加,解题时需对文章的主旨大意进行综合、归纳、推断后 方可得岀正确答案。

考查形式由简单的主题归纳变得综合性越来越强,同时文章的跳跃性强, 隐含信息增多,常以标题归纳的形式岀现,这就要求学生在理解文章主旨大意的基础上注意 标题的三个特点:概括性、针对性和醒目性。

过专题 【五年髙考】A 组 统一命题•课标卷题组PaSSage 1(2018 课标全国 I ,B )词数:264考频统计主旨大怠年份课标全国丨 课标全国II 课标全国III 2018第27题,第31题 第28题,第35题 第27题,第35题 2017 第31题 第28题,第31题 第28题,第35题 2016 第35题第32题第35题2015第28题2014第24题考卷GOOd MOrning Britain' S SUSanna Reid is USed to grilling guests On the SOfa every morning, but She is COOking UP a StOrm in her IateSt role—ShOWing families how to PrePare delicious and nutritious meals On a tight budget・In SaVe MOney:GOOd Food, She ViSitS a different home each Week and With the help Of Chef Matt TebbUtt OfferS top tips On how to reduce food waste, WhiIe PreParing recipes for Under £ 5 Per family a dey. And the GOOd MOrning Britain PreSenter SayS she* S been able to PUt a IOt Of What she' S Iearnt into PraCtiCe in her OWn home, PreParing meals for sons, Sam, 14, Finn, 13, and JaCk l 11.<4We IOVe MeXiCan churros, SO I buy them On my PhOne from my IOCaI MeXiCan takeaway restaurant, ” She explains・T Pay £ 5 for a POrtiOn(一份),but Matt makes them for 26p a portion, because they are flour, water, SUgar and oil. EVerybOdy Can buy takeaway food, but SOmetimeS we' re not aware how CheaPIy We Can make this food OUrSelVeS・”The eight-part series (系歹IJ ∣Y 0), SaVe MOney: GOOd Food, follows in the footsteps Of ITV, S SaVe Money: GOOd Health, WhiCh gave VieWerS advice On how to get VaIUe from the VaSt range Of health PrOdUCtS On the market・With food OUr biggest WeekIy household expense, SUSanna and Matt SPend time With a different family each Week・ In tonight, S EaSter SPeCiaI they COme to the aid Of a family in need Of SOme delicious inspiration Orl a budget・ The team transforms the family, S IOng Weekend Of CelebratiOn With IeSS expensive but Still tasty recipes・1.What do We know about SUSanna Reid?A.She enjoys embarrassing her guests・B.She has Started a new PrOgramme・C.She dislikes WOrking early in the morning・D・She has had a tight budget for her family.2.HOW does Matt TebbUtt help SUSanna?A.He buys COOking materials for her・B.He PrePareS food for her kids・C・He assists her in COOking matters・D・He InViteS guest families for her・3・ Whdt does the author intend to do in ParagraPh 4?A.SUnImariZe the PreViOUS ParagraPhS・B.PrOVide SOme advice for the readers・C.Add SOme background information.D・ Introduce a new topic for CiiSCUSSiOn・4・ What Can be a SUitabIe title for the text?A.KeePing Fit by Eating SmartB.BaIanCing OUr DaiIy DietC.Making YOUrSelf a PerfeCt ChefD・COOking WelI for LeSS答案1. B2. C3. C4. DPaSSage 2(2018 课标全国II, C)词数:294TeenS and younger Children are reading a IOt IeSS for fun, according to a COmmOn SenSe Media report PUbliShed MOnday.While the decline OVer the PaSt decade is SteeP for teen readers, SOme data in the report ShOWS that reading remains a big Part Of many Children, S lives, and indicates how ParentS Inight help encourage more reading ・ACCOrding to the report, S key findings, U the PrOPOrtiOn(Irt 1^l J) WhO Say they 4hardly ever* read for fun has gone from 8 PerCent Of 13-year-olds and 9 PerCent Of 17-year-olds in 1984 to 22 PerCent and 27 PerCent respectively today・MThe report data ShOWS that PleaSUre reading IeVeIS for younger children, ages 2—8, remain IargeIy the Same・ BUt the amount Of time SPent in reading each SeSSiOn has declined, from CIOSer to an hour Or more to CIOSer to a half hour Per SeSSiOn・When it COmeS to technology and reading, the report does Iittle to COunSeI(建议)ParentS IOOking for data about the effect Of e-readers and tablets On reading・It does POint OUt that many ParentS StilI Iimit electronic reading, mainly due to COnCernS about increased SCreen time ・The most hopeful data Shared in the report ShOWS CIear evidence Of ParentS SerVing as examples and important guides for their kids When it COmeS to reading ・ Data ShOWS that kids and teens WhO do read frequently, COmPared to infrequent readers, have more books in the home, more books PUrChaSed for them, ParentS WhO read more often, and ParentS WhO Set aside time for them to read ・AS the end Of SChOOI approaches, and SChOOI VaCatiOn reading IiStS IOOm (逼近) ahead, ParentS might take this ChanCe to SteP in and make their OWn SUmmer reading IiSt and PIan a family trip to the Iibrary Or bookstore ・ 1.What is the CommOn SenSe Media report PrObabIy about?A. Children* S reading habits ・B. QUaIity Of ChiIdren , S books ・C. Children' S after-class activities ・ D ・Parent-Child relationships ・2. Where Can you find the data that best SUPPOrtS U Children are reading a IOt IeSS for fun M ? A. In ParagraPh 2・ B. In ParagraPh 3・ C. In ParagraPh 4・ D ・ In ParagraPh 5. ParentS IiInit electronic reading?them to Write book reports. UP reading groups for them.D ・TaIk With their Teading CIaSS teachers. 答案LA2. B3. C3. Why do many A. E-books are Of POOr quality. B. It COUld bea WaSte Of time. C. It may harmChiIdre∏, S health.D ・E-readers are expensive.4. HOW S hOUld ParentS encourage their Children to read more? A. ACt as role models for them.B. ASkC. Set4. APaSSa g e 3(2018 课标全国II, D)词数:312We, Ve all been there: in a Iift f in Iine at the bank Or On an airplane, SUrrOUnded by PeOPIe WhO are, Iike us, deeply focused On their SmartPhOneS or, worse, StrUggIing With the UnCOmfOrtabIe SiIenCe ・What' S the PrObIem?It, S POSSibIe that We all have COmPrOmiSed COnVerSatiOnal intelligence・ It' S more IikeIy that none Of US Start a COnVerSatiOn because it, S awkward and ChalIenging, Or We think it, S annoying and UnneCeSSary・ BUt the next time you find yourself among strangers, COnSider that SmalI talk is WOrth the trouble. EXPertS Say it, S an invaluable SOCiaI PraCtiCe that results in big benefits・DiSmiSSing SmalI talk as UnimPOrtant is easy, but We can* t forget that deep relationships WOUIdnt even exist if it weren' t for CaSUal COnVerSatiOn・Small talk is the grease(il≡]∕1tf∣l J) for SOCiaI COmmUniCation, SayS BernardO CardUCci, director Of the ShyneSS ReSearCh InStitUte at Indiana UniVerSity SOUtheaSt・"Almost every great IOVe StOry and each big business deal begins With SmalI talk, M he explains・O The key to SUCCeSSfUl SmalI talk is Iearning how to COnneCt With others, not just COmmUniCate With them. vIn a 2014 study, EIiZabeth Dunn, associate PrOfeSSOr Of PSyChOIOgy at UBC t invited PeOPle On their Way into a COffee ShOP・One group WaS asked to Seek OUt an interaction (J⅛⅞⅛)with its Waiter;the other, to SPeak OnIy When necessary. The results ShOWed that those WhO Chatted With their SerVer reported SignifiCantIy higher POSitiVe feelings and a better COffee ShOP experience・ Tt' S not that talking to the Waiter is better than talking to your husband, ° SayS DUnn・"But interactions With PeriPheraImembers Of OUr SOCiaI network matter for OUrWelI-being also・”DUnn believes that PeOPle WhO reach OUt to StrangerS feel a SignifiCantly greater SenSe Of belonging, a bond With OtherS・ CardUCCi believes developing SUCh a SenSe Of belonging StartS With SmalI talk・"Small talk is the basis Of good manners, M he SayS ・1.What PhenOmenOn is described in the first paragraph?A.AddiCtiOn to SmartPhOneS・B.Inappropriate behaviours in PUbliC PlaCeS・C.AbSenCe Of COmmUniCatiOn between StrangerS・D・ ImPatienCe With SIOW SerViCe・2.Whdt is important for SUCCeSSfUl Small talk according to CardUCci?A.ShOWing good manners・B. ReIating to Other PeOPIe・C. FOCUSing Orl a topic・ D・ Making business deals・3.Whdt does the COffee-ShOP StUdy SUggeSt about SmalI talk?A.It improves family relationships・B.It raises people* S COnfidenCe・C.It matters as much as a formal talk・D・ It makes PeOPle feel good・4.What is the best title for the text?A.COnVerSatiOn COUntSB.WayS Of Making SmalI TaIkC.BenefitS Of SmalI TaIkD・Uncomfortable SiIenCe答案1. C2. B3. D4. CPaSSa g e 4(2018 课标全国【II, B)词数:312CitieS USUalIy have a good reason for being Where they are, Iike a nearby POrt Or river・ PeOPle Settle in these PlaCeS because they are easy to get to and naturally SUited to COnimUniCatiOnS and trade・ NeW YOrk City, for example, is near a Iarge harbour at the mouth Of the HUdSOn RiVer・ OVer 300 years its POPUIatiOn grew gradually from 800 PeOPIe to 8 million・ BUt not all CitieS develop SIOWIy OVer a IOng PeriOd Of time・ BOOm towns grow from nothing almost OVernight・ In 1896, Dawson, Canada, WaS UnnIaPPed WilderTIeSS (荒野)・BUt gold WaS discovered there in 1897, and two years later, it WaS One Of the IargeSt CitieS in the West, With a POPUIatiOn Of 30, O00.DaWSOn did not have any Of the natural COnVenienCeS Of CitieS Iike LOndOn Or PariS・ PeOPIe Went there for gold・ They travelled OVer SnOW-COVered mountains and SaiIed hundreds Of miles UP icy rivers・ The Path to DaWSOn WaS COVered With thirty feet Of Wet SnOW that COUId fall WithOUt warning. An avalanche (⅛Ji⅛)once CIOSed the path, killing 63 PeOPIe・ FOr many WhO made it to Dawson, however,the rewards Were WOrth the difficult trip・ Of the first 20,000 PeOPIe WhO dug for gold, 4, OOO got rich ・ AbOUt IOO Of these Stayed rich men for the rest Of their IiVeS・BUt no matter how rich they were, DaWSOn WaS never COmfOrtabIe・ NeCeSSitieS Iike food and WOOd Were Very expensive・ BUt soon, the gold that DaWSOn depended Orl had all been found・ The City WaS CrOWded With disappointed PeOPIe With no interest in Settling down, and When they heard there Were new gold discoveries in AIaSka i they Ieft DaWSOn City as QUiCkIy as they had COme・ Today, PeOPIe StilI COme and go—to See Where the Canadian gold rush happened・ TOUriSm is now the Chief industry Of DaWSOn City—its PreSent POPUlatiOn is 762・1.W T hat attracted the early SettlerS to NeW YOrk City?A.ItS business CUltUre・B.ItS SmalI POPUIatiOn・C.ItS geographical POSitiOn・D・ ItS favourable CIimate・2.Whdt do We know about those WhO first dug for gold in Dawson?A.TWO-thirds Of them Stayed there・B.One OUt Of five PeOPIe got rich・C.AImOSt everyone gave up.D・ Half Of them died・3.Whdt WaS the main reason for Inany PeOPle to IeaVe Dawson?A.They found the City too CrOWded・B.They Wanted to try their IUCk elsewhere・C・ They Were UnabIe to Stand the Winter・D・ They Were ShOrt Of food・4.What is the text mainly about?A.The rise and fall Of a City・B.The gold rush in Canada・C.Journeys into the WiIderneSS・D・ TOUriSIn in DaWSOn・答案1. C2. B3. B4. APaSSage 5(2017 课标全国I , C)词数:325SOme Of the world' S most famous musicians recently gathered in PariS and NeW OrIeanS to Celebrate the first annual InternatiOnaI JaZZ Day・ UNESCO(United NatiOnS Educational, SCientifiC and CUItUraI OrganiZatiOn)recently Set APriI 30 as a day to raise awareness Of jazz music, its SignifiCance, and its POtentiaI as a Unifying(联合)voice across CUltUreS・DeSPite the CeIebrations, though, in the U・ S・ the jazz audience COntinUeS to Shrink and grow Older t and the music has failed to COnneCt With younger generations・It, S JaSOn MOran, S job to help Change that. AS the Kennedy Center" S artistic adviser for jazz, MOran hopes to Widen the audience for jazz, make the music more accessible, and PreSerVe its history and CUItUre・U JaZZ SeemS Iike it' S not really a Part Of the AmeriCan appetite, ” MOran tells NatiOnal PUbliC Radio' S reporter NeaI COnan・"What I,m hoping to accomplish is that my generation and younger Start to reconsider and UnderStand that jazz is not black and White anymore・ It' S actually color, and it, S actually digita1・”MOran SayS One Of the PrObIemS With jazz today is that the entertainment aspect Of the music has been IOSt・U The music can* t be PreSented today the Way it WaS in 1908 Or 1958・ It has to COntinUe to move, because the Way the WOrld WOrkS is not the same, M SayS MOran・LaSt year, MOran WOrked Orl a PrOjeCt that arranged FatS Waller' S music for a dance party, U jUSt to kind Of PUt it back in the mind that WalIer is dance music as much as it is COnCert music, M SayS MOran.4Tor me, it' S the Tecontextualization. In music, Where does the emotion(,∣⅛!^) lie?Are we, as humans, gaining any insight 悟)on how to talk about OUrSeIVeS and how SOmething as abstract as a CharIie Parker record gets US into a dialogue about OUr emotions and OUr thoughts?SOmetimeS We IOSe Sight that the music has a Wider context, M SayS MOran J U SO I Want to COntinUe those dialogues・ ThOSe are the things I Want to foster・M1.Why did UNESCO Set APriI 30 as InternatiOnaI JaZZ Day?A.TO remember the birth Of jazz・B.TO PrOteCt CUltUraI diversity・C.TO encourage PeOPIe to StUdy music・D・ TO recognize the VaIUe Of jazz・2.What does the UnderIined WOrd U that ° in ParagraPh 3 refer to?A.JaZZ becoming more accessible・B.The PrOdUCtiOn Of jazz growing faster・C.Jazz being IeSS POPUlar With the young・D・ The jazz audience becoming Iarger・3.What Can We infer about MOran, S OPinion Orl jazz?A.It WilI disappear gradual1y.B.It remains black and White・C.It ShOUId keep UP With the times・D・ It ChangeS every 50 years・4・WhiCh Of the following Can be the best title for the text?A・ EXPIOring the FUtUre Of JaZZB.The RiSe and FalI Of JaZZC.The StOry Of a JaZZ MUSiCianD・ CeIebrating the JaZZ Day答案1. D2. C3. C4. APaSSage 6(2017 课标全国II, C)词数:317TerrafUgia InC・Said MOnday that its new flying Car has COmPIeted its first flight, bringing the COmPany CIOSer to its goal Of SelIing the flying Car Within the next year・ The VehiCIe一named the TranSitiOn—has two seats, four WheeIS and WingS that fold UP SO it Can be driven Iike a Car・The TranSition, WhiCh flew at 1, 400 feet for eight minutes IaSt month, Can reach around 70 miles Per hour On the road and 115 in the air・ It flies USing a 23-gallon tank Of gas and burns 5 gallons Per hour in the air・On the ground, it gets 35 IniIeS Per gallOrLArOUnd IOO PeOPle have already PUt down a $10,000 deposit to get a TranSitiOn Wherl they go Onsale, and those numbers WilI IikeIy rise after TerrafUgia introduces the TranSitiOn to the PUbliC Iater this Week at the NeW YOrk AUtO ShOW・ BUt don* t expect it to ShOW UP in too many driveways・ It' S expected to COSt S279, 000. And it won* t help if you* re StUCk in traffic・ The Car needs a runway.InVentOrS have been trying to make flying CarS SinCe the 1930s, according to RObert Mann, an airline industry expert・ BUt Mann thinks IerrafUgia has COme CIOSer than anyone to making the flying Car a reality. The government has already Permitted the COmPany to USe SPeCiaI materials to Inake it easier for the VehiCle to fly. The TranSitiOn is now going through CraSh tests to make SUre it meets federal Safety StandardS・Mann Said TerrafUgia WaS helped by the FederaI AViatiOn AdminiStration* S decision five years ago to Create a SeParate Set Of StandardS for Iight SPOrt aircraft, WhiCh are IOWer than those for PiIOtS Of Iarger PIaneS・ TerrafUgia SayS an OWner WOUld need to PaSS a test and COmPIete 20 hours Of flying time to be able to fly the TranSition, a TeqUirement PilOtS WOUId find relatively easy to meet・1・What is the first ParagraPh mainly about?A・The basic data Of the TranSitiOn・B.The advantages Of flying CarS・C.The POtential market for flying CarS・D・The designers Of the TranSitiOn.2.Why is the TranSitiOn UnIikely to ShOW UP in too many driveways?A.It CaUSeS traffic jams・B・ It is difficult to OPerate・C.It is Very expensive・ D・ It burns too much fue1・3.Whdt is the government' S attitude to the development Of the flying car?A.CaUtiOUS・ B・ FaVOrabIe・C. AmbigUous. D・ DiSaPPrOVing・4.What is the best title for the text?A.FIying Car at AUtO ShOWB.The TranSition' S FirSt FlightC.PilOts' DreanI COming TrUeD・FIying Car CIOSer to Reality答案1. A2. C3. B4. DP a SS a ge 7(2017 课标全国III, D)词数:324The Intelligent TranSPOrt team at NeWCaStIe UniVerSity have turned an electric Car into a mobile IabOratOry named U DriVeLAB" in Order to UnderStand the ChalIengeS faced by Older drivers and to discover Where the key StreSS POintS are・ReSearCh ShOWS that giving UP driving is One Of the key reasons for a fall in health and WelI-being among OIder PeOPIeJ Ieading to them becoming more isolated(隔绝)and inactive・Led by PrOfeSSOr PhiI Blythe, the NeWCaStIe team are developing in-vehicle technologies for Older drivers WhiCh they hope COUld help them to COntinUe driving into Iater life.TheSe include CUStOm-made navigation(⅛⅛l) tools, night ViSiOn SyStemS and intelligent SPeed adaptations・ PhiI BIythe explains: U FOr many OIder PeOPIe t PartiCUIarIy those IiVing alone Or in the country, driving is important for PreSerVing their independence, giving them the freedom to get OUt and about WithOUt having to rely On OtherS・''44But We all have to accept that as We get Older OUr reactions SIOW down and this Often results in PeOPle avoiding any POtentialIy ChalIenging driving COnditiOnS and IOSing COnfidenCe in their driving SkillS・ The result is that PeOPIe StOP driving before they really need to. ”Dr Amy Guo, the Ieading researcher Orl the OIder driver study, explains: "The DriVeLAB is helping US to UnderStand What the key StreSS POintS and difficulties are for Older drivers and how We might USe technology to address these PrObIemS・" U FOr example, most Of US WOUId expect Older drivers always go SIOWer than everyone else but surprisingly, We found that in 30mph ZOneS they StrUggIed to keep at a COnStant SPeed and SO Were more IikeIy to break the SPeed Iimit and be at risk Of getting fined・ We* re IOOking at the benefits Of SyStemS WhiCh COntrOI their SPeed as a Way Of PreVenting that・’' U We hope that OUr WOrk Will help With technological SOIUtiOnS(解决方案)to ensure that Older drivers Stay Safer behind the Whee1・v1.Whdt is the PUrPOSe Of the DriVeLAB?A.TO explore new means Of transport・B.TO design new types Of CarS・C.To find OUt OIder drivers, PrObIemS・D・To teach PeOPIe traffic rules・2.Why is driving important for OIder PeOPIe according to PhiI Blythe?A.It keeps them independent・B.It helps them SaVe time・C.It builds UP their Strength・D・ It CUreS their mental illnesses・3.^T hat do researchers hope to do for OIder drivers?A・ImPrOVe their driving SkilIS・B.DeVelOP driver-assist technologies・C.PrOVide tips On repairing their CarS・D・ Organize regular PhySiCaI CheCkUPS・4. What is the best title for the text?A. A NeW MOdeI EIeCtriC CarB. A SOlUtiOn to TraffiC PrObIemSC.DriVing SerViCeS for ElderSD・ KeePing Older DriVerS On the ROad答案LC2. A3. B4. DPaSSa g e 8(2016 课标全国I ,D)词数:332The meaning Of SilenCe VarieS among CUItUraI groups・ SiIenCeS may be thoughtful, Or they may be empty When a PerSOn has nothing to Say・ A SiIenCe in a COnVerSatiOn may also ShOW stubbornness, uneasiness, Or WOrry・ SiIenCe may be VieWed by SOme CUItUral groups as extremely uncomfortable; therefore attempts may be made to fill every gap (I'可隙)with COnVerSatiOn・ PerSOnS in Other CUltUraI groups ValUe SiIenCe and VieW it as necessary for UnderStanding a person* S needs・Many NatiVe AmeriCanS VaIUe SiIenCe and feel it is a basic Part Of COmmUniCating among people, just as SOme traditional ChineSe and Thai PerSOnS do. Therefore, When a PerSOn from One Of these CUItUreS is SPeaking and SUddenIy stops, What may be implied(暗示)is that the PerSOn WantS the IiStenerto COnSider What has been Said before COntinUing・ In these cultures, SilenCe is a Call for reflection・Other CUltUreS may USe SiIenCe in Other ways, PartiCUIarIy When dealing With COnfliCtS among PeOPIe Or in relationships Of PeOPIe With different amounts Of POWer・ FOr example, RUSSian, French, and SPaniSh PerSOnS may USe SiIenCe to ShOW agreement between PartieS about the topic Under discussion・ However, MeXiCanS may USe SiIenCe Wherl instructions are given by a PerSOn in authority rather than be rude to that PerSOn by arguing With him Or her・ In StilI another use, PerSOnS in ASian CUltUreS may VieW SiIenCe as a Sign Of respect, PartiCUlarIy to an elder Or a PerSOn in authority・NUrSeS and Other care-givers need to be aware Of the POSSibIe meanings Of SiIenCe Wherl they COme across the PerSOnaI anxiety their PatientS may be experiencing・ NUrSeS ShOUld recognize their OWn PerSOnaI and CUItUraI COnStrUCtiOn Of SilenCe SO that a patient' S SiIenCe is not interrupted too early Or allowed to go On UnneCeSSariIy・ A nurse WhO UnderStandS the healing(治愈)value Of SilenCe Can USe this UnderStanding to assist in the Care Of PatientS from their OWn and from Other CUItUreS・1.Whdt does the author Say about SiIenCe in COnVerSations?A・It implies anger・B.It PrOmOteS friendship・C.It is CUItUre-SPeCifiC・D・ It is COntent-based・2.WhiCh Of the following PeOPIe might regard SiIenCe as a CalI for CarefUI thought?A.The ChineSe・ B・ The FrenCh・C. The MeXiCanS・ D・ The RUSSianS・3.W T hat does the author advise nurses to do about silence?A.Let it COntinUe as the Patient PIeaSeS・B.Break it WhiIe treating PatientS・C.EVaIUate its harm to PatientS・D・Make USe Of its healing effects・4.What may be the best title for the text?A.SOUnd and SilenCeB.Whdt It MeanS to Be SiIentC.SiIenCe to NatiVe AmeriCanSD・SPeeCh IS Silver; SilenCe IS GOId答案1. C2. A3. D4. BPaSSage 9(2016 课标全国II, C)词数:254Reading Can be a SOCiaI activity. Think Of the PeOPIe WhO belong to book groups・ They ChOOSe books to read and then meet to discuss them・ Now, the WebSite BOOkCrOSSing・ COnI turns the Page On the traditional idea Of a book group・MemberS go On the Site and register the books they OWn and WOUId Iike to Share・BOOkCrOSSing PrOVideS an identification number to StiCk inside the book .Then the PerSOn IeaVeS it in a PUbIiC place, hoping that the book WilI have an adventure, traveling far and Wide With each new reader WhO finds it.BrUCe Pederson, the managing director Of BookCrossing, says, U The two things that Change your Iife are the PeOPIe you meet and books you read・ BOOkCrOSSing COmbineS both・ ',MemberS IeaVe books On Park benches and buses, in train StatiOnS and COffee ShOPS.Whoever finds their book Will go to the Site and record Where they found it.PeOPIe WhO find a book Can also IeaVe a journal entry describing What they thought Of it. E-mails are then Sent to the BOOkCrOSSerS to keep them UPdated about Where their books have been found・BrUCe PederSOn SayS the idea is for PeOPIe not to be SeIfiSh by keeping a book to gather dust Orl a SheIf at home・BOOkCrOSSing is Part Of a trend among PeOPle WhO Want to get back to theO reaI', and not the VirtUaI(^M)・ The Site now has more than One InilliOn members in more than One hundred thirty-five COUntrieS・1.Why does the author mention book groups in the first paragraph?A・ TO explain What they are・B.TO introduce BOOkCrOSSing・C.TO StreSS the importance Of reading・D・ TO encourage readers to Share their ideas・2.Whdt does the UnderIined WOrd "it” in ParagraPh 2 refer to?A.The book.B.An adventure.C. A PUbIiC PIaCe・D・The identification number.3. What WilI a BOOkCrOSSer do With a book after reading it?A. Meet Other readers to discuss it.B. KeeP it Safe in his bookcase・C. PaSS it Orl to another reader・D. MaiI it back to its OWner・4.is the best title for the text?WhatA.0nline ReadingrA VirtUaI TOUrB.EIeCtrOniC Books:A NeW TrendC. A BOOk GrOUP BringS TraditiOn BaCkD・A WebSite LinkS PeOPle through BOOkS 答案1. B2. A3. C4. DPaSSage 10(2015 课标全国II, B)词数:304YOUr house may have an effect On your figure・ EXPertS Say the Way you design your home COUId PIay a role in Whether you PaCk On the POUndS Or keep them off. YOU Can make your environment WOrk for you instead Of against you. Here are SOme WayS to turn your home into Part Of your diet PIan・OPen the CUrtainS and turn UP the IightS.Dark environments are more IikeIy to encourage OVereating, for PeOPIe are Often IeSS Self-COnSeiOUS(难为情)when they' re in POOrIy Iit PlaCeS—and SO more IikeIy to eat IOtS Of food・ If your home doesn* t have enough WindOW light, get more IamPS and flood the PlaCe With brightness・Mind the COlOrS.Research SUggeStS Warln COIOrS fuel OUr appetites・ In One study, PeOPIe WhO ate meals in a blue room COnSUmed 33 PerCent IeSS than those in a yellow Or red room・ Warm COIOrS Iike yellow make food appear more appetizing, While COld COlOrS make US feel IeSS hungry. So When it' S time to repaint,go blue・Don* t forget the CIOCk一Or the radio・ PeOPIe WhO eat SIOWIy tend to COnSUme about 70 fewer CaIOrieS(Ψ,S^⅛)per meal than those WhO rush through their meals.Bigin keeping track Of the time, and try to make dinner IaSt at IeaSt 30 IninUteS・ And While you* re at it, actually Sit down to eat・ If you need SOme help SIOWing down, turn On relaxing music・ It makes you IeSS Iikely to rush through a mea1・DOWnSiZe the dishes .Big SerVing bowls and PIateS Can easily make US fat ・ We eat about 22 PerCent more WherI USing a 12~inch Plate instead Of a 10-inch PIate・ When We ChOOSe a Iarge SPOOn OVer a Smaller one, total intake (ISA) jumps by 14 PerCent・ And we* 11 POUr about 30 PerCent more IiqUid intoa short, Wide glass than a tall, Skinny glass.1.The text is especially helpful for those WhO Care about _________________________ ・A・ their home COmfOrtS B. their body ShaPeC. house buying D・ healthy diets2. A home environment in blue Can help PeOPIe _________________ ・A.digest food better B・ reduce food intakeC. burn more CalOrieS D・regain their appetites3.W T hat are PeOPle advised to do at mealtimes?A.Eat QUiCkIy.B. PIay fast music・C. USe SmalIer SPOOnS・D・ TUrrI down the IightS・4.What Can be a SUitabIe title for the text?A.Is YOUr HOUSe Making YOU Fat?B.WayS Of SerVing DinnerC.EffeCtS Of Self-COnSCiOUSneSSD・ Is YOUr HOme EnVirOnment RelaXing?答案LB2. B3. C4. APaSSage 11 (2014 课标全国H, A)词数:269ArriVing in Sydney On his OWn from India, my husband, Rashid, Stayed in a hotel for a ShOrt time WhiIe IOOking for a house for me and OUr Children・DUring the first Week Of his staj r, he Went OUt One day to do SOme ShOPPing・ He Came back in the Iate afternoon to discover that his SUitCaSe WaS gone・H己WaS extremely WOrried as the SUitCaSe had all his important PaPerSJ including his PaSSPOrt・He reported the CaSe to the POIiCe and then Sat there, IOSt and IOneIy in a Strange city,thinking Of the terrible troubles Of getting all the PaPerWOrk OrganiSed again from a distant COUntry WhiIe trying to Settle down in a new One・Late in the evening, the PhOne rang・ It WaS a Stranger・ He WaS trying to PrOnOUnCe my husband, S name and WaS asking him a IOt Of QUeStiOnS・ Then he Said they had found a PiIe Of PaPerS in their trash Can(垃圾桶)that had been Ieft OUt On the footpath・My husband rushed to their home to find a kind family holding all his PaPerS and documents.Their young daughter had gone to the trash Can and found a Pile Of UnfamiIiar PaPerS・ Her ParentS had CarefUlIy SOrted them out, although they had found mainly foreign addresses Orl most Of the documents ・At IaSt they had Seen a half-written Ietter in the PiIe in WhiCh my husband had given his new telephone number to a friend・That family not OnIy restored the ImPOrtant documents to US that day but also restored OUr faith and trust in PeOPIe・We StilI remember their kindness and Often Send a Warm WiSh their way.1.Whdt did RaShid PIan to do after his arrival in Sydney?A.Go ShOPPing・B. Find a house・C. JOirI his family. D・ Take a VaCatiOn・2.The girl' S ParentS got Rashid" S PhOne number from ______________________ ・A・a friend Of his family B. a Sydney POliCemanC. a Ietter in his PaPerS D・ a Stranger in Sydney3.^T hat does the UnderIined WOrd ti restored^ in the IaSt ParagraPh mean?A・ ShOWed・B・ Sent out.C. DeIiVered・D・GaVe back・4. WhiCh Of the following Can be the best title for the text?A.FrOm India to AUStraIia・ B・LiVing in a NeW COUntry・C. TUrning TraSh to TreaSUre・ D・In SearCh Of NeW FriendS・答案1. B2. C。



3.不定冠词的特殊位置 1)“so/as/too/how/however+ adj.+a/an+单数名词”。如: This is so interesting a film that we all want to see it. 这部电影很有趣,我们都想去看。 He is as good a student as you(are). 他和你一样是个好学生。 He is too young a boy to join the army. 这个男孩太小了,他参不了军。 How clever a boy he is!(=What a clever boy he is!=How clever the boy is!) 这个男孩多聪明呀!
四、零冠词 1.不可数名词、复数名词表泛指,用零冠词。 My father went to his doctor for advice about his heart trouble. 我父亲去了医生那里寻求关于他的心脏病的建议。 2.名词前已有this,that,my,your,some,each,no,any等指示代词、形容词性 物主代词、限定词以及名词所有格等限定时不再用冠词。 She is not my type of woman. 她不是我心目中的那类女人。 His heart was beating wildly with fear. 他的心因害怕而狂跳不已。
7.用在某些固定结构中。 in the end最后,终于 in the daytime在白天 get into/in the habit of养成……习惯 make the most/best of充分利用 in the distance在远处 in the way挡路 on the whole总的说来 on the right/left在右/左面 at the same time同时 at the moment此刻 for the time being暂时



1.介词残缺。句子很长,需要两个介词连用的时候,以及介词与连词连用, 该介词与连词又同形时。这种情况造成的病句病状比较隐蔽,应结合整个 句子的结构和意思的表达加以辨析。 例1:犯法嫌疑人与他儿子同龄的刘某曾经同居过。 例2:在网络时代到来以后,争鸣性质的学术文章,更强调要得到作者本 人认可的文本为学术争论的起点。 2.关联词残缺。复句中缺少关联词来表达句间逻辑关系,使得句子表意不 确切。 例:这次学术会,收获很大,时间并不长。
1.海峡两岸关系协会与海峡交流基金会2009年4月25日下午针对第三次陈 江会谈的各项协议文本,举行了最后一次预备性磋商,历时大约一个多 小时。 2.一项好的政策照理会带来好的效果,但在现阶段,必须强化阳光操作、 民主监督等制约措施,因为好经也要防备不被念歪。 3.他同老农多次反复地进行小麦高产实验。 4.由于《古文观止》具有特色,自问世以后近三百年来,广为传播,经 久不衰,至今仍不失为一部有价值的选本。
3.目的是为了 7.我的愚见 11.人(国)际间 15.十分罕见 19.仔细端详 23.提出质疑
27.胜利的捷报 31.偶然邂逅 35.拼命殊死搏斗 39.随便苟同
43.心里由衷地 47.第一将…放在首位
4.连续蝉联 8.我的拙见 12.凯旋归来 16. 无故旷课 20.过高的奢望 24.您的令郎/令爱
17.潜移默化地影响着 18.基本上差能人意 19.居室蓬荜生辉 20.许多莘莘学子
21.一场南柯一梦 22.好像如芒刺在背 23.目前的当务之急 24.各种形形色色的人
25.口若悬河地说个 26.一览无余地看到 27.没想到受到不虞 28.广大灾民哀鸿遍野



三、写作意图题(2019·天津,D)Would you BET on the future of this man?He is 53 years old.Most of his adult life has been a losing struggle against debt and misfortune.A war injury has made his left hand stop functioning,and he has often been in prison.Driven by heaven-knows-what motives,he determines to write a book.The book turns out to be one that has appealed to the world for more than 350 years.That former prisoner was Cervantes,and the book was Don Quixote(《堂吉诃德》).And the story poses an interesting question:why do some people discover new vitality and creativity to the end of their days,while others go to seed long before?We’ve all known people who run out of steam before they reach life’s halfway mark.I’m not talking about those who fail to get to the top.We can’t all get there.I’m talking about people who have stopped learning on growing because they have adopted the fixed attitudes and opinions that all too often come with passing years.Most of us,in fact,progressively narrow the variety of our lives.We succeed in our field of specialization and then become trapped in it.Nothing surprises us.We lose our sense of wonder.But,if we are willing to learn,the opportunities are everywhere.The things we learn in maturity seldom involve information and skills.We learn to bear with the things we can’t change.We learn to avoid self-pity.We learn that however much we try to please,some people are never going to love us—an idea that troubles at first but is eventually relaxing.With high motivation and enthusiasm,we can keep on learning.Then we will know how important it is to have meaning in our life.However,we can achieve meaning only if we have madea commitment to something larger than our own little egos(自我),whether to loved ones,to fellow humans,to work,or to some moral concept.Many of us equate(视……等同于) “commitment”with such “caring”occupations as teaching and nursing.But doing any ordinary job as well as one can is in itself an admirable commitment.People who work toward such excellence—whether they are driving a truck,or running a store—make the world better just by being the kind of people they are.They’ve learned life’s most valuable lesson.51.The passage starts with the story of Cervantes to show that .A.loss of freedom stimulates one’s creativityB.age is not a barrier to achieving one’s goalC.misery inspires a man to fight against his fateD.disability cannot stop a man’s pursuit of success答案B解析推理判断题。



thanks to the com-
答案 B 句意:多亏适宜创业的宽松氛围,很多大学生创办的公司都已经取得成功了。本题 考查动词短语辨析。fall off减少,下降;take off成功,起飞,脱掉;turn off关闭;leave off停止。此 处take off相当于succeed,故选B项。
5.(2017江苏,30)A quick review of successes and failures at the end of year will help
year ahead.
A.shape B.switch C.stretch D.sharpen
答案 A 句意:在年底对一年的成功和失败进行一个快速的回顾会有助于你下一年的发 展。本题考查动词词义辨析。shape影响……的发展;switch改变,转换;stretch伸展;sharpen加 剧,使尖锐。对过去总结,是为了未来更好的发展,故选A项。
答案 C 句意:父母应该积极敦促自己的孩子利用机会加入体育队。本题考查动词短语辨 析。gain admission to获准进入;keep track of了解……的动态;take advantage of利用;give rise to 引起,使发生。根据句意选C项。 解题思路 此题要注意动词短语与其宾语的合理搭配,take advantage of the opportunity利用机 会。
10.(2015江苏,22)Schools should be lively places where individuals are encouraged to
their greatest ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱotential.
A.accelerate B.improve



With what topic is the passage chiefly concerned?
What is the main idea of Paragraph...?
方法二 主旨大意类题目的命题特点
此类题目考查了考生的归纳概括能力,主要是测试考生对语篇的深层理 解程度以及准确把握文章主旨大意的能力。一般针对某一语段或某一 语篇的标题(title)、大意(main idea)或写作目的(purpose)设题。备选项 中的正确选项往往概括范围恰当,主旨判断准确。而错误选项常常是概 括范围太大或太窄、偏离主题,或者是主观臆断。
专题十三 主旨大意
方法一 主旨大意类题目的常见设问方式
The best title/headline for this passage might be
The text/passage could be entitled
Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
4.文章中没有明显的主题句 有的文章没有明显的主题句,这时注意力主要放在两个方面:1)文章的 主要内容;2)选项之间的区别。也就是说,能涵盖文章的全部或主要内 容的选项才是正确答案。 例 (2017课标全国Ⅱ,C) 28.What is the first paragraph mainly about? A.The basic data of the Transition. B.The advantages of flying cars. C.The potential market for flying cars. D.The designers of the Transition.



practical实践的,适用 precise精确的,确切 的,切实可行的,几乎 的,恰好 完全的
precious珍贵的,道貌 previous以前的,(时间
relevant相关的,有意 remote遥远的,远程的 reliable可靠的,可依 ridiculous可笑的,荒谬的
contemporary当代的, temporary短暂的,临 present现在的,在场的 permanent永久的
apparent表面上的,显 transparent透明的;易 fantastic极好的,很大的, fascinating迷人的
definite明确的,确定的 diverse多种多样的, desperate绝望的,危急 domestic国内的,家庭

dynamic动态的,充满活 deliberate沉着的,蓄 divorced离婚的,脱离 delicate微妙的,纤细

efficient效率高的,有 explicit清楚明白的, earnest非常认真的, ethnic种族的,具有民
beneficial有利的,有益 brilliant才华横溢的 enthusiastic热情的,热 elegant优美的,简洁


critical关键的,批评的, cruel残酷的,引起痛 curious好奇的,奇特
严重的,判断公正(或审 苦的

(5年高考3年模拟A版)江苏省202x年高考英语总复习 附录六 不规则动词表

(5年高考3年模拟A版)江苏省202x年高考英语总复习 附录六 不规则动词表

意思是 遇见 误解,误会 恐慌 付钱 说 寻求 卖 送 射击 坐
mean meet misunderstand panic pay say seek sell send shoot sit
meant met misunderstood panicked paid said sought sold sent shot sat
读 放,置 流出 关闭 分离 伸开 刺 弄翻,使心烦
read set shed shut split spread thrust upset
read set shed shut split spread thrust upset
read set shed shut split spread thrust upset
打仗 有 听 抓,拿 保持 放 领导 离开 借出 丢失 制作
fight have hear hold keep lay lead leave lend lose make
fought had heard held kept laid led left lent lost made
fought had heard held kept laid led left lent lost made
shaken sung sunk spoken sprung stolen sworn swum taken torn thrown worn written
变得,成为 bee became bee


击打 beat beat beaten

2020年《5年高考3年模拟》A版江苏版英语总复习教师用书:专题五 非谓语动词+Word版含答案【KS5U+高考】

2020年《5年高考3年模拟》A版江苏版英语总复习教师用书:专题五 非谓语动词+Word版含答案【KS5U+高考】





【真题典例】破考点【考点集训】1.(2018江苏扬州高三上学期期末,31)With WeChat becoming more and more popular in China, we seemthe art of chatting face to face.A.losingB.to be lostC.to be losingD.having lost答案C2.(2018江苏无锡高三上学期期末,30)There was a very interesting remark in a book by an Englishman that I read recently what he thought was a reason for this American characteristic.A.givingB.to be givenC.givenD.having given答案A3.(2018江苏常州一模,23)—When Americans objected to this, what did the British do?—They did not compromise, but increased control, away many of their rights, and soldiers there.A.taking;stationingB.taking;to stationC.took;stationingD.took;to station答案A4.(2018江苏苏锡常镇3月教学情况调研,23)The Lifelong Learning Programme to enable people to take part in learning experiences has taken off across Europe.A.having been designedB.being designedC.designedD.designing答案C5.(2018江苏南京、盐城一模,28)White snow the small village after a big snowfall, tourists found themselves stepping into a fantastic fairyland.A.blanketingB.blanketedC.being blanketedD.to blanket答案A6. (2018江苏海安中学高三下学期开学考试,29)In the film, the actor threw himself off the horse as if to death.A.shotB.shootingC.to be shotD.having shot答案A7.(2018江苏苏北七市5月联考,29)to a pension and free medical care, senior citizens in our village are properly looked after and live happy lives.A.EntitlingB.Being entitledC.EntitledD.Having entitled答案C8.(2018江苏苏锡常镇5月教学情况调研,25)An app that rewards students for time away from their phones is being released in the UK.A.spendingB.spentC.to spendD.spend答案B9.(2017江苏南京、盐城二模,33)seven Golden Globes, the musical La La Land surprisingly does not appeal to Chinese viewers.A.WinningB.WonC.Having wonD.To win答案C10.(2017江苏镇江一模,28)Women deserve to be treated with dignity and they should make their voicesin the world.A.heardB.having heardC.hearingD.to be heard答案A炼技法【方法集训】方法一1.(2018江苏苏北六市3月联考,31)A hurricane struck the east coast and the Red Cross for help for victims, over two million dollars have been raised.A.has appealedB.appealedC.to appealD.appealing答案D2.(2017江苏苏北四市第一次调研,30)The company chose Shenzhen for its first expansion point because it’s the second largest market for their brand, Shanghai the first.A.wasB.beingC.will beD.to be答案B方法二1.(2018江苏南京、盐城二模,33)What you do not want to yourself, do not do to others.A.doingB.doneC.being doneD.having done答案B2.(2018江苏苏北六市3月联考,33)We don’t hope to see children nothing in their families, for children can be easily spoiled.A.denyingB.deniedC.to denyD.being denied答案B3.(2018江苏苏北四市高三一模,24)Big data is the driving force behind this zone’s development, a steady stream of new big data construction projects constantly .A.being introducedB.introducingC.having introducedD.to be introduced答案A4.(2018江苏镇江一模,29)A report finds millions of children are still missing out on the benefits offered by the Internet and calls on these inequalities .A.to be addressedB.addressingC.being addressedD.to address答案A方法三1.(2018江苏南通泰州一模,22)Feng Chu, reported the National Prize for Progress in Science and Technology in 2017, is a post-90s PhD candidate.A.winningB.to have wonC.to winD.having won答案B2.(2017江苏苏北六市3月联考,29)—What does Nicky’s job involve as a public relations director?—quite a lot of time with other people.A.SpendingB.Having spentC.To spendD.To have spent答案A3.(2017江苏南通第一次调研,28)Many natural disasters took place across the country,severe losses to people’s life and property.A.to have broughtB.bringingC.only to bringD.having brought答案B过专题【五年高考】A组自主命题·江苏卷题组1.(2018江苏,26)Around 13,500 new jobs were created during the period,the expected number of 12,000 held by market analysts.A.having exceededB.to exceedC.exceededD.exceeding答案D2.(2017江苏,21)Many Chinese brands, their reputations over centuries, are facing new challenges from the modern market.A.having developedB.being developedC.developedD.developing答案A3.(2016江苏,28)In art criticism,you must assume the artist has a secret message within the work.A.to hideB.hiddenC.hidingD.being hidden答案B4.(2015江苏,24)Much time sitting at a desk,office workers are generally troubled by health problems.A.being spentB.having spentC.spentD.spending答案C5.(2014江苏,29)The lecture ,a lively question-and-answer session followed.A.being givenB.having givenC.to be givenD.having been given答案DB组统一命题、省(区、市)卷题组1.(2018北京,3)along the old Silk Road is an interesting and rewarding experience.A.TravelB.TravelingC.Having traveledD.Traveled答案B2.(2018北京,6)During the Mid-Autumn Festival, family members often gather together a meal, admire the moon and enjoy moon cakes.A.shareB.to shareC.having sharedD.shared答案B3.(2018北京,10)Ordinary soap, correctly, can deal with bacteria effectively.edB.to useinge答案A4.(2018天津,7)I need a new passport so I will have to have my photograph .A.takingB.takenC.being takenD.take答案B5.(2018天津,12)I didn’t mean anything but the ice cream looked so good that I couldn’t help it.A.to eat;to tryB.eating;tryingC.eating;to tryD.to eat;trying答案D6.(2017北京,27)Many airlines now allow passengers to print their boarding passes online their valuable time.A.saveB.savingC.to saveD.saved答案C7.(2017北京,30)The national park has a large collection of wildlife,from butterflies to elephants.A.rangingB.rangeC.to rangeD.ranged答案A8.(2017北京,32)Jim has retired, but he still remembers the happy time with his students.A.to spendB.spendC.spendingD.spent答案D9.(2017天津,10)I was watching the clock all through the meeting, as I had a train .A.catchingB.caughtC.to catchD.to be caught答案C10.(2017天津,14)The hospital has recently obtained new medical equipment,more patients to be treated.A.being allowedB.allowingC.having allowedD.allowed答案B11.(2016浙江,10)To return to the problem of water pollution, I’d like you to look at a study in Australia in 2012.A.having conductedB.to be conductedC.conductingD.conducted答案D12.(2016浙江,19)I had as much fun sailing the seas as I now do with students.A.workingB.workC.to workD.worked答案A13.(2016北京,28)over a week ago, the books are expected to arrive any time now.A.OrderingB.To orderC.Having orderedD.Ordered答案D14.(2016北京,32)Newly-built wooden cottages line the street, the old town into a dreamland.A.turnB.turningC.to turnD.turned答案B15.(2016天津,4)The cooling wind swept through our bedroom windows,air conditioning unnecessary.A.makingB.to makeC.madeD.being made答案A16.(2015浙江,18)Listening to music at home is one thing;going to hear it live is quite another.A.performB.performingC.to performD.being performed答案D17.(2015陕西,18)Back from his two-year medical service in Africa,Dr.Lee was very happy to see his mother good care of at home.A.takingB.takenC.takeD.be taken答案B18.(2015安徽,27)the difference between the two research findings will be one of the worst mistakes you make.A.IgnoreB.IgnoringC.IgnoredD.Having ignored答案B19.(2015天津,8)for two days,Steve managed to finish his report on schedule.A.To workB.WorkedC.To be workingD.Having worked答案D20.(2015湖南,30)When the clerk saw a kind face wrinkled in an apologetic smile,she stood rooted to the ground, whether to stay or leave.A.wonderingB.wonderC.to wonderD.wondered答案A21.(2015重庆,11)Like ancient sailors,birds can find their way the sun and the stars.edB.having usedinge答案C22.(2015北京,23)The park was full of people,themselves in the sunshine.A.having enjoyedB.enjoyedC.enjoyingD.to enjoy答案C23.(2014浙江,14)Amie Salmon,disabled,is attended throughout her school days by a nurse to guard her.A.to appointB.appointingC.appointedD.having appointed答案C24.(2014北京,28)There are still many problems before we are ready for a long stay on the Moon.A.solvingB.solvedC.being solvedD.to be solved答案D25.(2014天津,5)Anxiously,she took the dress out of the package and tried it on,only it didn’t fit.A.to findB.foundC.findingD.having found答案A26.(2014天津,7)Clearly and thoughtfully ,the book inspires confidence in students who wish to seek their own answers.A.writingB.to writeC.writtenD.being written答案C27.(2014福建,30)For those with family members far away,the personal computer and the phone are important in staying .A.connectedB.connectingC.to connectD.to be connected答案A28.(2014山东,9)It’s standard practice for a company like this one a security officer.A.employedB.being employedC.to employD.employs答案C29.(2014江西,26)When it comes to in public,no one can match him.A.speakB.speakingC.being spokenD.be spoken答案B30.(2014江西,34)He is thought foolishly.Now he has no one but himself to blame for losing the job.A.to actB.to have actedC.actingD.having acted答案B31.(2014湖南,27)There is no greater pleasure than lying on my back in the middle of the grassland,at the night sky.A.to stareB.staringC.staredD.having stared答案BC组教师专用题组1.(2016北京,26)it easier to get in touch with us, you’d better keep this card at hand.A.MadeB.MakeC.MakingD.To make答案D2.(2015北京,21)the early flight,we ordered a taxi in advance and got up very early.A.CatchingB.CaughtC.To catchD.Catch答案C3.(2015天津,5)in painting,John didn’t notice evening approaching.A.To absorbB.To be absorbedC.AbsorbedD.Absorbing答案C4.(2015福建,28)more about Chinese culture,Jack has decided to take Chinese folk music as an elective course.A.LearnB.LearnedC.To learnD.To be learning答案C5.(2015湖南,34)Sometimes I act as a listening ear for fellow students what is bothering them.A.to talk overB.talked overC.talk overD.having talked over答案A6.(2015重庆,6)in the poorest area of Glasgow,he had a long,hard road to becoming a football star.A.Being raisedB.RaisingC.RaisedD.To raise答案C7.(2014四川,7)—I hope to take the computer course.—Good idea. more about it,visit this website.A.To find outB.Finding outC.To be finding outD.Having found out答案A8.(2014江西,31)nearly all our money,we couldn’t afford to stay at a hotel.A.Having spentB.To spendC.SpentD.To have spent答案A9.(2014福建,27)the past year as an exchange student in Hong Kong,Linda appears more mature than those of her age.A.SpendingB.SpentC.Having spentD.To spend答案C10.(2014山东,6)There’s a note pinned to the door when the shop will open again.A.sayingB.says答案A11.(2014重庆,5)The producer comes regularly to collect the cameras to our shop for quality problems.A.returningB.returnedC.to returnD.to be returned答案B12.(2014北京,35)The film star wears sunglasses.Therefore,he can go shopping without .A.recognizingB.being recognizedC.having recognizedD.having been recognized答案B13.(2014陕西,12)It’s quite hot today.Do you feel like for a swim?A.to goB.goingC.goD.having gone答案B14.(2014湖南,23)your own needs and styles of communication is as important as learning to convey your affection and emotions.A.UnderstandingB.To be understoodC.Being understoodD.Having understood答案A15.(2014四川,5)The manager was satisfied to see many new products after great effort.A.having developedB.to developC.developedD.develop答案C【三年模拟】A组2017—2019年模拟·基础题组1.(2019届江苏常州武进礼嘉中学10月阶段测试,23)My teacher’s advice in planning for the future set me .A.involved;thinkingB.involve;thinkC.involving;to thinkD.to involve;thinking答案 A2.(2019届江苏淮安淮海中学10月阶段测试,22)It will take time and patience to get these changes.A.to acceptB.having been accepted答案C3.(2019届江苏徐州邳州四中阶段练习,29)—What did David demand in the meeting just now?— a chance to join the debating club.A.Being offeredB.Having been offeredC.To be offeredD.To have been offered答案C4.(2019届江苏南通海安高中第二次月考,32)—Why is Tom in the teacher’s office?—He was said with John when the class teacher entered the classroom.A.fightingB.to fightC.to have been fightingD.to be fighting答案D5.(2019届江苏东海高中第一次学分认定考试,32)The flag,which is made up of a red band over a white one, is based on a national flag to the 13th century,which had nine red and white stripes.A.dated backB.dated fromC.dating backD.dating from答案C6.(2019届江苏苏州5市4区期初调研,26) Four boys out of 12 young soccer team members have been rescued after in a cave in northern Thailand for more than two weeks.A.being trappedB.having trappedC.trappedD.trapping答案A7.(2019届江苏南京溧水高中10月学情调研,22)On the first day of this term, there were crowds of people in the dormitory, for where they should go.A.all lookedB.all were lookingC.all to lookD.all looking答案D8.(2018江苏南京高淳区97校联考,31)A new bridge has been built in recent years, only it much easier for cars to reach the hotel on the mountaintop.A.having madeB.makingC.to makeD.to have made答案B9.(2018江苏溧阳高三阶段性调研测试,24)When the Americans opposed the rule,the British increased control over their American colonies instead, many of their rights,and soldiers there to ensure their obedience.A.took away;stationedB.taking away;stationedC.taking away;stationingD.took away;stationing答案C10.(2018江苏启东中学第二次月考,24)that his father would come back soon, the little boy calmed down.A.Having convincedB.ConvincingC.Being convincedD.Convinced答案D11.(2018江苏无锡期中,31)Life affords no higher pleasure than that of overcoming difficulties, from one step of success to another.A.to passB.having passedC.passedD.passing答案D12.(2018江苏如东高级中学期中,48)Opportunities favor the prepared mind;for a dream ,one has to make preparations every single day.A.to realizeB.being realizedC.to be realizedD.realizing答案C13.(2018江苏盐城中学第一次阶段性考试,31)One of the programmes organized by the World Food Programme is the Food-for-Growth programme, people at risk.A.targetingB.targetedC.targeting atD.targets答案A14.(2018江苏苏州期中,22)With the three historic tasks, we Chinese should keep on working with great determination.A.accomplishB.accomplishingC.accomplishedD.to accomplish答案D15.(2018江苏海安高中10月月考,23)—It was careless of you your car unlocked all night.—Oh,dear!.A.to leave;So did IB.leaving;So did IC.to have left;So I didD.having left;So I did答案C16.(2017江苏扬州期中,29)Throughout their long history, many troubles, the Romany have different ways of life, and yet stick to traditions strange to the country they move to.A.being facedB.having facedC.to faceD.faced答案B17.(2017江苏盐城期中,26), the text became easier for us to learn.A.Explaining new wordsB.New words explainedC.Being explained new wordsD.Having explained new words答案B18.(2017江苏泰州中学高三上学期第二次质检,28)According to Global Blue, a tax-free shopping consultancy, Chinese shoppers were said to be the biggest overseas spenders in 2013, each customer an average of £1,367 per transaction.A.spentB.to spendC.spendingD.has spent答案C19.(2017江苏苏北四市高三摸底,24)Nowadays, more and more people like to post the photos of delicious foods on their blogs, especially those in the oven.A.to bakeB.bakedC.bakingD.being baked20.(2017江苏泰州中学期中,26)There is a shop selling all kinds of knives in the center of the city where you can get one as a present.A.carveB.carvedC.carvingD.to carve答案C21.(2017江苏四校联考,24)Despite his death, Castro’s courage and wisdom are always believed a new generation of political leaders in Latin America.A.to inspireB.inspiringC.to have inspiredD.having inspired答案CB组2017—2019年模拟·综合题组1.(2019届江苏徐州邳州四中阶段练习,23)While food programs once turned chefs into stars, The Twelve Feng Taste turns stars into chefs. Singer-actor Nicholas Tse it, the reality TV show returned for a second season last month on Zhejiang Television.A.hostedB.is hostingC.hostsD.hosting答案D2.(2019届江苏南京溧水高中期初模拟,34)The terror attack at the Kunming railway station in south-west China’s Yunnan Province, 29 lives and leaving 143 , has brought condemnation from around the world this week.A.claimed;woundingB.claiming;woundedC.claimed;woundedD.claim;wound答案B3.(2019届江苏南通如东高中阶段测试一,30)She took her son, ran out of the house, and him in the car, drove quickly to the nearest doctor’s office.A.putB.puttingC.to putD.having put答案D4.(2019届江苏淮安清江中学期初检测,21)If they win the final tonight, the team are going to tour around the city by their enthusiastic supporters.A.being cheeredB.be cheeredC.to be cheeredD.were cheered答案C5.(2019届江苏常州武进期中,31)When entering the office, .A.Winifred was found sitting at a deskB.Winifred was found sat at a deskC.we found Winifred seated at a deskD.we found Winifred seating at a desk答案C6.(2019届江苏苏州4市5区期中调研,22)The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge(HZMB) is a 55-kilometre bridge-tunnel system of cable-stayed bridges, an undersea tunnel, and four artificial islands.A.consistedB.having consistedC.consistingD.being consisted7.(2019届江苏南京高三年级学情调研,1) a striking look with a sea of lavender flowers, Guli has becomea famous attraction in Nanjing.A.WearingB.To wearC.To be wearingD.Having won答案A8.(2019届江苏常州一中10月阶段测试,27)—To get a slim figure,this 30-year-old woman has taken a lot of weight-loss pills,but in vain.—So now she is reduced anything for lunch and supper.A.not to eatingB.not to eatC.to not eatingD.to not eat答案C9.(2019届江苏南京溧水高中10月学情调研,21) Difficult as rumors on microblog or weibo are , the authorities will step up supervision so that people will not be easily misled.A.to preventB.to be preventedC.preventedD.preventing答案A10.(2019届江苏泰州中学、宜兴中学第一次月考,24)I think my mother must have faced many big challenges kids for many years as a single mother.A.raisedB.to have raisedC.having raisedD.raising答案D11.(2019届江苏南通中学10月阶段考试,22)Much of the money for the reconstruction of the quake-stricken town has been allocated by the government,the rest from the coming charity concerts.A.to be collectedB.having been collectedC.being collectedD.to have been collected答案A12.(2018江苏启东中学第二次月考,32)It is never easy for graduates to find their ideal jobs, where in addition to necessary knowledge, they are required to have some related experience.A.be equipped withB.being equipped withC.equip withD.equipping with答案B13.(2018江苏如东高级中学期中,45)So far all cloned animals have suffered from some different serious disorders, dying soon after birth.A.many of themB.many of whomC.many of whichD.many of that答案A14.(2017江苏盐城期中,24)After spending every penny of his money and to hiring himself out to feed pigs, he realized that he had been a fool and went home.A.reducingB.reducedC.being reducedD.reduce答案C15.(2017江苏扬州期中,28)in their lives, many immigrant workers in today’s China have been working around the clock.A.OccupyingB.To occupyC.OccupiedD.Having occupied答案C16.(2017江苏镇江期中,31)Bob Dylan was reported the 2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for having created new poetic expressions.A.to awardB.awardingC.to have been awardedD.being awarded答案C17.(2017江苏江都中学期中,25)I’m afraid we’ll have to work extra hours for there are still some problems .A.remaining to settleB.remaining to be settledC.remained to talk aboutD.to remain to discuss答案B18.(2017江苏常州高三上学期期末,31)The type and quantity of illegal drugs a person is carrying when by the police determine the punishment, from a small fine to life imprisonment.A.caught;rangingB.caught;rangedC.catching;rangingD.catching;ranged答案A。

2022(江苏)高考英语一轮复习教案:3.3(a)重点词汇 含答案

2022(江苏)高考英语一轮复习教案:3.3(a)重点词汇 含答案

2022(江苏)高考英语一轮复习教案:3.3(a)重点词汇江苏高考英语一轮复习教案:3.3(a)重点词汇●模块三 Unit 3一、高考力量提升练习【一】语法填空(2022·昆明市两区七校模拟调研)During a recent Senior Three English lesson, the teacher __1__ (notice) Xiao Ming, a student, busily typing messages on her cellphone. To the teacher's surprise, Xiao Ming wasn't just texting her friends the latest small talk. She was blogging about what she was learning in the classroom, sharing her opinions __2__ her classmates. She said she __3__ (true) enjoyed doing that.The case caused __4__ heated discussion among teachers and students citywide. Miss Li, another English teacher said, “I am amazed at how __5__ (create) the students can be when writing on their blogs. To me it's a great way for students to improve their writing skills while writing ab out personal feelings and experiences.” But __6__ made other teachers worried was the blog addiction which may disturb the students' study.A supporter and c lassmate of Xiao Ming said, “We love her blog! We all read it each day and can't wait to see what she writes about next. Many of her __7__ (suggest) on study really help to encourage us. And we can relax __8__ (we) while reading her blog.” Another student blogger admitted that he often works late into the night, __9__ (write) his blog. He said, “Sometim es I don't even have time __10__ (finish) my homework. I can't help myself. I really have a lot to say.”1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________5.________ 6.________7.________8.________9.________10.________【参考答案】语法填空语篇解读:本文主要叙述了老师和同学对发博客的不同看法。



第五章动词和短语动词第一部分近年高考题荟萃2009年高考题1. (09安徽23)Daniel's family their holiday in Huangshan this time next week.A. are enjoyingB. are to enjoyC. will enjoyD. will be enjoying 答案 D2 (09安徽34)But for their help,we the program in time.A. can not finishB. will not finishC. had not finishedD. could not have finished答案 D3. (09北京23)Scientists have many theories about how the universe ____ into beingA. cameB. was comingC. had comeD. would come答案D4. (09北京30)When I talked with my grandma on the phone, she sounded weak, but by the time we __ up , her voice had been full of life.A. were hangingB. had hungC. hungD. would hang答案 C5. (09北京32)John was given the same suitcase his father and grandfather ____ with them to school.A. tookB. had takenC. were takingD. would take6. (09福建22)—Why does the Lake smell terrible?—Because large quantities of water .A. have pollutedB. is being pollutedC. has been pollutedD. have been polluted答案 D解析考查动词时态,语态和主谓语一致。






第一部分(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1.I had hoped to take a holiday this year but I wasn’t able to ______.A.get away B.drop in C.check out D.hold on2.—Is Peter coming?—No, he____ his mind after a phone call at the last minute.A.changes B.changedC.was changing D.had changed3.---There are probably aliens living here on earth.---_____! I can’t believe you said tha t.A.Come on B.Forget itC.Go ahead D.Allow me4.--- I’ll send you the signed contract personally this time tomorrow.--- Sorry, I ______ a meeting then.A.am attending B.attendedC.have attended D.will be attending5.-- I have heard Mr. Morgan will be here at 4:00 pm. next Thursday.-- No, he _______ at that time.A.was boarding B.would be boardingC.will be boarding D.is boarding6.Nine in ten parents said there were significant differences in their approach to educating their children compared with ________ of their parents.A.those B.one C.that D.it7.My neighbour came to ask me why there was so much noise in my house yesterday afternoon. I told her that some children an English song.A.praticed B.would practice C.have practiced D.were practicing8.The folks were delighted at the message of their relatives _______ that mine explosion.A.survived B.to survive C.were surviving D.surviving9.The wide spread of super hybrid rice around the world ______ the lives of millions and millions of people suffering from hunger to a great level.A.has improved B.is improving C.improved D.has been improving10.—Hi, Tom, have you checked the account yet?—Certainly, I ________ it five times even though you told me to do it twice.A.checked B.will have checkedC.have been checking D.had checked11.In many ways, the magic of AI is ________ it’s not something you can see or touch.A.whether B.whatC.that D.why12.So ________ sometimes in trying to accomplish something big _______ we fail to notice the little things that give life its magic.A.we get caught up; as B.do we get caught up; thatC.caught up get we; as D.caught up do we get; that13.,dear! Things won’t be as bad as you think. There certainly will be chances for you.A.Hurry up B.Look upC.Cheer up D.Make up14.The crazy fans ________ patiently for two hours, and they would wait till the movie star arrived.A.were waiting B.had been waitingC.had waited D.would wait15.—Did Max go to the concert with his family yesterday?—The report scheduled to be handed in tomorrow, he _______ it.A.couldn’t have attended B.needn’t have attendedC.wouldn’t attend D.shouldn’t attend16.—You ought to have made an apology to Tom yesterday evening.—Yes, I know I __ __.A.ought to have B.have to C.should D.must have17.The teacher spoke so fast that it was hard for the students to ______ what he was saying.A.take in B.take off C.take on D.take after18.Only after he was brought to the police station did the boy ________ he had stolen some purses from other passengers.A.participate B.acknowledgeC.realize D.summarize19.goes up must come down, and gasoline prices are coming down fast in some parts of America. A.WhereB.WhatC.WhichD.That20.This is the first time that we ________a film in the cinema together as a family .A.see B.had seenC.saw D.have seen第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。



江江江江江江江江江江江江江江江江江江江1.go over (江江...)江江, (江...江江)江江江江, 江江, 江江eg: He has gone over to the Democrats. 他他他他他他他他We went over the building. 他他他他他他他他他他Go over the lesson again. 他他他他他他他他他2.go round 江江江江, 江江江, 江江, 江江江江eg: There aren’t enough computers for the whole grade of students to go around.他他他他他他他他他他他他他他Is there enough food to go around? 他他他他他他他3.go through 江江, 江江, 江江江江, 江江, 江江江, 江江, 江江, 江江eg: These countries have gone through too many wars. 他他他他他他他他他Their plans went through. 他他他他他他他他他他Have you gone through all your money? 他他他他他他他他他他他He went through his pockets and eventually found his keys. 他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他4.go with 江江, 江...江江, 江(江江)江江江eg: Happiness doesn’t always go with money. 他他他他他他他他他他他他他This color does not go with that. 他他他他他他他他他他He goes with a different girl every week. 他他他他他他他他他他他他他二、keep1.keep back 江江江江, 江江, 江江, 江江eg: The police tried to keep the crowd back from the injured man. 他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他He can keep nothing back from his friends. 他他他他他他他他他他他他The boss keeps back $50 a month towards my uniform. 他他他他他他50他他他他他他2.keep down 江江, 江江, 江江, 江江, 江江eg: They are taking steps to keep down the rabbit population. 他他他他他他他他他他他他他他 We must keep down expenses. 他他他他他他他他他I feel ill, doctor, and I can’t keep any food down. 他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他3.keep in with 江江江江江江……江江江江eg: She still keeps in with her former husband. 他他他他他他他他他他4.keep on 江江, 江江江 江江...江江eg: The rain kept on for several days. 他他他他他他他他Don’t lose courage. Keep on trying. 他他他他他他他他他5.keep to 江江江 江江江江江江eg: He always keeps to his promises. 他他他他他他他他他We kept to the roads we knew. 他他他他他他他他他他他他6江 Keep …to oneself 江 …江江江江eg: He kept his conclusions to himself. 他他他他他他他他他他他I’m resigning ---but keep it to yourself. 他他他他他——他他他他他他他他7.keep up(with) 江江江, 江江, 江江eg: If this rain keeps up, the garden will be ruined.他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他It is difficult to keep on a conversation with a man who will only say Yes and no. 他他他他他他“他他他他”他他他他他他他他江江江put1.put away 江江, 江江...江江, 江江江, 江江, 江江eg: The boy put the food away in the cupboard after he finished his dinner.他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他He put some money away every month. 他他他他他他他他He’s had to put away all ideas of becoming a pianist. 他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他2.put down 江江, 江江, 江江eg: The army put down al opposition. 他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他Put it down to my account, please. 他他他他他他他Here is my address——put it down before you forget it. 他他他他他他他他3.put forward 江江, 江江, 江江, 江江江eg: put forward a new theory 他他他他他他他put a friend forward as a candidate 他他他他他他他他他他4.put off 江江, 江江, 江江, 江江, 江江, 江江eg: put off going to see a dentist 他他他他他他He tried to put me off with vague promises. 他他他他他他他他他他他他他他You must put off your doubts and fears. 他他他他他他他他The smell put me off eating for a week. 他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他5.put on 江江, 江...江江江, 江江, 江江江江江, 江江, 江江, 江江eg: They will put on a play in English this month. 他他他他他他他他他他他他Put on the light. 他他他I put on a lot of weight while I was on holiday. 他他他他他他他他他She was a shy girl, but she put on a bold front and went to the party.他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他So many people wanted to go to the match that another train had to be put on.他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他6.put out 江江江 江江江江江, 江江江 江江江江, 江江江eg: Please put out the light before you go to bed. 他他他他他他他他他It took them six hours to put the fire out. 他他他他他他他他他他他他他他The government has put out a statement denying these rumours. 他他他他他他他他他他他他他他7.put through(to) 江江江江eg: Can you put me through to this number? 他他他他他他他他他他他他8.put up 江江, 江江, 江江, 江江, 江江eg: They began to put up a tent after they got there.他他他他他他他他他他他他Put your hands up! 他他他他他He put a “No parking” sign outside his gate. 他他他他他他他他他“他他他他”他他他他I’ll supply skill and knowledge if you will put up the $2000 capital. 他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他9.put up with 江江, 江江eg: I can’t put up with your rudeness any more. 他他他他他他他他他他他他江江江set1.set about 江江江江江江江江江江江江江江江江江江eg: The sooner we set about it the sooner we’ll finish. 他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他2.set out 江江, 江江, 江江eg: When are we setting out on our trip? 他他他他他他他他他他他他This is what they set out to say. 他他他他他他他他他他The meal was set out on a long table. 他他他他他他他他他他他3.set to 江江江江江, 江江江江eg: We have set to learning Japanese grammar. 他他他他他他他他他他他If we set to, we can finish cleaning the room in an hour. 他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他We were all hungry and at once set to. 他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他4.set aside 江江, 江江, 江江, 江江eg: Each month he tried to set aside part of his salary. 他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他Setting aside my wishes in the matter, what would you really like to do? 他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他5.set off (for) 江江, 江江, 江江江, 江江, 江江eg: We shall set off for town together. 他他他他他他他他As a traditional way to celebrate the new year, setting off firecrackers is justifiably welcomed by most Chinese people. 他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他The news set off a rush of activity. 他他他他他他他他他他This gold frame sets off your oil painting very well. 他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他6.set up 江江, 江江, 江江, 江江eg: Edison set up a chemical lab of his own at the age of ten.他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他He has set himself up as a bookseller. 他他他他他他江江江take1.take after 江, 江江eg: She takes after her mother; she is always cheerful.他他他他他他他他他他他他他2.take along 江江江江江江江eg: Why don't you take your mother along to the concert? 他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他3.take away 江江江江江江江江江eg: Take away 3 from 10 you get 7. 他他他他他他他What takes you away so early? 他他他他他他他他他他4.take back 江江, 江江, 江江, 江江江江eg: Sorry, I take back what I said. 他他他他他他他他他他他他The photo took him to his early days in youth. 他他他他他他他他他他他他他take down 江江, 江江, 江江, 江江eg: He took down an old picture from the wall. 他他他他他他他他他他他Did you take down his phone number? 他他他他他他他他他他他他A dangerous bridge was taken down. 他他他他他他他他他他他5.take in 江江, 江江, 江江, 江江, 江江, 江江, 江江江, 江江eg: He had nowhere to sleep so we offered to take him in. 他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他This is the total cost of the holiday, taking everything in. 他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他She took in the waist on the pair of trousers. 他他他他他他他他他他他6.take off 江江, 江江, 江江, 江江, 江江, 江江eg: The plane took off on time. 他他他他他他他He took off in a hurry. 他他他他他他I’m taking off three days during May. 他他他他他他他他他他7.take on 江江, 江江, 江江, 江江, 江江, 江…江江eg: These insects can take on the colour of their surroundings. 他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他His face took on a worried expression. 他他他他他他他他他他他他We’ve decided to take on a new typist in our office. 他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他Why don’t you take on someone of your own size? 他他他他他他他他他他他他他他8.take over 江江, 江江eg: Our chairman has left, so Peter will take over (his job).他他他他他他他他他他他他他他9.take up 江江, 江江江江, 江江, 江江, 江江, 江江, 江江, 江江eg: He took up the receiver when the telephone rang. 他他他他他他他他他他他他He took up acting while he was at college. 他他他他他他他他他他他他他Let’s take up where we left off. 他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他No one took up my suggestion. 他他他他他他他他他The extra duties took up most of my time. 他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他江江江turn1.turn away 江江...江江, 江江, 江江江, 江江eg: The cinema was full and many people were turned away. 他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他The worker was turned away by his boss. 他他他他他他他他他他他他2.turn down 江江江江, 江江江江江江江江eg: He turned down the corner of a page. 他他他他他他他他The boy wanted to join the basketball team but was turned down. 他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他Turn the radio down at once他 他他他他他他他他他他他3.turn into 江江, (江)江江(江江江江江江江江江江江江江江)eg: Water turns into ice when it freezes. 他他他他他他In fifty years this places has turned from a little village into a large town. 他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他4.turn off 江江, 江江, 江江江江江, 江江, 江江江, 江江eg: He turned off the gas. 他他他他他他他We turned off the freeway at Detroit. 他他他他他他他他他他他他他I turned off when they started talking about computers. 他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他5.turn on 江江, 江江江 江江eg: She turned on the water. 他他他他他他他他他他The success of the negotiations turns on getting the agreement of the Italian delegation. 他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他6.turn out 江江, 江江, 江江江, 江江, 江江, 江江, 江江, 江江eg: The boy was turned out of the house by his stepfather. 他他他他他他他他他他他The factory turns out 2,000 bicycles a month. 他他他他他他他他2000他他他他他Please turn out the gas. 他他他他他他他The policeman told him to turn out his pockets. 他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他It turns out that this method does not work well. 他他他他他他他他他他他他7.turn over 江江, 江江江江, 江江,eg: She turned over and went to sleep. 他他他他他他他他他She turned the problem over in her mind. 他他他他他他他他他他他他他8.turn to 江江江江江, 江江, 江江江, 江江江, 江江江江eg: Please turn to page 40. 他他他40他他I just can’t find a person that I can turn to. 他他他他他他他他他他他Some farmers have turned to keeping deer. 他他他他他他他他他他他他他9.turn up 江江江江江, 江江, 江江, 江江, 江江江江eg: Turn the radio up. I can’t hear it. 他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他The missing bag turned up, completely empty, in the lake. 他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他The police have turned up a lot of new information about the wanted man.他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他他单选11.A quick review of successes and failures at the end of year will help _________your year ahead.A.shapeB.switchC.stretchD.sharpen12.William found it increasingly difficult to read,for his eyesight was beginning to .A.disappearB.fallC.failD.damage13.Working with the medical team in Africa has______the best in her as a doctor.A.held outB.brought outC.picked outD.given out14.To get a better grade, you should _________the notes again before the test.A.go overB.get overC.turn overD.take over15The girl on the ground to me that she had____the book on the shelf.A.lying; lay ; laidy; lied; laidC.lie; lied; layD.lying; lied; laid16.The minister said,“ We are ready for discussions with any legal parties, but well never with criminals.”A.negotiateB.quarrelC.argueD.consult17.Mr. and Mrs. Brown would like to see their daughter ___________, get married, and have kids.A.settled downB.keep offC.get upD.cut in18.Many businesses started up by college students have thanks to the comfortable climate for business creation.A.fallen offB.taken offC.turned offD.left off19.Parents should actively urge their children to______the opportunity to join sports teams.A.gain admission toB.keep track ofC.take advantage ofD.give rise to20.I’m going to _____ advantage of this tour to explore the history of the castle.A.putB.makeC.takeD.give21.We can achieve a lot when we learn to let our differences unite, rather than _______ us.A.divideB.rejectC.controlD.abandon22.When the time came to make the final decision for a course, I decided to apply for the one that ______ my interest.A.limitedC.reflectedD.spoiled23.If steel is heavier than water, why are ships able to on the sea?A.floatB.drownC.shrinkD.split24.We tend to have a better memory for things that excite our senses or our amotions than for straight facts.A.block offB.appeal toC.subscribe toe across25.Studies have shown that the right and the left ear _____ sound differently.A.produceB.pronounceC.processD.download26.Tom had to______ the invitation to the party last weekend because he was too busy.A.turn inB.turn downC.turn overD.turn to27.If you have any doubts about your health, you’d better _______ your doctor at once.A.convinceB.consultC.avoidD.affect28.See, your computer has broken down again! It doesn’t ______ sense to buy the cheapest brand of computer just to save a few dollars.A.haveB.makeC.displayD.bring29.Peter will _____ his post as the head of the travel agency at the end of next month.A.take upC.add upD.break up30.It is said that body language_________ 55 percent of a first impression while what you say just 7 percent.A.lies inB.accounts forC.consists ofD.goes with31.The whole team _____ Cristiano Ronaldo, and he seldom lets them down.A.wait onB.focus onC.count onD.call on32.If you come to visit China,you will a culture of amazing depth and variety.A.developB.createC.substituteD.experience33.The team are working hard to _____ the problem so that they can find the best solution.A.faceB.preventC.raiseD.analyze34.In order not to be heard, she pointed her finger upwards to that someone was moving about upstairs.A.whisperB.signalC.declareplain35.There is no doubt that this candidate’s advantage _____ his ability to communicate with foreigners in English.A.leaves outB.goes againstC.lies inD.makes up36.Don’t worry. I’m sure your missing glasses will sooner or later.A.stand outC.get outD.turn up37.Jane laughs loudly and laughs a lot,which enables us to know her coming before she________.A.turns upB.turns aroundC.turns backD.turns away38.Digital teaching has________our way of learning and excited us to focus in class.A.guaranteedB.revealedC.evaluatedD.transformed39.I prefer a table that can be________when not used so that it may save a lot of space.A.cleared upB.folded upC.fixed upD.taken up40.The plans got________in the approval process,so everyone had to stop and wait until the application forms came back from the ministry.A.struckB.occupiedC.stuckD.delivered41.—Do you mind if I open the window?—No,________.A.Look outB.Forget itC.Go aheadD.Take it easy42.I felt I would never________the shock of his being worked to death.A.get offB.get throughC.get byD.get over43.That’s all for today’s programme. Please stay _______ to CCTV International’s Chinese Channel this time next week.B.tunedC.tonedD.tended44.The only way to live happily with others is to________their faults and admire their virtues.A.overlookB.justifyC.clarifyD.acknowledge45.—How did Professor Li’s lecture impress you?—I just heard his voi ce but couldn’t________what he was saying.A.pick outB.make outC.think outD.squeeze out46.The two organizations will arrange a one-year seminar and________it with a report on their in-depth studies and research findings.A.concludeB.summarizeC.deduceD.infer47.When he was driving home,he was stopped by the policeman and was________of speeding.A.chargedB.blamedC.accusedD.warned48.We tend to________happiness with freedom,but,as a psychotherapist and writer has observed,without obstacles to our des ires it’s harder to know what we want,or where we’re heading.binepareC.equipD.equate49.Hillary Clinton,at the first official event of her presidential campaign,________the ideas that she said will be at the heart of her campaign.A.spelt outB.cross outD.covered up50.The young backpacker always________at the youth hotel when he’s in Kathmandu.A.puts upB.sets downes aboutD.takes up51.It is obvious that getting these historic sites recognized by the world is helpful for preserving and repairing them, as it _____ their importance and value.A.associatesB.symbolizesC.stressesD.abolishes52.There is no doubt that if the students’ interest in the subject is aroused, they will _____ the challenge and commit more of their time and energy to their studies.A.face up toB.keep pace withC.put up withD.live up to53.—Do you know the story of Niulang and Zhinü?—Of course.Their love story was________as an example for hundreds of years in China.A.taken upB.kept upC.picked upD.held up54.Peter was a heart breaker.He deserted his wife the moment his business began to ________.A.take upB.take outC.take overD.take off55.He started school the same day as I did and________to it like a duck to water.A.appealedB.tookC.cateredD.saw江江江江答案:recall答案:makes up for解析:考查动词短语辨析。



Generally speaking,if taken according to the directions,the drug has no side effects.(条件状语) 一般来说,如果按照说明服用,这种药没有副作用。 The factory keeps giving off smoke, making the air dirty.(结果状语) 这家工厂不断排烟,使得空气变脏。 Having been told many times,he still repeated the same mistake.(让步状 语) 虽然被告诉过好多次了,但他仍然重复犯同样的错误。 Tony lent me the money, hoping that I’d do as much for him. (伴随状语) 托尼把钱借给了我,希望我也会为他的事同样尽力。
2.不定式作结果状语 不定式作结果状语常用在下列句式中:so...as to;such...as to;...enough to; only to(常表示意外的或事与愿违的结果);too...to等。 I’m not so stupid as to write it down. 我不至于愚蠢到会把它写下来。 I’m too tired to stay up longer.我太累了,不能再熬夜了。 注意 在only too...to结构中,too...to...并非“太……而不能……”之 意。此时,与only too...to...搭配的形容词常见的有pleased,ready,willing, glad,happy等。 I’m only too glad to take a job like that. 我非常高兴得到那样一份工作。
二、不定式作状语 1.不定式作目的状语 不定式作目的状语的情况较多,如果强调目的性时,不定式前还可加in order或so as,构成“in order to do”或“so as to do”结构。作目的状语 时,“in order to do”结构可以放在句首也可放在句中,“so as to do”结 构只能放在句中。 Her mother plans to fly to Beijing at least four times a year (so as/in order) to visit her. 她母亲计划每年至少四次飞到北京来看她。 Bob took down my telephone number so as/in order not to forget it.鲍勃记 下了我的电话号码以免忘记。
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