美梦 英语单词大全

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1. 1. 晕死,第一次听到这样的谬论,遗了才是美梦,什么思想,怎么迎接奥运啊。

Why have the dream life, even the best Mengxing to all air, leaving behind only the beating heart.2. 美梦的意思2. 美国丽人》就采纳了凯文·斯佩西这个中年郊区居民的浪漫美梦,并将它们暴露于现实之中。

美梦American Beauty took the romantic dreams of Kevin Spacey's midlife suburbanite and exposed them to the glare of reality.3. 美梦的反义词3. 能够有缘身为一个设计人,凭藉的不外乎是对设计的坚持与理想,并且尽心尽力为每一天写下精彩的故事,认真扮演著自己的角色、一步一脚印才能美梦成真。

For a designer, he can create those arts depends on his belief and dream of the design, and always try his best to write down wonderful story from living and play a good roles of himself everyday, step by step to make his dream come true.4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD4. 他想娶珍妮,可是我们认为这是黄粱美梦。

He wants to marry Jane, but we think it a fond dream.5. 美梦在线翻译5. 我是一个新站长,一个草根,一个做着美梦的追梦人。

I am a new center, a careless root, one is doing the person pursueing

a dream of fond dream.6. 抓紧,我的朋友,让我把你的美梦变成真吧。

Hold on tight, my friend rabbit, and let me make your dream come true.7. 7. 要让波拉斯做美梦或是恶梦,洋基首先必须把老怪交易出去,这个发展似乎会成功的机会比不成功的机会大。

For Boras to have his dream or his nightmare, the Yankees first have to trade Randy Johnson. That development seems more likely than not.8. 毕竟,在那额外的时间里,你本应该在做美梦的。

You could have had that extra hour in bed after all.9. 美梦是什么意思9. 葡萄弹在他头顶上的树枝之间飕飕掠过及发出的咯咯声响将他从他的美梦中唤醒。

A whiz and rattle of grapeshot among the branches high above his head roused him from his dream.10. 10. 如果你一直在做一个法国田园的美梦,那么你站在它的顶峰majestic Parc National du Mercantour,去看一看美丽的风景。

If you`re entranced by the rural French dream, take a trip down to the majestic Parc National du Mercantour to see this region at its peak.11. 美梦11. 于是他陷入了迷梦,一个关于他的生活的不朽的美梦。

So he lapses into a dream, the undying wonderful dream of his life.12. 12. 我总是去看她的演出,让我在不眠的黑夜保持忙碌,有给我白天的美梦。

I have always watched her performances, it kept me busy through unsleeping nights, and it gave me sweet dreams during the day.13. 美梦

的翻译13. 在你的心新奢驾中,呼吸一口惬意的空气,这绝不是一场逝去的美梦,跑车新贵不断登台亮相,《尊驾》为你带来三款不同风格的新车,满足你富有个性的选择。

A breath of agreeable fresh air in your new premium class will never be a lost dream. Top Club brings you the new but pure driving experience of new sportcars of different types, as every one has his own taste.14. 美梦14. 闭上你的眼睛,我想驾驭在天空里做我的甜蜜的美梦。

Close your eyes, I want to ride the skies in my sweet dreams.15. 我看来是破坏了大家的饮酒,抽烟和对胜利的美梦。

I seem to be spoiling everybody`s brandy and cigars and dreams of victory.16. 我相信一个聪明人的唯一饮料是白开水,酒并不是怎样高贵的液体,试想一杯热咖啡足以捣毁一个早晨的希望,一杯热茶又可以把晚上的美梦破坏掉!I believe that water is the only drink for a wise man; wine is not so noble a liquor; and think of dashing the hopes of a morning with a cup of warm coffee, or of an evening with a dish of tea!

17. 美梦的意思17. 倘若,你是个爱做白日梦的女孩,那你应该在今天内为了实现明天的美梦而好好努力。

If you are a girl daydreaming of love, then you should be inside today, in order to achieve tomorrow's dreams and hard work.18. 18. 他可能依然戴着眼镜,一脸羞涩,靠着在剧场洗手间做服务生过日子,并经常做着飞黄腾达的美梦,并就此度过一生。
