
第一章 习题答案1-1 当电子的速度为18105.2-⨯ms 时,它的动能和总能量各为多少?答:总能量 ()MeV ....c v c m mc E e 924003521511012222=⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-=-==;动能 ()MeV c v c m T e 413.011122=⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡--= 1-2.将α粒子的速度加速至光速的0.95时,α粒子的质量为多少?答:α粒子的静止质量()()()u M m M m e 0026.44940.9314,244,224,20=∆+=≈-= α粒子的质量 g u m m 2322010128.28186.1295.010026.41-⨯==-=-=βα1-4 kg 1的水从C 00升高到C 0100,质量增加了多少?答:kg 1的水从C 00升高到C 0100需做功为J t cm E 510184.41001184.4⨯=⨯⨯=∆=∆。
()kg c E m 1228521065.4100.310184.4-⨯=⨯⨯=∆=∆ 1-5 已知:()();054325239;050786238239238u .U M u .U M ==()()u .U M ;u .U M 045582236043944235236235==试计算U-239,U-236最后一个中子的结合能。
答:最后一个中子的结合能()()()[]MeV .uc .c ,M m ,M ,B n n 774845126023992238922399222==⋅-+=()()()[]MeV .uc .c ,M m ,M ,B n n 54556007027023692235922369222==⋅-+= 也可用书中的质量剩余()A ,Z ∆:()()()()MeV ....,n ,,B n 806457250071830747239922389223992=-+=∆-∆+∆= ()()()()MeV ....,n ,,B n 545644242071891640236922359223692=-+=∆-∆+∆=其差别是由于数据的新旧和给出的精度不同而引起的。

第一章原子核的基本性质Basic Properties of Nucleus学习与思考•一个深夜,担任英国剑桥大学卡文迪许实验室主任的卢瑟福,披着外衣来检查实验室,发现一位学生还在做实验。
卢瑟福散射实验结论:•正电荷集中在原子的中心,即原子核;10一、原子核的发现与原子的核式模型 1909年 散射试验,1911年提出原子的核式模型。
§1.1 原子核的组成、质量•线度为10–12cm 量级,为原子的–4量级;•质量为整个原子的99.9%以上;原子的电中性,要求:•原子核所带电量与核外电子电量相等,•核电荷与核外电子电荷符号相反。
即:核电荷Ze ,核外电子电荷–Ze 。
研究专题:如何测量Z ?质子的发现1919年Rutherford用a 粒子轰击14N( +14N 18O+ p) ,发现了质子。
1924年, Patrik Maynard Stuart Blaskett(1897-1974)had taken 23,000 photographs showing 415,000 tracks of ionized particles. Eight of these were forked.通过对a 粒子径迹的照片分析进一步证明,质子是由“复合核”分裂出来的,质子是原子核的组成部分。

) =13.6 ev∗
= 12.75 ev
光子的能量为 12.75 ev,依据E2 = p2 c 2 + E0 2 考虑到光子的静止能量为 0, 对应的动量为 E 2 − E0 2 = c2 E2 E 12.75 ev = = m c = 光子 c2 c c
因为 m光子 c = M原子 V反冲 V反冲 = = m光子 c M原子
E=ℎ + ������������ ������ 2
������ 2
⇒ ������ = 0.29 ������������
动能 T=0.87 Mev 的质子轰击静止的汞核,当散
������ ������
射角������ =
=12.4 KeV∙ c −1
2.9 下列各粒子限制在限度 L 的一维盒中,请利用海 森伯不确定关系式估计它们具有的最小动能: (1)电子限制在 L=1Å的盒子中; (2)电子限制在 L=10 fm(原子核尺寸)的盒子中, 1 fm=������������−������������ ������; (3)中子(静止能量为 940MeV)限制在 L=10 fm 的 盒子中; ( 4 ) 质 量 为 L=������������−������ ������的盒子中;
1 k2
= =
ℏ 2m(v 0 −E) 6.63 ∗10 −34
2.3.14 ∗ 2∗9.1∗10 −31 ∗4∗1.6∗10 −19
=0.097 Å

原子核物理(卢希庭)课后习题答案全<i>答案第一二章很全,后面章节也较多</i>第一章习题1-1 A 利用课本上的公式AZ BA, B已知(书上第四页) E h (其中h是常数为 .63 1034 ) 6B 上课讲的公式<i>答案第一二章很全,后面章节也较多</i>2-2质谱仪工作原理1 2 M qV (1) 2 M 2 q B ( 2) R q 2V qB 2 R 22 2 即M M B R 2V 由,1 2可以解出M A 1.66 10 27<i>答案第一二章很全,后面章节也较多</i>1-31 2 M qV 2 2 M q B R 2VM R 2 qB 2V1M 1 2 q1 B1 2V2 M 2 2 q2 B2<i>答案第一二章很全,后面章节也较多</i>4 1-4, 计算下列各核的半径:He, 2107 47Ag,238 92U, 设r0 1.45 fm.解:由R r0 A 3知,对于He,R 1.45 44 2 1 31fm 2.33 fm1 3对于对于107 47 238 92Ag,R 1.45 107 U,R 1.45 2381fm 6.88 fm fm 8.99 fm31-5, 实验测得241 Am和243 Am的原子光谱的超精细结构由六条谱线., 解:由已知条件知原子的总角动量量子数可以取6个值又电子总角动量j核的自旋I 5 2 5 2已知相应原子能级的电子角动量大于核的自旋,试求241 Am和243 Am核的自旋。
2I 1 6 I即241 Am和243 Am核的自旋为<i>答案第一二章很全,后面章节也较多</i>原子209 Bi的谱线2 D3 分裂成四条子能级,相邻能级的间距比为:4,求核的自旋值6 5: I2以及谱线2 S 1 和2 D3 分裂的能级总数。

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2005 年 2 月
高 能 物 理 与 核 物 理
Vol. 29 , No. 2 Feb. , 2005
γ 射线的长管体源的 Na I( Tl) 对 6. 13Me V2 探测效率的测量
石宗仁1 ;1 徐 1 丁声耀1 王顺庆2 郭智荣2 左亮周2
ρ , LW = L 其中 ρ是在一回路中 1kg 水含16N 的核数 .
( 10)
3 测量方法
探测系统由探测器 、 电子学线路 、 数据获取 3 部 分组成 . NaI ( Tl ) 闪烁体为 <2″ × 2″ 的圆柱体 , 在其侧 面分别有 0. 2 ,1. 0 ,0. 2cm 厚的铜 、 铅、 不锈钢等用于 屏蔽低能γ 射线 ,以及由 6. 0cm 厚的玻璃纤维棉构 成的防热层 , 在其入射端有 3. 0cm 厚的玻璃纤维 棉 . 241Am - α薄膜源放置在 NaI ( Tl ) 顶部中心 , 用于 稳定光电倍增管和放大器等的增益 . NaI ( Tl ) 闪烁体 和G DB2CA105 光电倍增管及其磁屏蔽层等放置在 0. 3 cm 厚 的 不 锈 钢 容 器 内 . 高 压 电 源 是 ORTEC2 456H , + 700V ; 从光电倍增管阳极引出负的电压脉 冲信号经电压灵敏型前置放大器 ORTEC2113 进入 μs. 数据获取 ORTEC 2572 放大器 , 时间常数 τ = 1 . 0 为计 算 机 系 统 , 谱 分 析 处 理 程 序 为 ORTEC 的 软 件 A30. 实验上用 1024 道 ADC 测 量 脉 冲 谱 , 道 宽 9keV. 含16N 的高压蒸气钢管的内外径分别是 20. 5 和

1. Nuclear engineering - 核工程2. Nuclear power plant - 核电站3. Reactor - 反应堆4. Nuclear n - 核裂变5. Nuclear n - 核聚变6. active - 放射性的7. e - 同位素8. Criticality - 临界性9. n - 辐射10. n - 污染11. active waste - 放射性废物12. Shielding - 屏蔽13. n dose - 辐射剂量14. Nuclear safety - 核安全15. Emergency preparedness - 应急准备17. Nuclear fuel - 核燃料18. Nuclear ___ - 核燃料循环19. ___ - 核废物处理20. Nuclear n - 核能监管21. ___ - 核扩散22. Nuclear accident - 核事故23. Nuclear security - 核安全24. Nuclear medicine - 核医学25. logy - 放射科学26. Nuclear physics - 核物理学27. ___ - 核能28. Neutron - 中子29. Gamma ray - 伽玛射线30. Alpha particle - 阿尔法粒子以上为部分核工程专业英语词汇,希望能对您有所帮助。

理论物理电子书理论物理-电子书0000理论物理基础彭桓武Simons B. Concepts in theoretical physics (Cambridge lecture notes, 2002)(T)(273s)Principles of Modern Physics-N E I L A S H B Y-S T A N L E Y C . M I L L E R-University of ColoradoFUNDAMENTALS OF physics-J. Richard Christman0-mathematical physics李代数李超代数及在物理学中的应用孙洪洲群论.及其在粒子物理学中的应用,.高崇寿.1992群论及其在固体物理中的应用【徐婉棠,喀兴林】群论及其在物理中的应用(马中骐)群论习题精解+(马中骐)群论与量子力学物理系群论讲义物理学中的群论(上册).陶瑞宝物理学中的群论基础 A W 约什Geometry_Topology_and Physics-NakaharaGeometry+and+Physics+(Jürgen Jost)Lee J.M. Differential and physical geometry (draft)(721s)数学物理中的微分几何与拓扑学_汪容.浙大版.1998Differential Geometry, Analysis and Physics 。
Jeffrey M. Lee微分几何学及其在物理学中的应用物理学家用微分几何-侯伯宇-侯伯元物理中的张量孙志铭Arnold vol1,2A Guided Tour Of Mathematical Physics (By Roel Snieder, Department Of Geophysics, Utrecht UniversAbramovitz M., Stegun I.A. (eds.) Handbook of mathematical functions (10ed., NBS, 1972)(T)(1037s)Academic Press, Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics -- Vol. 1, Functional AnCourant, Hilbert - Methods of Mathematical Physics Vol. 1 ENG (578p)Introduction+to+Applied+Mathematics-GilbertStrangIntroduction+to+Mathematical+Physics+(Laurie+Cosse y)Math_method_for_Phy_Ken Riley, Michael Hobson and Stephen Bence Cambridge, 1997Szekeres, Peter - A Course in Modern Mathematical Physics - Groups, Hilbert Spaces and Differenti数学物理方法梁昆淼数学物理方法(R.+柯朗、D.+希尔伯特)数学物理方法吴崇试数学物理学中的微分形式数学物理中的几何方法(B·F·舒茨)特殊函数概论王竹溪物理学中的非线性方程刘式适物理学中的数学方法(李政道)1-Classical Mechanics and Fluid MechanicsClassical Mechanics - Goldstein古典力学(戈德斯坦)Hand, Finch Analytical Mechanics (Cup, 1998)(T)(590S)Structure and Interpretation of Classical Mechanics-Gerald Jay Sussman and Jack Wisdom with Meinhard E. Mayer -MIT Press经典力学张启仁2-Statistical And Thermal Physics理论物理学基础教程丛书统计物理学(苏汝铿)量子统计力学 by 张先蔚量子统计物理学(北京大学物理系)统计物理现代教程(上、下册)(雷克)统计物理中的蒙特卡罗模拟方法(含有热力学,难度适中)Reif. Fundamentals of Statistical And Thermal PhysicsBratteli O , Robinson D W Vol 1 Operator Algebras And Quantum Statistical Mechanics (2Ed , SpringHuang K. Statistical mechanics (2ed., Wiley, 1987)(T)(506s)Reichl L.E. A modern course in statistical physics (2ed, Wiley, 1998)(T)(840s)3-Electrodynamics赵凯华-电磁学上宇宙电动力学_阿尔芬引力论和宇宙论:广义相对论的原理和应用-温伯格相对论物理宇宙学讲义俞允强天体物理学【李宗伟、肖兴华】+时空的大尺度结构(原版)- 霍金简明天文学手册-刘步林广义相对论引论广义相对论dirac广义相对论(刘辽)大众天文学【法】弗拉马利翁Jackson J.D. Classical electrodynamics (3ed., Wiley,1999)(ISBN 047130932X)(600dpi)(K)(T)(833s).d(研究生程度的必读教材)JACKSON经典电动力学(上册)(经典之作)J.A.Wheeler E.F.Taylor Spacetime_PhysicsHerbert Neff - Introductory ElectromagneticsElectromagnetics (Rothwell & Cloud, 2001 CRC Press)Electricity+and+Magnetism-MITcourseCohen-Tannoudji Introduction to quantum electrodynamicsBuch_John Wiley. Sons_An Introduction to Modern Cosmology4-Optics(光学经典,全面、很厚,很难)光学原理上册、下册(m.玻恩 e.沃耳夫)Bass M , Et Al (Eds) Osa Handbook Of Optics, Vol 1 (Mgh, 1995)(1606s)Goodman - Geometrical Optics--p1628 - cambridgeWiley,.Modern.Nonlinear.Optics.Part.I.Advances.in. Chemical.Physics.Volume.119.(2001),.2Ed5-Quantum MechanicsClassical and Quantum ChaosCohen-Tannoudji Quantum Mechanics, Vol 1Galindo A., Pascual P. Quantum mechanics I (Springer,1990)(ISBN 0387514066)(T) (431s)量子系统中的几何相位-A.Bohm等Jack_Simons_-_Quantum MechanicsJohn_Norbury_-_Quantum_Mechanics_for_Undergraduate sMathematics+of+Quantum+Computation-Goong.ChenModern Quantum Mechanics And Solutions For The Exercices (J J Sakurai)Nuclear And Particle Physics-NielsWaletPhillips.-.Introduction.to.quantum.mechanics.(2003 )(T)(284s)Quantum Mechanics - Concepts and Applications-Tarun.BiswasShankar-Principles Of Quantum Mechanics 2nd EditionThe Basic Tools Of Quantum MechanicsThe+Physics+of+Phase+Transitions-P. Papon J. Leblond P.H.E. MeijerLecture Notes in Physics-Time+in+Quantum++Mechanics+1J.G. Muga.R. Sala Mayato?I.L. Egusquiza (Eds.)Zaarur E. Schaum's Outline of Quantum Mechanics.. Including Hundreds of Solved Problems (Schaum,1喀兴林-高等量子力学席夫量子力学-繁体中文版量子力学(Messiah)Vol1量子力学(卷I).曾谨言量子力学“天龙八部”-张永德量子力学+(苏汝铿)量子力学Fermi量子力学讲义(张永德)量子力学原理(狄拉克)量子论的物理原理量子论与原子结构-吴大遒量子物理学导论(MIT)物理学引论Vol4-A.P.French By Tsungp Lee量子物理-赵凯华高等量子力学-张永德6-Field theory量子场论-温伯格1,2,3An Introduction to Quantum FieldTheory(Peskin,Schroeder)(full and revised)Banks,Modern+Quantum+Field+Theory--A+Concise+Intro ductionField.theory,.Roman.S..(2ed.,.Springer,.2005)Giachetta,Advanced+Classical+Field+Theory经典场论Kleinert H. Quantum field theory and particle physicsItep-PARTICLE-PHYSICS-and-field-theory场论I-M.A.ShifmanQuantum Field Theory R ClarksonQuantum+Field+Theory+(M.Srednicki) Quantum+Field+Theory-David McMahon Sundaresan. Handbook of particle physics (CRC, 2001)(T)(439 Tong-Quantum Field Theory Zinn-Justin. Quantum field theory and critical phenomena (1ed., 1989)(K)(150dpi)(T)(924s) 北大2005量子场论讲义(赵光达)量子场论-清华王青讲义规范场论(胡瑶光)粒子和场【卢里着,董明德等译】量子场论(上)【依捷克森,祖柏尔着,杜东生等译】量子场论A.Zee量子场论F.Mandl-G.Shaw量子场论LEWIS-H.RYDER实时统计场论-徐宏华统计物理学中的量子场论方法-Abrikosov微分几何-统一场论超弦理论导论Elias-Kiritsis张秋光《场论》上册朱洪元+量子场论On Wittens 3-manifold Invariants-Kevin WalkerLectures on Topological Quantum Field Theory-J. M. F. Labastidaa-Carlos LozanobGEOMETRY OF 2D TOPOLOGICAL FIELD THEORIES-Boris DUBROVIN-SISSA, TriesteDunne(1999)-Aspects of Chern-Simons Theorylabastida(1998)-Chern-Simons Gauge Theory-- Ten Years After7-Solid state physics(非常好的书)固体物理学(黄昆)固体物理导论C.KittelMechanics Of Solids-Bela I. Sandor-University of Wisconsin-MadisonKleinert H. Gauge fields in condensed matter physics part1(T)(252s)Ashcroft, Neil W, Mermin, David N - Solid State PhysicsAltland & Simons - Concepts Of Theoretical Solid State Physics。
Nuclear Fusion Energy for the__ Future

Nuclear Fusion: Energy for the Future?The energy crisis has rocketed from a textbook concept into the most pressing political issue of our time. Future energy supplies are increasingly vulnerable and global consumption is expected to escalate dramatically, increasing by 71% in 2030 and continuing to rise. Energy shortages would have a dramatic impact on every area of modern life: business, transport, food, health and communications. This looming crisis has drawn scientific minds and encouraged radical research into arcane technologies, such as the once neglected area of nuclear fusion.Why nuclear fusion?Our sun, and all the other stars in the universe, are powered by nuclear fusion. Similar to traditional nuclear power, or fission, it can produce huge amounts of carbon-neutral energy. But there is one vital difference: no dangerous, long-lasting radioactive waste. Waste from nuclear fusion is only radioactive for 50–70 years, compared to the thousands of years of radioactivity that result from fission. “Th is is a long-term supply of energy,” says Professor Mike Dunne of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Oxfordshire. “You can get a lot of energy from a small amount of fuel and the by-products are benign.”Raw materials for nuclear fusion – water and silicon – are plentiful and widespread on Earth. This should prevent the situations where energy supplies can be threatened by political instability; as demonstrated in January 2007 when Russia shut down a main oil pipeline to Europe after a political spat with Belarus.Nuclear fusion could also help meet international climate change targets, such as those agreed by politicians in Washington last month. Current zero-carbon technologies are unlikely to meet our energy demands this century. Nuclear power is deeply unpopular while renewable energy sources – wind, solar and tidal – yield relatively little energy for their high cost. But nuclear fusion could render carbon dioxide-producing fossil fuels obsolete by 2100.The challengeIf we have the potential for unlimited, clean energy, then why wait? Unfortunately, all previous attempts to produce large amounts of energy from nuclear fusion have failed. Secret tests during the atomic bomb programme in the 1950s discovered fusion was possible, but the continuous nuclear fusion reactions required to generate substantialamounts of energy have remained elusive.Huge amounts of energy are required for nuclear fusion. Atomic nuclei are forced to fuse together, in contrast to fission where nuclei are split apart. In the sun, temperatures of 15 million degrees Celsius and immense pressures force hydrogen nuclei to fuse and produce helium, thus releasing energy. Hydrogen exists as plasma and nuclear fusion reactions occur continually. “The trick is to get a self-sustaining rea ction,” says Dunne “It‟s like setting off an explosive, you have a little bit of energy – a detonator – and this sets off a chain reaction.”Energy production from nuclear fusion has proven an insurmountable challenge so far. Yet scientists are now saying that plans for larger and more sophisticated reactors around the world could finally make this possible in 50 years time. Is this more than just wishful thinking?Projects underwayLast June, £7 billion ($13.5 billion) in funding from the European Union and seven partner countries was agreed, and work has begun on a green hill in Cadarache, France, to construct possibly the world‟s first viable nuclear fusion reactor. The Europe International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) contains a giant …doughnut‟, which will spin super-heated hydrogen isotopes in a magnetic field, to produce continuous nuclear fusion. “ITER will produce more energy than you put in,” explains Chris Warrick from the UK Atomic Energy Authority. “You need 50 megawatts of power to heat it and you should get around 5,000 megawatts out.”Plans for other projects are underway in Britain. The High Power Energy Research (HiPER) project, based in Didcot, is looking at using huge lasers to produce energy from nuclear fusion. “We need to bu ild a laser the size of a football stadium and focus it on a pellet of fuel about 1mm in diameter,” says Dunne. “This will collapse the hydrogen isotope fuel until we achieve the same compression you get in the sun.”Legitimate concerns remain about investing in such speculative technology and radioactive waste production. “Governments should not waste money on a dangerous toy which will never deliver any useful energy,” says Jan van de Putte from Greenpeace. “They should invest in renewable energy, which i s abundantly available today.” However, scientists argue that all possible solutions to the energy crisis should be explored and any radioactive waste from nuclear fusion is short-lived.Although using nuclear fusion is controversial, it could also be the most significant scientific breakthrough of the century. If it is a success, the energy crisis would be a distant memory, climate change could be halted and we may all be driving around guilt-free in electric cars. It still sounds like science fiction, but we may only have decades to wait before it becomes a reality.Glossaryescalate increase in extent or intensity v. 扩大,升高,增强;(战争)逐步升级loom come into view indistinctly, often threateningly v. 朦胧地出现,隐约可见,恐怖地出现arcane requiring secret or mysterious knowledge adj. 神秘的秘密由nuclear fusion a nuclear reaction in which nuclei combine to form more massive。
Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg

A comparator for the LHCb readout chip, the Beetle, has been designed in a 0.25µm CMOS technology and is sent for fabrication. To improve threshold uniformity, each comparator has a 3 bits DAC. The comparator can handle positive and negative input signals. A polarity signal changes the polarity of the threshold level and makes the output signal always active high. The output signal is latched by a 40MHz clock and is selectable between time-over-threshold mode (in 25ns bins) and one pulse mode (25ns). Simulation results will be discussed in section II. I.
In addition a multiplexer has been designed to store hits as binary information. The multiplexer selects between the front-end shaper output and the comparator output and converts the digital comparator signal in a 0 or
The Baikal Neutrino Telescope Physics Results and Future Plans贝加尔湖中微子望远镜物理结果与未来计划

- Prompt muons and neutrinos - Exotic HE muons
Search for exotic particles
- Magnetic monopoles
Atmospheric Neutrinos
372 Neutrinos in 1038 Days (1998-2003)
* Diffuse astroph.flux BBareckmg*srsohGuoRnwdBe:rcsofrrroemlated flux
h.e. downward muons
- HE atmospheric muons Final re*jecPtrionmopftbackground by „ener*gyExcuott“ic(Nhit)
NT-200 is used to watch the
volume below for cascades.
Diffuse Neutrino Flux
NT200 (1038 days)
(Ф ~ E-2, 10 TeV < E < 104 T2eV)
➢ Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University, Russia.
➢ St.Petersburg State Marine University, Russia.
➢ Kurchatov Institute, Moscow, Russia.
BAIKAL in CernCourier 7/8-2005
Neutrino telescope NT200 (1998)

第一课词汇:•Concept概念, conception概念, conceive构想、理解•Isotope同位素, isomer同质异能素•element, atom, nucleus, nucleon–element, elements,–molecule, molecules, molecular–atom, atoms, atomic,–nucleus['nju:kliəs,'nu:kliəs]原子核 , nuclei, nuclear,–nucleon['nju:kliɔn]核子, nucleons, nucleonic核子的–particle, particles,•fissile易裂变的, fissionable可以发生裂变的•fertile可裂变的,fertile materials增殖材料•fission, fusion, decay•inner, innermost / outer, outermost•chain reaction•fragment碎片Expression:•times– A is ten times B.•varies inversely as•E equals m times c squared. E = mc2•the n-th power of a: an•result in / result from•is accompanied by / correspond to•The discovery of fission was made in Germany in 1938 by Hahn......•Be composed of 由…组成•Binding energy 结合能•Discrete excited states 不连续的激发态•Electromagnetic radiation 电磁辐射•Ev:electron-volt•Conservation of mass/energy 质量/能量守恒练习:•电子带负电,质子带正电。

Subatomic PhysicsCourse Code: 83156000Course Name: Subatomci PhysicsCourse Credit: 4 Course Duration: The 9th SemesterTeaching Object: Undergraduate Students in Applied PhysicsPre-course:Atomic physics, General PhysicsCourse Director: Wang ShouYu Associate Professor Philosophical DoctorCourse Introduction:Subatomci Physics is an elective course in the school of space science and physics. As a important branch of physics. Subatomci physics studies the nature of the atomic nucleus, the internal structure, the internal movement, the excited state, the decay process and the nuclear reaction process etc. The course mainly includes: Atomic nucleus basic property, atomic nucleus radioactivity and radioactive decay, nuclear model, and nuclear reaction. This course leads the students to understand the recent development of nuclear physics and build a solid foundation for further learning other related curricula in the future.Course Examination:Students’ Final Scores = Scores of Ordinary Tests * 30% + Scores of the Final Exam * 70%;Scores of ordinary tests vary according to students’ performance in attendance and homework.;The final exam. will be an close-book exam.Appointed Teaching Materials:[1]Cheng TanSheng et al., Low, Middle and High Nuclear Physics. Beijing: Peking University Press, 1997.Bibliography:[1] Lu XiTing et al., Nuclear Physics. Beijing: Atomic Energy Press, 2001.[2] Ning PingZhi, et al., Introduction to Nuclear Physics. Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2003。

6. 69 @ 10- 2 5. 34 @ 10- 2 3. 91 @ 10- 2 3. 38 @ 10- 2 2. 38 @ 10- 2 2. 27 @ 10- 2
5. 75 6. 00 6. 00 6. 25 6. 25 6. 50 6. 50 6. 75 6. 75 7. 00 7. 00 7. 25
对于空间散射问题, 电子打靶产 生 X 射线, 可 以认为是一个点源, 光子的起始位置固定. 因此统 计出了光子能谱和飞行方向谱, 便可以建立抽样光 子源代替电子打靶产生光子的计算, 进入第二步模
第 4期
孔巢城等: 电子加速器屏蔽室空 间散射的蒙特卡罗计算
表 1 靶正上方 1m 处光子能谱
0. 10 0. 15 0. 20 0. 25 0. 30 0. 35 0. 40 0. 45 0. 50
1. 36@ 10- 2 1. 45@ 10- 2 1. 54@ 10- 2 1. 65@ 10- 2 1. 78@ 10- 2 1. 94@ 10- 2 2. 10@ 10- 2 2. 30@ 10- 2 2. 53@ 10- 2
2. 4 点通量计算的指向概率法
原子核物理(修订版)习题答案 卢希庭

r0 1.45 fm
R 2.3 fm R 6.88 fm R 8.99 fm
1.5 解:
当原子能级的电子的总角动量j大于核自旋I时 , 能级分裂为2I+1条。 所以有 2I+1=6 即 I=5/2
故241Am 和 243Am 核的自旋均为5/2
R r0 A 3
其中 U=1000 V R=0.182 m B=0.1 T
故可解得: v 1.099105 m / s
由 m v可2 解得
m 2.6531026kg
离子质量数 A m 16 1u
1.3 解:由 1 mv2 qU和
mv2 qvB R
对质子: mp eR12B12 / 2U1
130Te 130I 130Xe
E E(130Te) E(130Xe) (130Te) (130Xe) 87.353MeV (89.881)MeV 2.53MeV
2.15 解: n235U f1 f2 2 ~ 3n Q(Q 210MeV )
[1.007825 1.008665 2.014102]u 931.494MeV
比结合能 同理依次为:
40C:a B 342.05Me比V 结合能
B A 8.551MeV
: 197Au B 1559.363M比eV结合能
: C 197 f
取出一个中子后变为12B ,Z=5,N=7 奇奇核,稳定性 较小,结合能B(Z-1,A)非常小,结果Sp(Z,A)非常 大,
哈里德 物理学基础 学习指导 42 Nuclear Physics

t83Y t83cr 39Rb
1o1.gaabb8 186.902089 eb.es42T2
(includes ma,ss of electrons)
The mass of a nucleus is not equal to the atomic mass number, but is approximately the same. Because a proton and a neutron each have mass of about 1 u, the mass of the nucleus (in atomic mass units u) is about equal to the number of nucleons. Note that some nuclei have more and some less mass than the atomic mass number A. The standard for an atomic mass unit is L- of the mass of a t'C nucleus, which includes the binding energy of that nucleus. Because the binding energies of the various isotopes is different, the deviation away from A is different for each isotope.
Some Nuclear Masses
-f e-
1.00782b 1.008665
lH fin tn" tu'c
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The neutron has no charge
Makes it difficult to detect
e = 1.60217733 x 10-19 C
It is convenient to use unified mass units, u, to express masses
Chapter 29
Nuclear Physics
Rutherford showed the radiation had three types
Alpha (He nucleus) Beta (electrons) Gamma (high-energy photons)
Some Properties of Nuclei
All nuclei are composed of protons and neutrons
Exception is ordinary hydrogen with just a proton
The atomic number, Z, equals the number of protons in the nucleus
They may contain varying numbers of neutrons
Isotopes of an element have the same Z but differing N and A values
Example: 161C 163C 163C 164C
The proton has a single positive charge, +e
Nuclear Stability, cont
Light nuclei are most stable if N = Z (P=N)
Heavy nuclei are most stable when N > Z (N>P)
As the number of protons increase, the Coulomb force increases and so more nucleons are needed to keep the nucleus stable
These forces should cause the nucleus to fly apart
The nuclei are stable because of the presence of another, short-range force, called the nuclear force
proton or a neutron The mass number is not the same as the mass
X Symbol: A Z
X is the cheቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱical symbol of the element
27 13
Mass number is 27 Atomic number is 13 Contains 13 protons Contains 14 (27 – 13) neutrons
Neutron 1.6750 x 10-27 1.008665 939.57
Electron 9.109 x 10-31 5.486x10-4 0.511
Nuclear Stability
There are very large repulsive electrostatic forces between protons
No nuclei are stable when Z > 83 (N>83)
Binding Energy
The total energy of the bound system (the nucleus) is less than the combined energy of the separated nucleons
This is an attractive force that acts between all nuclear particles
The nuclear attractive force is stronger than the Coulomb repulsive force at the short ranges within the nucleus
The neutron number, N, is the number of neutrons in the nucleus
The mass number, A, is the number of nucleons in the nucleus
A=Z+N Nucleon is a generic term used to refer to either a
1 u = 1.660 559 x 10-27 kg
Mass can also be expressed in MeV/c2
1 u = 931.494 MeV/c2
Summary of Masses
Proton 1.6726 x 10-27 1.007276
This difference in energy is called the binding energy of the nucleus
It can be thought of as the amount of energy you need to add to the nucleus to break it apart into separated protons and neutrons
The Z may be omitted since the element can be used to determine Z
More Properties
The nuclei of all atoms of a particular element must contain the same number of protons