






参考公式:如果事件A 、B 互斥,那么 球的表面积公式()()()P A B P A P B +=+ 24S R π=如果事件A 、B 相互独立,那么 其中R 表示球的半径 ()()()P A B P A P B = 球的体积公式 如果事件A 在一次试验中发生的概率是p ,那么 334V R π=n 次独立重复试验中事件A 恰好发生k 次的概率 其中R 表示球的半径()(1)(0,1,2,)k kn k n n P k C p p k n -=-=…普通高等学校招生全国统一考试一、选择题1、 复数131ii-++= A 2+I B 2-I C 1+2i D 1- 2i 2、已知集合A ={1.3.m },B ={1,m} ,AB =A, 则m=A 0或3B 0或3C 1或3D 1或3 3 椭圆的中心在原点,焦距为4 一条准线为x=-4 ,则该椭圆的方程为A 216x +212y =1B 212x +28y =1C 28x +24y =1D 212x +24y =14 已知正四棱柱ABCD- A 1B 1C 1D 1中 ,AB=2,CC 1=22 E 为CC 1的中点,则直线AC 1与平面BED 的距离为 A 2 B3 C 2 D 1(5)已知等差数列{a n }的前n 项和为S n ,a 5=5,S 5=15,则数列的前100项和为(A)100101 (B) 99101 (C) 99100 (D) 101100(6)△ABC 中,AB 边的高为CD ,若a ·b=0,|a|=1,|b|=2,则(A) (B ) (C) (D)(7)已知α为第二象限角,sinα+sinβ=3,则cos2α=(A)5-(B)5-(C)5(D)5(8)已知F1、F2为双曲线C:x²-y²=2的左、右焦点,点P在C上,|PF1|=|2PF2|,则cos ∠F1PF2=(A)14(B)35(C)34(D)45(9)已知x=lnπ,y=log52,12z=e,则(A)x<y<z (B)z<x<y (C)z<y<x (D)y<z<x(10) 已知函数y=x²-3x+c的图像与x恰有两个公共点,则c=(A)-2或2 (B)-9或3 (C)-1或1 (D)-3或1(11)将字母a,a,b,b,c,c,排成三行两列,要求每行的字母互不相同,梅列的字母也互不相同,则不同的排列方法共有(A)12种(B)18种(C)24种(D)36种(12)正方形ABCD的边长为1,点E在边AB上,点F在边BC上,AE=BF=73。






1.引进现代西方的司法民主原则和制度的朝代是A.唐朝 B.宋朝C.明朝 D.清朝【】2.司法权的核心是A.侦查权 B.审判权C.检察权 D.法律监督权【】3.根据法官法的规定,中华人民共和国公民担任法官必须年满A.18岁 B.20岁C.23岁 D.25岁【】4.从案件性质上分,法院可分为A.联邦法院和单一法院 B.普通法院和专门法院C.大陆法系法院和英美法系法院 D.民事法院和刑事法院【】5.犯罪嫌疑人可以聘请律师为其提供法律咨询、代理申诉和控告的最早时间是A.犯罪嫌疑人在被侦查机关第一次讯问后或者采取强制措施之日起B.侦查机关侦套终结之日起C.侦查机关移送起诉之日起D.检察机关提起公诉之日起【】6.下列原则中,属于侦查工作的基本原则的是A.公开原则 B.公正原则C.保守秘密原则 D.平等原则【】7在我国,有权发布通缉令的机关是A.县以上人民法院 B.县以上检察院C.县以上人民政府 D.县以上公安机关【】8.补充侦查的期限一次为A.一个月 B.两个月C.三个月 D.四个月【】9.我国仲裁的基本制度主要有协议仲裁制度、或裁或审制度和A.仲裁公开制度 B.一裁终局制度C.二裁终局制度 D.仲裁复议制度【】10.仲裁机构根据仲裁法和民事诉讼法的有关规定制定的,用来规范仲裁的具体操作程序以及仲裁当事人之间权利义务的行为规则,称为A.仲裁法 B.仲裁规则C.仲裁制度 D.仲裁协议【】11.执行机关据以执行的生效法律文书主要是由A.国家权力机关作出 B.国家审判机关作出C.国家检察机关作出 D.国家行政机关作出【】12.在我国,死刑由A.人民法院法警执行 B.人民检察院法警执行C.武装警察部队战士执行 D.公安干警执行【】13.在民事执行中,提出执行异议的人,是指A.诉讼参加人 B.其他诉讼参与人C.当事人 D.案外人【】14.目前我国对司法行政机关领导干部的管理体制是A.双重领导,以地方党委为主 B.双重领导,以地方政府为主C.地方党委单一领导 D.地方政府单一领导【】15.司法所(司法办公室)隶属于A.省级人民政府 B.省辖市人民政府C.县级人民政府 D.乡镇人民政府和街道办事处【】16.我国律师全部义务的核心是A.保守秘密 B.依法纳税C.依法维护当事人的合法权益 D.乡镇人民政府和街道办事处【】17.中国司法行政制度的概念之外延主要有法律形态、实践形态和A.理论形态 B.思想形态C.历史形态 D.严格形态【】18.以下选项中,不属于公证管辖的种类的是A.地域管辖 B.专属管辖C.协商管辖 D.指定管辖【】19.我国法律援助工作的最高领导机构是A.司法部 B.国家法律援助委员会C.国家法律援助中心 D.中国法律援助基金会【】20.关于人民调解的原则,以下选项中不正确的是A.依法调解原则 B.依职权调解原则C.自愿平等原则 D.尊重当事人诉讼权利原则【】二、多项选择题{本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)在每小题列出的五个备选项中有二个至五个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。



华中师范大学333教育综合真题整理教育学原理一.名词解释1.学校教育(2014、2012、2010) p29答:a.狭义的教育中的一种就是学校教育,学校教育主要指专门组织的教育。





(试题)2.教育制度(2014) p47答:教育制度是一个国家各级各类教育机构与组织的体系及其管理规则,其核心部分是学校教育制度。





4.形成性评价(2013) p69答:是在教学进程中对学生的知识掌握和能力发展的比较经常而及时的测评与反馈。

5.教育目的(2012、2010) p42答:教育目的是把受教育者培养成为一定社会所需要的人的总要求,是学校教育所要培养的人的质量规格。











50%FATT:冲击试验中采用结晶区面积占整个断口面积 50%时所应的温度表征的韧脆转变温度。


应力疲劳:疲劳寿命N>105 的高周疲劳称为低应力疲劳,又称应力疲劳。






滞弹性: 在快速加载、卸载后,随着时间的延长产生附加弹性应变的现象。










历年英语六级考试真题(完整版) ⼤学英语六级考试是由国家统⼀出题的,统⼀收费,统⼀组织考试,⽤来评定应试⼈英语能⼒的全国性的考试,每年各举⾏两次。


PartI Writing ( 30minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay explaining why it is unwise to put all your eggs in one basket. You can give examples to illustrate your point .You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay explaining why it is unwise a person by their appearance. You can give examples to illustrate your point .You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay explaining why it is unwise to jump to conclusions upon seeing or hearing something. You can give examples to illustrate your point .You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. Part Ⅱ Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A Directions:In this section,you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations.At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said.Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.After each question there will be a pause.During the pause,you must read the four choices marked A),B),C)and D),and decide which is the best answer.Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet1 with a single line through the centre. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。



参考公式:如果事件A 、B 互斥,则球的外表积公式如果事件A 、B 相互独立,则其中R 表示球的半径()()()P A B P A P B =球的体积公式如果事件A 在一次试验中发生的概率是p ,则334V R π=n 次独立重复试验中事件A 恰好发生k 次的概率其中R 表示球的半径普通高等学校招生全国统一考试一、选择题1、 复数131ii-++= A 2+I B 2-I C 1+2i D 1- 2i 2、集合A ={1.3. m },B ={1,m} ,AB =A, 则m=A 0或3B 0或3C 1或3D 1或3 3 椭圆的中心在原点,焦距为4 一条准线为*=-4 ,则该椭圆的方程为A 216x +212y =1B 212x +28y =1C 28x +24y =1D 212x +24y =1 4 正四棱柱ABCD- A 1B 1C 1D 1中,AB=2,CC 1=22 E 为CC 1的中点,则直线AC 1与平面BED 的距离为A 2B 3C 2D 1〔5〕等差数列{a n }的前n 项和为S n ,a 5=5,S 5=15,则数列的前100项和为(A)100101 (B) 99101 (C) 99100 (D) 101100〔6〕△ABC 中,AB 边的高为CD ,假设a ·b=0,|a|=1,|b|=2,则(A)〔B 〕 (C) (D)〔7〕α为第二象限角,sin α+sin β=33,则cos2α=(A)5-3〔B 〕5-9 (C)59 (D)53〔8〕F1、F2为双曲线C:*²-y²=2的左、右焦点,点P在C上,|PF1|=|2PF2|,则cos∠F1PF2=(A)14〔B〕35 (C)34 (D)45〔9〕*=lnπ,y=log52,12z=e,则(A)*<y<z 〔B〕z<*<y (C)z<y<* (D)y<z<*(10) 函数y=*²-3*+c的图像与*恰有两个公共点,则c=〔A〕-2或2 〔B〕-9或3 〔C〕-1或1 〔D〕-3或1〔11〕将字母a,a,b,b,c,c,排成三行两列,要求每行的字母互不一样,梅列的字母也互不一样,则不同的排列方法共有〔A〕12种〔B〕18种〔C〕24种〔D〕36种〔12〕正方形ABCD的边长为1,点E在边AB上,点F在边BC上,AE=BF=73。



历年英语六级阅读真题(2012,6---2006,12)2012 年12 月英语六级阅读真题(1) Passage OneAmid all the job losses of the Great Recession, there is one category of worker that the economic disruption has been good for: nonhumans.From self-service checkout lines at the supermarket to industrial robots armed with saws and taught to carve up animal carcasses in slaughter-houses, these ever-more-intelligent machines are now not just assisting workers but actually kicking them out of their jobs.Automation isn’t just affecti ng factory workers, either. Some law firms now use artificial intelligence software to scan and read mountains of legal documents, work that previously was performed by highly paid human lawyers.“Robots continue to have an impact on blue-collar jobs, and white-collar jobs are under attack by microprocessors,” says Edward Leamer, an economics professor at UCLA’s Anderson School of Management and director of the UCLA Anderson Forecast, a survey of the U.S. and California economies. Leamer says the recession permanently wiped out 2.5 million jobs. U.S. gross domestic product has climbedback to pre-recession levels, meaning we’re producing as much as before, only with 6 percent fewer workers. To be sure, robotics are not the only job killers out there, with outsourcing stealing far more gigs than automation.Jeff Burnstein, president of the Robotics Industry Association, a trade group in Ann Arbor, Mich., argues that robots actually save U.S. jobs. His logic: companies that embrace automation might use fewe r workers, but that’s still better than firing everyone and moving the work overseas.It’s not that robots are cheaper than humans, though often they are. It’s that they are better. “In some cases the quality requirements are so stringent that even if you wanted to have a human do the job, you couldn’t,” Burnstein says.Same goes for surgeons, who are using robotic systems to perform an ever-growing list of operations—not because the machines save money but because, thanks to the greater precision of robots, the patients recover in less time and have fewer complications, says Dr. Myriam Curet.Surgeons may survive the robot invasion, but others at the hospital might not be so lucky, as iRobot, maker of the Roomba, a robot vacuum cleaner, has been showing off Ava, a three-foot-tall droid on wheels that carries a tablet computer. iRobot reckons Ava could be used as a courier in a hospital.And once you’re home, recovering, Ava could let you talk to your doctor, so there’s no need to send someone to your h ouse. That “mobile telepresence” could be useful at the office. If you’re away on a trip, you can still attend a meeting. Just connect via videoconferencing software, so your face appears on Ava’s screen.Is any job safe? I was hoping to say “journalist,” but researchers are already developing algorithms that can gather facts and write a news story. Which means that a few years from now, a robot could be writing this column. And who will read it? Well, there might be a lot of us hanging around with lots of free time on our hands.(2) Passage TwoYou've now heard it so many times, you can probably repeat it in your sleep. President Obama will no doubt make the point publicly when he gets to Beijing: the Chinese need to spend more; they need to consume more; they need —believe it or not — to become more like Americans, for the sake of the global economy.And it's all true. But the other side of that equation is that the U.S. needs to save more. For the moment, American households actually are doing so. After the personal-savingsrate dipped to zero in 2005, the shock of the economic crisis last year prompted people to snap shut their wallets.In China, the household-savings rate exceeds 20%. It is partly for policy reasons. As we've seen, wage earners are expected to care for not only their children but also their aging parents. And there is, to date, only the flimsiest(脆弱的)of publicly-funded health care and pension systems, which increases incentives for individuals to save while they are working. But China is a society that has long esteemed personal financial prudence(谨慎)for centuries. There is no chance that will change anytime soon, even if the government creates a better social safety net and successfully encourages greater consumer spending.Why does the U.S. need to learn a little frugality(节俭). Because healthy savings rates are one of the surest indicators of a country's long-term financial health. High savings lead, over time, to increased investment, which in turn generates productivity gains, innovation and job growth. In short, savings are the seed corn of a good economic harvest.The U.S. government thus needs to act as well. By running constant deficits, it is dis-saving, even as households save more. Peter Orszag, Obama's Budget Director, recently called the U.S. budget deficits unsustainable and he's right. Todate, the U.S. has seemed unable to have what Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels has called an "adult conversation" about the consequences of spending so much more than is taken in. That needs to change. And though Hu Jintao and the rest of the Chinese leadership aren't inclined to lecture visiting Presidents, he might gently hint that Beijing is getting a little nervous about the value of the dollar —which has fallen 15% since March, in large part because of increasing fears that America's debt load is becoming unmanageable.That's what happens when you're the world's biggest creditor: you get to drop hints like that, which would be enough by themselves to create international economic chaos if they were ever leaked. (Every time any official in Beijing deliberately publicly about seeking an alternative to the U.S. dollar for the $2.1 trillion China holds in reserve, currency traders have a heart attack.) If Americans saved more and spent less, consistently over time, they wouldn't have to worry about all that.2012 年6 月英语六级阅读真题(3)Passage OneAs anyone who has tried to lose weight knows, realisticgoal-setting generally produces the best results. That's partially because it appears people who set realistic goals actually work more efficiently, and exert more effort, to achieve those goals.What's far less understood by scientists, however, are the potentially harmful effects of goal-setting.Newspapers relay daily accounts of goal-setting prevalent in industries and businesses up and down both Wall Street and Main Street , yet there has been surprisingly little research on how the long-trumpeted practice of setting goals may have contributed to the current economic crisis , and unethical (不道德的)behavior in general.“Goals are widely used and promoted as having really beneficial effects. And yet, the same motivation that can push people to exert more effort in a constructive way could also motivate people to be more likely to engage in unethical behaviors,” says Maurice Schweitzer, an associate professor at Penn’s WhartonSchool.“It turns out there’s no economic benefit to just having a goal---you just get a psychological benefit” Schweitzer says.“But in many cases, go als have economic rewards that make them more powerful.”A prime example Schweitzer and his colleagues cite is the 2004 collapse of energy-trading giant Enron, where managers used financial incentives to motivate salesmen to meet specific revenue goals. The problem, Schweitzer says, is the actual trades were not profitable.Other studies have shown that saddling employees with unrealistic goals can compel them to lie, cheat or steal. Such was the case in the early 1990s when Sears imposed a sales quota on its auto repair staff. It prompted employees to overcharge for work and to complete unnecessary repairs on a companywide basis.Schweitzer concedes his research runs counter to a very large body of literature that commends the many benefits ofgoal-setting. Advocates of the practice have taken issue with his team’s use of such evidence as news accounts to support his conclusion that goal-setting is widely over-prescribedIn a rebuttal (反驳) paper, Dr. Edwin Lockewrites:“Goal-setting is not going away. Organizations cannot thrive without being focused on their desired end results anymore than an individual can thrive without goals to provide a sense of purpose.”But Schweitzer contends the “mounting causal evidence” linking goal-setting and harmful behavior should be studied to help spotlight issues that merit caution and further investigation. “Even a few negative effects could be so large that they outweigh many positive effects,” he says.“Goal-setting does help coordinate and motivate people. My idea would be to combine that with careful oversight, a strong organizational culture, and make sure the goals that you use are going to be constructive and not significantly harm the organization,” Schweitzer says.(4) Passage twoFor most of the 20th century, Asia asked itself what it could learn from the modern, innovating West. Now the question must be reversed. What can the West’s overly indebted and sluggish (经济滞长的) nations learn from a flourishing Asia?Just a few decades ago, Asia’s two giants were stagnati ng(停滞不前) under faulty economic ideologies. However, once China began embracing free-market reforms in the 1980s, followed by India in the 1990s, both countries achieved rapidgrowth. Crucially, as they opened up their markets, they balanced market economy with sensible government direction. As the Indian economist Amartya Sen has wisely said, “The invisible hand of the market has often relied heavily on the visible hand of government.”Contrast this middle path with America and Europe, which have each gone ideologically over-board in their own ways. Since the 1980s, America has been increasingly clinging to the ideology of uncontrolled free markets and dismissing the role of government---following Ronald Regan’s idea that “government is not the solution to o ur problem; governmentis the problem. “Of course, when the markets came crashing down in 2007, it was decisive government intervention that saved the day. Despite this fact, many Americans are still strongly opposed to “big government.”If Americans could only free themselves from their antigovernment doctrine, they would begin to see that the America’s problems are not insoluble. A few sensible federal measures could put the country back on the right path. A simple consumption tax of, say, 5% would significantly reduce the country’s huge government deficit without damaging productivity. A small gasoline tax would help freeAmerica from its dependence on oil imports and create incentives for green energy development. In the same way, a significant reduction of wasteful agricultural subsidies could also lower the deficit. But in order to take advantage of these common-sense solutions, Americans will have to put aside their own attachment to the idea of smaller government and less regulation. American politicians will have to develop the courage to follow what is taught in all American public-policy schools: that there are good taxes and bad taxes. Asian countries have embraced this wisdom, and have built sound long-term fiscal (财政的) policies as a result.Meanwhile, Europe has fallen prey to a different ideological trap: the belief that European governments would always have infinite resources and could continue borrowing as if there were no tomorrow. Unlike the Americans, who felt that the markets knew best, the Europeans failed to anticipate how the markets would react to their endless borrowing. Today, the European Union is creating a $580 billion fund to ward off sovereign collapse. This will buy the EU time, but it will not solve the bloc’s larger problem.2011 年12 月英语六级阅读真题(5) Passage OneQuestions 52 to 56 are based on the following passage.What's the one word of advice a well-meaning professional would give to a recent college graduate? China"} India! Brazil! How about trade!When the Commerce Department reported last week that the trade deficit in June approached $50 billion, it set off a new round of economic doomsaying. Imports, which soared to $200.3 billion in the month, are subtracted in the calculation of gross domestic product. The larger the trade deficit, the smaller the GDP. Should such imbalances continue, pessimists say, they could contribute to slower growth.But there's another way of looking at the trade data. Over the past two years, the figures on imports and exports seem not to signal a double-dip recession – a renewed decline in the broad level of economic activity in the United States – but an economic expansion.The rising volume of trade – more goods and services shuttling in and out of the United States – is good news for many sectors. Companies engaged in shipping, trucking, rail freight, delivery,and logistics (物流) have all been reporting better than expected results. The rising numbers signify growing vitality in foreign markets – when we import more stuff, it puts more cash in the hands of people around the world, and U.S. exports are rising because more foreigners have the ability to buy the things we produce and market. The rising tide of trade is also good news for people who work in trade-sensitive businesses, especially those that produce commodities for which global demand sets the price – agricultural goods, mining, metals, oil.And while exports always seem to lag, U.S. companies are becoming more involved in the global economy with each passing month. General Motors sells as many cars in China as in America each month. While that may not do much for imports, it does help GM's balance sheet – and hence makes the jobs of U.S.-based executives more stable.One great challenge for the U.S. economy is slack domestic consumer demand. Americans arepaying down debt, saving more, and spending more carefully. That's to be expected, given what we've been through. But there's a bigger challenge. Can U.S.-based businesses, large and small, figure out how to get a piece of growing global demand? Unless you want to pick up and move to India, orBrazil, or China, the best way to do that is through trade. It may seem obvious, but it's no longer enough simply to do business with our friends and neighbors here at home.Companies and individuals who don't have a strategy to export more, or to get more involved in foreign markets, or to play a role in global trade, are shutting themselves out of the lion's share of economic opportunity in our world.(6) Passage TwoA recurring criticism of the UK's university sector is its perceived weakness in translating new knowledge into new products and services.Recently, the UK National Stem Cell Network warned the UK could lose its place among the world leaders in stem cell research unless adequate funding and legislation could be assured. We should take this concern seriously as universities are key in the national innovation system.However, we do have to challenge the unthinking complaint that the sector does not do enough in taking ideas to market. The most recent comparative data on the performance of universities and research institutions in Australia, Canada, USA and UKshows that, from a relatively weak starting position, the UK now leads on many indicators of commercialisation activity.When viewed at the national level, the policy interventions of the past decade have helped trans form the performance of UK universities. Evidence suggests the UK's position is much stronger than in the recent past and is still showing improvement. But national data masks the very large variation in the performance of individual universities. The evidence shows that a large number of universities have fallen off the back of the pack, a few perform strongly and the rest chase the leaders.This type of uneven distribution is not peculiar to the UK and is mirrored across other economies. In the UK, research is concentrated: less than 25% of universities receive 75% of the research funding. These same universities are also the institutions producing the greatest share of PhD graduates, science citations, patents and licence income. The effect of policies generating long-term resource concentration has also created a distinctive set of universities which areresearch-led and commercially active. It seems clear that the concentration of research and commercialisation work creates differences between universities.The core objective for universities which are research-led must be to maximise the impact oftheir research efforts. These universities should be generating the widest range of social, economic and environmental benefits. In return for the scale of investment, they should share their expertise in order to build greater confidence in the sector.Part of the economic recovery of the UK will be driven by the next generation of research commercialisation spilling out of our universities. There are three dozen universities in the UKwhich are actively engaged in advanced research training and commercialisation work.If there was a greater coordination of technology transfer offices within regions and a simultaneous investment in the scale and functions of our graduate schools, universities could, and should, play a key role in positioning the UK for the next growth cycle.2011 年6 月英语六级阅读真题(7) Passage OneQuestions 52 to 56 are based on the following passage.At the heart of the debate over illegal immigration lies one key question: are immigrants good or bad for the economy? The American public overwhelmingly thinks they're bad. Yet the consensus among most economists is that immigration, both legal and illegal, provides a small net boost to the economy. Immigrants provide cheap labor, lower the prices of everything from farm produce to new homes, and leave consumers with a little more money in their pockets. So why is there such a discrepancy between the perception of immigrants' impact on the economy and the reality?There are a number of familiar theories. Some argue that people are anxious and feel threatened by an inflow of new workers. Others highlight the strain that undocumented immigrants place on public services, like schools, hospitals, and jails. Still others emphasize the role of race, arguing that foreigners add to the nation's fears and insecurities. There's some truth to all these explanations, but they aren't quite sufficient.To get a better understanding of what's going on, consider the way immigration's impact is felt. Though its overall effect may be positive, its costs and benefits are distributed unevenly. David Card, an economist at UC Berkeley, notesthat the ones who profit most directly from immigrants'low-cost labor are businesses and employers – meatpacking plants in Nebraska, for instance, or agricultural businesses in California. Granted, these producers' savings probably translate into lower prices at the grocery store, but how many consumers make that mental connection at the checkout counter? As for the drawbacks of illegal immigration, these, too, are concentrated. Native low-skilled workers suffer most from the competition of foreign labor. According to a study by George Borjas, a Harvard economist, immigration reduced the wages of American high-school dropouts by 9% between 1980-2000.Among high-skilled, better-educated employees, however, opposition was strongest in states with both high numbers of immigrants and relatively generous social services. What worried them most, in other words, was the fiscal (财政的)burden of immigration. That conclusion was reinforced by another finding: that their opposition appeared to soften when that fiscal burden decreased, as occurred with welfare reform in the 1990s, which curbed immigrants' access to certain benefits.The irony is that for all the overexcited debate, the net effect of immigration is minimal. Even for those most acutely affected – say, low-skilled workers, or California residents –the impact isn't all that dramatic. "The unpleasant voices have tended to dominate our perceptions," says Daniel Tichenor, a political science professor at the University of Oregon. "But when all those factors are put together and the economists calculate the numbers, it ends up being a net positive, but a small one." Too bad most people don't realize it.(8) Passage TwoPicture a typical MBA lecture theatre twenty years ago. In it the majority of students will have conformed to the standard model of the time: male, middle class and Western. Walk into a class today, however, and you'll get a completely different impression. For a start, you will now see plenty more women – the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School, for example, boasts that 40% of its new enrolment is female. You will also see a wide range of ethnic groups and nationals of practically every country.It might be tempting, therefore, to think that the old barriers have been broken down and equal opportunity achieved. But,increasingly, this apparent diversity is becoming a mask for a new type of conformity. Behind the differences in sex, skin tones and mother tongues, there are common attitudes, expectations and ambitions which risk creating a set of clones among the business leaders of the future.Diversity, it seems, has not helped to address fundamental weaknesses in business leadership. So what can be done to create more effective managers of the commercial world? According to Valerie Gauthier, associate dean at HEC Paris, the key lies in the process by which MBA programmes recruit their students. At the moment candidates are selected on a fairly narrow set of criteria such as prior academic and career performance, and analytical and problem solving abilities. This is then coupled to a school's picture of what a diverse class should look like, with the result that passport, ethnic origin and sex can all become influencing factors. But schools rarely dig down to find out what really makes an applicant succeed, to create a class which also contains diversity of attitude and approach – arguably the only diversity that, in a business context, really matters.Professor Gauthier believes schools should not just be selecting candidates from traditional sectors such as banking,consultancy and industry. They should also be seeking individuals who have backgrounds in areas such as political science, the creative arts, history or philosophy, which will allow them to put business decisions into a wider context.Indeed, there does seem to be a demand for the more rounded leaders such diversity might create. A study by Mannaz, a leadership development company, suggests that, while the bully-boy chief executive of old may not have been eradicated completely, there is a definite shift in emphasis towards less tough styles of management – at least in America and Europe. Perhaps most significant, according to Mannaz, is the increasing interest large companies have in more collaborative management models, such as those prevalent in Scandinavia, which seek to integrate the hard and soft aspects of leadership and encourage delegated responsibility and accountability.2010 年12 月英语六级阅读真题(9) Passage OneIn the early 20th century, few things were more appealing than the promise of scientific knowledge. In aworld struggling with rapid industrialization, science and technology seemed to offer solutions to almost every problem. Newly created state colleges and universities devoted themselves almost entirely to scientific, technological, and engineering fields. Many Americans came to believe that scientific certainty could not only solve scientific problems, but also reform politics, government, and business. Two world wars and a Great Depression rocked the confidence of many people that scientific expertise alone could create a prosperous and ordered world. After World War Ⅱ, the academic world turned with new enthusiasm to humanistic studies, which seemed to many scholars the best way to ensure the survival of democracy. American scholars fanned out across much of the world—with support from the Ford Foundation, the Fulbright program, etc.—to promote the teaching of literature and the arts in an effort to make the case for democratic freedoms.In the America of our own time, the great educational challenge has become an effort to strengthen the teaching of what is now known as the STEM disciplines (science, technology, engineering, and math). There isconsiderable and justified concern that the United States is falling behind much of the rest of the developed world in these essential disciplines. India, China, Japan, and other regions seem to be seizing technological leadership.At the same time, perhaps inevitably, the humanities—while still popular in elite colleges and universities—have experienced a significant decline. Humanistic disciplines are seriously underfunded, not just by the government and the foundations but by academic institutions themselves. Humanists are usually among the lowest-paid faculty members at most institutions and are often lightly regarded because they do not generate grant income and because they provide no obvious credentials (资质) for most nonacademic careers.Undoubtedly American education should train more scientists and engineers. Much of the concern among politicians about the state of American universities today is focused on the absence of “real world” education—which means preparation for professional and scientific careers. But the idea that institutions ortheir students must decide between humanities and science is false. Our society could not survive without scientific and technological knowledge. But we would be equally impoverished (贫困的) without humanistic knowledge as well. Science and technology teach us what we can do. Humanistic thinking helps us understand what we should do.It is almost impossible to imagine our society without thinking of the extraordinary achievements of scientists and engineers in building our complicated world. But try to imagine our world as well without the remarkable works that have defined our culture and values. We have always needed, and we still need, both.(10) Passage TwoWill there ever be another Einstein? This is the undercurrent of conversation at Einstein memorial meetings throughout the year. A new Einstein will emerge, scientists say. But it may take a long time. After all, more than 200 years separated Einstein from his nearest rival, Isaac Newton.Many physicists say the next Einstein hasn’t been born yet, or is a baby now. That’s because the quest for a unified theory that would account for all the forces of nature has pushed current mathematics to its limits. New math must be created before the problem can be solved.But researchers say there are many other factors working against another Einstein emerging anytime soon.For one thing, physics is a much different field today. In Einstein’s day, there were only a few thousand physicists worldwide, and the theoreticians who could intellectually rival Einstein probably would fit into a streetcar with seats to spare.Education is different, too. One crucial aspect of Einstein’s training that is overlooked is the years of philosophy he read as a teenager—Kant, Schopenhauer and Spinoza, among others. It taught him how to think independently and abstractly about space and time, and it wasn’t long before he became a philosopher himself.“The independence created by philosophical insight is—in my opinion—the mark of distinction between a mere artisan (工匠) or specialist and a real seeker after。



TEM4 情态动词历年真题1.Which of the following sentences expresses "willingness"? 2012A.By now she will be eating dinner. B I shall never do that again.C.You shall get a promotion. D My brother will help you with the luggage.2. Which of the following best explains the meaning of “Shall we buy the tickets first”? 2012A.He said that we were going to buy the tickets first.B.He requested that we buy the tickets first.C.He suggested that we buy the tickets first.D.He advised us to buy the tickets first.3. Nancy's gone to work but her car's still there. She ____ by bus. 2010A. must have goneB. should have goneC. ought to have goneD. could have gone4. She _____ fifty or so when I first met her at a conference. 2009;2007A. had beenB. must beC. has beenD. must have been5. Aren’t you tired? I ____ you had done enough for today. 2009A. should have thoughtB. must have thoughtC. might have thoughtD. could have thought6. Which of the following sentences expresses "probability"? 2008A. You must leave immediately.B. You must be feeling rather tired.C. You must be here by eight o'clock.D. You must complete the reading assignment on time.7.“You ______ borrow my notes provided you take care of them,” I told my friend. 2007A.couldB.shouldC.mustD.can8. Loudspeakers were fixed in the hall so that everyone______ an opportunity to hear the speech.A ought to haveB must haveC may haveD should have 20069. I am surprised__ this city is a dull place to live in. 2006A that you should thinkB by what you are thinkingC that you would thinkD with what you were thinking10. I went there in 1984, and that was the only occasion when I ________ thejourney in exactly two days. 2005A. must takeB. must have madeC. was able to makeD. could make11. You _____Jim anything about it. It was none of his business.a. needn‘t have toldb. needn’t tellc. mustn’t have toldd. mustn’t tell 200012. He ______unwisely, but he was at least trying to do something helpful.a. may have actedb. must have actedc. should actd. would act 199913. Much as______, I couldn’t lend him the money because I simply didn’t have that much sparecash.a. I would have liked tob. I would like to havec. I should have to liked. I should have liked to 199914. You ______Mark anything. It was none of his business.a. needn’t have toldb. needn’t tellc. mustn’t have toldd. mustn’t tell 199815. As it turned out to be a small house party, we _____so formally.a. need not have dressed upb. must not have dressed upc. did not need to dress upd. must not dress up 199616. The meeting’s been cancelled. Ann _____ all that work.a. need to dob. need havec. needn’t have doned. needed not to do 199517. We could ____him with a detached house when he came, but he had specifically asked for a small flat.95A. provideB. have providedC. not provideD. not have provided18. “She must be in the dormitory now.” “No, she ____ be there. I saw her in the classroom a minute ago.”a. mustn’tb. can’tc. couldn’td. wouldn’t 199419. He _____ the 8:20 bus because he didn’t leave home till 8:25.a. couldn’t have caughtb. ought to have caughtc. shouldn’t have caughtd. must not have caught 1994“”“”At the end, Xiao Bian gives you a passage. Minand once said, "people who learn to learn are very happy people.". In every wonderful life, learning is an eternal theme. As a professional clerical and teaching position, I understand the importance of continuous learning, "life is diligent, nothing can be gained", only continuous learning can achieve better self. Only by constantly learning and mastering the latest relevant knowledge, can employees from all walks of life keep up with the pace of enterprise development and innovate to meet the needs of the market. This document is also edited by my studio professionals, there may be errors in the document, if there are errors, please correct, thank you!。



河北省邯郸市永年县事业编考试历年真题【2012 年-2022 年整理版】 (二)1、多选题公文开头适宜采用的形式有_____。

A : 阐明观点B : 说明行文根据或缘由C : 气氛渲染D : 场景描写参考答案: AB本题解释:【答案】AB。


常见的方式有: (1) 以发生事情或存在的问题为发文的根据; (2) 以某种法律、法令、决议和上级指示为发文根据; (3) 以下级反映的情况为发文的根据; (4) 引据对方来文、来电作为发文的根据; (5) 直接写明发文目的,以目的、意义为发文根据; (6) 以领导机关或领导人的意见或建议为发文理由; (7) 以概括全文中心内容的导语为开头。

因此,本题选择 AB。

第 1 题所属考点-题库原题2、单选题不能作为提高企业经济效益的基本要求的是_____。

A : 不断提高劳动生产率B : 产量保持高速度增长C : 尽可能减少劳动消耗D : 产品符合社会需要参考答案: B本题解释:参考答案:B 【解析】B[解析]产量保持高速度增长并不等于提高经济效益,故选 B。

第 2 题所属考点-题库原题3、多选题下列情况中,可使用“请示”行文的有_____。

A : 按要求如期汇报执行上级机关某项指示、意见的结果B : 遇到新情况新问题因无章可循,请上级作指示C : 平行机关之间意见产生分歧,请上级裁决D : 上下级机关之间涉及事务性具体事项的询问答复参考答案: BCD本题解释:【答案】BCD 解析:请示,是指下级机关向上级机关请求对某项工作、问题做出指示,对某项政策界限给予明确,对某事予以审核批准时使用的一种请求性公文,是应用写作实践中的一种常用文体。

请示应用范围十分广泛,大致可归纳为以下几个方面: (1) 下级机关遇到新情况、新问题,因无章可循而没有对策或没有把握,需要上级机关给以指示的时候,要用请示; (2) 下级机关在处理较为重要的事件和问题时,因涉及有关方针政策必须慎重对待,需要报请上级机关批准时,要用请示; (3) 下级机关在工作中遇到问题,虽然有解决的办法,但由于职权、条件的限制,没有权力或没有能力实施这些办法,需要上级帮助解决的时候,要用请示; (4) 下级机关对有关方针、政策和上级机关发布的规定、指示有疑问,需要上级机关给予解答时,要用请示; (5) 下级机关之间在较重要的问题上出现意见分歧,需要上级机关裁决时,需要请示。



河北省保定市望都县事业单位考试历年真题【2012 年-2022 年整理版】 (二)1、多选题公文拟制的一般步骤是_____。

A : 起草B : 审核C : 签发D : 登记参考答案: ABC本题解释:【答案】ABC。

解析:《党政机关公文处理工作条例》第 18 条规定:“公文拟制包括公文的起草、审核、签发等程序。


故本题正确答案为 ABC。

第 1 题所属考点-《公文写作与处理》2、单选题下列说法正确的是_____。

A : 湖南省三项指标都低于全国平均水平B : 单位 GDP 电耗最多的是浙江省C : 产出单位 GDP,四川省所需的标准煤比重庆市多D : 单位工业增加值能耗最低的是上海市参考答案: C本题解释:【答案】C。

解析:A 项,湖南省单位 GDP 能耗高于全国平均水平,错误; B 项,单位 GDP 电耗最多的是河北省,错误;B 项,单位 GDP 电耗最多的是河北省,错误; C 项,四川单位 GDP 能耗比重庆髙,正确; D 项,单位工业增加值能耗最低的是广东省,错误。

综上,符合题意的是 C 项。

第 2 题所属考点-题库原题3、单选题《宪法》第一条规定:“中华人民共和国是工人阶级领导的、以工农联盟为基础的人民民主专政的社会主义国家。


A : 国体B : 政体C : 议事原则D : 国家结构形式参考答案: A本题解释:【答案】A。


《宪法》第 1 条明确规定,中华人民共和国的国体是工人阶级领导的、以工农联盟为基础的人民民主专政的社会主义国家。

故本题答案选 A。

第 3 题所属考点-题库原题4、判断题“长吉图”是吉林省长春市、吉林市部分区域和图们江的简称。

_____参考答案: 正确本题解释:【答案】A。




历年公共基础知识真题汇总第1题 下列说法正确的是( )。

 A. 下行文采用多级行文方式可以提高公文传递的效率,节省公文转发的时间,故下行文提倡使用多级行文方式 B. 一般上行文均可采取越级行文的方式 C. 政府发布的行政法规和重要政策措施等,往往直达行文 D. 平行文多采用直达行文的行文方式【正确答案】:C 第2题 唐代“南青北白唐三彩”中的“南青”是指( )的青瓷。

A. 汝窑B. 越窑C. 邢窑D. 定窑 【正确答案】:B 第3题 下列情况导致对汽车的需求减少的是( )。

A. 汽车的价格下降了B. 汽油的价格下降了C. 消费者的收入提高了D. 消费者预期汽车的价格要下降 【正确答案】:D 第4题 1994年,我国颁布( )。


A. 《国家八七扶贫攻坚计划》B. 《中国农村扶贫开发纲要》C. 《中国反贫困战略》D. 《消除贫困国际合作计划》【正确答案】:A 第5题 下列各项中不属于行政诉讼和行政复议共同适用的基本原则和规定是( )。

A. 不适用调解的规定B. 不停止执行具体符政行文的规定C. 合法性审查原则D. 适当性审查原则【正确答案】:D第6题 在字体字号的选用上,公文的正文一般用( )。

A. 三号仿宋体字B. 四号宋体字C. 四号楷体字D. 五号黑体字 【正确答案】:A 第7题 美国研究人员初步证实,西兰花等十字花科蔬菜中富含被称做异硫酸氰酯的化合物(ITC),可以优先杀死变异P53基因,并留下正常P53基因。


西兰花可以防癌的原因是( )。

A. 西兰花中富含的异硫酸氰酯(ITC)能够杀死癌细胞B. 西兰花能够阻止正常的P53基因发生变异C. 西兰花中含有能够消灭变异P53基因,保留正常P53基因的物质D. 西兰花中含有有助于阻止癌细胞生长的蛋白质【正确答案】:C 第8题 1919年,中国在巴黎和会上的外交失败,激起了社会各阶层人士的强烈愤怒。



实用文档参考公式:如果事件 A、B互斥,那么P( A B) P( A)P( B)如果事件 A、B相互独立,那么P(AgB)P( A)gP( B)如果事件 A 在一次试验中发生的概率是p ,那么n 次独立重复试验中事件 A 恰好发生 k 次的概率P n (k ) C n k p k (1 p)n k (k 0,1,2,⋯n) 球的表面积公式S 4R2其中 R 表示球的半径球的体积公式V 3 R34其中 R表示球的半径普通高等学校招生全国统一考试一、选择题1、复数 1 3i =1 iA 2+IB 2-IC 1+2iD 1- 2i2、已知集合 A= {1.3. m },B={1,m} ,A U B=A, 则 m=A 0 或3B 0 或 3C 1或3D 1 或 33 椭圆的中心在原点,焦距为4 一条准线为 x=-4 ,则该椭圆的方程为A x2 + y2 =1B x2 + y2 =116 12 12 8C x2 + y2 =1D x2 + y2 =18 4 12 44 已知正四棱柱ABCD- A1B1C1D1中, AB=2, CC= 2 2 E 为 CC的中点,则直线AC与平面1 1 1 BED的距离为A 2B 3C 2D 1(5)已知等差数列{a n} 的前 n 项和为 S n,a5=5, S5=15,则数列的前100项和为(A) 100(B)99(C)99(D)101 101101100100(6)△ ABC中, AB边的高为 CD,若a· b=0, |a|=1 , |b|=2 ,则(A)( B)(C)(D)3(7)已知α为第二象限角, sin α+ sin β =3,则 cos2α =555 5--9(D) 3(A) 3 (B ) 9 (C)(8)已知 F1、 F2 为双曲线 C : x2 -y 2 =2 的左、右焦点,点 P 在 C 上, |PF1|=|2PF2| ,则 cos ∠ F1PF2=1 334(A) 4( B ) 5(C)4(D)51( 9)已知 x=ln π, y=log52 , z=e 2,则 (A)x < y < z ( B ) z < x <y (C)z < y < x (D)y< z < x(10) 已知函数 y = x2 -3x+c 的图像与 x 恰有两个公共点,则 c =(A ) -2 或 2 ( B ) -9 或 3 (C ) -1 或 1 ( D )-3 或 1( 11)将字母 a,a,b,b,c,c, 排成三行两列,要求每行的字母互不相同,梅列的字母也互不相同,则不同的排列方法共有( A ) 12 种( B ) 18 种( C ) 24 种( D ) 36 种7(12)正方形 ABCD 的边长为 1,点 E 在边 AB 上,点 F 在边 BC 上, AE = BF = 3。



参考公式:如果事件A 、B 互斥,那么 球的表面积公式()()()P A B P A P B +=+ 24S R π=如果事件A 、B 相互独立,那么 其中R 表示球的半径 ()()()P A B P A P B = 球的体积公式 如果事件A 在一次试验中发生的概率是p ,那么 334V R π=n 次独立重复试验中事件A 恰好发生k 次的概率 其中R 表示球的半径()(1)(0,1,2,)k kn k n n P k C p p k n -=-=…普通高等学校招生全国统一考试一、选择题1、 复数131ii-++= A 2+I B 2-I C 1+2i D 1- 2i 2、已知集合A =,B ={1,m} ,AB =A, 则m=A 0B 0或3C 1D 1或33 椭圆的中心在原点,焦距为4 一条准线为x=-4 ,则该椭圆的方程为A 216x +212y =1B 212x +28y =1C 28x +24y =1D 212x +24y =1 4 已知正四棱柱ABCD- A 1B 1C 1D 1中 ,AB=2,CC 1=为CC 1的中点,则直线AC 1与平面BED 的距离为D 1(5)已知等差数列{a n }的前n 项和为S n ,a 5=5,S 5=15,则数列的前100项和为 (A)100101 (B) 99101 (C) 99100 (D) 101100(6)△ABC 中,AB 边的高为CD ,若a ·b=0,|a|=1,|b|=2,则(A) (B ) (C) (D)(7)已知α为第二象限角,sin α+sin β=3,则cos2α=(A) 5(B)5(C)5(D)5(8)已知F1、F2为双曲线C:x²-y²=2的左、右焦点,点P在C上,|PF1|=|2PF2|,则cos∠F1PF2=(A)14(B)35 (C)34 (D)45(9)已知x=lnπ,y=log52,12z=e,则(A)x<y<z (B)z<x<y (C)z<y<x (D)y<z<x(10) 已知函数y=x²-3x+c的图像与x恰有两个公共点,则c=(A)-2或2 (B)-9或3 (C)-1或1 (D)-3或1(11)将字母a,a,b,b,c,c,排成三行两列,要求每行的字母互不相同,梅列的字母也互不相同,则不同的排列方法共有(A)12种(B)18种(C)24种(D)36种(12)正方形ABCD的边长为1,点E在边AB上,点F在边BC上,AE=BF=73。



2015年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试数学二试题一、选择题:1~8小题,每小题4分,共32分.下列每题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项符合题目要求的,请将所选项前的字母填在答题纸...指定位置上. (1)下列反常积分中收敛的是()(A)2+∞⎰(B )2ln xdx x+∞⎰(C)21ln dx x x+∞⎰(D)2xx dx e +∞⎰(2)函数20sin ()lim(1)x tt t f x x→=+在(,)-∞+∞内()(A )连续 (B )有可去间断点 (C )有跳跃间断点 (D)有无穷间断点(3)设函数1cos ,0()0,0x x f x xx αβ⎧>⎪=⎨⎪≤⎩(0,0)αβ>>,若()f x 在0x =处连续,则() (A )1αβ-> (B)01αβ<-≤ (C)2αβ-> (D)02αβ<-≤(4) 设函数()f x 在(,)-∞+∞连续,其二阶导函数()f x ''的图形如右图所示,则曲线()y f x =的拐点个数为()(A )0 (B)1 (C)2 (D)3(5).设函数(u v)f ,满足22(,)y f x y x y x +=-,则11u v f u ==∂∂与11u v fv ==∂∂依次是() (A )12,0 (B)0,12(C )-12,0 (D)0 ,-12(6). 设D 是第一象限中曲线21,41xy xy ==与直线,y x y ==围成的平面区域,函数(,)f x y 在D 上连续,则(,)Df x y dxdy ⎰⎰=()(A )12sin 2142sin 2(cos ,sin )d f r r dr πθπθθθθ⎰⎰(B)24(cos ,sin )d f r r dr ππθθθ⎰(C )13sin 2142sin 2(cos ,sin )d f r r dr πθπθθθθ⎰⎰(D)34(cos ,sin )d f r r dr ππθθθ⎰(7).设矩阵A=211112a 14a ⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭,b=21d d ⎛⎫ ⎪⎪ ⎪⎝⎭,若集合Ω=}{1,2,则线性方程组Ax b =有无穷多个解的充分必要条件为()(A ),a d ∉Ω∉Ω (B),a d ∉Ω∈Ω (C),a d ∈Ω∉Ω (D),a d ∈Ω∈Ω(8)设二次型123(,,)f x x x 在正交变换x Py =下的标准形为2221232,y y y +-其中123P =(e ,e ,e ),若132(,,)Q e e e =-,则123(,,)f x x x 在正交变换x Py =下的标准形为() (A):2221232y y y -+ (B)2221232y y y +- (C)2221232y y y -- (D)2221232y y y ++二、填空题:9~14小题,每小题4分,共24分.请将答案写在答题纸...指定位置上. (9) 设2231arctan ,3t x t d y dx y t t==⎧=⎨=+⎩则 (10)函数2()2x f x x =在0x =处的n 阶导数()(0)n f = (11)设函数()f x 连续,2()(),x x xf t dt ϕ=⎰若(1)ϕ1=,'(1)5ϕ=,则(1)f =(12)设函数()y y x =是微分方程'''20y y y +-=的解,且在0x =处()y x 取值3,则()y x =(13)若函数(,)z z x y =由方程231x y zexyz +++=确定,则(0,0)dz =(14)设3阶矩阵A 的特征值为2,-2,1,2B A A E =-+,其中E 为3阶单位矩阵,则行列式B =三、解答题:15~23小题,共94分.请将解答写在答题纸...指定位置上.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.15、(本题满分10分)设函数()ln(1)sin f x x x bx x α=+++,2()g x kx =,若()f x 与()g x 在0x →是等价无穷小,求,,a b k 的值。



理论1505一、单项选择题26、在现代市场经济中,作为市场主体的个人追求的目标是( )。

(A)利润最大化 (B)差额最小化(C)效用最大化 (D)差额最大化27.劳动力市场的客体是( )。

(A)社会劳动力资源 (B)劳动者的劳动力(C)劳动力的所有者 (D)使用劳动者的企业28、下列公式错误的是( )。

(A)总供给=消费十收入(B)总供给=消费+储蓄(C)均衡国民收入=消费+储蓄(D)均衡国民收入=消费+投资29、劳动法的基本原则直接决定了( )的性质。

(A)劳动法律事实 (B)劳动法律制度(C)劳动法律事件 (D)劳动法律关系30、( )在国家的法律体系中具有最高法律效力。

(A)劳动法律 (B)宪法(C)国务院劳动行政法规 (D)劳动规章31、正常情况下,每个月依照法定程序延长的工作时间不能超过( )。

(A)20/J、时 (B)36/J、时(C)30小时(D)40小时32、企业战略的实质是实现外部环境、企业实力和( )三者之间的动态平衡。

(A)战略目标 (B)战略全局(C)战略方向 (D)战略规划33、进入战略不包括( )(A)合资战略 (B)内部创业战略(C)购并战略 (D)发展创新战略34、确定型决策方法不包括( )(A)微分法(B)线性规划法(C)收益矩阵法 (D)量本利分析法35、消费者市场是指所有为了( )而购买物品或服务的个人和家庭所构成的市场。

(A)家庭消费(B)情绪(C)集团消费(D)态度36、人格很复杂,它不包括( )。

(A)动机(B)个人消费(C)业绩(D)社会消费37、( )是指在对两个或两个以上的人进行知觉时,人们会不自觉地在他们之间进行比较。

(A)首因效应(B)光环效应(C)投射效应(D)对比效应38、森德斯罗姆和麦克英蒂尔认为,团队的有效性要素构成不包括( )。

(A)团队学习(B)绩效(C)成员满意度(D)薪酬39、( )认为,领导者的主要任务是提供必要的支持以帮助下属达到他们的目标,并确保他们的目标与群体和组织的目标相互配合、协调一致。



一、单项选择题1.当一个人的思维发展处于"每个人对问题的看法都是不一样的"时,其思维发展处于 C.相对论阶段2.影响小学生性格发展的最直接的因素是 A.家庭教育方式3.自我形象受到空前关注是在 C.高中阶段4.“程序教学”的理论基础是 D.操作条件作用理论得分5.根据个体认知发展水平作为标准划分心理发展阶段的心理学家是 B.皮亚杰6.在弗洛依德的人格动力结构中,受快乐原则支配的部分是 A.原我7.可以为“教育万能论”提供支持的心理学理论是 B. 行为主义理论8.在小学阶段,小学儿童的识记 A. 机械识记和意义识记效果均随年龄增长而提高9.下列人际关系属于小学儿童之间的人际关系的是 B. 同学关系10.曾有一位心理学家说过,如果给他十几个健康的婴儿,他可以将他们中的任何一个训练成医生、律师或是乞丐,无论他们的出身及种族是什么。


这位心理学家是属于下列哪一个心理学流派的? B. 行为主义1.最早对成人期的心理进行发展理论研究的心理学家是 D.荣格2.对研究的问题了解有限的条件下所进行的实验,称为 B.探索性实验3.将内部图式加以改变,以适应环境现实的过程叫 C.顺应4.埃里克森认为,幼儿阶段(3~6岁)心理社会性发展的主要矛盾是 C.主动性对内疚感5.以下称为先天愚型的是 A.唐氏综合症6.选出一个具有某一特征的对象作为指标个案,然后从这个指标个案出发,调查其家族史中出现相似特征的对象的数目。

这种方法称为 C.家谱分析法7.婴儿(2岁左右开始)表现出怕黑、怕狼、怕坏人,属于 B.预测性恐惧8.幼儿获得知识经验,发展观察力、想象力、记忆力、思维力和言语能力,以及培养良好个性的最佳途径是 B.教学游戏9.婴幼儿动作发展是从身体中部开始的,越是接近躯干的部位,动作发展越早,而越是远离身体中轴的部位,动作发展越迟。

这体现了婴幼儿身体发展遵循 B.由近及远原则10.对客观事物运动的延续性和顺序的反映属于 A.时间知觉11.初中生感到自己已经长大成人,渴望参与成人的活动,要求独立,希望得到自尊的体验,属于 D.成人感12.情绪情感表现可以用“疾风暴雨”来形容的是 B.初中生13.有的高中生对“现实的我”的认识和评价过低,对“理想的我”的认识和评价过高,他们属于 B.自我否定型14.在心理学领域,衡量一个人的智力水平一般使用的概念是 C.智商15.以下不属于元认知成分的是 D.元认知结构16.动物心理实验的首创者是 A.桑代克17.美国认知心理学家奥苏伯尔根据学习进行的方式,把学习分为 D.接受学习和发现学习18.区分多种刺激的不同之处,如区分戌、戍、戊、戎四个字属于 B.多重辨别学习19.陈述性知识的核心成分是 C.概念和命题20.对具体加工方法的选择、运用和调整指的是 B.精加工策略21.学习之间发生迁移时,学习者原有经验的组成要素没有发生变化,即抽象的结构没有变化,只是将一种学习中习得经验的组成要素重新组合并移用于另一种学习之中。















理论来源 :德国古典哲学、英国古典政治经济学和19 世纪英法两国的空想社会主义5、简述马克思主义科学体系的组成部分及内在联系(2017.10 )马克思主义科学体系是包括马克思主义哲学、马克思主义政治经济学和科学社会主义在内的统⼀整体。





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单选1、行于腹部的经脉2、入耳的经脉3、肝经,经胁部4、气化:汗血的生成5、心主血脉,表现于舌,面---与睡眠关系?6、阴阳互根7、木火刑金,属于五行相侮?多选以阴阳互根解释:A阴中求阳B阴损及阳C阳盛格阳D阳病治阴E阴虚阳亢2、以阴阳兴奋抑制解释A对立B制约C消长D 互根 E 转化3、入耳的经脉:三小胆4、肝经经过的部位:目系颃颡少腹----5、大肠传化:5个脾运等6、气逆:肝肺胃7、行血:心脾肺8、脾病及肾:为什么?9.肺失宣发的病机: A燥热生B呼吸不畅C 卫气壅滞 D 气郁化热 E 痰湿壅10、行于腹部的经脉:肾胃肝脾任1、阴阳互根用以下解释:A阴中求阳 B 阴损及阳 C 阴盛格阳D阴病治阳 E 阴虚阳亢2、行于腹部的经脉:A 足太阴 B 足少阴 C 足阳明 D 足厥阴E任脉3、到达耳的经脉:A 三焦经 B 小肠经 C 胆经 D 肾经E肝经4、与牙有联系的经脉:A肾经 B 大肠经 C 胃经 D 脾经 E 肝经5、脑为:A 元神之府 B 神明之府 C 精明之府 D 中精之府E 髓海6、津的分布位置:A 肌肉 B 孔窍 C 骨节 D 皮肤 E 脏腑7、何种外邪侵入人体到致痹:A风邪B寒邪 C 湿邪 D 热邪 E 燥邪8、属于气化的有:A 气的升降 B 气的出入 C 气转变为精 D 汗的产生过程 E 血的生成过程9、正治:A寒者热之B寒因寒用 C 以热治热D 通因通用E 虚则补之10、急则治其标:A 阴水者复感外邪B大出血 C 臌胀 D 邪热里结,阴液受伤 E 下利清谷不止,又兼身疼痛1、中医学思维方法:试、探等,书上有,就那几个选项2、人体兴奋,抑制用阴阳解释:是否为阴阳的五个方面解释,书上有,就那5个3、肺主一身之气为:A 呼吸之气B宗气的生成 C 宣发与肃降 D 气的升降出入4、阴阳方面(没记下)5、冲脉:A 主十二经血脉 B 统一身阴脉 C 主生殖6、入耳的经脉:三小胆7、女子胞与(心肝脾肾)的关联8、肝主疏泄与脾的关系多选:津的分布肺失肃降的病机解释?腹部循行的经络?1,宗气功能()()();2,益火之源以消阴翳用于治疗()症,经称其();3,五脏的共同生理特点是();4,两胁疼痛多是()疾病,缺盆中痛常是()病;5,()和()既是病理产物,又是致病因素。







































二、选择题10个每个2分共20分1、肝经,经胁部2、心主血脉,表现于舌,面---与睡眠关系?3、阴阳互根4、木火刑金,属于五行相侮?5、以阴阳兴奋抑制解释A对立B制约C消长 D 互根 E 转化6、肝经经过的部位:目系颃颡少腹----7、大肠传化:5个脾运等8、气逆:肝肺胃9行血:心脾肺10、脾病及肾:为相什么?11.肺失宣发的病机: A燥热生B呼吸不畅 C 卫气壅滞 D 气郁化热 E 痰湿壅12、阴阳互根用以下解释:A阴中求阳 B 阴损及阳 C 阴盛格阳D阴病治阳 E 阴虚阳亢13、行于腹部的经脉:A 足太阴 B 足少阴C 足阳明 D 足厥阴E任脉14、到达耳的经脉:A 三焦经 B 小肠经 C 胆经 D 肾经E肝经入耳的经脉:三小胆15、与牙有联系的经脉:A肾经 B 大肠经 C 胃经 D 脾经 E 肝经16、脑为:A 元神之府B 神明之府 C 精明之府 D 中精之府 E 髓海17、津的分布位置:A 肌肉 B 孔窍 C 骨节 D 皮肤 E 脏腑18、何种外邪侵入人体到致痹:A风邪B寒邪 C 湿邪D 热邪 E 燥邪19、属于气化的有:A 气的升降 B 气的出入 C 气转变为精 D 汗的产生过程 E 血的生成过程20、正治:A寒者热之B寒因寒用 C 以热治热 D 通因通用 E 虚则补之21、急则治其标:A 阴水者复感外邪B大出血 C 臌胀 D 邪热里结,阴液受伤 E 下利清谷不止,又兼身疼痛22、中医学思维方法:试、探等,书上有,就那几个选项23、人体兴奋,抑制用阴阳解释:是否为阴阳的五个方面解释,书上有,就那5个24、肺主一身之气为:A 呼吸之气B宗气的生成 C 宣发与肃降 D 气的升降出入25、冲脉:A 主十二经血脉 B 统一身阴脉 C 主生殖26、女子胞与(心肝脾肾)的关联:心主血充养胞宫;心藏神调节女子胞的功能。









