




xx听力经典加试答案口诀如何使用:一声A二声B三声C四声D....关于鸟的迁徙的论文:答案:C A BD A B转化后:小心,不要飞离大王花:答案:C D A B B C转化后:我要吃红苹果xxxx音乐:答案:C C CD B A A转化后:我只想要重新听女生丢IDxx:答案:D A C D D转化后:就光喊救命xx听力加试主题:神经胶质细胞研究xx:教授说早期对人类大脑的研究集中在神经细胞neuron,让一男生起来回答上节课的主要内容,男生说bioelectricity(生物电)通过神经细胞传导,通过两个神经细胞的接触点传到下一个细胞,有趣的是说到这里被教授打断,说他答得已经很完整了(有题目出现,问教授打断他的用意)。








本篇文章要点:分析:本篇文章所涉及的正是托福听力中最难的关于生物学方面的知识,所以其中的生词非常多,比如glial cell等,但是同学们要注意,凡是托福听力中涉及到的生词,都会出现一些解释原则对其进行解释说明,比如会出现which means等词语。

后来偶然发现大脑中glial cell(神经胶质细胞)比neuron(神经细胞)的数目多很多,glial cell(神经胶质细胞)引起了科学家的重视,开始研究它究竟起什么作用(有题目出现,问glial cell怎么引起科学家注意的)。



英语作文常用谚语、俗语1、A liar is not believed when he speaks the truth. 说谎者即使讲真话也没人相信。

2、A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. 一知半解,自欺欺人。

3、All rivers run into sea. 海纳百川。

4、All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马。

5、All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只会用功不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。

6、A bad beginning makes a bad ending. 不善始者不善终。

7、Actions speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩。

8、A faithful friend is hard to find. 知音难觅。

9、A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。

10、A friend is easier lost than found. 得朋友难,失朋友易。

11、A good beginning is half done. 良好的开端是成功的一半。

12、A good beginning makes a good ending. 善始者善终。

13、A good book is a good friend. 好书如挚友。

14、A good medicine tastes bitter. 良药苦口。

15、A mother's love never changes. 母爱永恒。

16、An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一苹果,不用请医生。

17、A single flower does not make a spring. 一花独放不是春,百花齐放春满园。

18、A year's plan starts with spring. 一年之计在于春。



神一样的背托福加试答案!!!后辈们好好收藏!!!听力加试:(因为现在的听力加试出现了几个版本,所以最好在考试的时候确定一下)如何使用:一声A二声B三声C四声D....关于鸟的迁徙的论文:答案:C A BD A B转化后:小子,不要飞离大王花:答案:C D A B B C转化后:我要吃红苹果拉格泰姆音乐:答案:C C CD B A A转化后:我只想要重新听女生丢ID卡:答案:D A C D D转化后:就光喊救命至于神经元细胞和浪漫主义诗人的话可能就应该去看具体的机经了暂时还没有确定答案。

阅读加试:(阅读加试的顺序一般没有改过所以大家可以放心用)电报:ABADC BBDBC BDC ACD转化后:今年他不想盘盘被群秒还要我A角兽(玩魔兽的同学,应该不会陌生)鸟唱:DCBAB BDACA DC BECFD转化后:要我陪他明年这天找些乐子25364(这个因为超出了ABCD,所以旧把它当成工号记下吧)达尔文进化论:AADAC BCAAB ABB ACD转化后:今天舅逼我没有穿衣还吃毛虫真有病巴比伦文明:CCAAA DBCDA DD 16/347转化后:小宝他应该要连着背七句话16/347 (最后是分类题,没有办法)三声:我,有,想,秒,找,Muban-integratedIn the lecture, the speaker states that (the general point of the lecture),casting doubt on/bolstering the main idea of the reading passage that (the general point of the article).First of all, c ontrary tothe belief in the passage that …, the speaker says that…In addition, the speaker refutes the viewpoint showed in the passage that…. In fact,Finally, opposing tothe standpoint in the reading passage that…, the speaker claims thatTo sum up, the speaker illustrates his/her disagreement with the idea ofthe passageby elaborating three evidences mentioned above.一边倒First of all,furthermore, in additionversion 9-23:1.interrogative sentence?On the basis of different personal experiences and philosophies, people hold various opinions.2.On the basis of personal experiences and philosophies, some people hold the view that____.Others, however, have an opposite attitude that____Frankly speaking, there are both advantages and disadvantages….As far as I am concerned, Iprefer the idea that ____even though there are some drawbacks of students’ taking classes in many subjects.Among numerous factors sustaining my viewpoint, prominent aspects are listed as follows.In the first place, the most important reason is原因1In the second place, another equally significant reason of choosing AAA lies in the development of ---.This significant point, however, is often unconsciously overlooked by most people.Of course, I have to admit that in the meantime AAA also (brings out a lot of problems/has some drawbacks) such as…However, considering all the factors above, it is revealed that the advantages of AAA outstrip those of BBB.To sum up, from what has been discussed, we may safely draw the conclusion that AAA can benefit not only because 原因1 but also原因2. Therefore, I prefer to AAA. 统一口语模板museum1、Chengdu Municipal Museum has a complete collection of both ancient and modern Chinese artworks, including calligraphy,paintings, etc.And just looking at the display is a feastfor the eyes because these artifacts are so elaborate that I could hardly believe that they were made hundreds and even thousandsof years ago. Besides, their creative design reminds of me the long and splendid civilizationin our country. Appreciating these items and discussing their influenceson art with my friends and family is really an enjoyment which keep me away from thenoisy metropolis, enjoying our ancestors’ creation.1)最重要的一个决定(chose to be a doctor, last time His face was like yellow wax, his eyes darkened, as they were sightless, cure cancer)2)空闲时做的事(喜欢逛博物馆, steven and I often go to museum, last time he ask me to go to museum when he recovered )3)所居住的城市中你最喜欢的地方(博物馆)4)你和朋友在一起的时候喜欢去哪个地方(博物馆)5)你通常喜欢去什么park或者public area (博物馆)9)描述一个你没去但是很想去的地方(北京的首都博物馆)10)Describe an interesting book/最有用的一本书(讲述博物馆的故事, steven give it to me as a birthday gift)11)描述一次challenging experience, 以及如何解决这个challenge (一次博物馆调查)12)Describe a special opportunity given to you (for free免费参观博物馆的机会)13) Some good news and why(steven recovered, time listened about the news, I can’t stop my tears of joy.)14)what do u miss most when away from home?(家附近的博物馆)15)what do u do to relax yourself?(去博物馆放松身心,以前就跟steven relax)16)政府是否应该资助建博物馆和剧院。



托福听力经典加试题汇总来源: 作者:admin时间:2009-10-28Tag :托福托福听力托福听力加试题点击:1543核心提示:托福听力经典加试题汇总托福听力经典加试题目(一)第一篇:关于bird migration的term paper男student: Professor, I hope to discuss my term paper with you. I got stuck in writing the paper onbird migration. I have difficulties in finding enough materials about bird migration. (老师,今儿,我想跟你说说我的学期论文的事儿。


)女 Professor: You can’t find enough material on bird migration?(语调上扬,最后一题,重听题的考点。

)男 student: I want to write about early bird migration.(要写的paper是关于古代鸟类迁徙的,所以资料不够。

)女Professor: 哦“你确实找到了一个好的题目,但是你要知道我的要求是你们的论文要反映你们这学期学了什么。

”男 student: 想写关于 Aristotle 关于这个题目的看法 etc.女Professor: I want you to apply what you’ve learned to your paper.希(望他们运用所学知识研究来完成paper.)不要只是做summary or description.我想要看到你的special analysis.男student:但是,我觉得我找的资料中有错误的。

(I think⋯.wrong),这就是为什么我不想用资料。

女Professor:你不要完全放弃以前找的资料(discard ).你可以换种想法,用rational的方式。



RafflesiaListen to part of a lecture in a Botany classP: We've been talking about plant classifications and how species belong to a family and families belong to an order, but sometimes, figuring out how we assign certain plant species to a particular order is challenging, even if the plant has...unusual characteristics. You'd think that plants with similar characteristics would belong to the same order, but that's not always true. A good example of this is a flower, that is—a flowering plant—that grows only in Malaysia and Indonesia, called Rafflesia.As you can see, Rafflesia is a pretty unusual plant. For starters, it's huge. The flower can grow up to a meter in width and can weigh up to seven kilos—pretty big, huh There aren't any other specimens in the plant world that have flowers even close to this size. But that's not the only unusual characteristic of Rafflesia, in fact, that's probably one of the least strange features of the plant. The plant also emits a terrible stench, like rotting meat. But again, there are other plants with bad smelling flowers. And in the case of Rafflesia, flies are attracted to that smell, and that's how the flowers get pollinated.So...um...Rafflesia's flowers are huge and smelly. Rafflesia is also a parasite; it gets its energy from another plant instead of from the sun, which is unusual, but not unheard of in the plant kingdom. It actually grows inside its host, which is a type of grapevine. I mean... it grows inside its host until it blooms—it doesn't bloom inside the host. But that leads me to...I want to tell you really quickly about another plant, a plant that's also from the forests of Southeast Asia, called Mitrastema.Now, Mitrastema is also a parasite, which led some to believe that Rafflesia was related to Mitrastema—that they belong to the same order. Mitrastema as I said is a parasite, but its flowers are much smaller, and don't smell bad, so you can see why there was debate about whether they were related. But as it turns out, Mitrastema is actually related to blueberries. So, even plants that share an unusual characteristic with Rafflesia are not related to it. And, um...no plant shares all three of its unusual characteristics, and that made classifying Rafflesia very, very difficult.Now, you're probably thinking, why don't they just analyze the DNA of the plant Well, as I said, Rafflesia is a parasite. It lacks the leaves; the green tissue that most plants need for photosynthesis. It's unable to...um...to capture the sunlight most other plants use to make food. So, it's lacking...it...it...it doesn't have the DNA—the genes—for photosynthesis, which is what we usually use to classify plant species. But some researchers in Michigan persisted, andanalyzed about 90 species of seed plants and compared them to Rafflesia, and we finally had an answer. Rafflesia was part of the Malpighiales order.Now, other species in the Malpighiales order includeviolets...um...poinsettias...uh...passion-flowers...what else Willows. So it was pretty unexpected because flowers like violets are a lot smaller than Rafflesia, right And they don't smell bad—they don't smell like rotting meat...and they're not parasitic. It took almost 200 years to classify Rafflesia, to identify its relatives, and I don't think anyone would have ever guessed that it's in the order Malpighiales. I mean...you know-it'd be nice to be able to classify species based on their obvious characteristics, but, it didn't work that way with Rafflesia. And unfortunately for Rafflesia, and for the field of botany, it seems that Rafflesia may be dying out. It's certainly endangered because of deforestation in its habitat. And to make matters worse, Rafflesia doesn't reproduce very well. First of all, only 10-20% of buds turn into full-fledged flowers, and it can take them a year to grow. There are also male flowers and female flowers, and one of each has to be in the same area—the same vicinity—at the same time, to produce seeds, and the flies that are attracted to the flower's strong smell have to carry pollen from one flower to the other, so how often do you think these events occur all together Even people who study the plant for years may never witness it.中文背景:大王花Botany教授一开始就介绍植物分类,提到分类中的species种,genus属,order目。



托福听力测试题及答案一、选择题(每题1分,共10分)1. What is the main topic of the lecture?A) The history of the Renaissance.B) The impact of the Industrial Revolution.C) The development of modern art.D) The significance of ancient architecture.2. According to the professor, what is the primary reason for the decline in the number of honeybees?A) The use of pesticides in agriculture.B) The loss of natural habitats.C) The spread of diseases among bees.D) The invasion of non-native bee species.3. What does the student suggest as a solution to the problem discussed in the conversation?A) Conducting more research.B) Implementing new regulations.C) Organizing public awareness campaigns.D) Developing new technologies.4. Why does the woman decide to take a different course next semester?A) The course schedule conflicts with her work hours.B) She is not interested in the subject matter.C) The professor has a reputation for being difficult.D) She has already taken a similar course.5. What is the main purpose of the campus tour mentioned in the lecture?A) To introduce new students to the campus facilities.B) To highlight the university's academic achievements.C) To promote the university to potential students.D) To raise funds for campus improvements.二、填空题(每题1分,共5分)6. The speaker mentions that the _______ is a key factor in determining the success of a business.7. In the dialogue, the man suggests that they should _______ before making a decision.8. The professor explains that the _______ theory has been widely accepted in the field of psychology.9. The woman is concerned about the _______ of the new policy on the local community.10. The student is looking for a part-time job that offers_______ and flexible hours.三、简答题(每题2分,共4分)11. Summarize the main points of the lecture on environmental conservation.12. What are the potential benefits of the proposed research project discussed in the conversation?四、论述题(每题3分,共3分)13. Discuss the role of technology in modern education andits implications for the future of learning.答案:1-5: D A C A C6. innovation7. consult with an expert8. cognitive dissonance9. impact10. health insurance11. The lecture covered the importance of biodiversity, the threats to natural habitats, and the need for sustainable practices.12. The research could lead to new treatments for diseases, improve public health, and contribute to scientific knowledge.13. Technology has revolutionized education by providing access to a wealth of information and interactive learning tools. However, it also raises concerns about the potential loss of human interaction and the digital divide.。






据托福官方解释,考试中出现加试题是非常正常的,可以说几乎每一种考试,特别是比较科学性的考试,都会有加试题的存在,只不过ETS在这一方面做得比较透明化,告诉大家我们这些题中有加试题,而加试题的目的是在于试题的研发以及测试,并不会影响考生的实际成绩,当然为了确保考试的公正性,ETS 在设置加试题的量上以及时间上都是有严格的控制的,会保证量的公正性。







1. 听下面对话,回答以下问题:
A. 上午9点
B. 下午3点
C. 晚上7点
D. 没有提及具体时间
2. 听下面讲座,回答以下问题:
A. 蝴蝶
B. 鲸鱼
C. 企鹅
D. 鸟类
3. 听下面对话,回答以下问题:
A. 询问作业
B. 寻求建议
C. 讨论成绩
D. 报告问题
4. 听下面讲座,回答以下问题:
A. 法国
B. 意大利
C. 西班牙
D. 荷兰
5. 听下面对话,回答以下问题:
A. 校园中心
B. 校园东边
C. 校园西边
D. 校园北边
6. 听下面讲座,回答以下问题:
A. 成功
B. 失败
C. 需要进一步研究
D. 无法确定
7. 听下面对话,回答以下问题:
A. 晴朗
B. 多云
C. 下雨
D. 雪
8. 听下面讲座,回答以下问题:
A. 正面影响
B. 负面影响
C. 没有影响
D. 影响未知



托福听力经典加试题汇总托福听力经典加试题汇总问题二:How does the professor help the student?答案:A(1)change his approach …问题三:忘了。

答案:B,D(2,4)问题四:Why does the student 提night migration ?答案: A (1) 通过说这个topic来验证自己理解了老师的意图change the topic from ancient to recent) 问题五:重听:(女Professor 说的:啊,你没找到鸟类迁徙的资料?)答案:B (2) (….. is easy….)版本二:1。


为什么说bird migrates at night?(好象是he understands what the teacher said.)3。

教授怎么帮助学生?(change the topic from ancient to recent)4。


*****S 2。




Small incident1.MAIN IDEA?(大概是说分类很难,尤其是特征很变态的)2.大王花的特点(1。




让FLY来传粉)3.教授说M植物属于B~~~类的,是什么意思?(M植物与大王花不是同一类的)4.为什么不能用DNA?(不进行光合作用)问题1. Why does the student go to see the office worker in the university service office?正确答案为:D,…new ID card.问题2. Why 女生不能出示diver license?正确答案:her wallet was stolen.问题3. Why she need to be escorted?A,……. .B,To see passport… .C,To verify… D,…….正确答案:C问题4. 根据对话所述,why 提到mealpass?正确答案:D,能和ID卡一起重新办。



二. 大王花Listen to part of a lecture in a botany classWe’ve been talking about plant classification and how species belong to family and families belong to an order, but sometimes, figuring out how we assign certain plant species to a particular order is challenging, even if the plant has…unusual characteristics. You’d think that plants with similar characteristics would belong to the same order, but that’s not always true. A good example of this a flower, that is –a flowering plant—that grows only in Malaysia and Indonesia, called Rafflesia.As you can see, Rafflesia is a pretty unusual plant. For starters, it’s huge. The flower can grow up to a meter in with and can weigh up to seven kilos—pretty big, huh? There aren’t any other specimens in the part world that have flowers even close to the size. But that’s not the only unusual characteristic of Rafflesia, in fact, that’s probably one of the least strange features of the plant.The plant also emits a terrible stench, like, rotting meat. But again, there are other plants with bad smelling flowers. And in the case of Rafflesia: flies are attracted to the smell, and that’s how the flowers get pollinated.So … um …Rafflesia’s flowers are huge and smelly. Rafflesia is also a parasite; it gets its energy from another plant instead of from the sun, which is unusual, but not unheard of in the plant kingdom. It actually grows inside the host. But that leads me to …I want to tell you really quickly about another plant, a plant that’s also from the forests of Southeast Asia, called Mitrastema.Now, Mitrastema is also a parasite, which led some to believe the Rafflesia was related to Mitrastema—that they belong to the same order. Mitrastema as I said a parasite, but its flowers are much smaller, and don’t smell bad, so you can see why there was debate about whether they were related. But as it turns out, Mitrastema is actually related to blueberries. So, even plants that share an unusual characteristic with Rafflesia are not related to it. And, um… no plant shares all three of its unusual characteristics, and that made classifying Rafflesia very, very difficult.Now you’re probably thinking, why don’t they just analyze the DNA of the plant? Well, as Isaid, Rafflesia is a parasite. It lacks the leaves; the green tissue that most plants need for photosynthesis. It’s unable to …l um. …To capture the sunlight most other plants use to make food. So, it’s lacking …it doesn’t have the DNA—the genes—for photosynthesis, which is what we usually use to classify plant species. But some researchers in Michigan persisted, and analyzed about 90 species of seed plants and compared them to Rafflesia, and we finally had an answer. Rafflesia was part of the Malpighiales order. Now, other species in the Malpighiales order include violets… um poinsettias… uh … passion-flowers … what else? Willows.So it was pretty unexpected because flowers like violets are a lot smaller than Rafflesia, right? And they don’t smell bad—they don’t smell like rotting meat … and they’re not parasitic. It took almost 200 years to classify Rafflesia, to identify its relatives, and I don’t think anyone would have ever guessed that it’s in the order Malpighiales. I mean … you know—it’d be nice to be able toclassify species based on their obvious characteristics, but, it didn’t work that way with.Rafflesia. And unfortunately for Rafflesia, and for the field of botany. It seems that Rafflesia may be dying out. It’s certainly endangered because of deforestation in its habitat. And to make matters worse, Rafflesi a doesn’t reproduce very well. First of all, only 10-20%of buds tum into full-fledged flowers and it can take them a year to grow. There are also male flowers and female flowers, and one of each has to be in the same area—the same vicinity—at the same time, to produce seeds, and the files that are attracted to the flower’s strongsmell have to carry pollen from one flower to the other, so how often so you think these events occur all together? Even people who study the plant for years may never witness it.1. What is the lecture mainly about?(A) The relationship between species and family.(B) The characteristics of three types of plants.(C) Difficulties classifying an unusual type of plant.(D) Unique examples of parasitic plants2. How does a strong order help Rafflesia?(A) The order is a signal to nearby plants of the opposite sex.(B) The order keeps away large predators that might eat it.(C) The order discourages parasites from growing it.(D) The order attracts files that pollinate its flowers.3. Why does the professor consider the actual classification of Rafflesia unexpected?(A) Its unusual traits are not shared by other plants in its order.(B) Its unusual characteristics were not documented until after it was classified.(C) Botanists had predicted that no other plants would be related to it.(D) Botanists had predicted that it would become extinct before it could be classified.4. What does the professor imply about the reproduction of Rafflesia?(A)She has witnessed it herself.(B) It does not occur often.(C) It differs from on variety of Rafflesia to another.(D) No one can understand how it reproduces.Listen again to part of the lecture. Then answer the question.It actually grows inside its host, which is a type of grapevine. I mean… it grows inside its host until itBlooms—it doesn’t bloom inside the host.5. Why does the professor say this:“I mean … it grows inside its host until it blooms—it doesn’t bloom inside the host.”(A) to given an additional example of her statement(B) to clarify her statement so students don’t misunderstand her(C) to provide evidence Rafflesia is indeed a parasitic plant(D) to emphasize the importance of the hostListen again to part of the lecture. Then answer the question.6. What does the professor imply when she says this:“But as it tums out, Mitrastemais actually related to blueberries.”(A) Mitrastema is edible.(B) Rafflesia is also related to blueberries.(C) Rafflesia and Mitrastema are not in the same order.(D) Rafflesia and Mitrastema is also related to blueberries.ANSWERS:1. C2. D3. A4. B5. B6. C。



新托福听力经典加试全解析(共两套)新托福听力经典加试全解析Section 1一、conversation鸟类迁徙1. Why does the man go to see his professor?(A) He wants to change his paper topic.(B) He doesn`t understand how to analyze bird migration.(C) He cannot find enough information on his term paper topic.(D) He doesn`t understand the ideas that he has been reading about.【解析】对话开头部分,学生说:I`m having trouble finding enough sources;But I`ve only got a couple of books to work with right now.2. How does the professor help the man?(A) By suggesting a change in his approach to a paper(B) By explaining some theories about bird migration to him(C) By providing some additional examples he can use on the topic he chose(D) By giving him direction on where to find sources【解析】老师说:“you don`t need to discard the idea completely…but…take a really different focus.”3. What information will the man probably include in his paper?(A) Description of the migration habits of the Common Poorwill(B) His own analysis of early theories about bird migration(C) A comparison between birds that migrate and birds that do not(D) Current research on bird migration【解析】原文对应B:you could present what you think are some reasons;D:you`ll be supporting your views with current research4. Why does the man talk about birds that migrate at night?(A) To determinate that he understands the professor`s recommendation(B) To give examples of what he wants the professor to explain(C) To give an alternative explanation of the hibernation of the Common Poorwill(D) T o ask whether he should change his topic to the sleeping behavior of birds【解析】学生说:I think I see what you`re saying. So…Listen again to part of the conversation and then answer the question.You`re having trouble finding sources on bird migration5. What does the professor imply when she says this:(A) She`s not sure the man should write about bird migration.(B) She thinks finding sources on bird migration should be easy.(C) She`s not sure that she can help the man.(D) She thinks that man has already found enough sources on bird migration.【解析】老师的语气是反问的,她认为查找资料并不困难。



加试全答案一.两河流域苏美文明与埃及文明之比较-1. Astonishing = amazing-2. Sentence simplification =A great civilization arose in Mesopotamia between 3,500 and 3,000 B.C. at the same time that ancient Egypt was being united.-3. Its substance refers to - -------------the political history of ancient Mesopotamia-4. Obscure = unclear-5. 原文提到the ancient Sumerians did not “share the Egyptian's concern with the hereafter”〃之reason原因= to provide one explanation for the relatively few physical remains of Ancient Sumerian society-6. the "city of Ur"位置= near the confluence of Tigris and Euphrates rivers.-7. Vast = very large-8. EXCEPT问题= continuity of cultural and artistic traditions could not be achieved.-9.不是宗教事简单的证据= the idea of divine ownership served as the basis for the economic organization of Sumerian society.-10. Considerable= substantial-11. EXCEPT问题= The local god sometimes fought against the local gods of rival city-stated.-12. insertion问题=第4个方块-13. 分类问题=Ancient Egyptian Civilization政治统一了很久时间有相当多建筑物遗址Sumerian Civilization城邦国家是一个特色从文件中所记载这一个文明受到外部的侵略苏美文明与埃及文明之比较答案 1.c, 2.c, 3.a, 4.a, 5.a 6.d 7.b 8.c 9.d 10.a 11.d12.d 13.a, f / c, d, g二. 达尔文进化论。



(二)经典加试题---听力(感谢crown1990的《加试全答案》)一、对话1主题:女学生丢了钱包内容简介:女生的钱包中里面有她的studentid& meal card以及key等东西,无法回dorm。

于是去student service办id card,遇到staff(口音是黑人)把守,说没有id card 不能进去,要么出示driving license,要么是有头像照片的证件,比如passport或者其他。

但是女生说,我的wallet丢了,id card 没了,passport也在dorm里面,而没有id card,dorm不让进(有题目出现,问她为什么拿不到passport)。

后来女说这个问题她和dorm负责人说过,有email 到这里做说明。


女生说whocares! 女生又说了:她的meal card也掉了。

管理员说:你在里面办ID的时候也可以顺便办了meal card。

女生说:你真的是帮了我很大的忙啊!管理员:if you have some otherproblems, I am glad to help you。

女生说you help! (本句语气为降调,有问题出现,问女生为什么这么说。





托福听力加试大王花Rafflesia原文及试题答案RafflesiaListen to part of a lecture in a Botany classP: We've been talking about plant classifications and how species belong to a family and families belong to an order, but sometimes, figuring out how we assign certain plant species to a particular order is challenging, even if the plant has...unusual characteristics. You'd think that plants with similar characteristics would belong to the same order, but that's not always true. A good example of this is a flower, that is—a flowering plant—that grows only in Malaysia and Indonesia, called Rafflesia.As you can see, Rafflesia is a pretty unusual plant. For starters, it's huge. The flower can grow up to a meter in width and can weigh up to seven kilos—pretty big, huh There aren't any other specimens in the plant world that have flowers even close to this size. But that's not the only unusual characteristic of Rafflesia, in fact, that's probably one of the least strange features of the plant.The plant also emits a terrible stench, like rotting meat. But again, there are other plants with bad smelling flowers. And in the case of Rafflesia, flies are attracted to that smell, and that's how the flowers get pollinated. So...um...Rafflesia's flowers are huge and smelly. Rafflesia is also a parasite; it gets its energy from another plant instead of from the sun, which is unusual, but not unheard of in the plant kingdom. It actually grows inside its host, which is a type of grapevine. I mean... it grows inside its host until it blooms—it doesn't bloom inside the host. But that leads me to...I want to tell you really quickly about another plant, a plant that's also from the forests of Southeast Asia, called Mitrastema.Now, Mitrastema is also a parasite, which led some to believe that Rafflesia was related to Mitrastema—that they belong to the same order. Mitrastema as I said is a parasite, but its flowers are much smaller, and don't smell bad, so you can see why there was debate about whether they were related. But as it turns out, Mitrastema is actually related to blueberries. So, even plants that share an unusual characteristic with Rafflesia are not related to it. And, um...no plant shares all three of its unusual characteristics, and that made classifying Rafflesia very, very difficult.Now, you're probably thinking, why don't they just analyze the DNA of the plant Well, as I said, Rafflesia is a parasite. It lacks the leaves; the green tissue that most plants need for photosynthesis. It's unable to...um...to capture the sunlight most other plants use to make food. So, it's lacking...it...it...it doesn't have the DNA—the genes—for photosynthesis, which is what we usually use to classify plant species. But some researchers in Michigan persisted, and analyzed about 90 species of seed plants and compared them to Rafflesia, and we finally had an answer. Rafflesia was part of the Malpighiales order.Now, other species in the Malpighiales order includeviolets...um...poinsettias...uh...passion-flowers...what else Willows. So it was pretty unexpected because flowers like violets are a lot smaller than Rafflesia, right And they don't smell bad—they don't smell like rotting meat...and they're not parasitic. It took almost 200 years to classify Rafflesia, to identify its relatives, and I don't think anyone would have ever guessed that it's in the order Malpighiales. I mean...you know-it'd be nice to be able to classify species based on their obvious characteristics, but, it didn't work that way with Rafflesia. And unfortunately for Rafflesia, and for the field of botany, it seems that Rafflesia may be dying out. It's certainly endangered because of deforestation in its habitat. And to make matters worse, Rafflesia doesn't reproduce very well. First of all, only 10-20% of buds turn intofull-fledged flowers, and it can take them a year to grow. There are also male flowers and female flowers, and one of each has to be in the same area—the same vicinity—at the same time, to produce seeds, and the flies that are attracted to the flower's strong smell have to carry pollen from one flower to the other, so how often do you think these events occur all together Even people who study the plant for years may never witness it.考题:问题一:主旨题What is the lecture mainly about正确答案:(C) 植物的分类困难。



新托福iBT听力经典加试:浪漫主义诗歌(试题及答案)英国浪漫主义诗人华兹华斯及其诗歌18-19 世纪英国浪漫主义(Romanticism) 诗歌的鼻祖华兹华斯Wordsworth 的诗歌。


浪漫主义Romanticism 不是我们平时理解的浪漫romance/romantic,和男女之间的爱情无关。

Romanticism针对的是普通人common people 而不是少数受过教育的人educated people。

浪漫主义诗人用简单的语言simple language 描述日常生活中常见的事物、孩子、人类情感以及自然和人类之间的互动(有题:浪漫主义诗的特点。



教授以自己为例,说自己在散步时感受到了这种互动(此处出题)与romanticism 针锋相对的一种风格是neo-classism(新古典主义),也是那位romanticism 的鼻祖很反对的。

Neo-classism(新古典主义) 使用太多的elaboration,如sky 不叫sky,而叫blue extend;bird 不叫bird,而叫feathered person。

(有题:重听题,是对古典主义诗的描述,说他们把bird 说成fly people,大概是表现古典主义诗的特征。







)补充资料:ROMANTICISMRomanticism is a style in the fine arts and literature. It emphasizes passion rather than reason, and imagination and intuition rather than logic. Romanticism favors full expression of the emotions, and free, spontaneous action rather than restraint and order.Romanticism can be seen as a rejection of the precepts of order, calm, harmony, balance, idealization, and rationality that typified Classicism in general and late 18th-century Neoclassicism in particular.It was also to some extent a reaction against the Enlightenment and against 18th-century rationalism and physical materialism in general. Romanticism emphasized the individual, the subjective, the irrational, the imaginative, the personal, the spontaneous, the emotional, the visionary, and the transcendental.Romanticism in literature. During the Romantic Movement, most writers were discontented with their world. It seemed commercial, inhuman, and standardized. To escape from modern life,the Romantics turned their interest to remote and faraway places, the medieval past, folklore and legends, and nature and the common people. The Romantics were also drawn to the supernatural.WORDSWORTHWordsworth, William (1770-1850), is considered by many scholars to be the most important English Romantic poet. In 1795, Wordsworth met Samuel Taylor Coleridge. The two men collaborated on Lyrical Ballads (1798), a collection of poems frequently regarded as the symbolic beginning of the English Romantic movement.Wordsworth argued that serious poems could describe "situations from common life" and be written in the ordinary language "really used by men." He believed such poems could clarify "the primary laws of our nature." Wordsworth also insisted that poetry is "emotion recollected in tranquility."He explained that his poetry used everyday language rather than the elevated poetic language of such earlier writers as Dryden and Pope because everyday language comes closer to expressing genuine human feeling. For the same reason, he wanted to write about everyday topics, especially rural, unsophisticated subjects.Wordsworth and Coleridge lived most of their lives in the scenic Lake District of northwestern England and wrote expressively about the beauties of nature and the thoughts that natural beauty inspires. Many of their blank verse poems are written in a meditative, conversational tone new to English poetry.Wordsworth, as we have said, is the chief representative典型的of some of the most important principles原则in the romantic movement, but he is far more a member of any movement, through his supreme poetic expression of some of the greatest spiritual ideals he belongs among the five or six greatest English poets.First, he is the profoundest interpreter of nature in all poetry. His feeling for nature has two aspects. he is keenly sensitive, and in a more delicately discriminating way than any of his predecessors, to all the external beauty and glory of nature, especially inanimate nature of mountains, woods and fields, streams and flowers, in all their infinitely varied aspects. A wonderful joyous and intimate sympathy with them is one of his controlling impulses.In the second place, Wordsworth is the most consistent of all the great English poets of democracy, though here as elsewhere his interest is mainly not t in the external but in the spiritual aspect of things.The obstinacy and these poems are only the most conspicuous result of Wordsworth chief temperamental defect, which was an almost total lack of the sense of humor. Regarding himself as the prophet of a supremely important new gospel, he never admitted the possibility of error in his own point of view and was never able to stand aside from his poetry and criticize itdispassionately.题目:问题一:浪漫主义诗的特点。

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托福听力经典加试答案口诀如何使用:一声A二声B三声C四声D....关于鸟的迁徙的论文:答案:C A BD A B转化后:小心,不要飞离大王花:答案:C D A B B C转化后:我要吃红苹果拉格泰姆音乐:答案:C C CD B A A转化后:我只想要重新听女生丢ID卡:答案:D A C D D转化后:就光喊救命托福听力加试主题:神经胶质细胞研究内容简介:教授说早期对人类大脑的研究集中在神经细胞neuron,让一男生起来回答上节课的主要内容,男生说bioelectricity(生物电)通过神经细胞传导,通过两个神经细胞的接触点传到下一个细胞,有趣的是说到这里被教授打断,说他答得已经很完整了(有题目出现,问教授打断他的用意)。

glial cells(神经胶质细胞)的作用在早期被忽视了,人们认为胶质细胞只有支持神经细胞的作用。







本篇文章要点:分析:本篇文章所涉及的正是托福听力中最难的关于生物学方面的知识,所以其中的生词非常多,比如glial cell等,但是同学们要注意,凡是托福听力中涉及到的生词,都会出现一些解释原则对其进行解释说明,比如会出现which means等词语。

biology 讲glial cell(神经胶质细胞)。

以往人们对神经传导的研究仅限于neuron(神经元),也叫nerve cell。

神经传导通过electrical communication从一个结点传到另一个结点,神经元被认为起主要作用,glial cell(神经胶质细胞)研究的很少,一直被忽略,被看作help the growth of neurons(有题目出现),起辅助作用。

后来偶然发现大脑中glial cell(神经胶质细胞)比neuron(神经细胞)的数目多很多,glial cell(神经胶质细胞)引起了科学家的重视,开始研究它究竟起什么作用(有题目出现,问glial cell怎么引起科学家注意的)。

后来有一重大突破,发现glial cell传导信号不是用的electrical signal,而是用chemical conductor(有题目出现)。

传统观点一直误以为glial cell也像nerve cell一样用电信号。

后来谈到glial cell可能的作用:使人更intelligent。

对glial cell的认识目前十分有限,但相关研究已经开始流行,是大家毕业之后可选的研究课题(有题目出现)Dialogue 托福听力经典加试主题:女学生丢了钱包内容简介:女生的钱包中里面有她的student id& meal card以及key等东西,无法回dorm。

于是去student service办id card,遇到staff(口音是黑人)把守,说没有id card 不能进去,要么出示driving license,要么是有头像照片的证件,比如passport或者其他。

但是女生说,我的wallet丢了,id card没了,passport也在dorm里面,而没有id card,dorm不让进(有题目出现,问她为什么拿不到passport)。

后来女说这个问题她和dorm负责人说过,有email 到这里做说明。

staff查了查,果然如此,然后staff又说如果你能正确说出passport 的number,就让她进去,女学生从容的说出了number,他说OK,你可以进去了,但是你会受到监视。

女生说who cares!女生又说了:她的meal card也掉了。

管理员说:你在里面办ID的时候也可以顺便办了meal card。

女生说:你真的是帮了我很大的忙啊!管理员:if you have some other problems, I am glad to help you。

女生说you help!(本句语气为降调,有问题出现,问女生为什么这么说。


2、女生在解决了所有的问题之后如释重负)Conversation 托福听力经典加试主题:浪漫主义诗歌内容简介:主要介绍18-19世纪英国浪漫主义(Romanticism)诗歌的代表人Wordsworth 的诗。



Romanticism针对的是common people而不是少数educated people,用的是simple language,描述的是日常生活中常见的事物,孩子,人类情感,以及自然和人类之间的互动。


neoclassicism使用太多的elaboration,如sky不叫sky,而叫blue什么的;bird不叫bird,而叫feathered person。







Dialogue主题:鸟类迁徙bird migration内容简介:一个学生找老师因为他要写的bird migration的报告,但找不到足够多的材料,老师认为不可能材料不够(有问题出现,问教授这话什么意思,答案是她认为找resource 应该easy),男生说因为他要写得paper是关于古代鸟类迁徙的,所以资料不够。


”后来他说想写关于Aristotle关于这个题目的看法之类的,老师说她的要求是希望他们运用所学知识研究来完成paper 不要做summarization,希望他换一种想法,可以写以前的old theory,然后现在的这些新研究如何支持或者驳斥这些theory,接着他想到可以写bird migrate at night,人们大多只看到大鸟,所以认为小鸟在大鸟的翅膀下迁徙什么的,其实新发现是因为小鸟晚上飞(有问题出现,通过说这个topic来验证自己理解了老师的意图change the topic from ancient to recent)。



Lecture: 大王花植物分类归属问题,单靠外观是不能判断的,相似的植物不一定是一类,反之亦然。






后来终于找到了它的营地,但是这个属种(好像有violate, willow之类)的花都很小,而且没有异味。



大意是说大王花又大又臭将物种分门别类其实不是件容易的事,例如:大王花,解释了一些特性,如散发恶臭吸引flies 来授粉pollination ,光透过这些特性很难把他归类,与他同一order的另一种植物,与大王花天壤地别。










Lecture: ragtime musicragtime music在某个时期很流行(like Rock & Roll在某一时期一样),那个年代年轻人很喜欢这种音乐。

然后讲到piano,说piano可以很好的诠释这种音乐,再加上,那个年代,大家都没钱,就去public concert or restaurant什么的听音乐,而piano声音够响亮,又和ragtime music rhythm搭配的天衣无缝,所以,两者相得益彰。




音乐历史,某种音乐chockmusic??有个ragtime 其流行原因,因为传递出了年轻人的精神和活力。

然后对其他音乐的影响,比如说jazz 和rap,还提到了钢琴的流行。


钢琴的声音特好,钢琴特牛,特贵,那时候没几个人买得起,然后声音特好,穿透力特强…Ragtime music:讲特定的乐器和音乐之间的关系。
