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要学会除学术内容之外的 必要的连接表达方式 详见实例
语言要简练 清晰 能用几句话将一张片子讲清楚
好的报告是使绝大部分听众都能理解 并激发他们的兴趣
要面向听众 目光落在听众的眼睛上 并且注意在讲的过程中目光要扫到全体听众 但是要 注意扫的速度不宜太快 至少讲完一句话再换
不管听众提的问题多没意义 语气多生硬 大多数情况下是由于语言问题而引起的误会 并 非真的是态度问题 也不要表现你的不重视 不满意 而要积极地对问题本身予以肯定 并努力让事实说话 尽量认真地回答问题
当没听清问题时 Sorry, I cannot catch your question. 当终于明白别人要问什么 而别人还以为你不明白时 Yeah, I got your idea. 当被问到一大堆问题时 Can I answer your first question first? And then go back to you second question/other questions?
25 wt% 150 ºC 1/2 1/3 2/3 4/5 1.23 0.01 2.X =
> < >> a=b+c a=b-c a=bxc a = b/c x2 x3 lognX a* a’ a’’
twenty five weight percent one fifty degree C one half one third two thirds four fifths/ four over five
当主持人提醒时间快到了时 I’m going to be quick.
Before my conclusion, I just want to point out……
Ok, I won’t talk this too much here. Let’s switch to the final slide: conclusions. 当面对提问
And your second question is ? 当提问的问题是难以回答的时 It’s a good question.
That’s exactly what we try to do. However, until now, we have not got promising results.
学术报告-口语 试用稿
语言风格 简单生动的口语 要加强与听众的交流 要多用主动态 多用 we, you.
要说整句的 完整的语言 不能象胶片那样只是短语 词组
会议的一般学术报告 不必感谢主持人 宜开门见山
在流利表达的基础上 请注意以下语法<对于最普通的情况> 单数第三人称的谓语动词要加-s. 过去时的谓语动词要加-ed. 复数要加-s.
当听众打断你的报告 问及某个问题时 如你在后面的片子会讲到 I will show you later.
I will show you on the following slides.
I am on the way.
如你在报告中不会涉及 It is an interesting question. Can I answer you question after I finish my presentation?
one point two three zero point zero one two point something is equal to / equals is identically equal to is approximately equal to is larger than is less than is much greater than a is equal to b plus c a is equal to b minus c a is equal to b times c / a is equal to b multiplied by c a is equal to b divided by c / a is equal to b over c x square / x to the second power / x to the power two x cube / x to the third power / x to the power three log x to the base n a star a prime a double prime is perpendicular to is parallel to
I would like to discuss with you after the meeting.
与报告人的交流 自己是听众
在对报告人进行提问时 要有礼貌 注意语言的表达 很多情况下 语言表达方式的不当使 你的问题听起来非常主观 不礼貌
要避免的说法 I know that…… I think…… Can you…… 较恰当的语气 As I understand,…… I guess…… I am wondering…… I would like to know……