
国际学术会议幻灯片制作及演讲技巧(合集)第一篇:国际学术会议幻灯片制作及演讲技巧国际学术会议幻灯片制作及演讲技巧Slides幻灯片: 1.幻灯片的标题页里要包含所有作者们的名字和联系方式不要用“等等…”来代替。
8.幻灯片不要出现拼写错误不要出现语法错误例如“How to do this” 就是一种语法错误不要出现格式上的错误。
Introduction简介: 20.在演讲的开始要有一些“妙语”以吸引听众。

A. Prediction Accuracy
The scatter plot in Fig shows the fitted score (as the χ-axis) and the user score (as the Υ-axis) for each rate pair and time interval test set
Accuracy of prediction
B. Comparison to PESQ
1) Fixed Rate
Prediction error: SILK versus PESQ for fixed-rate tracks
For the fixed-rate comparison, we included tracks in both
B. Variable-Rate Model
where the effect of change frequency is distributed to the logarithm term, and the effect of hr and lr is distributed to the two subroutines, SCALE() and SHIFT() .
THE EFFECTIVE end-to-end transport of delay-sensitive voice data has long been a subject of study in multimedia networking.

• Light • Consistent
Background – Bad
Avoid backgrounds that are distracting or difficult to read from
Trying to be creative can also be bad
Background - Good
Use backgrounds such as this one that are attractive but simple
Use backgrounds which are light
– Ex: light blue title and dark blue text
Use color to emphasize a point
– But only use this occasionally
Color - Bad
Using a font colour that does not contrast with the background colour is hard to read
Slide Structure - Bad
This page contains too many words for a presentation slide. It is not written in point form, making it difficult both for your audience to read and for you to present each point. Although there are exactly the same number of points on this slide as the previous slide, it looks much more complicated. In short, your audience will spend too much time trying to read this paragraph instead of listening to you.

---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------英文学术报告ppt模板英文学术报告 ppt 模板:学术报告英文模板 ppt 学术论文的架构中文名的英文怎么写关于美食的英语 ppt ? ? 篇一:国际会议口头报告 ppt 演讲内容准备模板 ? The Draft of Academic Presentation ? 国际会议的口头报告模板,每页 ppt 你需要讲什么东西需要分页详细写,尽量口语化,如下是本人参加比利时会议的模板,供大家参考。
P1 ? 开场白:? I am so honored to be with you to communicate academic questions and ideas. ? The tile of my academic presentation is The preparation and catalytic performance of porous silica nanotube functioned with heteroatoms ? I shall only take ten minutes of your time. ? I will talk about the topic on the preparation of porous materials. ? P2 ? First of all, i wanna introduce myself. I come from nanjing university of technology, nanjing city, china. ? P3 ? The content is listed as follows. ? P4 ? All our researches are conducted by the academic thoughts. Generally speaking, we are committed to porous materials. In order to explore high-performance functionalized materials for Pilot experiments and scale-up production; we tune the1 / 18structure, such as composition and morphology step by step and optimize them further. What s more, the possible synthesis mechanisms are also investigated. Today, the presentation is based on the right-hand branch. ? P5 ? It is known that mesoporous silica have excellent characters as the catalyst carrier, such as .. ? But due to lack of active sites, we have to introduce organic or inorganic species as active sites. And the catalytic performance need to be further improved. ? P6 ? As we know, the three factors including activity, scale and diffusion factor play decisive role in the catalysis, affecting the yield, selectivity, stability strongly. In our presentation, we mainly focus on the influence of scale factor on the catalysis. ? P7 ? Due to lack of active sites for mesoporous silica, two main methods (surface loading, modified framework) are widely reported, by which various organic or inorganic active sites can be immobilized on the surface or incorporated into the framework of mesopoous silica. ? P8 ? Though various morphologies of mesoporos silica were widely synthesized, the synthesis of the mesoporos silica, with three simultaneous characteristics including doped metal, mesoporous structure and specific morphology, is always a challenge, which is rarely reported. ? In other words, for our---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ case exploring a proper condition, at which the silicon and metal sources can simultaneously hydrolyze, can ensure a desired material. ? P9 ? Next, let s look at the synthetic steps. Firstly, . Then, . After that, . At last, we obtained the ?products. ? P10 ? In this work, by changing the synthesis conditions, such as , and so on, the pure mesoporous silica with different morphologies were synthesized, including nanosphere, nanorod, helix, capsule and nanotube. We will focus on the preparation and catalytic application of mesoporous silica with nanotube morphology. ? P11 ? the SEM images of samples: A1, A2, A3 are shown in the figure. It can be seen that sample a1 is nanowire-like with length of about 2m and diameter of about 100nm. When the amount of ... is 0.04 g, the morphology of sample A2 became to be short and thick rods and the size is about 1 m in length and 400nm in diameter, respectively. With further increasing the amount of ..., the sample A3 and A4 turned to be spherical morphology. It also can be seen that the diameters of samples A3 and A4 are substantially the same about 450nm. However, the spherical morphology of A4 is more regular than that of A3. ? The XRD patterns showed four reflection peaks attributed to (100), (110), (200) and (210), respectively, due3 / 18to the hexagonal sructure. ? P12 ? Then, we keep the same amount of ..., increasing the amount of .... ? We found that the length increased gradually. The XRD patterns also showed the hexagonal sructure of samples B1, B2, B3, B4. ? P13 ? Moreover, an additional proof of the hexagonal symmetry structure is given by TEM and the FT pattern. The N2 adsorption-desorption isotherms of the samples B1, B2, B3, B4 exhibit a typical type-IV isotherm. ? According to the table of structural parameters, we can find that the specific surface area and total pore volume increase gradually, the thickness of wall decrease and there is no obvious change in diameter. ? P14 ? Furthermore, the possible synthesis mechanism of the mesoporous silica nanotube in dual templates system was proposed. We suggest that due to electrostatic repulsion between positively charged ammonium ions from hydrated ammonia molecules and hydrophilic groups of ..., especially in ammonia (NH3, 25wt.%) solution, the high concentrated ammonium ions provide a crowded and repulsive space to prevent the conjunction of ... molecules, leading to the formation of the rod-like micelles as template to form pore structure instead of sphere-like ones.The role of co-template ... is suggested to tune the length of rod-like micelles by arranging itself along the axis of channel with PEO---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ and PPO part immersed in the hydrophilic and the hydrophobic group of CTA+ respectively. As a result, the mesoporous nanotube with different length will be synthesized. However, the non-polar ... micelles are not affected by positively charged ammonium. When the amount of co-template increased further, the non-polar ... micelles tend to control the morphology of micelles which are sequentially from nanotube, short rod to sphere-like ones. It my be the reason that the non-polar ... micelles would provide stronger attractive force than the electrostatic repulsion derived from the PEO block, ammonium ions and head group of ..., respectively. ? P15 ? In order to investigate the influence of the morphology and structure of mesoporous silica on catalytic ?performance, the samples with copper incorporated were synthesized. ? P16 ? The figure shows the SEM and TEM images of samples a1, a2, a3, from which we can see they represent incremental length in the range of about 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 m, and insignificant change in diameter around 100nm. In XRD patterns, there are also four reflection peaks for the samples with copper incorprated, respectively, which indicates the incorporation of the inorganic copper salt has no obvious effect on the hexagonal5 / 18sructure and the ordered degree of pore structure. Moreover, the trends in length and the diameter of nanotube are illustrated. ? P17 ? The N2 adsorption-desorption isotherms of the samples a1, a2, a3 exhibit a typical type-IV isotherm according to the IUPAC classification and no hysteresis loop at the relative pressure range of 0.2 p/p0 0.4, implying the samples not only have ordered mesoporous structure but also the uniform pore size. Moreover, the pore diameters did not change significantly at different weight ratio of .../.... The most probable pore sizes of samples a1, a2, a3 are determined to be 2.71, 2.50, 2.44 nm, respectively. The structural parameters are listed in following table. ? P18 ? This table summarized the catalytic activity of copper-modified porous silica nanotube in the direct hydroxylation of benzene with H2O2 as oxidant. The catalysts showed high catalytic activity, and direct proportional relationship between the benzene conversion and the length of the silica nanotube. Considering the similar copper content determined by ICP, the variations of catalytic activities were probably caused by different retention time of reagent in the nanotube with different lengths. P19 ? It is Summary and Future Research ? This part of research can be summed up from the following three aspects. ?---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ Mophology control,Catalytic activity and Future research ? 看看 this slide. ? P20 ? thanks ? 篇二:英文 PPT 开场 ? 成功英语演讲的秘诀:开场白、结束语 ? 应对问题 ? -I will be pleased to answer any questions you may have at the end of the presentation. -Please can you save your questions till the end. ? -If you have any questions, I will be pleased to answer them at the end of the presentation. -there will be time at the end of the presentation to answer your questions-so please feel free to ask me anything then. ? -Don#39;t hesitate to interrupt if you have a question. ? -Please feel free to interrupt me at any time. ? -Please stop me if you have any questions. ? -If you need clarification on any point, you#39;re welcome to ask questions at any time. -Can I come back to that point later? ? -I will be coming to that point in a minute. ? -That#39;s a tricky question. ? -We will go into details later. But just to give you an idea of... ? -I am afraid there#39;s no easy answer to that one... ? -Yes, that#39;s a very good point. ? -Perhaps we could leave that point until the questions at the end of the presentation -I think I said that I would answer questions at the end of the presentation---perhaps you wouldn#39;t mind wait ?ing until7 / 18then. ? -I think we have time for just one more question ? 欢迎听众( 正式) ? - Welcome to our company ? - I am pleased to be able to welcome you to our company... ? - I#39;d like to thank you for coming. ? - May I take this opportunity of thanking you for coming ? 欢迎听众( 非正式 ) ? - I#39;m glad you could all get here... ? - I#39;m glad to see so many people here. ? - It#39;s GREat to be back here. ? - Hello again everybody. Thank you for being on time/making the effort to come today. - Welcome to X Part II. ? 受邀请在会议上致词? - I am delighted/pleased/glad to have the opportunity to present/of making this presentation... ? - I am grateful for the opportunity to present... ? - I#39;d like to thank you for inviting/asking me/giving me the chance to... ? - Good morning/afternoon/evening ladies and gentleman ? - It#39;s my pleasant duty today to... ? - I#39;ve been asked to... ? 告知演讲的话题 ? - the subject of my presentation is... ? - I shall be speaking today about... ? - My presentation concerns... ? - Today#39;s topic is... ? - Today we are here to give a presentation on... ? - Today we are here to talk about...Before we start, I#39;d like you meet my team members... - A brief look at today#39;s agenda...( 告诉听众所讲内容的先后顺序) ? - Before we start our presentation, let#39;s take a---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ brief look at the agenda... ? - I shall be offering a brief analysis of... ? - the main area that I intend to cover in this presentation is... ? - Take a moment and think of... ? - Thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell you about... ? 告诉听众发言的长度 ? - During the next ten minutes, I shall... ? - I shall be speaking for about ten minutes... ? - My presentation will last for about ten minutes... ? - I won#39;t take up more than ten minutes of your time... ? - I don#39;t intend to speak for longer than ten minutes... ? - I know that time is short, so I intend to keep this brief ? - I have a lot to cram in to the next ten minutes, so I#39;d better make a start... ? 引起听众的兴趣 ? - I#39;m going to be speaking about something that is vitally important to all of us. - My presentation will help solve a problem that has puzzled people for years... ? - At the end of this presentation you will understand why this company has been so successful for so long... ? - I am going to be talking about a product that could double your profit margins... - the next ten minutes will change your attitude to sales and marketing... ? - Over the next ten minutes you are going to hear about something that will change the way your companies operate... ? - By the end of this9 / 18presentation you will know all there is to know about... ? 告诉听众内容要点 ? - there are five main aspects to this topic (...the first, ... the second, ...a third, ...another, ... the final) ? - I am going to examine these topics in the following order (...first, ...next, ...after that, ...finally) ? - I#39;ve divided my talk into five parts... ? - I will deal with these topics in chronological order... ? - I#39;m going to start with a general overview and then focus on this particular problem (...in general, ...more particularly). ? - I want to start with this particular topic, and then draw some more general conclusions from it (...specifically, ... in a wider context). ?- there are (a number of) factors that may affect... ? - We have to take into account in any discussion of this subject, the following ? considerations. ? - We all ought to be aware of the following points. ? 结束语 ? -In conclusion, I#39;d like to... ? -I#39;d like to finish by... ? -Finally... ? -By way of conclusion... ? -I hope I have made myself understood ? -I hope you have found this useful ? -I hope this has given you some idea/clear idea/an outline of... ? -Let me end by saying... ? -That, then was all I had to say on... ? -That concludes our presentation... ? -I hope I#39;ve managed to give you a clearer picture of... ? -If there are any questions,---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------I#39;d be delighted to... ? -Thank you for your attention... ? -Let#39;s break for a coffee at this point ? -I am afraid that the clock is against us, so we had better stop here ? -You have been a very attentive audience---thank you ? 转自 e to ? Finally/lastly/last of all . ? 5.Questions ? I d be glad to answer any questions at the end of the my talk. ? If you have any questions, please feel free to interrupt. ? Please interrupt me if there s something which needs clarifying. Otherwise, there ll be time for discussion at the end ? 转帖四 ? I. Opening Remarks 开场:Sample Opening Remarks ? 1) Thank you very much, Prof. Fawcett, for your very kind introduction. Mr. ? Chairman, Ladies and gentleman, Good morning! I consider it a great honor to be asked to speak about on this session of our symposium. ?2) Ladies and gentleman. It s an honor to have the opportunity to address such a distinguished audience. ? 3) Good morning. Let me start by saying just a few words about my own background. ? 篇三:如何做学术报告 ? 做国际学术会议报告的几点技巧(tips) ? 冯兆东(2019-08-03 ) ? 一、我自己的一个沉痛的教训 ? 记得那是 1988 年,我在美国地质学年会的一个分会上做了一个口头报告,11 / 18那是我的第一个英文口头报告。

英语学术报告:学术报告英语计算机视觉知乎英语记叙文事件范文英语议论文范文篇一:英文学术报告开场白、结束语問侯語或開場白的寒喧(Greetings)開場白很重要,最常用的問候是“Ladies and gentlemen”,但要視場合而定。
例如在會議討論會場合時,經由主席介紹上台時可先說Mr.Chairman,Honorable guest,Ladies and gentlemen,goodmorning ,It's very great pleasure indeed for me to be able to attend this meeting主席先生,各位貴賓,各位女士,先生早安(非常榮幸能參加這次的會議。
或者你也可以說I'mhornored and proud to have the opportunity to speak at this meeting .禮貌性的問侯語這是對主持人和來賓的一種尊重。
開始簡報(opening a presentation)—提出簡報摘要在正式進入主題之前可先扼要說明簡報的內容與順序,幫助聽眾了解您的報告的大概內容。
例,(Today I would like to present my paper“The challenges ofpharmacy practice in Taiwan”,In the first part of thereport ,I'm going to begin with a few general commentsconcerning the Taiwan Medical care enviroment recently, and then discuss in more detail specific issue which concerned community pharmacy,and how the National Health cave Insurance influence the future of pharmacist career?例,(你亦可將要簡報的摘要條列式的依序說明。

英文演讲稿的PPT制作技巧分享English Presentation PPT Production Skills SharingGood morning/afternoon/evening, ladies and gentlemen.It’s my pleasure to share with you some tips and techniques regarding how to create a high-quality PPT for an English presentation. As we all know, PPT has become an essentialtool in our modern communication, especially in the business world. An engaging and clear PPT can effectively convey your message and win the trust and interest of your audience. Therefore, it’s crucial to master some PPT production skills to create an impressive presentation. In this article, I’ll take you through five essential steps of creating a compelling English presentation PPT.Step 1: Planning and PreparationBefore creating any PPT, it’s important to cl arify the content and target audience of your presentation. Askyourself the following questions:1. What is the purpose of my presentation?2. Who is my target audience?3. What information do they want to know?4. How long is my presentation?5. How many slides will I use?Based on these questions, you can determine the corresponding information and supporting materials to include in your PPT. Additionally, a clear and concise outline can help you organize the structure of your presentation and save your time in the production process.Step 2: Design and LayoutA well-designed and organized PPT can help you quickly engage your audience and convey your message. The design and layout of your slides should conform to the theme of your presentation and be consistent throughout the PPT. Here are some design tips to consider:1. Choose a consistent color scheme that complements your content and the overall tone of your presentation.2. Use high-quality images and graphics to support your words. Avoid using too many stock images or clip art.3. Use a modern and easy-to-read font. Stay away from decorative fonts.4. Keep the layout simple and clean. Avoid excessive animations or transitions that may distract the audience.Step 3: Content and PresentationThe content is the core of your PPT. It should be concise, engaging, and informative. A good PPT should not beoverloaded with information. Instead, focus on key points and deliver them effectively. Here are some presentation tips to consider:1. Start with an attention-grabbing opening statement or question.2. Use bullet points and short sentences to convey your message effectively.3. Use examples or real-life scenarios to clarify your concept or idea.4. Use videos or animations to enhance the visual effectof your presentation.5. Summarize the key points and make a call to action at the end of your presentation.Step 4: Practice and RehearsalPractice makes perfect. A well-prepared presenter can deliver the message with confidence and clarity. To achieve this, you need to practice and rehearse before the actual presentation. Here are some rehearsal tips to consider:1. Read your presentation out loud to become familiar with the content and delivery style.2. Time yourself to ensure your presentation is within the allocated time frame.3. Ask a friend or colleague to listen to your presentation and give feedback.4. Record yourself and watch the playback to see if you need to improve on any areas.5. Be comfortable with your presentation material and be prepared to respond to any questions or challenges.Step 5: Final Touches and DistributionAfter completing your PPT, it’s time to do the final touches. Here are some final tips to consider:1. Review your presentation and correct any spelling or grammatical errors.2. Check the consistency of the design and layout throughout the presentation.3. Save your PPT in the appropriate format (PowerPoint, PDF, etc.) to distribute to your audience.4. Be prepared to adjust the font size and color schemeif necessary, depending on the venue and lighting.5. Always have a backup plan in case of any technical difficulties.In conclusion, a well-designed and delivered PPT can help you effectively communicate your message and engage your audience. By following these essential steps, you can create an impressive and engaging PPT for your English presentation. Thank you for reading, and I hope you found these tipshelpful in your future presentations.。

制作课件的小妙招英语作文1. Well, when it comes to making a presentation, one handy tip is to use visuals. Pictures, graphs, and charts can help convey your message more effectively and engage your audience. So, instead of bombarding them with a bunch of text, why not spice things up with some eye-catching visuals?2. Another trick is to keep your slides simple and uncluttered. Avoid overcrowding your slides with too much information. Remember, your audience should be focusing on you, not trying to decipher a bunch of tiny text on the screen. So, keep it clean and concise.3. Now, let's talk about the importance of practicing your presentation. Practice, practice, practice! It might sound cliché, but trust me, it makes a huge difference. By rehearsing your presentation beforehand, you'll feel more confident and comfortable when delivering it. Plus, it helps you identify any areas that need improvement.4. Oh, and don't forget about the power of storytelling. People love stories, so try to incorporate some anecdotesor personal experiences into your presentation. It adds a human touch and makes your content more relatable. Plus, it keeps your audience engaged and interested in what you have to say.5. Moving on, let's discuss the use of humor. Adding a touch of humor to your presentation can be a great way to lighten the mood and connect with your audience. However, make sure your jokes are appropriate and relevant to the topic at hand. You don't want to offend anyone or distract from your main message.6. Now, let's talk about the importance of knowing your audience. It's crucial to tailor your presentation to suit the needs and interests of your specific audience. What might work for one group might not resonate with another. So, do your research and customize your content accordingly.7. Lastly, don't forget to engage with your audience.Encourage participation by asking questions, seeking their opinions, or even incorporating interactive activities. This not only keeps them involved but also helps create a more memorable and interactive experience.So, there you have it! Some handy tips for making a killer presentation. Remember, visuals, simplicity, practice, storytelling, humor, audience awareness, and engagement are key elements to keep in mind. Good luck!。

PPT怎么做英语发言稿Title: Presentation on How to Create an Effective PPTSlide 1:- Greetings and Introduction- Topic: How to Create an Effective PowerPoint Presentation Slide 2:- Importance of a well-designed PPT- It enhances communication and understanding- Engages the audience visually and mentallySlide 3:- Define the purpose and objective of the presentation- Clearly state the key message you want to convey- Tailor the content to suit the audience's needs and interests Slide 4:- Plan the structure and organization of the PPT- Identify the main points and supporting details- Use an appropriate slide layout for each conceptSlide 5:- Choose a visually appealing design theme- Keep it simple and professional- Avoid distracting backgrounds and fontsSlide 6:- Use suitable fonts and font sizes- Sans-serif fonts are often recommended (e.g., Arial, Calibri)- Maintain consistent font styles and sizes across slidesSlide 7:- Limit the use of text on each slide- Use bullet points or short phrases instead of long sentences- This keeps the audience focused and engagedSlide 8:- Use high-quality images and graphics- Choose relevant visuals that reinforce the message- Avoid overcrowding the slides with too many imagesSlide 9:- Use animation and transitions sparingly- Employ them to enhance understanding or emphasize important points- Avoid excessive or distracting animationsSlide 10:- Incorporate multimedia elements (e.g., video and audio)- Enhances audience engagement and interaction- Ensure they are relevant and add value to the presentation Slide 11:- Use charts, graphs, and infographics to visualize data- Presents information in a more understandable format- Choose appropriate visuals based on the data and context Slide 12:- Practice a consistent and professional color scheme- Use contrasting colors for better readability- Avoid using too many different colorsSlide 13:- Focus on consistency throughout the presentation- Use consistent formatting, fonts, colors, and alignment- This helps create a cohesive and professional lookSlide 14:- Include references and citations if needed- Acknowledge sources of information, images, and data- This demonstrates credibility and prevents plagiarismSlide 15:- Conclusion and Summary- Recap the key points discussed in the presentation- Emphasize the importance of creating an effective PPTSlide 16:- Q&A session- Allow the audience to ask questions or seek clarification- Provide insightful and helpful responsesSlide 17:- Thank the audience for their attention and participation- Offer additional resources or contact information if applicable - Encourage feedback to improve future presentationsSlide 18:- Additional Tips and Best Practices- Practice delivering the presentation to ensure fluency and confidence- Consider using a remote control or presenter mode during the talk Slide 19:- Use handouts or provide an electronic version of the PPT after the presentation- This allows the audience to review the content at their own pace - Include any additional information or references not part of the slidesSlide 20:- End with a compelling closing statement- Restate the key message or call to action- Thank the audience once again for their time and attention Note: The above outline is an example and should be expanded upon to reach the desired word count.。
英文学术报告范例 ppt课件

Comparison of stress-strain curves
The chart shows the comparison between the predictions and the test data of UHTCC
The predicted curves are obtained by using the experimental strain value at peak stress instead of the fixed value of 0.002.
• 你所经历的课堂,是讲座式还是讨论式? • 教师的教鞭
• “不怕太阳晒,也不怕那风雨狂,只怕先生骂我 笨,没有学问无颜见爹娘 ……”
• “太阳当空照,花儿对我笑,小鸟说早早早……”
Experimental Program
Experimental Results
Fig. 1. Comparison of prism compressive strength between UHTCC and
Comparison of strain at peak stress
Fig. 3. Comparison of strain at peak stress between UHTCC and matrix
Theoretical model
Ascending branch:c1c2
Strain hardening branch: c1 c2
Horizontal branch: c3 c c3cc2(c

High quality images can enhance the overall visual effect of the PPT and make the presentation more attractive.
Consider cultural factors
Using charts can help students understand data and trends more intuitively, and improve the persuasiveness of presentations.
Choose the appropriate chart type
Use colors that are easy on the eyes and enhance readability, avoiding bright or hard colors that may distract the audience
Advisor the background color when selecting text colors to ensure good contrast and readability
Adapt to Learners
Tailor the PPT presentation to the needs and learning styles of individual learners to enhance their comprehension and retention of information

英文学术PPT怎么做发言稿Title: The Power of Positive Reinforcement in Classroom Management: Enhancing Student Motivation and Engagement Introduction:Good morning/afternoon everyone. I am honored to have the opportunity to present my research on the topic of positive reinforcement in classroom management. As educators, we all strive to create a positive and engaging learning environment for our students. Today, I will discuss the importance of positive reinforcement, its benefits, and practical strategies for implementing it effectively.Slide 1: Introduction- Introduce myself and the topic of the presentation- Outline the structure of the presentationSlide 2: Importance of Positive Reinforcement- Highlight the vital role of positive reinforcement in classroom management- Discuss the impact of affirmation and encouragement on student motivation- Emphasize the need for a nurturing and positive learning environmentSlide 3: Benefits of Positive Reinforcement- Examine the academic benefits of positive reinforcement- Discuss the positive impact on student engagement and participation- Address the long-term academic and personal achievementsassociated with positive reinforcementSlide 4: Types of Positive Reinforcement- Outline and explain various forms of positive reinforcement, such as verbal praise, rewards, and recognition- Discuss the appropriate use of tangible rewards and intrinsic motivators- Provide examples on how to tailor positive reinforcement to different age groups and individual student needsSlide 5: Strategies for Effective Implementation- Provide practical strategies for successful implementation of positive reinforcement- Discuss the importance of consistency and clarity in reinforcing desired behavior- Encourage the use of specific and timely feedback to increase effectivenessSlide 6: Creating a Reward System- Explain the process of creating a classroom reward system- Identify and discuss the importance of establishing clear goals and expectations- Share examples of reward systems that have proven successful in various classroom settingsSlide 7: Potential Challenges and Solutions- Address potential challenges and misconceptions surrounding positive reinforcement- Provide solutions and suggestions for overcoming common obstacles- Emphasize the importance of individualization and flexibility in implementing positive reinforcement strategiesSlide 8: Case Studies and Success Stories- Present case studies and success stories from actual classrooms - Highlight the positive outcomes and improvements observed using positive reinforcement techniques- Discuss variations and adaptations based on the specific needs of different student populationsSlide 9: Conclusion- Summarize the key points discussed during the presentation- Reinforce the importance of implementing positive reinforcement strategies in the classroom- Offer encouragement and support to fellow educators in their efforts to create positive learning environmentsSlide 10: Q&A Session- Open the floor for questions, comments, and further discussion - Provide additional clarification or examples, if necessary- Thank the audience for their participation and attentivenessIn conclusion, positive reinforcement is an essential tool in effective classroom management. When used appropriately, it can significantly enhance student motivation, engagement, and overall academic success. By implementing practical strategies and creating a nurturing reward system, we can create a positive learning environment that fosters growth and development for all students. Thank you for your time and attention.。

如何制作ppt的英语作文初三全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1How to Make a PowerPoint PresentationPowerPoint is a powerful tool for creating professional and visually appealing presentations. Whether you are a student, a teacher, or a professional, knowing how to make an effective PowerPoint presentation is a valuable skill. In this article, we will discuss the steps to creating a successful PowerPoint presentation.Step 1: PlanningBefore you start creating your PowerPoint presentation, it is important to plan out your content. Think about the purpose of your presentation, your audience, and the key points you want to convey. Create an outline with the main topics and subtopics you want to cover in your presentation.Step 2: Choose a Design ThemeSelect a design theme for your presentation that is visually appealing and suits the topic. You can choose from thepre-designed themes in PowerPoint or create your own custom design. Make sure to use a consistent design throughout the presentation for a professional look.Step 3: Add ContentOnce you have your outline and design theme ready, start adding content to your slides. Keep your slides concise and to the point, using bullet points and visuals to convey information. Use high-quality images, graphs, charts, and videos to enhance your presentation.Step 4: Use Visual AidsVisual aids are essential for keeping your audience engaged and helping them understand the information better. Use visuals such as charts, graphs, diagrams, and images to illustrate key points and make your presentation more visually appealing.Step 5: Practice and RehearseBefore presenting your PowerPoint, make sure to practice and rehearse your presentation. Pay attention to your pace, tone of voice, and body language. Make sure you are comfortable with the content and confident in your delivery.Step 6: Present with ConfidenceWhen presenting your PowerPoint, speak clearly and confidently. Maintain eye contact with your audience and use gestures to engage them. Pause at key points to allow your audience to absorb the information.Step 7: Ask for FeedbackAfter your presentation, ask for feedback from your audience or colleagues. Learn from their feedback and use it to improve your future presentations.In conclusion, creating a successful PowerPoint presentation requires careful planning, a visually appealing design, quality content, and confident delivery. By following these steps, you can create a professional and engaging presentation that effectively communicates your message.篇2How to Make a PowerPoint PresentationA PowerPoint presentation is a great way to showcase information, ideas, and data in a visual and engaging format. Whether you are a student, a business professional, or someone who just wants to create a dynamic presentation, knowing how to make a PowerPoint presentation is a valuable skill. In thisarticle, we will discuss the step-by-step process of creating a successful PowerPoint presentation.Step 1: PlanningBefore you start creating your PowerPoint presentation, it's important to have a clear idea of what you want to achieve. Think about the purpose of your presentation, who your audience is, and what key points you want to communicate. Determine the structure of your presentation and outline the main topics that you will cover.Step 2: ContentOnce you have a plan in place, it's time to gather and organize your content. This may include text, images, graphs, charts, and videos. Make sure your content is relevant, concise, and easy to understand. Use bullet points, headings, and subheadings to break up your information and make it easier to follow.Step 3: DesignThe design of your PowerPoint presentation plays a crucial role in engaging your audience. Choose a clean and professional-looking template that complements your content. Use a consistent color scheme, font style, and layout throughoutyour presentation. Avoid using too many animations, transitions, or flashy effects that can distract from your message.Step 4: LayoutOrganize your content in a logical and visually appealing way. Start with an opening slide that captures your audience's attention and introduces your topic. Use slides to present each main point and supporting information. Consider using visuals such as images or graphs to illustrate your points. End with a conclusion slide that summarizes your key takeaways.Step 5: RehearseOnce you have created your PowerPoint presentation, take the time to rehearse it. Practice your delivery, timing, and transitions. Make sure you are comfortable with your content and can confidently present it to your audience. Rehearsing will help you identify any areas that need improvement and ensure a smooth presentation on the day.Step 6: PresentOn the day of your presentation, be confident and professional. Start by introducing yourself and your topic. Speak clearly and confidently, and engage with your audience by making eye contact and asking questions. Use your PowerPointpresentation as a visual aid to support your message, not as a crutch. Remember to stay within your allotted time and be prepared to answer any questions from your audience.In conclusion, creating a successful PowerPoint presentation requires careful planning, thoughtful content, and effective design. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create a dynamic and engaging presentation that will captivate your audience and effectively communicate your message. Practice, preparation, and confidence are key to delivering a successful presentation. Good luck!篇3How to Make a PowerPoint PresentationPowerPoint is a widely used tool for creating presentations in various settings, such as schools, offices, and business meetings. Knowing how to make an effective PowerPoint presentation is an important skill to have. Here are some steps to guide you through the process of creating a successful PowerPoint presentation:1. Plan Your Presentation:Before you start creating your PowerPoint slides, it's important to have a clear plan in mind. Think about the purposeof your presentation, the key points you want to communicate, and the overall message you want to convey. This will help you stay focused and organized as you create your slides.2. Choose a Design Theme:Selecting a design theme for your PowerPoint presentation is crucial to creating a cohesive and professional-looking presentation. Choose a design that complements your topic and is easy to read. You can use pre-designed templates or create your own custom design.3. Create an Outline:Outline the main points of your presentation in a logical sequence. This will help you stay on track and ensure that your presentation flows smoothly. Include an introduction, body, and conclusion in your outline, as well as any supporting data or visuals you plan to include.4. Add Content:Once you have an outline in place, start adding content to your slides. Keep your text concise and to the point, using bullet points and short sentences to convey your message. Use visuals, such as images, charts, and graphs, to enhance your presentation and make it more engaging for your audience.5. Use Visuals Wisely:Visuals are a powerful tool for conveying information in a presentation. Use images, charts, and graphs to break uptext-heavy slides and make your presentation more visually appealing. Be sure to use high-quality visuals that are relevant to your topic and help clarify your message.6. Practice Your Presentation:Before you deliver your PowerPoint presentation, practice it several times to ensure that you are familiar with the content and can deliver it confidently. Adjust your speaking pace, tone, and gestures to engage your audience and keep them interested.7. Engage Your Audience:During your PowerPoint presentation, engage your audience by asking questions, encouraging participation, and inviting feedback. Use eye contact, gestures, and vocal variety to keep your audience focused and interested in what you are saying.8. Arrange Your Slides:Arrange your slides in a logical sequence that flows smoothly from one point to the next. Use transitions and animations sparingly to avoid distracting your audience from the content of your presentation.9. Proofread and Edit:Before you finalize your PowerPoint presentation, proofread and edit it for errors, typos, and formatting issues. Make sure that your content is clear, concise, and free of any mistakes that could detract from your message.10. Save and Share Your Presentation:Finally, save your PowerPoint presentation and share it with your audience as needed. You can save your presentation as a PDF file, print it out, or share it electronically via email or a cloud-based platform.By following these steps, you can create a professional and engaging PowerPoint presentation that effectively communicates your message and impresses your audience. With practice and experience, you can become a skilled presenter who uses PowerPoint to enhance your communication skills and deliver impactful presentations.。

怎样制作ppt英语作文How to Make a PowerPoint PresentationPowerPoint presentations are a popular way to present information in a visual and engaging way. Whether you are a student, a business professional, or just someone looking to share information with others, knowing how to create a great PowerPoint presentation can be a valuable skill. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to create a professional and visually appealing PowerPoint presentation.Step 1: Planning Your PresentationBefore you start creating your PowerPoint presentation, it is important to plan out what you want to include. Consider the topic of your presentation, the key points you want to cover, and any visuals or multimedia you may want to include. Creating an outline can help you organize your thoughts and ensure that your presentation flows effectively.Step 2: Choosing a Design ThemeThe design theme you choose will set the tone for your presentation. PowerPoint offers a variety of design themes to choose from, or you can create your own custom theme. Choose a design theme that complements the content of yourpresentation and is visually appealing. Keep in mind that simple and clean designs are often the most effective.Step 3: Adding ContentOnce you have your design theme selected, it's time to start adding content to your slides. Start by creating a title slide that introduces your presentation and sets the tone for the rest of the slides. Be sure to include a clear and concise title, your name or the name of your organization, and any other relevant information.Next, create slides for each of the key points you want to cover in your presentation. Use bullet points, images, charts, and other visual elements to help convey your message effectively. Be sure to keep text to a minimum and use visuals to enhance your points.Step 4: Adding Visuals and MultimediaVisual elements can help make your PowerPoint presentation more engaging and dynamic. Consider adding images, charts, graphs, videos, and other multimedia to help illustrate your points and keep your audience interested. Be sure to use high-quality visuals that are relevant to your content and enhance your message.Step 5: Adding Transitions and AnimationsTransitions and animations can help make your PowerPoint presentation more visually appealing and engaging. Use transitions between slides to create smooth transitions and keep your audience focused on your content. Add animations to individual elements on your slides to bring them to life and emphasize key points.Step 6: Rehearsing and PracticingBefore you deliver your PowerPoint presentation, be sure to rehearse and practice to ensure that you are comfortable with the content and flow of your presentation. Practice your timing, transitions, and delivery to help you feel confident and prepared on the day of your presentation.In conclusion, creating a great PowerPoint presentation involves careful planning, thoughtful design choices, and engaging content. By following these steps and incorporating visuals, multimedia, and animations, you can create a presentation that effectively conveys your message and keeps your audience engaged. With practice and preparation, you can deliver a professional and visually appealing PowerPoint presentation that leaves a lasting impression on your audience.。

英文PPT怎么做发言稿How to Create an Effective Presentation in PowerPoint Introduction:- Good morning/afternoon/evening, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you all for being here today.- I'd like to talk to you today about how to create an effective presentation using PowerPoint.- We all know that PowerPoint is a powerful tool for communication and can greatly enhance our presentations.Part 1: Preparing for the Presentation- The first step in creating a great presentation is to clearly define your objective and target audience.- Once you have a clear understanding of your objective, you can start gathering and organizing your content.- Conduct thorough research, gather relevant data, and carefully choose the key points you want to convey.- Create an outline or a storyboard to help you structure your presentation in a logical and engaging manner.- Consider incorporating multimedia elements such as images, videos, and audio to make your presentation more dynamic.Part 2: Designing the Slides- When designing your slides, keep in mind the principle of simplicity. Avoid cluttering your slides with excessive text or visuals.- Use a consistent and visually appealing color scheme that aligns with your topic and audience.- Choose a legible font size and typeface that are easy to read froma distance.- Include important information on each slide, but keep it concise and to the point.- Add appropriate visuals to support your key points and make the presentation more visually appealing.Part 3: Using Visuals and Multimedia- Use high-quality images that are relevant to your topic. Avoid using clip art or low-resolution images.- Incorporate charts, graphs, and infographics to present data and statistics in a visually appealing way.- Include short videos or audio clips to enhance the understanding of complex ideas or to provide real-life examples.- Ensure that all multimedia elements are properly formatted and play correctly on the presentation screen.Part 4: Presenting Effectively- Practice your presentation multiple times before the actual event. This will help you become more confident and fluent in your delivery.- Time yourself to ensure that your presentation fits within the allocated time slot.- Use language that is clear and easy to understand, avoiding jargon or technical terms that might confuse the audience.- Maintain eye contact with the audience and use appropriate gestures to engage them.- Use your slides as a visual aid and not as a script. Your slides should support your speech, not replace it.Part 5: Engaging the Audience- Throughout your presentation, actively engage and involve your audience.- Ask thought-provoking questions and encourage participation through interactive activities.- Use humor, storytelling, or anecdotes to captivate your audience's attention.- Be open to questions and allow time for discussion at the end of your presentation.- Thank the audience for their time and encourage them to reach out to you for further information or questions.Conclusion:- In conclusion, creating an effective presentation using PowerPoint requires careful planning, thoughtful design, and engaging delivery.- By following the steps outlined today, you will be able to create compelling presentations that effectively communicate your message.- Thank you once again for your attention, and I hope you found this presentation helpful. If you have any questions, I am happy to answer them.。
Presentation Tips英语PPT学术演讲的技巧和怎么做好学术型演讲

UEEC Abstract
Student Example
Purpose Overview
Highlight the signal words
How did the student organise the keywords? Find the mistake.
Alphabetical order
What is good about this visual? How could it be improved?
Use animation to highlight key information.
How did the student organise the references?
Alphabetical order
Remember to add the access date and website for electronic sources.
What do you know?
1. How can you engage the audience and develop rapport? 2. What should you include in your abstract? 3. How can you make your presentation persuasive? 4. How do you facilitate a group discussion? 5. What makes a good focus question?
制作幻灯片 英语作文

制作幻灯片英语作文Title: Crafting an Engaging Presentation: Tips for Creating Dynamic Slides。
Introduction:Creating a compelling presentation involves more than just delivering information—it's about engaging your audience and leaving a lasting impression. One crucial aspect of any presentation is the design and layout of your slides. In this essay, we'll explore effective strategies for crafting dynamic slides that captivate your audience's attention and enhance the overall impact of your message.1. Clear and Concise Content:Begin by outlining the key points you want to convey in your presentation. Keep your content clear, concise, and relevant to your audience's interests.Use bullet points, short sentences, and visual aids to convey information effectively. Avoid overcrowding slides with excessive text, which can overwhelm your audience and detract from your message.2. Visual Appeal:Choose a visually appealing design theme that complements the tone and subject matter of your presentation. Use colors, fonts, and imagery that reflect your brand or topic.Incorporate high-quality images, graphics, and videos to enhance the visual appeal of your slides. Visual elements can help break up text-heavy slides and keep your audience engaged.3. Consistent Formatting:Maintain consistency in formatting throughout your presentation. Use the same font styles, sizes, and colors for headings, body text, and captions.Align text and graphics neatly on each slide to create a professional and polished look. Inconsistencies in formatting can distract your audience and diminish the overall quality of your presentation.4. Engaging Visuals:Utilize charts, graphs, and diagrams to illustrate data and statistics effectively. Visual representations can make complex information more accessible and easier to understand.Incorporate relevant icons, symbols, andillustrations to add visual interest to your slides. Choose visuals that resonate with your audience and reinforce key concepts.5. Effective Use of Animation:Use animation sparingly and purposefully to enhance the flow of your presentation. Avoid excessive animationsthat can distract from your message.Incorporate subtle transitions and animations to emphasize key points or guide the audience's attention. Animation can be a powerful tool when used judiciously to enhance the overall effectiveness of your slides.6. Interactive Elements:Consider incorporating interactive elements such as clickable buttons, hyperlinks, or embedded multimedia to engage your audience actively. Interactive features can create a more immersive and memorable experience for your audience.Encourage audience participation by including polls, quizzes, or interactive Q&A sessions within your presentation. Engaging your audience directly can foster a sense of involvement and investment in your topic.7. Accessibility and Readability:Ensure that your slides are accessible to all audience members, including those with visual or auditory impairments. Use high-contrast colors and clear fonts to improve readability.Provide alternative text descriptions for images and graphics to accommodate individuals using screen readers or other assistive technologies. Making your presentation accessible to everyone demonstrates inclusivity and consideration for all attendees.Conclusion:Crafting dynamic slides is essential for delivering an engaging and impactful presentation. By following these strategies for clear content, visual appeal, consistent formatting, engaging visuals, effective animation, interactive elements, and accessibility, you can create slides that captivate your audience's attention and reinforce your message effectively. Remember, the goal is not just to inform but to inspire and engage your audience long after the presentation ends.。
学术英语如何做演讲How to do a presentation PPT

your name and position/job title the title/subject of your presentation the purpose of your presentation the length of time you will take the main parts or points you will cover any visual aides you will use when the audience may ask questions a human touch
Content: Is all said that needs saying?
Sequence: Is it logical? Are all links and summaries appropriate?
Is sufficient time available for all you want to say?
A speaker A speaker is the source of information. A speaker conveys information with language and nonverbal symbols of auxiliary information 非言语符号的辅助信 息with act, signal, gesture, expression.
5. Visual aids a. Are the visual aids clear? b. Do they support his message? c. Does he use the equipment professionally?

- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
25 wt% 150 ºC 1/2 1/3 2/3 4/5 1.23 0.01 2.X =
> < >> a=b+c a=b-c a=bxc a = b/c x2 x3 lognX a* a’ a’’
twenty five weight percent one fifty degree C one half one third two thirds four fifths/ four over five
And your second question is ? 当提问的问题是难以回答的时 It’s a good question.
That’s exactly what we try to do. However, until now, we have not got promising results.
当听众打断你的报告 问及某个问题时 如你在后面的片子会讲到 I will show you later.
I will show you on the following slides.
I am on the way.
如你在报告中不会涉及 It is an interesting question. Can I answer you question after I finish my presentation?
学术报告-口语 试用稿
语言风格 简单生动的口语 要加强与听众的交流 要多用主动态 多用 we, you.
要说整句的 完整的语言 不能象胶片那样只是短术报告 不必感谢主持人 宜开门见山
在流利表达的基础上 请注意以下语法<对于最普通的情况> 单数第三人称的谓语动词要加-s. 过去时的谓语动词要加-ed. 复数要加-s.
当主持人提醒时间快到了时 I’m going to be quick.
Before my conclusion, I just want to point out……
Ok, I won’t talk this too much here. Let’s switch to the final slide: conclusions. 当面对提问
要学会除学术内容之外的 必要的连接表达方式 详见实例
语言要简练 清晰 能用几句话将一张片子讲清楚
好的报告是使绝大部分听众都能理解 并激发他们的兴趣
要面向听众 目光落在听众的眼睛上 并且注意在讲的过程中目光要扫到全体听众 但是要 注意扫的速度不宜太快 至少讲完一句话再换
不管听众提的问题多没意义 语气多生硬 大多数情况下是由于语言问题而引起的误会 并 非真的是态度问题 也不要表现你的不重视 不满意 而要积极地对问题本身予以肯定 并努力让事实说话 尽量认真地回答问题
I would like to discuss with you after the meeting.
与报告人的交流 自己是听众
在对报告人进行提问时 要有礼貌 注意语言的表达 很多情况下 语言表达方式的不当使 你的问题听起来非常主观 不礼貌
要避免的说法 I know that…… I think…… Can you…… 较恰当的语气 As I understand,…… I guess…… I am wondering…… I would like to know……
one point two three zero point zero one two point something is equal to / equals is identically equal to is approximately equal to is larger than is less than is much greater than a is equal to b plus c a is equal to b minus c a is equal to b times c / a is equal to b multiplied by c a is equal to b divided by c / a is equal to b over c x square / x to the second power / x to the power two x cube / x to the third power / x to the power three log x to the base n a star a prime a double prime is perpendicular to is parallel to