跨文化交际 第三章


unit 3 跨文化交际课件

unit 3 跨文化交际课件

Chapter 3: Making generalizations
• 3. How to avoid overgeneralizations? • Pay attention to levels of culture.
Chapter 3: Making generalizations
• 4. Negative stereotypes
Chapter 3: Making generalizations
• Some generalizations are too broad, outof-date, or inaccurate. Nhomakorabea1
Chapter 3: Making generalizations
• Some generalizations include positive or negative judgments. A reader might think the information is purely factual, while in reality, it is intended to encourage a particular attitude toward a specific group or culture.
• People usually have negative stereotypes about other people from different cultures.
Chapter 3: Making generalizations
• 5. Stereotypes and prejudices
Chapter 3: Making generalizations



实现复兴的世纪。机遇与挑战并存,对新一代青少年的我们提出了严峻 挑战,要我们逐渐成长并适应自身角色的扮演。作为“恰同学少年”的
一些不良思想、不良风气的侵蚀,青少年的世界观、价值观和人生观正 面临着严峻考验,懒散、矫情、堕落、放纵,无远大理想,无坚定信念,
• 社会因素
• 心理因素 • 地理因素
1、中西方人际关系差异之渊源 中国孔子思想:“仁”和“礼”
西方宗教和哲学: • 基督徒主张“为个体而牺牲” • “即使是单独的一个灵魂,即使它没有一 个亲邻,只要他自为地享受到上帝,那他 就还是幸福的。” • “上帝帮助自助者。”
2、中国社会传统的差序格局和人际关系 ‚五伦‛: ‚父子有亲,君臣有义,夫妇有别,长幼有 序,朋友有信。‛
语言学家已经证明,语言就是“权势”和“一致性”关系的标 志。通常较正式的语体标志着交际双方社会地位不平等,而比较随 便的语体则标志着双方可能比较亲密,或者志趣相投等。
角色关系对跨文化交际有着特殊的意义,因为角色关系对交际 的影响可能因文化而异,不同文化可能有不同的方式来标志“权势” 和“一致性”关系。有的文化可能受其差序格局的社会结构的影响, 偏向“权势”性关系;而有的文化可能正相反,偏向“一致性”关 系。相对而言,东方文化似乎更青睐于“权势”关系,西方文化 则偏爱“一致性”关系。
• 在日常的学习中要努力奋斗,锐意 进取。要立志高远,要有广博之学, 有远见之名,有赤子之心,有生活 之趣。运用自己灵活的大脑,充沛 的经历多学多看,做到“会东西之 学,通古今之学,成一家之言”。


概念:角色这一术语是从舞台用语中引进社会 学或交际学领域中来的,即是一个社Biblioteka 对与 某一具体职位相关的行为之期望。
当我们置身于一个不同文化环境中时,我们应按这 种文化的社会期望和社会规范扮演每一个所必须扮 演的角色—按其角色去做事情,说话和交往,非如 此不能取得预期的交往目的。
被某一文化所认可和赞同的角色或行为,在不 同文化中则可能是不被认可和赞同的角色, 甚至是水火不相容的角色和行为了。
(一)角色关系的社会类型 权势和一致性
角色关系因文化而异这一现象 至少表现在三个方面:
土耳其:在土耳其社会中,一个人害怕自己的教师 如同害怕阿拉一样。当教师走进教室时,全班学 生必须起立;在街上遇见教师必须鞠躬致敬。
埃及:谁教我一个字母,我就是谁的终身奴隶。 中国:一日为师,终身为父。 美国:在很多场合下,对几乎任何人直呼其名,平
➢ In the west, even if it was a formal dinner , it would be usually just three courses: soup, main dish, and dessert. But in China, an informal dinner would have four dishes and a soup; a formal dinner would have at least eight dishes and a soup.
“我不过是想知道这 位员工对于自己未 来五年发展的打算 ,想要在飞利浦做 到什么样的职位罢 了,可为何就不能 得到明确的回答呢 ?”谈话结束后, 副总忍不住向人力 资源总监甲抱怨道 。



跨文化交际第三章Chapter 3 :Culture and CommunicationDefinitions of cultureThe functions of cultureThe Characteristics of cultureThe relationship between culture and communicationElements of intercultural communicationCulture is Our Invisible TeacherCulture is everything and everywhere, culture and communication work in tandem 一个跟着一个地. In fact ,they are inseparable: it is often difficult to decide which is the voice and which the echo.Functions of cultureThe world is a confusing place until we can make some sense of it, so the basic function of culture is to explain the world to each new member of the culture. By telling us what to expect, culture reduces confusion and helps us predict the future.Culture is shared learned behavior that is transmitted from one generation to another for purposes of promoting individual and social survival, adaptation, and growth and development.Definition of cultureWe define culture as the deposit of knowledge ,experience, beliefs, values, attitudes, meanings, hierarchies, religion, notions of time, roles, spatial relations, concepts of the universe, and material objects and possessionacquired by a group of people in the course of generations through individual and group striving.The Characteristics of Culture 6Culture is not Innate; it is learnedCulture is transmitted from generation to generationCulture is based on symbolsCulture is integratedCulture is subject to changeCulture is ethnocentricWe learn our culture through proverbs. We learn our culture from folk tales, legends , and myths. We learn our culture through art. We learn our culture through mass media.We learn our culture in many different ways consciously and unconsciously.We also learn our culture from folk tales and folklore. Whether it embodies ancient myths or current popular beliefs, folklore is value-laden and teaches and reinforces what a culture deems important.In a word, many of the behaviors we label as cultural are not only automatic and invisible, but also engaged in without our being aware of them.Culture is ethnocentricCulture is Ethnocentric, one own group is the center of everything, andall others are scaled and rated with reference to it. It is found in every culture. It can have positive effects, it is a source of cultural and personal identity. It takes on a negative condition when provide the base for derogatory evaluation and rebuff change.What’s the relationship between culture and communicationLanguage and culture are inextricably linked so that learning language means learning culture and vice versa.It is obvious that a language learner has more to do than master a new grammarand vocabulary.The relationship between culture and communicationCulture and communication mutually influences one another, producing different behavior patterns in different contexts. Culture not only conditions our perception of reality but also programmes our language pattern. what, where and how we should talk are regulated by our culture.culture shapes our communication patterns but communication influences the structure of our culture. So culture and communication are inseparable. In order to study inter-culture communication we must and explore their relationships.Elements of Intercultural Communication1.perception2.verbal processes3.nonverbal processesPerception: is an internal process whereby we convert the physical energies of the world into meaningful internal experiences.(1) People behave as they do because of the ways in which theyperceive the world.(2)One learns these perceptions, and the behaviors they produce, as part of one’s cultural experiences.The stages of perception process1.selection:it is the main part of converting the external stimuli into meaningful experiences.2.Category: arrange the information3.interpretation:try to assign meaning to what you perceive.Culture strong impact on the perception culture not only provide the foundation for the meaning we give to ourperception, it also direct us to specific kinds of messages and event.。


German friendships: more a matter of feeling, have much to do with family
Common Elements in Friendships of Different Styles
Friendship, in contrast with kinship, is a matter of free choice
➢ Relationship of man to nature: Man subjugated by nature; Man in harmony with nature; Man the master of nature
➢ Sense of time: past, present, or futureoriented
The sense of being a special individual Inevitably a kind of equality of give-
Some Tools for Comparing and Contrasting Cultures
Kluckhohn & Strodtbeck’s Model (PP. 85-89)
Unit 3 Cultural Diversity
Warm Up
China: People are willing to be indebted and to repay the debt more than owned.
U.S.: People value more individual achievement and independence rather than relationship with one another, not willing to put themselves in others’ debt.


Page ▪ 6
Unit 3 Daily Verbal Communication (Ⅱ)
Case 1 An Invitation to Dinner
Discussion: How would you mediate their strained relationship if you were the director?
wouldn’t mind if there were leftovers. Americans prepare food according to the
number of guests.
Page ▪ 8
Unit 3 Daily Verbal Communication (Ⅱ)
Case 1 An Invitation to Dinner
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Unit 3 Daily Verbal Communication (Ⅱ)
Social Functions of Compliments
1. Reinforce solidarity
2. Greeting people
3. Expressing thanks
4. Getting over embarrassment
Chinese are accustomed to respecting all those in authority
Page ▪ 15
Unit 3 Daily Verbal Communication (Ⅱ) Case 4 The Embarrassment Caused by “No Etiquette”
Sunday school noun ▪a class held on Sundays to teach children about Christianity主日学校,星期日学校(在 周日A对s儿en童se进o行f基b督el教on教g育in的g 学校)



Dominant American Cultural Patterns
by John Locke
Each individual is unique,
special, completely different
from others.
All people has the right to succeed
Proverbs (explanation) • Blood is thicker than water. Value: family, loyalty Origin: Scotland • The early bird catches the worm. Value: action Origin: England • God helps those who help themselves. Value: self-help Origin: Greece • Haste makes waste. Value: patience Origin: England • Time is money. Value: efficiency Origin: USA • Think three times before you take action. Value: caution Origin: China
organization interpretation
Understanding Perception
Cultural Filters & Perceptions
information and impressions from reality


The Chinese host often constantly puts the best pieces of food on the visitor's plate, which is an expression of hospitality. Westerners, on the other hand, usually leave the guest to help himself/herself and do not keep urging him/her to eat more. In China it is acceptable to leave unwanted food on the plate, whereas according to Western custom, it is impolite to do so.
How could you help "I" in this case out of the awkward situation?
Case 2 Sitting Down
W: (Showing C the sofa) Sit down, please.
C: No, no. I'll sit here. (Moving towards a chair)
Intercultural Communication
Lecture 3: verbal communication
Language code
Behaviour code Context
High-context communication Low-context communication

















跨⽂化交际第三章课件Unit 3Daily Communication (II)Case AnalysisCompliments and Compliment Responses Gift-giving and gift-receiving ExercisesCase AnalysisAn Invitation to DinnerThe Cancellation of the Dinner Party Why should they do like this The Embarrassment Caused by “No Etiquette”Compliments and Compliment ResponsesMain point: Chinese modestySocial functions of compliments Differences between Chinese compliments and English complimentsCultural assumptionExpressions for gratitude in English and ChineseCommon expressions for apology inChinese ModestyOh, it’s an ordinary dress I bought in China.Should I blush, or should I tell him you don’t really mean it Growing flowers is my hobby, but I’m not much good at it.I really know so little about the subject....Social functions of complimentsCreating or reinforcing solidarity greeting peopleexpressing thankscongratulationencouraging peoplesoftening criticismstarting a conversationgetting over embarrassmentDifferences between Chinese compliments and English complimentsThe Semantic formulaThe Syntactic FormulaCommon responses formula in E-and C-complimentsThe Semantic FormulaEnglish:This was a great meal.Bill, you look so nice today.I love your dresses.About 80% adj. 16%verbs Chinese:你的房间不错。

跨文化交际Unit 3 Daily Verbal Communication 2

跨文化交际Unit 3 Daily Verbal Communication 2


Case 1: (领导迟到了十分钟)既然大家都到齐了, 那我们开会吧。 Case 2: 呀,你瞧爸爸这臭记性。明天保证把礼物 给你带回来。 Case 3: 领导同志,我没能完成您交给我的任务, 请您处分我吧。
Gift-giving and gift-receiving

B. For accepting a gift from an English speaker: --It’s really wonderful. --I can’t like it too much. --It will remind me of the good time we have shared. Chinese: 小意思,不成敬意。 来就来了,拿东西干什么。 让您破费了。 您太客气了。

Activity P61-64

Taboos in gift-giving
When to give gift? Birthday, wedding, first arrival to a new place, … Wrap it or not? Open the gifts at the time they are received or not?
Hierarchies are only convenient ways of organizing activities Prefer equal relationships
Accept differences in power Whoever holds power is right and good



• 1776年《美国独立宣言》:" 人人生而平等,造物者赋予 他们若干不可剥夺的权利, 其中包括生命权、自由权和 追求幸福的权利。为了保障 这些权利,人类才在他们之 间建立政府,而政府之正当 权力,是经被治理者的同意 而产生的 ...."
• 1791法国《人权宣言》:“ 在权利方面, 人们生来是而且始终是自由平等的”,自 由、财产、安全和反抗压迫是“人的自然 的和不可动摇的权利”
姑母的儿子(姑表兄弟) 妹妹的儿子(外甥) 女儿的儿子(外孙)
岳父 岳母
• 《荒岛余生》照片
• “六度空间理论”
• 你和任何一个陌生人 之间所间隔的人不会 超过六个,也就是说, 最多通过六个人你就 能够认识任何一个陌 生人。这就是六度分 割理论,也叫小世界 理论。
朋友 近亲
自己 家人 邻居

国 人
妹妹的儿子(外甥) 女儿的儿子(外孙)
复 杂 的 九族 关 系 网 络
母族 妻族
统社会的“差序结构” • 权势性与一致性等 • 高语境文化与低语境文化
• 西方现代社会中的“团体格局”与中国传 统社会的“差序结构”



“玉不琢,不成器”。西方父母是超然性的包容和关爱,决不强求子 女按父母意愿行事,给孩子以充分的发展空间。
•在西方,向别人提供帮助、关心、 同情等的方式和程度是根据接受方 愿意接受的程度来定的;而中国人 帮起忙来一般是热情洋溢,无微不 至。例如:一位中国留学生在美国 看到一位老教授蹒跚过车水马龙的 马路,出于同情心,他飞步上前挽 住老人,要送他过去,但是他得到 的却是怒目而视。 中国人建议患上感冒的人马上去看 医生,表示真诚的关心。而美国人 对此不理解,会认为难道他的病有 如此严重吗?因此,只要回答: “I'm sorry to hear that.”就够了。
• 梁启超说:“少年智则国智,少年 富则国富;少年强则国强,少年独 立则国独立;少年自由则国自由, 少年进步则国进步;少年胜于欧洲 则国胜于欧洲,少年雄于地球则国 雄于地球。”我们青少年当以国家 进步、民族复兴、民生改善为己任, 努力成为未来合格乃至优秀的劳动 者、建设者,成为中国特色社会主 义事业的可靠接班人。
才,培养精英。为了孩子可以付出自己的一切精力和财力,社会上各 种各样的培优班和业余辅导班应运而生,接踵而至。从选择小学到长
而西方的孩子从小就受到要有独立意识,家庭和学校的教育都是为孩 子将来的独立生活做准备观念的影响。18岁成年后原则上就要离开父

据人们承担角色时的心理进行的分类 :自觉的角色与不自觉的角色 自觉的角色,指人们在承担某种角色时,明确意识到了自己正担负

跨文化交际第三章文化价值Chapter Three culture values

跨文化交际第三章文化价值Chapter Three culture values
– Individualist cultures: the United States and much of Western Europe, where personal achievements are emphasized – Collectivist cultures: China, Korea, and Japan, emphasize the group such as the family and at work this manifests in a strong work group mentality.
Contexts: High and Low
Low-Context Tends to use “logic” to present ideas Tends to emphasize highly structured messages, give details, and place great stress on words Emphasizes linear logic High-Context Tends to use more “feeling” in expressions Tends to give simple, ambiguous, noncontexting messages Emphasizes spiral logic
Carmen: Hi, Judy. Judy:
Carmen: Fine. I’m glad to see that our children like to play together. Judy: Yeah, me too. I remember just a month ago they weren’t sharing their toys.
Chapter Three


How could you embarrass me as my friend?
Page ▪ 10
Unit 3 Daily Verbal Communication (Ⅱ)
Case 2 The Cancellation of the Dinner Party
▪Which do you think is the true reason about Jose’s cancellation of the dinner party?
Unit 3
Daily Verbal Communication (Ⅱ)
Compliments, gratitude & apology
Practical Course for Intercultural Communication
Unit 3 Daily Verbal Communication (Ⅱ)
Unit 3 Daily Verbal Communication (Ⅱ)
Case 1 An Invitation to Dinner
▪While not particularly religious themselves… they still felt that their children might benefit from belonging to a church. (P41, para1, l.2)
Page ▪ 7
Unit 3 Daily Verbal Communication (Ⅱ)
Case 1 An Invitation to Dinner
Comments: ▪1. difference in the ways in which they prepare
for a dinner Filipinos prepare more food than enough and

跨文化交际intercultural communication chapter 3

跨文化交际intercultural communication chapter 3
Concern with how one appears is universal. We make inferences (often faulty) about another‟s “intelligence, gender, age, approachability, financial well-being, class, tastes, values, and cultural background” from attractiveness, dress, and personal artifacts. Do you select attractive friends over less attractive ones?
1. Nonverbal Communication
Nonverbal codes refer to communicative messages which are not in word form. More than 55% messages are communicated nonverbally!
非言语交际包括在交际中认为的和环境产生 的对于传播者或受传者含有潜在信息的所有 的刺激,简单地说就是‚不用语言的交际”, 被称作‛无声的语言‚。非语言交际在人类 交际中非常重要。因为它最能反映一个人的 情感或情绪状态。
Overview of Nonverbal Communication
1. Body Language 2. Paralanguage
Body language includes gestures, head movements, facial expressions, eye behaviors, postures and other displays that can be used to communicate.

跨文化交际Unit 3

跨文化交际Unit 3

4、Kin(亲戚) Terms 、 亲戚) 亲戚
亲属称谓是家庭成员之间的称 谓习惯。在中国的社交称谓中, 人们有用亲属称谓称呼非亲属 成员的习惯。在社交活动中使 用亲属称谓并非易事,有一些 准则要遵循: ◇以辈份为标准。 ◇以双方是否熟悉为标准。 ◇以交际场合的性质为标准。 ◇以听话人的社会特征为标准。
4、Kin Terms 、
• In china, kin terms are not only used within one’s own family but also to other people. Such as 警察 叔叔,××大姐,李姐…… • In china, the appropriate use of kin terms may reflect a person’s politeness, respectfulness, and friendliness . • What about British…?
1 2 3
Naming Names Origins
His and Hers
5 Kin Terms 6 7
Case studies
1、Naming Names 、
Components of Chinese names
Family name + Given Name
Differences between Chinese and English Kin Terms
Chinese Culture English Culture people refer to people strictly according to In some families in Western countries, the kin terms. It is completely some children address their parents unacceptable to refer to one's parents by directly by their first names. using the names When children address relatives, Chinese kin terms tell whether they are older or younger than their father or mother. In Britain, children are expected to address the parents' brother and sisters with the title of Uncle or Aunt plus their names and sometimes simply address them by first name without a title. English kin terms don’t tell whether the relatives are from the mother' or father's side ,and there are not disdinct kin terms for elder brother or younger brother. kin terms are not as frequently used as in Chinese. In all kinds of social situations, either formally or informally, people won't use kin terms to address each other if they are not relatives

跨文化交际-Unit 3

跨文化交际-Unit 3

5 4 3 2 1
Esteem Belongingness Safety Physiological
Culture as an Iceberg
服饰 食物 建筑 文学艺术作品 科学技术成果 语言 礼仪 音乐 手势
对空间的利用 成就感 交际模式 对环Байду номын сангаас的取向
III. Generalizations and Stereotypes
Look for the answers to:
What is culture? Why do we need to be careful about making generalizations about culture? What are stereotypes? Why are they a problem?
I. Language Tools:
Making Generalizations
Americans prefer coffee to tea.
usually often tend to in general generally
most/many on the whole the majority of rarely few
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大学英语 跨文化交际
Chapter 3 Culture’s Influence on Perception
An idiom
Everyone thinks that all the bells echo his own thoughts. German proverb
Learning objectives:
Step 3: Discuss psychological cross-cultural difference Do the activity “Expressing Opinions” and then analyze psychological cross-cultural difference. Think Question: Do you think psychologiganization: It is the process during which we need to organize and impose structure on what we observe in a meaningful way. 组织: 组织是把从周围选择的刺激信息,以一种有 意义的方式整理,组合的过程。
Sensation: It is the neurological process by which people become aware of their environment. It refers to the initial detection of energy from the physical world. 感觉: 感觉是人们意识到周围环境的神经过程,是对物 质世界的第一察觉。 Perception: It is the process by which we become aware of objects, events, and especially people and their behavior through our various senses and involves higher-order cognition in the interpretation of the sensory information. 知觉:知觉是一种人们通过各种感觉来觉察事物、事 件、人和人的行为的过程。它是解释感觉信息更为高 阶的认知过程。 Selection: It is a process in which we screen out what we need from all the stimuli and information around us. 选择:选择是从周围选择的刺激信息中筛选出所需要的 信息的过程。
Step 3: Discuss perceiving Define perception after reading “perception” and finishing “Blank Filling”. (1) Perception refers to the process of the becoming aware of o______, e______, and p______, especially their b_____ through our senses. (2) Our perceptions are only in a part of function of the outside world; in large measure they are a function of our own c_______, e_______, our d_______, our n_______ and our love and hatred.
Text A Overview: Human Perception
Pre-reading Task: Suppose you are an American farmer, a French engineer living in Paris, a Scottish country poet, a person living in tropical rain forest or a Chinese oversea student. What do you think of the beautiful full moon on the traditional Chinese Mid-Autumn Day?
(1) Conditions of the Physical Environment (2) Indirect Environmental Conditions (3) Genetic Differences (4) Cultural Differences in How People Interact with Their Environment
After-reading check Please do the analysis on Case 15 “Observations on a Soldier” and then discuss the questions in groups. (1)How is the soldier described in the above conversation? (2)What stages of perception are reflected in the above conversation? (3)Could you describe the process in which Sherlock Holmes and Mycroft perceived the stimuli
Discuss the model of human perception Step 1: Read “A Basic Model of Human Perception” and then explain the following key words. (1) Sensation (2) Perception (3) Selection (4) Organization (5) Interpretation
Step 2: Discuss sociological cross-cultural difference Please read “cultural effect on sensing" and “Cultural Effect on Perceiving” separately and summarize the key points . Then share the key points with your classmates. You can have the classroom competition in groups to find more vivid examples about cultural influence on sensation and perception. In the end , you can find which group is the winner.
Physiological filters include the natural or genetic differences in how one sees, hears, smells, tastes, or feels. According to some scholars, there are four explanations for intercultural differences in the perception of sensory stimuli.
Chapter Outline
Culture’s Influence on Perception Overview: Human Perception Cross-cultural Differences In Sensation and Perception Barriers to Accurate Perception How to Improve Your Perceptual Skills
Interpretation: It refers to attaching meaning to sense data and is synonymous with decoding.释义:释义是 赋予感觉信息意义的过程, 类似于解码过程。
Step 2: Discuss sensing Discuss what we can sense and what we cannot sense in the daily life, and also analyze how we sense the outside world.
around them?
Text B Cross-cultural Differences in Sensation and Perception
Pre-reading Task: Please discuss the following statement and see what you can Get from this statement in pairs: “We see what we choose to see and we hear what we choose to hear.”
A Basic Model
Lead-in Case: Perception of War
Please read Case and then discuss the questions in pairs. 1. Why did Jim and Olga have very different attitudes towards starvation and war? 2. Give a brief analysis of their understandings of starvation and war. 3. What factors do you think influence the actual interaction between Jim and Olga?