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1、此外besides=moreover=furthermore=in addition

2、更重要的是more than that; 同样重要的是equally important; 更more/less

3、而且/并且and; 而且,也also

4、表先后顺序:first, second/next

5、同样: likewise; 或者alternatively


so=therefore=thus=consequently=accordingly=as a result=and so

7、总来说之,表结论as a result=finally=above all=after

all=concluding=hence=to sum up=in conclusion

8、但是;表转折but= yet= however= on the other hand=

while= nonetheless= nevertheless= otherwise

即使although= though= despite= instead= in spite of= on the contrary= notwithstanding= rather= in contrast

9、表空间位置near, far, beside, next to, above, under, behind, in front of, across, on the side of

10、表目的for this purpose, so that, in order to

11、表强调in fact, indeed, surely, certainly, to be sure,

I am certain

12、表举例for example= for instance= such as=

specifically= to be specific= in particular= to illustrate

this= thus

13、表条件in that case, that being so, in these circumstances, if, unless, otherwise
