人教版新目标英语九年级全一册Unit8 Section A 3a---3c课件

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4. The French book _m__u_s_t__ be Li Ying’s.
She’s the only one that is studying French.
Fill in the blanks with must, might, could or can’t
5. I can’t find my schoolbag. It _m_u_s_t_/m__i_g_ht be still at school.
She is a little frightened and confused.疑惑的
3a Listen to the article and decide
which might be the best title.
A. A Small and Quiet Town B. Strange Happenings in My Town C. Animals in Our
3b Read the article and find words
to match the meanings. nervous or worried __u_n_e_a_s_y__ young people _t_e_e_n_a_g_e_rs_ person in the next house __n_e_ig_h_b_o_r__ area where people live _n_e_ig_h_b_o_r_h_o_o_d_ animal like a very large dog __w__o_lf__ person who makes noise n__o_is_e_-m__a_k_e_r
6. The photo __m__u_s_t_ be Lu’s. Those are
his parents.
7. The red bicycle _c_a_n__’t__ be Hu’s. She
has a blue bicycle.
8. This ticket m__i_g_h_t_/c_o__u_ld_ be my aunt’s or
everyone is_u_n_h_a_p_p_y_, Victor, a _te_a_c_h_e_r_ at my school is really _n_e_r_v_o_u_s.When he was_i_n_t_e_rv_i_e_w_e_d_ _b_y_ the town newspaper he said that he heard strange _n_o_i_se_s_outside the window every night.His wife thought it __co_u__ld_ _b__e_an animal, but he thought it _m_u_s_t_ _b_e__ teenagers _h_a_v_i_n_g_ fun. Victor’s next door n_e_i_g_h_b_o_rthought it_m__i_g_h_t __b_e__ a dog.Everyone is feeling _u_n_e_a_s_y_and everyone _h_a_s_ his or her _i_d_e_a_s. There must __b_e__ something __v_is_i_ti_n_g__the homes in our neighborhood.
Victor and his friends
They think it must be teenagers having fun.
The policemen They think it might be the wind.
She gue来自百度文库ses it can’t be a dog.
She thought it was too big to
One woman in be a dog. She thought that
the area
maybe it was a bear or a wolf.
The writer himself
He thinks the noise-maker is having too much fun creating fear in the neighborhood.
3c Read the article carefully and
write what people think about the strange noises.
Who gave opinions? What are the opinions?
Victor’s wife
She thinks that it could be an animal.
Read the article again and fill in the blanks.
Our town _u_s_e_d_ to_b_e_ quiet._H__o_w_e_v_e_r_, these days, something unusual is _h_a_p_p_e_n_i_n_g_and
一些宝贵的东西 something valuable
pick up
be stolen
Fill in the blanks with must, might, could or can’t
1. The notebook m__u__st_/_m__ig_h__t be Ming’s. It
was on her desk.
uncle’s. They’re both going to the concert.
1. What can you see in the picture?
There is a woman looking out of the window. 2. What can we know about the woman?
Unit 8 It must belong to Carla.
Section A (3a~3c)
Check the phrases.
belong to
pop music
最喜欢的作家 favourite writer
toy truck
hair band
attend/join/take part in
2. The homework _c_a__n_’t___ be Carol’s.
She wasn’t at school today.
3. The soccer ball _m_i_g_h_t_/_c_o_u_l_d_ be John’s
or Tony’s. They both play soccer, don’t they?