牛津译林版八年级下册英语Unit 4教学设计

牛津译林版八年级下册英语Unit 4教学设计一. 教材分析牛津译林版八年级下册英语Unit 4的话题是关于日常生活,主要讨论了购物、餐饮、娱乐等方面的活动。
二. 学情分析八年级的学生已经掌握了基本的英语语法和词汇,对日常生活的话题有了一定的了解。
三. 教学目标1.知识目标:学生能够掌握现在进行时态的用法,熟练运用本单元所学词汇和表达方式进行日常交流。
四. 教学重难点1.重点:现在进行时态的用法,以及与日常生活相关的词汇和表达方式。
五. 教学方法1.任务型教学法:通过设置各种真实的任务,让学生在完成任务的过程中运用所学知识,提高语言表达能力。
六. 教学准备1.教学材料:教材、多媒体课件、实物、图片等。
七. 教学过程1.导入(5分钟)通过播放一段关于日常生活的视频,引导学生思考:在日常生活中,我们经常会进行哪些活动?然后让学生用英语进行简单描述。

2019-2020年八年级英语下册《8BUnit4Reading》说课稿牛津版2019-2020年八年级英语下册《8B Unit 4 Reading》说课稿牛津版一.说教材(一)教学内容、地位和作用这是牛津教材第四单元的一篇阅读课文,主要由一篇关于Giant Panda:Xi W ang的阅读课文,以及词语意思匹配题,熊猫成长记录袋,熊猫现实中的生存危机,完成对话这用以辅助课文的四部分组成。
前几个单元分别是有关friend,school life,a day out的,逐渐把学生的眼光投入到自然界中,同时为下一单元的鸟类世界的主题,打下铺垫,设计一衣带水,丝丝入扣。
二.说教学目标(一)知识与技能目标掌握有关wild animals话题和本文中出现的新单词。
牛津英语8B chapter4教案

Chapter 4 Educational VisitsThe 1st periodTeaching Aims:1.Underestand and spell and use the new words in Chapter 42.Guide Students to understand and remember some important words..Teaching Important Points:1.Improve the stud ents’ ability to guess the meanings of words according to context.2.Develop the students’ creative, comprehensive and consolidating abilities. Teaching Difficult Point:1.How to master the new words as quickly as they canTeaching Methods:Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.Teaching Aids:The multimedia and blackboardTeaching Procedures:Step 1 Warming upAsk the students to watch some pictures to warm them up.Step 2 Presentation1. Read the following words and guess the meanings of them:• 1.aim: purpose; objective•Jack’s aim is to be one of the best students in his class.• 2. although: though; in spite of the fact that•Although he is over 60, he is still active and energetic.• 3. confident: feeling strong inside yourself; feeling that you can do things well and deal with any problems.•She is confident that she will win the long jump on Sports Day.• 4. deeply: to a great depth; to a great degree.•I deeply admire her beautiful stories.• 5.dump: a place where rubbish is collected.•The community complained to the government that the rubbish dumps were getting too big.• 6. educational: connected with education•Educational toys usually sell well.•7. host: people who receive you and look after you when you are visiting somewhere•There are eight people at the dinner last night, including our hosts.•8. improve: make something better•Tom improved his health by eating more fruit and vegetables.•9. keep in touch: stay in contact•I have kept in touch with a few of my friends from primary school, even though we now go to different middle schools.•10. scholarship : an amount of money given to someone by an organization to help pay for their education•Amy is trying to win a scholarship this term.•11. sightseeing: the activity of visiting interesting places as a tourist•You often see coaches full of tourists going on sightseeing tours of the city.•12. situation: the general state of things•Bob was in an embarrassing situation when he was caught cheating in the exam.Step 3 Consolidation and homework1. Review what we learnt today.1.Listen and read the new words in chapter 4.2.Copy down the new wordsTeaching Postscript:Chapter 4 Educational VisitsThe 2nd periodTeaching Aims:1. Know more about Educational Visits2. Train the student s’ reading ability.. Teaching Important Points:1. Improve the students’ ability to write a summary.2. Enable the students to understand the text better.3. Develop the students’ creative, comprehensive and consolidating abilities.Teaching Difficult Point:1.How to write a summary.2. The importance of Educational Visits.Teaching Methods:Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.Teaching Aids:The multimedia and the blackboardTeaching Procedures:Step 1 Lead-inBasic Knowledge :Picture 1 shows a merlion (鱼尾狮)an animal that has the head of a lion and the body of a fish.Picture 2 shows the White house in Washington, D.C, where the US President lives and works.Picture 3 is Ayers Rock (艾雅斯岩). The largest monolith(独块巨石)in the world. Picture 4 is Eiffel Tower in Paris. It is the tallest building in the Paris, with a height of 320 m tall.Step 2 Pre-reading PresentationThink and answer• 1. Would you like to go abroad for a short period of time?• 2. Why you want to go abroad?• 3. What will do if you can go abroad?• 4. Do you know how can we apply for going abroad?• 5. Ask students look for some information about studying abroad.Step 3 Group work: Find these useful words and phases and master them.• 1. education (形容词)educational•The education in China is improving day by day.•The man is an educational gentleman.• 2. arrive; get; reach.•这三个词都表示到达。
牛津英语八年级下册 8B 初二英语Unit4 教案

Teaching procedure:Step 1 Warming up Discuss some questions: Do you like reading?What type of book do you like?Step 2 PresentationShow some pictures to learn new words.Step 3 Comic strip1. Show the flash.2. Listen and answer.1) Has Hobo decided what to do with the books?2) What does Hobo want to use the books to do?3. Act out the conversation.Step 4 Ask students to complete Part A on page 49. Step 5 Listen and answerListen to part B and answer the following question.1) What is Daniel reading?2) Why does he like reading history books?3) Does Sandy like reading history books?4) What does Sandy like to read in her spare time? Step 6 Read after the recorder and practise in pairs.A: What do you like to read in your spare time?B: I like reading……….A: Why do you like reading……..B: Because……Step 7 Notes1. Have you decided what to do with these books, Hobo?霍波,你已经决定了怎样处理这些书吗?句中“疑问词what + 动词不定式”结构作宾语,该结构的疑问词还可用when、how、which等。

牛津译林版八年级下册英语Unit 4说课稿一. 教材分析《牛津译林版八年级下册英语Unit 4》的主题是关于日常生活中的不同职业和人物。
二. 学情分析八年级的学生已经掌握了基本的英语语法和词汇,具备一定的听说读写能力。
三. 说教学目标1.知识目标:学生能掌握与职业相关的词汇和表达方式,了解不同职业的特点和需求。
四. 说教学重难点1.重点:职业相关词汇和表达方式的掌握,不同职业特点和需求的理解。
五. 说教学方法与手段1.任务型教学法:通过设定各种职业相关的任务,让学生在完成任务的过程中学习和运用语言。
六. 说教学过程1.导入:以一段关于不同职业的视频导入新课,激发学生的兴趣。

2.提问引导:针对图片提出问题,如“Can you see any changes in these pictures? How do you think these changes have affected our lives?”,引导学生思考并积极参与讨论。
牛津英语8B Unit4 Reading

牛津英语8B Unit4 Reading (1)说课稿一、教材分析本单元是8B第二模块“权利和责任”(Rights and responsibilities)的第一个单元,话题是关于慈善募捐。
二、目标分析知识目标:1 通过阅读文章,理解并熟读其中的生词、词组2 初步理解because, because of ,so和so---that---的用法能力目标:1 运用快速阅读和精读技巧,学会迅速并准确找到所需信息2 初步了解做义演主持人的一些常识情感目标:培养社会责任感,宣传并身体力行救助社会弱势群体和所有需要帮助的人三、重点分析学生通过学习,熟练朗读课文,并了解Ricky主持义演的过程(通过给定不同的阅读任务,突出该重点)四、难点分析难点一熟练朗读课文(我通过引导学生四次阅读来实现难点的突破)难点二区别because和because of的用法,so…that…句型(我设计选词填空和句型转换来突破该难点)五、教学方法与教学工具1、本篇文章是主持慈善义演的过程描写,我采用直观法,播放香港演艺界为海啸受难者慈善义演的视频,引起学生共鸣,激发学生学习兴趣;2、解决重点的过程中,我采用任务型教学法,教会学生运用不同的阅读技巧,从不同角度逐层围剿重点,最终达到理解课文的目的; 3、同时,为了遵循学生的认知规律,我由浅入深,综合情景教学法、自学辅导法、分层教学法等教学方法,培养学生的自主学习能力、推理能力以及综合运用知识技能的能力。
牛津英语8B Unit4教案(Grammer)教案

Unit 45 &6 period:Grammar-.教学目标:l.To understand the purpose of using connectives of reason 2.To use “because” to give a reason for something3.To use “because of ” to give a reason for something 4.To show results with “so”5.To use “hope” and “wish” correctly二.教学重难点:words:groundPhrases:Sentences:1. Ricky helped with the charity show because he wanted toraise money for Project Green Hope.2.Ricky was nervous because of the TV cameras.3.There was a lot of work so I was very busy.4.I hope (that) you will like the show.5.I hope to see the charity show.6.I wish (that) I would be the host of the next show.7.I wish (that) the pop stars would invite me to lunch.8. I wish (that) I could fly.9. I wish (that) I were Richy.10. I wish you a happy holiday.11. We wish you good luck.三.教学方法:Listening and speaking.四.教学手段-tape-recorder and multi-media五.教学过程:Step 1:Lead-in1.introduce myselfI’m Zhang Ping, you can call me Miss Zhang. I’ll teach you till your teacher, Miss Cai, come back from the USA.This is my first time to teach fun with English , so you need your help, if there is any trouble. I didn’t teach for about half a year because I had a son last winter.I love my son because板书he is very lovely. I wish板书 I could stay at home板书for more time, but your English teacher has gone to the board, so板书I have to come back to teach you. I hope板书 we can get well on with.2.free talkT: I like F4 becau se they’re very handsome. Who is your favourite sports star/music starS: …is my favourite pop star.T: Why do you like him/her bestS: Because …3.ask some more questions like thisStep 2 :pre-task.l. Turn to page 60. Let’s think of Ricky.Q1: Why did Ricky help with the charity show (Because he wanted to raise money for Project Hope).Q2: Why couldn’t Ricky sleep the night before the show ( Because he was too excited).Step 3 :While-taskTask11.T: W hen we ask for reasons, we use ‘why’. When we givereasons, we can use ‘because’. T: underline thesentences that contain the word ‘because’.2.Ask two students to read out one example each from thegrammar table at the top of page 64.4.Explain the context of the exercise. Daniel is askingSandy about the charity show. The words on the pieces of paper are reasons from Sandy’s notes.Ask students to work on their own to write answers toDaniel’s notes. Remind them that each sentence must contain the word ‘because’.Read out each of Daniel’s questions. Ask volunteers to answer the questions using ‘because’. Repeat the answers clearly and ask students to check their own work.Task21. T: Look at the Bb, we say:We also can say板书We also can sayT: We can al so use ‘because of’ to give a reason for something. When we use ‘because of’, it is followed by a noun or pronoun.T: Look at the grammar table at the top of page 65. Show students that we can use ‘because of’ to answer questions with ‘why’, .Why did Ricky have to speak loudly ( Because of the noise.) Why was Ricky nervous (Because of the TV cameras.)T: Read the words above the speech bubbles in part B1, the first part says what happened, and the second part is the reason. Please use ‘because of’ to make sentences.Ask three volunteers to read out their answersT: part B2 Amy and Shirley are looking at pictures of a flood. Amy is answering Shirley’s questions about it. Please write answers to Shirley’s questions using ‘because of’ or ‘because’.Select two students to play the roles of Shirley and Amy.Task3T: I like F4 because they’re handsome. F4 are very handsome, so I like them.1.Tell students that we can use ‘so’ to introduce aresult. Read out the two examples and explain that thefirst part ( ‘There was a lot of work’/’ I wantedto help the poor’) is a fact, and the second part(‘Iwas very busy’/I ‘donated some money.’) is a resultof that fact.2.Explain that like ‘because’, ‘so’ can be used togive a reason for something, but the order is different from a sentence with ‘because’. In other words, we can give the information in the example sentences using ‘because’ as follows:I was very busy because there was a lot of work.I donated some money because I wanted to help the poor.3.Ask students to rearrange the words in Part C1 to makesentences. Remind them that the first part of the sentence should be a fact and the second part should be a result.4.Once students have finished, ask three students toread out one sentence each. Correct errors and mispronunciations.5.Ask students to read through Kitty’s letter in partC2 for overall meaning first. Then ask them to fill in the blanks using ‘because’ ‘because of’ ‘so’.6.Ask students to read out one paragraph each. Clarifyany misunderstandings if necessary.7.Ask students to complete ‘ Work out the rule!’ ontheir own. Ask one student to read out the rule and check the answer as a class.8.In a compound sentence, we cannot use because and soat the same time.(F)Because I got up late, so I’m late for school.(T) I got up late, so I’m late for school.(T) Because I got p late, I late for school.Task4T: I wish板书 I could stay at home for more time, but your English teacher has gone to the board,so板书I have to come back to teach you. I hope板书 I can get well on with you.1.Tell Ss that we use ‘hope’ and ‘wish’ to talkabout things or situations that we want to happen.2.To hope is to want something to happen and think thatit is possible. We usually use ‘hope’ to talk aboutthe present or the future.To wish is to want what is not happening or what didnot happen. We usually use ‘wish’ to talk aboutthe past or the present.age of ‘hope’:n. hope → hopes. I hope (wish) to come.. I hope she won’t come tonight.. You’re my last hope.4. usage of ‘wish’:v.wish + to do wish + sb. to dowish + clause 虚拟。
牛津译林版英语 8B八年级下册Unit4Task教案

ask for advice on
give me advice on…
discuss what to read
Good books are good friends.
help me rela to me
Know more about the world
Step5: Summary
To form good reading habits, we need to__________________________.
Reading is a wonderful time.
Enjoy reading! Enjoy life.
In all, …
In a word,…
进一步明确写作结构及所需的重点表达,并把study skills所学内容也加入写作训练中
Step4: Writing
Write a passage about your reading habits.
Step2: Reading
Fast reading
1. Read the passage quickly and answer the question:
Does Millie have good reading habits?
2. Read the passage again and choose the main idea of each paragraph.
We need tospend as much time as possible on books.

八年级下Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents?Section A (3a-3c)学情分析一、从学生的认知基础来看本班学生对于英语学习兴趣比较浓厚,英语基础比较扎实,超过三分之一的孩子已经养成了良好的预习复习习惯,有四五个学生英语课外知识比较丰富。
学生们在八下第一单元已经学会针对部分身体上的问题和疾病给出建议和帮助,学会了“You should … , It’s a good way to ….”等句型,对于本节课题建议句型应该能够理解。
所以开场的游戏“that’s me “.能够很快引起学生共鸣,并迅速进入学习状态。
通过自读,细读,讨论,在学生对文章有更深了解的基础上,让学生进行大胆推测,用了Robert的建议,Sad 的家里会发生什么变化,学生们通过自编自演对话,既对知识加深了理解,也对阅读和表达能力进行了训练。
牛津初中英语 8B Unit Four 教案

8B Unit Four A charity showPeriod OneTeaching content: Comic strips & Welcome to the unitTeaching goals:1.To introduce the names of the different charities in China.2.To become familiar with different ways of making suggestions..3.To introduce specific activities students can do to help a charity. Teaching important & difficult points:1、To introduce the names of the different charities in China.2、To introduce specific activities students can do to help a charity. Teaching Procedures:Step 1. Presentation1 .Remind Ss of the fashion show they learned about in Book7A,Unit6. Encourage them to talk about any information about charity events they have known.Ask Ss:Can you remember some charities that can help these people? Help them to learn the following charities with the help of picturesCharities in ChinaProject Hope (helps schools and students)Project Green Hope (helps protect rivers and lakes in China)Save China’s Tigers (protects tigers and other big cats in China) Spring Bud Project (helps poor young girls return to school)The teacher can give more names of international charities if possible.International CharitiesORBIS UNICEF OxfamWorld Wide Fund for Nature/WWF , World Vision Step2. Doing Part A and Part B on p61,then try to repeat them.Step3. Listening and ReadingListen to Eddie and Hobo‟s conversation. Design some questionsask Ss to recite it in class.Questions:1.Why is Hobo holding a microphone?(Because he has been chosen to be the host of a charity show.)2.What must Eddie do if he wants to be a good host?(He must practise a lot.)Step4.Learning the following key languageshold a microphone/hold a meeting be chosen to be …..the host of a charity show Congratulations(tosb.on sth.)!practise a lot sleep less during the dayadvertise on the Internet give out sth.(give it/them out)donate sth. to …. raise money for…organize sth return to school (go/come back to school)Step5. Discussions1. What will you do to raise money ?2.Which charity will you support? Why?Step6. Homework1.Recite the names of the charities and the ways of raising money.2.Recite the dialogue.3.Do some consolidation exercises.8B Unit Four A charity showPeriod TwoTeaching content: Reading (1)T eaching goals:1、To read an e-mail about a charity show2、To infer meaning from keywords and context3、To answer some questionsTeaching important & difficult points:1、To infer meaning from keywords and context2、To answer some questionsTeaching Procedures:Step1. Revision the names of the different charities we have learnt.Charities in ChinaProject Hope (helps schools and students)Project Green Hope(helps protect rivers and lakes in China)Save China’s Tigers (protects tigers and other big cats in China) Spring Bud Project(helps poor young girls return to school)Step 2.Discussion:Different ways of raising money for charities.We can advertise on the Internet.We can give out leaflets to ask people to donate money.We can sell books to raise money.We can organize a charity show.We can…..(encourage the Ss to talk about ways as many as possible .)Step3.Presentation1.Get Ss to look at the screen and introduce new words2.Listen to the tape of reading with books closed, and answer thequestions about the Reading(Part C1 on P64)Step4.Reading the e-mail by themselves,try to ask and answer some “Wh-”questionsWhat is the letter about?Why didn‟t Ricky write to Kitty earlier?What did he feel when the organizers chose him to be the host?Why was Ricky very nervous?Why couldn‟t Ricky sleep at all that night?When did the doors open?Was the charity show a success?Step 5.ConsolidationAfter they can answer the difficult questions, do Part B1 and PartB2 to cocsolidate what they have learned.Step6. Homework1.Read and recite the text.2.Do some exercises.8B Unit Four A Charity ShowPeriod ThreeTeaching content: Reading (II)Teaching goals:1. To figure out the structure of each passage2.To speak out the passage in their own words, following the structureof the passages3.To explain the language points in the passagesTeaching important & difficult points:1、To grasp the words:camera, pop, job, introduce, duty, event, fan, seem, business,2、To grasp the following drills:1). I am sorry that…2). raise money for the Project Green Hope 3). choose sb. to do sth. 4). start working on the show 5). It was my job to do sth 6). It was hard work.7). in the beginning 8). will be able to do sth.9). do everything right 10). keep doing sth.11). make a lot of noise 12). No time to be nervous any more.13). Everything seemed to happen so fast. 14). donate money to Project Green Hope15). We have a lot of support from … 16).I hope more events like this will be organized to …17) I think more people should be invited to take part in them.Teaching Procedures:Step 1. RevisionA: Reading the passages togetherHelp students to remember what we learnt last time by getting them to read the passages together loudly. (It is also good to choose some of the students to read the passage paragraph by paragraph.)B: Read in pairs and do ask and answer:What is the letter about?Why didn’t Ricky write to Kitty earlier?What did he feel when the organizers chose him to be the host?Why was Ricky very nervous?When did they start working on the show?Why couldn’t Ricky sleep at all that night?When did the doors open?Was the charity show a success?C: Figuring out what each paragraph is aboutHelp the students to figure out what each paragraph is about. It is important to encourage the students to speak out their ideas, and at the same time to give out their own reasons. (This is very important here, because it may make it easier for the students to understand the structure of a passage, and then remember it more easily.)Step 2 Explaining the sentencesExplain the sentences one by one and talk about the language points, by giving more examples.Step 3 SpeakingA: Read the Reading passage and have a try to retell the story .B: Work in groups and have a discussion. The topic is :What ability should you have if you want to be a good host?Step 4 ConsolidationClass exercises.一)根据句意、首字母或中文提示完成单词1.It’s our d_________ to keep our classroom clean.2.Failure(失败)is the mother of s_________.3.Neil wants to r________ money for charity.4.I had to speak loudly because of the n______.5.The host is the person who i________ the guests in a party.6.We had a lot of support from local___________(商行,企业).(二)用所给单词的适当形式填空1. Half a year ago Jim started ________(play) football.2. It was my job ________(clean) the classroom.3. I’m very happy that my teacher chose me _________(be) the mon itor.4. I have a lot of homework _______(do) today.5. Lily kept_______(ask) Lucy about the pop singers.6. She doesn’t seem _________(like) this book.tep 5 Homeworka: Revise and know the usage of Passive Voive clearly.B: Learn the lessons we learned by heart.8B Unit Four A Charity ShowPeriod FourTeaching content: Grammar A BTeaching goals:1、To grasp the Passive Voice in simple future tense: will +be P.P.2、To grasp the Passive V oice with modal verbs :can, may, must and should+be P.P.Teaching important & difficult points:How to use the Passive Voice in simple future tense and with modal verbs.Teaching Procedures:(要编每个步骤的过程及活动)Step 1. RevisionA: Have a dictation of the phrases in Reading.B: Tranlate some sentences in Reading1.I felt very happy when I was chosen to be the host.2. A lot of money has been donated to Project Green Hope.3.I hope more events like this will be organized to raise money forcharity.4.I think more people should be invited to take part in them.Step 2 PresentationWrite the above 4 sentences on blackboard, then make a conclusion: The simple future tense: will/be going to+be P.P.The modal verbs: can, may, must, should + be P.P.Step 3 ConsolidationA: Finish the details about a charity show on P.66 ,using the Passive V oice in simple future tense.B: Write the six sentences about the hall arrangement on P.67, using the Passive V oice with modal verbs.Step 4 Do some consolidated exercises:Step 5 HomeworkReview what we have learnt.8B Unit Four A charity showPeriod FiveTeaching content: Grammar C & V ocabularyTeaching goals:1、To learn and use the Passive voice in present perfect tense.2、To identify and use words expressions related to the theater. Teaching important & difficult points:1、Words : voice; hang; education ;audience; curtain; stage; actor; perform2、Drills: Ricky has been chosen to be the host of the charity show.It was great fun to be the host, wasn‟t it ?We believe it will be a great success and a lot of money will be raised for Project Hope.Teaching Procedures:Step 1. RevisionAsk students to translate some sentences using passive voice in simple future tense and passive voice with modal verbs. Check the answers. Step 2 Presentation1.Passive voice in present perfect tense.1).Ask students some questions to revise Reading.①What does Ricky hope at the end of his e-mail?He hopes more events like this will be organized to raise money for charity.②Why was Ricky so busy before the show?A lot of work need be finished.③Was the show a success? How do you know?A lot of money has been donated to Project Green Hope.Write the last sentence on the blackboard and explain the sentence structureA lot of money has been donated to Project Green Hope.2). We use passive voice in present perfect tense when the action took place in the past and continues to the present or still has connection with the present..The teacher gives more examples .Eg: Hobo has been chosen to be the host of a charity show.The homework has been finished .Many new buildings have been built since 2000.Twenty more keys have been made by us.Explain the sentence structure of the passive voice in present perfect3).Students complete the conversation and the passage in Part C using the correct passive voice. Then check the answers.2.V ocabulary At the theatre1).Show the pictures of famous hosts and ask the students some questionsWho is he ? What does he do ? What is in his hand? Where can we hold a charity show?Learn the words host microphone and theatre .2).Ask students to discuss and say the different parts of the theatre, write them on the blackboard. Then read them loudly3).Write the correct names in the boxes in Part A.4).Arrange the letters to find the words.5).Play a guessing game. Ask students to say the names of different parts of a theatre.Step 3 ConsolidationStep4Homework1.Go over what we learned today.2. Finish off the exercises.8B Unit Four A charity showPeriod SixTeaching content: Integrated skills & Study skillsTeaching goals:1、To talk about a charity show2、To recognize key expressions involved in organizing an event;3、To write a note explaining arrangements for an event.4、To recognize and use contractions appropriatelyTeaching important & difficult points:1、Words: set up ; among ;phone ;snowy ;kid; silent2、Phrases: set up the stage; do a very important job3、Drills: I‟m sure he‟d like to help.Teaching Procedures:Step 1. Warming-upWatch a video for a while,then talk about it .Step 2 Presentation1.Part A Working on a charity show1). Part A1: Working on a charity showLook at Sandy‟s notes and answer the questions according to the information.①. What‟s the name of the show? ②.What do they raisemoney for?③. When will the show be held? ④.What time will theshow begin and finish?⑤.How much does each ticket cost?2). A2. Sandy has organized another meeting. Help her write down what each student says. Listen carefully. Complete the table below by puttinga tick in the correct boxes.(in the book)① Play the recording through without stopping. Ask students to getthe main ideas.② Play the recording again and check answers.Who will design the poster?Who will organize a play?Who will be the host of the show?Who will set up the stage?Who will sing a song?/ Who will ask friends and families to come?3). A3. Sandy is writing a note to Mr. Wu about the charity show. Help her complete the note. Use the notes in Parts A1 and A2 on page 70 to help you.4). A4: Useful expressions①.talk about doing something讨论做某事They are talking about setting up the stage.=They are talking about how to set up the stage.②.The show will be held.。

上海牛津教材8BU4单元教学设计Material:Oxford English 8B Unit 4 Newspapers 教材分析:What:本单元的主题是《报纸》,旨在通过不同形式的课堂活动和任务,帮助学生提高语言能力和理解能力,并了解新报道的特点和价值。
【第三课时】第三课时是关于情态动词"should"和"ought to"的学习。
学生将回顾并归纳"should"的用法,并学习了解"ought to"的用法。

本节课的教学内容选自牛津译林版英语八年级下册Unit 4 ReadingⅠ部分。该单元主题为"past and present",旨在帮助学生了解和描述过去与现在的变化。本节课作为单元阅读部分的第一课时,主要通过介绍一位老人Charlie和他的过去经历,引导学生学会运用一般过去时描述过去的事物和事件,同时对比过去与现在的变化。
3.通过提问:“Do you know any changes in our city/ school/ family?”,让学生分享自己身边的变化,从而自然引入本节课的主题——描述过去与现在的变化。

牛津初中英语8B 第4单元Reading[教材分析]8B第4单元是关于野生动物的一个单元,通过本单元让学生了解到各种野生动物的特点和生活习性。
特别是第三部分探讨如何保护大熊猫的措施,由课内延伸到课外, 增大学生的知识量, 拓展学生的思维, 达到综合运用语言进行交际的目的。
[教学目标]1、知识目标:1)了解文章的大意,弄清楚文章的结构; 2)了解每部分的中心思想2、能力目标:1)培养学生表达观点的能力;2)培养学生合作探究和解决问题的能力3、情感、态度价值观目标:1)唤起学生对野生动物的关爱,增强保护野生动物的意识;2)鼓励学生想办法,采取措施来保护野生动物[教学重点]1)了解大熊猫的生活情况2)通过阅读,理解课文大意并理清事情发生的顺序。
[教学过程]Step1 Warming upPlay a guessing gameT: Do you like animals?S: Yes.The teacher presents some statements in the bubbles on the screen and asks the students,“What animals are they?”e.g.“It jumps with its baby in its pocket. You can see it everywhere inAustralia.”(kangaroo)a)“It is the biggest animal on the land. It has two big ears and it can carryheavy things.”(elephant)b)“It is a small animal with a long thick tail and red, grey or brown fur. Iteats nuts and lives in trees.”(squirrel)c)“It is a horse from Africa, with black stripes on its body.”(zebra)d)“Its fur is black and white. Its body is fat and round. Its favourite foodis bamboo.”(giant panda)…The students put up their hands and tell the answers.[设计意图:通过根据一小段英文的叙述来猜是哪一种动物,激发了学生兴趣,锻炼了他们的英语理解能力,既复习了本单元第一课时所学的一些动物,又通过猜出大熊猫,自然延伸到新课学习,为下一步新课的导入埋下了伏笔,起到承上启下的作用。

2013年说课决赛说课稿广州市第115中学陈敏一、教材分析(The analysis of the text)本课是初中牛津英语8BU4 Reading A Educational visits的教学。
本单元在Reading A就直接介绍了Educational exchange的实例(Reading B才介绍此意义,在常规教学中,建议先学习Reading B),在学生对其没有概念的前提下进行本课的教学有一定的难度。
一般情况下,单元中的Reading A是一个单元的基础,联系着语法,听说和写作,而在横向看,本节课涉及到的内容则相对独立,和单元学习的其他模块没有太大的联系,就纵向看,关于educational exchange这个话题,没有在其他分册中再出现,所以,本课的定位就是让学生了解这个题材,尽量通过阅读练习充实这部分的内容。
二、学情分析(The analysis of the students)八年级学生经过中学一年的学习,他们对初中英语的学习有了自己的了解和定位,他们有极强的形象思维能力,好奇心强,上课的注意力容易被吸引,但也容易分散,所以,保持他们的注意力是课堂实效的关键,他们对阅读训练很熟悉,却并没有系统的掌握其技能,他们已经不满足于老师简单重复的1说教,更不喜欢整节课都在做题目,他们亟需引导和启发。
深圳牛津版八年级英语 8B U4 教学设计(Extensive Peading)

Teaching Design for How to make a cartoon of Unit4,8B课型:Reading课题Unit4 Cartoons and comicstrips课型Reading 备课时间1 period教材分析教学目标Language points: Let students know the meaning of the new words andcan use the words to make sentences.Language skills: Train the students’ ability of cooperation.Learn how to make a cartoon and be familiar with the steps.Learn how to read this kind of article How to do sth.Emotional attitude: Develop the interest of the students in cartoons and comic 教学重点Understand how to make a cartoon and know how to use the conjunctives of order.教学难点The key words, the conjunctives of order and the steps of making a cartoon.教法与学法指导CA T, cooperation, self-study and task-based teaching method教学环节主要教学步骤或内容学生主体活动教师活动设计意图第一环节引入课题Step 1: Leadingin.Guessing game.Guess the nameof the cartoonthey see and saythem out quickly.Let students look atdifferent cartoonpictures and try toguess their names.To arouse the interestand lead them totoday’s topic how tomake a cartoon.第二环节阅读理解Step 2: Fastreading1.The steps ofmaking acartoon.2.Theconjunctives oforder in thispassage.1. Skim thepassage andwrite thenumbers 1-6 inthe right boxes..e someconnectingwords to connectthe steps into ashort passage.3. Read thisstages in thecorrect order.1. Let students readthe passage quicklywith the task tofinish.2. Lead students touse the conjunctivewords to connectthe main steps ofmaking a cartoon.To have the studentsgrasp the main ideaand find the keypoint. And bewell-prepared for thewhole passage’sreading.Part1Read Lines 1-8and finish thechart.Ask the students tofinish the chartafter listening toLines 1-8.Develop the ss’listening skill and getthe main idea of thefirst step.Step 3: Detailed reading Part2Read Lines 9-13and write thenumbers into theright places.Ask the students tolisten to Lines 9-13and then write thenumbers ofcharacteristics intothe right places.Develop the ss’listening skill andunderstand how thestory goes.Part3Read Lines14-20 aloud andjudge whetherthe followingsentences aretrue or false.1.Let students readthis part aloud.2.Give somesentences tostudents to judgethe reality.Answering thedetailed questions cancheck the situation ofunderstanding.Part4Read Lines21-26 aloud. Pairgroup to ask andanswerquestions.1.Let studentsread this partaloud.2. Give s four wh-words to ask andanswer questions inpairs.Develop the ability ofself-study andcooperation.第三环节实际操练Step 4: PracticeDraw a mindmap of the stepsand retell the sixsteps.Let ss try to draw amind map withtheir partners andthen retell the sixsteps.Develop theirextension of thoughtand the ability ofdoing something withhands.第五环节课时总结Step 5:SummaryThink about theway of learningthis kind ofarticle.Lead ss to payattention to theway of learningthis kind of articleHow to dosomething.Let them learn the keypoint of this class howto read this kind ofarticle.第六环节课后作业Step 6:HomeworkWatch a videoand write a shortpassage.Title:How tomake fruit saladSend a piece ofvideo to theirmailboxes and letwatch it and write ashort passage.Do more practiceabout how to dosomething tostrengthen theconjunctives andsteps.课堂教学流程Leading in --- Fast reading ---- Detailed reading ---- Practice ----- Summary ---- Homework效果评价与反思。
牛津英语8B Unit4教案(Grammer)教案

Unit 45 &6 period:Grammar-.教学目标:l.To understand the purpose of using connectives of reason 2.To use “because” to give a reason for something3.To use “because of ” to give a reason for something 4.To show results with “so”5.To use “hope” and “wish” correctly二.教学重难点:words:groundPhrases:Sentences:1. Ricky helped with the charity show because he wanted toraise money for Project Green Hope.2.Ricky was nervous because of the TV cameras.3.There was a lot of work so I was very busy.4.I hope (that) you will like the show.5.I hope to see the charity show.6.I wish (that) I would be the host of the next show.7.I wish (that) the pop stars would invite me to lunch.8. I wish (that) I could fly.9. I wish (that) I were Richy.10. I wish you a happy holiday.11. We wish you good luck.三.教学方法:Listening and speaking.四.教学手段-tape-recorder and multi-media五.教学过程:Step 1:Lead-in1.introduce myselfI’m Zhang Ping, you can call me Miss Zhang. I’ll teach you till your teacher, Miss Cai, come back from the USA.This is my first time to teach fun with English , so you need your help, if there is any trouble. I didn’t teach for about half a year because I had a son last winter.I love my son because板书he is very lovely. I wish板书 I could stay at home板书for more time, but your English teacher has gone to the board, so板书I have to come back to teach you. I hope板书 we can get well on with.2.free talkT: I like F4 becau se they’re very handsome. Who is your favourite sports star/music starS: …is my favourite pop star.T: Why do you like him/her bestS: Because …3.ask some more questions like thisStep 2 :pre-task.l. Turn to page 60. Let’s think of Ricky.Q1: Why did Ricky help with the charity show (Because he wanted to raise money for Project Hope).Q2: Why couldn’t Ricky sleep the night before the show ( Because he was too excited).Step 3 :While-taskTask11.T: W hen we ask for reasons, we use ‘why’. When we givereasons, we can use ‘because’. T: underline thesentences that contain the word ‘because’.2.Ask two students to read out one example each from thegrammar table at the top of page 64.4.Explain the context of the exercise. Daniel is askingSandy about the charity show. The words on the pieces of paper are reasons from Sandy’s notes.Ask students to work on their own to write answers toDaniel’s notes. Remind them that each sentence must contain the word ‘because’.Read out each of Daniel’s questions. Ask volunteers to answer the questions using ‘because’. Repeat the answers clearly and ask students to check their own work.Task21. T: Look at the Bb, we say:We also can say板书We also can sayT: We can al so use ‘because of’ to give a reason for something. When we use ‘because of’, it is followed by a noun or pronoun.T: Look at the grammar table at the top of page 65. Show students that we can use ‘because of’ to answer questions with ‘why’, .Why did Ricky have to speak loudly ( Because of the noise.) Why was Ricky nervous (Because of the TV cameras.)T: Read the words above the speech bubbles in part B1, the first part says what happened, and the second part is the reason. Please use ‘because of’ to make sentences.Ask three volunteers to read out their answersT: part B2 Amy and Shirley are looking at pictures of a flood. Amy is answering Shirley’s questions about it. Please write answers to Shirley’s questions using ‘because of’ or ‘because’.Select two students to play the roles of Shirley and Amy.Task3T: I like F4 because they’re handsome. F4 are very handsome, so I like them.1.Tell students that we can use ‘so’ to introduce aresult. Read out the two examples and explain that thefirst part ( ‘There was a lot of work’/’ I wantedto help the poor’) is a fact, and the second part(‘Iwas very busy’/I ‘donated some money.’) is a resultof that fact.2.Explain that like ‘because’, ‘so’ can be used togive a reason for something, but the order is different from a sentence with ‘because’. In other words, we can give the information in the example sentences using ‘because’ as follows:I was very busy because there was a lot of work.I donated some money because I wanted to help the poor.3.Ask students to rearrange the words in Part C1 to makesentences. Remind them that the first part of the sentence should be a fact and the second part should be a result.4.Once students have finished, ask three students toread out one sentence each. Correct errors and mispronunciations.5.Ask students to read through Kitty’s letter in partC2 for overall meaning first. Then ask them to fill in the blanks using ‘because’ ‘because of’ ‘so’.6.Ask students to read out one paragraph each. Clarifyany misunderstandings if necessary.7.Ask students to complete ‘ Work out the rule!’ ontheir own. Ask one student to read out the rule and check the answer as a class.8.In a compound sentence, we cannot use because and soat the same time.(F)Because I got up late, so I’m late for school.(T) I got up late, so I’m late for school.(T) Because I got p late, I late for school.Task4T: I wish板书 I could stay at home for more time, but your English teacher has gone to the board,so板书I have to come back to teach you. I hope板书 I can get well on with you.1.Tell Ss that we use ‘hope’ and ‘wish’ to talkabout things or situations that we want to happen.2.To hope is to want something to happen and think thatit is possible. We usually use ‘hope’ to talk aboutthe present or the future.To wish is to want what is not happening or what didnot happen. We usually use ‘wish’ to talk aboutthe past or the present.age of ‘hope’:n. hope → hopes. I hope (wish) to come.. I hope she won’t come tonight.. You’re my last hope.4. usage of ‘wish’:v.wish + to do wish + sb. to dowish + clause 虚拟。
牛津英语8Bunit4 reading部分说课稿

牛津英语8Bunit4 reading部分说课稿2胡玉杰Ma Chang Middle School Shu Yang County Jiangsu province Teaching material analysisThis unit is part of the rights and responsibilities for the first unit,Topic is about the charity. Reading part is the key of this unit. The task is not only a training and improve students’ reading skills, and also covers grammar, vocabulary and knowledge and so on. At the same time It’s also to cultivate correct values, attitudes, etc. According to the characteristics of the teenager students, I divide the class into two classes. First class is for the reading, to understand the article. The second is for language points. Today ,I want to share my teaching ideas is first lesson. This article describes the process of Ricky hosting a charity activity by an e-mail This topic is very close to the students, students can be cultivated a sense of responsibilityTarget analysis1 Knowledge goal : master the key words and phrases through reading articles2 Abilities goal: using fast reading skills to answer a few questions3 Emotion aims is to cultivate the students' sense of responsibility, let them to help those who need helpDifficult and important points analysisLet the students read the text, to understand the process of charity activitiesLet students understand the differences between because and because ofStudying methods instruction. Reading is the main task of this period time.Therefore, guiding students to use fast reading to grasp the general idea of article, and through the comparison of examples, let the students find the difference between because and because of and to cultivate students' ability of the ability of self-learning and encourage them to take activities in groupsThe teaching process1 Presentation we can lead in the key words of this part by presentation and arouse the student interests in learning.2 fast reading can make the students to master the main ideas of the text, and finish the answer to question3careful reading can let the students complete exercises in the book 4 Explanation explain some important vocabulary words and sentences to make the students better understand the article5 listen to the tape6 summary7 homework。
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牛津英语8B Unit 4 A Charity Show教材分析:本单元的主要话题是谈论一些慈善机构和慈善活动的组织形式及其目的,这个话题非常贴近学生的生活,因而学生将对此话题非常感兴趣。
教学的重难点:重点:1. 学习有关慈善机构的名称和有关慈善机构的具体的活动和目的。
2. 一般将来时态的被动语态,情态动词的被动语态和现在完成时态的被动语态。
3. 学习技能部分旨在培养学生能够正确断句和根据句意正确朗读句子。
难点:1.willbe/be going to be +p.p2.can/may/must/should be +p.p3.have/has been +p.p教学分析和教学建议:对于慈善义演,学生是熟悉并感兴趣的,尤其是了解国内国外的慈善义演,更是他们津津乐道的事。
通过大量的例句让学生练习,教师在教学过程中可采用Role playing, Practicing, Cooperating, Scanning和Listening for specific information的学习策略,利用教学挂图,制作多媒体课件来开展个人表演、两人一组表演或更多的学生一起分角色表演。
课时安排:开篇部分1课时导入部分1课时阅读部分2课时词汇部分1课时语法部分2课时综合技能1课时中心任务1课时检测部分1课时8B Unit 4 Teaching PlanPeriod 1 Comic strip and Welcome to the unit教学目标:初步认识一些慈善机构的名称并了解其工作;对慈善活动和慈善活动的组织形式有初步的认识;熟悉不同的提建议方式;激发学生对慈善活动以及参与这些活动的兴趣教学内容:介绍一些慈善机构及慈善活动的组织形式;初步感受现在完成时的被动语态教学准备:录音机,多媒体,投影仪教学步骤:Step1 Lead-in1.Show students the picture of a fashion show and ask students: What are they doing?2.Tell them it is a charity show.3.Ask students: Why do they do it?4. Tell students that we can hold a charity show to raise money for charities.Step 2 Welcome to the unit1.Ask students: Do you know any other ways to raise money? Show students some pictures of fund-raisingactivities of charities.2.Teach students new words: advertise; give out leaflets.3.Let students finish Part A on P61 and check the answers by reading the sentences.4.Ask students: We now have different charities. Do you know some of them in China?5.Show them some pictures of different charities and say something about them.6. Check the answers to Part B on P61. Tell them more charities if possible, such as: ORBIS (helps the blindpeople in poor countries using a plane)UNICEF (helps children all over the world by providing clean water, food and education)Step 3 Comic strips1.Are you interested in charity shows? So are Eddie and Hobo. Hobo has been chosen to be the host of acharity show. Present students some new words: host(hostess); microphone.2.Listen to their conversation and answer some questions.(1)What is Hobo doing?(2)What is he going to be?(3)What is Eddie’s wish?(4)What does Hobo think about Eddie’s wish?3.Let students read the dialogue by themselves (or practice in pairs).4. Do some more exercises after reading and check the answers together: Fill in the blanksStep 4 Homework1.Remember the name of charities and activities.2.Practice the dialogue between Eddie and Hobo.课时练一Comic strip and Welcome to the unit一、根据句意和汉语写出单词1.To my surprise ,I received a (照相机)at my birthday party.2.The (组织者)of the event is a woman.3.What kind of (材料) is the bridge made of ?4.I’m one of your greatest(迷)5.The (观众)were excited on the opening night of the play..二、单项选择( )1.We can have more events this money.A . likes; raising B. likes; to raiseC. liking; to raiseD. like ; to raise( )2.There will be moreA.charity showB. charities showC.charities’ showD. charities shows( )3. Let’s p lay cards instead of TV.A.watchB. watchingC.to watchD. watched( )4.The cost of living continues toA.riseB. rise upC. raiseD. raising( )5. Why not draw up? Let the light onA.seatsB. ticketsC.curtainD. performers( )6. You’ll have to work hard if you want to the exam.A.pastB. passedC.passD. passed( )7. Which charity helps protect rivers and lakes in China?A.Project Green HopeB. Spring Bud ProjectC.Save China’s TigersD. Project Hope( )8. Rickey helped the fashion show.A.withB./C. doD. doing三、翻译句子1. 霍波,你为什么拿着麦克风?______________________________________________________________________2. 因为我已经被选为慈善演出的主持人。