William Shakespeare
---The peak of Humanism
The story took place in Verona, Italy
Hostile Capulet
Lovers are destined to be married !!!
Thank you!!
I flew over theses walls with love's light wings, for stony barriers cannot keep love out, and love dares to try anything. Therefore your kinsmen cannot stop me. 我借着爱的轻翼飞过园墙,因为砖石的墙垣是不能把爱情阻隔的; 爱情的力量所能够做到的事,它都会冒险尝试,所以我不怕你家 里人的干涉。
Romeo and Juliet encounter in a ball and quickly fall in love
Then Juliet’s parents insist on marrying her to someone else, which makes Juliet quite sad.
the languages of shakespeare is very beautiful i will give you my destiny, pretend you are my master. follow you til end of the worldd.
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爱得深 想得远 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》
在吐露内心秘密,表达少女情感的同时, 随着问题的不断深入,情感不断前进。开始是 初生爱情的大胆表白,继而不可遏制的盟约誓 言、献身冲动,她和罗密欧的爱情迅速生长, 成为一种不可遏制的激情。双方从仰慕到婚姻 的约定,从年轻人的相互吸引到真挚灵魂的彼 此契合。
• 1.积累莎士比亚及与之有关的文学常 识。
• 2.欣赏莎士比亚诗化的戏剧语言;领悟 戏剧旁白、对白所表现的人物情感和对 爱情的追求。
• 3.体会东西方文化表情达意的差异。
• 重难点: • 欣赏戏剧语言,领悟戏剧旁白、对白所
故事发生在维洛那名城, 有两家门第相当的巨族, 累世的宿怨激起了新争, 鲜血把市民的白手污渎。 是命运注定这两家仇敌, 生下了一双不幸的恋人, 他们的悲惨凄凉的殒灭, 和解了他们交恶的尊亲。 这一段生生死死的恋爱, 还有那两家父母的嫌隙, 把一对多情的儿女杀害, 演成了今天这一本戏剧。
与其因为得不到你的爱情而在这挨命,还 不如在仇人的刀剑下丧生。
裴多菲的著名诗句:生命诚可贵, 爱情价更高,若为自由故,两者皆可抛。
爱情告白:与其得不到朱丽叶的爱情而在这世 上挨命,还不在仇人的刀剑下丧生。
在该剧的结尾处,罗密欧说愿意做 朱丽叶用丝线牵拉的鸟儿。该怎样理 解?
罗密欧与朱丽叶 演示文稿
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吞噬 巉岩 骷髅 攫取 悲恸 坟茔 殓衾 洞穴 凭吊 风烛残年
伺机 伺候 强壮 倔强 强迫 横线 蛮横 吓人 恐吓 谗言 徇私 殉情 绚烂 睡眠 契约 提纲挈领 锲而不舍 聘请 驰骋
①父亲 蒙太古 鲍尔萨泽
茂丘西奥 劳伦斯
(3)罗密欧与朱丽叶的主婚人 帕里斯
一对生死相恋的情人,一朵绽苞初 放的爱情之花,就这样凋零了,到底是 什么原因造成了这场悲剧呢?
• 封建世仇和封建家长制。两个家族的械 斗,朱丽叶的父亲逼迫女儿嫁给帕里斯。 两家的家长,都在自觉不自觉地顽固维 护着本家族的荣誉和势力,他们实际代 表的是一种狭隘保守的旧道德、旧观念。
4、怂恿(sǒng 做某事。 yǒng):鼓动别人去
5、虚文俗礼:空洞的文章,庸俗的礼 节。 6、置之不顾:把某事情放在一边不管。
第一部分:殉情 帕里斯被罗密欧所杀; 罗密欧为朱丽叶殉情 朱丽叶为罗密欧而死。 第二部分:和解 劳伦斯交待故事原委; 亲王裁决两家终和解。
(1)凯普莱特家族的人(从朱丽叶的角度 说) ①父亲 凯普莱特 提伯尔特 帕里斯
威廉· 莎士比亚(15641616),文艺复兴时期英国伟 大的戏剧家和诗人,人文主义 最杰出的代表,近代欧洲文学 的奠基者之一,世界戏剧史上 的泰斗。公认的古往今来最伟 大的作家之一。 马克思称他为“人类最伟大 的戏剧天才”,同时代人本· 琼 生称誉他是“时代的灵魂”, 说他“不属于一个时代,而属 于所有的世纪。”
爱是一种甜蜜的痛 苦,真诚的爱情永不 是走一条平坦的道路 的。
——莎士比亚 1
因为爱情,孟姜女哭倒了万里长城; 因为爱情,林黛玉含恨焚诗稿; 因为爱情,祝英台忍悲赴黄泉。 因为爱情,朱丽叶罗密欧双双殉情. ……
《罗密欧与朱丽叶7 》
课文节选部分是全剧的 第二幕第二场
课文节选部分是原作第二幕第二场, 这一场简称“阳台会”。描写了罗密欧 与朱丽叶的月夜相见和互诉衷肠,通过 这对青年为争取婚姻自由和幸福与封建 势力的阻拦形成的激烈矛盾冲突,歌颂 了青年男女真挚自由的爱情,体现了文 艺复兴时期人们渴求美好感情、追求幸 福、反对禁欲的人文主义精神。
自由地诵读。具体地分析 一下莎士比亚语言在修辞、 句式、词汇上分别有怎样 的特点。
莎士比亚综合运用比喻、拟人、象征、夸 张等多种修辞手法,使一句句独白充满诗意。
例: 把朱丽叶比喻为美丽的太阳,表达 对她的赞美之情
还将月亮拟人化,拟作有嫉妒心的人, 它因不如朱丽叶美丽,“已经气得面色惨白”。
一 两人独白,表达相思。
二 两人对白,说爱盟誓。
三 两人定情,不忍离别。
爱情表白? 精选ppt
该剧主要刻画了怎样 的人物形象?
产生于意大利的文艺复兴时期,这时候欧洲封 建社会逐渐解体,资产阶级思想开始酝酿,人 文主义是文艺复兴时期资产阶级反封建斗争的 思想武器。人文主义的主要内容是用人性反神 权,用个性解放反对禁欲主义,用理性反对蒙 昧主义。它认为人生的目的就是追求个人的自 由和幸福。莎士比亚早期的作品主要是宣扬这 种人文主义思想,本文就是在这一背景下产生 的。
的奠基者之一。 精选ppt
主要作品有:历史剧《亨利四世》,喜剧 《仲夏夜之梦》、《威尼斯商人》,四大悲 剧《:哈姆雷特》、《奥赛罗》、《李尔王》、《麦克白》 及悲喜剧《罗密欧与朱丽叶》。在西方,每 家都必备两本书,一本是《圣经》,另一本 是莎士比亚全集,即一个是宗教的神,一个 是艺术的神。马克思称他为“人类最伟大的 戏剧天才”,同时代人本·琼生称誉他是 “时代的灵魂”,说他“不属于一个时代, 而属于所有的世纪。”
厌恶这种野蛮的厮杀 ,希望能用他们真诚的爱来 消融两家的仇恨,能化干戈为玉帛。不顾两个家族 间的仇恨,真心相爱,这段爱情本身就具有一种叛 逆性,是对封建势力和封建思想的挑战 .
罗密欧与朱丽叶ppt70 鲁教版最新公开课优选PPT课件
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2.瓜果应季,喜欢瓜果的人牙好、胃口好。 3.感受春天的微风轻抚最初萌芽的青草和树叶,把稚嫩的清香散播到四面八方。
4.酷热的夏天,享受一场豪雨和随之而来的凉爽、清新、草木苍翠。 5.在秋天火一样的红叶面前停下脚步,体味凋谢前最盛大的灿烂。 6.站在温暖的窗户后面欣赏大雪最初的样子:轻盈、迷蒙、笼罩大地,洁白还无人践踏。 7.喝酒的时候,是心在应对,而不是肠胃在应对。如同焚香,要的只是一种香的氛围,而不是把香氛当氧气,这也是酒逢知己饮的本意。 8.有很够分量的情敌,你却不战而胜,似乎比用大笔钱买到极昂贵的东西还快乐。这是棋逢对手或物有所值的含义之一。 9.生命中永存一个可以单相思的人,又不是一日不见如隔三秋的那种情怀,美中不足的生活就有了完美的寄托,如同诚信基督的教徒有一个上帝。 10.在花季结束的时候,采摘到最后一朵玫瑰。多情的人,最后一次恋情以最美的方式成为标本。 11.说话投机:有些迷乱豁然开朗,如同苗圃除尽了杂草;有些感觉处处共鸣,如同鲜花映照在清潭。 12.没有预谋的闲聊空谈,却生出实际漂亮的事情来。如同野游采摘到美味的山果。
Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet in English formerly
['fɔ:məli] known as The Most Excellent and Lame;trædʒidi] of Romeo and Juliet, known
Finally, I wish all lovers all's well that ends well.
Finally I wish all lovers all's well that ends well !
Romeo and Juliet罗密欧与朱丽叶介绍presentation演讲PPT
![Romeo and Juliet罗密欧与朱丽叶介绍presentation演讲PPT](
Hope you can find your only and lifetime lover.
Small Title Here
{ Classic Lines }
Juliet, why are you still so fair? Death that has sucked the honey of your breath has had no power as yet to spoil your beauty. Shall I believe he has a plan in this? That insubstantial Death is amorous, keeping you perfect for his paramour? For fear of that, I will stay with thee. And never from this place of dim night depart again. Eyes...look you last. Arms...take your last embrace. And lips...the doors of breath, be forever sealed with a righteous kiss.
• English poet and playwright • The greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist.
Plle Here
ROMEO + JULIET • Romeo and Juliet belong to two hostile families, the Montagues and the Capulets. • Each is devoted to each other, but union is impossible.
采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在 管材垂 直角切 断管材 ,边剪 边旋转 ,以保 证切口 面的圆 度,保 持熔接 部位干 净无污 物
综合运用多种修辞手法,人物独白充满诗意。 比喻(将朱丽叶比作美丽的太阳,表达赞美之情) 拟人(将月亮比作有嫉妒心的人,因不如朱丽叶
则象征着家族冤仇与世俗礼教,“美丽的太 阳”“赶走那妒忌的月亮”,深层次地象征了坚 贞纯洁的爱情必将战胜家族冤仇与世俗礼教的美 好愿望。)
此外,将朱丽叶的眼睛同天上的星星对比,有明 显的夸张成分,以突出朱丽叶的光彩照人。
意大利维洛那城的凯普莱特和蒙太古两个家族 有世仇,他们之间常常发生流血事件。一天,凯普 莱特家举行盛大的化装舞会,蒙太古的儿子罗密欧 在朋友怂恿下,戴上假面具去参加。舞会上,他与 凯普莱特的女儿朱丽叶一见钟情。但经过化装的罗 密欧还是被朱丽叶的堂兄提伯尔特认出,两人差点 打了起来。舞会结束后,罗密欧偷偷跳进凯普莱特 家的花园,想再看看朱丽叶。朱丽叶此时正好站在 阳台上喃喃自语,表达自己的爱恋之情。罗密欧十 分激动,也向他倾吐衷肠。直到天亮,俩人才依依 惜别。第二天,罗密欧把二人的感情告诉了修道院 的劳伦斯长老。长老表示支持,并暗中主持婚礼,
从两人独白,倾吐相思之情,到互吐衷肠, 起誓明志,再到两人定情,不忍分手,感情经历
展示了热恋中青年男女丰富的内心世界。 这场戏通过抒情诗一般的独白和对白,把爱
情圣洁化和诗化,表现了热恋中男女纯洁美的对幸福 美好爱情生活的追求,歌颂了追求中所显现的
介绍罗密欧与朱丽叶这本书的英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Introduction"Romeo and Juliet" is a tragic love story written by William Shakespeare. It is one of the most famous plays in literary history and has been adapted into numerous films, books, and plays. The story follows the romantic love and tragic fate of two young lovers, Romeo and Juliet, who come from feuding families in Verona.Plot SummaryThe play opens with a street fight between the Montague and Capulet families, where Romeo, a Montague, falls in love with Juliet, a Capulet, at a masquerade ball. Despite their families' hatred for each other, Romeo and Juliet secretly marry with the help of Friar Laurence. However, a series of misunderstandings and unfortunate events lead to the deaths of the two lovers.Themes"Romeo and Juliet" explores themes of love, fate, and the societal expectations of family loyalty. The play delves into the complexities of young love and the consequences of actions taken in the heat of passion. Shakespeare's use of language and symbolism in the play showcases the power of love, tragedy, and the enduring legacy of the two young lovers.CharactersThe characters in "Romeo and Juliet" are iconic and memorable. Romeo is a passionate and impulsive young man, while Juliet is a strong-willed and intelligent young woman. The supporting characters, such as Mercutio, Tybalt, and Friar Laurence, add depth and complexity to the story.Adaptations"Romeo and Juliet" has been adapted into countless films, plays, and novels. Some notable adaptations include Baz Luhrmann's modern retelling "Romeo + Juliet" starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes, and the ballet version choreographed by Kenneth MacMillan. Each adaptation brings a fresh perspective to the timeless tale of love and tragedy.Impact"Romeo and Juliet" has had a lasting impact on literature and popular culture. The play's themes of love, fate, and family loyalty continue to resonate with audiences around the world. The tragic ending of the play has inspired numerous artists, writers, and filmmakers to explore the timeless story of Romeo and Juliet.Conclusion"Romeo and Juliet" is a classic play that continues to captivate audiences with its timeless tale of love and tragedy. Shakespeare's masterful storytelling and vivid characters make the play a timeless masterpiece that has stood the test of time. Whether through literature, film, or theater, the story of Romeo and Juliet will continue to enchant and inspire generations to come.篇2Romeo and Juliet is a tragic play written by William Shakespeare. It is one of the most famous love stories in the world and has been adapted into various forms including ballets, operas, and films. The play is set in Verona, Italy and follows the story of two young lovers, Romeo and Juliet, who come from feuding families, the Montagues and Capulets.The play begins with a street brawl between the Montagues and Capulets, but Romeo, a Montague, sneaks into a Capulet party and falls in love with Juliet, a Capulet. Despite their families' feud, they profess their love for each other and secretly marry with the help of Friar Laurence. However, the situation escalates quickly when Romeo kills Juliet's cousin Tybalt in a duel.This action leads to Romeo's banishment from Verona and Juliet's forced engagement to Paris. Desperate to be with Romeo, Juliet seeks the help of the Friar who gives her a potion that will make her appear dead. However, Romeo is unaware of the Friar's plan and thinks Juliet is truly dead. He poisons himself beside Juliet's supposed tomb, and Juliet, upon waking to find Romeo dead, stabs herself with his dagger.The tragic ending of Romeo and Juliet serves as a reminder of the consequences of hate and violence. It explores themes of love, fate, and the power of family ties. Shakespeare's poetic language and timeless storytelling continue to captivate audiences around the world, making Romeo and Juliet a classic work of literature that endures through the ages.Overall, Romeo and Juliet is a timeless tale of love and tragedy that continues to resonate with audiences of all ages. Shakespeare's masterful storytelling, rich characters, anduniversal themes make the play a classic that will be remembered for generations to come.篇3Introduction:"Romeo and Juliet" is a play written by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written between 1591 and 1595. It tells the story of two young lovers, Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet, who come from feuding families in Verona. The play explores themes of love, fate, and death, and is considered one of Shakespeare's most famous works.Plot Summary:The story begins with a street brawl between the Montague and Capulet families, who have been feuding for years. Romeo, a young Montague, attends a masked ball at the Capulet household where he meets and falls in love with Juliet, the daughter of the Capulet family. Despite the rivalry between their families, the two decide to marry in secret with the help of Friar Laurence.However, tragedy strikes when Romeo kills Juliet's cousin Tybalt in a duel and is banished from Verona. In desperation, Juliet fakes her own death with a sleeping potion given to her byFriar Laurence. When Romeo hears the news of her death, he returns to Verona and takes his own life next to her supposedly lifeless body. Juliet wakes to find Romeo dead, and in her grief, she takes her own life as well.Themes:"Romeo and Juliet" is a timeless story that explores themes of love, passion, and the consequences of feuding. The play also touches on the role of fate and the power of destiny in shaping the lives of its characters. Shakespeare's use of language and imagery adds depth to the characters and their emotions, making the story both tragic and beautiful.Adaptations:"Romeo and Juliet" has been adapted into numerous films, plays, and literature over the years, with each adaptation offering a unique interpretation of the original play. Some of the most popular adaptations include Franco Zeffirelli's 1968 film, Baz Luhrmann's 1996 film, and the musical "West Side Story," which modernizes the story to a gang rivalry in New York City.Conclusion:"Romeo and Juliet" remains a classic love story that continues to captivate audiences around the world. Its themes oflove, fate, and tragedy are as relevant today as they were during Shakespeare's time. The play's timeless appeal and universal themes continue to resonate with audiences of all ages, making it one of the greatest works of literature ever written.。
Julia: what time should I call you tomorrow 。 Romeo: nine o'clock. Julie: I certainly do not break, he came to that time, the 20 years that long, I can't remember why you want to call you back. Romeo: I stand here, you remember telling me. Julie: you stand in front of me, but I really was thinking of love together with you, it can't remember it forever. Romeo: so, I'm always waiting here, so you can't remember it forever, forget what besides here.
"Story in Viilo city, two giant family of birth, status undiminished ['ʌndi'miniʃt] feud [fju:d] sparked a new row, the blood [blʌd] of the people of white hand stain [stein] bribes. Destiny ['destini], the two foes [fəu] gave birth to a pair of hapless lover ······" After a broad opening poem, the spread [spred] for hundreds of years of the famous love tragedy ['trædʒidi] opened the curtain ['kə:tn].
William Shakespear
Brief Introduction to Drama
《罗密欧与朱丽叶》(Romeo and Juliet)是英国剧作家威廉·莎士比亚 创作的戏剧作品[1],常被误称为莎士比亚的四大悲剧之一(实为《麦 克白》《奥赛罗》《李尔王》及《哈姆雷特》)。
不怕做赎罪的羔羊,因而他们的死 亡虽是生命的终结,却在道德上取 得了胜利。终于使两个敌对的家族 言归于好。许多学者和评论家从这 个意义上称这出戏是乐观主义的悲 剧,也就是人们惯说的悲喜剧。
01 凯普莱特和蒙太古是一座城市的两大家族, 这两大家族有深刻的世仇,经常械斗。蒙太 古家有个儿子叫罗密欧,他被凯普莱特家的 独生女儿朱丽叶深深吸引住了。朱丽叶也对 罗密欧有好感。
Romeo and Juliet
William Shakespear
《哈姆雷特》之后,莎士比亚的文风变化更多,尤其是后期 悲剧中更富有感情的段落。在创作生涯后期,莎士比亚采用 了很多技巧来达到这些效果。
设计的特点保证了莎士比亚的剧作能够被翻译成其他语言, 而不会丢失核心剧情。 当莎士比亚的技巧提高后,他赋予角 色更清晰和更富有变化的动机以及说话时独一无二的风格。
03 一次偶然,罗密欧将提伯尔特杀死了。经过 多方协商,城市的统治者决定驱逐罗密欧, 下令如果他敢回来就处死他。朱丽叶很伤心, 她非常爱罗密欧。罗密欧不愿离开,经过神 父的劝说他才同意暂时离开。
02 当时双方都不知道对方的身份。真相大白之 后,罗密欧仍然不能摆脱自己对朱丽叶的爱 慕。他翻墙进了凯普莱特的果园,正好听见 了朱丽叶在窗口情不自禁呼唤罗密欧的声音。 显然,双方是一见钟情。
The conflict between Romeo and Juliet's families and the role of society in their strategic fate are also key themes explored in the play
Love and fate
The play explores themes of love and fate, showing how the two are often intertwined and how they can lead characters to make fatal decisions
The Montagues and Capsules eventually reconcile their differences after the deaths of Romeo and Juliet, but it is too late to save their young lovers
The characters of Romeo and Juliet are complex and multi-
dimensional, with their emotions and motivations explored in
Exploration of Tragedy Themes
Dramatic iron
The use of dramatic iron, where the audience knows more than the characters, adds tension and suspension to the play
First Sight
The first time they met, they fell in love with each other.
Relate To Each Other
The love between them was so strong that no one could live without the other.
Parting is such sweet sorrow.
Juliet took the medicine and pretend to die.
Romeo’s Death
Romeo committed suicide by taking the poison.
Juliet’s Death
Juliet waked up and saw the corpse of Romeo, she also killed herself.
Hope you can find your only and lifetime lover.
Small Title Here
{ Classic Lines }
Juliet, why are you still so fair? Death that has sucked the honey of your breath has had no power as yet to spoil your beauty. Shall I believe he has a plan in this? That insubstantial Death is amorous, keeping you perfect for his paramour? For fear of that, I will stay with thee. And never from this place of dim night depart again. Eyes...look you last. Arms...take your last embrace. And lips...the doors of breath, be forever sealed with a righteous kiss.
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The End
The parents of the two families made peace.
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{ Hope }
Sincere Hope
No one escapes fate. It is Romeo and Juliet's determination to struggle against fate in order to be together, whether in life or death, that shows the passion of their love, and which makes that love eternal.
With Laurence’s help, they secretly got married.
Parting is such sweet sorrow.
• Romeo killed Juliet’s cousin. • Juliet was forced to marry Paris.
Hope you can find your only and lifetime lover.
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{ Classic Lines }
Juliet, why are you still so fair? Death that has sucked the honey of your breath has had no power as yet to spoil your beauty. Shall I believe he has a plan in this? That insubstantial Death is amorous, keeping you perfect for his paramour? For fear of that, I will stay with thee. And never from this place of dim night depart again. Eyes...look you last. Arms...take your last embrace. And lips...the doors of breath, be forever sealed with a righteous kiss.
• Each is devoted to each other, but union is impossible.
First Sight
The first time they met, they fell in love with each other.
Relate To Each Other
The love between them was so strong that no one could live without the other.
Thanks For Your Attention
Thank You
谢谢观看! 2020
Parting is such sweet sorrow.
Juliet took the medicine and pretend to die.
Romeo’s Death
Romeo committed suicide by taking the poison.
Juliet’s Death
Juliet waked up and saw the corpse of Romeo, she also killed herself.
Romeo and Juliet
演讲人:刑志 表演:叶苏雄
01 The Writer 02 Plot Summary 03 Hope 04 Classic Lines
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{ The Writer }
The Writer
William Shakespeare • English poet and playwright
• The greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-emll Title Here
Plot Summary
• Romeo and Juliet belong to two hostile families, the Montagues and the Capulets.