星光大道Avenue of Stars
• 《星光大道》是中央电视台综艺频道推出 的一档大型综艺栏目,由毕福剑担任节目 制片人及主持。栏目以“百姓自娱自乐”为宗 旨,表演形式以唱歌为主,为大众提供展 现才艺的舞台。导致了大批《星光大道》 的忠实观众们都参与进《中国爱歌者》学 习唱歌的大军队伍里去。
The University of Hong Kong
香港货币Hong Kong Currency
• 港元,或称港币,是中华人民共和国香港 特别行政区的法定流通货币,香港金融管 理局及渣打银行(香港)有限公司、香港 汇丰银行有限公司及中国银行(香港)有 限公司等3家香港发钞银行于2010年7月20 日
香港电影Hong Kong Film
• 香港电影是中文电影的先驱者,有谓“有华 人的地方,就有香港电影的影踪”,港产片 多年来风靡全球,成为华人文化的一大标 记。被称为东方好莱坞、华人娱乐码头及 华语梦工场。
香港可以大致分为香港岛、九龙、新界 新界东部和西部四个部分…
»1997年7月1日香港特别行政区成立,中央政府提出了 一个香港金紫荆雕像。金紫荆雕像放置在会议中心, 面对大海,这个广场被命名为金紫荆铜像,高6米,正 式名称为“永远盛开的紫荆花”,这意味着香港永远 繁荣昌盛。
行政长官Chief Executive
Your Camera is
行政区划 宗教
• • • • •
中文名字 英文名字 别名 行政管理类 位置
• • • • •
香港 Hong Kong 东方明珠 特别行政区 珠江河口东南
外研版四年级英语上册Module8Unit1 We‘re going go to Hainan课件
Do you like traveling ?
I ’ m going to visit ……
swim in the sea
I’m going to swim in the sea.
Do you like it ?
Swim, swim, swim in the sea.
“We’re going to …”
“I’m going to …”
要求: 1.小组内分角色认真读课文,注意每个
单词的读音; 2.用横线画出相应的句子。
Let’s chant~
Swim swim swim, in the sea Get up get up get up, in the morning plane plane plane, go by plane Visit visit visit, visit grandpa From from from, I’m from China
My travel plan
Place(地点) We’re going to visit… Transporta We’re going by…
Activity We’re going to… (活动) I’m going to…
M8 U1
WMe'OreDUgLoEi8ng to visit Hainan Unit1
We’re going to visit Hainan
Warming Up
Let’s sing the song. 1.Listen and sing
This Sunday is coming.
I’m going to….
The view of Hong Kong's street
The view of Hong Kong's street
Hong Kong in movies
Hong Kong was voted the most attractive destination in China and the best for shopping, playing and dining. Anyone can find his place here. Are you ready to go?
• Victoria Harbour lies between the Kowloon Peninsula (九龙半岛) and the Hong Kong Island(香港岛). its natural depth and sheltered location induce(引诱) the British to occupy the island of Hong Kong during the First Opium War(鸦片战争), and subsequently establish the colony as a trading post(贸易站).The harbour is famous for its spectacular views.
Busy Causeway Bay
4 Tsim Sha Tsui (TSTE)
TSTE is also a shopping center, Here you can buy lots of the best bargains. Many world-famous hotels locate here. what’s more, TSTE is also a cultural and arts center, museums such as Hong Kong science, history, space, art museums are all here.
香港旅游的英语介绍Hong Kong is one of the two special administrative regions (SARs) of the People's Republic of China, along with Macau. Comprising more than 260 islands, the territory is located on the eastern side of the Pearl River Delta, bordering Guangdong province in the north and facing the South China Sea in the east, west and south.Hong Kong was a Crown colony of the United Kingdom from 1842 until the transfer of sovereignty to the People's Republic of China in 1997. The Sino-British Joint Declaration and the Basic Law of Hong Kong stipulate that Hong Kong will operate with a high degree of autonomy until at least 2047, fifty years after the transfer. Under the policy of "one country, two systems", the Central People's Government is responsible for the territory's defence and foreign affairs, while Hong Kong maintains its own legal system, police force, monetary system, customs policy, immigration policy, and delegates to international organizations and events.Hong Kong is frequently described as a city where East meets West, a meeting reflected in its economic infrastructure, education, legal system and street culture. On one street corner, there may be traditional Chinese shops selling Chinese herbal medicine, Buddhist paraphernalia or bowls of synthetic shark fin soup. But around the next, one may find theatres showing the latest Hollywood blockbuster, a British-style pub, a Catholic Church or Ronald McDonald inviting passer-bys to a Big Mac. The territory's official language is Chinese and English; signs in both languages are omnipresent throughout Hong Kong. The government, police and most workplaces and stores conduct business bilingually. British rule may have ended a decade ago but Western culture is deeply ingrained in Hong Kong and coexists seamlessly with traditional philosophy and practices of the Orient.Hong Kong has an active nightlife centred on two major entertainment districts, Lan Kwai Fong (Central) and Wan Chai. Both areas are frequented by expatriates and locals alike. For a more quiet evening, a trip to Victoria Peak offers a spectacular view of the city. There is also a promenade along the Tsim Sha Tsui waterfront, which is popular among young Chinese couples. Shopping, a form of entertainment for the people of Hong Kong, is even done at nighttime as evident in the Temple Street Night Market where one can also catch free performances of Peking opera.The city's cosmopolitan flavour can also be seen in the wide variety of cuisines available. While different varieties of Chinese selections, especially seafood, are most popular, there are also many European, American, Japanese, Korean, and other restaurants. Ethnic dishes served in cha chaan teng and dai pai dong are also popular. The people of Hong Kong take their food seriously and many top chefs make their way to the city to show off their talents to these discerning diners.While Hong Kong is a global centre of trade, perhaps the city's most famous export is its entertainment industry, particularly in the martial arts genre. Several top-notch Hollywood performers originate from Hong Kong cinema -- Bruce Lee, Chow Yun-Fat, Jackie Chan, Michelle Yeoh, Jet Li and Leslie Cheung, to name a few. Behind the camera, Hong Kong filmmakers have also struck fortune in Hollywood such as John Woo, Wong Kar-wai, Tsui Hark and martial arts choreographers who have designed fight scenes in the Matrix trilogy, Kill Bill and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Back in Hong Kong, several homegrown films have also gainedinternational recognition such as Chungking Express, Infernal Affairs, Shaolin Soccer, Rumble in the Bronx and In the Mood for Love. Acclaimed filmmaker Quentin Tarantino has said he's strongly influenced by Hong Kong action cinema.The Hong Kong government also supports cultural institutions such as the Hong Kong Heritage Museum, Hong Kong Museum of Art, the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra. Furthermore, the government's Leisure and Cultural Services Department also subsidizes and sponsors the bringing of international performers to Hong Kong.。
15.1 旅游文本的文体特点
旅游文本,无论英语还是汉语,均属应用文范畴, 其形式灵活多样,内容无所不包,文体类别也是 丰富多彩。如旅游指南属描写型,用词要生动形 象,明白晓畅;旅游广告与其他广告语一样属呼 唤型,用词短小精悍,富有创意,句式简洁活泼, 具有极强的吸引力和号召力;旅游合同,属契约 型,用词规范,表达准确,程式化明显;旅游行 程,属信息型,用词简洁明了,具有提示性。本 章节主要关注旅游景点介绍的翻译。
旅游文体的翻译,不但要传达源语信息,而且要 注意它自身的特殊性。旅游资料的功能是通过对 景点的介绍、宣传,扩展人们的知识,激发人们 旅游、参观的兴趣。因此,旅游文体翻译的最终 目的就是通过传递信息来吸引旅游者。翻译这类 资料,译者要考虑到译语的可读性及读者的接受 效果,所以,译者的自由度相对较大。
孔令翠, 2005
先请比较一下下面一个景点介绍的中英文版 本,思考两者在行文方面有何不同。
The President Palace where President Ho Chi Minh lived and worked from late 1954 to his last day September 1969, is now the Memorial site about the life and revolutionary work of the most beloved leader of the Vietnamese working class and people, a national liberation hero, a great man of culture. Uncle Ho’s “House on stilts” is a symbol of his simplicity and gentleness. There are only some rooms here, but all of them are full of wind, light and fragrance from the garden together with a heart trending to era.
The Hong Kong Disneyland Resort was
,it consists of the Hong Kong Disneyland theme park, two hotels and retail , dining and
built by the
entertainment . It is located on
3. Avenue of Stars
Avenue of stars in Hongkong Kowloon Tsim Sha Tsui East ofTsim Sha Tsui Waterfront Park, And face to Victoria Harbour. Avenue of stars as recognition of outstanding professionals of Hongkong's film industry feature attractions, from Hollywood Walk of Fame, outstanding filmmaker 's name and the palm print inlaid in a special commemorative plaque, 1in3 chronological order in the
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
一 introduction
It is famous for its beautiful night views and shopping Paradise . Of course,
Hong Kong snack is more delicious. In short, Hong Kong is worth 4 visiting.
旅游英语 -- Hongkong
Stitch Encounter
Autopia Space Mountain
------Where tale dreams come true
Mad Hatter Tea Cup
Railroad station
Sword in the stone
Bear Hug
Marilyn Monroe (玛丽莲梦露)
Classical and Charming Posture
Can you guess who is the real Jay Chou?
She is famous for her unique and fancy dressing style.
Birds waterfowl area
A Bite of Hongkong (舌尖上的香港)
Fry Shrimp Intestines and Crab Roe Steamed Sumai
Hong Kong- Style Milk Tea --Ling Muhe
Pineapple Bread and Coffee .
Noodles with Fresh Shrimp Wonton.
Xianggangzai Fishball Noodle
Fishball Noodle.
Noodle Soup With Beef Brisket
Main Street USA
Main Street USA
Old style buildings
香港之旅 (Hongkong)
铜锣湾 铜锣湾位于香港岛北部,是香港最主要的购物区之一,亦是繁荣的商业 中心。该地段集中了很多购物中心、日资的百货公司以及酒店等,在街 头巷尾还有很多餐厅,所有高档次的时尚潮流物品都可以在这里找到。 现在,铜锣湾已成为尖沙咀以外最重要的旅游区。 购物商场 购物地点以「时代广场」、「崇光百货」、「皇室堡」等等,最为闻名, 世界各地的名牌时装、时尚玩意、首饰精品、家俬电器,应有尽有。
• 香港属亚热带气候,全年的气温较高,年平均温 度为22.8℃。夏天炎热且潮湿,温度约在 26~30℃之间;冬天凉爽而干燥,但很少会降至 5℃以下。五月至九月间多雨,有时雨势颇大。夏 秋之间,时有台风吹袭,七月至九月是香港的台风 较多的季节。香港平均全年雨量2,214.3毫米,雨 量最多月份是8月,雨量最少月份是1月。 • 香港位处北半球亚热带,背靠亚欧大陆、面向太 平洋,形成海洋性亚热带季风气候,四季分明。此 外,香港市区高楼集中而密布、人口极为稠密,所 形成的微气候容易产生热岛效应,导致市区和郊区 有明显的气温差别,高层大厦林立的市区让空气中 的“悬浮粒子”较难吹散。香港市区天气炎热的日 子变得越来越长。
第1天 【浅水湾】:沐浴在阳光底下的浅水湾是富裕优渥的住宅区,总是弥漫一般惬意 轻松的气息。宽阔的海滩,浪花阵阵拍打,游客可尽情徜徉在沙滩漫步的快活中, 还有观音与天后两座雕像坐镇,守护着来往的渔民。 【会展中心】白色似海鸥状的建筑,中心外耸立的回归纪 念碑,及代表香港的紫 荆花铜像,诉说了九七回归历史的意味。 【船游维港】夜幕下,搭乘游船畅游维多利亚港,夜晚维多利亚港沿岸的18幢主 要建筑一一亮起璀璨灯光,加上激光舞动,展现出香港的繁华风貌,另维港夜景 更显闪烁耀目。
A: Of course. Here are the keys to your rooms. Your rooms are on the
third floor. The bellboy wil1 take you to your rooms.
D: Thanks!
Part Two Situational Dialogue
departure time of the flight is 10 o'clock this morning. Is this
schedule all right?
Part Two Situational Dialogue
SEC 1 B: Yes, thank you.
A: Would you please come with me to check the luggage?
Vocabulary reservation
receptionist suite
SEC 5 registration
[ ,rezə'veiʃən ] n.
[ ri’sepʃənist] n.. [swi:t ] n.
[‘pɑ:spɔ:t ] n. [‘belbɔi ] n.
Chapter Four
English at the Hotel
▪ Section 1 ▪ Section 2 ▪ Section 3 ▪ Section 4 ▪ Section 5
Check-in and Checkout Housekeeping Service
Food and Beverage Exchange of Foreign Currency Convention and Exhibition Service
语文版中职英语(基础模块 下册)Unit 1《Travel》ppt课件1
• 吴三桂与清军在一片石战役中联合大败李自成,受清封 平西王
Shanghaiguan Pass
• 老龙头坐落于山海关城南4公里的渤海之滨,这里是明长城的东 部起点。老龙头地势高峻,有明代蓟镇总兵戚继光所建“入海石 城”。入海石城犹如龙首探入大海、弄涛舞浪,因而名“老龙 头”。
Reading : the Great Wall
做满3年7000以上,方丈30000以上/月 (免税). 下班之后,不干预私生活。 要求: 男生,本科以上学历(研究生优先)。 电子工程/通信工程优先,英语六级,三证齐全。 获奖学金者优先,信佛教者优先,有其他教派信仰的也欢迎皈依我佛。 会背诵《金刚经》《法华经》等佛书经典者优先。 待遇:各地分寺住持,实习期一年。斋薪每月,视香油多少而加分红,绩效。 实习期满,可由少林寺方丈大师传授少林寺72绝技,任选2种,限选3种, 必修1 种
Q and A(分四组讨论回答)
• Do you like Travel? • Where did you go? • What is your dream destination?(你最想去的地方?)
Watching and Finding
穿梭于维多利亚港的天星小轮不单是香港与九龙之 间的渡海交通运输系统的重要组成部分,乘搭天星 小轮亦是香港本地其中一项最质优价廉的观光旅程。
尖பைடு நூலகம்咀—海港城
海港城(英文:Harbour City)是香港西 九龙区最大面积的购物中心,也是香港大 型商场之一,是九龙仓集团旗下的物业。
铜锣湾时代广场是香港最大型的购物中心 之一,更荣获香港旅游协会选为香港十大 景点之一。时代广场的正门入口设有一个 大型电子荧幕,为市民提供最新新闻消息 及天气报告等消息,正门外面的露天广场 是行人休憩的地方,也是举办大型活动的 热门场地。
兰芳园 丝袜奶茶的创始者
香港中环歌赋街21号,一个不大的门脸, 一个一年四季都需要排队的店铺,好吃、 用料足,价格合理,张国荣、谭咏麟、 关之琳等香港演艺界名人都是这里的常客。
星光大道为表扬香港电影界的杰出人士 的特色景点,仿效好莱坞星光大道,杰 出电影工作者的芳名与手掌印镶嵌在特 制的纪念牌匾,以年代依次排列在星光 大道上,目前星光大道可容纳100名电 影工作者的纪念牌匾。此外,星光大道 也有多尊以电影拍摄情况及香港知名艺 人为题材的塑像,供游人拍照留念,是 热门的旅游景点。
Avenue of stars in Hongkong Kowloon Tsim Sha Tsui East face to Victoria Harbour.As recognition of outstanding persons of Hong Kong film industry, fabricated 73 movies celebrity plaque on the ground, over more than 30 famous beat mudra, become a hot spot for tourism.
香港位于珠江三角洲东部,北部毗邻广 东省,东,西,南部接中国南海。
1. Victoria Harbour 2.Madame Tussauds 3. Avenue of Stars 4. Tsim Sha Tsui 5. Hong Kong Disneyland
•香港是一个在中国南部的国际 城市。它以其美丽的夜景和购 物中心而著名。有些人称之为 “东方明珠”。有些人称之为 “购物天堂”,因为有很多百货 商店和商店在香港。因此,毫不 奇怪,每年有许多游客来这里参 观香港。
Hong Kong ,lies on the eastern side of the Pearl River Delta , bordering Guangdong province in the north and facing the South China Sea in the east, west and south.
• 维多利亚港(英语:Victoria Harbour)简称维 港,是位于中华人民共和国香港特别行政 区的香港岛和九龙半岛之间的海港。世界 第三大海港。由于港阔水深,为天然良港, 香港亦因而有"东方之珠"、"世界三大天然 良港"及"世界三大夜景"之美誉 。 • 维多利亚港的名字,来自英国的维多利亚 女王。一年四季皆可自由进出。早年已被 英国人看中有成为东亚地区优良港口的潜 力,后来从清政府手上夺得香港,发展其 远东的海上贸易事业。
星光大道Avenue of Stars
• 香港星光大道(英语:Avenue of Stars)是位 于香港九龙尖沙咀东部的尖沙咀海滨花园, 沿新世界中心对出的维多利亚港。2003年, 由新世界发展有限公司斥资4000万港元赞 助兴建,旅游事务署、香港旅发局、康文 署及香港电影金像奖协会建造,在2004年4 月27日开幕,并移交予香港特别行政区政 府,供市民休憩及游客观光。
幻彩咏香江A Symphony of Lights
• 幻彩咏香江是香港著名的镭射灯光音乐汇演,由 香港维多利亚港两岸合共44座大厦摩天大楼及地 标合作举行,透过互动灯光及音乐效果,展示维 港充满动感和多姿多彩的一面。 • "幻彩咏香江"是香港旅游发展局于2004年起的一 个宣传香港的旅游项目,历来耗资四千四百万港 元,曾经吸引了超过400万名旅客及市民欣赏。 2005年11月21日,正式获列入《吉尼斯世界纪录 大全》,成为全球最大型灯光音乐汇演。
香港景点Hong Kong Attractions
• 迪士尼乐园 Disneyland • 幻彩咏香江A Symphony of Lights • 星光大道Avenue of Stars
simon adipi simon ppt
we must pay attention to the flow of the ice cream truck car everywhere Because it flow everywhere, so meet is fate
an oven-baked flat bread generally topped with tomato
北角 添好运
In Hongkong the most comfortable thing is naturally wake up in the morning , then slowly to eat breakfast
The waiter's attitude is very good very deft movement
A very popular street snack
The meat industry belongs to the time-honored
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur simon adipi Simon ppt
One of the must-visit destinations in Hong Kong is Victoria Peak, which offers a breathtaking panoramic view of the city. Taking the Peak Tram to the summit adds to the excitement and allows visitors to appreciate the stunning skyline as they ascend. The Peak also boasts an array of dining and shopping options, making it a perfect place to spend an entire day. Another iconic attraction is the Big Buddha on Lantau Island, which is accessible by a scenic cable car ride. The majestic statue and the peaceful Po Lin Monastery nearby provide a serene escape from the bustling city.
• 幻彩咏香江(英语:A Symphony of Lights)是 香港的一个结合探射灯、激光、LED灯等灯光效 果的音乐汇演,由维多利亚港两岸合共45座大厦 摩天大楼及地标合作举行,是香港旅游事务署于 2004年起的一个宣传香港的旅游项目,历来耗 资4,400万港元,吸引了逾400万名旅客及市民欣 赏。2005年11月21日,幻彩咏香江正式获列入 《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》,成为全球最大型灯光 音乐汇演
Hong Kong Symphony of Lights is a laser light and sound show, November 21, 2005, formally included in the Symphony of Lights "Guinness World Records" as the world's largest light and sound show. .
幻彩咏香江A Symphony of Lights
• Hong Kong Symphony of Lights is a laser light and sound show, November 21, 2005, formally included in the Symphony of Lights "Guinness World Records" as the world's largest light and sound show. .
Determine the topic The editor For pictures Audit For ppt making
谢晓林 麦秀萍 张明月、尤宝莹 梁颖欣、阮雅婷 黄润谦
Your Camera is
沪教版(牛津)七年级英语上册Unit 6 Travelling around Asia - Period 3 公开课PPT课件
Hong Kong —a wonderful place to visit
Hong Kong — a wonderful place to visit
If you like shopping, you will love Hong Kong. There are some expensive shops and also some cheap ones. There is something for everyone in Hong Kong.
Visitors from all over the world come to Hong Kong every year and have a wonderful time.
Here are some examples.
Read the article
Hong Kong — a wonderful place to visit
1 Why is Hong Kong a great place for shopping? Because there are some expensive shops and also some cheap ones. 2 What can visitors see in the Lowland Gardens? They can see some animals.
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Hong Kong has no natural resources, except one of the finest dee p-water ports in the world. A hardworking, adaptable and welleducated workforce of about 3.5 million, coupled with entreprene urial flair, is the bedrock of Hong Kong's productivity and creativit y.
Hong Kong
Hong Kong is an international city in south of China. It is famous for its beautiful night views and shopping centers. Some people call it the ‘Pearl of the Orient’. Some people call it a ‘Shopping Paradise’ because there are a lot of department stores and shops in Hong Kong. Therefore, it is not surprising that many tourists come to visit Hong Kong every year.
Hong Kong, lies on the eastern side of the Pearl River Delta, bordering Guangdong province in the north and facing the South China Sea in the east, west and south. Hong Kong is ideally positioned at the centre of rapidly developing East A sia. With a total area of 1 103 square kilometers, it covers Hong Kong Isla nd, the Kowloon peninsula just opposite, and the New Territories the mor e rural section of Hong Kong, which also includes 262 outlying islands.
Attractionsபைடு நூலகம்
1. Victoria Harbour 2. Avenue of Stars 3. Ocean Park Hong Kong 4. Tsim Sha Tsui 5. Hong Kong Disneyland
维多利亚港 星光大道 香港海洋公园 尖沙咀 香港迪斯尼乐园
11. .VVicictotorriaiaHHaarrbboour
Hong Kong, described as a 'barren rock' over 150 years ag o, has become a worldclass financial, trading and business centre and, indeed, a g reat world city.
Victoria Harbour is the harbour between the Kowloon Peninsula and the Hong Kong Island of Hong Kong, China. With an area of about 41.88 km2 as at 2004, its natural depth and sheltered location enticed the British to occupy the island of Hong Kong during the First Opium War, and subsequently establish the colony as a trading post.
Victoria Day-blue sky and clear water, boats and million tons of ships in and out of the Harbour, more lights shine at night, creating a "Pearl of the Orient" splendid night view.
The harbour is famous for its spectacular panoramic views, and is in itself a top tourist attraction. It is a natural focal point of the territory, and considered a crucial natural geographical element for city dwellers. This sense of geographical attachment is most notably demonstrated in recent years, when the Hong Kong government’s efforts to undertake
Hong Kong became a Special Administrative Regi on (SAR) of the People's Republic of China on Jul y 1, 1997, after a century and a half of British adm inistration. Under Hong Kong's constitutional doc ument, the Basic Law, the existing economic, leg al and social system will be maintained for 50 yea rs. The SAR enjoys a high degree of autonomy ex cept in defence and foreign affairs.