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• Originated in sub-Saharan Africa, is the development of jazz dance into the 20th century, the product of 90 years, and its action is by a variety of walking, running, jumping combination and, through the head, neck, shoulders, upper limbs, trunk and other joints The flexion and extension, rotation, circling, shimmy, wave-shaped coherent combination of twisting and so on, each action has its own specific fitness effects, not only paid attention to upper and lower limbs, abdomen and back, head and trunk movement coordination also took note of the various parts of the composition of the various sectors independence movement. Transmission of 80 years in China, and gradually spread as fitness activities.
Dance Types
Classified in accordance with the characteristics of dance:
• First,A professional folk dance, classical dance, ballet dance ,modern dance, tap dance ,jazz dance; • Second, the international standard ballroom dance :1 Latin dance, (Rumba, samba, cha-cha, bull, cowboy ); 2, Modern dance (Waltz, Vienna, Tango, Quickstep, Foxtrot Dance ); • 3, fashion dance :Hip-hop ,disco ,rave ,Para Para dance ,cheer dance, dance Dance
• I like dancing, because I think the boy or girl dancing is cool, so today I will introducing some dance to you.

Name:xxx Major: Business Administration
• Waltz (Waltz), also known as round dance, a dance form of self-entertainment. Waltz, that waltz was often referred to as the waltz. Waltz is a ballroom dance in the first, and it is very strong vitality of the self-entertainment dance form, also known as round dance. "Waltz" is originally from Goodwin Walzer, meaning "rolling", "rotate" or "sliding."
• 民族舞泛指产生并流传于民间、受民俗文化制约、即兴表 演但风格相对稳定、以自娱为主要功能的舞蹈形式。不同 地区、国家、民族的民间舞蹈,由于受生存环境、风俗习 惯、生活方式、民族性格、文化传统、宗教信仰等因素影 响,以及受表演者的年龄性别等生理条件所限,在表演技 巧和风格上有着十分明显的差异。民间舞不乏朴实无华、 形式多样、内容丰富、形象生动等特点,历来都是各国古 典舞、宫廷舞和专业舞蹈创作不可或缺的素材来源。 • 民族民间舞是一个多层次的概念和可伸缩的界面,它 可以包容各种程度的加工。民族舞是一个民族的标志物, 是一个国家的灵魂。它需要艺术家进行高度的再创造,从 民间来最后又回到民间去,练习民族舞好处有如下3点:1、 有较强趣味性 2、 培养舞者气质 3、 让人心情愉悦。古典 女子独舞《春江花月夜》.flv
• Next, IHale Waihona Puke Baiduwill tell you about one of each type of dance, I hope you like
National Dance
• National Dance is a marker of a nation's soul. It requires a high degree of re-creation artists, from the private sector to finally return to the private sector to, exercises the benefits of dance are as follows 3 points: 1, there is a strong and interesting 2. train dancers temperament 3, people feel good.
• 华尔兹舞(Waltz) 用w表示。也称“慢三步”。摩登舞 项目之一。舞曲旋律优美抒情,节奏为3/4的中慢板,每 分钟28~30小节。每小节三拍为一组舞步,每拍一步,第 一拍为重拍,三步一起伏循环。通过膝、踝、足底、跟掌 趾的动作,结合身体的升降、倾斜、摆荡,带动舞步移动, 使舞步起伏连绵,舞姿华丽典雅。是维也纳华尔兹(快三 步)的变化舞种。19世纪中叶,维也纳华尔兹传到美国, 当时美国崇尚舒缓、优美的舞蹈和音乐,于是将快节奏的 维也纳华尔兹逐渐改变成悠扬而缓慢、有抒发性旋律的慢 华尔兹舞曲,舞蹈也改变成连贯滑动的慢速步型,即今之 华尔兹舞。 • 舞林大会南贤俊—华尔兹《心动》.flv