


How to Write and Publish 10) Scientific Papers in English (10)
ZHAO Jianping Nanjing University of Technology
致谢的写作要点 基金资助项目的英文表达 SCI高被引论文致谢案例分析
Acknowledgments The authors thank David Hill and Marilee Burrell for preparing the mouse antisera to WAF1. This work was supported by the Preuss Foundation, the Clayton Fund, and National Institutes of Health grants CA09071 and CA-43460. 作者们感谢了 David Hill 和 Marilee Burrell 在实验材料 准备方面的帮助,并给出了三种来源4项基金资助信息 Title: WAF1, A POTENTIAL MEDIATOR OF P53 TUMOR SUPPRESSION (WAF1:p53肿瘤 抑制作用的一个可能介导因子) Source: CELL 75 (4): 817-825 NOV 19 1993 SCI被引5174次
作为“致谢”的一部分形式注明基金资助项目的案例:被引4327次 Acknowledgments My work was supported by National Institutes of Health grants CA31798, CA31799, A131921, DK45104, and HL48675. Many references had to be deleted to shorten this review, and I apologize to authors and readers for work that could not be cited. I thank Andrew and Tom Issekutz, Alf Hamann, Eugene Butcher, Mike Brenner, lan Colditz, Adrienne Brian, Ronen Alon,Doug Ringlet, Michelle Cart, and Stephen Roth for sharing preprints or unpublished data and David Chang, Chades Mackay,Walter Newman,and Fred Rosen for critical reviews. 见: Cell,1994,76(2):301-314 Title: TRAFFIC SIGNALS FOR LYMPHOCYTE RECIRCULATION AND LEUKOCYTE EMIGRATION - THE MULTISTEP PARADIGM (淋巴细胞 再循环和白细胞迁移中的路径信号——多步骤范例) 这是一个唯一作者发表的论文,因而以个人名义表示感谢相关基金资 助( My work was supported by…… )本文是一篇14页的综述有105篇 参考文献,作者可能应编辑要求删除了部分参考文献,因而为此向读 者和被删除了文献的相关作者表示歉意。作者还感谢数位同行或朋友 让其分享尚未公开发表的文献或数据,并感谢Fred Rosen 的批评性审 阅。



中英文科技论文写作教程标题一、英文文章标题(Title)的结构:1.完整句子作为题目,这是一种常见的结构,尤其在报刊中常用:Fuzhou Strives for Better Exports(由于是题目,在句尾不能用句号)2.名词+动词不定式结构:这种结构表示将来,因在题目中一般不用will或shallThe Chinese Communist Party to Hold Its 18th Congress3.名词或名词短语+过去分词。

这种结构常用于报道已做过的事情.Capital International Airport Enlarged.北京国际机场扩建4.现代分词短语结构。

Visiting a Friend on a Snowy Night5.介绍短语结构In Memory of ….6.名词或名词短语+介词短语结构Home for the Sailors7.以动词原形开始的短语结构,这种结构常用于带有号召性的题目中。

Server the People8.名词或名词短语结构,例如A small Green City二、注意题目字母的大小写问题1. 题目中除介词、冠词、和连接词的字母全部小写外,其它的词的第一个字母要大写(介词和冠词在题目开头时第一个字母也要大写)My Family and Myself2.题目中全部字母大写,这种形式大多用于书籍封面上的题目,例如:上海简介A BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO SHANGHAI3.题目第一个词的第一个字母大写外,其它字母一律小写,但遇到专门名词时,该词的第一个字母仍须大写,现在报纸上的题目大都采用这种形式,主要是便于排版。

中国体操选手夺得七枚金牌Chinese gymnasts sweep away seven gold medals三.在英语文章题目中,冠词常可省略,例如美国总统在西方U.S. President in West四、英文文题的一般性原则*文题应准确而清晰反映文章的内容和重点。



英文科技论文写作技巧大全英文科技论文的基本格式•Title•Author(s)•Affiliation(s) and address(es) •Abstract•Keywords•Introduction •Experimental •Results and discussion •Conclusion (Summary;Concluding remarks) •Appendix (Abbreviation)•Acknowledgement •References2.基本要求(1)Title长短适中,概括性强,重点突出,一目了然。


(3)Affiliation(s) and address(es)准确清楚,使读者能按所列信息顺利地与作者联系。









(7)Results and discussion是论文的核心部分,要求:–数据及图表的内容及含义交代清楚,有条理;–对数据及现象的归纳、演绎、解释、立论要有逻辑性、自洽性。


(8)Conclusion (Summary, Concluding remarks)简明扼要地归纳出本论文的新发现、新观点、新理论等。





• 1. 避免使用 man ,用people代替 • 2. 避免使用he,she,his,her等,用they,their,we,us等 • 3. 避免使用褒义色彩的词主观对论文做出评价等
• 英文的标点符号与中文标点符号在形式上的差别主要有: • 1. 英文中句号为句点 • 2. 省略号为三个连续的句点 • 3. 没有顿号、书名号 • 4. 英文中有’
• The proposal is not easily accessible; therefore,…
• 分号也可以用来分隔没有连词连接的独立句子,如:
• The participants in the first study were paid; those in the second were unpaid.
• 5.冒号(:) • 冒号用来引导前文所预期解释、说明、引语或详细信息。当引导
的是多个完整的句子或引语时,冒号后面的首字母需要大写:引 导的时单个句子时,有时用大写有时用小写。 • 6.分号(;) • 用来分隔一系列的、其中还有逗号的单词、短语或数据。如: • We thank Zachary Axelrod, university of Michigan, for spectral data; Caroline Fleissner, Harvard University, for helpful discussions; and the National Science Foundation for financial support.

• This result is not unlikely to occur. • = The result is possible. • 这里应当也避免缩写,尽量写否定的全拼








































最简单有效的方法即采用IMRaD形式(Introduction,Materials and Methods,Results,and Discussion),这是英文科技论文最通用的一种结构方式。

IMRaD结构的逻辑体现在它能依次回答以下问题:Introduction(引言):研究的是什么问题?Materials and Methods(材料和方法):怎样研究这个问题?Results(结果):发现了什么?Discussion(讨论):这些发现意味着什么?按照这个结构整体规划论文,有一个方法值得借鉴,即剑桥大学爱席比教授提出的“概念图”。











2024年中考英语热点话题预测+范文——AI人工智能1.假设你是李华,学校科技节将举办题为“AI in Our Life(生活中的AI)”的中英双语演讲比赛。

请根据以下提示写一篇英文演讲稿,包含以下内容:AI in Our LifeDear teachers and fellow students,As we all know, AI changes our lives greatly. With the development of science and technology, we can see all kinds of AI products in our daily life. For example, smartphones can make work and study more efficient while cleaning robots can help with housework. They all bring great convenience and progress to our society. However, with AI technology being widely used, many workers lost their jobs. Also, some students rely on AI too much so that they lose their ability to do things by themselves.All in all, just as every coin has its two sides, AI products have both advantages and shortcomings. I believe that if we use AI correctly, it will bring us more convenient life in the future.That’s all. Thank you!【详解】[总体分析]①题材:本文是一篇演讲稿;②时态:时态为“一般现在时”;③提示:写作要点已给出,考生应注意不要遗漏提示的要点,在每个要点下要适当增加细节,使表述内容更完整。


一般来说,一篇较短的论文,摘要不超过 全文的3%可能是比较恰当的。
1.4 写摘要的注意事项
1、规范 2、精练 3、具体 4、完整 5、全面
摘要虽然通常摆在正文前面, 但往往是在最后写作。
写摘要应使用正规英语、标准 术语,避免使用缩写字。
最好用第三人称,避免把各种时 态混在一起使用,也避免把陈述式和命令 式混合使用。
文章摘要要精练,不宜列举例证, 不宜与其他研究工作对比。用词必须确切,文 句简明扼要:且忌言之无物,衍文赘语连篇。 要去掉无关紧要的段落、句子、词组及单词, 力求做到字斟句酌,言简意赅,惜墨如金,文 章精练,以节省书写、打印、阅读的精力和时 间。
各国最有影响的材料、物理和电子科学等杂志对文摘 写作有写共同要求。归纳起来有三条:
(1)要说明实验或论证中新观察的事实、结论。如有可能, 还要说明新的理论、处理、仪器、技术等的要点。
(2)要说明新材料名称,新数据,包括物理常数等。如不 能说明,也要提到这些。提到新的项目和新的观察是很重要 的,哪怕它们对本论文的主旨来说仅仅是附带而已。
早年习惯用的开场白为: This is a report on… In this paper the author presents… The purpose of this article is to … 这类套话,应简写成: The paper/author suggests /presents …
有些作者不主张多用,认为多用存在下列问题: • 占去句首醒目的强调位置,平添一个that主语从句,
使重要概念和事实不能及早人目,先睹为快。 • 主句用平淡无力的存在动词be,而有表现力的行为动



Abstract:1、Introduction (Motivation/ purpose/goal/aim/objective/importance) (present tense)1)The aim of this paper is to assess the accuracy of steady-state scale-up for small-scale sedimentary structures.2)An important objective of these well-constrained experiments is to evaluate current theoretical models of PGE solubility.2、Scope/perspective (past/present tense)1)This study examined fecal coliform reduction in domestic wastewater after receiving treatment through a constructed open water wetland, a slow sand filter, and a portable ultraviolet disinfection unit.2)The scope of this study was to compare the behavior and character of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) during soil-aquifer treatment at different field sites in Arizona and California.3、method/procedure/approach (past tense)1)In this study, a lab-scale aerobic biofilter-biotrickling tower system packed with particulate plastic media (1.5 cm, hexagon in shape) was used to treat the salty artificial wastewater polluted by mineral oil (diesel fuel) mixed with chemical dispersant (CPC OD-10) and inorganic nutrients. 2)It involved recycling a small portion of the primary sludge and then activating it to enhance its biosorptive and flocculent properties through 30-min aeration. The aerated sludge was then brought into contact with raw sewage to induce rapid biosorption of soluble COD and flocculation of colloidal organic before the mixture was settled in a regular primary clarifier.4、Results/findings/products (past tense)e.g. Three granitoid magmatic events were identified at 815 Ma, 700-730Ma, and 620-625Ma, which were marked by emplacement of the calc-alkaline Ujjukka granite and granodiorite, the anatectic Suqii-Wagga two-mica granite and the Guttin K-feldspar megacrystic granite, and the anorogenic Ganjii monzogranite, respectively.5、Discussion/Conclusions (present/past tense)e.g. The results showed that under traction free conditions subsidence was a three-dimensional problem and one-dimensional subsidence models tended to focus excessive amounts of vertical deformation near the pumped well. The magnitude of vertical deformation in one-dimensional subsidence models was exacerbated as the grid size becamesmaller in the vicinity of the pumping well. This was due to increased calculated drawdown in the vicinity of the well for more finely-spaced grids.6、Implications/applications (present tense)e.g. Our experimental results are directly applicable to porphyrycopper systems because in such systems temperature, PH, salinity and oxygen fugacity are similar to the experimental parameters. Application of our experimental results indicate that a typical porphyry systems can transport at least 40 tons of Pd if sources of platinum group elements (PGE) are available and the solubility-controlling phase is metallic Pd.7、limitations and suggestions for further studies (past/present tense for limitations, present/future tense for suggestions)e.g. 1) This study suggests that in order to achieve the highesttreatment level of secondary unchlorinated wastewater, acombination of aquatic ponds and subsurface flowwetlands may be necessary.2) In general, source water quality, drinking water andwastewater treatment should be viewed as one system in indirect potable re-use projects.3) However, because constructed wetlands, besides the waterquality improvement function, perform a multitude of other functions such as biodiversity, habitat, climatic, hydrological and public use functions, methodologies need to be developed to evaluate these functions and to weigh them in relation to the water quality issue.Structure of an Abstract:1、The first sentence in the Abstract:♦The purpose of this research is…♦The primary goal of this research is…♦The intention of this paper is to survey…♦The overall objective of thi s study is…♦The chief aim of the present work is to investigate…♦The purpose of this paper is to explain why…♦The primary object of this fundamental research is to reveal…♦The main objective of our investigation has been to obtain…♦The experiment made here is aimed at …♦The emphasis of this study lies in…♦The problem we have outlined here deals largely with the study of…♦This study examined…. (past tense)2、The next sentences:♦The method used in the study was…♦The technique applied is referred to as…♦The procedure was as follows…♦The approach adopted extensively is called…♦The experiment consisted of three steps:…♦Included in the experiment were…♦The test equipment which was used consisted of…♦Several sets of experiments were carried out to test the validity of…♦This formula is verified by…3、The ending part of an abstract:♦The results of the experiment indicated that …♦The studies showed that…♦The studies we carried out demonstrated that…♦The research suggested that…♦The investigation carried out by… revealed that…♦All the preliminary results threw light on …♦As a result of our experiments, we concluded that…♦From the experiments, we realized that…♦This fruitful work provided explanation to …♦The research work brought about a discovery of…♦These findings of the research led the author to the conclusion that…4、The last sentences:♦…should be further studied in relation to ...♦…should do…♦Further research into…is necessary.♦Further study should be made in relation to…♦Further investigation into…is needed.Introduction:Step 1: the nature and scope of the problem investigated. interest or importance, many other investigators active in the area.♦Recently, there has been a spate of interest in how to…♦In recent years, applied researchers have become increasingly in terested in…♦Recently, there has been wide interest in…♦The well-known…phenomena…have been favorite topics for analysis both in…♦Knowledge of …has a great importance for…♦The study of …has become an important aspect of…♦The effect of …has been studied exte nsively in recent years.♦Many investigators have recently turned to…♦The relationship between …has been studied by many authors.♦ A central issue in…is the validity of…Step 2: making a topic generalization.statements about knowledge or practice:♦The pathology of… is well known.♦There is now much evidence to support the hypothesis that…♦The …properties of …are still not completely understood.♦ A standard procedure for assessing has been…♦Education core courses are often criticized for…phenomena:♦…is a common finding in patients with…♦An elaborate system of…is found in the …♦English is rich in related words exhibiting “stress shifts”.♦There are many situations where examination scripts are marked and then re-marked by another examiner.Step3:Discuss the relevant primary research literature (with citations) and summarizing our current understanding of the problem you are investigating.Examples of integral citation forms(直接引用方式):♦Halliday (2008) showed that the moon is …..♦Halliday’s theory (2008) claim s that …...♦Halliday’s (2008) theory of lunar composition has general support.♦According to Halliday (2008), the moon is…...Examples of indirect citation forms(间接引用方式):♦Previous research has shown that the moon is …..(Brie, 1988).♦It has been shown that the moon is made of cheese (Brie, 1988).♦It has been established that the moon is made of cheese (Brie, 1988).♦The moon is probably made of cheese (Brie, 1988).♦The moon may be made of cheese (cf. Rock, 1989).Step4:Indicate a gap.♦No research has been don e on …♦Little effort has been spent on the study of…♦(Very) few researchers have investigated…♦The nature of…is overlooked.♦Researchers have failed to notice that…♦The result is misleading/questionable/inconclusive/limited.♦The result of…has several limita tions.♦The research can rarely cover…Step5: State the purpose♦The purpose of this study was to....♦We investigated three possible mechanisms to explain the ...(1) …….(2) …….♦This paper reports on the results obtained…♦The aim of the present paper is to give…♦The main purpose of the experiment reported here was to…♦This study was designed to evaluate…♦This paper aims to report the interaction of…Step6: rationale and approachFor example: State briefly how you approached the problem (e.g., you studied oxidative respiration pathways in isolated mitochondria of cauliflower). This will usually follow your statement of purpose in the last paragraph of the Introduction. Step7: the arrangement of the writing at the end of the Introduction.●This paper is divided into five major sections: Section one opens with…. Section two presents…Section three deals with… Section Four reveals…Section five concludes the paper.●We have organized the rest of this paper in the following way…●This paper is structured as follow s…●The remainder of this paper is divided into five sections. Section II describes…Materials and Methods1.… (method) was used to do….2.The study used/made use of/employed the method that….3.描述方法过程的连接词:and/and then/then/next/the next step/before that/after that.Conclusion or Discussion:•Based on the above discussion, the following conclusion can be made that …•From .., it can be concluded that…•In conclusion, the result shows that…•These findings of the research led to the conclusion that..•To sum up, t he research/this study reveals that…•In summary, the result of the experiment demonstrates that…•As a result of our experiments we concluded that…The results:•The data of the experiment are briefly summarized as follows.•Figure 4 shows the results of the study.•Table 6 presents the data obtained in the experiment.•This table summarizes the data collected in this study.•The findings of this study are summarized/listed in Table 7.•The outcome of the experiment is reported in the following table.ABSTRACTProcessing AIT logging information can get more accurate layer real resistivity and mud invasion depth and section. AIT results help to differentiate layer infiltration ability and fluid type, the calculation of mud invasion depth can instruct the level of oil reservoir to be polluted by well drilling directly and offer reference basis for the following work. The development of AIT offers new method to differentiate oil reservoir mud invade and thin layer and means and condition for establishing the explainable method of complex oil reservoir and raising the appraisement precision. This paper studied AIT principle and explainable method as well ascontrast aspect with conventional induction resistivity. This paper presents some application examples of Huabei oilfield logging series optimization technology.Subject Terms:AIT logging contrast the method based of radial resistive rateInvasion thin layer apply1. 油集团从油田勘探开发的瓶颈问题入手,研究出一套较高勘探程度富油气凹陷的精细勘探方法,提出并实践了适合该区地质特点的勘探开发一体化地质研究与管理模式。



Abstract:The increasing global concern about climate change and the depletion of fossil fuel resources have led to a growing interest in renewable energy technologies. This article summarizes the recent advances in renewable energy technologies, including solar, wind, hydroelectric, and geothermal energy. The challenges and future prospects of these technologies are also discussed.1. IntroductionRenewable energy technologies have become a crucial part of the global energy landscape in recent years. The continuous development and improvement of these technologies have led to increased energy efficiency, lower costs, and reduced environmental impact. This article aims to provide an overview of the recent advances in renewable energy technologies and their potential impact on the future of energy supply.2. Solar EnergySolar energy is one of the most promising renewable energy sources. Recent advances in photovoltaic (PV) cells have led to higher efficiency and lower costs. The development of thin-film solar cells, which are more flexible and less expensive than traditional crystalline cells, has further expanded the application of solar energy. Additionally, the use of concentrated solar power (CSP) systems has increased, which allowsfor the storage of solar energy for use during non-sunny periods.3. Wind EnergyWind energy is another significant renewable energy source. The recent advancements in wind turbine technology have led to higher efficiency and lower noise levels. The use of larger and more efficient turbines has increased the capacity of wind farms, making them more competitive with traditional fossil fuel power plants. Furthermore, the integration of wind energy with other renewable energy sources, such as solar and hydroelectric power, has improved the stability and reliability of the power grid.4. Hydroelectric EnergyHydroelectric energy is one of the oldest and most established renewable energy sources. Recent advances in small-scale hydroelectric power plants have made them more accessible and cost-effective. Additionally, the use of run-of-the-river hydroelectric power plants, which do not require large reservoirs, has minimized environmental impact. The development of hydrokinetic energy, which harnesses the energy of flowing water, has also gained attention.5. Geothermal EnergyGeothermal energy is a renewable energy source that utilizes the Earth's internal heat. Recent advancements in geothermal power plants have led to increased efficiency and reduced costs. The development of enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) has expanded the potential for geothermal energy production, allowing for the exploitation of areas with low-grade geothermal resources.6. Challenges and Future ProspectsDespite the significant advancements in renewable energy technologies, several challenges remain. The intermittent nature of renewable energy sources requires the development of energy storage solutions, such as batteries and pumped storage systems. Furthermore, the integration of renewable energy into the existing power grid requires careful planning and management to ensure stability and reliability.The future of renewable energy technologies looks promising. With continued research and development, the efficiency, cost, and environmental impact of these technologies are expected to improve. As governments and private sectors increasingly invest in renewable energy projects, the global energy landscape is likely to shift towards a more sustainable future.7. ConclusionThe recent advances in renewable energy technologies have brought us closer to a sustainable and environmentally friendly energy future. Aswe continue to overcome the challenges associated with these technologies, the transition to renewable energy sources is inevitable. The global community must collaborate and invest in the development and deployment of renewable energy technologies to ensure a sustainable and prosperous future for all.。



英文写作科技改变生活-中文翻译The role of technological innovation in Chinese society has become increasingly prominent. Nowadays, technology has become an important driving force for social progress and economic development. This essay will explore the role of technological innovation in Chinese society and analyze its impact on various sectors such as the economy, education, healthcare, and the environment.Firstly, technological innovation plays a crucial role in economic development. By introducing new technologies and innovative products, technological innovation not only improves production efficiency and reduces costs but also enhances product quality and market competitiveness. The booming development of China's internet and e-commerce industries is a typical example of the effects of technological innovation. These innovations not only drive changes in consumer shopping habits but also provide more business opportunities and room for growth for enterprises.Secondly, technological innovation is playing an important role in the field of education. With the rapid development of information technology, modern education isgradually shifting towards digitization and online learning. Through the application of technological innovation, students can access abundant educational resources through the internet. Meanwhile, teaching methods have become more flexible and personalized. The rise of online education platforms provides convenient learning pathways for a large number of students and also enables more equitable distribution of educational resources.Furthermore, the impact of technological innovation on the healthcare sector cannot be ignored. The introduction of new medical devices and technologies makes diagnosis, treatment, and care processes more efficient and accurate. For example, the application of artificial intelligence in medical imaging diagnosis not only improves diagnostic accuracy but also contributes to the detection and treatment of diseases at an early stage. In addition, the development of mobile healthcare technology and remote medical systems allows better distribution of medical resources to rural and remote areas, improving the overall level of healthcare accessibility for the population.Lastly, technological innovation also plays a positive role in environmental protection. By promoting the development and application of renewable energy technologies, technological innovation has the potential to reduce reliance on traditional energy sources, lower energy consumption, and carbon emissions. At the same time, technological innovation also enhances the capacity for environmental monitoring and pollution control, making significant contributions to environmental protection and sustainable development.In conclusion, technological innovation plays an indispensable role in Chinese society. By driving economic development, improving education, enhancing healthcare, and protecting the environment, technological innovation has brought about tremendous changes and opportunities to China. It is essential to continue supporting and investing in technological innovation to achieve a more innovative, inclusive, and sustainable social development.中文翻译为:科技创新的作用在中国社会中的重要性日益凸显。



英文写作科技对民族、国家发展的作用附中文翻译Technology plays a crucial role in the development of a nation and its people. It has the power to shape societies, drive economic growth, and improve the overall quality of life. In today's interconnected world, advancements in technology have transformed every aspect of our lives, from communication and transportation to healthcare and education.Firstly, technology has revolutionized communication. The advent of smartphones, social media platforms, and instant messaging applications has made it easier for people to connect with each other, regardless of geographical boundaries. This enhanced communication has facilitated the exchange of ideas, knowledge, and cultural experiences, fostering cross-cultural understanding and collaboration.Secondly, technology has significantly impacted economic development. Industries such as manufacturing, agriculture, and services have embraced automation and digitalization, leading to increased productivity and efficiency. Advanced technologies like artificial intelligence, big data analytics, and robotics haveallowed businesses to streamline their operations, reduce costs, and expand their global reach. Moreover, e-commerce platforms have provided new opportunities for entrepreneurs and small businesses to thrive, creating jobs and driving economic growth.Furthermore, technology has transformed healthcare services, improving the well-being and longevity of individuals. Medical breakthroughs, such as the development of advanced diagnostic tools, precision medicine, and telemedicine, have revolutionized the way diseases are diagnosed, treated, and prevented. Remote healthcare services have enabled patients in remote areas to access medical expertise and specialists without the need for extensive travel. Additionally, wearable devices and health monitoring apps have empowered individuals to take charge of their own health by tracking and managing vital health indicators.Education is another area that has been greatly influenced by technology. With the rise of online learning platforms and educational apps, access to quality education has become more democratized. Students can now learn at their own pace, access resources globally, andengage in interactive and immersive learning experiences. Technology has also provided educators with innovative tools for personalized instruction, data-driven assessments, and collaborative learning, enhancing the overall learning outcomes.In conclusion, technology plays a pivotal role in the development of a nation and its people. From communication and economic growth to healthcare and education, technology has the potential to reshape societies and improve the lives of individuals. As we continue to embrace technological advancements, it is crucial to ensure equitable access to technology and prioritize its responsible and ethical use for the benefit of all.中文翻译为:科技在国家和人民的发展中扮演着至关重要的角色。



科技英语作文总结In the realm of English composition, technology has become an indispensable subject that not only shapes our daily livesbut also influences the way we communicate and learn. As we delve into the topic of technology in our essays, we uncover several key areas that are essential to explore.1. The Evolution of Technology:The first aspect to consider is the historical development of technology. From the invention of the wheel to the digital age, each technological leap has transformed society in profound ways. Essays can trace these developments,highlighting the milestones that have shaped our modern world.2. Impact on Communication:The advent of the internet and social media hasrevolutionized how we interact. English compositions can discuss the positive and negative impacts of these platformson interpersonal communication, including the rise of digital literacy and the potential for misinformation.3. Technological Advancements in Education:Education has been significantly impacted by technology.Online learning platforms, digital textbooks, and virtual classrooms are now commonplace. Essays can analyze how these tools have changed the learning process, the benefits of remote education, and the challenges it presents.4. Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Work:Artificial intelligence (AI) is a hot topic in technology. English compositions can speculate on the future of work in the age of AI, discussing how automation might change job markets, the skills needed for the workforce of tomorrow, and the ethical considerations surrounding AI.5. Environmental Implications:Technology's environmental footprint is a critical issue. Essays can examine the role of technology in bothcontributing to and mitigating climate change, exploring renewable energy sources, and the sustainable practices adopted by tech companies.6. Privacy and Security:With the rise of technology comes the issue of privacy and security. English compositions can delve into the challenges of maintaining privacy in a digital age, the importance of cybersecurity, and the measures taken by governments and corporations to protect user data.7. The Digital Divide:The digital divide is a global issue where access to technology is unequal. Essays can discuss the social and economic implications of this divide, the efforts to bridge the gap, and the role of technology in promoting global equality.8. Technological Innovations in Healthcare:Healthcare has been greatly enhanced by technology, from telemedicine to advanced prosthetics. English compositionscan explore how these innovations have improved patient care, the ethical considerations of medical technology, and the future of healthcare.9. The Role of Technology in Creativity:Technology has also played a significant role in the arts, from digital art to music production software. Essays can discuss how technology has expanded creative possibilities and the impact on traditional art forms.10. The Ethical Debates Surrounding Technology:Finally, English compositions can engage with the ethical debates surrounding technology, such as the implications of surveillance, the responsibility of tech companies, and the balance between innovation and regulation.In conclusion, technology is a multifaceted subject that offers a wealth of topics for English composition. By examining these areas, students can develop a nuanced understanding of the role technology plays in our world and the implications for the future.。






最简单有效的方法即采用IMRaD形式(Introduction,Materials and Methods,Results,and Discussion),这是英文科技论文最通用的一种结构方式。

IMRaD结构的逻辑体现在它能依次回答以下问题:Introduction(引言):研究的是什么问题?Materials and Methods(材料和方法):怎样研究这个问题?Results(结果):发现了什么?Discussion(讨论):这些发现意味着什么?按照这个结构整体规划论文,有一个方法值得借鉴,即剑桥大学爱席比教授提出的“概念图”。












研究发现的可能解释理由用助动词:can, may, might, it seems that, could,研究结果的评论不确定语气:appear, seem, it is likely that,二.词汇和常用表达结构1.图表所示、发现、揭示等as illustrated(seen, shown, observed) in Fig.1, as is evident from, from Fig.2, from the results,by observing Fig.2, based on the above analysis,Fig shows that, the results show,It is (can be) revealed (proved, suggested, observed, found, concluded, noticed, seen, believed) that, it is clear to see/observe that, it indicates(shows, imply) that, find out,it is evident that , it is assumed that , As described below, as seen from, as explained above, as evident from, exhibitit follows that 由此断定…,由此得出结论…point outcast doubt on:对产生怀疑2.得到、获得、obtain, get, attain, capture, acquire, achieve, gain,完成,实现: complete, accomplish, realize,通过什么方式去做,利用/使用through/via/by/with doing sth, using sth,by use of, by means of, make use of, with the aid of use, employ, utilize, adopt, put to use, put into use, apply,影响Affect, influence, impact on, have an effect on,发生,开始,occur, take place, happen, commence, begin, start, to start with, to begin with, at the beginning,显然、明显,Obviously, distinctly, clearly, significantly, apparently, remarkable, as seen, conspicuous,striking, dramatically解释,说明,考虑Explain, account for, allow for,take account for/of, be indicative of (表明,说明)Considering, take into account, with/without/in consideration of, regarding, concerning,描述、提出、说明:Illustrate, manifest, present, show, indicate, cite, describe, summarize, depict, annotate, appear, take on, plot, demonstrate, propose, put forward, put forth,比较大小、多少Less than, greater, more, larger, comparable(可比较的,相当的)经验的Empirical, experimental,做,执行等,Carry out, conduct, perform, do, implement,一致性:Have a good agreement, in good agreement with, match very well with, agree well with, show good agreement, in full agreement with, in line with corresponding to/with, consistent with, in good accordance with, coincide with, concord with, fit well with研究,调查Study, investigate, explore, exploratory examine, make an investigation on/of/into, carry out a research 达到,To reach this objectiveReach, approach, up to, add up to, come to, arrive, beyond, out of reach,验证,假设Validate, verify, justify,hypothesizeAssume, suppose, assumption, hypothesis,assume to be, it is assumed that… postulate 公设增加、上升、减少、下降Increase, decrease, reduce, reduce to, increase by(增加了多少), increase up to(增加到), rise to, give rise to, sth arise, increase with (随…增长/增加)完全地,基本地,详细地,具体地,深入的,类似地,Completely, entirely, adequately, mostly, extremely, truly, indeed, really, actually, mainly, primarily, detailed, in detail, in great detail, in more detail, for more details,Deeper, deeply, better, in depth,similarly, inadequately, notably, overly(过度地、极度地),Experimentally,改善、提高:improve, promote, boost, enhance, facilitate,相关,包括,大约大概:concerned with, relate to, with regard to,精品文档Be involved in/with, with respect to, be concerned with, as for,Around, about, approximately,决定:determine, decide, depend on ,rely on目的、试图:an attempt to, aim at, in an attempt to, the objective is, in order to, the aim of is tothe aim of this research is to do the purpose is , be aimed at,经历,保持: hold, keep, undergo, experience, remain, retain,导致:cause, induce, lead to, result in, originate from, arise from,根据,基于:according to, in terms of, in the light of, judge by, on the basis of, in view of, based on,On behalf of, in the form of, referring to, with reference to, in reference to除了:other than, apart from, with the exception of, except for/that, besides, in addition, additionally,理论上,事实上:in principle, in practice, in fact, in reality, in theory, theoretically,从某种程度上:To some extent, to a large/certain extent, in a way, in a sense, to some degree, in some sense,from the viewpoints of , from the perspective of,得出结论:draw a conclusion, come to/reach a conclusion,推断,猜测:Infer,derive from, deduce, speculate,认为,当作Consider as, regard as, refer to as,建立模型establish, create,build,run/do the simulationin the case of : 在…情况下遵循趋势:obey, follow trend, tendency,组成consist of , contain, be composed of, include,强调:highlight, emphasize, lay emphasis on , the emphasis is layed on集中:focus on, concentrate on , be centered on设定为to set to be辨别、区分:discern,differentiate,identify as, 其他专业词汇表达small batch production, small quantity production, high volume production, mass production,metal-formed product, micro-formed part, reproducibility: 再现性、重复性experimental determination,in particular, especially,评估,评价:evaluate, assess,扮作:act as,分离,隔绝,separate from, isolate, set apart from缺少:in the absence ofby convention:按照传统,惯例,使成为:make sth sthno longer(不再)but rather(相反的)be typical of (典型的)成反比:inversely scale with涉及,牵涉到:involve, cover,拓展:extend into最近,新近more recently,到目前为止,迄今to date,解释、提示原因或结果的转接词:attribute to, because, as a result of, therefore, thereby, in general, consequently, as predicted, in conclusion, since, as for, finally, hence, thus, as, for, due to, in summary, because of, when, cause, on account of, result in, owing to, contribute to, thanks to, lead to, the reason is, that is because, devoted to, accordingly, as a consequence of, arise from起逻辑演进作用的转接词:递进关系,不但…而且…等Furthermore, in addition, besides, first, second, third, finally, lastly, moreover, incidentally, in fact, in truth, as a matter of fact, for example, such as, next, then, for instance, take an instance of , likewise/as such(同样), again(此外), at root, as well as, as follows, in the following, below, based on, above, above-mentioned, aforementioned, as with(正如,与一样,就来说),as noted(正如前面所提到的),additionally, in parallel, as stated( 如上所述)meanwhile:同时对比词,表示逻辑演进方向即将改变如但是等But, however, instead, nevertheless, despite, surprisingly, in spite of, nonetheless, in/by contrast to/with , for comparison, whereas, while, even though,精品文档although, compared with, regardless of, as compared to, with regard to, in relation to, by contrast, irrespective of, in comparison to与联系,联合:in association with同时,同样的,at the same time, in the same way, in the same time对应关系A vs.B versus三.英文研究论文中的表达句子substitute equation (1) into equation (2)把代入等式The scale in Fig (a) runs from black for low values to white for the highest Schmid factors.offers more insight into,holds for all three materials,四.英文科技论文中的语言技巧,不可不看a)如何指出当前研究的不足以及有目的地引导出自己的研究的重要性通常在叙述了前人成果之后,用However来引导不足,比如However, little information..little attention...little work...little datalittle researchor few studiesfew investigations...few researchers...few attempts...or nonone of these studieshas (have) been lessdone on ...focused onattempted toconductedinvestigatedstudied(with respect to)Previous research (studies, records) has (have) failed to considerignoredmisinterpretedneglected tooverestimated, underestimatedmisleadedthus, these previous results areinconclusive, misleading, unsatisfactory, questionable, controversial..Uncertainties (discrepancies) still exist ...这种引导一般提出一种新方法,或者一种新方向。







并且,this 可以根据文章不同句式定死或变化,例如:This issue is important.”These issues are important.”会根据这句话的意思来决定this的使用方式。

其次,this也可以与先行词结合使用,例如:In this case, further research is necessary.”这句话中,可以将this和case 结合使用,指的是“在这种情况下”,而不是“在这种情况之前”,这可以帮助读者更好地理解文章的内容。











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研究发现的可能解释理由用助动词:can, may, might, it seems that, could,研究结果的评论不确定语气:appear, seem, it is likely that,as illustrated(seen, shown, observed) in Fig.1, as is evident from, from Fig.2, from the results,by observi ng Fig.2, based on the above an alysis,Fig shows that, the results show,It is (can be) revealed (proved, suggested, observed, found, concluded, noticed, seen, believed)that, it is clear to see/observe that, it indicates(shows, imply) that, find out,it is evident that , it is assumed that , As described below, as see n from, as expla ined above, as evide nt from, exhibitit follows that由此断定…,由此得出结论… point out cast doubt on :对产生怀疑2. 得到、获得、obta in, get, atta in, capture, acquire, achieve, gain, 完成,实现:complete, accomplish, realize, 通过什么方式去做,利用/使用through/via/by/with doing sth, using sth,by use of, by means of, make use of, with the aid of use, employ, utilize, adopt, put to use, put into use, apply,影响Affect, i nflue nee, impact on, have an effect on,发生,开始,occur, take place, happe n, comme nee, begi n, start, to start with, to begi n with, at the beg inning,显然、明显,Obviously, distinctly, clearly, significantly, apparently, remarkable, as see n, con spicuous,striking, dramatically解释,说明,考虑Explain, account for, allow for , take account for/of, be indicative of (表明,说明)Con sideri ng, take into acco unt, with/without/i n 精品文档con sideratio n of, regard ing, concerning,描述、提出、说明:Illustrate, manifest, present, show, indicate, cite, describe, summarize, depict, anno tate, appear, take on, plot, dem on strate, propose, put forward, put forth, 比较大小、多少Less tha n, greater, more, larger, comparable(可比较的,相当的)经验的Empirical, experime ntal,做,执行等,Carry out, con duct, perform, do, impleme nt,一致性:Have a good agreement, in good agreement with, match very well with, agree well with, show good agreeme nt, i n full agreeme nt with, in line withcorresponding to/with, consistent with, in good accorda nce with, coin cide with, con cord with, fit well with研究,调查Study, in vestigate, explore, exploratory exam ine, make an in vestigati on on/of/in to, carry out a research 达至U, To reach this objectiveReach, approach, up to, add up to, come to, arrive, bey ond, out of reach,验证,假设Validate, verify, justify , hypothesizeAssume, suppose, assumpti on, hypothesis, assume to be, it is assumed that postulate 公设增加、上升、减少、下降In crease, decrease, reduce, reduce to, in crease by(增加了多少),increase up to(增加到),rise to, give rise to, sth arise, increase with (随…增长/增加)完全地,基本地,详细地,具体地,深入的,类似地,Completely, entirely, adequately, mostly, extremely, truly, in deed, really, actually, mainly, primarily, detailed, in detail, in great detail, in more detail, for more details, Deeper, deeply, better, in depth,similarly, in adequately, no tably, overly(过度地、极度地),Experime ntally,改善、提高:improve, promote, boost, enhance, facilitate,相关,包括,大约大概:concerned with, relate to, with regard to,精品文档Be involved in/with, with respect to, be concerned with, as for,Around, about, approximately,决定:determ ine, decide, depe nd on ,rely on目的、试图:an attempt to, aim at, in an attempt to, the objective is, in order to, the aim of is tothe aim of this research is to do the purpose is , be aimed at,经历,保持:hold, keep, undergo, experienee, remain, retai n,导致:cause, in duce, lead to, result in, origi nate from, arise from,根据,基于:accord ing to, in terms of, i n the light of, judge by, on the basis of, i n view of, based on,On behalf of, in the form of, referring to, with refere nee to, i n refere nee to除了:other than, apart from, with the exception of, except for/that, besides, in additi on, additi on ally, 理论上,事实上:in principle, in practice, in fact, in reality, in theory, theoretically,从某种程度上:|To some exte nt, to a large/certa in exte nt, i n a way, in a sen se, to some degree, in some sen se,from the viewpo ints of , from the perspective of, 得出结论:draw a conclusion, come to/reach a con clusi on,推断,猜测:Infer,derive from, deduce, speculate,认为,当作Con sider as, regard as, refer to as,建立模型establish, create,build,run/do the simulatio nin the case of : 在… 情况下遵循趋势:obey, follow trend, tendency ,组成con sist of , contain, be composed of, i nclude,强调:highlight, emphasize, lay emphasis on , the emphasis is layed on集中:focus on, concentrate on , be centered on 设定为to set to be辨另U、区分:d iscern, differentiate , identify as,其他专业词汇表达small batch product ion, small qua ntity product ion, high volume product ion, mass product ion, metal-formed product, micro-formed part, reproducibility: 再现性、重复性experimental determination, in particular, especially, 评估,评价:evaluate, assess,扮作:act as,分离,隔绝,separate from, isolate, set apart from 缺少:in the abse nee of by convention :按照传统,惯例,使成为:make sth sthno Ion ger (不再)but rather(相反的) be typical of (典型的)成反比:in versely scale with 涉及,牵涉至U: in volve, cover,拓展:exte nd into 最近,新近more recently , 到目前为止,迄今to date,解释、提示原因或结果的转接词:attribute to, because, as a result of, therefore, thereby, in gen eral, con seque ntly, as predicted, in con clusi on, sin ce, as for, fin ally, hen ce, thus, as, for, due to, in summary, because of, when, cause, on account of, result in, owing to, con tribute to, tha nks to, lead to, the reas on is, that is because, devoted to, accord in gly, as a con seque nee of, arise from起逻辑演进作用的转接词:递进关系,不但…而且…等Furthermore, in additi on, besides, first, sec ond, third, fin ally, lastly, moreover, i ncide ntally, in fact, i n truth, as a matter of fact, for example, such as, next, then, for in sta nee, take an in sta nee of , likewise/as such(同样),again(此外),at root, as well as, as follows, in the follow ing, below, based on, above, above-me nti on ed, aforementioned, as with(正如,与一样,就来说),as noted(正如前面所提到的),additi on ally,in parallel, as stated(如上所述) meanwhile :同时对比词,表示逻辑演进方向即将改变如但是等But, however, in stead, n evertheless, despite, surprisingly, in spite of, nonetheless, in/by contrastto/with , for comparis on, whereas, while, even though, 精品文档although, compared with, regardless of, as compared to, with regard to, in relation to, by contrast, irrespective of, in comparis on to与联系,联合:in associati on with同时, 同样的,at the same time, in the same way, in the same time对应关系A vs.B versus三.英文研究论文中的表达句子substitute equation (1) into equation (2)把代入等式The scale in Fig (a) runs from black for low values to white for the highest Schmid factors.offers more in sight i nto,holds for all three materials,四.英文科技论文中的语言技巧,不可不看a) 如何指出当前研究的不足以及有目的地引导出自己的研究的重要性通常在叙述了前人成果之后,用However来引导不足,比如However, little in formati on..little atte ntio n...little work...little datalittle researchor few studiesfew in vestigati on s...few researchers...few attempts...or nonone of these studieshas (have) bee n lessdone on ...focused onattempted tocon ductedin vestigatedstudied(with respect to) Previous research (studies, records) has (have) failed to con siderignoredmisi nterpretedn eglected tooverestimated, un derestimatedmisleadedthus, these previous results areincon clusive, misleadi ng, un satisfactory, questi on able, con troversial..Un certa in ties (discrepa ncies) still exist ...这种引导一般提出一种新方法,或者一种新方向。
