3.(九上·松北期末)实验室中某个常用的滑动变阻器铭牌上标有:“20Ω 2A”。
4.(九上·柳州期末)某滑动变阻器的铭牌如图所示,则该滑动变阻器的标示值是________ Ω:当滑片向D端移动时,它接入电路的电阻值________(填“变大”、“变小”或“不变”)。
若R AB=100Ω,R BD=60Ω,则AC间的电阻为Ω。
初中物理九年级上学期期中复习02:内能一、内能1.(八下·宝山期末)内能的单位是()A. 牛顿B. 焦耳C. 摄氏度D. 瓦特2.(九上·通榆月考)学习了热学知识以后小亮发表了下面的看法,其中正确的是()A. 物体吸收热量,温度一定升高B. 物体举得越高,物体的内能越大C. 扩散现象说明分子在不停地做无规则运动D. 温度为-40℃的冰块没有内能3.(八下·桥西期末)关于温度、热量和内能,下列说法正确的是()A. -20℃的冰块也具有内能B. 只要物体放出热量,温度就一定降低C. 物体温度越高,含有的热量越多D. 热量总是从内能大的物体传递给内能小的物体4.(合肥模拟)下列说法中错误的是()A. 热量有可能从内能小的物体向内能大的物体转移B. 物体温度升高,不一定吸收热量,但内能一定增加C. 物体的内能与温度有关,只要温度不变,内能一定不变D. 物体的机械能增加时,其内能不一定增加5.(涡阳模拟)关于温度、热量、内能说法正确的是()A. 在相同温度下,1kg的水含有热量比1kg冰含有热量多B. 热量总是从内能多的物体传给内能少的物体C. 物体吸收热量,温度不一定升高D. 物体温度升高,一定是吸收了热量6.(攀枝花)端午节到了,家人团聚常食用咸鸭蛋。
(5分)píng guǒ3、下列词语中,字音相同的是()A. 奔跑(bēn pǎo)、波纹(bō wén)、坡道(pō dào)B. 风景(fēng jǐng)、晴朗(qíng lǎng)、镜子(jìng zi)C. 飞快(fēi kuài)、愉快(yú kuài)、愉快(qǔ kuài)D. 美丽(měi lì)、道理(dào lǐ)、里面(lǐ miàn)4、下列句子中,用词不当的是()A. 小明今天穿了一件红色的衣服,非常漂亮。
B. 妈妈把家里打扫得干干净净,真是个好妈妈。
C. 老师在课堂上讲解了数学难题,同学们都听得津津有味。
D. 我把这本书看完了,觉得很有趣。
(2分)清澈(A. chè B. cè)6、根据课文内容填空。
(3分)《秋天的雨》中写道:“秋天的雨,有一盒_________ 的颜料。
”7、(根据拼音写词语)yīn xiù ,yíng yīn ,zhuójī ,shēn qiū ,cèng lì8、(根据意思写词语)(1)形容非常劳累的样子。
(5分)A. 欢腾B. 愉悦C. 快乐D. 忧伤二、阅读理解(本部分有2大题,每大题15分,共30分)第一题阅读下面的文章,回答问题。
8B 期中复习题(学生版版)
8B 期中复习题(2)词汇1.过去和现在______________________2. 过去常常______________________3.非常了解______________________4.在......的北部______________________5.结婚______________________6.空气污染______________________7.在某种程度上______________________ 8.迷路______________________9.偶尔,不时______________________ 10.准时______________________11.没有时间做某事____________________ 12.采访某人______________________13.相互保持联系______________________ 14.出国______________________15.与某人交流______________________ 16.感觉有点孤独______________________ 17.习惯于______________________ 18.近几年______________________19一生______________________ 20.开阔的空地______________________21一整天______________________ 22.去了某地______________________23.去过某地______________________ 24.出差______________________25.一对______________________ 26.动身去机场______________________27.玩的真高兴______________________ 28.看起来像______________________29.文字处理______________________ 30.在......的顶部______________________31.在......的底部______________________ 32.预定门票和旅馆______________________ 33.由......组成______________________ 34.放松的好去处______________________ 35.搜索信息______________________ 36.怎样处理这些书______________________37.增强我对过去知识的了解______________________38.撞到岩石______________________ 39.筋疲力尽______________________40.决定读什么______________________ 41.摔倒______________________42.为某人留出一些时间_________________ 43.一次______________________二.用since和for填空1. ______ two years2._______ two years ago3. _______ last month4.______ 19995._______ yesterday6. _______ 4 o’clock7. ______ 4 hours8._______ an hour ago9. _______ we were children 10. _____ lunch time 11.______ she left here12. He has lived in Nanjing ________ the year before last.13. I’ve known him __________ we were children.14. Our teacher has studied Japanese _________ three years.15. She has been away from the city ___________ about ten years.16. It’s about ten years __________ she left the city.三.瞬间性动词变为延续性动词borrow / lend→___________ buy→___________ finish / end→___________ arrive →__________ begin / start→___________ open→___________close→___________ die→___________ leave→___________go to school→___________ get up→___________ fall asleep→___________fall ill→___________ get to know→___________ lose→___________become→___________ return / come back / get back→___________join the army→___________ receive / get a letter→___________ ,catch / get a cold→___________ begin to study→___________四.延续性动词和瞬间性动词之间的转化1.He died 10 years ago. ---- He ___has been dead___ for 10 years / since 10 years ago.2. He borrowed the book 2 weeks ago. ------- He _____________the book for 2 weeks.3. He bought the motorbike a month ago. ------ He ___________the motorbike for a month.4. He arrived here three days ago. ------ He ____________here since three days ago.6. He left here 2 years ago. ------- He ____________from here for 2 years.7. The film began 30 minutes ago. ------ The film __________ for 30 minutes.9. They closed the door an hour ago. -------- The door ___________for an hour.10. He joined the army last year. He _____________ the army for a year.五.动词过去式变化catch___________ __________ teach___________ __________keep___________ __________ feel___________ __________ mean___________ __________ hold___________ __________spit___________ __________ stand___________ __________ drink___________ __________ come___________ __________throw___________ __________ drive___________ __________ choose___________ __________ fall___________ __________mistake___________ __________ lie___________ __________beat___________ __________ will___________ __________bear___________ __________ draw___________ __________hit___________ __________ leave___________ __________lend___________ __________ lose___________ __________meet___________ __________ rise___________ __________set___________ __________ sing___________ __________sleep___________ __________ shake___________ __________六.句型转换:1.He has already gone home.He _________ __________ home ____________. (否定句)____________ he __________ home ___________? (一般疑问句)2.He has lunch at home.He __________ _____________ lunch at home. (否定句)____________ he __________ lunch at home? (一般疑问句)3.He has been there twice.__________ __________ ________ __________ he been there? (划线提问)4.I have lunch at school.__________ __________ you ____________ lunch? (划线提问)。
部编版2022-2023学年八年级下册语文期中复习:字音一、单选题1.()下列词语中加点字的注音全都正确的一项是()A.仿佛(fú)吹角(jiǎo)溺炕(nì)官衔(xián)B.繁星(fán)葫芦(hú)应差(chā)纯洁(chún)C.油坊(fáng)舍茶(shè)施粥(zhōu)鼓吹(chuī)D.灯谜(mí)除夕(xī)吩咐(fù)皎洁(jiǎo)2.()下列词语中加点字的注音有误的一项是()A.安塞(sài)飞溅(jiàn)闭塞(sè)晦暗(huì)B.烧灼(shuò)磅礴(páng)亢奋(kàng)冗杂(rǒng)C.戛然(jiá)恬静(tián)骤雨(zhòu)震撼(hàn)D.思绪(xù)沉稳(wěn)淋漓(lín)羁绊(jī)3.()下列加点字的注音完全正确的一项是()A.糜子(mí)延安(yán)树梢(shāo)柳林铺(pù)B.心窝(wō)油馍(mó)脑畔(pàn)白羊肚(dù)C.浪花(làng)眼眶(kuāng)登时(dēng)天安门(ān)D.气喘(c huǎn)肩膀(bǎng)明镜(jìng)赤卫军(chì)4.()下列词语中加点字的注音全都正确的一项是()A.絮叨(wěn)撺掇(chuàn)家眷(juàn)行辈(hánɡ)B.怠慢(dài)船橹(lǔ)归省(shěnɡ)不惮(dàn)C.竹篙(ɡāo)松懈(xiè)晌午(shǎnɡ)凫水(fú)D.旺相(xiānɡ)潺潺(chán)舀水(yǎo)屹立(yì)5.()下列各组词语中,加点字的读音全都正确的一组是()A.幽悄(qiào)静穆(mù)犬吠(fèi)斡旋(wò)B.皎洁(jiǎo)施粥(zhōu)思慕(mù)骠骑(piāo)C.争讼(sòng)领域(yù)鹦鹉(yīng)可悯(mǐn)D.点缀(zhuì)磷火(lín)谈吐(tù)褪色(tuì)6.()下列加横线字的注音全部正确的一项是()A.糜子(méi)贮藏(zhù)白羊肚手巾(dù)B.柳林铺(pū)脑畔(pàn)慰藉(jiè)C.哺育(fǔ)外溢(yì)一气呵成(hē)D.惬意(qiè)差使(chāi)米酒油馍(mó)7.()注音全都正确的一项是()A.归省xǐng 不惮dàn 撺掇chuàn 蕴藻yùnB.恬静tián 晦暗huì冗杂rǒng 戛然jiáC.羯鼓jié 铮铮zhèn 花坞wù 霍然huàD.戏谑xuè 粗犷kuàng 作孽niè 屈从qū8.下列加粗字的注音完全正确的一项是()A.焚身(fén)神龛(hé)斡旋(wò)B.皎洁(jiǎo)锵然(jiāng)宫衔(xián)C.争讼(sòng)鹦鹉(yīng)可悯(mǐn)D.联珑(lǒng)姊妹(zǐ)褪色(tuì)9.()下列加点字的注音有误的一项是()A.斯石英也应该出现在压力极高的地壳(ké)深处。
xiāo sǎméng lóng jì jìng wú yōu wú lǜbǐng xīzāo yāng mǐn jiéyì sī bù gǒu2.下列句子中的加点词语使用不恰当的一项是()A.妈妈缝衣服时不小心一针见血....,手指受伤了。
集合运算及子集个数;简易逻辑1.i 是虚数单位,若集合{1,0,1}S =-,则A .i S ∈B .2i S ∈C .3i S ∈D .2S i ∈ 2.集合{|lg 0}M x x =>,2{|4}N x x =≤,则M N = ( )A. (1,2)B. [1,2)C. (1,2]D. [1,2]3.设集合A={3123|≤-≤-x x },集合B 为函数)1lg(-=x y 的定义域,则A ⋂B=(A )(1,2) (B )[1,2] (C )[ 1,2) (D )(1,2 ]4.已知集合A={x |x 2-x -2<0},B={x |-1<x <1},则(A )A ⊂≠B (B )B ⊂≠A (C )A=B (D )A ∩B=∅5.已知全集{0,1,2,3,4}U =,集合{1,2,3}A =,{2,4}B =,则B A C U )(为(A){1,2,4} (B){2,3,4} (C){0,2,4} (D){0,2,3,4}6.若全集U R =,集合{1}{|0}A x x x x =≥≤ ,则U C A = .7.设集合{}1,A x x a x =-<∈R ,{}2,B x x b x =->∈R .若A B ⊆,则实数,a b 必满足( ).A.3a b +≤B.3a b +≥C.3a b -≤D.3a b -≥8.设集合{}1,A x x a x =-<∈R ,{}15,B x x x =<<∈R .若A B =∅I ,则实数a 的取值范围是( ). A.{}06a a ≤≤ B .{}2,4a a a ≤≥或 C .{}0,6a a a ≤≥或 D .{}24a a ≤≤9.已知集合A{x| 2x -3x +2=0,x ∈R } , B={x|0<x <5,x ∈N },则满足条件A ⊆C ⊆B 的集合C 的个数为A 1B 2C 3D 410.命题“存在实数x ,使x > 1”的否定是(A )对任意实数x , 都有x >1 (B )不存在实数x ,使x ≤1(C )对任意实数x , 都有x ≤1 (D )存在实数x ,使x ≤111.已知命题p :∀x 1,x 2∈R ,(f (x 2)-f (x 1)(x 2-x 1)≥0,则⌝p 是(A) ∃x 1,x 2∈R ,(f (x 2)-f (x 1)(x 2-x 1)≤0(B) ∀x 1,x 2∈R ,(f (x 2)-f (x 1)(x 2-x 1)≤0(C) ∃x 1,x 2∈R ,(f (x 2)-f (x 1)(x 2-x 1)<0(D) ∀x 1,x 2∈R ,(f (x 2)-f (x 1)(x 2-x 1)<012."1""||1"x x >>是的A .充分不必要条件 B.必要不充分条件C .充分必要条件D .既不充分又不必要条件13.设x ∈R ,则“x>12”是“2x 2+x-1>0”的A.充分而不必要条件B.必要而不充分条件C.充分必要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件14.设{1,2}M =,2{}N a =,则“1a =”是“N M ⊆”则( )A .充分不必要条件B .必要不充分条件C .充分必要条件D .既不充分又不必要条件15.若,a b 为实数,则 “0<ab<1”是“b<a 1”的 DA .充分而不必要条件B .必要而不充分条件C .充分必要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件函数零点方程的根考查方式及做题思想①确定函数零点;②确定函数零点的个数;做题思想:一用定义;二用图像1. f (x )=2x +3x 的零点所在的一个区间是( ).A .(-2,-1)B .(-1,0)C .(0,1)D .(1,2)2.在下列区间中,函数()43x f x e x =+-的零点所在的区间为(A )1(,0)4- (B )1(0,)4 (C )11(,)42 (D )13(,)243.函数f (x )=⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧ x 2+2x -3,x ≤0,-2+ln x ,x >0的零点个数为( ).A .0 B .1 C .2 D .34已知函数()y f x =的周期为2,当[1,1]x ∈-时2()f x x =,那么函数()y f x =的图象与函数|lg |y x =的图象的交点共有(A )10个 (B )9个 (C )8个 (D )1个5.函数()xx x f ⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-=2121的零点个数为( ). A .0 B .1 C .2 D .36.若关于x 的方程x 2+mx+1=0有两个不相等的实数根,则实数m 的取值范围是A .(-1,1)B .(-2,2)C .(-∞,-2)∪(2,+∞)D .(-∞,-1)∪(1,+∞)初等函数指对幂的考查方式:相关定义及公式,图像及性质1.(2log 9)·(3log 4)=(A )14 (B )12 (C )2 (D )42.当0<x ≤12时,4x <log a x ,则a 的取值范围是(A )(0,22) (B )(22,1) (C )(1,2) (D )(2,2)3.函数1()ln(1)f x x =+的定义域为(A)[2,0)(0,2]- (B)(1,0)(0,2]- (C)[2,2]- (D)(1,2]-4.下列函数中,既是奇函数又是增函数的为( )A. 1y x =+B. 2y x =-C. 1y x = D. ||y x x =5.设函数211()21x xf x x x ⎧+≤⎪=⎨>⎪⎩,则=))3((f f6.已知函数f(x)=⎩⎨⎧2x , x >0x +1,x≤0,若f(a)+f(1)=0,则实数a 的值等于A .-3B .-1C .1D .3函数,则满足2)(≤x f 的x 的取值范围是7.设 A .1[-,2] B .[0,2] C .[1,+∞] D .[0,+∞]⎩⎨⎧>-≤=-1,log 11,2)(21x x x x f x8.函数1()12x y =+的图象关于直线y =x 对称的图象像大致是9.若函数()|2|f x x a =+的单调递增区间是),3[+∞,则a =________。
A. 6cmB. 10cmC. 12cmD. 13cm2、题目:一个班级有学生40人,其中男生人数是女生人数的1.5倍,求该班级男生和女生的人数。
A. 男生30人,女生10人B. 男生25人,女生15人C. 男生35人,女生5人D. 男生20人,女生20人3、若一个矩形的长是宽的3倍,且其周长为48厘米,则该矩形的面积是多少平方厘米?A. 64B. 108C. 128D. 1444、已知直角三角形的两个锐角之比为1∶2,那么这两个锐角分别是多少度?A. 30°, 60°B. 45°, 45°C. 60°, 30°D. 以上都不正确5、一个长方形的长是10厘米,宽是5厘米,它的面积是()A. 25平方厘米B. 50平方厘米C. 100平方厘米D. 200平方厘米6、一个正方形的周长是24厘米,那么它的边长是()A. 2厘米B. 4厘米C. 6厘米D. 8厘米7、已知一个正方形的边长为(a),如果它的边长增加到原来的1.5倍,则新正方形的面积与原正方形面积之比是多少?A.(1.5:1)B.(2.25:1)C.(3:1)D.(1.52:1)8、若一个等腰三角形的底角为(70∘),则顶角的度数是多少?A.(40∘)B.(50∘)C.(60∘)D.(70∘)9、若直角三角形的两条直角边长分别为3和4,则斜边的长度是()A. 5B. 7C. 8D. 10 10、一个长方形的长是10厘米,宽是8厘米,那么它的面积是()A. 80平方厘米B. 90平方厘米C. 100平方厘米D. 120平方厘米二、填空题(本大题有5小题,每小题3分,共15分)1、若(x−3=7),则(x=)______ 。
xiāo sǎméng lóng jì jìng wú yōu wú lǜbǐng xīzāo yāng mǐn jiéyì sī bù gǒu2.下列关于汉字的说法,不正确的是()A.汉字是世界上使用人口最多的文字,曾对周边国家的文化产生过重要影响。
(1)第一个发现和研究甲骨文的人是()A.顾炎武B.王懿荣C.欧阳询D.陈双新(2)下列属于内形外声的字是()A.匪B.固C.葡D.问(3)“ ”这个象形字的简体字是()A.马B.车C.象D.狗(4)把下列书法字体的特点的序号填在相应的横线上。
(1)诸葛亮和lǚsù把二十条船开到了曹军shuǐzhài前,让军士们在船上擂鼓nà hǎn。
(2)红日就要xī zhuì,yòu jī yòu kě的他一抬头qià qiǎo看到了前面的矮墙上贴着一张guān fǔ的榜文。
..、端正..、整洁luò tuo suàn bàn là bāáo zhōu tián nìnóng chóu2.给下列加点字选择正确的读音。
正.月(zhēng zhèng)掺.和(chān cān)嘟囔.(nāng rāng)栗.子(sù lì)机杼.(zù zhù)札.札(zhá yà)脉.脉(mài mò)吞噬.(sì shi)僧.人(sēng sēn)根据课本内容判断下列说法是否正确,用“正确”“错误”表示。
期中复习04 生物易错专题气息666易错1:生物与非生物的特征与表现对应混淆1.(2021秋·浙江·七年级期中)“春种一粒粟,秋收万颗子”。
你认为,这一过程主要体现的生命现象是()A.遗传和变异B.生物体需要营养C.对外界刺激作出反应D.生长和繁殖2.(2022秋·浙江宁波·七年级阶段练习)下列诗词中所描述的生命现象与所体现的生物的特征,不相符的是()A.A B.B C.C D.D易错2:细胞结构中的各部分功能死记硬背,不会灵活运用3.(2023·浙江·一模)我国农业专家成功培育多年生水稻。
2.(江西模拟)酒精的热值为3.0×107J/kg,用去一半后,剩余酒精的热值为 J/kg;一个成年人参加一次长跑,身体要消耗6.9×106J的能量,这些能量需要完全燃烧 kg的酒精才能获得。
3.(长春模拟)已知汽油的热值为4.6×107J/kg,完全燃烧0.2kg汽油可以获得 J的热量;汽车在行驶过程中,油箱中的汽油慢慢变少,汽油的热值(选填“增大”、“减小”或“不变”)。
5.(九上·滨州开学考)关于燃料的热值,以下说法中正确的是()A. 燃料不完全燃烧时的热值比完全燃烧时的热值小B. 燃烧1kg某种燃料放出的热量叫这种燃料的热值C. 燃料燃烧时,随着质量减少,它的热值将逐渐减小D. 燃料的热值与燃料的种类有关,与燃料的质量和燃烧状况无关6.(八下·通州期末)下列关于热值的说法正确的是()A. 燃料燃烧时,用的燃料越多,燃料的热值越大B. 燃料燃烧时,放出的热量越多,燃料的热值越大C. 相同质量的不同燃料燃烧时,放出热量较多的燃料,热值较大D. 相同质量的不同燃料完全燃烧时,放出热量较多的燃料,热值较大7.(邵阳模拟)现代火箭常用液态氢做燃料,氢的热值是1.4×108J/m3,在完全燃烧一样多的燃料时,可以获得更多的能量。
因为液态氢具有()A. 较小的密度B. 较低的沸点C. 较大的比热容D. 较高的热值8.(封开模拟)将一瓶酒精用去三分之一,则剩余酒精的密度、比热容和热值()A. 热值不变,密度、比热容变为原来的三分之二B. 都变为原来的三分之二C. 热值变为原来的三分之二,密度、比热容不变D. 都不变9.(韩城模拟)年3月31日6时45分,中国在酒泉卫星发射中心用长征四号丙运载火箭,成功将高分十二号02星发射升空,卫星顺利进入预定轨道。
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时态练习题1.We _________(not meet) our new neighbors yet, so we don’t know their names.2.The unemployment rate in this district _________(fall) from 6% to 5% in the past two years.3.Population experts predict that most people _________(live) in cities in the near future.4.After he had broken the world record, Rod __________ (go) to a restaurant to celebrate with her friends.5.Before I began this job, I ___________(be) a baby sitter for two years.6.He will have learned English for eight years by the time he ________(graduate) from the university next year.7.Send my regards to your lovely wife when you ____________(write)8.---What’s the matter, Sara? You wear a sad look on your face.---Oh, nothing much. As a matter of fact, I just __________ (think) of my friends back home9.I called Alice many times yesterday evening, but I couldn’t get through. Her brother __________(talk) on the phone all the time!10.The manager as well as the staff ___________(chat) cheerfully during the tea break when the boss came in.11.Unfortunately, when I got there she just _________ (leave), so we only had time for a few words.12.So far, the Shanghai World Expo ___________(prove) to be a great success as people expected.13.I’ve lived a much healthier life since I ____________(give) up smoking.14.According to a housing research organization, the house price in China __________(rise) to its high point by the end of last year.15.Nana ____________(serve) as a photographer for five years in the club, and now she is the CEO.16.At present, a few American companies even ____________(make) deals with Chinese companies to license Chinese technology.17.Isn’t this the third time that you __________(be) late for school this month?18.---Look! Someone _____________(repair) the laptop.----Well, it wasn’t me. I didn’t do it.19.Boys and girls, make sure you __________(write) your names on the test paper before handing them in.20.Up to now, the Hope Project __________(save) thousands of children who would otherwise have died.语态练习1.The manager entered the office and was happy to learn that four-fifths of the tickets _________(book).2.A lot of people often forget that oral exams ___________(design) to test our communicative ability.3.The diamond mine ___________(discover) accidentally by a little boy when he was playing hid-and-seek.4.The number of deaths form heart disease will be reduced greatly if people ____________(persuade) to eat more fruit and vegetables.5.More than a dozen students in that school _____________(send) abroad to study medicine last year.6.With the help of high technology, more and more new substances ______________(discover) in the past years.7.The church tower which _______________(restore) will be open to tourists soon. The work is almost finished.8.Facing the economic depression, every possible means _____________(try) this year to save the company from going bankrupt.9.You can’t move in right now. The library ______________(paint)10.A lot of cars and buses ____________(block) from passing through the highways because of the heavy snow.11.In a certain store where they sell puddings, the customers _______________(allow) to sample them before coming to a decision.12.Since the beginning, the television industry in the US ______________(control) by three companies, the ABC, the CBS, and the NBC.13.---Do you have any problems if you _____________(offer) this job?---Well, I’m thinking about the salary.14.Once harm __________ (do) to the environment, it takes years to have the system recovered.15.The driver _____________(say), according to the newspaper, to have been killed in the traffic accident.16.Although most dreams apparently happen unconsciously, dream activities may ____________(provide) by outside influence.17.Over the Huangpu River _____________(build) four grand bridges in Shanghai so far.18.Each means _______________(try) out to solve the problem, but none if effective.19.After the meeting, we went to the supermarket to do some shopping, only to be told that it ______________(decorate)20.Though he ______________(told) many times, he still had no idea of this complicated concept.语法语篇练习Passage 1As a student, I get so many assignments every day. I have to stay up late in order to finish all my homework. I used to complain about all this pressure ____________school with my classmates. We did not appreciate our teachers for their hard work. We only ______________ (know) that we got a lot of homework.After a few months, we did not complain about homework any more ___________we knew that our teachers worked ______________(hard) than we did. We had no right to complain. Sometimes, we said, “I didn’t go to bed until 12:00 o’clock last night. Now I just want to sleep.” our teacher would answer us, “I go to bed at 1:00 a.m. every day.” Since we knew how hard teachers work, we started to appreciate them. To give our thanks, we wrote a big card to the teachers ____________ it was teachers’ day. When they got our card, they _____________(touch) because their students finally knew the teachers’ effort.After giving the card, I realized _____________ powerful the sentence “thank you” is. When we give our thanks to somebody, the work is full of live. I say “thank you” to my friends, family, classmates, teachers, and even strangers. I like to see the smiles on their faces, so ___________(say) “thank you” every day is the way I make the world a better place.Passage 2A friendly dog named Bonnie, who also happens to be deaf, is being praised by her owner for ______________(help) him catch a suspected intruder in their home.Dan Strasser said he heard Bonnie ____________(run) around the living room at about 6 a.m. Saturday, so he got out of bed to see ____________ she was so excited. He said Bonnie didn’t bark or bite like a guard dog, but how she behaved was enough to alert him.When Strasser walked into the living room, he caught the intruder trying to steal his computer. The man took off, but instead of running out of the back door where he came in, he accidentally ran into the garage and ___________(seize) there.Strasser grabbed his gun and held the intruder in the garage while his girlfriend called 911. police showed up and arrested the intruder, whom they later identified ____________ Thomas Lowell, who was accused in court Monday of burglary (入室行窃) and possession of drug. He is due back in court on Oct.2nd.Strasser said Lowell got in through the back door, which he kept open at night so that Bonnie __________ get into the backyard. He plans to keep it __________(lock) from now on.Passage 3When I was young I wanted to be a model, so I convinced my parents to take me for an audition (试演). I ______________(select) and told I had potential.I imagined _____________(sign) by some famous model companies. For months, any boredom or disappointment I faced was pushed aside because I knew I ______________(have) the chance to be a real model soon.Of course, I wasn’t singed, but what hurt the most was being told that if I grew to 1.75 meters I could be a success. I prayed for a growth spurt (冲刺) because I didn’t want to give up my dream.I made an appointment with a local modeling agency.The agency sent me out on a few auditions, but with every day I didn’t receive a call, I grew more depressed. The final straw came in July when I had decided to focus on commercial modeling. There was an open call in New York City. We spent hours ___________(drive), only to be told that I was too short.Years later, I realize that the trip to New York was good as ___________made me notice I didn’t actually love modeling, just he idea of it. I wanted to be special and I was naively determined to reach an impossible goal. The experience has made me _____________(strong) and that will help me later in the future.Passage 4The cold came a little bit ____________(early) this winter. The weather has been harsh and unforgiving.Beijing witnessed the earliest snowfall since the 1950s on Nov3. Temperatures in many parts of China have hit record lows, with Inner Mongolia suffering from a killer cold of -40 C. Cold weather also brought heavy snowstorm ____________ the US, Russia and Europe, causing deaths and forcing highways to shut down.You may not think they are related in any possible way, but scientists say that the extreme cold started in the North Pole, where the sea ice is melting rapidly __________ _________ the burning of fossil fuels. This summer, the National Snow and Ice Data Center in the US announced that the sea ice coverage in ________Arctic had reached its lowest level with less than half of the coverage it has four decades ago.Large amounts of sea ice loss could change how air circulates in the atmosphere. At the same time, melting sea ice also release more ocean water, which result ______ increased water vapor in the atmosphere that ________ be transferred into snow.Also, the attack of the cold came quickly and without a break this year. This left no time for the temperature to revive (回升), which caused the cold to accumulate.单句填空1 The story was set in the tropical Amazon rainforest. The author visited the rainforest __________ __________ she could find out about what was happening for herself. As I’m sure you know, man is cutting down so many of the forests and trees there. A lot of animals and plants are in danger ___________ ___________this.2 _________you take a photo, you should always check the position of the sun.3 You will succeed in the end ___________you give up halfway.4 I would appreciate it _________ you call back this afternoon for the doctor’s appointment.5 Tom looked upon the test as an obstacle ___________ his classmates regarded it as a challenge.6 _________ most of the earth’s surface is covered by water, fresh water is very rare and precious.7 Small sailboats can easily turn over in the water _____________ they are not managed carefully.8 He was about to tell me the secret ___________someone patted him on the shoulder.9 A good storyteller must be able to hold his listeners’ curiosity ___________ he reaches the end of the story.10 ---Dad, I’ve finished my assignment.---Good, and __________you play or watch TV, you mustn’t disturb me.11 Parents should take seriously their children’s requests for sunglasses ___________eye protection is necessary in sunny weather.12 A dozen ideas were considered _________ the chief architect decided on the design of the building.13 Pop music is such an important part of society __________ it has even influenced our language.14 __________this is only a small town, it’s crowded with tourists who come here all year around.15 ---How long has this bookshop been in business?---____________1982.16 Someone called me up in the middle of the night, but they hung up ________ I could answer the phone.17 The WTO cannot live up to its name ___________ it does not include a country that is home to one fifth of mankind.18 The men will have to wait all day __________the doctor works faster.19 He made a mistake, but then he corrected the situation ___________ it got worse.20 Scientists say it may be five or six years ________it is possible to test this medicine on human patients.21 We were swimming in the lake _________ suddenly the storm started.22 It is almost five years __________ we saw each other last time.23 ___________he has limited technical knowledge, the old worker has a lot of experience.24 The cost of living in Glasgow is among the lowest in Britain, __________the quality of life is probably one of the highest.25 The weather was _________cold that I didn’t like to leave my room26 ----Did you return Fred’s call?---I didn’t need to ____________I’ll see him tomorrow.27 All people, ___________they are old or young, rich or poor, have been trying their best to help those in need since the disaster.28 __________ the Internet is of great help, I don’t think it’s a good idea to spend too much timeon it.29 Nancy enjoyed herself so much _________ she visited her friends in Sydney last year.30 John thinks it won’t be long ___________he is ready for his new job31 It was a nice meal, __________a little expensive.32 Our teacher often tells us :”__________there is a will, there’s a way.”33 She was moving out of her old apartment ___________ she suddenly realized that the key to the new apartment wasn’t on her.34 Mother made a promise that __________I passed the college entrance examination she would buy me a mobile phone.35 __________the day went on, the weather got worse in some provinces.36 The young couple are trying to save as much money as possible so ________they can afford the flat by the end of this year.37 Considering that she did her work __________ her manager had instructed, it was not proper to criticize her.38 Doing your homework is a sure way to improve your test scores, and this is especially true _________ it comes to the classroom tests.39 It is recommended that the exploration team take with an extra set of equipment _______ _______ unexpected emergency occurs.40 ---How long do you think it is _________ she became a student teacher?----Half a year at least.。