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Capital Adequacy Ratio——资本充足率

Sales Growth——销售增长倍数

Number of bids won vs bids joined——中标方与投标方比值

Average project volume——平均项目量

% on project finished vs planned——项目完成量占计划量的百分比

Market share——市场份额

Maintenance cost vs project value——维修成本与项目价值比

Marketing expense vs project value——营销费用与项目价值比

Number of proposals approved vs proposals issued——核准的建议与提出的建议之比值Actual cost vs budget——实际成本与预算成本比

On-time project completion (in days)——按时完成的项目(在天数内)

Actual interest expense vs budget——实际利息费用与预算利息费用比

On-time stock buying——准时股票买卖

% out-of-order equipment——无序设备百分比

Time required for fixing equipment——固定设备的使用期

On-time report completion——按时完成的报告

Aging receivables——呆滞应收款

Time required to complete bid document——完成投标文件的时间要求

Accurate and on time financial report——精确并准时的财务报告

Sales volume in new market vs total sale——新市场销售量与总销售量比

Average number of new product per year——每年新产品的平均数

Average number of customer complaints per month——每月消费者投诉的平均数Accurate and up-to-date market information——准确和最新的市场信息

% candidates recruited vs total candidates——招聘的人占总应聘人的百分比

Time required for manpower availability——人员到位所需时间

Employee turnover rate——员工流动率

% employee successful in passing probation period——员工成功通过试用期的百分比% employee trained more than 2 times per year——每年培训超过两次的员工的百分比Average number of available training for each employee—每个雇员可参加培训的平均数

Number of training per year——每年培训数

Number of units implementing new HR program——执行新的人力资源项目的单位数Accurate and up-to-date employee record——准确和最新的员工记录

% internal promotion vs total vacant position——内部提升占总空缺职位的百分比Project time estimation——项目时间估算

Accurate project estimation——准确项目预算

On-time detailed project plan——准时、详细的项目计划

Availability of construction method——建构方法的可利用率

Value engineering implementation——工程实施价值

Up-to-date market information on various organization's requirement


On time buying that meets specification——准时买卖符合规定要求

Procurement in accordance with quality standard and with the best price


Number of SBU implementing management system in accordance with ISO 9000 ——按ISO 9000的SBU执行管理系统数

TQM monitoring——全面质量管理监督

Number of system implemented per year——每年建立的系统数

Frequency of computer system down-time per month


Number of audited unit per year——每年被审计的单位数

Number of followed-up findings——复文发现数

Variance of actual cost vs budget——实际成本对预算成本的差异

Number of proposed new technology vs total proposal


Number of new technology implementation per year——每年新技术的执行数Number of new product/service launched to the market per year


Number of negative indication about the company——有关公司的负面指标数Conformity of office correspondence in accordance with the standard


Number of units that start implementing new application program


Level of skill to operate and apply new technology


Good relationship with partners (consultant, supplier, sub-contractors)


% rejected products——不合格产品的百分比

Optimum level of inventory——存货最佳水平

Number of units applying standard software program——应用标准软件程序的单位数 第二部分:素质名称与含义

