
外文翻译----- Freescale单片机在汽车控制中的应用

附录A原文:FreescaleSingle-chip Microcomputer 'sin automobile control applicationFreescale has the rich micro processing unit (MCU), but widely uses in the automobile electrically controlled engine, the automobile body, the crew member safety, the vehicle door and the chair, the glass, ventilation and air conditioning, skylightand light control, automobile local area network's gateway, communication facility, global positioning system and in other automobile control unit. Its product mainly includes 8/16 bit micro controller (including HC08/HCS08, HC12/HCS12 and so on), 32 bit micro controllers (including PowerPC, ColdFire, ARM and so on)1. 8 bit Single-chip Microcomputer MC68HC11F1 and application1.1 Characteristicsof MC68HC11F18 bit micro controllerMC68HC11F1 is high performance flash memory technology low cost chip based on the CPU of 8 bit HC08 the CPU . Its dozens of kind of different specification's product may cause the user to make a choice conveniently, the superior price performance ratio may cause the cost of the automobile electronic products to be more inexpensive.Chief feature of MC68HC11F1 : Two kind of power saving mode, stop and waiting; working normal in 3.0-5.0V voltage ; 0, 256b, 512b or 768b in on-chip RAM, Data of RAM will be retained in standby; 0, 12kb or 20kb inon-chip RAM or EPROM; Serical Communication InterfaceSCI,8 channel, 8 bit A/D transducer ; 16 bit timer systems; 8 bit pulse accumulators, real-time interrupt electric circuit and so on.1.2 MC68HC11F1is employed inin automobile electronic control systemSince Marelli simple point electronic fuel injectionn engine management system is promoted based on MC68HC11F1,our country Shenyang gold cup sea lion passenger car , the gold cup China passenger vehicle, AnhuiChery passenger vehicle, the Tianjin Xiali passenger vehicle and so on has used this kind of engine management system . Below to take gold cup simple point Marelli logic circuit for an example, I introducesMC68HC11F1 employed inin automobile electronic control system.1.2.1 Compositions of systemAs shown in Figure 1, gold cup simple point Marelli logic circuit is mainly composed of the below part:1.Electric circuit's control core MC68HC11F1 (CPU), is Freescale 8 bit MCU of automobile special-purpose ;2.Tristate bus driver 74HC244 with enable, is the switch of status information input for air conditioning, oil pump, EVAP solenoid valve, idling motor and so on ;3.8 groups rises along D trigger74HC273 with reset , isdriving signaltake-off valves for idling motor, host relay, trouble lamp, air conditioning relay power and so on;4. 512kb 8 bit read-only memory M27C512, uses for to save computer's master routine.Figure 1 gold cup simple point Marelli logic circui1.2.2 principles of workPuting through the power source, power source chip L9710 starts to provide the work power source and sensor's reference voltage, the 8th foot output the low electric potential reset signal and delivers to reset end of the CPU, simultaneously delivers to zero clearing end of 74HC273 to makeits output end reset , CPU to enter launching state.First carries on the replacement to the internal hardware, establishes corresponding register, then starts Boot loader procedure, carries on the procedure loading. Reads master routineintheM27C512 in internal RAM , and enters run condition of the progr amthrough the skipping instruction. The master routine outputs logic “1” (high electric potential) through data bus D2 , after this signal is locked by the 74HC273 outputingthe high electric potential control signal from the 6th foot,makes the main relay go through,Adds the 12V power source to the external instrumentation such as the fuel injector the ignition coil and so on . Then readin rotational speed signal and the exterior sensor signal through PA, PE, to judgethe vehicles current operating condition, and according to the current operating mode outputs the corresponding driving signalfrom PD, PG mouth and the data bus ( locked by the 74HC273 )to make the equipment enter the running status . Again reads in the corresponding equipment's status messagesthrough PA, PD, PG and the data bus (drived by the 74HC244 ), carries on the comparison withcontrol rule chart of the M27C512 , tooptimizate and adjustignition timing and spurts oil system's control. The logic circuit, the sensor and the implementing agency constitutionmake up of closed-loop control system to make the engine be at the optimum condition.2. 16 Single-chip Microcomputer MC9S12DP256 and application2.1 Characteristics of MC9S12DP256MC9S12DP256 is high speed, the high performance, 5.0V the Flash memory's 16 bit micro controllers which based on 16 bit HCS12 CPU and 0.25 um microelectronic technology . Its high performance-to-price ratio is suitable in some upscale automobile control system, the simple background development pattern will also further reduce the development cost , simultaneously also will cause the scene development and the system upgrade becomes more convenient.Basic frequency of MC9S12DP256 reached as high as 25 MHz, many standard modules are also integrated on the piece, including 2 Serical Communication Interface ,3 Serial Peripheral Interface, 8 channels the timer input capture/output comparison ,2 of ten bit 8 channels conversion module of A/D,one of 8 channels Pulse Width Modulate, 49 of independent digit I/O mouth (which of 20 have the function of the external interrupt and awakens), combined 5 of CAN module with CAN2.0A/B agreement as well as a internal IC bus module; Its internal has 256kb Flash EEPRROM, 12kb RAM, 4kb EEPROM.2.2 MC9S12DP256 is employed in in automobile electronic control systemFigure 2 is the typical schematic diagram of automobile gating system .Its central microcontroller selects Single-chip Microcomputer MC9S12DP256, MC33389A, MC33884, MC33887, MC33486 and so on is the Freescale intelligence simulation component. Which of MC33389A is power switch chip providing the CPU working voltage (5V);it turns the ignition swithing signal, the vehicle door switching signal and the panel switch signal by SPI on the micro controller to carry on awakens, reset , interrupt and so on; Also it has the fault-tolerant function driver of CAN physics level ; In addition, it may turn the system on finished Automobile network. Leading role of MC33884 is the real-time monitor panel switch's condition and actuates board's headlamp. MC33887 is a driving circuit chip, which uses in the rear view mirror position electrical motor, the rear view mirror electrical folding motor and the door lock electrical motor's actuation, this function may also select MC33884 to coordinate independent driving tube MOS to complete. MC33290 mainly uses in overall system's diagnosis.Figure 2 automobile gating control system3 32 Single-chip Microcomputer MPC500 and application3.1 Characteristics of MPC500As this domain's lead goat, the MPC500 series has passed through designed specially, has satisfied the strict working conditions request which the high speed travel automobile needed. the entire product line including not flash memory MPC561,MPC566 which built-in 1M flash memory and so on, aims at many kinds of different application environment. May apply in dynamic transfer systems like gasoline engine management, direct fuel injection, electronic transmission control and so on as well as the stable control system and hanging application system. MPC500 series MCU also has innovation functions of floating point unit and intelligent clock and so on , can satisfy the control speed and the accuracy requirement.The MPC500 intension including a system integration mold (SIM), a time processing unit (TPU), a queue serial interface mold (QSM), the 2k static state stochastic memory, has the TPU simulation ability (TPURAM). Uses the HCMOS technology, mayfurther reduce the product power loss, simultaneously the command system contains special-purpose low power loss instruction LPSTOP. Under the system clock stopped state, the power dissipation is lowest.3.2 MPC500 is employed in in automobile electronic control systemMPC500 mainly applies in the new motor car engine management system , like GM P5, P6 series engine management system . Figure 3 is engine management system which based on 32 bit MPC500 .4 SummarySince the mid-1990s, the intelligence electronic products' has been getting more and more widespread apply in automobile , already rapidly expand for automobile synthesis electronic control technology. It take the large scale integrated circuit and the controller local area network as the characteristic, including the Single-chip Microcomputer , the clever power source and the intelligent sensor, it utilizes the computer network and the communicationtecnology, both can expand the originallimited comprehensiveelectronic control system into the automobile whole integrated control system, and may joinwith the automobile exterior road, the transportation, the correspondence condition , makes the automobile to become a part of the intelligence transportation system or an intelligence road system.Figure 3 compositestrategy of 32 bit MPC500 micro controller's engine management system译文:Freescale单片机在汽车控制中的应用Freescale拥有丰富的微处理单元(MCU),可广泛用于汽车电控发动机、车身、乘员安全、车门和座椅、车窗、通风和空调、天窗和灯光控制,汽车局域网的网关、通信设备、全球定位系统及其他汽车控制单元中。

外文资料:BaSed On nRF24El and TMC2023 automobileCOlliSion avoidance SyStem development andrealizationCar engineering department Of institute Of technology Of MUniChBy LORENZ FERDIDADPrOgreSS Of SOCiety With the development Of times, more and more CarS have entered Ordinary people" S family. ThOUgh the highway terms is being updated, yet avoid the CrOWded CUrrent SitUatiOn Of getting On the Car Of UnaVOidabIe highway, in addition, the SPeed is improved gradually, the malignant traffic accident is happening all the time, have brought the enormous Iife and PrOPerty IOSS to PeOPle and the SOCiety・ Car anticollision SyStein Whether One Can Send OUt Seeing and hearing SUrVey device Of Warning SignaI in advance to driver・ It install, at car, Can SUrVeyJ attempt pedestrian, VehiCIe Or barrier around CIOSe the automobile body usually; Can Send OUt and COlIide the dangerous SignaI SOOn to ClriVer and PaSSenger ahead Of time, impel driver bypass driver take emergency measure PUniSh SPeCiaI dangerous SitUatiOn even, avoid IOSSeS・At present, though VariOUS COUntrieS StUdyJ PreVent SyStem Of COlliding from (USUalIy CalI the initiative SeCUrity SyStem in the WOrId) J but how COUId SOlVe the timid and alert PrOblem better, PerPIeXing relevant WOrkerS all the time・ The researcher in the WOrId StUdieS through a Iarge number Of experiments, has already reached COmmOn understanding, if Want to SOIVe PrObIem described above effectiVeIy, the anticollision SyStem must have the following functions:I)MUSt be CaPabIe Of examining the angle, the azimUthal information Of the goal is essential for removing emptily and alertly(2)APt to PrOdUCe anti-interference PerfOrmanCe StrOng COmPIiCatedtransmission signal, COOPerate With real-time high-efficient SignaI deal With With goal measuring algorithms, in Order to remove emptily and alertl y.OnIy the above two POintS COmbine together and guarantee the SyStematiC dependability that the Car defends COlIiding CIOSeIy.1TMC2023 ChiP and the nRF24El ChiP CharaCteriStiC introduced TMC2032 is One kind Of new entire digital COrrelatiOn instrument electric CirCUitJ its COrreIatiOn WOrd Iength and the related threshold are PrOgrammabIe・ ThiS ChiP is the monolithic 64 CMOS entire numeral COrreIatiOn instrument Iarge SCaIe integrated CirCUit WhiCh AmeriCan TRW COrPOratiOn recent years PrOnIOted, its interior had three independent CIOCkS 8 displacements POSitiOnS registers (StOChaStic data register A l IOCaI COde register B and ShieId COde register M) ; MOreOVer also has 7 registers to USe for to IOad Pre-PIaCed Iimit・ O、64 between WilfUlly IOng StOChaStiC data and the IOCaI COde after the COrreIatiOn OPeration, by the three Salnit the CUShiOn 7 BCD COde output, and Iimit COmPare With the initialization in the COmParator, if the COrreIatiVe VaIUe is bigger than Or is equal to Iilnit, then the flag bit by IOWIy ChangeS high・ BeCaUSe has USed the advanced high SPeed CMOS PrOdUCtiOn CraftJ the ParalleI COrrelatiOn SPeed reaches as high as above 30MHZ・BUt Widely applies to SynChrOniZatiOnJ the matched filtering, harms in the COde examination, the recording and the bar COde recognition, especially SUitS to the radar SignaI recognition. NRF24E1 is One kind Of OPerating frequency may achieve 2・ 4GHz the WireleSS radio frequency receiving and dispatching chip, the Channel OPeratiOn time is Smaller than 200 mu s, the data rate is IMbPS outside, does not need to meet the SAW filter, is global general IOW COSt radio frequency SyStem IeVeI ChiP WhiCh the PreSent WOrId PrOmOteS for the first time・The interior inlays has With 8,051 COmPatible microprocessors and 10 9 inputs A/D switches, may between Under the 1. 9V、3. 6V VOItage the Steady WOrk: The interior also inlays have impress the adjuster and the VDD VOItage monitoring device・WireIeSS receiving and dispatching partially has With the nRF2401SimiIar function, this function StartS by the internal ParalIeI InOUth and internal SPI, each due~out SignaI SayS regarding the PrOCeSSOr all may take SeVerS CarrieS On the PrOgramlIIingJ Or gives the IiIiCrOPrOCeSSOr through the GPlO POrt biography. ChiP nRF24El may realize the WireleSS COmmUniCatiOn in WOrId PUbIiC frequency band SCOPe 2.4 ' 2. 5GHz・ ReCeiVeS and dispatches the PartiaI PaCkageS to include the frequency divider, the amplifier, the regulator and two receiving and dispatching UnitS・ The OUtPUt energy, the frequency band and Other radio frequency Parameter PaSSabIe radio frequency registers COnVenientIy have PrOgrammed the adjustment・Under the transmission pattern, the CUrrent COnSUmPtiOn OnIy has 10. 5mA; Under the receive pattern, the CUrrent COnSUmPtion Only has 18mA, therefore the POWer IOSS is QUite low.2SyStemS Structures entire WraP information gathering SyStem is COmPOSed by five SetS Of radio frequencies IaUnCheS and the receiving device, each Set Of IaUnCheS and the receive PartiaI basic electric CirCUitS all are same, these five SetS Of transmitter-receiver Set also is COnneCted With the DSP CentraI PrOCeSSOrJ the CentraI PrOCeSSOr is responsible for the data WhiCh CaICUIateS them to PaSS on, IIIakeS the decision-making according to the actual SitUatiOn. EaCh Set Of IaUnCheS and receiving device StrUCtUre Iike Chart 1 ShOWS・ First by as the COre radio frequency transmission CirCUit PrOdUCeS the high frequency electromagnetic WaVe take nRF24El, then the modulation Signal WhiCh SendS by COrreIation OPerdtiOn ChiP TMC2032 to it CarrieS On the modulation, thus PrOdUCeS With Other radio frequency receiving and dispatching Unit different radio-frequency signals, PrePareS for full for the receive・ In Order to enable the electromagnetic WaVe SignaI to have the enough far PrOPagatiOn distance, but also needs to modulate after the SignaI to Carry On the enlargement, COmPIeteS this function the electric CirCUit is the merit PUtS the electric CirCUit・Finally PaSSeS On airborne to a SUCh Signa1. When SendS OUt the electromagnetic WaVe meets When the ObStaele returns, first must after COrrelation OPeMtiOn ChiPTMC2032 to it Carry On the recognition, if the Same group IaUnCheS Partially SendS receives, and further bequeaths this SignaI the radio frequency receive Part; OtherWiSe refuses to receive・Then the receive Partially PrOdUCeS according to the electromagnetic WaVe in the airborne dissemination The PhaSe moved CalCUlateS the time WhiCh its dissemination consumes, again CaICUIateS the ObStaCIe and this group Of receiving and dispatching PartiaI CiiStanCeS・ FinalIy gives this distance information the CentraI PrOCeSSOr・CentraI PrOCeSSing monolithic COnfidential at the Same time the distance information WhiCh PaSSeS On to five groups Of radio frequencies receiving and dispatching Unit makes the COmPUtat ion, Obtains ObStaCIe and VehiCIe SPatiaI POSitiOn WhiCh measured・ReaCheS this POintJ the ObStaele information gathering WOrk basically completes, is Ieft OVer is bequeaths again this COmPrehenSiVe information the higher Paraffin CentraI PrOCeSSOrJ IetS it make the final decisiOn-making□3receiving and dispatching UnitS SCheme Of arrangement and the COmPUtatiOn PrinCiPIe automobile in the middle Of the travel process, regarding the front ObStaCIeJ must be able to judge the ObStaele to be away from the COmPUtatiOnJ A, B, C three distinguish the representative to install in front Of the front Of a train three SUPerSOniC SenSOrS; E represents the obstacle; Then the EF expression from E to the horizontal PIane distance, FG represents the ObStaele to the front Of a train PIane distance, AG expresses the ObStaCle to a VehiCIe Side distance ・ The request is EF, FG and AG these three Can express the ObStaCIe and the automobile SPatiaI relative POSitiOn tangential Path・ SOIUtiOn as follows: In DeIta ABC, makes BD AC, COnneCtS ED and FD, then may ask DeIta ABC area S DeIta ABC, namely: S Delta the ABC = in the formula, S= (Tl+T2+T3), Tl, T2, T3 SeParateIy express Iine Segment AB, BC, the AC Iength therefore BD=2S DeIta ABC/AC in DeIta ADE, DiStanCe SI, S2, S3 and known distance Tl, T2, T3 Can SUrVey WhiCh the radio frequency receiving and dispatching SyStem SeParateIy replace AE, BE, CE, AB, BC, AC, then may result in three WhiCh asks to be away from EF, FG, the AG VaIUe・4USeS related algorithm along With radio frequency in daily Iife WideSPread application, the PeOPIe gradually discovered the radio frequency range finder has the Certain flaw:(1) The USefUI effect is away from QUite short, Only depends On the enhancement emissive POWer to increase the SUrVey distance is Very limited; (2) The range finder PreCiSiOn mainly is decided by the echo SignaI SingIa to noise ratio, in the Certain SignaI to noise ratio SitUation, Only depends On before the increase the IeVeI to enlarge the electric CirCUit the gain to imp:TOVe the measuring accuracy also is must Ofterl Iilnited・ In Order to SOIVe the above problem, in the automobile COlIiSiOn avoidance system, has COnCeiVed based On the PSeUdO-COde modulation radio frequency IaUnCh and the receiving SyStem. The White noise SPUrt VaIUe ObeyS the GaUSSian CiiStribUtiOn (normal distribUtiOn)・ ItS POWer SPeCtraI density in the Very Wide frequency band is even, moreover the autocorrelation function has delta the function ShaPe ・The PSeUdO-random COde although OnIy has two IeVeIs, but actually has the SimiIar White noise the related CharaCteriStiCJ OnIy is its SCOPe PrObabiIity distribution no IOnger ObeyS the GaUSSian CliStribUtiOn. Therefore, may USe the PSeUdO-random SeqUenCe the balanced CharaCteriStiCJ the tourist itinerary CharaCteriStiC and the COrreIatiOn CharaCteriStiC and SO On describes the White noise・The PSeUdO-random COde is With the IOgiC OPeratiOn realization, the SignaI autocorrelation function SatiSfies: ObViOUsly, When P enough is big, the autocorrelation COeffiCient has the incisive two IeVeIS CharaCteriStiCJ approaches delta the function. In based On in the PSeUdO-random COde UItraSOniC ranging, is PreCiSeIy SUrVeyS between the IaUnCh COde and the receive COde time delay USing the PSeUdO-COde autocorrelation function incisive CharaCte:TiStic, thus enhancement measuring accuracy・ The m SeqUenCe PSeUdO-random COde is the CyCIiCaI IOngeSt One kind Of SeqUenCe WhiCh PrOdUCeS by the Iinearity Shift register・ BeCaUSe its related CharaCteriStiC is fine, also is advantageous for the PrOdUCtion, therefore Obtained the WideSPread application. AeCOrding to the COrreIatiOn function definition, SUPPOSeS two functions Of time is xl (t), x2(t), then is Called xl (t) autocorrelation function; IS Called xl (t)J x2 (t) CrOSS COrreIatiOn function; HaS two kind Of QUeStiOnS in the SignaI examination theory: A kind examines the SignaIJ namely the basis receives Whether there is the COmPOSite SignaI (does SignaI add noise Or PUre noise) makes the SignaI jurdgement: AnOther kind estimates the ParameterJ Whether there is namely in examined in the SignaI foundation, to the SignaI Certain ParameterS (for example OSCilIatiOn amplitude, PhaSeJ frequency, PUlSe amplitude modulation ParIn and SO On) Or the PrOfiIe makes the estimate・ In order to enhance the anti-jamming, needs to Seek Under the disturbance COnditiOn to the SignaI best receive method ・ The PeriOdiC SignaI COrreIatiOn function WaS StilI the PeriOdiC function, but disturbs the noise the COrreIatiOn function is delta the function. ACCOrding to these differences, may PiCk OUt USing the COrreIatiOn instrument IniXeS in the noise jamming the PeriOdiC Signa 1・In this kind Of USe time domain CharaCteriStiC difference examines the SignaI the met hod to be CalIed the COrreIatiOn recerive WayS・ IS different according to the reference signal, the COrreIatiOn recerive WayS divides into the autocorrelation recerive WayS and the mutual COrreIatiOn recerive WayS・ The autocorrelation recerive WayS is in is Unable to know for Certain the input PrOfiIe (Or data) in the SitUation, the USe auto-correlator to it WOrk autocorrelation function OPeration; The mutual COrrelatiOn recerive WayS is in may determine the reference SignaI in the SitUation, to inputs the PrOfiIe USing the COrreIatiOn instrument (Or data) makes the CrOSS COrreIatiOn function With the IOCaI SignaI the OPeration. In this design the reference SignaI is the IOCaI code, therefore USeS the mutual COrreIatiOn recerive WayS・ In radio frequency range measuring system, Whether there is not Only has to Carry On the examination to the echo signal, meanwhile must CarrieS On the PreCiSe SUrVey to the echo SignaI and the transmitting message time delay. ThiS Can accurately know the radio broadcast USeS the time, then figures OUt between the ObStaele and the VehiCIe distance・ ThiS article UtiIiZeS the advanced radio frequency technology and the StabIe reliable relatedalgorithm, enable the automobile to have StrOngly guards against hits the ability ・ The above SyStem design Plan in tested on the Car already to realize front, and Can SOlVe in the Certain degree throughout is PUZZIing the COrreIatiOn WOrker, S two key QUeStiOn WhiCh states, namely has already had the keener take a bearing ability and the StrOnger antijamming ability, Iike this Can enable the automobile to have StrOngly guards against hits the ability・ AIthOUgh so, because in the middle Of the automobile travel PrOCeSS is relating PerSOn, S safety, therefore its PerfOrmanCe also WaitS for further enhances, Strengthens the OVeralI SyStem the absolute security, then CarrieS On the PrOmOtiOn to it.基于nRF24E1与TMC2023的汽车防撞系统的研制与实现慕尼黑理工大学汽车工程系劳伦斯•费迪南德随着时代的发展及社会的进步,越来越多的汽车进入了普通人的家庭。

毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译系部机电工程系专业车辆工程学生姓名学号指导教师职称讲师2013年2 月Electric intelligent car based on SCMThrough research and to realize a photoelectric sensor for sensitive components ,with AT89C51 as control core electric tracing of intelligent control carbonylation-the car ,the system is also including dc motor ,L9110 chips and LM324 comparator etc. The design USES AT89C51 as intelligent car core controller.The system takes microcontroller as control core and realization of electric before Enter ,back ,turn left and right turn function .Through the Angle sensor detection the seesaw Angle change ,use incremental pl algorithm to control the electric car for balance ,and using photoelectric sensor detection black line ,make the electricity Actuation vehicle in the course of driving keep linear motion and don’t skip from atrium .1. Project DesignLight buy a sensor ,the reality of the electric car is moving quickly degrees ,bit ,buy, transportation line shape when measured quantity of real condition ,and will be measured quantity number according to preach sent to monolithic machine into line processing, but buy single chip machine according to the measured buy root different forms of several inspection according to real now to electric actuation vehicle wisdom can control system .This kind of square case real now to electric actuation vehicle dynamic shape state into the shipment do real possession in system ,control system spirit alive ,can depend ,pure degree is high ,can full foot of each item of the stockings to bed .(1)straight epidemiological speed is tasseled straight epidemiological speed department with pulse width modulation experience .meanwhile gather speed is experience .meanwhile ,its main electrical pulse width modulation by road system type variable change device ,Jane says PWM variable change device .Adjustable speed by in the department of PWM experience .Meanwhile open shut frequency rate is high ,only on electricity barnado electricity sense of filter wave can be use to get to move very small straight pulse electric flow ,electricity flow barnado electric capacity easily even tantras, department of low speed operation flat experience .meanwhile ,adjustable speed stability van is surrounded relatively wide ,can reach 1000 left light .By on electrical flow wave shape than V-M system .be in phase with flat to all electrical flow dynamic machine ,electric heat consumption and hair loss than a small .with the sample buy in open shut frequency rate is high ,and if a fast speed electrical machine ring should match close ,fasten tasseled phase can be to get very wide frequency band ,because of the fast speed ring should be good ,dynamic configuration sexual can perturbation resistance can force is powerful .According to the root ,with more than ensemble close and this set of electrical machine control project by tolerance of the quantity and electrical machine speed straight flow of hair ,the exhibitor to adopt the project with a single extremely H type can be changed into change device inverse PWM line speed .1.1 photoelectric detection module designThe intelligent car was stuck on the black line running on white paper “road”, so this module design need to detect shop on the black rubber belt drive area , including Run straight along the arc district and driving district two area .Because f the black and white paper to light reflection coefficient is different ,can according to receive reflected light .The strength of the judge “road”-the black line .this paper USES is simple and practical detection methods, namely the infrared detection method.Infrared detection method ,I use infrared ray in different colors of physical surface with different reflection properties characteristics .In the car driving process Continually to the ground to launch the infrared ,when the infrared met white ground occurs when the reflected light ,aimless and launch packed on the car of receiving tube receiving ; if Fruit is met black line is absorbed ,and than the infrared cars receiving tube receiving less than signal .1.2 signal comparative module designThis part design USES a LM324 comparator ,of sensor signal voltage received compare and amplified ,and will compare the results after Feed to the microcontroller ,used to detect sensor sensitivity ,diagram shown in figure 5 shows .When two sensors simultaneously detect light ,straight forward .When the sensor can’t detect light ,in cut-off state ,double LM324 operational amplifier output low level to microcontroller ,by program processing ,If left not detected light ,then left correct direction; If the right has not been detected light ,then turn correct direction .1.3 motor control and driving module designBecause use is double drive cars ,this part of the circuit must be able to output of two different voltage values ,respectively to controlling trolley right and left two motor drive ,the two of the wheel speed and direction of the same or different ,thus to control its advance and turning .In system design process ,use two L9110 chips to connect SCM and dc motor respectively .L9110 is for control and drive motor design two channels push-pull power amplifier application-specific integrated circuit device ,discrete circuits in monolithic IC integrated such that the peripheral equipments in lower cost and the whole machine can carry on sexual high .The core slice two a TTL/CMOS and let electricity flat lose into ,have good anti-jamming ,two output terminal can pick flooding dynamic electric machine straight to the shipment of positive reverse move and it has had a big electricity flow flooding dynamic can force ,each call way can pass over 800mA continuous current ,peak current capacity of 1.5 ~OA ; At the same time it has lower output saturation pressure drop and the static electricity ,The built-in clamp a diode can release the perceptual load of reverse current impulse ,making it the drive relays ,dc motors ,stepping motor or switch power tube the useof safe and reliable .Follow tracing car system to common AT89C51, complementarywith relatively simple components and circuit design ,the smooth completion of follow under the premise of tracing function ,and fully considered appearance ,costs ,so most of the circuit car by manual welding is complete .In the design ,we never in a circuit increase redundant functions ,but retained various hardware interface and software subroutines interface to facilitate the expansion and development after.2. System hardware design2.1 motor driver module designIn making intelligent car, right wheel respectively with two speed and Torque basic identical dc motor driven deceleration. bolt-on trunk-lid spoiler Department to install a direction wheel, then through the I/O mouth to control tow dc slowing down Motor speed and steering can be achieved on the car to the left, turn right and straight line.Motor drive using a integrated electrical machine flooding dynamic core slice L 298 N. L298N is ST the production of the company, the internal containing four channel logical drive circuit, it is a kind of tow phase four phase motor drive, namely the special contains tow H bridge of high voltage large current commander bridge type drive,acceptance criteria TTL logic level signals, be driven 46V, 2A below the motor.2.2 tracing module designTracing module mainly composed by photoelectric sensor reflex, Photoconductive resistance of the resistance of the light with the surrounding environment changes, when the LTT white lines above, light emission strongly; The LTT black line above, light emission are relatively weak. So when photoconductive resistance in white line and black line above the elements will occur significantly changes, the resistance changes value after comparator can output high level. But this way environmental influences big, work is not stable. This article actual use is RPP220 type reflex sensors made tracing module.RPR220 is an integration of reflective photoelectric detector, transmitter is a gas infrared light emitting diode and the receiver is a high sensitivity silicon photoelectric triode flat. When the light emitting diode reflected back, triode conduction and output low level2.3 obstacle avoidance module designObstacle avoidance module mainly composed by infrared reflection sensor. Infrared reflection sensor by one infrared tubes and photoelectric diode constitute, infrared tubes out to meet the infrared object reflective sex strong after be turned back, by photoelectric diode receiving, causephotoelectric diode current increases, light born this change into voltage signal, it could be processor receives and processing.2.4 remote control module designThis module will launch end USES high sensitive HL-5000 type universal television remote control, the receiver using receive frequency for 38kH receiving head 1838, this module and the single chip computer interface is very convenient. In addition, for the red outside meet after harvest of plait code letter number the department tasseled set when shipped with project of AT89C52 single chip microcomputer external interruption. In order to recognize a complete key signal, must for each coding pulse width were measured with discriminate receives the pulse is o still 1. the microcontroller timer/counter to measuring pulse width. Timer/counter except points than can be set, from except 2 to except 2048, measurable pulse width can reach 500m/s. This paper set except point for 12, namely than 12 points frequency, because the external clock is about 12MH, clock cycle for 1s, so the timer/counter for 1 per timing once s.2.5 alarm module designAlarm module core chip 110 IC, can choose application in automobile, motorcycle, alarms, personal riot device, door magnetic alarm device and etc.3. System software designThis system software modular structure, he main program, initial anti-fuzzy procedures, interrupt subroutines, delay subroutines, buttons pronunciation subroutines, buttons scanning subroutines constitutes.3.1 tracing subroutines designTracing module is designed by the left right photoelectric sensor output terminal receiving monolithic respectively, p22 and p23 tube feet, then through the microcontroller programming, produce PWM control signal. Through L 298 control motor speed, let the car to move forward, left turn, turn right and stop driving purpose.3.2 avoid barrier of programmingObstacle avoidance module is designed by the infrared reflection sensor module around the output terminal receiving MCU respectively p20 and p21 tube feet, then through the microcontroller programming, produce PWM control signal, through L298 control motor speed, let the car to move forward, left turn, turn right and stop driving purpose.3.3 remote subroutines designRemote control module is designed by the infrared sensor 1838 an output terminal of the receiving MZUp32 tube feet, then use all-purpose remote control on the remote control, then letmicrocontroller decoding, produce PWM control signal, through L298 control motor speed, let the car move forward, left turn, turn right and stop driving purpose.4. Summar yAdopts singlechip, using photoelectric senor and infrared reflection senor was designed as a detection system, can realize automatic homing line to walk, automatic obstacle avoidance, alarm and remote control functions such as intelligent car. This design is the obvious advantage of simple circuit, reliability, low cost, and easy to function of further perfecting and expansion.From 基于单片机的智能小车通过研发实现了一种一光电传感器为敏感元件,以AT89C51单片机为控制核心的电机循迹小车的智能控,该系统还包括直流电机、L9110芯片和LM324比较器等。


AT89C51的概况一 AT89C51应用单片机广泛应用于商业:诸如调制解调器,电动机控制系统,空调控制系统,汽车发动机和其他一些领域。
Intel 平台工程部门开发了一种面向对象的用于验证它的AT89C51 汽车单片机多线性测试环境。
这种环境的目标不仅是为AT89C51 汽车单片机提供一种健壮测试环境,而且开发一种能够容易扩展并重复用来验证其他几种将来的单片机。
1.1 介绍8 位AT89C51 CHMOS 工艺单片机被设计用于处理高速计算和快速输入/输出。
MCS51 单片机典型的应用是高速事件控制系统。
汽车工业把MCS51 单片机用于发动机控制系统,悬挂系统和反锁制动系统。
AT89C51 尤其很好适用于得益于它的处理速度和增强型片上外围功能集,诸如:汽车动力控制,车辆动态悬挂,反锁制动和稳定性控制应用。
重新设计的费用可以高达500K 美元,如果产品族享有同样内核或外围设计缺陷的话,费用会更高。

基于单片机无线遥控小车设计英文范文Wireless Remote Control Car Design Based on MicrocontrollerIntroduction:In this article, we will discuss the design of a wireless remote control car using a microcontroller. The objective of this project is to build a car that can be controlled remotely without any physical connection. This technology has become widely used in various applications, such as toy cars and industrial automation. By the end of this article, you will have a clear understanding of how to design and implement a wireless remote control car using a microcontroller.Design Components:1. Microcontroller:A crucial element in our design is the microcontroller. It serves as the brain of the car, processing signals received from the wireless remote control and controlling the various components of the car. We have chosen an Arduino board for this project due to its popularity andversatility.2. Wireless Communication Module:To establish communication between the remote control andthe car, we need a reliable wireless communication module.In our design, we will use an RF (Radio Frequency) module like NRF24L01 for its simplicity and lower power consumption.3. Motor Driver:The motor driver circuit is responsible for controlling the motors' speed and direction in response to signals from the microcontroller. We will utilize an H-Bridge motor driverL293D chip, which allows bidirectional control of DC motors.4. Motorized Wheels:A set of motorized wheels is necessary for moving the car forward, backward, left, and right. These wheels should be compatible with your chosen DC motors and providesufficient traction on different surfaces.Implementation Steps:1. Connect the RF module to both your transmitter (remote control) and receiver (car). Ensure proper power supply connections are made according to their specifications.2. Program the Arduino microcontroller with appropriate code for establishing communication with the RF module and decoding received data packets.3. Interface the motor driver circuit with Arduino to manage motor speed and direction controls effectively.4. Connect the DC motors to the motor driver circuit, ensuring a proper connection with respect to polarity.5. Assemble the wheels onto the car chassis and attach the motors securely in place.6. Power up both the transmitter and receiver, ensuring they have independent power sources.7. Test your wireless remote control car by transmitting commands from your remote control to make it move forward,backward, and change directions.Conclusion:Designing a wireless remote control car using a microcontroller provides an exciting opportunity to explore various aspects of electronics and programming. Throughthis project, you will gain hands-on experience with components like microcontrollers, wireless communication modules, motor drivers, and DC motors. This knowledge canbe extended to develop more complex robotic applications or automation systems in the future.简介:在本文中,我们将讨论使用单片机设计无线遥控小车的过程。

中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)原文:Intelligent vehicle is a use of computer, sensor, information, communication, navigation, artificial intelligence and automatic control technology to realize the environment awareness, planning decision and automatic drive of high and new technology. It in aspects such as military, civil and scientific research has received application, to solve the traffic safety provides a new way.With the rapid development of automobile industry, the research about the car is becoming more and more attention by people. Contest of national competition and the province of electronic intelligent car almostevery time this aspect of the topic, the national various universities are also attaches great importance to research on the topic, many countries have put the electronic design competition as a strategic means of innovative education. Electronic design involving multiple disciplines, machinery and electronics, sensor technology, automatic control technology, artificial intelligent control, computer and communication technology, etc., is a high-tech in the field of many. Electronic design technology, it is a national high-tech instance is one of the most important standard, its research significance is greatThe design though just a demo model, but is full of scientific and practical. First we according to the complex situation of road traffic, in accordance with the appropriate author to make a road model, including bend, straight and pavement set obstacles, etc. On curved and straight, the car along the orbit free exercise, when the small car meet obstacles, pulse modulation infrared sensors to detect the signal sent to the microcontroller, a corresponding control signal according to the program MCU control cars automatically avoid obstacles, to carry on the back, forward, turn left, turn rightSubject partsIntelligent vehicle is a concentration of environment awareness, planning decision, multi-scale auxiliary driving, and other functions in an integrated system, is an important part of intelligent transportation system.In military, civilian, space exploration and other fields has a broad application prospect. The design of smart car control system are studied, based on path planning is a process of the intelligent car control system2.1 theory is put forwardThe progress of science and technology of intelligent led products, but also accelerated the pace of development, MCU application scope of its application is increasingly wide, has gone far beyond the field of computer science. Small to toys, credit CARDS, big to the space shuttle, robots, from data acquisition, remote control and fuzzy control, intelligent systems with the human daily life, everywhere is dependent on the single chip microcomputer, this design is a typical application of single chip microcomputer. This design by implementing the driverless car, on the tests, by the reaction of the single chip microcomputer to control the car, make its become intelligent, automatic forward, turn and stop function, after continuing the perfection of this system also can be applied to road testing, security patrol, can meet the needs of society.In design, the use of the sensors to detect road surface condition, sensor central sea are faint and adopts a comparing amplifier amplification, and the signal input to the controller, the controlled end using stepper motor, because of the step motor is controlled electrical pulse, as long as the output from the controller to satisfy stepper motor merits of fixed control word. In operation of stepping motor and a drivingcircuit, it also to join a drive circuit in the circuit, each function module is different to the requirement of power supply current, the power supply part set up conversion circuit, so as to meet the needs of the various parts. After comparison choice element, design the circuit principle diagram and the circuit board, and do the debugging of hardware, system software and hardware is often the combination of organic whole. Software, on the use of the 51 single-chip timer interrupt to control pavement test interval and the car movement and speed. Due to take that road is simple, it is using more traditional assembly language for programming. For the correctness of the program design, using a commonly used keil c51 simulation software simulation validation, the last is integrated debugging of software and hardware, and prove the correctness and feasibility of the design scheme.2.2 electronic intelligent car design requirements(1) electric vehicles can be able to according to the course to run all the way; (2) electric vehicles can store and display the number of detected metal and sheet metal to the starting line in the distance; (3) are accurately electric cars after exercising all the way to the display of the electric vehicle the entire exercise time; (4) electric cars can't collisions with obstacles in the process of exercise.2.3 the general conception of computer network teaching websiteUsing 89 c51 as the car's control unit, sensor eight-way from outside,in the front of the car, as a black belt in the process of the car into the garage detecting element, at the rear end of the car when connected to eight-channel infrared sensors as the car pulled out of the garage of a black belt in detecting element, the LJ18A3-8 - Z/BX inductive proximity switch as garage iron detecting element, the microcontroller after receiving sensor detects the signal through the corresponding procedures to control the car forward, backward, turn, so that the car's performance indicators meet the requirements of the design.Intelligent car is a branch of intelligent vehicle research. It with the wheel as mobile mechanism, to realize the autonomous driving, so we call it the smart car. Smart car with the basic characteristics of the robot, easy to programming. It with remote control car the difference is that the latter requires the operator to control the steering, start-stop and in a more advanced remote control car can also control the speed (common model car belong to this type of remote control car); The smart car Is to be implemented by computer programming for the car stop, driving direction and speed control, without human intervention. Operator the smart car can be changed by a computer program or some data to change its drive type. This change can be controlled through programming, the characteristics of the car driving way is the biggest characteristic of smart car. The control system of smart car research purpose is to make the car driving with higher autonomy. If any given car a path, through the system,the car can get system for path after image processing of data moving and Angle (a), and can be scheduled path, according to the displacement and Angle information.The control system structure analysisAccording to the above design idea, the structure of the intelligent car control system can be divided into two layers1, the planning layerPC control system, the planning layer provides the information of the whole car driving, including path processing module and communication module. It has to solve the basic problem(1) using what tools to deal with the car path graph;(2) the car movement model is established, the data to calculate the car driving;(3) set up the car's motion model, the data to calculate the car driving;Layer 2, behaviorLower machine control system, the behavior is the underlying structure of a smart car control system, realize the real-time control of the car driving, it includes communication module, motor control module and data acquisition module. It to solve the basic problems are:(1) receiving, processing, PC sends data information;(2) the design of stepping motor control system;(3) information collection and the displacement and Angle of the car, car positioning posture, analysis system control error;The total design schemeSmart car control system are obtained by system structure, order process:(1) start AutoCAD, create or select a closed curve as the cart path, pick up the car starting $path graph(2) to choose the path of the graphics processing, make the car turning exist outside the minimum turning radius of edges and corners with circular arc transition(3) to generate a new path to simulate the motion process of car;(4) to calculate the displacement of the car driving need and wheel Angle, and then sends the data to the machine(5) under the machine after receiving data, through software programming control the rotation speed and Angle of the car wheels and make it according to the predetermined path A complete control system requirements closely linked to each function module in the system, according to the order process and the relationship between them, the total design scheme of the system is available.Design of basically has the following several modulesPart 1, the information acquisition module, data collection is composed of photoelectric detection and operation amplifier module,photoelectric detection were tracing test and speed test of two parts. To detect the signal after budget amplifier module lm324 amplifier plastic to single chip, its core part is several photoelectric sensor.2, control processing module: control processing module is a stc89c52 MCU as the core, the microcontroller will be collected from the information after the judgement, in accordance with a predetermined algorithm processing, and the handling results to the motor drive and a liquid crystal display module, makes the corresponding action.3, perform module: executable module consists of liquid crystal display (LCD), motor drive and motor, buzzer of three parts. LCD is mainly based on the results of single chip real-time display, convenient and timely users understand the current state of the system, motor driver based on single chip microcomputer instruction for two motor movements, can according to need to make the corresponding acceleration, deceleration, turning, parking and other movements, in order to achieve the desired purpose. Buzzer is mainly according to the requirements in a particular position to make a response to the report.译文一、引言智能车辆是一个运用计算机、传感、信息、通信、导航、人工智能及自动控制等技术来实现环境感知、规划决策和自动行驶为一体的高新技术综合体。

Based on monolithic integrated circuit automobile security alarmsystem designAbstract:Decodes the automobile security system using them on litchis integrated circuit interior resources realization jump code, it each time uses the remote control password all is changing, both enhanced the system security, and greatly reduced the cost.Keyword: Monolithic integrated circuit, Automobile security system , Code/decodeIntroductionIs unceasingly progressive along with the social economy and the high tech rapid development, in the routine work and the life, the automobile has become the people ideal transportation vehicle. But the following motor vehicle the case which robbed gradually is also in creased has created the pilot economical property loss. In order tore duce the automobile to rob the event the formation rate, for has the automobile the user to provide the safety control, simply develops one kind to be reliable, the ease of operation, can send out in the discovery normal condition to the pilot reports to the police the reminder and the security warning safety system has the practical significance. This article based on to the existing automobile security alarm system generalized analysis, develops one kind of brand-new security alarm system. This system has mainly used the jump code code/decoding principle, causes the overall system to be safer, greatly reduces password explaining rate.1. System principle of workThe automobile security alarm system the remote control which carries by the driver and installs in the automobile the controller two parts composes. The remote control and the controller all use eight CMOS which American AT-MEL Corporation produces the A VR monolithic integrated circuit, this series monolithic integrated circuit based on new simplifies instruction R the ISC structure, includes the service life most to be few is 1,000 time writes/scratches the circulation the Flash program memory, as well as the service life at least is 100,000time writes/scratches the circulation E the EPROM data-carrier storage, some 2 only have when the entire piececleaning can clean the programming encryption locks the localization.1.1 System designThe automobile security examination uses the ultrasonic sensor. The ultrasonic sensor is composed by the ultrasonic wave transmission circuit and the supersonic reception electric circuit, in the automobile cab appropriate position, installs the ultrasonic wave launch/receiver, as well as switch electric circuit T1. When the automobile parks the vehicle owner person must leave the automobile, with remote control closed switch T1, the automobile alarm system sat garrisons the condition, around the system use ultrasonic wave examination vehicle obstacle. Launches the partial electric circuits likes chart 1 to show. When its P1 mouth P1.1, P1.2 to the D trig , the P1.0 control ultrasonic wave launch, are 0, the photo electricity coupler outputs the TP1 end is 1, the permission ultrasonic wave launch, launches/the receive ultrasonic wave in turn, the circulation repeatedly carries on. Simultaneously the monolithic integrated circuit interior counter starts to count. The steam distance between vehicles obstacle distance is the time which sends out through the sound navigation and ranging reflects spends determines and carries on the computation. The reflection signal causes the D trigger to produce interrupt request signal INT1,simultaneously stops counting, reads takes counts the value, calculates the actual distance after the formula, then carries on the comparison with the datum distance, if examines when the actual distance is bigger than reference value 80cm, does not carry on the accustom-optics to report to the police; If some people approach the automobile to enter the cab, the examination actual distance is smaller than or was equal to when reference value 80cm, through monolithic integrated circuit P2.2 and the P2.3 port, actuates the indicating lamp display circuit and the sound alarm circuit, sends out three two flash. And triggers a high level, the actuation is wire less signal transmission circuit.Chart 1 Ultrasonic wave transmission circuit1.2 Code/decoding principleThe present automobile remote control security system are many isusesVD5026/27, PT2262/72, HT12E/D and so on the general code/decodes the electric circuit, its password decided by the component address, each set of security systems use a fixed invariable password. Along with the micro processing technology development, through the receiver emote control transmitting message, may intercept this fixed password, moreover general arranges the decoding address to lose the person to carry the component size limit, its quantity is impossible too much, can obtain not repeatedly codes very is also limited, also can very quickly explain the password with the automatic scanner. Therefore, this kind of password fixed invariable automobile security system has received the serious threat. Decodes the automobile security system using the monolithic integrated circuit interior resources realization jump code, it each time uses the remote control password all is changing, with the password no longer duplicates uses, causes the interception password also is makes a futile effort, in addition, it may increase the enough many passwords figure, enhances the system resistance illegal scanning the ability. The remote control coding altogether has 12 bytes, separately by 3 bytes codes channels code, 3 bytes codes forewords number, 5 bytes jumps codes, 1 byte pressed key operation code is composed. Encoded front adds on logic in each byte 0 to take the outset position, encoded behind adds on a logical 1 achievement in each byte to stop the position, and in most front adds on several logic 1 to take the guidance signal, this constituted the serial coded signal which uses in to transmit. The code channel code uses in to express the remote control status; each set of systems use a fixed channel code. The code foreword number uses in to record the encoded order, its starting value is 0, the monolithic integrated circuit every time codes a time, the code foreword number upwardly counts time. The code channel code and the code foreword number deposits in monolithic integrated circuit EEPROM, guarantees them power cut the influence. The jump code is the systematic true password, it passes through the complex special algorithm by the code channel code and the code foreword number to extract, this special algorithm foreign security. The pressed key operation code by the pressed key which presses was decided, when "the hypothesis" the key is pressed down, its code decides as 0 1H; When "relieves" the key presses down, its code decides as 00H. Whether is the decoding confirms receive the code legitimate a series of operating process. Was confirmed the legitimate code needs to satisfy three conditions; (1) codes the channel code and the decoding channel code is same; (2) coded the foreword number to be bigger than the decoding foreword number (decodingforeword number to record on legitimately has used code foreword number, this condition might guarantee before has used code was invalid); (3) jumps the code to be equal to reuses the special algorithm to extract changes the code. After the monolithic integrated circuit confirmed receives is the legitimate code, writes the code foreword number in the decoding foreword number, and completes corresponding operation processing according to the operation code. The decoding channel code and the decoding foreword number also deposits in monolithic integrated circuit EEPROM, guards against because of power cut loses.1.3 Security reports to the police realizationIf will have robber Chen ZheRu the room, starts the automobile, after wrong password, then the automobile storage battery +12V voltage, the ignition electric current way ignition lock, the ignition outage, the engine extinguishes, again starts, will duplicate the above process, like this, the bandits and thieves always will not be able to start the automobile, will not be able to achieve its anticipated goal. The alarm circuit mainly is composed by the integrated block and the speaker and electronic switching SCR. Triode or the multiple-unit tube, are for enhance the electric circuit measure which the power but often uses, it has composed a current amplification factor very big equivalent transistor, total enlargement factor for these two enlargement factor product. SCR is the electronic switching which constitutes by the silicon-controlled rectifier, the electric capacity and the resistance constitution negative booster concurrently filter, provides +3 +4V to IC the voltage, IC is traces Draws up sound reports to the police the integrated circuit, the alarm apparatus by the SCR control, robs the vehicle thief once after the wrong password, then the storage battery electric current enters the security system besides a group, another group is started in the engine, after leads the engine work, natural contact output voltage, after the differentiating circuit, silicon-controlled rectifier SCR is triggered, also passes through the resistance to fall the pressure, the voltage adds in the IC power source input end, IC obtains the voltage output alarm, enlarges after the multiple-unit tube, Destroys moves the speaker to send out resoundingly reports to the police the sound. when static state, entire electric circuit does not consume the electricity.2. Software designThe alarm apparatus software design mainly divides into:Master routine (alarm apparatus initialization, key modulation and decoding); Alarm apparatus interrupthandling routine. This alarm apparatus installs on the automobile steering wheel. After installs, starts the alarm apparatus, the alarm apparatus automatically retards20~30s to start to work, in order to lets use the person to have the enough time to lock the gate to leave the automobile. After the time delay the alarm apparatus enters the value to defend the active status, once the vehicle door is turned on or the windowpane hits garrulously, the oscillation pick-up examines the signal, time delay 20s starts to report to the police. The time delay goal is the master which causes the automobile is opening the gate to enter the vehicle internal energy closure alarm apparatus, in order to avoid reports to the police by mistake.2.1 Master routineThis part mainly completes to each severance entrance hypothesis, and reports to the police the depositing unit initialization to each fixed unit, establishes the special symbol value and to the pressed key interrupts processing. Master routine design diagram like chart 2 shows.Chart2 master routine frame chart2.2 Alarm apparatus interrupt handling routineThe burglar alarm disposal procedure uses time severance inquiry processing, each time severance, only is inquires each kind of control flag bit, controls each group output according to its condition. The procedure has not used has circulation processing the way, therefore time control conclusion, cannot eliminate controls the flag bit, only is repositions the scene, the waiting next time severance, again judges whether controls the conclusion.3. Concluding remarkUses automobile security alarm system cost which this kind of monolithic integrated circuit composes low, performance reliable, simultaneously settles the extension to be convenient. The use jump code code/decoding principle, causes the system to be safer, greatly reduces password explaining rate, will obtain the wide spread application in the future automobile security alarm system.基于单片机的汽车防盗报警系统设计摘要:应用单片机内部资源实现的跳变编码/解码汽车防盗系统,它每次使用的遥控密码都在变化,既提高了系统的安全性,又大大降低了成本。

另外,在小车上还扩展了LCD 作为人机交互界面,以便于实时了解小车个监测传感器的状态机小车的实时数据,由于本次设计的是智能自动循迹小车,整个任务过程无需人工的任何干预,故而没有进行键盘及遥控等的人工操作设备。
51单片机介绍及基于单片机控制汽车防盗系统的范例 中英文对照

Structure and function of the MCS-51 series Structure and function of the MCS-51 series one-chip computer MCS-51 is a name of a piece of one-chip computer series which Intel Company produces. This company introduced 8 top-grade one-chip computers of MCS-51 series in 1980 after introducing 8 one-chip computers of MCS-48 series in 1976. It belong to a lot of kinds this line of one-chip computer the chips have,such as 8051, 8031, 8751, 80C51BH, 80C31BH,etc., their basic composition, basic performance and instruction system are all the same. 8051 daily representatives- 51 serial one-chip computers .An one-chip computer system is made up of several following parts: ( 1) One microprocessor of 8 (CPU). ( 2) At slice data memory RAM (128B/256B),it use not depositting not can reading /data that write, such as result not middle of operation, final result and data wanted to show, etc. ( 3) Procedure memory ROM/EPROM (4KB/8KB ), is used to preserve the procedure , some initial data and form in slice. But does not take ROM/EPROM within some one-chip computers, such as 8031 , 8032, 80C ,etc.. ( 4) Four 8 run side by side I/O interface P0 four P3, each mouth can use as introduction , may use as exporting too. ( 5) Two timer / counter, each timer / counter may set up and count in the way, used to count to the external incident, can set up into a timing way too, and can according to count or result of timing realize the control of the computer. ( 6) Five cut off cutting off the control system of the source . ( 7) One all duplexing serial I/O mouth of UART (universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART) ), is it realize one-chip computer or one-chip computer and serial communication of computer to use for. ( 8) Stretch oscillator and clock produce circuit, quartz crystal finely tune electric capacity need outer. Allow oscillation frequency as 12 megahertas now at most. Every the above-mentioned part was joined through the inside data bus .Among them, CPU is a core of the one-chip computer, it is the control of the computer and command centre, made up of such parts as arithmetic unit and controller , etc.. The arithmetic unit can carry on 8 persons of arithmetic operation and unit ALU of logic operation while including one, the 1 storing device temporarilies of 8, storing device 2 temporarily, 8's accumulation device ACC, register B and procedure state register PSW, etc. Person who accumulate ACC count by 2 input ends entered of checking etc. temporarily as one operation often, come from person who store 1 operation is it is it make operation to go on to count temporarily , operation result and loopback ACC with another one. In addition, ACC is often regarded as the transfer station of data transmission on 8051 inside . Thesame as general microprocessor, it is the busiest register. Help remembering that agreeing with A expresses in the order. The controller includes the procedure counter , the order is depositted, the order decipher, the oscillator and timing circuit, etc. The procedure counter is made up of counter of 8 for two, amounts to 16. It is a byte address counter of the procedure in fact, the content is the next IA that will carried out in PC. The content which changes it can change the direction that the procedure carries out . Shake the circuit in 8051 one-chip computers, only need outer quartz crystal and frequency to finely tune the electric capacity, its frequency range is its 12MHZ of 1.2MHZ. This pulse signal, as 8051 basic beats of working, namely the minimum unit of time. 8051 is the same as other computers, the work in harmony under the control of the basic beat, just like an orchestra according to the beat play that is commanded.There are ROM (procedure memory , can only read ) and RAM in 8051 slices (data memory, can is it can write ) two to read, they have each independent memory address space, dispose way to be the same with general memory of computer. Procedure 8051 memory and 8751 slice procedure memory capacity 4KB, address begin from 0000H, used for preserving the procedure and form constant. Data 8051- 8751 8031 of memory data memory 128B, address false 00FH, use for middle result to deposit operation, the data are stored temporarily and the data are buffered etc.. In RAM of this 128B, there is unit of 32 byteses that can be appointed as the job register, this and general microprocessor is different, 8051 slice RAM and job register rank one formation the same to arrange the location. It is not very the same that the memory of MCS-51 series one-chip computer and general computer disposes the way in addition. General computer for first address space, ROM and RAM can arrange in different space within the range of this address at will, namely the addresses of ROM and RAM, with distributing different address space in a formation. While visiting the memory, corresponding and only an address Memory unit, can ROM, it can be RAM too, and by visiting the order similarly. This kind of memory structure is called the structure of Princeton. 8051 memories are divided into procedure memory space and data memory space on the physics structure, there are four memory spaces in all: The procedure stores in one and data memory space outside data memory and one in procedure memory space and one outside one, the structure forms of this kind of procedure device and data memory separated form data memory, called Harvard structure. But use the angle from users, 8051 memory address space is divided intothree kinds: (1) In the slice, arrange blocks of FFFFH , 0000H of location , in unison outside the slice (use 16 addresses). (2) The data memory address space outside one of 64KB, the address is arranged from 0000H 64KB FFFFH (with 16 addresses ) too to the location. (3) Data memory address space of 256B (use 8 addresses). Three above-mentioned memory space addresses overlap, for distinguishing and designing the order symbol of different data transmission in the instruction system of 8051: CPU visit slice, ROM order spend MOVC , visit block RAM order uses MOVX outside the slice, RAM order uses MOV to visit in slice.8051 one-chip computer have four 8 walk abreast I/O port, call P0, P1, P2 and P3. Each port is 8 accurate two-way mouths, accounts for 32 pins altogether. Every one I/O line can be used as introduction and exported independently. Each port includes a latch (namely special function register ), one exports the driver and a introduction buffer . Make data can latch when outputting, data can buffer when making introduction , but four function of passway these self-same. Expand among the system of memory outside having slice, four port these may serve as accurate two-way mouth of I/O in common use. Expand among the system of memory outside having slice, P2 mouth see high 8 address off; P0 mouth is a two-way bus, send the introduction of 8 low addresses and data / export in timesharingOutput grade , P3 of mouth , P1 of P1 , connect with inside have load resistance of drawing , every one of they can drive 4 Model LS TTL load to output. As while inputting the mouth, any TTL or NMOS circuit can drive P1 of 8051 one-chip computers as P3 mouth in a normal way . Because draw resistance on output grade of them have, can open a way collector too or drain-source resistance is it urge to open a way, do not need to have the resistance of drawing outerly . Mouths are all accurate two-way mouths too. When the conduct is input, must write the corresponding port latch with 1 first . As to 80C51 one-chip computer, port can only offer milliampere of output electric currents, is it output mouth go when urging one ordinary basing of transistor to regard as, should contact a resistance among the port and transistor base , in order to the electricity while restraining the high level from exporting P1~P3 Being restored to the throne is the operation of initializing of an one-chip computer. Its main function is to turn PC into 0000H initially , make the one-chip computer begin to hold the conduct procedure from unit 0000H. Except that the ones that enter the system are initialized normally,as because procedure operate it make mistakes or operate there aren't mistake, in order to extricate oneself from a predicament , need to be pressedand restored to the throne the key restarting too. It is an input end which is restored to the throne the signal in 8051 China RST pin. Restore to the throne signa l high level effective , should sustain 24 shake cycle (namely 2 machine cycles ) the above its effective times. If 6 of frequency of utilization brilliant to shake, restore to the throne signal duration should exceed 4 delicate to finish restoring to the throne and operating. Produce the logic picture of circuit which is restored to the throne the signal: Restore to the throne the circuit and include two parts outside in the chip entirely. Outside that circuit produce to restore to the throne signal (RST ) hand over to Schmitt's trigger, restore to the throne circuit sample to output , Schmitt of trigger constantly in each S5P2 , machine of cycle in having one more , then just got and restored to the throne and operated the necessary signal insidly. Restore to the throne resistance of circuit generally, electric capacity parameter suitable for 6 brilliant to shake, can is it restore to the throne signal high level duration greater than 2 machine cycles to guarantee. Being restored to the throne in the circuit is simple, its function is very important. Pieces of one-chip computer system could normal running,should first check it can restore to the throne not succeeding. Checking and can pop one's head and monitor the pin with the oscillograph tentatively, push and is restored to the throne the key, the wave form that observes and has enough range is exported (instantaneous), can also through is it restore to the throne circuit group holding value carry on the experiment to change.Based on monolithic integrated circuit automobile security alarmsystem designAbstract:Decodes the automobile security system using them on litchis integrated circuit interior resources realization jump code, it each time uses the remote control password all is changing, both enhanced the system security, and greatly reduced the cost.Keyword: Monolithic integrated circuit, Automobile security system , Code/decode IntroductionIs unceasingly progressive along with the social economy and the high tech rapid development, in the routine work and the life, the automobile has become the people ideal transportation vehicle. But the following motor vehicle the case which robbed gradually is also in creased has created the pilot economical property loss. In order tore duce the automobile to rob the event the formation rate, for has the automobile the user to provide the safety control, simply develops one kind to be reliable, the ease of operation, can send out in the discovery normal condition to the pilot reports to the police the reminder and the security warning safety system has the practical significance. This article based on to the existing automobile security alarm system generalized analysis, develops one kind of brand-new security alarm system. This system has mainly used the jump code code/decoding principle, causes the overall system to be safer, greatly reduces password explaining rate.1. System principle of workThe automobile security alarm system the remote control which carries by the driver and installs in the automobile the controller two parts composes. The remote control and the controller all use eight CMOS which American A T-MEL Corporation produces the AVR monolithic integrated circuit, this series monolithic integrated circuit based on new simplifies instruction R the ISC structure, includes the service life most to be few is 1,000 time writes/scratches the circulation the Flash program memory, as well as the service life at least is 100,000time writes/scratches the circulation E the EPROM data-carrier storage, some 2 only have when the entire piece cleaning can clean the programming encryption locks the localization.1.1 System designThe automobile security examination uses the ultrasonic sensor. The ultrasonic sensor is composed by the ultrasonic wave transmission circuit and the supersonic reception electric circuit, in the automobile cab appropriate position, installs the ultrasonic wave launch/receiver, as well as switch electric circuit T1. When the automobile parks the vehicle owner person must leave the automob ile, with remote control closed switch T1, the automobile alarm system sat garrisons the condition, around the system use ultrasonic wave examination vehicle obstacle. Launches the partial electric circuits likes chart 1 to show. When its P1 mouth P1.1, P1.2 to the D trig , the P1.0 control ultrasonic wave launch, are 0, the photo electricity coupler outputs the TP1 end is 1, the permission ultrasonic wave launch, launches/the receiveultrasonic wave in turn, the circulation repeatedly carries on. Simultaneously the monolithic integrated circuit interior counter starts to count. The steam distance between vehicles obstacle distance is the time which sends out through the sound navigation and ranging reflects spends determines and carries on the computation. The reflection signal causes the D trigger to produce interrupt request signal INT1,simultaneously stops counting, reads takes counts the value, calculates the actual distance after the formula, then carries on the comparison with the datum distance, if examines when the actual distance is bigger than reference value 80cm, does not carry on the accustom-optics to report to the police; If some people approach the automobile to enter the cab, the examination actual distance is smaller than or was equal to when reference value 80cm, through monolithic integrated circuit P2.2 and the P2.3 port, actuates the indicating lamp display circuit and the sound alarm circuit, sends out three two flash. And triggers a high level, the actuation is wire less signal transmission circuit.Chart 1 Ultrasonic wave transmission circuit1.2 Code/decoding principleThe present automobile remote control security system are many is usesVD5026/27, PT2262/72, HT12E/D and so on the general code/decodes the electric circuit, its password decided by the component address, each set of security systems use a fixed invariable password. Along with the micro processing technology development, through the receiver emote control transmitting message, may intercept this fixed password, moreover general arranges the decoding address to lose the person to carry the component size limit, its quantity is impossible too much, can obtain not repeatedly codes very is also limited, also can very quickly explain the password with the automatic scanner. Therefore, this kind of password fixed invariable automobile security system has received the serious threat. Decodes the automobile security system using the monolithic integrated circuit interior resources realization jump code, it each time uses the remote control password all is changing, with the password no longer duplicates uses, causes the interception password also is makes a futile effort, in addition, it may increase the enough many passwords figure,enhances the system resistance illegal scanning the ability. The remote control coding altogether has 12 bytes, separately by 3 bytes codes channels code, 3 bytes codes forewords number, 5 bytes jumps codes, 1 byte pressed key operation code is composed. Encoded front adds on logic in each byte 0 to take the outset position, encoded behind adds on a logical 1 achievement in each byte to stop the position, and in most front adds on several logic 1 to take the guidance signal, this constituted the serial coded signal which uses in to transmit. The code channel code uses in to express the remote control status; each set of systems use a fixed channel code. The code foreword number uses in to record the encoded order, its starting value is 0, the monolithic integrated circuit every time codes a time, the code foreword number upwardly counts time. The code channel code and the code foreword number deposits in monolithic integrated circuit EEPROM, guarantees them power cut the influence. The jump code is the systematic true password, it passes through the complex special algorithm by the code channel code and the code foreword number to extract, this special algorithm foreign security. The pressed key operation code by the pressed key which presses was decided, when "the hypothesis" the key is pressed down, its code decides as 0 1H; When "relieves" the key presses down, its code decides as 00H. Whether is the decoding confirms receive the code legitimate a series of operating process. Was confirmed the legitimate code needs to satisfy three conditions; (1) codes the channel code and the decoding channel code is same; (2) coded the foreword number to be bigger than the decoding foreword number (decoding foreword number to record on legitimately has used code foreword number, this condition might guarantee before has used code was invalid); (3) jumps the code to be equal to reuses the special algorithm to extract changes the code. After the monolithic integrated circuit confirmed receives is the legitimate code, writes the code foreword number in the decoding foreword number, and completes corresponding operation processing according to the operation code. The decoding channel code and the decoding foreword number also deposits in monolithic integrated circuit EEPROM, guards against because of power cut loses.1.3 Security reports to the police realizationIf will have robber Chen ZheRu the room, starts the automobile, after wrong password, then the automobile storage battery +12V voltage, the ignition electric current way ignition lock, the ignition outage, the engine extinguishes, again starts, will duplicate the above process, like this, the bandits and thieves always will not beable to start the automobile, will not be able to achieve its anticipated goal. The alarm circuit mainly is composed by the integrated block and the speaker and electronic switching SCR. Triode or the multiple-unit tube, are for enhance the electric circuit measure which the power but often uses, it has composed a current amplification factor very big equivalent transistor, total enlargement factor for these two enlargement factor product. SCR is the electronic switching which constitutes by the silicon-controlled rectifier, the electric capacity and the resistance constitution negative booster concurrently filter, provides +3 +4V to IC the voltage, IC is traces Draws up sound reports to the police the integrated circuit, the alarm apparatus by the SCR control, robs the vehicle thief once after the wrong password, then the storage battery electric current enters the security system besides a gro up, another group is started in the engine, after leads the engine work, natural contact output voltage, after the differentiating circuit, silicon-controlled rectifier SCR is triggered, also passes through the resistance to fall the pressure, the voltage adds in the IC power source input end, IC obtains the voltage output alarm, enlarges after the multiple-unit tube, Destroys moves the speaker to send out resoundingly reports to the police the sound. when static state, entire electric circuit does not consume the electricity.2. Software designThe alarm apparatus software design mainly divides into:Master routine (alarm apparatus initialization, key modulation and decoding); Alarm apparatus interrupt handling routine. This alarm apparatus installs on the automobile steering wheel. After installs, starts the alarm apparatus, the alarm apparatus automatically retards20~30s to start to work, in order to lets use the person to have the enough time to lock the gate to leave the automobile. After the time delay the alarm apparatus enters the value to defend the active status, once the vehicle door is turned on or the windowpane hits garrulously, the oscillation pick-up examines the signal, time delay 20s starts to report to the police. The time delay goal is the master which causes the automobile is opening the gate to enter the vehicle internal energy closure alarm apparatus, in order to avoid reports to the police by mistake.2.1 Master routineThis part mainly completes to each severance entrance hypothesis, and reports to the police the depositing unit initialization to each fixed unit, establishes the special symbol value and to the pressed key interrupts processing. Master routine designdiagram like chart 2 shows.Chart2 master routine frame chart2.2 Alarm apparatus interrupt handling routineThe burglar alarm disposal procedure uses time severance inquiry processing, each time severance, only is inquires each kind of control flag bit, controls each group output according to its condition. The procedure has not used has circulation processing the way, therefore time control conclusion, cannot eliminate controls the flag bit, only is repositions the scene, the waiting next time severance, again judges whether controls the conclusion.3. Concluding remarkUses automobile security alarm system cost which this kind of monolithic integrated circuit composes low, performance reliable, simultaneously settles the extension to be convenient. The use jump code code/decoding principle, causes the system to be safer, greatly reduces password explaining rate, will obtain the wide spread application in the future automobile security alarm system.51系列单片机的功能和结构结构和功能的监控监-51系列之一--计算机芯片监控监-51名是一幅一个电脑晶片,英特尔公司生产系列. 这家公司推出8级一个计算机芯片监控监-51系列之后,于1980年8引入一个计算机芯片监控监,于1976年48系列.。

The car electronics DSP and FPGA application1 introductionAt the end of the 20th century, the global information revolution wave, the rise of the automobile industry for the unprecedented development provides a golden opportunity, information technology is widely applied to solve the car traffic, traffic safety, environment pollution, energy issues such as the best way to dry. At the same time, along with the development of automobile electronic technology, electronic component proportion of vehicle costs which are rising gradually. According to the statistical data show that, at present and in countries in Europe and America, the production automobile electronic component has accounted for automobile total cost of 20 ~ 30, and automotive electronic components with the speed of fast growth year 8.8%, especially the digital signal processor (DSP) chip dosage is will increase by 25 per cent a year. In 2005, the car to estimate the market scale, electronic component will reach $1.7 billion. Thus, electronic, integration, digital and information, network, intelligent, miniaturization and personalized has become and will continue the development of automobile industry is an important trend. This paper discusses concentrated in automotive electronics based on DSP and FPGA digital technology.DSP and FPGA technology in many fields are widely used in automotive electronics field, also has its broad application stage. Due to the strong real-time, make its voice real-time processing of possible, Because it is through the chip structure of software programming instructions to realize its function, so only modify the software and hardware platform should not change can improve the system of original design or the original function, with great flexibility, And because of DSP and FPGA chips for some function is designed, so use range, high yield, the price can be very low. Therefore, DSP and FPGA in automobile electronic system application, will greatly promote the development of automobile electronic technology.2 DSP and FPGA in automobile electronic applicationDSP as the programmable VLSI (DFM) devices, it is through downloadable software or firmware to expand algorithm and the function of digital signal process, it is the most typical USES FIR filters and FFT algorithm. In the hardware, the most basic DSP tectonic units is called the MAC's implementation, it is usually integration in data channel, which makes the instruction cycle time with the same hardware arithmetic cycle time. In addition, DSP and several independent pieces in memory, ROM, RAM, parallel functional unit and phase lock loop (PLL), the oscillator, several eight or 16 bus, clock interrupt circuit, etc. Wireless portable devices to meet the requirements of preserving data without electricity, DSP is adopted, such as flash memory and ferroelectric memory techniques. At present, most of the digital signalprocessor (DSP) using the improved structure, namely, harvard data bus and the address bus separated, makes a processing instruction and data can be simultaneously, improve efficiency. In addition, using line technology will take the operands, etc, refers to the instruction of time can step up greatly lift both speed.The FPGA refers to the field programmable gates array, it is the basic function modules by n inputs lookup tables, data storage triggers and complex way, etc. So, as long as one correctly set of data, the look-up table can be read by the data of the realization of the input and arbitrary Boolean function. Hair trigger is used to store the data, such as finite state machine state information. After way can choose different combination of the input signal, and triggers lookup tables with programmable wiring resources, can realize the combination of different logic and temporal logic. Due to the internal structure of FPGA, it can easily distributed algorithm to realize that structure of automobile electronic high-speed digital signal processing is very favorable. Due to the realization of the function of the FPGA device can also work, so as to realize the instruction, yields, line level even the concurrent execution of task, which greatly accelerated the speed of calculation. The calculation of FPGA realizing universal processor system can reach the existing hundreds and even thousands of times. And, because the FPGA can dynamically, system configuration of the wafer area is not supported by the number of linear function of wireless interface, so there may be little pieces of integrating a FPGA even support all standard system. However, due to the development of the existing system of FPGA are almost as ASIC design and test of the prototype, the development system in saving project development time is very high, and the efficiency of the utilization efficiency of resources in FPGA was relatively poor. HDL language can greatly improve the design ability, but in the maximum device performance of the design method of HDL certain limitations, still cannot provide the FPGA layout optimization and wiring.3.automotive electronic of DSP and FPGA applicationMention of automobile electronic digital, wireless communication is currently not think of software radio technology, although it is for wireless communication, but the software radio to achieve the thoughts, and automotive electronic digital processing is the goal of the spiritual path is come. Therefore, it is necessary to mention and use this technology implementation ideas and thoughts. The concept of software radio for the first time in 1992, is clear, may put the MITRE company by JoeMitola, it is current calculation technology, large scale integrated circuit and digital signal processing technology in the application of wireless communication, It is a basic idea and pursuing the goal is to construct a open, standardization, modular general hardware platform and multiple functions, such as work will band, demodulation type, data formats, encryption mode, communication protocol usingsoftware, to realize high flexibility, open communication products. So, for the study of automotive electronic digital products, can draw the following main software radio thought: first, to make the car out of the electronic products, hardware structure, Second, and not the hardware, Third, automobile electronic products should open and compatibility, open refers to the use of the open open, and the production of opening. Below is discussed based on software radio thought DSP and FPGA in automobile electronic application.Based on DSP and FPGA 3.1 the speech signal processingAutomobile electronic products mainly involves the speech processing of the digital processing, speech speech codec, speech compress and voice recognition. Foreign hot automobile electronic products is one of the speech recognition system, speech recognition system has potential applications, including voice calls, phonological operation navigation, televox, anti-theft speech broadcast channels choice identification, etc. For example, a hidden markov model (HMM) of the people, and speech recognition of 100 instructions, literature, it follows that the size of the acoustic HMM model for. Includes sample subdivision/speech input window, MFCC extraction, probability calculation and timely treatment, etc Viterbi search for required for the calculation of general DSP 10,000 million times by add (MAC). For continuous speech recognition, the signal is for better digital signal processing speed and a greater storage space. Because speech recognition system for real-time processing and sampling sound, requires a lot of operation, if they calculation of resource allocation for 20 million times MAC speech recognition, need to have 500 million times processor MAC's ability. Therefore, must use DSP and FPGA to finish the task. DSP and FPGA processing speed speech signal processing application system's complexity and decisive, high-speed DSP and FPGA realizing can realize the track adaptive acoustic field adaptive such modern audio processing and recognition technology. Theoretically, DSP and FPGA processing faster, car audio processing and identify the product application performance is better.With the increasingly diverse applications, DSP and FPGA evolved into a separate chips is no longer, and become the core component. This makes stylist can select appropriate kernel and special logic "cemented together form special DSP and FPGA solutions to meet the need of signal processing. Currently, the DSP core and the ASIC micro controller in chips. Automobile electronic system using common digital signal processor (DSP) and FPGA to achieve speech synthesis, error correction coding. And speech synthesis, speech compress and coding is the first and most DSP widely used, vector encoder will be compressed into speech signal bandwidth channel.3.2 based on DSP and FPGA car image signal processingDigital image processing and analysis technique is a mature two-dimensional signal processing technology, have been widely applied in communication, biological medicine, industrial test and military etc., of course, the car electronics also will involve large amounts of image processing. The car electronics include image processing, image processing and static movement of image processing. At present, many industries have opened the car global positioning system (GPS). GPS vehicle except the coordinates of information transmission oneself, still need to transfer their place of environmental image information, such as rescue injured site, emergency relief scene image etc. At the same time, all the traffic flow monitoring image will return traffic command center, also need to undertake image signal processing. For this kind of motor sports images, main characteristics are: first, multi-rate compression. Because wireless channel time-varying system, the effective bandwidth, transmission and data rates tend to be constantly changing, Accordingly, need to adopt more flexible ways, compression rate adaptive channel bandwidth of such changes. Second, the compression ratio. As the volume of data image NTSC TV about 167Mb/s, will the compression 200-6000 times, can adapt the request of transmission bandwidth. Third, the movement of the image motion compensation. Because of its image motion relative motion, there will be doppler frequency shift. The car for high-speed motion, the frequency shift is often cannot ignore, must of image motion compensation.In recent years, along with the rapid development of microelectronics technology and manufacturing process improvement, chip DSP and FPGA, past a case, even a cabinet of signal processing system, now can completely by single chip DSP and FPGA, system design will also from past PCB design to evolvable-oriented VLSI and UVLSI (very large scale integrated circuit chip designs). Meanwhile, due to the large DSP and FPGA technology using digital image processing, hardware structure is also a significant change, it has the basic serial structure, develop parallel processing structure by single chip processor developed into the FPGA digital signal processor (DSP) or more DSP microprocessor system, or the FPGA or with array FPGA high-speed DSP and processing system. Along with the social and economic development, and the people of the digital image processing system requirement of real-time more and more is also high, based on DSP and FPGA digital image processing system application in automobile electronic products range will more and more widely, such as car meeting TV, on-board videophone, vehicle machine vision.Based on DSP and FPGA 3.3 car adaptive real-time processingThe FPGA clock delay can reach level, combining experiments.this DSP and FPGA, therefore the parallel processing DSP and FPGA very suitable for super-fast and real-time signal processing field. As previously mentioned, due to the internalstructure of FPGA, it can easily distributed algorithm to realize that structure of automobile electronic high-speed digital signal processing is very favorable. Because of the automobile electronic products usually requires a lot of filtering arithmetic, and the filter function often requires a lot of multiplication and accumulated operating, and through the distributed structure, the arithmetic can effectively achieve the FPGA and accumulated operating. On the other hand, need plenty of complex mathematical operations, can rely on DSP or by DSP nuclear composed of ASIC to finish. In automobile electronic products, product size, weight and power special attention, In data transmission, in automobile electronic system in digital audio signals generated by a large number of data, to rely on high performance DSP and FPGA to reduce the storage space and bandwidth requirements, video and audio signals to signal encoding, decoding, color space transformation, echo, filtering, error correction, reuse and bittorrent protocol processing tasks adaptive real-time processing, it is often the DSP and FPGA cannot finish.Control theory is the difficulty in the automotive electronics and key problems, using classical and modern control theory and establish the open-loop, dead circulation, optimal and adaptive control system to realize the optimization control car. Establish the control system of a system, the first car as ignition timing optimization control system, established the system identification of the mathematical model, then the corresponding control method for optimizing control. But the engine itself structure is more complex, the influence factors of ignition, fire theoretical derivation optimization mathematical model of the state is difficult. Therefore, generally USES the method of experiment under the condition of all kinds of the best advanced ignition Angle, then deposit based on DSP and FPGA or DSP and FPGA array increasing capacity of external memory, This can be avoided by using computer. In process control system of engine real-time detection (such as engine speed and power, etc), the method of using look-up table, finds out the condition of the best advanced ignition Angle, amended to control the ignition. This better than the traditional method based on computer control, on the other hand, greatly reduce the volume, On the other hand, is more real-time and flexibility. Suspension, refers to the electronic control computer detecting steering and braking condition after the signal processing, can adaptively vehicles and lateral, Yang, and automatically adjust the damping force of shock absorber control system, it can prevent and improve the surface adhesion, wheel ultrasonic sensor is used to control the body high altitude air spring to adjust, elastic system, steering Angle measurement for raster detector etc. And DSP and FPGA and development and application, has made the control system, the vehicle to form the intelligent control system."Intelligent transportation systems" as the car and transportation industriescommon pursuit direction, it will include smart highways and intelligent vehicle system. It combined with advanced information processing technology and to highway radar technology, impact-proof highway and QiCheLian as a whole, can greatly improve automobile flow, greatly decrease the incidence of traffic accidents. Therefore, the product has been related to intelligent car manufacturers are highly valued. Intelligent transportation system can provide information of the target to pilot, to provide the shortest distance drivers, and can bypass traffic density relative concentration of the best route. "Safety first" is the principle of customer first choice, current research hot car millimeter-wave adaptive anti-collision radar, is to solve the motorway crash because of a traffic accident and developed. Due to the highway of the relative speed between the cars are very high, and frequency difference of radar signals must be extracted real-time. Thus, for radar signals frequency variation.this extraction and processing, and adaptive impact-proof control system, and is often the feedback control processing DSP or FPGA.4 development prospectsIn recent decades of automobile technology, mostly in the major achievements on the application of electronic technology, electronic technology has become an important driving force for development of auto industry. DSP and FPGA appeared to automobile products and automobile electronic technology has brought the revolutionary change of the world automobile industry, DSP and FPGA dosage, formerly monolithic processor as the FPGA digital signal processor (DSP) or the development of digital processor, or the FPGA array FPGA or DSP and high-speed processor. Based on DSP and FPGA of automobile electronic products to meet the needs of the development of the car of the future, and in various models of The Times, by coexists with DSP and FPGA as the core of general hardware platform, can through different software to realize the loading. With the continuous development of automobile electronic technology, digital signal processor (DSP) and FPGA speed will improve. Just as quickly and current development of digital signal processor (DSP), the main trend in monolithic DSP is realized in multiple MAC, more and more wide program registers the data bus, the bus and work more. From the structure, and MIMD by using SIMD instructions, long, etc. Will the FPGA, because of submicron process, its speed is faster, more door. Currently there are XILINX company Lucent and 10 million or more products, and provides some new integrated functions, like SystemonChip ProgrammingonSystem, etc, which is more flexible.China for automotive electronic systems research. Automobile braking anti-lock system, automatic transmission, airbag system in diesel engines and only in some colleges and universities and enterprises, and did not enter the exploratory research practical stage. In automobile electronic technology as a representative of the newtechnology, the development of China's automobile industry is "bottleneck". In view of this situation, China automobile electronic technology research should not only in automobile energy-saving, environmental protection, safety, strive to master them as the core technology, narrow the gap with developed countries, more should with vehicle-borne communication and high-speed real-time signal processing techniques such as the breakthrough, relying on emerging technology state information technology research achievements, the development advanced vehicle computing and information processing products, drive the car electronics technology, improve the progress of China's automobile electronic level.中文翻译汽车电子中的DSP和FPGA应用1.引言20世纪末,全球范围内兴起的信息革命浪潮,为汽车工业的突破性发展提供了千载难逢的机遇,信息技术的广泛应用是解决汽车带来的诸如交通拥挤、交通安全、环境污染、能源枯竭等问题的最佳途径。

1. 发动机控制系统单片机在汽车发动机控制系统中起着至关重要的作用。
2. 制动系统单片机在汽车制动系统中可以实现制动力的精确控制和分配。
3. 车载娱乐系统单片机在车载娱乐系统中起到了关键的作用。
4. 车身控制系统单片机在汽车车身控制系统中发挥着重要的作用。
5. 车灯控制系统单片机在汽车车灯控制系统中起到了重要的作用。

毕业设计(论文) 外文翻译外文题目:Obstacle Avoiding Real-Time Trajectory Generation and Control of Omnidirectional Vehicles中文题目:全方位避障车辆实时轨迹生成与控制学院名称:电子与信息工程学院专业:电子与信息工程班级:电信092班姓名:杨介派学号***********指导教师:胡劲松职称教授定稿日期:2013年1 月20日全方位避障的车辆实时轨迹生成与控制摘要:本文提出了一种计算有效的,全方位移动机器人的Trajectorygeneration 算法。
该算法的计划基于一个参考路径Bezier 曲线,符合避障标准。
荣格[4]摩尔[5]处理全方位的车辆; 这些论文采用的控制策略包括建立的几何路径和跟踪的路径和使用反馈跟踪路径控制。
黄禹锡[8]发展的轨迹跟踪和障碍避免在一个智能轿车般的移动机器人通过混合 H H 2分散控制的空间。

毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译系部机电工程系专业车辆工程学生姓名学号指导教师职称讲师2013年2 月Electric intelligent car based on SCMThrough research and to realize a photoelectric sensor for sensitive components ,with AT89C51 as control core electric tracing of intelligent control carbonylation-the car ,the system is also including dc motor ,L9110 chips and LM324 comparator etc. The design USES AT89C51 as intelligent car core controller.The system takes microcontroller as control core and realization of electric before Enter ,back ,turn left and right turn function .Through the Angle sensor detection the seesaw Angle change ,use incremental pl algorithm to control the electric car for balance ,and using photoelectric sensor detection black line ,make the electricity Actuation vehicle in the course of driving keep linear motion and don’t skip from atrium .1. Project DesignLight buy a sensor ,the reality of the electric car is moving quickly degrees ,bit ,buy, transportation line shape when measured quantity of real condition ,and will be measured quantity number according to preach sent to monolithic machine into line processing, but buy single chip machine according to the measured buy root different forms of several inspection according to real now to electric actuation vehicle wisdom can control system .This kind of square case real now to electric actuation vehicle dynamic shape state into the shipment do real possession in system ,control system spirit alive ,can depend ,pure degree is high ,can full foot of each item of the stockings to bed .(1)straight epidemiological speed is tasseled straight epidemiological speed department with pulse width modulation experience .meanwhile gather speed is experience .meanwhile ,its main electrical pulse width modulation by road system type variable change device ,Jane says PWM variable change device .Adjustable speed by in the department of PWM experience .Meanwhile open shut frequency rate is high ,only on electricity barnado electricity sense of filter wave can be use to get to move very small straight pulse electric flow ,electricity flow barnado electric capacity easily even tantras, department of low speed operation flat experience .meanwhile ,adjustable speed stability van is surrounded relatively wide ,can reach 1000 left light .By on electrical flow wave shape than V-M system .be in phase with flat to all electrical flow dynamic machine ,electric heat consumption and hair loss than a small .with the sample buy in open shut frequency rate is high ,and if a fast speed electrical machine ring should match close ,fasten tasseled phase can be to get very wide frequency band ,because of the fast speed ring should be good ,dynamic configuration sexual can perturbation resistance can force is powerful .According to the root ,with more than ensemble close and this set of electrical machine control project by tolerance of the quantity and electrical machine speed straight flow of hair ,the exhibitor to adopt the project with a single extremely H type can be changed into change device inverse PWM line speed .1.1 photoelectric detection module designThe intelligent car was stuck on the black line running on white paper “road”, so this module design need to detect shop on the black rubber belt drive area , including Run straight along the arc district and driving district two area .Because f the black and white paper to light reflection coefficient is different ,can according to receive reflected light .The strength of the judge “road”-the black line .this paper USES is simple and practical detection methods, namely the infrared detection method.Infrared detection method ,I use infrared ray in different colors of physical surface with different reflection properties characteristics .In the car driving process Continually to the ground to launch the infrared ,when the infrared met white ground occurs when the reflected light ,aimless and launch packed on the car of receiving tube receiving ; if Fruit is met black line is absorbed ,and than the infrared cars receiving tube receiving less than signal .1.2 signal comparative module designThis part design USES a LM324 comparator ,of sensor signal voltage received compare and amplified ,and will compare the results after Feed to the microcontroller ,used to detect sensor sensitivity ,diagram shown in figure 5 shows .When two sensors simultaneously detect light ,straight forward .When the sensor can’t detect light ,in cut-off state ,double LM324 operational amplifier output low level to microcontroller ,by program processing ,If left not detected light ,then left correct direction; If the right has not been detected light ,then turn correct direction .1.3 motor control and driving module designBecause use is double drive cars ,this part of the circuit must be able to output of two different voltage values ,respectively to controlling trolley right and left two motor drive ,the two of the wheel speed and direction of the same or different ,thus to control its advance and turning .In system design process ,use two L9110 chips to connect SCM and dc motor respectively .L9110 is for control and drive motor design two channels push-pull power amplifier application-specific integrated circuit device ,discrete circuits in monolithic IC integrated such that the peripheral equipments in lower cost and the whole machine can carry on sexual high .The core slice two a TTL/CMOS and let electricity flat lose into ,have good anti-jamming ,two output terminal can pick flooding dynamic electric machine straight to the shipment of positive reverse move and it has had a big electricity flow flooding dynamic can force ,each call way can pass over 800mA continuous current ,peak current capacity of 1.5 ~OA ; At the same time it has lower output saturation pressure drop and the static electricity ,The built-in clamp a diode can release the perceptual load of reverse current impulse ,making it the drive relays ,dc motors ,stepping motor or switch power tube the useof safe and reliable .Follow tracing car system to common AT89C51, complementarywith relatively simple components and circuit design ,the smooth completion of follow under the premise of tracing function ,and fully considered appearance ,costs ,so most of the circuit car by manual welding is complete .In the design ,we never in a circuit increase redundant functions ,but retained various hardware interface and software subroutines interface to facilitate the expansion and development after.2. System hardware design2.1 motor driver module designIn making intelligent car, right wheel respectively with two speed and Torque basic identical dc motor driven deceleration. bolt-on trunk-lid spoiler Department to install a direction wheel, then through the I/O mouth to control tow dc slowing down Motor speed and steering can be achieved on the car to the left, turn right and straight line.Motor drive using a integrated electrical machine flooding dynamic core slice L 298 N. L298N is ST the production of the company, the internal containing four channel logical drive circuit, it is a kind of tow phase four phase motor drive, namely the special contains tow H bridge of high voltage large current commander bridge type drive,acceptance criteria TTL logic level signals, be driven 46V, 2A below the motor.2.2 tracing module designTracing module mainly composed by photoelectric sensor reflex, Photoconductive resistance of the resistance of the light with the surrounding environment changes, when the LTT white lines above, light emission strongly; The LTT black line above, light emission are relatively weak. So when photoconductive resistance in white line and black line above the elements will occur significantly changes, the resistance changes value after comparator can output high level. But this way environmental influences big, work is not stable. This article actual use is RPP220 type reflex sensors made tracing module.RPR220 is an integration of reflective photoelectric detector, transmitter is a gas infrared light emitting diode and the receiver is a high sensitivity silicon photoelectric triode flat. When the light emitting diode reflected back, triode conduction and output low level2.3 obstacle avoidance module designObstacle avoidance module mainly composed by infrared reflection sensor. Infrared reflection sensor by one infrared tubes and photoelectric diode constitute, infrared tubes out to meet the infrared object reflective sex strong after be turned back, by photoelectric diode receiving, causephotoelectric diode current increases, light born this change into voltage signal, it could be processor receives and processing.2.4 remote control module designThis module will launch end USES high sensitive HL-5000 type universal television remote control, the receiver using receive frequency for 38kH receiving head 1838, this module and the single chip computer interface is very convenient. In addition, for the red outside meet after harvest of plait code letter number the department tasseled set when shipped with project of AT89C52 single chip microcomputer external interruption. In order to recognize a complete key signal, must for each coding pulse width were measured with discriminate receives the pulse is o still 1. the microcontroller timer/counter to measuring pulse width. Timer/counter except points than can be set, from except 2 to except 2048, measurable pulse width can reach 500m/s. This paper set except point for 12, namely than 12 points frequency, because the external clock is about 12MH, clock cycle for 1s, so the timer/counter for 1 per timing once s.2.5 alarm module designAlarm module core chip 110 IC, can choose application in automobile, motorcycle, alarms, personal riot device, door magnetic alarm device and etc.3. System software designThis system software modular structure, he main program, initial anti-fuzzy procedures, interrupt subroutines, delay subroutines, buttons pronunciation subroutines, buttons scanning subroutines constitutes.3.1 tracing subroutines designTracing module is designed by the left right photoelectric sensor output terminal receiving monolithic respectively, p22 and p23 tube feet, then through the microcontroller programming, produce PWM control signal. Through L 298 control motor speed, let the car to move forward, left turn, turn right and stop driving purpose.3.2 avoid barrier of programmingObstacle avoidance module is designed by the infrared reflection sensor module around the output terminal receiving MCU respectively p20 and p21 tube feet, then through the microcontroller programming, produce PWM control signal, through L298 control motor speed, let the car to move forward, left turn, turn right and stop driving purpose.3.3 remote subroutines designRemote control module is designed by the infrared sensor 1838 an output terminal of the receiving MZUp32 tube feet, then use all-purpose remote control on the remote control, then letmicrocontroller decoding, produce PWM control signal, through L298 control motor speed, let the car move forward, left turn, turn right and stop driving purpose.4. Summar yAdopts singlechip, using photoelectric senor and infrared reflection senor was designed as a detection system, can realize automatic homing line to walk, automatic obstacle avoidance, alarm and remote control functions such as intelligent car. This design is the obvious advantage of simple circuit, reliability, low cost, and easy to function of further perfecting and expansion.From 基于单片机的智能小车通过研发实现了一种一光电传感器为敏感元件,以AT89C51单片机为控制核心的电机循迹小车的智能控,该系统还包括直流电机、L9110芯片和LM324比较器等。

The General Situation of AT89C511 The application of AT89C51Microcontrollers are used in a multitude of commercial applications such as modems, motor-control systems, air conditioner control systems, automotive engine and among others. The high processing speed and enhanced peripheral set of these microcontrollers make them suitable for such high-speed event-based applications. However, these critical application domains also require that these microcontrollers are highly reliable. The high reliability and low market risks can be ensured by a robust testing process and a proper tools environment for the validation of these microcontrollers both at the component and at the system level. Intel Platform Engineering department developed an object-oriented multi-threaded test environment for the validation of its AT89C51 automotive microcontrollers. The goals of this environment was not only to provide a robust testing environment for the AT89C51 automotive microcontrollers, but to develop an environment which can be easily extended and reused for the validation of several other future microcontrollers. The environment was developed in conjunction with Microsoft Foundation Classes (AT89C51). The paper describes the design and mechanism of this test environment, its interactions with various hardware/software environmental components, and how to use AT89C51.1.1 IntroductionThe 8-bit AT89C51 CHMOS microcontrollers are designed to handle high-speed calculations and fast input/output operations. MCS 51 microcontrollers are typically used for high-speed event control systems. Commercial applications include modems, motor-control systems, printers, photocopiers, air conditioner control systems, disk drives, and medical instruments. The automotive industry use MCS 51 microcontrollers in engine-control systems, airbags, suspension systems, and antilock braking systems (ABS). The AT89C51 is especially well suited to applications that benefit from its processing speed and enhanced on-chip peripheral functions set, such as automotive power-train control, vehicle dynamic suspension, antilock braking, and stability control applications. Because of these critical applications, the market requires a reliable cost-effective controller with a low interrupt latency response, ability to service the high number of time and event driven integrated peripherals needed in real time applications, and a CPU with above average processing power in a single package. The financial and legal risk of having devices that operate unpredictably is very high. Once in the market, particularly in mission critical applications such as an autopilot or anti-lockbraking system, mistakes are financially prohibitive. Redesign costs can run as high as a $500K, much more if the fix means 2 back annotating it across a product family that share the same core and/or peripheral design flaw. In addition, field replacements of components are extremely expensive, as the devices are typically sealed in modules with a total value several times that of the component. To mitigate these problems, it is essential that comprehensive testing of the controllers be carried out at both the component level and system level under worst case environmental and voltage conditions. This complete and thorough validation necessitates not only a well-defined process but also a proper environment and tools to facilitate and execute the mission successfully. Intel Chandler Platform Engineering group provides post silicon system validation (SV) of various micro-controllers and processors. The system validation process can be broken into three major parts. The type of the device and its application requirements determine which types of testing are performed on the device.1.2 The AT89C51 provides the following standard features:4Kbytes of Flash, 128 bytes of RAM, 32 I/O lines, two 16-bittimer/counters, a five vector two-level interrupt architecture, a full duple serial port, on-chip oscillator and clock circuitry. In addition, the AT89C51 is designed with static logic for operation down to zero frequency and supports two software selectable power saving modes. The Idle Mode stops the CPU while allowing the RAM, timer/counters, serial port and interrupt sys -tem to continue functioning. The Power-down Mode saves the RAM contents but freezes the oscillator disabling all other chip functions until the next hardware reset.Figure 1-2-1 Block Diagram1.3 Pin DescriptionVCC: Supply voltage.GND: Ground.Port 0: Port 0 is an 8-bit open-drain bi-directional I/O port. As an output port, each pin can sink eight TTL inputs. When 1s are written to port 0 pins, the pins can be used as high impedance inputs. Port 0 may also be configured to be the multiplexed low order address/data bus during accesses to external program and data memory. In this mode P0 has internal pull ups. Port 0 also receives the code bytes during Flash programming, and outputs the code bytes during program verification. External pull ups are required during program verification.Port 1: Port 1 is an 8-bit bi-directional I/O port with internal pull ups. The Port 1 output buffers can sink/source four TTL inputs. When 1s are written to Port 1 pins they are pulled high by the internal pull ups and can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 1 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IIL) because of the internal pull ups. Port 1 also receives the low-order address bytes during Flash programming and verification.Port 2: Port 2 is an 8-bit bi-directional I/O port with internal pull ups. The Port 2 output buffers can sink/source four TTL inputs. When 1s are written to Port 2 pins they are pulled high by the internal pull ups and can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 2 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IIL) because of the internal pull ups. Port 2 emits the high-order address byte during fetches from external program memory and during accesses to Port 2 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IIL) because of the internal pull ups. Port 2 emits the high-order address byte during fetches from external program memory and during accesses to external data memory that uses 16-bit addresses (MOVX@DPTR). In this application, it uses strong internal pull-ups when emitting 1s. During accesses to external data memory that uses 8-bit addresses (MOVX @ RI), Port 2 emits the contents of the P2 Special Function Register. Port 2 also receives the high-order address bits and some control signals during Flash programming and verification.Port 3: Port 3 is an 8-bit bi-directional I/O port with internal pull ups. The Port 3 output buffers can sink/source four TTL inputs. When 1s are written to Port 3 pins they are pulled high by the internal pull ups and can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 3 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IIL) because of the pull ups.Port 3 also serves the functions of various special features of the AT89C51 as listed below:RST: Reset input. A high on this pin for two machine cycles while the oscillator is running resets the device.ALE/PROG: Address Latch Enable output pulse for latching the low byte of the address during accesses to external memory. This pin is also the program pulse input (PROG) during Flash programming. In normal operation ALE is emitted at a constant rate of 1/6 the oscillator frequency, and may be used for external timing or clocking purposes. Note, however, that one ALE pulse is skipped during each access to external Data Memory. If desired, ALE operation can be disabled by setting bit 0 of SFR location 8EH. With the bit set, ALE is active only during a MOVX or MOVC instruction. Otherwise, the pin is weakly pulled high. Setting the ALE-disable bit has no effect if the microcontroller is in external execution mode.PSEN: Program Store Enable is the read strobe to external program memory. When theAT89C51 is executing code from external program memory, PSEN is activated twice eachmachine cycle, except that two PSEN activations are skipped during each access to external data memory.EA/VPP: External Access Enable. EA must be strapped to GND in order to enable the device to fetch code from external program memory locations starting at 0000H up to FFFFH Note, however, that if lock bit 1 is programmed, EA will be internally latched on reset. EA should be strapped to VCC for internal program executions. The spinal receives the 12-volt programming enable voltage (VPP) during Flash programming, for parts that require 12-volt VPP.XTAL1: Input to the inverting oscillator amplifier and input to the internal clock operating circuit.XTAL2: Output form the inverting oscillator amplifier. Oscillator CharacteristicsXTAL1 and XTAL2 are the input and output, respectively, of an inverting amplifier which can be configured for use as an on-chip oscillator, as shown in Figure 1. Either a quartz crystal or ceramic resonator may be used. To drive the device from an external clock source, XTAL2 should be left unconnected while XTAL1 is driven as shown in Figure 2. There are no requirements on the duty cycle of the external clock signal, since the input to the internal clocking circuitry is through a divide-by-two flip-flop, but minimum and maximum voltage high and low time specifications must be observed. Idle Mode In idle mode, the CPU puts itself to sleep while all the on chip peripherals remain active. The mode is invoked by software. The content of the on-chip RAM and all the special functions registers remain unchanged during this mode. The idle mode can be terminated by any enabled interrupt or by a hardware reset. It should be noted that when idle is terminated by a hard ware reset, the device normally resumes program execution, from where it left off, up to two machine cycles before the internal reset algorithm takes control. On-chip hardware inhibits access to internal RAM in this event, but access to the port pins is not inhibited. To eliminate the possibility of an unexpected write to a port pin when Idle is terminated by reset, the instruction following the one that invokes Idle should not be one that writes to a port pin or to external memory.Power-down Mode:In the power-down mode, the oscillator is stopped, and the instruction that invokes power-down is the last instruction executed. The on-chip RAM and Special Function Registers retain their values until the power-down mode is terminated. The only exit from power-down is a hardware reset. Reset redefines the SFRS but does not change the on-chip RAM. The reset should not be activated before VCC is restored to its normal operating level and must be held active long enough to allow the oscillator to restart and stabilize. The AT89C51 code memory array is programmed byte by byte in either programming mode. Toprogram any nonblank byte in the on-chip Flash Memory, the entire memory must be erased using the Chip Erase Mode.2 Programming AlgorithmsBefore programming the AT89C51, the address, data and control signals should be set up according to the Flash programming mode table and Figure 3 and Figure 4. To program the AT89C51, take the following steps.1. Input the desired memory location on the address lines.2. Input the appropriate data byte on the data lines. 3. Activate the correct combination of control signals. 4. Raise EA/VPP to 12V for the high-voltage programming mode. 5. Pulse ALE/PROG once to program a byte in the Flash array or the lock bits. The byte-write cycle is self-timed and typically takes no more than 1.5 Ms. Repeat steps 1 through 5, changing the address and data for the entire array or until the end of the object file is reached. Data Polling: The AT89C51 features Data Polling to indicate the end of a write cycle. During a write cycle, an attempted read of the last byte written will result in the complement of the written datum on PO.7. Once the write cycle has been completed, true data are valid on all outputs, and the next cycle may begin. Data Polling may begin any time after a write cycle has been initiated.2.1 Ready/Busy:The progress of byte programming can also be monitored by the RDY/BSY output signal. P3.4 is pulled low after ALE goes high during programming to indicate BUSY. P3.4 is pulled high again when programming is done to indicate READY.Program Verify:If lock bits LB1 and LB2 have not been programmed, the programmed code data can be read back via the address and data lines for verification. The lock bits cannot be verified directly. Verification of the lock bits is achieved by observing that their features are enabled.Figure 2-1-1 Programming the Flash Figure 2-2-2 Verifying the Flash2.2 Chip Erase:The entire Flash array is erased electrically by using the proper combination of control signals and by holding ALE/PROG low for 10 ms. The code array is written with all “1”s. The chip erase operation must be executed before the code memory can be re-programmed.2.3 Reading the Signature Bytes:The signature bytes are read by the same procedure as a normal verification of locations 030H, 031H, and 032H, except that P3.6 and P3.7 must be pulled to a logic low. The values returned are as follows:(030H) = 1EH indicates manufactured by Atmel(031H) = 51H indicates 89C51(032H) = FFH indicates 12V programming(032H) = 05H indicates 5V programming2.4 Programming InterfaceEvery code byte in the Flash array can be written and the entire array can be erased by using the appropriate combination of control signals. The write operation cycle is self timed and once initiated, will automatically time itself to completion. A microcomputer interface converts information between two forms. Outside the microcomputer the information handled by an electronic system exists as a physical signal, but within the program, it is represented numerically. The function of any interface can be broken down into a number of operations which modify the data in some way, so that the process of conversion between the external and internal forms is carried out in a number of steps. An analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is used to convert a continuously variable signal to a corresponding digital form which can take any one of a fixed number of possible binary values. If the output of the transducer does not vary continuously, no ADC is necessary. In this case the signal conditioning section must convert the incoming signal to a form which can be connected directly to the next part of the interface, the input/output section of the microcomputer itself. Output interfaces take a similar form, the obvious difference being that here the flow of information is in the opposite direction; it is passed from the program to the outside world. In this case the program may call an output subroutine which supervises the operation of the interface and performs the scaling numbers which may be needed for digital-to-analog converter (DAC). This subroutine passes information in turn to an output device which produces a corresponding electrical signal, which could be converted into analog form using a DAC. Finally the signal is conditioned(usually amplified) to a form suitable for operating an actuator. The signals used within microcomputer circuits are almost always too small to be connected directly to the outside world” and some kind of interface must be used to translate them to a more appropriate form. The design of section of interface circuits is one of the most important tasks facing the engineer wishing to apply microcomputers. We have seen that in microcomputers information is represented as discrete patterns of bits; this digital form is most useful when the microcomputer is to be connected to equipment which can only be switched on or off, where each bit might represent the state of a switch or actuator. To solve real-world problems, a microcontroller must have more than just a CPU, a program, and a data memory. In addition, it must contain hardware allowing the CPU to access information from the outside world. Once the CPU gathers information and processes the data, it must also be able to effect change on some portion of the outside world. These hardware devices, called peripherals, are the CPU’s window to the outside.The most basic form of peripheral available on microcontrollers is the general purpose I70 port. Each of the I/O pins can be used as either an input or an output. The function of each pin is determined by setting or clearing corresponding bits in a corresponding data direction register during the initialization stage of a program. Each output pin may be driven to either a logic one or a logic zero by using CPU instructions to pin may be viewed (or read.) by the CPU using program instructions. Some type of serial unit is included on microcontrollers to allow the CPU to communicate bit-serially with external devices. Using a bit serial format instead of bit-parallel format requires fewer I/O pins to perform the communication function, which makes it less expensive, but slower. Serial transmissions are performed either synchronously or asynchronously.AT89C51的概况1 AT89C51的应用单片机广泛应用于商业:诸如调制解调器,电动机控制系统,空调控制系统,汽车发动机和其他一些领域。
外文翻译-- 汽车电子中的DSP和FPGA应用

英文文献The car electronics DSP and FPGA application1 introductionAt the end of the 20th century, the global information revolution wave, the rise of the automobile industry for the unprecedented development provides a golden opportunity, information technology is widely applied to solve the car traffic, traffic safety, environment pollution, energy issues such as the best way to dry. At the same time, along with the development of automobile electronic technology, electroniccomponent proportion of vehicle costs which are rising gradually. According to the statistical data show that, at present and in countries in Europe and America, the production automobile electronic component has accounted for automobile total cost of 20 ~ 30, and automotive electronic components with the speed of fast growth year 8.8%, especially the digital signal processor (DSP) chip dosage is will increase by 25 per cent a year. In 2005, the car to estimate the market scale, electronic component will reach $1.7 billion. Thus, electronic, integration, digital and information, network, intelligent, miniaturization and personalized has become and will continue the development of automobile industry is an important trend. This paper discusses concentrated in automotive electronics based on DSP and FPGA digital technology.DSP and FPGA technology in many fields are widely used in automotive electronics field, also has its broad application stage. Due to the strong real-time, make its voice real-time processing of possible, Because it is through the chip structure of software programming instructions to realize its function, so only modify the software and hardware platform should not change can improve the system of original design or the original function, with great flexibility, And because of DSP and FPGA chips for some function is designed, so use range, high yield, the price can be very low. Therefore, DSP and FPGA in automobile electronic system application, will greatly promote the development of automobile electronic technology.2 DSP and FPGA in automobile electronic applicationDSP as the programmable VLSI (DFM) devices, it is through downloadable software or firmware to expand algorithm and the function of digital signal process, it is the most typical USES FIR filters and FFT algorithm. In the hardware, the most basic DSP tectonic units is called the MAC's implementation, it is usually integration in data channel, which makes the instruction cycle time with the same hardware arithmetic cycle time. In addition, DSP and several independent pieces in memory, ROM, RAM, parallel functional unit and phase lock loop (PLL), the oscillator, several eight or 16 bus, clock interrupt circuit, etc. Wireless portable devices to meet the requirements of preserving data without electricity, DSP is adopted, such as flash memory and ferroelectric memory techniques. At present, most of the digital signal processor (DSP) using the improved structure, namely, harvard data bus and the address bus separated, makes a processing instruction and data can be simultaneously, improve efficiency. In addition, using line technology will take the operands, etc, refers to the instruction of time can step up greatly lift both speed.The FPGA refers to the field programmable gates array, it is the basic function modules by n inputs lookup tables, data storage triggers and complex way, etc. So, as long as one correctly set of data, the look-up table can be read by the data of the realization of the input and arbitrary Boolean function. Hair trigger is used to store thedata, such as finite state machine state information. After way can choose different combination of the input signal, and triggers lookup tables with programmable wiring resources, can realize the combination of different logic and temporal logic. Due to the internal structure of FPGA, it can easily distributed algorithm to realize that structure of automobile electronic high-speed digital signal processing is very favorable. Due to the realization of the function of the FPGA device can also work, so as to realize the instruction, yields, line level even the concurrent execution of task, which greatly accelerated the speed of calculation. The calculation of FPGA realizing universal processor system can reach the existing hundreds and even thousands of times. And, because the FPGA can dynamically, system configuration of the wafer area is not supported by the number of linear function of wireless interface, so there may be little pieces of integrating a FPGA even support all standard system. However, due to the development of the existing system of FPGA are almost as ASIC design and test of the prototype, the development system in saving project development time is very high, and the efficiency of the utilization efficiency of resources in FPGA was relatively poor. HDL language can greatly improve the design ability, but in the maximum device performance of the design method of HDL certain limitations, still cannot provide the FPGA layout optimization and wiring.3.automotive electronic of DSP and FPGA applicationMention of automobile electronic digital, wireless communication is currently not think of software radio technology, although it is for wireless communication, but the software radio to achieve the thoughts, and automotive electronic digital processing is the goal of the spiritual path is come. Therefore, it is necessary to mention and use this technology implementation ideas and thoughts. The concept of software radio for the first time in 1992, is clear, may put the MITRE company by JoeMitola, it is current calculation technology, large scale integrated circuit and digital signal processing technology in the application of wireless communication, It is a basic idea and pursuing the goal is to construct a open, standardization, modular general hardware platform and multiple functions, such as work will band, demodulation type, data formats, encryption mode, communication protocol using software, to realize high flexibility, open communication products. So, for the study of automotive electronic digital products, can draw the following main software radio thought: first, to make the car out of the electronic products, hardware structure, Second, and not the hardware, Third, automobile electronic products should open and compatibility, open refers to the use of the open open, and the production of opening. Below is discussed based on software radio thought DSP and FPGA in automobile electronic application.Based on DSP and FPGA 3.1 the speech signal processingAutomobile electronic products mainly involves the speech processing of the digital processing, speech speech codec, speech compress and voice recognition. Foreign hot automobile electronic products is one of the speech recognition system, speech recognition system has potential applications, including voice calls, phonological operation navigation, televox, anti-theft speech broadcast channels choice identification, etc. For example, a hidden markov model (HMM) of the people, and speech recognition of 100 instructions, literature, it follows that the size of the acoustic HMM model for. Includes sample subdivision/speech input window, MFCC extraction, probability calculation and timely treatment, etc Viterbi search for required for the calculation of general DSP 10,000 million times by add (MAC). For continuous speech recognition, the signal is for better digital signal processing speed and a greater storage space. Because speech recognition system for real-time processing and sampling sound, requires a lot of operation, if they calculation of resource allocation for 20 million times MAC speech recognition, need to have 500 million times processor MAC's ability. Therefore, must use DSP and FPGA to finish the task. DSP and FPGA processing speed speech signal processing application system's complexity and decisive, high-speed DSP and FPGA realizing can realize the track adaptive acoustic field adaptive such modern audio processing and recognition technology. Theoretically, DSP and FPGA processing faster, car audio processing and identify the product application performance is better.With the increasingly diverse applications, DSP and FPGA evolved into a separate chips is no longer, and become the core component. This makes stylist can select appropriate kernel and special logic "cemented together form special DSP and FPGA solutions to meet the need of signal processing. Currently, the DSP core and the ASIC micro controller in chips. Automobile electronic system using common digital signal processor (DSP) and FPGA to achieve speech synthesis, error correction coding. And speech synthesis, speech compress and coding is the first and most DSP widely used, vector encoder will be compressed into speech signal bandwidth channel.3.2 based on DSP and FPGA car image signal processingDigital image processing and analysis technique is a mature two-dimensional signal processing technology, have been widely applied in communication, biological medicine, industrial test and military etc., of course, the car electronics also will involve large amounts of image processing. The car electronics include image processing, image processing and static movement of image processing. At present, many industries have opened the car global positioning system (GPS). GPS vehicle except the coordinates of information transmission oneself, still need to transfer their place of environmental image information, such as rescue injured site, emergencyrelief scene image etc. At the same time, all the traffic flow monitoring image will return traffic command center, also need to undertake image signal processing. For this kind of motor sports images, main characteristics are: first, multi-rate compression. Because wireless channel time-varying system, the effective bandwidth, transmission and data rates tend to be constantly changing, Accordingly, need to adopt more flexible ways, compression rate adaptive channel bandwidth of such changes. Second, the compression ratio. As the volume of data image NTSC TV about 167Mb/s, will the compression 200-6000 times, can adapt the request of transmission bandwidth. Third, the movement of the image motion compensation. Because of its image motion relative motion, there will be doppler frequency shift. The car for high-speed motion, the frequency shift is often cannot ignore, must of image motion compensation.In recent years, along with the rapid development of microelectronics technology and manufacturing process improvement, chip DSP and FPGA, past a case, even a cabinet of signal processing system, now can completely by single chip DSP and FPGA, system design will also from past PCB design to evolvable-oriented VLSI and UVLSI (very large scale integrated circuit chip designs). Meanwhile, due to the large DSP and FPGA technology using digital image processing, hardware structure is also a significant change, it has the basic serial structure, develop parallel processing structure by single chip processor developed into the FPGA digital signal processor (DSP) or more DSP microprocessor system, or the FPGA or with array FPGA high-speed DSP and processing system. Along with the social and economic development, and the people of the digital image processing system requirement of real-time more and more is also high, based on DSP and FPGA digital image processing system application in automobile electronic products range will more and more widely, such as car meeting TV, on-board videophone, vehicle machine vision.Based on DSP and FPGA 3.3 car adaptive real-time processingThe FPGA clock delay can reach level, combining experiments.this DSP and FPGA, therefore the parallel processing DSP and FPGA very suitable for super-fast and real-time signal processing field. As previously mentioned, due to the internal structure of FPGA, it can easily distributed algorithm to realize that structure of automobile electronic high-speed digital signal processing is very favorable. Because of the automobile electronic products usually requires a lot of filtering arithmetic, and the filter function often requires a lot of multiplication and accumulated operating, and through the distributed structure, the arithmetic can effectively achieve the FPGA and accumulated operating. On the other hand, need plenty of complex mathematical operations, can rely on DSP or by DSP nuclear composed of ASIC to finish. In automobile electronic products, product size, weight and power special attention, Indata transmission, in automobile electronic system in digital audio signals generated by a large number of data, to rely on high performance DSP and FPGA to reduce the storage space and bandwidth requirements, video and audio signals to signal encoding, decoding, color space transformation, echo, filtering, error correction, reuse and bittorrent protocol processing tasks adaptive real-time processing, it is often the DSP and FPGA cannot finish.Control theory is the difficulty in the automotive electronics and key problems, using classical and modern control theory and establish the open-loop, dead circulation, optimal and adaptive control system to realize the optimization control car. Establish the control system of a system, the first car as ignition timing optimization control system, established the system identification of the mathematical model, then the corresponding control method for optimizing control. But the engine itself structure is more complex, the influence factors of ignition, fire theoretical derivation optimization mathematical model of the state is difficult. Therefore, generally USES the method of experiment under the condition of all kinds of the best advanced ignition Angle, then deposit based on DSP and FPGA or DSP and FPGA array increasing capacity of external memory, This can be avoided by using computer. In process control system of engine real-time detection (such as engine speed and power, etc), the method of using look-up table, finds out the condition of the best advanced ignition Angle, amended to control the ignition. This better than the traditional method based on computer control, on the other hand, greatly reduce the volume, On the other hand, is more real-time and flexibility. Suspension, refers to the electronic control computer detecting steering and braking condition after the signal processing, can adaptively vehicles and lateral, Yang, and automatically adjust the damping force of shock absorber control system, it can prevent and improve the surface adhesion, wheel ultrasonic sensor is used to control the body high altitude air spring to adjust, elastic system, steering Angle measurement for raster detector etc. And DSP and FPGA and development and application, has made the control system, the vehicle to form the intelligent control system."Intelligent transportation systems" as the car and transportation industries common pursuit direction, it will include smart highways and intelligent vehicle system. It combined with advanced information processing technology and to highway radar technology, impact-proof highway and QiCheLian as a whole, can greatly improve automobile flow, greatly decrease the incidence of traffic accidents. Therefore, the product has been related to intelligent car manufacturers are highly valued. Intelligent transportation system can provide information of the target to pilot, to provide the shortest distance drivers, and can bypass traffic density relative concentration of the best route. "Safety first" is the principle of customer first choice,current research hot car millimeter-wave adaptive anti-collision radar, is to solve the motorway crash because of a traffic accident and developed. Due to the highway of the relative speed between the cars are very high, and frequency difference of radar signals must be extracted real-time. Thus, for radar signals frequency variation.this extraction and processing, and adaptive impact-proof control system, and is often the feedback control processing DSP or FPGA.4 development prospectsIn recent decades of automobile technology, mostly in the major achievements on the application of electronic technology, electronic technology has become an important driving force for development of auto industry. DSP and FPGA appeared to automobile products and automobile electronic technology has brought the revolutionary change of the world automobile industry, DSP and FPGA dosage, formerly monolithic processor as the FPGA digital signal processor (DSP) or the development of digital processor, or the FPGA array FPGA or DSP and high-speed processor. Based on DSP and FPGA of automobile electronic products to meet the needs of the development of the car of the future, and in various models of The Times, by coexists with DSP and FPGA as the core of general hardware platform, can through different software to realize the loading. With the continuous development of automobile electronic technology, digital signal processor (DSP) and FPGA speed will improve. Just as quickly and current development of digital signal processor (DSP), the main trend in monolithic DSP is realized in multiple MAC, more and more wide program registers the data bus, the bus and work more. From the structure, and MIMD by using SIMD instructions, long, etc. Will the FPGA, because of submicron process, its speed is faster, more door. Currently there are XILINX company Lucent and 10 million or more products, and provides some new integrated functions, like SystemonChip ProgrammingonSystem, etc, which is more flexible.China for automotive electronic systems research. Automobile braking anti-lock system, automatic transmission, airbag system in diesel engines and only in some colleges and universities and enterprises, and did not enter the exploratory research practical stage. In automobile electronic technology as a representative of the new technology, the development of China's automobile industry is "bottleneck". In view of this situation, China automobile electronic technology research should not only in automobile energy-saving, environmental protection, safety, strive to master them as the core technology, narrow the gap with developed countries, more should with vehicle-borne communication and high-speed real-time signal processing techniques such as the breakthrough, relying on emerging technology state information technology research achievements, the development advanced vehicle computing and information processing products, drive the car electronics technology, improve theprogress of China's automobile electronic level.中文翻译汽车电子中的DSP和FPGA应用1.引言20世纪末,全球范围内兴起的信息革命浪潮,为汽车工业的突破性发展提供了千载难逢的机遇,信息技术的广泛应用是解决汽车带来的诸如交通拥挤、交通安全、环境污染、能源枯竭等问题的最佳途径。

随着INTEL i960系列特别是后来的ARM系列的广泛应用,32位单片机迅速取代16位单片机的高端地位,并且进入主流市场。
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附录A原文:Freescale Single-chip Microcomputer 'sin automobile control applicationFreescale has the rich micro processing unit (MCU), but widely uses in the automobile electrically controlled engine, the automobile body, the crew member safety, the vehicle door and the chair, the glass, ventilation and air conditioning, skylight and light control, automobile local area network's gateway, communication facility, global positioning system and in other automobile control unit. Its product mainly includes 8/16 bit micro controller (including HC08/HCS08, HC12/HCS12 and so on), 32 bit micro controllers (including PowerPC, ColdFire, ARM and so on)1. 8 bit Single-chip Microcomputer MC68HC11F1 and application1.1 Characteristics of MC68HC11F18 bit micro controller MC68HC11F1 is high performance flash memory technology low cost chip based on the CPU of 8 bit HC08 the CPU . Its dozens of kind of different specification's product may cause the user to make a choice conveniently, the superior price performance ratio may cause the cost of the automobile electronic products to be more inexpensive.Chief feature of MC68HC11F1 : Two kind of power saving mode, stop and waiting; working normal in 3.0-5.0V voltage ; 0, 256b, 512b or 768b in on-chip RAM, Data of RAM will be retained in standby; 0, 12kb or 20kb in on-chip RAM or EPROM; Serical Communication Interface SCI,8 channel, 8 bit A/D transducer ; 16 bit timer systems; 8 bit pulse accumulators, real-time interrupt electric circuit and so on.1.2 MC68HC11F1 is employed in in automobile electronic control systemSince Marelli simple point electronic fuel injectionn engine management system is promoted based on MC68HC11F1, our country Shenyang gold cup sea lion passenger car , the gold cup China passenger vehicle, Anhui Chery passenger vehicle, the Tianjin Xiali passenger vehicle and so on has used this kind of engine management system . Below to take gold cup simple point Marelli logic circuit for an example, I introduces MC68HC11F1 employed in in automobile electronic control system.1.2.1 Compositions of systemAs shown in Figure 1, gold cup simple point Marelli logic circuit is mainly composed of the below part:1.Electric circuit's control core MC68HC11F1 (CPU), is Freescale 8 bit MCU of automobile special-purpose ;2.Tristate bus driver 74HC244 with enable, is the switch of status information input for air conditioning, oil pump, EVAP solenoid valve, idling motor and so on ;3.8 groups rises along D trigger 74HC273 with reset , is driving signal take-off valves for idling motor, host relay, trouble lamp, air conditioning relay power and so on ;4. 512kb 8 bit read-only memory M27C512, uses for to save computer's master routine.Figure 1 gold cup simple point Marelli logic circui1.2.2 principles of workPuting through the power source, power source chip L9710 starts to provide the work power source and sensor's reference voltage, the 8th foot output the low electric potential reset signal and delivers to reset end of the CPU, simultaneously delivers to zero clearing end of 74HC273 to make its output end reset , CPU to enter launching state.First carries on the replacement to the internal hardware, establishes corresponding register, then starts Boot loader procedure, carries on the procedure loading. Reads master routine in the M27C512 in internal RAM , and enters run condition of the programthrough the skipping instruction. The master routine outputs logic “1” (high electric potential)through data bus D2 , after this signal is locked by the 74HC273 outputing the high electric potential control signal from the 6th foot,makes the main relay go through,Adds the 12V power source to the external instrumentation such as the fuel injector the ignition coil and so on . Then read in rotational speed signal and the exterior sensor signal through PA, PE, to judge the vehicles current operating condition, and according to the current operating mode outputs the corresponding driving signal from PD, PG mouth and the data bus ( locked by the 74HC273 )to make the equipment enter the running status . Again reads in the corresponding equipment's status messages through PA, PD, PG and the data bus (drived by the 74HC244 ), carries on the comparison with control rule chart of the M27C512 , to optimizate and adjust ignition timing and spurts oil system's control. The logic circuit, the sensor and the implementing agency constitution make up of closed-loop control system to make the engine be at the optimum condition.2. 16 Single-chip Microcomputer MC9S12DP256 and application2.1 Characteristics of MC9S12DP256MC9S12DP256 is high speed, the high performance, 5.0V the Flash memory's 16 bit micro controllers which based on 16 bit HCS12 CPU and 0.25 um microelectronic technology . Its high performance-to-price ratio is suitable in some upscale automobile control system, the simple background development pattern will also further reduce the development cost , simultaneously also will cause the scene development and the system upgrade becomes more convenient.Basic frequency of MC9S12DP256 reached as high as 25 MHz, many standard modules are also integrated on the piece, including 2 Serical Communication Interface ,3 Serial Peripheral Interface, 8 channels the timer input capture/output comparison ,2 of ten bit 8 channels conversion module of A/D,one of 8 channels Pulse Width Modulate, 49 of independent digit I/O mouth (which of 20 have the function of the external interrupt and awakens), combined 5 of CAN module with CAN2.0A/B agreement as well as a internal IC bus module; Its internal has 256kb Flash EEPRROM, 12kb RAM, 4kb EEPROM.2.2 MC9S12DP256 is employed in in automobile electronic control systemFigure 2 is the typical schematic diagram of automobile gating system . Its central microcontroller selects Single-chip Microcomputer MC9S12DP256, MC33389A, MC33884, MC33887, MC33486 and so on is the Freescale intelligence simulation component. Which of MC33389A is power switch chip providing the CPU working voltage (5V);it turns the ignition swithing signal, the vehicle door switching signal and the panel switch signal by SPI on the micro controller to carry on awakens, reset , interrupt and so on; Also it has the fault-tolerant function driver of CAN physicslevel ; In addition, it may turn the system on finished Automobile network. Leading role of MC33884 is the real-time monitor panel switch's condition and actuates board's headlamp. MC33887 is a driving circuit chip, which uses in the rear view mirror position electrical motor, the rear view mirror electrical folding motor and the door lock electrical motor's actuation, this function may also select MC33884 to coordinate independent driving tube MOS to complete. MC33290 mainly uses in overall system's diagnosis.Figure 2 automobile gating control system3 32 Single-chip Microcomputer MPC500 and application3.1 Characteristics of MPC500As this domain's lead goat, the MPC500 series has passed through designed specially, has satisfied the strict working conditions request which the high speed travel automobile needed. the entire product line including not flash memory MPC561,MPC566 which built-in 1M flash memory and so on, aims at many kinds ofdifferent application environment. May apply in dynamic transfer systems like gasoline engine management, direct fuel injection, electronic transmission control and so on as well as the stable control system and hanging application system. MPC500 series MCU also has innovation functions of floating point unit and intelligent clock and so on , can satisfy the control speed and the accuracy requirement.The MPC500 intension including a system integration mold (SIM), a time processing unit (TPU), a queue serial interface mold (QSM), the 2k static state stochastic memory, has the TPU simulation ability (TPURAM). Uses the HCMOS technology, may further reduce the product power loss, simultaneously the command system contains special-purpose low power loss instruction LPSTOP. Under the system clock stopped state, the power dissipation is lowest.3.2 MPC500 is employed in in automobile electronic control systemMPC500 mainly applies in the new motor car engine management system , like GM P5, P6 series engine management system . Figure 3 is engine management system which based on 32 bit MPC500 .4 SummarySince the mid-1990s, the intelligence electronic products' has been getting more and more widespread apply in automobile , already rapidly expand for automobile synthesis electronic control technology. It take the large scale integrated circuit and the controller local area network as the characteristic, including the Single-chip Microcomputer , the clever power source and the intelligent sensor, it utilizes the computer network and the communication tecnology, both can expand the original limited comprehensive electronic control system into the automobile whole integrated control system, and may join with the automobile exterior road, the transportation, the correspondence condition , makes the automobile to become a part of the intelligence transportation system or an intelligence road system.Figure 3 composite strategy of 32 bit MPC500 micro controller's engine managementsystem译文:Freescale单片机在汽车控制中的应用Freescale拥有丰富的微处理单元(MCU),可广泛用于汽车电控发动机、车身、乘员安全、车门和座椅、车窗、通风和空调、天窗和灯光控制,汽车局域网的网关、通信设备、全球定位系统及其他汽车控制单元中。