第九讲 修辞格的翻译2











His present hunger awoke and gnawed at him.这会儿,他肚子里的饥饿又苏醒过来撕咬着他。



Christ,to hear some of th ose sailor’s myths,you’dthink bloody Fort know was on every ship that sailed.天哪,要是听信有些水手的胡说八道,你会以为每条出海的船上都有该死的诺克斯堡哩。





safe and sound安然无恙now and never机不可失(1)He is the mouth of the House in its relations with the crown.他是议会对王室的发言人。


Байду номын сангаас
拟人(Personification) 拟人(Personification)
拟人就是把动物和没有生命的事物当成有思想感 情的人类来描写,甚至让它们具有人的行为。这 些事物可以是无生命的实体,还可以是抽象的概 念, 如:a smiling moon(微笑的月亮),a 如:a moon(微笑的月亮),a crying city(哭泣的城市),to strangle justice city(哭泣的城市),to (扼杀正义)等。 英汉两种语言中都有这种修辞手法,在翻译的时 候一般可采取直译的方法再现原文的生动形象。
3)We must work to live, and they give us such mean wages that we die. (Oscar Wilde, The Young King) King) 我们不得不做工来养活自己,可是他们只给我们那么少的 工钱,我们简直活不下去。 (巴金译) 4)Nay, he said—yes you did—deny it if you can, that said— did— you would not have confessed the truth, though master had cut you to pieces. (Henry Fielding, The History of Tom Jones, A Foundling) Foundling) 他还说——你是这么说的,有本事你就抵赖好了。你还说, 他还说——你是这么说的,有本事你就抵赖好了。你还说, 就是老师把你剁成肉酱,你也绝不招出实情。(萧乾译)
修辞格翻译(2 修辞格翻译(2)
转喻(Metonymy) 转喻(Metonymy)
转喻就是借与人或事物有关联的事物来指代人或事物。根 据上下文,既可以直译,也 可以意译。首先请看下面的例句: 1)Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? 生命当真如此可贵,和平当真如此甜蜜,竟值得以枷锁和 奴役为代价去换取吗? 在这里,chains(枷锁)指代“束缚”,直译既可以保留 在这里,chains(枷锁)指代“束缚”,直译既可以保留 原文的感染力,又可以为读者理解。但并不是在所有情况 下直译都是最好选择,例如:John 下直译都是最好选择,例如:John spent many years in chains beforehe saw his family again. Chains 在这里指 代“囚禁”,若译成“约翰在枷锁中过了许多年才又见到 他的家人”则嫌不够自然,可意译成“约翰在监牢里呆了 很多年才又见到他的家人”。


• 连大地都震动了,仿佛万马奔腾,千夫怒 吼。
• 英语时态是靠动词的词形变化或助词来体 现的。汉语中的动词没有时态的变化,要 表达时态就必须靠时态助词和一些表示时 间的词。所以,在表达过去的概念时往往 加上“曾”、“已经”、“过”、“了” 等字眼在表达进行时态时往往用“在”、 “正在”、“着”等字眼在表达将来时态 时往往用“将”、“就”、“要”、“会 Translation ”、“便”等字眼。
• 3) She is extroverted, smiling all the day. • 她性格开朗,整天面带笑容。
3. 增加概括词
• 概括词是英汉两种语言所共有的,但有时 英语句子中并没有出现概括词,而翻译的 时候却往往可以加入“两人”、“双方” 、“等”、“等等”、“凡此种种”等概 括词,同时省略掉英语中的连接词。
6. 增加表达复数的词
• 汉语中的名词没有复数概念,也没有词形 上的变化,很多情况下不必表达出来;而 英语中的名词有词形的变化,但没有量词 ,所以在翻译成汉语的时候,可根据情况 增加重叠词、数词或其他一些词来表达复 数的概念,以达到修辞效果。
• • • • • •Translation Nhomakorabea18
• He discussed greatness and excellence. • 他探讨了伟大和杰出的涵义. • He spoke with firmness, but his face was sad and his eyes at times were dim.

英语常用修辞格的翻译 课堂

英语常用修辞格的翻译 课堂
(秦牧:《向科学技术现代化进军的战鼓》)(排比) ? eg:Our production is in burning need of science!
Our revolution is in burning need of science! Our people are in burning need of science!
? eg:她在度过 欢乐一天之后,却又熬过一个 不眠之 夜
? 译文:After a happy day,she had a sleepless night.。
? eg:然而悲惨的皱纹 ,却也从他的眉头和嘴角出现 了。(《鲁迅全集》第二卷)
? 译文:Miserable wrinklesbegan to appear between
之间的联想,如上面例1中的 thud 及例2中的clatter。因此,在翻译时,我
们不得不考虑这些差异,适当地进行加工,如例1中的 “突突”不是译成
“tu-tu”,而是用 thud;例2中的 “得、得、得”不是译成 “de-de”,
eg:每条岭都是那么温柔,虽然下自山脚,上至岭 顶,长满了珍贵的林木,可是谁也不孤峰突起, 盛气凌人。(老舍:《小花朵集》)
译文:All the ridges were so amiable. None of them stood above the others with arrogance,
? eg:他昂首挺胸,趾高气扬,傲慢无比,讲开了每个小学生都 知道的东西。
? 译文: How haughtily he cocks his nose,to tell what every schoolboy knows.



英语修辞手法总结Figures of speech (修辞)are ways of making our language figurative. When we use words in other than their ordinary or literal sense to lend force to an idea, to heighten effect, orto create suggestive imagery, we are said to be speaking or writing figuratively. Now we are going to talk about some common forms of figures of speech.1) Simile:(明喻)It is a figure of speech which makes a comparison between two unlike elements having at least one quality or characteristic (特性)in common. To make the comparison, words like as, as...as, as if and like are used to transfer the quality we associate with one to the other. For example, As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country.2) Metaphor:(暗喻)It is like a simile, also makes a comparison between two unlike elements, but unlike a simile, this comparison is implied rather than stated. For example, the worldis a stage.3) Analogy: (类比)It is also a form of comparison, but unlike simile or metaphor which usually uses comparison on one point of resemblance, analogy draws a parallel between two unlike things that have several common qualities or points of resemblance.4) Personification: (拟人)It gives human form of feelings to animals, or life and personal attributes(赋予) to inanimate(无生命的) objects, or to ideas and abstractions(抽象). For example, the wind whistled through the trees.5) Hyperbole: (夸张) It is the deliberate use of overstatement or exaggeration to achieve emphasis. For instance, he almost died laughing.6) Understatement: (含蓄陈述) It is the opposite of hyperbole, or overstatement. Itachieves its effect of emphasizing a fact by deliberately(故意地) understating it,impressing the listener or the reader more by what is merely implied or left unsaid than by bare statement. For instance, It is no laughing matter.7) Euphemism: (委婉) It is the substitution of an agreeable or inoffensive(无冒犯) expression for one that may offend or suggest something unpleasant. For instance, we refer to "die" as " pass away".8) Metonymy (转喻)It is a figure of speech that has to do with the substitution of the mane of one thing for that of another. For instance, the pen (words) is mightier than the sword (forces).9) Synecdoche (提喻) It is involves the substitution of the part for the whole, or thewhole for the part. For instance, they say there's bread and work for all. She was dressedin silks.10) Antonomasia (换喻)It has also to do with substitution. It is not often mentioned now, though it is still in frequent use. For example, Solomon for a wise man. Daniel for a wise and fair judge. Judas for a traitor.11) Pun: (双关语) It is a play on words, or rather a play on the form and meaning of words. For instance, a cannon-ball took off his legs, so he laid down his arms. (Here "arms" has two meanings: a person's body; weapons carried by a soldier.)12) Syllepsis: (一语双叙) It has two connotations.In the first case, it is a figure by which a word, or a particular form or inflection of a word, refers to two or more words in the same sentence, while properly applying to or agreeing with only on of them in grammar or syntax(句法). For example, He addressed you and me, and desired us to follow him. (Here us is used to refer to you and me.)In the second case, it a word may refer to two or more words in the same sentence. For example, while he was fighting , and losing limb and mind, and dying, others stayed behind to pursue education and career. (Here to losing one's limbs in literal; to lose one's mindis figurative, and means to go mad.)13) Zeugma: (轭式搭配) It is a single word which is made to modify or to govern two or more words in the same sentence, wither properly applying in sense to only one of them, orapplying to them in different senses. For example, The sun shall not burn you by day, nor the moon by night. (Here noon is not strong enough to burn)14) Irony: (反语) It is a figure of speech that achieves emphasis by saying the opposite of what is meant, the intended meaning of the words being the opposite of their usual sense. For instance, we are lucky, what you said makes me feel real good.15) Innuendo: (暗讽) It is a mild form of irony, hinting in a rather roundabout (曲折)way at something disparaging(不一致) or uncomplimentary(不赞美) to the person or subject mentioned. For example, the weatherman said it would be worm. He must take his readings in a bathroom.16) Sarcasm: (讽刺) It Sarcasm is a strong form of irony. It attacks in a taunting and bitter manner, and its aim is to disparage, ridicule and wound the feelings of the subject attacked. For example, laws are like cobwebs, which may catch small flies, but let wasps break through.17) Paradox: (似非而是的隽语) It is a figure of speech consisting of a statement or proposition which on the face of it seems self-contradictory, absurd or contrary to established fact or practice, but which on further thinking and study may prove to be true, well-founded, and even to contain a succinct point. For example more haste, less speed.18) Oxymoron: (矛盾修饰) It is a compressed paradox, formed by the conjoining(结合) of two contrasting, contradictory or incongruous(不协调) terms as in bitter-sweet memories, orderly chaos(混乱) and proud humility(侮辱).19) Antithesis: (对照) It is the deliberate arrangement of contrasting words or ideas in balanced structural forms to achieve emphasis. For example, speech is silver; silence is golden.20) Epigram: (警句) It states a simple truth pithily(有利地) and pungently(强烈地). It is usually terse and arouses interest and surprise by its deep insight into certain aspects of human behavior or feeling. For instance, Few, save the poor, feel for the poor.21) Climax: (渐进) It is derived from the Greek word for "ladder" and implies the progression of thought at a uniform or almost uniform rate of significance or intensity,like the steps of a ladder ascending evenly. For example, I came, I saw, I conquered.22) Anti-climax or bathos: (突降)It is the opposite of Climax. It involves stating one's thoughts in a descending order of significance or intensity, from strong to weak, from weighty to light or frivolous. For instance, But thousands die, without or this or that, die, and endow(赋予) a college, or a cat.23) Apostrophe: (顿呼) In this figure of speech, a thing, place, idea or person (dead or absent) is addressed as if present, listening and understanding what is being said. For instance, England! awake! awake! awake!24) Transferred Epithet: (转类形容词) It is a figure of speech where an epithet (anadjective or descriptive phrase) is transferred from the noun it should rightly modify(修饰) to another to which it does not really apply or belong. For instance, I spent sleeplessnights on my project.25) Alliteration: (头韵) It has to do with the sound rather than the sense of words for effect. It is a device that repeats the same sound at frequent intervals(间隔) and since the sound repeated is usually the initial consonant sound, it is also called "front rhyme". For instance, the fair breeze blew, the white foam flew, the furrow followed free.26) Onomatopoeia: (拟声) It is a device that uses words which imitate the sounds made by an object (animate or inanimate), or which are associated with or suggestive(提示的) of some action or movementExplanation version1一、什么是修辞格修辞格(figures of speech)是提高语言表达效果的语言艺术。

Chapter 9 英语修辞格及翻译

Chapter 9 英语修辞格及翻译

2. 词义修辞格 • 2.7 transferred epithet • Example 13 • The indefatigable bell now sounded for the fourth time. • 那不知疲倦的钟声如今敲第四遍了。
2. 词义修辞格 • 2.8 personification • 把非人之事物当作人来描写,把本来只适用于 人的词语(如动词、形容词、名词或代词)用 来描述物,赋予物以人的属性 • 与汉语的“拟人”完全相同
2. 词义修辞格 • • • • 2.13 oxymoron Example 22 She looked tall and splendidly alone. 她个子高高的,好像鹤立鸡群,显得格外俊俏。
2. 词义修辞格 • 2.2 metaphor • Example 7 • His present hunger awoke and gnawed at him. • 眼下他肚子里的饥饿又苏醒过来撕咬着他。 (拟物)
2. 词义修辞格 • 2.3 allusion 暗示/提及 • 特点是不注明出处,一般多引用一个关键词或 词组,将其糅合在作者的话语中。 • 引用的东西包括典故、谚语、成语、格言或俗 语等,大多源出《圣经》故事以及希腊、罗马 神话等 • 近似汉语中的“暗引”
1. 音韵修辞格 • 1.1 Onomatopoeia • 是模仿事物发出的声响的修辞手法 • 与汉语的拟声辞格完全相同
1. 音韵修辞格 • • • • 1.1 Onomatopoeia Example 1 The cart rattled down the street. 二轮马车发着嘎嘎声沿街驶过。
Chapter 9
修辞格(figures of speech)的分类



第九章英语修辞格的译法(教学安排:2课时)修辞格(figure of speech)是提高语言表达效果的语言艺术。











英语simile 的比喻词一般是like, as(……as)等, 汉语明喻的比喻词通常是“好像”、“仿佛”、“一样”、“犹如”、“若”、“似”等。

例如:例1原文:They are like streetcars running contentedly on their rails.译文:1.直译当英语和汉语明喻中的喻义和喻体相对应时,可以采取直译。

例2原文:Among so many well-dressed and cultured people, the country girl felt like a fish out of water.译文:例3原文:Mrs. Macbeth has a heart as hard as flint.译文:例4原文:Previously, if I had been really interested in a book, I would race from page to page, eager to know what came next. Now, I decide, I had to become a miser with words and stretch every sentence like a poor man spending his last dollar.译文:例5as cold as ice as light as feather as bold as a lionas rapid as lightening as hungry as a wolf applause like thundersas sly as a fox as slow as a turtle as busy as a bee as dirty and greedy as a pig 2.改变喻体当英汉明喻中的喻义相同而喻体不同时,翻译时需要改变喻体。



❖As close as an oyster 守口如瓶
❖As sure as a gun
❖As cool as a cucumber 泰然自若
❖As mute as a fish
❖As blue as the great sea
❖(3) as if; as though
❖ 婚姻像是一个被包围的城堡:外边的想要进去,里边的想 要出来。
❖(2) as
❖As the lion is king of beasts, so is the eagle king of birds.
❖Love goes towards love, as schoolboys from their books;
❖The pain of separation ❖The light of learning ❖A vicious circle ❖Room for negotiation ❖An angry sky ❖Graves yawned ❖Killing half-an-hour ❖Shoulder of the hill 山脊 ❖Friendly river ❖Laughing valleys
❖Rhetoric 修辞学
❖Rhetoric is the art of discourse, an art that
aims to improve the capability of writers or speakers that attempt to inform, persuade, or motivate particular audiences in specific



• 他(指索罗)说:“如果一个人要说什 么,就应像竹筒倒豆子那样直截了当地 说出来。”
• Mr. Smith may serve as a good secretary, for he is as close as an oyster. • 史密斯先生可以当个好秘书,因为他守 口如瓶。
• as cunning as a dead pig • as happy as a cow • a fly in the ointment(药膏 ) • you can’t make bricks without straw
• Advice and correction roll off him like water off a duck’s back. • 劝导对他好象水过鸭背似的(不起作用)。
• 比喻形象在中英民族中概念不同 • 比喻的事物是各民族特有的成语典故
• 当差异不利于理解,而汉语里恰有相对应 的固定比喻,可用中国特有比喻来替换
• 英语比喻美感的再现应以比喻内容为基 础,发掘比喻美的真正所在,同时致力 于形式的表现,尽可能用“形神兼备” 的翻译来传神达意。在实在不可能“形 似”时,要在“神似”的条件下,竭力 用其它方法和手段表现出原比喻的意之 真谛、美之内涵。依据这一原则,可采 用以下方法:
• Passion was to go to sleep in the presence of Mrs. General and blood was to change to milk and water. (Dickens. Little Dorrit)
as brave as lion as black as crow



61、奢侈是舒适的,否则就不是奢侈 。——CocoCha nel 62、少而好学,如日出之阳;壮而好学 ,如日 中之光 ;志而 好学, 如炳烛 之光。 ——刘 向 63、三军可夺帅也,匹夫不可夺志也。 ——孔 丘 64、人生就是学校。在那里,与其说好 的教师 是幸福 ,不如 说好的 教师是 不幸。 ——海 贝尔 65、接受挑战,就可以享受胜利的喜悦 。——杰纳勒 尔·乔治·S·巴顿
1、合法而稳定的权力在使用得当时很 少遇到 抵抗。 ——塞 ·约翰 逊 2、权力会使人渐渐失去温厚善良的美 德。— —伯克
3、最大限度地行使权力总是令人反感 ;权力 不易确 定之处 始虽然权力是一头固执的熊,可是金 子可以 拉着它 的鼻子 走。— —莎士 比










His present hunger awoke and gnawed at him.这会儿,他肚子里的饥饿又苏醒过来撕咬着他。



Christ,to hear some of th ose sailor’s myths,you’dthink bloody Fort know was on every ship that sailed.天哪,要是听信有些水手的胡说八道,你会以为每条出海的船上都有该死的诺克斯堡哩。





safe and sound安然无恙now and never机不可失(1)He is the mouth of the House in its relations with the crown.他是议会对王室的发言人。


1. 那男孩像只蜗牛慢慢向前挪动,嘟哝着不愿去上学。2. 那男孩一动不动地呆着。3. 我们为那伟大的一文不值的信念而死。4. -- 那个律师死后能干什么? (1)--静静地躺着。 (2)--躺着说鬼话。
quiet, light, fresh ,blind, clear, stubborn, cunning, old ,slippery, busy
明喻 Simile
英语中的simile和汉语明喻基本格式相同,一般情况下,可以照直翻译。as busy as bee 像蜜蜂一样忙碌as brave as lion 像狮子一样勇猛as black as crow 像乌鸦一般黑as sharp as knife 像刀一样锋利
1 go to sleep in the presence of Mrs. General and blood was to change to milk and water. (Dickens. Little Dorrit) 在杰纳勒尔夫人跟前,一个人的激情会变得麻木不仁,热血也会变成掺了水的牛奶。
1. Most of us are too ready to apply to others the cold wind of criticism, we are somehow reluctant to give our fellows the warm sunshine of praise. 我们中的很多人太容易给别人批评的冷风,而不愿意给自己的同伴赞扬的阳光。2. Men are April when they woo, December when they wed, maids are May when they maids, but the sky changes when they are wives. (Shakespeare) 男人求爱时如和煦的4月,婚后却像寒冬腊月;闺中少女则宛若温暖的5月,而为人妇后却像易变的天气阴晴莫测。


”是一个常见 的修辞格,用来形容一个人表面上爱 好某事物,实际上并非真心喜欢。在 翻译这个修辞格时,需要考虑西方文 化中是否有对应的表达方式。如果没 有,则需创造性地寻找或构建一个等 效的表达方式,以传达原修辞格的含 义。
意译法是指摆脱原文修辞格的束缚,以传达原文意义为主,不拘泥于原文修辞格的形式。当原文的修 辞格比较复杂或难以理解时,意译法是一种更为灵活的翻译方法。在采用意译法时,译者应注重传达 原文的意义和精神,而不是拘泥于修辞格的表面形式。
将非人的事物赋予人的特征或情 感。
拟人是将非人类的生物、事物或 抽象概念赋予人的特性或情感, 使其更具有人性化的表现。例如 ,“那朵花在微风中微笑着。”
通过夸大或缩小事物的特征来强调情 感或效果。
夸张是一种修辞手法,通过夸大或缩 小事物的特征、数量、程度等,以强 调所要表达的情感或效果。例如,“ 他的歌声响彻云霄。”
增加必要的解释或说明,帮助读者理解 修辞格的含义
增译法是指在翻译过程中增加必要的解释 或说明,以帮助读者更好地理解修辞格的 含义。当原文的修辞格比较特殊或难以理 解时,增译法可以帮助读者更好地理解原 文的含义。通过增加适当的解释或说明, 译者可以弥补修辞格在目的语中的文化缺 失,使译文更加完整和易于理解。
排比是一种修辞手法,通过使用三个或以上结构相似、意义相近的句子,来加强 语势和表达效果。例如,“我爱生活,我爱音乐,我爱大自然。”
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1)美国作家海明威的小说名 A Farewell to Arms 中的 “arms”一语双关,第一层意思为 “武器”, 代表帝国主义战争,第二层意思为 “手臂”,代表 拥抱与爱情,该词点出了他这部作品的双重主题。 此书有两个汉译本,一本把书名译为《永别了,武 器》,另一本处理成《战地春梦》,在体现书名里 的双关语这一点上,后一种译法更为恰切:“战” 与 “春”分别译出原文 arms 的两层意思。
顶真;Anadiplosis 1) 有个农村叫张家庄 张家庄 张家庄,张家庄 张木匠。 张家庄 张家庄有个张木匠 张木匠 张木匠有个好老婆,外号叫“小飞娥 小飞娥”。小 张木匠 小飞娥 小 飞娥生了个女儿叫艾艾。(赵树理:《登 飞娥 记》)There was a village called Zhangjia Village,where lived Carpenter Zhang,who had a good wife,nicknamed Little Moห้องสมุดไป่ตู้h, who gave birth to a girl called Ai’ai.
脚韵 (Rhyme) 1) 饭来张口,衣来伸手 口 手 have only to open one’s mouth to be fed and hold out one’s hands to be dressed ---- lead an easy life 2) 秦时明月汉时关, 关 万里长征人未还。(王昌龄:《从军行〈之三〉》) 还 The age-old moon still shines o’er the ancient Great Wall, But our frontier guardsmen have not come back at all.
2) 民国万税 天下太贫 这是解放前有人讽刺国民党反动统治的一 副对联,其中 “税”与 “岁”谐音,“贫” 与 “平”谐音,这样的谐音双关的确很难翻 译。
3) When a woman complained to her butcher that his sausages tasted like meat at one end,but like bread at the other,he replied:“Madam,in times like these no butcher can make both ends meat.” 这个原文里的最后一个 meat 是个谐音双关,表 面意思为:“ 把香肠的两头都填上肉”,而实际上 应是英语成语 “make both ends meet”,意为: “使收支相抵”、“靠微薄收入为生”。
3 弥补法 ——对不能译的辞格:尽可能补救
头韵 ;Alliteration 1) Dumb dogs are dangerous. 不吠的狗最危险。 2) Sarah sits by six sick city slickers. 萨拉坐在来自城里的六个生着病的狡猾骗子的身旁。 3) Four fat friars fanned flickering flames. 四个肥胖的修士扇着闪烁不定的火焰。 4) Round the rough and rugged rock the ragged rascal rudely ran. 那个衣着破烂的恶棍绕着粗糙不平的岩石狂奔。
3) When the cat’s away,the mice will play. 猫儿不在,鼠儿作怪。 怪 在 4) health and wealth 健康与财富 fair and square 正大光明的 high flyer 野心勃勃的人;好高骛远的人 low blow 不正大光明的行为;打腰部以下 的一击
. 精警;Paradox;Oxymoron 1) 他细味他俩最近的几页可爱的历史。想一节伤一回心,但 他宁愿这样甜蜜的伤心 甜蜜的伤心。(《朱自清文集》第一卷)He 甜蜜的伤心 meditated upon their recent pleasant experiences. Each time he indulged in such meditation,he felt heart-broken. But he was eager to taste this kind of sweet bitterness. 2) 年年难过年年过, 处处无家处处家。(解放前的一副趣联) Hard up,we manage to get over it each year; Homeless,we try to make home everywhere.
反复;Repetition 1) 知否,知否 应是绿肥红瘦。(李清照:《如梦令 知否,知否? (一)》) Don’t you know, Don’t you know The red should languish and the green must grow? 2) 争渡,争渡,惊起一滩鸥鹭。(李清照《如梦令(二)》) 争渡,争渡 I struggled and struggled out of the tangle. I thus alarmed a beach of herons and gulls.
3) Why,then,O brawling love! O loving hate! O any thing,of nothing first created! O heavy lightness! serious vanity! Mis-shapen chaos of well-seeming forms! Feather of lead,bright smoke,cold fire,sick health! Still-waking sleep that is not what it is! ----This love feel I,that feel no love in this. (William Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet) 啊,吵吵闹闹的相爱 亲亲热热的怨恨! 吵吵闹闹的相爱,亲亲热热的怨恨 吵吵闹闹的相爱 亲亲热热的怨恨 啊,无中生有的一切 无中生有的一切! 无中生有的一切 啊,沉重的轻浮 严肃的狂妄 沉重的轻浮,严肃的狂妄 沉重的轻浮 严肃的狂妄, 整齐的混乱, 整齐的混乱 铅铸的羽毛,光明的烟雾 寒冷的火焰,憔悴的健康 光明的烟雾,寒冷的火焰 憔悴的健康, 铅铸的羽毛 光明的烟雾 寒冷的火焰 憔悴的健康 永远觉醒的睡眠,否定的存在 永远觉醒的睡眠 否定的存在! 否定的存在 我感觉到的爱情正是这么一种东西,可是我并不喜爱这一种爱情。 (朱生豪译)
2) 这对年轻夫妇并不相配,一个是西施 西施,一 西施 个是张飞 张飞。 张飞 This young couple is not well matched,one is a Xi Shi --- a famous Chinese beauty, while the other is a Zhang Fei --- a wellknown ill-tempered brute.
4) 枯眼望遥山隔水,往来曾见几心知? 壶空怕酌一杯酒,笔下难成和韵诗。 途路阻人离别久,讯音无雁寄回迟。 孤灯夜守长寥寂,夫忆妻兮父忆儿。 (宋代李禺远征在外,写了这首夫忆妻的诗。 如从全诗的最 后一个字起倒读,则成为一首妻忆夫的诗: 儿忆父兮妻忆夫,寂寥长守夜灯孤。 迟回寄雁无音讯,久别离人阻路途。 诗韵和成难下笔,酒杯一酌怕空壶。 知心几见曾来往?水隔山遥望眼枯。)
3) He is a modern Samson. 他是现代参孙式的大力士 参孙式的大力士。 参孙式的大力士 (Samson:参孙,《圣经》中人物,以身强力大著称。) 4) We have enrolled every local Cicero. 我们把各地西塞罗式的雄辩家 西塞罗式的雄辩家都招来了。(Cicero:西塞罗, 西塞罗式的雄辩家 古罗马雄辩家、政治家、哲学家。) 5) Our village Hercules has come. 我们村的大力士 大力士来了。(Hercules:海格立斯,希腊神话里 大力士 主神宙斯之子,力大无比,曾完成十二项英雄事迹。)
拟声 (Onomatopoeia) 1) 卜卜卜 卜卜卜——机关枪的声音跟着又来。(茅 盾:《子夜》) The staccato chatter of a machine-gun was heard again.
3) A hammering clatter of hoofs beating the hard road.“得、得、得”,坚硬的路面上响 得 得 得 着接连不断的马蹄声。 4) White jagged lightning,followed by the brazen clash and deep rumble of thunder. 天空中闪过一道成V形的白色闪电,紧接着传 来一声霹雳 霹雳,然后是深沉的隆隆 隆隆雷声。 霹雳 隆隆
1)狗拿耗子——多管闲事 be as nosy as a dog trying to catch a rat; 2)瞎子点灯——白费蜡 be like a blind man holding a candle -- a sheer waste of wax。
回文;Palindrome;Chiasmus 回文; ; 1) 雾锁山头山锁雾 天连水尾水连天(福建厦门鼓浪屿脯浦朕) 2) 斗鸡山上山鸡斗 龙隐岩中岩隐龙 3) 客上天然居,居然天上客 人过大佛寺,寺佛大过人 (天然居,北京店铺名。乾隆出上联,纪晓岚对下 联。)
这种看似矛盾、实则入情入理的矛盾修辞方 法,汉英两种语言里都有,在汉语里称作精 警,在英语里前后两句话或同一句话的前后 两个部分采用似非而是的修辞手法,称作 paradox ;一个词语(如名词或动词)被一 个反义词(如形容词或副词)修饰,这在英 语里称作 oxymoron 。
英语中有不少运用头韵的惯用词组: fair and foul 好与坏 safe and sound 安然无恙 bed and board 吃和住 bag and baggage 连同全部财物,完全彻底地 forgive and forget 不念旧恶 time and tide 时候 tit for tat 一报还一报 sink or swim 好歹试试看,不管是沉是浮