



Yes,mom.First,dig the soil. Then put the seed in the soil and water it every day. Make sure it gets lots of sun .
Baby ,do you know how to plant the plants now ?
Plant: The plant will get bigger and stroLeabharlann ger.Home work:
Remember these key words and sentences :
Soil: Seed: First, dig the soil . Then put the seed in the soil , and water the seed .
I want to plant some flowers in the garden . So what should I need?
Yes, I need some flower seeds .
Then put the seeds in the soil.
We are flower seeds .We are in the soil . Soil is our new home. We want to grow up . We need some…? We need some water and sunshine, So please water us and put us under the sun every day.
Sprout: You can see the sprout in several days . Plant: The plant will get bigger and stronger.



What Are Acid Rain's Effects?
Acid deposition has a variety of effects, including damage to forests and soils, fish and other living things, materials, and human health. Acid rain also reduces how far and how clearly we can see through the air, an effect called visibility reduction.
How Do We Measure Acid Rain?
Acid rain is measured using a scale called "pH." The lower a substance's pH, the more acidic it is. Pure water has a pH of 7.0. Normal rain is slightly acidic because carbon dioxide dissolves into it, so it has a pH of about 5.5. As of the year 2000, the most acidic rain falling in the US has a pH otand acid deposition's causes and effects
To understand acid deposition's causes and effects and track changes in the environment, scientists from state governments and academic study acidification processes. They collect air and water samples and measure them for various characteristics like pH and chemical composition,. and they research the effects of acid deposition on human-made materials such as marble and bronze(青铜). Finally, scientists work to understand the effects of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) - the pollutants that cause acid deposition and fine particles - on human health.


任意可计算函数都可以用图灵机计算出 来(Church论题)
图灵机等价于0型文法 确定型图灵机等价于非确定型图灵机。
是否存在某个通用的算法,它能够断定任意给 定的图灵机在任意的输入下能否停机?
任意一个不可判断的问题,都等价于停机问题。 结论:
图灵机是一种用来定义可计算函数的抽 象计算机
图灵机只有一个单一的数据结构,即一个称 为“带子”的可变长线性数组
读出头所指定位置的字符可以被读出或被修 改。程序可以根据读出的值进行转移。
任何一种程序设计语言都可能代替其它语言 程序设计语言不存在质的区别,只有量的区别,如
是否优美、易用、高效等 任何一种程序设计语言都有它存在的理由
返回 21
4.2 语言的语义
程序设计语言基本上都是以上下文无关 文法(特别是 LR(k) 文法)的核心设计的。
但语法分析已经不再是人们感兴趣的研 究问题了。
如,能产生什么样的串、给定串是否属于文法规定的语言、 语言是否为空等
可用来计数和比较两个项,产生形如ancbn的串 可以用堆栈来实现 可用来自动产生程序的语法分析树 2型和3型文法的相关问题都已基本上得到解决
产生式的形式为: , 其中任意非终结符 串, 是终结符和非终结符的任意序列,但 中的符号个数应不多于的符号个数
从开始符开始导出的串的长度是递增的 在生成串时,需要使用固定数量的存储空间,例如

《Unit6 The story of rain》第四课时PPT课件

《Unit6 The story of rain》第四课时PPT课件
2. Sometimes it’s white . Sometimes it’s black . Sometimes it looks like a dog . Sometime it looks like a cat . What is it ?
It’s the cloud .
3. It’s big . It’s old . It’s red . It’s warm . It’s
Unit 6 The Story of Rain
Answer the questions about Yao Ming:
1.Is Yao Ming tall and strong?
Yes, he is.
2.Where does he come from?
He comes from Shanghai.
vapour v-a-p-our
sun s-u-n
Sun , sun , warm sun . I can see the warm sun .
Stream , stream , pretty stream .
(water) I can see the pretty stream .
stream str-ea-m
3. Where does the cloud come from ?
It comes from the vapour
4. Where does the vapour come from ? It comes from the water in the stream .
5. How can the water become vapour?
round . It comes up in the east . And it goes

小学英语:Unit 6 The Story of Rain精品课件(人教PEP版六年级上册)

小学英语:Unit 6 The Story of Rain精品课件(人教PEP版六年级上册)

1)Recite the 4-skill words:rain,cloud,sun and stream2; )Say sentences well by
using your cards.
寻根问祖 It comes from
It comes from
It comes fromபைடு நூலகம்
A: Where does the ?
B: It comes from the
come from .
mutton apple juice
pork milk bread
sheep apple pig cow flour
water sun shines vapour
1. Where does the water come from ?
It comes from the rain
2. Where does the rain come from ?
It comes from the cloud
3. Where does the cloud come from ?
The sun shines and the water becomes vapour.
water cycles(水的循环)
water sun shines vapour
Where does the… come from?
HIotwcocmanetshefrowmatethr eb…eco. me vapour?
What can you see in the nature park?


为人要谦卑,哪怕是对一只畜牲,为自己卖力劳作的牲畜面前,也要温和,那样,在一只牲畜的眼里,人才像个人,它们也欣慰。要知道,这些忍辱负重的畜牲内心深处也是有尊严的,它们也渴望 得到尊重。ag捕鱼捕金龙鱼技巧

驴老了,到集上卖囫囵的驴,不如宰了卖驴皮卖驴肉赚得多。有村上的宰把式也就是屠夫说过。但尽管如此,姥娘姥爷还是把驴牵到了市场上,至于到了市场上,买家如何处理,或杀或养,不得而 知,但至少眼不见心安。劳作了一辈子的牲畜,也是个性命哩,姥娘不忍心亲眼目睹自己喂养的牲畜被宰。
但是随着农业机械的越来越多,相当一大部分农村人在繁重的体力劳动中解放出来,之前收小麦,用时差不多半月时间,要事先用大碾子硌场院,硌得镜子一样的光滑。然后再收割、运输、轧麦子、 脱粒、扬场,最后晒干收仓。而且这些天风和日丽的还好,若是大雨倾盆、阴雨连绵,堆在场院的麦子可急坏了乡亲们的心,半年的收成就指望这些个麦子哩。但现在不用那么紧张了,全自动的收割机, 农民只需在田间地头把装麦子的布袋准备好,机器直接出粒儿,花点儿钱,多省劲啊,多放心啊。这样,就把人闲置下来了,人好说,去打工呗;还把牛驴类的牲畜也闲置下来了,它们怎么办?渐渐地, 之前劳作耕耘的农村离不了的不会说话的劳动力,变Байду номын сангаас了如猪似的人们嘴边的一道菜。


于是,话题一聊就聊到了那一年我回来的事,也就聊到了被果子吓得哇哇大哭的瓦猫。一般情况下,是自己家的大门外正 对的方向有庙宇高房,或正对着一家人的房屋,就会认为不吉利,被对方“戗”着,影响了自家的财运,甚至带来疾病或灾祸了,就在自家房的大门和正堂屋顶安放一尊瓦猫。”皇族电竞靠谱吗
于是,七爷还边吃着萝卜喝茶边讲了瓦猫的许多传说。七爷清了一下喉咙,绘声绘色地说:传说呀,这瓦制的猫可不一般,它也如虎一样凶猛,如豹子一样敏捷的,它能吃掉一切妖魔鬼怪,有镇宅 的作用。这瓦猫也不是随随便便买一只就行了,那是要请的。请来后就将它安置在房顶、飞檐或门头的瓦脊上,以吞食一切冲犯本宅的疾疫祸害和四野鬼怪。哈哈。



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[名词解释]原始铅 [单选]下列股利分配政策中,最有利于股价稳定的是()。A、剩余股利政策B、固定或持续增长的股利政策C、固定股利支付率政策D、低正常股利加额外股利政策 [名词解释]中药 [单选]梁式桥设计洪水位上相邻两个桥墩(或桥台)之间的净距称之为()。A.标准跨径B.理论跨径C.计算跨径D.净跨径 [单选]焊接热裂纹的形成温度一般为()A、100~600℃B、900~1100℃C、700~900℃D、1100~1300℃ [单选]油罐进油前应提前()h投运采暖管线预热。A、3B、2C、1D、0.5 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]一患者呼吸表现为有规律的呼吸几次后,突然停止一段时间,又开始呼吸,周而复始,这种呼吸节律称为()A.Cheyne-Stokes呼吸B.叹息样呼吸C.Kussmaul呼吸D.Blots呼吸E.抑制性呼吸 [单选]β+粒子与物质作用耗尽动能后,将与物质中的电子结合,正负电荷相互抵消,两个电子的质量转换为两个方向相反、能量各为0.511MeV的γ光子。这个过程被称为()A.γ湮灭辐射B.韧致辐射C.弹性散射D.激发E.光电效应 [单选]含膳食纤维最多的食物是()A.木耳B.魔芋C.海带D.豆渣E.洋葱 [单选]铜可溶于()A、硝酸B、盐酸C、稀硫酸D、浓硫酸 [填空题]灵感是一切创造性劳动中普遍存在的现象,周恩来用______________,______________八个字对灵感产生过程作了科学的概括。 [填空题]复杂高层结构包括(),(),(),()。 [单选]消化性溃疡合并出血时,下列止血治疗措施中最有效的是()A.生理盐水冲洗胃腔B.静脉注射奥美拉唑C.静脉注射雷尼替丁D.口服凝血酶盐水溶液E.口服去甲肾上腺素盐水溶液 [单选]船舶对水航程SL,对地航程SG,船速VE,航时t,若SL<VEt,且SG>SL,则船舶航行在()情况下。A.顺风顺流B.顶风顶流C.顺风顶流D.顶风顺流 [单选]高中音乐课程教学的过程与方法主要包括四个方面:()A.体验、模仿、探究、合作B.体验、探究、合作、综合C.体验、比较、探究、合作D.体验、比较、探究、综合 [名词解释]超显微非结构混入物 [单选,A1型题]紫绀可见于()A.急性喉炎B.重症肌无力C.气胸D.先天性心脏病(右向左分流型)E.以上都是 [判断题]从日本进口非动物源性的化妆品原料时,出口国官方不需出具证书,可凭生产厂商提供“非动物源性产品声明”报检。()A.正确B.错误 [单选]MRI与CT相比,下述颅脑成像优点中,哪项不对()A.无辐射损伤B.颅内病变定位、定性价值高C.直接多方位成像D.对中颅窝底、后颅窝病变价值高E.对钙化、急性出血敏感 [单选,A1型题]尿道损伤后,有排尿困难,导尿管能插入膀胱,应将导尿管留置多久()A.10~14天B.1天C.3~4周D.5天E.5~6周 [单选]离心泵在额定工况效率最高是因为该工况()损失最小。A.漏泄B.机械摩擦C.泵内液体摩擦D.液体进、出叶轮撞击 [单选,A1型题]显像剂是通过微血管栓塞和拦截的显像方法是()A.肺通气显像B.心血池显像C.肝胆显像D.肺灌注显像E.骨显像 [单选]根据企业所得税法律制度的规定,下列各项中,不属于企业所得税纳税人的是()。A.一人有限责任公司B.股份有限公司C.合伙企业D.外商投资有限责任公司 [单选]下列哪项不是滴眼药水的注意事项()A.滴眼药前应洗净双手,防止交叉感染B.易沉淀的混悬液,滴药前要充分摇匀C.同时滴数种药时,两药之问不需间隔D.严格执行查对制度,防止滴错药E.正常结膜囊容量为0.02mL,点眼药每次1滴即可 [单选]MEN2B的临床表现一般不包括()。A.甲状腺髓样癌B.甲状旁腺功能亢进症C.嗜铬细胞瘤D.类马凡体型E.多发性黏膜神经瘤 [单选,A1型题]放射性核素显像技术中时间-放射性曲线的不正确描述是()。A.短时间内自动连续成像B.在一定时间内多次显像C.获得特定脏器、靶组织的系列图像D.计算出特定区域的相应的参数E.用于核素显像的定性分析 [单选,A1型题]肝颈静脉回流征阳性主要见于()。A.左心衰B.肝硬化C.心包积液D.急性心肌梗死E.肾功能不全 [单选]正反转控制线路中,为避免正反转接触器同时得电动作,线路采取了()。A.自锁控制B.联锁控制C.位置控制D.时间控制 [单选]测量用的计算器应能()。①显示10位数②数值10进位与60进位换算③三角函数运算④直角坐标与极坐标换算⑤计算精度高⑥统计计算A.①②③④⑤B.②③④⑤⑥C.①②③⑤⑥D.①②③④⑥ [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]在中暑的几种类型中,以哪种最为凶险()。A.热射病B.热痉挛C.热衰竭D.先兆中暑E.以上都不是 [填空题]我国环境保护的三大政策是预防为()防治()的政策,谁污染谁治理的政策,强化环境,管理的政策。 [单选]下列哪种原因导致的烧伤,应考虑合并吸入性损伤()A.烫伤B.热压伤C.电击伤D.氢氟酸烧伤E.煤矿瓦斯爆炸 [单选,A1型题]改善慢性肾小球疾病大量蛋白尿的措施是()A.吲哚美辛(消炎痛)B.肾上腺皮质激素C.开博通D.血液透析E.双嘧达莫 [单选,A型题]肾癌侵犯周围结构的影像表现不包括()A.肾周脂肪密度增高B.肾前筋膜增厚C.肾门有软组织肿块D.肾静脉充盈缺损E.输尿管末端梗阻 [名词解释]适熟叶 [多选]对目标管理理解正确的有()。A.由组织的员工共同参与制订具体目标B.强调在工作中进行自我控制C.强调自我评价D.重视成果E.以管理者为核心 [判断题]距离保护安装处至故障点的距离越远,距离保护的动作时限越短。()A.正确B.错误 [单选]《沿海小船船舶法定检验规则(2007)》适用于船长的沿海小型船舶。()A、10米以下B、20米以下C、5-10米以下D、5-20米以下 [单选]卫星通信中,属通信用的天线是()A.鞭状天线B.螺旋形天线C.空向天线 [单选,案例分析题]某新建电厂装有2×300MW机组,选用一组200V动力用铅酸蓄电池容量2000Ah,二组控制用铅酸蓄电池容量600Ah,蓄电池布置在汽机房层,直流屏布置在汽机房,电缆长28m。请判断并说明下列关于正常情况下直流母线电压和事故情况下蓄电池组出口端的

Rain 英文绘本教学

Rain 英文绘本教学

Analysis of Language Characteristics
Language Style Analysis
Language Function Analysis
Language difficulty analysis
Analyze the language style of picture books, including vocabulary, sentence structures, rhetorical devices, etc., in order to better understand the author's writing intention and skills.
Analyzing the development clues of the story, including the starting and ending parts, as well as how to attract readers through plot progression.
Explore the meaning of the story
Theme and Message
Identify the main theme or message of the picture book and explain how it is conveyed through the story
Picture book features
பைடு நூலகம்
Layout and Design
Explain the layout and design of the picture book, discussing how they enhance the reading experience for young children This may include aspects such as font choice, page turns, and the use of color and whitespace

《Unit6 The story of rain》第四课时PPT课件

《Unit6 The story of rain》第四课时PPT课件
vapour v-a-p-our
sun s-u-n
Sun , sun , warm sun . I can see the warm sun .
Stream , stream , pretty stream .
(water) I can see the pretty stream .
stream str-ea-m
It’s the stream .
6. It goes into the river and stream. It goes into the lake and sea . When it comes , you can see the people take the umbrellas . What is it ?
Rain , rain , lovely rain . I can see the lovely rain .
Cloud ,cloud , beautiful cloud.
cloud I can see the beautiful cloud .
Vapour , vapour , white vapour . I can see the white vapour .
3.What’s Yao Ming’s hobby?
He likes playing basketball and reading newspaper.
4.Is he a football player?
No, he isn’t.
5.What does he do?
He is a basketball player.
The sun shines and the water becomes vapour.

《Unit6 The story of rain》第四课时PPT课件

《Unit6 The story of rain》第四课时PPT课件

2. Sometimes it’s white . Sometimes it’s black . Sometimes it looks like a dog . Sometime it looks like a cat . What is it ?
It’s the cloud .
3. It’s big . It’s old . It’s red . It’s warm . It’s
It’s the rain .
river sea
Look and say
1. Where does the water come from ?
It comes from the rain
2. Where does the rain come from ?
It comes from the cloud
3.What’s Yao Ming’s hobby?
He likes playing basketball and reading newspaper.
4.Is he a football player?
No, he isn’t.
5.What does he do?
He is a basketball player.
It’s the stream .
6. It goes into the river and stream. It goes into the lake and sea . When it comes , you can see the people take the umbrellas . What is it ?
Tecomes vapour.
人生十字路口是一道选择题,谨慎选择才能确保正确方向,糊涂选择就易步入歧途,放弃选择就会迷失方向。 穿着饮食可以因陋就简,而搞学问是不能因陋就简的。 通往光明的道路是平坦的,为了成功,为了奋斗的渴望,我们不得不努力。 敢于浪费哪怕一个钟头时间的人,说明他还不懂得珍惜生命的全部价值。——达尔文 当你的错误显露时,可不要发脾气,别以为任性或吵闹,可以隐藏或克服你的缺点。 人而无信,不知其可也。——《论语·为政》 驾驭命运的舵是奋斗。 大起大落谁都有拍拍灰尘继续走。 危机二字的正解是危险和机会,但大多数人只看到危险,鲜有人看到机会,所以成功赚到大钱的人并不多。 所谓成长,就是逼着你一个人,踉踉跄跄的受伤,跌跌撞撞的坚强。 不敢冒险的人既无骡子又无马;过分冒险的人既丢骡子又丢马。——拉伯雷 你可以像猪一样的生活,但你永远都不能像猪那样快乐!
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Look and say
What colour?
Look and say
black white red
green yellow gray purple
orange blue brown
Work in groups
Task1. Put the words in order. 小组合作,用七色花瓣颜色的对
Picture Collage and retell
Blue sky. Yellow sun. White clouds. Gray clouds. No sun. Gray sky. Rain.
Watch , listen and remember
Where is the rain on?
应单词,制作出一朵“词汇花”。 *合作要求:分工明确,
brown white
black green
sky 天空
_b_l_u_e_ sky
_y_e_ll_o_w_ sun
_w_h_it_e_ clouds
__g_ra_y_ clouds
Learn to say
Rain on the green grass.
Rain on the black road.
Rain on the red car.
Rain on the orange flowers.
Rain on the brown fence.
Rain on the purple flowers.
no sun
__g_ra_y_ sky
sky sun clouds
Work in groups
Task 2. Choose 小组讨论,完成组词选择填空。
*合作要求:充分讨论, 确保答案正确统一。
_____________ clouds. _____________ sky. _____________ sun.
Work in groups
Task 4. Put the pictures in order. 小组合作,找出雨飘落地方图片
,并按雨水飘落顺序摆放好。 *合作要求:分工明确,
grass road flowers
fence house trees
Rain on the _g_r_e_e_n grass. Rain on the black _r_o_a_d_. Rain on the brown _f_e_n_c_e. Rain on thepu_rp_le_a_n_d_or_ange flowers. Rain on the white __h_o_u_s_e. _R_a_i_n_b_o_w_.
White clouds
Gray cl.
Work in groups
Task3. Picture collage and retell. 小组合作,根据所学内容完成
天空变幻图片拼贴,并在组内尝试 用图片复述内容。 *合作要求:互帮互助,
Picture Collage and retell
Read the whole story
Work in groups
Task7. Think , complete and say. 小组讨论,雨还会落在哪儿?
Rain on my red coat. Rain on … *合作要求:群策群力,
Rain on the green grass. Rain on the black road. Rain on the red car. Rain on the orange flowers. Rain on the brown fence. Rain on the purple flowers. Rain on the white house. Rain on the green trees. Rainbown.
根据表格的内容小组内打 共___个
上课认真听讲 课堂积极发言
语言表达流畅 和伙伴合作默契
Rain on the white house.
Rain on the green trees.
Rain .
Rain .
Work in groups
Task6. Picture collage and retell. 小组合作,根据所学内容完成
雨景图片拼贴,并在组内尝试用图 片复述内容。 *合作要求:互帮互助,
What is missing?
grass road car flowers fence flowers house trees
Work in groups
Task5 . Complete. 小组讨论,根据故事内容,完
成句子。 *合作要求:充分讨论,
Rain on the _____ grass. Rain on the black _____. Rain on the brown _____. Rain on the ______ flowers. Rain on the white ______. ________.
A.White B. Blue C.Yellow D.Gray
_____________ clouds. _____________ sky. _____________ sun.
A.White B. Blue C.Yellow D.Gray
Learn to say
Blue sky.
Yellow sun.
grass road car flowers fence flowers house trees
What is missing?
grass road car flowers fence flowers house trees
What is missing?
grass road car flowers fence flowers house trees