ABAQUS生成fil文件详细步骤 inp转换fil
后处理 ABAQUS/Post 或其它软件
在前处理阶段需定义物理问题的模型并生成一个 ABAQUS 输入文件。通常 的做法是使用 ABAQUS/CAE 或其它前处理模块,在图形环境下生成模型。而一 个简单问题也可直接用文件编辑器来生成 ABAQUS 输入文件。 模拟计算(ABAQUS/Standard) 模拟计算阶段用 ABAQUS/Standard 求解模型所定义的数值问题,它在正常情 况下是作为后台进程处理的。一个应力分析算例的输出包括位移和应力,它们存 储在二进制文件中以便进行后处理。完成一个求解过程所需的时间可以从几秒钟 到几天不等,这取决于所分析问题的复杂程度和计算机的运算能力。 后处理(ABAQUS/CAE) 一旦完成了模拟计算得到位移、应力或其它基本变量,就可以对计算结果进 行分析评估,即后处理。通常,后处理是使用 ABAQUS/CAE 或其它后处理软件 中的可视化模块在图形环境下交互式地进行,读入核心二进制输出数据库文件后, 可视化模块有多种方法显示结果,包括彩色等值线图,变形形状图和 x-y 平面 曲线图等。 2.1 ABAQUS 分析模型的组成 ABAQUS 模型通常由若干不同的部件组成,它们共同描述了所分析的物理问 题和所得到的结果。一个分析模型至少要具有如下的信息:几何形状、单元特性、 材料数据、荷载和边界条件、分析类型和输出要求。 几何形状 有限单元和节点定义了 ABAQUS 要模拟的物理结构的基本几何形状。每一 个单元都代表了结构的离散部分,许多单元依次相连就组成了结构,单元之间通 过公共节点彼此相互连结,模型的几何形状由节点坐标和节点所属单元的联结所
一个完整的 ABAQUS 分析过程,通常由三个明确的步骤组成:前处理、模 拟计算和后处理。这三个步骤的联系及生成的相关文件如下:
• 历程数据用于X–Y 绘图:
– *OUTPUT, HISTORY – 在增量步中指定输出频率 (ABAQUS/Standard和 ABAQUS/Explicit) ,或者两次输出之间的时间间距 (只有 ABAQUS/Explicit)
例子:节点集 节点集 *NODE, NSET=TOPNODES TOPNODES 饱含 101, 0.345, 0.679, 0.223 以下节点 102, 0.331, 0.699, 0.234 101,102, ... . . 例子:单元集 *ELEMENT, TYPE=B21, ELSET=SEATPOST 560, 101, 102, 564, 102, 103
可以定义其它类型的边界,如速度、加速度等 *boundary,type=velocity *boundary,type=acceleration
分析步 静力分析: *step,name=<分析步名称> *static <初始增量步>,<分析步时间>,<最小增量步>,<最大增量 步> 例如:*step,name=step-1 *static 1.0,1.0,10e-5,1.0
在ABAQUS command命令窗口输入: abaqus job=<inp文件的名称> int
如何写input文件一、输入文件的组成和结构:1.一个输入文件由模型数据和历史数据两部分组成.模型数据的作用:定义一个有限元模型.包括单元,节点,单元性质,定义材料等等有关说明模型自身的数据.模型数据可被组织到零件中(零件可以被组装成一个有意义的模型).历史数据的定义是模型发生了什么----事情的进展,模型响应的荷载,历史被分成一系列的时步层序.每一步就是一个响应(静态加载,动态响应等),时步的定义包括过程类型(比如静态应力分析,瞬时传热分析等)对于时间积分的控制参数或者非线性解过程,加载和输出要求.At a minimum the model consists of the following information: geometry, element section properties, material data, loads and boundary conditions, analysis type, and output requests.2.ABAQUS输入文件的结构形式。
1) 必须有一个*HEADING开头。
abaqus-inp(参数化编程)文件精讲如何写input文件一、输入文件的组成和结构:1.一个输入文件由模型数据和历史数据两部分组成.模型数据的作用:定义一个有限元模型.包括单元,节点,单元性质,定义材料等等有关说明模型自身的数据.模型数据可被组织到零件中(零件可以被组装成一个有意义的模型).历史数据的定义是模型发生了什么----事情的进展,模型响应的荷载,历史被分成一系列的时步层序.每一步就是一个响应(静态加载,动态响应等),时步的定义包括过程类型(比如静态应力分析,瞬时传热分析等)对于时间积分的控制参数或者非线性解过程,加载和输出要求.At a minimum the model consists of the following information: geometry, element s ection properties, material data, loads and boundary conditions, analysis type, and output requests.2. ABAQUS输入文件的结构形式。
1) 必须有一个*HEADING开头。
2) 接下来就是模型数据部分,定义节点,单元,材料,初始条件等。
(2)初始条件:比如初始应力,温度,或者速度等(3)边界条件:(4)运动约束(5)相互作用(6)振幅定义(7)输出控制(8)环境特性(9)用户子程序(10)分析附属部分3) 接下来就是历史数据:定义分析的类型,荷载,输出要求等。
如何写inp ut文件一、输入文件的组成和结构:1.一个输入文件由模型数据和历史数据两部分组成.模型数据的作用:定义一个有限元模型.包括单元,节点,单元性质,定义材料等等有关说明模型自身的数据.模型数据可被组织到零件中(零件可以被组装成一个有意义的模型).历史数据的定义是模型发生了什么----事情的进展,模型响应的荷载,历史被分成一系列的时步层序.每一步就是一个响应(静态加载,动态响应等),时步的定义包括过程类型(比如静态应力分析,瞬时传热分析等)对于时间积分的控制参数或者非线性解过程,加载和输出要求.At a minimu m the modelconsis ts of the follow ing inform ation: geomet ry, elemen t sectio n proper ties, materi al data, loadsand bounda ry condit ions, analys is type, and output reques ts.2.ABAQUS输入文件的结构形式。
1) 必须有一个*H EADIN G开头。
当然了有了CAE我们不需要编写INP来工作,但是对刚刚接触和学习ABAUQS的朋友来说,编写一个好的INP文件既能有一种学习的成就感也能很好的对问题有个好的理解,对学习和使用CAE 来分析大型的模型是有帮助的。
不建议手写数据文件,可以用CAE生成,用HM生成这不是我们研究的核心,但强烈建议用手写Hitory Data,有助于加深对问题的理解*HEADINGTHE PLANAR(TWO DIMENSIONAL PROBLEM)UNITS:LENGTH-MM FORCE-N STRESS-N/MM2****THE DEFINITION OF NODE (节点的定义)****LEFT EDGE (左边的定义或者说是产生一条左边)*NODE (节点的定义,*NODE关键句定义的其实是一些独立的节点;下面的解释:1,0,0 (节点1,坐标是(0,0))30,30,0 (节点30,坐标是(30,0))*NGEN,NSET=BOTTOMEDGE (*NGEN,关键句产生一个节点集,在这个节点集中所1,30,1 使用的节点中1是初始节点,30是终点,第三个数字1是它们之间的增量。
版本1:call abaqus job=jobname1call abaqus job=jobname2call abaqus job=jobname3call abaqus job=jobname4这些job是同时进行计算的,并不是一个接一个进行计算。
问题就在于abaqus job=jobname1完成后,计算工作也许并没有完成,但这条命令已经完成,批处理文件直接转到下一个job的运行。
版本2:call abaqus job=jobname1 intcall abaqus job=jobname2 intcall abaqus job=jobname3 intcall abaqus job=jobname4 int这里的int其实就是计算执行中的命令参数interactive。
计算机自动关闭在学习使用python实现批处理之前,我们先简要介绍一下,dos 中如何实现计算机的自动关闭。
在dos命令行关闭计算机的命令是:shutdown –s –f –t 60-s 关闭本地计算机。
-f 强制关闭计算机。
-t xx 将用于系统关闭的定时器设置为xx 秒。
上面的设置是60 秒。
另外一点是,如果你看到关机的提示,但又不想马上关闭计算机的话,那只有进入命令行窗口,输入shutdown –a 解除关闭命令。
几个常用dos下批处理版本好,那现在dos下批处理加关机的程序应该是:call abaqus job=jobname1 intcall abaqus job=jobname2 intcall abaqus job=jobname3 intcall abaqus job=jobname4 intshutdown –s –f –t 60如果要加运行参数,和平常一样在第一行加上即可,如下面使用多cpu:call abaqus job=jobname1 cpus=2 intcall abaqus job=jobname2 cpus=2 intcall abaqus job=jobname3 cpus=2 intcall abaqus job=jobname4 cpus=2 int如果要删除计算中生成的文件:call abaqus j=nonJt23-2-a intcall del /doc/ad7c220abb68a98271fefa84.html call del nonJt23-2-a.datcall del nonJt23-2-a.filcall del nonJt23-2-a.mdlcall del nonJt23-2-a.msgcall del nonJt23-2-a.prtcall del nonJt23-2-a.rescall del nonJt23-2-a.stt如果下一个文件需要restart上一个文件:call abaqus job=jobname1 intcall abaqus job=jobname2 ldjob=jobname1 intcall abaqus job=jobname3 ldjob=jobname2 intcall abaqus job=jobname4 ldjob=jobname3 int使用python实现批处理Python是一种简单易学,功能强大的编程语言,它有高效率的高层数据结构,简单而有效地实现面向对象编程。
1, 1, 2 (单元类型的参数)
fig.3 对称边界条件的施加及载荷的分布
input 文件祥解:
的前面的是模型数据,后面的就是历史数据。 必须的历史数据:
响应类型:必须立刻出现在*STEP 选项后面。ABAQUS 中 有两种响应步,一种是总体分析响应步,可以是线形和非线 形的,另一种是线形扰动步。
可选历史数据: (1)荷载:通常定义某种加的荷载类型和大小。荷载可以 被描述成时间的函数。 (2)边界条件输出控制 (3)辅助控制 (4)再生单元和曲面 二、书写 input 文件的语法和规则: 1.关键词行: 1)必须以*开始,后面接的是选项的名字,然后随之定义选项 的内容.如: * MATERIAL NAME=STEEL 注释行是以**开始的. 2)如果有参数,则参数和关键词之间必须用“,”格开。 3)在参数之间必须用“,”格开。 4)关键词行中的空格可以忽略。
也可以用特殊的单元来定义,比如弹簧单元,阻尼器,点式 群体等。
(2)材料的定义:材料必须定义比如使用的是钢啊,岩石, 土啊等材料。
(1)零件和组合 :一个模型可以用几个零件来定义有可以 把几个零件组合成一个集来定义。
(2)初始条件 :比如初始应力,温度,或者速度等
abaqus 实例
当采用hypermesh来划分网格时,在hypermesh中定义的SET只存在于assembly中,而在part中没有,因此需要重新在part中定义这些集合,通常情况下可以通过修改inp文件来实现,具体操作步骤如下:1.导入hypermesh所生成的inp文件,具体操作为:File——import——models,出现Import models 对话框,File filter选择*.inp,然后选择所要导入的inp文件。
2. 建立新的job,重新生成inp文件,具体操作如下:在analysis模型树中,右击job——create,输入新的job名称,例如weld,点击continue,然后点击ok。
单击模型树job前的+,会出现刚才生成的weld,右键job,选择write input,就会在文件夹中生成新的inp文件。
3. 选用记事本或者写字板打开刚才生成的weld.inp文件,选择你需定义的材料单元集合,将它们复制到*end part之前,并删除后面的instance=part-1-1,保存。
右击material——create,出现edit material对话框,输入材料的名称,例如weld、base 、haz。
焊接过程需要定义的材料参数主要有density、elastic、plastic、expansion、conductivity、specific heat 、latent heat。
下面以elasticity为例作一个简单的介绍,单击对话框的mechanical——elasticity——elastic,会出现如下的对话框如果材料性能是温度的函数,把use temperature-dependent data 前的框选上。
abaqus inp教程
2. ABAQUS 输入文件的结构形式。 1) 必须有一个*HEADING 开头。 2) 接下来就是模型数据部分,定义节点,单元,材料,初始条件等。模型数据的 层次为:部件,组装,模型。
必须的模型数据: (1)几何数据:模型的几何形状是用单元和节点来定义的,结构性单元的 截面是必须定义的。比如梁单元。特殊的特征也可以用特殊的单元来 定义,比如弹簧单元,阻尼器,点式群体等。 (2)材料的定义:材料必须定义比如使用的是钢啊,岩石,土啊等材料。
1, 0. 6, 100. *NGEN 1, 6 节点组集,NSET 其值(名字)为 ENDS.下面的就是这样理解的,第一个节点是从 0 开始的,第六 个节点是在 100 结束的. 同样我们来定义单元: *ELEMENT, TYPE=B21(单元类型) 1, 1, 2 (单元类型的参数) *ELGEN, ELSET=BEAM (产生单元集,及其名称) 1, 5 (一个单元集,包括 5 个单元) 现在定义单元的性质: *BEAM SECTION, SECTION=RECTANGULAR, ELSET=BEAM, MATERIAL=STEEL 1., 2. 梁截面,截面的形状是矩形,单元集的名称是梁单元,材料是钢。截面的尺寸是 1*2。 下面定义材料的性质: *MATERIAL, NAME=STEEL *ELASTIC 30.E6, 材料是钢,弹性,弹性模量是 30E6。 下面定义边界: *BOUNDARY 6, ENCASTRE 边界是在 6 节点,通过 ENCASTRE 来描述。 边界也可以用下面的形式来定义: *BOUNDARY 6, 1, 6 ABAQUS 对结构单元的中的节点的自由度使用常规的编号方式。1,2,3 代表的是位移分量;
输出 fil文件关键词*Output, history, variable=PRESELECT, time interval=*El file, frequency=999*Node file, frequency=999*El fileS,e*Node fileCF, TF, Ufrequency=1 表示每一个时间增量步输出一次 frequency=999 表示每999个时间增量步输出一次当frequency值足够大时,只在分析步的末端结束时输出数据输出dat文件关键词*Output, history, variable=PRESELECT, time interval=*El print, frequency=999*Node print, frequency=999*El printS11,e11*Node printCF, TF, UEl print El file 将单元上的分析结果(应力、应变和截面力等输出)Node file Node print 将单元上的分析结果(位移、反力输出)输出单元刚度矩阵的方法!*Element Matrix Output,Elset=All, frequency=nFile Name=user defined, file name= abc, Stiffness=Yes mass=yes,DLOAD=YESfrequency=n 每隔n个增量步输出一次单元矩阵,Elset=All all为单元集合名称集合可以在assembly instance中进行定义Stiffness=Yes 表示输出刚度矩阵的的算子矩阵 mass=yes 表示输出质量矩阵DLOAD=YES 表示输出载荷向量no表示输出输出单元刚度矩阵的最终正确方法!*File Format,Ascii*Element Matrix Output,Elset=E1,File Name=abc,Frequency=50,Output File=User Defined,Stiffness=YesE:\xch-cae-nsoft\jiedianli-yanjiu\ 生成文件.mtx所在路径输出单元刚度矩阵的方法!1.用命令:*ELEMENT MATRIX OUTPUT只设定Required parameter:ELSET的话,由于结果文件(*.fil)是二进制文件,用文本编辑器打开是一堆我们看不明白的乱码,所以有必要设置一下文件格式。
ABAQUSriks法,或者general statics法〔加阻尼〕,或者动力法一共三种方法,【问】在aba中能实现非线性屈曲分析吗?在step中选定line- perturbation下的各项,其Nlgeom都为Off,是不是意味着是进展不了啊?【答】line-perturbation应该是特征值屈曲分析,只能是线性的,要想进展非线性屈曲分析要引入初始缺陷ABAQUS中非线性屈曲分析采用riks算法实现,可以考虑材料非线性、几何非线性已经初始缺陷的影响。
no.1:利用abaqus进展屈曲分析,一般有两步,首先是特征值屈曲分析,此分析为线性屈曲分析,是在小变形的情况进展的,也即上面提到过的模态,目的是得出临界荷载〔一般取一阶模态的eigenvalue乘以所设定的load〕,且需要在inp 文件中,作如下修改*node =yes*End Step此修改目的在于:在下一步后屈曲分析所需要的初始缺陷的节点输出为.fil文件。
修改如下:*IMPERFECTION〔缺陷〕, 〔此文件名为.fil〕, STEP=step(特征值分析步名),1〔模态〕,2e-3〔模态的比例因子,此值一般取杆件的1%,壳体厚度1%〕此修改一般加在boundary之后step之前。
Re:新手请教非线性屈曲中如何加初始扰动?6.2.4 Unstable collapse and postbuckling analysisRik法用于跳越失稳问题的研究,也可以用于分支屈曲的后屈曲研究。
*Output, history, variable=PRESELECT
*El Print, freq=1
*Node Print, freq=1
*End Step
打开ABAQUS软件,新建一个job,你在新建任务的时候,Souce 要选Input File(输入文件),然后找到修改过的那个INP文件,提交运算,运算结束会自动生成fil文件。
如果要用patran 来读取的话,可能需要在step 前加入*FILE FORMAT,ASCII
*Output, history, variable=PRESELECT
*El Print, freq=1
*Node Print, freq=1
*End Step
打开ABAQUS软件,新建一个job,你在新建任务的时候,Souce 要选Input File(输入文件),然后找到修改过的那个INP文件,提交运算,运算结束会自动生成fil文件。
如果要用patran 来读取的话,可能需要在step 前加入*FILE FORMAT,ASCII
abaqus job=test convert=select 没错,请在你默认目录下找test.fil,那个是转换成果,可以被其他商业软件直接调用分析,如果要转换成ascii文件需要abaqus ascfil job=test 然后找test.fin 就是你要的。
你也可以分析前直接请求输出*FILE FORMAT, ASCIIviewport//viewport annotation options//进入viewport annotation options对话框,选择Legend标签,在Text区域选择Set Front按钮进行设置。
哦,找到了,在visualization下的common plot option中,书上的写错了,写成contour plot options中[ABAQUS] ABAQUS cmd汇总常见的是Abaqus j=xx int,其余的请往下看。
In the following execution procedures, "abaqus" refers to the commandused to run Abaqus.Execution procedure for obtaining informationabaqus {help | information={environment | local | memory | release |support | system | all} [job=job-name] | whereami}Execution procedure for Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicitabaqus job=job-name [analysis | datacheck | parametercheck | continue |convert={select | odb | state | all} | recover |syntaxcheck | information={environment | local |memory | release | support | system | all}][input=input-file][user={source-file | object-file}][oldjob=oldjob-name][fil={append | new}][globalmodel={results file-name |output database file-name}][cpus=number-of-cpus][parallel={domain | loop][domains=number-of-domains][mp_mode={mpi | threads}][standard_parallel={all | solver}][memory=memory-size][interactive | background | queue=[queue-name][after=time]][double={explicit | both}][scratch=scratch-dir][output_precision={single | full}][madymo=MADYMO-input-file][port=co-simulation port-number][host=co-simulation hostname][timeout=co-simulation timeout value in seconds][unconnected_regions={yes | no}]Execution procedure for Abaqus/CAEabaqus cae [database=database-file] [replay=replay-file] [recover=journal-file] [startup=startup-file][script=script-file] [noGUI=noGUI-file] [noenvstartup][noSavedOptions] [noStartupDialog] [custom=script-file][pde]Execution procedure for Abaqus/Viewerabaqus viewer [database=database-file] [replay=replay-file][startup=startup-file] [script=script-file][noGUI=noGUI-file] [noenvstartup][noSavedOptions] [noStartupDialog] [custom=script-file][pde]Execution procedure for Pythonabaqus python [script-file]Execution procedure for parametric studiesabaqus script [=script-file] [startup=startup file-name][nonenvstartup]Execution procedure for Abaqus HTML documentation abaqus docExecution procedure for licensing utilitiesabaqus licensing [lmstat | lmdiag | lmpath | lmtools]Execution procedure for ASCII translation of results (.fil) filesabaqus ascfil job=job-name [input=input-file]Execution procedure for joining results (.fil) filesabaqus append job=job-name oldjob=oldjob-name input=input-fileExecution procedure for querying the keyword/problem databaseabaqus findkeyword [job=job-name] [maximum=maximum-output]Execution procedure for fetching sample input filesabaqus fetch job=job-name [input=input-file]Execution procedure for making user-defined executablesand subroutinesabaqus make {job=job-name | library=source-file}[user={source-file | object-file}][directory=library-dir][object_type={fortran | c | cpp}]Execution procedure for input file and output database upgrade utility abaqus upgrade job=job-name[input=old-input-file-name | odb=old-odb-file-name][fromversion=release] [previousdefaults]Execution procedure for generating output database reportsabaqus odbreport [job=job-name] [odb=output-database-file][mode={HTML | CSV}] [all] [mesh] [sets] [results][step={step-name | _LAST_}][frame={number | load-case-name | description | _LAST_}][framevalue={time | mode | frequency}][field=[field-variable]] [components] [invariants][orientation] [histregion=region-name][history=[history-variable]][instance={instance-name | _NONE_}][blocked] [extrema]Execution procedure for joining output database (.odb) files from restarted analysesabaqus restartjoin originalodb=odb-file-namerestartodb=odb-file-name[copyoriginal] [history] [compressresult]Execution procedure for combining output from substructuresabaqus substructurecombine baseodb=odb-file-namecopyodb=odb-file-name[all] [step=step-name][frame=frame-number][variable=variable-key]在command下查看abq的相关help里面有说明:d:\ABAQUS651>abq651 helpIn the following execution procedures, "abaqus" refers to the command used to run ABAQUS.Execution procedure for obtaining informationabaqus {help | information={environment | local | memory | release | status | support | system | all} [job=job-name] | whereami} Execution procedure for ABAQUS/Standard and ABAQUS/Explicitabaqus job=job-name [analysis | datacheck | parametercheck | continue |convert={select | odb | state | all} | recover |syntaxcheck | information={environment | local |memory | release | status | support | system | all}][input=input-file][user={source-file | object-file}][oldjob=oldjob-name][fil={append | new}][globalmodel={results file-name |output database file-name}][cpus=number-of-cpus][parallel={domain | loop][domains=number-of-domains][mp_mode={mpi | threads}][standard_parallel={all | solver}][memory=memory-size]interactive | background | queue=[queue-name][after=time][double][scratch=scratch-dir][output_precision={single | full}]Execution procedure for ABAQUS/CAEabaqus cae [database=database-file] [replay=replay-file][recover=journal-file] [script=script-file][noGUI=noGUI-file] [noenvstartup][noSavedOptions] [custom=script-file] [noStartupDialog] Execution procedure for ABAQUS/Viewerabaqus viewer [database=database-file] [replay=replay-file][script=script-file] [noGUI=noGUI-file][noenvstartup] [custom=script-file] [noStartupDialog] Execution procedure for Pythonabaqus python [script-file]Execution procedure for parametric studiesabaqus script [=script-file] [startup=startup file-name][nonenvstartup]Execution procedure for online documentationabaqus docExecution procedure for licensing utilitiesabaqus licensing [lmstat | lmdiag | lmpath | lmtools]Execution procedure for ASCII translation of results (.fil) files abaqus ascfil job=job-name [input=input-file]Execution procedure fo joining results (.fil) filesabaqus append job=job-name oldjob=oldjob-name input=input-file Execution procedure for querying the keyword/problem databaseabaqus findkeyword [job=job-name] [maximum=maximum-output] Execution procedure for ABAQUS/Fetchabaqus fetch job=job-name [input=input-file]Execution procedure for ABAQUS/Makeabaqus make {job=job-name | library=source-file}[user={source-file | object-file}][directory=library-dir]Execution procedure for input file and output database upgrade utility abaqus upgrade job=job name[input=old-input-file-name | odb=old-odb-file-name][fromversion=version-number] [previous defaults] Execution procedure for remote output database connectorabaqus networkDBConnector port={serverPortNumber | auto_assigned}[timeout=time out value in seconds][host=hostname][stop][ping]Execution procedure for fixed format conversion utilityabaqus free job=job-name input=input-fileExecution procedure for translating NASTRAN bulk data files to ABAQUS input filesabaqus fromnastran job=job-name [input=input-file][wtmass_fixup={OFF | ON}][loadcases={OFF | ON}][pbar_zero_reset=small_real_number][inside_out_solid_fixup={OFF | ON}][distribution={OFF | ON}]Execution procedure for translating PAM-CRASH input file to partial ABAQUS input filesabaqus frompamcrash job=job-name [input=input-file]Execution procedure for translating ABAQUS output database files to NASTRAN Output2 results filesabaqus toOutput2 job=job-name [odb=odb-name][step=step-number][increment=increment-number][slim] [quad4corner]Execution procedure for exchanging ABAQUS data with ZAERO abaqus tozaero job=job-name [unvfile=unv-file-name][odbfil=odb-file-name][mtxfil=mtx-file-name][step=step-number][mode={text | binary}]Execution procedure for job execution controlabaqus {suspend | resume | terminate} job=job-nameExecution procedure for the ABAQUS Interface for MOLDFLOW abaqus moldflow job=job-name [input=input-name][mpi3d][element_order={1 | 2}][initial_stress={ON | OFF}]Execution procedures for the ABAQUS Interface for MSC.ADAMS Executing the adams command to create a modal neutral file without stress or strainabaqus adams job=job-name [input=input-file][units=mmks | mks | cgs | ips][length=length-units-name][mass=mass-units-name][time=time-units-name][force=force-units-name]Executing the adams command to create a modal neutral file with stress or strainCreating the second input fileabaqus adams job=job-name [input=input-file][make_se_recovery][stress_modes={ON | OFF}][strain_modes={ON | OFF}][section_point=section_point_number]Creating the modal neutral file from two results filesabaqus adams job=job-name [input=input-file][se_recovery_job=se_recovery_job-name][units=mmks | mks | cgs | ips][length=length-units-name][mass=mass-units-name][time=time-units-name][force=force-units-name]2. JobsQ2.1 : How do I run small jobs?Use the following commandabaqus job=job-id interactiveExample : abaqus job=plate interQ2.2 : How do I go about running many small jobs?Create a batch file (say aba-multrun.bat) with one line per analysis as shown below : abaqus job=analysis-a interactiveabaqus job=analysis-b interactiveabaqus job=analysis-c interactiveabaqus job=analysis-d interactiveThen make the file an executable using the following unix command :chmod u+x aba-multrun.batThen type aba-multrun to execute the ABAQUS jobs one at a time while you are logged ON. This is only suitable for small jobs which only take a few minutes to run. These jobs will run one at a time and in the sequence in which these appear in the batch file.This is preferable to submitting all the jobs at the same time (for example typing the above commands directly at the terminal without the interactive parameter). This will put a strain on the server and its resources and inconvenience the other users as well.For medium to large jobs use the batch command available in the CUED teaching system.If ABAQUS is installed on a PC (Windows XP O/S) then the above batch file requires a modification. Enclose the lines with a round brackets. in the absence of this bracket only the very first job in the file will be run.(abaqus job=analysis-a interactiveabaqus job=analysis-b interactiveabaqus job=analysis-c interactiveabaqus job=analysis-d interactive)Q2.3 : How do I run large jobs using batch?One need to use the GRID-ENGINE to run long jobs of ABAQUS. see the answer to Question 2.12.Q2.4 : How do I run ABAQUS/CAE?Using the following command :abaqus caeQ2.5 : How do I run ABAQUS/Viewer?Using the following command :abaqus viewerabaqus viewer database=cantileverExample : abaqus viewer database=cantileverQ2.6 : How do I get copies of the ABAQUS examples input data files (*.inp)?There are 2 options. Cut and paste directly from the screen once from the on-line documentation of the Input Files. The other option is to use the fetch command along with the name of the analysis-ID. First find the name of the input file from the Examples manual (available on-line). This will copy the 1010101.inp file to the current directory.For the Laminated Composite Plate failure example (Example 1.1.13 in version 6.3) the input files have the starting name damagefailcomplate. There are a total of ten files listed. Here * (wildcard character) can be used to complete the file name in the fetch command. abaqus fetch command.Example : abaqus fetch job=damagefailcomplate*This will fetch the following files to the current directory :inflating: damagefailcomplate_cps4.finflating: damagefailcomplate_cps4.inpinflating: damagefailcomplate_cps4r.finflating: damagefailcomplate_cps4r.inpinflating: damagefailcomplate_element.inpinflating: damagefailcomplate_node.inpinflating: damagefailcomplate_s4.finflating: damagefailcomplate_s4.inpinflating: damagefailcomplate_s4r.finflating: damagefailcomplate_s4r.inpQ2.7 : How do I run a ABAQUS job which uses a user subroutine?Using the following command :abaqus job=job-id user= < subroutine-filename >For the Linux Teaching System Computers give the extension .f and for PCs give the extension .for.The user subroutine has to be in a separate file (say my_material.f).Example : abq681 j=plate user=my_materialIf there are more than 1 user subroutines then all the subroutines must be included in a single file.If using CAE then in the Job Create a Job and then click on the General tab and click on the browse button for user subroutine and choose the file containing the user subroutine and Click on OK in the browse window and also in the dialog box. Then submit the job.Q2.8 : How do I run a user written post processing program which accesses the *.fil file?Using the following command :abaqus make job=job-id user=name-of-fileExample : abaqus make job=cantilever user=disp1This will compile the user program in a file called disp1.f and then create an executable called cantilever.x. Type cantilever.x to run this program.Q2.9 : How do I find out about the different execution procedures that are available with ABAQUS?Type abaqus help and this will list all the abaqus execution procedures. These are listed below :Execution Procedure for ABAQUS/Standard and ABAQUS/Explicitabaqus job=job-name [ analysis | datacheck | continue | help | recover |convert={restart|select|all} |information={environment|local|memory|release|status} ][ input=input-file ] [ user=source-file ][ oldjob=oldjob-name ] [ fil={append|new} ][ globalmodel=results file-name ] [ double ][ memory=memory-size ] [ buffer=buffer-size ] [ interactive | background | queue=queue-name ] [ cpus=number-of-cpus ] [scratch=scratch-dir][ subcomplex=subcomplex-name]Note: subcomplex is only valid on the Convex ExemplarExecution Procedure for ABAQUS/Abaresabaqus abares job=job-name [ restart=restart-name ][ beginstep=step-number ][ endstep=step-number ][ increment={all|endstep|final|none|integer-list} ]Execution Procedure for ASCII translation of results (.fil) files abaqus ascfil job=job-name [ input=input-file ]Execution Procedure for on-line documentationabaqus docExecution Procedure for ABAQUS/Appendabaqus append job=job-name oldjob=oldjob-name input=input-file Execution Procedure for ABAQUS/Fetchabaqus fetch job=job-name [ input=input-file ]Execution Procedure for ABAQUS/Findkeywordabaqus findkeyword [ job=job-name ] [ maximum=maximum-matches ] Execution Procedure for ABAQUS/Makeabaqus make job=job-name [ user={source-file|object-file} ] Execution procedure for suspending or resuming analysis jobsabaqus [ suspend | resume ] job=job-nameExecution procedure for fixed format translatorabaqus free job=job-name input=input-fileExecution Procedure for input file upgrade utilityabaqus upgrade job=new-input-file input=old-input-fileExecution Procedure for output database file upgrade utilityabaqus upgrade job=new-output-database-fileodb=old-output-database-fileExecution Procedure for the movie player utilityabaqus movieplayer [ movie=animation-file ]Execution Procedure for ABAQUS Verificationabaqus verify [ -all | -std | -user_std | -exp | -user_exp-cae | -viewer | -design | -make | -param-scripting | -adams | -cmold | -moldflow-catia | -ideas | -parasolid | -proe-log ]Q2.10 : How do I find what the current settings are for the environment variables?Type abaqus info=environment and this will list all the current setting of the ABAQUS environmental variables.memory, local, release, status are other options on which you can get more information on.For ABAQUS jobs you have run look for *.com file. For the current session in #the Teaching System use the printenv command.For PCs type "set" in a MS-DOS command window at the DOS prompt (>).Q2.11 : How do I change the current settings of the environment variables?Create a file called abaqus_v6.env in the directory from which ABAQUS is run which contains lines of environment variables you want to change set equal to new values. However make sure that the computer on which you are running ABAQUS can support the changes. For example you can increase the memory used by ABAQUS. But you cannot increase this beyond what is available in the computer.Example : Include the following lines in the abaqus_v6.env file to increase the size ofpre_memory and the standard_memory used by ABAQUS.For earlier versions of ABAQUS :pre_memory="400 mb"standard_memory="500 mb"If running ABAQUS on a PC then make these to the system copy which will be in the ABAQUS installation directory :C:ABAQUS6.8-1siteabaqus_v6.envQ2.12 :Can one run long ABAQUS jobs in the Teaching System Computers?One needs to use the GRID-ENGINE to run long runs of ABAQUS. see ABAQUS on GRID-ENGINEQ2.13 : When re-running a ABAQUS job getting the old files existing message. Is it possible to over-ride it without having to type Y?This could also be a problem if ABAQUS is run in an optimisation loop many times automatically.This can be done by adding the following line to the abaqus_v6.env in the directory from which ABAQUS is run (for example).ask_delete=NOIf running ABAQUS on a PC then make this change to the system copy which will be in the ABAQUS installation directory :C:ABAQUS6.8-1siteabaqus_v6.envThis needs to be used with care. Accidentally typing the name of a previously carried out analysis (which may have been a long run) which you didn't want to be deleted/overwritten can easily be lost with the above setting (as there is no safety net).When not required change the setting / or comment it out / or delete it.# comment it out## ask_delete=NO# Reset itask_delete=YESQ2.14 :How do I stop a ABAQUS analysis job I had submitted?From a command prompt window (DOS Window) from the same directory from which the job was submitted. Re-type job submission command but this time add suspend to suspend the job execution.ABAQUS job=plate suspendThis allows you to review matters. If you then decide then you want to terminate the job Re-type the job submission command but use the option terminate instead.ABAQUS job=plate terminateA run can be terminated using terminate option without having to suspend the job in the first place. A sup ended job can be continued by using the option resume.ABAQUS job=plate resumeABAQUS AscfilThe result file with extension .fil is one of the files generated by the ABAQUS Analysis procedure. This file is generated when the analysis or continue option is used in ABAQUS/Standard, or convert=select is used in ABAQUS/Explicit. The original .fil file has a binary format.Sometimes it is necessary to translate the .fil file to an ASCII format for porting between dissimilar operating systems. ABAQUS Ascfil converts the result files to a suitable binary format so that the files may reside on different computers for postprocessing.The syntax for ABAQUS/Ascfil is :abaqus ascfil job=job_name[input=input_file][interactive | background | queue=[queue_name] [after=time]]ABAQUS Ascfil creates a new result file with an extension .fin from the .fil file. It is a readable ASCII file.For more details on this ABAQUS facility please refer to the "Execution procedure for ASCII translation of results (.fil) files" in the ABAQUS/Post manual..fil Results file output from analysis and continueabaqus job=test convert=select 没错,请在你默认目录下找test.fil,那个是转换结果,可以被其他商业软件直接调用分析,如果要转换成ascii文件需要abaqus ascfil job=test然后找test.fin 就是你要的。
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*Output, history, variable=PRESELECT
*El Print, freq=1
*Node Print, freq=1
*End Step
打开ABAQUS软件,新建一个job,你在新建任务的时候,Souce 要选Input File(输入文件),然后找到修改过的那个INP文件,提交运算,运算结束会自动生成fil文件。
如果要用patran 来读取的话,可能需要在step 前加入*FILE FORMAT,ASCII