人教版选修六unit4 词汇课件

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女W人om往e往n t比en男d人to长li寿ve. longer than men.
T他he们y 累ten了d往to往lo会s发e t脾em气p.er when they are tired.
2. tend to/ towards 趋向,趋于,走向
他的观点趋于偏激. His view tends towards the extreme.
消费;消耗 图表 胡乱的;任意的 现象 燃料 趋向;易于 数据 趋势;倾向 大灾难 温和的;温柔的 结果;后果 陈述;说明 种类;范围
• glance • steady • widespread • existence • advocate • commitment • electrical • casual • circumstance • microwave • refresh • presentation • nuclear
• come about • subscribe to • quantities of • go up • result in • be opposed to • even if • keep on • on the whole • on behalf of • put up with • so long as • and so on
• A. ordered.
B. purchased.
• C. picked .
D. subscribed.
• ② 所有的科学家都赞成这个观点。
• All scientists _s_u_b_s_c_r_i_b_e_d__t_o_ the view.
4. _o_p_p_o_s_e__(v_t_) to be against; adj___o_p_p_o_s_e_d_____ 反对 be opposed to
5. range n. 种类,范围
n. a__ _r_a_n__g_e__ o_f__ 一系列的
Most of the students are in the 15-18 age range 大多数学生年龄在15到18之间。 • 译:这家商店商品品种多。
• This store offers _a__ _w_i_d_e__ _r_a_n_g_e ___o_f__
__in__ the increase in knowledge gained by students.
5. on behalf of 6. as long as
1). Tom isn’t here, but I want to thank you
on__h_is__b_e_h_a_l_f _ (代表他).
2). 只要你开心,你可以拥有这本书长达两 个小时
So/As long as you are happy, you
can keep the book as long as two
7.p_u_t__u_p_w__it_h___ :suffer without complaining
from chef to swimming instructor. • ② 排列 • 请将书排列在书架上。
• Please range the books on the bookshelf.
Other words
1. tend n. tendency 倾向;趋势
tend to do 往往会,常常会
今年来物价趋于上涨. Prices have tended upwards in recent years.
tend (to) sb./ sth 照料, 照管 ,护理
Sofia was tending (to) her son in the bedroom.
The nurse skillfully tended the soldiers’ wound.
扫视;一瞥 平稳的;稳固的 分布广的 生存;存在 拥护;提倡 承诺;交托 电的;与电有关的 随便的 环境;情况 微波炉 使恢复;使振作 显示;演出 核的;核能的
• 发生;造成 • 同意,赞成,订购 • 大量的 • 上升,增长,升起 • 导致 • 反对 • 即使 • 继续 • 大体上,基本上 • 代表… • 忍受,容忍 • 只要 • 等等
v. ① range from… to … / between…and … (在一定范围内)变化;变动
• 温度在15度到35度之间。 • The temperature__ra_n__g_es__fr_o_m__1_5__t_o_3_5__d_e_g_re. es
• She has done a number of jobs, _r_a_n_g_i_ng
5. circumstance
在任何情况下,他都 可以信任他的爸爸.
He can trust his father in any circumstance.
他现在已经很伤心.在这种情况下,就别告诉他元旦还要 加班的消息了. He is sad now. In/ under the circumstances, you ‘d better not tell him the news that he will have to work on the New Year’s Day.
• A. refers to
B. speaks of
• C. focuses on
D. comes to
• 3. The dictionary is being printed and it will soon
• A. turn out
B. come out
• C. start out
• [点拨] lift up鼓舞;

bring up抚养;

grow up成长。
• go over • go by • go through • go out • go all out for • go on
• (时间)过去 • 经历 • 仔细检查,复习 • 继续 • 熄灭,外出 • 全力以赴
3. result in 导致, 造成 = lead to
She fell in love with him at first glance.
Yao is__g_la_r_i_n_g_a_t_ the young man, as if to beat him.
Don’t _s_t_a_re__a_t___me any longer, or I will …
spent on the bridge.
• A large quantity of money _w__a_s__
spent on the bridge.
• A large quantity of materials _w_e__r_e_
spent on the bridge.
2. go up 上升;增长;升起
David’s carelessness resulted in his failure.
用适当的介词填空。 1. Max’s success resulted _fr_o_m__ accepting
the advice of his teacher. 2. The excellent class atmosphere resulted
发生 偶遇 加油;快点;得啦 出版,花开 走近;发芽;被提出 提出(建议);赶上 当谈到/涉及到…的时候
• 1. It is already 10 o’clock. I wonder how it _______
that she was two hours late on such a short trip.
Make a sentence according to the pictures.
① He got angry when I _op_p_o_s_e_d his plan.
② 她仍然强烈反对移居国外。 She remained strongly __o_p_p_o_s_e_d_ _t_o__ the idea of moving abroad.
Book 6 Unit 4 New words and expressions
• consume • graph • random • phenomenon • fuel • tend v • data • trend n. • catastrophe • mild • consequence • state • range
4. average
His intelligence is above average. below average 低于平均值
On average, our height is
The _a_v_e_r_a_g_e___height of our group members is about 135cm.
• C. consume
D. exhaust
• ③The price increases were passed on by the firm to the_c_o_n_s_u_m__e_r_s. (消费者)
• 上涨的物价由公司转嫁给了消费者。
2. come about 发生;造成
Mary will tend the garden while you’re on vacation.
2. glance vi. 看一下;扫视;n. 一瞥
glance at
at first glance 初看起来;乍一看
He glanced at the crowd with a glass of wine in his hand.
When mother woke up, she didn’t know what had come about.
I’ll never understand how it__ca_m__e__a_b_o_u_t_
that you were late again.
come about come across come on come out come up come up with when it comes to doing
1. consume
• ①消费,消耗
• 译:The car consumes a lot of fuel.
• ②In Britain people ______ four million
tons of potatoes every year.
• A. swallow
B. dispose
In_/_U__n_d_e_r_n_o__c_ir_c_u_m__s_ta_n_c_e_s will I give in.
1.quantities of quality 质量
quantities of +可数/不可数
Rose owns quantities of books.
• Large quantities of money _w__e_r_e___
D. go out
3. subscribe (to) 同意;赞成;订购
Actually, she doesn’t subscribe to your
Which journals does the library subscribe to ?
• ① I have ___ to China Daily for ten 订购
—Do you think that housing price will
keep ______ in the years to come? • — Sorry, I have no idea. (江苏2007)
• A. lifting up
B. going up
• C. bringing up
D. growing up
• A. came over
B. came out
• C. came about
D. came up
• 2. Most of us know we should cut down on fat, but
knowiwk.baidu.comg such things isn’t much help when it
________ shopping and eating.