2018-社交礼仪用英语怎么说word版本 (1页)


social etiquette 关于社交礼仪的英文演示文稿

social etiquette 关于社交礼仪的英文演示文稿

finished eating, your knife and fork should be placed side by side with the fork facing upward
Dining Etiquette
- Host-Guest Relationship
When you are invited for
Dining Etiquette
- Napkins & Cutlery
Place the napkin on lap when
seated When finished eating, touch lips lightly with the napkin and place it neatly on the right side of our plate As all silverware and cutlery are clean once they are placed on the table, do not wipe them on your napkin Avoid picking up food with your hands when a fork or spoon is provided
Social Etiquette
Dining Etiquette Eating is very much a way of life in all cultures Eating style is quite another ball-game altogether The knowledge of table manners will enhance your confidence and increase your enjoyment while dining

社交礼仪 英语作文

社交礼仪 英语作文

社交礼仪英语作文英文回答:Social etiquette is a set of rules and conventions that govern how people interact with each other in social situations. It includes things like how to greet people, how to behave at the dinner table, and how to dress appropriately for different occasions.Social etiquette can vary from culture to culture, so it's important to be aware of the customs of the placeyou're visiting. For example, in some cultures it's considered rude to make eye contact with strangers, whilein other cultures it's considered a sign of respect.There are many different types of social etiquette rules, but some of the most common include:Greeting etiquette:When meeting someone for the first time, it's customary to shake hands and say hello.In some cultures, it's also common to bow or curtsy.It's important to make eye contact when greeting someone, and to smile.Dining etiquette:When eating at a formal dinner, it's important to follow the proper table manners.This includes things like using the correct utensils, eating at a moderate pace, and not talking with your mouth full.It's also important to be aware of the different types of food and drinks that are being served, and to know how to eat them properly.Dress etiquette:The way you dress can send a message about who you are and what you're trying to accomplish.It's important to dress appropriately for the occasion, and to be respectful of the culture you're in.For example, it would be inappropriate to wear shorts and a t-shirt to a formal dinner.Social etiquette is important because it helps us to interact with each other in a respectful and considerate way. By following the rules of social etiquette, we can avoid misunderstandings and create a positive atmospherefor everyone.中文回答:社交礼仪是一套规范,指导人们如何在社交场合中彼此互动。

各国交往的礼仪英语 英文

各国交往的礼仪英语 英文

各国交往的礼仪英语英文各国交往的礼仪英语,英文表达为“etiquette in international communication”。



1. 礼貌用语:在英语中,礼貌用语的使用是日常交往中必不可少的。

常用的礼貌用语包括“Please”、“thank you”、“sorry”、“you're welcome”等。


2. 称呼和头衔:在英语中,恰当的称呼和头衔能够体现出一个人的修养和对他人的尊重。

对于不熟悉的人,一般可以使用Mr.、Ms.或Dr.等尊称;对于政府官员或公司领导等,则可以使用Mr. President、Ms. Secretary等头衔。


3. 宴会礼仪:在英语中,宴会礼仪涉及到许多细节和注意事项。




4. 社交礼仪:在英语中,社交礼仪也是非常重要的一部分。







• 國際禮儀隨 國情不同, 文化差異, 時代變遷, 職場 倫理,而做適度調整.
• [禮記]---規範了中國人千百年的 • 行為舉止,待人處世原則. (春秋時代)
• [禮者,理也] [儀者,義也].
• [儀]---人與人之間行為進退應對的適當準則.
•行為失態,貽笑大方. •彬彬有禮,受人尊敬 •不容忽視,大力推動. •必須具備,富而好禮.
右脅往背後輕輕環抱,輕拍對方的背,切忌緊抱) •親頰禮(輕觸右頰再輕觸左頰) •輕扶女士的手臂(手執婦女臂膀則為失禮) •挽臂,男左女右同行(女士左臂挽男士右臂)
Q: What do you see? 你看見什麼 ?
• Hand Shake 握手 • Eye Contact 眼神交會 • Gesture 姿態 • Facial Expression 臉部表情 • introduce others 介紹他人
•手肘不靠餐桌,兩手肘向內收,上身挺直,離餐桌兩 個拳頭的距離,以利起身打招呼.
•法國人以1/2的小手臂搭放在桌面上,手指微握而 優雅的彎曲.

• 居家生活 (食,衣,住,行,育,樂) • 職場工作 (電話,接待,外賓接待,網路,妝扮,用餐,品酒,茶道) • 辦公室禮儀 (求職,面試,形象,服裝儀容,化妝) • 職場溝通禮貌 (電話留言,手機,答錄機使用) • 國外觀光,旅遊 (住宿 衛生習慣) • 商業参訪及商務活動或作客寄宿 (衛生紙,水漬,服裝) • 會議禮儀 (會前準備,會議記錄,會議的善後事項 ) • 送禮禮儀 (助力,歡喜,習俗,文化,迷信,對象,場合) • 宗教禮儀 (佛教,回教,基督教,天主教)



Social Etiquette - General Points to note
Do not use sarcasm to degrade another Do not boast, especially about where you
have travelled to, or talk down another Do not gossip but is discreet Do not name drop Do not bring a friend to a function without
The cheerful heart has a continual feast
Dining Etiquette
- General points to note
Do not make revolting noises – do not slurp your soup nor belch during or after the meal
Do not chastise a man should he fail to extend social manners to you
Be ready to first extend social courtesies to everyone, in general, and older men and women in particular
Eating Manners
The Do’s and Don’ts If you have food in your mouth, do not talk Do not chew your food with your mouth
open Cut up only one piece of meat at one time


Follow the Leader
As the follower, you should always be attentive to the leader's movements and adjust your steps accordingly
Party etiquette
Invitation Etiquette
Arrive at the conference on time, and introduce yourself to the other participants
Prepare your presentation in advance, and practice it to ensure it flows smoothly Use visual aids to enhance your
Table Settings
Describe the correct way to set the table, including placement of dishes, cutlery, and glasses
Basic Rules
Outlines the fundamental rules of table etiquette, such as
Social etiquette requires people to be mindful of others' needs and feelings and to act accordingly This includes being sensitive to cultural differences and adapting behavior accordingly


Social Etiquette
Dining Etiquette Business Etiquette Office Etiquette Telephone Etiquette Foreign and Cross-culture Etiquette
Social Etiquette - General Points to note
Do not use sarcasm to degrade another Do not boast, especially about where you have
travelled to, or talk down another Do not gossip but is discreet Do not name drop Do not bring a friend to a function without first
Give sincere compliments Be considerate of and sensitive to other’s
feelings Always keep one’s promises Always keep to appointments. If you are
unable to make it for the appointment because of an emergency, call the other party immediately
before proceeding as above
Eating Manners
The Do’s and Don’ts Do not slurp when drinking the soup Do not blow on hot soup and food When drinking soup, should spoon the soup


Good morning / afternoon / evening 早安 / 下午好 / 晚上好
I am … 我是 My name is … 我的名字是
(I am) pleased to meet you; Nice to meet you; Nice meeting you 幸会
I would like you to meet my … 这位是我的 …
Seniority / Rank / Title 长辈 / 身份 From left to right or vice versa
Don’t 不要
Point a finger at people 用手指指向人 Yell 大声说话 / 惊叫 Eat chewing gum 咬口香糖 Giggle / cover your mouth with your hand
Watch your dandruff, teeth, mouth breath, nose hair, nails
注意你的头皮屑, 牙齿, 口气, 鼻毛, 手指甲
Dress Code 衣着规定
British 英式
Casual Informal / Lounge Suit Formal / Black Tie White Tie
Scratch your head, your body 抓头,身体
Pick your ear, your nose 挖耳, 鼻孔 Keep on yarning 不断的打坷欠 If you really need to cough / sneeze, cover your
mouth and nose with your left hand
Hand Shake 握手






社交礼仪的英语说法1:social etiquette社交礼仪的英语说法2:social graces社交礼仪的相关短语:不谙社交礼仪. unversed in social etiquette美国社交礼仪 American social intercourse etiquette商业与社交礼仪 Business and Social Etiquettes公共关系与社交礼仪 Public Relation and Social Etiquette学会社交学会礼仪 Learn to Communilatce社交礼仪的英语例句:1. She didn't fit in and she had few social graces.她不适合这种场合,对社交礼仪所知甚少。

2. Their sense of social propriety is eroded.他们的社交礼仪意识淡薄。

3. He wasted no time with social niceties.他没有在社交礼仪细节上浪费时间。

4. How to improve your manners!如何掌握社交礼仪!5. Good mandarin, and good social poise and grace.良好的普通话和社交礼仪.6. Others see us as overly materialistic, somewhat uncouth and lacking in social graces.也有一些人觉得我们太过注重物质生活, 粗鲁和缺乏社交礼仪.7. Hoover wanted men who could handle a teacup as well asa Tommy - gun.胡佛需要既会使用自动步枪又懂社交礼仪的人.8. They seek out credentials of past performance rather than evaluating a business colleague through social courtesies.他们注重过去的工作成绩记录,而不是通过社交礼仪去评估一个同行.9. Allowing an unimportant mistake to pass without comment is a wonderful social grace.放过一个人不重要的错误,对其不加评论是很好的社交礼仪.10. I have joined the dancing mass organization which cultivated the social intercourse and etiquette.在校期间参加了交谊舞社团等,丰富课外时间同时增强了自身社交礼仪的培养.11. Many are the social amenities practised in China.中国人有许多社交上的礼仪.12. But there are many other reasons to eat food: pleasure, social community, identity, and ritual.但是吃饭还有很多其他原因: 为了快乐、社交、身份及礼仪.13. Remember your table manners: companies want employees with social as well as job skills.记住你的餐桌礼仪: 公司希望员工除了工作技能之外还有社交技能.。

Social Etiquette 社交礼仪

Social Etiquette 社交礼仪
Li: Or a bunch of flowers for the hostess 给女主人买上一束鲜花。
Finn: And if there’re any children, you might want to bring a box of
chocolates 一盒巧克力。
wrong with chocolate.
Finn: This man said that it all depends on the level of relationship.
Li: 这取决于相互之间关系的疏密程度。特别熟悉的好朋友不需要客气,空手来,一
here, bring themselves, have a bit of fun, be relaxed and there’s no need for them
to bring anything. And if I’m going to a party and I’m the guest, yes I’ll bring a
Finn: It’s e-t-i-q-u-e-t-t-e etiquette. So Li, as a British person I take a lot
of this for granted. But you know, it's something that foreign
students should really be aware of as social etiquette can be quite
Li: 每人带一样菜的聚餐 muck in 拼凑. 当然也可以带甜点或沙拉。
Finn: And so, parties are great aren't they? But can take a lot of time to

社交礼仪 英文版

社交礼仪 英文版
Manners of Deportment
Sitting Posture
Getting on/off Cars
Watch the performance and decide they are true or faulse .
Have you noticed your sitting posture in
1) Preparation
2) The Soup Course
3) The Fish Course
4) The Meat Course
5) Using Knife and Fork
6) Helping Yourself and Refusing
7) The Salad Course
8) Bread and Butter
public ?
Charming smiling comes from hard training .
Get into a car :
1. Back to the door and sit down 2 . Feet close together and move into the car slowly
A . Daytime
a. Women guests : street-length afternoon or cocktail dresses (常礼服) with gloves,head coverings are optional(随意的). Colors are preferable(更合适的) to black or white
b. Men Guest :
Dark suits , and cocktail suits Conservative(保守 的)shirts Ties
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social etiquette; social observance

He wasted no time with social niceties.

Their sense of social propriety is eroded.

She didn't fit in and she had few social graces.

Of course, the basic respect and social etiquette are still necessary.

Etiquette refers to people in relation to others in the course of the elementary qualities, communication abilities.。
