
DiabeticRetinopathyPrepared by the AmericanAcademy of OphthalmologyRetina PanelRetina Panel MembersEmily Y. Chew, MD, Chair, Macula Society and Retina Society Representative William E. Benson, MDH. Culver Boldt, MDTom S. Chang, MDLouis A. Lobes, Jr., MDJoan W. Miller, MDTimothy G. Murray, MD, American Societyof Retina Specialists Representative Marco A. Zarbin, MD, PhDLeslie Hyman, PhD, Methodologist Preferred Practice Patterns Committee MembersJoseph Caprioli, MD, ChairJ. Bronwyn Bateman, MDEmily Y. Chew, MDDouglas E. Gaasterland, MDSid Mandelbaum, MDSamuel Masket, MDAlice Y. Matoba, MDDonald S. Fong, MD, MPHAcademy StaffNancy Collins, RN, MPHFlora C. Lum, MDMario ReynosoMedical Editor: Jeff Van BuerenDesign: Socorro Soberano Reviewed by: CouncilApproved by: Board of TrusteesSeptember2003 Copyright © 2003American Academy of Ophthalmology ®All rights reserved As a service to its members and the public, the American Academy of Ophthalmology has developed a series of guidelines called Preferred Practice Patterns™ that identify characteristics and components of quality eye care.The Preferred Practice Patterns are based on the best available scientific data as interpreted by panels of knowledgeable health professionals. In some instances, such as when results of carefully conducted clinical trials are available, the data are particularly persuasive and provide clear guidance. In other instances, the panels have to rely on their collective judgment and evaluation of available evidence.Preferred Practice Patterns provide guidance for the pattern of practice, not for the care of a particular individual. While they should generally meet the needs of most patients, they cannot possibly best meet the needs of all patients. Adherence to these Preferred Practice Patterns will not ensure a successful outcome in every situation. These practice patterns should not be deemed inclusive of all proper methods of care or exclusive of other methods of care reasonably directed at obtaining the best results. It may be necessary to approach different patients’ needs in different ways. The physician must make the ultimate judgment about the propriety of the care of a particular patient in light of all of the circumstances presented by that patient. The American Academy of Ophthalmology is available to assist members in resolving ethical dilemmas that arise in the course of ophthalmic practice.Preferred Practice Patterns are not medical standards to be adhered to in all individual situations. The Academy specifically disclaims any and all liability for injury or other damages of any kind, from negligence or otherwise, for any and all claims that may arise out of the use of any recommendations or other information contained herein.Innovation in medicine is essential to assure the future health of the American public, and the Academy encourages the development of new diagnostic and therapeutic methods that will improve eye care. It is essential to recognize that true medical excellence is achieved only when the patients’ needs are the foremost consideration.All Preferred Practice Patterns are reviewed by their parent panel annually or earlier if developments warrant and updated accordingly. To ensure that all Preferred Practice Patterns are current, each is valid for 5 years from the “approved by” date unless superseded by a revision.Financial Disclosures:No proprietary interests were disclosed by members of the Preferred Practice Patterns Retina Panel for the past 3 years up to and including June 2003 for product, investment, or consulting services regarding the equipment, process, or products presented or competing equipment, process, or products presented.TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION (2)ORIENTATION (3)Entity (3)Disease Definition (3)Patient Population (3)Activity (3)Purpose (3)Goals (3)BACKGROUND (4)Epidemiology (4)Risk Factors (4)Natural History (4)PREVENTION AND EARLY DETECTION (6)CARE PROCESS (8)Patient Outcome Criteria (8)Diagnosis (8)History (9)Examination (9)Examination Schedule (9)Type 1 (Diabetes Onset Usually between Ages 0 and 29 Years) (9)Type 2 (Diabetes Onset Usually at Age 30 Years or Older) (9)Diabetes Associated with Pregnancy (10)Ancillary Tests (10)Color Fundus Photography (10)Fluorescein Angiography (10)Ultrasonography (Echography) (11)Optical Coherence Tomography (11)Treatment (11)Normal or Minimal NPDR (12)Mild to Moderate NPDR without Macular Edema (13)Mild to Moderate NPDR with Clinically Significant Macular Edema (13)Severe and Very Severe NPDR and Non-High-Risk PDR (14)High-Risk PDR (15)High-Risk PDR Not Amenable to Photocoagulation (15)Other Treatments (16)Side Effects and Complications of Treatment (16)Focal Photocoagulation for Diabetic Macular Edema (16)Scatter Photocoagulation for Severe NPDR or PDR (16)Vitrectomy (16)Follow-up (16)History (16)Provider (17)Counseling/Referral (17)APPENDIX 1. SUMMARY OF MAJOR RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CARE (18)APPENDIX 2. TREATMENT TRIAL RESULTS (20)APPENDIX 3. GLYCEMIC CONTROL (22)APPENDIX 4. COST-BENEFIT ANALYSES (23)GLOSSARY (24)RELATED ACADEMY MATERIALS (27)REFERENCES (28)INTRODUCTIONThe Preferred Practice Patterns (PPP) series of guidelines has been written on the basis of three principles.Each Preferred Practice Pattern should be clinically relevant and specific enough to provide useful information to practitioners.Each recommendation that is made should be given an explicit rating that shows its importance to the care process.Each recommendation should also be given an explicit rating that shows the strength of evidence that supports the recommendation and reflects the best evidence available.In the process of revising this document, a detailed literature search of articles in the Englishlanguage was conducted on the subject of diabetic retinopathy for the years 1997 to 2002. Theresults were reviewed by the Retina Panel and used to prepare the recommendations, which they rated in two ways. The panel first rated each recommendation according to its importance to the care process. This “importance to the care process” rating represents care that the panel thought would improve the quality of the patient’s care in a meaningful way. The ratings of importance are divided into three levels.Level A, defined as most importantLevel B, defined as moderately importantLevel C, defined as relevant but not criticalThe panel also rated each recommendation on the strength of evidence in the available literature to support the recommendation made. The “ratings of strength of evidence” also are divided intothree levels.Level I includes evidence obtained from at least one properly conducted, well-designed, randomized controlled trial. It could include meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials.Level II includes evidence obtained from the following:Well-designed controlled trials without randomizationWell-designed cohort or case-control analytic studies, preferably from more than one centerMultiple-time series with or without the interventionLevel III includes evidence obtained from one of the following:Descriptive studiesCase reportsReports of expert committees/organization s (e.g., PPP panel consensus with peer review)The evidence cited is that which supports the value of the recommendation as something thatshould be performed to improve the quality of care. The panel believes that it is important to make available the strength of the evidence underlying the recommendation. In this way, readers canappreciate the degree of importance the committee attached to each recommendation and they can understand what type of evidence supports the recommendation.The ratings of importance and the ratings of strength of evidence are given in bracketedsuperscripts after each recommendation. For instance, “[A:II]” indicates a recommendation with high importance to clinical care [A], supported by sufficiently rigorous published evidence,though not by a randomized controlled trial [II].The sections entitled Orientation and Background do not include recommendations; rather they are designed to educate and provide summary background information and rationale for therecommendations that are presented in the Care Process section. A summary of the majorrecommendations for care is included in Appendix 1.ORIENTATIONENTITYDiabetic retinopathy (ICD-9 #362.01 and 362.02)DISEASE DEFINITIONDiabetic retinopathy is a disorder of the retinal vasculature that eventually develops to somedegree in nearly all patients with long-standing diabetes mellitus. The earliest visible clinicalmanifestations of retinopathy include microaneurysms and hemorrhages. Vascular alterations can progress to retinal capillary nonperfusion, resulting in a clinical picture characterized by increased numbers of hemorrhages, cotton-wool spots, and intraretinal microvascular abnormalities (IRMA).Finally, increasing nonperfusion can lead to closure of retinal vessels and pathologic proliferation of retinal vessels, characterized by neovascularization on the disc or elsewhere. Increasedvasopermeability results in retinal thickening (edema) during the course of diabetic retinopathy.Visual loss results mainly from macular edema, macular capillary nonperfusion, vitreoushemorrhage, and distortion or traction detachment of the retina.A description of the fundus findings in various stages of diabetic retinopathy is located in theNatural History section. Important terms are defined in the Glossary.PATIENT POPULATIONThe patient population includes all patients with diabetes mellitus.ACTIVITYEvaluation and management of diabetes-related retinal disease.PURPOSEThe primary purpose of evaluating and managing diabetic retinopathy is to prevent, retard, orreverse visual loss, thereby maintaining or improving vision-related quality of life.GOALSIdentify patients at risk for developing diabetic retinopathy.Encourage involvement of the patient and primary care physician in the management of the patient’s systemic disorder, with specific attention to control of blood sugar (hemoglobin A1c),serum lipids, and blood pressure.Encourage and provide lifelong evaluation of retinopathy progression.Treat patients at risk for visual loss from diabetic retinopathy.Minimize the side effects of treatment that might adversely affect the patient’s vision and/or vision-related quality of life.Provide visual rehabilitation for patients with visual loss from the disease or refer for visual rehabilitation.BACKGROUNDEPIDEMIOLOGYDiabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of new cases of legal blindness among working-ageAmericans. An estimated 29 million Americans age 20 years or older have either diagnoseddiabetes mellitus, undiagnosed diabetes, or impaired fasting blood glucose levels; about one third are not aware that they have the disease.1For the purposes of this PPP, two forms of diabetes mellitus are recognized. Type 1, previously called juvenile-onset or insulin-dependent diabetes, is characterized by beta-cell destruction and usually leads to absolute insulin deficiency. Type 2, previously called adult-onset or noninsulin-dependent diabetes, is characterized by insulin resistance with an insulin secretory defect thatleads to relative insulin deficiency.2 Many patients with type 2 diabetes take insulin.Between 90% and 95% of patients with diabetes have type 2 diabetes. Because of the disproportionately large number of patients with type 2 diabetes, this group comprises a substantial proportion of patients with visual impairment secondary to diabetic retinopathy, even though type 1 diabetes isassociated with more frequent and more severe ocular complications.3 The increased frequency of childhood obesity may result in an increased frequency of type 2 diabetes in the pediatric agegroup.4RISK FACTORSDuration of diabetes is a major risk factor associated with the development of diabetic retinopathy.After 5 years, approximately 25% of type 1 patients have retinopathy. After 10 years, almost 60% have retinopathy, and after 15 years, 80% have retinopathy. Proliferative diabetic retinopathy, the most vision-threatening form of the disease, is present in approximately 25% of type 1 patientswith 15 years’ duration of the disease.5Of type 2 patients who have a known duration of diabetes of less than 5 years, 40% of thosepatients taking insulin and 24% of those not taking insulin have retinopathy. These rates increase to 84% and 53%, respectively, when the duration of diabetes has been documented for up to 19 years. Proliferative retinopathy develops in 2% of type 2 patients who have diabetes for less than 5 years and in 25% of patients who have diabetes for 25 years or more.6The severity of hyperglycemia is the key alterable risk factor associated with the development of diabetic retinopathy. Support for this association is found in results of both clinical trials andepidemiologic studies.7-9 There is general agreement that duration of diabetes and severity ofhyperglycemia are the major risk factors for developing retinopathy. After retinopathy is present,duration of diabetes appears to be a less important factor than hyperglycemia for progression from earlier to later stages of retinopathy.9 Intensive management of hypertension has been demonstrated to slowretinopathy progression.10, 11 There is less agreement between studies concerning the importance of other factors such as age, type of diabetes, clotting factors, renal disease, and use of angiotensin-convertingenzyme inhibitors.9, 12-14 Many of these factors are associated with the significant cardiovascularmorbidity and mortality and other complications associated with diabetes. Thus, it is reasonable toencourage patients with diabetes to be as compliant as possible with therapy of all medical aspects oftheir disease.NATURAL HISTORYDiabetic retinopathy progresses in an orderly fashion from minimal changes to more severe stages if there is no intervention. It is important to recognize the stages in which treatment may bebeneficial. Several decades of clinical research have provided excellent data on the natural course of the disease and on treatment strategies that are 90% effective in preventing the occurrence of severe vision loss. These studies include five major clinical trials: the Diabetes Control andComplications Trial (DCCT),8, 15, 16 the Diabetic Retinopathy Study (DRS),17-19 the EarlyTreatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS),20-31 the Diabetic Retinopathy Vitrectomy Study (DRVS),32-35 and the United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS).10, 36, 37The outcomesof these trials are solid foundations underlying the Preferred Practice Pattern for treating diabeticretinopathy. The results of these studies are presented in Appendices 2 and 3.Diabetic retinopathy in its earliest stages is called nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR)and is characterized by retinal vascular abnormalities including microaneurysms, intraretinalhemorrhages, and cotton-wool spots. Increased retinal vascular permeability that occurs at this orlater stages of retinopathy may result in retinal thickening (edema) and lipid deposits (hardexudates). Clinically significant macular edema (CSME)is a term commonly used for retinalthickening and/or adjacent hard exudates that either involve the center of the macula or threaten tospread into it. Patients with CSME should be considered for focal laser photocoagulation,particularly if the center of the macula is already involved or if retinal thickening/adjacent hardexudates are very close to it(see Care Process).As diabetic retinopathy progresses, there is a gradual closure of retinal vessels, which results inimpaired perfusion and retinal ischemia. Signs of increasing ischemia include venousabnormalities (beading, loops, etc.), IRMA, and more severe and extensive vascular leakagecharacterized by increasing retinal hemorrhages and exudation.When these signs progress beyondcertain defined thresholds, severe nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy(severe NPDR) isdiagnosed (see Glossary for definition).Patients with this degree of retinopathy should beconsidered for possible treatment with scatter laser photocoagulation (see Care Process).The more advanced stage, proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR), is characterized by the onsetof neovascularization on the inner surface of the retina induced by the retinal ischemia. Newvessels at the optic disc (NVD) and new vessels elsewhere in the retina (NVE) are prone to bleed,resulting in vitreous hemorrhage. These new vessels may undergo fibrosis and contraction; thisand other fibrous proliferation may result in epiretinal membrane formation, vitreoretinal tractionbands, retinal tears, and traction or rhegmatogenous retinal detachments. When new vessels areaccompanied by vitreous hemorrhage, or when new vessels at the optic disc occupy greater than orequal to about 1/4 to 1/3 disc area, even in the absence of vitreous hemorrhage, PDR is said to bein the high-risk stage (high-risk PDR; see Glossary for definition).Neovascular glaucoma canresult from new vessels growing on the iris and anterior chamber angle structures. Patients withneovascular glaucoma or high-risk PDR should receive prompt scatter photocoagulation(see CareProcess).In an attempt to improve communication worldwide between ophthalmologists and primary carephysicians caring for patients with diabetes, an international clinical disease severity scale wasrecently developed for diabetic retinopathy and macular edema (Tables 1 and 2).38 This scale isbased on the ETDRS classification of diabetic retinopathy and on the data collected in clinicaltrials and epidemiologic studies of diabetic retinopathy. However, the scheme remains to bevalidated.TABLE 1International Clinical Diabetic Retinopathy Disease Severity ScaleProposed Disease Severity Level Findings Observable upon Dilated OphthalmoscopyNo apparent retinopathy No abnormalitiesMild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy Microaneurysms onlyModerate nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy More than just microaneurysms but less than severe NPDRSevere nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy♦ ♦ ♦ More than 20 intraretinal hemorrhages in each of four quadrants Definite venous beading in two or more quadrants Prominent IRMA in one or more quadrantsAnd no signs of proliferative retinopathy Proliferative diabetic retinopathy One or both of the following:♦ ♦ Neovascularization Vitreous/preretinal hemorrhageIRMA = intraretinal microvascular abnormalities; NPDR = nonproliferative diabetic retinopathyTABLE 2 International Clinical Diabetic Macular Edema Disease Severity ScaleProposed Disease Severity Level Findings Observable upon Dilated OphthalmoscopyDiabetic macular edema apparently absent Diabetic macular edema apparently present No apparent retinal thickening or hard exudates in posterior pole Some apparent retinal thickening or hard exudates in posterior pole If diabetic macular edema is present, it can be categorized as follows:Proposed Disease Severity LevelFindings Observable upon Dilated Ophthalmoscopy* Mild diabetic macular edema: Some retinal thickening or hard exudates in posterior pole butdistant from the center of the maculaModerate diabetic macular edema: Retinal thickening or hard exudates approaching the center ofthe macula but not involving the centerDiabetic macular edema present ♦Severe diabetic macular edema: Retinal thickening or hard exudates involving the center of themacula ♦ ♦ * Hard exudates are a sign of current or previous macular edema. Diabetic macular edema is defined as retinal thickening; this requires a three-dimensional assessment that is best performed by dilated examination using slit-lamp biomicroscopy and/or stereo fundus photography.PREVENTION AND EARLY DETECTIONAlthough a healthy lifestyle with exercise and weight control may decrease the risk of developing diabetes in some patients,39, 40 in many cases diabetes cannot be prevented. In contrast, in many cases the blinding complications of diabetes mellitus can be prevented or moderated. Treatment can yield significant cost savings compared with the direct costs for those disabled by vision loss (see Appendix 4). Analyses from two clinical trials show that the treatment for diabeticretinopathy may be 90% effective in preventing severe vision loss (visual acuity less than 5/200) with current treatment strategies.41 Although effective treatment is available, the number of patients with diabetes referred by their primary care physicians for ophthalmic care is far below the guidelines of the American Diabetes Association and the American Academy ofOphthalmology.42 In a community-based intervention trial, at enrollment 35% of participants did not follow the vision care guidelines; two thirds of this group reported no eye examination in the year prior to enrollment and one third had an undilated examination.43In one epidemiologic study of over 2000 diabetes patients, 11% of type 1 patients and 7% of type 2 patients with high-risk PDR had not been seen by an ophthalmologist within 2 years.44 In this study, 46% of eyes with high-risk PDR had not received photocoagulation surgery.44 According to the National Committee for Quality Assurance’s Health Plan Employers Data Information Set 3.0 System, the average rate of annual eye examinations for patients with diabetes was 45% across participating health plans in 2000. Among prepaid health plan enrollees, 77% of patients with diabetes received an eye examination over a 3-year study period.45 A longitudinal analysis of Medicare claims data for beneficiaries age 65 years or older found that 50% to 60% had annual eye examinations in a 15-month period.46 Ophthalmologists, physicians who care for patients with diabetes, and patients themselves need to be educated about indications for referral.Recommended intervals for eye examinations for patients with diabetes are given in Table 3.TABLE 3Recommended Eye Examination Schedule for Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Diabetes Type Recommended Time ofFirst ExaminationRecommended Follow-up* Type 1 5 years after onset5[A:II] Yearly5 [A:II]Type 2 At time of diagnosis6 [A:II] Yearly6 [A:II]Prior to pregnancy (type 1 or type 2) Prior to conception or early in the firsttrimester47-49 [A:I]No retinopathy to mild or moderate NPDR: every 3–12 months47-49 [A:I]Severe NPDR or worse: every 1–3 months47-49 [A:I]* Abnormal findings may dictate more frequent follow-up examinations.NPDR = nonproliferative diabetic retinopathyThe primary prevention and screening process for diabetic retinopathy varies according to the age of onset of the disease. Several forms of retinal screening with standard fundus photography ordigital imaging, with and without dilation, are being investigated as a means of detectingretinopathy early, and they warrant further evaluation.50Some studies have shown that screening to identify sight-threatening retinopathy with photography is more sensitive than clinicalexamination with ophthalmoscopy.51-54 It is not clear whether the new digital photographytechniques (e.g., single-field, 45-degree photo) are as sensitive and specific as traditional standard seven-field stereoscopic 30-degree fundus photographs for determining the level of diabeticretinopathy.55 Most digital nonmydriatic cameras lack stereoscopic capability, which is useful for identifying subtle neovascularization and macular edema.42 However, digital nonmydriaticcameras that operate stereoscopically have been validated against fundus photography and mayeventually prove to be useful tools in future studies. At this time it is not clear that photographic screening programs achieve a greater reduction in vision loss compared with routine community care in areas where access to ophthalmologists is straightforward.42 Of course, such screeningprograms have great value in circumstances in which access to ophthalmic care is limited.53, 55 At this time, these technologies are not considered a replacement for a comprehensive eye evaluation by an ophthalmologist experienced in managing diabetic retinopathy.Ophthalmologists can play an important role in diabetic care apart from treating eye disease.Patients can be counseled about the importance of blood glucose and blood pressure control, for example, at the time of the eye examination.The results of the DCCT showed that the development and progression of diabetic retinopathy in patients with type 1 diabetes can be delayed if glucose concentrations are maintained in the near-normal range (see Appendix 3).15 After 3 years of intensive treatment to reduce glucose levels, the DCCT showed that among patients without retinopathy, the development of any retinopathy was reduced by 75% but not prevented completely over the 9-year course of the study. The benefit of strict glucose control also was evident in patients with existing retinopathy (50% reduction in the rate of progression of retinopathy compared with controls). At the 6- and 12-month visits, a small adverse effect of intensive treatment on retinopathy progression was seen, similar to that described in other trials of intensive glucose control. This small adverse effect was a transient earlyworsening of the retinopathy in the intensive treatment group within the first 2 years of treatment, with no effect on visual acuity. Beyond 3.5 years of follow-up, the risk of progression was fivetimes lower with intensive insulin treatment than with conventional treatment.Evidence about the effects of controlling hyperglycemia in type 2 patients comes fromobservational data as well as randomized clinical trials. Definitive results were seen in theUKPDS,37, 56 a randomized, controlled clinical trial of blood glucose control in 3867 patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes. Intensive blood glucose control by either the sulfonylureas orinsulin decreased the risk of microvascular complications but not the risk of macrovasculardisease. There were no adverse effects of the individual drugs on the cardiovascular outcome. In this study, there was a 29% reduction in the need for retinal photocoagulation surgery in the group with intensive glucose therapy compared with those with conventional treatment (relative risk,0.71; 95% confidence interval, 0.53–0.96; P=0.003).Also in the UKPDS, 1148 patients with both diabetes and hypertension were randomly assigned to antihypertensive treatment.10 Additional analyses from this nested trial of antihypertensivemedications (captopril, an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, or atenolol, a beta blocker) showed that tight blood pressure control achieved a clinically important reduction in the risk of deaths related to diabetes and in the risk of progression of diabetic retinopathy. There was a 34% reduction in the risk of progression of retinopathy from baseline by two or more steps by a median of 7.5 years (P=0.004) and a 47% reduced risk of decreased vision by three lines on the ETDRS chart (P=0.004). There was no difference in the progression of retinopathy or the final visualacuity in those patients treated with an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor compared with those treated with a beta blocker.It is important to educate all patients with diabetes about the disease and to stress the value ofmaintaining blood glucose (as monitored by hemoglobin A1c) as near normal as is safely possible.The results of the DCCT showed that lowering blood glucose reduces other end-organcomplications as well, including nephropathy and neuropathy (see Appendix 3). The results of the UKPDS demonstrate the value of controlling blood glucose and blood pressure in all patients with type 2 diabetes.Medical treatment such as aspirin therapy has been evaluated for the prevention and retardation of diabetic retinopathy. The ETDRS found no evidence that aspirin therapy retards or accelerates the progression of diabetic retinopathy22 or that it causes more severe or more long-lasting vitreous hemorrhages in patients with PDR.57CARE PROCESSThe care process for diabetic retinopathy includes a medical history, an ophthalmic examination, and vigilant follow-up. Early detection of retinopathy depends on educating patients with diabetes as well as their families, friends, and eye care providers about the importance of regular eyeexamination even though the patient may be asymptomatic. Patients with diabetes mellitus without diabetic retinopathy should be encouraged to have annual dilated eye examinations to detect the onset of diabetic retinopathy.[A:III] Patients should also be informed that effective treatment fordiabetic retinopathy depends on timely intervention, despite good vision and no ocularsymptoms.[A:III] (The recommended timing of the first ophthalmic exam and subsequent follow-up exams for patients with diabetes is given in the section Examination Schedule and in Table 3.)Patient education about the importance of maintaining near-normal glucose levels and near-normal blood pressure and lowering serum lipid levels is an important aspect of the care process.[A:III]Many patients are still not aware of the importance of maintaining good glucose control andmonitoring serum glycosylated hemoglobin levels. Aspirin may be used without concern forworsening diabetic retinopathy by patients with diabetes who require aspirin for other medicalindications and have no contraindications.22, 57 [A:I]PATIENT OUTCOME CRITERIAPatient outcome criteria include the following:Improvement or stabilization of visual functionImprovement or stabilization of vision-related quality of lifeCoordination of care management to achieve optimal glycemic controlDIAGNOSISThe initial examination for a patient with diabetes mellitus includes all features of thecomprehensive adult medical eye evaluation,58 with particular attention to those aspects relevant to diabetic retinopathy.。

DR是一种严重的眼部并发症,如不及时治疗会导致视力下降甚至失明。SCL作 为美国眼科学会制定的DR诊治规范,具有极高的科学性和规范性,为全球的DR诊 治提供了重要的参考。在我国,虽然DR的发病率逐年上升,但对其诊治仍存在诸 多问题和挑战。我们应该积极应对,加强医生培训,提高医疗技术水平,加强公 众健康教育,以期能够更好地预防和控制DR的发病,提高人民群众的生活质量。
(4)激光治疗:用激光束凝固视网膜病变区域,以减轻视网膜水肿、减少新 生血管的产生。
3.药物选择:SCL提出了一些可用于DR治疗的药物,包括抗血管内皮生长因子 (VEGF)药物如贝伐单抗和雷珠单抗等,以及一些抗炎药物如地塞米松等。同时, 也强调了根据病情选择合适药物的重要性。
糖尿病视网膜病变诊治规范美 国眼科学会临床指南解读
01 一、DR的基本概念、 流行情况和危害
03 四、结论
二、SCL的制定原则 和主要内容
糖尿病视网膜病变(DR)是糖尿病患者最常见的眼部并发症之一,也是导致 视力损害和失明的主要原因之一。为了规范DR的诊治,美国眼科学会(AAO)制 定了相关的诊治规范(SCL),以期提高医生的诊治水平,保障患者的视觉健康。 本次演示将介绍DR的基本概念、流行情况和危害,并解读SCL的实际应用价值, 为我国的DR诊治提供参考。

黄斑部出现NP,且 至少一处距黄斑中心 凹小于1DD,黄斑拱 部扩张的毛细血 管及单个或成簇的微 血管瘤;晚期渗漏仅 占黄斑部的局部区域 (<2个象限)。
荧光素渗漏来自黄斑 部弥漫性扩张的毛细 血管;造影晚期渗漏 占据黄斑部全部或大 部分区域(≥2个象 限)。
在NPDR ,糖尿病黄斑病变对视力有明显的损害。 从治疗角度来看,根据FFA的分型结果,可针对不同类型的黄 斑病变,采用相应的方法治疗。尤其对NPDR,若合并有糖尿病 黄斑水肿,结合视力情况,及时行光凝治疗,可改善和保存视 力。
黄斑部脉络膜胶体渗透压高 于视网膜其他部位;
老年人视网膜内屏障功能较弱 视网膜色素上皮层水泵作用减弱 常发生视网膜小血管、后极部脉络 膜血管硬化,黄斑血液循环欠佳。
。 的脂质代谢紊乱
五、治 疗
1.西医治疗 原发病的治疗:严格控制血糖是减低DRP和
(饮食治疗:控制总热量,提供足够的营养素; 药物治疗:磺脲类、双胍类、葡萄糖苷酶抑制剂、
早期主要病理改变在Cap:周细胞减少、 基底膜增厚, Cap管腔减小、 Cap内皮 屏障失代偿。
Retinal capillary
3. 发病的相关因素 与病程(病程>20年,1型99%、2型>60
%)、血糖、血脂、血压、胰岛素水平、 眼压、糖尿病肾病、贫血、妊娠等有关

糖尿病视网膜病变(diabetic retinopathy,DR)是糖尿病导致的视网膜微血管损害所引起一系列典型病变,是一种影响视力甚至致盲的慢性进行性疾病。

根据需要,进行OCT、FFA等 辅助检查,进一步确诊病变程 度和范围。
根据病情严重程度和治疗指南 ,向患者提供个性化的治疗建 议和生活方式指导。
如贝伐单抗、雷珠单抗等,可抑制血管内皮生长因子,减少 血管渗漏和新生血管形成。
糖尿病视网膜病变的病理生理过程包 括毛细血管通透性增加、血液瘀滞、 血流变异常、缺氧等,这些因素共同 作用,导致视网膜微血管病变。
糖尿病视网膜病变是糖尿病最常见的微血管并发症之一,在糖尿病患者中发病 率较高,且随年龄增长而增加。
根据不同研究数据,糖尿病视网膜病变的发病率在糖尿病患者中约为30%-50% ,且随着病程延长和血糖控制不佳,发病率逐渐升高。
通过观察Amsler网格的扭曲、缺失等现象 ,初步判断视网膜病变程度。
在中期糖尿病视网膜病变中,激光治疗成为主要的治疗方法。通过激光凝固视网膜病变区域,可以减 少血管渗漏和防止微血管瘤形成,从而控制病变进展。

Wisconsin 进行的流行病学研究(WESDR)也显示降低血糖可降低IDDM和NIDDM患者的DR发生和发展。

糖尿病视网膜病变:专家共识解读糖尿病视网膜病变(Diabetic Retinopathy,简称DR)是糖尿病最常见的微血管并发症之一,我国糖尿病患者已超过1亿,其中约30%~40%的患者伴有视网膜病变。

糖尿病视网膜病变防治专家共识要点1.糖尿病视网膜病变的定义和分类:- 无增生性糖尿病视网膜病变:表现为微血管病变,包括微aneurysms、微出血、渗出和硬渗。
- 血压目标为:一般情况下收缩压<140 mmHg,舒张压<90 mmHg;对于有糖尿病肾病(肾病或高蛋白尿)的患者,收缩压<130 mmHg,舒张压<80 mmHg。
8.注射与激光治疗:- 对于一些患有增生性糖尿病视网膜病变的患者,可进行注射治疗,包括抗血管内皮生长因子(anti-VEGF)药物和糖皮质激素。

糖尿病视网膜病变(diabetic retinopathy,DR)作为糖尿病的重要微血管并发症,已经成为当今工作年龄人群中主要的致盲眼病之一,对社会和家庭带来了极大的负担。
美国眼科学会于2019年发布了最新版糖尿病视网膜病变(diabetic retinopathy,DR)临床指南,该版指南在2017版指南的基础上进行了补充及修订[1]。
1 DR的定义美国眼科学会在最新的指南中将DR定义为1型和2型糖尿病的常见并发症,是糖尿病患者终末器官损害的眼部表现,其中神经变性被认为是其发病的早期病理改变[2]。
新版指南鼓励患者、基层医生以及专科医生相互协作,特别关注血糖[糖化血红蛋白(glycosylated hemoglobin,HbA1c)]、血压、血脂、体重的控制、肾脏疾病、冠状动脉疾病和神经病变的管理,并提供对于DR 的终身监测,治疗因DR导致视力下降或有下降危险的患者,尽可能减少治疗的不良反应,向视力障碍患者提供视力康复服务,并开发远程医疗改进的新技术。

CK经典文献翻译组在2019版标准的中文译文基础上(链接: 指南共识l 2019ADA 糖尿病医学诊疗标准(目录+中文译文全文链接)),开始2020版ADA糖尿病医学诊治标准的翻译。
2019版中文译文约18万字,本公众号曾断断续续用时长达10个月完成,此次将由CK翻译组各位老师更新为2020版本,可望更快速呈现于大家面前,会陆续发布于公众号内,另外也欢迎有余力的专业医生加入CK经典文献翻译组2020标准已发译文部分:•指南共识l 2020ADA诊疗标准-改善人群管理,促进人群健康(01)**•指南共识l 2020ADA诊疗标准-综合医学评估和合并症评估(04)**•指南共识 l 2020ADA诊疗标准-促进行为改变和心理健康以改善健康结局(05)**•指南共识 l 2020ADA诊疗标准-糖尿病技术(07)**•指南共识l 2020ADA诊疗标准-管理肥胖以治疗2型糖尿病(08)**•指南共识l 2020ADA诊疗标准-糖尿病和高血压/血压控制(10-1)**•指南共识 l 2020ADA诊疗标准-老年糖尿病(12)**•指南共识 l 2020ADA诊疗标准-儿童和青少年糖尿病(13)** •指南共识 l 2020ADA诊疗标准-院内血糖管理(15)**ADA 糖尿病诊治标准2020第十一部分 l 微血管并发症和足护理Microvascular Complications and Foot Care翻译:李莉/陈康CK经典文献翻译组李莉简介•副主任医师,硕士研究生,毕业于中南大学湘雅医学院•社会任职:山西省医师协会内分泌分会委员、山西省免疫学会内分泌代谢免疫学专委会委员、山西省医师学会甲状腺疾病专业委员会委员、山西省专家学者协会内分泌分会委员、长治市医师协会内分泌医师分会常委、长治医学会内分泌专家委员会甲状腺学组委员•发表国家级和省级论文10余篇、编写论著1部•获奖荣誉:“春天计划”病例大赛山西赛区一等奖、长治医学院第二临床学院双语教学比赛一等奖、长治医学院双语教学大赛二等奖、“德医双馨”病例大赛山西赛区二等奖、“秀霖解泌”病历大赛山西赛区二等奖美国糖尿病协会(ADA)“糖尿病医疗保健标准”包括:ADA当前的临床实践建议,旨在提供糖尿病诊治的相关内容、一般治疗目标和指南以及评估诊治质量的工具。

机理 ---毛细血管闭塞,retina 缺血缺 氧,导致视神经纤维肿胀断裂 ---轴浆流受损而形成白色羽毛状 眼底表现 ---白色棉絮样团块,常位于血管 分叉处 是 retina 缺血、缺氧加重的标志
水 肿
机理 ---血管屏障功能受损,液体渗出(细胞外水 肿)导致retina edema , 以macula最容 易受累 眼底表现 ---retina 局部或广泛灰白色增厚,macula中 心反射消失,严重者形成囊样水肿
糖尿病性视网膜病变:视网膜出 血,渗出,水肿 糖尿病性视神经病变:视乳头水肿 糖尿病性黄斑病变:黄斑出现水肿
•视网膜血管改变 管径变化 视网膜动脉硬化改变 血管白鞘和白线状 异常血管
•视网膜变性性改变 视网膜色素变性 周边视网膜变性
•视网膜增生性病变 视网膜新生血管膜 视网膜增生膜
红 黄 白
视网膜微循环障碍最早的体征 周细胞丧失,管壁薄弱,局部膨出呈囊样 眼底表现 边境清楚,红或暗红色斑 病理 视网膜毛细血管前小动脉 毛细血管 、毛细血管后小动脉 管壁呈球形或卵圆形侧膨隆 ---多少和变化反映了病变轻重和进展 ---并非糖尿病所特有
提供更精确的信息 1、病变早期可显示微血管瘤、视网膜血管功能失调 2、判断黄斑水肿的程度,并观察其病变有无缺血改变 3、发现早期新生血管、引导激光治疗及疗效评估


(一)筛查1. 筛查方法:免散瞳眼底摄片筛查DR具有较好的灵敏度和特异度,高质量的眼底照片可以筛查出绝大多数有临床意义的DR。
2. 筛查时机:我国建议青春期前或青春期诊断的1型糖尿病患者在青春期后(12岁后)开始检查眼底,青春期后诊断1型糖尿病的患者建议在病程5年内,必须进行第一次DR筛查。
3. 筛查频率:1型糖尿病患者开始筛查DR后建议至少每年复查一次,2型糖尿病无DR者推荐每1~2年检查一次。

试验应该用美国糖化血红蛋白标准化计划组织(National Glycohemoglobin Standardization Program,NGSP)认证的方法进行,并与糖尿病控制和并发症研究(Diabetes Control and Complications Trial,DCCT)的检测进行标化。
或空腹血糖(FPG)≥7.0 mmol/L.空腹的定义是至少8小时未摄入热量。
或OGTT 2h血糖≥11.1 mmol/L。
试验应按世界卫生组织(WHO)的标准进行,用相当于75 g无水葡萄糖溶于水作为糖负荷。
1 mmol/L。
(E)为筛查糖尿病或评估未来糖尿病的风险,A1C、 FPG或2h 75g OGTT均可使用。
(B)未知是否具有糖尿病的孕妇,在妊娠24~28周用75g 2h OGTT 筛查妊娠糖尿病,诊断切点见“2012年糖尿病诊疗标准”表6。
(B) 如发现有妊娠糖尿病病史的妇女为糖尿病前期,应接受生活方式干预或二甲双胍治疗以预防糖尿病(A)预防/延缓2型糖尿病对于糖耐量异常(IGT)(A)、空腹血糖受损(IFG)(E)或A1C 在5.7~6。
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>>>>目前,激光光凝仍然是不累及中心的糖尿病性黄斑 水肿的首选治疗。
2016 版 AAO 指南沿用了此前 DR 的分期,并将其和 国际糖尿病性视网膜病变临床分期一并列出(表 1)。
2. 激光治疗:CSME 的经典治疗方法是激光治疗。在极少数情况 下,光凝会导致视网膜下纤维化和脉络膜新生血管,会导致 永久性的中心视觉丧失。除了脉络膜新生血管以外,视网膜 纤维化最重要的相关因素包括激光治疗前严重的硬性渗出和 高血脂。
3. 手术:当存在严重的黄斑部牵拉时,扁平部玻璃体切除能够 帮助部分对光凝和抗 VEGF 治疗无效的患者提高视力。然而, 玻切术的效果难以通过 RCT 实现评估,因此对其疗效的评价 差异很大。
美国眼科协会临床指南:糖尿病 视网膜病变
>>>>目前,仅有约 60% 的糖尿病患者每年接受视网膜病变的 筛查。
>>>>1 型糖尿病患者应当在诊断 5 年后开始接受视网膜病变 的筛查,2 型糖尿病患者应当在诊断为糖尿病时就接受筛查, 并且之后每年复查一次。
>>>>保持接近正常的血糖水平和控制血压能够降低视网膜病变 的发生及进展风险。因此,应当教育患者控制好糖化血红蛋 白、血脂和血压等指标。血糖控制是最重要的可调控的 DR 危险因素,HbA1c 在大多数患者的控制目标被推荐为 7% 及 以下,在某些经选择的患者,控制在 6.5% 以下可能更有益。 其他可能的危险因素如血压、血脂等目前尚无肯定研究结论。
表 4 糖尿病患者有关视网膜病变的治疗方案推荐
一、正常或极轻度 NPDR
患者应当接受每年定期复查。一年内 5%~10% 没有 视网膜病变的患者会发展为 DR。激光治疗、彩色眼 底照相和 FA 并非必需。
二、轻度到中度 NPDR,不伴有黄斑水肿
已经有视网膜微动脉瘤和多发出血灶或硬性渗 出的患者应当 6~12 个月接受一次复查。约 16% 的 1 型糖尿病轻度 NPDR 患者会在 4 年 内进展到增殖期。对这部分病人,激光治疗和 FA 检查并非必要。彩色眼底照相和 OCT 检查 对了解病人的基线状况以方便复诊和患者教育 更为有利。 轻度 NPDR 的病人 4 年内发生黄斑水肿的概率 约为 12%,中度 NPDR 患者则增加到 23%。即 使无临床意义黄斑水肿病人也应在 3~4 年内 接受复查,因为发展为 CSME 的风险非常高。
四、严重的 NPDR 和非高危 PDR
根据 ETDRS 得出的数据,严重 NPDR 和非高危 PDR由于有着相似的临床转归和治疗推荐而被放在一 起讨论。一半严重 NPDR 的病人会在 1 年内发展为 PDR,其中 15% 为高危 PDR;对非常严重的 NPDR,1 年内发展为 PDR 的风险为 75%。对这些患者应在 2~4 个月内进行随访。
1. 抗 VEGF 药物:目前,抗 VEGF 药物是累及中心黄斑水肿的 首选治疗方式,可联合同时的或者延后的局部激光治疗。相 较于 2014 版指南,2016 版指南对抗 VEGF 药物治疗 CSME 方面的内容做了补充,指出贝伐单抗、雷珠单抗和阿柏西普 都是对 CSME 的有效治疗手段,然而在患者初始视力较差的 情况下(20/50 或更差)阿柏西普对改善视力更为有效。
ETDRS 比较了早期行全视网膜光凝(panretinal photocoagulation, PRP)和延迟 PRP(期间密切随访, 在进展为高危 PDR 时立刻行 PRP)的效果,建议对轻 度和中度 NPDR 不推荐行 PRP,而在严重 NPDR 发生时, 应当考虑 PRP,不应延迟至进展为高危增殖阶段再进行。 若暂不进行 PRP,随访应 3~4 个月进行一次,若病人 没有定期随访的条件、即将或近期接受白内障手术或处 于妊娠状态(增加进展风险),可以考虑早期进行 PRP。
三、轻度到中度 NPDR,伴有 CSME
ETDRS 将 CSME 定义为:距黄斑中央 500μm 及以内有 视网膜增厚;距黄斑中央 500μm 及以内有硬性渗出,同 时存在邻近视网膜增厚(此条不适用于此前有视网膜增厚, 治疗成功后残余的硬性渗出);一处或多处视网膜增厚的 面积为 1 个或大于 1 个视盘面积,并且这种病变的任何 部分距黄斑中心为 1 个视盘直径之内。 目前,对黄斑水肿也可根据是否累及黄斑中心进行分类, 这是由于当黄斑中心被累及时视力丧失的风险和治疗的必 要性都将显著增加。 黄斑水肿可通过散瞳后裂隙灯活体显微镜、OCT 和/或立 体眼底照相评估。激光治疗之前 FA 检查有助于确定病灶, 也可帮助确定毛细血管渗漏和确认黄斑无血管区的病理性 扩大。彩色眼底照相可协助记录眼底的情况。OCT 对于发 现和观察水肿很有价值;对于糖尿病患者,因为其他疾病服用阿司匹林并不会给 糖尿性病视网膜病变带来不利影响。
>>>>妊娠期糖尿病(gestational diabetes mellitus, GDM) 的妇女在怀孕期间不需要接受眼科检查,GDM 也不增加妊娠 期间发生糖尿病视网膜病变的风险。然而,已经确诊为糖尿 病的患者怀孕之后需要在妊娠早期就接受眼底检查。
表 1 AAO 糖尿病性视网膜病变分期和国际糖尿病性 视网膜病变临床分期
表 2 国际糖尿病性黄斑水肿临床分级
表 3 尚未发生糖尿病性视网膜病变的糖尿病患者进行 眼科检查的推荐意见
指南强调了糖尿病患者早期发现视网膜病变和定期随访 的重要性,并指出眼科医生应向患者说明,即使他们没 有任何眼部症状和不适,也应当定期随诊。关于眼科检 查的时机和频率,指南给出了如下推荐(表 3):
>>>>在患者发生非增殖性糖尿病性视网膜病变(nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy, NPDR)、增殖性糖 尿病性视网膜病变(proliferative diabetic retinopathy, DR)或黄斑水肿时,需要将患者转诊至眼科医生处。
>>>>眼科医生应当对眼科检查发现及视网膜病变的程度 与初诊的内科医生进行交流。应当对患者强调,遵循 内科医生的医嘱以保持内分泌各项指标稳定是非常重 要的。