微软:才能要求—个人专长、绩效、顾客反馈、团队 协作、长远目标、对产品与技术的挚爱。“微软人”
非常有激情的人:对公司、技术、工作有激情 聪明的人,学习快,有创新性,知道怎么去获得新的想法, 并有能力 解雇 转岗培训 低 重用 高
思科:在人员甄选时一般不做智商情商方面的 测试,主要关注候选人的以下特征:文化适应 性;创新精神;团队合作性;客户导向;有超 越自我的目标
英特尔:人才文化:六大价值观——以客户为导向、 严明的纪律、质量的保证、鼓励冒险、以结果为导向、 创造良好的工作环境 GE:精力充沛;团队精神;创新精神,不惧怕变化; 善于学习 西门子:管理者的四方面要求——较强的实力;不屈 不挠的精神;老练稳重的性格;与他人协作的能力
国外著名企业人员甄选标准 宝洁的用人标准:强烈的进取心;卓越的领导才能; 较强的表达能力;较强的分析能力;创造性;优秀的 合作精神;正直的人格 高 麦肯锡:
SHO/020206/SH-Into to GCO(2000GB)
职能 • 战略 • 组织 • 运营 • 商务技术部 • 业务创建 • 企业金融与战略 • 营销
SHO/020206/SH-Into to GCO(2000GB)
金融机构的咨询业务为客户提供强大的服务与 金融机构咨询业务举例 支持
• 在全球各地区为领先的
地区性和全球性金融机 构服务,并成功为5大 领先的金融中心提供服 务
• 麦肯锡咨询人员撰写了最畅销的管理类书籍,如:《团
队的智慧》、《改革领导人》、《价值评估》、《协作 性竞争》等
• 大多数咨询人员参加内部调研项目,为麦肯锡数据库
SHO/020206/SH-Into to GCO(2000GB)
三大全球知 识中心
• 纽约、伦敦、香港 • 出类拔萃的金融机构咨询专家 • 内容全面丰富的图书馆资料和使用
• 先进的金融服务理论 • 自1990年起共进行了
• 专业的研究和信息专家
4000余项与金融相关的 研究项目
• 大量投资在调研工 客户
作上(每年投入 400-500人)
• 占麦肯锡公司全球咨
Louis Gerstener IBM首席执行官
貌似behind schedule了。
然后就开始做case.第一个case是一个新加坡的sugar refinary company.简单介绍了一下公司的性质,然后说他们现在每年lose200万。
他们的competitor多半不是local company.而是一些国外的company import white sugar from say, thailand then sell them in singapore.现在有个公司approach你,说让你把公司move到印尼。
Failure is the mother of success. 同学互助一起进步(WORD文档/A4打印/可编辑/页眉可删)麦肯锡面试方法麦肯锡面试经验失败总结麦肯锡面试经验一共三轮,每轮两个面试官。
每轮都包括be havior interview和case interview。
然后她就给我做了一个关于mobile phone manufactuer进入中国市场的案例,整个过程还算nice。
因为聊的太久了,所以做了一个brain teaser的case。
让我满足的是有个剑桥的被拒了,还有一个拿到BCGoffer 的也被据了。
我被问的是一个corprate finance的现金流的问题。
但如果五人都给了“ ”,那这人肯定不会被录用。
因而,经常有很多想进咨询行业的人询问- “麦肯锡的招聘要求是什么?”“麦肯锡的工作风格是什么样的?”“我是XXX行业的,转行进麦肯锡对我以后的职业发展怎么样?”......我们把这些常见问题记录了下来,并从麦肯锡官网找到了官方答案。
职业路径如下:Business Analyst - Associate - Engagement Manager - Associate Partner - Partner在麦肯锡,顾问是根据绩效而不是背景或任期来晋升的。
Q2:如果我要申请generalist consulting position,在学历背景和工作年限上有什么要求?如果你正在攻读硕士学位,并且获得的本科学位少于4年,那么你将被考虑担任business analyst的职位。
麦肯锡顾问中有超过三分之一的人没有business degree,约有一半的人不是MBA.Q4:通过校招进入麦肯锡有什么需要知道的?•如果我有兴趣申请特定的麦肯锡业务,是否有单独的申请流程:不,只有generalist或者practice preferences的申请。
1. 格式:简历的格式一般有逆序时间格式(Reverse Chronological Format)和功能性格式(Functional Format)两种。
- 逆序时间格式:按时间顺序列出教育和工作经历,便于雇主了解申请者的工作经验和学历背景。
主要包括以下几个部分: - 个人信息:包括姓名、联系方式、地址等基本信息;- 职业目标或个人简介:简要说明自己的职业目标或个人概况;- 教育背景:列出所获得的学位、学校和时间;- 工作经验:按时间倒序列出曾经从事的工作或实习经历,包括公司名称、职位、时间和工作内容等;- 技能和能力:列出相关的技能和能力,包括语言、计算机技能、领导力等;- 奖励和荣誉:列出获得的奖励和荣誉;- 兴趣爱好:列出个人的兴趣爱好。
- 功能性格式:根据申请职位的要求,突出个人的技能和能力,便于申请者强调自己的优势。
主要包括以下几个部分:- 个人信息、职业目标或个人简介、教育背景和工作经验等部分与逆序时间格式相同;- 技能和能力:突出强项,与所申请职位要求相匹配;- 成就和项目:列出过去的成就和参与的项目。
2. 内容:简历的主要内容应该包括以下几个方面:- 个人信息:包括姓名、联系方式、地址等基本信息;- 职业目标或个人简介:简要说明自己的职业目标或个人概况,概括个人的优势和特点;- 教育背景:列出所获得的学位、学校和时间,可以突出与申请职位相关的专业知识和课程;- 工作经验:按时间倒序列出曾经从事的工作或实习经历,包括公司名称、职位、时间和工作内容等。
突出与申请职位相关的工作经验和成就;- 技能和能力:列出相关的技能和能力,包括语言、计算机技能、领导力等。
【招聘海归硕士】麦肯锡前Recruiter:如何写一封好的Cosnulting Cover Letter?
【招聘海归硕士】麦肯锡前Recruiter:如何写一封好的Cosnulting Cover Letter?作为前麦肯锡招聘团队的简历筛选人,我阅读过非常多的咨询求职信(cover letter),涵盖了各种类型的咨询职位。
而我认为精力分配应该反过来——多花点功夫在求职信上,少用些时间在简历和CV 上。
Blah, blah, blah……无聊得很。
[商科帮推荐]金融本科生进入麦肯锡的超长记录[商科帮推荐] 金融本科生进入麦肯锡的超长记录-20XX年讲述者:剑走偏锋专业:金融学历:本科毕业时间:20XX年.7麦肯锡:偏向虎山行(1)麦肯锡印象:麦肯锡,一个拥有全世界最聪明的人才、“为CEO出谋划策”、全球最著名的顶尖管理顾问咨询公司之一。
未雨绸缪:民间流传一句话:不去深圳就不知道自己钱多少,不去北京就不知道自己官多大套用一下,如果你不知道自己有多聪明,就去参加麦肯锡的面试,它有足够的问题让你认识自己智商有多低;如果你不知道自己有少精力,你就去麦肯锡工作,这里有足够多的工作让你“英年早逝” 这个以“方法”闻名于世的企业所生产出来的“产品”已经成为很多领域里的蓝本,在管理咨询界,麦肯锡是一个神话。
简历resume和CoverLetter写法简历resume和Cover Letter写法在找工作上,最常讨论的就是我们的简历了,搞定简历resume 和Cover Letter可以说搞定一半了,。
下面是小编搜集整理的简历resume和Cover Letter写法,欢迎阅读。
更多资讯请继续关注resume栏目!在说简历和Cover Letter之前,有一个非常重要,但又往往被大家忽略的事情要说,那就是对job description 的运用。
大部分情况下,我们对某一职位的信息和认识都是基于job description。
有效的理解分析job description是customize resume and cover letter 的根本。
这里我介绍一下我自己总结的一个比较有效而实用的方法:keyword analysis. 顾名思义,就是将job description 里的keyword 分析一下。
大家都明白很多情况下,我们的简历都是被keyword screen的。
无论是机器还是人来读我们的简历,keyword 对通过最初一关,拿到phone interview是尤其重要的。
我的方法就是将job description 里的keyword highlight 出来,然后将他们归类,对那些反复出现的类似意思的keyword 要尤其注意。
这些你分类好的'keyword会给你一个很好的轮廓这么写好有针对性的resume & cover letter. 这个分析结果对你之后面试的准备也有很重要的意义.【Resume】很多人在找工作的过程中都经历过,简历投出去以后没有任何的回音,很是苦恼,我也曾经是这样。
Generally speaking, 每个人因为各自专业和背景的不同,简历都非常的不同。
爆!春招简历筛选内幕(附80高盛麦肯锡德勤BAT简历模板)春招,是2018求职的最后一搏安永补招12月28日已经开始华泰证券1月2日已经放出大量校招职位HSBC2018暑期实习1月2日开始网申春招已经迫在眉睫你还想拿着秋招用过的简历应对春招吗?春招一直以来都是以时间短、节奏快岗位少、竞争激烈著称与秋招的名企数量、核心岗位对比春招的机会至少减少50%!战斗全面升级了,你的简历怎么可以一成不变?今天Uni酱为你深度讲解春招网申以及如何写出一份针对春招的简历今日免费讲座入群会获得(以下仅为部分简历福利):•21份金融/咨询/会计/互联网等顶级大牛简历范例•200 套、5大行业岗位细分简历模板及自荐信•高盛、大摩、宝洁、麦肯锡等名企中英文简历模板•100个简历Section Headings and Titles•600 简历必备Action Verbs一、春招网申要做到:快准狠快一般春招的高峰期是3月-4月,但是,2017年春招来得比往年更早,在1月初就有最早开放的春招网申通道了!•网易游戏在2017.1.1开始春招。
二、春招简历5个关键词1你是不是Target School?每个HR设计的简历系统都有学校过滤功能,招聘时也是手拿target school list筛选。
制作优秀简历的七个黄金法则1.传达出职业精神Business-like professional在写作简历时,要时刻记住你是在一个商业环境中推销自己。
形式上,一份专业的简历应当符合以下9点:要疏密有致、主次分明控制在一页范围内各种级别的字体要选择适当不要使用框格不要出现Resume字样不要以学校的Logo和名称作为页眉不要出现个人隐私资料如性别(Sex/Gender),生日(Date of Birth),出生地(Born City)等不要贴照片(公司要求除外)使用时间逆序打印你的简历时,应该注意:要使用80g左右的的白色或奶白色纸张不要选择彩色打印不要选择喷墨打印不要用复印的简历2.不要一份简历打天下越是针对性强的简历越容易受到认可。
3.充分表达自己的独特之处(USP=Unique Selling Points)一群苹果,中间一只香蕉,香蕉说:I’m different!简历是你的广告,而广告最重要的目的就是拿你的USP吸引别人的目光。
如何在资源有限的约束下,用最有效的信息展现出UNIQUE 的自我就需要发挥你的智慧,并遵从以下四个“说话”原则:关键词说话(Key Words):关键词是描述你专业活动或成就的表示技能的名词或动词词组。
What we look for in a resume/CVOur resume/CV reviewers look for evidence of achievement in the four key skill areas outlined in what we look for. We find the following resume/CV information and structure most helpful in giving you a fair review:EducationWe prefer to see details of graduate work and college/tertiary education first. Include your degree subject, university, degree grades, or GPA at each major milestone of your course (for example, magna cum laude overall, summa cum laude in first year) and any major prizes or awards, specifying key dates. You should also include any significant academic projects (e.g., senior thesis, major research work, etc.) that you feel help illustrate your academic ability.Depending on your national background, it may be important that you provide details of your results in all subjects in key examinations (e.g., high school diploma, ‘A' levels, baccalaureate grades).Applicants who have taken standardized tests such as the GMAT, LSAT, SAT, etc. should also include their scores. Providing as much detail as possible here is key. If you have academic transcripts showing detailed grades, send us a copy. If you studied in an academic system unfamiliar to most, try where possible to translate your result to help the reviewer understand (e.g., top two percent of students nationally).Work experienceIf you have work experience, emphasize what you have achieved in each major role beyond your key day-to-day responsibilities. We are most interested in the impact you have had in your career (e.g., the key things that changed because of your direct involvement). You may also describe unique skills and experiences that will help us understand the strengths you bring to the table.Other skills and achievementsWe are interested in any volunteer or charity work, or positions of responsibility in professional bodies – particularly where they demonstrate leadership, initiative-taking, or extraordinary commitment.Similarly, you should include leadership positions,significant involvement in extracurricular activities, and significant participation in sports, games, societies, or hobbies. For example, a high level of achievement in a sport tells us something about your commitment and drive to achieve. Don't just tell us about your hobbies; tell us what you have achieved in pursuing them.Generally you should only include items that you feel will help us understand your strengths better (rather than including something just for the sake of having it). LanguagesInclude any foreign languages for which you have business conversational ability or better. For languages, a good idea is to rate yourself as either basic, competent, or fluent.Writing and layoutTips for resume writing and layoutWe advise you to tailor your resume/CV to the employer you are sending it to, but here are some broad tips on the overall layout of a good resume/CV:Your resume/CV should be neatly typed and clearly laid out.Use a reasonably sized font (e.g., size 10 or larger) and allow some margin around the text for reviewer’s notes.Do not be overly creative with the formatting—it will only distract from the real focus of the document, which is you.Write clearly and don’t forget to check your grammar and spelling.Include your name and contact details at the top, with daytime and evening phone numbers and an e-mail address.Lay out your prior jobs (if any) in reverse chronological order, with your most recent role at the top.It is best to list dates on the left hand side. You should be able to explain any gaps in your career or educational history.The length of your resume/CV will depend on you and your achievements—but don’t pad it out! The trick is to be concise, but not incomplete.Remember, the person reading your resume/CV may not be familiar with your specific credentials. Avoid using any jargon. Ask friends from different backgrounds to read it for you. If they're impressed without being confused, you're looking good. The first part of the candidate screening process at McKinsey is a resume review. We use a resume to help us determine whom to invite to our interviewing process. Therefore, it is important for your resume to be the best possible reflection of you and of your achievements to date.Your resume should not only accurately reflect your achievements to date, but also provide some sense of the scale of those achievements. A successful resume will also give the reader a sense for who you are as a person, as reflected in the activities and achievements you view as important in your life.To help illustrate some of the points above, take a look at an example of a poorly written resume/CV.转载请注明出自应届生求职招聘论坛/,本贴地址:/thread-12587-1-1.html。
其实,用人单位及对方教授在招收的时候,往往并不是想单单从这一项里看出你的出色,而多数时候,他们只想了解“我们是什么样的人”,“我们适不适合这里”--—---从以下特征中找出一两个“最近接自己的样子”,才是正确的CV personalities写法:Mature,dynamic and honest.思想成熟、精明能干、为人诚实。
Excellent ability of systematical management.有极强的系统管理能力.Ability to work independent1y,mature and resourcefu1.能够独立工作、思想成熟、应变能力强。
A person with ability plus flexibility should app1y.需要有能力及适应力强的人.A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable。
个性稳重、具高度责任感.Work well with a multi—cultural and diverse work force。
Bright,aggressive applicants.反应快、有进取心的应聘者。
Ambitious attitude essential.有雄心壮志。
Initiative,independent and good communication skill.积极主动、独立工作能力强,并有良好的交际技能.Willing to work under pressure with leardership quality.愿意在压力下工作,并具领导素质。
Willing to assume responsibilities.应聘者须勇于挑重担。
超级有用的麦肯锡简历标准(Resume CV guidance)
What we look for in a resume/CVOur resume/CV reviewers look for evidence of achievement in the four key skill areas outlined in what we look for. We find the following resume/CV information and structure most helpful in giving you a fair review:EducationWe prefer to see details of graduate work and college/tertiary education first. Include your degree subject, university, degree grades, or GPA at each major milestone of your course (for example, magna cum laude overall, summa cum laude in first year) and any major prizes or awards, specifying key dates. You should also include any significant academic projects (e.g., senior thesis, major research work, etc.) that you feel help illustrate your academic ability.Depending on your national background, it may be important that you provide details of your results in all subjects in key examinations (e.g., high school diploma, ‘A' levels, baccalaureate grades).Applicants who have taken standardized tests such as the GMAT, LSAT, SAT, etc. should also include their scores. Providing as much detail as possible here is key. If you have academic transcripts showing detailed grades, send us a copy. If you studied in an academic system unfamiliar to most, try where possible to translate your result to help the reviewer understand (e.g., top two percent of students nationally).Work experienceIf you have work experience, emphasize what you have achieved in each major role beyond your key day-to-day responsibilities. We are most interested in the impact you have had in your career (e.g., the key things that changed because of your direct involvement). You may also describe unique skills and experiences that will help us understand the strengths you bring to the table.Other skills and achievementsWe are interested in any volunteer or charity work, or positions of responsibility in professional bodies – particularly where they demonstrate leadership, initiative-taking, or extraordinary commitment.Similarly, you should include leadership positions, significant involvement in extracurricular activities, and significant participation in sports, games, societies, or hobbies. For example, a high level of achievement in a sport tells us something about your commitment and drive to achieve. Don't just tell us about your hobbies; tell us what you have achieved in pursuing them.Generally you should only include items that you feel will help us understand your strengths better (rather than including something just for the sake of having it). LanguagesInclude any foreign languages for which you have business conversational ability or better. For languages, a good idea is to rate yourself as either basic, competent, or fluent. Writing and layoutTips for resume writing and layoutWe advise you to tailor your resume/CV to the employer you are sending it to, but here are some broad tips on the overall layout of a good resume/CV:•Your resume/CV should be neatly typed and clearly laid out.•Use a reasonably sized font (e.g., size 10 or larger) and allow some margin around the text for reviewer’s notes.•Do not be overly creative with the formatting—it will only distract from the real focus of the document, which is you.•Write clearly and don’t forget to check your grammar and spelling.•Include your name and contact details at the top, with daytime and evening phone numbers and an e-mail address.•Lay out your prior jobs (if any) in reverse chronological order, with your most recent role at the top.•It is best to list dates on the left hand side. You should be able to explain any gaps in your career or educational history.•The length of your resume/CV will depend on you and your achievements—but don’t pad it out! The trick is to be concise, but not incomplete.Remember, the person reading your resume/CV may not be familiar with your specific credentials. Avoid using any jargon. Ask friends from different backgrounds to read it for you. If they're impressed without being confused, you're looking good.The first part of the candidate screening process at McKinsey is a resume review. We use a resume to help us determine whom to invite to our interviewing process. Therefore, it is important for your resume to be the best possible reflection of you and of your achievements to date.Your resume should not only accurately reflect your achievements to date, but also provide some sense of the scale of those achievements. A successful resume will also give the reader a sense for who you are as a person, as reflected in the activities and achievements you view as important in your life.To help illustrate some of the points above, take a look at an example of a poorly written resume/CV.How to write a successful CV before applying for a jobGetting a CV up to scratch is an important part of the job searching processContinue reading the main storyA good curriculum vitae - or CV - is vital when looking for work,especially when there are numerous candidates for the same job, so what should it contain?There is no perfect template, and each sector may require a differentemphasis on a different aspect of the content, such as career history orqualifications.However, experts suggest there are some basic rules on how a CV should be written and the information that should be included.Overall, a CV should be neat and typed if possible. Most libraries now have public computers, if you do not have your own.It should also be short, usually no more than two sides of A4. It should be positive, stressing achievements and strengths, and make a good impression in a clear and positive way.The basic format for a CV includes:•Personal details, including name, address, phone number, email address and possibly any professional social media presence. You no longer need toinclude your date of birth, owing to age discrimination rules•Career history, starting with your most recent job first. Include dates and temporary or voluntary jobs if appropriate• A personal profile which sells yourself and your qualities, tailored towards the job you are applying for•Achievements from previous jobs that are relevant•Qualifications and training from previous jobs, with the most recent first •Interests, if they are relevant and especially if the skills or teamwork concerned are relevant for the job•Any extra information, such as reasons for a career change or reasons for gaps in career history, such as caring duties•References, ideally two or more and including a recent employer Corinne Mills is managing director of Personal Career Management, which offers careers coaching. She says that a straightforward font and formatting is required - and the spelling must be checked and checked again."Poor spelling is the quickest way of getting a rejection," she says.She adds that people should check five or six adverts for a particular job and then use the common requirements to mould their CV."Many people think that one CV will fit all applications, but it needs to be a very targeted document for the role they are going for. Do some research so you understand what employers are looking for."Careers Wales has bi-lingual advice covers all these areas and also includes help for jobseekers under 19.Global tipsCVs can be produced in a different format for job applications outside of the UK.For example, the equivalent of the CV in the US is the "resume".This has much the same aims by outlining job talents, work history, education and career goals, as well as how a candidate's experience and skills would be suited to the job being advertised.One guide to writing resumes and cover letters is on the New York State Department of Labor's website.。
外企hr青睐的标准英文简历范文chinese name:guoqiang zhangenglish name: eddy zhang(外企习惯以英文名字作为同事间的称呼,如果你有英文名字,将会首先给你的面试官一份亲切感。
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)job objective:a position offering challenge and responsibility in the realm of consumer affairs or marketing.education:2000-xx be ___g university, college of mercegraduating in july with a b. s. degree in marketing.fields of study include: economics, marketing, business law, statistics, calculus,psychology, sociology, social and managerial concepts in marketing, consumer behavior, sales force management, product policy, marketing research and forecast,marketing strategies.1994-2000 the no.2 middle school of xi''an.(第二部分教育背景必须注意:求职者受教育的时间排列顺序与中文简历中的时间排列顺序正好相反,也就是说,是从求职者的.最高教育层次写起。
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What we look for in a resume/CVOur resume/CV reviewers look for evidence of achievement in the four key skill areas outlined in what we look for. We find the following resume/CV information and structure most helpful in giving you a fair review:EducationWe prefer to see details of graduate work and college/tertiary education first. Include your degree subject, university, degree grades, or GPA at each major milestone of your course (for example, magna cum laude overall, summa cum laude in first year) and any major prizes or awards, specifying key dates. You should also include any significant academic projects (e.g., senior thesis, major research work, etc.) that you feel help illustrate your academic ability.Depending on your national background, it may be important that you provide details of your results in all subjects in key examinations (e.g., high school diploma, ‘A' levels, baccalaureate grades).Applicants who have taken standardized tests such as the GMAT, LSAT, SAT, etc. should also include their scores. Providing as much detail as possible here is key. If you have academic transcripts showing detailed grades, send us a copy. If you studied in an academic system unfamiliar to most, try where possible to translate your result to help the reviewer understand (e.g., top two percent of students nationally).Work experienceIf you have work experience, emphasize what you have achieved in each major role beyond your key day-to-day responsibilities. We are most interested in the impact you have had in your career (e.g., the key things that changed because of your direct involvement). You may also describe unique skills and experiences that will help us understand the strengths you bring to the table.Other skills and achievementsWe are interested in any volunteer or charity work, or positions of responsibility in professional bodies – particularly where they demonstrate leadership, initiative-taking, or extraordinary commitment.Similarly, you should include leadership positions, significant involvement in extracurricular activities, and significant participation in sports, games, societies, or hobbies. For example, a high level of achievement in a sport tells us something about your commitment and drive to achieve. Don't just tell us about your hobbies; tell us what you have achieved in pursuing them.Generally you should only include items that you feel will help us understand your strengths better (rather than including something just for the sake of having it). LanguagesInclude any foreign languages for which you have business conversational ability or better. For languages, a good idea is to rate yourself as either basic, competent, or fluent. Writing and layoutTips for resume writing and layoutWe advise you to tailor your resume/CV to the employer you are sending it to, but here are some broad tips on the overall layout of a good resume/CV:•Your resume/CV should be neatly typed and clearly laid out.•Use a reasonably sized font (e.g., size 10 or larger) and allow some margin around the text for reviewer’s notes.•Do not be overly creative with the formatting—it will only distract from the real focus of the document, which is you.•Write clearly and don’t forget to check your grammar and spelling.•Include your name and contact details at the top, with daytime and evening phone numbers and an e-mail address.•Lay out your prior jobs (if any) in reverse chronological order, with your most recent role at the top.•It is best to list dates on the left hand side. You should be able to explain any gaps in your career or educational history.•The length of your resume/CV will depend on you and your achievements—but don’t pad it out! The trick is to be concise, but not incomplete.Remember, the person reading your resume/CV may not be familiar with your specific credentials. Avoid using any jargon. Ask friends from different backgrounds to read it for you. If they're impressed without being confused, you're looking good.The first part of the candidate screening process at McKinsey is a resume review. We use a resume to help us determine whom to invite to our interviewing process. Therefore, it is important for your resume to be the best possible reflection of you and of your achievements to date.Your resume should not only accurately reflect your achievements to date, but also provide some sense of the scale of those achievements. A successful resume will also give the reader a sense for who you are as a person, as reflected in the activities and achievements you view as important in your life.To help illustrate some of the points above, take a look at an example of a poorly written resume/CV.How to write a successful CV before applying for a jobGetting a CV up to scratch is an important part of the job searching processContinue reading the main storyA good curriculum vitae - or CV - is vital when looking for work,especially when there are numerous candidates for the same job, so what should it contain?There is no perfect template, and each sector may require a differentemphasis on a different aspect of the content, such as career history orqualifications.However, experts suggest there are some basic rules on how a CV should be written and the information that should be included.Overall, a CV should be neat and typed if possible. Most libraries now have public computers, if you do not have your own.It should also be short, usually no more than two sides of A4. It should be positive, stressing achievements and strengths, and make a good impression in a clear and positive way.The basic format for a CV includes:•Personal details, including name, address, phone number, email address and possibly any professional social media presence. You no longer need toinclude your date of birth, owing to age discrimination rules•Career history, starting with your most recent job first. Include dates and temporary or voluntary jobs if appropriate• A personal profile which sells yourself and your qualities, tailored towards the job you are applying for•Achievements from previous jobs that are relevant•Qualifications and training from previous jobs, with the most recent first •Interests, if they are relevant and especially if the skills or teamwork concerned are relevant for the job•Any extra information, such as reasons for a career change or reasons for gaps in career history, such as caring duties•References, ideally two or more and including a recent employer Corinne Mills is managing director of Personal Career Management, which offers careers coaching. She says that a straightforward font and formatting is required - and the spelling must be checked and checked again."Poor spelling is the quickest way of getting a rejection," she says.She adds that people should check five or six adverts for a particular job and then use the common requirements to mould their CV."Many people think that one CV will fit all applications, but it needs to be a very targeted document for the role they are going for. Do some research so you understand what employers are looking for."Careers Wales has bi-lingual advice covers all these areas and also includes help for jobseekers under 19.Global tipsCVs can be produced in a different format for job applications outside of the UK.For example, the equivalent of the CV in the US is the "resume".This has much the same aims by outlining job talents, work history, education and career goals, as well as how a candidate's experience and skills would be suited to the job being advertised.One guide to writing resumes and cover letters is on the New York State Department of Labor's website.。