



见面打招呼的英语日常用语300句见面打招呼的英语日常用语300句如下:1、How are you getting on? 你近况如何?2、How’s everything? 一切都好么?3、What’s new? 有什么新鲜事?4、What’s happening? 近来如何?5、Nice to meet you! 很高兴见到你!6、Nice to see you again! 很高兴再见到你!7、How have you been? 你近况如何?8、I’ve been fine, thanks. 我一直很好,谢谢。

9、How’s your family? 你的家人怎么样?10、How’s work? 工作如何?11、Is everything under control? 一切都在掌握之中吗?12、You’re looking great! 你看起来很不错!13、It’s been a long day. 今天很漫长。

14、I’m exhausted! 我筋疲力尽了!15、Are you ready for the weekend? 你周末准备好了吗?16、Enjoy your day off! 祝你度过愉快的一天!17、Here’s to a successful day! 祝你度过成功的一天!18、Here’s to a productive day! 祝你度过有收获的一天!19、Here’s to a prosperous day! 祝你度过富裕的一天!20、Cheers! 干杯!21、Bottoms up! 干杯!22、Good night! 晚安!23、Sleep well! 睡个好觉!24、See you in the morning! 早上见!25、Hi, good morning! 你好,早上好!26、Hello, how are you? 你好,近况如何?27、Hi there, what’s new? 嘿,有什么新鲜事吗?28、How’s everything going? 一切还好吗?29、Hey, what’s up? 嘿,有什么新鲜事吗?30、You look great today! 你今天看起来很棒!31、Are you having fun? 你过得开心吗?32、It’s a pleasure to see you again! 很高兴再次见到你!33、Good morning, how are you? 早上好,你怎么样?34、Hi, nice to meet you! 嗨,很高兴认识你!35、Hello, how’s everything? 你好,一切都好吗?36、Hey there, what’s new? 嘿,有什么新鲜事吗?37、Good day, how’s life treating you? 美好的一天,你过得怎么样?38、What’s up, fellow? 怎么了,伙计?39、Howdy, friend! 你好啊,朋友!40、Hi there, pal! 嘿,伙计!41、Hey, you! Hello, you! 嘿,你!你好啊!42、Good afternoon, sunshine! 下午好,阳光明媚!43、Good evening, have a nice day! 晚上好,祝你有个美好的一天!44、Long time no see, where’d you disappear to? 好久不见,你去哪儿了?45、How’ve you been? 你过得怎么样?46、I’m doing well, how about you? 我过得很好,你呢?47、I’m good, thanks! 我很好,谢谢!48、I’m hanging in there. 我过得还可以。





1. Good morning, my name is [name]. Nice to meet you.早上好,我叫[name]。


2. Hi, I’m [name]. What’s your name?你好,我叫[name]。

你叫什么名字呢?3. Hello, I’m [name]. It’s a pleasure to meet you.你好,我是[name]。


4. Nice to meet you, my name is [name].很高兴认识你,我叫[name]。

5. Hi, I don’t believe we’ve met. I’m [name].你好,我不认为我们见过面。


6. It’s great to finally put a face to the name. I’m [name].终于见到你真人了,很高兴。


7. Hello, how do you do? I’m [name].你好,很高兴见到你。


8. Good morning, I hope you’re doing well. My name is [name].早上好,希望你过得愉快。


9. Nice to meet you, I’m [name]. How do you do?很高兴认识你,我是[name]。

你过得怎么样?10. Hello, my name is [name]. What’s your name?你好,我叫[name]。






了见面打招呼的英语对话带中文,欢迎阅读!Ming:Good afternoon, Mrs Bell.下午好,贝尔夫人。

Mrs Bell:Good afternoon, Ming. How are you today?下午好,明。

你怎么样?Ming:I’m fine, thank you. And you?我很好,谢谢你。

你呢?Mrs Bell:Very busy, Ming, but I’m OK, thanks.很忙,不过,我挺好的。

Harry:Hi Karen.你好,KarenKaren:Hello, Harry. How are you doing?你好,Harry,你怎么样?Harry:I’m very well, thanks. How about you?我非常好,谢谢。

你呢?Karen:Oh, I’m not bad, thank you.我还不错,谢谢。

Jimmy:Good morning, Li Na. How are you?早上好,李娜,你好吗?Li Na:I'm fine, thanks. How about you this morning?很好,谢谢。

你今天早晨好吗?Jimmy:I'm very well, thank you.非常好,谢谢。





下面店铺为你整理了初次见面打招呼礼貌用语英语,希望对你有所帮助!初次见面打招呼礼貌用语英语(精选篇)1. What shall we do tonight? 我们今天晚上去干点儿什么呢?2. What's your goal in life 你的人生目标是什么?3. When was the house built? 这幢房子是什么时候建造的?4. Why did you stay at home? 为什么呆在家里?5. Would you like some help? 今天真漂亮!6. You mustn't aim too high 你不可好高骛远。

7. You're really killing me! 真是笑死我了!8. You've got a point there. 你说得挺有道理的。

9. Being criticized is awful! 被人批评真是痛苦!10. Did you enter the contest? 你参加比赛了吗?初次见面打招呼礼貌用语英语(最新篇)1. I heard some one laughing. 我听见有人在笑。

2. I suppose you dance much. 我想你常常跳舞吧。

3. I walked across the park. 我穿过了公园。

4. I'll just play it by ear. 我到时随机应变。

5. I'm not sure I can do it. 恐怕这事我干不了。

6. I'm not used to drinking. 我不习惯喝酒。

7. Is the cut still painful? 伤口还在痛吗?8. It's too good to be true! 好得难以置信。




1. “How are you doing today, miss?” “⼩姐,今天过得怎么样?” A genuine hello accompanied by a heartwarming, three second smile is one of the most basic, highly effective ice breakers there is. ⼀句真诚的问候搭配上⼀个温暖的三秒钟微笑是最基本也最有⽤的开场⽩。

Think about the people who say “good morning” or “howdy” to their neighbors. This simple greeting is usually followed up with “how are you” or “how are the kids?” Before long, the two parties are talking about their families and even favorite sports teams. 想想那些对邻居说“早上好”或者“你好”的⼈。



2. “Nice earrings!” “你的⽿环真漂亮!” This comment represents a classic technique that is quite effective for starting a conversation. Regardless of whom you are talking to, saying something genuinely nice about their outfit, accessories or even mood will usually be received well. 这句评价代表了开场⽩中⼗分有⽤的⼀种经典技巧。



十句最实用的英语开场白,初次见面也不怕尴尬Whether you want to start a conversation with a new guy or girl you find attractive or you want to get a training session off to a great start, a good ice breaker can help you make a memorable first impression. It can turn that first encounter with someone new into something wonderful that blossoms into lasting friendships and valuable partnerships.不论你是想和心仪的男生或女生绽开对话,还是想让一次培训课有好的开头,一句好的开场白有助于你给他人留下难忘的第一印象。


A bad ice breaker, however, can be a recipe for disaster. It can spiral out of control pretty quickly and at best be a terrible waste of time or worse an embarrassment for everyone involved. So, how do you start a meaningful conversation with someone new and avoid embarrassments or awkward moments of silence? Where do you begin?然而一句糟糕的开场白则可能引发灾难。



「初次见面」实用英文例句!让你认识更多外国朋友想要多与外国人交流、或者结识一些外国的朋友,有些常用的句型一定要学会,好让你们一开始就可以了解彼此、并且有机会进一步认识!Let’s talk的英文老师整理出了一些实用的短句,让你在结交外国朋友的时候能够更从善如流。

1. 当初次见面时,你可以说:Hi! How are you doing?What is your name? (注意:不能说What is your good name. 这是错误的英文说法)用上列方式来向人打招呼问名字会让对方比较亲切,若直接问对方名字,会让人感觉不被尊重。


别人问你时,可以回答:Hello,I’m John.Nice to meet you.若听不清楚对方的姓名,可以说”I’m sorry,I didn’t catch/get your name.”2. 若想介绍对方与你的朋友认识,可以说”Please meet my friend xxx.。

3. 询问对方从哪个国家来:Where are you from?别人问你时,可以回答:I’m from Italy.I’m originally from Canada, now settled in America. (我原本出生在加拿大,现在在美国定居。

)4. 询问对方的工作和职业:What do yo do(for a living)?/What about you?别人问你时,可以回答:I’m a graphic designer. (我是个平面设计师)5. 询问对方年纪:How old are you?/What is your age?别人问你时,可以回答:I’m 22( years old).I’m in my early/late enties.有些人可能不太想说出确切的数字,所以会用”early”和”late”来表示,像”early enties”代表的就是介于21到25岁之间,”late enties”则是25到29岁之间。




店铺整理了第一次见面打招呼英语对话,欢迎阅读! 第一次见面打招呼英语对话一xian: hello,my name is xian.what's your name?你好,我叫冼.你叫什么名字?lingling: hello,my name is lingling,nice to meet you.你好,我叫玲玲,很高兴认识你.xian: nice to meet you too,where are you going?我也很高兴能认识你,你要去那里呢?lingling: the weather is very good,today.i'm going to the bookstore. would you like to go with me?今天天气很好,我要去书店看看.你要去吗?xian: yes ,i also want to take a look there.好的,我也想去看看.lingling: ok! let's go!好的,我们走吧第一次见面打招呼英语对话二Tom: Are you a teacher here?Martin: No I'm not, I'm actually a graduate student.Tom: Oh right.Martin: My name is Martin.Tom: Hi.Martin: Hi how are you?Tom: I'm T om.Martin: Nice to meet you Tom.Tom: Where are you from Martin?Martin: I'm from Seattle, Washington in the US.Tom: Is that in the Northeast? Northwest?Martin: Northwest. Right near Canada.Tom: Is it cold up there?Martin: It's wetter than it is cold.Tom: How long have you been in Japan.Martin: I've been in Japan for about 6 months.Tom: And what are you studying?Martin: I'm studying international cooperation and economics and nationalism in Northeast Asia.Tom: Is that a master's level or a Ph.D.?Martin: Master's level.Tom: Right. How long is the course?Martin: Oh, it's about 2 years so I'll be done in another year.Tom: So you're fairly settled here then?Martin: By and large, yes. How about you?Tom: I'm from the UK. Actually I'm a teacher here. I'm not studying.Martin: Oh, how long have you been a teacher here?Tom: I just started this semester about 2 months ago.Martin: Oh 2 months — very, very recent. How do you find Japan?Tom: It's brilliant. I really like it.Martin: Have you been in Japan a long time or...?Tom: I was in Japan 4 years ago for 2 years. I've been trying to come back since I left.Martin: I find Japan very, very, very nice. The environment is very nice.Tom: I mean this is quite a small city...Martin: I lived in Seoul for about 3 and a half or 4 years and it's nice to have a smaller cleaner city that's a little more laid-back, not so rush rush.Tom: So tell me about your day. What do you do in a day?Martin: Generally pretty standard, you know, come up to campus in the morning, study, have class, and then read a little bit, go to the library, and then go back home and go off to work in Oita.Tom: You work?Martin: Yeah, just in Oita for one or two days a week.Tom: OK. Oh that sounds like a nice schedule.Martin: Yeah, how about you? You're here for how long a day?Tom: Oh. I get the first bus up in the morning. It gets me here at about 8 o'clock. I have only 3 classes in a day so it's only, what, about four and half hours of teaching. The rest of the time is preparing the lessons, marking the homework, surfing the internet, using the library as well. And then I head home about 6 o'clock.Martin: Doesn't sound...well, a little busier but...Tom: It's quite a relaxing schedule, not too intense. And getting home at 6 or 7, I've still got time for a swim or to cook something in the evening.Martin: Do you go to the club down there or...?Tom: The public swimming pool next to the park.Martin: Ah, OK.Tom: Have you been there?Martin: No I haven't. But I've walked by there.Tom: Do you live in that part of Beppu?Martin: I live in Kanagawa so quite far away from everywhere else but it's nice and very, very quiet.Tom: That seems like it's important to you.Martin: As I get older, it gets more important, so.第一次见面打招呼英语对话三Hello, Mr. Tanaka. Welcome to Silicon Valley Software.你好,田中先生。



简单打招呼英语口语外国人见面打招呼用语学了英语多年,好不容易遇到个外国人,想上前打声招呼,可一开口不是“Hi“就是"Hello", 觉得自己深深的降低了逼格有没有?以下是小编为大家提供的外国人见面打招呼用语,供大家参考借鉴。

外国人见面打招呼用语(最新)1. Start a company? But I thought she would be a scholar. 开公司?我原以为她会成为一个学者2. People are always changing, aren’t they? 人总是在变,不是吗?3. Planning The Future 计划将来4. What time are you going to leave for the airport tomorrow? 你明天打算什么时候去机场?5. Is he coming to dinner? 他回来吃饭吗?6. I’m going to the bookstore. Will you go with me? 我要去书店,你和我去吗?7. They’re going to discuss it at the meeting next Friday. 他们将在下周五的会上讨论这个问题。

8. I’ll be waiting for you at the restaurant this time tomorrow. 我明天这时候在餐馆等你。

9. After I get home, I’ll call you. 到家以后,我会给你打电话。

10. Talking About The Weather 谈论天气外国人见面打招呼用语(经典)1. We’ll have fine weather for the next few days. 以后几天天气晴朗。

2. But it’s still raining today! 可今天还在下雨。



新人报到第一天的办公室英语口语新人报到第一天的办公室英语口语1.新人开口第一句:介绍经典表达:Good morning. I’m new here. Please let me introduce myself.早上好。



举一反三:Hello, my name is XXX.You can call me XXX.Would you please introduce me to others? (如果你不好意思自我介绍的'话,那就让HR或者你的直属上司来帮你介绍吧。

)2.新人开口第二句:寒暄经典表达:Nice to meet you.很高兴认识你。

举一反三:Glad to see you.Please to meet you.I’ve heard a lot about you. (这句翻译成中文就是久仰大名,适合于见到某位“业界大牛”时恭维对方。

)3.新人开口第三句:公司规定经典表达:What are our rules about punching?公司上下班打卡有什么样的规定?举一反三:Are there any rules on the dress code I should follow?Could you tell me our policy on the safety manual?Sorry, I don’t know the rules.4.新人开口第四句:工作内容经典表达:Would you like to tell me my work duties?你能告诉我,我的工作职责是什么吗?举一反三:Could you please tell me some basic responsibilities about my job?Can you tell me what my specific work is?Would you give me a brief introduction about my job description?5.新人开口第五句:在哪里?怎么用?经典表达:Excuse me, could you please tell me where the copy room/meeting room/rest room is?打扰一下,能不能请你告诉我复印室/会议室/盥洗室在哪?举一反三:I’m sorry to bother you. Can you tell me how do I use this copy machine/fax machine/overhead projector?Do you know where i can get the paper shredder/hole-puncher/scanner?Can you help me with the form?6.新人开口第六句:能帮我个忙吗?经典表达:May I ask you a favor?我能请你帮个忙吗?举一反三:Do you mind if I ask you a favor?Could you do me a favor?Would you please give me a hand?May I ask you something?7.新人开口第七句:谢谢帮忙经典表达:You’ve really helped me a lot.你真是帮了我大忙。



1. Hi, how are you?(你好,你好吗?)


2. Hello, nice to meet you!(你好,很高兴认识你!)


3. Good morning/afternoon/evening!(早上/下午/晚上好!)


4. How's everything going?(一切顺利吗?)


5. Long time no see!(好久不见!)






英语第一次见面问候语1. Hi! (for informal situation)2. Hello! (for informal situation)3. Hullo! (for informal situation)4. Good morning/afternoon/evening. (for more formal situation)5. Extended greetings at the first meeting:6. Nice to meet you. ( Nice to meet you, too.)7. How do you do! (Nice to meet you.) (for more formal situation)英语商务信函问候语1. Please send your reply by messenger.2. Please reply immediately.3. Please favor us with your reply as early as possible.4. Please write to us by tonight's mail, without fail.5. May we remind you that we are still awaiting your early reply.6. May we request the favor of your early reply?7. A prompt reply would help us greatly.8. A prompt reply will greatly oblige us.9. Your prompt reply would be greatly appreciated.10. Your prompt attention to this matter would be greatly esteemed.11. We look forward to receiving your early reply.12. We thank you now for this anticipated courtesy.13. As the matter is urgent, an early reply will oblige.14. We reply on receiving your reply by return of post.15. We hope to receive your favor at an early date.16. We hope to be favored with a reply with the least delay.17 We await good news with patience.18. We hope to receive a favorable reply per return mail.19. We await the pleasure of receiving a favorable reply at an early date.20. We await the favor of your early (prompt) reply.英语问候语1. Hello! / Hi! 你好!2. Good morning / afternoon / evening! 早晨(下午/晚上)好!3. I'm Kathy King. 我是凯西·金。




下面小编为你整理了初次见面打招呼礼貌用语英语,希望对你有所帮助!初次见面打招呼礼貌用语英语(精选篇)1. What shall we do tonight? 我们今天晚上去干点儿什么呢?2. What's your goal in life 你的人生目标是什么?3. When was the house built? 这幢房子是什么时候建造的?4. Why did you stay at home? 为什么呆在家里?5. Would you like some help? 今天真漂亮!6. You mustn't aim too high 你不可好高骛远。

7. You're really killing me! 真是笑死我了!8. You've got a point there. 你说得挺有道理的。

9. Being criticized is awful! 被人批评真是痛苦!10. Did you enter the contest? 你参加比赛了吗?初次见面打招呼礼貌用语英语(最新篇)1. I heard some one laughing. 我听见有人在笑。

2. I suppose you dance much. 我想你常常跳舞吧。

3. I walked across the park. 我穿过了公园。

4. I'll just play it by ear. 我到时随机应变。

5. I'm not sure I can do it. 恐怕这事我干不了。

6. I'm not used to drinking. 我不习惯喝酒。

7. Is the cut still painful? 伤口还在痛吗?8. It's too good to be true! 好得难以置信。



Hale Waihona Puke or coffee?四、介绍

首次见面介绍 ——This is Mr. / Miss/ Mrs. …… 我向你介绍一下某某 ——I’d like you to meet ….. 很高兴见到你! ——glad to meet/see you! / nice to see/meet you ——thank you, the same to you! / me too.
早上好!—— Good Morning!
下午好!—— Good Afternoon! 晚上好!—— Good Evening! 晚安!—— Good night!
这边请。(请走这边。) —— This way please! 请跟我来。 Follow me please. 你先请. After you. 请坐! ——Please be seated! /Sit down please
日常 英语 口语
—— how do you do? —— how do you do / nice to meet you. / it’s a pleasure to meet you.

——Hello! Hi! ——How are you? ——I’m fine, thank you! And you? ——how are you getting on these days? ——not too bad. /Just so so.

Good bye!/Bye bye! See you!/See you tomorrow ! /See you next time!/ see you later! So long! 珍重! Take care! / Take good care of yourself! 好运! Good luck!






1. 熟悉,并使用对方的名字:“Hi,John,我是Samuel。



2. 问候:“你好,很高兴见到你。


3. 自我介绍:“我是Samuel,来自中国。


4. 询问对方的感受:“你今天过得怎么样?”在交流的过程中,询问对方的感受可以鼓励对方表达自己的情感和心理状态,从而加深彼此之间的交流和理解。

5. 问候句+自我介绍:“你好,我是Samuel,你呢?”在寒暄中,可以将问候和自我介绍结合起来,更有利于加深了解。

6. 谈一些有趣的话题:“你最喜欢的国际足球队是哪支?”在交流时,找到一些有趣的共同话题可以有效地增加对话的互动性,同时也能让你对对方有更多的了解。

7. 分享自己的兴趣爱好:“我非常喜欢旅行,你呢?”通过分享自己的兴趣爱好,可以让对方更加了解你的人格和思想。


8. 问一些开放性问题:“你认为什么是最重要的车辆安全要素?”开放性问题是指那些能够促进对话形成或解决问题的问题,而且可以促进交流中的信息交换和理解。

9. 赞美对方:“你的英语说得非常流利。



10. 提出建议:“听说这里的菜很好,不如我们一起试试?”当开场白进展不太顺利时,提出一些建议可以改变对话的方向,也能让你展现出自己的主动性和热情。





第一次和老外打招呼常用语(最新)1. Why did you go there? 你为什么去那儿?2. I went there on business. 我出差到那儿。

3. And do you have friends there? 你在那儿有朋友吗?4. Yes, a lot of friends. 是的,很多。

5. You must have enjoyed yourself. 你一定玩的很开心。

6. Yes, and I took many pictures. 是的,我还照了好多照片。

7. Please let me see them. 让我看看。

8. Will you go shopping with me? 你跟我去买东西吗?9. Here’s y our change. 这是找你的钱。

10. I’ll go to pick up some odds and ends at the store. 我要到商店买些零碎的东西。

第一次和老外打招呼常用语(经典)1. I get up at 8 every morning. 每天早上我8点起床。

2. I then take a bath in the bathroom. 然后我去洗澡间洗个澡。

3. I shave, brush my teeth, and comb my hair. 我洗脸,刷牙,梳头。

4. I put on a bit of makeup. 我化一点妆。

5. What do you think about it? 你对此怎么看?6. I have no idea. 我不知道。

7. It’s up to you. 由你决定。

8. I’m considering buying a house. 我想买套房子。



英语第一次见面问候语1. "Hey there! How are you doing?" 例子:嘿,朋友,第一次见面,我就说“Hey there! How are you doing?”,多亲切啊!2. "What's up?" 例子:在街上碰到新朋友,一句“What's up?”,轻松开启对话。

3. "Nice to meet you!" 例子:哇,见到你的那一刻,我肯定会开心地说“Nice to meet you!”。

4. "How's it going?" 例子:走进新环境,笑着来一句“Ho w's it going?”,多自然呀!5. "Good to see you!" 例子:哇哦,“Good to see you!”,就像见到了许久未见的老友。

6. "Hi! How've you been?" 例子:遇到新同学,“Hi! How've you been?”,一下子就拉近了距离。

7. "You okay?" 例子:看到对方有点小情绪,关心地问一句“You okay?”,多暖心啊。

8. "What a pleasant surprise to see you!" 例子:哎呀,突然见到,惊喜地来一句“What a pleasant surprise to see you!”。

9. "Howdy!" 例子:哈哈,“Howdy!”,这么特别的问候语,多有意思。

10. "Long time no see!" 例子:真的是好久不见呀,见面就喊“Long time no see!”。





英文见面打招呼常用语(最新)1. I can't afford to go to a restaurant every day.每天都去餐馆吃饭,我真是支付不起。

2. I left at 6:00 so that I could catch the train.我六点钟出门,以便赶上火车。

3. I'm afraid I have some rather bad news for you.我恐怕有些很坏的消息要告诉你。

4. Learn to say the fight thing at the fight time.学会在适当的时候说适当的话。

5. No wonder you can't sleep when you eat so much.你吃这么多难怪睡不着。

6. Please ask her to call me back when she's back.她回来时请让她给我回个电话。

7. There are a lot of people in the swimming pool.游泳池里挤满了人。

8. They have to work hard to support their family.他们必须努力工作来支持他们的家。

9. This way, he can kill two birds with one stone.这样他就能两全其美。

10. We are all taking medicine against the disease.我们都服药治疗疾病。

英文见面打招呼常用语(经典)1. It is tomorrow that they will have a meeting.就在明天(而不是在别的某一天)他们要开会。





遇见外国人第一次打招呼用语(最新)1. Fine, thanks. And you? 很好,谢谢,你呢?2. I’m fine, too. 我也很好。

3. How is Amy / your wife / your husband? 爱米好吗?/你妻子好吗?/你丈夫好吗?4. She is very well, thank you. 她很好,谢谢。

5. Good night, Jane. 晚安,简。

6. Good-bye, Mike. 再见,迈克。

7. See you tomorrow. 明天见。

8. See you later. 待会儿见。

9. I have to go now. 我必须走了。

10. May I come in? 我能进来吗?遇见外国人第一次打招呼用语(经典)1. Here! 到!2. Has everybody got a sheet? 每个人都拿到材料了吗?3. What’s this? 这是什么?4. It’s a pen. 是支笔。

5. Is this your handbag? 这是你的手提包吗?6. No, it isn’t. / Yes, it is. 不,它不是。


7. Whose pen is this? 这是谁的笔?8. What’s this? 这是什么?9. It’s an air-conditioner. 这是空调。

10. Is this yours? 这是你的吗?11. Yes, it’s mine. 是的,是我的。

12. Where are my glasses? 我的眼镜在哪儿?13. Do you know where I’ve put my glasses? 你知道我把眼镜搁哪儿了吗?14. Over there. 在那边。

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英语口语:初次见面十句最实用的开场白Whether you want to start a conversation with a new guy or girl you find attractive or you want to get a training session off to a great start, a good ice breaker can help you make a memorable first impression. It can turn that first encounter with someone new into something wonderful that blossoms into lasting friendships and valuable partnerships.不论你是想和心仪的男生或女生展开对话,还是想让一次培训课有好的开始,一句好的开场白有助于你给他人留下难忘的第一印象。


A bad ice breaker, however, can be a recipe for disaster. It can spiral out of control pretty quickly and at best be a terrible waste of time or worse an embarrassment for everyone involved. So, how do you start a meaningful conversation with someone new and avoid embarrassments or awkward moments of silence? Where do you begin?然而一句糟糕的开场白则可能引发灾难。


那么你该如何和初次见面的人开始一场有意义的交谈,而且避免尴尬和冷场呢?你该怎么进行开场?Understand that it is normal to feel a bit nervous when approaching someone new. Everyone gets a little shy at first; after all, you do n’t know what this other person is like. The person could be a grumpy, mean guy, but the only way to know for sure what the person is like is to get over being shy and approach them. That person might turn out to be the nicest, kindest person you ever meet.你要明白,和一个陌生人接近时感到有点紧张是很正常的。




Start by filling your idea vault with possible ice breakers to start a conversation and follow-up questions to sustain the conversation. Listen attentively to the other person’s responses because this can make or break your follow-up questions. To help you out with ideas for starting a conversation, here are ten of the most effective ice breakersyou can use in different scenarios to get a conversation off and running.一开始你应该想好各种可能的开场白以便开始这场对话,并且准备后续的问题让对话持续下去。



1. “How are you doing today, miss?”“小姐,今天过得怎么样?”A genuine hello accompanied by a heartwarming, three second smile is one of the most basic, highly effective ice breakers there is. Often, we brush simple things aside as being too simple not realizing the simplest things can have the biggest impact in life.一句真诚的问候搭配上一个温暖的三秒钟微笑是最基本也最有用的开场白。


Think about the people who say “good morning” or“howdy” to their neighbors. This simple greeting is usually followed up with “how are you” or “how are the kids?” Before long, the two parties are talking about their families and even favorite sports teams.想想那些对邻居说“早上好”或者“你好”的人。



2. “Nice earrings!”“你的耳环真漂亮!”This comment represents a classic technique that is quite effective for starting a conversation. Regardless of whom you are talking to, saying something genuinely nice about their outfit, accessories or even mood will usually be received well.这句评价代表了开场白中十分有用的一种经典技巧。


The person receiving the compliment will thank you and possibly say something nice about you in return. In doingthis, a dialogue begins. Keep the dialogue going by asking a question like “Where did you buy the earrings? I really like them.”接受你赞美的人会向你表示感谢,可能还会对你说一些赞美的话作为回报。



”3. “Does this shop always have such long queues?”“这家商店门口总是要排这么长的队吗?”Simply commenting on an unpleasant or uncomfortable situation that you both experience in your immediate surroundings is another effective strategy for starting a conversation. You can comment about a long bathroom line or wobbly waiting-room chair.在周边环境中,对你们双方共同经历过的某种令人不愉快或者不舒服的情况进行简单的评价,也是一种有用的开场白策略。


By focusing on an unpleasant situation that you both findyourselves in and subtly complaining about it, you cleverly suck the other person into an unwitting pact that unites both of you against a common enemy.关注某个你们共同身处的不愉快的场景并且不经意地抱怨,你就巧妙地把对方和自己拉到了一条阵线上,对抗一个共同的敌人。

4. “Chicago really is the windy city!”“芝加哥确实是风之城啊!”Yes. Talk about the weather. It may sound clichéd, but it works wonders in real life. People talk about the weather all the time—It’s a topic everyone has an opi nion on. Think of how you have an opinion about what dress or fashion choice is right for different weather.没错,谈论天气。




Once the person responds, you can ease into the conversation with “small talk” like, “The wind is so strong; itnearly blew me over!”一旦对方做出回应,你就可以很容易把谈话继续下去,比如“风太大了,就快把我吹跑了!”5. “Oh, did you hear about…”“你听没听说……”Kick-start a conversation with a description of an interesting, entertaining and/or funny story. Get right in to your story description and then allow the other person to make a remark or share an opinion of the story.描述一个有趣的、娱乐性的或者搞笑的故事作为开场白。
