Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief


the lighting thief 读书笔记

the lighting thief 读书笔记

the lighting thief 读书笔记(原创实用版)目录1.书名及作者介绍2.书中主要角色及故事情节3.书中亮点及主题思想4.读书心得及启示正文《The Lightning Thief》(《闪电窃贼》)是由美国作家 Rick Riordan 创作的一部奇幻小说。

该书是“Percy Jackson & the Olympians”系列的第一部,自 2005 年出版以来,广受读者喜爱。

本书讲述了一个名叫Percy Jackson 的年轻人在发现自己是古希腊神话中神祇的后裔后,与同伴们共同揭示神秘力量的故事。

书中的主要角色包括 Percy Jackson、Annabeth、Grover 等。

Percy Jackson 是故事的主人公,他在一次学校夏令营活动中,发现自己具有与众不同的能力,从而揭开了自己身世的秘密。

Annabeth 是 Percy 的女朋友,她是智慧女神雅典娜的女儿。

Grover 则是半人半羊的神,他在故事中担任 Percy 的导师和朋友。

书中的故事情节紧张刺激,Percy 和他的朋友们在面对各种危险时,勇敢地追求真相。


在冒险过程中,Percy 和他的朋友们成长了许多,学会了如何面对困境,如何承担责任,如何保护自己珍爱的东西。





在面对困境时,我们要学会像 Percy 一样,勇敢地站出来,承担责任,保护自己珍爱的东西。





1. "Charlotte's Web" by E.B. White.
2. "Matilda" by Roald Dahl.
3. "The Giver" by Lois Lowry.
4. "Holes" by Louis Sachar.
5. "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" by C.S. Lewis.
6. "Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief" by Rick Riordan.
7. "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" by J.K. Rowling.
8. "Bridge to Terabithia" by Katherine Paterson.
9. "The Outsiders" by S.E. Hinton.
10. "The Diary of a Young Girl" by Anne Frank.



波西杰克逊阅读向导 原文版

波西杰克逊阅读向导 原文版

READ ER’S GUIDETHE LIGHTNING THIEFPercy Jackson and the Olympians, Book OneBy Rick RiordanAges 9-14$17.95 US$24.95 CANTr. Ed. 0-7868-5629-7When 12-year-old Percy Jackson learns that his true father is Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea, he undertakes a dangerous quest across the United States to retrieve a stolen lightning bolt and stop a war between the gods. The Lightning Thief provides a high-interest, humorous introduction to the Greek myths. It encourages young readers to explore elements of the Classical hero’s quest rendered in a modern-day setting, and to discuss such relevant issues as learning disabilities, the nature of family, and themes of loyalty, friendship and faith.Contents:∙Plot Summary (2)∙Greek Mythology (5)∙Discussion Questions (9)∙About the Author (13)∙Classroom Activities (15)∙Reference Resources (19)Plot SummaryDuring a field trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Percy Jackson begins to suspect that his life is not what it seems when his math teacher transforms into a Fury and attacks him. Percy manages to vaporize the monster with an ancient bronze sword, but afterwards he wonders if the incident was a hallucinati on. Everyone, including Percy’s best friend Grover, claims that the math teacher who attacked him never existed.At the end of the year, Grover insists on escorting Percy home from boarding school. Grover’s nervousness and cryptic comments about Percy b eing in danger make Percy uneasy.Percy’s home life is far from perfect. His mother Sally Jackson is a kind woman who never had any luck in life. She dreams of being a writer, but works at a candy shop to make ends meet and is married to “Smelly” Gabe Ugliano, Percy’s abusive stepfather, who expects Percy to provide him with poker-playing money in exchange for room and board. Percy struggles to understand why his mother, who obviously loves him, takes such pains to send him away every year to a different boarding school.When Percy and his mother go for a weekend retreat to the beach, their time together is interrupted by a storm and a horrible wailing in the middle of the night. Percy’s friend Grover appears at their door and reveals himself as a satyr. He has been keeping an eye on Percy until Percy is old enough to attend Camp Half Blood, a summer camp for training demigods. Grover tells Percy that monstrous forces are now after him in earnest, and they have no choice but to flee to Camp Half Blood.On the way, they are attacked by the Minotaur. Percy defeats the monster, but not before it knocks out Grover and squeezes Percy’s mother until she disappears in a shower of gold. Heartbroken, assuming his mother is dead, Percy pulls Grover to safety over the property line of Camp Half Blood.Once at camp, Percy is reunited with his Latin teacher, who in his true form is Chiron, the immortal centaur and trainer of heroes. Percy learns that the Greek gods are alive and well – an integral part of the collective consciousness called Western Civilization. Olympus, the home of the gods, moves with the heart of the civilization, and now hovers invisibly over the Empire State Building, since America is currently the great power of the West. Percy learns that the gods still have children with mortals, and that monsters naturally seek out these young demigods. Camp Half Blood serves as a safe haven where these powerful, endangered young heroes can train to defend themselves. For the past sixty years, the “big three” (Zeus, Poseidon and Hades) have kept an oath not to have mortal children because their powerful nature can cause great trouble in the world, but the other Olympians still have enough children to fill the camp. Percy meets Annabeth, a daughter of Athena, and Luke, a son of Hermes. He also makes a new enemy in Clarisse,Hyperion Books for Childrena daughter of Ares. Percy’s own parentage remains undetermined until a swirling trident appears above him during a Greek-battle-style game of capture the flag. To the astonishment of the other campers, Percy is recognized as a son of Poseidon – the first in three generations.Soon after this revelation, Percy learns that there is trouble in Olympus. Zeus’ master bolt – the weapon upon which all other lightning bolts are modeled – has been stolen, and Zeus has accused Poseidon of instigating the theft. The Lord of the Sky believes that Poseidon used Percy, a human hero, to steal the bolt in a plot to overthrow Zeus. Zeus has given Poseidon until summer solstice – only ten days – to return the weapon. Poseidon is offended, but he also dreads the thought of war with Zeus. He needs Percy’s help to find out what really happened to the bolt. Chiron believes that Hades, Lord of the Underworld, stole the bolt to set his two brothers at each other’s throats. Chiron tells Percy that he must travel to the entrance of the Underworld in Los Angeles (by land, since Zeus would blast him out of the sky if he tried to fly), confront Hades, and return the master bolt to Olympus before the solstice passes in order to prevent a war between the gods.As is customary, Percy consults the Oracle before leaving. He is warned that he will fail to save what matters most in the end, and will be betrayed by a friend. Deeply troubled, but believing that the quest to the Underworld is the only way to see his mother again, Percy sets out with two companions, Annabeth and Grover.Along the way, the three friends learn to trust one another. Annabeth, whose mother Athena is an old rival of Poseidon, must overcome her doubts about Percy. Grover the satyr must overcome his fear of monsters and underground places. Only by showing courage can Grover convince the Council of Cloven Elders to grant him his life-long goal of a “searcher’s license,” giving him the right to quest fo r the missing god of the wilderness, Pan. Percy comes to terms with his anger for his father, who has suddenly declared himself after ignoring Percy for twelve years. In his travels west, Percy encounters Medusa, the Chimera, Procrustes the Stretcher, and the Lotus Hotel and Casino (the Land of the Lotus Eaters). He also meets the war god Ares, who gives Percy a mysterious backpack in exchange for doing the god a favor, and a Nereid, who gives Percy three magic pearls from Poseidon – each of which will return one person to the sea from wherever they may be, even the land of the dead.The friends finally arrive in the Underworld only to discover that they have been tricked. The culprit is not Hades, but the defeated titan Kronos, who is trapped in the depths of Tartarus but is still able to manipulate the dreams of gods and men. Hoping to start a three-way war between his Olympian sons, Kronos caused the master bolt and also Hades’ helm of darkness to be stolen by a human hero whose identity Percy does not y et know. Kronos’ human thief was unexpectedly captured by Ares. The war god meant to keep the magic items for himself, but Kronos bent his will and caused the god to give the master bolt to Percy, hidden within the magic backpack, so that the young hero might bring it to the Underworld for Kronos.Hyperion Books for ChildrenHades is sure Percy is the thief who stole the bolt and his helm. The god of the dead is holding Percy’s mother -- who is only frozen in a shower of gold, not dead – and demands Percy give up the magic helm before she is released. As armies of the dead surround him, Percy brings out his magic pearls. With only three, he realizes he must choose between the lives of his two friends and saving his mother. In the end, he can’t abandon his friends. Promising his mother that he will return for her, Percy and his friends escape to the surface, where Percy battles the god Ares for possession of the bolt and the helm. Percy wins, gives the helm to the Furies to return to the Underworld, and travels back to New York with the bolt in time to prevent a war.At Olympus, Percy meets his father face to face. Poseidon seems distant and sad, but says he is proud of his son. He says he fears Percy has been born for a hero’s tragic fate. Poseidon tells Percy that his mother is back – returned as a peace offering by Hades – and that when Percy returns home, he will have to make an important choice. Percy rushes back to his family’s apartment, where he finds Medusa’s head waiting for him, a trophy he had forgotten mailing home earlier in his quest. He realizes he has the chance to petrify his stepfather and save his mother from a miserable marriage. His mother implores him not to do it, however. She must break away from Gabe herself. Percy respects her wishes, and thus breaks the mold of what the tragic hero might have done. The prophecy thus comes true in an unexpected way: Percy fails to save what matters most by allowing his mother to save herself.Upon returning to Camp Half Blood, Percy is betrayed by his friend Luke, son of Hermes, who turns out to be the human hero whom Kronos used for the theft. Luke poisons Percy, and tells him before leaving that Kronos will rise and destroy the age of the gods. Western Civilization is unraveling.Percy recovers from the poison with Chi ron’s help, and realizes his adventures are not yet over. He is a hero now, and must fight the rise of the titans.The novel is ultimately about Percy coming of age, learning to trust his friends and his own abilities, accepting his parents for who they are, and choosing love and loyalty over resentment and despair.Hyperion Books for ChildrenGreek MythologyThe Lightning Thief immerses readers in the world of Greek mythology. Below are some key mythological characters referenced in the novel.The Twelve Olympian GodsZeus: Lord of the sky, chief god of the Olympians. He led the revolt against his father, the titan Kronos. His main weapon is the lightning bolt. His symbol is the eagle. Zeus is married to Hera, but has had numerous affairs with other goddesses and mortal women. His demigod children include Perseus and Heracles.Hera: Goddess of marriage and motherhood. The wife of Zeus and also his sister, Hera is a jealous goddess who re sents her husband’s unfaithfulness. Hera helps some heroes, like Jason, but was the enemy to others, namely Heracles (Hercules). Her symbols are the cow (the most motherly animal) and the colorful peacock.Poseidon:God of the sea, Zeus’ brother. Poseidon is a changeable god, like the ocean itself, sometimes violent, sometimes calm. He created horses from sea foam, and like his brother Zeus has had many affairs with goddesses and mortal women. Theseus was his most famous demigod son. Poseidon’s symbol is th e trident, which he uses to stir up terrible storms at sea.Demeter: Goddess of agriculture, sister of Hera and Zeus. The most famous story about Demeter tells how her daughter Persephone was captured by Hades and taken to the Underworld. Demeter and Hades finally worked out an agreement by which Persephone would spend half the year with her mother and half the year with her new husband Hades. Demeter would only allow crops to grow during the time Persephone was with her. Thus the seasons were created.Ares: God of war, Ares is the proud and cruel son of Zeus and Hera. He loves battle, but despite his strength he is not a smart tactician. At heart, he is a coward, like most bullies. His symbol is the wild boar and his favorite weapon is the spear. He is Aphr odite’s lover. Athena: Goddess of war, wisdom and useful crafts. The patron goddess of Athens, from whom the city got its name. Athena sprang from Zeus’ head, which Hephaestus had to split open to relieve the god’s headache. Athena invented many things, in cluding the chariot and the loom. She granted mankind the olive tree. One of the most popular goddesses, she often helps heroes who use their brains, like Odysseus. She dislikes Poseidon and Ares. Her symbols are the owl, the olive tree, and the aegis, a special shield upon which is mounted the head of Medusa.Hyperion Books for ChildrenApollo: God of archery, divination and the arts. Later, Apollo was also associated with the sun. Handsome and talented, Apollo is the twin brother of Artemis. He is the patron of archers, and created music. He slew the great Python, and became the force behind the Oracle at Delphi, which could tell the future. There were other oracles, but the one at Delphi was the most famous. The Oracle often spoke in riddles which were not clear until after events came to pass. Apollo’s symbols are the lyre, the laurel tree, and the mouse (an animal which ran everywhere and overheard many secrets).Artemis: Goddess of the hunt and the moon. Artemis vowed to always be a maiden. Because of this, her followers tended to be young unmarried girls who shunned men. A great archer and hunter, Artemis roams the wilds of the world with a band of maidens. Her symbols are the deer and the bow.Hephaestus: God of fire and blacksmithing. As a baby, Hephaestus was thrown from Olympus by his father Zeus. Because of this, he grew up ugly and crippled, but was extremely good at working with his hands. He can make anything out of metal. He was given Aphrodite as his bride, because Hera thought it would help Aphrodite settle down. Unfortu nately, Aphrodite has affairs behind her husband’s back, and Hephaestus is always trying to catch his wife with her lovers.Aphrodite: The goddess of love, who was born from sea foam. She is the most beautiful goddess, and very vain. She has a magic girdle (belt) which can cause anyone to fall in love with her. Though married to Hephaestus, her main boyfriend is Ares. Her symbol is the dove.Hermes: The god of merchants, travelers, thieves, and medicine. Hermes watches over all who use the roads and are involved in commerce. The son of Zeus, Hermes could talk when he was only a baby and once stole cattle from Apollo. He made up for this by giving Apollo the lyre, which baby Hermes invented. Hermes uses his speedy winged sandals to deliver messages for the gods. He carries a caduceus, a winged staff entwined with serpents, which today is the symbol of medicine.Dionysus: The god of wine. Dionysus was born a mortal, but Zeus granted him immortality when he invented wine. Dionysus once led a drunken army to India, where he captured some tigers. He once turned a boatload of sailors into dolphins because they would not honor him. Dionysus was also the God who gave Midas his golden touch.Other gods and titans:Hades: The God of the Underworld. Not technically an Olympian since he has no throne on Olympus, Zeus’ brother Hades was made lord of the Underworld when the gods took over the world. He oversees the souls of the dead and all the riches under the earth. He also guards the pit of Tartarus, where the titans and monsters were imprisoned after the great war. His servants include the three Furies, Charon the ferryman of the dead, and the three-headed dog Cerberus.Hyperion Books for ChildrenKronos: The Lord of the Titans, Kronos ruled before the gods. He is called the Twisted One, and took over the world when he sliced his own father Ouranus to pieces with a scythe. He feared his own children, the gods, would do the same to him, so ate them all as soon as they were born, but his wife Rhea hid their sixth child, Zeus, and gave Kronos a rock to eat instead. When Zeus was older, he tricked his father into disgorging his other children. The gods united and waged a terrible war against Kronos. Eventually, Kronos was cast into Tartarus.Rhea: The wife of Kronos, mother of the six first gods: Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Demeter and Hestia.Hestia: The goddess of hearth and home. A gentle, humble goddess, Hestia gave up her seat on the Olympian council to Dionysus in order to keep peace among the gods. Afterwards, she tended the hearth in the middle of the throne room. She is the goddess of domestic harmony.Prometheus: A titan who did not fight against the gods, Prometheus was one of the first to see the potential of men. Against Zeus’ order, Prometheus brought man the secret of fire and allowed human civilization to begin. As a punishment, Zeus had Prometheus chained to a rock, where birds of prey would devour his liver each day. Some say he was finally freed from his torment by Hercules.Monsters and strange creatures:Furies: The Three Furies were avenging spirits controlled by Hades. They had bat wings, fiery whips, and are sometimes pictured with bleeding eyes, snake hair, and the heads of dogs. They oversaw some of the punishment in the Underworld, but Hades would also send them into the world of the living to punish especially wicked people. They could drive their victims mad.Fates: The Three Fates were mysterious old hags who controlled the destiny of all living beings from birth to death. They spun out each life as a thread, and cut it at the momentof death. Even the supposedly immortal gods were afraid of the Fates.Harpies: Harpies are wild, unruly bird-winged maidens, sometimes pictured as ugly hags. They stole food from the seer Phineas as a punishment from Zeus. Sometimes they carried off people to the Underworld.Cerberus: The three-headed dog who guards the gates of the Underworld. A son of the monster Echidna, Cerberus permits new spirits to enter the world of the dead, but will not allow any to leave.Charon: The ferryman of the dead. Greeks would leave a coin under the tongue of a dead person to pay for passage across the River Styx. Those who could not pay were doomed to wander the earth until they found some other way into the Underworld.Hyperion Books for ChildrenChiron: This immortal centaur was kindly and wise. He trained many heroes, including Hercules.Satyrs: These creatures are human from the waist up, goat from the waist down. They inhabit the wild places of the earth, and are the companions of the wine god Dionysus.Centaurs: Centaurs are human from the waist up, horse from the waist down. Most are wild barbaric creatures, though one, the famous teacher Chiron, is immortal and quite wise.Medusa: One of three sisters called the Gorgons, Medusa was once a lovely maiden. She had an affair with Poseidon in the temple of Athena, and because of this Athena turned her into a hideous monster. Her hair became live snakes, and her gaze could petrify any who looked upon her. Perseus later cut off her head, which was mounted on Athena’s shield, the aegis.Minotaur: The horrible son of Pasiphae, the queen of Crete, who mated with a white bull because of a curse inflicted by Poseidon. The Minotaur was half-man, half-bull. He caused so much destruction that King Minos had his famous architect Daedalus build a maze called the Labyrinth to imprison the beast. Each year, maidens and young men from Athens were sacrificed to the Minotaur until Theseus killed the monster.Naiads: Female spirits that inhabit bodies of fresh water such as rivers and lakes.Nereids: Female spirits of the sea.Dryads: Female spirits of nature that live in trees or forests.Procrustes: “The Stretcher.” This giant challenged Theseus on his way to Athens. He made each guest lie on a bed. If the guest was too short, Procrustes would stretch him to fit. If the guest was too long, Procrustes would cut off whatever hung off the bed. Echidna: The mate of the horrible monster Typhon, Echidna was half-woman, half-serpent. She had many monstrous children, which Zeus allowed to live as a challenge to future heroes. Her offspring included Cerberus, the Nemean Lion and the Chimera.Chimera: The Chimera was one monstrous offspring of Echidna. It had the body of a goat, the head of a lion and the tail of a serpent. It terrorized Asia Minor until it was killed by the hero Bellerophon.Lotus Eaters: On his way back from the Trojan War, Odysseus encountered the Land of the Lotus Eaters, where the inhabitants lived in perfect contentment doing nothing but eating lotuses all day. This lazy lifestyle was dangerous bec ause it tempted Odysseus’ sailors to forget about their journey and remain on the island.Hyperion Books for ChildrenDiscussion Questions1.Percy has been diagnosed with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder).The main traits of ADHD are inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. TheADHD child often has trouble keeping his mind on one thing and organizing a task. He feels restless and fidgety. He may blurt out comments or act withoutthinking. Does this profile fit Percy? Discuss how Percy does/does not seem like an ADHD child.2.Percy says, “Mr. Brunner expected me to be as good as everybody else, despitethe fact I had dyslexia and I had never made above a C- in my life. No –he didn’t expect m e to be as good. He expected me to be better.” What do you think of Mr.Brunner as a teacher?3.When descr ibing his mother, Percy says, “She’s the best person in the world,which just proves my theory that the best people get the rottenest luck.” How does this apply to Percy’s mom? Is this theory true in life? In the Greek myths?4.Percy gets exasperated with his mother because she puts up with Smelly Gabe, yethe is proud of her because “she did have a rebellious streak, like me.” Do you find Sally Jackson a strong character? Does she stand up for herself? For her son?5.Percy’s first encounter with an Olympian god is Mr. D, Dionysus. Initially, Percyhas a hard time believing Mr. D is immortal. What is your reaction to the way Dionysus is portrayed in the book? The Greek gods have very human traits –would this make them easier or harder to believe in?6.Chiron describes Western Civilization as “a living force. A collectiveconsciousness that has burned bright for thousands of years.” He says the Greek gods are part of this, and move around as different nations become the central power of Western Civilization – Greece, Rome, Germany, France, England, the United States. What do you think of this idea? Is “the West” a clearly identifiable cultural force?Hyperion Books for Children7.Annabeth is the daughter of Athena, the goddess of wisdom and warfare. Read thedescription of Athena in this guide. Look at some of the myths about Athena,including the stories of Arachne, Medusa and the founding of Athens. How isAnnabeth like her mother? Does anything about Annabeth’s character strike you as unlike Athena?8.After Percy learns he is a half-blood, he wonders who his own father is. He alsolearns that some half-bloods never find out. He says, “I thought about some of the kids I’d seen in the Herm es cabin – teenagers who looked sullen and depressed, like they were waiting for a call that would never come. I’d known kids like that at Yancy Academy, shuffled off to boarding school by rich parents who didn’t have the time to deal with them. But gods s hould behave better.” How would you feel if you were in Percy’s place? Would it be easier to believe your father was dead, or to know that he was alive but not communicating with you?9.When Percy finally learns the truth that he is the son of Poseidon, are yousurprised? What hints a re dropped before the revelation? How does Percy’spersonality fit/not fit the god Poseidon?10.Throughout the book, humor is used to counterbalance the serious situationsPercy faces. For instance, the Minotaur wears white Fruit-of-the-Loom underwear, and Percy wants to tell the mummified Oracle, “thanks, wrong door, just looking for the bathroom.” What’s your reaction to the book’s humor? Does it seemappropriate for a sixth-grade narrator? Does it change your perception of themythology?11.When describing the effects of Mist, Chiron says, “Remarkable, really, thelengths humans will go to fit things into their version of reality.” How is this true in the novel? In Greek mythology? In real life?12.Medusa tempts Percy to stay with her as a statue. She warns him that he is simplya pawn of the Gods. Does Percy seem like a pawn? Why or why not? If you weregiven Percy’s quest, would you undertake it or would you rebel?Hyperion Books for Children13.Read Grover’s account of the search for Pan in chapter 12. Percy w onders if thisis a hopeless quest, trying to reclaim the spirit of the wilderness. Do you think the search for Pan is an appropriate metaphor for modern man’s relationship withnature? Is “the wild” being lost forever?14.Dreams play an important role in the narrative. At Montauk, Percy first dreams ofa horse and eagle fighting on the beach. Later, he dreams of a voice from the pit.As he gets closer to Los Angeles, his dreams get scarier and more specific. What would the book be like without these dream episodes? Is there information that Percy can only get from his dreams?15.Percy’s fight with Echidna and the Chimera is a low point for his morale. Hebegins to doubt that he is capable of being a hero. Why does he feel this way, and do you think his doubts are reasonable? What does this fight scene reveal about Percy’s character?16.The god Ares says he loves America. He calls it “the best place since Sparta.”What does he mean? Do you think this is a fair critique of American society?Why or why not?17.The Lotus Casino in Las Vegas is a modern-day version of the Land of the LotusEaters, which Odysseus visited on his way back from Troy. Read the originalversion from The Odyssey. How do the two accounts differ? Is the dangerOdysseus faced similar to the danger faced by Percy and his friends? Is society today more dominated by “Lotus Eaters”?18.As the book progresses, we learn more about Annabeth’s family life, and herunhappy history with her father. How does this compare with Percy’s own family?How does this help the two half-bloods overcome their mutual distrust?Hyperion Books for Children19.Read the modernized description of the Underworld in Ch. 18 – the EZ Death line,the security ghouls, the pollution in the River Styx. What do you think of thisportrayal of the afterlife? Percy says Asphod el makes him depressed because “s o few people did good in their lives.” Do you think belie ving in paradise andpunishment makes people more likely to do good deeds? What do you think of the Greek concept of Asphodel, a neutral area where most of the dead are sent to do nothing for eternity?20.Percy’s trip to the Underworld does not turn out as he suspected. What do youthink of Percy’s decision to leave his mother behind? What does the scene in the throne room tell you about the three friends – Annabeth, Grover and Percy?21.When Percy finally meets his father, Poseidon seems distant and hard to read.Percy says that he is actually glad about this. “If he’d tried to apologize, or told me he loved me, or even smiled –that would’ve felt fake. Like a human dad,making some lame excuse for not being around.” Do you agree with Percy? Do you find yourself liking Poseidon or not?22.How does the last line of the prophecy –you shall fail to save what matters mostin the end –come true? What do you think of this ending? Did Percy make the right choice? What would you have done in his place?23.In the end of the book, do you sympathize at all with Luke’s feelings of betrayal?How does his story act as a foil (a counterpoint) to Percy’s own?Hyperion Books for ChildrenAbout the Author Array Rick Riordan spent fifteen years as a classroomteacher in public and private middle schools inthe San Francisco Bay Area and in Texas. In1997, he began publishing mystery novels foradults. His popular Tres Navarre series has wonthe top three national awards in the mysterygenre – the Edgar, the Anthony and the Shamus.He began The Lightning Thief as a bedtime storyfor his son. The novel draws on Riordan’sexperience teaching Greek mythology and hisinteraction with students who have learningdifferences. It is his first work for young readers.Rick Riordan now writes full-time. He lives inSan Antonio with his wife and two sons.A Talk with Rick RiordanQ. Where did you get the idea for Percy Jackson?A. My son was studying the Greek myths in second grade when he asked me to tell him some bedtime stories about the gods and heroes. I had taught Greek myths for many years at the middle school level, so I was glad to do it. When I ran out of myths, he was disappointed and asked me if I could make up something new with the same characters.Off the top of my head, I made up Percy Jackson and his quest to recover Zeus' lightning bolt in modern-day America. It took about three nights to tell the whole story, and when Iwas done, my son told me I should write it out as a book.Hyperion Books for Children。



怦然心动读后感英文Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief is a fantasy adventure novel written by Rick Riordan. The book follows the journey of twelve-year-old Percy Jackson, who discovers that he is a demigod, the son of Poseidon, and goes on a quest to prevent a war among the gods.After reading this book, I was left with a sense of wonder and excitement. The story was packed with action and suspense, keeping me on the edge of my seat from beginning to end. The characters were well-developed and relatable, making it easy to become emotionally invested in their journey.One aspect of the book that I particularly enjoyed was the incorporation of Greek mythology. As a fan of mythology, it was fascinating to see how Riordan seamlessly weaved ancient myths and legends into a modern-day setting. The gods and goddesses, such as Zeus and Athena, came alive on the pages, making me feel like I was a part of their world.Additionally, Percy's character growth throughout the story was a highlight for me. At the beginning of the novel, Percy is a troubled and misunderstood kid who feels out of place in the mortal world. However, as he goes on his quest and faces numerous challenges, he begins to discover his true potential and gain confidence in himself. This journey of self-discovery was inspiring and reminded me of the importance of embracing who we are.Another element that I appreciated about the book was its exploration of friendship and loyalty. Percy forms a bond with histwo companions, Annabeth and Grover, as they face dangerous trials together. Their unwavering support for each other was heartwarming and emphasized the importance of having a strong support system in our lives.Furthermore, the theme of destiny and fate was explored in a thought-provoking manner. As a demigod, Percy is expected to fulfill a prophecy and play a crucial role in the world of gods and monsters. This idea made me reflect on the concept of destiny and the choices we make that shape our future.In conclusion, "Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief" is a thrilling and captivating read. It combines action, mythology, and relatable characters to create an unforgettable adventure. The book not only entertained me but also made me question my own beliefs and ponder the concept of destiny. I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys fantasy and mythology or is simply looking for an exciting and inspiring read.。



初中生英语阅读书籍推荐Recommended English Reading Books for Middle School StudentsEnglish reading is an essential part of language learning, and for middle school students, it is the perfect time to cultivate a love for reading. However, it can be challenging to find books that are both suitable and engaging for this particular age group. To help with this, we have compiled a list of recommended English reading books specifically tailored for middle school students. These books not only provide enjoyable reading experiences but also enhance language skills and broaden horizons.1. "Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief" by Rick Riordan:This book is the first installment of the popular "Percy Jackson & The Olympians" series. It follows the adventures of Percy Jackson, a twelve-year-old boy who discovers he is a demigod, half-human and half-god. Filled with action, humor, and Greek mythology, this book captivates readers with its fast-paced storyline and relatable characters. It introduces young readers to ancient myths while incorporating contemporary themes.2. "The Giver" by Lois Lowry:"The Giver" presents a dystopian society where everything is planned and controlled. Jonas, the twelve-year-old protagonist, is assigned the role of the Receiver of Memory, through which he discovers the darker aspects of his seemingly utopian community. This thought-provoking novel explores themes such as individuality, societal structure, and personal choice, leaving readers contemplating the importance of freedom and emotions.3. "Wonder" by R.J. Palacio:This heartwarming tale revolves around Auggie Pullman, a fifth-grade boy with facial differences, as he attends a mainstream school for the first time. Through Auggie's perspective and others' viewpoints, readers witness the power of empathy, friendship, and kindness. "Wonder" encourages readers to embrace differences, challenge prejudices, and choose kindness in a world that often judges based on appearances.4. "The Maze Runner" by James Dashner:In this thrilling science fiction novel, Thomas wakes up in a maze with no memories other than his name. Determined to unravel the mysteries, he and other teenage boys must navigate the maze and find a way out, while facing deadly challenges and unknown enemies. "The Maze Runner" keeps readers on the edge of their seats with its suspenseful plot, well-developed characters, and unexpected twists.5. "The Diary of a Young Girl" by Anne Frank:This powerful and poignant diary chronicles the experiences of Anne Frank, a Jewish girl hiding from the Nazis during World War II. Through Anne's heartfelt and eloquent writings, readers gain insight into the complexities of human emotions, the impact of war, and the resilience of the human spirit. It serves as a reminder of the atrocities of the past and the importance of tolerance, understanding, and hope for a better future.6. "Holes" by Louis Sachar:Stanley Yelnats, a young boy falsely accused of a crime, is sent to a juvenile detention center where the boys must dig holes as punishment. AsStanley tries to unravel the mystery behind the digging, past events intertwine with the present, revealing unexpected connections. "Holes" weaves together themes of friendship, justice, and the significance of history in an engaging and clever narrative.7. "The Lightning Thief" by Eoin Colfer:This captivating book follows the adventures of Artemis Fowl, a twelve-year-old genius and criminal mastermind, as he embarks on a quest to restore his family fortune. Along the way, he encounters fantastical creatures from Irish mythology, such as fairies and dwarves. With its blend of action, humor, and fantasy elements, "Artemis Fowl" appeals to young readers' imagination and sense of adventure.8. "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" by C.S. Lewis:This beloved fantasy classic introduces readers to the magical world of Narnia through the eyes of four siblings who stumble upon a magical wardrobe. They discover a land frozen in eternal winter by the evil White Witch and join forces with Aslan, the lion king, to fulfill a prophecy and save Narnia. "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" is not only an enchanting story but also explores themes of sacrifice, courage, and redemption.In conclusion, these recommended English reading books provide middle school students with engaging narratives and meaningful themes. From mythology and dystopian societies to tales of friendship, perseverance, and self-discovery, these books cater to a wide range of interests and promote critical thinking, empathy, and a love for reading. By delving into these literary works, middle school students can expand their vocabulary,improve their language skills, and ignite their imagination. Start exploring these books and embark on unforgettable literary journeys today!。



英语读书笔记摘抄30篇初一Reading and taking notes in English can be a challenging task for a first-year middle school student. However, it is an essential skill that will help improve language proficiency and critical thinking. Here are 30 excerpts from various English books that can be used as reading notes for a first-year middle school student.1. "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee- The novel is set in the 1930s in a small town in Alabama, and it deals with issues of racism and injustice. The main character, Scout Finch, learns valuable life lessons from her father, Atticus Finch, who is a lawyer defending a black man accused of raping a white woman.2. "The Giver" by Lois Lowry- This dystopian novel follows 12-year-old Jonas, who lives in a society where emotions and memories aresuppressed. When he is chosen to be the Receiver of Memories, he discovers the truth about his community andthe cost of conformity.3. "The Outsiders" by S.E. Hinton- The story revolves around two rival groups, the Greasers and the Socs, and their conflicts. The protagonist, Ponyboy Curtis, struggles with the social divide and the meaning of family and friendship.4. "The Diary of a Young Girl" by Anne Frank- This diary, written by a Jewish girl hiding from the Nazis during World War II, provides a firsthand account of the fear, hope, and resilience of a young girl facing unimaginable circumstances.5. "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" by Mark Twain- Set in the 19th century, this classic novel follows the mischievous Tom Sawyer as he navigates his small townand gets into various escapades with his friends, including Huckleberry Finn.6. "Wonder" by R.J. Palacio- The story centers on Auggie Pullman, a boy withfacial differences, as he attends a mainstream school for the first time. The novel explores themes of acceptance, kindness, and the beauty of diversity.7. "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins- In a dystopian future, 16-year-old Katniss Everdeen volunteers to take her sister's place in a televised fight to the death. The novel delves into themes of survival, sacrifice, and rebellion.8. "Charlotte's Web" by E.B. White- This heartwarming tale follows the friendship between a pig named Wilbur and a spider named Charlotte. Through Charlotte's clever webs, she saves Wilbur's life andteaches readers about love, friendship, and loss.9. "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" by J.K. Rowling- The first book in the beloved series introduces readers to the magical world of Hogwarts and the young wizard, Harry Potter, as he learns about his true identity and battles the dark wizard, Voldemort.10. "Anne of Green Gables" by L.M. Montgomery- The novel follows the adventures of Anne Shirley, an imaginative and spirited orphan who is adopted by anelderly brother and sister in the fictional town of Avonlea. Anne's escapades and growth into young adulthood are both heartwarming and relatable.11. "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" by C.S. Lewis- This fantasy novel transports four siblings into themagical land of Narnia, where they encounter talking animals, mythical creatures, and a battle between good and evil.12. "The Secret Garden" by Frances Hodgson Burnett- The story revolves around Mary Lennox, a spoiled and lonely girl who discovers a hidden garden on her uncle's estate. Through the garden, Mary learns about the healing power of nature and the importance of friendship.13. "Matilda" by Roald Dahl- This whimsical novel tells the story of Matilda Wormwood, a young girl with extraordinary intelligence and telekinetic powers. Despite facing neglect and cruelty from her family and the tyrannical headmistress, Miss Trunchbull, Matilda finds solace in books and her kind-hearted teacher, Miss Honey.14. "Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief" by Rick Riordan- The first book in the "Percy Jackson & the Olympians" series follows Percy, a demigod and son of Poseidon, as he embarks on a quest to prevent a war among the gods. Along the way, he encounters mythical creatures and learns about his true heritage.15. "The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry- This philosophical novella tells the story of a young prince who travels from planet to planet and learns valuable life lessons about love, friendship, and the importance of seeing with the heart.16. "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho- The novel follows Santiago, a shepherd boy, as he embarks on a journey to discover his personal legend. Along the way, he learns about the power of dreams, omens, and the importance of following one's heart.17. "The Fault in Our Stars" by John Green- The novel revolves around Hazel Grace Lancaster, a teenage girl with cancer, who falls in love with Augustus Waters, a fellow cancer patient. The story explores themes of love, loss, and the search for meaning in the face of mortality.18. "The Book Thief" by Markus Zusak- Set in Nazi Germany, the novel is narrated by Death and follows the story of Liesel Meminger, a young girl who steals books and learns to read during a time of war and oppression.19. "The Maze Runner" by James Dashner- The first book in a dystopian science fiction series, "The Maze Runner" follows Thomas, a teenage boy who wakes up in a mysterious maze with no memory of his past. As he navigates the dangers of the maze, he discovers the truth about his identity and the world outside.20. "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Magician's Nephew" by C.S. Lewis- This prequel to "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" explores the creation of Narnia and follows the adventures of Digory Kirke and Polly Plummer as they travel between worlds and witness the birth of Narnia.21. "The Lightning Thief" by Rick Riordan- In this first book of the "Percy Jackson & the Olympians" series, Percy Jackson discovers that he is a demigod and goes on a quest to retrieve Zeus's stolen lightning bolt. Along the way, he encounters various mythical creatures and learns about the Greek gods.22. "The Hobbit" by J.R.R. Tolkien- This fantasy novel follows Bilbo Baggins, a hobbit who is swept into an epic quest to reclaim the dwarves' homeland from the dragon Smaug. Along the way, Bilbo encounters trolls, elves, and the mysterious Gollum.23. "The Secret Garden" by Frances Hodgson Burnett- The novel tells the story of Mary Lennox, a sullen and unloved young girl who discovers a hidden garden on her uncle's estate. Through the garden, Mary learns about the power of nature and the importance of friendship.24. "The Giver" by Lois Lowry- This dystopian novel follows Jonas, a 12-year-old boy living in a society where emotions and memories are suppressed. When Jonas is chosen to be the Receiver of Memories, he discovers the truth about his community and the cost of conformity.25. "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" by C.S. Lewis- Four siblings, Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy, are transported to the magical land of Narnia, where they encounter talking animals, mythical creatures, and a battlebetween good and evil.26. "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins- In a dystopian future, 16-year-old Katniss Everdeen volunteers to take her sister's place in a televised fightto the death. The novel delves into themes of survival, sacrifice, and rebellion.27. "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" by Mark Twain- Set in the 19th century, the novel follows the mischievous Tom Sawyer as he navigates his small town and gets into various escapades with his friends, including Huckleberry Finn.28. "The Outsiders" by S.E. Hinton- The story revolves around two rival groups, the Greasers and the Socs, and their conflicts. The protagonist, Ponyboy Curtis, struggles with the social divide and the meaning of family and friendship.29. "Wonder" by R.J. Palacio- The story centers on Auggie Pullman, a boy with facial differences, as he attends a mainstream school for the first time. The novel explores themes of acceptance, kindness, and the beauty of diversity.30. "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee- The novel is set in the 1930s in a small town in Alabama, and it deals with issues of racism and injustice. The main character, Scout Finch, learns valuable life lessons from her father, Atticus Finch, who is a lawyer defending a black man accused of raping a white woman.Reading and taking notes from these 30 English books can provide a first-year middle school student with a diverse range of literary experiences. From classic novels like "To Kill a Mockingbird" and "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" to modern favorites like "The Hunger Games" and "The Fault in Our Stars," these books offer valuablelessons about society, friendship, and the human experience. By engaging with these stories, students can improve their language skills, expand their vocabulary, and developcritical thinking and empathy.Furthermore, the themes and characters in these books can resonate with young readers on a personal level. For instance, the struggles of characters like Auggie in "Wonder" or Ponyboy in "The Outsiders" can help students understand the complexities of identity, acceptance, and empathy. Additionally, the fantastical worlds of Narnia in "The Chronicles of Narnia" or the magical school of Hogwarts in "Harry Potter" can ignite the imagination and inspire a love for reading and storytelling.In addition to the literary and emotional benefits, reading and taking notes from these English books can also enhance students' cultural awareness and understanding of different time periods and societies. For example, "The Diary of a Young Girl" provides a firsthand account of the Holocaust, while "The Secret Garden" offers a glimpse into Victorian England. By exploring these diverse settings andhistorical contexts, students can gain a broader perspective on the world and its rich tapestry of experiences.Moreover, taking notes while reading these books can help students improve their language skills, comprehension, and critical thinking. By summarizing key plot points, analyzing character motivations, and reflecting on the themes and messages of each book, students can developtheir ability to articulate their thoughts and engage in meaningful discussions. Additionally, note-taking can aidin memory retention and the ability to recall important details from the texts, which can be valuable for academic and personal growth.Furthermore, the act of taking notes can also serve as a form of self-expression and creativity for students. By jotting down their thoughts, reactions, and interpretations of the books, students can cultivate their own unique voice and perspective. This process of personal reflection and engagement with literature can foster a deeper appreciation for the written word and its power to connect people acrosstime and space.In conclusion, reading and taking notes from these 30 English books can provide first-year middle school students with a wealth of literary, emotional, and educational benefits. From classic novels to contemporary favorites, these stories offer valuable lessons, diverse perspectives, and opportunities for personal growth. By engaging with these books, students can improve their language skills, expand their cultural awareness, and develop their critical thinking and empathy. Ultimately, the act of reading and taking notes is not just a task, but a journey of discovery and self-expression that can enrich the lives of young readers.。

Percy Jackson the Olympians -The lightening thief Production Note

Percy  Jackson the Olympians -The lightening thief  Production Note

PERCY JACKSON & THE OLYMPIANS: THE LIGHTNING THIEFProduction NotesRelease Date: February 12, 2010Studio: 20th Century FoxDirector: Chris ColumbusScreenwriter: Craig TitleyStarring: Logan Lerman, Brandon T. Jackson, Alexandra Daddario, Sean Bean, Pierce Brosnan, Steve Coogan, Rosario Dawson, Catherine Keener, Kevin McKidd, Joe Pantoliano, Uma Thurman, Ray WinstoneGenre: Adventure, FantasyMPAA Rating: PG (for action violence and peril, some scary images and suggestive material, and mild language)Official Website: STUDIO SYNOPSIS: It's the 21st century, but the gods of Mount Olympus and assorted monsters have walked out of the pages of high school student Percy Jackson's Greek mythology texts and into his life. And they're not happy: Zeus' lightning bolt has been stolen, and Percy is the prime suspect. Even more troubling is the sudden disappearance of Percy's mother. As Percy adapts to his newly discovered status as a demi-god (his father is Poseidon), he finds himself caught between the battling titans of Mt. Olympus. He and his friends embark on a cross-country adventure to catch the true lightning thief, save Percy's mom, and unravel a mystery more powerful than the gods themselves.SYNOPSISTrouble-prone Percy Jackson is having problems in high school - but that's the least of his challenges. It's the 21st century, but the gods of Mount Olympus seem to have walked out of the pages of Percy's Greek mythology texts and into his life. Percy has learned that his real father is Poseidon, god of the sea, which means Percy is a demigod - half human, half god. At the same time, the powerful gods on Olympus are feuding, which could launch a war enveloping our entire planet.Now, Percy must prepare for the adventure of a lifetime, and the stakes couldn't be higher.With ominous storm clouds brewing over Earth and his own life now in peril, Percy travels to a special enclave called Camp Half Blood, where he trains to harness his newly discovered powers and prevent a devastating war among the gods. There, Percy meets two fellow demigods - the warrior Annabeth, who is searching for her mother, the goddess Athena; and his friend and protector, Grover, who is actually a brave but untested satyr.Grover and Annabeth then join Percy on an incredible transcontinental odyssey that takes them six hundred stories above New York City (the portal to Mount Olympus) and to the iconic Hollywood sign, under which burn the fires of the Underworld. At journey's end rests the fate of the world - and the life of Percy's mother Sally, whom Percy must rescue from the depths of Hell itself.Percy Jackson: Half human. Half god. All hero!Fox 2000 Pictures presents "Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief," the big screen adaptation of author Rick Riordan's #1 New York Times bestseller, Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief. The first of five books in Riordan's series (the final installment, The Last Olympian, hit bookshelves in May 2009) was published in 2005 and won several awards, including a New York Times Notable Book honor of that year; Best Book of 2005 from both the School Library Journal and Child Magazine; and a 2006 Bluebonnet Award nomination from the Texas Library Association.THE PRODUCTIONChris Columbus ("Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone," "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets," "Home Alone") directed the epic fantasy-adventure starring a trio of rising young stars -- Logan Lerman ("3:10 to Yuma") as the film's title character, the brave, fearless young warrior, Percy Jackson; Brandon T. Jackson ("Tropic Thunder") as the Satyr Grover, Percy's protector who attempts to earn his very first horns while keeping the young demigod out of harm's way; and Alexandra Daddario ("Bereavement") as another demigod, Annabeth, daughter of Athena, who joins Percy on his quest to prevent a devastating war.Also starring are Sean Bean ("National Treasure") as Zeus, supreme ruler of the gods of Olympus; Pierce Brosnan ("Mamma Mia") as Chiron, the Centaur who runs the special training ground for these demigods while becoming Percy's mentor in explaining his blood connection to the gods; Steve Coogan ("Night at the Museum") as the greedy lord of the Underworld, Hades, who craves a weapon he believes is in Percy's possession; Rosario Dawson ("Sin City") as the goddess Persephone, Zeus' daughter and Hades' long suffering, imprisoned wife; Catherine Keener ("Capote") as Percy's mom, Sally, who is held hostage by Hades in the Underworld; Kevin McKidd ("Grey's Anatomy") as Percy's father (and Zeus' brother and arch rival), Poseidon, god of the sea; Joe Pantoliano ("The Sopranos") as Percy's slovenly stepdad, Gabe; and Uma Thurman ("Kill Bill") as the mythological Gorgon, Medusa. Jake Abel ("The Lovely Bones") portrays Luke, son of Hermes and one of the demigods who befriend Percy at Camp Half Blood."Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief" filmed in Vancouver, with additional locations in Las Vegas, New York City and Nashville. Twentieth Century Fox releases the film in theaters everywhere on February 12, 2010.Author Rick Riordan, who taught Greek Mythology for a many years in middle school in California and Texas, came up with the idea for the first Percy Jackson book, which led to four additional novels and a huge fan base numbering in the millions, after reading the sagas of the ancient Greek heroes as bedtime stories to his son, Haley."When I ran out of myths, my son became disappointed," the author relates on his website. "He asked me if I could make up some new stories with the same characters. I remembered a creative writing project I used to do with my sixth graders, which allowed them to create their own demigod hero, the son or daughter of any god they wanted, while having them describe a Greek-style quest for that hero."Off the top of my head, I made up Percy Jackson and told Haley all about his quest to recover Zeus' lightning bolt in modern day America. It took about three nights to tell the whole story and, when I was done, Haley told me I should write it out as a book."Those three nights ultimately became a yearlong odyssey for Riordan (pronounced Rye-or-dan) in completing his first book for young readers (he was already an established author, having written several prior novels, his first being the Tres Navarre private eye thriller, Big Red Tequila, in 1997)."I picked a few of my sixth, seventh and eighth graders and asked them if they'd be willing to'test drive' the novel," Riordan continues. "I'm used to showing my work to adults, and had no idea if kids would like Percy. I finally understood what it must be like for them, turning in an essay to me and waiting to get their grades back! Fortunately, the kids really liked it. They had some good suggestions, too."The book was published in 2005, but it would be another five years before Hollywood would bring the first of the Percy Jackson stories to the screen. While the studio explored turningRiordan's first book into a movie, the author continued the series by penning a new novel each year between 2006 and 2009.Chris Columbus was attracted to "Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief" because, as he relates, "We haven't seen the world of Greek Mythology in a story like this before," he elaborates. "I think Rick Riordan tapped into something quite unique, juxtaposing the world of the ancient Greeks with the underbelly of contemporary America."Columbus is no stranger to the world of fantasy. In addition to launching the "Harry Potter" film franchise by directing the first two films and serving as a producer on the third, he gained a tremendous following with three of his early, original screenplays: "Gremlins," "The Goonies" and "Young Sherlock Holmes."Columbus describes his new genre effort as a contemporary adventure meets Greek-Mythology film, as opposed to a pure period-piece Greek myth with gods in flowing robes sitting on billowy clouds. "This story has a sense of reality and an epic quality while still portraying a sinister, supernatural battle between good and evil," he explains.To adapt the book, Columbus chose Craig Titley, with whom Columbus and his producing partners at 1492 Pictures had worked on the hit comedy "Cheaper by the Dozen." Titley's scholarly background in Greek Mythology was a timely bonus. "Chris knew I was getting a Ph.D. in mythological studies when he sent the book my way," Titley relates. "I thought this was a perfect assignment for me because my head was swimming in Greek myths, monsters and heroes. And it's actually the kind of movie I've wanted to see since I was a kid. Mythology has always been hip, and there's kind of a mythology renaissance going on right now in pop culture." Even before Titley turned in his screenplay, Columbus and producer Michael Barnathan pitched their ideas for a "Percy Jackson" movie to the studio, later designing initial conceptual artwork to further illustrate their ideas. "This concept art had Chris' vision and tone for the movie," Barnathan says. "It was important for Chris to design some monsters and creatures based clearly on old Greek mythological art and concepts, but take it in a new and fresh direction. So, we started our approach on paper with conceptual art. The studio got very excited and saw that this could be bigger than just a young adult story."Once they had a visual motif for the project, the filmmakers next turned to the script. "It's a wonderful book, but it's impossible to incorporate all the book's elements into the movie," explains Barnathan. "What we tried to do was retain the essence of the story, characters and the world that Rick created, and put it in a cinematic context.""One of the big changes we made was upping the age of Percy and his friends," Titley notes. "In the book, he was twelve years old. It was just much more fun to make him seventeen. With that age, we could play with Percy and Annabeth and their relationship.""To me, this story was perfect because it had this whole great world of Greek Mythology populated by monsters we could create and design and put in our world," says Columbus. "And, the heart of the story is about a young man who wants to save his mother and find out who is hisfather is. So that made it a very emotional story. The kind of story I respond to as a director.""The movie is very much about parent-child relationships," Barnathan amplifies. "It's the theme that runs through it and is something that connects many of Chris' movies. At the heart of his films there's family. In 'Home Alone' it's a boy who's lost his parents. In 'Mrs. Doubtfire,' the kids are trying to keep their parents together. Here, it's a boy trying to find his father while rescuing his mother - to put his family back together.""What drives Percy to go on this huge journey is that he wants to save his Mom," says actor Logan Lerman, who plays Percy. "For him, that's bigger than saving the world. During the journey, he finds out that his mother is alive and Hades is holding her captive. So, Percy tries to find a way to get to the Underworld and have Hades release his mom. That's what drives him to travel cross country and face the [creatures] Hydra and Medusa and undergo lots of other wild adventures. Yes, he goes on this huge journey with his two friends to retrieve Zeus' stolen lightning bolt, and save the world. But, it's really about getting his mom back."Lerman nabbed the role of the titular hero after Chris Columbus had caught a screening of the western "3:10 to Yuma," in which Lerman co-starred, opposite Russell Crowe and Christian Bale. But the wheels were set in motion before then. Columbus recalls the casting process: "My assistant, who's been with me for several years, told me a couple of years ago that if I was ever looking for a young star to be in one of my films, I should check out this movie, '3:10 to Yuma', in which this young man, Logan Lerman, had a key role. I watched the picture and thought he was an amazing actor. When it came time to cast 'Percy Jackson,' I thought of Logan. When I met him, I thought he had the essence of a potential movie star. Then, he did a screen test and I was completely blown away. Logan is like a forty-year-old person in a seventeen-year-old's body. His instincts are so remarkable. Logan has a sense of reality and intensity about him that I haven't seen in many young people. He's that fantastic."Lerman relished working on such a large canvas. "This is a big movie!" Lerman exclaims. "I've never been part of a movie like this, on this level. The size kind of takes you back every day. And, with Chris Columbus attached, this amazing filmmaker, I wouldn't want to put my career in the hands of anybody else."I didn't realize what I got myself into when I started," the young actor notes about winning the film's title role. "I'm like, 'who did I fool to get to this point?' It never really hit me until I got to Vancouver [to begin filming] and saw these amazing sets. They built The Parthenon, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Mount Olympus and the enormous Lotus Hotel and Casino." Keeping a watchful eye on Percy is his best friend, Grover, a mythological creature known as a satyr - a half man, half goat related to the Roman mythological creature Faunus. Grover has been entrusted with protecting Percy on their transcontinental odyssey, which is a challenge for Grover on two fronts: He's a newbie at the protection thing, and in typical satyr fashion, he has a keen eye for the ladies. The latter fact didn't go unnoticed by Jackson during his research for the role. "Satyrs are wild creatures," Jackson notes. "Grover has issues with women. In mythology, satyrs always hung around with nymphs. In this story, Grover has a big crush on Persephone [Hades' wife, played by Rosario Dawson] and she has a crush on him. But, he's not used to agoddess liking him because he's just a satyr."Jackson, who grew a goatee for the role, emulating the slight tuft of hair adorning a goat's chin, also reveals that his character "has a lot of other issues, like insecurity. He's really immature as Percy's protector. He's a junior protector, not a senior protector. He doesn't even have his horns yet." Then, the performer's comic persona returns when he adds, "it's weird because the more I did the character, the more I became Grover. I really started to feel like a goat. At home, I was eating cans."While Columbus knew and greatly admired Jackson's work from Ben Stiller's hit comedy "Tropic Thunder," the director was initially unfamiliar with the female lead he would ultimately help choose to play the crucial role of the demigod Annabeth -- Alexandra Daddario. Daddario was brought to the filmmaker's attention by his longtime casting directors, Jane Jenkins, CSA and Janet Hirshenson, CSA."We had screen tested a lot of women for the role of Annabeth," Columbus relates. "When I saw a video test Alex had done in New York, I was intrigued. We then put her on film and I had never seen anyone's eyes photograph like that. She was mesmerizing. I also realized she had a tremendous amount of chemistry with Logan and Brandon."The film marks Daddario's first motion picture starring role in a career dating back to her teen years in New York on the daytime soap "All My Children." Daddario explains her take on the role within the story's context. "'Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief' is based on the idea that the Greek gods came down to earth and had children with mortals. Then, their children were left wandering the earth because demigods aren't allowed to meet their parents. Annabeth hasn't met her mother, Athena, but she does hear her speak to her sometimes. She gives her advice. Annabeth has some kind of connection with her mother but also some resentment that she hasn't ever seen her or been able to have her immediately in her life." Daddario sees much to admire in Annabeth: "I think that one of the great things about Annabeth is her strength. I've read for a lot of characters for women my age that aren't fully formed or have developed personalities or characters. They're sort of just on the sidelines. But, I think that Annabeth is a very complex, very fully formed, strong character. She has a good balance between emotion and strength."For Jake Abel, the scenes set at Camp Half Blood were among the high points of the production. "Camp Half Blood is, in a sense, a foster home for demigods," says Abel. "It's where my character, Luke, as well as Percy, Grover, Annabeth, and all the demigods get their training. Chiron teaches us to use our best attributes against evil. The demigods are also taught the importance of not letting the powers get out of control because demigods could take over the world - and that would lead to total global destruction. So Chiron teaches us to maintain our powers and use them for the greater good."Abel and his young castmates enjoyed the camaraderie of shooting those scenes, as well as month-long training sessions that put the actors in demigod shape. "Every morning we actors had our training with all the stunt guys," Abel recalls. "And training commenced with sword fightingand flying. It also all helped us bond very quickly."Percy and his friends' journeys bring them in close contact with gods, both good and evil. While assembling the cast to embody the lofty lot, Columbus and Barnathan found that the Percy Jackson books were a major draw. "We were very lucky in this movie with our cast," says Barnathan. "Good things attract good people. And, right from the beginning, people came aboard often because they had a family member who was interested in the book. It certainly happened with Pierce Brosnan, whose kids loved the book."Brosnan, fresh off the success of the hit movie musical "Mamma Mia!," plays the role of Chiron the Centaur, the majestic and powerful leader of the special camp for demigod training. "Actually, I play Percy's teacher, Prof. Brunner and I play Chiron, who are one and the same," Brosnan elaborates. "I play Prof. Brunner in this world, in this time. He teaches Greek Mythology from a wheelchair. You don't know why he's in a wheelchair until we transport ourselves into the world of Greek Mythology. As Percy goes on his journey, I become Chiron, who is half-man, half-horse -- a Centaur."Chiron is somebody who's connected to the mythology of his time, then and now," the actor continues. "I try to intervene to stop a war from happening, which will upset the balance of nature. If the gods come down and create havoc with the mortals, there will be terrible consequences for the entire planet."To give the actor the accurate height of a horse's head, Brosnan donned painter's stilts, which measured about a foot high. The prop department manufactured a staff for the character to carry, and from there he tapped into his theatrical roots. "I had a street theater company called Theater Spiel and we used to do stilt work and fire eating and clowning," Brosnan recalls. "For 'Percy Jackson' I visited a few horse farms in Canada before I started shooting. Then, you make it up on your own."While Brosnan works extensively with young actors Logan Lerman, Brandon T. Jackson, Alexandra Daddario and Jake Abel, he shares no scenes with the other adult cast members, including Steve Coogan and Rosario Dawson, as the bickering, dysfunctional wedded couple of the Underworld, Hades and Persephone. Coogan's colorful knave is, says Coogan, "pursuing Percy Jackson for Zeus's lightning bolt, which has gone missing. I played Hades as being addicted to evil. He doesn't really want to be bad, but he can't help himself. But while he's certainly the axis of evil within the movie, there's definitely comedy in the character. The challenge and opportunity with the character was to strike a balance between finding those comedic moments without undermining the gravitas of playing a god."Coogan also found inspiration for his role in his wardrobe. "[The filmmakers] wanted Hades to look kind of like a rock god," he explains. "So I have the snake skin pants, the snake skin boots, the torn t-shirt, the long hair and beard; it was all a very stylized look. The outfit to me was part of the key to the character. There's a vanity about him as well, and I suppose when you are a rock star, you can behave badly with a degree of impunity. All that physical stuff helped me find the character."If Coogan impersonated a rock god in the guise of Hades, then he was blessed to share his stage - and magnificent mansion fashioned by production designer Howard Cummings - with screen goddess Rosario Dawson, who plays Hades' wife Persephone. Dawson was particularly intrigued by the couple's dynamic. "Theirs is a very caustic relationship," she notes. "She's stuck for several months of the year in the Underworld. And she hates it and hates Hades for it. I just see, in these characters, two people who are very comfortable at hating each other."Hades and Persephone live in the Underworld under Los Angeles, which is perfect because they're completely narcissistic," Dawson continues. "Modernizing them into this contemporary world fits so perfectly. I think it's interesting that they would create Hell under Los Angeles. I think it's quite poignant to see these two people, these gods, struggling and hating and fighting in Hell in a disastrous Hollywood-like marriage. Maybe that's what Hell is."For the role of Persephone's father, Zeus, the supreme ruler of Olympus and the universe, the filmmakers chose the charismatic and commanding British actor Sean Bean. The role represents another epic portrait in Bean's diverse gallery of motion picture characterizations that includes Odysseus, the leader of the Greek Army that overthrows Troy, in Wolfgang Petersen's large-scale adventure "Troy," and the proud warrior Boromir in Peter Jackson's landmark "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy."I've always been quite interested in Greek Mythology, the myths and legends," Bean states. "I loved Zeus' jealousies and conflicts. It's not very often you get a chance to play the king of the gods, you know. Zeus is quite a charismatic, mischievous kind of god. He likes to have a good time with the ladies, and he likes to have a good time playing games. But he's also very powerful, dignified and regal."Kevin McKidd, who plays Zeus' brother and arch-rival Poseidon, was drawn to the project by the two of the books' biggest fans - his kids. "I've never done anything that they've actually been allowed to watch because my earlier projects were far too grown-up," he explains. "And my son, funny enough, has now read the first three Percy Jackson books; he is completely hooked. He's like a Percy Jackson expert. And I think the story and characters will resonate with all audiences."Another big Percy Jackson draw is its gallery of creatures, chief among them the deadly Gorgon, Medusa, brought to life before the cameras by Uma Thurman. "I thought Uma would make a fascinating Medusa," Columbus recalls. "She is one of the most beautiful women in the world, yet at the same time she can create a real sense of fear and terror. I needed that combination for Medusa, someone who could entice you to look into her eyes because she was so hypnotic." "Medusa is both a contemporary and classical figure," says Thurman of her role. "She has a very modern attitude and style, but her head is covered with the traditional vision of Medusa: writhing snakes, which will turn an unfortunate onlooker into stone."Thurman notes that Medusa is a complex character, whose abilities are both empowering and a curse. "I liked the idea that she is really being tormented by her loneliness, which is her punishment," Thurman explains. "You know, you can live forever, but it's not much of a life ifevery time you look someone in the eye, they turn to stone. Medusa is kind of a mad, lonely person wandering around in the museum of her life."Barnathan remembers how hypnotic it was listening to Thurman's take on the character: "When Uma came in, she was like this ball of fire with her ideas. She had really thought about how she would interact with the snakes [that make up Medusa's 'hair']. We were all just in awe of her, listening to her talk about how she saw Medusa and how she would play the character."While Thurman's mane of snakes is computer generated, Columbus arranged for a wrangler to bring in some live snakes for Thurman to handle during rehearsals. "I really enjoyed relating to the snakes," Thurman recalls. "I played Medusa like she's always alone, and so has only her snakes to talk to. The live snakes enabled me to figure out how to move, and how to embrace the crazed, monstrous aspects of the character."Thurman's coiffure of computer generated snakes is one of many CG enhancements provided by visual effects supervisor Kevin Mack. In addition to transforming Brosnan into the mighty Centaur, the Oscar®-winning effects wizard ("What Dreams May Come") also turned actor Brandon T. Jackson into a satyr - a half man, half goat.To bring the physical world of "Percy Jackson" to life, Columbus turned to veteran production designer Howard Cummings. Among several sets he designed for Columbus' epic fantasy story (he confirms he had, at one point in the schedule, eight different set builds going on simultaneously) was a replica of the Parthenon as it exists in Nashville's Parthenon Park, a massive stage set at Mammoth Studios where Columbus began production. (The company also built several sets on at North Shore Studios, the former Lions Gate lot in North Vancouver). "The Parthenon was actually a full replica of the interior of the one built in Nashville," Cummings says about the majestic set. "The Parthenon was fun just for the sheer scale of it. We ended up going with lots of foam and different materials that were easily moveable."One of the set's key components was an eye-catching, 30-foot statue of the goddess Athena, which was sculpted by Cummings' plasterers out of Styrofoam in four separate sections, then stacked onto each other seamlessly within the massive columns of the Parthenon backdrop. Although comprised of the feathery foam, the entire sculpture, when finished, tipped the scales at over 1000 lbs.Another of the story's significant sets was Camp Half Blood, the secret, hidden enclave, accessible only to those of immortal birth, where the demigods hone their fighting skills in preparation for their missions. Erected at a popular campsite in Golden Ears Provincial Park on the stunning and serene banks of Lake Alouette, Camp Half Blood's half dozen Greek-inspired tents were replete with swords and shields and armor, where residents of the North Beach area east of Vancouver would ordinarily see RVs and lawn chairs. Down by the lake, Cummings' crew built the most stunning edifice in the entire demigods' camp -- Poseidon's boat house, where Chiron reveals to Percy that his father is the god of the Sea and one of the Big Three Olympians.。



导演: 克里斯·哥伦布编剧: Craig Titley / Rick Riordan主演: 罗根·勒曼/ 布兰登·T·杰克逊/ 亚历珊德拉·达达里奥/ 凯瑟琳·基纳/ 皮尔斯·布鲁斯南/ 乌玛·瑟曼/ 杰克·阿贝尔/ 肖恩·宾/ 罗莎里奥·道森/ 凯文·麦克基德类型: 奇幻/ 冒险制片国家/地区: 美国/ 加拿大语言: 英语上映日期: 2010-02-10片长: 118 分钟又名: 珀西·杰克逊和闪电窃贼/ 波西杰克森:神火之贼/ 波西·杰克逊与闪电贼/ Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief / 波西杰克逊与神火之盗评分: 豆瓣5.7 / IMDB 6.1剧情概要:问题学生波西杰克森的学校生活老是不顺利——不过这和他接下来面对的挑战相比根本不算什么。










The lightning theif

The lightning theif
The lightning thief
Sella & Frances
Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief
Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief
所幸,波西好友格罗 佛· 安德伍德和他的拉丁裔老师布 鲁纳及时出现阻止并赶跑了阿耳刻 斯。为了避免此次情况再度发生, 布鲁纳老师给了波西一支笔,并告 诉他危急时方可使用。袭击事件之 后,布鲁纳察觉有异,连忙吩咐格 罗佛即刻带着波西和他的妈妈前往 -混血营区,三人在混血营区外头 遭到牛头人身怪弥诺陶洛斯的攻击, 无法进到混血营区的莎莉却因此被 杀害,格罗佛告诉波西可以使用那 支笔,使用后发现原来那是一把剑, 但波西无论怎么砍都无效,最后是 拿着弥诺陶洛斯断掉的牛角,插入 它的胸口而死,之后,波西也昏厥 了过去。
We feel this is a Interesting book, interested students You can come to us, we can a Explore the contents of the book with.
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在训练营的最后一天, 珀西被引诱进了树林,他的朋 友,卢克。卢克承认珀西说, 他原来是贼的主螺栓和黑暗的 掌舵人。他告诉珀西,他担任 克罗诺斯, Kronos的计划击 败奥林匹亚摆脱他们。卢克消 失,留下一个致命的蝎子蜇珀 西。珀西几乎死于这只蝎子咬, 但木若虫谁把他带到安全救出。 珀西的老师,凯龙,护士他恢 复健康。珀西决定回家和他的 母亲住在一起,他的第七个年 级。



五年级英语电影名称单选题60题1.Which movie is about a princess and a beast?A.FrozenB.TangledC.Beauty and the BeastD.The Little Mermaid答案:C。


选项A《冰雪奇缘》,讲述的是艾莎和安娜的故事;选项B《 长发公主》,主角是乐佩公主;选项C《 美女与野兽》,符合题干描述;选项D《 小美人鱼》,主角是爱丽儿。

2.Which movie features a brave young woman in Scotland?A.MoanaB.BraveC.CinderellaD.Sleeping Beauty答案:B。

选项A 海洋奇缘》,主角是莫阿娜;选项B 勇敢传说》,讲述的是苏格兰勇敢的年轻女子梅莉达的故事;选项C 灰姑娘》;选项D 睡美人》。

3.Which movie has a snowman named Olaf?A.ZootopiaB.Finding NemoC.FrozenD.Toy Story答案:C。

选项A《疯狂动物城》;选项B《海底总动员》;选项C 冰雪奇缘》中有雪宝奥拉夫;选项D 玩具总动员》。

4.Which movie is about a wooden puppet who wants to be a real boy?A.PinocchioB.AladdinC.The Lion KingD.Dumbo答案:A。

选项A《 匹诺曹》,符合题干描述;选项B《 阿拉丁》;选项C 狮子王》;选项D 小飞象》。

5.Which movie features a princess with long golden hair?A.RapunzelB.Snow WhiteC.AuroraD.Belle答案:A。

选项A 长发公主》,有金色长发;选项B 白雪公主》;选项C 爱洛公主》;选项D 贝儿公主》。

the lighting thief 读书笔记

the lighting thief 读书笔记

the lighting thief 读书笔记摘要:1.《The Lighting Thief》简介2.主要角色介绍3.故事背景与情节概述4.读书笔记感悟5.推荐指数及理由正文:【1.《The Lighting Thief》简介】《The Lighting Thief》是Rick Riordan 所著的一部奇幻小说,为Percy Jackson 系列的第一部。

故事讲述了一个叫Percy 的少年,他发现自己其实是海神波塞冬的儿子,被送到一所特殊学校Camp Half-Blood,开始了他不同寻常的冒险生活。

【2.主要角色介绍】- Percy Jackson:本书的主人公,勇敢、机智,拥有神秘的力量。

- Annabeth Chase:女主角,智慧、勇敢,是智慧女神雅典娜的女儿。

- Grover Underwood:Percy 的好友,忠诚、搞笑,是一名半羊人。


Percy 发现自己拥有神秘的力量,并因此被卷入了一系列冒险事件。

他和Annabeth、Grover 一起,为了寻找失踪的宙斯神像,踏上了危险的旅程。


【4.读书笔记感悟】《The Lighting Thief》是一部充满奇幻色彩的小说,作者巧妙地将希腊神话与现代生活相结合,为读者展现了一个充满神秘的世界。

在阅读过程中,我深深被Percy、Annabeth 和Grover 的勇敢与智慧所吸引,感受到了友谊的力量。







给学校图书馆推荐书并说明理由的英语作文Recommendations for School Library BooksIntroductionSchool libraries play a crucial role in promoting reading habits among students and providing a wide range of resources for academic research. As avid readers ourselves, we would like to recommend the following books to be added to our school library's collection. These books cover a variety of genres and topics, aiming to cater to the diverse interests of our student body.Fantasy and Adventure1. "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" by J.K. RowlingThis iconic fantasy novel follows the story of a young wizard, Harry Potter, as he discovers his magical abilities and embarks on a journey to defeat the dark wizard, Voldemort. This book is a must-read for fans of fantasy and adventure stories.2. "Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief" by Rick RiordanIn this thrilling adventure novel, Percy Jackson, a demigod, sets out on a quest to retrieve Zeus' stolen lightning bolt and prevent a war among the Greek gods. This book is a modern-daytwist on ancient mythology, making it both entertaining and educational.Historical Fiction3. "The Diary of Anne Frank" by Anne FrankThis powerful memoir chronicles the experiences of a Jewish girl hiding from the Nazis during World War II. The diary provides a firsthand account of the hardships faced by Anne and her family, offering valuable insights into the history of the Holocaust.4. "Number the Stars" by Lois LowrySet in Nazi-occupied Denmark, this historical fiction novel follows the story of a young girl who helps her Jewish friend escape to safety. The book explores themes of friendship, bravery, and resistance against oppression, making it a compelling read for students interested in history.Science Fiction5. "Ender's Game" by Orson Scott CardThis acclaimed science fiction novel follows the story of Ender Wiggin, a gifted child recruited to attend a military academy in space to prepare for an alien invasion. The bookdelves into complex themes of morality, leadership, and the consequences of war.6. "The Martian" by Andy WeirIn this gripping science fiction novel, astronaut Mark Watney is stranded on Mars and must use his ingenuity to survive until rescue arrives. The book offers a realistic portrayal of space exploration and showcases the human spirit's resilience in the face of adversity.Biography and Autobiography7. "I Am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban" by Malala YousafzaiThis inspiring autobiography tells the story of Malala Yousafzai, a young Pakistani girl who defied the Taliban's ban on education for girls and became a global advocate for girls' rights. The book highlights the power of education and the importance of standing up for one's beliefs.8. "The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind" by William KamkwambaIn this remarkable biography, William Kamkwamba recounts his journey from poverty in Malawi to becoming a self-taught inventor who built a windmill to bring electricity to his village.The book celebrates the power of ingenuity and determination in overcoming obstacles.ConclusionIn conclusion, these recommended books offer a diverse selection of genres and themes that appeal to a wide range of student interests. By adding these books to our school library's collection, we aim to inspire students to explore new worlds, gain valuable knowledge, and develop a lifelong love for reading. We hope that these recommendations will enrich the reading experience of our school community and foster a culture of learning and curiosity. Thank you for considering our suggestions.。






1. 根据阅读能力来选择阅读能力是选择合适英语原版小说的首要因素。


对于初学者来说,建议选择简单的图书,包括像《Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?》、《Where the Wild Things Are》之类的儿童绘本及其它低级别英语原版小说。




2. 根据内容来选择在选择英语原版小说时也需要考虑内容,以便孩子们能够更好地理解和欣赏。


例如,如果孩子喜欢科学和宇宙,可以选择《Space Encyclopedia》之类的科普读物;如果孩子喜欢动物,可以选择像《The Complete Book of Animals》这样的书籍。



3. 根据阅读速度来选择小学生在学习英语的过程中,阅读速度不同,因此选择英语原版小说时需要结合孩子的阅读速度。


the lightening thief读后感

the lightening thief读后感

《The lightening thief》读后感《The Lightning Thief》是由著名的作家雷克·莱尔顿所著,于2006年4月1日首次出版。














— 1 —这本书充满了惊喜和悬念,每个情节都让人感到紧张刺激。



总之,《The Lightning Thief》是一本非常值得一读的书籍。



— 2 —。

Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief

Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief
波西.杰克逊 与神火之盗
Percy Jackson 罗根· 勒曼 Grover 布兰登· 杰克逊 /T· Annabeth 亚历珊德拉· 达达里 奥 Luke 杰克· 阿贝尔 Medusa 乌玛· 瑟曼 Zeus 肖恩· 宾 Mr. Brunner 皮尔斯· 布鲁斯南
神王 宙斯
海神 波塞冬
Hades catches Percy’s mother.He wants Percy to give him the lightning bolt.
冥王 哈迪斯
雅典娜之女 安娜贝丝 半羊人 格洛夫
The first key
The second key
The leader of twelve gods of Olympus , Zeus.
In this movie,lightning bolt ,the weapon of Zeus,is stolen.And almost everyone thinks Percy,the son of Poseidon ,doing it.
Returning the lightning bolt.
Percy‘s mother
本片的精髓是亲情与友情。没有波西 对母亲的爱,波西不会前往地狱救母, 没有朋友的帮助,波西无法打败传说中 的怪物并拿到钥匙。 所以,朋友是你人生的助力,家人是 你坚强的靠山。我们应该珍视我们身边 的亲人与朋友。毕竟,当他们被哈迪斯 (冥王,死神)带走时,我们可没有前往地 狱救他们的能力。
The third key
Three Monster guards



波西杰克逊推荐一本书作文英文回答:As Percy Jackson, I would like to recommend the book "The Lightning Thief" by Rick Riordan. This is the first book in the "Percy Jackson & The Olympians" series and it's a fantastic read for both kids and adults.The story follows the adventures of a twelve-year-old boy named Percy Jackson who discovers that he is a demigod, the son of Poseidon. He is sent to a summer camp called Camp Half-Blood, where he meets other demigods and learns about the world of Greek mythology. Percy embarks on a quest to prevent a war among the gods and save his mother from the clutches of Hades.What I love about this book is the perfect blend of action, humor, and mythology. The author has a unique way of incorporating Greek myths into a modern setting, making it relatable and entertaining. The characters are well-developed and each has their own quirks and abilities. Percy himself is a witty and sarcastic narrator, which adds an extra layer of humor to the story.One of my favorite scenes in the book is when Percy battles the Minotaur in the entrance to the Underworld.It's an intense and action-packed scene, and it really showcases Percy's bravery and resourcefulness. Another memorable moment is when Percy visits the Lotus Hotel and Casino, where time seems to stand still. It's a fascinating concept and adds an element of mystery to the story.Overall, "The Lightning Thief" is a thrilling and captivating book that will keep you hooked from beginning to end. It's a perfect choice for anyone who enjoys adventure, mythology, and a touch of humor.中文回答:作为波西杰克逊,我想推荐一本书给大家,那就是Rick Riordan的《雷神之子》。



After reading "Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief," I was fascinated by the story of Percy, a demigod with extraordinary powers. The adventures he embarks on, the challenges he faces, and the friendships he forms are all captivating. The blend of mythology and modern-day elements in the book is truly unique. I can't wait to read the next book in the series!






英语阅读总结范文五年级Reading is an important skill that we need to develop from a young age. As a fifth-grader, I have been exposed to a variety of reading materials, ranging from storybooks to informational texts. Here are some of my reflections on my reading experiences.Q: What kind of books do you enjoy reading the most?A: I enjoy reading adventure and fantasy books the most.I like to imagine myself going on thrilling quests and exploring magical worlds.Q: Can you give an example of a book you recently read and what you liked about it?A: I recently read "Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief" by Rick Riordan. I liked how the author mixed Greek mythology with modern-day adventures. The plot was exciting, and the characters were interesting.Q: Do you enjoy reading non-fiction books? Why or why not?A: I do enjoy reading non-fiction books, especiallythose about animals and science. I like learning new things, and non-fiction books give me a chance to do that.Q: How do you choose what book to read next?A: I usually choose what book to read next based on recommendations from friends or family members. I also like to browse the bookstore or library to see what catches my eye.Q: Do you prefer reading physical books or e-books? Why?A: I prefer reading physical books because I like the feeling of turning the pages and holding a book in my hand. However, e-books are convenient when I need to bringmultiple books with me on a trip.Q: Do you think reading is important? Why or why not?A: I think reading is important because it helps us develop our vocabulary, imagination, and critical thinking skills. It also allows us to learn about different cultures and perspectives.阅读是我们需要从小就发展的重要技能。



十二岁的玩笑好书推荐作文英文回答:When it comes to recommending a good book for a twelve-year-old, there are several options that come to mind. One of my top recommendations would be "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" by Jeff Kinney. This book is a hilarious and relatable story about a middle school student named Greg Heffley and his daily struggles. The book is written in a diary format, with hand-drawn illustrations that add to the humor. It's a great choice for young readers who enjoy funny and light-hearted stories.Another fantastic book for a twelve-year-old is "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" by J.K. Rowling. This is the first book in the famous Harry Potter series, which follows the magical adventures of Harry and his friends at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The book is filled with excitement, mystery, and friendship, making it a captivating read for young readers. Plus, it's a greatintroduction to the world of Harry Potter, which has become a beloved franchise worldwide.Moving on to a different genre, "The Giver" by Lois Lowry is a thought-provoking and dystopian novel that would appeal to a twelve-year-old. The story takes place in a seemingly perfect society where everything is controlled, but as the protagonist Jonas discovers the truth about his world, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery. This book raises important questions about individuality, freedom, and the power of memories.For those who enjoy adventure and fantasy, "Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief" by Rick Riordan is an excellent choice. This book introduces readers to the world of Greek mythology through the eyes of Percy Jackson, a twelve-year-old boy who discovers he is a demigod. The story is action-packed and filled with mythical creatures, making it a thrilling read for young readers.中文回答:谈到给一个十二岁的孩子推荐一本好书,我有几个选择。



好书推荐英语作文初二Reading is a window to the world, offering a glimpse into different cultures, eras, and perspectives. For middle school students, finding the right book can be a transformative experience that ignites a lifelong passion for reading. In this essay, I will recommend a selection of books that are not only engaging but also enriching for young readers."Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" by J.K. Rowling is a must-read for any young reader. It's the first book in a series that has captivated millions of readers worldwide. The story follows Harry Potter, a young wizard who discovers his magical heritage on his eleventh birthday when he receives a letter of acceptance to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry's journey is filled with adventure, friendship, and self-discovery, making it an ideal read for middle schoolers."The Diary of a Young Girl" by Anne Frank is a powerful, poignant book that provides a firsthand account of the horrors of World War II. Through the eyes of a young Jewish girl hiding from the Nazis in Amsterdam, readers gain an intimate understanding of the human side of history. This book is not only a testament to the resilience of the human spirit but also an important historical document."Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief" by Rick Riordan introduces readers to a world where Greek mythology intersects with modern life. Percy Jackson, a demigod and the son of Poseidon, embarks on a quest to prevent a war among the gods. This book is perfect for middle school students as it combines humor, action, and mythology in a way that is both educational and entertaining."Wonder" by R.J. Palacio tells the story of August Pullman, a boy with facial differences who attends public school for the first time in fifth grade. This novel teaches important lessons about kindness, friendship, and acceptance, encouraging readers to look beyond appearances and find the beauty in everyone."The Giver" by Lois Lowry is a thought-provoking novel set in a seemingly utopian society where there is no pain, suffering, or choice. The protagonist, Jonas, is selected to be the Receiver of Memory, the person who stores all the past memories of the time before Sameness. As Jonas uncovers the truth about his world, he faces difficult choices about freedom, happiness, and sacrifice."Holes" by Louis Sachar is a unique and intriguing novel that follows Stanley Yelnats, a boy who is wrongfully sent to a juvenile detention center called Camp Green Lake. There, he is forced to dig holes every day in the hot sun, supposedly to build character. However, there is more to the digging than meets the eye, and Stanley must uncover the truth behind the mysterious holes."Matilda" by Roald Dahl is a delightful tale of a young girl with extraordinary intelligence and telekinetic powers. Matilda Wormwood, unappreciated by her dim-witted parents, finds solace in books and a kind-hearted teacher, Miss Honey. This book celebrates the power of imagination and the impact that one person can have on the lives of others.In conclusion, these books offer a variety of experiences and lessons that can have a profound impact on middle school students. They encourage readers to explore new worlds, empathize with different characters, and think critically about the world around them. By engaging with these stories, students can develop a deeper appreciation for literature and the endless possibilities it presents. Each book is a treasure in its own right, promising adventure, knowledge, and inspiration for young minds eager to explore. Happy reading! 。

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冥王 哈迪斯
雅典娜之女 安娜贝丝 半羊人 格洛夫
The first key
The second key
The third key
Three Monster guards
Lotus eater
The Hell
Hades is defeated.
Luke ,the real lightning thief.
波西.杰克逊 与神火之盗
Percy Jackson 罗根· 勒曼 Grover 布兰登· 杰克逊 /T· Annabeth 亚历珊德拉· 达达里 奥 Luke 杰克· 阿贝尔 Medusa 乌玛· 瑟曼 Zeus 肖恩· 宾 Mr. Brunner 皮尔斯· 布鲁斯南
The leader of twelve gods of Olympus , Zeus.
打败 卢克。
Olympus Gods
Thundering Olympus
Returning the lightning bolt.
Percy‘s mother

本片的精髓是亲情与友情。没有波西 对母亲的爱,波西不会前往地狱救母, 没有朋友的帮助,波西无法打败传说中 的怪物并拿到钥匙。 所以,朋友是你人生的助力,家人是 你坚强的靠山。我们应该珍视我们身边 的亲人与朋友。毕竟,当他们被哈迪斯 (冥王,死神)带走时,我们可没有前往地 狱救他们的能力。
In this movie,lightning bolt ,the weapon of Zeus,is stolen.And almost everyone thinks Percy,the son of Poseidon ,doing it.
神王 宙斯
海神 波塞冬
Hades catches Percy’s mother.He wants Percy to give him the lightning bolt.