



英语研究性学习报告英语研究性学习报告精选2篇(一)Title: An in-depth exploration of the English language1. Introduction- Briefly explain the significance of studying English as a subject.- State the purpose and objectives of the research.2. Historical Overview of English- Trace the origins and development of the English language.- Discuss the influence of other languages on English, such as Latin, French, and German.3. Phonetics and Phonology- Explain the sounds and sound patterns in English.- Discuss the rules of pronunciation and the various accents and dialects in the English-speaking world.4. Morphology and Syntax- Define the structure and formation of words in English.- Analyze the rules of sentence construction and grammar.5. Semantics and Pragmatics- Explore the meaning of words, phrases, and sentences in English.- Discuss the context-dependent use of language and the rules of communication in different situations.6. Language Variation and Change- Investigate the different varieties of English, such as regional dialects and social dialects.- Analyze the factors that contribute to language change and evolution.7. Language Acquisition- Examine the process of acquiring English as a second language.- Discuss theories of language acquisition and the role of linguistics in language teaching.8. Sociolinguistics- Explore the relationship between language and society.- Discuss language attitudes, social identity, and language policy.9. English as a Global Language- Examine the spread and dominance of English worldwide.- Discuss the implications of English as a lingua franca and the challenges of multilingualism.10. Conclusion- Summarize the key findings and insights from the research.- Reflect on the importance of studying English and its impact on individuals and society.11. References- List all the sources used in the research, following the appropriate citation style.Note: This outline provides a general structure for a research report on the study of the English language. It is important to tailor the content and subtopics according to the specific requirements and focus of your research.英语研究性学习报告精选2篇(二)Title: Observational Report on English Training SessionIntroduction:This report provides an overview of a recent English training session that I observed as part of my professional development. I attended the session at ABC LanguageCenter on [date], which focused on improving the speaking and listening skills of intermediate-level learners.Session Observations:1. Lesson Content: The trainer started the session by introducing the topic of travel and presenting relevant vocabulary and phrases. The lesson was structured in a way that allowed for both individual and group activities. The trainer incorporated various exercises, such as role-plays, discussions, and listening comprehension tasks, to engage the learners.2. Lesson Delivery: The trainer used a communicative approach, encouraging the learners to actively participate and use the language in authentic contexts. They created a supportive and inclusive atmosphere, ensuring that each learner had the opportunity to contribute. The trainer used a variety of teaching techniques, including visual aids, real-life examples, and multimedia resources, to cater to different learning styles.3. Learner Engagement: The learners were actively engaged throughout the session, demonstrating a high level of motivation and participation. They were encouraged to work in pairs and small groups, which fostered collaboration and peer interaction. The trainer effectively monitored the learners' progress and provided timely feedback to enhance their understanding and language use.4. Classroom Management: The trainer demonstrated excellent classroom management skills by establishing clear expectations and rules from the beginning. They guided the learners' behavior with positive reinforcement and established a respectful and inclusive learning environment. The learners felt comfortable asking questions and making mistakes, creating a supportive atmosphere for growth and development.Strengths:- Clear and concise explanation of language concepts.- Effective incorporation of various activities to promote skill development.- Engaging and interactive teaching style.- Inclusive and respectful classroom environment.Improvement Areas:- Providing more opportunities for learners to practice speaking individually.- Incorporating more form-focused activities to reinforce grammar and pronunciation.Conclusion:Overall, I found the English training session at ABC Language Center to be an effective and engaging learning experience. The trainer's communicative approach, coupled with their excellent classroom management, created a positive learning environment. The session successfully enhanced the learners' speaking and listening skills, and I gained valuable insights on effective teaching techniques that I can apply in my own practice.。






二、初中英语词汇教学现状分析1. 学生词汇量不足目前,我国初中学生的英语词汇量普遍不足,难以满足日常交际和英语学习的要求。


2. 教学方法单一部分教师在词汇教学中,采用传统的讲授法,让学生机械记忆单词,忽视了词汇的语境和实际应用。


3. 评价方式单一在词汇教学中,教师往往只关注学生的记忆效果,忽视了学生的实际运用能力。


三、初中英语词汇教学策略1. 注重词汇语境教学词汇教学应注重语境,让学生在具体的语境中理解、记忆和运用词汇。



2. 采用多样化教学方法(1)采用游戏教学法,激发学生的学习兴趣。





3. 完善评价方式(1)关注学生的词汇运用能力,将评价方式从单纯的记忆效果转变为实际运用。


四、案例分析1. 教学内容:初中英语人教版八年级上册Unit 8 Section B2. 教学目标:通过词汇教学,使学生掌握本单元的生词,并能运用所学词汇进行简单的交流。

3. 教学方法:情境教学法、游戏教学法(1)情境教学法:教师利用多媒体展示本单元的主题图片,让学生在情境中感知、理解词汇。



试验报告词汇一.混凝土试块报告上的英语词汇1. laboratory:实验室2. aggregate type:集料类型3. mix proportion:配合比4. compressive strength:抗压强度5. not mentioned:未提供,未提及6. specimen /'spesɪmɪn/ 试件,样品7. designation /dezɪg'neɪʃ(ə)n/ 名称8. frog mark 吊牌,标识9. maximum /'mæksɪməm/ 最大的;maximum load:最大荷载10. crushing /'krʌʃɪŋ/决定性的;crushing strength:压碎强度11. average /'æv(ə)rɪdʒ/ 平均的12. mode of failure: 破坏形式,崩塌形式13. combined: 联合,组合14. sealed condition: 封闭的状态,另:unsealed condition 未封闭状态15. countersign /'kaʊntəsaɪn/ 连署,会签;countersigned by: 会签(后接签名)16. perform /pə'fɔːm/ 执行,完成;test performed by: 试验员(后接签名)17. Dr. 博士,另:M.S = Master of Science,理科硕士;又另:lecture: 讲师18. responsibility:责任19. representative:代表性的20. character:特性,性质21. recommend:推荐22. secure:可靠的23. container:包装箱,集装箱;另:contain:包含24. packet:包裹25. signature:签名26. component:构件,成分27. authority:权威,专家;另:authorized:经认可的,公认的28. avoid:避免29. fraudulent:欺骗的,不诚实的30. fabrication:制作31. duly:充分地32. contractor:承包商33. supplier:供货商,提供者34. bureau:科,室35. research:调查,研究36. consultation:咨询二.砂浆、水泥报告上的英语词汇:1. specimen: 试件,样品2. ratio: 比率,比3. specification: 规范,细则4. figure: 数字,图形5. curing: 养护6. blended /'blendid/ 混合的;blend: v.混合,配料7. hydraulic/haɪ'drɔːlɪk/ 液压传动装置8. maximum /'mæksɪməm/ 最大的,极大的9. consistency /kən'sɪst(ə)nsɪ/ 稠度;water for normal consistency: 标准稠度用水量10. initial /iˈniʃəl/ 最初的;initial setting time: 初凝时间;final setting time: 终凝时间11. fineness /'faɪnnɪs/ 细度,纯度12. density /'densɪtɪ/ n.密度,浓度,稠度13. standard requirements 标准要求的14. specific /spə'sɪfɪk/ 比率的,专门的,特殊的15. gravity /'grævɪtɪ/ 万有引力,地心吸力,重力;specific gravity 比重16. shingle /'ʃɪŋg(ə)l/ 鹅卵石17. unacceptable /ʌnək'septəb(ə)l/ 不能接受的,不合意的三. 击实报告及回填土压实度检测报告上的词汇:18. executive /ɪg'zekjʊtɪv/ 行政的,执行的19. scheme /skiːm/方案,计划20. compaction /kəm'pækʃən/ 压实21. memo /'meməʊ/ 备忘录22. Ref. reference /'ref(ə)r(ə)ns/ 的缩写,指商业书信等的编号23. client /'klaɪənt/ 委托人24. sample 样品,sample by 采样25. quantity /'kwɒntɪtɪ/ 数量26. soil parameter27. parameter /pə'ræmɪtə/ 参数,参量28. sieve /sɪv/ 筛,筛分29. description /dɪ'skrɪpʃ(ə)n/ 描述30. specimen /'spesɪmɪn/ 试样31. modified /'mɔdifaid/ 变更的,改进的32. proctor /'prɒktə/ 代理人;modified proctor 改良式普罗克达(试验)modified proctor test 重型击实试验33. AASHTO 美国公路与运输协会标准34. mould /məʊld/ 模型,模具;dia:diameter 的缩写35. represent /reprɪ'zent/ 作为…的代表,代表;quantity represented:代表数量;36. rammer /'ræmə/ 夯锤37. determination /dɪ,tɜːmɪ'neɪʃ(ə)n/ n.测定38. assume /ə'sjuːm/ vt. 假定;assumed 假定的39. moisture /'mɒɪstʃə/ n. 湿度40. content /kən'tent/ n. 含量;moisture content : 含水率41. volume /'vɒljuːm/ n. 体积,容积42. attach /ə'tætʃ/ vt. 附着attached :附着的43. graph /grɑːf/ n. 曲线图44. optimum /'ɒptɪməm/ adj. 最佳的OMC = optimum moisture content 最佳含水率45. maximum /'mæksɪməm/ adj. 最大的MDD = maximum dry density 最大干密度46. cone /kəʊn/ n.圆椎;sand cone method 灌砂法47.四. 钢筋及焊接检测报告上的词汇:1. strength /streŋθ/ n. 强度2. tension /'tenʃ(ə)n/ n. 拉力,张力;vt.使拉紧,使紧张3. deformed /dɪ'fɔːmd/ n.变形的;deform:使变形4. nominal /'nɒmɪn(ə)l/ 额定的;nominal Dia 公称直径5. unit /'juːnɪt/ n.(计量上的)单位,如:actual unit weight 实际的单位重量6. yield /jiːld/ vi. 屈服7. proof load 检验荷载8. ultimate /'ʌltɪmət/ 极限的,最终的9. elongation /iːlɒŋ'geɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 伸长率10. bend /bend/ vt. 使弯曲;n.弯曲;如:bending brake 弯曲机11. designation /dezɪg'neɪʃ(ə)n/ n.名称12. predict /prɪ'dɪkt/ vt. 预言,预知,预报;predicted:预先的13. factor /'fæktə/ n. 因素,系数14. conversion/kən'vɜːʃ(ə)n/ n.转化,换算convert vt. 转换,改造15. lap /læp/ n. 搭接,重叠16. length /leŋθ/ n.长度,距离几乎每种报告后附有的备注:Sample as supplied to us have been tested in our laboratory. BRTC does not any responsibility as to the representative character of the samples required to be tested. It is recommended that samples are sent in a secure and sealed /cover/packet/container under signature of the component authority. In order to avoid fraudulent fabrication of test result, it is recommended that all test reports are collected by duly authorized person, and not by the Contractor/Supplier.送来的样品已在我试验室完成检测。



Accuracy 准确度AC -Active Control 阳性对照、活性对照AE(Adverse Event)不良事件ADE (Adverse Drug Event)药物不良事件ADR(Adverse Drug Reaction)药物不良反应Adverse medical events 不良医学事件Alpha spending function 消耗函数Analysis sets 统计分析的数据集Approval 批准ALD(Approximate Lethal Dose)近似致死剂量AI(Assistant Investigator)助理研究者Audit 稽查Auditor 稽查员Audit Report 稽查报告Baseline 基线Bias 偏性,偏倚Bioequivalence 生物等效应Blank Control 空白对照Blind codes 编制盲底Blind review 盲态审核/检查Blinding method 盲法Blinding/Masking 盲法/设盲Block 分段/层Block size 每段的长度BMI(Body Mass Index )体质指数BD(Business Development):商务拓展Carryover effect 延滞效应Case History 病历Case Record/Medical History 病历CRF(Case Report Form)病例报告表Categorical variable 分类变量Cav 平均浓度CRF- Case Report Form 病例报告表CL 清除率Clinical equivalence 临床等效应CM(Clinical Monitoring/Operation):临床监查/运营CRA(Clinical Research Associate):临床监查员CRC(Clinical Research Coordinator):临床研究协调员CRO(Contract Research Organization)合同研究组织CS/NCS-Clinical Significant/Non-Clinical Significant有临床意义/无临床意义Clinical study 临床研究CSA(Clinical Study Application)临床研究申请Clinical study report 临床试验的总结报告Clinical Trial 临床试验Clinical trial application, CTA 临床试验申请Clinical trial exemption, CTX 临床试验免责CTP(Clinical Trial Protocol)临床试验方案CTR(Clinical Trial Report)临床试验报告Cmax 峰浓度CI(Co-investigator)合作研究者Comparison 对照Compliance 依从性Composite variable 复合变量Computer-assisted trial design, CATD计算机辅助试验设计CM -Concomitant Medication 合并用药Confidence interval 可信区间Confidence level 置信水平Consistency test 一致性检验Contract/Agreement 协议/合同Control group 对照组Coordinating Committee 协调委员会COI (Coordinating Investigator )协调研究者Crossover design 交叉设计Cross-over study 交叉研究CV(Curriculum Vitae):简历CFDA - China Food and Drug Administration国家食品药品监督管理局SFDA(State Food and Drug Administration)国家食品药品监督管理局Database 建立数据库DM(Data Management):临床数据管理员DOB-Date of Birth 出生日期DSMB(Data Safety and monitoring Board)数据安全及监控委员会Descriptive statistical analysis 描述性统计分析Demography 人口统计学Deviation 偏差Documentation 记录/文件Dose Discontinuation 剂量终止(完全终止)Dose-reaction relation 剂量-反应关系Dose Reduce 剂量降低Dose Interrupt 剂量中断(暂停)Double blinding 双盲Double dummy 双模拟Double dummy technique 双盲双模拟技术Drug Accountability 药物清点Drug Administration 药物使用Drug Destroy 药物销毁Drug Dispense 药物分发Drop out 脱落Drug Receive 药物接收Drug Return 药物返还Drug Storage 药物储存Effectiveness 疗效EDC(Electronic Data Capture)电子数据采集EDP(Electronic Data Processing)电子数据处理系统ECG-Electrocardiogram 心电图Emergency envelope 应急信件End point 终点Endpoint criteria/ measurement 终点指标Essential Documentation 必需文件Exclusion Criteria 排除标准Enrollment 入组Equivalence 等效性Essential documents 必需文件Ethics committee 伦理委员会Excellent 显效Exclusion Criteria 排除标准FDA- Food and Drug Administration美国食品与药品监督管理局Factorial design 析因设计Failure 无效,失败Final point 终点FR (Final Report )总结报告FPI/FSI-First Patient/Subject In 首例受试者入组Fixed-dose procedure 固定剂量法Follow Up 随访Forced titration 强制滴定Full analysis set 全分析集FTE(Full-Time Equivalent):工作量Generic drug 通用名药Global assessment variable 全局评价变量Grade 级别GCP- Good Clinical Practice 药物临床试验质量管理规范GMP- Good Manufacturing Practice药品生产质量管理规范Good non-clinical laboratory practice, GLP药物非临床研究质量管理规范Health economic evaluation, HEV 健康经济学评价Height 身高Hypothesis testing 假设检验Inclusion Criteria 入组标准IDM(Independent Data Monitoring)独立数据监察IDMC(Independent Data Monitoring Committee)独立的数据监查委员会IEC(Independent Ethics Committee)独立伦理委员会Informed consent, IC 知情同意ICF(Informed Consent Form)知情同意书Information Gathering 信息收集Initial Meeting 启动会议Institution Inspection 机构检察IRB(Institutional Review Board)机构审查委员会Inspection 视察/检查Intention to treat 意向治疗(临床领域)Intention-to –treat, ITT 意向性分析(统计学)Interactive Voice Response System, IVRS互动式语音应答系统Interim analysis 期中分析IWRS- Interactive Web Response System交互式网络应答系统Investigator 研究者Investigational Product 试验药物IND(Investigational New Drug):新药临床研究Improvement 好转ICH(International Conference on Harmonization)人用药品注册技术要求国际技术协调会IVD(In Vitro Diagnostic)体外诊断Investigator 研究者IB- Investigator’s Brochure 研究者手册ISF(Investigator Site File):研究者文件夹ISA(Investigator Study Agreement):研究者合同IP-Investigational Product 研究产品Investigational Site 研究中心Labeling 标签Laboratory Assessment 实验室评估LPI/LSI-Last Patient/Subject In 末例受试者入组LPO/LSO-Last Patient/Subject Out 末例受试者出组LOCF(Last observation carry forward)最近一次观察的结转LD50 半数致死剂量Life threatening 危急生命Logic check 逻辑检查LM(Line Manager):直线经理LOQ (Limit of Quantization) 定量限Lost of follow up 失访Matched pair 匹配配对MA (Marketing Approval/Authorization)上市许可证MTD(Maximum Tolerated Dose)最大耐受剂量Medication No. 研究药品编号MCA(Medicines Control Agency)英国药品监督局MHW (Ministry of Health and Welfare)日本卫生福利部Mild 轻度Moderate 中度Severe 重度Missing value 缺失值Mixed effect model 混合效应模式Monitor 监察员Monitoring 监察Monitoring Plan 监察计划Monitoring Report 监察报告MRT 平均滞留时间Multi-center trial 多中心试验New chemical entity, NCE 新化学实体NDA(New Drug Application)新药申请NEC(New Drug Entity)新化学实体NIH(National Institutes of Health)国家卫生研究所(美国)Non-clinical study 非临床研究Non-inferiority 非劣效性Non-parametric statistics 非参数统计方法Obedience 依从性Open-blinding/ label 非盲Optional titration 随意滴定Outcome 结果Outcome assessment 结果指标评价Outcome measurement 结果指标Outlier 离群值OS-Overall Survival 总生存期Overdose 药物过量Original Medical Record 原始医疗记录Packaging 包装Parallel group design 平行组设计Parameter estimation 参数估计Parametric statistics 参数统计方法Patient File 病人档案Patient History 病历Per protocol, PP 符合方案集Physical Exam 体格检查PV(Pharmacovigilance):药物警戒Placebo 安慰剂Placebo control 安慰剂对照Polytomies 多分类Power 检验效能Precision 精密度Preclinical study 临床前研究PMA(Pre-market Approval (Application))上市前许可(申请)Primary endpoint 主要终点Primary variable 主要变量PL (Product License)产品许可证PI(Project Investigator)主要研究者PM(Project Manager):项目经理Protocol 试验方案Protocol Amendments 修正案PD(Protocol Deviation):方案偏离PV(Protocol Violation):方案违背Pulse/Heart rate 脉搏/心率PSI(Statisticians in the Pharmaceutical Industry)制药业统计学家协会Quality assurance unit, QAU 质量保证部门QA- Quality Assurance 质量保证QC-Quality Control 质量控制Quantity 数量Query list, query form 应用疑问表Race 种族Randomization 随机化Randomized, Double-blind Study 随机对照双盲试验Range check 范围检查Rating scale 量表Reaction 严重的非预期疑似相关的药品不良反应Recruitment 招募RA(Regulatory Authorities)监督管理部门Replication 可重复Requires or prolongs hospitalization导致或延长住院时间Results in death 导致死亡Run in 准备期Reference Product 参比制剂Safety Assessment/Evaluation 安全评估Safety set 安全性评价的数据集Sample size 样本量Screening 筛选Secondary variable 次要变量Sequence 试验次序SAE(Serious Adverse Event)严重不良事件SAR(Serious Adverse Reaction)严重不良反应SUSAR=Serious and Unexpected Suspected Adverse Scale of ordered categorical ratings 有序分类指标Seriousness 严重性(性质)Severity 严重程度(程度)Significant level 检验水准Simple Randomization 简单随机、样本量、样本大小Single Blinding 单盲SA(Site Assessment)现场评估Site audit 试验机构稽查SCV(Site Close-out Visit):中心关闭访视SIV(Site Initiation Form):中心启动访视SIF(Site Information Form):中心信息表SMO(Site Management Organization)临床研究现场管理组织SMV(Site Monitoring Visit):中心监查访视SSV(Site Selection Visit):中心筛选访视SVR(Site Visit Report):中心访视报告Specificity 特异性Sponsor 申办者SI(Sponsor-Investigator)申办研究者SD -Source Data/Document/Documentation原始数据/文件SDV(Source Data Verification)原始数据核查Standard curve 标准曲线SOP(Standard Operation Procedure)标准操作规程Statistic 统计量SAP(Statistical Analysis Plan)统计分析计划Statistical Methods 统计学方法Statistical model 统计模型Statistical tables 统计分析表Stratified 分层Study Audit 研究稽查Study Completion 研究完成Study Design 研究设计Study Endpoint 研究终点Study Objective 研究目的SPL(Study Personnel List)研究人员名单Study Procedure 研究流程Study Site 研究中心Study Termination 研究终止SIC(Subject Identification Code):受试者识别代码SI(Sub-investigator)助理研究者Subgroup 亚组Subject 受试者SD(Subject Diary)受试者日记Subject Enrollment 受试者入选SIC (Subject Identification Code)受试者识别代码Subject Recruitment 受试者招募SSL(Subject Screening Log)受试者筛选表Superiority 检验Survival analysis 生存分析System audit 系统稽查Systolic Blood Pressure 收缩压SEL (Subject Enrollment Log )受试者入选表System Audit 系统稽查Synopsis 摘要T1/2 消除半衰期Target variable 目标变量Temperature 体温T&R(Test and Reference Product )受试和参比试剂Test Product 受试制剂Tmax 峰时间Transformation 变量变换Treatment Allocation 治疗分配Treatment group 试验组Trial error 试验误差Trial Initial Meeting 试验启动会议TMF(Trial Master File):试验主文件夹Trial Objective 试验目的Trial site 试验场所Triple Blinding 三盲Two one-side test 双单侧检验Un-blinding 揭盲、破盲UAE(Unexpected Adverse Experience)非预期的不良事件UAE (Unexpected Adverse Event )预料外不良事件Variable 变量Variability 变异Visual analogy scale 直观类比打分法Visual check 人工检查Vital Signs 生命体征Visit 访视Visit Window 访视窗口期Out of Visit Window 超窗Vulnerable subject 弱势受试者Wash-out 洗脱、清洗Wash-out Period 洗脱期Well-being 福利,健康Weigh 体重Withdrawal 脱落WHO(World Health Organization)世界卫生组织。



研究报告学术价值英语Research reports are crucial in the academic world because they provide valuable information and insights that contribute to the advancement of knowledge. These reports are typically based on rigorous research methods and analysis, and they undergo a process of peer review to ensure their credibility and quality. Here are some key aspects of their academic value:1. Originality: Research reports present original findings and ideas that have not been previously explored or published. They contribute to the existing body of knowledge by introducing new concepts, theories, or perspectives.2. Methodological rigor: A research report is expected to follow a well-defined research methodology and adhere to ethical guidelines. This ensures that the data collection, analysis, and interpretation are reliable and valid. The use of rigorous methods enhances the academic value of the report.3. Credibility: Research reports are usually subjected to peer review, where experts in the field evaluate the quality and validity of the research. This process ensures that the report meets rigorous academic standards and adds to the credibility of the findings.4. Contribution to knowledge: Research reports aim to advance knowledge in a particular field by addressing research questions or gaps in existing literature. They provide evidence-based insights that contribute to the understanding of a specific topic or phenomenon.5. Practical implications: The findings of research reports often have practical implications that can be applied in real-world situations. For example, a report on the effects of a certain drug may have implications for medical practitioners in prescribing medications. These practical implications further enhance the academic value of the research.6. Influence on future research: Research reports often serve as a foundation for future research. They may inspire new studies, provide a basis for further exploration, or challenge existing theories. By contributing to the knowledge base in a particular field, research reports shape the direction of future research and generate new ideas for investigation.In conclusion, research reports have significant academic value because they present original findings, follow rigorous research methods, contribute to knowledge, have practical implications, and influence future research. They provide a platform for the exchange of ideas, the advancement of knowledge, and the development of new insights and theories.。







1. Introduction(引言)报告的引言部分是对主题进行简单介绍并概述报告的内容。

常用词汇包括:- The purpose of this report is to...(本报告的目的是...)- This report aims to...(本报告旨在...)- The report is divided into...sections.(本报告分为...个部分。

)2. Methodology(方法)报告中描述了所采用的方法和步骤,用以解决问题或者回答研究问题。

常用词汇包括:- We conducted a survey/questionnaire/interviews.(我们进行了调查/问卷/访谈。

)- The data was collected/gathered/analyzed.(数据被收集/汇总/分析。

)- The research was carried out/undertaken.(研究被进行/开展。

)3. Findings(研究结果)在报告中阐述了从研究或调查中获得的结果。

常用词汇包括:- The findings/research suggests that...(研究结果表明...)- It was found that...(研究发现...)- The data shows/reveals that...(数据表明...)4. Discussion(讨论)在讨论部分,解释和分析了研究结果,并提供了对结果的不同解释和观点。

常用词汇包括:- These findings are consistent with/contradict previous research.(这些结果与之前的研究一致/相矛盾。




















英语作文研究性报告English: In conducting a research report in English, it is important to first determine a focused topic of interest and conduct a thorough literature review to understand the existing knowledge in the field. Next, develop a clear research question or hypothesis to guide the study and define the methodology to be used. Collect and analyze data systematically to draw meaningful conclusions and support arguments. It is also essential to properly cite sources and adhere to academic writing conventions such as APA or MLA style. Finally, present the findings in a well-structured and coherent manner, making sure to highlight the significance of the research and its implications for future studies.中文翻译: 在进行英文研究性报告时,首先要确定一个专注的主题,并进行深入的文献综述,了解该领域已有的知识。




















中科院研究生学术英语中国科学院研究生学术英语主要包括科研论文写作、学术会议报告和学术交流等方面的内容,以下是一些常用的学术英语词汇和短语:1. Introduction(引言):- The purpose of this study is... (本研究的目的是……)- In this paper, we aim to...(本文旨在……)- This study addresses the issue of...(本研究解决了……的问题)2. Methodology(方法):- We conducted a series of experiments to... (我们进行了一系列的实验来……)- The data was collected through...(数据通过……收集)3. Results(结果):- Our findings suggest that...(我们的研究结果表明……)- The experiment yielded significant results in terms of...(实验在……方面产生了显著结果)4. Discussion(讨论):- These results are consistent with previous studies on...(这些结果与以前的研究一致)- One possible explanation for these findings is...(这些发现的一个可能的解释是……)5. Conclusion(结论):- In conclusion, this study has provided evidence to support the hypothesis that...(总之,本研究提供了支持……假设的证据)- Further research is needed to fully understand the implications of these findings.(需要进一步研究以全面了解这些发现的意义)6. Academic Presentation(学术报告):- First of all, I would like to thank the organizers for giving me the opportunity to present my research.(首先,我想感谢组织者给我展示研究的机会)- As you can see from the graph, there is a clear trend indicating...(从图表中可以看出,有一个明显的趋势表明……)- I would be happy to answer any questions you may have.(我很乐意回答你们可能提出的任何问题)7. Academic Exchange(学术交流):- Could you elaborate on that point?(你能详细说明一下这个观点吗?)- I would like to ask for your opinion on...(我想请你对……发表一下意见)- I appreciate your insights and suggestions.(感谢你的见解和建议)希望以上内容能对你的科研学术英语学习有所帮助!。






语言学家指出,词是一种语言符号(linguistic sign)是语音、意义和语法特点三者统一的整体。


1、选题意义:本世纪 70 年代以来,语言学习策略已经成为外语教学研究的重要领域之一。













研究过程包括以下几个步骤:1. 设计词汇记忆测试:我们设计了一套包含常见英语词汇的测试题目,用于评估学生的词汇记忆水平。

2. 分组实验:我们将样本学生分为几个小组,每个小组采用不同的词汇记忆方法进行研究。

3. 数据收集:我们记录了每个学生在测试中的得分,并对实验小组的研究效果进行比较分析。

研究结果经过数据分析和统计,我们得出了以下结论:1. 分组研究效果差异显著:不同的词汇记忆方法对研究效果有明显的影响。


2. 口语练对记忆效果有促进作用:通过与同伴进行英语口语练,可以帮助学生更好地记忆英语词汇。

3. 复和巩固是关键:反复复和巩固学过的词汇是提高记忆效果的有效策略。

结论根据研究结果,我们提出以下建议,以帮助小学生提高英语词汇记忆能力:1. 采用图像联想记忆法:鼓励学生将英语词汇与具体的图像进行联想,加深记忆。

2. 进行口语练:组织学生之间的英语口语练活动,促进词汇记忆和口语表达能力的提高。

3. 设立复计划:教导学生制定合理的复计划,定期回顾和巩固所学的英语词汇。







一、常用动词1.分析(Analyze) - 仔细研究数据或情况,找出关键性特征。

2.比较(Compare) - 将不同数据或情况进行对比,揭示相似之处或差异。

3.探索(Explore) - 探寻数据中的潜在信息或趋势。

4.识别(Identify) - 辨认或确认数据中的关键特征。

5.评估(Assess) - 对数据或情况进行评价或判断。

6.规划(Plan) - 制定合理的方案或计划。

7.推断(Infer) - 根据已知信息推断未知情况。

8.讨论(Discuss) - 对数据或现象进行辩论、讨论。

二、常用名词1.数据(Data) - 事实或信息,用于分析和研究。

2.趋势(Trend) - 数据中的发展方向或倾向。

3.结果(Result) - 分析或研究的结论。

4.特征(Characteristic) - 数据或对象的特殊品质或属性。

5.因素(Factor) - 影响数据或情况的要素。

6.模型(Model) - 对数据或情况的抽象描述。

7.影响(Impact) - 对数据或情况的作用或影响。

8.关联(Correlation) - 数据或变量之间的相关性。

9.解释(Explanation) - 对结果或情况的阐释或说明。

10.建议(Recommendation) - 对分析结果的建议或推荐。

三、常用形容词1.显著(Significant) - 有重要意义或影响。

2.高(High) - 数值较大或较好的。

3.低(Low) - 数值较小或较差的。

4.明显(Clear) - 容易看清或理解的。

5.一致(Consistent) - 一致的、相符的。

6.重要(Important) - 有重要性或价值的。

7.有效(Effective) - 表现良好或有效果的。






第一部分:研究方法1. Research methodology 研究方法论2. Literature review 文献综述3. Data collection 数据采集4. Survey 调查5. Experiment 实验6. Sample 样本7. Variable 变量8. Hypothesis 假设9. Control group 对照组10. Experimental group 实验组11. Randomization 随机化12. Statistical analysis 统计分析13. Sample size 样本大小14. Data interpretation 数据解读15. Limitations 局限性第二部分:研究结果1. Findings 发现2. Analysis 分析3. Trends 趋势4. Correlation 相关性5. Causal relationship 因果关系6. Validity 有效性7. Reliability 可靠性8. Significance 显著性9. Generalization 普遍性10. Implications 含义11. Conclusion 结论第三部分:研究领域名词1. Theory 理论2. Framework 框架3. Model 模型4. Concept 概念5. Phenomenon 现象6. Paradigm 范式7. Methodology 方法论8. Empirical study 经验证研究9. Qualitative research 质性研究10. Quantitative research 定量研究11. Case study 案例研究12. Literature review 文献综述13. Meta-analysis 元分析14. Systematic review 系统综述15. Critical review 批判性综述第四部分:学术论文写作名词1. Abstract 摘要2. Introduction 引言3. Literature review 文献综述4. Methodology 方法5. Results 结果6. Discussion 讨论7. Conclusion 结论8. References通过对研究领域名词和学术论文写作名词的整理和总结,可以看出,研究领域名词主要涉及研究的理论、框架、模型、概念、现象等方面,而学术论文写作名词则包括摘要、引言、文献综述、方法、结果、讨论、结论等部分。

中小学英语词汇教学研究开题报告 论文 研究报告

中小学英语词汇教学研究开题报告 论文 研究报告
本课题研究有别于其它知识领域及单一教学方法的研究,它是把如何高效地、切合英语教学及学生实际的英语课堂教学作为研究对象,并指导教师正确地引领自己的学生学会合作、学会学习,进而掌握享用一生的学习本领。它有其创新之处, 一、本课题研究把如何调动学生学习的主动性,促进学生合作学习,作为研究的对象。二、它致力于如何协调英语听说读写各语言要素之间的协同发展提高,为消灭传统教学模式并造成哑巴、聋子英语现象寻找解决办法。三、本研究致力于帮助教师由课堂的主导者向课堂的组织者、参与者转化,寻求学生主导并由个体积极参与的方法。四、如何在课堂上增加人性化氛围,实现人人平等,个个进步,每堂英语课都有收获。四、中小学英语词汇教学研究思路、研究方法、技术路线和实施步骤:






1. 主动语态动词在报告中,主动语态的动词常用于准确描述行为、观察和推理的过程。


例如:“We observed a significant increase in sales last quarter.”(上个季度销售额出现了显著增长。


例如:“We analyzed the market trends and identified several key factorsinfluencing our business.”(我们分析了市场趋势,并确定了影响我们业务的几个关键因素。


例如:“We determined that our customer satisfaction rate has increased by 10%.”(我们确定我们的客户满意度提高了10%。


例如:“We are exploring new strategies to improve our brand awareness.”(我们正在探索新的策略来提高我们的品牌知名度。


例如:“We are developing a new software solution to meet the growing demand.”(我们正在开发一种新的软件解决方案,以满足不断增长的需求。

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1. 引言


2. 文献综述

3. 方法学

•Data collection:数据收集
•Data analysis:数据分析
•Control group:对照组
•Experimental group:实验组
4. 结果与讨论

•Key trends:主要趋势
5. 结论

•In conclusion:总之
•To summarize:总结
•Future research:未来的研究
•Practical implications:实际意义
•Gap in the literature:文献缺口
•Contribute to:对…有贡献
6. 引用文献

•According to:根据
•Previous studies:以前的研究
•Researcher X:研究者X
•In a study conducted by:在一项由…进行的研究中
•As stated by:正如…所说
•According to the findings of:根据…的研究结果
•In the research literature:在研究文献中
•In a published paper:在一篇发表的论文中
•The study suggests:该研究表明
•It has been argued that:有人认为
7. 结语



1.Smith, J. (2018). How to Write a Research Report. Journal of Research
Writing, 10(2), 45-67.
2.Johnson, L., & Brown, K. (2020). Improving Academic Writing: A
Comprehensive Guide. Academic Press.。
