人教版新课标八年级上册英语Unit 2知识点归纳

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人教版新课标八年级上册英语Unit 2知


人教版新课标八年级上册英语Unit 2知识点归纳

Unit 2 What’s the matter?


● 掌握身体各部位名称的英文表达方式

● 能表述身体的种种不适以及对他人身体的种种不适给予适当的建议


● What’s the matter? I have a headache.

● You should da. The sounds like a good idea.

● I have a sore back. That’s too bad .

● Iu feel b【重点词汇】

● headaach, back, leg, aat

●d out,/ dlwater, illness, advice.

● cold, fever, headaaachaat


1. Have a cold 感冒

2. sore back 背痛and neck 并驾齐驱,齐头并进

4. I have a stomachache 我胃痛

= I have got a stomachache = Tg wrong waach hurts = I have (got) a paach

5. What’s the matter? 怎么了?

= What’uble (with you)? = What’s your trouble?= What’s wrong (with you)?

= What’ the matter (with you)? =What has happened to you?

= Ian ything wrong (with you)? = what’s up?at 咽喉痛

7. lie down and rest 躺下休息a dentist 看牙医

9. drink lots of water 多喝水

10a w加蜂蜜的热茶

11.That’s a good idea 好主意

12.That’s too bad 太糟糕了


14. I’ling well. 我觉得不太舒服

= I’ling fine/all right. = I’m feeling ill/sick. =I feel terrible/bad.

= I don’t feel well.

15. g多休息

16. I have no idea = I don’t know 我不知道d out 筋疲力尽

18. I am tired 我累了 Hd. 他累了

19. a healthy lifestyle健康的生活方式

20. traditionaldoctors传统中医

21. a balaand yang阴阳调和

22. you have too much yin.你阴气太盛

23. to eat a balance diet饮食平衡

24. healthy food 健康食品

25. stay healthy 保持健康algood heal2lf (myself, yoursellllves, ourselvlf

反身代词) 玩得高兴,过得愉快

=have a goodave a wonderfulave fun

2l(名词)喜欢某物doing sth.喜欢做某事=like doing sth practice doing sth.练习做某事,

mind doing sth. 介意做某事,doing sth.完成某事,give up doing sth.放弃做某事,can’t help doing sth.忍不住做某事,

keep doing sth. 坚持做某事. (doing sth. / keep sb. doing sth. )

be busy doing sth. 忙着做某事 be used to doing sth.习惯于做某事

make a contribudoing sth.为..做贡献

go on doing sth. 继续做某事 forget doing sth.忘记做过某事

remember doing sth. 记得做过某事 spend....(in)

doing sth. 花(时间)来做某事doingdoing sth.比起(做...)来更愿意(做...)

28. aw 此刻

29. Host family 东道家庭

30. Conversation practice会话练习

31. I’ar that.听到此事我很难过


1.What’s the matter? I have a bad cold. 你怎么了?我得了重感冒。



2.Maybe you should see a d或许你应该看牙医。



我们不应该上课吃东西。We shoudn’t eat food in class,

3.Iu feel b我希望你很快好起来。

翻译:我希望他明天能来。Iu willw. 4.Traditionaldoctors believe we need a balaand yang to be healthy.


